aiisiasv«a?tyaVsfle ; , A THAE44 U4 ins» eazlarc An EpiV{¥ie‘“v:;r%;%i%t.Eén by Lieut. Col; V] 0 H nit ‘Q1 L rs L1; :3. N ;A Px*eArogative« : prifonm: (by'th‘ef_ illkzgalland arbitrary ”f%_xchoz~ity }:)f ti1¢‘HQl1f€0f A ‘ Lwrdsb A in tl1e%‘Tmwé C01. F;-a;¢a;2 We/£, I;£c‘:utenant" them? InAwhichAthe o9prefTi:1gAc1*ue1ty of%Aa‘1:~h¢Gaw1cx*s of? A fiWgI.’¢£fid i£ ded1arc::d,andrpaxgcicgularlythe LieLmE1iAaLi1t,s of tI;aT‘0wm, A3 ”€£‘H‘0, t1ieA1:eis thmwti Aunm T1042. Edwwzrds, t11€AA“AAu4Eli”tSr uf':l2v¢i43}.% A Ylpérém W#gr‘a:ne:,ab@11e QT‘ tgwqto piak: IflWhi;:ha1fOadiYA€f3 r.'5_tV4her: nhi*mg'§A:are‘A‘handicd, of fgmxall concemmcm Am :heAprr:1“en.c M165“ I A A .... WV; %Vx;?i;=&"!aa‘*%a+gWI Wwwfiv/«:54 W defiwy saw» +&Wfi #4-at .rwf»fi AtwdvW£mwr*% V Qrov.‘ 2; x; .A. An ;;..- M mus; aadajwaggr, m¢uap.a9i.x¢.A2'k» b1aa4~~:Ioirf{y /MFR tkv MprigIat,W$Ik£ fiflk, _/Mia» % V % um--- , _ _. ‘ A “ A«‘ A ‘ r ‘ I \h- V‘ ‘ “ » A 4:%.f1?,..iaméwfizyfiingofkhe» Spiaéiit of $0 D ;in tha m‘..A *Prmv} %%..IILa.Timfi a A 4 = pfmlaksr v:avict7iw£4¢r:e»M'Avrw¢a:!laHEWA fir‘ your a@€¥0%1Sr,%1’1**3 ¢3F?53%¢5W1‘h mafg: 1:hc?r34‘Aa?EeaE&; « Ahéntve {’)C°€52I‘.i’?A‘1§9I'i9i1’.lIi“A'*1l3,1?«m‘§Vmlcmty. ifhfifm Pgflgsizhf‘?»l3h&T.ZdWii‘1g€ S€ti‘1"t3r:ffl€@§,5bL1E5C0fl£€1hafltAA'§0 *fl.16A%C9F1¢‘A1“*4% A A ” TIMEA W»ithA£'mié W A srjriagbrmm mm» gm%de%:a l?ifi~’afTia¢is ~‘Ma§%,4 «mtg; render A m:%,2a%vcheviewé§T% nu: _, ,....a W the World ; and as faeill 26 yOl‘1r facabefbretanytcompatent Judgtslttdv V A fi_j't1Ptifie and proye Axfidllllthilsiis the Theme ’Ilhave'chdfé1j alittle 1tQ::ina lfift ti on ataxia A frefaritetixnel: but bein tefolved robe as concifeatas I : A _P 1 1‘ ‘ P _ 3 >7‘ 1, 1 t V L {A A mayfllhall not now make any ample repetititnn ofyourhat{hlcl’ea1ing.t l Witlll the at the fifff ; inldivlorcingme 5} the ttLl11ci*’s by famineim be4%amoxagtne crim¢s4%Aarhomi~A ff‘ cidt" in a; Guam; wefinde in the 3.1_§_.§3. Fitz¥H;JTit.p1pCar.’#95. :*jiaa:s¢ A % ‘ ’~;, “'~. ‘ . vi’ «» eeman%ax co»mAm%om Law; ¢izu.c3“wa%1?mcoma, elf»: ;am % ms V ‘ I4. _ , _ 1 it mm 1_-, §,.},a3;d Em-prifgfim@flg..v§gb§{i‘¢£fifl1@at‘1f§P‘t'0V£i‘f€«,‘\Nfi¢1:yr rd gm t¢r%gf1giVrA-g§:j»m$S% : which Lajmis~fi.<2cecmnfi"r»mmiL; ‘bgrme P£}aTMz11.m.%of;I4A. A “jpti$fcms?, '::1;:@ 2 ~ ‘F C1mAp%.."-ac»; ¥w%ith;{min-mim’a.rge.m»¢n:.; .:‘a?;zs%r&;§iyuz-£d:c;r .kecé;pms*bi » V »an:.;i Em pma~1ty>,;<::.f* A%%th?~e¢*‘{l;a~w,&“”%eMa ndthat:@c::a1§:rsVE;;av§’fi;~g . “done this, havcrbeenfl hanged for dime y£au:V;m;ayA4L** reaz:I:::g%.V 3. A Norchamp;on,$ Fitzh. pl. ».C7@r. 29;;Ayza%§;d gm:-€w1_1e,re,1ant4t§1is for a mil; to th*em7. % _ ‘ ” AA ‘ 9* ~ . =' % n ' ~13 % thggv %feg:_jt>nd% phase; Wm 'ét:e‘IIA.3,70u’wh 8T.‘»5\[h£.L‘1lMIf.£3”i.!ih" fibouc V % balms Fees. 'I§*%w: V::1*iir%z*¢bfi‘x;1gr o*£‘_I;1A&impag zsgm-~11: ::%:”m,r:lm.~2r ‘it .23.: an} ah;/?an'oft?a: Law, that pf?/Cmemhar W}?€”?'.r=f ‘q*rjfi°1a£’7}5L,.%:pw’}"fl11}? tbimgfar their entmr finta~ 27$): Gfawl:,or far*‘7;im'r géaiyqgx Adm‘: .: ;;t&i.f7.»an§7 perfmmby. thtzmox‘ any f" of iphem%[to*bVc%zi’rr¢{’tedT,,‘oi'""a:‘cagi1‘icd,*r:rdt of a1:1y~-ot»hér:» af t:lwm~ far. “the %omirrtirig*3uf*an+‘é:>f’c mt am*chmem:~ wbe made by c.heir;bo;z- "‘ d1YM0T4V Of my erfgn by, them orgdf any%mfw%them;, by?fcArc&m$:c¢»-,' ff‘ lent %oi"”thre"it.0 cc_,{arrE%Pci:;d mf",a’t*:é«th_@d‘ i’€§tW{1}mf:,fe“e%,fuitafAprifon,4 *. " |Igi%inprffc,.Iéb€in *~td.bai"l4emr%%heWAing’»any eafai forAfavau:n ta any [‘ ffiézlif fa rma“g¢ed;o:~£od$@¢, ar1+e{’ce“éiAfor*theirrraw»¢+td» or pm».- ‘“Wfi::V,butfuch%is*f¢lkow~§ *éh&'t;is«*:b f;y,fomh?e Sheriff; :;3q;d.nh¢El=wyé- ' ‘ 4~d3;§§§.]heGfl0l61;i . um...- - , . W A A‘§1f;the ptxfoner be gommxttcd toms gvardfiaur penceand that tin’ .9‘ Sheriffe, under-A~SH’eri&"c,A SAhmtiffas Clerk, Steward, or Bay1iH'a%?a£ * V A A A'.‘ Franchife%,Serua%nr,9r Bay1i&”e,or Ceronergfll» ;:;1 not take any thin; F‘ by colour ofhis ofiiceby h«im»no*rAby any other ~pcrfon §§‘§‘ AVimAmy%b¢dy;gnAads,am Axradmxnd mt‘ thisAP#§1xam=m=h4!9;TPm¥ %gre%av; "gféit L1éfl'é"‘IVi?h'iAVé had)yec hafve nag»: go; aflpen_py,;.and:~be_ing Ma yotm"-3 %'ger[brpa:h%er,and in ‘Land havqnm: 16.dV.1ncom1ng 1n the year,-,and be»- A ’iAr«ig%robbt-:d uf mymde,VVn11ing,4axadlivelylgond; by tha’Metchant-j VM?o'nopolvizersM: » g {Q ~(:hag It;al1,V;but:1nVVx:hc;fo11t»:h.:p1at:c. h:ir:"nds~,.V % A ; * %l"i¢%5r4g=av%eW;their:names1;&vere.% W «?Y0H'xW*a.1‘dcm§< f¢Lft§dn&by;wy"m1t , fc1Af (; « rt 23'‘ O % ‘ A -on fip1‘WfWf:fcore5I mu[t,and;,ado, lay all 3 waficaedxnglymrg word: ;abu«—» “lfed;atxdv"4@ oE:h¢’::mmmed%away,; alndn mat fuff:-red% ta comcmd M. wit;l1m¢=blaady"aml.;crz4:Il4n{an‘!gxivhatiis chis¢91fe,Vbu%n an ab-: 1 ‘ ,fjo1ut~d ~Dec1aratipmoE;your AArcfo1fvwcd1n~cent1ox3 M, to dm;a;t.oy- me” win o i;npri‘fdnmcq_tAs'm‘der;ygurxtuitndy thciamw ébh9rs.::»_; but if %.vfak¢mr.9u w11X»nu£fquar;waur1dea~ _ in? gsxv%2ehxna%;ac¢a:danto um-5 kné wnmddcciaredlaw the king: A %dQ;ne,chen £232: your Qfivflsfakeg. Ir~defire you to temefnbdr %yv;aur Predeé Véc¢{I:mr,Sir Gama}? 8Zw;ayax,Who4 was indiflcdiby ’+'h=C%I1aIm3 Offiaolér of tha TowerVA;;oMa>.:dw,and%.hanged H9011 I war-hill; Afox;£0n4femr~i%ng thaapdyfaningvm€Sib%z1/aamm 0*zIeré’#¢rj$*;dVM¢4 ¢§laé£%;pag»4;3%;.A ‘ ; V A Alasumhe fif hfp1§?&ca;,f¢cingW??4‘"a1l%Eh¢‘f°‘7e?11?€“jEi@fl~€d~W3¥é3$ 8: you could no: [care all my £m:nds% fiom and; fog vby confequencc, % n. A4 f “E01? flieaefiwo baim; ‘ anclvtzo Warryf"Vm€%:'Wifh 1Y5f3aaF¢PY0%¢h€S§ .3115?‘ calumr I31atmI3§a1adsfb‘r that e;;1d,xintéd ;;atmd=%R%mbl1~Afl1€éa 3 rba-fa Bé {Cam daloisis book againfi:;me,t:hereb,y no xflfi. Vodiflusato all nzen whaty % fQever,thaC would believe that%boAak,which was pubiiihed againfic ma 4 mute A ~ gt fuch afltimcg when by y.1ourvfe1f;n1y hands vgxwercfimit tyed behind my baclgbeing kept byvynum;order%vcry’{trit5t41,y fr0mA Pen,Ink,aLId Paper, ~IIh;e11 you dcv,&£e wayénti fet~ one; QfyumrQ1dMaPi:1ve c§ogs_ %Afmin%a cotldirjmn :.mab1e=pi1%bIikel.~y tc:>ir;ix1e1ica&ce%»my ‘£“,€,‘.lf1av-. I‘;,1Id Iirmch ’ imporxzunity wasii foréed to ?ufe.Vco y‘<;;u1:fe1'fe 2 'ib€f0I€A If could ObftaiH_ leave from youm m1fv7veTr:it,~‘ and neccflita*:edA 1 to Eye my felfe by pro- mifeto fuch and fuchwccdnditians ::~1mdA mnongfi;»th,e reft ,1 that you ghou1d_ read it aV11over,befom*$i‘twas publifhed : And 1, F;<>rAmy Palrt,‘ pegfmzmtzd my prom“i‘fe;2gnc1»was neccfli*I:a.r:edH no give thc.;o1iiginald_l % V A % whofe hands, I could nof getit, til I was ir.{£ 'omeA refpeft neceflitazqd 1: an;2a1:bi-zraczison : r wing .,m.’:»t ab1e::t5JMAu£me« what: I would ‘for my ‘ 4 fwerm; his2lycA5:m'd l'mdTha.d a «mind 7 t 7witi n'oa£%b W15 ‘haamxamnerao V A _ «- 1d_?dn,wJfiichA.wa%%s.swrn .~.:‘u:¢c;pm fuhmnifim .f;@r1:;_j A;m£gl§ mv:me:ac:fismp1%iihac1: _;whact ceafe in %his=i_“ :rm¢buVr«gam7d jvse:2i«m=§.4aghinfl:V: mg . I:}.;:L;rxe1;e1Tma¢evd: Vaayfvgmp %tcxah%1m.4.5A »§%l11e;m¢nILyf,Lfa¢1ngj% ?I4%.caanc:e§cv@g12.?g6aa:: WWW?é@he*‘~ca(:ker2édéLGmgr.;geaz,am;oyaued % - €ee;»zh;~:ra:uy » ’ t§1€%it1f<:r_:ixng of {L}: recanzatiomor acknowledgmeng, ggd 1'eFn '0f'tI1at7arbitrat‘iQn,t0thé 3~9,6o,6_1 ,6 2,6; F pages of my late book, called‘ Landgm Liberty in Chain: drfgqvcred 5 me afokcafaid acknowledgment thus Tollowerh : A j M I Iohn Whire,oxe of the Waarders‘ oftlae flimver of London, doe ',E_n0Wledge,tkézt I lmw zmjzczflljl WraagedLz'mt. al John Li1’burn, iv,- __;:n.s{ by writ£i¢g,andpm’alijEing £2: printjnflzzr/9 fa,-rt M I did 5 that be W44: %tbe'*1'/Vriter, Am‘/aar,’br (‘é}ztri'zxer cfa éaoég wallet! Liberty Avinditatéd againfl; S1ave.~ry,;m2:! vfé: prz'medletterL tkmwmta-> m2m'xed; and ofa fibaé A or?’ mzye,c,z11e-a’ An Aiammto theVHmufe%of‘Lords zfbr 2:2/Z Wbicbgmm’ Afar} At/ac zmjzszff andfimzdalom matter: a%nd‘/mgmzge allmdged mad ufedéj 4‘ me,’ in myfizid éoakegrefleéiifig apex; %t7aef4zid‘Lz'mr. Col. % Lilburri, I471?” ; iaeazftilya fin} and in teflz%m0:¢)' thereof, I /some bercwutafizéfiriégd mg isvmzdf-I/aé"8.da} cfO<5’cober, 16416. A :Willi4m arton. .A I 01111 Vvhitew. ~Subfcribed,pro11unced,an A A accepted , the 9.DaA—y of Oétober, I6446';%‘4Ain¢At%he ;prefenc:e ofus, jfobn .S’trc2~nge&22zt_ye:. %% ;Lem'.r Dj»“J7e:s‘,% A obnglamwil. % E % *eni;y‘Uamg/Mn, 1 ‘ —, brzJ¥ér%7verComport,VVa!dA¢r ¢ " A in thc Tower. %‘Sixth1§§ €170 ) SiXZh1y~,a€C€li‘3.fl»thiS,by nieanes ofmywzflt ePet£t£au;whichtyvjafg ck: livered ta thehoufe of Commons 23.Septem£». ‘I 546 &' means of which; there was a Committee ofthe honourable heat}: of Com.'