hAN1MA6VE sro s ILIPMONJTHE ZRMI 5%‘ YQQMO mgsragflmgca ~DE_LIVERED A To the H ohm E of C0 MM 0 N .37, Monday, 20. Noweméer, 1 64.8. 4 InvindicationhafhthePAm;1AM1z.m'.s TREAT1 with the K I N G imhef/Ze offVZg/at. 7 h V Tarp: cg/l Doifori mm» culjm rcdwrgmit ipfum; Cladiw acmfat Jmeho‘l:o:,CattéIin4 Cetlzegam. I n talwlamsyllag dicxmt cjm hdzfligmli firm V Printed in the Year, ;6+8. V fflbéj_W;éz*a*¥t*b£' peapzwafig ii¢_;“dfvédil£m‘ rave; A2 g V - 9.‘ A‘ I‘ “' ‘ u .. A‘ y ‘ .A ‘. v ‘ A W‘ ‘ , _.~,‘14~,._w, M‘. F | ‘ ,4 ;. ‘ - :' 5, “ ‘ . ‘ , .. M ~ .h -- _4 M 9:; I . ‘ a . - , - M W 13 »~ - -» * ADAVERSAI E VmM®NTmAMém% DeLJVaEaD A To t‘1’1€ of Cot1m:AofrasA ,. %Moim§{ay ,: ém {Nd 'z»gcr7§%£2A%¢23I ¢1ié4:8a. A Bout‘ £647; A Thsz Hvoufey in fiziimid A ~ Parl§aAA%mAamA4 €d~ojk:in%tv cbnficferatAion*mwAA tAc>A»je'21A:feA.% ‘ - A ~:fieA:pe6p%k:~A ofittrcir TaxAé§~«; in drde1?Awh&cté"té‘v 7% W they ordgamincd the Divsbanding thi§Afm“jI%_4(5O0“O* ~L?A%?or 7oacse?*9>T*Ii1Acfl‘yA‘A exceptcctto fu{5Af>"tEfl‘c‘.Iflfi?rre€tie A A AA A" A r’ ofm-AA: iw Englmt, a1»nd~?t:h~é rm‘ to» Be fem: E6 t:‘lA1e’“f‘cA“”--AAA} AA fcif In :1)? A w*d©Aoel5%. WW p'mviAcfAé’d*4Afof%t1*risA worke, for the reflmfi «t.”heir AAw‘rAe*wesA &‘heyAwAm~~ far A awe nn¢4quef%i<:vnAah1cfécurity; Isieménanc c%~a$mm1lA rubmry wc<6~uAa«ag’é&% the 1'-f‘Icr’u“4*‘é M‘ fiammdms w t1‘1i;sa,refoEi:mio‘fl; d%ifcoAtn:¢nt;, then disband the Army Whjch hates nomtlm-'Ig‘" mfdfcAA banding amt Aretuming x:Ac[r t1Té1rQI&*T.'fwcKes‘) and therr; to}: make pfe°of‘t‘:h¢ir difecx:nAte111f§agjairr%af’c“th e V_Authci:uAr;sA?of this cdunféill; bg.-. 1zagA:nwaf? dA!fi%ramrAp1c1AnAcr;y>*Ic~s md xneerefis?*FrAomhtmFclfi Tbcmy mw=Vwlfi7dh dcfigfi¢;;hi¢;;A a1*gdh»is*~?S%*ori%I332=to&a u‘fidflA=I;11‘c4Aj4 8c 5% 965“ fmm-.-A, W AA‘p‘2*ar‘m, A AA(m%fi+: whwfeA* publ*i’q;uA¢v;fpiti®cs Ir- mey dbwlw F61" private ¢11f&‘s5" *:1x*1c1"a~1i ”1a&ca£ié%chcm off );Aa,mfi»y1 the (L. dingmee) not to dzflzmad, nor to divide. «Irwly we mw‘— was me: Ewgagemew4 (“in op4pofi*:.%*n t:'*«:> th e” {aid :2. ‘ 7:‘ W 4‘§ai5’rfl*C }A””Mnfi3',; rmyi ' qflémger A‘::lE*§~ /(aye: Bijoiifi ; . EfisAag5W* A BolcA+o£»Ba '95“ in his: than four: or fim daishs, ‘:3-7r’é‘ré"5"c7'z"?1, ‘IE1! Hmfé flmld gig’, “If”, 1, V rancehtaj\rhAe A H A ’ ' _ A 9 A35‘ 67' A the Armim:,Ah4;¢dtbe}I(mgdameMgg/1:1,“unzip thAis;hCmzw¢llPlotted aw %W.emwg “ A an andfriiaPaaple ofafafe. anzli/}Ieflbjvh.Apra<:¢ea'i,ug;ta A %jEtm3h % fi1rpi*izinghof* thé King: Pcrfon by his inffftiitféii % fiyce t1old&him,_be /mad the %Irter¢: : and invited. ‘ht? P3091? ‘'1 ’”“’<"’ Addflfléfio ‘/95 Arm} bthh-Pttitim again]? mam gri¢:wazd;ce-2 «to whichhrheygaye Anfwer, That,*ms and :2: h1cDecIar.a-v “ -A % -A W‘ % . , h~ . _ nfl the Ar- z!z#f«m£?h.rftb¢hwh hashtfthelrh f§!1f¢ Wer¢nh@ Tunrmnc Law» ms Em:r.t_1i¢s 3- T56? ¢'é57¢Péll*tbe Paf1ih5%m¢nthtoI{mtv«f0me os‘._th<~::irA Vot%€5;M rhesrarc »m- and after\Wds rfiproach them for that imiw.flm:7— In-their Pfina grhed,Pt1r-Prp-ted Papers. AA A - h ~ A AA E59-13¢» R¢P1'€17== 4.» Theyturne the Co§ince1”of,Warfé,.in»to aACoVrh)xh1‘c_ehI_of_A.Sta'i‘:e; B. V %=c1~P-3.+3:3%~ and hthfiichhdébétc and i?é1:OJV~€ all Publiqucl Affaincgfias .;.h,¢y. WCI¢§ A A anothcffhhh anotifier?rBa;rl*iammt5.f w;j‘udgjIn—g,Aof aI!»&V.1?ah1~i%que 3In!:.ere{ts, and: Safety offi ”thc:Kin:gdo;11c ; "ThC3PfCf9..gI*‘$?? Dasbavndg u:;.1 on:¢.p1aAcie, aw take them inagaixifin an~other..€J W (V&~by*Way of B1VrgaA1n¢A,%as;xt wcrje) they Late1;;xdcmang1ied.3p_oq:*. 0If;.¥h5§I1" tc,> be” added to :%h'ew:efiab1i{1:—ed whic~h~ is 31-[T:33dyL;..».;@b..Q7‘7€3_§1.2700,9 %4mcI1,an.d. “b:ath%an_ci’saeb1i£hcd V A pay af »;moopl;T’fi¢rl:ing¢a~, M‘t?mt:h AafarVgr:¢a,,t<*i.;'41;;?aYw and b<:;:*eA4::%V “pa;id.;;thch~@ny~?Afmy';;sth€y»0P§n€dAA 3 fifec W3Y§.O1:%1C£€sfl‘C_=EQ§ for.manythc n9;oPs;malignan; ofhis party : As Mr. felon efljbbm-nbam, whom Cromwell (véhofe pulfe about The M h. this;1fEm<:*be;atA wa;;I«._ordl“‘y pace-,as %one“of their owne ipqgimen faith) viii“, C:d:'1f_ A and1';;«g¢;m}."f¢nt fot'~out‘of France. A _;Col: William L“eg,..whom they ‘wc:IIifi;,A% A \ - can fedf,%£o;?be,%a.dn3itt¢‘€1 of theVKings,Bcd~cha;mVb4er., Sir W2‘/1; Ford, Papifl; I2*m»1;:»B‘iQth¢r~>-inr13W,~~and Miior ‘RFA’f9’fl/[A both of thfim Lefidcnt for.Vmc;?l{ing4;in ghc Army: "to cydrriupt thcsouldiery ,, and ‘ ‘ ‘ A 2* M many‘ " % page x 12... r:‘4;:;‘ mabyAmMe, W W ., % dm*ceAw imh the King‘?1w;itn’f£§f‘e:,.A%2gAurd4 _ had: tfieir17:Qd'ayesW-pfwritihg Lettiérs into*Fr;4;g£%:¥ and‘: comé¢frnirrg"a7nv¥V%Accc5rnmoda;t‘ibn.s and me ‘Lucy; Sim¥d.iekyEuo‘a:heir defig.ties,.