PO ANSVVERED“ ‘AL.-.‘A..._... SEVERALL‘ YSONO ANI) SEDICIOLIS A P A PMER s A Mr. DAVID JENKECNS A Lincolrzcsm me. M .% , 3 % W W T... m.;5. ....._w..._......._ %LoND0W: 4 Printed for Ii()!7er1r%5J/3*’9'7k‘. dW-"”'l’1-~ ~ ‘I lirrag iuPauVl.r chuachyarchat ‘.h°5'g“° . .. ‘*2 ; AA By H.€P;gXRRESTER of ‘: % -oftVhcdI(mgs4Hcad. A 164.7-‘% T A .-...an fl...-ww-q— ‘ % us . ‘ I L « .| a ‘ N ‘ V ; 4;, _ 3 ‘ '_ 4 ‘ I H A ‘ '_ , ‘ >1 . ; I " M I, . o JUGE P1‘ Ifoner in Fthe T@WE:R« ,A%;tvhe0‘ Q $w~APr;I,;sL4:7; -(41%! Ib¢f:Q"rc“A in Committee of the Houfc ofhéimrnaamr where- in Mr.‘rCorbet%had che%Chair.;. and I was there "to be 'c:£arni- ncdupon fon:.c‘(&cfiion«,sAr;hcn to bewpropounded com¢”5 to which Q}.1effi;qn¢s%.I re_fia{'ed to give: any other AnfweI:,tl1en that which was fct; down in a. paper I then‘: d%‘?clivcred%to:%t’hc tfgid I“/‘as con§ren§:d upon Saturday ithcIV»O.of1t%his‘nio11qcch of A A Corbcr, Whicl:*xfo1ilo«wm:.h:Ain thxefi-.*word~s.: :;,wJ «A , ¢ Genc1em%~en,x flran:d\co%n1mit;rcd* byrthe Homes c9mngaaq1;4rq:g~ high Trcafon, for not ac.1d® §a«V<€§%%fii11§?}Wfi-sg «~;w j Y¢;_')ll your fclves, all ofyou this Parliawzfientg 1;flba1&?€:i§W?Wfi_~;th%§ tab’:-‘r is c3“u1~Ac§rm%1e43i mdprdmmsfiiwwcmr; jr«c5I=1A%FA1A’k‘@t%li‘tL’ca1;ipxn, A . A 2 A - your V ("f 3 ‘ .;yourhVow,a»nd Covu1a:1t,:yo"uor {ole-nm“ League and ;Covcnant'*;, yourDec1amiom,a11 ofthem ubllfh tothcKingdon1,~Lhac you; fco e is the naaimcnanchg o the Laws ahhthofe Lam an-33-ado * muft by c:;iv¢'d to usafand cn!ivcriedAhbyv=th'c*"oxahcIy¢hfpp;g¢me:é(32,. hovernor, mes Fountziin of-jllWiC€,a.1iid the lifesofchc Lxwgfhc Kihg. _ h * The Parlinncnts are} called by his *Writs -1; the judgcsfic by his Pa.ttf€11§s,‘hfoh.hof'aL‘lIo;he;fOffic,crs5the Cities and Towns corpo- V ; hracggovherti by the Kings Chhahrt-zré gand thcrcforé find: by the A Law -I cannot Iqcestanmihcd byhyVoz1,jwithouc a. power dhcrived hy H His Majeflygl i1Téith:r'ofca1nh.,norvtzhiilgnor houghc y"‘<5r;:;h:o,hexaniio:x¢ me upon anyqucflibns. "lfiuhc if as privaccfientlcmen, you {hall h b8 pleafcd I0 ask tilt hqucflioris 3 mg-any and truly an-. fwcr evcry fuch guefiion, as you fllallhdemand. Afr}; mi xh6:;;;7,o Vmyzd }'ej;k'n_r, This paper hathhbccnmifreprefimtcd to‘ thcjgood Peoplc of this? Cwicy by a pri/ntcd.onch,h fiyiixfg it 'my'Rcc:mt,dgihonh , ‘ hwhich I i$§vn$norw;~ah11hdo bclfidcs‘ is in it feljfrc pgnant lhhikehth cfe times), ch»: Bhody fals out with t;hc'Hc:ad. o vindicatcmy fclffrom-that R¢c’dfit'atioh, mic! .t(3i)u5Iifl1 tothc? Worldthcycalicic’ ooF~'the“,pa~ ’péi:then -dflciivicrcdh co Mr, Corlm, and the matter Mthcréixi con“ _taincd,*I ham: ‘publifhcdothis gnfuing Difcourfiu. ‘ 7 ; 4 A 5 Nohperfon whohachhx committed Trca.f'on,,Mur‘th cr,or Felony, ax12;ox:anoce.a;a11foi~ to mubhh as one hour: of lifc, lands bifgood 3,»withoutithc"Kingsgraciouspardon.h27.;H.8.c4.24. A h V‘ A A ThKing is not vvirmally inthé: two Houfes at ”’eH‘minfier, ;whércby nheyfimay givehany afl'uran'ccat all to any pcrfon , ‘ii: 9 any'thinhg;for any filch offencic. A V . , A < M 4 lj.f 95I”he’oHour¢hDf CO A‘ aims hath fdbclfircdx to the Kingdom in %th“c'ir-“Deal afra fhiofi. oftelw “é;2.8'.r of Nu-vcmbtr“ hlafi :0 the Scot: Pa pars, » ya. 8; Efhatibe Kingat _t}J!'!~timeini1atin dcbzzditiao“ to gmm. No p}:r- (‘on }or7thiz1Tg fcano derive a Avenue to other men“, or thingig which -it félfhh h‘af€hhf§aot : and thcreforc ‘it; his impoffiblc that ; tghcy “fhould h havoc a:‘o§v¢rt»uc’hfromhhmhhc Kingtdgdvhcrngvwhich cbeydeclarc he ; hu“§;h€‘hot‘hohi nyfclf to vgivc; ” r A 5i1i:.¢.“1. 9;. Tl;cLaw=o£ the La*_ndois.Tb4:hz?w pgrfmin anjh rm-mm 5’-‘W tint» A f. g. ipgicg in of bill’ lzeflandr qr;-erfim ‘ fl‘ ~;l intent: tandpurptgféi at be bad netzer beer; elefled ar returned , A bjg/‘ore; M ibefit intlre Hou_/E, be take fiat bi! 0.zt’b upim the b§a_ly Eva)zgelis‘ik,t/af.uA the “ King: it that arzeéyiand fiapreme Gf)2l€?l'II010f'02Ii;'tfA allpezfinxflin 31:,’ Caxjér. A All the Members of the fetid Houfe have takfilla it, ialndat: A all times as they are returned dotakc it; otl1etwiTc"the'yA have no t i A colour to intcrn1cdd‘léWitli the publick Affairs. How doth this folemn andt-lcgall Oath agreciwiththcir (‘aid Dcclaratiom 7151:. A th¢AKing5?,in rm condition to govern. By the one it is {worn , H: is. N Athejoncly fuprctne Govcvmtots by the A _ot‘htt"thatA.~ht_ isnctina condition to govern. _ A A h V A A “ A3. The 0.: th ' not, that the King was,or ought to be, or had been, before he was fcduced by ill Counfcll ,' our onely ind‘ ‘fa-é prcame Governor id all“Cau€'cs_., over all pcrfcm s; but in theptc-A fentAtenl'c, that he isour onely and fi1prpam¢C3ovctnOr, atthis prcli;n‘r,*intall calufcs, and over all perfons. So thcy the fame pet- f A fonslfwcaronlt thing, and declare to the Kingdom the contrary L A A ‘f’ of the [fame thing, at the fame time, in thatwhich conctrncth thclwcaltofall this Nation.. A’ A . i A” V_ V I V A The Mini'flcrs' inthc Pul its do not fa , What they fwcarf in‘ the, ff,jIoufe‘ofACommontsA.A A A hOAcvcrhcar fithcncc this nnna-‘ turall virarrc, any of their Pttsbytcrs attribute that to his Majo- flit which they {wear ?,Thc rcAafqni-atlxcit Oath is taken at Wcfi»-t minjleramoagfl thcmfclvcs: that which their Minifiers ptaygtndf I 4 Attach, goes aniongfi thepcopl e’. To tAt:ll thcpcoplc that the King A is now their onclywand fuprcamc Governor in all caufcsg, is:con- ‘A ttrary toAthatlthAcHoui'es do nlovtr praétifc, and to” all they ha&‘ A andmaintain;Thcy},the twotflbhfts forfoothm-cAthc oncly and A CupreametGo\§,crnots in deFat1lt«oftht Kingfior that he hath left‘ A ‘iihisz gi~catt:iCounfcll,Aa%nd will not come to them, and yet the King A -V d"C>‘:{’i".