ANDTHE 2:/[5 E0 5.38 1 n J V 0 my ' Prxntzmd For R 0 B E R '31‘ B0 3 TO C 1:. ,dm?e1§1»ng&«t%thf¢ ’ fign of the Kings. }head in? M3. Ls A ] A Chux*c:h;-yard. I 6 47. aw ififhe flég/23%iei;~t cy‘ the Commi/1.’i0net*:o_ftI§efQt2g-~ c/am” cy‘Sc0ti:;2:neito hot/9 Hozyeftcy‘ i{:’hr..-3 lihtnemfi, (y-*0,‘ E have, with much patience, For divers yeatst tagethetg in pure ‘i fuance of the Solemn League and Covetumt, and Treaties be-r twixt the Ki!7gLiOi"I3S, uied our befi indevom For {edits 5 Re» ligion and a happy Peace. Ptopefitians were fvitPc agree on in ;/."?3“2$¢0 I 64»4.with advice and ctonfeut of the Pa rliamehts of bot?hKingdot11s,. ptefentaed to his Ma atbe0.«cfi«rd by Cottnmiflionets of‘both,v and treated upon at fflxézricég, In .4:-zeea 1645. We did etatneffly and frequently preii. V the {ending of thoie Propofitions a§;ai:"1 to his h/iaj<:~ii;y, wherein the hioufes would not concur ‘With us; but on the c<>t1ttat*y (after very lcmg delay) i ti1OL1gi1t5ttO make fszvetal at1temti<:»us therein, which were ptitucipally in matters that did concern the meet Unioix cf the Iiinfgdaxns. Yet were WE-£0 eartxefily ciefirous of putting an end to the long cozntituued difiraéiziohs and A troubles of thefe Ki£”ig:..i(DlTlS,‘£iS (wvevizng what112Ig11t be conceived to be the the particular intereit hi the Kmg.>;tio:124 of -t;y(:'67f[£7'z5'77{)fll“) " we diidi;’c3yn wit}: the Houfes of Parliament m~tptefe=nt1ng i‘iPi'(}pOi}{i£?§i'}Sv toe his Maje:Pty%at Nomi’-£- wj27‘lc*; thOL1gi1_, ztswe then tiee1:h‘ed,xtte had jtzftiteaibxitito be unfatisfied i with divers things eontzmuedin 1.-hofePi‘opo1itiohs. T When it was agreed 'upt>1“:bt3tWixt the*ti{iz1gth>ms, that the {ante Pmygofi- A A‘ V tions fhould be agztizi f).3Z'C‘ii;:*l‘}E{:*Ci to his; .i\4:;i}‘1;'.ii.“}='i', » iatgiiie comitiig “ the petiormaucse theteui being, dLfl:.1y’ti’d i;ty«tI1ei-Ioihheis, £01“ ciii2ret‘$j ~ we did patiently w air their le511i1te.'?Yett1po11 the fudden they tiiaili nta 7| p€31‘€n‘rptQ1‘y' d:1y{+bt {ending the Pt'()pOiitiQ1]St to his Maiefiy; and igave’1ot~i-iv e tier Ce?» tlat-it C;m11x11iiiit:mt..x*s, in} ca fe we were not preezfehr upon‘ that day at 1*Jh;»az,t:to:~; (Mart, that they fl1c>tt1dptefet1tithe P1”(§p0fi§iU£1S‘ to the Kin lone‘ by Ei1(:‘1‘1‘1f:iV‘t3S,C()1*1mlfyIO the i‘I"reaty betxvixt the 1{ingdotnsi4; w A ich was fo fitaangge iilld L1Uf;’qL1C11il V.7L1}73iIS We‘tn1gi1ti?i1atvei jttiiiy deuyedout (rami- CL1i"1‘€1‘1CCZ‘, had” not our Love to "Peace prevailed with uS‘E0 oyn: in that Mef-v t But §f‘E(:‘1;:£11i this, finding,‘ no fuecefs in that way of fending Propoiitie one to ti1e'Kii‘r-ég, and t:z;2iiii:ing,eug3c2z11}is p()ii~AI§i.V€_t&'Afli:1iE 7tiIi‘thh* et:,ieiites; Qt heai'i2'1g may Prepofitioifi ' ‘from, his Majeiiy We did, in Jiv?€"i;«‘6*?$‘f1»t§L‘7‘i.Eli-if, pmpoiie to tI1€'ho11o}:abi€ Houfesfisz witlxnmch eartescihtaefe. dieiiregthat there might be :1 pet£bna1'I‘rea-“§~ ‘ty with his J71»’.{a22£]'v:;':,/§“i}’i'l(:‘i£'(i‘ at Lafiidfiiii, it being £31311ptob2tbility.,the»b€Ptlnezms 4m ab tain a Peace. About i é ' M _ ’ dd ‘ ' . ' ' V. é é M fiibout_thej time ofhis Majgflies WithdraWi'ngifi'0m Hampton Cam»t,tiie= Tfioufes did C;C311‘l11i1l1I11Cat&!Z0 us new Pre>poiitior1s,refolved can by them to A i prefentedi ‘:6 his Majeflj; afterreceiptiwhereiof, we did in om-‘Paperof the J 7.;ofZVo*ve2m'ver, mfift on our Former defire for at perfonal Treat;-,2 with his Majefl . But receiving no Anfwerto that, not to our paper of the 5. And - out po‘ itive Anfwer being demanded to the new: l31"()p_Ofigigl;). oFZV'owmé. we resfolved once again to defire an Aiifwer p&‘l‘S;A perfonal--Trea-ty ~beirig,i:1 our j udgment,2.readier tv3i§"3iEh¥‘i¢T3ii11§at>feall di&'erences;then-the» {ending of thefe new Profpc>iit.ions, xvhedfeiiiil ti”1€I‘€~a1'é«3 fo grefat: atjdi etiiexafiali.‘differences from what was Formerly ag¥eeti.t?o1t*by ifioth iéingdpins. And to the end there might be no let or delay on C"Ii?ii1_?‘_}'>l'ilI‘t,\-Vi'1iCl1 migiitthinder tl.1j£3=ff:‘tlit‘1g‘ oi-‘a Peziee ; We deiired a conference with 3 Coin: onthe 23.. ot:#iinteriPa- fliitttteee ofbotth Hon {es COI'1C(‘31'nl11“ the ex vedienc of a veti011a1?l'teat' it ‘ I his j eflfiaiati the alterations 1I'1:1Lii‘3,.-.i_!:J‘;7,J:i,1C‘ PL'b_poiiti0t1s,tthat,f0'"‘fi.7.' it . ~~ . 3.. _ ._ --,3: .. . ?A.‘ it, ,.,..;,,_.i ~,-=.~':;2~,_;»- , Eoéthfi Trt1r dL1t§,t*t3t>sGe>d, to theKi11gs;MajePcy,todot1r Native K.ingdo:~n.;rtnd to this Nation,Ot1t tCD11‘1-r.-v ;g.ngn;.coiacert1inet1tiar1d 1r1tereit,c:mia.ot be denyd.Eor 38-Sfafzpiiid was invited .a.i-ielingttged i11,,,thisVVar,upot1 grottiitisfie reaibnts of common intereii;f‘§o we ;trL1Pt,1t yvil not be tafiEnfive,that in tnalting of? Peace we claiignfitiijn tlieflottt {es iitlmflprovemeiz-t ofthe very faint principles, and £1}_, ,:*ii§‘;fll'l;’t\= it} .11‘ reg ties they haVe11jadC"?Wi[h us.;. that the {hate meailire ti etizfiit; ” a -‘S 1‘ diet: irittereits be given to us which was had ol‘.»u~s,at1dpz*otnifed tiintor viii 7eifre- i A . u a i 3 gin yety Law oFNat:otis, and the I_‘1;ilfi".Oi' C011’-):_Ii-lijml equity, doth pie:-1d fear tie: in the appiicatien or this rule, we ih it not litetch our {elves beyaiitiiil aQl1l‘l'I'l1E,«l3:hE exprefsicotndiitionsiofour SCJlL‘.‘‘l:, rLeague and Covenant,-.»trhe e duty» Q?-:i,Quf -.A1li3gl3;'l'1C€, anti the Trieatlies and ‘Declarations l;met.weeni the are fo tnanyfirong obligations, , as,._..all who have. hentirr emit ’o"r.3o‘hfcietiEé, innit acknowledegfhohlwbe i1jViOXabXy‘D£)ft:.rV‘€&. ‘ ~ _ A . Haxzing layd this as at ino{‘t.sr_‘ju{t and folid ground ofour proceedings, titre- A fhalfirfi fpeakoflihe bef’t.an_ti-;nj1o{’r. probable mea.ns‘to proeurea good}:-“'t"-3 greement with the I(:il'1g’f‘§~“9’1i“;:.‘_'_f«_f.‘t1viI‘ig Religiott and ‘ea .laPti{n_g Peace: -«Arid» next ofthe Propofitions,whiehh;aref'to be the Fotmdation of the peace arid fafety of both Ki;t3gdoms.V And‘ is Ptil our Opinion arid jI=»1»t'i.gII1€1'1l'“3.,ti1“"£i?"'t the moft equal, faireft, attdtjuit V\?ay3}tpdbtait1 awvel—gt'ot1uded pe"ace,.tis, by a" per1onaiTreaty: with the King : ‘agrrgi that his /14%-_;r fr], for that who,’ beiiiiitiig ited 50601116 to L.omZon,.vvith HO1}i*QI', Freedom, and: Soft-ry .- 1%: whief weirofifier the Reafons Following. -. s a e ~ 1, The fending of Propoiitions,‘withot1t a Treaty,hath been of-°te1t‘iefiié=.‘}%et:l " without fuccefs : And the new‘ Propofitiorrs are leis to the advatatage-ofthe (3r;)wn than the former. (Therefore, we have no reafort to expefiisiietterfau s t~is.aorfie‘iott:that Wa than ormetl we had. i A i 7 ' '4 t ' " A 2. e]?he Kings l¥€‘1‘hOV£1u Fromy his Pariisine1tt~,~ is"acI{t1o“w1edged"by the Houft-s in feveta11.sDcc1iarstiohsi, to E’)-ethe chiefie caute of all the ‘"W-Sir, mif- chiefl and calamities ohthe I%Iit1gtit‘>tr1ts¢ Ther:,his MaJ7c1‘cies‘*pt‘e{‘encewith his .I3ar1iament;t ftot e re ente ,t .e tmy eo C’€".‘H1€_hLt1"I1t 1ttons.~ A ~ ‘ 4* 4. The Kiizg may have iyotne jufl: defires.ro1I1ci)t(/De For the Crown, and For himfelf : As that he may have his Revenues, and“ that he may bereftoredlto 4 his Royal Government: =wh-ichxrrrifyrbe done.,—with greater honor and fa; tisfitctiott to him, by a perfonal Treaty, thenotherwiie. A A * " _‘ 5. Aperional Treaty with the Kingis the befi way to beget a rtfiititual A confidenecebetween Him and his Parliament: It is the hiefi way to‘c1eerii‘hisr doubts god to remove all diificuItie*s : and itis the abfoiut_eibe’f’ct’vay ii::t»gi-?- ving an receivingmutual fatisiaction. ‘ if r6.We cannot expeet. that his/Lfajrjijf W31 grant ire. r:rm:'2zz7.~' wIiatti“oev'erPro{-V fiQ~iiEiO11$fl13i‘b€ fetrturito him :. not can every thing in the Pt‘op.:.iitiot‘iS‘i’1ie A‘ of t1iat..rtr1port:tr1ee,:-as that; the hot granting of it hortghtk to hiirrfderf“2t Peace. Ndthet W31 the Hor4f_b.t- of 1)£ZT"I[:;fl?77L”7'}«’IMgiVe “fit! p(;i3\r§-t :0 ‘*d1e‘i‘i:r \: Commiflionets to make alterations in the P1'.OpOfiEi01'1S,5.iS they {hail fee citiféi upomziebatie. " Wherefore, a peirfotml Treaty, withhis flit-rjrfz.‘*}' at La:::da:vere‘then. Then the King had Armies in the fie1tis;hadi~Garrifons and *1 ,I’crong ho1‘ds;tot;rett1rt1 to; Now, he hathfioiie ofithefe. Andhis Maiefiy ‘offers aful feéittity againftall”hoPti1ity or défiget cat‘: ‘be expefled from him, " V by granting to the Houfes the power of the Militia by Sea and Land, duh firing his Raign,as is €‘XQt'€ff€‘Li in his Maiefiies late Mefihge {ton} CV22»-3.:/mdeok Came. And for a further ttnfwer, A we defire the I:-Ig3Ag.i1f?:fisito remember their“ A Reply to his Maie{tiesi~Me{Tag_§e ofthe I I ofSepte2¢¢*;#ii‘c?z',iiiIh’*6424. Wherefifteri iinention of their ci‘tiefgrie1{at1ct‘s; they fity E/Ila’ f/:7£};5%§§*§0fl3l?I5l'}i)/lliifldiiigg mt: We never rgtzrzzieh jozzr Majc» hie 42:42] jzzjz‘ curmfc ivlifladrhwimg jaw 3/0147‘ gram‘ Comzcefl 50 it /9522:/J ever bier,» azzetlfbielhefrpwa mr, tail ittaazigy impediment to._;{oz¢r ratzzm: Or to negleéi‘ lznjjarépwitmteamxiiiofh'c:t-«ti i _7"iV1g the d£fi_emp’tr.r_ oftheK£2zgdam,i2nc1’iclafi;ag tlJei:c1ai{;%gcAra.m*13rmcke.r £264 itmisxri: your Z1/Ia}:/f] and ]’0fl7‘,1)&ZV!iflW¢€72t, ¢¢C'C07‘d1"/1g"t&.f/9:3 great: rrizft‘ zhvfoicla zym papaya" m. oA’i2z’a’ Jam» x’!