“. AA WHEREINL AA % E? " : L0ND0N: A v “A A I;2:cvc1Ied to thevery : GROUND‘ ‘lg .«-*' z Thié dangerotns Seditious Opinion and defigvnv A..«E?‘ ¢» of fo1ne‘0ft11€m3._ That it is neccffary, Adecent, . and expe¢lz'e'nt,72aw%to reduce the Haufe af1*e.eres, and % -. 3 1 bring down t}3e%Lord: into the Common: llfqufg, to fit and 7% M ‘ % A A A A Vote zogerberwizb them, 15 one Iiauje. V A TA .7 4 And fhe falfe abfilrd % grounds whemon they ¢ {D A . . A ’ . . % A buxld thxs PM4a’0x,:1re brzcfly cxammed V A refuted, and laid in the dhfi. .0 ow‘ U V‘ ‘ya .1 A7 14‘ 4. ‘ “-.‘J.‘ . u By If/illiafizfifrynfielt Efquirc. A ~ " ' Paov. 19.10. » A— V ’ %% ,’ AA Dglzgfit icrnot fmzmly far :zFaole 5 mmrb leflir for 4 Servant to rule 0'08‘?/‘ PT«P-WW5? A‘ % , ' ‘ ' A A. %EccLm—:.1o,5;.,7¢ A L f V T/Jere it an will I bave [can under the Sun, as am mom“ which pro- A "~« ~- ceeaiatb from the Euler; I b-ave eeneéwrwnts upon Horfmayzd Prim- cc; wallqng as Smzantr upaan the €fd1'3'1i}« A A ¢ ‘AA Printed by IR. far Michael Spark, V I 5 -7. «*2- ‘ ‘ ’,p ..,‘.“,«...{g«,, ‘- - car no A , -g..__"‘:__ . Mofwhoxn Peter pr0phccy;ed ;intAhe1atter%cin1e3AA5 3 “Who de{pijAé"w4% H Dalméniafla prefumptuom, Mfevxvil/ed, they are not afraid to [pen :2 "E lav .« /// % gax/. . .7 I‘. . .‘ {A $2,424» THE LEV E L I.,ERS LEVELLEv. / 9.: 7;: ';:AAvW;as rzhie Apdfilfi Pm:l.rDozS’trineA; Aand that’ ,,uhe likawifc gave in fpeciall cliarge to Tims” A . ' 2 '~\,wc. 3.1.. PM them i.?z*Amz‘ndeta bzefubjcfiro pr.z’n«-_ A cipalitm and PQWET53 mabey MagAif£r4te:,, to«:”2.ee.-h m¢aa[yA to every gdod work : But this Doficrine A A ' mm is¢littIe~1r.:flAe thcnHcrefie, AAar-15! Imam A A .ArZzitAr:zry Tyranny, in the C.-pinicm of a New A : % W Generation ofbéveflers _., andA /Aeditfom Seé‘z‘a--% “'35, {pmng up axnmnglw .~finIc:c thc Wwarrca; the very perform M Wig] Of D%ig72i:I%ier, and rf)eHtAbi2z;g.r {I141 they umtlarfianizl not , .g12df}_mlAl “t A pgrifl; in their omne co%;rruptio_;a. &I“IoW*a&iveAanAd induflrioua thcfie A Fi;~"@..bA;~a%nds of Seditimnhave beenyby fgvritzing and pecicfoning I t0»mti«x*pa1;e. Mmmciu and Magzflraqy, Nobilzty and C5~'mt:;yAA5 and A , Whoww may move every VfiQ;tae%.xto:p'»uA1A%ldowns the :HA_ou:{'c of Peeves, A A A A and ,A;¢lcV>éli1*»th;e Lords m;»—th<%% :Cw0emm$Dn«ers,%’% byhringing them "A dAoAwrnAe ismzo we Camma7¢I~Hcmfia :mfit~ and vote itogcuher with A ghtm as me, or%e%1{*c ncmm fi~c:or vote at all,-is vifible: to moffg .f. and Emw‘Vma%ny thoufandfi of _1gnorant.: jfimplc people they %.~h%aW ‘ingaged no.Vc0n:f¢d;3rm:cA%%w1uth4 when: this Aperénicicms A dew AA.fiigfi€A hm:h[%Abieen.a1madydifcmrc1redAin.part4to%thc%%E~10!;1£7cs;the A A A 9, AA failfe fu~gg!7ePcioms anV,d?da1.;1gero1zs‘ confcquencies Wgnereupoxz it . fig grmzndcdfl [hall fuC§1n&ly,g1!.?E:ovcr.to uzmggccezva the ii-duw 3 A read ‘:1 2 Pet. ~T7é'ZewlZmLewlled, "' ~ -«MW» ‘ URINE ,#@ am cedpcoplcg aqg_i,cake~ sham s:}Vfl’fi*o*;13A£”uc31 a d~e{'p¢mm av; (‘ MP‘; W ParWh5"~‘h?4‘Viu????9V5* * 4 A 5% “ML ?h€mf;91V¢$4 A ‘3°i;‘~7’if iM‘?M¢0”¢1‘$’[.i°¥‘? AA '*"“““”" »Thefc : A i115str‘72%ifi%.r Lari3d4 L;%%z{el1e'r!Aat%A werehév, wth‘~&{t;~~%41 ,... 4" _‘ 2%-gffié L°“33dfi1m31dfit~5af1%7?Wf= i‘?N,d?&[”ifiA& ,.. . E; Tm] cheyw have.Vdcme o‘f7I«‘;‘it§;§fFI5;L!:ifmaS,[W ' A A ."1G:rancc* m fins? %fl1o;;Ld riowlfit %VVJa3~dIAiVt{together;Tir1“ one H%%c;ufeg%{j;;s%.@§~wt;@*wiy I37 W'°¢°Hou1:-2 of com.rnom,; ¢3.A0NELY AS0‘V;iER ?%EV.:%PW~ :12? ‘gr: ER OF W ’K]NC§DOME, as they Pcilg it) as they did :and 0.. of* old at firihand be nevv moulded imo a Imgle Houfl-.= 5 that _‘> F‘. n ; --1 ‘ . ‘ .P~ ‘.3 _i‘ ,7 . -'1.’ "‘,' iv ‘ f::»MBiI1s_., O;*din;2ntes Vote}, 2,=2.z':};i bufiQc4{f§:s of:RarIiament . :r.§;:£:c%s might: paflé with more wipedizion mzpc;11 0ne4;D§b;;te and Van?” ~$_ flfwld and mat flay chelkbacesaxad Vn;§§§?'S‘pf ;wq;cw:izfl1%n& Hotifeswepe 5), up and the-ybe con1umm‘”ate. Ar1dVbe:¢~a£11i¢»the I?.or§s*'fire but ‘few in evisreold number, the -lcnmes of Conqm-;fir,' not ofefcéhon, reprefenting dents 8% oncly themfé1vs,but mm the CommonsQt)1§:zx]4¥d,;~eEpe1gnted A onéiyrwby svthe 3K.I71ighCS~“3 1*Citi:zeL.1s 3:12:42! ~Burge chofi§,;;ma$&~ 35 am; trufied by them gfi theremre It *Is1ufl.~and%r¢afi;>n;ab’Ie :;heLQ,=g35 r €3cre:- ~ A fhcauld be levelled and broughtdown -“tomb: C0mm<:_m3_H03ufe . ‘ . es. ~ to fit ax1dVote%%wi%t.hVahemaand not emoyvany difiinfi 0rn¢ga~ *75'j§‘~.tive Votes amfoéng them{E1%ves_.,aAsm:>W4‘Athey%doeA.$ ‘ 2 . 0 %_ ‘ :.tr.1.c.5” % , . A) _ AA W _ A , % ,, ,;',,m-;[,. armem‘ and u¢zdou?2ted 1i%z%;g,{2t=% iofi;-mzd V are m Parlzamvc-nt: long, befpre . To%an%1‘werA*thei?::pmtcnczrs, I flmfIl‘notinfi1‘t ‘zjp0%n1'/3:%€I,éfcf: I. Mr, tl)aConquc'fi,% framwe fi‘rfl%begi7zni:ng7o_f ‘Parliament: to tbzlr. prefem :% ~4?"«"‘M‘«; Nor on tAhei~r$a%&ivity an ¢i rcadinefile’ inall a1~ges,"* to oppofe with :5 mmzdg azm-rz.'a— = % gbe lofle d?2d*bd%23.a.Td tijeir cflzztes, }J.£'¢1l1I,li%!'eI,‘ the enc'ro~acbm=.:.‘rm of % *'g~,.,,,;_, our %Ii'z'Ang5‘* am; the ISz::’2}'.eé’is Lilaerrierg and vindicate the people: free- ‘ % gvhiwg a«%domc1,,inri2e d‘Reignx r.>fK';ngj‘ob72,.l‘-Ie7zr%_y the 3. ~Ecmmrd 2;. Hi- =31!’-’<’?4ia._v%clmrd%‘2. andm:herV oppre/jive pPri22ce.:, %aga:‘inPc wbafe iizzmfionr af ;fi§e:9:jt4” jbe Kingdamc5La1W8:zz7z;d Rights; they Imps _everI3eenf the principal! »,.@g,,5£., ?7Ezzzlw?.;1-r-}Q*3.fi and oflatc che“ch1c:f'%e prociuregsot this pxjefient Pa.r- mft c.1. l;iamentV,,~‘and*11ndemakers« of*our—defcni1ve warm againfl the 1«W!-‘~P4- VKing,w5hei'eEn Vt.hefEarIe 0fEflPx,LordfBrool;, Lord ~Wil1ough£93 f";ffi”" and others of tl1cmfirI’c“appeared 5 Nor yet to debate their an- ]%,_.d 5 ’ H cient and undmzbted" power and right of fudicature in civill €‘1;DW381 A times andvfixges fin%ca‘»=theresWéive Pa“rIiaments,= cif;Whic%h% :there 79. I 1, :7“.0ftFJe* !,Gmf} 072 and criminal! — *ca.f~':s»~of Gommoners as‘ ‘well as 5:Pecrs,'-> in all A are infinite prefidents in Hifi0ries§eP&rIiamentzflolkvand~jrf>u:r- .,,;g,., p,,_ nails, vandflmdry‘ difciaimers «of'Mthe’wV11oIeVHoufe;c>fAGom- fAPm-Zia, monsFof being Judgés in Pariia mcntyas in ‘I .. 