€st:0-’COmc3 hutAth_cyA will not fuflrcthim , biutkecp him priv foncr atAI1-»1c1en.12_Ay : {'0 well ldortheit aftions and Oaths agt-cc. l A 45.. They (“wear how King Cb.zrle.ris their ontly and Cu 4 rcamej Governor; but with aArcfo‘It1Ation1at the time ofthc 0i%f.l'll._Vl'.'_3~‘l§_'ll'|g:;‘ L A and before and after, thathe flmll notheoncly orfuptcatntc”Go-1 t»1Acrn*or, or onely and fi1prcamc,but not any Govcmorat all: Fat lthctrcishno point of Government, hut for form; y~¢g;;*t pait they A ' 4 V’ A AAA A Ahayt A {T >;4)_ % ?fiaye’ca'ke;Vn 1:03 t‘E%emfc1Ws,.I.a 3?4Q11%e$y~, ‘;\ to abmkf A -a‘n'd;1d¢ccivcthwpcoplc; A A “ A A AA ‘ A A A ¢ 2 That%this—vertua.11:p0Wer”is»:i: meter fiaifl-111;, +tI1cir-%Propofi«A~ -tiOnAsifc;1z;%V to .‘%Qx.ffl‘raI’3 330% NemcV&fi£¢,%~:wte be iignvedabfiy 1:11: Kirttg A,-,AA do » fprjmm_,§;itAfawhwmeeds chwié adizxgifichcy have uah~é ‘vattllflmmfi P_Q;W&-I":'VA, _ To aflirm that‘ thAAe KingsAP'owc*r (which isFt11cAveArm§c they ta11k%of%).isfepamblefrbm his perfon ,2 ishigh‘Trca.fon by.~At_Ahc: Law ofitche Land ;wA:w1n»i.%‘c:I*r:is: fodecla;1'red byjthat: learned AAn1%agn%%‘ the~Law5 ~EcZ¢asw*d< Coax:-£5 !fo%mjn$ch%A%“magnificd% ?b*ry~; this :plT¢£€Tl1Cf V Pétrlianacmg, whp in the 7”. part of his Reports i11«C&z$l¢:~oi2z:‘Achfa,;£7o,], ¢_ 1 ‘I’; thL*tS3i I/9&2 Re%na’nfEd;p: 1,__I_ae? Sp€7_2c,erLr, ilve aAI}7€‘?‘:) 4726! 5012, I‘)? d0vev t'Ijé liqlféfbedifl %1‘Abe»z'A1?%Z2m,::'rt_«A-O, izzzzerzted 119:1? dgamrmblaz. A; arm’ %a£1nme‘r1%opi22v"dn,N"tb.zt“/5ammgeA gmdmzb of ligeamce ma: mom b_y.=_;r¢;_'.g,z-~A_A» fire affine KingJ'»*‘Cmwfi, film: afbvkpdzkiclg Ciipflcfityl, than éyreajéri. ‘affix? :9ff7ae‘Ki7zg; zgmrtwmlyic/3 byzvizrian izgflzrred three eoge¢rAab]e$A% , mm’ de1'oft'22rEv/éfi qozzfégguenegy. I. Iflbe King dahnot demearz ‘V réaf-M 2'72 the rfgét o 1 I31}: CT0757773' bi: liegergzre buzmd 05121919 I remove 1/9eKi7:g.% 9.. Se-_cz'22gAil7czg the King ‘couldm mart 5&3” rcfl2%rmad5_;1} Léinig-;.°1}2.zt*A ‘be*d{2‘né per; a1Tper{cé : at/xzi =i«:*_;,i@y 5; 3 .A I?eg§J_A??be ?iqr2j2d}o ,«”gé{%)'er22¢ izz of /9*"z’nz,V¢z72a£ in aZef£mlmf1~»iz:rz: .4‘lA”m£j5cb% 2a$érAeAqOndemned five ~1?br/iqmentm; ozfieirz 119:’. Keigrz n Ed~~~w:% 2,; C:S7”1" d Exiliwum Hugo*11i3A]e$Spemc€rV5%% and the othicra ix1Amm1~ ‘Edam: 3,“ ce2;>‘:%~2;:V« t 7 4; % % W A V - 95'Arfcf:th’a:t7tI1‘c*1?1Aa“ttr1;Eaw1’I3 body” aixwda 2goi1:i*cAicl1:' :fi1akesM % 0r.1e% .?inAdiVi%uA fib_l*£‘*BOd:y7%5A%{'iid’ Iihaf‘ i h’¢Fé%EW@AE50d'%ics% inc*cmpVoz*..ztie wirlfm @“zj1%aj4 r1iVa%%kd70i1€«’i>0dy~“, axid not diivers, is refolveci the Law 3015 wflngw 1x714’; E§iz%:~>PYmg[¢3‘z2~ Com : Fc;l%: 2113:. by~Si1~I€;oEert%¢j3mZim, E2;'g~lfm%4’} ywmefi D-ier,“LOI‘d Ch;-ief ,]u§t~ic¢” ‘ zfi; @¢:§':;"i%f1’xé 1A»ti ?é'ad?é?g% EH 3%-5A'zz2m31z3m{.,? fIf.m:c:L. ? (3h.i=_c;I: BaA::'Aon« 05, % tFfc°I'3§.'EI3£’i3zz-i:bfi.,V gift! A by ‘Eh? V‘1*d§E 90f’ she §u*:%g:3§5 +z»*a':a'.;*.*Aj;%L;I«»i+’tir.=::»v:J::; ju fii%c‘cé*;,Ei1:a;~r~§v2~é cfe Coafézer 5, WIgs“fom;,, rm :11 1 Hrezyi/,AA CaAméA « arfc1%7F‘ewfi§H§S¢rA§§;Acgmt%s, G~=é;«*:~aM5 Attzmjy Gr£:imraar1is.% C1,4AzreI/r s?$£‘t11my% FAA VcJ:?g§7~: Ff;+»Am¥@?%;w%'t;A’hA%*c% IV¢’a rxaedfic mums“: M 'ah¢Irt*' a~g¢:, A¢:i.z'ae,t1,1€%}f tar» . 4 *9. H; g. Magma -W EJ'3W jji?‘£T‘5 ffiwff,‘-f¢.°S3V5i9$9k A:.1I"ri3z»%rzCs:1;tr*(amz‘~czgfi§:,«i,s,V (312-Wm MA b’j4em%::*Ii %twé‘~‘q4c"fi of1’ar:’§amm.,£"ima‘1.s* 2%.;-3» fiarbjg xALzi;AA:;.AA;Lgi&d A 1 1 2 fr)’-* ,¢fl,"¢m of¢b'eKiflg,¥£i2‘ber fi2r1?er_fl:3?2', Lmgafi, g29gg;7,iv:,'pr? Sb Tn c,-Zvrgvg V "No rnaVn+:c%mfl.1ew any fil1ab%1e,letter,:orVIEin.c to uh: £ér1’cra.1‘y%Tim “z—‘§°‘m *5 1* .A ‘ no _ _‘ '~II ‘ I ' ' A, ‘ . ‘ V.-Z g ,5 ’ ' . V the bo0ks_ot thc.Law,u0: 'p1mt»cd A&s«e+f iPar11Vament,nx»mmxy4,sagme cv'3_’;,y'“;(’_i ' in this La>n%d=. I45 the-%v1:rc~u»:rE'l «Power be inme ;H()=uFcS,,rElmér§e m'eefls , gm,’ ,5 ,,P_ A mé«a1Tent‘oF;t:hcKEx1gs. Tbc«~ftihe:s%4o2fsehe A+&s prim:-ed‘: fhc?>mJ"9’H¢.%pcarsL by ;;I-,».«~_- co .1 7. were ci7I;Ah%cr,,. The ora’u.in.r% at #2121? Panliamcpmtiof, &m:.. A as in~f.:-1-in: ort%.h»%e K.i‘ng.ord.airic£h by . :t:h=.a awi‘c<;» of %fmisAP«rc:1a.n-rm ~m1,‘el;V:B.t1‘~ I’ ?f’;‘."*"f?f"‘h-'°" ro‘ns,and at the humb—IVc:&l~"eticion of the Com%mo11s,:&mc.%. £11 H§@;. :3, his time the Sci-Le altered, anc§V hath; fiuhence continued. thus‘, where man; It is ord‘ai'néd Abythc KingsV Majefiic, and the‘ ;Lo?rds.Spiri%tua.1l of rhc.tr.w- “ and."I7cmpor.a1l", and Commons‘ in “this prcfcntLParlia.mcm: at?» 390“ 3”‘ Si‘. {e»mb%lcd%;V %So;tal1an; a—.1«way$'=5 the Afiémt Qf % chcVK'1}mNg }giv1£thV~m he 1»:i:!