. W 1:-.:—« ea:-,.... "‘~_.~: flaw Wig %yVm?.“£“§S W éthaazs ifwvzmg mzsgw L Mpemsmws @’ mm” Fimgeizdws fixwfizrm W55: -------~= Vflinred by Mai. S£mvmm;sA%fm 97:é!esV5‘¢fws»zat the bhcky A Sgv-eadwfiagvla at am 6% EM GE ‘Mafia E -M«f;;‘% efiP%9@%@%~fi%$P%fifi%9%P%%@a@fi # % v %a%@m$w@g&%@§%§%gas@aa@&@@a@%%&&% m¢% - gs‘ -V, A-. hr‘ """"" rm-.1=~”'“ .1. .__ ‘ . V ' ‘ W \ 3 ‘flu’ -' ' “ _ op!’ °L“.b«z;\."" A mu. ‘ ' ” eee ‘ r .::'>é-3'-t - _ gel‘. rwords for the K1N..;G D 0 M E. ' ” Hough ‘I hive looked upon the Scriblings ofthis :‘___~’ "'3' age as the fruits o‘§ Tome mans idlenefle, a-I-;7éemof’t fi?Vtord"for the A R M 1 E ., and two mens folly, and therefore ihould notwilylingly have owned my {elf-en: rif found among that Reba ble. “Yet when it grows fo unlimitedly high, and ' ' " imp udentlyg brazen, that fome men I know, men ‘aw av “(Among whom I place the rprefent General! andrhis Second) than had thought nothing of that-kind couldefiick,-,t and yetthefe be-A fnearedjby uncircumcifed pens. ' W e even aboverrflatteryg and fofleek 8; fmooth ._., in their uprightnefléw .1, Two things I refolved which now I offer to the’World. The h hhhfirfc is an humble Petition to the Parliamentg that they wouléi g ;pIeafe to try their new well-backt: authority, that form: one faith»- full difizreet man -may be chofen to divulge Gazetsg’ Corants-, or gmwegttz whoffhalle be accountable to the State for what he prints or -gommunicates to the'K_ingd0mc, and that two ofeach party (for ertiea there are) {hall undertake for what is Painted on the he- -halfe of eicher, that fo all féandalous and ‘flenderous perfonall afl ‘‘ efromsmay he av oyded, andmatters Worth time and reading may be publi{hed~;, or if none of theft: may be gotten , at leaf’: men may A re A A cheir_narnes to their'Pa.pers,-, that honefc men may know evhere to find ahnhaccufer, for fi jetjit aecejfzre, gm: erzezzznacezzs -.911 lxfl not «kind ofboldnefle werebetter curb’d tofomet-inconvenience , then continued to a mifchiefe , even thepoyfoning the whole Nation :3 -to anfwer obieétions maybe made hereunto, finceethishoundhlefi i c ihould not be a wire mansrqge re, wharflwength , wit , acute- \ A tneffe, Ste, runs through fuck a paper : butcui lama e‘ V e. ..w'‘! ’‘M''''--‘ {4} ¢ ' eg My feceegd Reil-fi"veie', eheugh not to enfezreer everyeFete‘AP7am~e -p%21et%pege:e9*LueK1y , which retE1eeVther2 dee 9 f} mighk undertake ti) 1 eieenfe the ewe fie the i’cm=y;yee. eheeggm my Share liies fa much in ; ehem, that it wouid be ecofily no pmfchafe cfieane hendakerehiefseter wipe off every fpatteL'i:~ag on my face 3 we could as {hardy and we re t3‘ue?§,I e-xafwee all as he c§id‘Bw’.«’armiee wish may we 5 know... W ‘mg no puizxiéke infhvumem inenfo age, in no place cemzmvel wise»- e out 0ther‘s fiafhing an& dege barkheg : Yet to prevent fiones from AA fpeakizxg, and graves fr4'3-mA0penisr2Ag ,, or fame horejiciunheaxd 0f ehieg {mm appearin'g,%%m fatiizfie we evfzde-m0ueh’d wofld ,, am{_'§"=‘ A the Neck»meua:h’c‘;,Pemphleeeere. -[I Fnaii in pieinez-3efle%az*2d‘z7a’ie§1.