12.2; Rat.;P4rI‘. ”«‘a.asm:,d4.»aéx “” TbeL‘evell§z::’Lewv!Im'. * 3 hunuunmmmnm L W _ .Ra:.P4w;Zn. 79.and"P:lm:. C0/0?2:£.”_n$i.W .1 Mia 17., A =*ja‘nd%?mhm>? FmlIs‘:l~ fhall wholly addr¢fl”e%v~n1‘y fizlfh cc: anfwer fimh V ¥AIIegait%i'lointooga£rzj%«l:ipg,‘ beiozgo neither hindered by flclqzeflo , nor fending any reafozmloleorxcufefor bisoozoto appeooring,~flaou1d fbrfeic all his. moveaiflc Vgoods‘, and be at th»e.~~Kings oomcrcy: Vtbcreupon “there orofeo oz odiference between, tbeofiifzowom ‘V5 and Barons, which of them floould pronomzooe otbeojudgomvent : the Baron: olZeadged,t1Jot the B1’- A flvopx ought to pronounce it,becoufe be was oBzfl9op, and tbqy but Lay- ‘men 3 the Bifbops Ecclefioflioalloporfom, and his rfeilow Prio§f;,? mzol Bifbopoo. To wlaicb one of the Bifbop: azzfweorodao it belonged to ;tbe Bdfflm’ and not to the-m,bocanfo itwo: no oEcclefi~afiical!'£mt Secular judlgomomz. %tbatot%I2oy fat tboreoo *Bor0m,,not as Bzfiaoys zyou are Bartons, 422-o’*wo are Barons : bare weore A Poe.-eras. But you irzfifi £72. o-air; Hponotfle I”/fit -’5I’5f€0pi' reafon ofourflrdor : forifjfoozoregord in,rz¢o;ouo:0rdizootz'_on,oyomoitgiat B1121. Pozt'r1om- V Tom. M .pors 0P‘ 4'4;yn ”~lik\om'fo to carzfiderltbefame in him : Now izootbixrboot "moore Bzfliopo,» -we czzmzojudgo our Archbiihop and Lord. 279: Ifirzgrlzeoorizzg t‘19.4i.r,co‘irz- otroverjio about f’ror:omzoiozg otbo judgomevzt, may moz{ad,@* o~otoberez¢pon obi; ‘rontroverfle ceofed: and the Bifhop of ?Winobofle:% than o4Hen— ~'ry7deEloys) being at olofl eazjoymd toogz'w?otbejudgoment, proazogmced “it agar‘-nfi bio moo. The to being; no smémzi my oofpcmhg, o‘iw:im:%er1o~ cucion ‘ofthe Gc;>mmonso“in this owhole Pa5rli;amenAt,ary debate oiaor cenfure, humanely Leif the »King,‘Ei1h<:)ps and Barcnsg §c_o o “makes itfmooe than probable tomes, th.ac.:e:venA than the Houfw A Wereodivided; at Ieafi, daatotoheoyfat ancivntefi me tageothfi? ” A 1wtdificioxetlyozoa~nd~‘%iFthvetb.rét3tbfey, or day tnzélve m‘ ¢ N D4 A M E fliallijfitefafit Writ:4in 14f M1? form, I u7zt1’erj‘7 the 9 baizzds: ‘_ .andfe*z;l5 af ;twe;l'ue ar,.mafeVfl%..of tbem,% .10" the re_[}?eé7i~z;eVSl2grz"fi'J*5‘ “gzzzd .; pfbe'..r f}J£i.;¢l€§:‘i}2g. af 5:. tixeflr” mid ;.,Burgefi2=;cw*of Parflfdfnrntq; {That ;ozi4t'h¢tlri1~dA.Monday int fanitary, andfficond :’;Tuiefday in = March 4:'A:I;L: W * HY ‘7%TH -E 1 EE »B“_..S% OF T»HsE R E A M [[72:11 makg tbe_z'rnpvear- ‘ ‘W _, - “ .A% A 2zceand»A:fem%bly4,,4tf%~ ;»P»A{L L I O§~Eaforefaid5 azzfifbafl CH A % T:H_~E M as ’li¢ble,.mzto[ucbLpaj7z.r xmdcenlum wfar bar and their A '3‘ N D" "~S¥~E%*R§- Aw ‘EV I ‘ 3&4 %tb_e:«zV 2E in Pa1r[iament,9 M ifbe ar tb¢}%%ba”d ~ _ 53338” fummmmed-by W’rz't« under tble great Seal%of,—EngI;%md5" and ‘bad not ’_appeared a«nd*j[erztedaA;_Aand~ to fuck furtiJer12ain:;mzd re’1zfz¢re;c Jaw ‘ B Y fr 3 A 0 F A T HE‘ 4 B; S W Parliament 4122mbz.ed L J u AA ftbdt t;;b a*i+Knigbf:, 5 Ciiiwzenr. afidflurgefix ~41]?-mbl’ed% Iv-N ‘HE 0&0 H0 H573 A of ‘I?:=”rliame2zt,*}’I;a1l 58 ,liab1’e to f;:cb%%p¢1imT and cenfure: baor %be}Vfl)all%'be adiudged unto. A‘ " , A_{t¢r{wcbic ena,&s,‘17J¢t nei~tIJ§8 Ibi7e~H.:=0A%U SE “RAE-*ER.-S ' ‘ all-‘be ads- jpzgrngd fmi»tbinfif4y;.d4yB5» a%t;,le4fif=, ;,»§ iafl4.5r tbermeeting“ Etbékrea ,"*fztnIéflE*it by tb&~fieeVCfl?1fez1t% {Q E «RY 8 AI‘ D 011;... S .1i,E'1S E .0 «fr 1;V-.E%L Y : Arid that the “P ~E«‘E=-R S .aH¢m51ed;i3Fdr1i¢m%mta W}. F R0 r;T»I E ‘ 0 TIM E A ‘c/J&éfe%‘"%andA declare fucb”%perfin7z T 0 BE S.P%A“KI~ER.“~F!:R. 37 S/aA I,’D"i A %P;VE:%E:R.aS; 4;~tb¢3!;flzall tbinkfit: And H3441 the f aid *.Ki1i;gbt_:, %”C3i'tiz%e2z,r%;~%V%4a)2d% Eurgefléx ,: ]ball4md« may ¢F»B.—~O$M A V TNIMAE ‘T21 ME ' *%D‘ufB4I%NG ” -A«S-- MB \ IN7 PA KL I A M }E»»NT',$ ~cboo[e xmd declare maf tI5¢m}glg4e,g t¢;4£§eVV;‘S_PE_A,K3,E E OF -L “TFHE% H-0 ~ ,fO%Ff M, ,H ,4: .1531 jbaVlZ.tbink.;fit I('Vbicb¥?fi1itI 7 S1-‘EA "K73 ii?:11f957tb?Taid ” E F. 3 mm‘ H0 U SVE %1m: 9 om, M on s »R~E‘S%%P=E cm V E L¢az~%;.,Wp,.azz& 12% Ptfffla M: . wpguuu-.———._ A [cut Parliezmem, 3 Evmezzt, be adjcmrned, an e theydcfire thficir ow‘?-Continuance, and being vi‘ :3 of and‘ all %thof:e wh0§111L}?'lburn or hiw A A AA or level} Ilcbrds in periqn, yea to Band T5¢;A¢Leve11¢*$lwélw»~ _ A m1h;2?IIé«i»ev;:5 yam ma SPVECTIVELY5 A A A A A toAal1%intei2t: and pu"rpofe:,w é7io?z and priviledgex, SE3 7 BESPECTIVELYfieretqfare bame bad and enjoyed. There» “A fore the l\e_vel:ling4 A V abolifhinig the Lordfi H0115‘: a A A A repgal 1-,h‘isA&, (the be{¥thVat‘W“as evmjyet r%n%ade4fox:flth4e King» ‘ domes fafctjz, and Parliaments advantage) and deprive both ‘i Parliament, Kingdome and people of all fututée benefit by irf, V (Which! iwifil ourLé'oeIJer“s and Lilbnrnifi:i"f'ei~ioA1zfl5%‘t0 c‘fo1ifidt:r) and1ikewiG:;1ul1 and repeal the A& to prevent‘ I.'2carzivez2iez2cc.é"V which may happen by the untimely adjomning,proraguing or diflblvivg of _A tbi: prefemPa,rliam.An. 17..Car.which ena&s,Tb‘at THE HOUSE 7 OF PEB.RS{Iml not -at an} timepr time; adjourned dmr‘i7_2Ag tlfg rm-_-A_ BY ‘THEM3EI1.VE‘3 OF-. ' THEIR; ;~tbat-THE HOUSE‘ nlejfifitbe‘ A 0wN‘~om)ER% : And mg; .,mamer, OF . COMMONS [bull not dt ah}! ;t;2’m¢ brfi_tim‘e5a_durAiwgg tbi: A]F’arli;z-l, Ifllnitbe BYTHEMSELVES5 OPLBYA THEI%RjOWN ORDER. Which I h0pe’A%b-inch Hbzexfcs, a9 % of the" Farliai n.. ment,wiIl’we1I""ad' ,A an’d%Vr¢ducingA %0f _ bbth? VH?C')ft:1;,f:ej%s: info‘ Qncy or " dPeerage,wi1l“m:ter1y riull anfl ’ péfffééi and%é6iiPl6&t SPMIUI M R, THEY: SNDAV H0'VSE’3 large powerg jurifdi-.% “ f A a$@a?zySPEAKER. ' OR; ~SPE'AKER.S OF EKTHER OF ‘SAID H011-z. ;.j '11 .‘.».,:u‘ I N,- Efix1i{Taries%&4h§%ve fcducad fa engage agafnfi the: Hbufe of Ldrds,“ them to the Commons: % A AA V “might Wifhéut " any ‘inevitablé Sixchglyg, admit ‘the Hbufes A be modeled, ”and“Vunitm;3fi ?7ntd' mifchieiics and cohtradifiiolw.» cme, yetwm bring down: A A A to fit; and Vote like *Commoms with'th%n1," is no vquayes%toMe~ table, or to bc thoughtén but with ‘iAndignation,,% for chefe reafons. _FiArf%_;,% bccaufc when thcy prcfcnt their A will bu aboIi'{he'd by this union’) or whmany B1115 are tube paired by the Rfe étfitipvermomes‘of&aAhazi:% W‘ithxiié1ower; ” hiofi ;flo%c:>re_')§i‘ls fuch.adifi1on9ur and a_fi’roflt‘*to7the.Lords;A, tha;tV§ri%?on?