_ etc; ‘ ‘ ' " ' ' ‘ c ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V‘ " 7 ‘ ‘,7?’ 7' to» all, asjthc fou-wl wwthe body 5: and tw%er%'imF— aiwefiik Pxviilik m:x¥.«~ "E‘he[¢~‘ar¢%%17'o1n¢~few mt“ the” icfi-m71”t”'i:s‘ éind*‘tca£mi~d“$vv%ihic%h mcavéd l V ‘ “ A % A A A me.*‘ u Ac 6) A ~mé to%d¢1ivér that paper to Mr.Carbet,w?-hich I a211\readicAt¢A§ug-3 Rifle with mylife',.a11d7fholrfld=h01id7it,a“~gI‘cat.hOn0l.it',tO :d%y%e&fcr;r% < =thc.honoura blc and holy Laws of the Land : Th at I which will fave r.hisLand from dc_£h~u&ion,is‘an A8: of Oblivion, and Hi; fMaicf'tics gracious gcnerall.pardon, the Sfoulciicrs thcir Aziriexi.=:, arid cvAc‘ry man his o%wd;>afi%d Truth amd Peace e'(L1b1ifl1f:d in the ind, and a f?av.ourab1%c%rcgard’had co %th;c f.u;isFa&ion cjf A:¢1"1dAcA7i: %‘Coni'cicnc‘csv. i*&*i-i~M=-£~*i-9%’ ‘ll-54-7. . fcslénx. V%&%%%%é&¢%~L An A Nsw an to the ¢Poyronousj Scdit"io.us%I§ap’crAo%EAMr;DAfrid%.%dVAéi1”£iI4:%;A \ MR. ‘Dam'dj’cnI@:: inAhiAs Papcrof the i29%.of{4pri%l“IAafi, IaY¢§ A moit ;od‘iAOus% charg,cs upon the %Parli.:me)2t:and Vcownfe-~ A,queIntIyA upQn?alld1*am havc adhercdjto;thcA I’,ar1ia_ment thiq » v1§vm~:%s 1:: nzd Icfi, hi_sAdafpera¢e ~I infuiions “abs gcl>wer-Fully cncugh upon”:-.hc vulgar ; he: being *a;t;hatlCi~cnp¢p1fa,*; {er in thcLaw, ajnd—promoAtcd to the ci£Icof_;1 Judge: Vghg-g:i,c~cs Book cafcs%aga‘Eni§Athh'icw<: Houfes, A _aTr_1d fccms ' forward ,to_;; lf;aA_yA dbwfi his ¢Iif©zifl fl: ht? c%4}~é1:U M-.v ‘ 4 4; His I'€,Argum'¢flC,TUm3'“$135! T.-131,: Fariixmenrj Anqn ‘*z§itI;gA-7£hcA«V - gmw tit, pm]: or: Qommiflbna cannocd d/}foA war-: mAinejan“y man: But e«P2I?;lififi1€flt 580- not »thcI§ing$AWI;3;tg {E-iis;..minAmr is confix:mcd$tht1s.% “If the I&ings_ powqr’ r¢%rnaiAn4 M%e*yA.im himfelfsands not Wttgally Prcfcnt in Oflunffia nhefiamhiaycaqnflt ApretmdAy W,r%itsPaAtt¢nt 0FC?0mmi5i.0n«‘ A ;fh&_,a_-Kifigs A pom: is in%A%%%L%hi%mi5c:1F,.A and A not V.'ci‘cu”a11_$r%i.?IAl A fthé twwo} »H*ofi41ca5érgé,thaz%thc Parliamcnfhas no vgzrtuall JpQwc«r,bc i2rOViés Axthuam 4‘ A II A, A A V A A Ifthc Péflidmtfit I14§1A~i£1,»911:¢"1 !rh¢%K50V§3~7’¢.’ ¢A13F‘1'1 P°W¢'7a they ncédtddnvt: si¢firs=@h9 ¥§3“ng§#.r«:=uii1c¢ac%Viun 4 tlijw mcdrd n°AAc_ (ch (7)4 cgnaranyrtirdpofizimaghtohhsgn ahbuc now h:h“eyh”fixsnhd Pr¢pofici~ons,i«» €r‘g‘a_.,.'tniS*vertt1a‘1Ihpa.)wr:t‘V ‘i;=~ but at 111661‘ fi&i-m.» V A V 2; A TO?.xffis*z11h“'t“hat%:hs;yKim:s pow»:-mis i¢pah“rab3chf'wm his «per-~ ‘fan, is byV?:h«-3 L¢xm"ad§;:dg;mi high Trcafo\w:hhbi1t ifth P.zrtiumc~~zt ff@‘:?1h3§‘P¢F1¢’fl‘ ‘E 3%‘ * “ ‘ " A _ If mmchcan pa"rdonFu1cgnv nr Treafrm‘ except the Kmg, hnomahahs theh'virt«.m‘1gpuwerut thf; Ki;-:g.,hbflt ngm: can pardvzm txceptrhe K-mg. Eggs», h h h V ~ ‘I hheh?Kingsh¥Pcwreh:h* is’vertua;1lyin thchimthhen they Ihégaratcitv A 4;‘ It hthe: Khz?zg;bL+in no hcondihtiomzo govern, then hehhishin new A cxjnditionko dc::pive"'virh:<%rJ;1.ii power, but,-Etc. h V ( -‘V ' Ifnbni;-: hm} fit i11"P_arfia1m*e'77t’rb_l1t ht mug firfh {war that the King is th éw onejy Snprcamc =Gov¢m7or over all Pehrfohnsh in all’ C1x'tli‘CS, the_n,n0 Member ofthc Parz'z‘.:zme;;t,nox* the wholic P.,z:‘li..t~3- éb¢e}zt~_1,;Lé%1nh fii‘pp’oiB him or tlmbmfielvcg fupcx“ipu1‘t9 the Kirzg -: but n’t:iuéh*3ch.ri’iihhé in Pm~1iam‘gb2t5%&c.?‘Erg_ro, ~ n A h WW V A " . rt ~ V V 6; Ifno &70”’F ~»I“«;zrli*m‘12‘er;rI4 bitldieithe“ $13: bi~.'&w' ith@l.1t. Kings“ affcmghcn there is no vimnall pow ea in Eh-c:V' ‘ T «liame-mt hw‘iLhoug; thhhe K'.'ings*afi"<=:nt; but no‘ b‘1ndh‘s:,h8cc; E»+gx»_.,< " * A e V “"".‘h‘é;‘V()m gfihc‘{*3:p:'~emifcs which this grave Gentlhemanh judges :9‘ ”ix‘rk3fr}a:’,r;sra‘ ,,h’e* ~'cOnch1dcs‘th hath hflthhc P;.n‘1iaménthdhe’r1icsh=h t he i’Kf7zg A téibe s¢_;p—m,mhe‘G.;wc;~nor,m:y tqhbe” at1§rGov‘cWrnot at ill W, in as” fifiichh aéhihéreis no pain: of government, Hciayes but the Par-1 za¢.mm F61‘ [M1112 veers; p;i“flhh’;1vc takehn to ht.hhcmhic1vcs ufmg the K?n~g=s"'hh¥amc5‘én~e1y to hahbhL1'fevahd*Ch::cé:"ive thhcpcmpht. He flaiesAh _ fgry.l1e1~, phgg I)£.‘Ir[ivI1'72e-Wt prcrends ;;g;,ai11H' the: King, bccau‘Lch_%thahth 'hehas*1ef'u;hegx<~ear Cm;uhfhe§I‘,h=andhh§;%¢th the: K:ng¢h;:11a‘hehs to come tohzs g1*ea;.Counfc’fl ,fbut ca‘+:zm;»t: bec{auJchhe;.i§sh‘ by chcrnkheptf Pz"ifox1era:Hr;h’m”by~ Ah ~ L;1himy,hhé Qxies fbeH6ufesahre? guuilary of pa hnry aswehll "asof ch€a’t?§3§?th*hé pe~op~*c; :md4 mg-be} ing :x%gai»nit% t:hh7.‘- ~hig<1g<;” in as A'r7m.n:hf M athth‘c‘hfi;_k~a1¢hh;im5é they fi2ve,:a;xfh1?ih11 wbe ff‘:,‘~*‘flE)|;‘(;"Jil{1‘1€:hG§C)h" V€3'*30T7and5d4ccIai*c 11in~;lh'thO bcin In-:5) Cbflricfixhhi-hthbti to :gt)”vhérh:).‘h; ” “ if hH<§§€r«¢a1'zh!y‘tvheTe phings any bean"ih‘i;v‘ek*€ci5?andihhx‘c§Liéed,let: ~ ‘thew0:‘Id'fee:. « h ~ " ~ h h ’ ‘ h v‘ Ah}3‘m~h g. In caranqtbp denyccl :. btjgt ghe hI“’.:rZi¢¢n§éi225 j«fi,cs*‘"’hy the; ’Kh.::zg:?h VV14it5’n A15 Shc~:zfé dhtéhhflibir ‘ be ~g?1‘eL1fér’sI;'!i :?f17thc‘Ki:¢gI Vv;iE.