«1'zzJ~r_,/if fl-ml mow p[tn:rz_ft-oi to comet t \ Eztefgro jaw Parliazmmt wit/Jam }o%z¢r~19’om'e: : PV6’ _‘//mt’ wreazoljtafin.» A gzzzreijozzr Iioygzl Péjjflsw, Crafim mm Dig;e=it.y, 19»7;I:i’};J50z1i7‘ /iw: Ai;,‘dfortawe.:-Jo: fiogiri preflmce £3»: thix great: Co.tmc'e!, Iaieezhzfg the mi/_"‘y m¢=+::2‘;2: afatn] Twist] éeetwisct “yaw? ltd’ tired t,/inter}, with /hope tg;‘"_J/§2zc'*c.s;/ And fftiley were i “efiee.tned Enemies to the Parliament, and the Peace -of the Kingdomsg, who i advifed 1;hC"f_Ki11g to ‘\Vithdl‘3.‘W fiiorn his Pat-iiament .- A W hat_ eiVi.iz*1?1z1ti*c)n-Witl * the World have of them, who after {och 2: Declaration, “*~‘vV‘1’1 noiti fiififer him it 3:0 return to his Par1jmnent,iwIien he Oi'ir‘£i‘fSitO cafi f1iI1:'}fC‘1i:1'“i1iiO theiimfirins Ififo kind an other fhal b€”1‘€’f‘L'.‘[ ed, and thetKing driven to defipaiiig it is to be‘fe2u;ed_,t thefe Kingdoms Fhalbe involved into greater dit'i‘icn?Ities tiieti e---’ A i/er.Anid therefore we do ho1d,th:1t the admitting ti“1€Ki!'!gt'O eometo Lon*.. don§V\}ithiiii7Ionor, Freedom azet"1t‘iSt=.i'cityh, and granting of a petfonaiii'17itegi‘ty‘" A [with his Maiefty, t upon fuch Propofitions as fhal be agteeciupoin ice a11dcot1fei1tof'botI1 Kingddnls, is the mofi probable, andonzy befii rneai3s,ii with hope 0f‘ii.1(ICt’ffS"-, for fetiing a we}-grounded Peace; ; A it A V 17 4’ A Having f"po1<:e.n of tI‘1E‘i1"€‘ad§i6it means to obtain a juii and laftingpeaeei ‘We {had next fall uponthe Confideration ofthe Propofitions,i Lwhiieh are itiéo’ be the Founclfatioiaii of our peace. And the mofi »CO»}I1p€fldviOuS fuet:iijit°e A ‘way to aigoodt a'g‘1‘.‘E€1Il’€I1IEt_, and«unanimous"Refohttionuponthem, is, igi the fin’: place to confider anti remove our clifierencosg, whid1’atechiefiyinL A‘ V’ “ V *4 Religion Reiigiédg the Ineere£’te£._the. Crown, and in the Umon; and joynt C€a11of.‘€'t‘1?- :nen.:eft%!e.Kim:iem;s-e | ' V g 6 We fhallb mewrth that '0‘ Religion, which For tI1e1nce1nparebieEx.. eellehey thereo (although it beamongPc the 1afi::oFr;h”efe new Prepofitions) deferves the preference. It is the primem qeeritc, the ienzzm eecefifzrmm; Weoughr gzcsbuild the Hemfe of C3oc_1 hefore eh-roxvn. The iiLaxv ofpiety and heme pdlicy doth requxre that ReI1g1on,Wh1ch rendreth to God his due, have the precedeney. And, therefore (upoez debate) ebefore We went as the Treaty at ’Ux!m'dg, it was agreed betwxxt the houfes and us, that the -Propefitioxuseof Religion fheuld be in the firfi place, and firft Treated and Agreedeupon, before any Agreement uponeatly other Propafitioxz. \, And his V Maid’: in his late Me1T:1ge.fmm Carefereo/gC‘;zf§Ze,begi11s ateRe1igion,: as the be and chiefefi F'oundation For Peace. VV.hereFQre , if this changing of .the fier1ne:'.Orde1* and Method c>fthePropofit1ons, be only their Exfror, to h whom the reviewing of the Propofifions was committed, And ifthe Hc:>:.1+- {es have not falneaway from theirgfirflieleal: We defi.re_ that it zmy e reeti«~ ;5ed, and the fame: Method keeped. And. (0 we corne are the mgnzcéer of the I)tQPd7{i£i0nSm ~ . The matenal differences and hfaiteratiozus conceming Religion, may be branched into the Eerour of ‘Oxniffiozzh and Deficiency, and intoethat of ‘Cg.)mmifl~101'l and Exeefs. That which isjleft eat, is no lefs then the Solemn League and Covenant. And final the ;C0v€‘nan£, which is as Solemn a vem as Creatures en;Eerchhcou1d make to God in Heeven, and the greatefi aye betwi*xa1nen,on Earth ( to whiehiethe mofe higheaxwd dreadful Name of the Lord God Ahnightygwas interpofed) be eilhreci up in :2 Sacrifice, an-d%bu~ « £YEd in the a{‘nesee of 0h1ivion?, s!za1em.- Cm:er2:mt £7317 ehe _P:efeeva::ieh andh T3\R..€.€’0I‘iT13CiO1i’1 oFRee1igio11,fbrtAhe home euj E13ppyi1e{"se* of the King, and tiixe e-ace a11d.efafety ufche three Ktngdcaxaas ;;.€11“IL‘U‘C:)eeI';th,;‘E‘I1mii1tt‘3113flC€ and de«- ence oFthe'Laws,eand truepublick Libertiesof t1:efeE{i:1§fdoms; whicize ewasedeclared by both*eeK'ingdon3s,h to be 3. HI and 1110?: hEecehem means 124:3» T e acquire the favour of God towards both, and likexeife to Unite thexn, we ebyhtmitixzg, to fi*:€l1gEh€1‘l,_tI1ff13‘k’ egaihihzhe eomhznon Eh emizseof the tree e-Reformed Religion, and the Peace and Profperity hofzhefe I{i12gd0ifl3,;ai3C§ which in all former Pmpofitions was defired to he efiaebliflxed : be :m«‘ee:e . lered , asun worthyrto take room eznungfi thefe new Prepofitiensegheei hthe’7“e _C0venant,which both Heufese dfide recoxnmemi to the Afies_g1h};v ‘0§“.DEviz3es, h eo,_xn»akeea D=ee1aratiem to ail {ms of pe1*fQz1s;;:e: gas thgaxrerixicia tlxeye [ :j!Jd»:g€d:L3Qet'0111y Lawful, but exceedingeexpedieheeghd}=for eiittzhat “ gwifh welee Religion, the King,andhKi1agdom,m ie>ym iragand to be a.:fihgh‘+ Jar pledg of Gods %mciou5 good-nefs to all the three*h*.ihgdoms :e(wefhy) h >41 A e1aydefide?eeS,he1e;eu~;Axrshhxelee aed;hfe1e1nheLeeg1;e.ane§ f ~ .: ~ V‘ [81 "«COV€m“éi.i7it.f7DbfC1?1bfid by the Parliaments of bbth Kingdoms, tiny‘ the Aflemt; My GF Diviues, by the City of London, and which, r1otonly_they,e but all -eotiattd, and many ti10*.li3.I1tiS inEng1'md and Ireland, withiiaatitdslifted «up-"E0 the mofc high Goehdid {wear [_7'Z’.lattt t,/9e)'j7m/22f10tj3;J1§‘i:*r~t/9e7;¢_/2»!-ye; _piiretEi‘1 or i?26l{.£‘7"¢.’L‘iVl[[‘ /7 73710£Zt[/~05‘?/57° cam.’2:';mt£w:, trfwzz tam arnrrarvta’ - J A9:-7ct'i~z.-'it!ed mm! wiit!JdrpzVm‘from tlmzt !2!tj]2=d ..%?{i0fl V coizjuttfiiong is e',W‘l9g,-"... Jim‘ to. m.-the ailcjceé-»L‘L0i¢"ta t/ae C0i1t?‘:2?‘]’f).:i3"t', or to gl"Ué‘ t}.2e7t¢J’2°lm_=.r 1'0'T;sz' dg... tefiszéle if-?.difi‘c'7‘c=74£:_y or ?’!€15£Z7’iZ!£-I_}’Vz~?$.’.tl'lC7.£.f cazg/E», W/911.6‘/J_/2) mm/9 co::t*er;2c+t/E2 _e tlaeglotj a (fad, t/ac gaad oftlae Ifingdamt, amid/sonar aft/Em K;’;gg_x 5,3; fbztl a/Z ti/ye d.~t';r.t of 1"/m'%r lives, zealotxjly and cam‘-2'wz7¢t{y 'car1ti;zm~ 5p;5¢r¢3j,, I .‘ ’ ‘J _ _ -u _ . n . ‘_ .c3ga;e.rj? all appofrtzm: and promote the Game accar.:itng to z‘/aezr Vpawtr, 2;;;. gtttnit 4/’! lniwzml impwlimerztx W"/Jtztfisvetxer : attdiitit/stat t}.2e_y /5:/zl;}.e,£~a,;z:it‘ t/9tiivj1 " wt iritbe fight of’Gati] Shal £i‘13.t- Covenant. ‘ ‘( evenwtth thoiiiethat tookig) he already out of date, and net (0 axnotagfi the Pttppcae e fitions of Peace? Yea,it is not fo much asmet1ticmedtin.thefenew Ptopoiitiu onsfixceptin the 7 (Lia.1ifieation of the 14 I’rop'ofition, whereitiis only made :1 hook to catch fome€tN€'DtiQ1‘l at Dclittqttency But pephaps there it efcaped the Revifers of’ the Propofitions, whoin all othetplaces tthtwe exp1odedit.' ’ ' A M A A i A i i It is anfwered by fame, that by 5 one 0.? the Pt pofitiozts it is ctaveti, it that an 351' at Parliament be pafieti, deeizmm .5 the K13.‘1gS approbation of the making "caithe '1-teaties between the hi Kingdoms oi‘ Scotlandiand Engitmd ; in which Treaties. there is tnention smade ofthe Covenant : e And therefore’ it is not necefliiry to dcfireia ptrticuiar CO'Ji”‘1fiLY‘1'C1.t.iOl'3 ands Efhtbl.{1:1.nen*t of the Covensnt.To which it is briefly Rc.ip1y€d‘,fi?:PC,Ei1at there iS1'10»P1‘OpOfiEi-- on for p;:t1iing,; any Act 0i:~Pa1‘i.iaI11€'13f,- to cbnfitm the Treaties beetween; the Ifiingtioms, as was defired in a11for~:1'z§r Propafitions ; but ehefe words are putpofely chang,ed,an~ci in place theteoijthete is otxly defitedismt Act Ci&1‘i1'1gTEhE4Ki~l’}gS appfOb3.tiO1‘l of the maiéi-ztg of the Treaties; which in efiecet is me more then auaet of Imieitzpttity tlzzt tnttkittg the Treaties, and not an Actipet cenfit*1‘mtion and ePcabli{himg erzithe Treaties tlieznfeivesg and thofe thitngs whieiu are expte1Y;:ti:tt1:.:i t1faL‘1iaC«l:e‘d in them. :2. Shppefe there were an Act 01'’ P.1I"1ia11’le‘11rt pafliisd for approbatioti ofthe Iteaties between thC‘Ki13gd@1’t'1S in general (which_ is not in thefe Propofitie»t1s)ii. Yet~f"uch ttgene zziity would not be undetfiood to be extended to the con.-‘ ~finmtion of the Covenant, unlefs the particular Articles of the Treaty and the Covert:-mt, were exprefly inferred; beeaufe there was an exprefs _ Propofiticn amongfl the former, that an Act of Patlistmenc he Mpafled; i in both Kingdoms for eonfittning and taking the Covenant; whichbeing now left outpf the new Pr0pDfitionS,With0ut mentioning the Ccvenan,t,cat1ttt:it A bu; bgintergreteti as a receding fi_:_QI}:_l th_e_;Qovenat1t .-is ydzthe approbation)’ A‘ ardessnifirmztian of we Treaties fin general} Cafiterr deiefing Ethe Cm? W venanx: out of the Bropo£~"mions) worgid only be: u‘nderRc:od of we re; V main§ng%Artic1esAoF zzhe %Tr€3sties. T1‘m‘ref'ore%4, if there: bar: um an i'n-.6f temian ma relinqixiflnthe Covenant ; Lat us mm be a{“ :0 wow T Rand infez r the confirming oi-Vic, as onebf the chiefe azizdexprgifé dc; fires Of our P;r_0po{itiom :_ [ Le; usgzfwa gaflimamy, Md !2c‘=;:zrew:”r7m.