é ;bmdegenerat¢ affld i’gn0b1efpi‘rits can fo%Amuc;has% hffear%e%$$~%or'LAtt1=ii.*i1~: pf i*t%With Wt?-fltfités. n0r‘n7dPeere *rc&nt it has A wirh%’iuf%i”c0rfi¢ :3UWdeCQ3?W’133,Pts‘3nd ‘"355?-‘l‘"*d§’e ‘them cc>nfen%c %u‘m:0it,% w§t}.mut ”W’h0”;fi-2% confczwgltsit ca;nn‘{)3:be done'tvichouz: ~ A bGthH0a1i'7és,minez“ ‘tJo;bring%up théH‘oufe%ofCon1%mom: mp fig and Vote joyntiy with t‘he%Peeres_:, wouid bem \ad;,vmc,e t§3:2%CZ%v:ovs5 abovse «E[h:eir7d€?gTrfi¢3 not lead-%t7fi¢ Lflmflfsto nuke fame” men I~W Ewfvgiéth¢M‘%G€z§t16w¢fl=8c everv,» Camrnoizér .nAp.1e‘fi&" than a Lmfa whichwwmld P1156‘xmlrii“bladdér*‘;4Hem _"%'E$h pridcg and %n1:;&;;eV:c11§m44%fl§gh£ thQféIK:§1 §5‘ni they re'p'r,;efEzzfatg.‘ whmmbeing huiifi Cgrg2?fiane;r.s3» ¢:‘aIl5;10t3wI:&mSr§eg ::c;x2"e;r1t:eMd%by pmgj,-3; V or any ifittijng %andVQtgm "E13. till? fiwfe % éf‘ féergk, 6 fly trtxé Mfiit «Q» P-33 §uIzd%fi%1€mLta1:»v—L 1W mid%C§1fW?1fif?9f.%P5i331_iéif3Z?i¢Y3.?,353$ %S%irV«“;AI;Efi£aé?::f firm?» A%z:ooIg§“refa1%ve%”sa A3econd1Ya this‘ 4LVorg;l§4;%A{11‘ozj*lci' bee brdf%*’&hg{ W 1 dmwm ‘into*% the C-0mmA0nS% *§+IVo;xie,.(whi«;L1 ifg %m uch% Ijkiew “{1}”! reAdm:si_n_g ~:ofA%th§tfih¢a;d ar::%»:;1'fl»mz1%%IdjAef1#s o"f“£h’¢ natural! béodyg fféimzo th.z:A b»e1lyp_;r 1cggcisgWbi"c.i:iW0u1_d makfi fiAAMO?fl’tVerAand% dew firoy the’ man}"th%cr¢=zV¢.9u§I%,d”35€ €310 ro0‘r m:‘for t%§1;e21:1g, their 05? ffims and Affiii%antsa‘A4u-n%lc=i?%enlémged and §%me¢am¢>rphofed in» % Tm another £o”~rAmVe« T%h%?ir:3d1V%y,‘ifcheiofflsmAufl;bt*¢brnuzgdht : see mafia xi; “d ov.,vmein£0 the C0. mzmans Vflpufe, t%1::£n1;h"«e “King and ‘Pfince W“5’° K *~‘»'“’ as wgfl as them 01‘ E35? theyVm%u& ht £0tai3'1y”1e::r;djiuded fbe Par»- .i§{T:§.VI'§l,:fii"Iy§f3 or fit Aéfifioxxe bythemfeixges. iVn"th%;e‘E-Iqufé of‘Lords,u AA .%7;;riiL?E;0s.1t _a;,z1y¢L%0;i7;d5S4t0 a;ttendjtfi§n1AA.° A A1; indignity which :30 M King or Princ.¢L,§:v%%an :b«~*am-,‘ av;1driQ%2nojdei’t fC'b“mmon.er feri-— mufiy :.h%in}:eV:0fb,Lu; 1541:}? C§1%,!1;fEi’t;%aAt10n 53 A110? L07rd, nor King wcezafism c0g§fH,1,t }’rf0fQ& and Vtolemze 3 yagxydw Wizhou; thebrvuv A . ,W§unmz'y:a0nfé:1At€lAmi§%5g%,r%i%IIfV2ao*g:%be%va;‘1is;L,,Vb4u4t d;¢Ptru&Eve. * 7 . 3evr%m?i1ys’iThei{Me m:eé;z:xVt%fo‘:‘; §3$P?dM3SV5%W§: «¢*i?r+“ V¢;7£z2a;;%6c*L:3 :s,z’:aL“i Vote: fit 'é.izi abE1r”c!f%aTif1"d' ?I’%ig:wri*a1‘5£1t%fae§n Bile‘ A0? ova.‘-4» ~ hafi}; *rPanfl %V¢Ia¢i*2;‘e2uézze:»‘: zmzzea. % ‘ms - \fpifit;Ls%,w%1LVwh0%:wo11ldvaéfi all tq}‘1ings’in; =3 A hurr'§'Wii'i:110tlt * .gQg;1 del5ibera;ti0n*; For fivrfh nuthxng Vought to bee done in 7 A igment‘ but upon full and mature debaite afid de1ib7erat§i%’ mag" all the circumfiamzes azmfiprubable canfiéquencesnf it A i.;jAg1g,urc;_§in1e (a thizig now fgkiome confidcred Dim del2‘&e«% _ 1éf.ezndzgm’*quod"A .fémel fl4tue%ndum3 @, Feflimz len%te3ai:e fafe rules in .@a"4;1'iament , efpac-.ia;?41y in pafiiug pubiike vA.“&s*%%and 30:dinm e:¢s,_ in making Warm or’Pca,cc-,,0ranyNati0n311.Le3gW3 %md4 A;g;:c¢m¢nts.- Second}1y?HafiyDogge5 bring fartbfilirzde W/"belpes : ‘K _?anVd%h‘a;fly Vqtes, oven fudden Councels and Motions, lazmeg ;b1::‘ndeA,ton1;r‘adi&*ory,4mniufi, and incorlfiderage Gcdemg 0:»- éfiizi xmces, which mufi either be correfieeh fuppiyed, as rePea1¢dhy Addiciflonalsaofwhich Wei h%a:§;e had toe‘ rrmny ex“. perinwntfi fince g;h1sPar11ament; which 111 many Votes, f'@I‘- diinauce5,4Ordgr3,‘ andTmpeachmer)tsv hath made more hafice men good {need 5 anJ,c;1V0ted fon1¢cxin3es%bot¢h abfurdicies jand ,§4mpa?f§bii1ci}:é (witneffie the Co7;2rg1o7z's‘ Vyotkmfor‘ the Tryall OF % M,,,,§...Gm*re and M.zYC~M‘)f3u}2 in the ;Kwi%ng;~Be72cb5 tbe very rjumy the erme, bfifere any "h1d='i&z11en%t djrawne, found} or 3;nj7 ]L1ry* fmamoned ta» firidfl it 5 501‘ 12116 Tryall of]Lidge'fcnl{in:iz14the fiingp Bench, by a {horp day,”'fo1~ Tr’eaf0naieaged m be A.-ma mitted. in W/til€£3bEf0F6. aI1y“iX1di&m€1'3t faund ‘imzhe G0ufitA1"y, of rammed ‘into Game, m*xd;the%1i%kVe%;“) which I oixly mention to»: fatisfie and Qémfwef the Objwcorsa n or £0 defm~11eVthe Hmtfih? ‘fir Houies, whofe Honnurs and Repqtatioxus have beene much. blemilhcd, ;k1¥oug!1 the 1:160:47 Kim-91*ate ra;H.1rwfi?:: of fame igno-~ fant Men1bers,W31 O p0a{’md”or:1 fmih Vdtes and Impeachmem.=3. Tlairdly, this diwidn Ftihe Htmfim: WEN ‘breed infiniite dif¢x'&e may *dfifpa%tch1% ~09 ‘judge nviti1?out$th*"r: 13,. ’m;_» “cm”, V%@‘v;2z*a:aIi1i‘»0z1“$ Ej10!}§f;€5 %*~?Jh€1‘fi'I“3‘a my i)u22d¢mI3% of Petitiéns am1‘£2uj§zzef]E»;r '!fe}*2:vas*s am })£’(2T£1 a~22c!LVVV'at2e7: :ppgVrt;ger?.‘§;r*ai1ihjiiiian ta me Lorjfis (rmhe great di{'h%0n;Om*V,jIméi 3113953 9 f;.*Ma;r3d3a.1l‘%"c%fTt%he%ir pr c9x:3e&din"g$ andfiiffeedy A‘ jufiice A “Which iuaci A E2231 «;:s;:-;.. :4 A A A A’ A‘ ‘The fgepelleis lébelled. jA tiogedtq the L.prd%swfo%‘r4 redre£Te.So as theL‘Qrds%»Héufe;is§¢:J;eg;~§ A lyno%A%cauf§;ofde1ay, Abutfthe Commons: rather, through theifié : be;en,dirpa:cH:d and endedmanyyem pafi,had}hcy- long dc,bat¢sorIwa11t of method, which debgtes would hie . V incgcafegi and lcngthned by ‘addingof. t:hc»Lords.umothem,..,_ % who can now dcbatc and dccerminemhings ‘apart, .andrefolie % tW9.0”I': th;'§E thin;‘gs,"0r ‘moreg whiles the¥C0mI_n(ms %arfe°dgbau ~ tingonc : Andftherefare, if jciclaybe thdonely caufe of redu-fl qing the Lard; H%oufe toythe. Cammor14s,% thmcommcms cer-=-r minly are‘ rather to be. reduced thenthe LbI‘C3$g.:%ua~1f1d may bee « fi§“f£st° better {pared oft-1;; two+(even by 3* Lillaurzzgr and his Confédg-.». :; mm.