.. mans app_ointed,to hear and receive. my complairit agai;;i3:*tt’the; Lords? and the 6 .of Nawmb.y1 646.xvas the lsdt time} wastbefbre the Comr- mittee 5 where I had an hopportunity, in part, to declare yuntorthem, yéurillega1dea1‘ing»with me :: » which Declaration, A you may read in the 17;,~1y8;2c1;pages of that relatiomnow in print; and Imu.fl:.confe{fea am to you,I did think that yeah dart’: not have tumthe hazzatd 95 per» y A A A and whhiehyou. V y may 3.-ead in the left mentioned book.pap.6 5’6fi.,67’68‘. fevering in your illegal dealihgs with me 3: ‘ but in regard you doe, A it gcleerly demenfiratu unto me, that you? judge the Pzteames of J uft ice [9 muddy and corrnptedflj-the izszterefl and powertofymr Lamb‘, and t}aeirf.azé3ian.r,Vp/an would have no ether mile, but their y§W‘.7r.t 5522/5 and 502495 rapt W5/13:10 Walk 5'], W24 t/aerefiame Zzzjytiae 7'I:£l'cf oft/ae Law and fzefiice fifi ytranfgreifors as yeu are. V‘ V , But thatyou may know (although I havee=had exceeding hard nneew‘ fite,in being fo long delayed in the making ofmy report) that I and de) that they will never mynyc1eer,norpur-ely agazfmto puniih fuch “ not out ofhopeemor in defpaire,,I give you this. treihécharge ‘end ttell you,,that after I had done with the tLT“on2¢nittee,—~y_m1tttnext illegall de« A figne that yyeu. executed uptm»mfltwmsethfi§.t«t¥9X~f¥i9fl;§ey_yfiqtuwtnqtt P"1fl‘et:e your guard, unlefle my keeper were theret peeffentttohcondufitfmemt unte me; by means of Whichjbme. of'the1n»havetb*een forced to" come ~ faut,fe.ve_taLPfimes,befere theyeould find him atthe Gene; {leathers have been forced to {tay,and fir: in the guard an,thou~r,,h:y nhdyfomerjmes». I: wo,expeéting his coming 3 winhomttetwhofe ptefence,they;~tcou1dhneg. N have accede to me ; and divers of them in the time of their Ray at the Guard,examined fiwhether they be not Independéeeseor %no;8c whether " they never preached in Tubsmre no : And if they anfwerctofly to the queftions,as Well they~may3,th,en theyearefallen um, and boththey and I in words exceedingly-abufedd : and I am told; that amid tall A W man in b1ac:k,w.itha great Pcaffe in his hand, is notWan:ing‘ht0.p1aye A his pamwhich Iju7dgey_co be Mr.Whitc. V *5 Now fir, is notthis theheight ofil1ega1ity,cruei!:y,ty::anz1ie;a.nd bloud~thirf’cinefl’ei11tyotgthus to dea1~wi}thytdme gindevourimg thereby firoxxglytyto {care ahwayall my Friends frqm me A? For, whoyjxxy tome» y§Iuayy_di1f’,heultie$an_d abufes. wbuld.y,come to Fifi: aI,tman,un1efie“:the bore 2 3%"-‘»‘1’¥. ,..A at rm. (ta? , A my egreaf afiifitionhto him: the which,‘ifhe &ro;,thAe eontfimzaeimeeethhg A " with tAhei;Ae bafe and hunhhwarramtable afizonts, in conclafionhwill make him weary. A A Arid truly fir,,Iet me te11~5%ou,”t/azkzér mt tawfi me with civility, 7 A mwf Iazmfmity z'nmy‘imprifl7;¢m*e7zt,as the Leiw1‘equire9 I fhotllchgmbuc this is e ~50;t0rn1ent,pu£}ifl1,and deftroy me _., which,the Law, and all juft and AhonePc men abhor and detelh A A In: the 7.p1ace,heing in the condition that I am in, and being guil-=~ ' ety of no legal! crime in the World ; unleflé irbe forhbeing over*'honefl:’ %£ar1dhhzea!ous for the prefervationeof the juik and% publique Libhefiifties of — tehe Kingdomglh know no reafozsgwhyl maynot enjoy the utmofk hpri-~ viledge med liberty in the Towemhaz aofihprifoner £2111: doth enjoy 2 yet notwirhflcandingnot Ixmny weeks agoe, lhwas but going With :; fe11ow--prifomer in the path that leads to the Reeord—ofi‘ice; and come A ' _ ioghaek to my Lodgizag under the Gategshat is inf’: againfi: th::*Tray- f V tors~Ga1:e,I met your pwetended» Gent1eman—Goa1er,aod irmznediariy A Mr; ['ompart,x:oy Landlord and Keeper, came and delivered a melfage Q from youheeto me,Which was to this efiec9c.h: ff/mt Mr. Lieutenant did 1 .1mderflm2d,t/Mt I WM ée)rAa72'd the Ring; éwt it Wm" bzér plmfzm*,h that ? 1790:5151 faréear to ga rwjmare éeyrmd it : Vote whic:h,I replyed, Land- lord,I had onlythoughht, that to go beyond the Ring, had been foreeea ~ man when he came to ir,to have turned on the right hand, and {Ea to have gone,as ifhe would ha ve gone out at the Gace,whieh I didnor: In the leaf} A: for I mrreed on the left hand with one of my fellow“ prifo11er$,ahd walked in the-path that goes to %h1's Chamber, and di- vers other Chambers ofmy fellowsprifonetmwhich path they do and my walk in every, day in the week,and every hour in thefday. And “ thereFore_,,tc*1l your Mmer from xane,Ij7a.ell not aim] bi; ardegfar Jlgwve A % M gm! right to enjay may pr-hviledge wit/din the ToW6’7”»A W‘ “’m}'I?’"””'~’7‘ in it: ' Md t/.wrefi>re will hvhlétbat Why hag.ain,féeing all hm] _fE*lZaW-17ra€fi9-B A $267‘: enjoy the fame%1z"éert_yZ M h A In the 3.pIace",the other night there being a frienol withhmhahout .4 A H A - h I ngedoutz of my cha_mber with himgvnfhiceh i6§(;rp7fi:{filé%Cgkga§hI:11t§a1i3[I]‘;7%El10VV—-pfif0I1E‘1'S enjoy : and hehfwmg 3» ‘candle?and' Ianthorh in his liimds Paging “Ede” C°1e”Harb°ut G3Ee’h I was roughlyo Vania. fuddenly demanded whxther I Wfiflt - A“ A1 e‘rep1yed,a1cmg with mhyfri6hnd»t0¢°fld“& him 3” fi““'e[A“5 ’“V1ib‘3rtY wound extendo (whichWas~.dW173n{“t2.Qt,he Rmgawhichhisvas’“°““‘“"“" A at ""512-l.M.,) at lieaillitlxircei '0-r fourfore yatjclslen. this ficle:oi»~tl1e- gate°~Wl1=ere yiouii gua_rd,l&ands)I was”Treplyed unto in Ftlaefie womis,” Sir, .}rm 1%]! M: A as :Atwl1icl1,loakingWéll aboucma (It being vary dgrkiij‘ tofee 7 .who it was,that was fo malipemlperceived it to be your fel€(~.v11o ll had With you,as I.eanceived,,~fc:1nei of-y ciur Wanders) umo which I replycd” Truly fir,I do not like the“ Word /M/lsit is but unhanfomc:,t0i tell me, I {hall not go. No fiir,I fay({aid you) you fhall not go gfltlr youleughtinioz tofcir A font of your chamber after cmdels are lighzedll, “ A I ruly fir.(l' I)I.l_mowi no fuchorder.Vm:o which3y0_fi repl-yedl Well, linen {it ,I now giveyou fuch an order: and I bid lyou give it ~ tom tlmfe tllat wauld Qbeyji: ._-for I would not :...and Igava you the] 1*ea{@n of it: ; which was, that I was afrlee-biiioirn Engliflmmani, a i Kingdom that pl'etends‘§_.M. leafl) to be governed by Law, and new by W-il,&;Iam not to be fubjecfl: zunto thafe orders in my imprifsrl 5-l nj1cnt,!‘;l‘lfi:t have no other Warrazmbut the Goalers Will. Neither will I willingly be fub17eé?clin the Tower unziolllany pti1er%or%ders, butllwhat are ccnfonanr and.»agrceab1c to the fundamenzallLaW% ail the Kingdomey l i A A i ‘ l V Vnto which youxeplyed 5..§ir, you {hall obeymy ordem, and will make you. ’ Si1f,fitid I, I will not <_nbiey4y¢urM ordsrsig. ,,nor ym1lf1ia;.lllxao:makeli me: iA.ncl“I tell you to yo and that I value you nor, the paring ol my mile, ur facefl {com l3lot’H”'3?”bfi"‘i?dnd.lwar ,orclek=s, A Vnto wllich, you reply edljsir, I will lmalké you ;,for I will lmke fl » you fall cnougl1 in your dzamber And; Iblicl you do;'y£:mr worfli, l l xhaneithlerl you c9uld,or duxlk do,I‘carccl mom l‘traw_l for you : Blue I had you take: notiwoftlais, by the ‘vay“€;___‘that if you; locked ma“ » up by the power of your mwmmbfif1”ding will, and did not ‘make ~ your doom? very llromg,I_ would make work for you: Czarpcmters, by breaking them into 2145 many pieces as I ceziuldl, « ‘ion r~cpiye:sl,you would make ghem up again..Am:lI told yolu, I ‘ would birealk them again. ‘~ A ‘ A l V Ypu tcald v:ne,,you orcleringf us tolllitctelp um‘ Class mbers after C3.I:I§f~:~ i die was liglu;ed,was for? your own fepurity. Ifhall now':take1ibercy,to return you alma re’ ful alnfweri col tl1is;. A V til an I diidibeforeillto yomwhich is this; %Tha”.t I for my Pi1‘I'i'9fOr allf l 3:13 agolwd it} L:f2zdgn,wQuldnoz give jail caufa to b; caumcda .12: bafa “and? ‘latte! 1iEiworthy,==to do4up.on %d%cl§berarigm tfaat a&iofi,,A tI1a”At I-Would " not —j'nftifia tn the death : 5 %Bu:: xf I .-mid {:3 the 1eaft,flep* zifide, A I fhould contraftlunto may {elf that gu11::',wh~xchIa&m codfiden:,a11V¢¢1w, A % A ent:miesAAAIhavc1n gnglmd .—. are not ab}e iI_1th¢1€a-fh:o fixe upcin” me : Fm+,I :;L1der[iand by the Law of this KM1:N1gdom,:hat%he zhatisT A committed to przfom for Felony, or Treafon ;% althvmgh really and; may he b: guilty offmither»«, yes: if ‘he-break pL'i{on,and b*e%AzakenA4a. A gain/J,he fha»AIdye1.ikeAaF"e11or1 Gr Trayrdr t'hat_is legally convifltéd A’ 1 .E.