‘iE, it cmn0th_be denyedhbmi thc Parhzixnzerzthfizs Or1h’h0t1”g!1c to: 1}: by fimlcthing gi‘€h&t:erhthhci‘i {lien the Kz'ng.r Wr}t,%Ahz1*d,ifit be mm~ . V - % 1 V ‘ B % ream iittxiflg; r%*A_étVin;g;e "‘ " A M ( ‘:9 M A A ‘ Wat ?4’Efi4mM**fi£$'z ¢f11e_ fiizzg-ff Writ»: ~~b_iW by thé Kings‘ W£fiEaf:§%11'€flt?:&i€,-¥11Ufl:»fi3“0W that W‘-M‘-Farliamenté avoid vain4Cs>.t1r?;t» and fits tawn0;~purP9i"é 5 n21:VY»i4t1mri‘= a1f0i.f01* 19ws:;h4a: £t11¢2P4??1i¢m¢?1t‘44iS of 1¢1Te£mth9ri4tY5yand~%0f %1~‘=fT¢ u1'c: 9he,n,@myV¢9:hcc§;1€9ri9u%r% C<,>mit- &VF9x;arfmty:h a%s%i‘t: is nqt int11l¢} Kingx po”weVr””to concroiml other Coun:s,_or tgogpxggcxzgqnt t;h.Cn_4:. *5. A ’ Thisig a&gI‘Qfl_;C flonvfigigitur the Kihgr power is% in ¢hiEn1{cIf,, .1 ‘ Ergo it is not derived tojnor docs refide vi1‘nuaIl_yin;the Par;”z';¢» Jvzzeazt-For;th¢i1.ig11toft,hcSu:n rcjrnains ;iInb0dicd=aI3d I.Jnd4e=~t;ha1;i’r-V ed in theG1<5be of'VtI1He;§§1n3, ext%,t1:‘1e,{@-mac time aAMshinV ES‘ di,ffuCcd;Anc:L. » difplayed \nh53~§$Amn‘>t thaii the Ki%tagAwithoat ;¢t'nptyin:g%%himf€1fn% g{IV¢.s « %G0n1mifl}0%nS% 43315?‘ of Oiexiaxad TcrAm~Viner stwt.b c¢rs;.W«hic;h yst he himielf can ne;i~~~ I;J1:e4;~ /efmftifatsfs .11c>m1;:t1 dc ?] Bu 1: for m~yq9a~I*t :<:0!1‘C,¢ifv‘€ it is X-?i,§ gF¢%‘¥” c1*rour"to%infcmmh%ac the Parlimew hg;s_ Qg;.gLy ’tbq I?;§'i'ngS% EPWCM bacmi7ci:c léimgs aféx Mccms it at*=§1ws V Eiirliazflment cltlca: %*fi;:ax1;d a by C0nCLIr1igx1t%povv¢r :5 d¢Y01V~ed-‘ F both frem the K‘irig a.nd Kmgdomé .this i;,1,1’bg1e‘Lhi.ng¢si§ n_1pre%0bv”iQus an’d%V%;a%‘pp.a»ren%c 1:hEn,ilI]:‘Otl'I€;f3. Fofby whggpgowcn % <;1ocs.r.he.x1?4?li4%we2mgramat‘Subfgéi1?:-fl0’t1h%¢ 1§ing%?‘if: QDEIYWDY the?‘ % VK~inVg’;givcsa~I:h%cn4.nh9;KiIagnnaey1133“ 5HbiA¢di§§ §~ without anygrahtfrgm tbs:-%1?’agfIiame7z;: and if it be ('oVby¢»%ay power which the p%copl;ewsgive ,to£h e Payiliaimzzgtg then it will f(:)1-3-= ‘low; t.h.at.the 1%-¢rliamem1%'h»a$J;aAPQW!¢F$gi:$}€!‘I< bflth» by King 4,nCI~ “K-ixxgc1§:;,m¢.s » A “ = V A" “ A % Th; fendmg E’f01§Qfiti0;nStQ‘jth€ King , aandj‘ defining his.- ‘ ‘3Qnf9U“'¢1'1C‘3a;iS.fC:§;J7C§ W0I'.€h anflnfwerfiia £01“ Subisrfis may hum” bly petition for that which is their Pcriét right and; pr0pC1‘_t}§a 1\h1a,x,{ic*r;3%a;y‘ fon1fi%tim_;:”s be.1Eéen1ai§upc;rior Vtqprefer 21 fujc to _ an A infcrior.f0r ¢ia1a~txI6rs»im .t{hem%feW;cs dx,~re- Gbd Thin:fe1£héLsAn0tV1ut~ cer1y%«d¢i£d;ai.§wId toA%befe.,e¢h his} QWJ1mif¢mb1¢aifl1Pi:0H~321mW°1"*- thy crc4_am,rc§S[»%;»%b¢%: i£?t.is*noAu om‘Té net ghat the King has no! power, bccaufe h;é«_h2;s;"t;1ot; alhlw powgr V5~ n%or“_'£‘e£t is limit :54‘ w:i;nA iAr‘m%iLi;=c;f my ~fi}c% cmelv i‘;;yr=, %AtAI;1’a.7:c his 5ek~A isi in l‘1ki‘i'vI1g‘|Ls,?.i__}_fl‘;«Jt hie. h*oAAm h pe*rfqt1%: final sjv heti‘ He K6155”; dis‘iVi:.1&ton;k$e% rjtrii jche%’mA‘A .,;¢d:ii4§¢ % iv,g:a;;n%a§%.n :;9’,;,e‘ ;;~1; §7g%.;:gg »AI_§‘e:g3l1-71 E133'f3(£5L‘li!l?sAA :ai?1i‘q_”. “Qfficm-As‘;; ‘ ":‘!:;fi‘(;i”Té‘;c‘4i:,,«i.j-fqwiij «z1}1£;5ia}~"i»'eE'” fthwgf&¥x=§§%*a§1Fc§§if”fi»§iH3?fj’by wo1v~d<~oE % [=the1i%hisRer§f'onAs‘%.A ,‘ _‘ 2:, ,‘ . V, H P.‘ .,.A . ,.,3_,. ‘,,_ ‘.¢'_AfA ‘ ,.z,‘.,, ‘,{¢. I.. H ‘ ‘V M’ M V‘ W,‘ 3 V ¢fi;1;;%.a¢h5V%I*m:e:~s; or atr1u,’térs,v wé~a»i=ea~i:0 way (1:19 ~«P»0wep%n%a:hcxL -9 -3; We calm 11ot’f'ro:1*g»£he King: an power bFAp«aA1.§db5n'i_n g Delia-3 we tmely f?*3'%Eit%i*s rant‘ vr‘i>AP1¢ArA Atb-*h3i%m :‘**‘¢§‘3m2z{é-. For if A‘tAhA:3: K%ngfia rdon Yum wh tch ghafls rm: rd»~e1f<;d~ rn3:w("m:1 , « «his pardon {ha}; #1: ”i‘3ir:%t*’ t‘nAc~’C>f'fV Fm 3': A ~’~ti§5 ‘4b¥re th’atféhe King‘spaT€dDn flloiilid Am5zétkeAAAa §3cf‘a}1<0lAe‘%1A‘ Sthjte~»A’Vwh~iC*h haé~%?fi:A1¥-;-€ed¢ rer1m$d‘iIéITe,AArhcnAany pri.vaté:%’~ mam: St» it thé Vlting flmréfd deny‘in«~*eW=Yéocfwfi vvfii¢?1in¢th¢f!!*rsv °F4%vw?havé 0: A d1e)«¢~,:,vgfc1ii;1gEs"A1:?:i31i¥i~ifi;ible by “rhv La-m*~ C)FPcmcAec a‘Atfn;¥ ?’.d,"y%:é% tlf{is*i§AA:iA%%L$$g%§l)t5d cd1%xf[q%;%:encAc the Kir1%;:"i%§ abTo1u~tvc‘i4n4~pr:i r1‘f«*<~iFAp~.1a*&i«;5*« 554.: hAéz*cf'o ti: ?h¢eAis% abifigxluta in all, things elfe 5 and the F%zrli»zms?7z;*h%.1s no pggcvgr Q0 Délmqnéfiéiey, :,h§i*r’eFore”4i:4 hi; sm P.1)‘:'\;WV€\A’£" i1i;1~"§:'fie’i‘SA;i’ V 6" The P,zrl:a7E"’%vt has dt-:c1ai*cd r”h?::4~ ?%¥Ig’ro% Abr.:"'ix’1 no Vconéfiv tion to gOfV€.'!"AnA1'£b11t" this mufl me» :b¢4%A?nte:preccd %rigi,d%A!y 5 and % _pWith<§L1t= 4 Ad ifli n&iAIr*5n '.*for if’ IC‘4A?::r «;‘ WAMIA his 3fw0rd 31-.1 tA7‘AMVAn iii His‘ hzind ahd; rfllin P"z%Zi§zW#%e:r7?$2‘ i :;1An‘xd c_heii*= £1cHic’3*aA*é:fi~f%"s'.*i% PxebbTfs‘§ bu? rm: fit +‘:j.:- all‘ APsA{EEs* iRré:At"r1 :11 ;:Am%, *»,.??%e_:; A’t?s Tum fiarefiy i:A1firiuétéd'%tbar 1h‘é jiaéydiv éiAféd”o%Fr}1%é*¥h Jbiz: M rigfir of %‘gc2:AAx”%7Aér1Ai1'iA:A1gf; If”AAb%&AiI nqrj 12 5 Had!) 'AvW‘: *h‘ V "*'irf‘s”‘I.1 1)i:" in vi-1%q *:.1”fi ;?;‘d rit>r*%tA%”I;1eA f'uAtu7r¢.% A be may not: dothingnss defimfiive to the P:}»~*liamenr,I3e‘is not %b:i%’1'4- A red from rgturning to the Par*liamm2t, or-rlar?*ng.§ Judicc to the Par- A .£i4*?Wt~Thi4s4i»s :1. Fri vc!»0:xsAcMi.J1 “.2 4‘m..m.. » ‘ mi? .; ..- é ' «.'.A.Ma. xi’ 7'1; .. x, .. », M W A A,ab€M: 0!.‘ ‘1v§ib@A§':w co: 75“K3mt‘xA”"«‘ ‘ V fiJ"1a(M‘ ‘ '7}; Wé 1*‘ EAh‘??iE KM; ‘is i.:;mr “I z%¢i¢i~”éa*me'~"G'rovérfiAb?‘ 211‘; P¢x+fh_x;1s,¢;%a11dA_in_,a11§g,Lz{°c%5 5. b_,I.Ir?wc*;:1; »~r I175t §,i‘§x_rg:a;r thgnt he is above a11“U=wv,”nAb“a%:£*b~%we r;i:"»$i:§u».a?oAf*1ais4;5co;~sIe,Axxéfimia is an-. fijfiii, Li’-W?’ am.1?