% »%a’M%£»%s%$:=:=e%e%%=»% «>twat»e2=é£eat:a?;~:stm‘%aa*?«sa:~%‘.aa:7%éi~%%e?«aiza=s%»e§~«$.~»%»=a:aa1we€eeia»i«a':»et« , W: . $5 ,:f~i‘a uunnuu.‘ EN -» go» -3%+ ‘L W '99 .‘i«,:;§ 2-»- iffis ‘av’ n‘ 4 fuflice upon tée gfrmie -.- «qtrq 2&3 *¥* *3‘? .3.-.\'<~_._ . Q33’ u 0 P». A rebukeofthat eviflfpirit thatlaads them. 311 their A Counfifls and Aéhans. - % i WM) A ‘ .A Dzfcowezy 0}’ £96 cozztrzmezjz am! ezzméiy £22 ‘ weir 2%/am“, to txéegoodfiirit and minde of God» Dedicated " To the Gemzrafland the Counsel of ‘W’a.r. ‘~i By Wiiliazn vSedgWick. ‘ « I- 3' '3 ,3‘ ‘ft! alga?“ } i”~:"§’¢ $5; Q - . ‘V.\q.‘.-‘:_' V_ .3 L9. a1 a ‘V z_, 1 §.4_.v 3, -r‘ ‘gel; Lg-{.3 :....A_.. But they lb/all proceed no further, for if/2622" folly [ball be zrmzzzzfefi to all mezm Tim.3.9. «z/£3 . if ,1‘? ' >2» ‘R . fli LONDON, % W Printed for Henry Hilxj {and are to be {old at his hczmfe ~ . M over againfiS. rlaomajé; H0fpit:IiHiI1a90i¢$i3wzz7"i:{, and at A the Black S37mzcf-Eagfe 21!: {hit V.rVe§% «anti af Péuiya‘ W ‘ nears Ludgafe. M. DC. XLIX. :‘3»&”i?~’*iWl°°3°“é“*W*i§*W15“$’‘’¥’§i6°¥’“é°‘%““i“”X“a$'‘M°‘i*>*%‘.%“i°“1?**‘‘.i*»=‘‘iZ»‘° 6;? ~?+*=‘¥*‘%?*d.Li?°¥=9°*l"3.'?.:*°3W=*§‘4~**""*;’¢*9¥° 1”‘ Q 9 ‘ %% G=‘»7”( s , é .\ ’ ' Ml " ;v mi M3:-"L $3..» 1 *5‘? t‘-7:-}.r_._ < e U’ 181% K. I ,3 5" Q . . .r M, ‘ fl \ _ ""4‘/ an‘ g‘: :-_.'.‘''‘7 w‘ _ 13,9 . ->9 - ,‘ = 7:,-. .r,..-.;»e 3:7; _ ,z‘..,._c4 ,€<...3 5; :.~,,, .\ ..,.‘ ‘ .. ‘ ‘_, ~9 \“ ‘ .:r W! 4: us r y;' ., _ 9. §*‘._‘;,'=! “' 1:3,. .~ ‘gr: »,.<§ ., M omwwwo T O A ‘His*EXoceHency A T/90,322;/:5 {,5-»»;~¢~;z‘ Fzzérjflzscj GENERALL Of tbe Pzmlizzmeizfs‘ F07“c6.f, 4 o A N D ' V To the General! Councellof VVarre.% A 0?) drive f¢trio.z¢fly over the necks of King — and Parliament, Lawosfiovonants:,LoyaIty3 ’ A Priviledge, and no hmnane thing can fizmd " before you: Youare 11oWfac"d by themzu jeflcy and light oFGod, While you are afleepe inafdarke night of earthly aifiiresz You haifoappeald to Godirl your fecondDecIamtion_,_, but did n0t”€§<[jeé’i: fo 1" udd:.1iAr1e*ano anfwers” Tia etemall and a1migh.~ .tyotrut*hthat mufi and will prevaileg A if you come into it, -’itwil1fave you .3 if you tume from it, you forfake your omermercyog if you oppofe it, you dafh ‘your (elves in pic-zg A €€S5o~‘you"‘Cannot goe from it3o1*i3ofid€sit9 but into the dAzu*1Ma‘ppe2re:sl’t%Z2_a/le1tiz;z»”p;¢i*t~"5 and this is the time af'crz§fz‘¢zg gm; zzmzyg, uu wall ‘have aetimte ofbeérzg receiwcl againe ‘.3 you are nowfirolgm of tbrougk vie» éeliejeayeza 2793,72 be gmfiezri in agffirze‘ : T18 y0u1‘_;”dZ/ now, 3'-'ou {hall lhmfea refi().’{"12zg;, you Will’ Wonder to behold lb much A goodneflé to your enemies, and fo nzuchfwerity to you. ‘ of.» the depth ofthe rec/Jer bark of $138’ rmfzdafize and Izvrowledge of Gad! Harv unféarclqalvle are" }J:%’s‘jzrcZge7¢2entr3e and £753 mere: A puff findéeeglozztf 3l have reprmvedyouflmrplya or czrttizrglygits pro-- er for you, With werrgemzce to f cZ‘Z»’£’ 31:21, am! to par/Z)/02¢ Mfireu ’ bmmlr our af fl;%cfi1'e5 your condition requires 31:5 Gentle»- nelle is abufd.,.. mercy clefpifd, you have a long time tram- pled upcmfkindrrefle, and