~chey “W rolled m_3.x}y~’*? r7s?%“«i§r§*77 ifl‘£ew*7*‘V%{4 Cm-geA zsgsinfl z'¢'%*.;zi-2’,%F};5&s?z%fa?a1I€*¢’¢sg&z;e;siL Vyet¢they?caikiIe¢19’E.? Hagllzk L fe‘~§££mfi?d»féélofi~%=% thejrjhmtcwwiHed%%'4AAco&*reflpon;g_ % 1,‘ Me’“b‘”-‘3- h‘is-Acoxvm[powdmceA: rwiim tI?£e%7‘1»{'in“gi_::Wérzagiéla af #%fiii,WJwE4vb:af » Book 01: Dada" bi: Oath, taken % £73 lubnti I ‘ dérlédc/§?%$‘7%%af ir3¥Oét0b<;§ 154” :”an:1‘m“41e)gfe t/Wm‘ 2*mf&».q~ Book of DW__ ;AgumEf%t¥a*is% A cmam 1w;¢waéA‘IAf?r:a%méAd tfie %mpay;¢z;a;ca1e§mI¢,:wh%ich, A ratiompag. 1 x 2. £i;§? fly; 7"'(74iZ)r?1*EE'{‘7i’:I‘*'l'j°fE “paEE.iC5l!3§a\f'§; fhéifi fio-the clearing and ~’fecu’ring'?the Rights find Liibeeifties ofrthfe pew, plea 7a%ndA%f6tl4i»ng; aw l§aPeiiz1’g Peiacm A y thelfe »PrprofalIs4che~fond'a-Q micmss ¢£the=i Fi+“e¢~dome*w*ereAundernr;ined.; <:aimi$nh»¢ »1m§éEefi4iifg»zijbpi6m:;}:t%a~g-»+:fd§:§P%t*n«i} pirédfi-éffii-1,1 3 faid,."i:wPme‘m:— i;::is_; Bc%fig¢fve*d:- paI1"e.c1¢;not?a?Gendfa&l~I;: A 1; " A¢rl‘2l;‘%%*fiAm :%inri*7s: a%ffir%in¢&§; :%iTtki‘a;t may Tfflegi swho waved: :for*2§ Para £om~lWFr6aty *upc‘m?i itwptfiwaécc Ccmfe«'i:m¢e,::- v&*x»$g;:4 ;px’&omifed, rm; V5mC‘e:pyy> dfi ch¢m__~,: -whkhiywmm amby Majdg Hwzingtm ‘s, ~ a;a*&~~2zecamec;s with Eihgs» page :4. fcwét“e!‘rés*¢t;pg_B;érk1;gg and Af§émwb2w,L% brom~ghrvV4§‘tIi@ KA?nsgmAflfww”to» ‘them atfaid-7Frfibp¢F9}§I@+q§«@h@=Alfuwwithatbycdmmirg , wéiur the pwéfem: ‘Pm>po+fi'twm: 'fem.=.to“ trim‘ af " fifie Par}iamene;Vy ¥wnaya*awppe~a'r« ’WMx:lwr“ V“.&I;IqFl«y7’:" mt flmh 1’mcho»r%ity, or §ParI§%2§n1en£ mh«2;£U:: hath/;'¥ A Adtlw§ity;;~*«no ;f<‘m!;r%*;a:w1r*a§*e*« aweltig a%imaae; wiéH;p%£e47e¥#a%i2ifi @fiéuve%Ren;giom4V: f:V‘z~«i‘*¢$*':«,~,A.A~;%, A A % H _~Bcok oEDac1m- In *K’é'pn?W€*n’t~i”ati‘€%t15 Vof‘%meA:&%%Ar~m5i§ flruvm %m4¢a.’t:hia?.i:t mti011- P3%~4*9~ fiétMdowne¢ as.Vt;h e §~apré%”6’yoi%f2éWfbri=v1”»’f&a*a*c»e% fiaw fufiica excrprwi flgfifémjfga ~an22"«0rt}j1er¢.@MtI¢«.jwe'?i2‘£éJ; fitiam) fime * W T;o_;fi;:»>é>” " ' ‘ “ ” W/aéffé; A " wlggrgéjv fzaéaafx of M-\taff:;eA%Ap£e1:2;ér gum mam], ;,_ Obfervapion. The mfdame of Parliazmbnt t/aazzzgfjt it not fit ?9£’l~"W”.”§ %i¢t=W79eJ¢=-$798§b_fl:£:’I&-65; “'md;<; -;¢‘t;-mg fromfafl ‘a“i¢‘f$.~?12¢t‘,f.tll.M:)'% 9:%EflcrW2am52ng:at‘w];o:z#;cVrg2‘q % ‘félevas ma ,z!dt1£~W3£ffi% .an£;~l~i;mitnrz'vm ¢0."'.T.13-t,_¢é7v‘f ma HotJfé:_jfi9mlaY¢l;iwk,‘fit.%+% ' % % f »:»InVt*her* Rwemwttrance‘ofxtihe%Awmy,1;mfl:nn'ed»A;:;;to~: nhe[PatJja+ page 64, mcntsA(30m'm§flioner5 a«t?~$‘.% Aiiwmw, *2 3.5 :1 They d£‘k5;l:arx5'; their%prin~ci~p!es mvbe mofl deeriy for it genm-al§~~%Righc,‘ and jufl; :fx?E¢dOm3€‘t'O all fl:« 'aind4 wthtreforc “deci*>are :.pa§jm:icu1arly,%Tl:mt .t»9£_*‘y déjzhe fiat flzmefmj t>’oe»IC am! ot§6verxV%%acfiHm?5 .pazrzy,..,%(fo flL£W bvnfi_{i’«witla,;ammm Afiégiaif Pree a'nfma,and¢h£fevmriigy 1 oftlmftmae fbr zkefwme.) And they doe‘ ©It:afly“ tpr’ AtIm’cy«ed9c1 no cc. howthere can be any peace to the Kingdoms firme and la£flhg, withbut Viydauc confimaration of," and prmxifioxn for t’h:b”Rights,. ”quiet%>am!3d «immunityV «of His Majefiics Roya:il~13am%i}y, and gm; late jgaartsakzérs‘ :; a5’n~d’h;ercin they Athitmk that t«énder;and’x:q1mitable dea.--~ fingfl ‘(as Mfup*?pofinAg»‘thcir tawfie; had Abrcetgn ours) m1idzra:%.fpii :51: (from- mo*n1oveand jufiice,+difl7ufing$it feife: tto thewgood and prcferva--% tion of a1_l,*‘wi1l«m;a‘ke up the mofi glorious cztmqucfi over their» hearm, to make-them Va thawie people of the Land lafting, fi~imdVs. * A ~ ” A V A ".'z.‘.* ucimla’ «ttiw ,Whflt‘ Pe1'11fi2%rhcPrb-x V % % mortifliztfltlvéj am! in P0fifi0I1S'{ent_-.: tivvir _Ptrflmzzll Tram) _“Witk is/ae ¢I}ae 1 Wight , ‘° The Ifl‘ 05“ » Ta Affiband Wei!