¥adJ,t‘ILflczcdf grpzgzag‘ rgmithq l.51rwv«ig§g7;e%éI gbe wt .m~.:.:;.:«' :=»..Iu:m’ W , »«.mr.”.'s rm ..~ A “:1. » 3» % um ta‘c£t“Lhen the Frerzcla, or t1'1e7? md 1Ff;’c% Eye- a"bgv.¢”;,h4?: g5iu1e eniof Law common flzjézjy, than WE grc not To frée ';iAA§‘-:""EY1A‘¢ A A B 2 A Fmzcb cm) rgem;,,¢3g£ii§ Tgrgg. Forifthc totallfubverfion of;:I1hé%Fre~nc.é;—o1: the&~Tur/{if Wsnegmftempted, they might by Gods law ignprinteé i%n%thc.,book Qftlaturcjtafiifie a felfvdefenceg but we mufl: rcmcdi-; lefly pcrifllvwhcn thc,Kz'ng pfleafcs to comm and hour throats. ~Bc~ fid::s,; l;c;mvgachgivgd ;,thc: “King A Of, England fuch 3 Ma u_S.'upr”enJa::\cy: A ;;.1:mg:¢a%141 L&W*af§-fld-7¢.":§h€' c<>.mmvunityit%fe1f;. AA=For=wh.ofe %behoo£% .W<%sA%n1a%%ri;ie ?, Ifi Gods donation b5PI3ad‘A¢d*:Wh-iCh ismt fpe-r ciall to him,: or different from what other King: A may prgcend mo, than to: whmrpurpofe fgrve our La’wsA, nay no what; purpofa, Af_;':2;is§'Ae,th€:»Lawsg~ofothcr Qountreyfflfor :by":tlr~1i's general! }d%on_a+~ Lion, %a1i%I§;.x.cir forts mally», binding wicheutjphe King: aifemz; yet this is flillato bade-A-% nycd,tl1‘at,_thcrefprc without; this aflént p:.u*ci;;uV1ar1y%¢expre{;i, ;:he.:who_ Houfgsmm do ¢nVonhigg, not ha.v;.e any :vi1‘c11aW11powexvag; A. ;a’U§Z~I;‘)\}“1‘”:‘).'.“o‘!; W é:=arI3sin¢AN1r- 3871/<2'72rs not té 30 any wthvet thins~ Of 1%ikc n¢xrur;ea;Vh0ugh¢in 9rd¢r;At0‘%i”Pt;I51ickit***i¢€4%1ndfCa?¢%§¢?4Ivh&v¢* done, and with Mri ]‘jTe_nVlLin.r would era}! in,gx1d* lickup again his A .b1g1ck,!.%inEgm%ou5, ex+cc:mb1e ;~cpéroaV-c1:1es,,io. filthily 1von1it;cd out ia.gainft%th¢ Parliament-:4 AI-*c¢*p4:;ae'%raia Me; mm a Hrea§m1r;;4Jor the Héadé ofmy_Vig:d£.;:dtibzi§fhizdeiihcétli uiT1:o4:;ig’hE‘P;ar-s tjic‘uflars.“‘ ’ % a¢¢+%¢¢¢¢¢¢¢%w%%% < "1 W. V Was exarnined by a Committee appointed: by the Houfie of V Cgjmmcjns :: I fay and {aid that: the Houfe of Comm,ons4 h.1v”§::_ njo pofirer tq examing me, for that it. is n.<:>Court,.% efvcry ‘Cami: —h‘ar:;hpower% to e~xamin~e upon Oath , -t5h1Ags power the I-I%s.;uxi‘c% of ’Cz0mmons ngvcr claimed ,-,Th=e Court 0fPie-Powder.r,Cnurz~Bzzroézg ‘ f H 40 5*"? Hundred Cmirtj Cowizfy Court, and every other Cuurtz” «bf Rccorcl, 3% H < ‘r 45': omoc of Pu-:cord,hath power to examine uxpon oatah, and an H_ 5_4§_ ’ ax gminaticn Wit:hOU.lZ. Oath , is a comma-nicatiion oncly ,.* vcx~a—- minati<:m- in Lawiswupon oathg.» A % A , ~ . There is no (30L1rc%with40uc a power «of trial] ,» the Houfe of Sir Anthony C¢;mfi$0r2J" h ath no power I20 try any ofl”-sncc,nor ever pra&iiE:d* in Marmrs 438131? A by} Bill, Tndicement, Imr1fommcio%x1,.iP1;1int:% or .OrigimaIil«, tic?) dew §E°°k 5-If’f“~’*J ~‘ ‘. % 1‘ - ~ —. V e m . dupe 1: to r.1~1-.111, nor t?o%%try 11: by, Ve:rd1V&,.Danzt1rren.Aor %‘E:c;a‘m1:?~% 2” E; 53¢; n‘atic+>nuof' wimefi"e$ upon Oath, wicflbmz Awhich there c«anr= mamiw em? _ “oz: my nah eyvcfiamrmwpxfiioxrrroV%Lm'a[n5:tn:cwta11A sleflek “;:Lmx*‘A.T‘rcaxwn; ‘Lb e M H01? fe7%%w%l1 ibh 1: arinmd 2;) 11:la:afiégc+{n:no:'«d%&3V: he g rea I cr.._ %%is>¢i>x‘d%a5ncd,f.a:.hm;a maMP1‘a 'bt3‘iF}1p1fH’£7n«Ed , V or’ p£i1't~0i:n: » (of h:i£gFx~a%nchji}mb,y~:1.has IfiI'iz;.g;;i,v.x=i'xi«%.1?aW3£u.§I ig&hEwc¢w~t»=nr*s2u1x%%ude.d.%9 a11%d%‘thb*Vfaid 1Wazl;{212z‘C.m\b:z.“~i}zf ag-id «(Z;lmrma44de .:'P?;2;é%efia,a=ar¢ 5dc'ciIarcd"by chc!SI:ar;txt%c ofzs: E» 1 .6‘. 1. tbrhtcrsfilth c:V%%*0.on1n1on7: La7§w§::uWVh La‘ ndi; Ml‘ )¢](i%d‘gévcs $3 mil Gcytnfiv A mifli<:iner*s arxactovprbteedg:Si§cw.dwmr1rgem 2fiMtamfmtadinrm?E%gn”i p.13; 1 - 3 Pars; Iufilt. p.23. 12. H. 7 1-0-- Pkances cafm V 8 Pm-5.. I Pars: 11"-{hr-» p.r<9.. 1H 8 3 %D1‘cr,3,8,H 8 60 it P.-ms, Iuflit. p‘I9_.b§ ’ % 4%”a a‘mf’t1}:‘. ;-1..Ea:lé; g ..'.fl2z;qli:c;,.7as i};«&;Ppc‘£1-I‘f$ by a11«pn;oc%ced~m%;,§%&:i inall~C0urts, and A‘by‘T"al¢l V»C}0mi11i£fis;:zn%$ :<;m~d% £11‘: refer: 2V%Vxhéc»H(‘§ufe% o1"Cbm‘m»0n‘s by t‘hm*;- fclves pmceeding nit by Indifiment, Prei'em5ment~: okx"%O«i%i;g;i~ "t F _ I ‘. ‘ ‘, ‘ _~“ ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ n€a1LwWz'1;,vhave%u*xo power to lmprvllwn, l’_;l?.l:’*.’I‘l;',=~Ut"I20 put them! out A, _ % . (if x;.W:i*1‘%FmiiVch*i&<~e.’ A‘ 3 V 2; paxssxnfiv A This" noway Mchchxcvs xupcm thc7Pax%liamént%, -for ‘it is in w%VLaw no P;ir1iamcnz,wizhuu¢ King and bmh Huufes -5"}I‘b‘aw*: %.?:;neJ;y" in q1y%PaapAer d%cV.iw3rcd%%tcJ %Mr.Corbet, appiycd my {"elf'(.s‘dCk}iVkLr%% relation 5. ti: 2:: the Hfixwifc ‘0fVC0i*rm«1‘ons '“hin_re% impofcd Fimzs, and "iz.1a.px::i§2)n~cd mm in Q:_geen, E*“fi2m‘)fi.et}Jr t’2mc,an%d fime 5 Few faazs 0f Ht:-ef rim? ncw{crc:1_ueni%pxue:jd, mm 6 egali ;woviIt1n{EI'I 2it1c1T}*eai:3z wigh thc~I£;:z%1g,cQncer11irxg the K§ng,Vthe%de§%enCc% o:«19'his~’: Kin'gdur11, agndgof me‘ Cltpurch pf _Er2g5d71d, t,h‘.:i"§€' are the th_rec pclimfis wh%ichiWtwMVtAe1idsto%,‘as appears‘ by the Writ. They keep their King %prifonc1*ac H»%%*/d9’7:£)’m.30d% 3”. IT10t““t"i:fl7er‘ him to~ccm1uIc%%% and tn"Ve.;:t%Wit4htli%en1.% "They haw: I11adc?a%VuW%‘and Cuvena_nfi cofafliii theForcr:s Ijaifcd and com inued by bx:th.Huui“”cs aga»in{'t the Forbes miikd‘ by the King without“ their ccmihnrg; anti 16 {Be C1‘mV%e‘cffi€’t%h;;vfc dc?vi{cd chehoach which they c.al%l% ¢m;1\7.;,..;.