«sfle ta % % we trash and seat: dm) 5:, re-wcmériaag rim: rviaofizeva/er flhzllgive tefltmaz} ~% to; Ciar{fi%am1% M: tmtlo cm;!"efl£z::gV;bém éa-fare M'e,:a,; {gm wfll @233 cahfiflé ?E%r§a:E1.ze.3%* Mam éefiare {M FVatk: rvwI:éc!o% 52:: }:e.rm:2z e/{sad wéaofésww will dam}: % Mm éefimv Men, tbem_ will I56 defgyéefare I93: Ember wbick :3-’ £22 iixmwéééi And4 fe:eingi%uhe Covenant was the foverain andonIy'mr:anes éf’ re- aoveringthefc embroiled bleeding Kingciomes, when x;%m Houfes w?%eze ¢ lOW%5’3fl 5 find dcfij1'C§3_ theAAV4Kingdome of VScatZés2d_;V. w ca3uy’§%u‘f*,jm;}m~m, 5 d¢;~rwz§b wE£¢%d-tflicultiex, mayflwiw, rmd ti};/i’m6}2oyzx$ 1-"r}3¢‘}’_,xfl9’I5f7:§¢°-G‘?.T%]C{3‘?'C3£ ‘J&r{?C3 in 5% dew-Z,;« ta wr&j?£a;, Vwgrgsae far rive f{f¢[amd éwixg éazlsv of cm~.»wam¢1.y¢m lanfi Italy I Su..e1y,Lhe daz-ilpifi mg, refufi mg and cafiing afigle _that remedy‘ ,,,would be mine hefz_ght o%'ingm:irud¢, mufir rmcitzr the diieaie much more dc::VZ7perate, L and 1u%rnA 012;: formsrmumallygccmfid&r;§:e;intomutugI1 diffidenee.Anci $3733.. A fore we%idefiI¢, jI'. 3'1a Q the Hm; {€553 t1pc;m;be tteE coufidezation, Wm 11%}; ad. : A h<:*m£O t_»he: ,C§}3V€E13;*)J:jl;,&a‘I}.'d:.lfiiflft 1:, amgng :;.h€P£op01':t2ons. ”%%And \7§: Emjeas :h£gKings aV'4c:Vri1':c:;gfi'eA fzommhe Covenant maybeabjey agwé’, and %t’i*sa:t::be‘% d€firi;Dg ’t;O Afiave Air. confi:%mcd; maybe a hinderamce mpegzce: fl,\x’V¢wa!1‘3IV<=%§ ;» if 9r$:.i;:ing;9f% lh€;;» C»0ven.antf an thfifc; pg-opc;4%?;éo:r:s depth geaily prgcfifidf; ,th,apprin;:ipIe;, that h the H%c;u_1”¢;; % affi_‘_jdlf3fi_fC§¢l$ A {Q pieafé z¢::§;_King§and:.m mmove_a1l. obfl r_11é‘t;ionsV that; may 44 hinder a%%p€as:€ : ;W’e% doezveryrr2.uchwon¢:1exj,tbat the-yyam ib liberail in A the matters oé‘:7G;cj3cl ,fiarp@ {2_3Atmacic>2:;s\ Qmsvhat cr31*§c:ernesti1ernfelx*es,V in a11Vdii¥cfiresaccsV, b¢%W%i:xt i3i§1;Mai€f’vy "and Fh§i¥‘ in t3fi=‘>~?§‘CiVi1i> Whifih may farre‘¢Ab«.—m:e;: Abe;dVi2'§q¢nged4‘~¢wi;b," Bfflurw to anfwer azhe: ihengch (35 the 0Abje&'m;2, Vva {lay _, 7‘hg,&c‘;£i}fi¢{ Cchvfinanc being«ibr&thr:jpmfcrva:i0’m, andR€:?b1‘m3¢¥i;0n; of Religion, andf0‘r%:%th%, tmfiilonourana1%1?As%§?i¢>¥I1€f¥7§: .;;f;:Vhe~I;(ii2gag:1d his Pafieriny .,; and for thc:‘p¢ac¢;anc} £%g%§:;}> ofhis ‘Afiirsgw dfimess d‘VJ7hat‘w;¢r4‘be%thc d;fi:Tx=:nce of hr.-:M~a;ci.%1esgudgememr, VK;"¢ 4 have j.tzLi°r ¢a=uf:€ to infii*A10Cra?¢.,hi5Rflyaii 331311;! Wit ;; Arid _the King walls:and1%zhateuar»Aéiiowibfi evident? *’-h§&%,W€A.i=m1df~m inJ1-H3’ heart is in the hands wFGod;,tC‘tu:nVit% asghe riVer5:0f” %Waters whyighefx: hep1e~aiE.*:h:Anda14thm:gh the K%ing‘fl3oLz1;d:danyit , ya: vva oughub perFormc¢%;our duty: fi»1i§4Wi?¢¥1 5§i$Mai¢.:9Yfl1%31? bi? C0fl,Vim—'€<3, that m: intentiens in.entringV% Vinto th1s”C3ovcnaiat, were afsdare p_iQ.;1S and km : 1(3),? hlé F{‘eyall’Pez?§.*}zl‘; to wrong his Game.-rnmegat mm‘ ta diminifli. his jzmfl’ power : ‘We hope God will inclinelhis%h§a.rt.toj gimve jufl farisfa&ionl concerning the ljCov€na~nm And tl10ug;H'»~hIS Masmfly‘ $311 lmz cama the lfull llmgxch 0€€i)LI5§ éelllres‘; yet we mull nmrm depart ’l}‘om l the’Co-1 vegan-gl mr leave¢ofi?by all jmllfi wayeslm pmmsftnm it}; ;or“defi‘1l:Fromlea. deavouring by all la,vvli;zllll meams m pm!c:;xre his” Majell~i$sa£l"ent mzmn it. But we glefixqxhat wise may he ‘1;’igh£4ly'ut)d‘fiFl*?-Dad in this , and not mill confirued ; as ilour zealelfbr :hcl£:ovmml did labatel or climli-nifh a~:;l’ll~a«l.:l; ff{j’t~r1'*C3f_3f Loy;alty;amd V-dmyul two‘Atlael;E1i*:»: g 5 lllfiorl ‘the (lawman: lllldcrh-«mot 1elTen’or limit our allegeance, as l?t;me viroialld falll”e~ly‘fl2mde:r in am mhofcwh-9 fincerely and loyally tvbk‘ it ls»: %>:l*:a~:: upcln Lcllfference 0%-"his 3w‘£*aje£’cies. judgémgnt 3 and not comntllrlg il.3l€"ff'l3ll—ll€ni*~;Ei'l'l pl’ lam: qlcfircs if: every thing, he: -n\f.3£llfd‘hfill{E@t‘.lh plrifiiln ‘orl‘:la;ltlArmles fl*u:ml7cl:°‘ber V kept up (;;bw‘“vvhc§n% iflhft xmlam: :i~-1+:de.d 1'0.l?nl§f‘—l.lfl'l€!T!“'~t‘l5Tl€ l Sulijéafils ,;«4an=l {me the King raglan: whanlzey p~l‘¢al?el~ro dmwand.llWc?wereconfi-» dem—ll(wllh¢n ourmmy f€tLl,FIi'Ed“t0';,§€‘&f{;alMd,, and le«lf::;’noFarcm Kingdlamé to mppofe the P3l‘.‘li3m?:?m), tl"3at~tl'lfi fi,‘l?’:lC1‘V}yfl'}€1"B_fl‘lC3IJl’d"ha‘V¢l barn llilnflantlly rllclisbaxjdéd 1M1d;= czmxld V ne‘ve.r:l hav7e expecfied that aha Kih”g§l«Majelli¢ly~; to W the A§ez%$tlsl of? bothl Kingclomes vlreaw: to m 4;: {hair addrelfesl lll€orla,lhFeaml wellvgroulndcd peace, f-hould ham‘ beenltakm away_byl the Arxiuy aga‘ir:l’cll*lb~is« wi=ll*, and ilill kept in their - pcawer, tobelemyirctl whclzher thleylv pleaféz _, or forced mfiye, lbrfaFety4- Iii? %Scarlmrd;l lhafill a§5~reticnl:leé*, &l¢mc lchlé rml injllu1ryll‘brl violence vslmxld; have liaeetl cdml1ilz;tedll*llagali1ifll his»! Mlajle (lam Reylall Perlbn,‘ car Me»: narcldieall ;Governfrr3ez3: : Nlay*,i fthey lhalérlmrlt receiévecl aflhrancze from the Houfes to the contrary caercainly all larlwz lthrcéclnings or allummcms in the worl , muld lncrver have pEfl§?¥3d€d*"El’ltE‘rn“i:0=ll&V¢*part€CliWVi‘£h“thfljr Kiflg €311 all Armieslnzéd béen disbanded, *ialnd the 7F’?‘ar:e of the lKmg».ll dczamesl fizzled. A It was dint bmtfiérly confilderice in Thfi Hbu{é~s ~ (who llama; ourlitllow Subjefils mdl thelfiluramcelwe had fromthem,lth;J: madel l us lea7re:l1elKéngwi:ll2l Eh-fflfl :~lVAndlth‘&itl:cazre ofhim and duty to hiua ought to he lucll, E15-£'3(*i“ll£§3¢iS1' his Majefiyg, nt3rwe,havelcaulE: m rspemzt it. A M tllisévrs ccimld zlmlllxuggdcclare 156 mean the Vfrhuthg andllvindilcavmc the hpnrur lanai regju:l.:2lll;tzlonlbi7ourNTa:ion~;’¢lllbr ms: Loyalty lhathlevcr” V been,l’ia{lanz3llflaallbeldawerluntn us, than our livesaml fortuniesl; Azfll the canalor ancllin egriiy ofall purl Aélions, is*a lfiaFficient- conlshtation of all the cal:mn..«ycs andafperfions, which malice or envir: can l'orgal” g A, V « _ . , . ~ l . . ~ Wlcfifide Aalfollllefe lPrc>lpfic>i§'l_:iicJ;ils' §ed,+vz’-fag. Eh? P'+ropo1§:cion:fmiil’ .€.°F’5!-‘W?’33;“; A G (M _ i K ” cenfirmingathc0rd1nar:ces concermigg M the c;a—1lin%gw and fittirsg A z>f"‘zi'a‘7’e Afiembly o\'f'Divinc s ; the Propofitiom For Refo:~ma"zio1*a o”fR}e1igiun in , Emgldfid and [relag;d,ac<;o.rding rzcy mheACov§:nant ; And thePzo'pofiti<3;n for1EtlingUni1y,.aVhd U:miV%b1n1ity~%im% matters mf Religion 3Z.“fi'2,€W?~.3n thfl Churches 0FGod:in b€:‘.%m Kil'3égd0Ifl‘tZ‘$, accmding to tE1c;C0w3~n:mt. ‘In pigcg ofaivg vsérbidrywtfinde~nc£n::i:%:g but 3 rmeer ihagiww of ‘P;~»a5e§}$ar;'"¢'t!l Government an cXtema1lForm nfD§tJc?piinc withsut liffaf am pawer ;; and ahberty granted figs-3.‘ a1l£7o:fs of ‘Service and Worfhip oiffiod, and for the Exercixt of M fuch Religious Duties and’ Or&inam%cm as every perfon {hall pie§x:"e,;md%hEs0wn erznnemufscuniéignee fl%ga‘i.J.di7E:ate%»uAmz0; himfior there 15 no m1%1er~ruieVpre€t::ibed) which: opens a doom E63 Athieiibn to all Religicym, and mi: xm which (‘by a%u£"e afwm name) is cafled liberty of'wn;:Ei~cncc ; bang, imreed liberty oferrom, fcandall, f::hifin,he:rei'y, difhonomcing God, opgaafiaég the rrumhfizindaring Rflf f'ormation,*and i}::ducing‘other$; So , in place of Uniformity in Reli- gion, which by €;..ovenant lgozh Kingdom-as have {worn to endeavour, there is here dcfired to be: {cued avaii éitfiarmity or muIr.i~formity of Heretics and Seéh ; which, ifthc Lord inihismercy {hall norprevent, may produce sh: mincj of Religion in bQthiKingdomes,wbich we have jut? xeafon tof fearlcz ; asfmr ozhfir £‘€aibt1$‘,3.1.“o when_we;$ confidcr‘the- Dee- cilaratioxa oftbe Hcames of Parliamc:_m:,V mf"peaw1h¢i:%sg% ofrhc dcfign of the Popifh and”%Prelacic:e1lFa¢°tion to altek Religion in this Ifland: efwhom theiy fayfirfir, [I/Jcfy Z7"1.';’fifi!'?‘J'£'.d w 2’m,9r9_/E“ as :’a‘p:[17 5erwia¢-flank apzm SCOt:- page 4%. la:.j1d_;farwe1lt/mg: é32ewr1:w ]3amef¢zte a»ttmde%d5 5.9:}: fCmgdam:,and Religion Ieétion of '1 mm 160$ «'2: altered m t{:a*.m%¢ewzE£7awt the Tar/;mr.] And in Anfwer to the clay. $60t$'DfECl’afaEiOD, pagfifioh [ I»-5/"/ivawfiwawar tine defign to rant amt Religian flmll be perfiffed in ~Mt»‘Mr -N-mezm , at will mfily 5:! fiflcamflifhfid mA¢!m at/her, Religion éeiapg Mn.» émard mwd}’owamWion nWf"'t.4«’.2>e: mzdhwppintjfa qf £var1J,]%A%nciin Augu:% lfifivcgtz. d:;Av=c%E1:g1ia1x C0mmi1T1onexjsA}dccIarc :3 the Kingdome Of: ‘icazlmed, ‘firm: rimypaw cmmmaxideaiwéy their iry’}m- am: am pm abet?" Wetijren 1g“:” Scotland.‘ m mums, that the Papifli awed Prelazrmzll Fmffian ._, I/ma izezgaxsz with them wear the jam‘: I638 mud 16 gr 9, and than imrcndad to mmtég awn} , M a!aa_rm’ne af the Kmgdama of England 5)» rlzxc.