-grawnded ‘Pmm , flaw x&r*re»,¢¥m.° '32./{fin} Wzgbt‘ % pnmpisrhm 1:94?» tJ2e%K.£ng_d.~gfar2rz-d war]? nf z/ge KingdamfefinceV«tba% hxanrwl Him 2 Hampzmwrazrt em Vt¢1e£rVPwrfé-met at »Cmz36ra5Vn%+(.‘«g£¥le W, kwimm He /amt/9 *§veié» w4tcIyéd, and kgpt in fiwirrasl at ?cm%zdiz~:é'ax.,, z%]g,«;z~ ncivim aEZj;s‘¢egm:iam‘e thug :?L.£m C (The Ar-~ %— gm'e.rH S¢ont'%_fi;itb)t/ac ?Grpmdeej.c of the flrmies F452;“ are, Ira wgaVg;S’~zvorsti[z: .aiw_z¢e>rej%: rm! imiéémfom;-5% 127?: 2:;be*:V.1%azz.; Book G.fp¢¢1_’ ° A%‘i*I»ri%1rrpr»z‘J;r«Le;:¢t_:E1‘~ from .‘.§it_lTEaHfttJ;-Fflirf-553%: E0 Abothp giving % 9.7 5. My ° Ab «rt.;Chart9le-$,« $lJ‘Ndl ;(~tl:]», térrattr) ’ttA.aAW draw; 1 f than wiltflzm Atla} neckg, lgtzfl, latzfl, to flied. * anr"f:=.‘:accountA,Arrof .1:-hc_‘T. rand thfi Amjyf. (pbeAa~ringpdate,"Iletzdirgggflztly%6.;A1;647g) He faith, .We can- aei-‘m= fz£ua{t" twwaid fill.hflrfl’”.€_,U‘3bL...371f£ ta afford rail» kindt tzfizgerta H23 ; jmggflig; Perflm, in t/sing: corzfifling w;£tI;%t/jg pekztcAttz¢tifizf2=tJ[p"afrtl,z: % K ingdome ; :2: the mo]? C/artflitm, hmattrtzéle omdpmdmt my : and f iiapétllri‘/9it¢cg': *(.iéas the Repz;efi:*ntaAtAionfand.ReA1ttarzflmfl6eA_9f el}t::Armry doth expreffe We «tbiflkg zlm.tAAtmder,A €q#5¢flé’lE..dfld_m9derat§ time A,A1£zzg,V éot/9 ‘ toward: Hi: ‘ fllflj€fl],“HiJ '”R¢1}t:!l;pI"t1?T71.7'«{7 , and late Pttrgr, (fiaftzrre M mttyfltmd with At/§6'fl1_f£‘§] of t/)6‘ ICingdomt, and fécttrity ufour cam"mon‘Rz'§/at:tznd’Li6ertic.r) is t%}.2ej,p‘mafl bopc}.°;tl1 cfqmgfe, to attzkc tam} t/agfét .r AWt2rrt,.8cC. tindto prbtjtlre t2ltzji‘izg:'pttlt7'c~;it17M » Wpziernmentgin tbi: difiracttd Nptttiart. pr ~ ; ~ * r H ; ~Obfervation. %2S’I4t flat/at Arm} /with fincbfittnd New fight: ': A ~ Uri jet t/acfé pltmfiirle pretence: pf the Arm] to re/Zarcrtr A€mAie;- tam! Gawrtammt“ =6} fétlingtbe Kirzg.r,% and all Rig/a't.r, kept that A P-eaplaetlaitlaerta quiet, and mad: the»; with»/nope and patience to A insure Taxcxpto the Arm} and Free quarter,‘ Wbtréaéy may of A .tlaeir éacb weretbrakgn, and all galled: tmtill ting fbtmd the t Armjta lay é_Ay»t/atflj princ£ple:,A and to make 1312» of ftlgée good 0- piniotz tbqy _/atzafgot oneb éjt/stem, tofitppreflé and dc;/frqyt all that A A A 1.-laétonrcdfior peace and cafe‘: A (f the people ; éatla Tetitiqnert. and [jllcmétrtAafParlit¢mentA«to keep tbcmfilvemflill gin pry, midpttr- « fin: rtlaeirpawnc profit, zmdprefiermmt, than finding tlggmfklves cheated, defjmire :;,m,& them rt:/by into Afmfit an Wa~les,;Kenf, Eflirx, ~8CC.~ zwlnere theirfitcceflk mt: fitméle to ‘t/oeflirr pdi/Z:retion," arlaerraftlge rFactian“~,of.tl:e eflrmj doe now tak; advantagg‘ tojla} their awmlmfltzrd at other men: dorm, dd’ .411, this were done by * rt dq‘i'gneqfa.Party in Parliament and City. Bat 7’m;e canal an 7 A ; Armyttrc at inton_ft'_/lent together tz4.lt;g/Jt and dttrkgtefl}. * ; In thcjfiropofals bf the VA:-Amy, 1 An .1647.‘ ~tIié.5rA%prbp<5unc:I, A at 14. Tim: thing: lrefbre prépaféd ting provided, firfécttrixg the Mg/art, A Liéortiexg‘ and Sttfléy qf rt/at Kingdome. Cflffljqflilfi Parfait, (7) . ee:~fian,..;°Z~¢waee%d1W/1We We he ?’€/5i‘.”“d 4 «aeditiae’h“ 5g;fity,' %Hwame,< mzelreeefame “£2? the}? 2\Qztz'er‘z, withefii dimihzefien 9f;lg;i;{ perfimhll Rzghtx, er fazrhther limitation to theTexerezfe efrhe heflegallpawer, than according to the particular; afiregqing. % M 7 4.;Obfervatio_n. Tau ‘/Z'e_the Cizyin their e‘ng4gcment,h emdJhe Tflrliflmfhft’ horhowedfiom the h ec-/f{rm_y‘,e that phmfle they nqwfia mach my out upon, of refioring the King, with 1-10- ’ ; enom',Fre¢domc and Safety; A A V h F A A 15. For Compoficions, Thc*Ar1:ny propo11nds;eTIm*h/4]?» mxmher“ em‘ ofthe perfimx excepted m the two Efiflhfifidfioflf, (qhhkt exceeding fi1ue_farthe jflnglzz/7:)‘ heihghemimzted hpazrhbieeelargy V the h}Pharl. who (together with the perfbm in the Irifh Rehéllian included in the third gztmlifimtien) may he re/hr?