-A A A ‘“feIeeA{sjhew eyou‘ em-Arm§ee we»uz:w'§’ 3 fiece they pair up theiwre 1' v.zaz*&5 A 1 Aend"‘g’i}th theAmthe Smres eaeazee 3 enci an humility offerithe cure: aedleave all to eveender-working God. Firfi, Let me azeii yen nAegetive?y the evilis commonlyeuchargeed A upon the Army, are not the Armxes evzils. We-e ‘havegenerafly _ 3 fpake muchemore then he meant to £%and‘t00 : the fumme ofail . Geejlem pm me ciezefla, in which Mr. Erigz was-wont to exceed hiefs the Armies rebellion .: another Pedentieke foundee Retreats whogbefmg namelefle will not endure a Charge; the ma-row ofhie AA A A Divinity, Nonwobedieneehg anotherbrings theArmyA*to the Barre, where he pleads with a company of~baI’d threacnings, and would fright Fairfax with a fight o5 a King at.Wbi¢e-Hall;% One cryes 4 they fin againfl Cefézrganothemhey have deflowried the Parlimeni; another, theyhave ravzfht the City; another, they are Sefiariee, A ’ enemies to Government, falfe to God, to men, Friends themfelvee. They have 101% Ireleea’, -ruiAn’d ‘England 5 eh ! taxes and free quarter 5 oh this trimming with ehe Gnu-rt cryes “one 5 oh! A e their doubtful! earrxage with ehe Court cryee Aenotherg, Cavalliers {hall up cryes one; we the}! never flee goad day {ayes another, idea ‘not think Paul heard fuch a confufeds noyfe, when himfeife could A hardly get leave to fiweake 5 That theword Army mufi anfwer A all the clesubcfull mifchieeous deadly quefi’ionLsV in the WorId..e.ee For 4 Example. e W A A Who brings Faminehhe Army A VVIIO the Plague the Arm}. . % Who the Sword 3‘ the Arm}. A ;Who hinders.Trade? the e/frame "*w..“'- , enemies to ‘ ' «uh :- ,- : &“mm§n¢én£et&1*smz.md2;heVAW. « A %Wha Exardergsthje Kimg?.theflrm}..ad A A AWho cenfmunds am the Arrnya A * A Ana amaumg asks the mzgsm an&.Mazzgme: w‘h¢¢ W quarai yam : they avauifi anfmrg At§1eVflirmy.« If thfi Preslbfierx, WM: difappointed ywu ? the ./frmyg if the Independent: who Eeawes you A in the &a_1ri~tI9i5 is my pf-airse‘ and fail} awgfizrer. . A L: i3‘c0nfefi*, they were not wiifing tcdizmmci at Waiaéem bea§r'zg ‘ urged thereuntn , ané denywzd in Efiéxg imam expaémfi and prefix : 1 V\ Bus confider. 1.1 twas required but caxzdiziamafiy , mvim reA.;g;~a.rzi' V to their iécurity, mdempmty, anfi Arrears, and mm af t.§”2cE.: gtresw formed; Icwas mt filch ab%fMw2fimm horerndzmz : A I % % A ‘ .'.zd33'.4 They wage free_Er2glij7o»meaz as Sauk:?;§ex‘$5 ar;%..r.‘aAx:m.}f% ma§n- V mfim weir ewgatiom tea the State, awvel a3 azxfww £§TP.€ Iviaymr am? fwaflowed. mom acmrmpz Vows of the Hou,f'e. % 351?. Nature mmmanded their iéIfe~pm’7érvazion‘9A when fuch * Imfrruments were i7ent% to disband them, andccmmand them for A A Irelzzrzd, 0? wimfe mn~§z3ltegr§ty they»»ha&% geoclexparience. A 433'. When :1 at Rang beam may c:zm§z& not hav:2 have :50 Péti*.:E-- _ Av mi their faithfui15Genera!_!, how {humid they expefiamy thing be»- L Eng disbanded. A V 5?)’. Thfis piece 0f&if0%ed’ience was not newimto them; when % the fame prafiice was familiar‘ from men more _n:ercsémry imkflm Norah , ‘ai;d*%ch§ir denyalifimfier cmxmed rebelfiioné: but @2535; A633’. E anfw*er_;., and Mefire itmvaybe bbfeirved The firifi % { ever put upon the Parligmgnt was long before this, aAnd%e:§1at mere: A hand: ‘did not the City Regmonflram-e hanglike ad P6mr»C§* upm the. V V A Earliamegg; doore wcekelaffer weeke, and every Ward in caurfe 20. A B-3.4 “ attenfi» (~62 _ efitiendeandtfire it; fpeake (Gem:—lemen‘ thelll-Ioufe how jolt were accofied and faluted, and inwhat language _., tillyouwere forced to {peak pure Landon. c 71!. Idoe here ofher to meltegood upon oath, that the Com- .manding partytcinthe Ho_ufe, had morelteforce put upon them to disband uzgtthelhlolwe put oponthe Houfein refufing. For proofe whereof , Mailer Anthony Nichol}: lately withtuscat Kinegflorz obel- V -forehis flight , being urged by my A Afell”ebel'ore an other fulhclene A Wlcnefle, to {peak to this point, calling for a tefllmony from A hea- ' '. teen) Profefi, that when the Armjoffered at~fi‘rf’t «to goe for Ireland, A “ he with the other impeached Members fully condlfcended to lie, and theylgave him the agitation thereof : “butas he protelled) the d E 'tMini{lers in ‘London came to them with violence, prefhng thecon- trary upon this ground A: That this Army would foone conquer _.3,.Irfieland , fill itwith Sehifmes: and not only commanditchzbut in e. c {here time give law to England .: and therefore would hearelof no- thing but the disbandingir, w-‘h Cqllotll he) put ueupon tthat *v‘io-- lent courfe 5 Now who forced thefe Minifiere? I doe not fayg but: c A you fee who forced thofeParlz'ame.m,-men, A8: welmow they would A force the Arm} .- and upon denyall the Arm} are the forcers. And ifthe City-fiemanflmter: durfl fpeeke, they can tell you who forced them‘ to force the Parliament : and if the Apprentice: hwould7b1:eakct ¢ A,-filence, they could tel you who fpet in their mouths,and.clVap'::tthem A .ontheback» * A _ h In all this Ihfpealienoe my delight,, but grlcefefilhat fomany to Pulpits fhould as plainly witnefie this force, as Hifiory feleus who 2 poyloued King film. And thoogh wehaveednot been ign%or.fm;_e of » this kind ofviolehce (which I had rather attribute to my Brerhrene V zeale, then their malice) yet you fee how tenderly wee have deal-e A Wll:l1th0fe‘: we knowing many godly amongfi: them , who have not yet declared againfi them, complained ofohe of them 3 Nay . thoughthis Army from firfl to lafi never had any ofchefe Bretheen * to 03%;‘ oneSermon to us to encourage in dangers, to rcjoyce with us in our foceefle. Nay, though they know wee Wanthelps , and t have been forced to life fuch‘ help, as they have reviled us for ;3nd ~ fo egould have us make bricke without Pcraw 5 Nay though We: A , know moi’: hard lmeafurie met us» I doe profefle I" conceive W153 ‘flamgrenahimfelleemighthav:‘t}1ar4:h‘tthrough the Arhyv eunm01€‘ 1 fled, A ‘i " t fled, though westare n'ot ignorant: binemfirifuniiicaiézmitai. The “' A A Lord piety and pardon, thedmzy doth; '» e 31y:LaftIy, the Arm} eurfi not dibe ind feeinga fultable’ ' power to {land betwixt hoziefi men and their dangers 3 the Garei- tam not, pellet’: hymen ofetrufig and the -;oo‘ol..horlIe iqtended“ e notin fuch hande as to betwifhed : and thebefi of them might bee ' foone disbanded" when the foot feattered. No, no, this istaot the Armie: wound or fore g and to anfwen A A the Retreatere gtand qtlcfiion, whence are War:. I anfwer with the Apofile fame: 5 and ‘addePeace begets plenty, plenty, pr'ide,«=and' * A pride, warre, and warreebegets peace, and I0 round againe. The Schoole-bny that helpecl him to ('0 many Latine ends out offfully, can anfwer a harder flare: but fince hee pretends ta Religion 5 I V I‘ _ A wonderlthie ofieedediiirother doth not attend the Rules Martha 18; Why eannothe as well fpeak toa brother offending, and fo 4 tell him, as to tell all the world’ of him 5-! have beene fatiefied in _ mine own {pirit , ~that~thegodIyt:oalel netbe‘-much ofiended with 1 us, finee none have taken the liberty of I-"peaking ti: use,-which it dare fay from the General]; to the meanefl lflicer, prefeffieg god-- ' linelle, had