ubfiinarely refufed the W01‘d,()f :heeLord:'Y0u mull rem ember myr Sermon to you at IV:?:r2d... for upon that Text. Qverturneg overturne, overturn 6.3 is Scripture fiillajarxd that word lives in and upon you. '”.S_’alt~ ;;,mr_{/3 h=is__meflage quickly followed it, Depart fiamfloe tent: of t/oefla zzfirigbteaw 7222125 he lives fiill: And Mr mnezradu ignouition from the Lord following that: lThefe,and other telfirrlonies againfi you, have beene flighredj‘ and difobey-4 A l A ed 5,’ your finnes grow greater:,an<:l.t11e,anger of God hotter ;«rga4inPc3+ou; your reprieve is notyour falvationg you are grow11et0‘lal1€igl1t0f confidence andeprefu%mption upon yQur fi.1ccelles5 yam} vzeclgr are as iran, and your brow: bmfié-5 and you Walke uucontroulable in your Wayatrrumphzng as % the on-elyPriuces in the %earth3 as fit to {way the Scepter of g;lgzmcz,and all raationsg as the ouelyrrighteoussh‘onoura~. ble [people in the world 5 the great Lords .of%theLand.~, Therefore. It pleafes me to pozrre cozztempt upon you, to be. ' rod with {come and inclignaticngaudfla mzzzzple up072'Pri1z-°l l e Except I flzould cleale ihus withl you, you; l Ce: 5:5 matter. V W0111.d nut, be ferufible ofwhar I fay, being lhardned ageinfi: ; ' A‘ V V A e ll mrercyss ‘Me ep2.e'1a nmlrcgrvn. mereya and havin done Lallyou have denelaainfilovegy l Praflierity fleyer fooler, and therefore was red is? fit jar their ac/23*. A ; Imwmy dealinglisjuil andrigliteous to fuch as you lure, be-ing(as Phil. 3. 18, I 9.) Enema‘: to the Croflé ofc/mfig, lfeeming friends to his Gofpell, Miniflry and Kingdomea but enemies to his ycrcflé : You hate to thinlre that l thofe Vfaire beginning: of your peace and deliverance, fhould. ,cometo end Inlharneand death‘; y *ou cannot thlnke of leaving your hopes of outward glorggand lyingdown qui-— etly, to let the World trample upon you : This you éount folly’, Whofe em! in" az’e§z’ruo'i‘z'02z .- Defirruéii on you prafrife _, tis your worke, tislyour end, you can not fee beyond itgaud you arehallening to it, it isithe center to which you tend 5 y and therefore I cannot but fhewy it you, that you may flop _ your courfe before th e pit flout £782‘ rzzoutb upmyou.~Wbofl2God 7%‘ their‘ Ive/{vs l Your faith, underfiyanding and Godais funke into your bellies, and your rule, yourfiren gth,” your confi- dence .is onely in fenfuarllgaiid brutilh things .3 your raifd fpirits into the thingy ofaod. are buried inantinferior region ofgrofleldulyl, caarnallyyaffairesal and except Ilhould peirce deepe, your /Z0222 be]/zferwouyld notfinde? eares : indeed you r are to loft and drownd in fenfiblethings of -the world, and fo eager inféenkizzg for thofe thing: your belly.,~ your carnall affefiions require of you, that.I doubt you will be deafe to i iwhetl fay, W’/Joflzglory 73.9 in theirflmmeg, Youaare full of glory/inyyourgreat thing: that you have ’clone ggnfronderfrdl t/3i7¢g:._, at migbty%prej‘e22ceAAyyof God; Eut,,infi1mme3whatisitP - Youhavetornea poore3yfinful1Kingdome inpiecest, You have executed wrath “ u.ponVyour ‘Brethren -. Friends andl icountrr-m ens “ You i have lea-id-t ydefolate your ‘Father: ) X