/ezlfto the fm/m fydgemz-he Eafthe Parliament {er thg f/mm/I /he eemfe; all other per. fhffit ‘azflmiftede to‘C‘e.9wpo‘/itien. h haze ~ the wife: for zgllfieture 6'hnepajfi7tieh:‘r};zzye he le_/[ened,c§~e.4vidha*eam12ohrgder £’hj0_)'7_78d he take tin‘.-"mmiamz/1 cmaeanr. < ~ e h * ” e A ' hCbfervé. Touhjhe the Arm} mar; remzflezihhexahtlihg jlhfliee then the Parliament , who how: *eeeeeptea1fime‘n Englifla hclemgly eat of n,eerz._‘y,_ ivhieh :5: more then to rcflmre yhem zmtofezrther f‘/efliee, A 44 they '_/he!/I fee mafia .: andeozll mm to hé enjqyned 5] A j eflrfl hafPerl%iazment to take the C mvemnt. The Army“ pm ounds’, :I‘h.zte;l1¢h;zzIm«e hem» hqffiligy aghinfl Purncy Pray, the >PArIz'e1meht,° ehhineaphhle A ofheezrihg Ujfiee ofpethlique em , er pag. 14.5 power for five jegres. ,Bucic was added (after the great: Offi- eérs vinthcrcohurfe with the King) That’ the Caxmctll ty"Stzzte,/hauld he emzhled to admit “them to fheh Qfifeee the/Z? mfirhe Jmra: t ‘ 1 5ObfCrvatiO‘n.’ The Ifgrlihmenf hath refimd tah thehzfeléfex h _ thegift: %afiah’hGrmth«0]j’i6‘e.r “Enhglandee*a7zdh' IrE3and*ef0r“2Q. ‘ _yeezre.r,,.-md difizhled Delihqueht: he. ;.4 heee to heee"h;$’herifiE,§; e t~(”lP,‘e’7z‘»’3@’c"‘A-- '4 ‘_ B Th; gag. :53. Putnev Projcéi ' Houfe, ‘aconteff greWW|"<:‘.Wb£ther izbgy, w10$':rn't‘V“‘bVfi; Q/igionsfiyrfhcrgy A gag, 43 ,, . (.8 5‘ xrbpduhéfcdgfl ow; ~fit:bi:t%,t.:b!«elv£ %VCoé?¢3v‘é Pévier;»2%2H A fé?*'f63if?i#é*?;Z%9f15‘5J7v°}I:?. 4.?-fietevédivéé 4 *2-aC’i'v3'11 P»3?%*¢'//3%/M3’~‘ 32% may 5: ééolifbédméd d¢75é€*??§1??1é zeorfimé fekpa/fivgmé ck-flfirfiv/E o 'Bi_{Eop: L:zna’.r,§ zzltkcmgg/J at lat./2‘“t/aq] enconragtd tbéh "7’::z§~liL*zi7*1£¥i‘¢t‘ *°fi11;4tbem»AA B#t%%4¢Wd4?4 tlvfiit %fZ?m42f+r%?;If0fA APW. the A.Kiv4g Wfirflrr’2ée v. , ‘" ‘ ‘V 1: .‘ 7. obreroacisn. aw.» P;:;1za»;en;,%%%tz‘a% azzgaz ,4;;z,~_/,;.% z'ngof.S‘pi_/Eapx2cj,' and Bz://taapffizr ez/Er : Eikd 3% A22 “fig. xnting If/aeir Land: for 6'2/£’2‘“. :;i>r~§iPféi3i;1€!“¢?<1;:. 5?’/#64 ..,5?fi5i* iA€*¥jé?i>‘?3 on€7mtb$e; 4{éfi3&°fe ?ftlzé=a.AP.vzz:1ié1W>??; A MIA %Vvzft€t‘>w1r“é’:*= %"’?’3*[V.Pr¢?fc7¢t K £713’ not to dzflzafe tbereafwitlzomr conféizt qfP’24rliamEnz.‘.. ‘A j % AA ~ . %%1£c14andaA_W?4»e{V4>z%31h. ‘§€4»;i;VdW¥€/ml!‘ ~:a an Garrifdn}, to be in time Parl£an;E3¢t% £w?en{y-ji§2irej,%L fromljuly, 646. And after Z/aefizid \ trbénijvj }}“c"ifW7j’?i5' ‘.;I73:‘IQ7’£n Hfiétéla W +9Wr*fl'W wdi/M rbervaflitbovt ’cjdnfintwqfflParIi4m£nt,@ jc. 3 7 M % % 15*; %i!”P;9h thc if % [ént ta N m—Czzfile Jlvézzld éeflmt #153 We Ifiég at ainpto5:- C‘bx17:t.At: lafi gwmc>nc1ud$d3Eqfifindm the 41’re1?¢J?..ti°wA 0f41\{ew-%C«2 '16» But swing GransléésP4!!:1'ié~;‘§‘I:3?i;§é§¥Ii3Y$ifn¢ tVsx}d6dwsh%y7fl%ou1%d he ?€i"fl*¢ntedit0» wbcins ‘!}1<§0nfi.f*.‘=nr W1“hi¢h¢1V”& 1n&1cP¢1=s9V;¢I:I=int¢i%t§;J2}it.rh@y,W¢r¢f=nton‘y.$O,i1Q1érinffic Alhiixlgs d¢fire0.f: animal! ueoslmc Prim fa . Eh‘ ‘W Hz; Anfver. And when His Anfwer was "Voted in th3‘H5iiIé pf m be a deevinllai Elndciebated; W137», Whcthcr Aany - 3 w ‘.‘ la ;,9r§,; ; M lgéhzzde ;foV}t_he;K at ladft afMembér of me.VH6wf€ V,P"rodu€@d fa r¢aT9i1iasfl1arp~ :=md1 wé%i*.—i':hAr;&y Gbliabs :—>2%d%d- It 22- t-/:%éfi¥z!«’e~%oJ‘rI:e Mrivj (q%o?h,*13s)fiyrI4we%¢%f5é%rZzér%[v1d- drefl% V6eVmoz.cle ta tb;e~King. A d Alrjetaziihimfclf £013 tfifihi‘, he ,;ayg1¢£: not pramifi= ’t/aemz. t/ac «_4rmie:';zflifi.z;acc tiny» cmfid their ‘w .l.k «*Z¢C;f4”4‘5hA¢ A Army : which the King hadmade known b"efor¢% hand fwiild bf: % ‘ 9? Aeidrelfrri ¢%te.Ar1:e.f Why then ‘doe they i.nrex%ru~Pt tb.ePar1iam€n=S "W-‘=i1:t3’ Wlthfie King in‘ the Ifie 0fW5£’9?? hv did they 29- N0?/m4:"-$ 9543- ‘W a Percmprory Remonfifancg t_Q~theiParliament, (inftead ofan %humb%1e‘ VPfetition) charging themwitth weakgzejfg, inconflancie‘, ‘and. érekc/5 V of tmfl in % t‘I‘1¢ ? flame Tr~ea~ty,.ar1d imagnifying%theirow’n.e wifdomc: and ingc- grit.y£.ab0VC~_th€irfS_ ;,and that in fuqh Magifierialli and ‘cénfonious 1 1anguag;:,:7as,fifAtIieV%T§«1.blésAufcré~tz1rn,éd., ahd[ thejy¢ were ;he 15,411. ;.ame;n’t,j,anmd tV11¢T;vb“'Hoi1f€s Bilf. CbL1i1cel1o=f7 the.Anmy. A 71 will ¢ L cotnpinuegthéh'1éth(3d§I‘haVc b?cgun%,. mild tffake%fo%%%mé few, fudden Objeéhons m tI1eARemonflrancc, dclmered go‘. 