not been tmwelecme. l t But Ilooke upon that Author aegreat a fir‘anger‘t'0 ltheedmieg = V as he is often to his owne principles, and hiewhole courie: to be a v tradc_Of:_Re-tfllatingg-arid leave him to another pengnoris a general! '[ mleration the Armze: Gangmna, when as they never hindred the * State frame a State Religion _., having onely wifhed toenjoy.nowt‘ A what the Puritans be-g”el Imder the Pi*e1atea:when we defirc mom, . blame us; anldd fhametut; « Neither was it the evill of the Arm} 5 athiat’ being modell’d¥ , they fuddenly cloe’d , and marchttat‘ that time‘ when the bvoldeilecemplainera nomwould have given them two parts ofwhat theylhad to have {ecured ethe third 5 ( F fiends‘) it ‘A was not their evil! to divide part of their F orceto Tam-lion, 8t“with* M another part to fight atNa-fib}, and~?’aftet' that ( by Godeblefling 1 A _ to deliver up aefree Kingdome ‘tr:aan”ungratefulI Ehhahitan t, andto an envioueeruell piece of a Parliament 5 nor did thofe honefl-hearw - med {'0 much afperfc Feirfax~tandt Cremnvelh {in in owning‘ the firm} -; at New-market 5 riot in their match from thence towards London 5 ’ nor in thfiili” refpefis to thofenobleteflommiflioners of Parliament a feet to theme n0£in‘et§heire€0l3§_gtefie‘t0Izlmfce dll_?_:§§et3‘Citlzene from A A ' i Leader» <8’); 1 mag}; »“Cwho‘:‘déi'arveA__; %m_i1ch)AA Fnmr . their ?co.ndifcendiag , to? cfuéir défires-m march off gpon promifeqftwo things; A ~F£rfic,’Thamhweywweu3.d puma: the imperious Reformadaexl A A2“13'.f In {muting che.Houfc3 though neither perfqrrmad , nor in fi:atterimgIthcir 7Force§s at 200. miles. diflance, and providing for Iraimd 5?noriinr'their Wreturne upmn thafe confa{’c;infoE;encies; nay: in marching unto, and thmugh the City, to 65.1%?‘ their hamfieflé intentions 5 nor in fecuring the Kingiin tha~";i.un8mre}; norm hzaazkning cc theirfigizamrs zn_thee§mu& Prapafali: 5 nor in asking A . m0neyLto avoid free Qgarter and other burthens! 5 njorAin bringing t’§%@fé0f'the H0ll{e..thatfleC§,t0 them home againe A; nor in defiring wfi afanxid Parlz'amem,»aa"1d clearing iz firamfuch perform as had {ha- ken their pxzbliquehztcrefi 5 nosin prugouzzding whofifomza means , to flue Hnufe, and heaving ‘chem ‘£0 their feéte to be enlarged ,; aite-- read, or explaincdEo:tbe Kixxgde-msa&vantage 5 nor Iiafily» are com- A p‘lain.ts%Vagain{’c private Souldiiers the" proper cvilof theflrmj: fiace when 3 {peak ofihe firm}, Imainiy intend their Cmuucefl 58:ccm-- udu£?c 5% Far you know in {Job a body thatfickeneffe in pay caufeth dam}-1inADifltiplinc. Bum pmfitivasiggr we W121 cum up our lap , and {hearv yam our nakedneflé, et”I:mbe!2iti.r confitentex, team. We acknow-e A ledg w'Ie.aré reaping chdill fruits of our want efafiion. iS¢ez;iprAr- A mi: lmcuria irzmbzeit zliffofgg wluéfcimr. it may be fame afus have‘ had our Ldrdlfdfifiu iri» final: x Tent, A " andQur%headma:y be nayled to‘ the%.AAgrom1d$%5 wee may chinkc A A «(the war'beizig endecflwe may begin to look to our own comfom, and fubkfiflance, and wefire a§pt%‘:oA%p1~e%ad1.,%A f¢wh‘O'&,a1l‘enfi0y honcmr and otlgmr advantages : butthaié than have zwonne them through hazardsg and think they may bé confided in A; Icmay be fame of us ldoke” upon omrfhops and Trades as things belowus. Wec want. A that co"mmunion wich&%Gad,;, andi onewith another which we had ‘in {ad haiurs %:Awe"ar«e7 forgecfiil of A our mercies : t we may bq