“ ,0 H,,,-,rate: Libell:,anEi Peiitiom )Ttheir delayes Jbeing_%not %a qL1a.rterA :: ry M4213/72 and to one fo many, nor one quarterVfo1ong.a~s.the A~Commm:, as frflmwflg 111- themfelves mufi andido acknowledge. Eightlyfixis Whole dg-5 “°“’“°7 “M fign isa direft breach ef the folcmn Leagucand Covenan tg. fa" % J “ Truth jufii£- A ed’ En land, Aifubveir wn ofthe and Cufiomc of‘Par1iammts, a, device. Birch-right, wVdefiroybo:h Houlksgv under pretext of reducing themitlta A the late Pctié one; «an engine to diffulve this prefi:nt,..andalIfutu1*.eV Paglia--L; : fi°" °f mm? mam: ;% to altqr‘the fundamental] Lawes and Govemmemzbf - % free-born peo- A El: ofggsmd this dam, toeunking theiliing, junprincedzhs. Pnincgunq ~ Iordihe o:ds,”and%qtfite dcfiroy their‘.Hb7n fe (almofi effé&cd ‘T “ by’:-xpuIfion9_., % and im~pca“chments=of molt of their Mcmbcrsj ~~ by degrees, who have {carcc enough left to make up an heuiég‘ which it is high time for then%1%8z% the Commcms to obf'cirvc:_-,; ff; H yu‘;a,a , pro'j=e& to ext irpateM anarchy and ‘ N obilityqand {at up .2; A % popularfifinzirchfand Polarcl1y’:“And tzherfore who cVer~hath.&= " plottedand fomcnted it, Aismorc guilty of high‘ Trieafon than -4 A .$‘trdfi'ord, .VCa1iterb%ur;y, or the Gun» powder Tiraitors, at-ad dc» fines a flevex-er punifhmcnt than they 1:tx1dc1:wmt,, even by thfe ~ hands of the Parliament it fclf; “and all that are we]; %wi{hc‘raV- +- ‘m,ParIiamAents 01;‘ Kingdom;_, though nofriendsto.wyPeécrs;;% 2 A Nintfihly, .% divifion Aofthe Hmzfes is; Firfi, a_ greenba- notir toythe Paflja mam: and Hbufes, favouring ofgrc;t:e%rmMa%- ” 'je£’cy_.,Smte,ancl‘-0rdcz»,then. their joyning irito om, anflgiving 133.1 H-3‘~¢¥1°- cvery efiate its ’* du place and rankeu . Secondly, agrcat cafe , andA.bencfit%t4o% thu Sub§e&};‘~who may m%ake.;his Addrcffis and Petitions Ateufichier at his elcfiion for re1icfe.§ 5 Thirdlyg i great “ fiiligatchmd cxpcglicion to all Vpu_blike..afiaircs,one.H ‘ 4 run M. _ H _ .. ..., --v‘_ fxiiréfefl, that may heA;ieafcex:i%i‘1‘Ii?i‘ce_d'V0fl~fA%An;dAthatfia,A% this-«A A in M;2dz¢;‘fen§ndi Pm~lia§fién,t’um; We 3kWW5” Tvb4t4fmr¢A%A_t!.w _grazizti7:g I help and gzyd (to the King) Air iJeJJao72etb THAT ? A P3533 ‘OF;-’THE PiAm,A.:;A%ME;a:T Afl3~PL-.EE' : {Ind we. mz«[1:;zme£- Hetffand, At'%bat 4; t‘lv1§AICi2i‘g»;}Jt5%wTérziJicf3 Vcemew Ma? Pa r%Ziame7zt; for tI:1eASb.;i&m . A.d?24£'%i Cbixrzfrféi taflt, riiiiicla ‘tT}J€_“3’ cc»':r:%i».?,*,7 b::'2;*e3sr g«rea2ter'vo3gqe~in«AP£¢A1%lm;,.V A mm; T0 GRAN-7~i%‘, men A THE~~% GREAT E1-MI; ,2}; , % E ng‘ian.di Aizd:zft&r“t!2eAfame1:-m3=znertl5eFrrqé}'ar:AfartbaClc_rgie,ar Q29 A of :tIJe A Canvoczitjoifiizoufe %—%%fa~rT‘..0ne B~£;7L%apric£q ..AImw .21 gregiter 2 '"zJ¢;jc¢ iri Fayrlzamentg #1395? an p:gArAeé, It}2e n tl9e%?B“ifiJ'ap Iaimfelf-2-. 7,4134: ;};,,;',~ - :2; true, in all .tbAi72gm§:3bi%‘¢b oug;b~t Pro ffée _gram¢d4ar denyed fa!‘ tb¢‘3'i %Aj24A%r‘t_34, Far V are tab: me tfaereizzy Azid”%tb5.¢ manifz;/1, BEC~AI‘;TSE firm. .- Vaom A PA7m.971AMVEN%T WITHgAAATHE._ «COMAMOMALIFY 3 (i‘€5MMcNé 0? THE KINé«DOxMA-AVVI-'i‘H¢m<"E AABIism:ws EA;Iu,s VB.&R:0;Ns gjet jbm my beifi;m%1¢wned tdtlae Pm¢1i=ameiz«*t,¢l rbpeugfg no‘ BAiAfl2op5 A Earl (Jr Ewan some aMcto%rdi%r2ig in My uimmom? ; B,Ec;;Aju 53 ~ INA TIM:-;'sA PET, Na1‘mm%»«A~%.WAs* -ATm«;ma A BiSH’0Pp...‘7EARLA ;()m_~ B.men::; dndyet E‘s?z£1’§:A54ATH:~EN%~-Ii;%2§m:~% Kmw .THEI;1R.:*PLAH.*LIAA‘:- 1~.n=;AH“F ;i. But it in: fur «£1135-ritvifla an we a’:Im’:Afide 5 far it»i:az<_g.l;v the gam- 9 ingenuity,‘ t_0 wax, _1E:§mA:y% md-‘Cl*erg;ie%wéreVfmnmanadA>2.:o film A figI):.‘m5ey 15033) Aye: fom¢,cer?ain»Acaufé': tb¢}_):% xrzogzid, 325% t*z9f21e'aV Mif they pfgtandg Tzbaniae King "d.T‘d ?201? gamm tbgim; '45 by ézmgbi, d72*d i7z% fiecialifiypoirgt azztfls-8 x‘hFE“g‘ 1 A d 5; J hfhbexngnan-_ 4770?’: 31.1%?-‘:AE“*' 4' W473 V‘_B‘?A'°”5oA W A4‘ 1‘ 3 3975 _f77W *‘A’I’V?7‘-?’f’r';’%" i’cncc,and mif~AtVit}J%%tbe""’&%LKi2zg : therefore z‘A_t*!2eIJa’wetf3 wibmall Atbmgx which" ~augl3_3~ tranfiatcd in tube afiffmed hr informed, gragted pr %da1rze' by the Parliament, fbouzd. WW P1am- N Iar‘£rantéAwI by tbecommonam af tbefarlixzmerit 5 Mick -canfm thrée ' _ de,gree:or;l;ind: fifimbled _z‘nAParli4menAt3V:m wit, ‘of ‘$138217-1Qt§C‘1_yQeT.E cpftfne CM-gie; iIJk Knfflifs bftI5e:S’birre;r,; we CiVtzZ-arm andL%'iBf:'r5g£3fli*4£’, mix? re-- A prefefnr ibé whole C3a1n§n”éonci!tV_yV-af'EfigI‘and,,m2i:l«no”t ofZ\ZOZ?£€,mcn5becau[e ‘ _ pvbrjyayztéf qf?%t7JémA 71': forbz‘: ownpraperyperf on p*v%ef§mt?atA tbePmrl;}gne;z:, 7 M f§£"””37g;”‘:l Aa12dfm:AnaVar&bcry:fWi:icb?%M4§er» *aW]~ohsa.+"§7(:>izstcI‘i"71=1J17:*Z “Té77?£1%'£ir -¢!{§i{7{:A AA ‘fage bow tok§epAAa Parliament 3 fmzonds-*~inAI;hef¢.WQIEd;5;§ A : A, V ’ ' Afijbg King dxge _brdeAr };ave+-fugnmqned Vallbix Lordgand B4rom_.,, % j e"d%fbe14%Wiél.%?%W?'!éA5im*%if*bV¢f WW: ‘*1-‘ii Wi11*Wet a.AAVfAvr if ?beJ.€W 4H¥i“4P”P¢?4r§% V¢[éfidwi¢¥1%mA11e%3 4. but an the KI}_1ghtS5 Cmzens and’Bun-wonc1y ?_ gems, are fep1*e(ent€:d‘fl71E’CVOmm0118 of the Whole Realm; V ‘ and every 0f%t11efi%'4give~th Mconfmxt, not onely for himfelf, but A ..§”,,_~ all thofe alfo for whom’ he isfiantz And the Kingwith th¢‘d0‘r1fet1t Qfthe Commo$ns,4 .EVER AA 37JFFICI~i7iAgrofl.‘e;:§i~ my Am p-m;LA A'vTHo1<1~rr 70 MAKE, ORHAINIW wmhouc AND ¢1ss‘1:Az3Lm1 GOOD AND WHOLSOME LAWS FOR W ‘W =0 :mE COMMON--WEAL‘Z'H 0%‘ arm: REALM ..~ Where£om ""’””““‘ "‘* the Lmdg bang ]awfu11y fumn-,u;mcd,and yet refufing to come, “ fit or confent: in Parliament , CANNOT BT THEIR F AOLLT ” ‘ A A ‘IE THE KING .01’ ‘T COMMONS OF »TI-IEIE, LL‘%P£{()CEEDIN(\':}S IN PARLIAMENT. So he. ".From which tW0 Pafligcs it may be probably inferred avfirfc, that a Parliament may now be held, a.ndA&s and Laws made . by the King and Commons alonmwithout the Lords 5 but now By the .K'irxg and Lords without the Oomrnons 5 and {"0 their % fitting in P-arlianment is not:{"1mVply neccflhry, fa as the A may" ice in taken away and reduced to the Commons hem a. Sea ¢0nd1y,‘thac‘nhcy have no negative voice, but oughtto%a-Kent to%whzu:ever the Commons {ha-1-1 votecca be gopd and ncceflary for‘ the C0mmonweaI'thI. ’ V A To which 1 anfwér 5 firftgthat the compiler emu mt rim» A Anfwm “ ;‘ifle,is both‘un%kn0wn,,;8c the time whé in was firfl campilcdmot A %A%;3f~ _ T£7e’Le*uelle%§ Zerzfielleéf; A 'E;;fi3g..;4.P-_,1‘_'z vgzarrancforitg .bu'.:V Sir 0 Edward com afl'm:io%n, andthaé: A ?A" J 56% thi?