2(awm&;r, Gbferw-ions»uP§n~thi$ Remfimzere Ih2avc%formerIy upon the e/frigjisjx Propafizls: and .1cav¢th§fu1le_ranfw¢rmg,¢g1gqre~ of to f’01mc:bett€tf7 Pen, that.ha;h»~ IF%£0r¢},1€1fure _an~d ab1l1tA1é§%tt'a::n. . .. , ,, aga.inft.theIi11'1i:imcht%and Treaty. A 2 - B;en1onfi'mncc,_ V I5. nth-3 Bag: 715 3: 9-A I~¥atney»~Pro~j:. V % % V 293.443 ta; 3‘/91:4 King. Ci1argfif1g.. the Hbufes with Into}:/fang} in retmflirzg them : 2;.-734 2:/Jereéy pflttimg zkéiproplé into m"#nfitleo:TCém. j ditiaffllsx mad fiir1fzng“t/stem‘ to P Elftloia fire iferfomgll Treag’ ~43/M1“ Wat lafl ta%rz:/2n~in..z1rme:_fl12{ 15,, and a;1Iedg¢th flat? Haufi wag: free at the -.:~« » I?,“fl7”£’}~.‘@fi?fF°"7"*‘. 1% M . ‘W A,/My-,w¢. % ;W_4A'1:h¢V‘ra1d Vbces far ‘na.mm;4;1a6—eg;-;:V:o,2Iae-1<;;¢g ; M were Acontrivcd in.ipriva%tc%, betweenc the Independtht Gnu- A A "d‘cés of thé Houfcs and"; Army and. thcnimp4ofcd upon the A %Hgu{c ofi Comtndns, 2ft*er.. many, iof theiVrMémbérs were % V'fr’ighted.aw}1yAbyblankc 1m pgacihmentsw in tAheHVbu1I:j,'M44;a'11d% thé Armi%cs‘f%h;3v”¢:ringab§)i1tthe ToWr1é %tb,bicAk ,theiir‘én%r11 ; gartyi find ftippi*cI1‘é_”%’al¢l fmen % bAFC~9%nt»1jajry;}5j;1dg$ificfit‘.[*Nor A were;-he c1ébatcs‘in~thcV Hbufc fret; Hlxtftéozz. lcétdingjthé Man 4 M, j in the debate, x and. telling thAeI1i,,¢theifél1ce of thé Army ' i V (.~yyhich::u,fi1’a1’IIy% legd¢th ‘every reafon égtptivc: my it A . -w4;.exp£_E?‘ed tlary Jlzonldiféttle the3K11ngdogqqa%2:95:/ibg4tM £beM7K£hg, A % “éndkiofi z‘?baf£:%,?"z2;zli3mt% ménfiv/do ‘engagedfiftkemifée-A % % jphd alflkopflr of .lEe'tra,;1t,’_, mz;?1VwoI«z1fi 1}i:*c?erfof]}éE:{tl¢b“‘I’2:flip¢-~« Q mflrgn ('11 T) 55’¢1nlil~_fi:tibc%"§15kz;«fl:zmeizt :fi;;-yzage :;,mfi;y2.llAna glaring M 4 P’ lit*h’k:; ~ijvht>le’l‘llt.1i. fi%Lo.rd:s MA V +ea;»!iy with all the defim afggm, P,u,,3,% t/33 "‘t';§jé%~l?‘ri2¢beg A atngl will t/def Parliament! Emmiex, ‘ gaing éefbfié rIl5c= kgelsegseggem after amie emkzw: my ‘?7aihg;t»dW£Wflf rrlie hgz:mjz{~7,*2‘Ifié-A Qoiwébm A A ‘al¢Afl;n¢ve[Zw@v;t/ymclazma- AAA%i‘i%;iAej<1’e2*eitio;a:se fr‘ow¢AAi/aéecirjcbzeaa z§bf;'a*‘l@,; '-rm“*rla*A“ AmAm«ace2:A «in/Evazsmted _.; dééaizéléed Réj4%#7‘wiaiél& £1593 2rIe'sf$e:§bv2z‘ee** ”C‘az~v¢¢lie7«:;fei:kfz¢llAA (J1/{i9m'é'§r: driven am Towne,e%e;ee, éaneeimf arm; aim rear» ymzgmm of Parlidmerzt WM h~fbW2‘r+%k VIW j‘5w‘:r1émc1., 9 v 1‘ * . x g :5 is; Ad aewileilei qum1re1»r~p:eked egamfi the‘ ~ i ?CiIéy, eféfimhflbefieg order lay ehexci-ng, a~“gaAiefler %bei'mg4A ‘zjiieh,%&e€aAned Aaue gainfi cheefeeekefesrmwdeee ?fd1‘wbezflg Vvakgamg we»? Hypo- ". \ 3‘ We Ifeeegimes §'I?reacyfFer APeacée‘“i}eve¥* petitio— e ‘ ¥réds:»e§af»n1&e.he"§Funeda:rneen tell e%%GeWe&1?fimem:,e' Amid" xnawes A of thjeI;ai?W;,.13l<$ff§é§a*infiAa»ny‘k~no7W’t:1 APriw1eedgeeAaf Par1ia»men:‘ 3 norm :1 ”pefiemAp?:bry,‘i*n¥*a*ifif1er;astihie Petiiciiwmere, A1 1:A.~gS‘Aepremé. ~ e:"e(c:e»u“n:enei4Aeea m«;2zq;¢fi;:3o;"a~9.)%4»¢1iec1 5: moe«flfid:At31;_1ey?feen2d: A *ihfbi@thA‘t:~*Rec%rz>6AnfiMaflee*to ehefleufe, or wife rainiyegmanaces. either infinuated, or open ;‘ as the Army arid nheieA>A11this>Wis to ?:*take iaA A iianAAtitimdnhrehiPc,dA,andaemlteid‘eg§enHém:~'outA of en Indepen- “ Ae“Séhifmari“ck but‘Aci“f’éaA ?Seh°i7 ‘V§ti{ck,~%3dxi3Afitim tiAnfi*%1*c‘liAiI”’t*’3«‘t)ut of dent; (7 I4?) .47 djfiflt i‘1:~ism:takc his"AdC~5niAti0n~AfroAm hifib as much%: fisto dc?- ny a4 man to be afiimal fifféile : in this obje&ionI%can%morc, clearly ,%forefce a fecdndw force Vcomming from the Army up- % ‘ on the‘ Houfes, ithcn%ALil1}‘(wwith%aIl his fanrafijcall fchemes) gcan prognofiicatewfairc{brfou_lc we%at_h¢’r, goodor bad luck. We4te;th%e»::fHQi1fcs%free;. when Sir%TlaaV:,'F4irfizxthreatned to makefome of the Mcmbbrs Prifonérs; of VWa~rrc, and trie % themby a CoVuncelI‘ of Warre, onelyfor voting, 1, and Na 3 accordingto‘; theix: confcicnccs? when he marched in.ho—-% A% Pcilgzsmanner againft thC.AHoufcs and City, ; _and really%frighted ‘ .4 «way many hAoncVfl;Mcmbers 9 when h‘cf'et: his ownc Guards upon thc~Houfes’? whentthc ~Armiesfa&-ion‘ in the Houfé“ thrcatned‘ A the diflénting Mcmberswith the_Army, and the A % Iongefifword R ifzthey Wcrc frc¢A%th¢n, they were not free V du"r‘ing‘che agicagianiQ£—this.Pcrfona‘llTreaty. V; %‘ ;;B§'l1t A1‘-"tA“$7;‘%110W'CX3mil1€L« tflbprincipfill Prdpofitiam fbrwfétliggg V «the ing%dam::j%p:m -mdfiifiv. .as they are contained in thisi P€I'- V npléxcd, c9nfu{cd,Al10flgV-winded 7Ramon_/fragzceg and than opcn;syouc.V 4 unAdcn;ffandin?g~wi;h .fQm¢«Obfervationsupongthcm.