apt to ‘ ,4qu’arré;Hm0ne‘vri£h the otherfor want ofan erAierny.V V 9, % % V 7We may h%ave%fu_d:?h aneighbor of the Court , Ajas fame of usgmay F A be PIfarm'c~f’cruck, yeti hope nGt.prinCipAleA- fhaken 5 we may Awander toomuch from our own firfl: undertakings in tA}he‘;A opinion of Others. VVe»ar_e notxvitheua Avariegies thoughts about the ’matAtersA of A Gqdg which never appearédwhen We had nofitfimefor talking, ha-‘ ” A wing fo muéh Atodoe and Q61. We cannot (we confeffefi .1ive..beyVondA A_ % ~- ‘Ar ORE‘ C9)‘ ourfrailties in many ltinclsi To betfhontg, we have prayed more}, A loved emote; believed more then we doe. Weare grown efihminate with cafe, and are more cowed with a dead dog. , lthgen wee have been with a living Lyon. ‘We ate leflé in heaven and more in:¢é.a.rE.h§ and thefe truely are our wounds deare friends. . A A A - Some other difeafesg there are as much confiderable among on» there, which may be ofgreatetand firanger influence, as ' Firfi, All mens unheliefe in God for the carrying on his woike, ' he is not minded in the whole bufinelle. 2. Our not defigning a government from firfi to ilafi. A i A l 3. Our general, prone, and carelefie carAriage‘sg towards the pre» fent difiéreneeso which make fo much noife among us.~_ % 4. A felvilhncffe 8: negligence in Committees and men intru- fied, behaving themfelvesas if they could keepe their painted and A well-fiuft Oabbine when the {hip is finking. < ~ 4 5. A generall want of the fear of God, and that fpiriztof trem- bliog before him 3 which whilfi it was upon Ephraim, he was atglow ’ A rioua Tribe. i ' Ag 6,. An ofcitant and uantrofi kinda of de.portmentA in all men to-v W3 rds puhlique affairees, it he -truth is; the want of a puhlique fpirin threatens ruine very much. ‘ 7. Unwarranted Jealoufies ofall men and all a&ions : yea . though tconvinced of each others faithfulneflie. » A 8. ‘Common unthankfulneflé Stingratitude to God and man}. I feare lhortly the gtcatefl arrow in the Kingdome, will be the famine of Love. ~ g ‘ l — ~ A 9.»Delay to theidiltrcflhdgmakingtthem more mifcrable than the matter of their complaints doth. 1 o. A fpirit of lying and fallé witneflirbearing , reaching the undervfaltting ofour enjoyents, to fay. England is agrowne fo - poor by the l'€VVa;re,lisiAfalife , A cxaeptingt what is nblafied by lfomeg V Northern winds, our ttleafureiatyet in the Kingdome : Landon A rich as before ; witneflh eloaths and dye: : wigtneffe marriages and A difpofing oflchildrengwhere piety , A proportion ,, Atparentagel take little place, unleffé mingled with much red clay gswitnefli: the reaa- T dy‘ money forpurchafes ifcheape g: though fl‘»aken'TitlesA in totte- ringAtimcs.A. . A i *4 V o ; °Zhe~~tt ‘A the managemem of it if according to his will. (“K23 A/' The Cure may be in tlaejéf _ V 1% V !'The Armvfyou fay) mufi yet be maintained ~, V and wee hayg thoughtof Eifablilhmems, 8-cc. to ralie oil" all Aolfénces occafioned b'y~AtheAArm3;h; ei1:l1e.:j you mail find a&ion for it, which will an;-;. ‘fwer much,or reparme it upon feveral Counties according to pro-,- portloo , their: every County know their owne men and their lcharge,’ by wlhioh the Hollazzderi haveliepltll their Army thcfel 70. or”8o. yeazfeslg I have formerly anfwered all obj:-sfiions may be: made againfi is. The immediate pay of the Soolclier in every Countwy , asfit will cut off many Aunnecellary charges, F0 itwil