% Pr0p.:)fed% to all’ true Lovers of their -Comm and Tm~1mmemu~3% And mnfcicn%tious% Souldiicrs in the A R M yr, 4 Ijomhn 4.. I. Be!r’::2:vea’= éeleezermr eve2fy]:w'rz'r, (6-fin «‘v¥|,”‘." Lander: 7’:“i§;ts in te iféafém A Eight Queres upon thé 1a”cei7>m.% rdftloiif of and 19655??? firm;/; piromfe ofthfiir Comm and7’m"/Wenta; am: _ co nfciaen:: io;L1s* %%Sc)A~z.1r1di;r£.*2*s inf the r ‘I-Iether‘ an" whoie we11J—mirided' §nd‘w€1Ke» V” :. ytencesbéaLbufed*toca1‘ty.*on‘ the'é1mbitio11s-A ‘ ¢ ~ » ~~ ‘ and ‘permtious df:figt1é's~fibf3A fome p¢.’rf:3ns” ghey man Acoz1fide‘:n,as%we1‘4as oahersgand be aazmuu on by degrees fo aft and demand that at lafi 5 which their ;‘udge1nentsan‘dcon— meaning ‘Army; may not by fpEciot~.1s}pre- fcienéés ac firfi abhorreafi, as wc'*11%as %%I:T.az.z~_..:;c 2’, A2%Ki;écgr;4 1;; 1 3 ?% A W?h€th»:‘r« whm«ha;ve rdigious and f'pez:i§1;1s;A¢pi*e:¢:1c¢'s4 in" t!w:%§§r*-sr".a1é:ut£:;sg; have the; hkeu3' ,T "yet now ib far Liifh;-n1p&éred,.as co.i..-mic (if “not” »ovér-rule) their; own‘ Gexuérall and10rficers;‘co-{die andremove. the Kings ~'m*vn Ape-r-_ fen,(wi7t»£1 the (;?ox111z1'-‘ffior1€ér:s~c>:f both houflwappomtedv to attend’ him froan the p1«acede{1gn'r.:d Fo1=«h13=refidenee by ~ the ?Par11a111ént:s' cf b<;th4I§ir1gd.omes4 (upon xrzcerf grounde-1e%» and L proofllefiz fi1r?-*-*=% 9%. 2. M inifesk ‘ ._3I‘.'Hc 391'» X V‘ l An Ex-aél: ms» 50:4 .l ’ 2,-whxchl , V lgage WE?l<‘=‘¥¢it§?3:ianClffiingdbmea 1520* 8&1 éflgagé l€fi€mla* I) gainl?t«‘iltz,£6vi1t£§Lryj; fiulemn Cc?/‘€fi”c4xial;1t~g‘jl"l ‘ re2fi=1finglltQ,dif- . anaaaaml fé:r‘tlweAlpre- i?:_r1tlby_the1r OWn31‘!e<:;f power and will can be a probable and 9 l’LijI1=:,l:tl1’l°¢:ll A ; A‘ othei-rs,’ gal: she}: HOW ‘§1°5?7~'l§?Al §;l?::Afl'Ai?Wh€§l1€i’ lb?-lTl.l1T:c‘1411‘5:‘~l’l2*? 'A3il:l2’31fl€3l§Qf. to rear Agmtwelgfaxitléscalr Fro£11"**JEa;é:a!é;a2",‘“or*‘3*'~6b‘:="37* t*li1<:~¥Pa=*lfain‘€‘rft‘3“pt*efentl 13996 ~§?0.%111I179Ae1?s=l$~( upldzfi w A .~ 4 «ae\a*e»r;*7T 7 ' 'r%'i_1i‘é ofé1lll_brts lthn onghout El ‘the weal and tranquility of Church and Star: A? A A 3. Whether *7.-:16/(_'{: a7talt"5 an % cing of the Parliament in Farm-:r times," up-awn popular%_lpretcnccs ; H‘”?7*?5VWi”~‘?nIFl€F@?5¢:‘ Gfivliv?g&ATr¢a€m*§“ inl if ‘ bLAfi1.PM9 C11ééliV??