[AA I7. 3 ch" £¢«P;op9fimons 9f~:t=;h »R*¢II;Ionflmencc4 age fihc fame in LcfFc"c‘H2vithth‘ofc Propofitieins {men foot:-%in the«Army;_%by the ,L<:v¢Hing.partythercatin :1 printcdBook. ‘ca11ed.[Tlae Agmment ’oftbej_ 7’eopIe:l which were ddifivowéd b)’ the. GCnc'rall% in ‘ his Let- *ter to the Ho.ufe: and f0;m7c_VVofthcaLew-1lersA#% 4Areco.t9d¢*mn€d u If by §30lmc¢1l Of W313?!» :44 A .1fi:4lzVtim§\5 .; mi Vvtti4i£#¢zI:«£’vrférm for , 4 " T V _' %T1l,¢;ffTr;l1 “ Pr0P0fiEi0n4%isI T bétf at5Me..~Ho#fi %wo u ld ‘fiiémr: aéfy faw- rb¢rpi4'om:di22gV%z7nA thafrtdv iiggi. and to gt» the A%AVém.EfirAwa Adérejlka tv%%i[e;t5tlf¢A%;t&«e a1§i%g4°'”‘ 2 %;wiiI:6o;m} 14244 :4g4.izz§‘r’ AHi,maVa !!pénfi¥cbgr0?5wd4 4ax«A;:tl1€:%f-zM:;1i?m9”~ firm: darb1:a}daw»q.. as. “ . \I 1- : Qé~fi:rvatzon- AAft€:rA;th€ .H0u1'€5 a4r¢1ngagcd pa.ifAaI1Ar:¢:tf€M» ~ %iand tAh<:€ys=s:oFraU~Chriflmdom<:» hupozaa ;th‘cy%%:ni0yn€ : AA : thc%m t0 b%rca};e ofi'T thc_ VT1jcAaty% ’Acjntrgry, to? _their faith A and A jhqnour cr1g;=.ge_c§;~%whct1 thc'TI?Ca;ty foAnearc z;Acog1.4«Wc§;l.u‘fi0n 4 mac Ciii‘ ;tl1'3r~li:2Wflfii“113%ifii,‘: fuddenily r«¢§¢i1ic"i§I}c; K7ing's*s=Can’&:e1Tionvsi..9 or A hiiV$.} agjuli gtfiehmcfitc) :;;f.ctcil@* zxiw :K1nigdnm‘c:;agaiinfi Him ixvithu 4 out breach QEi;»ifa1£h.i Lfi£‘ll5l*1Q*W;ffl8f‘VWi}at?'foizmdaitidns of A ,(e;ile;m:1t,§ii~£i1e:f;nawfitates-mmiay dome. 4 V *2‘; ji?ri6pci>fiiEion. iT1a1«izt.' the King magi be éiimgbt ‘t0‘I7"i?fl_fi‘t.E5fi_fl)' the Tmgjbza, ffllomi and mzfi:/aiqf/ae Q guilt] afi — ‘lg’; knife“-:a.;1!ELw'R4£iiamn§: nhgiir favenalil DecIm_t:ions,'"and A; th¢ir:**Q€i1ii;n=iifI'1i)Ii1s:; :ti0;» ii their Gemctalls alwaiess accufcd the v §?i£i1iQ9l¥1iiH19i§E“3Qfithfiih qri1I1es,i1iian«id“n0.t the King; , lowing E.h;€r€:i:n'7timcizviiityvanmipolicy at-‘ cmr Lawes; and A i J d;cciar:ed;iiwaitremely %~a:inf,t thcmmoipi augainfi Hi.mii;.‘-kn0W- A , A Q igqgiiili, h%§li.;Ib...€:€n* V;_Ireafimby:i.iali our Lmiesfto mazrmsagainff I V‘ 2;-£1’«¢!iii‘M:§i';£1i«W.3 3.;:*Ap(ii§:I*.;i icha;l2i€figC.;‘5\~i'1~fli€! Anti" mnnamhimu :.t1‘aiEQ;fl1eW::;m¢ QnaL"i1w€[‘ori Stat; ca the con- O12; m:e:iia:ny::ionn.pnefidann* in: nh‘e:iScripturcs of “; a13y¢,King‘oEi§,‘h;iAzi 01: lfirzc:zil:mtep,ofedr;eoxi;i I204? idcaith upon F ; :‘ A» J; T:"Ania,1i~;,i% hri5.‘i,P.e.»0~‘Pak2 fem mifgnmnnméhnm: any Kingiiflf Eng- : I; .lmd ffljdmiiix fi}}¢¢rthfl1iC0,g1qqefli i*LRiik;2.;£d;2; 86 Hmié. were arcicled againfl and Depo1‘e:d,.; »o;t.iifownccd~;i co. Depofc M themfclvcs in Parliament, but thofe Parliaments wcrc not free 1?fl!&113ii3§:ht3,t§‘i~(~:i)‘€ing~ paci§¢md=7andjomrawcd by %ambitious Princes of the blond, with Souldiers )and therefore this can- ~ ncn;Ahc:ii~s1mun¢diip um BQQpI§:'.i.flnd «:hE%1;ihg;; fitting by out A is ,1, “ Lame?§;i4 fipzrttrama,E619ugntianziiiiini..aIl.r6mufkesf:~zand am!” 411 ii Peifigx ; ; ii ;; hath i»c;a:n;t:?ali?iI~£:?‘m~it:o: acimbuint ; otherwife Q13:l?i?k¢ili;R€p1i@fCfilEahiiIQ»i1*la;l7liicailiiifrliptrzfléz adcount, who {fhall ,» mli i:5t'i§?flT¥«t0T”§i3w£;C0u[1fCi;ii"Pfi’I‘ii33'Il%fl£Si xigxfoii ought: 1, {cc ) being ;_ :,a'i's.gAF;;i2;i§é‘1;~iiztimtxé is 2.?Ba‘fid1:s;;iiy_m1i»opcn{ia wide Mgag»£<1v;.an3ii4= ram'bini’ousi Bnim¢,ofirHefi1ou,drnb make himfelf A popfi1ar.byMi£Cii ndailiqzing ul1ci:prafe;_gt;: Gavernment; as «/15- filom did)*an fo to Rim: up the People or Parliament agninflt J L??‘‘;. K~ing~.tm..mak;& way;“v¢a~ieha*é@ro$irma for*Tihimfei‘Fe : and involve the Kingdmm;invsF@equtné~a£n<fli:ge»ri«ng%LC3i%ri11iwérs. h¢1£2ti1a:Pv:i?ictt_uud«LDi}2@ ia_’:;€ii257Jz2rk2m}y'za_)‘i *6-‘eii fltmmmd _: i V ~ Ci _ % to §Z5flw aaemrwmvz léggw *g§o‘$,4 ’t%§w z7!.’:zz:&y:‘i.@z;y~‘¢m]V%ée ale-e xérlzznedt ‘£;:2réz}mz£vz’§~%of ?GIo;+%r;€ %s.:c;~mz ;*.