-z%.oiefroz;4§g'ent:£>z44 przfomzm. SM ache: 125;. pm-t.inf%z't. fa], 599,5 9],, 1 A Forhi._sflighr,inthe eye mime:-:’Law,argn¢s guilrinefié. «A W A And ha-fiies,. my friend "and I had a horn Lanchorn and Candie; V which puaall mu: of{i1fpicim'1ofgoing cut in ‘the dark... Buzz nhir'&‘i*y;.what gmundv have: yAm1,vpon any. pretence what .32..‘ veg mmed by your fe1f*§o_1o::!«: me _up in my chambe 1',» as faone ass ‘mndelx are hghted, feexng I am in a _rrwatc:d- and d0u%bie-..wa11¢d A P—rifon,wherc you have not only a Traxn-—bAond,b’ut alfo great flora? .- pf your; Wa1f the prie- ifoms ;Tafe:rAi§.: bw:»n9"§1¢9f~ ¢his%1h%v¢ uvwirz ;h¢1§afi~d9n¢aA\¢lther A tut A Enjétgbrnhe ipisémne boy bélggnging ybt1,fid'€ by aaasV%am¢gg,:a:e A A fwil nab: : but yetcm the cantraric, ‘before yo1a:A.fl*mAi make meAa«flAam Atoyourw-ifi,4yot1{~I1I1 havethe hea3:'&~b};ouAfi out 0% my hardy. V ti 1 ,4 Now in theiaft p1acAe,I (vii cumparc téiie flees taken A anddrsmama A dad in the Tower with Athofa'~AnhaA.Law&g§xw:s5amd wha%tzAhey-Aa.z:e,yw; A Y may AAftsi1iyrea.dbefEf.~1_:e_‘ A A “ , A A : 4 A ~A 1- .A ¥Now_,by% the Aurhojrof? Va£‘Pfeéz3, ~Aw§1o mmeé fcsemes ‘Eb b«e“a;AAmA. A AA knowing man in the praflifes ofxhe Liem:.{:'namsA of A the ~TQweAr,; A Who in his*4,-49}§gages5faith,A That there is demanded for the admit--A mice iyfmz Earl 100$‘! «far at B;zra;zA V8 c2;.[.far a‘I<.'érVig/st,2:z;¢o{4 Bazrkmet 79% f0rA;4 %%B&4§*oAn€t 60.l. ‘far #3 Ifzzigfazf 50.1} and for an qfiiire 4.0. paging}, afm13o.s.zz Waekafmrery prfivmer for Afiberty ta 5%] 4MVdr'a_A{]'eAf2é:AAaW?¢afA di£t,a1fléJ I 0.3.: 5.s.Vz0.sA..pé‘;~* weekqfvr weir [°/Jaméar- rvzimand 05 fume A more. A % "V A A A For Sir Richard gmrm-y“ Afom‘etimes Lord Mayor of Lam{arz,8¢ naw A pnzifoner in me Tclwcr, hath paid as I have Aheatfi mm aver is AA.3.Al.a 4 A A.wcck for his chamber»-ram; and in the time af 3. Prczqeceifour ef A A A yours,diezeAd 3 weeks acme Lie uteuants table 5 for which bee had A the impudencie cc: demand of him for it m3.l.pernvee-Q6 horrible andAmo1c3firous extortion and opp:'¢Afl’ion: and yet this isx1‘owl1,for % A ;he1aPc mentioned‘ eu::*§-wr in! his 43.pagfairh,T/care 2.5- oz new e}»aé’z‘ea’ j 0fl5WsMdfifiAAi”tr4#d€d0J?5¢WoW11¢dW”G¢"t1€W12AA_A§9éz£kraAwe‘Yatbs.A at A Ezzficfellow,‘ Why pretend: "20 a fine of 5 o.S;to ha p:zia{19z'm_;, at the going 4- Way afawr] pr1%mr,p:zg.5'1.i.»9z'm. .« But: yet this is rm: all:for in p.49.oF1:he121_te printed bmik called A A Re%galTyf:m"zzia dflbwered, he faithA,t/‘mt the Gmtlemmz ‘.Porm~ alamzmds fag §.1;dawl :2 mm: upper gairme:4t:4o.$.to the Wzsrders, 10. 3, to theV%Liememmt: Clm'ke',I0.S.ta% the Lfléflinifiarg and dxvers M my F61» j imw-prifoners ‘tel! me,tha: their Kcepershavc and do ” demandA of 3:hem,eichcr their dier,o1.%-5 AA.a: week, fer lockingthem up atnighz m%the1r%Chambc:r,and opening their cha.mbc:r—doraEsA. A A * A A A Ahotrible and ma~nftr0u$; i%r§¥‘j‘L%Ifli?c’e’3 6ppr€flion,andCr11€lrie,to dc--%~' mmd and cake thefe feet ; whereas, by Law, thercis nmone far-6 thing taken of all thefe fees duewto be paid by the prifoue:',butoz;§e v bare. grant an mofl, and that given away hymn eAppr::Hin;gA andim- Vcxoachiug1awAupon our anzienc andxmflz -Aliberties,a$1.sA betpre truly A Obferved; ‘ Andyec prifqucssaxa§¢tain@d»inprif9xa bAy4ywrwi11;aAfter they A A ‘A A A g ‘ A ' are A my §ré»i‘eg‘aI:ly fii"§fééharge.d1_;beE%aufe ” they will not pay~thef& 71!h&u¢§‘an‘d‘ mjuft fieemwhichat thAi§%vVet%y_day i$ Sir Henry egfmderfik; cafe_.,mc{ lianh fm‘:tner1My been other: gagthe Aufchm-%o_f IN/'05:: Pleéér truly ob»; {emves although the arranreft Aflngua: 8: %Th1ef that ever breathed, hadgor harlms tram right to%an%y puffs that e’ver% ha didpr ‘fhal aka fmm an h.ion%ef£mavn%upoz1 the high-,-wayby force and A violence, as A ’ ya“. m-“any ether hath to any of c.hefbre—Ihenciomd fe_c:s.. Oyec pgggd.and impudrznc mm,that dare affume unto your félfa of your ‘ own head,mcm: men a...m-gal powmtc levia and ram» mun M A ybythe MW oi your own Willgvpnn Chg: free paople Of England. 3 A L T ‘ %Si::,1et xm te1‘yw7u,:~his very thing was one of chard}: tAhing5s, that -was the: Earl 0fStrc1]j’2zrd.v great Clrimcsg far Awhich heepaid very deargand it is%not?impr2fl%ib1e,L him you and othersxhat ufe iv, may V as dear for it in conclufion : mix. A V A And if’y ‘A A and Commons unto this I{in;;,in :;he 3 .0? his Raigqgyou flmll find in. rherafqrig, look to ‘it,’ and thinim .~ %w the beginning of it,theyV{heW}1i:n that by the ftamte ofthe 345.1. called Stkztnwm :26 tallwgio non cazmdemla 5 that Hnatazllpzge oi» .mz,@a1z “ 53 1mza;»1.e«zxie¢1 lvytbe 1% irzgarlazlv He£;r::fx§Eaz‘t1az2:.Rml74¢, Witlmxt Atvhcs gaod Wit! .a7~2d_étfl75'm‘ sf tide Arch-Iézgflga x.13‘ijZzap:,Ear(¢:, Barm:,1(n£gb'm % ’” .Burge]]2ar,zmd other thef3*eé~mm aft »e Cammanaliy a} this Reaéglrn. mad éy mt/Jarity afP:¢;rlmmmt /aoldm in the 12.5 .E.. 3 . it it declared, and an. ,u&’ed; Atlmtframt/aenc:—~fort/9 «#20 perflan fiamld bacomp:/ledta mazlqe gm} %La.»meV: ta the K £223 againfi kz«":r% Will; brcam/a fuck Lamzesflwgra agasinflw % ,¢¢4/amnd tlzzefrtmc/az?fi* qftbe Lpzmigzml fifot/[tier Lwwax oft/92$ Realfimfi, (rvizi I .E.3. 6.1. 1- 3.4.9. LR. 3 4% 2.;)it is provided 5T!mt ma¢ze_%/M115: '- % plmrgeal 6} any c}mrgc'_or ¢'mpafitian,miZcd it l'mW'm’mce,¢zar 6) fuck /Aikg clam/'ge_,£'5)f Which the /hzmgmr [9e_fi9m'i-mwtianed, Md other tbcs’ good lawn A amIfiam;te.r aft1w".rRe;zlm,yop;r x¢~£»jeé?,g,£mj22e fimloerfiwd tb§:fi«eadaw:5tladtA they fbamld not éecampelled to can;riig: e rs may mm-_., milage, aid, pr Clan the King confirma- tlacr lilqeichargé, natfét 6} cammoncérgrzféaatin Tarliflvgmaat. AH Vwhich, Q A? And bY1: Death gt felf, or any togr-I . cure or -tormen;t_tl1aeetl- then‘:'mal1ce can mfl»i&upo1‘1me;aa“dl feein g thjztt A 1 camnotby any fmearis, I car1u.‘fe,get my eeparlt made to the lflodfélof 4 A ccmmons, andllfdl efnj yii juftice anderightlar tl1ei’fehands;l:(\?kvIa“i2:'Ia I éleg fiat l ltlgalm 44 at TBloon,“£x4t cbzleng;'."lt«k?m as mjd#1.'flnd_:rigbt) ' ;reafon?l“lolE;t§1e Lo=rds_,ar*1;d;l Eh‘6l1'f€'fifOf'lthA€irll' P-rerbgatwe ‘Co-partners in; llfiluence income Ho“ufele:Commuhs,l* eol'divg§: thefimfidm ~thegreat“ “afa-‘ . ., W .l l L1. fairs (I9) fiires oFAc5heKi1igdome, doing} ui"£iceA and Arighfi txnm A the Aopprefé fed, and? puAtcing Athcem upon making Lawgs, Edixfits, audl“*D«:c1a«~ :ations,AAto Aperfczcute and deftroy the_genc1'arionAof me righ:e¢;:;us,and (9 bring the wmth anAdAvengeamce% of hea;ven and Earth upon Athfim “ A Amd theirs z’€.maz’ r.}l[r.TlJam.c§g»GaadW£m Sermmprmclaed évefare them A’ EH2. 25.‘ 1 64.5’ . coz1E’ea’, AT be gréwt Inierefl Vaf 'Smtc'.: anal. I(i21c5gdqme: and alfe lay 21 great blotof rtptmch uAp0n_th€r1‘1 by;a11Athe :a*a::ionat.1i A 11131 in the wor1d,fE.>rendeVvouring to dePcmy a generation of peacea- ‘able and qttiez-mindc.dA man, Atha: havAec;oncribu:cd all xlmey had ; and A have in the wmArid,Foz: thfit’ _prAefervatiox) ; andAbyAwhofc 1m%daum;edr Avalour and b1QOAd_~fl"1€d,A, as principall in£‘crL1mcntsA;::l1ey* enjoyA libcrty at thisAday,to%%fitin EheH011f€0%fAAAC0m111o11SA, and to be What they ,a,re.(Sure I am, {ha Spirit Offlod fai%ri1,%i’5'/mt he that rmmrdet/0 em: fag» gaad, e'2ufi/Jafé,-2/E5 mt Aegyzrt_fiam /2215 1‘ircWA[¢’, l’;ra'zz. I71. #1 3. And % yet fdrany thing I ca:1Aperccive; Ache bei‘: reward is AAAintend€:d thefézr H1611 ,_f1:on1 thofe they Ahavadone fcA>»m,uch; for , Ais ttlineand defirdfiionfl A .:ti1atAfochatA:4t£c/ar%£4:¢ mificaaznd Fm1&i*o11 of ‘Prieflbaad, zuewvly A ~:tA§a11sf'c;r111ediz1to a pretendcd godly and mfornned ‘Préxéyger, may :1» Again be ePca-bliflaed ,V.A ghe fccond Arcic1cAA$A .of the Cave» mar; A(now x1:1c.~1*A¢ n1agnAifiedbyA%‘ch4e famnes of" datkneffe A addA‘b~1ind» A3:;e:,§f{"¢;,% then the ._Book oA£aGod)tl2¢] /Jv1vU¢+A¢xpreflyAfwar;z%z«a M029 :4}: um .Fm¢&ia22 éy-the roots. The words ofthe C 0'2/emmt are, ‘Tladt We fia1’lAEzt iii/(9-Ammamr, Wfitlaapxt re-j]7AAm5Z' afpcfr/Ems, Ae7zdc*vmr t}2e% a=:£'tirpat£'o¢2. of A AA1;?aptr}',A Parlay}, %(AtkatA ix, C/wrc/a-govern mam“ A5} Arc/9£vz]£ropf,'Bifl;pp.¢ , Atbair C/mute/lorxmid Camm£j]}trie.r, Dmm, Dean: nmAd%C/aapter.r,Arcb- ';Dq.atco%m,o%m;l~ all other 'Ecc1afi4zj?iMlA.ofi§c¢r::dcpwd:'fig an I/9dt%Hi:rm*c/9}?) fizperflition,éerz-fie.f:'bflma,preplanr»enveflrg(fir.Mark the %i:c%11ten‘c¢,AzfnaIa!l AT A Amber ,EccZ_efi_afi‘imll Ofiiwrx depemiing on 24/a;zt.f;7iem2r'g:la]. In theix-‘1m«m»~ fier 0fAw11icI1 Aarc thofé pgrctcndéd réfbrmed p1*€sbyt$rA-Mini{b::rs,that A jc:ij;:Ahcr IfiI;Ain‘Arhe L/£fj]?