be c_afie and contentfull to both parties , Imeane the Souldier and ~ the Land-lo;*cl. l A V A Seconclly, Good,men,. not good Lawesl tool’: l'a§fe Killngdorlms :% _WL~noc that, I would fgparate chem ;‘ therefore I thinke that tllefirfl: work to be attended‘ : Foras {he Venetzam live upon their co r‘ioAu»3j; ele&ions zfothe Nekberlarxdx by keeping‘theirAgovcmemem:in {och hands as th.eyl_doe,_though_ perpctoatiQgoffi_ces to them, have pro- ved dalngerous. A Good offices, good M aiors, Scc. had it beenour A firft Work, ix: would have been our ball, 8: Englifla-me72 can as (com cox‘1forrxg.tojlufl" 8: honefi: government as any other peoplel'Seellitiz1 ; the Ars7gv,hoiv it-rviceable thelworfi lirjnprlefil menlllhave lbeenlunlder example, and Chafa&‘ers to be given outAfoi"!:h7e Ele8:or., andlele- fled , and forlthe matiageing ofchiefsr Burgeflésl. Whatifevery .fifcy_io ever'lylCounty chofé one so choofe for them , 81¢. mofl men ~beinAgTignorant:of the wortliiefl men. . A A A A l gdlv.‘ That: all mm from the highefl to the lowefc A may know whatthley may trufttoo without delay , ahdA to troll God with 41?; ‘TichpsA or‘ fomeijhing of Analogy cothem lavroughtwinto £1 -common fiockl iii evéry County willdoe two things , viz. keeps a good proportion ofmoney rea.d_ygin every. County; 8: content the lPrea:ch‘e:.+a:1d,l1is l”‘~/Wdowlibermr, when in Towns zoo. l. or;a5o.A1; A per grgerznzzmyand i:1th‘eAPari{bl'1oo.f. {hall ceorcainely be paid, and 40.1. totheo Widovv, 81¢. as ‘inllothlerlcountreys they doe _., and lhencelraifeoa l)€0lC_:l( to;Al"et:~rh.é poor oowork in every County _-, o the want ofwhichlhath beez"1fo’omuch complained of. s A 51!. That Salaries maybe appointed to all places of , V tlgat. mempcations to deceit take not 11013:; of Officers. ‘ Sisgchly, AA V A (I I ) L 153?. A Committee for ianionhlbelnvilxt all man tru§ly.gm:lly 5 c hag; welmay”Twin1‘in one Channellfwhichhis Ainhand) withjfree and loving? debw:-s4Aallowed:in everyA.C0unty 5 {hat Mwge may convihgze, not c~om‘uund each other; two or A tAhr€€ _AItiner.;émy_lPreachgrs; fem hythe Statcinto every County : and a Coirlq1ilttee%ofgo;dly‘ mm, Manifiem Gentlemenjand 0¢;he:‘s_.,~ to fzndlout men Qfl.hoz1cl:_. fly, holineflé, and parts, inm all Ckluntreyes recc;mzh1¢nclecllrQm,Al* , ‘, 71$. Tlhlree =men. jlearely chcxfen in @5143,» P.l.-zrilh, to take up difi-".,:%=-s~. I renees, which may be called friend-makers , as they do in ochex:i lflrahgers on the Earth.; places w’u;h‘g:ood fucceffa. l81YIf‘That the Gulfiomesf by which great fiimspome to hand V maylbein very choife hands, and their Under-ofhcers’ inlall parish l zfiaiy beprefeutedlfcom thlofe_Port3.to them :and out 052.0: 3.‘ {Q prafentedl, they ohoofe one, if not full exception againll} him. A A ' V 91?. That: my former model! for the Navy may be x:evEew’d and l écceptedf, whichwas prefented about two years fince, wherebythe A Navies debts maybe paid, ~zmdftW0,A parts Of three? ix-1_the charge fa-A vcdlfor future, andlthe bvork bectendone. A ‘\ K ‘ 1o1Y.That Mcschants may have all manner of evcourageniAen:rl_.f the law of Merchants fet up, and Pcrangemrs, even firzréyl adnwiilttélol; ho lzradeg. andlivelwith us, that it may not be fiaid wepray% £5: thiéiif converfion, with whom we will not converfé ,f wag: being all ‘bmg, 111?. Thal:~F0rraign Nacionsrmy have clue reifpéfliltbjirlalll coryefpondences with them , and In tclligencers kept: arxi(;»h%g:t11feii:"A;. efpecially that Saotlazicd maybe ufedcin al things as».ne”lighhlo‘u1'slafhd A friends, thcugh-lnot asMaficrslandComma11ders. V!