-zr.: q Imam not amttfd any part if their maliw toward the Natién and Céwzrrc/) $COt.1%and“%_; %3>1a§r‘fl;t fill Vde*parwdfi‘0w their defign of cqfrmptingand‘¢!rcri»gRelzgiarzt/arazggiz time wbalm [flmd ytbamgb flag} % Iwva 1'hz*U§'r;t6fd the" Amdgmaer af,f/9c£r”jpravcadimg%, caazcvé-zxang mow tfmt they Imw aiiva Mflér w.»'d}' 1:0 defiro} Mam» , zflarely mgr fir]? prgvmaéje gm;-' the 15ar[iszm:#tm7dV Ki+‘42gd0m€ ‘England ;é1n which rafiefi £5 éstifia defirc B2 £iifl7 Can‘- egfiiencrs Alt- ” ‘€432 l I A , , ‘ 7| ‘;’(ta“ _ ‘ M i ll af éfitbtfldfifilgtbflt tlaetlata Nettie»! m)¢a:}lli'c_/z'rl7E79 ‘C’lui2az:i,@'e.] l And fin another paper it is decl‘a:c.d,l that mam» carmptéms Mk; root in tlja Clmrrli and Kingdom: of England as will qnickbfinreddtbeir mrmzrm mid ififitfiioninta the Naz;gl£»';éaa*r (‘maa of Scotland :] Wherefore, we lean. _ notbutdilientlftotn thislhfopofition; And according to theltrulim» A "pofedinus, teprefente eurjuti exceptions againli it. And fitliof all we thinkit very Grange , That the l-lotifes of Parliament i'ht2uld’de{ire an feet of Parliament to bee made for eflablifhing Pre.ré]tt5':'m2 Go- vetrstncnt, and in the very l fame Prepofition , defire‘ that it may bee Enaéied‘ that none lfhall obey that A6’: of Fatliament , but fuchas 7 v 2.We ebfetve , that however it is pretended l fllallpleale to doe it. that l’res£}tcré.m Government is defired tobe eliablilhechas the Go» vemmeht of the Church of Sngland ; yetit is only in efFetceptionsj« againll this Propofitton; Bur thele we trult may {ufhce to malte any that is buta little itidued vvith the light of the Gofpell, and hath any” love to the tr‘u[h,l'é)r to detefi andabhorre fueh a“ toleration, And" now we defite the Houfesof Parliament to remember theirRemon'— l%rance“ofthleState of theliingtfotxteof the 1 5 of hDcc"ember 1542.; where they «reliant it asa great injury,rhat any [ jkaazld :'afafi-it aamlaa people the‘: they warm: to [mos teeter} ma:a to as man judgement amd~fAta:r_:j for tlheifltrttice marl.’ tarot-_/7.?z’;r= afgad; mtdda 4'6‘:/arrest/rte‘: eta‘: fmafram their paarpafé mad olefin’, to let loaf: tire golden rejmr of ‘fD{/Eiplineaatd Gawratw mat in that Co raaaigto lea-veprieratre parfmr or particular C amgregatianr, mta/Qt rap trim. /eiéadalqf wevimftiravire t/ate; plmfig mtdelao/d ati“reqat2flre;“ A l ‘ V V 4 i NM?" % V * ‘ % A (M) " r 9;M¢M¢5~gr¢‘%_{b¢;g[J ;§e7tl:raz:;g imxat Maw Vwfimk .F€a.e¢£'ma %4\vafifirm¢; ti“ rim: ._% %.%0,.,;¢q-,A which the Lam: éazjayw, accaafdéng M z“3’w nwfi af G’wj.% Brew % _.(j'Ql;‘){bflfl I'1WK this »,toIerar.1cn 1; roxhat Daciamtxcanvg wa I*a~av~c it Hcaufes orpmiamemnd%a11wis'ezm to confider; ar:e:i%vvh;c:b::xzh¢ A dgngefr of the true reformed Religicm in thcié Kingdo mes, be no1:;g}:‘ela+-V; A ternow than beforc the takingVof"Vth¢ Covenant ;% yea, or fines: Chri{%;§,; myRglrgion%ca~mc%firfl~into.%this Ifian.d,x*vhen zaslerarion sf afl R615 5%.. — 9m.( mhewname of" Popéry only excepted) is defired by the Hmgjkg gf‘ P%”a;r1iament to be eP:7abZi{hed by Law ; andflthe very ~P‘rincEAp1es and A Fundam¢nm“1soff&iu:h,%. which tinder Preiacyyea under Pope;-yixt {'e£fe,V gv-mge generally receiveii as uncantroverreiarc npw by many gems.-im of this ximc, either oppugned Q1‘ <:aI1e& in queflzmnw %% Thage am divers onherpaflagcs in the Declarations and%Ordimnr:es ofbmh Houfcs E0 the fame puripofz-rgbuz here we {hall oniy memionone ? 9,1.-awe. In particular wewould have the Homes‘ call to minde their Declaraticm and%aniEver to thehords ofhis MajcHie*sA Secret Conn-9 £31105 Sadtiand, and thus: general! Afllembly ofthe Church o£7:harKing.... dome in theyeazc 3642. where: befidcrs ache: expreflions they mi‘: thfift words [ £465 ‘gab.-raw/edge it an [4595 oflomj ta aw‘, mz W?fl5::ima fir ¢:,§m§: gggd af ég;;6 (’1;,«,,rcIm , % for wbiw/3.Vwv: are . :/amzlqrfall éagb w 9134 and % "thaw, that am Bratbrm, qf5cat1md £74’3W:.‘3‘— éaflawed 1‘f:I tfi"i}" [tricky M729 wgfits and mrazgji :15/ire: fig» flair} pf .ReZ2;gi92z,% that in all /3:‘: Lflfgjaflicx Du - miazitzzu were wafgét 56 sure cgmfeflfcm affizitla, we Diraffmyfizr mrrf/iip, ‘ am puélicé Catccébfifma, and amfirwe cgf (Z1£¢~?'£‘i9 Gawrmmwt. ¢ é;/iftvxd altizaagla it M711 /mra2'z."}' fie aétaixezd pgnfimzzgy Md exnéhjv, amlaflivfima may wig/9; £2: fiazma’, fiar at mxwrmllciwmmumiaatim baa’ canjaw cfféazz affifmsm. filtamd Adméwta in f'm2:w:é22g that awfirwa; /wt 5;:/9 ixtaéfdixg t»/M’ [WM and, proceedizgg 5} the _f21;m-J mic af9'ad.r ward, Md gwidfid 5] the /Tam: %S}2ir£t¢:: _we% 3322p: J] Mir afiflfflxnca fa A945.’ fit diraeélmai, time: we mew} cw;/Z am 32:7/.mzfli¢*zz¢r% ix cjfi mfim-Am Gédéor d;f,alm mg 2-2: may :-mglaévxzr {.“’.£;wC/9,; flmdfi fizmra agrwe Znziréli Amr Bretéren of .S’¢at!¢mg§ and Q3bt7‘W rafirmad Cbxzrcbemz ailfaé/?mw£éa11% part: af -Dafirilw, AWarj%§p, ~.¢{:r¢d‘ Diflmiplma-I, m fthfl A that 55?:/5 rm: :'2~5:Id=- 2316:; may mjgy tlimfa advantage: mm! a'm:'wm£emce5,wa6ic/3 . Agra mmtiamd {7} them £22 rm: their mrfwgr ; A132 t./95mm‘: .f?7‘i5f Z/axiom gf &at£;ICz22‘ga'arm*: ~ '#2¢a%*ef¢gf:, mfy, fifid :raz;gfi::rmél¢Gw:mmmt of /cVu’:% §,%{¢;'¢§?},.c.w:dL A22‘ ,§0«‘£?§ifl5?f6'[fi¢? mwoi\;:«¢eo;.~la,_, maawfifiag a'am:myr:g}gy.imz*l¥19a2'}I exemfzfix axdfixmfyexx cf wmfflhép 3; more canflamtficmrégv ,af1?:!@ia:mgm‘xfl . fin: £2!aaa_{yA pram 63%: af1fl2;:.§/3s,A mid d¢c‘:i3_f:¢l£€rr9#:r: qf at/.15?‘ .3‘¢V§3v:fiw.] ‘And A _ ¢ A ¢% I_g)‘%f ' % % 4 _ And having there made known thcxgggxqxugmn m take away £53 @@ mnmcnc %=bY%Bifl1°P5= ‘h¢Xdefiffffimfi%¢»g0d1y4andlcarned Divirws‘ Ofthat Church 3 to bee iem: Jt0_ .5‘-ha AfI‘emb1y4of Divine: here‘, V %w*§1crcbya'Tn.unif3:2rmity in Féml 0fif[Church «Government -may bee ob- tayned 3 and one CQI1F€530HV0f Faith? (ma Dire-éfiory, and one Cam-? chifm may be tetled In al} the MthrccdK1ngdr.rxzdisz(g aF‘¢rrarr§ 113:. J‘ .%a}fie:5a1axd élgfigbemiaxg :4 53 a*é‘[§::*r2::dViin allgalaces zvétifin ab.-.4 ‘I€:22.gda cm» Engiand, ‘Daméxéan qfaiécsfiwci Town of Berwick, iaawdta/&aé0;Cfad_1%r ‘_,_Z;z'.s‘ direfifioui and gs gx/3-mzc-.3 5 far #154: fip;m:¢j}‘¥gg‘% and Vprezimtimg‘ 56: 1* And a,'f¢7t«h¢!E£h& waxes and mcanes that the “Houfesé of'Parha%- ‘ firm waste azidunionbezween the kit: » mam; {have chozxgfir %~ upon ; For fgp_prcfé:;3g Errors, E+Ie;'efies, ‘and A Blafphemies, no de1‘ire'M.thataTolerazxon 0% them may bc» cf%ab1“infl1'cd by: V,La‘w V Is‘ the laying ofa foundation to pr0pagace% Herefie and V s¢hifme,v?t»he b:c‘:*":r way to excirpare :h:3famA%c P Are Athefi: the frmcsfi Q/5'? aparfflf and eff:-:vm?3nr doth alfb Qzfibligc izs ,, mutuafly* m¢preferve the Am ' 1-’_hgr.i[y"of~[h€{upI€33II’1 M;£gi(}f;2[€3, thepifiviledgcs of”%3’iar1ia_rn:*x:aits, and gdorns to all p9fle:zry,%T& And is it nb:€viiibEe tharémanyofxhok S%e«§%aric:s with :hei;;Aadhere»:sVandwv4abe:~ ” andCc>vcnam:, which is mm: in a mg {hall a tolerationbc efi'ab1i{11ed*fn and%Auth-drity, and agalnii the rights and priviledgcss of Parliament? So as there is not any one Article of the Solemn League ih degree‘: vio§ated%by 4 thémi And hr: voppcrfing the Cove??? nant,‘ andR‘cfbiEmatian of Religican. the dividing bczzwixz I:ZZingand— * ”his~%peopIe,* or Lmakinig any féétzon among the p«;~opIe; cozitrary m ridisr I.’cagu”e and Covenant, were f'urmerly~ the cbgracfiers ofonr enemies; 4.a‘n’d whomever mayntayn and doe thefe things (though they %{hou1d afllixms to ghemfelves zhdname ml? ‘Saints ) ‘are jflili so be accounted In» éendiarics, Mlalignanrs; and will Inflrumgrits; And we arvgscsbljigsd 1;: W ~ @o";renant4w"irh ‘taithfulnefle to endeavour the difcmery ofa}lii1ch;«thac imam. ' I «may may v"'Wbee§;br<§i: gh: to Jprubliquc txigll, and recei%v¢¢on4digne puniflig A rad AA ”Andtl1oug*l1‘it befar from V(§l1"l‘li ‘:‘!Ir'7%) ,.. , a M _o ___ % A otelmons that pious anclll ilpgaccable menfl1oulc’lbetroubled , lbecaufe in every..tl1ing:_ltlney cannotconfm-moi; ihemfelves,to; Presbyteriall Qoovepmient (for ‘we lll1din€iV€;3Tf!Cll' ‘an End olgen cc to their perfons as 13 agreoalale to the Wordllofleod, may Band with tho public}: peace, and is not dcfirufltive to the orderl:an,el Govcrx,1me#nt of the Church) yet Wee dosfrom our very« fouls labhflf fuel: a generall andvall Tolorat.ion_as is exprdfed A in tllePropofiltioln;;i And if we Houfes (jw-hichGodl forbid) {h all gdhere tl1iereuoto,anld:lin{il?t ‘that it may be ella;bliflied,l We do protell agalnlllir, as that lwlfliich is ex- pgseflyllcontrary toltheowordw of God: utterly repugnant to the fo. _lcmn “League and Covenant, dellruéhve to Reformatlion‘ and Uni; fgrmity [din Religion maltogather ioconfiltent with the lDaclarations,s :m7d "‘ Plfofeflions ‘oftlne 4 ‘Houlf-es,‘ wagainll the» T realty, between the King: domes") idireétly oppolite toithe example and pra.