~ % {grim L042!) :‘ I;$th1:s*tQ_defend Kings Kingdom, ur't%l1¢i£—%king*3-r‘ §‘%i’%Wh‘cn by their‘ folemnc League a,nd?%Q,dvfin£mt ihejr%c5“;cix=3«;,_ pate Bifhops , Dcangjé and L:h.1pccrs rout and br.am;:h , is} this to defcnd thcv(.J;_mr:C-h Qi‘ Ezglazzd-'°7 (that. Chm‘cl“1 niunfi; ;);cqfl};[x'iIy fl1€.8l1t:~-At-,h?1tWV$T%3 "W3 [;Q'«h4V1i"‘ch%% 01.; g arr?-zd’ W fife f"a'i‘d %W:%*it. bore cefij)A+they wen-¢not% g.i7ix+,znxmme-d V :1! rd~c:t5c*n7d%= 3,: Chuzch {hut wasw4n<,>c V in bc:;ingA,-,, ' fendcd %, ”'whgcn Aj " C3§;‘;%i:}’c*n1a_n;% Mrxh ,-7T/>ie~Kz21g mmmt czmtrolf other C,J,~,m.,a.%€4% ». A1 k¢2)‘f7i?§fi¢€‘¢a0?‘m1;5;fW€?!*A%1/?BWA]9;%'mf5ffi?%g arr aéiwg 5 mm’ Qzf}’«f:c:&.L,§_%,*’j;;.«%‘c;.~V=% izotigvlai: tz2»I*o%‘ H::u]m{(?§~c.%%% It iS Lm%e,% the % % AA % % King cannur. commfl. %(;f$11‘7 prevfnt hss\>o:‘h‘er+A*C0:1t’ns 3 f0r‘_that. they awi-A his ‘(.)rd§nm"ié Cams otvgtgmnwcfin fmiiivce, .t0‘ac1%mV‘izxi3ic1*com%z%a¢2or1:'i;>:ht uni-A V‘ mj*;2tvT“v::}r:~%n,, a;;‘c<;:;ci?z11;e,r t‘0t_f.hC'fix-’i'd:L;1%ws..'1hi‘:%H£)t1{E$..7:n;‘3[m%%. fig C"0f.1r‘t‘wi+‘§f:m73vt t;h'fe% King , tinzy” are no b<»3dy:?flC0:*po;*atc nmlcc A co(d«1i-x~c>yV;md%dc«send a“h.'-;~~ Ghnrchwe very conryaryidthin;gs45,Vth<: Churclm is%m;ic de~’% ?:hey%ta"ke~Vaway_a11d fell the %L*.mds"of %th'c (rs) i ‘make one corfaoiate body, one Court called the Parliament, when-I ofthel King is the head, and theoiurft is?-in‘lthe’~I£otds hou{‘e,-where 4 pm’In__ the King is prcfent : and as a man‘ is no titans without ahead, fo tg_.;t,P,...;,y the Hottfes fevered from theKing,as now they are,have no power ” I at all, and they thetnfelves by levying Wat againll: the King, i and imprifoning of him, have tnade the State*foi.' not dilfolving, ~ad;i- joutning, or prorogmg th1sParhament of no e&2=:&,i by the {aid Aéts of their owne; they fit to no puftpofé: without his affent to their _Bills, they will not fufihrhim to confitlt withthem, V and treat and reafon with them, whereby We may difcerne what Bills are fit to patio, and what not, which in'allAges the Kings of‘ this ‘Land have enjoyed as their undoubted Rights, and therefore they fit to no purpofe by their owne difobedience and fault. A , ‘ : it For the ordinary Courts at myiminfler,“ the Iudges in all tholi: H 3 “ ‘Courts are Ind as by the Kings Patent or Writ,‘ otherwlife they ::’,§_,;f3 V are” go Iudges :1.‘ V‘ e I-loufes can: make no Indges, theyaro no Indges lg; , mic». at:a;11:1w110 ar¢maa*¢by ghgrn ; the whole and fole power of lmak-- l ' t .ing=Iud gesybclongs to the King 3; the King cannot controls or pre- i;{vent his own Iudges from fitting or ai(El:ing,but the Houfes he may . A i_ fit: they are not the Kings ‘Iudgcs, l_3ut=.thelud_ges of the two Hou-- _ A 1&s.~ In his other Courts, the -Kings omtmts hts power tohis , R. 3. ,l,_ <1 ud gesby his patenttand theyatelfwor he toldoelcotnmonl right..to all mm, and the"?King Tis fwornetlnot tolet them from fo doing ‘: the King cannot judge in thofe Courts, nor conttoule ;' but the -King is both Iudge and Controllertin the;.Cou”rt of Patliiamjent 2 A bflxytaadr lA&s, to for his afient or differ“;t‘tEioth2giv?:l.life” or death to all ‘BilS;‘ Many Lziwylers hgaveimuchlllrlto eatifwcriot God,this:Kingd‘om, ‘and l to: tpoflerity; forf’ puzling lthe» p€():3p1O“‘;Df this?‘Land;; ;;Fa‘ncics, “as the (semi who 7wroi:e;the Aiafwérstfo ilmy:Paperl, ands A rtwothetst have publilhed rin} ttheE:tll*I’roubles,t :;w_h:ic~h:,hath'bin none of tthe; leaihcaulits of ztheréyfingeandteontinuing ,<_:>fyl~the_rn : :eAndtttfe '6 y_ r;have‘:odoncmwithl.the»»firfl P3117 of hissranlfilvenz: it of ,, #4 _ V l -0* l V .(‘:"““»hW“.“:‘.“W\f‘\k""‘ ‘ A» g of I Eyottlthe “Nan!fiq;)itir,7in t'he:&eond‘ Sefiion ‘of; the Gent.An§§s (wet, the *Afif€CCdeflt and: the Gonféqucnf nteihist OWIL, . e t:t ‘liéhllaatt 7 * A 7 ; My Wozdsarssthét ElI,§*§.ifl§‘i§‘E9EY9§“I§¥i!1»!¥!9HY? ‘.*«~'a‘ V ‘ " ' it “B V ‘ 1$f‘m‘‘‘'‘' ‘ ‘ll’ mt 3“ .‘ m -v ‘ll an M m‘ «N ,. \‘\k" ‘- __ _ M.’ W W‘ 4"‘ - m. «V t ‘o- «v a "*".,g' L‘. Q cf’ " V ll! I‘:-on-I 2.7 ” “4%E-4339 EA 447- . V .3WHfl§5eQ~*YVW“* w .(I:¥A§ )* Wq#&infler5 Vt;o.:.« qnah1@;%thcmArb grant pardmm fV_;f13¥;15batAsW‘1A1j0l¢ hath n61{i1ch~thi§n_g,Aasthatthc I (G ppwcrcannot be dc;-i-A» Med to mhérs orithc vc;r~tue or his powar : For His power; and ‘ the. ’v_crm‘ai of His power is in all Patents tohis Iudgcs, in Char. ms Am GQrporat;Tons,=in Commiflions of, all forts, and:i‘r1 th”e Pari- limaent :_afl‘¢flfih;Ie;dA by ;for«C;¢A his Writ ofsummons, fo41tmAfg as A ~th¢y~A0b¢y'him%;%%: bu£:%whcn»thcy ronmmce that ppwcr, and claim it. not:fr~om the Ki%hgA, and declare ‘ta the Kingd oma that has is not 55“ *3¢°‘fldifi0n‘ *0 govémc, and imprifon him, and ufurpc to theme- A filfircs all» Royall Autahrity, as’ thé twm Harms new d,m rcafb... n,abIe man Aceadri.a»fi‘irmd that théy affby ;1:?hc_po.WcrAofA ,th7ei»r .Prifo- ncr,‘ who hat11‘nop0W;0rHto give them, that by forccof Afms~~t%akc 43¢l%1V1.