*mé{“y,or areAA in any other place in the KAirugdAozn, A Mthac%%of:fi;c‘i94tc: by xrAem1eAA~ofthe:Ai7rA~ 0:rdz‘m2xian=,AAwhich they Ahadsficzrn the . BiA;fhops,or any,by vertue of their Authoxity.~‘y£z’nd 1 W1/Zmainuminitwf; ‘witfg 1W}‘;1zj,”Ac';,V¢V‘/vat /76? :2: ,z;‘A}2rfl%narmA mzm.AA (T"\}vh,::the11 he be P.m~lim‘7zmt¢- ~ WZW A0? Othfir) mafia: lmt/am Amkm the CxJ72cM:2;t,%A%an;;l doth contriémte Ann} of A1913 *"fflj?%;¢€¢&'¢';.AA%rr2 mainr4in,pr,c:*fi'r$me,& gmd..1¢p/30101;’ rim Ordination ‘bf, %zbc ~ _: 1’f€jy]£€fi¢!71AL?7{,[i&£fiETz:?.rA; zbAAarA 11a&yAAx£b§}?i§‘Jadj‘Eom' rbefiwg/'2n;agr;§:%;i Evy pgmgya -Ad»?1}A7?»’¢mAa Writing Jyrmc/ai?Z‘gf,arfliaa/{iir{,q;zzg;ii:\:gfZ* '£:,A%AAm<;amg}1a'thaw mjwas v§??f1€?«j€ff(%?fig F/25’ (i’~’fi2f.’gtE?iaI¢ AA«_;2r'A%A’m;ir*pm%ian Atkexracgfi Al3B‘0r rhfi expreffe CA 2“ o.-.._.....,.__.. :a:91“ds;. (in fiévféxrds ‘:0? the Caééééht are; .tjI/fit’ we mu]? e¢¢devdd£i§?‘ t7?-‘«’.% ;55¢l’457’I?;tio5§' A A éstIl0fi‘icer: (With0i1E_ exception) %¢ depending omit/aatfiiérarcbj 5 part of whiémall rziw: Eorewrnentioned ’%AAMi11ifl~ers are,%‘beiI1%%0i‘C1a-ined Prierfis at1d"*D.eacans-byt%1e Bi{hop$,;and have xxoqmer Ordination to this ‘jvery day,but whar:%the*y i“md*f‘;:o t:hen1.Bm:if :h:iy"fi1&May, they wem o1'da£n&-d%b3'I them notas Bifhops,but as Préjfijfzerxgi ;:infi,x;‘:ssr, Fhis £5 afifimple foppifh di{tAinViz?/amt $1..-Q’ ca;¢t;~m.*.ciHEEiom, tl.wlaj[]}'s=z§r Eleffls-d oft/be ézettef, ‘0,v'._({:~e'::ZIf:3'zr*. And I“ *C‘n:firv:;€ am 1<:'amed_ I’r@sbyters ta fh<:‘W unions c':*:ss::z111?:;,">‘i»:*:A17x*1a?l%the New ’ii“«:::~£?::m“.n.::::;%, rxfmr war any Qfficer ardained :znatI:ic*:r 0-%;j”c'a'r in t,@2s"_fl+:?:vzAe Offfixe mm’ ;Fzz.~:m‘,'z‘z'-i vim: 1‘/J»Zt7A.t’$‘6/£fl}é[fl Wm: 7£"hérLii§I,,I dC‘3§.'u;‘_c”;‘~fIi;) §§£n.;>Vs/ OF tE1w€{<-";*% %‘3:c:fb_p;..i "naed Presbyterian Mix1ii3;¢1vs,A that i"é:cvingA,as ‘W they :k2.€mVi:?:1vc:s confbflég A V A I:heA Biflmps Office and Etxxaéfican *WA2:s< a%nd%A‘1isA Ancféhrifiiang how ‘is ~i::poffib1e thei1*l§/Iini1“ceria1lFtmftiora, er Ordixgation, can be Cm*i- fliatmhat: 1Fikc::",aA 1t,1"ea1neA»floW£d mom chain m<:fm1nta1%13A.? Sure I am, A ?ob.%%Adex11a~nds this {quef?c:"io:'2; Wlaja am émag ti rlmmz 1.%¥irzg0”W,.Z;f an m;.. %A.%c[mm 2 % And thE‘faII“1EmSpJi1‘itfloff ?4GOd»hfi% Nat%A0fleiw%%;I~b‘b.% % A1 4.. 4. And fame; gintfirmgatfis“, fa)7'm§‘;?.“§f',‘.' Dark pi 1Faz;m:m3¢fie;¢d fart/a me ‘tins-'_/Zzme place, fw:et*wm‘er mad Err3tter?0mcm the F£g.»trc=e,my éwrhrm‘, % émre Olizza-J>ez'ric*:.?% cit/mervt VVineV- %% e.s{.?\ Thert:fiJ1*e ina % Aoficive ‘ 3’ g .- . , gnegationahe c0nclud@s,7A cha»t-11ow13Aou1min A c3112 both A .3*e:~:-id fall: A wamrd ~v4and~fie1h&%. L V , ‘ A f And z:i1e1‘efore%fEe:ing A’ G A G R E A’, lihfi. liazéjmlgela Champion of the néw fprung-upSe€t in Eflqfflfld ‘of ~ Presbyters, who may more truly% and“ p1*ope1‘1yg, be %ca11c?d% M §chifma... V ti€"kés4,»th&n any: ofVthoAfe%he» {Ea brarxdsq, fm::,theyA have& ife:pa1~atcd Tfzoéxz , ‘t:‘he‘>1.-\t‘.‘ Gh0flé1y_Fa,thér$ the+B%ii”hoAps;Aandiyetagre glacf liq “ hold their or-3 difla'ti0n.=m3d em Ajflsergfqréfchifmatical1- A ~ And: ,‘ 62%)" “ 7 1 ~l‘in‘d theféfofe fit;-élnpg in his lal"c G ANX GRE N A hell1a'7tl:fa‘l~3 lenlfolpoinhblzmk upon n'1e,for no arhler caufe butfbr filamdmg for the:F»mdammmll Lam-.r affinglmzd; VVla1lC,il‘2,‘lF§f;6 lmcl morlan ab-a V folute define ta be n’o:carimllfly lmcfwurn, he lnight know his ” C0- wfmahtlhihdsl him to calm thc*_fm«he.BL1l::l'§Et:ing:l1elthfire playcs the firn- V L pile man to figlzzwith hm own flWICl®‘§£‘J, and doth not in the lealtj med-&le,for my thimg I c7an.pcrcl-«five ( by ab much as I brave read of his Beak, Which, lolnearlas I Caflfilld find, was every’ lplaccawherc * I was mtntlomed ) with »,tl1elSrmu:i€-:3 and mlwr Legall Aut‘l1oritigs, A as I site in my Vvives petitimyand r.lfcL-wl*len=.,1 to T prove , rim ml? ’the fommahers qfI1'?¢g[tl71d0f4gh$i?2 all criminal! mfl,=.a' to he tryeal h] h htheir Peare:l,tl1at is, Equals; mm’. that the %Ha:tf? of Lbra':,irz the lmjf, are natlthe Peereraf Commrmer: : Alizaclhtherefore fselmg ‘ feemingly A by that ulcerous boolghe hathggivm me fomeal-ling to anfwerl £l1miconc‘ernsme,I will really and fublfanltiall give himxfomt-‘l T thilngto anfwer; El-‘.at:‘in»go0d eamefi: cm“l¢:et'n@th him, and fill the _ VJ rail of his bl«3od'y-Pminded pretendccl rtgfolrmed fellow-ClEI“g}7 Presbyhters; tharlylng, deceitl“ull,lorl'worn, and bloody Scsflf, of A whom it is true that aha Prmphec;l'aid of fhfi. Pmphets of old, ‘Than: ” hthl¢%‘y ma£;e¢lt§':lc people_;tlal:lerr¢,a72d;h£te Withstheizé z‘eath,d2mllc'r]%pe¢1&e5 and 7‘ he th¢t"pm*teth lnataizzta their mmthex, they L47/M prepare Wazrrc 'ag;:zinf£l.l hizah, Mlcaia 3. 5.Anél thas: at prefent I have to put new lzimto‘ anfwvzrg flmll bi.” cC*.’1'.'I5.;~:1Ell Al‘§~_§L“-1I1€£":‘”ltS which I made when I was clofe pril’o- ‘lnelrlirzlirlorzs i‘lt'1“ii1t”hElI3'l€:c:r, agalnfc the then lEpift:opall4Min£Il:e1?s of rhef‘"Churcl-1 of England, amdwlll lferlve in every ;:>att:icular,l agaihflzv the prefem: PI‘€3b~yt€I'ia1l.lMl1]l&€T_3§ll and you {hall find them thus laid lclmwm ill the 1’-'3. page mfmy Book called, An Anfiagzer ta 9, Aw. gwmmt: \i7rit.tw4 hy T3. él.’3¢df9}’i}¢Z‘t?t$1 at L0x'dan“I 645. a V l lit, Thttl wery’%lazl%*fia¢1ZP.a'ji‘or,,l Bi/hop, Mihgfley, or 0[j5;'m»- 5” W. w'fihle Church aflChrifl*, ozighlr tahharzze mt Jfllwfflll cqzll, lzrmdl he la2‘t3l'?J"z¢7[y chcféza irztohfh film, hefiarc he can he (.4 tme Ojficer in the fl lm;».g;~}mf‘ 57’??*ifll: .A~5’fS I-4? 3: 24; 25- & 6.43. 5, 6» 8: 14- 23.. Gal. 1,1. Heb. L‘;olmparelchpx1} with th§&§criptL}re,’. _l A 2 Jl/4f£ni_/Ears mad Ofiicsrs in the C’hm‘};'h offinglmwdg (aswell PrézsbymrianasEpifcrvpall) hmzenomlnlwfull mil, neither, are llawfi ‘ fully chqfmh ta‘ hé ofiiéer: in the fhhfch of Chm/Z'.h Seem IIIEFBQORA of Or»- CliI1Iti’O£C3,®hllB'ifh0pJ,P7‘i£flz§‘,"fl}¢d Dmcom, gs glfg _:l1g pizjcélory. almcai §.7.7?€l’€i A (22) 1 ‘Tiéw*e;"2re a./Z 3/war Ming?-er: are fcalfe awe? e/frgiicbwifiim 0§5’:.*£r§§V\ Rev. 9.3.~m1d 1;. 2. ami $6.13. % .S‘¢+.ca2m’Z}¢ , Hm» doing qft/wfl? zzifiwas rims: éatomg no time mwecmgfm af we Ojjfirse , desk mt prcrve as m an to £5: 1m{mi£0;f;~€‘:.e-;e W firm: az L«z~n~»f7m’£ pawfizr inflating him into 5955 Ofiimfa A S. 3.4». E L 39. 20.. M03 X3434”, 2:5-, 26., K {Emu 149 29, 3m, 3m 392:. 4. E0. Em: M M25 r.fl4s¢2z;/ilazmz 2522 the Chart?) M‘ £’s»:g!.wJ M":/9 m£*.bis=¢g ta % Zwazre we M‘-;X’f”:¢sz"»%e= of u'be;'z~“fl‘m:d£ntg in Hm .fl4'.»2»z:j:?wy , M25" M73 muim mm gsf ax %/‘l4':i:2z’J/%g~2r3_ mm’ are mm“ 52¢ wise lmfl aéle to profit‘ that .:m*:*. zfigffaaigm” aim z£?.r’5L2cir° .XJ$1-z¢!:"i.V3$[!:ILE5f“§7 £3} vertwe ofw lrmfwil’ f;za‘=3»’¢?‘s<.£;"35I'.;Y 2N32or:?ryu. Tm jar; tfsey mu? m z.*m’e L}*'i»’Z.i;¢:'J/’z"‘¢‘r£ yfériflfi !m;arf}2:;’,r"&’ .mv».2a& .xf»ae’r,5n 572592‘;/§"£;z:$ X£E{iM2ffl‘t2~‘1 aj‘ a,4m£z'c19r2 ,;’f. V Tiairdfiigm mgame 2121*: the Kizmrd phcmapm your awn grolamfiis fmm aim Argnmsirm. Téwfé aims“ 53¢ their ¢”J”'Vfin:'fl'ery cla swat accaryzpizfézfilw /}:€W€.e:Mr",, 257:2: Mine .;’t’»fZra:r'fi‘.ery mf the e,4’pafl!e:V_%di:¢'J, mm mm <32-me fifl/.I;”s";~3a:§~»_ j am‘. BM 3%.»: Mfirziflsrx aftim C/mrcfa afflngfwmd .550’ ms‘ m:»mm§v4’é;% W flame azmcfx 5}’ Mair /Mimsflwwyy WM We 2M’m:fl'r:r'y of"z¢%3v5’ ‘:2.¢.»+.:z:».-no fie: aféag II Cm. K 1. 3‘ A Tlazrefare yam» Lfifiwxygars rm: aw Km: Mimglfwrs af IQ/EN Ckraifi. % ‘ Bat G.:#.m(grmm wnae word mare at pmimtm yam, feeénginr%m ‘M7, 2130 pages of your /are 3., Gazngrerm , you i.’2ilAf{f0 exceeding, Emavie Ltpml me, mm? my iaamfl l:¢»%*'¢l‘??’fl6£3£' L/'3/[r.07J.-grraiz, zmciflzy that tics-y? 2.. zzaaaluzciorzx mm, t/{Mir oz'azrm3-«sag émulqex fen]! efimpe Witismt e.wm» plazry pzzrzi/Zvévzawzt, gem.’ £2;/‘fwzaa’ zh.:"rmf!§a’ cozmte:mz¢c¢mX cmdgerfrge, I aim at: 4 .M':'mflrer prazzamzce {but}; {my it is assone of'Sazl1ans) rimt the jziagaze Aaf Gad mi/I frsfl safe»: the l’mzd.r~ af rlbq/e zbuzt are Wane cawfisv e at. f Coma Anatagonifi, let M3 comm to a peri0& 5 for-E hapefiar M2 yom"r% mallice you are m0t.y¢t ib farm gone beyond yoL'a1~i£~li*":2 asfrm drsfire. to have rne”;ed7 or kmttd, and than cmudenmed and mfljudged, an& twheref7ore E will make you 2.. faire propofizions. PM’: , (iflV1‘€f€‘.’