-Fi7=¢ mlanner8z* Seldcrs grand Fnqucfi. p. 3', ‘Q 169 \ A iozancicmz-a,si3imagix1ed‘by‘{7o.me[ h‘undjredsVofyee%rs’A: Iris Fa*idV V in me! gpéfacfc, it was ‘firffconz [3 ofed in ‘Edward the‘ C011 Fefi"0r?‘sA timtyand Afhewejd tdffi"/ilJi4a¢m'h‘é3, Conqucjrour, 8: Aapproired‘»a%nd%A : Aufed by 1'iiri1%%:,b11t he _t;h.:xt made this Preface to it Cadde3)fTbzzz it my uf:dA1N‘% ‘HIE jIME3"‘ OF I-:lI.S’; STJGEESSORS KINGS’ - OE Et~‘.w3LAN;D,_andHthcrefdre Eived Kong a fzer~the Canguc%rmu*s ~ timcjand fa writes at randomA,I;1o%t%ofh%4iS~ own kzmwiedge, %. ‘there"bcing noi-Iifiory nor Recordto Warrant any fi1Ch thing: : and by.his%Dif<:Qurfe‘ ytouching the Members placesrand fit£in¢g¢ %_ in=PaWrIiament5manner of Marihalling the?Bifh@>ps and mhers, and by;othe*r‘u4"e§ eit»li¢£ [at;enh“ot5 atRafi-fivotednotiboth1;og¢ther, as 1sVpretcnded«: F"o1*SfiAx3fl:,thisr - Tfffififfixififiingaifbetb the Bzflvopir, Earl: and%13ar%bnJ,:rLd4rAdi§fi:2‘€1‘Tanks’ ariddegrees af Parliamenvtg lzofb from .VI{é2ig%bt:,% Citizen: and B11 rgefl'e:, A - tiJraugl3.aut.tbe Treatife :% Secondly, it;di'ffi231guifl1etrh thefi1“in the Atimemmd d2zj;e:T.ofAt:beir calling in “the ?begfnm'v2gqf4&tbe Pa rliamegzt, and A 2”;2~.;t;be%i%t%j‘i22e:: far‘. 7201;appqaring:iT.hki%rc;lly5in,.the cbdrgefktbe :'Ki”n'g gjfve: ta~tbeJm ‘..-4.; Four thlygin the me: and mzmnénpf their fitting, all the L fewrall A. . ._ »,..._........ «7*lat:;L?wellemlzmlleal.” A . A . 9 . A {Jan afi Pderj:,ua2i721i¢32$*flz'§1rTuzrit5 of7£be£:ord:’2bo;z{L*+~bei2zg€ mem‘.Ai-% A omcf, :4 as fi tziézgf tagelberr, ,witbaur,,;:m Km'g%IJt:, »Citi;za-7::V% o%r;Bz¢rgérfi;c ~fit%tV.ing= a£:%&ra Jack ;m;:z:,A :IHAT NONE .81‘? B7/:1’ V AMNG Hzsapgms AND EQIUALS : Fit‘tIy,“he fubjoyns, T /.m%t% T]3§"‘7H§?iCEI’§1§f'Efl'g# “ el;§;z1c1%A a re» :29, flice: %i2z.7I%’€cz rfimeiztg .j%z22z\le_fl'e 3 ~ fz:r§%far;i;» 2:5; yzam tamer A ;,fl1allAbe4%nj]igneL{ . and %z.gi'z;£*‘rz ibe72z% t’}J872\ the: C-‘ V ;AND %I?,E%ERS ef tf:e%Pari§ament ,‘I7J4t tb£:%Pem sf 3 the 7*%I’m£idrrzez24t-%aA3:e ; V, to~%,eamn%i2ze Pefl'rio;*z5 %B1"’t r‘1J?1E:1EM' .5‘Ela’ .E;.S"»: ‘I'M: tI}e%§:Kirzgy‘ifl.mllA , figz2e five slgflfufl ClMer}2g; of t.!.>e 1’¢=.:*127;mz:2»:zt%: t})aAwhe'r¢offlmL/ ;Mz‘- A , ,7zi§?er: to %?{errveA tb.=:~Bifl;_epI 3:, the fe.c:;7zd,A the ;ProL’3er: af%;rb£:C"lergie 3 we ';FtI)i;:c1,:4t~4lJe Earl: and Bmm -3:1/J6; fomtb, the Kniglm *t1Je% Shire ;‘ we ' fr,%t;be Ci;tiz.5I2[x, ¢m1,Bzcrg~efl1*y :.;wfJo%fl2;wfl”wr%i%t%e and regz'fler‘« me;;~[ em- A ml! arzfweérsg mzd :deu5t:\; to me; KVi§zg 3 that dI1¢dw4b=tfw’/caj'e5 are‘ It» be» pm in VWf_itiflg5*dnd delivered to: tbe4Clerl{;af%'evéry degree aitbdt fa e'ver_yDE?- GREEWBT» :11’ JSELF1 vMAr4 %arA4I‘r%%s13:%~L;zaE ;,§1ND4~pEBA:rE «Am and4;bm brizzgwtlleff :.AN.S'WER AND -.24D-- %V..¢C%E‘% IN W'B I%IT1ING??5% and . £1:-2)1édijco%rd% arife, , tbzzr »tbe%w*fn%;¢fi72¢}]?: . be ¢I,1mzdledVa%i!Id :4.mended% by; all ‘r}Jei%1?w%r:, ofwe I{in;gdom%‘A.u4rzd:tbafw~rz¢1i*2e' L..bf:zzl1V£be;PeeAr.c«maydepart fiwm R:zr%li.%:zrnVent, ,u2s‘:1eflc’4.be Jmve» obtained 4 A “lezwef OF r, THE KI.:N~G, andLaf";ALL r. Hui-S~ PEERS. xrfilliwhiqh ;;fpmve5$%Ath¢AAr dfivii fionmmd difii.h&iGn::0f;t:he~fH04t1ffi3 in that Agég 4¢V."in%Vot¢s»~2mdDebates. A ~ A * A A ~ M ~ % % -0 .,. mrO_I13 flan doe pry ccmclude .Anm:hi7ng 7 without the- itKii1gs pre- vg-riI;ers;gi‘a4nAt ;*:;Fir{t, A%:Jthat%%theL Cqma A R1166 alfdconfcnt S¢c0ndly_;, ;tI1at,§§1V*§he Loxdws ~@’t1gAht" ta:-be A fummon?ed%1;o:%thew Parliament, :V—iEvd:x%e3r appAear»“ma_t,% ‘mat: " j;cheyl1ha11,VAbeA itamm-mdA ~.~. :,ThiVna1VyA, . that }rvpartzibfthem q1~ifagrc¢,%% %n_0%~Taydeac%ar1;:bc granted. um m“&;%i:j paAflTsd ,1 byétheit; £3 Wn,con¢ft}fi3;0nS. :,,aaI1d” by;.;h¢ fa;m;a~‘%re>aIorLV t;h%cy;A%:1%Et:*11,~‘th3t¢t:he A A :::il§i*ng*a11d,LaO»;1ds; o‘1*%..e:itlwrLofthernjgalzbne,swwithout»theuflomw % V —,,I110I18,%~.$££n;.Vegrant 140:: ;.cna&:,,n<21a:hing¢V ”1:hat%»is“ %i*fi1*ma%or Ruble; L A Iwr ymthgzQmmmanMhemfe1$vc4s;withoutx the ‘%K”iugs?‘=afi§:nt; 7 A" A :5 A ymufi »:,ueteflity.wgranta«th4atL th’e{1King« and‘Cdmm4cms “Without AAA2.o'AAA. * A A T7aeLAe*L2ellw‘shLte7J~e1Yezi’.A witlzavmthhe LoxdAshcanh.doh nothing, zhaf ishhbi-nding co the,»- V Ki,IlgdOn1-,‘th£_LQrd$-,.afléflt being as requihte; as t~he~ir5,and‘AthfBy A x h ennrufled the Lia-ws~; hSAt:a1zu cesanclAGufi:cmie~«of'the Rs*ea1’m,? to? A haclnfencandhdiflént in the" granting of aydesg, A and niakihng‘A*’fh. Lagwpas well as the King and Commvnsga and .have a {harp in Mb.5,th -as -Well asthcy. . hfiaurthly, theAho!diz1é‘g ofajAPhrIia”meh~t_;,Q grahneing of aydeh ang_1hmakingALa:ws by the King and“ Gpmmons, V‘ .Withq11tA the Lficlidfi;-,;i$~(JI}h€1}?i-Ii one=fpecial1h.<:af?a of 0bfiinacyAand extremityh V in the AL0rdsAf5 which rrcveryet fellhoutmoris likely to happem» 17.0. Wit, nvhezztbe Lord; are 41/fu.m21i1onea'A to ParZiz1ment,~A t172dA_}'€t mil; A A fulbg Arefz¢fe.tpa;2pe;z13 fit onagreehtaiciny tlaingsprapomzdedhetbe Ifiizz“ andflammensjoyntlyg wit/mt: g.iving.ia‘farfliciam"rwfoa2‘hhfohr‘tbeirAfo den ‘ izzg. :j Togcqncludp therefore from fiach aremote pofl’ibilicy* Q17 A 7 acai?eAwh‘ich;A never yet fell out5 nor is likely to do, the new cefl§ty__hof thé*L0rds A reducemenhcfiat this prefisnt, orinfurure ~ » A timesm the Houfe c§f.Commons;cm.theh»abolition ofch=eA Hodfe ’ A P Mof,Pcers,or their n:egaciAve voycgis as grcatAAnt3n:fc~nca a?ndA“frcm->~ A ‘Azyg; asvto argueAA;-that-—aIl the~Lords andC0mm0n8 ough=t=pre.. M fh 1 fizjncly co.be.AiE:ntAAto‘Bed1am,h becaufe c:sne’..of" our Parliaments A A 2 _ was'f’:i1~ed5Infanum Parliamenmm, iTbe¢nadAPar1iament, and they A may, p.pflibI‘y hApr;>ve¢now as mad*aM3h<:. PAai~1~iamé'c was then re- » puged«;..-’a§ they wilff dw:§;in-gmoCih"earnefi‘, i*f7.ch~cy %fl%-1osul~‘d goAgbt3£1t to level! thelLords, and detrude thpzl; to the -A as thcfié madAS¢:?tarics~° axmfl Levellers would perfwade many. A ifi;1y_.,.ncith:r.of uhefewwriters were-;go@dhLawychrs,Hifié-4 Ari-ans or An£Aiqtia;I*ics verfed in Parliament‘ Rchodrds AA: AA for firfl, C~o"r'nmAons houfle, . 22- E» 3%‘ 3-5-5 our Law-;,boo£m'h are expncffe in:--V poim:_A.,= Tbat na.L;gw? nor J62 of ‘ ‘ ;:H.,7.1 4.1_1_H m.