é’cice%oF?all the re-.T formed Churches, and asitihat which will unavoidably {ubvetc all Order and Goverment, and introduce an World of confulion. Out: mindes are ~all:onied,l ‘A and our bowels are movsedi within us, lwhm i we think of the bitter fruits and ifad‘confsquenlcesgoffuchlla Tolcraoiona “What horridlblafphemies agairill @308 l -lWh:aot° vileabomiuaaionsl ‘What lperniciousldofirine, to the fubverfion and perditiom of fouls! What clifobedicncoto the «Magil’cratc l What violationofduties be- tween perfonlsofneerell; relation ll What‘differences and divil-ions in Families and Cong;regations\ it will vbring forth ll lWhat hitter h:ca.rt4~;:-l "burnings it will beget, and pegrpetuateto pollcrity» ll‘ Nay, it islimpof- fible for us to r:-xprelle what infinite dillraétion, diforldemnd confufion it will make both in Church and State thclmwout all the thrcc King- Ramos; ~iAnélhlcroforeweoliido iobtell then!-Ioufeslof Palrliamem*.by.t-he ifolemin League and Govenantl (which théyi halvermmzls; in the‘ prcfence of ‘Almighty God tihe,fearclder ofall hearts»; with a true i[?lU:'?l§il%til,9l.'1'*lI(.Tl',"p.‘E’,3,‘j-I-:- :f-‘or1riithoel“fame;, as they fliall’ ’a:n{w~er.;atithlaitgreaf day}, W hen the {ccrets "bf allhearts ll1E'rll*‘lJC diféiofed) anclby all the promifes, profeflions, and ‘Declarationsgwherewith theyllinducedthe Kilngdom of Scotland tom ’engag¢m;i-m land d;coniua&lon with tlhem in 'ifh18§(;fl.llll‘€._‘,w §l2hlat~:clh¢y*d:o iinoo ellalblxflxffoch alni imp;ousTolemt1on,’i as ‘cannot .-bLRv~.d'EmWlidfl£W'fl tilt: ‘3iudge_ment’of G’od*~, m*al<"e rail remt$bctwemsthe~txvoo‘~ um-' »=ted'iii‘by ‘Io manylloityes llncll rolatioqis; llwhiclrweo clcifirel 'roL.c_hé:11i:l7l71l'iiiisoW" o“;l’creng¢then,~md to contifnuehtio allllpollerity. ‘ :[hat1I1éxo to *~R~ollg~ion+‘wlaeroio = we: ~d;fiE:f il'1s§_*~3]-Ili1d€giE5‘YWvf}l3?a.."s‘&""§lll gftlge A o ‘TOPOE %§ré{pofitimfié,iws 839$-Earning the interefi M8: p ‘war of the CroWn.§We are obl;ig‘:;-:d by¢V&outA~Cove.nant,ailegeancteg, ~and the duty of Subj¢&5..not to dim minifh but to %{uppcirt thzé” K-Rags‘ j:.;i3:A ,:pDWfi%r*a{1”d; greatnias- Theq-uefiion fljenfiis, 'Whe_r¢in“hi's royal! Authority and juR}vo*wer dézh confiih And we afiirm and hope it canncet be Cieflyfdgfhflt regail power and amhcprizy ;"iQ_cb%i¢fiy in making and ena&i;:gLa W3, and in protcfiing and defend-} ing th¢ir_%fubjc&s, which are emf” thevvery eflhsceand; being of all Kings. And%the mttzrcife of that power amthci chief parts and dutics:of’t:hr:i;- royallsofiiceand fuzzétion. ;. »Afi'd"t§1t‘.';‘ Scepter AandV Sword are thq bad. ” A geaofthat power.v* Yet the new, pz'eFa%ce gem pared with other }par~:s,of tbefe new Prfojpmfitions, takes away thtf K.ingsnegative voice,‘ and cuts ~ ofFa1l~t[vR0ya911p0W:er>audrigh:»Vimtthe%$;Ina%fLaws, contrary my the c~c3nfian%tpV:rat€’tics: of. thisf and ‘am-csrhef»%Kifigsiomxg F‘0rJthc,VLégi§§ lative pmwer infizme MQD3YCh.i€$.«-’fi3-~Pflifl. Przbzczpem/:2£:¢r22, and their laws are called %P:2~incipfum 'plm‘r'm, «whiciiisth::*highePc%La:nd moPc'ab..“ sfcaluite kinds of Smreraignty. And in other % Kingdoms,a:;:d fi1\2I&>né1rchi§s5 the power La~ws~ isséb;I.VV %%comp§& bet ween}; thePrinC’e 3133+ g.»eop1c§Aort accaxrding m the; c‘on;&itutioi3,% p.r;u-‘tics, a;1d.ufage of the {:6-— 4’ *veral1%Kingdc>1a9s.; I*:::the.¥1aPc the»paiwer~of”th:: Ki‘ng%;is%1eaft i)nt%b-‘SR V zzegulated, where ntsfivher the King‘a1onewithout%his Parliament, nor the Pagrixamcntwxtlmugthe Kmgcan xrxakemws ;. and wherenoziugzirg ¢;n3.é'bed by thfi§.jDT‘3€-‘ wA1cAho}u: 155" c<>ri1e}n3*.%9F;th¢‘0ther,‘«F¢a:;;%havc*the % farce of a ~Li1a.z';.; % V¢%%A:%id*altbamg’h~We,wil1¥Vrathe1f: pmf‘iiflf:.+‘%i‘g2:%ar».:zz2z°£¢2r;x.%é‘ W fsfii cfr#*j:a;+z;:%%;;1£é2ai,§ then t‘3k£:“uP£}ft?u8 to }_:,;dge of the of anmthér ’ Kingdom yeti: ‘:i‘fi£msitD:,"‘bd7. very €1€t3r"an£?1€Vidt'3nt.,. by the praasice andufage 9f>=af%lr 9t‘ivrnes, by fiat? Paflxaznentsi awn D‘wclfa¥rario;m;, ma ‘be~%%cQnjfomrmmar£:a{c>nand:1a¢}2Vs ”:%i?ha2: ,th¢+ %&K:n—g Wirhqm: thgi If-Ic>3,zIT£;s Qf Parliament; ._QP.?th€A‘.I‘I¥3H{;3S <.f:f~ %%.Pa1*l}ié1111*tr.rsxt wxzhouc. the I_{1x':«,2“,; 9 SW59‘ e;na&+A%any v~Iaaiv$ but ;b:o.s::h foyxtmly. %Ar1d %,.t®h<:r¢:F::ré: the%A*%La§wes,‘"a::eV {um¢times%ea11ed.%thAr§ Kjmgs%La}ws, faamerimcaz we L:v.wesof.%-t'heLamd,% and%AV&s {of' Andthx fimn or Aéls emf I3a2~Fliamc=nt=fi:ame4. , times; begin with she: won} Canmqfimm, or % £raatxgi;g€4x..;. %A;And; ofla~V& tér §i*z11ic3s5ILiV»*T4:3s and? S:a{uits,b ¢gm,&%i_as4 s:;c;°.it‘3g e;1a(§1:c:gi«t3§I tzcanferatand. ad‘v':caJ'ofecf3c: Lmtd a;$3*m€m$éA11irv&;;%;:i1%d<3:Vi~:z‘;pcx4:t Rmg$p:;:aW6r«arxd «mr;I<:XI3-f.+a$‘;:u mt:£A‘m§:}um% flue ‘magi; I V ' (wish Mam, ‘ vzhén A !:‘::1.mtes are madsiv, the 'wc;rds‘oF diflznt, h"t'ha5?(:» tbs? Kingarh powerh iz‘.V”h.et1‘1al And T fince neither Kings nor Parhaments have: e judgement abfipfallibihlity-, A itmu{’c certainly be the bzfl, where Lawes are made with confem V hboih of King and 1%erliamhenht,v which is the flrongefl bulwark of them ‘peoples libcrty, and fupporfer of this Kmgs atgthorny. A ;And the King being King over divers Nations: thxs form of Cflnfhtpt-iOn«"Wh€l'€ neia W thatch:-: King without hxs .Par11'amem, hot the Pgrlxament without thé’ King can make; Laws, is a'go_od and {are fecurzty to prefervehhis A K%ing;d0xnes in peace from injuring one another, «and?» to rcf>te& the h iubjk-3&5 from injury hamongft them {elves.; The Houfes offh arliament pmg. 7710 ofthe Exaét cw licflion of Rfinnonllrances and l.)ec1arations;h A mfwerirg an argument agamfi the Kmgs A pzflinghh the Bxlhof the Mb 1519, make this Rrply : A Ifwe bad fhid-‘(M ‘We did not) ‘that the King had 563» z’7bm2(! to pdfl} all Bil; I-/ant /Ezmld éc .5-ffirad to him by -fiat/aTH0#f¢3'3»' zaf p,:,r[;¢m¢m-, witlaaut any limitation or-qVMa4Zrfia‘atian hofrewfan. var juflice; ychtfxcl: gt fuppofition ms‘ #2:} cazwld mztfaz/Z ztparm Parliamwt, +mm:lJ ltflr: t/o.e:t‘a King ‘mere aéliged far to gram: it. ~ though 224';/arr /Y7 fivqui. h We mi ijvecqfczry-for t/an? Kingdom: andyhrth We didnor, mar dafizy, t/Jat~fmfla‘ 'I>’£l;:: at! /9:3‘ Majeflia :2: éamszd 60:19 in canfcimce @~ juflice to wpdm:,f5;;fl flap: wit/aj?anaIz'n‘g £99 law without /azérh confi-at ;._fl9fm*«amv We from taking army Iazir ma aria: wi.c:;Wh.ereFore;»htheh power 1n making L:é.ws,{ Levers haccora.‘ ‘ A ding to the .Ph~.11jlihaments ovgm Deciaratians, cannot be taken awayfrom the King, and hehrequired toaflént tqall Iuch Laws as the Houfesf fhafl think fit, according to the Preface ;oI[ thzzfe new Prohpofitions,hwithqut~ exchange of the Conflitution and‘fundamental!Government oftha Kingdom. A 4 A A V ~ 41'‘ A ~ » A I A A7i§.i@onccrni g thepgwer of thchhMi1itiah, Weerhhdo dcfiremndh {hall bu ~~ ‘willing’ to agre,tha§it: may be to fet1ed,és%neithex the King hor>anv«~hoth‘et% . 4 1 . 2 M an V ( u. be iBlotd’;didflhaIWot2inFt:ingc thetpeaie know to be agteedtxpom And gwcq J t;li‘it?xkf"th‘f=tt M'?3fl:lgefr0'm"~ Careséraaégcafila he hath off'.;red— that t whichlfixouldtbc vctyttgfatisfafloty; But th at the Kmg, hit ptzH3eri.ty and; tht:mCt_ow«I1 fhould forever b€dgggdiV_;:PCEd0f73t11PGWEI atndiight of the- Mi«lit'ia,t isttdifft:rent«£tom out judgements. A For1ftheCrown=la,a;ve no tpower _oEfl1€Mi'1itio, oagnttthey be able: tot,;téfiPt their tenetnies 5% ‘ and the cnemiwofthetKtiogdomgj ptottfl; tgheir={ubfteé°ts , or koep dfteindfhi otzcottefpondence ”Wit:ht"i‘1€-if Allies? . Ail Kings by their Royall office and Oath ofcorooation ‘arc obligedtto ptotefi their Laws and tfubw‘. je&s»:I_t: were ftraogc then to faclude the;Ctown.for ever from the Pow» or of doing, that, ‘which bythc oath of Coronation gthgey are obliged togpdcrfotrn , and th_eohedie§1ce," when-zunto falieth within the oath 0&1 Allegeance. And certainly 1f the Kingand I-l1s_po[’terityJg{bal1havt: no powetin making Laws, not in theM1l‘it1a , tt roots uptthe Pcronge[t~ fotmdtatgidon of honour and faféty whicht the Crownafibrds 5; t and wilt be interpreted in the; eyes of the world , do to be at wtefling of the Scegptgctt and Sword outtof their hands. It is vderry fat from our dtefiresdtbat Mo»-A t narchyflaould bejatthc abfolute height ofan .Atbitrary and tyrannicafl. power ; MN;ei”thetdcfire‘we Juft Monarchicall power to begwrontgegd» anddtrefldred gcontemptib-le :4 But to havefuchga golden Mediocrity as may may be ttbloflto protttift thdeir gfuojeéfs , A and otppgofé their enemies mcord1ng«tto tho fundamental! I-aWs,< and,ganC1€ot,t,conflgttguttoo of the t. Kitlgdom. ; .' ‘ " Before the lat‘: ptopofltions were A tent to Mdielty at. Newcafllaw ‘both in verball debates and in our writings, wee did {haw ,4 That we Wciregutgfattisfied concerning {CV€r~a1l.p;al‘ti£dl1“13;ES containedtintthofc: pjtoigx A V gofittons.;part1c;ulatly. "whom wedid dconfent, that thcpower —and,exerr- 4_t:1fcoft the Militiaflxouldk be fiaticd in the h01'.1{£iS'~~0FEflTNIiamCntg‘f0f no; t time-,tgg wet: did it with-this p,tovi£ion,to that it were tundetftood todbo J twithouttntptiejodioc togthet right and inttercft of the .Ct:ow~ng1 ; And that tho Jiifilgféllid. * be.I:.1_o;td totally excdludcd and 1',en‘dred incapablo gtot ‘Pr7€3'.tf'-.6-" Choir flab ig:é1's, ..