&‘CT1C€ tame Lcgrds whpfe golméfi and Rwlaf/cam-like Champion you are that if}/ow plmfir ta jajme with me in! as defiré’ to bark .Hw::fe: , 1 W271! fiz far go " 9¢;«’a}?Emy/éffe , and my gfizwjfew app 51!? .1" WW W) A in the Hrmf} of fammanr, (alwayes protgfic-zZ£tA may 55 fiAaApraj3:@;... ‘ziicze tmthe lvénefitjl cxpxfffrpm my fiozid cappmlc) mwfjajne ‘mm A A ya»; in thz'.rdc.=/i.~e , that than may 65 /2} loot}; Hmfex, as prapartiamqéfe ’ A. mAum!n{r tlL'eAreo_f,’ mutmilay by ibemféévex céwfén amt, mfézt openly, and jvflblickly in the painted AC/mméfer, when? I will axgainfljm 5] the ¢1'§?a¢..' A ’ Mi/Ead Lame: of {/9}: L;m:l,Amp¢i2¢mi2ae 4 ..rzz‘;zfi yon am! all Vt/ac Lxzwvymc y gm cw bri;-zg,A 214$: Apofitiaw (which 13 abfolutfel y the-»conHt€{’c betwixt the A Kc-rdsA:1nd mt:A;)Af T H A TA T H E [:0 ‘RD 3 AS A H-OVSE IJEERS, HA, AN Q JVRISDISCTION j AT AVAALL OVER AN Y COAEMMQNE-R IN ENGLAND ,A, I N ANY CRIMI-A A .~ NALLMCASE VVHATSOEVER , aifidifyan Will, I will wholly as.‘ in refermce to the conrefi Eat ‘dvixt you mm.’ may flzzrzd to the zwterazml abide flag jizdggmen; mdfintcnce qfr bat wry Committee, W/def: ‘van, upantbe“ flvre—memiamd Vz‘em?‘me.s*, yam Wit’! t]eA}'ozecrfl'Alfe, I Wt’/lye my ]Ea{fl’; 6:7-_ V the? aé?i«z;Ae[y to e;xemte_, or pafivcly to fuffar and zmderga it. % A In the f¢cond plaqe , b.:caL1Afef<)A faAr1*e as I am able to uxuderfiandw your meani%Ang'A ,A in your Fore~men_;io11ed pages, you would have me dAeaA’t Withafl, as ;1A:I1eAEm»-is of AAStrafford%', and the ‘3z:f/Amp of Coznterétdrj was A ,A A fAarA in[de;zfad14rzAng ( asiyou fay_) \3Vit/9° much rzxiolm-we, the overt, throw bfrh: tlmeAEflate¢:, and the Law} iofm: ingdame, «M iia tfzzefl flflfld of the fzqndamcntzzll Garvemmmt madcanflimtian qf %%tlJz'.r~ King-_ §3’.r,2me,t0 far up an Vzopian Anarchy of the pmmifcuous xnulritude azgzd the lgzflx and Aanccrtainm fancies Wmlqe people , Lam»: and RAW-::. A A ;?7A A‘ A * A A A i : Now in" regard ofthe difirafiinns of the Kingdom: whi¢h and A many , A and that “they [might notbe made wider by newibookes Vfmm either ofus, I {hall be very wi11iAngA for prcacc and quiersAfikc"5A A :4 joymgwitb 70;; In .32 Pctitiarzro the Ham» afcommanx , Arte ozgpoint A: 5 .f&la&Z Cqmmitiecpmlt/ick!'} ta axumim ullrlaingif/:zm are at uvifl} injxmr ‘A é3raJ(e.: andmyne, and fa pxmifb either, ar lvatb, .zcz*arding‘ to L%4wA;m&4A Iufiicc. witkotttpdrtiaiity , and I appeal: to Aa1lracioml1%me11in thfi A wo'r1%d,*Awhether I ‘jhaveAAno: offered fayrem: no. A ABiu,iAn regard I kn,owA*notA whether youwillimbratémy prcfiéri 1Afha11 {peake a little more for my le1f'e,"andArcduce all :6? chefs» thrcse Vheads. A A AA A A A ' A A A A A N Rizcfz‘, \3r¢b:A:A«her%Atlaa*% Lord: bazieé} :11: khan?» Law oftlae Lgzyé any jflfifdifiiflii0f%t19E'A%4C’dmmanJ;0r ab? A A Pti"?z:fe?.vt¢iz»A¢ra%vvr vfP«rli#;I?’rr€tr. W‘ 2?? W Am wbliw " _ A A M ' cxlapr: AAAA;smnd1y A whetlm A .Ai;nA the P.drl£agwt:'awn péaézm;m1mm;~;»;%%4 A V‘ . €24- éxharfiatiam 320 My féimm Jeegzll #‘;£.£f‘__5‘jy' @299 142%’! Jiaafgmemt of fiw PE E RS}, 0a»~’.;§§v;;: 3,5,3; [,«.g:_&éfi gf” pkg i§,,«Mj, 39' E Q am’ mm he wmwrcwd 1’~"£‘7iEva»i"(,7".“3"37"t?'£’a5@j’b"7fl£7[L‘*’Ul~Z..¢;,*{/vi)vR.."f@»’¥?6§§£;'f0Vd£’:?'3_g M Mm qzmzmzaty pf bi: r’refpa[}"e, 9.xH.. 3. MM mm: 3?; M /23% ¢;"Wg='3,~»~}y ?»-gm, fiitffiflfflfgg /Iwing i2vz..a'»,’meénld, fizz M»irs»9awt mwémg £9.55 *?%rrpwclavfl%4.;er»2;2§»f;;?,r3 gal-ygjm £izi?3'_/gfiwifig K953? zw;a;vmz:%r.:y .w.»;re‘? 4:=1M~.t éy 5933’ W‘ z£z“::w72é" % Nm/V here is aiuhcz efiigaafefific :22? Kim: Lard againfi the Lows jaw‘ E % riffiifiiwn over Commwms in criminal! cafes. flf Ham ea’ W C01f<£fl¥0~N5i é./’W% fiwwa W? aw ?’””’} er W WW I’ ‘ New in the a.?;»«.;‘¢.-M Mme, fie: 1.3%’?-:3 WME mine 0;; am a?337.d‘”3: mpaw fitmrgs 0% tin: Lew that mm: eaasvria Er%2gi:a:;m»..*33 fazzéuzéag $§°a.§$ vmcggy wing, anfl that 27$ Sir £'a!w..zr.a§ Cm:2&e9 aim Ms exp‘V;:—£-Ezamn emf ucfl/[mm Charm 2. part z'wzfl)‘.+:'m«zte.r, ‘whialm hawk palbflfifilfiifi by EWO fpeafmil wrdermaf the prefierzt H 311 {e 0% flammmiig. as in aha §a& page whereof gwm “may raw 2 WM, in hm @MPflE3fla1§§%“Tzg KM”? 14. Cfwpmr of Mazgmf ma kC?rTm:»:2a:;, 28. /:z1sM7,Pc:“¢:’r.€ /§€grx¢;zZi.w, axslépnzg. 29. ,”wi;£3. z‘i’9§j gg*:%;zvrm!Z‘%a’i'ue§floA»¢ ofperficvm lay mm L mo «of E¢2g£;2::4¢g M L:+zz'aEi-Mr om: tizmt is 2r~::e:2Mc5 «:°‘3?'f6£ zine .w{fl3>cr£72;‘ avflair .><»*c2é.:a",5;-i‘y,,,M' time Laraifi f:.‘5«.W;’E:* in Pé.:r--«A iiamemrg aw am of $19.»: C.m+¢m:wm offlwe %:’x7';.~;m:z’77ar«', mzzsé” im re‘,/gpeé? z:e""9.erwp§,‘ 0f'r.’as= HM/3} gff Ea mmms‘ in: P m~.1io*W:7’£..¢£c:f, yawn? my tlaem fie w’ziww czegraéw afjvaeéility, mr Dukey, Mmrquefllss, "fimfiies, Vafcmanm, z?i.’?$v"6r£iBs’s‘1K‘E.'0H;$,, mmdyefi m’[of tly:-m gar; ca.m;‘29,w:e'}3;»e¢m.':ed wéféfaim this Wave? 3 Pgfii’ E5” 5 f9 egftfiae fammanx of": by Rmlme, Mare 55' K~2ighri3g Eifqiaires, Ggemgiem many Citizenfi, Y:.:&>m%2m9 ma’ B~’.I1‘z‘i'§.3"‘=‘:.‘fin"‘.?.$ afféwmll daJgwe5,,wdyeMzi£’ $35??? 4§?*ai°:’m:~:.:7£;%~ W %i?’a*a2";f¢;‘£« =‘***:»:%*2:r?:°"¢a*2%*=v='*;,_., M *"'..?T~§5"a<2“?.!?g§v~'at~¢g,;‘E~ 231% z'?a‘.* I @Zfc'w:«5a?;m?_z:i?r ; .ga31-J::s5"' def‘ ;*Z’2r gflwm %.~‘;~.rz1-‘1c‘~.§'Q(?'s.*5zé*Ar»:3j7E:% 5E"::Jé'l“.¢3*i7;’.’E.‘-.7"..’?_L‘£;:T>E' cwf .Z‘§!'”’c9;_- £?f?«m?;%ma;~;»:., a£‘fé'w é»; &?£r:%.£+:, or ra'«2.~,~aav"z-%rl"gn;'z.*", fin?’ Lv£;rsqf'Cf:ur«;z:.-29*. V ‘ 1”i3"3&%én*€?A’:a§?;. fag. i”-}@¢s {E3521-:1';:* §3a§.th,92a fimrz/.7;:£!Z%./.v.:* c:f;"fl'a£[2*al;,' ilwzr 2t31;>2'».=r-2.‘ am“ 01¢’/ta-a‘j'3;¢¢50r di/ffjffd /:z'.'r f}Weav’3:2Z :"":!9.=zt%zlr)‘l‘Z.¢:;z&z’:, arr .?:‘z*.:°:'z7!2avc»§, or }..‘i.:j /£L{2m*t:'e.?, W f%*a°c C.4;3;f2+’“L;r;e;.?.g_t,lJ at :33,‘ offnscly frm-;=¢}a‘if§*.s',“ e-2.»:zr:,’_,fue';rzf¢:rr;~.:.¢, W14 ,!"rc.«:~ :'~.!f2.’1:=z»2’4.»*, 52".? ¢‘}&§.:’? 1:’g fa/.%'m 3:} M: 29:5-rtfa-right,‘ $2 £96 } l.a<..;vfij”r¢Z1j4zaza2’Lg":‘:re;-:55 2'“/.7,:.:2“ , *‘.¢w'ré.iH of £45! rqfifhzlls (témt i.-.5 mm cf 1;~£u .-,m=n 4;‘-:n:,5£r:a;22) 07‘ 57] {Am }f.,:-M7 aftfzre Land, (t.;';7;2; ix?‘ ta /;;?7C5i¥£;.'€ i:Mzce% wit‘) 5y .z'I:»*.:=.' #356 on-sir,/k, mm? prc.'L*: e.°_¢-f‘£4w.. ‘ % No zwcmfégli $2 in my [art .s=z’z=J-;43f"';~c}fc>;,z!, (to d:;:fii:}:7£‘§" id 69:; What was A figfi built and znazi::4m.*£co4‘,§w to ov.;:rs:§1ra:wam:i»pail cimsvnza) z¢r;£eafi'e E 151; 5} ti}: WM:-E2‘ of Isis‘ rg-mz!;:3 , or‘ .a'cco}‘a’z7;2§ M Ike Lararvoftgga I /5717 _ ~ ~ % Ancfi fa faifii he is fihé ffimiencf.‘ weirlocr will‘ nu" fit}? cm £rz’77z). “ to be m¢&5_=t’rfi‘aod, évm‘ Jay tr-’:w jmaigmam wfévix Pzers, 42/“; 3‘; c-gm:/[;r,% ar .mr_m;’£nfgj M t/re Law ¢frI.:e Land, {am him pagc: 48. upzm thia fen- ‘ tenvcgper jwdicmm Pavmmfwarzmz , and page so‘. e1eV%/225:/9 it arm; in.-A dE?¢d$tiEh:£t’ Lwd: find Pcemwfrm Ii’ ="tzi.v:er: j7J.::‘::2:l;.z' ms?" gm jwafagmvwit wpozs may M t/a*:i:~iPm-5.-‘:1nc:I%c4i4%t:r3#:, %IL3t.%P“atI. 4.E.3,. nugé, bu»: making inquiry atrhe R:;“c0m~%OIficeAin the: TOWer;,LVIhady%th£s which foiiowes , Fgoniundm: the handAofMr. W;/{mm Cafe: tha Rscord-Kasper. A A _ A - QI:«1tofthéRo11 of the Parliamentof the fou1“th yeare oFEdmzrdt11cth1~rd % A . AV T’“H E F 112. 3% T R90 1. I... A ' 4% A Record: mm’ Rpmcmfirmcas q_,7‘t}Jc;fi'_t/J17?6?g;f\3t?]fl1'c/é\3»7c€'7’£' dam ‘in: tlac-Paar-5 A liament}’zmm%aned at VVei"tzninfl'.er,m¢ Mwnday ncxt azfterf the Few]? % A qfSm'mvt ICazt/derive, in the years oft/ac’ rraigize qf King Edward $155‘ 9 ‘ thirdfiam the ('anqM.—s*/hrlae faurtlz, d.f21i*v¢red% Mia I/as C‘/mrzzreryq 5]” % .% Henrycle Ede11fion¢@,’er}g q;‘tbe%Parli¢zmmt.m_ M A *Hef:~3 are the-2VTréafohs§ 'Pe1OVni@s, Wi,c,kedenITe§, doné Ltobur T/at ¢ AL%ord the King, and his p::op1c,% by Roger de Martimer, and 0-» went off? théss 9? hi§ €°£3f¢d¢§39i9: Eirfi ofalla Wh€¥§@§ 1.: 9rdairwd at the ‘gar dam Eas§i2n.3§2§ 581%. .,-J (26) Pm'1iamemo€oz:.r 3Z0*:ci the §{mg,Awhi_ch W21-3 ?tae1dme:v?._.t~a&mr .¥*:£§"co;«1 fQflfiti{jfif.»3_[}?37’£ ;f"7;'L11dmbic%c3 wsere {Em Efiing arm coumftlflmaag Lmvzxytrs Eh-;_,v_t ;m>;,v be mum afthcxlz, »wi::.v. one Biflmp, om Eaflcr, amol % mm Baxrozxg, at E‘hc';‘ 163%. Am‘ that m gmat buiiz%1«;:fle be d0x1e'wi:;%w out tizcir affcntgarzd dmzcach ofthfim flaouid aufwm: W his deeds; a:iL1ring E113 atiinc-. ..4Mf:C?L‘ ‘v..»’K]§‘1‘§t.'J§1 Pariiainfizztg the {am agar fl~f.c27*z"z'W.-:e’¢<*;** (not having mg::«:r«i to the fifiddfil. af1%nL)tQo§~< upon hi%Lv.r;{?;M"15&5i0wra;;~:11 pow.” gym the gg(_:-‘:,i'«:.~3J1.‘:t?»i"4*L“§ei*3'1;t L-2? thus: Rc.=afl:‘;«.”a, mlci c3n:croacht ufpom ;‘c22ai.