%BnParl_ Parliam.mt~,;;cazz.ba made by tbelfing and Commom hwifbourh “mg Lag}, , 0% Plmdm, cpnmr.rgntA.aflEvzt, no mm’ tbm by..¢be_ King and Lord;-ihwitbout 1'b8ACam...A .1 ;;om.t.79. mm: ,..- End Sm-Edward CaoI{(th’e xncateft Ltawycrhinchis latter ~ :'i2g§z§z;o2;::f}§1-.- a%§)islpaficiu3izF,hisA. 4%bIZ13‘7b¢.AL whet; hch writes ~par%:icu‘1ar“ly,; "A % 4 9- 5' 9 0 a1f1iamien;tsA *.A"‘2»5.AA here fa 2\7'0»;-.ACf OFMPARLIAMENT. §T;’;‘:f/f’;§3‘;_’;§ EM MUST HARE» Ac 01\_LS’EhTiZ.0F~A:A mm I:s0R1.)S,Atbe com-A $1,” f’ ;mon.r,and royal} aflént of the Kmg, M appeargtbby RECORDS ’” AND §'mr:{i “l'E:%’r€:‘-:h“g"‘ 0‘Z/Ii, LAW’-BOOKS Thercforc.thishfancyAmf Atheirp, aha:-the $3»): 32-Eh-3-7,King and Common: mayrmake fad!!! wi1bout1behLord:, is.»-ayclegrh \ gniftakegyjgqin poin§haVr1iament§:ver%%heard;¢¢» cm yead neitfitir do theft: Auth‘0rs iz1f’can«m':inAAa1tiy%c:ne'Prefi4-s 3 de;nC-§Ath€1Tcf0fV¢ this ground of their oplmon, ‘1Tl,mri2z%time; pafi V 'amr~:Ki%zg;: key; tbeir Pa rliamer:t5,wberz «<1» lefore tbefefiere -{:12}/B flzops %oTr tVemp0rall flfidr, is a ‘meér gmundleffe aH&rtic>n,. contradiéted A by”-all our Anuqsza;r1c‘s‘and_% H1{’cor1ans =,. w,h1$%ch alwayesmake m€§1tior1;.of ArChbiQ1ops,"?'Bifh«;:§ps5 A-Abbotsw, %Duk;':~s_.,« Princes, ‘Ea-rls ._, Im;ords»~ and" Barons‘ in ‘our A ancie'ntePc ;P:.u*1ia=m=ents, buc%*mf> ment‘fc7‘mv‘a*c all"'Qf%any K-nights’ofSh‘ircs,Ci1:izens and‘ See M:-.Se!... aIl‘Qt1r‘Pa.rIiament K0113 contradiflt this ""15 Titles of ’ Hanour, part‘ -v. Bu§rge{T¢:s '. ‘ T11ifdl’j%," £11"l.Cy,Ch&*Cth'CI'€ canbbno A&"nor_Oa*dinance of Parliament 2 C 5 SP8, . * n g ,\ Lao withoutthc: Logédg confent as Well as* theCom’mor1si;;:as is Aevi. »n.,,,m,; @Onc31_ dcntbytzhe pex‘in1n$gQqf all our printed Ptfis, (and by 6-afidw. ,3. T_<>n1.1JI’r*uth Rot2.Par1. 11-3.. 17 E.3:‘n.59',6o. 43 12.3. mg, 8: I Q.”1.a,‘R.,2.u. ‘?‘“;,“§’hi“% 0%" V} 4515 .s Ail 1; H.4,.n.25.jJv1th‘ri_1anyn1<3rc : yca_.,.the Lords prefcpce 0“ gfgf an Parhamcnt hath at all tlmesybe-an few abfiolmel} nec_ejf.¢ry and The §xand—In~ ex A Vedie%nt ;. :b‘4z~%eury.VI’;2"r‘lfd‘meflt5 ‘time tai%tima”Imve Zaeeaz ar1jk;zm2efd quefia P. 33¢ fiam twig: day tlmtfflmg were firfi appointed to fi.*,tillfom.:';' few day; .;;f;,;,-.34 16., %V A V upon this very I‘e‘3fOII,”Tbat‘ALL THE Lcmns (by reafan Oftbe foul» 'm eatI)er,[bortwzeflfioffumnasms, or [am other obcafian) mm: npty¢At% some hm.p~V»to tbe%V“%PaTlian18.71f3 03-‘A SUME “OF THE LQVRDS COME 5jazzdftlaeDe%cl2‘1r£tzian eftbe caufe: of calling the Pk¢rliarn%¢nt%b_y 1dbe*La1'él Cba7é2:ellon1‘,Aor chief }'z}"‘§‘2“ir?4e,,. and =a1LPm-lia‘in2:n;tary bmega defmed tiZltbeircom1ning, (as ‘well at lvééaufe fame of tbeqflazigbu and » Bmgefllx »w&;re"not% comegzor all the rim for tbeireleéiionr retufized :J.. 1 upan which re4fon,,and the abfmce fame LO1’d!5I%'[J6fi1fldd_y of the Pay... liament: fitting f,.% .% bath been oft adjamrzed , as &the -%P4ai"Iiamem ' Ii_"o1IsA%of 6 E.§3».nu."m~. 63 "E2~3."Parl‘;2.n;5,6,;8,9. ax»; E43.Par1.¢+m.4;;; % 4. 1~;E.3.n4.5.% 1-7E;3.n.2.d.’6.. 18E‘-3.;n.1,2,5. zoE.3.—nw5.‘21%E.% 3.n.4;. 22 E. 3.4n.;%25 E:'3A.n.1. %2‘9E.3‘w.n.4,. 316 E.3.n.e1; 37,15, A V g:.n+.x. 4:2 E.3.n.1.V50 fTE.3’*.fl«I-"'5'! E-3i»n.3. ’I:.R—.2-_Ifh_3I?§“‘“2'R.2m. ~ 3?. H K,‘2.flg" Ki R-12¢ n3 1' d“‘5"'Ro$ I Parlu 1 Wall ant Iof -~ I I V I"6” '“ *' And 8 H4. :g.ParEi,,;.%A..n_§, M f\P:arI,g;.n;g .abundantIy manA1fefij,1c‘Ab¢111g%Mthe 2‘? 23:’: 4%‘ 5311 flamed all. fOrfm‘C§I7BarliamentstO Débatfi, Vote ‘anAdf deter»- :2; H.4.n.z. ’mi”d¢?%?‘§9ihi‘¥S4b*35%~i11%AF 1543-.LI-«4MENTaWh¢'“§3”'501‘flm i An1A0f’c«g”artAéf% the Ms‘5mbers»VQf.% b0th H0ufcs4 “rare” prefentg A and \ &n%o%t1T irrsa; ch=in:@r?eNmApty%H0u{e, when above half 01‘ thL‘€¢5p‘art$ A i;werc7*abfgnt:Wan»inTnm§a%tion qfdangemusconfiqueticekroughc % " _ A in aflmterv-aime$%_a, %:A:;==an d~’fit: I: Ab;eAre;;1:¢£i'ad, ,/for miliqb 'fomeAP.czrlia~ 1'’ 5¢& 3 I 15- 3-‘meat::md:F4%rZigimf;enAr%aow:4procAecdizzg.r %b%a2}3 fl2ee2z;R% rgpealetl andA«j¢zdged "-‘A~15- ‘E H~4~ :vgyc{~by 1VPn,:~l§ame:zt ; %4e‘fpecia1ly .Wher 1 agcmmpanied_‘with*a‘n,y: R;£>c.I"atl.2.2,w _ % % . . , % -.%, %., M ’ 55“ 39;}. armed "forces and kvzoleence, overaawlng tahei,AHo%u1es or%th“¢u;~ 6.c.x.S:a:u:es*McmvbAe%rs%%: to prevent «which A forni€rAag%es,AA by the qqng. 051?‘?/~?”d: &1°«Ac%ieAnzf‘1aw and cu§}’:ame»of Pé{rliame72t,M_VA1~a %P%1roclzzmc;Ation'uf:4azlly Wm azza’ 11 7-C.2.3. 2.:w,,¢;g}.vtrto%lve‘:,:«2mde;/at“;Wé{’cminflex? in tb;:Z5egi;zazi:2gVofeveryV%P:xrli;zmmi , Ii; In 2au*‘"» 5 (_._M,,.% E,;fz‘I—.I,4fz’ NO ;:MAN,;"‘UPON MINA To % LOSE ALL A‘1”H.z42’ H12: 4.”- A A.4A;HA29, sam/rLD :-JMING THE BARL1.4MEVNr,W%zn%Lon. Aq” C005? --Hnfi. donbr Wefimin-flexyor %tb:ASiiZvurb:,e'9‘-c. wear 3472} priZI)caatAAof~4Plzzte, ‘£434; ;E.§- URWAGOE :01“: a¢fe:z:2z_y»»G;m1e.£g»IfW.”5; 3352!,» arzdvotber A’ 1 .%pjfiimé:,orfbewAiIzgSbe.WeV5.duri22gthePar1igmentg‘:fAfIbeAreafamavlaercof A 7Wa5,;I‘Tbat tbe2big_b (Saar:;af?P4r1idmént_[laciuId not VtAbe%re£a)/Abe difizzféejd, & . I rm ‘t:beVM£}n%ber! thereof fwfqicbme A TE DA the drfiuozlwarid 7%urgentAb;4fine_f]‘e time Church and %CommAo22ewealtb) Z212 tberelay WI'I?*H- A ADRAWN OR.’ FORCEDA AWAY : as is~apparentAby~ 3.nu..; , 6*E.=34.% nu1.2,3 . 6115.5; . Par}-A2«I%1~2%., 6. E34 Par]. 4A.4n4.455 . \ W; 3 VE.3;nA.1- 4AVE.3;n.1; ; 1V:4~Ea3».:P%ar1g2%I %I5 E.%3;n..2. I735.‘ 3.3.3. h20":Ei-3-T19 LY 2%.a,»E.V3g,n.I. 25 E53-4,Aln;%5};8;‘~& Scat. 2A.A.n;4;; *5-A1’x Jaw and cuflcme ‘ j11iow_ fit: tow be revived,_ Fourt%hly, AAth“e very A *"Writs% of Summonsfor the Lorciaand Vof..él1e&ion ofKnights, ” A Cifize.-t1s:a%nd« —Burgefl7:s *1‘ rtafutsesg thisw n1i{’cakg-,% v.;.yrcquirin%’g thAcm4#fi”11*9iVAa.PPearrerfwmlévein B‘“li4mA5”t:‘ on lucbn day, A+atAfz4vb 4 V plzzce,and tbére to treatfftbe great arzdurgezzf 2éfi"air.rA ofitlie A“1Az"ot A e ;~am*?A!jamitb the Aliing him’ 13 %%buf%cum% Pwblaciég IBUS A%PPtO€«EARIBI.IiS sdi&'i%Regni.nofi~ri 5 with tb-‘E 3T€’1flf¢:5Z\T0~ ~ rbleman and of e.z4r f»aidm1iealmAAfA;~¢And% thcréfgzmeVt:o;»d15¢amV’o.