« and oplgofo the jjgeoemiest of‘ the K.'ingdoms*~ '.V fért§h¢I.;‘{ when wczogavte way;.totthe71’endingtt“oEt th'o;fc‘ Propofitiont, wteotgdidt declgajroitgto be our judgetnent, ~ that div.:rs.things craved_thcte- ywerc; 'futC?hi§t as ptacoorttwatreougttt not to depend uiponf the grant. or tefitfal-1 ofthtm V,V.t‘:‘.€V§3r didiand muff Ptill hold it as aigood time thto.i1fiak;ing‘Tt2t?etta~‘p<:a:éo ¥hatgthe*:mgote,;: :'i:xodemt&aHdt t€3f0fl3b13.t;;0m" 9.. ttftct§ttx.tWmmma:6xRefi3%:-3tfitmt¢rdR:a§ba.t. YV~bctéf9fet3stintthefdéf-~ fmnse: _’ Wart) feggncco bgtwixt the Kzngand the bPaFrliament ,- , wfee think nitnovcryoo jut’: to exclude thexingfrom his AJGRA pb’w‘éroiTI1 tbcbdilifiagfo we lookupon tho Liberty offib-‘E 1ubie_é’tA ‘iftiihk “neither KiAng;no1AfA Parliament ought to kecp up an Arm y m the fIeId‘,when thé fiwafréiSAenn;n dad, to the vafie expence and utter impovcrifhingAAAof the peop1e;tt1e‘t;-gig; mid Bands efthe Kinsfionh (WW1 may be ‘,mafle,'».ui€ of witfi?nnli§tt%1§'oA oharge)and,thefornesnwfhxoh may be k§3p‘tAinoA fome chief Agf;a,rri{nns,’b“eifi?g = 4* fuffici:nt,t0’fuppr€fl'€: ‘any comsnAotioAfi A01: diPc%urba”nCéAAthatA AiS7nl¥ikeA1yj't};A;A ' hrifc upon occanfion of thnlatetroublesg ' And w¢nconceiveA4anA;Aormy- fhould be keptup only inthe Cafc ofa gowerfulln nlnrurreaigsn within _ _the:Kingdom, or ofa Forraign invafion’ from Without, and.oAthAerwi1E:nt;o F maintain a perpetuall Army in theoboivclsn ofthc Kingdom nuApon~thAeA ' expencewof.t,hc fubjefi; when there is no énemyAAto fight Aw-ith, is but to’ enflavefhe Kingnand Kingdom: under a Military bond ;A1ge,.n A ' AA When our Army returned to Scotland, A it was confidently éx“pcAE¥’¢d‘o thitntheaflonfes (hould have fpécdily disbandedythcir AArrny, '(.t_hc wmto A A being at an end: and no vifiAAb1e enemy in the Kingd0m),“_ai1d“.. proc1ee~ dcd totbc {titling of a peace hvere,4and to the c2fT:&L1al1“f’1:¢:Ii£3f'"Of "A ireland : But now after a full! years» delay a1mo(’g,; we do not finde aA-P rnongfi all theft: ptopofitions, anything concerning the diosbandingof AirfniéS;oAr[-:ndingAte1eif to that Adi{’crc":fl7ed Kingdom ;,buf on tho »contm*ryA; ‘ v ‘therois only provifion mayjgfor kpeping up an-nieso ,_ andAt;aiIi“nrv:A fortheir maintenance. W766 rAn'u[°c' ther¢;§o‘r7eAAde”c:1a:-etoo théflou es,-A‘that< ibis oturfqdgment and camel’: defire;,n‘that there may. baa Propoficion ~fojr,= disbandi-ng Argniir.-:5 in “both! Aliingdnms. ‘ A»rm'ies* were AArnai_fed fpr_deA-e;_ fenceofflrsligion, V tAHé Kingsgexjfgin andfauthority’, " the Piiviledges’ of P:ir1iam.cnt;find the liberty ofmé Ftibieéh; And Whén -tfleyo are‘ n grefnx fin: Athofé AenAd’5,Aa‘ndntho HonfeSnAma‘yo <;‘onfiA;lt free1y.”an& aft fecAnr¢l§i"'n. nwithontanyi hoflnile op~pofitipn, It isfhiglg time to disbano d :Iaej'm _.,»A AA;h%ati;A ‘A A the Laws of the Kinngncl om may take p1anc¢.‘..o , Some of onnneighbour-%nati-Y dnsoo VareA nectflitated to 4keep%,. A ng 41Ar{mi_csA necaufé ‘they have ént;xniAAeS;thn1f;A lxcocomgucusandnnad:nmhg ‘ th¢1*r*bordcrIs”snowrnhefea is~om: Bali‘ work.‘ Annnjd:o1Fwce,G:udy and “peace wfamongfli o1ir‘}fe1ves;a%i:1ii-'<énAte1f3A A t&n~~theAnnion between tfi‘cn1$.ingd_oms~ under his 4MajeltiesngavetnmemA weeAnead=not feat.1fo_rrain i~nAvafion‘.‘i A I-'tfi‘s~a~Cn&oozne _iAn_Aothér Na”tionsAA to kc.-’c;p%up;A«rmies;to:1:vyo monies byvjforcc. BD;tfAtheTeiA are ‘frag ,nK’i:£A1¥g-As’; 4 d‘ ;1 and“ when theyyhavc been fightigngfornlibertyohndA?ftéedo‘£n me: ~ §§11Ct‘,t*hl3a;g.ignoi$ warrle fhoin1AdA beA_mad€‘Aa.trad¢3. "moth axw ' “Wm "WM A A A fiqéigwarxs fi;a1I%e11,dwinf‘fl:zvery. “ The C¢_j_m_t.iA$”1[1a!13c£3 of Axmief! WA§ll}«:éf€ iAz3éréafefaé’ti%g>_r_1;s and ‘dijarifiorisato the ,gt'e;a.i: ‘éififeakningiattimzésliifirazg-5 r6c§ms,8c ‘will indnd expnfe us as a prey to gut énemiefi; _n€:ith::‘1‘ is ir"pwf-‘ fibieV1foIor.g as they arc: kept _Tup,that die-fe can be as; fexleci pm::¢.The charge Aofcintertaining Armies is needlcthwhcn there is no en<:my,anft.he Cruwn; and whefi_:wi;h ‘I{ihg_sW dcae ..uf.1a1ly rig-§;)InpAeg1cc the veg-gue% and m er’i«tesof' 1¥1:chas% Adqe memorable fervicesto the Crjcwn 0rA.Kingdoa:ne.“ And‘ as°tc§1§hcdifpofing% of the great cffices of State, and nzimeing of pri- ity Cou%nf¢1lorAsA,W4eV conceive his Ma jefiies 6&1 r, in his %l:2teVM;:flE:ge AtheAfi>:fAec:nth taxi Noveznbezj, to be {'0 reafonable, as may give Iitisfacfiig on to At L15” _Houfesf.' i A That whicgh wdare tofpeak of ncxtin ofdét‘, isgthe union and?ij'oy31t; inteyeit of fthcKiI1g_dOmAS, where; we wifh we had notjuft Acaugfeto ex-% ;pc;.{i:Au1ate, {hat the Houfes have cnnitted the Coveriatm in thefe Propofi-'-A 52933 .5 brejefled all t.;hVat% ‘cofmzarhs VnityfAafnd Vwngformity; Religion and "have fi1t€r€dAAthe former ;Propofit‘ifrthe‘,yTr¢at‘ies, :i‘Arid% d<"§fir_cd;Tno%w _ohly%‘ an , A%ppA1‘qba;ion of tbcutiaking 0fthé%m,Whi’CAh V a_NmAounts to no more t_hen"ar;_MflA&A of i(_1dcmhAity. A They have alfoin that :Pr<:}‘pofition A omittedthefe words With a./.'1Aa:£:'er ara/zmm "dn”dprocea”aI- i2Aug.§M, pafl betwixt the tiara King”dam,r, and w[aLerepmta% t/oey&4re olvligeai 127% "t‘in§far::faid VTr¢flti6J; WhAich]\vords«w¢r¢A inferred inthc Afoxjmer rprppo-A-A; fiAtAic:;ns, after f¢A;1iMous ;Adqbatc{; Tafnd th‘ci1rcf?a 1‘e iftvhe Hogfes‘% AiAx1t‘endto Vakmkc A‘ goqd, and perfmfim“ Aall ordinAa1A1cé:s’Apafi; bétw‘ixtA M the Kingdoms, =KA:CO1'- cf-Eng to cheir¢’tnani'£b1d profisflicaans; We Adcfire that this'.fPt4opo£itionA% may r%.ernain*:1s;b¢foreA$wit‘hgiut,%any altcrarion or omiffion. ffhe P‘i‘f€J}- .P(iAfiti6I3‘A d%eiiAriing his Mgjefl;-‘i;e“s;% cé'n17:nt :6 A what-die two Kindoms agrag upon,” iii: purifuanpe dFth¢V~wfirtAi6les%of the1arAge:tregaity, which‘étrd:. xj1bt¢”yet% finiflaedg r is om‘iz*ted..; The ')'oynt"dec1'ai'atio”n OF" bo?tAhA ‘4K~m‘g- ; ‘ % A ‘ A A dams 4 (=~3) ; dpmé iilikewitiz omifted ; _And generally throughout Vthefeb P"fopofiti-J ions a!lWcxpre1'fions 0f)oy:;1ti1nt§re{fare left out. ’ And whereas fQrtner;.' Iy: tlw,Ptop"oi1tions of both Kmgdoms wereA‘dra:i2vn up t‘oge:htrin¥6i1e§ body: nowfbr Iiaparating theinteréft of the Kinéddxxisg, the?P‘rbpo-{3 Vfitiasns for England, are drawn upapart; which new way, when we A % did obferve, and What eflérgtiall alterations, omifiions, and {dd-iti%ons "were. made in M the matter of the Propo{jtions,We defircd a conference fm:;rémo\f'ing a1ldit¥ercnct:§3';,f _4a,_z;d that we might A the (more fpegdily at..»~ taine to an agreement‘; hutwrt was‘ not granted: ho‘wev»erd’»‘wg%‘1havg". % Ijeré-‘in diféhargcd ourdugy, that we ufe ail means to prevent difi"ci*er€rrie,;4 V and‘¢Atiiat we For our pamltudy to obféfrve the Treatybetwixt the~King~+ dams, Where%it%%iscxQrcfly provided in theeiéhth Artible; rm 1,» %gVC‘V}r[f9!riarziab2* 12:89 % p;zc‘£fi€af{i0i4‘p”r izgrevmaht for 1?-e9mA"‘¢' iaéls‘4 z*foa1LI“E%';3/f*§xiI1lz& made l1y‘aitVbcrK£n4gda4r)é;or. the Qflrmief afaémaer ICif¢gd&m,wit'két¢i ‘tbimxki htrml! aflivwicb émd vanfimt af éatla K'in.gdam.r& or fbcirf Gakvmitieavr ’in;t/mt“ £i:.*lm(f appointed ; amd‘jhere we thinkit not amifli-2 to rem‘mibcr‘%th::” Htaufias o1jPar!i’m2en%t Aofthcirjexpreflipns Lin 3 deéclfizgration :9 "tibekgorfids [Sta.t¢:§§3g:nt§ralIAofA theunxtcd Provincbs of the‘fL~;:%w-Countries,‘>f1mwé- ivngw wVhyVthey did‘ Vnotvadmit %o#fth¢ m'ediati*oIj of %t~heDutfchi%A%riibafTzxdb‘r8v »b’c:twr:r:n the King ‘and Par11Aarn**en:xn the way‘an“d' knanmtz‘ it wasdefis» » red,Awi*thcniz" application torhc Kinadome of”Sc@tl'gnd. Thewprds of the:dec1mjationVare, that‘ 1329:}: t/d£‘IC£n‘g°afam:,¢vcg21mm.;z'}[7~engugedin _tIa‘;e IA_’¢-*a;'2pfit%io2asa'nd :.T)1~mt}' tlacrkuppn; Hug! 7:‘/twat“i:é£z'laerMk}>r;1z3‘1¢zzx'mit of ?’,il&‘éa’i'a1zz'an withaal [rfanflrm bf the‘btVl§a%, “‘%lJc¢;3ix4/"etla~c %I<’7"ixrgicz'arn:'1ave}*t* ” I£z7“;L:4gzxc and Cawrmntmadc to ’AZmv"glaty4 Gad, Md Iagagrac Aciscb "to otBer%mw:%one_enr£r¢ bawdy to praflmste this mufr: ;' V A:m’~tf:mt' id %. WZ#4v,¢e rkrréqfsPr%vP%01Wm%fé*a/1¢fvVvwdW””g*0~v4*dPW?» .*W W “pv*z*fzézz;fif;‘»ri&g z'3n »& jyoyvhr“ \wy,9y th€1’urliamw!¢tx* of’“f1atIaKr"ngdam:V.Pmd*W’hEfie... A" as the wrdri Adi hafladwurs Ii of %t*he4CL‘EV=urch%‘;;y Bi-(Impas; ‘Owe inf A:.1fwcrs' which was? given them-eunro in rm: and ‘dec1:”aration,‘ was, Tburfmr only the Amiwgdemlaf A A M A f>ropmj1nded% am: ’mlfF::r¢:;iVfrbxi1theA%Kirig,% A j the callmgofa Nluioml SynZ$;dc.*toV‘corrc&, and Ateflruflkt the gd'cfrt21jn%zIi%e*r1*t 4 Scgutland tlac /Izikanzberx of botI1“Hm/er“of7Parli.:ammt4,flbuwl/3 i flgéfiyf/afidx qf ¢%;37er: «f /32’?! A2I4j¢[}ie:_fufrjr£i": agf ?¢1nd“Ife}l.mél-,“ % hifiiérd £563? lame .NarimdIl C,owM"my?i:,r_a andé.'mr)au"f'tbe %r.x'i£rp4.v«:”fic5n ~‘aft13q%.' Church Gwcmmmt by B ~;,7mp:,2m»4nd:Ad2» tide pm of ¢ba‘Wvm1a%AAm5afi.% AA M/0f£r'J_; (50th in E :1 glmmi :31-rd ‘}', > .:zQvizdzo' h£%nde'rA tine”/’E'tt}72:{g% af? £¢«‘r;p”.§’- $*flii3‘.