*’.fj§t::'.:::<~: ©:e‘f'thc;?I~§'.éz1:2;,:»md«;>La€%c:<.:*2g and. c:az.;¥:€~::& to be mu{‘mcl, and pirmzedi Orhwrs fizz: mite E.iz::;s Houfzf anci ch"E:‘:- fvb.a3.*re throughout the Reahin at his g;%Iea£"=.1re3of£“uch wmsh were 0’: his miud,anci placed fdzzm I«3f;;«.«.zm’ mam” omers ova-:3: ghr.3'3,~;ing, :0 =23-ifpy hia aflions and f£“i}>'ingS ;, " ” lord. t§1eKir;g;w2.s in {nah manner emiromed of {wt Wou1«:§ not flee zany tmug at his §_3'icafu1"€, but was a imp: in V\/kirda Alfo uvmimas the ?13sm?;er 0%‘ our L O R D the "$5; .173." “E i . 5. J, wasyx E«’I'e;z§Z\3vort»’3, by orc€msa.L‘3a:r:’ and affimt ofthe Padres 0.55 2:316 Lam, t3“ac} mo flay a.tE1ispie.mfv.arei'b1*to be: frsrvrsd as beccamnwth ‘mflh ca 1i.«:m:i7, the fayd R0g«c‘.‘?‘§b}’ Roy3;1“zgoaaa,r6;*te;§u':r:_E.orcE the King in the fim-as Parliamsrrnganfi {mid 2231 with one A voycef, that the iorgiéid Sémazz W353 riot their Pezem, wherefore they were mt: bound Tm yudge him ma, Pee::@ oi"V£heI,@_m:1§9 A ' ” A '7 “ Ema V C $7) But becattfe it is a notorious thing , and known to A ati1,th*a"t the aforefaid Simon was aidihgiand counfeliing the {aid Eager in all the treafons, feltonies, and iwickedneffes abovefaid,(the which things are anufutpationof7Roy‘a11ipowet, Mulfthel‘ of the Liege t=Lotci, and A deihruétion ofB1oc::d~Roya,11) andthat hegwas alfo guilty of idivets other felonies andArobberies,.ahd 3. prihcipall mainfaineriof robbers, afid&Fe1onsot~e: t'he‘fatidoEat1€é, Batons, and Peeres didhward and judge; as Judges ~oFPcit1iaA't11Aent by tI1e;afTent of the K I N G the fame Parliament , that the {aid eimanas an-iaitor, and enemy of the Rea1tn,‘be drawn and hanged. And thereupon it was comuiandeci A to the Mertiall, to doe execution ofthe {aid judgement. The which execution was done and performed the Munch-;y next after the Feafl: of St» Thoma; the Apofileg ~ ~ i V A " In the [lime Roih “ And it is aflented and agreed by our Lord the ‘K1'ng,'and all the Agrzemdz A Graodees inafu11tPatliamc‘nt, that albeit the {aid Peeres, as Judges not .10 62,’: ofPat1iament,took upont~themA—in the ptefence ofour Lord the Kit=zg,i dmwntimto 4 to make and giV6_th€ {hid jttdgement ‘byA*the;aITentho£the King, upon A qexemplcij ‘ *A fome ofthem which were not then~APeeres,A and that by reafon of the murder of the Liege Lorcl_.,andde£h:u&ion of him which was fo new of the Blood‘-Royall, and footie of the King ; that therefore the {aid Peetestewhtichnoware, or the Peeres which {hall be for the time to come, be not bound 0"1"’Ch11‘g€d to give judgement upon others them upon their Peeres,nor {hall doe it .~ (But let the Peeres of the Land A have power) but of that for ever they be difcharged and acquit, afndt A that the aforefaid judgetnent now; given, benot: drawh into example, or confequentfor the time to come, by which the fa1doAPeerese%mayee be chatged*hereaftei*,A to judge others then their Peeres ’ againfl: A the Law qf'the‘Lahd,if any hfuchtcafe happen, which God defend. cflgraeth with the Rccdrah A A A WILLIAM Co LET“: 1 It isehe {':;y§I%'xg.of£§3€Tp1?estmf God Ecele. 43 9. I 3:. ema are éeeeerr‘ M. that: am, xmd A’ tiareefofcl ca.w3"i.r mt mflfy t§7ele5~?7, {:3 theme prove my pefi; ion true for ail me 1?m’wfZae.a:m Language of Gpz:~:gzéemt,eI have firfie A Eh&_ft6m?£.€;?$cnte[1‘Lam’-~PQ§I3E blank an my fidmand 2.etE*x€ ]~eudL_gm¢f":£~ of cme~“[%<;;.f the able& Lewyemthat ever Writ m Eng?e::d“e_nd ms} jeudgement eaztémreifewas geoi an‘d{ by thee prefem Heufe of Qgmma-n5 , E0 bi"? pL1b15fl1;d‘tO fhfi Vifiwfif £338 WEOIE Ki:‘:ga?§.C?fl15a_-r"; and 3-. the Lewd: Wzvz c0;~4_rféfl?azz , for if, yell: mear}{€‘Wi:13,e‘tk€ 2. 1217: lines ,. «of z11eh§oe'ee§7£e<:i%rec«rwrd ,_ ye>uT§haU finde, they ingen1mgfly eonfefle and decme, rims: zt aggainfl me Lama af'tém-A .Lmd,*for teew ~~tej:3c?g:r 42 flawimofier,‘ and for fureher coeifrmatione 0fV”:I1és,4reaCfe”~e “ Vo;e%P;eb;i%s peg. 18‘ :94. 36, 37$ 38; 39. 4o,41,4z.e44.. 45, u: if A the V§;’mra.w Gemgrensz pmfe to read a late primed beoke, cga-ltfed Regeell Tymrmy a/i éevered , ~P:e {hail fimie thaf‘ the euthar O??? that Book, in his 4;,,44,4.§,%46,47, 86. pages, lays dawn many {treong ar- guments to prove, 17’/mt.- r/ye Hmfi qfLard: law: no Legiflatiw power at at/Z,Am£l in his 9w.4_,95',96,97.e pages,he declares 8: proves; Tim: £25- fare Wiii. t}1e%Co2¢rjmerar/Eabdzwaf r/ye _rz'gkf.r ‘(moi priviledgey bj"P:arlz2z-» A A» meets, Lt/yer Jfiwzg and the fame/yon: keldanoi kept Terliamcmts Wizlm-am: A tempam/I Lordx, B1:/7)a1D.r,. 07' A/1*;6£ioz-4*. The two lafi of whfcbghe proves, Lomir waWfirZi2rg,4tWejZmi;qfisr, either nowhave;;q:everAhad;..M. 4 » » e ~ For c:he.iecoed clung, Which1s,VVhecher or no there be not in the. p1‘e.fe12t.Parlizmnenrs Declarations, and in the Aflembiies exhortati« bed as tmeezzm-J my gaad :2 right refit £¢2AParelz22ment, % 46' 4% }Laftb.,» prefiim. onto take zheeCoven2mt, andim Mr; Prjmm Soveraigne power of. « Parliamezgts, and other Presbyterian bookspub1icl<1y1icenced_,e,aIf1d 0+» 'ehers£7£91de.%w1thouet com:rQ11_.,as xxauzrh, if not more, faid, to 9:: up,“ or maintain that which Gxzngreme calls Vtapimz e/afmrc/aj,~ then in any Book what ever publifhed by rhofe he calls Seflmfies :» And I averref jgpofitively, T/937623‘, and {ball joyn eiflue with Gm¢g:«'eme £0 pro~ve»i:;.i11 every particular. Therefore. let him publifh en exaé’: Ca- talogue of any of our ;POI1ti0I‘1S,Wh61'1 he pifeafethfind I doubt: nor,but% to ma ke it evidentfihac it caxmot juflly bythem he wanted any vice: \ in t1s,”to tread iii their Reps, efpecially feeing they have accounted e them fo fun of piety, truthand h01:1ePcy;e as they have dame- +f;iia1*ge pfcfzzdeerogzfimg tafigwp e/fzmkcbéy, as “Gazngre71;§ gtl} either e ‘Now firfi; (oz:°theA Parliaments Declarations, read but the Kingsew anfwers to them, and”you fhalleafily fee he layes it as deeply to their F‘.-"’~ rim: /érve the _p.crAop[e to few” a(gaz}¢jf%tbe颢_f4°lW;yJ'. ' % AAA -' And as For Mr.Rry?zm*.r Soverazgzme power of P;ar1ia1nem:=;_., I never A €29)? V £90minfi01“*M-r.»0@m/£97135 yea, and%inP:ancc:s thepa‘1‘ticu1aArs, a_1'1cl rels‘ tAh;em plainly, The Argume:vzr;A rlagru/2% againfl /aim, Wz'l1wryWe11 in A A s read more oftI'1atADo&rine (in any Book in all my i life) that G»>z~A»e:~,A _gre.~mzIb_n1L1c11com:?emr1esin1ne,&c. 1:Ahc:n.¢i;:1Achat vt3ry_B¢o%ok,which V‘ ‘is licenced by Mr.%Wlai1%c1.A, atxI1exAnberAcfA%:he%Hou1?:' of ('3 onmoms , anfi) ~A in. hi‘sAA dayes as fi:iJfl"c% :4 Presbytksrianas Gmgéenahiznfelfe. See AhisA1.Apar:: Sovkam pag, 5,7,8,A9, 19$. 26,A.;9,_.t3 4,3 5 336,37. _ Bu: e{'peci-a- ally‘ 42,43,44,47A.57,9%r.. And 2. part, pag.A41A,a,2;4¢3144%.45, 46,85 A 73A74.73;.76.AA 8: 3« para 11:1 2DI3JI4JHIS3I-6317' 6: 61:62» 63.64.y 6As.&I3msm33- A ” 1 Ant‘; 4. parr,pag. 10,1 1,1: 5,16. Seehis Afiperidix tI1eré,iunt§:>pag.,. A 1_,2,3,4,5;a11dA 11:12. £3,&c.. A A _ . A A V , A Befides t.%;eiE, fee.A:11c:fis-Pc and izacondwt of the Obfervatiohs ;: 7.?!/[aaximas zrmfold£d;.%t/ae'Mfé 0fSx3i13rmazaey ériefl} déflraurffd ;~ «,£;a.mAA Tlmfur t/ac Pozrleénmtg A. flfullar A}zf\Wr to a T rmt:§fis',\?¢ritten 6} Dr. F€rn,with d:!z)er3f or/jérx. A % % ‘ % ~ Nowforj the third thing, &whic‘h4isAthi: tryumph G;:mgremtA makes A iri.hié ‘ 3 part"(famgrcm,pagg15 8. whichim, that in my book, {called} Izmammcy and Tr1¢t}2juffifi€d,%Whi%chI publifhed tI1e Ia‘fl:7 y¢ar,164;.) A I give that to the [.oi'ds_;which nowl in I646.in1mmy wickedPam-A pleéts would cake awayfitoxn them zfuch nVew1ight,faiALh he, hath they fi1cc»2{I"eof5:he new modclhand the recruit. of the hdufe of;Comi:nons A.. A brought to the Seé’caries : A.Wc:11 I %wi11AA%theAman fiandfto this4?fifhec4; xrvilgtlxen I defire the: imp%arcia11$ Readehto judgebt2tVvix;:AL1$g.arid"tu1*n to the I1,12,3A6,37_.,74.pages of that buck : in which pages, is com- tained all that any way makes to his pur'pofi: 501'. elfe cum tothé I 5‘7 ,~ W‘ pa;-g'.of7A1mis bbpk,and fce,iFin a11. my words there quested bywhimghere is’ any gzhing that <:arry4es the1ha..dowo ¥giving that Am the AA I.qrds,.A t1;atAnowAIwoL11d take from them; for Ather¢jI~ am areafoAni11gAw1tf1,AA ” 1\W§‘%‘2’ryn,or¢tI1é hours bfCommo11s;not upczuri xny"pri%ricip1eS,bL1t_Atheirg- A A A AA W ndthex~cforc,wI fay,4 a%G%ommittce:Aofzzhehoufe caf Ceommms, ls, not the%wI10It?: PR1;liafIient.; j%¢nC,jno;j%£Aha whole houfe;oFA §Q;nmons, Ait. 1é1€,accordingAco their¢w;;Ap;~1n:aip1};s;wA11igh is %‘the%%q;i1yAAhccarx, A fix um. ”«Mids°Aéd:Mr~G¢”g.