$ .4h@1Ad;ng;aAPar1iam;nt, or making Law¢s%A:»witAh9u _1:”A§.h;¢: *%L~or8s3 i3””3~7i*fign*0t7aniHt0rxiAC%*¢"*d brain-VFi£rIyia findfin-~2I’?-i43~(I?11~ % {$3.-~21‘ 3*. 60. 3 7 1 3,3 5:C>;.., 3‘%.‘nE;u, 13"“. gm!-aha ,,, See the FrecAAyé’cr€b00k0’F' 3A;,,,7.ibgA1ihat%tiJ€»Kifig-Md%L9?'d5%571M$1?4mt1W'713 hpldelg granu1;~kfj}We*made binding Zam -witbaxgt the Cémmwgg ifi fume saferg Am not A T1}er.»L*emJfe«m§i!ew;eJ£m7; ‘V A A 3 A . ‘ ' ‘ Y ’ ‘U rm} King "and iG0?nma12,s.-Awit/J¢oz{tltb¢2 4~Lord.{f.: 4 And MinTthee.A;Parii%ar1iEI1i:f[ A Atiif-~%v6‘ ~3.~?*~P?‘aVirla :*2*.»?n».:7»~. ~ tiJ.a"Cam' a22:I):zd.1ice2z[e% 5ta;AAdep,2z ft Atba:parlia‘~ 4 w§e‘:2*t_.,* “V l2:;~:t¢~>=tI1e~Loi¢c1m;:av mAAco7;f:ma:2d4>jd%_‘to“ammdttbe- ,.Ibf:'*?Z;5*»3.?!§'£.7?J0}5?Z*!5 ;{" A A ii2Tg5 to»-adv‘ife$him-»:«Sotha;c%them:;is.~far .fi3o»re c01buAt:«inA"poim:05+ A - P&§~£id~ents%;*%At9pm-W5 that.‘a%he..Kirig%an;cl~Lord:s :1mj.;5nrn1a,kg2AA¢ L,Am;s,g; A and m*n*ts*~0f aydcasg (as==tlw> Lmids; did%by; an A fwr4 t¢haAm{e1;v-ss_.; ,; A an E.?73.%. n.4,=;;. 8z+P%a;,%rI~?»2. I3wE.3.‘n.7;) Wzithcsut~th:b:G.bm2n:m;s5AAAA%~ V than*tT5h%eKi1ag*:aA¢nd Gon3n1::3rm..wich0ut the Lbrds; A; AT: ‘ S1ixtI*y,§ At”owt.h-i%s%,' tlmt fbei ;{'ni;igbtJ,Cit$&'ze.1zx; mad. AB * rge smut, I:rave~ ag;Vre¢~ter-z4o>yce% rim: tlJe‘:gre%ateff VEMZ eizz. pm:Zie2Amem,,; b§eca‘ufe “ they repréenftbe»_C3omzA$t»f’ie:, Cities mV2dV%i”Ez¢rraz¢g12.r fi‘mzv~wl)e2:;ce%.tbey% cnme3"an~d‘t/ire'E4arlfbmmm0ns4Ahoufe, thsenfth%ofe4tha;c+,A % fi’Er5ve~-for lefTer,“and~% thc f’fma~l1ef’t’, bfecaufeA%;:hey reprc:{‘m_t,L 5 a~n-%d*afl'ent4, zmd *vot%e~~for »Amo~re~ V~Fréeh»old£:rs, Cifizzns Aand. Bun-:;A g"Vefi‘ers~thein$"thcyw; andibylt-he fame re’afon,the»1eITer and poomr A %%{h‘c)t3a’id ;have~%a;1efl'er vayce-Ain:.tAhe Pears? hotlfdthcxm ghegg ‘ A g%reajtef‘Eanci‘:ric-hefi:=*‘5 whichwe%Imow=is’faIf¢and abfurd: 85$: caridiyj; ma4rryiPeer5 aPG,:.l‘0Hf:{ greater w'orth5' Ava1ue,; efiiamfand‘ ~ i11tcrwl?t**Vi%n%%&relaxiérm to thefiimgdenx, then‘ many pmr AB11f1‘<-V faughis and’ ‘therefore’ by tghisrcafcon th.ei"ra4voicesAfl1QuIgdbe . g”t‘eateI‘AA.thenbothB%u%rgefi7:s§f<:rvir3g>fm" them}. Thkdly, every, Peér ‘vm:c;s*—n“0t Crnely‘ fm= %Wh*ir";(1feglfl? bu tfdr Aalllthe «N cibility‘ anal whole State*ar;d*Kin%gdon1 w>h~art:of he iA5a%‘tn1c:mbe.r, asVA~wc1l aAnd'as. much arvany 'COmxI'aoIj1er~5‘ ai1Ad7th~ercw11e:h4i34 voyce is as ,great‘ae;sLtheirrAs¢ M A A , A A A A, A V ' As tojtzhc Lotdanegative =- v0ice%~‘"'1’n?v“Parliament, anfwerg; ' firfi, the_%King;,” comm-on3La‘wa»aaIid *.S=téaJtumr!s of? ?”1:?.§=zglgznd5 have *év“ér% a110v’v:ed%%‘4 and acknowledged it in allfifiiigés S%ec”cm*dIy,*% pa deny them this %PriviIcdge,is*vfo%make thTewh'oIe”¥houfc raf Peers _ meaner$then themeanefif Burgeifeg, who hat-h Ia ~négaI:ive voyce ‘i%'n"2rllj de“batcs~an(i Yates that pafTé%thev.C«0mm“ons;t§b%u17efé»5%%Vye‘ag;A ‘ad deny ,Athetri to‘bc.%freem¢nf, and ~na“ake them-~w01‘fe than the % Phi1%ifiMintc L“ord§,“ Whohad‘ at negatiixié voy4ce,{*1 ;9am.2:A9<..'zgtq~12 :hl.§_._21Eito‘rnak¢°th1em'givc their c6vfcnt3~ncGwhat§evcr*the Gfirpfliqxafi A ‘ “ » A a TheoL.Wo5ozeq,ezzed. _ Law it {E11-', and approve and Aeflablifh their . ' turéand difioin&ion%‘from the Commoners. ~ _ A o A Q ; A Finaolly, iris cvidentby otobpv,Parli_amcVnt Rois of .PVaArI.. o {H.511 ca}fy.by their pluraiity of Votes (tfioough iI:«beA butnby" on‘se\’oor.tw-do) is to fi:t..l1p‘P0pi'fh blind obcdioencg ‘arid implicit: faith, yea, todefiroy that liberty of con fizicnce andjudgement H g fizhioho otAhe,:,Obje&ors,J;o_Leme11m and. Army do pre,tend.they~ 5 : fight,’ and,fo~éarnefi1y~. contcfloofor- hindly, och:-oroc arefund;y* A porefidents in our %‘Pai*1iament~ ‘Rolls, of theoofioords n6g;atiVLe". - vpyces in~~ParIian1ents 5 I fl1g1Itin~{-’ Jlldkatufc or rfiegative .voy.cc,9 is-obut the Mind following of the blin d,and oontxadiétoa11f*‘Par1iamcnt_Pxecordfi, Hifiory, flntiquity and auch orizy, _judicg-A W“ 2»n.3{ 13. E; 3 (Par-2-I1~7:8-5"’ I 5H“E- E-n~ 657939: 17 3n‘3'}5'3r37M-h 117E-if A 3 J], 911 :1 ,1 2,39. :8 E.,3:.n.1o%o.oo 21 E,»3,_n.4,5 ,7»o._ 22 3.%n.3,4, 29._ 22.1i}..3,Pa1?l-2o-Ito-.697» 27 E‘ 3-3-4» 19‘ *“T- W 3 5 »E~3-R-65 V 7~4° -M34? :41 13- 47 E‘ 3*?‘-5a5='13' 5° oEr?f'?‘A'3>3»9= '97 3 4, 1, g:«8;,\]:91;f;;3I %11§,2;.n.~:%1*2,,13oo.% 2%oRo.42~.n.,1o,2*3,to 952 2'.'P3I‘1-3'-I1-64-. ,4 ._K+2~on+9:§ .F°*1 5 '3; -9? olfigloolaw *0 :51?-34‘ 11-‘A99 w.-.IoI‘- 6 K—2éP+ar1V-zgsnol«+a15»oooA6 R2» pa*r1o:o3-m3ag9;r4_o7 3-24}: 1;. ~ 7-bei%Lem-122m 1mzzed.% 4 N i1-mam A7~1m.r.ParI.z.n.ro5z1.A V133-m n-.6. Is R-2-n~,IsA« I 6 R-a-My ‘ 17 R.A2.n.Aes,A17,18¢V ac R-2~43;»9;a I051 2.-. 1.33163 I:,7¢- mR~éj«~n~8:% _°175,”t"b é‘i‘.’ =‘:Th;at1:heL0rd%s and Commons In thePar11aments V dffiing Edward the ‘third, and Richard? the i~¢co21d,were%di57im52 :~ % ~~b1::%tbgin jtlyeir “deEm“te:, coAnjuZtz;ria2z;, counceiyg, P8fitf0!2I§'l10t£?J‘, and%pla?- ~ ca: ~offit.tz'7zg too, 50 E.3.‘n.3%,%3- Sifi"j‘a}3n Knevet Chancellou-t bf ‘ Engztmdj hmxing%%dVecIared theca*u{'es %oFcallin g‘that% I_?aiVrI%‘i:am%entf bgfm-g1%%‘;11?%e%Kihg,V’ %L%brt3s and 'Con1n%inm2%,“ % wilh-:d~t%l1em to gate % £0:ð€f5* THE LQRMDS BY %TB:"EMA%5ELVE5aiAND‘VT353 COMM08 BY THEMSELVES, and fpeedily ‘to confgdc and gzve anfwer. A”f'tcr7wAhichtheComm0ns were wi‘He'clto drparc T0 A THUR ACCUSTOMED PLACE; !aei"gF‘1¢< Chapter hbufis of t:hejAbb0t 0f If/cflminjh-%r,%whithc*r my went. ‘ V In which place cheylikewiI‘e fa‘te_., 2AR.2¢ n.~ 19». 8: 1€.2gn. 9. A .% And in I5 E»3~n-17:47 E-3—n~s:.6~ so 133-“ 3-9- st ‘Ea-n-I8. K.-2.n. I R-ZuI1;I4o R‘-‘Z. PdFI.2an.I'j. Razu' Par‘I.2.n~. m,1~x . The %Comrm9m cameftd THE LORDS ~ HOUSE¢»A %g¢nd~~reqm‘reZl itlm ”certazn%af tbei Lordx, Wberenézmed, WOULD %VoucHsAFE. TCONFER WITH «THE com, MONS5 wbéreupan they went ta tbe Clm1zber_lain: chamber to confer with‘ the Cammam : And at other time: {be} were appainted ta gave and M%conjul;?w'itb the Commons‘ at flame other place by the Lo‘rt1.st% order. In 2 1»’..