£}1.t»:b’:» Kingdom ax s+«»»m~dg Au whiacta :b%€ the ;p”eackc'%of theaK1ngnPropafitionsAof .pe:«2ce Cwhfich xvi: taketgo be%the»rea., fen ;,j that time ELgp.efit1tQns4are in ffO~maAny«t;h1ng5 agrecable to° the‘1§?m.; pa~(alsV¢iV.tEe §Atm;’,efp€¢i311yin m aim-'~$ wff Ré1igi9!1s)and wz:zwuza11%~% fl q'J..6§fi9{i3, lit Ahiidw been more agrceablfi M3??gthc5Tf¢aty»:b€'t;Wi'x€ the dc$m%s,%%J%and,‘4tq‘format; profefiiops A’ andyM#p’:.pééet!i“n'gs,V that the Prqpéfitif .ms.of pea”caflhadbecn framed Nand%agreed upon, ¢wi:h advice a;i;1¢;;:~,g “ fen: Qf%bGf11A ;Kiflgdoms.% % A’ VVE have knnitfn ” fhefioufes of Parliament %Lfqrmer.;1y look upon it as an offenceofi Aa, high4dna:ure For any c:th‘ertl;e;j: A thefn {£13165 .176 meddle iffin the. maxccrs of Péaéég .efpecial1y th“¢ C}oin’rz:;an,£- dfitsand <>ifEccrs%0f thevfirmy (t%h%oughi%ri Prim€'iPI3C3 and grcacma: '£3I.I1'1-aI1{‘3It},t‘,:fid51.ity)V rr1«akingit"on1jr proper forjthern ‘:13 be] fiexercifed in znattgrs of Warm , Lactordingiaéthey {hauls}! r€Ceiv¢ jd§re¢'tiPon from the I-1oufes.”* And much more would%Wthe%%HcufesA%~ have bgen ofi"6fi9ied.LifanYv%%¢fii5érs:efitheir%Atmyi1iou1dhaVéték§nuP¢«n¥Athem to ¢,9&'¢rpr§9d{315%¥9 rtheliing. For fetling =1 Peace,with0H%* autherAi:y;from V rhchtiufesg, as%A-ix.?ear%”e informed fott1e%,qffi;:cr.s%of[Sir?Tlmisaxk F;z£Vrfax his ._Az-"my have dong. A% Ifthcjfloufcs ofP;z:li:a:nent 1I1ada‘c’cdrdix::g to out ¢ A5earne&. defire@h¢thirdw.0f t%.r«r?v~:~I 644. Wh€nth¢¥% mod¢1ked& 4thei*rAAf~ Of ‘kfifiiarmatigm {Sf %R,eI1gi<>nw, 81: (if that %Auniformity» both %K‘ir3g:dums ,araob1ig€d»to~prom<:;re andArf1aintain%A , andif they had%M1a11o%AvA'fé.nf¢W¢tl V theirAD:c1aratiqn made, the %twehtitc0AITfid&:infuchP¢rf€2fi8%¢t04%havc%<>r arid authority iaV;th:TArmi€Stai£edby :hem;who did arsprmand coTh1%ht to ttrfi w(;b*gen§.g1t;0r~*i.;F thei1‘,;Qi:dnan¢e 01$ the A11 3 of eér%#mf)*";JI6j4§4. ap- fpointxé;ha11AA ofi'icer$r.ito ’byAei'mp1QY€d in Sir T/9?amM”Ffi5?:ffi56j¢* Ai$rmy._..£o 2 mike :heNa:iom1,1eggue‘%&;%cmmn: ofbothlfingdoxiis;wifhi.n'2Vo fdafis % ; 4f£éf.lth{cyt,VvEr3;e §aR}9m*V*dLA thefléufes Jihad bean really put%in”exe¢ti-- g¢iio;;,w§a£&«v¢:y¢ comfident Vit WonId¢tm?€ Ptevéntefi a world .0-f inccrrv wwhich hm €nf°€d%Hvbnflfififgltfi $5 A gghauvi5¢;%€ur;her+[inIi£% .qn¢.d1gs fu_b;e&,ne1%th.crMfi1aI1 .1nIatg6 ourgffiilvcs :V.%u9o»9theJpr<9¢€édii2gé.%0f Jhésflrmy; :Bu=%f4 m‘;u[t a\1wé¥?S%*Pu‘t‘% *5? %,Vf1au£es~o£Ra;1iam¢n;*in,mindq. that our greatcfti Rrength its in a gpod the Ems“ . There 6 25“) 4 .Theze is left putin thellsfimpbfitirnnt, tlte ’Prnpofitio’t: conch» mag the City of Lamlon;whereby they were to have the G0v‘cm-:.«“»; mctmt of their yo‘wn¢y.Miyl1tia anti the Taiwan and aflhténcc that th;i‘it“‘ Fefces {hail not be com pcllcd to goeout of the City lfot.Mi-e-j-: litary. Set»-ice, t~ without their, owns: content; ’ An Aft lief’ yP,:arli;a-at the-'ntcen'fi:ming their Charters, Cul?:omes,ljI.ilacttics,8ac. he ;?Ancl;f an lAh_&,that all-‘t-he Byy-Laws,a;ndyOrdinan§:e5 of lCommongCo11_n~s 79 cell made, or tube made, lfhould bccyaslcflhétuall to all irmatenm, and purpofcs , as if they were cnaficd ‘by fiuthqrity ‘Vol’ Parliagl meat , with liberty ‘alfo for them to tepeale theft: Ordinanccsy;lla$W; they {hall lee caufis. Thcfé things wcrc;tormerly.dcfitcd,inthe I’r‘op‘ofitionsl"iny bchalfe of the City, ybecanfe ofitheit taffcfliony: fotwardnellé; faithfnllnefié, and zeal: inlthccommyjon ca%u{e_;nf 1’ both Kittgdnmes. l And we cottceive our £’.‘lVC3ylnyyClUt*}7JQblli~,¥. glétél, t0,dc‘.'firC that this Ptopofition may notlbetyomitted, ylhlxtypyytc-l» fcnted to His Majcfty for His aflcnt. ' l A t A * ‘r A V Concerning thc»Propnfitions for taking away thc,Couttl,0f Wards; and Farrell Lands from His Majefty .-. It cannot the’ hexane: peeled, when the Honfcs of Parliament fhal take into ‘-their confiee dcrationgthc glogry and grcatnctfli: wherein their ;({ingsllhavcllif€’6t£*l;; that they will ever take awayot dirninilh any patt;;of“that‘ PliTtri-ell many and Revenue-,wlh1'ch is ncccllary for limppotting the Dignity a lame. _ ‘ . V A Touching the Propofition for file and ldl'lpj0{all~ “of the, Bands of Deanes and Chapters, 6zt,:...t. as the Houlcsf fh31l°tyhinlg,g fit : Wehave onely ,y this to fay; that wehaye alwaycsghcatd thatey lands were refctvcd by the Hnules yfnr na(a~intcnayncefoyf' fhCt,N1~if_fl_i!!§".' Ftetlc; andyil‘ y they lhould be lotllctwife Clfif‘p(3rfcd,lol,,1 it W~t5_l1yprlov-A A 1 Pkazfiifeaafi am wmrary to the ligVh‘t%of% Nature, or to lmownaeA upons, %i~mrprc)»£%ccu*tik:xn oFthcA..Artfc££s ef “the; 1:; fgfg; A Iggty ,_ which are pot Ayctgfinifhcd ,. AAnd-.tbatAai1 0:53..-j thg,;,.g_g’ j‘éAyixtr-Int¢re£7E,f«om* tbs:%Kingcfon1c of »,S‘g:;9:l4;g;i‘A.;;,, ¢ fieular,WPi§hJ are.9mi‘3°f5a.b¢ ifl{¢P“w~dz FXR”¢fl;.:3dA£r$.Ain;.th:f§i' '331?1at.%Arm1cs m both Kmgc1.,AQmes9w ...WhiCh WW6‘ raifi-tcf Fe": ”p”:-c?-ii firsvatiazn, . 'gt"ccd~upon,to be pa « particularly than ='”Law~cs,.~and~ {way ~fcrv:ition‘and 'Re‘format1on.o«F Rdlxgxon , N28 for de'f&fi‘2:¢+.;=«:mc ~ :~KingsPcrfonynndfafetyof t_b6 Kxngdonacs, bcnot 1;cpmp.¢o ‘h?indc"r Reformat‘-io‘n of RAcl1g1on, And King*fmm'H§5~(;0_ » Vern:-ncujt, And tofbo a burthejn to the StIb’j'¢&5, tinde the Awhffb-is ended ; but that thojz may havekflue AfatisF21:St’i-onooffbeir narfnéfltéé, o ‘and ‘be~~di§’oandcd..; withont wh.ich,”it_hcrcc'anf“bc Aononr“c‘ai‘l rfizvft‘ iIl*a- % *&in'g P‘:-acc ; That allommlcsobcmg "fiixsbandcd’l1'ere,fpecd,y.nge1j;£¢ maylsefcnt to Ir?l;:znd.A “ AA _ That an A8: of nOb1ivion , 2 which is” thcfbond ‘of Pcaccj, Abg-AAQ. A "R an the *Pa1“liamcnnts ‘of nbothoKingdoiis¢3;;n;q That Vthcfiningo be nrefforcd toohis Rights and AA‘RjCV€.flAi1EAALs; he C rownc be not oxcludodfrom .t‘h¢ pawn} makinAg‘ La“ cs, which is as ncifentiall toI“KinAgs, ‘as ‘to ‘gov“¢*fi;2§‘;‘fi;y the Sccptcr ;’N=or from’ the powC1' of ,Athg;';fl#i....A ~t’:?ti.:z,,‘ withoutwhichthcy can neither ptoteffithcir Subje&s“,nng%p- poti: their and the Kinngd-omcsocn$cmics, ‘nor kcc§'fricnd‘Hfip“~wi{th nothcir iAllycs.n A Agiory oF‘h:is ‘Royall; Ptogonitors 5 Vas”‘br:{&*¢tn¢fh‘I~i'i§o ? n.That‘;rh:1:c be a oonclufion addcdto ntI3dAPropofitioWi1§,prOi1‘!§ii'AA1§g our rcallnoendcavonrs (1_‘-'lS‘WaAS done in éhb .n*Propnfifi¢,;,g on;jr,¢§tj§d upon at Uféfidgej th’Rf+bi$'Maj<¢fliy may we nninxflic *f§genagr,;§§d A and ‘Dignity. ; Thai: To all am:-rcnees “and troublpt may ntuall confidence and rcioycing ; the" King may ¢:x=1A’j'(5"y5A‘t11A"cAA¢;to"Aflif’¢Af}AAi-t of His =‘Roya1l‘Con{orLband Chtildren , withothcrocontcntmcncsv ~Pmd wee, ~af‘tcrfTo gr;:at%EI"fPcra6t‘ions, andlong continued moi » rings ,9 may rAchp*fheo’b1c1-Té‘d‘*'froits ofT1=uth and ~'Pcacc.undcr his Govcrnrxitm‘. “ A A A A A A _A A W And as it isMvcrynfar.fronm.our thoughts fa,I.'J,(ZiAAAA‘j.i[Z}tQ[;],t,iQ,93.,,,iA.‘.:,,;,n.,E_A,' npreflingn our Dfixgcnccé upon the Propofitions ,2 to 9mm ‘c ‘gisio offence ; To we tjr»uPc,‘ that oufifrccdomd in;diJA"A<*A.1iAaxgg:iro "A :m1f’c “ocotnmittcd ’to;us~, proceeding from our‘y-‘nicéfen ,At(AAA)..-<«£§AAéu4fiAA n. Woyalfiy otnonthfiiingnna ‘andV16v=’tor-oPcm2s Ihdli“ re¢¢iw¢Ai.nAa~ A‘A’v'A-‘*1’-'A‘5‘--'1‘nI’A‘A'F«A‘A"‘*fi"=’AT3‘fi5°m.Lth°H9“““T5m’€Ifibfiféég:?lflA3 wmomea WflighttHc;flb‘1%¢cst$W%.rciii “wag ftihx-Mirnxto ‘off *Es~gYandr “greatdflt .d'an'gér», ‘éf-Ie"e‘%n ”e,"5an,.;5°,;;;‘f; too “n§rc1*o‘£o*: thtir'fl*m&ancc ; bhd-;atCofii5W‘f€§57kAf9gA~1A1E;?t\15Ai;jg AP¢ff0Tm’«“‘1C¢'°f¢tb¢f‘iA3m?“311‘b1i§€'i!1WF3sAAD3fla£fationsga‘i1,§ =?I”re;a‘tié‘9A\:;bEt\5vttfAnc'thoAfwo.Kingdoomcs,; '1:n‘£"cA:W'-AA1’1At .M {23} wws whic‘h may viviatisw aw %r:??¢b®i‘fv%fa?wmm cgngafgements; " A V %;:hfieVHmrcs ms ‘ X ;:};i'j§::f:::%e’i1d%‘AVof rm-1: Warzcs was %the%Re:r*oArmat1on and ci1ab}ith%-A mam} o’f‘Re1i,giicinW a”c:co' th¢V C0Vé§nanV%t;,‘ Aizd théy have §Ofi:'¢n7‘1vPl‘C')fhifid.af1d‘Dhfidagffd rd the Kuig,‘ %an:d to '21! theIWcrig5,— (=not-wfiithotit “dc¢p[Vattc&fa1:ions% of that: }>§aem; of God %A_At‘na1; no "“c)r~5 TJFCCCIE fhbuld cm make than % -vqrptng M01-V dimi‘ni:fh the power «pffthc C;rQwné::4 ,g whigh were tlwchicfc ;;;q;1v¢3a.,,d Ai.'gimm:"n'ts“tha‘t‘ ind%uccd5;a:1mzL to. engage; wigh them in%%:hi; Warts. Lct#ther:fbrc that b¢ givcz1toGod, whici; is-Gods, abd to 6'1:/2&2‘ what is C'«cfim' ; iwhercby it.mé*i%dc;itV'.VV1:ha;;%yd in "0f‘ V a!f?J‘rcaIly$ appc%aVrc”%§% that thc%A%advaritagcsai:14d pogvéi-A which ‘ %Suc¢cfl'c ha fh put; into yam? hands, “hath not IeAQ":‘r;cd% y‘=c:+u;r #I_,6yaIty “t‘O th@Ki‘Iig." And atcbfdfhg to our many pfbfcflionsg anfimea go tclations ; _lct,us rcallyand cz3rd%ia1ly; cherifh and flrcngthéh the *Vi1i0f1b¢fW¢*3n"th¢ twé Kin3dV°m¢5¥1fld¢*-‘ 55? Mai?-fiYa‘bAY 311 ti?-<3 L I,’Ie§ig::s‘%ofreci A rocan kindIVn¢{Tc,that fo %Rc1i9;-ion “and R.igh:cou‘§- (- fl‘oJut1m_,%’“and b_o§h I{ingdomés,..languifhigjgtmdet the % A VheavyAprcfliztcsandcalamztxcs 'oEap g§1nnatura11VwWar,rc.4 mav Live: ;n ;,§11¢ Pltntsf. Cmmfid &_vf Vtlyé awmwékef; * M ; t.6:r Parlia}neat qf‘ Scqtland. v I‘o:..CH£“1s mu. A 3* asiveparmgd%¢h¢Awxnm;ua:ons ;ghamun;¢a¢¢a‘u'm,.. A 3%,; as 0212‘ xivfflayvéin. thcwfltcrinoonc, WhjcMreinVthc_,Coma- -e ——........