‘ l 5? All 12; That: llflcademiemlhmay be {cc AUPA for hNr,hility AahfdlhGentry,” where’lthey-ma)fikholw:piet:yAAand .r_ighteou’fne'fl'e, as well asgg11m— try and—Court+fl1ih;Al wee commcmly Fetch owrl the élii%tAof1?i~aéz2'éé,,_£j him-.her‘thcnl their lExcellenciés, *and that {hor_teAr ways:-; to Iealrlningl ' may advancffd 5 ax1dlllth.atgodli~neAflE: in yquigh giivi:.;them1 place in G01-ledge‘s7hefore7letterslanld;impm=tunicy qfimgn. l L A I~3;=l‘l lThat‘ the W0fk3l0f.l.Il?elaf1_dl.‘mayfiat thus Ililll ‘be riiade a mQ€k;-work:buc~ that the bufintffewmay be carriedA on llrenuoufly A 8: wigoroufly by linen“ 69 be confiriéda Whg may take it upon than (12): A tt%ae~the great, br day-Work, Aeither of thefes there are good men-will, : I undertakeit upon them, if fully conntenanced with a good. Ma-g gazine and form: money 5 for what we {end now is but like ahworjmi inAa‘hho1low tooth,~itAtakestup no jaw? . A A A A ; . A A A A A * A 14.. That no Magifiratee in matters offieligion meddle further then as a nurfinhgt Father, and then all children {hall be_’fed,th0ug'h, V they have feverall faces and fhapes... ’ e t V ,15. That an men intrufied, may have fiat time, hplece and per! {tint 'appoynted to give up their accounts unto, of their gempIoy- A EH5. M M A 16. ;Si{1Ce'ti':e~Vvaf’£Kand evett incomprehenfible ahfi}.itesVAof~h this: . ‘ aKingdome by the prefent Counsel}, mufi have fotmanyagitat_icgnAs h ' and fo manysmrieties pafie upon them; two wayesit may beeue, A red. 1. ‘If ntnthitnfg be taken into» thtfloufes confidetatioan butAre:_F A Hwér 6‘ ardu.e,Wherin the heart-bioed of theKingdomeAruns, andjno ‘ pettymatters. we V II )IV A i A 2. Ifa Counceli of State of to. or 1.2. ihonefl andgodly $&‘C1_I‘~_ A ‘~bya{’c«Amet1 might {it near the Houfe, and thheiE,11ottinve&edwithA A ~ ~Ap9wer,might curqmend matters ofhigh concernment to the Houfe; and erheceiveh their fcruples, A and thofe * to A Rate a1£o~*governtnentAof Chfirchett he % I A _ A A A A 17. That-Bu rgefiés of Parliament may be better pro portioned, h ;~6;’4.or tfivo for Shirgth, Aandfomefor great Cities, that they giver " menthly fife _e acccintt .AtA0the places intruffing them 5 and that " 5 \ : qr 1‘om'eLawes rfmyebe pro~bati”_0f1ets for a tndnthA for two. %_ A 13. That fame of the Parfament may be appointed to receive; A ' fuch fuggefiions from friends fore the geod eofthe whole v,t which they cannot confihantly bring inby~way~of Petition. A » t 19, Thateptifoners, efpecially £m~de_b:,emay Ahavé .ai{pa:¢§§g,3£ not Iéofehheads‘, hhea‘rts and~AAhar1ds as well aeheeles gin Ga,91Ve§, anti that the Creditoure may“ maintain them A it: prifon; that, poem: f hThievg5 mhaynetfitbe hang’d§tfQr t~..:Ai". 0% but that a~Ga~llAyot; twg V may be provid ‘to row%AintA the Ftivernor Chann.¢Il;,ttttto.W11i£_:11 they my be Vco«;11t1;1it_ted,%€iI“‘éfrl§i1“(3§<”€cl! in dfayning *Ia‘~ndS§, a £;r;rAb@r1;“{h¢d;tAAC'* _* In wer¢\‘g1{g'¢atbeh?uqifhed ‘thathour:~Cj'xentnytfind out Ga§’»Iihg§;gnd that‘younger'bfdthers maytmbettér ptcv'ided;fot:,by then pa;:ejnts_, that fame of themfitll iibt on learning 8: the Minifiry.la£aAA flnigftafit (I3) . fame (which isrhworfe) :‘tehe up their empIoynjAents in hightwnyeefl A or (at heft) pefier Ireland ‘gr Forreigne’ PF1anhtetiQns; -and all to nxaintaine the paxntry andghfter of the Family , and ten of-zen tn’ keepup the name and honour of1t‘1nAa‘fot‘ttfh and 1n:wrioue.heire. 