*€1w:m Alflrwil ‘AW 3;?” imié,??ix1ilam¢mu.l£ovrmfbqd:e:2cc”io Wlillialiilfiiiltsaa M€il§i‘9€1'3t¢‘3a Am fi1P€- A iii‘ Kizugdqzm, tD‘1tS um A ruirx:,«iF‘« nqggltimowuilyApmvclatcd, dilfelilmidf by all welléwiflcrs :0 j cl his ._C0nl€cl‘€r%a.t€S. ltr2;§i»tel‘t%cijms for.» A W V 4% % _ Atfma/3‘ @f_tl/are ;Ri‘+_{~hr3§‘?'pi;2&7’;é’. ‘:[:i3.§“i’z"»‘£Z¢gt,'l27.1'1(l-;lQ()1?m'?e.mtllmew cifv;rall~bmy~les,be mt at came « fCi45i53€5DW5”4l?¥‘lfisl-lP{Y0b3—b1lit‘, '{~§f;‘fi”l7,§-”.§3.I‘l'éii;lll’.:;l!Ii'3 l”i£§1:€1b'lai‘3 way ti}: a‘btal§r§:~am‘ tl=m&i~‘* mm m;xm~ :a.‘n:cl»*r the Kiumloinesl bz‘elhalfer’ fiwm bfi{hT:l'Tl:(1'*-£15323,‘ mm their, r&iFl1.»l-all-.tO‘VL’l"i§l1a1?’I“",lbtdniarchiiig ll t®'I.'a_l?mlza:%¢‘ \¥Vl11ch%as it will favc5u1*~‘<5? ’ lllglu dilbrlvegllence , lvic:i»;* lama, ;am&1br.¢ach dl:pTwi'©‘i1€d.4g€=at_tlI€‘l.€&lfi5-‘if: not of lfcime dancgew .: m%us;. of higher nature‘; la is: will certainlyl :et‘1.‘dai1.*1»g»€i.-r" the“ adfibuzmnzcxmz gr d1£fc.»luz:mn GE the Ha)tIft3S,l t'l71£*i pillaging; ll of A the Il the imbimzwylingf of l the I{lll13g&UYn€‘ amw V$?ar.l ; blemim theghlrmics l’arxx1?r:1%7lrl:wrr.=3l:loza:, »:{l1*v.'l:<‘..A‘fidr:lity‘,l ezlacoizmige Maligwll mmss; thew«:=ll¢2LfFe&t2d;.a:ad procure r:Id1?ef;¢ x11“ifc'lli<:fes5‘th¢m%‘ it1’v.3a1vi.n~:¢l11:&ik :,la1ncl:Jbring:‘< _;flfif1d£'zmh:¢atiofi'f9D\- the Gomtxiihérélofl wilblijn fiaimvt DE co1:l‘fx:ieanje:a*:*o¢;lg)‘§l: 1go7f“rf?a»é¥a ems; gaddiilflzlwzf‘ afi I it.» I Anal tlmevcfom thé.‘-jllflfifitzftiélfl? of clmirl praceedingé i 7 afidl-£llt£iSba11elfi11gfll friend the? Scots whdfe proceedinglsllllhejtle“ fim@,~l1.«"1r‘r_c1::e lclmiful:l‘ $.'1l'lL~’.l:-rt'l”gc'».'v‘»L‘~‘*‘C:'~'I§"Lll’«» ca» df1‘€*7:» ‘lE’£111'lTie1*i?;';“ll@i_‘1g£1 A chem theirs ‘wiere yén much: declaéxnedllagajnftlby Elle’!-I)’?la17}_dTi tyfilda11&N€tlll€rlmdS‘,Wl1-Q railed‘ F0i:ces,7 as "the -'l7arIi1:;i*£3'l‘§*1’3!2 dIi‘cl-"3 néaj»v,o1qely rCa{?eJ.gof abfolute nee:-filly For” tllieirl ow'nl*an§:l1?1§i1i'1%g§ll. dmmes Am;-cazi‘ pvfifervfitliozl againi“: r tzllfiir opprcffihg A P::lra‘2:«r;4s*‘.,. 2 xvhmr ti1€r”“ was -nclra'ther?re£nea5z; ismwayés ‘lfullicable to"5t:h6i1“l‘ o«.2‘z”;t:.:l <:ondition<,:i:vrru1a:cimrm~ A-t?h@~P§rl1ia111lEt1tl; who? 1"1€%@d~n(§liA=r~~» rrziies, prior: l(efp:v:ciallyrfi‘o‘m it @¥;x)fn+ £'r~iei;-1':l‘s): 4 t<._3N‘lé;*1l'1fm‘-ct:’«them»fc€);do ju‘{liie€w?1dr€d‘refle alllkpullalilze g:ievan¢es; I" wél:lil:=l1llVha~:ve folesmlxlyllcovenanted to giétforniel am; corl@l;ng1y*~ex@cutAe,theugh~you- disblanldill " A ~ ‘ f~ 4 l f‘ 5 . _%Wlw.a_c affmraauce can tlne Barliamezut, C y, or Kli1igd¢3"1I;3B'r>3'+ll»i~ ceivewffinlai dfifconteémedi Arlny,hé§l¢ilng;their gfms alui Wfiapcns ; in? lth+eir1‘h:t11.d3,?