-u”-‘u. ‘ ‘bf’bdth .H0}¢i;f¢3a:PP<5int=d' to go: toth¢Kin%g,%arc “ Maiefiy Your 331$‘-5 ’Conccrning % réffiagand and¢% mI«»d[inb¢:h of " % Mei A V M _ ying.thc“proce¢ding§ bf PafrIiamcnt% %pr9¢¢¢3iD8$ 333i¥1f*»th° Par1i2mcnt7té f A Sifiléifig Pii¢$‘¢7$J13.t¢*1%’V«AVIn3«i% or ihcrcafteg taA‘bccA.vmada;~ ‘ 7 an}! ;%aridA£1ccflarVing:§1iVOathcs,A-De«C1apation$,‘ProcIa¢ & ‘( an an .‘ " .. V . a; Pmpmixxwm iimtiamfigwmmmm M ,3 M A i }. ”i*'m M133 tiwcy mwmmmiandicd {tea aiucfiirm His ‘maicfiics afliznt His i.:‘ij£‘.‘lIf:r5“’ Patcnits':11‘ndcr%mi§c great: S=.::a:1o‘i “ En !,;gnvd,:-3-nid not ~05» thcrwiiie. A nd after HIS Majcihcs afiant to time tails, the .i‘iC;iL1.{C‘S of Parliamentiwill {and a Committee of %bot:h;Hou:cs to i’rcat.c with His Majafiy in the liieioff Wight upon tlmiremiaiindcr .§£)i:.ti'l:‘.i'i.' new Propofitions. . Po ailwhichwcc anfwcr; Thani a1‘:bou»g*h ithicrc bcixnothing which we more piaflianatcly deiirc than [ ai liappiy Pcgcgandigood agrcentcnt with :11: King gwyetwc caizmjcat iagrec to this way of _ dcfi«ring,His Majcflycs affent to th0i‘e.f0ur'Bil1S3 befcrc any Trcatyi with His Ma jfcflv upon othcn Propofitir;ms,. it I bcigag, men: judgmmg neither forvi ihc goodof1Re1igion,thc.King not Kinfigdpmcs. i And firfi concerning :Rc1.igi:a~n, wcfay,.ithatim Laundry, was agrcedjon b:~:t:wix::;thc': Htaufcs ofmrliamcnt A and us,beFox‘cthc Trcaty at vxéridgeg That tbéi firapofizionx was ‘gaging ?{:,.°l1;giqn, I/94' L/’I{Z'£!iria:V, m2dfr:liw4:1,ii[ba!l £a~er2iwz;ea’; vficpan .inilt:.:rnis vicxbus, éaginninjg m‘: /:r. the Prapafitian. of Relngién, I/cam: iéraf gxcé//611$}, [:2 A it it, ta 6:: fi;p:;g7ar;iafra’r;'e#md fi}:;zI[)v¢g_gr:cd tarjmg the A fir/2 iplace l2rfi1.‘re:an} final! acgreemcfif 66 mm gape» my eff; we at/oer Frqpcfiriqnx. Wm‘ are x=*er§*iif‘f‘urei‘ ‘thcifloufis had far grfiatcts rca(‘oniat,ichz1t timéf; .to;;_ ;ioGk¢»i';tmé fhéiir A ficurity, mid to dcfit:cthc;Prc§ppfiti:21f<:z1t;.:f¢x;I“i:;xgi.nhc?MiIiti’a:t0;be firfi agreed on; when the King had an Army in the fi'c1di,iiithi:n now when thcy.hav¢a {imn‘g‘7A rmy,iamd he has mag: 31!. And upon tihc. i4othcx?‘ipart.thc danger to Rsiiiigifln‘ i.=,: now much grcatar than at any time bcfibrc, when mm in Arnficsatcidcmandi’mgi a «tow ii Ic;fa,;iox3 of all foijts of Rsfxlfgiiqns (' 'P,o~p.~c:1:y iexccptcci; L) “A.i:ad..rBi1s»t£> ba afctfllfity F31: i&;tlingf«P¢acc wiiheutuTruuh,whi¢h - iilath b€€n’ac-ikniowledgcd both by His Maicfiy, a‘nd*-:thc,HonfcsV in a1i1f'orrn¢:r Tréaties or -Meflhgr:s,. to bccmhc bcififi ancie moi’: ;fo1rid ifound ation of a 1aPcir;% Pcace. Andiwwc mufl; Pci11i?prc’fl‘c that thciic may be iayziricfcrencc 0 maid the Goivermcznt ufthciChurich+ :; want iWihcrcbf,*’ii£ the L ,i.cauIc mi tbcficfla apd :H:tr€fi§S .Whic1;)doc.mu1tiip1y iandiii A increalfc M :3 ihofcrdcfircs which are; f7o‘r~fétling»Bxc1igian . daily A AW?) V. , 4 1 ‘b‘anermé” 'av1l&?£)rk:mr and ~%1‘*‘*<:ac”c%, ;§:-raw an Churéh , ;0? Rc:1igicm5+~foitéam1o*:: in rcafcn be coxwitived, thatit {hm bee a’?:ceptabIe %:*to.t11c*T1$1ing;.%.fé>r «how can it b¢c’%cxp<':&s:dVthat ha will grant «‘tho~{£e things for 3 Vpftz r... fona1lTrcaty (w‘hcx'coFthc.:i~fl?z1‘eis»#uncer‘tain) w*hich41*1c h“afl=z“‘cvcr Ahizschetto de“ny'cd evenmo::3§3::aina«a%:Picacie Céfp ccia~}1*y when a'fr*cr,ea:i1l ;;.1r1i$ Ma jr:{’¢:i=cs e~arneF;3;dt::{ines,% hcct:ann?or*beAc‘ Vi-t%tcdm:%co*xn’c to r-£;ando~n,”mrLupon-any tcaums to%1=mvca*Tr%:at‘y;.hE::*re, in ‘1"€§fp%‘!E‘fi tha % zfloufés concezivethm tfhtt’ Kingaprefénecwith 1:'1zcm, at tb*i*s:tini3t: fiaggdsnot =with~~t‘s::e fa=f<‘:fty=and £E:mr*tha..«m 6. N ammé. whcrcinhc is can-tent that aflpowcr ‘ :.o‘E'~ fthu*%Mi1iciaJbccVfc:1cd in the Hauibs %»of *P’arliamcntdL1ring;his f Raign‘c. . ._ V % ~VNei4:hcr is thiéwayirx our zxpprchénfionflor the gfiod ahd Hist?-by so? %1Ehc. VKingdomcs,Athat» an~A;:my‘£ho1ding {uch prinfC:ip1€:s_ as thtny yde cem'crnir;g &{;1igion,aj1d in %:*:c1aVt?icm ‘tga thc'*f§t+l~i1}gtl}”¢ go vcgn. :inf a$*.1d*P€:é.@¢1i‘Ofi~A“thC ;k1’i:.;1gdc:am¢5,» and which wztho*m.~*any A Jufibewmauthority~'*fromthc -Parliiarrmnt) inc~r¢aI&d%-thjcii‘%1ztL-mu = wBurA'to;;1écrc,thc double of «what they are: allowed by ”Ord‘§tl‘ of Pat» 1iamcixt;Vi(and«inV thcin-late Reprcféntation, acknowledgé their fu- :§ fhallVAbc(,pmz&ppa€1?c:;t:hi:*Rar1iamcnt,*andthat thc-zfut "%’e&s’4 fhaélljvbec oabligcfd cInaWv~fé>*r“¢v?et< wfubm it to Va%,M=i1itary ‘ power; ‘and y w bat ?fA§idheyes.”Vfimil be dcmnvndtwfor their§maint¢nance T W htatfoeimr ;é33}y‘€[:€E1tO nithas where, oar%fE:ncei‘A it. dcth neit* Zagreb «9$e£kyrV(sfu.émmci1%tLhcfna; A ~ A .m’4%;Po1it:ynot* Sa”fe?§y.? M I Q . _ A 4%;$wqfl’fl:wdéfirc :1:o>fI!'«e1;t‘i:m {«m}age;‘%il;ls«tof @c"p’1-c{cnt¢d1 to His -Ma... j "’ ‘ A A tticflfitlc éf !‘t1h€‘BiIlwfor~rhc J5/iiflitiag ‘ m11¥umc»raries::toxbc about twenty ”thou{‘and.) ?!’hat*{uch an Army [ .u ‘or! n ' V ‘w — .. - ,. n . , M11m_a ; we pe‘rCe1V*¢‘ that 1: doth1.cxtch3Vt%6,tY1 c {‘3?i:fi'+} taining, of’ Forécs in’ t H€‘TQ%Wn ofBa4rz22£a1q:,‘cor§tr2iry %tofthc %%}»argg¢4‘ .~ Treaty betwixt thc kixjgd omc’s.A ) And w.c::~did xfeprcfcnt. that thofiéiz“ Ea-ills b‘-ring aifa ntcd unto, by the King, would be: a rca.1~1% £?:cJu-2:ift)§,, and the maiéixxg an Agreczncnt for Pi-zxacc-:.,% which according%tot1‘m Treaty betwixt the Kirégdomcs cam:1ot%Abs.d,onc wéithcm th1¢.m1}-f‘ mall advfcc and mzlfént o"£ff"%‘o.r.>t.=I‘1. T0 which tbs Ho11wfe$§ did‘ y¢fi¢.1'-#7 cf3y1"ct%urnc: as thczir Anfwexfi, Tlmz: we Wriailedge: , Rflght am; flvémc of the Ifiwgdame aim! 7>mz.m:zz; of England ,%.A¢7.r,V1:;bm Bil; éotrfjz Hm/ér F0 '56:? prcfimcd §‘cz I/2: Ifiqg far_Hi; 1'{a)*41[,:z jkng, 3% are 510:] to 66¢‘ aam.mgm’ca£¢ui tAo,’m:r_): Mot/2:2,? wan/Jaf0¢wrVqit%/Jgr ml- idtiorz to J1/fr«W'4'%?‘ of Formfl; lmzfore AHA: fl7:j'Wer% t/acréi4?2ta.%g£h§ch.:rcqm£.m.a:hm;9mmunicatio+nof the m%a'tt‘<=:r.of any V ‘iIjs;,%,%,M%,‘i,"s tdf us v.¢rya£%rmgca It is agreed upon bctwixv thc Kingdcfiics, Wat no Ccff1tion%, nor any«R"a*€iifi”a§.ti”n%;%mr A Agreement forf«'P¢acc w1m{oevcr,,,Vfi1”al1.beznadc by ¢ithcv13fcs%c;F%Pa:1iatIacntfhouid turmf 33! their défirés fat‘ peace iinm Bils , "anti fllbulifay‘, that thois:% Biis cannotbcV*wmmur:icat:d to%thcAKingdc>mcwof Scaiiazn-dj, ci- therin re’t2rtio%n -to matter or foXrmc«:‘ ,\»Vec:4d£firc: to know, and 16; any rationed} man judged whcther this we‘rr:notanAc1udir3g.' a“n;df“c‘1carc violatiun of the: Treaty : Neither can“ it in this cai&_ B: a férisfa%fl*ioryAV‘Anfv~;'cr, that%4thc Houftts of 1’ar1ia=ment doc Qrily ‘ Xv Ethd four ofthc Pmpofit"1on4s in ‘I3i1s to His%Maj'c:{’c‘y;for%cvcry‘ one: Of the Pmpofitions is aPmpofition4 forwpcacgansi an Agrc:'cm”cn:j=~ mam upm “ any o.%:*gs:%%o”f fiicm V is an ,agveemc:m:_ for V mace. Whighffiwxfiuéh‘.n*1brc;th&re é*re7h’ox1c‘ofAA*t‘tie Prcpaficimjs wfiicm { thfiir m;a#fi¢ 1_'1aé:mr{‘: dgoc 1'0 immediatly %cQnc c:rnc the M fctlingot ja'* ”pt:ac:':, asthttffi ‘?c4:urc*Pr0p0fitic.ns;A and wiua: can bc‘ca11;d an.A-{L gr¢cm%cntf"or piéaca if ~ this bet: not Pj whm xh:KVi::”gfby4 fcn’CjfliaH“ji1f’cif'iq “the 5 pr$cécding$%:Qf%*%t§$¢f Pa7r1i9;ment Vit3‘.%TVirh»cl% °wérré;"~V‘a1%nd4_“~makc an Oaths, V ¢cla4ra?::i4op§,P mclagrnégtioms and other gzirizscecdim-”gs we-gaxzzfl it to bcfvmd , A when by Aft of AParha‘-f» mam: hc.L£ha1;1{:ttIetfiqpawcr of all VF{:>§ccs by 8;; and Land int<;:»f“ ‘the %I-iwfes uf AP=ar1;iam¢m, and alfofltoraiffi nxqnicfi {0rr:b¢irAwmain~ \ “tam h‘c:%“r a ‘umé¢Ea:fenti’t»h“af ,:;_I“i?‘ Pccrg ‘m%adc,‘mr h::'t¢a;£tc:rL to A ~* f~a‘tE%‘4‘£:.~»r.* ms ifi &>Var1£a£rac:::»~[ bf bath héé ;1aa;114»give%"%powc:’ta‘:haA Hésufim to‘ ad-4’ §0I}.;1rH3;$t' th¢~irV plcmirc M If théng N the: Ki’i1gVs*aTiTent to that: Bilfi beA*a%niA%Agr¢'€¢flfi5éitFmf peace, (égwc fitrcannog reafon bcdfcg-3 “ny?=a»)%g;mr ad&*iccMmAd~ «:As»i1fcntoughrte bjc¢~h%a:d‘4éhcteirf; ware may 130% th*é{Kirzg%;amdgiarficrwifé t91‘féT;216f£I3tjJ iéfl 1i§?Z*ii&:1vz*;‘tcé1; A A ' A 5 A ALE t:.g::ee*i;m ”:hiw5_'s£¥;iy?%oF fe"i1d1irzg‘%‘1;¥zc{7.-;~ fours jBz'i1s“m His, IS-ljgafiy fm: 'His"Afl?l'mt%bcif«t":m: my Tx<;~:,xty up0'm..,tl1z: rd}. of the Propeficioius 5 {O wcc'a:-cc3:~: ttfiamiy '%1flf&'ti5fi£df&’v'ith:II1€ I”i;fi.1ttt2;1' of thgjzfé new Propqyfitiozis lru.-My con'nmmi~ gated untom, gfpr the rmfons cxpzfibflhd Hi mar .Anfw;:r mite» sham, which we dot’: you?" I1’Q_fdfl1ips.gto%”bVc §>14cfc;;;éé to Izrzith Hotiks of%'1’;1';1,j3; 5 And Sm: dclmdfifirc 1Zh;~;t" they *§c*o1;}d7m1~:e “the Vfl1§:1Ie4iuu1intfiE: uz*1tu%tl1:£ir fu-.:'+ ”fth£r tioxtfideratiofma 3.~i1d&%~t¢hac% ».~z'm mavy‘¥b~::fn pmftomal 73$‘;-eaty%%w£z*!1 His Majcfly f '§ae1'e at Landau upwn fucE1%:I3,ropa1ztions%;as‘1h;1l1'bc agreed ugzsqm, with advice and,‘ fiflflfé?-nt%of bmh gi3§fl§0m35%3c€o1‘di1*g to Tt11cTrc*ai:y.% jSlsa5ét5!Nm%7.% AA By?“ cpwmmi zhg [‘a.g1:2:zjg3Eon:e3