20. rQ_gicke Juihce makes qtfiet Common-wwealthe 5 I 100%: e A upon that as contentzng the Hollander; under their mi’: Taxes , 3:. ‘ ~Excifea 5 what they have they can keepeg where (in everyT0wne} your maysggc juftice as often and as, naturally as their Cowee give «m‘:!ke; The few advocates in rimflerdam will teil you what little eufi: they make of Lawyere, where I have knowne a Merchant dean- tiing forgoooo. pound per annum, 8: in {even yearee ’ not fpend 2.o.{h'11lingsin Law. 2 * A e * A” V ~ Andi?! might not ofiend the Court and Gentry ‘ya A It would t “ fay’ the wrapping up of 51:) hrnany ofthem in Gourmet, , and fcufiing A ‘V atI?Vefl'mz'nfler_.,* is rather a mark of their meaneneflé andjeiuney A mflé , and our flavery and folly ,‘ then of any eNati0nea.ll glory ; Thatto this day wee can neither buy not fell , convey not make 5TePcaments,mithout‘grea.t and? quefiio~na‘hIe Parchmefits 5r§_And L g for Lawermuft jurarerinzterba, either ofALittIeton_«, Caokghtor Cafuifi, ejuflemfarine, which would fitncfea”Cure in keeping Ptecordshin all Counties of all mens eflates and alienations, 8:c. and thofe tranfmitted 7to*a: grand or leiger Record at Weffmirzfi: the firength and time {pent in Term qnarrells, were better befinwed upon the AWef’tt Indies to which we have beene {'0 often called , and would foone make an end of Eurnpes troubles by drying up that Eu-~ rphrates; I know not what engagemtents the King hath upon any , nor» A how the entcrcourfc lyes: but before the clofe of new addrcfles , e wifhh the people mighthave two things granted them, viz. 1. To underfiand by fome wife ‘Statifl: what the true ‘finglgfb of prerogative, priviledge and liberty is. If thefe three hawling A children ‘were well brought to 5 the rwhole hcmfe Wduld been = 2. That a certaine timemight be appointed tortchnfiathteir *Bur—-V E . without 7: what year this fhallhbeginlnfay not: but if not grant ad, -I you {hall‘Ahardly“keepe tyranny out“0fdo0rcs; _ _ V -e VB -2 A To eflies undenyably if they pleafiato make ufe ofit , with write or r (I4) . To clofié aH' a-nd?cure.al'1%%; wou!d- this Natian but wow £113 plains fonts-~ flaps ofprovicience in -one thing , the w%orke were done. A ~% . 7 Let us bucconfitier tvhiaher the LordA hath not pointed’ out his worke (mm: "as, viz. putting righteous men into places of crufi, making way thereumo, as if the fulfilling oftche many prophefies and the ex-pe8mion of the jufi, were now to be anfwered. Wits neifie the firfi and now fiacond gaubling the Parliament, the like in theCicy, theffame in the Arrni¢_., no leflé in the Miniflry, ‘as in the choifie %o'f fefléflr fans: neither this nor that“ mufl ferve but the leafi, that the whole Kingdoms hathbeen in the%refiners.fire- The Lord would doe us good againfi our wills : but wee content our {Elves to give him a Female when wee have a Male in the flocke : % This broké‘ the" .AxJ{e—~trefe$of¢.=he femifbstateand Church , and A V £hVatboAughAcAlqeldam;z.% V % % ' his dvfzne , and to that end I‘”loo&ke above all %%1mowinAgVifwe enter into our chambers, Hgfivever I améconfident God will carry on this work which is . lmlg moment” the,indig;_1acion {hall be overs-p_afio.,% f; F1 JVU-51 A prefcm: Vagitationsam and {hat our doorcs fora.