*h?:%powcr to zhemiklves. A % A V V ” A ‘ ‘ A '" A V of 4, '%I7cr§tnincr,¢:%wlvioh, £1l¢';.f»€'dflflW;f7Tflfl'raflW07*6l#d?. King may re» W 5 -4- A. . A A A , A A _ x Eii. Dyer make and: dxfcharge thc.b;y:h;1s Wm, as hecmay re-‘ 16$ ‘ % ~m2oAvc all Judges, ~anc!.;:pl-ac<:Lothcr mcriA*intheAirAroomeA1s;%:5nd%mang; ‘ f““"’ V rKir3gs d*cath;dxcterrr:Aincs%a‘Il% the Pamntséof ‘Wqflminfléré mam Care «0ommtHians“of_0;rr%andTerwinc-my and;f~hccn:"aight ; ;, +idiHolv*c both Houfcs In allfitfinifcsw, byhis Writ;L§ndcr ;°:GrAeac " :S;cai¢, rm: by:‘chis:sPatlidn1ant, by hi*s%oWAnc~concc@fiQ»n, “ bf-1:I}11isn‘good:a§Hchach ‘himlélfcs which goc{dn¢3A;hg'th §fl dI7 ;'b€10ng£’to7 thc,Kirrg; % My Papa" ~ ;. 4VA»he\Aic3em1.:%a£mmes, ’Tb}'¢tm€»E;1pon*&r1b: Parliamefl am, .;cm.% A iéimfrritfivoqp‘tI:t%K;ingAusdKixgJabieA;% ‘whic.hVhe 4cdncciv.¢:s;»E.;p1:- Gr;r'nt:;ot"»f% s%aco-rfhm“K~inby%~theA.Ba’f1Aiamehmf1The ~ ‘A * di‘ :.(;?m-Iiamm)Vhathybcchainifchieevmm in § I 3 9% '4 Pars, in-3§h92f€tim€B'tb€th’m Lmdghnd :iti_s afiacdlymmifla;:kcn,wbi¢h:makHs A flit-It I -. i1;eI@a?fianw 6hegmaater,¢ :far': A . ' A t:fes‘:ar,c~dM vflhQ'P,atfihmn:nt+gs AA deckmredq 3W&’nt.EhlS3»t5lW{0fDjinCll1€8fC zimwhch all ma know, that ofthc 1 am wfmhafimgfl H ~pora1l:~Pccrcs before the troublcs,th¢re are not, not above 30. in thg Lords houfiand in the houfiflfibmmons about‘: bo.ofth¢primc asmr. “"“°‘-“‘“ f «mm 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ V‘ 0 ‘ ‘V ‘ ‘ 0‘ ¢ F ‘ fie d,m_._,: ,j A lgut y ghcgmmfawmnmy A V» V ' ~»e¢Vy~AT*H,M” . ~=a¢ ;;Is-Q} }_* ~~ Ii =vA l;‘§IaE~‘“ 3 M Q P’ 'f- "huh! ‘I . . . ¢ Howe, 7anMdmreelAVtr¢;>A hi'Js~;M%ajefty,, 30 A ~;u1aomth:R;A@0ApI=of this A. A A "V V by the A cm iEzrécHrBo9_k’,«‘ca;{ed. x1lma_('1fmfum; 1; aiumbér of j“P1‘§fid§fltS?..A34 E 1;; ,_ A 4ir*7f1;:;Hmy 5:112: zh1rA&s;;um¢;fat nshw-«mon¢;yA,:~ AA juflly c%omdAcanm:d;A this cap. 1. dc Par1Aiament,to. which his Ma-jfiefiy a;{fenvéd»fi;» mm in :truth;t:*hat Ship-I T311355“ A “ money was condemned before, by the {aid two Statutcs of 2 5. E. 1 , é- 34. E. I . dc zgélxzfiia ngwancedendo. VD an:-gglt, .Englite;7, ’ and»m3m§I gricv_oAus‘bur¢‘4 ¢ ‘msvwam la:yd3t§pon44t3I1¢ peop.lc,aAndibJorn, mc:imq‘4vab%lAéL*:;l?r&mccsVV,uxjme;cfiut Ir:am4_o,_f Aopiizxgion ,m1m; the A Commidn of the~A Iéiand ‘dida1Wa}z«e9:teflrainc?7Kings fiomffll A Subfidics =aJr1H T~al1agc~sM,but by‘confqqt1'n Far%liamcm:; which doth A A afppcaresby Mggn.a Gbgcrta thc‘la£t;chap.whc}:e;thc P.ré1amcAs;I.grds5, -"and Cdm;tniA;§1a'51ty »ga;vc; fi*f'teTcmth_ pamt of ti1cir;movE& ~ab15s".:» “In ;t;uth4ig»i’s n0'«ma2n7ncrrVdF ecmfiqucnce, bccaufe At‘hc King 4 A mnnot? takfziwhat i1:1cA§pl©'a{¢th.« of thafixbiefls gm: ds, «that thdrcforc t!my’h%a¢c= at acoz=;cu«rArcn%t Spmavfir in Parliamcm: :.rAihcre_h$wc bin‘ many Jlariiamcnts, Aand:nb4Av5ubfidi¢s granted, *1?ar1iamqnts»AmayVbe with-+ Sfdbp£'r&ic"s,g:bm: ,7SubfiQ’io;s acammubauwithout 2Pa~*c?liamcnta s.. of- a'iao~.ic'ntAfimqPaatliiamafiuswmmgyagtmqptcdv any; un1efl'cA71%Ait‘ywcééin~thc 1”imc:af’ars ., %;? and iifi iffiylv“ E.*[rcfufcdA a A Siwfidfic V .;graIfitvcéi in’arliammf,Agnd* in %thc1’avl1iaA;m;mt of M £1 flip. nonge “ .~@rant&sd.?[‘;heG3=nt. flnould‘makc;Aa.%gg:on{2$icxgccsvof,blinding thump» pl: with inch Auntrtflficdlouris; wimc9f:%Kwing.A1and‘Ap¢qplc,» " % . V. « «A;-Ab;A The Gcntaffirms, f7aa.1fmdi:n3 g‘1’«b-apaflti§r:ztm;tla:V % ~Adefi':¥-in; Abi:%fcanmrrmc"m, 4.13% ::{%vmce WW: -%’!4fln «I41(f¢van;,;~far.fSa;I5j: =b»m'ébrpeti&iwf0rtlyatw/virfeA1¥A#b¢irAA‘ dn'gb%mdproperig,¢»a;”Bhe %Pr0p0‘fitions fffint to A *ar¢W‘* IWh¢r1°irmhiumwfo4 " " A:H2duf:sA ar‘é' A=.{o’fii_rrAé%frbnWt;ni1bly ff * _ "A A imam iwmnot wthpmfclvcs hisA§AMajefi_i'as Asubiéas; asdppaarew by.:+ha:9m‘pomm. A That they Mhavfi n”9cri& «night tmnyron*of pofitions,$ 1s a flran gr. aflbrtion, gcvcry wthémxbeingV the Lawcs npw ix! Vorce : Havuitheswfiwo Houf-;:sAa ftriét right and.- ~prqpcrt¥sA*tb 1ag’»fl?péfl*t*I % AT°“"P=rdTonA‘Aa11 ‘EM’:-‘that'i6“@h¢@fmh¢mPrw°fi%ionMh’u¢i Vathey.¢afi:i:7i&'t'»ight:anflp f “ My gawmm‘{clvbs¢2~%fam3fi*®f” ,,.3]1t‘fl!)ce~{réfi»AGf«tH‘§iE,- i 3im“;AI’ ham A 4 _% exam :uia§ss‘"au¢VVb¢;n;w¢aaw A A16’ 34% . . * %;¢inw2*érvz%cwiiie¢mfl1sa%A% M fi1hafi141&Wf*P5:§gf 133;?“ ;:ment.‘g: ghg gagfiic t»gn:fi§;@g::ofE: Tax¢$,AAA.«m“a$kc,Iudgcs, pom 1;. :.;S.hcri&'es¢,AAsAarid.A;takcgupon thcm omnif4AinfigniaA.ffiiI¢m;¢f’ ;v;e:c;fl4t:£¢ 21:: -.:Is sthisto rcm9AevéAA.thbi1§ingf9r;in”ifdcmAc2gn£2urss .:m.:rAeFormcAAptr :Aafp:rt2~,¥ to ~v.goV§fnc;AinAa1dAc;of hxm ;A“;thctbrcgcohc1u”fioh§;of 1135 «Spacer: I :Do'cA» they think "tA_hcgoodpc.opls= ,oif .Engl.mdar“c bccom &upid;,Aangd‘wi11»nbActaclcn§th -Afcjcrhclc thirigs ? ; A = A A ‘M A: A ~ A - A The Gem}. filth, t/29 me not cyarate 19:2: power flow Iaix ‘Pe;fi;£ ‘ 5 Q IA 0: A 1» EV ' ‘W A0 0 ha 1 A . -7 3M3_,_Ahe gt fiuzgmfb at, _rz-7:. A» 1s;;p9w;tA1s1nV 15 cga rxts, Courtc’ T H “1<;,-mg; ;Aand;{0fieicersV::A.:3fiv,hcx;;they,;countcrfi:it”:AtheGreatSea1¢,"and'i{E:aI¢ power‘ andAa,Wnts famwmakc Iudgcs them.fc:lszcs¢. Qourrs éAn'd $"" Elf‘-;1;f1r§;§_;A;gr4s; hxAthe1@91gvn..Dgc§;1nan¢;§»agamftAAh1sAAconiéntadcszlargcigundgr fible. A A »AAA_Ah1vstAmr,AA_I_;A:'-_,:§3-r:_Acr«z.tx‘: Sfialzmfi-A«.E;'vg/52?? _(A:11A0.£1?¥ AW.0rd‘Qf;mwAt;h,’« 12¢-‘mars’, * :Ao:: mxmfters onb1y);AA.:thm.rAS#Aa1§ 1AAs§@y¢da»A;tAho;rm*wn gs", A0WhI‘U§l"g¢$§;th€iM1:'. ns=A.