~llfmoltlballtmcedilvyanlequélll a-rcmtd farce ‘ furl weir d€€6l1€€;lf lgll tlwelrrlpmfezat d€!TtaQ.d83‘{h3't arelljllflc freaforiablc-E‘, lbéz-T-‘~?i :l2a11£ed;tl1e£y»‘xx;?il -r;c:»aa?l'7a: wwcls pmcfifid llE0%‘d@mmd”;ltl§‘:=$ Whielli ‘is: ; ncsltlrler ho15lQra3¢)le,~ju;ll glfiéfivféaffiiblibkf ll tl*x+:Pa:!1ia1ri3£%nt to grant, 3l‘1"';1l_al4i:€t‘s»ri§1,._i‘§l:I1;ti4- agii3craEic'al”Pril1cipl%'S,; A s ”‘lvri?ti1jgs,l—Spceches,ingender a juli fear, of lhch ‘ful3fequentld*e—l l £1ial3ds;,l~l~bf*’wh@fcl» jufticmem:-'meaferaablenefslthemfelvcsswill be the ‘the? 3Ii1dges,11<§t 'thé%Paf1i:im§¢tnt'A P how they“ 71:11‘ iafcet?-L AA V tziined thtitA when they haveA'd%emandedand removed, fo*meMem-A A: (oppofite to them and Athéir p.roceedings,A pIerchance%;A*e1y» 01.1% of grounds ‘of fco‘nfcience,which they grant Inufi notf%:b;§é%'¢Fc5r~%%A:; A cad, efpcciaily inPar1iam'ents,. where there flaouid? be mqfificfe-A». A d»jm1e%Aboth offpeech and Votes ) that they will %rIc2t%Li'em:L;id:an& rcmczve aiiA:AOthers who arena: of their parsy or con{’eder3cy,and A !f&jC¥;_!:~2:1'fltC‘4_t§‘1€5 E-1~o;1{7e witch ncsxv xnéérnbers of theirown ~:here»w;A; by ,g:1Vim: g a "poxgver A{Wit2ic:h?€Ak21m: fear is their rcafl dvsiign )A téj" c{amge., the Laws and Government of Charchazmd ’ 1:at::.3;= and di£"p3feo?‘a1lA 0ficesvax1At1‘p-X-aces.tAotheir own Crea%curez~:«.% rm“-thE:y haw..=do:1ejfi3r the Vmo{’Ac¢p;m: in theAAr1ny»%V$? V 'I'<3%a1voyd which lY:;fi:‘ared:~1I1afch1cfthey havécaufc both 111 cdnfcxclzce "ai:3d%2~ncnou.3':; ; to: disband upongthe Par11a.:m:nx:s% com.mandA~ Awhach; ~ra1{’ed€ Achem. A Thexather; becaufe their refufingtcé d1‘Sba‘!}‘jV:‘t~ifl1y.‘fuCh. Mam». btfs and others whom they intexudr so imp:-:a<:hA as incelldxariifesw; am:iA%e;1e:niestQth«: Am-rny,A be tried,A wil.=bcAcontr_ad’i&oryto owm:Ap£im_:ipLas-a11$d dcfires, of ;z‘2:Ve¢A:}:znaI Vvimjmrrigrl Parlzlaick flit‘; '5; whzigch cannorz‘ be r¢puI:x:d%“fi~eé' arfzméi.»é{[] iwhen. the Bax;-—V 1iameI3t;andJ;ud~gcs film! be awediancl tcrrifled’witha-:1 who‘1cArmy4 of Qkmccuffers amdA;>rofecm:af#;s; whofe over-fawing pfi wet, :Te4:;. 