*¢z%i8 is iuAAr£’c.A ésA;31&!3:!i£<;¢ Améfi . 1§=‘A ifI‘be% {Eat upon, by you, when Ihave nobeAttex* weapon: to mdggfell» % ~ yea wicfuthén your owngto take themfroirn yam, 8: knock yom:‘par:e,,~ as to make ufe ofmy own pmxper weaponsgm cutyou found1_v,or my miher manthat f11a11%'aff3.ultrne,*totl1e hazzwrd c2€1nywBeimg;, 3: this A is jufizmy cafgthat you coLmI:~fl1ch a di{gracz;¢z*Zi9r4fiaom'%at;§ A child; “I” A tlmzg/at .4: pz ;:v’§2i[aZ .g_émt when I éem we as mmqlpzact away chiivdzi/75 %tI0i?2gr.,' So fay I to yougfivc or fix yearcs ago,I knew nothing but the Lords e afigood turn from the hands of any man 5” and ~ya-‘st V _"furifdi&ion wva$as‘mL1chmure above the Houfe of £;‘o{m111'0n43 (eve; T Commqns) as theirIvRobes*andA Grandmrin wfiich they‘fa~te%wa3:iW bdvavtiiez-n 5 efp¢ecia.=11y,feeing 4 arm. Conferen¢es%b.etwiXt bbtih Hdt1?- 1”’? ‘ {‘es,I% fee ?th‘eni'1embets’ ofithé"honfé*”afCdmi1idn%45V*f£é.ndV%~~bai*é bbfbre’ j L%or5d?s:i'brA% which aéfibn I nowfee %n'e“g1*our1dfbr,,efpecia1Iy having 05? .1a*té If/2ad;'fc) manybookes ‘which difcourfe upon the Lords jnrifdi-«V Etianmfhich wasupcm this‘ground about 3 moneth‘ or fix Weeks. ” I ‘ 1'3: Gentléniéama Me1riber*ef't%he houfe of Commons,anE‘1 ‘onéjtVhat‘¢‘%I[ A ‘ ‘ A %e1i§:iréJ;wiflA1eth4me we1l,l5id"n-1e look to myVfe1E»”f0r Atofiis knowledg, V there was a defign amongft Come of the Lords(the grounds ofreaform “ of'i;jvhicI1,he then told me)to clapme by the %he5e1e‘s“,and tofall fo hea- .vi e +%upc>§1"rne,as¢ to crufh me in pieces, or elfé make me ar1'ea{’t%%ai1*e3£;é“% x W End beingthus fznre-wvamed, I was half armed, which mad”éAmc‘ ' difciouxffe upon every dpportunity with any that I thought knéwany mhing caf the Lordsjxtrifdifiion, and Ifoaund a genera11< “cgncgre: j 4“ A aAmp1§.=, tr.) Wterrifiéé oMz:hers,, thac they fhbufd not dare to £‘ta;1dfdttheit.f%. rencejzhafi: ’t‘h’“e h29;‘Ch"ap; ~of* Magn¢.{hgm, ;wa9expr‘efly ?Vzrgaij‘r;f’,cjf”1:‘1_’x%'rcf:f 1 LOtd_S.IL1rifd;&_iM()n over Mfqmmoncrs in all criminall cafes : itfiéfif that gr¢ur:_d”4I" Prfitefied aaairfithfiszl and fiwrauporz @1%rthé¥*ifiquiry , * (so A \1 1‘ Found 35:: Edl’£’m’rI["00'%_N Iuclgmentexprefiy againil them ; ma 33 bfffiisffif ffcitfid : which fnooléglllfx/Ir.G';ar22rgrlz2;2¢z, Imullz tell you, is plum}... fhédl fince my fix-fl tryall bt':for*r2 the Ld,iF ohcellll lzelemgagcid in it,either go thrmugll with it‘, or dy in A the mlclfl of 1c, though there be nut one than 111 the world ablblhtely ll 4 nfmy 111incl,l;o back me in silz. ‘ ‘ In Bu%cl1a{’clyw,ad it.§,n:FQr1n~~r txmes; Il *I1m.'ll1;)CE'I1.£tS3lJl~OlUt€ A2 Plclader felt thé:*lL,ords uri.fdi<5fil011ovétficzuxunuorzs as m_w‘I am agamfl: 4 A Yet t_m1y,a n1a11QfMr.;(}'mgmnae: coagis the unfittell man in the A Klingdc>m&:ol1~¢prove: me for 11:: «For h1STr1lJe, Imean ofP1*1¢f’cs and < ‘ Dealcanlslthofel littletoes of Anticl1rift,nowcalled reforméd Presby.-‘A h ¢ters,alre‘“fi1ch.a Weachetvcock, .L1l"1lllI£l.l)AlC_g€'I1€3x1‘$llC1OI1 of wafmrlxjgmixiu -- qdc?dl11*:en,:a;s“tllerllikh 3‘t'¢Z1‘lOEi11tl‘1C‘Vl7ll'lOl€ Kingizlonile. A V Fpxgthleir l3'1'ed<':ce1l"ours\ in Hm} the 8.cllayes,werlelfi1Pcl fo1*thcPépe. »“'fl‘A1.‘}\>fl-”‘?>a1;‘-‘Ln}+,‘)’in's Dmdger'1es,and£henlor lthfihllfiing zmd his newvliéfllgiorl, A .3:lIfld;;v§g}€jil;f_3:-.,i1’lhl$ tjtne%,rlel;ur;ned%lto rhieirlvalluit again .-.a1~1dt;fihe114.. A in ll 8d’h*4rd thgm ,;d%a.y¢§,l“ lhecamc«by% his Procllamanioz’; gpdly refbimed l‘1%hgg¢[haz1ts :,.‘»3;.l:,l€{ than min ,Qa_L;ee*r:;~~~z’%rL:z'rz'e.c dayés,}l)y tl1elaul:l1oritly4ofl ‘V &,.he‘r*ar1W‘&’ her Pla1*1_iamch»t(~whlch Pfarldiatm=:h:,AIfdo lav::1i.i:, will ma1:;- tain,hacl esjtrue a ground to fetjup compu1l1ve‘P<3pery, as thigprefznt lm;clial'nent’., halzlhlnol fecllupll co1hpn;lfive:Presbyl nary.) became for the ge- ;a;neAt¢1icyloflrhmlbleudyland perr¢cucin¢gllPap1ftsl§ Anchhen "ékby the l "‘lAutho1'itj7 ofQ_1ecn Elizabeth and her:.lPa‘r1i:l1nent(wl o had»%11o’p§_a- ~ allgnohhgxc thcgn th.iS, prefsmre _1?arliament,}:ol&wré’* chei: Scgpter of. A 3 firm ‘gt-.5C??}3§ti:"§'.E?€f'§'1§A?3i-1t"§‘1t;3§§"hCE1‘uf-13°.‘ €t"?«‘.':}}tEU1f‘t3¥.t’«CJ‘-‘\.?.§.9.«*i:I_f.{“‘J"V:,A, Hie: fi;aAvri;n:gma1i3e* }£');3l”<(?:£3£_tfgf;.7LC‘3‘§"?3§?"€C€;AC2€iETlC:3i'i'E}C§"t.‘uZi"1@*iL‘i%.,""§.€'t£33/Vt’S hw§mti‘E1f5 Efit 9.: 6,7, a~z1-ii .2e,ti2.A.rits 3..;«md 3A:.;..2:,f,t;.;et1t£*z-‘oA.:z‘$;_g7,g-‘%’3m#.gi_%rV,z,A I fimfi, 3 ,rzg.,.1—'—3§;:’;}.;3§e; ‘2 ;g;.:$,G,}1t3*CC$£},1‘C ea G*eneta«*.ti0n of pt1teAandAref0tn3eti A “§=’rot«:{»;att1t:aA,Arae.:ti' have [0 c‘a:1s:im.1tec1:to this pretext:E*a:A1zaxuentA:.Bt1et m«t:.r V Y.i§teA ECOiE'?«p9;.i_jg_y¢Of‘L‘lOCOI‘iC*1.7.-3flC31'f\3.?'01‘E‘P. me‘-.1 ( M10 xvii} be of any Re». I ~ “figiota in me wo2*1‘d, ft)‘ it"”%;:.=:;At1*y aitxstgg VJ32:”1iE4§_t?'LfOF1't'VI3.IIIC*¥ p?0Wer)aFA:et A titeyt have %{’ot_% the gettetafity AO'?th'5:{1‘2, E2:-.1{€E1;'&£"1‘i“Vfé&7{)I'11 fiE'§~cZareA }¢f;14 C‘/arifl; lmwfate r/agzttfiardaineaig tthaC_1~$ to fly, gzn/e_[I°aAAA:fI7eyAA‘£1edepez¢iingAan» the Bi/b"op5¢9y0ra'is¢a_zt£a;¢'_,0r elfe on the Presby *;e::*s,~ wag are no Pr}sjByzfem',~ zmlefl} they depend ah the TB:/bypxfar their Ordimztimg F01.‘ they have no Othcrzzmd whatis chit e1f'e,bL1t to puni {I1 eVeAry onethat am tmlyerls‘ jrdeavour the true and tea1l‘perForma11ceA4 of the Ct:-"vemm? Aftttlytwe ehave1»iveri to at fiI16Af0l5(W0ffl.a§€, tttt/mztmm tmiafl. be pmz£,%'z,»;1%, wadmnde flnédpaéle ta bear? any a}j‘Eaa-‘£24 the Iy will not take ;i9evCo-_ e2v'emwt.t A A WA A A V A. * n And then if they do takeeitjit {hall bettasbad, if they wAi11»enot‘fc5rJ {wear themfelves every moment of ti,me_;,t4hat the Aifembly fhal iudg ” it convenient,andAAt1ae hour: 0E'C0mti”1C)nS vote it. % A A V ’ ” A V A At Ami truly, ;;I;e_1:§:i$:i_§_1, my judgmezxttatgoqd (§q1_k§ng¥_ho1~1e fo"ret¥i*isM A Pmfiifé girdfiife in’tY1e{Ar{Tenably dFDry-vines‘ (zzlim: Divided, cut. 342. 32,‘ 3 3 _ME{a' 4‘4};§ 2.) xbariwtion ta" také the dm7st_4z¢t,iri dthfifé WOrdS,flfld j yet there fbqwld my oath be faundgjiatvbxiv/air}: any cflrfinifierx ;,,«:¢.,;,;.,., vs; have entred,not lgwrrnutgd Zjrlaeh Law}: O_fG06{”dl71Jh~t/J3 Land, ig ‘thig- ca;/2-,thqy mfi {each zhemfi-my final othcrx, that {Etch Oath: call‘far,:r; " 1;eur4nc:,hatparticalizrgvbvin tbamd ; that is co faygdthac neither the A Co... vénangnor any other Oath whadtfdéver , ‘that: they have vdbeforé, do: 7fherca£'ter {hall take, binds dchem any longer tlzenihedvtime that fihedyb d } fileafeto fay i‘§;is_ nan wgmiantable the Lawesd ofGod ,= 8:, the Land; ‘and IE: by thisf Syn0“d~ian— Doé’crine,a%manddmay "take a ddhdndredd Oaths 7~i~ri’ afdaygand not bebbuindd by anylof rhemgifhe pleafe. A4 A " A V- ?=Befides,I 'wou1ddfaid[gnow,’if’by che“dPax*1iame11csb ‘fob eager pref- ifing of the Covenant; they do noc'prefl'e‘~ the MA hafiening of "many :0? V their own defigruflidns :*F~or by the Covenant‘ every man that takes A it, is bound ddtherjcby to mai“nt2,in andbdp1;efe1~v*_%e the fundamental lawes r ofblxe Kingdome, with us éevery day troden underfoot, by fame dof V the members ofbuth Houfes arbitrary praétices, not onely tewards Cavaliers, (for which they have {ome colour by pleading neceffity) d but am» towards thofe of their own pargyfithat have as freely and ‘ “vud rigaht1y~%advennix*”cd their live": “to“prebférve‘th¢“ : lawegsds . anddlibercies ’ ob the’I§ingdome,as any ofthemfclwes :4 far iufiicc ‘ai1dfthc°m“félv-es, nomdepexmdancc upon sthcm-b-ab »f6lves;>d11atdd»tHeyhave 30!???€fi.évQCJu2l11’juRiCE.Atf0, though they?havc'had* _ “tboufatgds bf Pedtitioniers and C Complainants for gramdfgfiievqnces hfiatv-~ _ V >for'ed the~Parliamem: ;-~ Come ofwhich haves,’ “ tdfmy knowledge, d :: cvm; *?fpent th¢m{'e1vc&s‘withdpfofiacuting “their: bufineife beforg bbthemgdd and A fitunthemfelvcs mdanya hundred pounds. dthidckd inzodezbt to mamagé: their bufineffe before them , and yet to this houre not one“ bpqityagnhc *~‘db”ejt£er; and yetithey cafijfinde dfidmddenoughzbsfince. I came p£‘i&AfOn'efr»‘\ to ";hed'“TQWergtowne dnewtgfbookesdlicenced by came “of cheir:owrif1Clerkes. “MO bzbozraciévla» ~am£_ Rzgrg-anwnicull wicggdnefl} :1 iWas wad Paxjliamcmi in A ngilmzd *~eveg for “at! and ;d;a§d;tb robegndidpollthe.podrc"comnmn' people,dd adndgta Wtaoércedd d -A Q33: hav{a*':fcfimce",bread to punim .91 ~ * -ftp? pay."