‘?EAbaz¢9¢i r;¢ié.n:“%.a;gZl%T7*¢gytor.r“‘ % to r::{i=£* ;1:97it/40*z'ez¢%“M‘iz+;r:%rrc_jI::2ftefw2zfz2U.fizMd»£;¢ =‘I(ing%da‘me tlzqy remlcr ?kEfi7fi[%’&&;"? 2193 §f P1ji:§c%£far*-I%»z2s.‘C’ripit;W Delinqueng to “:95 pro; reveled qgaiflfi 27:4 jz4flic'§.+»t%A':4d tbe4Duk§fi M be gigs flm‘/1 r 3.” Oéfirzr. This is tqlay b~yt§1eKingan(1 Poficrity, con» %%nmy-m;[many:Amec=tagmon;;2md»Engag¢m¢n;s»o£;ne Pixrlia. ‘£mae¢11xtg#.sa’.mz&t*.§.at ;Adhei%3%P£Pi31é*é%€fi§f‘ hifhfélféi ifito the Z firm es; of §‘th;c:~s .Ew%z;¥i,‘& b*r1"i»?fdB1§e AIJi’es%, ~¢I?.d?[§%ifis, or ’=»othief'aj2z’g'a27,; or 1eavett;;ch:z;fc: Arrnjcs nomj... : :nating?: whether they will ttttvdiuchfafc ~_1:'oj abufif tvhej infa ncy of A the “Duke of Glaucg/fer, 8:; make him A their, prop‘ertyA uhtil_ they have had txme to {cattle then“ Utopian Government, to root 3 out: all O”pponents,t rd fillh all Places jéof powetj and prpfittvyiith t their own: Creatures; tto;«brs':‘a[{Ee%¥;h¢ P¢Qplcs;tfpti%tritg twitAh=g%,m}-+. f’co*mary,.s"~Bond aggg my dii3?atrm6;;and~impo%veri£1n ;thcmt,t , reduce themtothe heartIef—.T:' con~dit‘ion of French ;Peafé.nt§.» ,-;,_t to fcttle ForraignL€agL1es1*"an?d CorrefpondVc=ncies,and %therjI%ay¥ him to flccpt with hi*stFath<:rs .9, %Qr,x>vhe:thett may xwilil A I King Nol,;f0rt om": Sovetaignc‘ t?;(vizhofe blqfe is;(,;;1a5:It¢?inV%I?1,itx:?p;§;b_t a1ready):God. knOWC;sa' But; :htC;tt;htt€1RRHAOWQSWYA §h.i.PSaki}%QW¢.S the danger of=E1e&ive Kingdovmg liable to Fa&i_o_1j; andtC3ivilI¢7 ~W:1rres amofigfl Competitors upon the death oftevery Kji1g,% j «let thetmifimableegtamples, of A W;Eht:;fiGcfrmaz:¢ %EJmp§r¢V, ?D0lcZ7$2d,‘: “the: aldtflaiitw ttfmpirte, and vothrcrs ?;wA;itnr:fl?;’ , 6. Ptopt T/aefe tkizzgw to 66 tléclaredttmd-hflpfqwided Z5} t5éi_P4r.,"f lz'nzm£j¢2t5 ‘or by the xlgat/aority of t/96%tCT0?f4¢mon,r, the;¢ei22,% and 14//people to fmé/trifle ; not any to lrempaéle ofgrgy f éezzefit :12] If/£155, flgreemcnti ilzélao/br¢[lt.z4o4tfcoz%aflmt :zndft1&_fl:z:i;éc.4% A AA ‘ <6; Oéfirw: Here.ty‘outfc_::: tI1.reM«I.or«d«s;;a%x=1dtt¢I{ing, (be.-ingztofthe A Efiates, whereof our Parliamgmgstarepgtnpoundcd bythc fundametntallLawesof.th<;,Lan‘d)firO91$C;QlJt. I0 the Utter V?fi§1b'5fEt‘fiC5nJ‘,Of.P§1r1i3IIf£ntS,A a3Tn.d1,,a-_1’%[. menténjopyned to aflifntu and »fubfcrib.eyttogféatheift,pwnr: “"wV.‘fiA»‘.O@.'"g.t“\a11_I?d€r“;‘.,‘aw’p@Jna1ty’*' 1:hc_ contfequepcewhercof d 0tfh’qntoA1;ttyct apptareg, » Iaefé ttlaingx (thefiemanflrance faiith) are ofwzfl ca2¢cém7};}e}:t7t}s all pnélique Intercjff, not 0245!)’ int/sis K§figdome,!3u£.nt1;gbé;az:r gt.-5,: tiam. VA 7.» Oéfifiarz/V:t twhether this be rpokegat to ;9ca:1ag;;l mg Iralamf t tonely, or total} neighbour Natitonsijas if thtfc Amen hatdt ‘fame, t%co~r%rx:fpoindencics«in»gthctir \tI)ominjAons5, to A tnakgz -this; A ; tancitmbnacchicail , ‘3p()Pl1l3.3-" IQ’d‘if€afi3§' ii1tf<:r5’civ¢ andlttdiffiyfivfi C2} t0 1 Confequence of the [aid Pro- f pofitions. ,A A :6 théfng V%‘th€féW£d%'&“we?rt..ehem:by‘Wm‘ at hoMrr;1‘ticj£¢AA0_f"{7ak* lflwiidg Brz‘A*w‘ledge.c~ 0 Parliament, tV9c9”V1$=*?oz‘14*l&'»W‘r*_4[;‘_'/i‘A~’,'«tf%afiA%1“#:i‘g/JA ' thqywofifdperifi in the work.‘ 4 ‘V’ A A DEV zvrWoiz"*PaAfl5éd5? fm am. %u'pon “the +4Pr6’vo- fli:ion93f~’6r”.z19Y&’:¢L:y'~aat*Jfl'%I3=L’z2tie~é‘~A , A 42.. Edmg. The Commons in Parliament fay,'they cant: aaffent many thingA in Parliamgnt to the Difherifon of the King an%d“H'i§ @fp wngj; Wh‘ért:o”’«%tliey» ’a1réA ‘Sx3v0r%n§e;j % The A Péti£ion%»AA of’ Right; 3 *C£irual‘z'; The? C6 mm n?5.in¥Par~%Iiam'cfaé1:declare, -Tlmt tlagy n‘eif::l9er‘*mfin#fi; aw "‘t6s%‘l2?r31rtfif~: g:xw%AA1c;ngA;4 AA 7’i_*£'A?‘agatti'z3Ie',' with A an ‘tc.mmes‘Auehox-mess:wkfiéibewiwommwsbaks=awe%Afw1l.%4 (lb ) f:I_1’*c Q3}l5q}__é§F4 anar 3‘Mp:~m4qy (Which every‘ Méwéer c9;keth%~béfi)fev he fits in; my-1x4»:an:)_ they are bound to" d¢re:a*aV Maféfliék awn pa;-m,{ with‘ lallthe Pferdggitivég-I, P»2:a2le}ig7e:?, and *Prebamznenb2e; belonging ; or an. V zfieied t’h3eirtip1eEi2‘I*l Créiam. % By thé So'Ie7¢£k&é‘@‘I;féagi:é ‘ a‘n*d~ Caflénknf we {'€'Véa’r,” w’3éh‘ vh‘7:m'd‘S t1p‘tOf To fi§§%fi2§’tdiké A"a'zL*‘1?z:l'%v%&{ef'e47:‘.i;Rt/Jfle Ifingx 1’ érfiic and isét/ae§;}?