1 my, ..;Men3ces { -tI1e.h%ighe{t Champarty at; d Maincc11aL3c€%£Ah23tmn%., be )='ejufl:ic¢: will p;obably%Aif hot. Gejrtztmly-b;'ae perverA:ed,;theAIudgesy xxxizizeifcss 1é1%3\‘i ~Ap:%_rties texrifiesfl; nicer ” innocents _£:ond¢eznne¢i-; and: : Amgxnbers o£ the Armics pargy’ ( though pachaps ju{‘c1y htzzpeaclxed. A of.;hig_h€:1= <;_k.j: :i%rn:;_=s and; mi.fdcj:x11?eat1ers then any of their ~ oppefites) | A ,- 1:1” cape Afiinixér us. iznpeacncfigor L17‘rQCl3fi¢1EQdjC0l1£I3fy‘U1 t11diI'p1:«°i-+5; fencA&prezences';* A 3 A ' A " A ; A % s A . V I 6, Whegher %,;heI'A%Armyescomplaint%ofL111dz::et:1e&iom:i‘€ixI?1é—~;. partially examined by i:nparcial.},udgc:=s,,wilnot % light heavieft on A1‘ ’IAAh-feif aw._1n-.fxiends'=a;}d ~A3nmnbers,cNl1e greatefi Pciklcrs i13,and~ the oc--- ;; of zch::tia.?V’Vhe%ti1er their genera1=.exceptAions agai11ffr:1e6%ion~s~9 Af :in;C~Qrm;Wg1az1d $'6V_m’e:5,‘ 'prQc€c:.dEd'~;11dt froxri th€irAChap'l_ain,/Mr. ’_ }>’ét_;=r,g ( w_ho% gained nmrc: by ;theAwars%A,cl1feu any A twcn ?r&~sbygt£rian, Minifiers ); Vwhofewficknefs;;hix1Adred hisprefence A Ache:-:m;. ~~EGb3:~inAg in Mgmbers ofhis-own ,p%;Lrty? And A Awhether. the. ‘W 1Dfi3cr:rs~ and Seuldiers ofthe Army thexnfelvcs,«fhaVvc not in fame’ fpl:%C~}iS,d€pr§V£d the E>~‘3..QRL‘$”__Of :Aheir,A&ce_doxn in é1eé‘tialA1S,,+.£oAbri11g, V 111. ljulll ‘occafion, C7} in theml”elv,es,. to, llrerzgthen their party irxthe, ,Heufe ?* «A Atfxcl‘ J ( las‘mayabelhpmved J they haife nroll: cauteica colnplai11_-agalnll A faves ;; ‘&;héf&’bei,g“g mp co;:ap1a~in:rb:.-l Peti_ti0ns that‘ tlztflat; 6.5 fiéamflfietfié r*l*;11~iL1{’¢I‘i¢f5 595 ???§Y[l lE+l’%5l§“.5”_l%3 ;:l9:l"[’*;§f’?e**4l‘Q’a3.. th6ua‘hi=‘ria113taiaaix1i‘c:the :E1¢&I0.U;s»af fiéviasetafa thsérllnartrtrsat»-at the: pa_rtst"; r‘ar"1<;l,ltl1ey mull *clae&»l7a13d;.a lthe1rw“;hrx1'13t Z . that 5 r:;retee1¢*&a¢;as1n_gybe Free aé‘they"ac{aré3'rl t._ at _ , - I 75 rwhefhfirll ills‘? 1”re’e«PWl “F. P335? ?%‘3€l '(Qn1€f~OE““ Elm ~24 Ftie11ed~s’»' ffig-v€il1j§,=t.