€Kciff:3 A ._ f E ‘ A %-an ow M: ‘ .otI1e.rA.tav;2tio%1%A.o:*e1]£‘e to rob 1 ?1*1*15A€f4%¥fi€Ymwfa11 rthfiy :fiav?e§ and then flme it amongR:‘~th‘e:me211‘:o:rs of bfnh lxujfczs as 19¢“;-;a.,1. % to one m:m,6o atimlhfifsfi 003*-1~3¢C-‘*4 €0%»*fl~fl0EhE r4ga11i1%{this manfy ~ r times toztzhcinfe that’never hazarded thei;~1%ivesMfor.%4Ehe Weglepublique ;. no,gqrv«fome of th5:‘I‘l_€VEI.' %iAnt€11€.1€d;Iamfl5fid€ntA»~ofi;.gcrod tc:»[:;t;he ge- 116;.‘-..ali,t*y.‘C’,E the people; buzzhat ;:heyflnou,1dbe as-abfo1uc¢1yJ:h»citAV.Vaf~ {ails f1aves(ifnq: Imore)as ev,e.r;they wcrethc‘ Kings. at/aw rigiatem-r madpolverfmfl fiwdge of Have? afmifflrt/9-that of-.’=l1lAth§ b3-{'6 things if: the wQr1d,hatcf’c 3C—‘.flbhQE£fiB;diH'§mb1€YS $3: hypocggitxs. Sher. 7§g.Q,”Iwo,1 ;;I".%. 1-»: km: x:6_.~;M:zatla. 3:;<:lcx,1 th¢;f¢:¢th§ .%grca;¢L°c;A%of D%ifY::m¥21r§F3;.v§135’ A felflwho like fQ**;%manyb10L}dy a*n<,:l~ cs:;l1.<;31l m§3n1haye.ifigaged V_p40%o;1: A 1§ a‘ :b1oady:a11‘d cruellvw~ar%,j%prl:t¢nded1yM for the,pre‘fe1~vati« on of ;chf:it.;1aw¢s.a1,r1d%1ib;3r‘ti%¢S; ~ w§1c1;Las God ku;:>w;;sby..a cog;Q;a;1;t%, feries afafizions, they declare Ilhey HWCKI tI;i‘I1_1y .at1MdAVrg:eg1iy$i,n::ifI1d4i‘d :14] my fubh .thing,bu~!: meer1y4Aby%.theb1ou.f1%and% E1’€fifi1%dffi9f%ch%e paoplc, 1.10 makcthfimfelvea :y1:anrxi<:a.L1 Loz:'ds;,a11cl, Magfl:ers;e§re:V_%;h%¢;n% ;%:; $Q3fhg»c fen: my&pm:,i€ I £1m:J.lci; take thc; %CoV¢n.3I1C: fpfotfifl if ?9#fi2~reitb¢A:G¢d of Héavm and T‘%3.szrtt$/9,» ‘Mt/cam Vfé-gr or%drmdV%ofa:«] mam l_7rao1t}1i7¢g,Ifl1Uu1d'/ judge it my duty, and that I were bourufuxzto it in duty, in cox1fci- ‘ cncc,‘by Vvercuekofmy voach, A no %dO-fAI1Y .utmQ9; 1:0 prcxfcagmzey ejven to thfi ~ dc:t1:h,Awi:h my fwond ;iuAmy hanmevery %mAemh¢r mi? l;1 9§14ff$$aChat A 4 &e:$Tu1ci‘%n;ifi‘oly ingagafiin:;Athm1cF’crl1A‘-‘iéflfil £9ffihg¢7fL1L1>d5&g1&:p%&a;l1 V Liberm~;'s’of England; and profeC;utc,tAhfiI1f1' W1th%#a8ri1uCh 2ea1_,fas ever anymof :h<2m:pmfccuted':he Kmg.= for vtymw-'ie;.z2.< t%mw2zzi:,ex%ercifed by: ' wh;amVAA%EomYmr 5 L3Iaa,»thAough it be mémbfirs Of I?‘at1iam:fl6ltsaS -w§l1._as . fiy%:the%4:Ki:;g,¢:mI?z1’§'t$; ihVa;«v’e%.¢At;au.gti:; usby§*uhci5:A¢91ara:i« . Tierifi’ and;rafi;£Es,uhgt ny canuie Visigafiitalfissxand theA;éfpm, ~ g«u%meubs;gagain& t1he&King,mVV1y‘Vvj¢xy well fervfi againfi »tf~fAmIx£’«.«;1ves,%V ;if’ A V eedjifi? they turn :10‘: mm: %:AAc1ew&1;caf fir“: Fm‘ L.wi1§tt i$;; but to ‘ az@ra%micAuaxrule:%AAtc:[‘gover11Aby,bm: theixf d:w_n;: Lvsz;11s».,f‘1g»;wp,m_y : is.'imdé~%;:.Wi£h‘:4v%~ go§xgf;::rk.t4@pxmzf11a.a1§iRm*%.n:.:har;1:a ;;A;.1rwdwfiw ; mlmvefihgim %anhcraci£m1;1%;V V0fi;;h¢gcaaz1£§=«:4inA~B¢E1igi@%vmh¢§~e-' » 9v9%%=h¢re;a:~:he 11¢. uxm1A"* ._a'« Wpray te11n1e;t?v/barber alt U149; gii/fmm, qzmtenm aw 2lZ¢gifiratei,baw;a'¢ mat the wrjfwme Apower 5* And iffo, then doth it man undeniab1y"fo1-- A <1oiw,thatV Q¢1€.“'€nr2‘Wé£r_7 and her Par1Viaxm:m:M did jufi in hex: c,1§Lyes,?in%~ma~ king flaw auburn thofe Heretiquea, that dgffcnted from her e%Pcab1;i-A flied Religion? who were as grofi-2 in their tent:-‘ncs_ir4 t;he‘then% prcfent: Magiflratcs eyefias a’n‘yA of'y"o§1r Seétaties texjzents are now‘ in the pm-4 Eent%Ma%gifi:rates syes : and if you, %and4yofL’n: bloody-br%ethren ofthe C1erg~ye1?_resbyce1~)/fiihalipgage‘ the p:-c:17.:A:nt Parliament and Magifira-—, cicgtq pfdfitutfiffie Saints and ptzoplg of God , under? precencenf 1'16-9: fietical Opinionsfi) wil upon the hazzard of my 1ifejuf’cifie and: prove «fig: againft you,and the ptefent Pariiamenr, A that you and:-hey thereby Afufiifieg Chzizfary mu1*dering and burning the Sa ints%% in her dayes ; V 'yea,and ‘an the bloudy-pexjfccuting Roman Emperor-s,% %tha‘c. caufed to be murderedthoufancis of‘¥z:heA Saiintsg, For~beatji11g%wit11e{Ie?coxthctcs-; sfcimony of Icfus ; y'ea;* a:nda11zheperfecurions at the "JéVves,* W againfc Chrift andhisApoPc1eS; yea, and the putting them‘t04death, mzdfb M ériizg aspen )¢ourAak1’nV%19e2zd:'al!t/asrigbtemér élmd fled upon the Earth; V from I/qe dd}.-:.r zp‘rig/4ateo?#{e/4l2el,'to Vzjldi; prcfimt day, [Mm .23%. 2 9, 30,3 2, ¢3W:3,3%4;435. \w~I}ich441Vyvarra;i;yp§1,xvil1vbring wrath and vcngc‘an»ce e--A .%noughupcgn you; A L% -A V A V A i A r : W fj A " ~ 7 Nnw Mr.LIe*utex1aid§,a%%FéWiW01*ds.i‘n1b1“¢¥to you;a4nd fé: cpnclxideg I gdefire ybu in the nut p1ac‘e,no: duly“ to provide the gratfi; Lia p'rifme*%{cr4 A A A 7 “ V A E? A N A pordizng _ —-A. t‘:c§1»*t;l'1t;g~?;‘tlA0“ll'lfAA,’. quality. «And, Ste, I,nml"c tellyqu,.:f;'a¢ Ijsa’1.ns’A A vlm; *C0liAfiienti.. I have as many noble :qualiAti€‘s~ in me,«anAcl ah» match of a..m:ttx l’l1_A(3Vti‘ty refpeet , esyxny of thofe that fem me hither V: ll(Florj Titles offioraouty ,q yvithot1_t I-Ioneflcyt l‘ar;ALiyt]ullice, 2l§.‘€A.AT.l‘OAACXC€ll€11ECl'A?Cl'l€l3 a.golcl;rmg_ m a byw1tjes,yfnouhat1ds= but a bare indttavout of the difehatge ofhist duty, to quit himfelfeof :it,1et the ifft-1e be go’od»or bad,a‘.1 is one to me,,were but dong, at fizdefatvour-et1».to‘ be=~tddne I ’/fl6$6'(10?Zg'fiflC6"?73.;%‘d§ a format}: appeal to #193» p&grp”lé,bt%1tiI’t retgatd‘i5£T1njI“t:onft3;ntthatd~t ufage hot}; fmm .di§'tets Ltirdts it and tACottnth*dtzas,t'ztntd their‘ ;[ay1ot‘3;@11d:othetit:1Pc1%uments,&tythe';ma:ay<' A utttefiftable ptitckings forward of my town.{piAtit. which pretfeth me ” %m5~her,m glazzard ,_-hetundergoingtofSzzmpfim portion, }m1g;16.21t. then tt0‘1b‘@fO,_I.‘C€dt to degenet+ate £176 the P!:‘.i11Cip1€S.OfR:€.af0I1(Eh¢KiI1gt or cmé:i+ettoEa11 Creéttutes)it1ta'tthehabit of a bnii:t.t**beafJt5andtftzto liva‘ a’ fiavetor vatftl under amy” power: under the Cope ttof1Heaven,w11ether; ~ Regal or I°avt1ia‘tnentaty pr what ever it be; - t L M t A And therefore, havingnow withalongtdeltberated deliberation; committed my twife and children to the tuition, "mate, and protecftion of a potwei:fi11»God~,whmn,Fot abcwett theft ten yearsgl haue feelinglyy ' smdtfenfib1yt:ktae\itn as my God in Jefust Chtift ;_Wh0 with‘ a mighty]; ptoteétioxag. Boptefervacion hath been with me infix ‘troubles; ’‘ ;ar?1d sin. feven,and from the ymrye day of my .tpt1bliquc Oontefl: ‘ with the Bi-- V fhops; hath‘inab1ed meatottcatry my life in my hands, and to have it. alwayes tit17*a’1*etwine£Ie*,to my it tdowtnt in a‘quattett ofanehourse}wa-;rns- % inig,knowing‘¥thjat‘thehath in fl:0t'€.‘:fO.I1' me a7 manfion cafv:et¢Irn”a1 g1ory.ttt; All thefe A thi-ngs confidered, fl am new dc:tetmirT1ed,by thefttength A Qf-G_od,ift-I tpgegny hauqt;;9gg1;ac.J qtt;;e,wh;c;;t;hg I,a_w.ofEngland, gifotds . . W new ~ .e(zb) ‘um-fl W W fighting fof Eaintaining the ALaw;an:l in pra&ife5Aa11n§fiiIateeI Magi} ~= A 1 C’/mrtmand the Petftion offliglar : So that:;a_ man(chongh oftheieown Par:y)may_ perifh,xf committed by a Par11amem:-man,‘or PAaAr1ia=m,en::A :men,hefoz:c he can get the judges to grant an Habem Carpm,ta bring could not conveniently fend. yo'uA,b,ut: in ptint”,A I rel’: ' e~_ him and his caufe up to their Bamhere to receive a tryal (Aflec2mdwmA4.- legem%t:rr4e ) that is according to the Law of the Land , although the Judges be {worn by their oathes to doe it. ’ A‘ ‘ w A A A I 1 Sn Sindefiringn you ferionfly to confide: of the premifés, which E‘ M A A ‘ Tam» ozéuféd Prmaner, win :2: reflwlmci From my illegal! and chargeable ~ to mm all “the gum: in England,‘ % mpt£71ity~i2z ['ol¢A-~bo¢réom in Mutt lye in his‘ Waz7,éut /sewil /MW’ " theTeWer AafL andangtbsk 30 right: rzndjujfibe againfl jam, fin. I646. " A A N AA A A A ‘ %V 1'9 KN -IAILBH‘-f’ga‘ fémpervidemg 4 e FIn1\II«S.~;~ . W new ~ .e(zb) ‘um-fl W W fighting fof Eaintaining the ALaw;an:l in pra&ife5Aa11n§fiiIateeI Magi} ~= A 1 C’/mrtmand the Petftion offliglar : So that:;a_ man(chongh oftheieown Par:y)may_ perifh,xf committed by a Par11amem:-man,‘or PAaAr1ia=m,en::A :men,hefoz:c he can get the judges to grant an Habem Carpm,ta bring could not conveniently fend. yo'uA,b,ut: in ptint”,A I rel’: ' e~_ him and his caufe up to their Bamhere to receive a tryal (Aflec2mdwmA4.- legem%t:rr4e ) that is according to the Law of the Land , although the Judges be {worn by their oathes to doe it. ’ A‘ ‘ w A A A I 1 Sn Sindefiringn you ferionfly to confide: of the premifés, which E‘ M A A ‘ Tam» ozéuféd Prmaner, win :2: reflwlmci From my illegal! and chargeable ~ to mm all “the gum: in England,‘ % mpt£71ity~i2z ['ol¢A-~bo¢réom in Mutt lye in his‘ Waz7,éut /sewil /MW’ " theTeWer AafL andangtbsk 30 right: rzndjujfibe againfl jam, fin. I646. " A A N AA A A A ‘ %V 1'9 KN -IAILBH‘-f’ga‘ fémpervidemg 4 e FIn1\II«S.~;~