*ev’fL’5f~éazz'ib}iA ofReIig¢ia;a,A Lame: and Liéérties ;é fiat m a’i;&¢i32’z]§5‘ péizirfiér mu gfeatneflé, To%a!.éfe;éd the’ I’ri+vi- 2';édgefafPar[ik}}¢”‘én%t‘5 .?;i?';z}d'itoca7:tinzg‘e will the dzzje: oftl3:é£r“liver%£2%% f7§?3% C’a"m'e7%zz>‘¢‘i“%az' @2;fzfl'z2ll?o}ipq/Ftibn;wt/ddflfobver; The Pr0té’ff%ati0%n . isweal ewe ;.ét; Buc"4 the“ faid Ra§%é&fif2::'4;%{¢a; pag‘: 54; 5 5; 5,_6, 57. faith, A T/523% “z1“‘é4§~‘ef A":/‘£74223?’ é2=t*aa'1e:a;¢ pzgrgyg wherein 4 2aé"£fnej]'¢{a'iél§Ir‘ofazI'2*;§g’qf é}*caY{‘efJdn3Iz>iolater tfiireofi ' But let “this; Cafilifl‘ iiif 3115” k'ndw,. ,fh3‘F' iF%‘.,i$' I19‘ "Z9.1‘#1Y.f9 Aai but is a~1f° .3“ Pf0.miT4 A f0fY"0=i§11‘ rhéftié? aiiiél =h‘§Y¢50”f€;1}€‘ is 51:5 W¢141,4APartY='35t‘ éWi7i‘E‘iie‘I1’E"fk§‘ “it; 0'bT<:”'r‘vé’ héfé, * 2£’M‘g’Ii*pOii1tV“dFinfo’le1jcy§ Ania‘; terpretation put upgn the P'arliéu1_1ents¢Covc;1ant, %ri:ic:’n*t1ia"t (for the moff fflfi) ?VreFii7fé"€6° §dk‘3é"'fHé"f16‘0’?3E§&aH?3"tl *4. Le: not the ‘%4%p~l‘€*é1f¢'“'thé%rh I‘ é}vés' in facing 4_ C0”flv17€?‘u‘- the Presbyceriab‘§;*dve}=§h”ra'wne‘4'{ince”:h¢ir%;:urn is nxe gqfpe next: tum. what %mahlic;g: and A ;fi’E"Pke$By ‘: ax (:0- ve€oumfir’eV" char“ riéh*'giziiiéi3*,‘ my here. aft€r%1y¢uP0n th¢ I€1*i“€P¢.F3‘1¢¥1F5- Th€Va"€_ d¢Mfir€S4%.nS*‘¢¥Penc¢s csrmis e;re:;"y%da*a;’e%‘V1:1zeV*a’cdn‘ruming~ fix-ea He mat Fares 5'E"Pt,‘,§” fh:al:I AbEbi1‘t“t1i%1éfM‘u8[1‘;’ro‘iEi A " i * To ¢on&*Iri" ~THé;ir‘éi§'i@’¢1§‘fI53V5*§P5!i?»§Y in§¢r.tIi?riAg*e*d*Aarm%o*fi3&5: Cbnfeiermé p.erPWa+ ,~,~.,,,, ted all manger of crizncs TE?-Md“? 4 m A Trcrpasé A Way hWe‘vi”d1atEtf*at-ifIiavfikfspbifzginé ahd.:Hn;nmz¢,and % " ant:¢Vz»m¢;,2e;z:4«~ax:dI-zmgyzmy2-vmay hzivfc‘fd‘"farge cH“eated;and- M ahufcd ;heIi»:,itn4ey,:»*V:rlzz.&tV%;i; y vtbebfe jfféflld éef ha ~~'z2g'fi15/E U % j zgst/aarzity’ lefiiiz» tlxei I (ingdame"r1mt% *2‘/98' j>qwer%of iUb;cTSwwfd; f f1‘11o‘€ugl1 tsh-is; .w_:gLsitl1Vcn;in%dcfignc 3 ya: ,bc_cau{E: k1¢;_fizer1!scd'$it iizifewibnébg i.htfor:c.it.was:ripcif<3r4§p1*%C§iii”e5 Hte‘%v%as=é$;.§:>el$led*%7 tI1eV‘Arm*y 3 bu1::;1fdh;;x:fl£:cn;~in:gga3n,.1fI1é§iV - % being uVn<‘wi1ling%~tc:;g1ofciA»a% 1112;n;o,f:thci?1* ownc4_princi§al,cs.4 9.Marcb. The Engagétxlcnt ofthe fugitive Members [to live 8: die withthc Army] was fem froi'n the Lords A dpfiféiizcdBy*Lthé”'C25ifiih oz‘1‘;§T'VWh'c%1‘éupon,ADerby, lzaznfe Projeéfs, pA."7. (wrictrin by an Officer of theArmy) 1 faith, AT 1953' am: ’ala22e to me the temper arftrfve Phmfe, mm’ ’ may /1145! wt approveg£Eig,';w{a;;?gfI 74;/Tgagwd zféfliza to their Arms amZmzzke.«z%New Cbzzrgc 43-.ezz'x!/i‘ Meir Oppofirsg, for May- acknamledge ozmmgfz-" t/aemfelws, 22717.4; t»’9e}»' mle by Pcimrfi onely, am’ tlmttkeHa:a:fe bfcammms 25:; M Zozvzger tiJzzz'rsA M874 ‘t/J"ey a¢“Je7w::Vv 6’ %2‘}J*%e:1;*¢V3V‘zimz"‘Vtb2zz‘"tiJc*yfea;:e*2“}5e‘*Critia¢/i M day mm come, w/21% mi/I dzfcwer the Tarliamezat 260 be ma» . _lo;4g_er theirs, 271567? WMIE 1'58}; /'2m2e%;z force zrjraiz bfcrve: ‘ Obfervé, that upon thefc grounds the prefcht dcfignc ofthis lfiemwflmwve is, To make " new Chargca amid diflblir; this Par1iam_cnt, anwdtficé ixlakc Mg new Pfillliamcnt V V meerly popular, wxthout Kxnggor Lords; confiftmg one ly of £1 Rgprefintative 0f§hc.?l‘P§0R1€, Qfthfiirl ovupc cl1_1_;~:» fing.~, fer’, thé Army acknovszlcdgeth‘ lnonc” b1;t”"llthcrn"w ifelvcs and their Faétion, ta lac: the Peaple .- all other 11'' 1:11‘ but Am4k2§ét¢£, art/1e*fl=’w1tn”t/we wsrflzd. to b¢ror..ccd ring that; ihemfclygfis t/2e?"_/"‘e’ea’$loj"‘wtI2e <_?:éjfiz’3xl,‘ the lllfait/Jfzgli 03.5135 um! inherit tilhisl g9od’llLand~-‘"4 And‘ thi&lNewPar— liagmsnt A {ball be accountable to the People, that is, to tfic Army. 7 Céompare the ,Rcmon?{tir3:4 an;-.1 ~t~l2c»Dcé«1ara~ tion of the Army following it‘. So we {hall be govcrnfd grbjtrarlilyl 3, PQp;u.lar. l3;:ai ; by ghc» rggts M ll‘l?".lIl§;l‘CT p1;all;~ng:d4Qwnc« Mommh;g,; lgok» *ab9~unyou:Engl:;;£l:nn~_cn 5 “y;0l.lfl‘l3;VC¢;f.O.lzEgh§"f§DE_;'ECh5£_ glen, Igawveg, anczld Vlmbcrtxcs, y.ot;;a.tél: ‘lchcatgdi of =£he.m all.