‘5¢éh r%1<éré:.:al:bi:rarra;cx<5%l?’iE3ih3t¢»“liiidr sirreusr lai-‘“lit1‘t‘lie‘ir‘Vc3tesf"an<:l‘ ptdeee31ngs41n,tl1e MtHoufts_.,. Colnstnittteegg l and,i”everall Imployments ;- difpoil-H 6Faridl‘fitigered zixerehfihe Kingdoms Treafure 5 carryed and dilpofed of more Offices and gainful places, received greater rewards, Salaries, and far more and better pay for the mall part , and purfued their own ends and interefltsi more then any others they afperf e E’ And whether their private lifcingrofmany thoafantls to recruite the Army fince themyghattstetetrded without the rltlmblickl kna wledgof the.r,l:~lc2ufes,tg,% inereafe the.Kin doms chatge,givesnot the Parliament and others (gin regard ofthe Arnaies prefent and late aéliw runs.) to fufpeél the carrying on of.fo1nedelpera.te and defirufiive deligrss in England ’~ rather then azry hints or jealoufies or 0.. t ther private fillings ottmentttatwi“tht1n:~t.aut-hority of Parliament, (' fuggefled but not proved m the Fourth page of the late De... elaratlotxu‘ And whether {each new Recruztts can with equal A jufhce talte and ChallengeArreares,as we-l as thofe gallant Soulcli- erstitnployed in aélion all the Wars; or any‘ of the Army challenge spa from the time they were voted to d18lJ3.1'1NCl_:fQ?f3Qi‘llIl1TsL1lDg. rbgEther" aga;nalrae"*lHouesl ()‘;3’d‘;é‘e“, sands lzuaréliihg their Prlviletfgesgvhich they were railed to clefencl 3 1 4 8. Whether the Artmes late proceedmgsgx if not qualified by their {pee-dy dlsbanding and fixture Oaedtence to the Parliament ; wil not eehpfe and nullifie all their former merits, glory and; . elleelrl, in the eyes of all the World ; tclrawtperpetual fcandalron the Profelllun of Reltglon, 3l1‘13?Z€«all thezr hltmls abroad anal atho1ne,.t*::tlta11ger Elle lofs otilyslng Ireland ;, rejt.~yee the hearts, * elevate the hopes and accomplsillr the defigns cl” our Malgnatzt Prelatieal and llomi-lh Enemies; bring perpetual fhame, if’ not ‘ utter tame" re» our Nation; and in ccmclulxon to El‘l<':"Cl}l<‘:l“ Con- £I‘l“lv'€3’E$' £5) ¢t§vw3mnc§’&Fon3&n.mrsaftt?I*mm?V3F{o,VV¢c.°oz§ficEez3i1yE;;3;§§,£§13;£f 7Con{ci£rmiowS:.0ifiaer3% »—aI3d’$0uId iers jnw;_hQA;_rm ,upon-Jfg¢oga{ A ”“h:s,*an& ferious pemfa1oF.thefeV % ‘ A “ ’ ' ,_ ,‘ Q£*€1'i*?5: 7 Wil? 6 gifl‘ “iFany bbfiinacelyperfem-eto¢ tbic: cheParliammt &%Vipfi=i;jge?A their Privikdges , or difhn-bi the Publick peace; magi thew wh:b1Je~A KingdoIn,Cicy,:mdCauntry,atco:-ciixg to Achxsir f®1emn%[Covehant 5_ i7vilfV%Unanin1oufly‘wx;h_£1anxith_é1n3, and chafii-1% Ithjeir dab ”‘ déifwbediencw 'theHigh€f< Fowam Wh1¢1W1a13yffiax%‘M | mm ovcmvve aréfubvut» g7~;.I:o,m-