‘.V2.1" Far]. I. n.23. ltl:re Commrms required, that fomefifie orfix A the Lm-d5‘Am*i,ql5t%%be appeimed to come and difcourfe with them 5 THE LORDS H DENIED % THAT, f2£ying,~ The; fame was tbeguifv of two or three Parliament: before. But: the nfq’ “was_.,A. Tim: the Lords‘ fboutd among tbemfelzze: cbaojea certain nurnbcrg 'amd‘tbe Common: the %1ib\eV,mzd that tbeyjbould confemogetI1er, which they would (Ia : for if the Cammom would not diffever tbernfelve:,% neirberwauld they tbe Lord: ..~ 4 ‘1’o%tbeAu2hiab«order the Common: agreed. And 4 H..4.n.Io.; The Comm man: defining (be King that certain fi}}:ciaI1 Lord: migbt bgafligned to V mat with them abautV-afiairx for the common benefit of ~ the Realm f: It ’ was-A condefcéndgd unta,wiHJ‘ tbi: prote§7at%z‘o7z fi>ecialz3«%Ae72A?tred%z5y ‘the King: cdmmand, At}Jdtitoug}:t‘na‘t ;ta*!2e%é'Ionu Vofriggbt OP» CUSTOME, V BLIT ONELY our OF ~4THE“K1NG«sd%sPEcmLL GRACE;%which$t§_aeVCominons than acknowledged.¢ A A pregnant evidence bOth“of' their difiinfi Houfes and Can?" A fultacions, %cx.cepI; oncly at privam Committees and Qonfeg _ A A ~ D4 ‘ %renc.a?8 25 A /‘QM m,;v" ,‘:w .»-2 . ».‘».vm-- "mu “ ‘ W ‘ "'N-wnama‘ uv.vi~.m‘ »«4avun~»e,m » um "-\.>..v VUm‘Vxrr\‘\I]fl‘uw ..:..«,.,5;«.K,2‘_,_,.M;._, W i , M V . ‘ \ ‘- *" W M N am‘... m..‘mw”_h,,,,.‘ ‘ A - ;-_x__ 4... .. , _ —---—--—~ _ -v-W _ , ‘ ‘F W ' ‘ “ ‘ * ‘ . . ‘ .4 < ' ' “ ” “ ~ ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ * -- L m ‘ “ aw ' va ‘- “ ..= ‘ W n. ‘ M; ‘ ‘ .,‘ “ I “ V mixtngom-, J u ‘ . M .. Why‘ . “ hm e ,“, ,.,.‘ «W H “ ' ‘ ‘ A .\ , . ‘ ‘. u M M , ‘ ,w , ‘ ‘ . .-w ' w -v ,;\ =.,. v. w: ‘M... w, ‘ ‘ ‘_ “ "' ‘ M ‘ ~ ‘J 4.‘ eri‘C€*;~ tfiiat in :5 Egg.“ %n%¢4._;7. The Ca%mmo7z: pray tbzgt u ma¢»tbe Wgd-V-5% A izefalaxtiierz mac: W1} fling, the AATYIWI they _tI.3e72 prefented Ato Ibe I{Wi2zg,¥ mj*i;__{bft be Coékrzmirzéd to%4cert.gii%*nfi Ec¢17_l3f‘“,_ B4ran:,Bf:'fbqp; ;md,atber MEN ¢tbereAMLmmed~+d by vrbema TO BE AMENDED: wbicb 1'2 ;eA A M Ki%nggrzmtcd._A;1dA%in13,113,. Par}-I-n-I132} 17-3» n..5. 7 }i’~;‘2%I,’ Earl‘-.2s;n+I9a2'0J.; AR—¢2+ 7: and fundrvcther P631183 % Qdmmons pmferre IHEiR INABILITY %eAND‘ AA1NsuFFI;“4 c1E;szcY ”TO~~ADV1E»E THE ifgmein%rqmeM'AT*rE1=;s; PEAC*Ea WAR.REgarad faffiguard refencp mig=_ht‘%ave;»aw¢ - them; M1d;hind€F;tb€i’r frec debV2;t@§«:Q ywbificbfflx-'1 59¢ c£éiw€:daAdwndA. 4weVfqiamcamfirfizedJoatbemTN ALL T1“MAE3%~wT0 42:5» tfakztihq repart*_fbbjuZdiZ2¢e made Vta”%‘tImiICing*of an}/;)4 de%b'5a¢fe, juotg o.rV’;%§;‘}Ad‘e A~gr:zmd,.%A%V2:i‘!l.%z12e..Lm"'d£AAA4nd%.%%Common: beallazazreeda. ‘47’?;d fl-‘<‘%arA by _SPEAK.ERS MOUTH ES. Twhichanc‘imc.pr1viz;edge {oA1g;;;g — ;fins::..¢I7a15med,’ ranted: confirmed‘andex:liuya'd fi~1*;N2€;1n0T= «pn¢l>;y¢:spro’v‘es At A ; ;e anzciénf. vdiAfli%nx&i0n of bot.-:1}; lMf2:l35%3sAI“1%?l3%;tV:£1€»t¢F’ lit the Le M-11eiis~ p‘roi:e&,xizh0; fltrip; boih:H:¢#f§%s ~ dwmfszd ;ét?V,dficeVj‘%E3f tzhiszgreajt ;,;&‘ij€:r;i*1g'é*'c}h3‘g_e g:l»*ijje 1'»; “A A % their grta-tefi imm%u%niz:y(feeix1g ch«::e;v duwrfi4:Fp¢%k‘thci’t&m&xrd&‘$, j and {rote more fr¢’ie1y. Ac1aemfe1x‘*es:, Ch5D\;,i*T1 ih.¢Vp1?cf¢nce I ~of5!2hc% King and L0rd§Vak”f0'r*fe”&1?~@fifl¢u‘trifl§%Fh€if d§fi?14€5§B?€%). rcflcing both houfes into one. Thefcrmua confideration 1* ms sY1ea;t, AVca§*comma%ai ‘%1adt<*~r211fi:-, whofe »pri--~ ” viledge Was folemnly debated b?efoire,. and adjudged agaimk V‘ him by the Lords in Parliament ;; whotherupon by the Kings” aimam%un;,%¢smmvaWdth¢ GWm0r=a w~ch0<>f¢ andprefwzc — ne%w Speaker 3 - wh‘i.::h they Vacc~bx*‘din*gI"v*%d‘id t“I1'E'Iw‘.!C'!.: day; Yea; _ the whc>"I.e%Houfe%of %Gom%mm1sL in the Pariiamerxt of n. Y 79; Pne1non{’cratedV to the Kim2:,and vcflunrarily confefTed,Tha,:: M T-HE HIDGMENTS IN 'PAP\.L”[AMEN-T APPERTATN QNELY TO LOPs.D.5?,}2nd; % y ~ NOT‘ umo 6 a‘md than TH'Ej KING AND"%LOE{DS EVER HAD IN Am, TIMES, .ANDf SHALL HAVE OF RIGHT "rm: ILIDGMENTS mm PARLILAMENT : . And the King then Jcclarad to the Coma-A fnagngfl mt *thisA?Ordcr {hall bewobfisrved and kept IN‘»»ALL . TQCQMVE, and that in cafiss of Qommoners and Meenbars¢asrc*n'eam%maump&£e~:iVc;«mV%:rwwé:11*~mW£W¢s;ams 1 is cleefby Tharp’; cafe fbrecitcd,‘ and~ byag ‘Hm 4.1-1. 71, 78; true‘ $77 printed S-véiatucc of 5*H1;4.c. 6.~I{icbard Cheddar: cafe,A and 44H.8*%. .. M8‘. Richard .5 trade. his cafe‘, BuI‘geflE for Plimnm in the County " , A of D330”; when, 3“ King ,md;1':.;omd§L at tbe"1’rayer and Petition of the V »aomman:,,ymide¢ _xmdiaV:u%~¢g4§zafb»t1ze~édr§¢cb;:_¢efif»§e Privzledger of the Commons % -...u........._ L.....:‘_...... . A*¢&7f'VitIEs%.o§ H %1;‘our,parr z,.c. .:s.£_'.+:&«&.%4-1, V A: % ‘.CJammam tbemfelw: and tbeirA?j'ervanm%>wli§c?J tbemfe1'm3“a$¢n % fie_fici*»s‘nt ipawerre rfgbtand determirzga The palm? of A jiedicattere, beizfzg; %.mz%4an:bem, but%z'mbe;.King, ALord.c mzcib-a&:jf”e:%%af ~P£'eN alazze who” longbéfarewthe ~C0nquefi had thefpowcr 0f Judicaturéa‘ Aifssmiifi % 0 fivideilat by Brampton, and Mafier %*)S’e1_d£n,% in the c%afe 0f Earl. ‘ M Goadwin, idea Pa%rliamen.t held in the year 1052. whcrgin Eda j ward the ‘COnfcflbr appealed to THE A EA.:RLS~ AND BA» “ , %R.ONS”againfl thiseEarl, fortthe murthcxi of his BrotheryAlfied%% A-in th£:fi=-; Wards, Domini ‘CQMITES;€§-%..BARQNES %te%rré'3-6'6; fl quad izzterg Nari» ifla uppell.~.m‘one%% RECTUM WJUDTCHIM M D_ECERNET~IS 6* DEBITAM JLISTITIAM % FACIATIS. LAnd merfore inis the very extremity of injufiicc to denyghemf this cheirancient I-Ieredetary right, and priéiledgenaw, fsfu-‘id % A transfer it to theACommonsAhouvfe,A A who ncvcr en'joyed~iti117 ' anyformer Age, and can make 3: Vela untzb it at this Pl'CfCHta" ’% ¢¢¢€é¢+¢v¢~M6~%4z¢¢=¢M~¢§1-M¢+¢M~¢4f'&~M+4r¢W F I" N I .9. mwuwuwmwwwméw ” .Er.r‘;4n H VA A % 4 % =Pagc3%.line _l“Ji.7.readH.4.$ A _ H ~Hd’ :’.. no righta not lawful! claim’ Reader, Think it notfirange to fee‘ this i—n the W F ro:nt,printed before» the Title; for the- HA}utho-: beiingéfar dl.ifiant,i and h.i§ S~‘erva;ntr negligent,” and theCopy coming by thé lame Po-ifi 5 th—isLOfbjc&ion could not co—m*ei~ in the right place; Thierefore i=nfer't aindr 4 read ashere is noted. ’ He Objeffion page 4:4. is to be infertgdfi and read in p g. to. immediately befo:re,hif Sg§:ondly,fiouZd I «voluntarily fnbmit, c/49»c.i,