€:?ou;r’§.s”,@hg=AAi4t3 own‘AAQifi¢¢:rSs and mirth: Afiifig i‘Aher~trimc Awrifl A¢9m¢,Awhgn~{achIA&1'afi«g¢;a&ions and dip ‘M I‘ II A A ~ . M A ‘U ,«Mt=f§..JJ.;.*.rAb'~AA“:A' , §§::{"*'- _‘ ‘A3 a7.H'I.f ‘**“£AA”»E=1Iwma?ra:Awonéyaftyma vim? my I'Z7W.‘“qHaE‘tO'1fl?Od A W’Vi‘°i‘A‘A’«'“¥?J‘A7.[i"F’»4”“:"V . M. A ?:WhitrdéhAA:ytoui13¢a ‘qflma made‘? .:IaaiAfur¢;%A Omnimfflgx ' mien :63. Arzglit, fifftsr fiwflfi Re:-we V~moncAA¢lIb:: .;r¢::ad mu xuexgs A A A 9.154;, :;A A ' 3 .V_ O_ w,“ an, 4, V “ O“-' d,y:dJA'1n th&lfl~ AA A m w» . ‘‘''' "' "‘ -"“ V‘ ‘- hiStg_E.;i_47i?”q,;*a:‘}L§h,o A l?k2?imd Qmfimt 9 .1 a%mhisp;=rpAn;1&AA¢cur,;c!i€*ins‘*i<>m»A;I9n3&%ii3*t=véf31§%gifiTé”1iaxaz» mm is LawVTo%rA~y0ur diftinr3¥ic2n?;9rA1¢ttcr; .fsvI1hA!?1?€a;’¢¢i3 »li:*§:§ am‘ a4g.cA%iAnLth¢;Baoks%$%9f L fhc?1e%\K€»"~f}5a¢%'{th4é»Kii1’ ‘"" “ , ‘ a. if.‘ ' " ‘ ' ‘ 4*"... ‘ "“ w "WM" ‘M in ~‘ wU«-' »« an-.«vM=»..»<.m.:: -4 av" ,‘..w., ;;h¢‘*1£1f:1?Q:§¢:W§{$901119 80.¥§r92?:.n$ %’;“;if="i~‘;E1.;?..;‘“’ 3,39% IW1‘ ia,§zV;!%{m%§s myca a ,1: is 3 V A V 5 t¢w0ve~é;MiWJ?t*:&¢:zI Hee~1éy.c"s,A‘1‘lae Kixg :1: not é4r;+;at1y9~a»aren“zra;;» t"a"’f:?i;k "I’;éz3-fiat“-.. mem, ( as. we callsnthe two Hpufgs )_ ,_%he knowes .1 3 contray, the ; cqggf ltéf £gg11uM4aqrdo— . “ ’, , " ’* vz‘ “ M ‘*~'~°W -I u‘ M" ' «w M. x . ma “,4 ,. , .’;3fl £ 1 " Q k\ paffimef .=,21=at%a°% andfiwfi iw:»~ ‘ésp arsxvzw sIm‘?1£9;~¢ “ 4 1 ’ !osw1£§;a31d1c:l{dzunflm¢;,4*;’ « V 3.; A A.~D. A . V ,1 ~ J? ‘ u ‘ “ w‘ w H ' “W ‘D * V A 'Tfi&‘Gent~I::¥;i:y§§;We_~fw34rq'It£.%b'£fye A rnpmmye g:mr.; my wem; ;m-fr]’ai:.rf and w§#"4%fZ%Emf::, ‘c2§“ci*;% “Hy hatfihe lcéft outrhé “ jwor‘c1A(ar:z;x !.)AF¢r*‘the%oatVhI rye Members. now’ také, is, that K: N G S E 15% c_ L *CéM-ilaxis11o'w”thn only anéifupt_§:m¢(}Qvcrno;;r AinV,é11ca%ules,ofv¢:: Qgwdrcys ia1,1.4p¢rfons.ar1d wt thcyV:k¢?¢‘P4%,thcIrV0n1y5UPr¢m¢ *G°**@fnWr new we ."<5“}:3§;1‘i7*.5, ;in%fp1:ifz:;:ig.A-arr1&1V‘4 aéfizdw ifi Pafgi§m~efit‘b5; V-em-sua ii‘!-xcix?’ I?rif%ri:;:s A A “f%csAi.g‘:4- 3VV:ff{:,'a’nd ac%czf¢&fi*fl*ént$p6wer~%n~th“fs ‘Pa-*r1iamcnt,V4and.by"their ; A Amvfn‘ i7tx‘_iEt right‘ and pVrrf);pqr§ty, *(asthc%GmzZ. Vaffivmcs in bis\a;m;- -ms "cash fiver‘) markings agree w:11wm-oath, fharthé King is allowed the SuwémqGbWtn%9flr:Vm“all ‘caufes; ow all 1rw’*rf6ns;V v:hi;s by ch: "Guam ffik:-gig‘ ficw~in*t11¢% par1iafim¢{mgi;_m by a11'*tfi¢i”Mcm%be?rs~=éf Common %;”g°*‘~ ‘*‘“;‘ P%afIi?aiiw;e_n§$a*vth€rWif¢%r12¢v raven°VAP°wers%"t1°r’c°1<>urrd 3”‘ * :défIc‘withwh:‘“p1;blik¢afiizirest; % % A % A. ? 4. fth“‘_t3;{:i’t;g *iri:jf'T:i"”Ii"aEr1:_§it, :Ioa%Ke»_g;;umng, ,4 .,.r_,1 J‘: ‘ ':‘éI$zc{,j§}ij:i*é§)§e“t‘?v'm jars? iééfitzf 4-githgii ;£dnc;wcs%*4in4 Pamramciac « let" “th"i<.:”:%*tI1,*wjVa_Niifcim A f%;g11fb*:§‘1iir:§¥d?F}5%éa¢fc\_%ibfthelétnd amt; fig-ocyd Lawyers ofighf ffifi fifié i5Ea*CE,‘¥§g$th'férthérubliléatgoud*ahd-thcrir V rivatc .apd;;o: dimcqourfiaéfldblc p Q cfliog, as many dqc in % ' Ihwzssnto fa :8, We 49 not £va2earaVtlvré“f“flvé;2<‘i?#tg *3 aw ufI%1€a%>v; ha‘? ;étj 3 ‘fwcgwbut His %“{"%Maj¢&y“§n’E4“wé‘ the%3c¢mrary, h4nd“‘~hgy«e fwornc, and “%*4haY¢H!-W‘? ‘$'¢¢f4a«% "g9c‘;d* burath to %t1:ew6?I “s,thafr»‘thc.'¥if %h=Iea!v£fi9r. ?‘5v‘?¢%tb¢fafé- *y*og‘iI3ix1s%p=é°pt¢,“ft§?§?-gpxév §2rtz;‘d§”!1s=*f2rf¢=y pf‘; ’h1s’v¢op1s“iare%Vhiewé- 4 “ “ 1, 8. A 1 gm1A » gwmg 14 A w * agaramnotformnllj ‘%’5Y%%%g;““#br4V;¢iff¢°W 4 ‘ ‘ -‘u‘:‘...r . 'feér%*iibv'i2r%A*?ré‘% W-¢&a tvffkéligé’?fifii????’4WJ?fi§‘f‘3i7¢ifi3i1“*%f¢€tin§‘*?P;’f1i¢ ;E*¢“¢~ 5“ A Gf i?¢<°t91=Vat%n1ea< ‘ L‘ ‘ ‘W ‘ w«.‘~_-" <,,.urM ‘,..“;; -« vnh \ '.‘ ~ 4. ‘ flrfifions, ‘ V ,.M« «r M w ,3 ~. » «up u ‘M ‘* ‘ u 4 w~ ¢eA~1tmg L mhmgA H1: . g» as ‘ '~ -~ 1 "Mr “ “ um l?~3g'Hw*w .,;V .' Mr}, A _ ‘ (t, . . " (21) A T — Comu;1on~Praycr-Beak, filling the Churches Lands; G"c., all thefc * are in order topublikc Iuflicc Tafcty. A A Mr.'H. ypu are of my profcflion, I bcfecch you,“fhor the good ofxyour Country, for the Honour of our Science, pcrfwade your ‘ fclfe and others, ‘as much as inyou lyes, to belitvc and follow the monition and Councellhof that memorable, reverend, and pro- V - fbundly Learned in the Lawcs and Cufloms Qfthc Land, the Lord Cake, who writes asfhccohmcs a great and a learned Iudhgc of the La w(a Vpcrion much magnified by the two Houf&5)in thcf: words: . 52?amfi- oz;*erhalQ~%%3go1g>¢.a- jucardx and Hifiariex, aamdjau /éafifinde a P I If Principle inLm=v,_ a Rule in hflmflm, mad» htrynfl in Expérieme, that 3_ 81:5’ n Trmfim doth wcrperdmse fattallmtd fimzll Jfirnélian tarba off.-nder, A ‘ gzndmezzcr attuinrx tame dqfiredend (two inc!’ mt: izmiperaéle tlacratmn A A ta)§4nd :l2m.~_fore let on’! menaémtdan it, 4: timpqyfianaax {wait of the de-- 1. will, mdfihllaw the Preceptin /vol] Scripture, SERVE GOD, H0-h» " NQUK, THE KING, «MIND HAVE NO (oMPAN2j» W1IfH ‘THE :50 Inov .5‘. hCo_N-cL=uShiO1»tI Isay ugaine, timt without an .46? qf hobliwian, 4 ~G'rm’ow “gm-E # mil pardon from Mt Majejly, tire Arreares of t58’S0fllditr5 pdya’. can fizrvauraéle regml Imdto tender Conflicnces, there will 74 £23 mitlaerfmtla mr .1’mehin:t£ztE£hLaml, ham mm flecure of my tbiI?g.;l2r «hm?