j 3% E-2p~z‘J*’4Zla‘&a%c%£i"’w‘twa::ec"utiVn.ers5 mm, the ma»! afwy mzVge1*' 52% What 3. CI’C)WI1€*iS this? Have yam 1*e4.. A T 17co1*ed,b1e'£§ed, healed, comfortedg faved any? No, A you , hzxxra buxi pléimgsed the Kirig€i01n;e and your {elves ‘Ai%rit5o 21% pit of %da;3:kn.e~{Teand»Tc‘onf’ufion: Wiien theflbir: gs 0f’G:0d am p1*opofdLt0 yaugzq fiifferfr ?othe4rs3t010veA enemiesgm deem gead to zL11::,t0»1efl‘aaa11»;,% yamg1£2ry"i;¢ yWrfliazw~egan¢% i7ay,§,?0i1 _[V'erm~ the L91»*'dA;i‘zz$A at/Jzégand Aizheraie ba fame» as welVa‘s%11;ughe1~ cfiu ‘fige11%fat%1onsM.+% You arelndeed fervants of God, A {cm was Ne?-. b.zzc.53z¢aZ;ia.2';sz:zvxr3 fo is the Devilgaijtidiywu dfothar work: of 60539 but {is bafe dru:dge1*y;, ’tis4[.6,=%a'§frmzge%? zvarke, to be %infi1*n%~V m entsof his ve1:1g«ea;nv’e in heaven in the giory. and lcwe of God; andfér ’fons«, heiresr fo you would be th0d* then: their ‘ piedecéflburs. +1‘ k11oW~-theref’ bc%’%f m;myg’ood% ‘then-?at'hoI1Wgfl you, and thatV you have {inc-e the: wraclc of éth€”%K%i11gdome born_%up galiamly,-as if yau would out-1iv¢ the flg>rme 5 ' That Jyou have wornei many favours of God ,& above; anadfifgainfi ethers‘; That §zou\h,ave gvvrfd your f?:Ives~to&%be;th¢ pmplg of Gdd , anci ;G§:>d by’ many outward Vjméircies «hath ownd youflj But inythis work you ma:1ifefilyV%vfhcW , ‘that youVbm:e deep~»% rezgolteaig, and tlzxat ..:>tfte7*' yap! lama’ cfmped t/aepolzagrioms oftlye worZa’,% }}azz..wzzfeV‘az(gais2L em-gmgzad t}'ae7*fE i?2, ¢zz:c%iA;aw%7:cm:ze 5 Jam’ m'rI:2% rise %dag, tee ; .t=m’%zed¢.ta;y};zzf*9o\94v2¢,%a11d¢ others ,*: *2/oézfiix: to“‘1iCk up;%fi1fh§5¢l::1m:? . jworldgd %Which otherS, having drunk the Wine the rfnzmtla %of?%Gbaz’_;;. ”’hhaVc:fpuCd up; Tm ku:zz»*é*£>ee:¢ exalted meta hem/£32, amdgkaré’ éramgémg dawgz tom: You have back:-flidden from a Formalaiid carnal prokf-1’ £013 of the Kixagdpmc of Chfifi Iivingin God, 85C. 220 embrace tint: -‘mi14‘ of Arm}: prefiwt Ami"! W14, to Vpétty, ”b+::V garlyg u11heliév§i11g5:tf"ma« licio;zs' p;c:3je&s' for {E-:1? fafety.%% ;A11d= you 1 §1ajsfiE; lézft .Go‘d ; a;t1d‘%{%i waxed waxztozi upan his bleflings,’ ib heew n0W;.ii.;;hé£{1 ’.“I.é£t.. .mzal;¢_yopzr}T:»'é~lé toérecame your fimreg, fimfid yéq _up1by%form6r n1'€r-—%% cies,to1*eceive%your.I.:1fi and greatefi:judgernq”11ts ,h2=xd]isWréa% k%3i1%1&Q~;r1}iy0u§«:a11d‘ youlf fxariiactncfg .. rn:2jc=£7gy;%,-4§la1t§ge%nefl‘e a1*xd;; go®~d-% tLhat:%:%f1;:2thA fm:nerimes4Aappear’d in you; in mher: thi11g*s% 1.; is A t§:;;%r:§fMcihi)vv}i:;1roV;difif;:‘6tad%flum%bers%,«dairk and {ad dreams of ruins, M111320.LII§CC1T31313§131001E’g Wanzirilag fancies of yourowrxe woefull con» d;i¢ti;on.,_}u1d'f»a}:;fiird‘fhadow€s and vvain, . imaginations of wayes Aof; %dé§i'£§ra11§€*.»:«$fr?Poo»r.:%*vyretches%I though angry %at3rou, yet, my foule: . 1 B , W pittims Ci) fpié‘1'¢s IO,}1!,%.%t1e‘ver were merrcaugh in fixcha fné1re of the-Devil asjrou ‘ % are; glorying you» are inflyqurdwne rightieous caufé, and confident of‘ , Vyqut[i;1nocency4andfucttefiéi5 a1;d%indeedyou are {hut ‘upAir1 aVpit of 1 V darkneff¢,%anéA%am:%ady g1ivin;c;d,i~fi)1*eafi1ree M ' T ‘ % 1. As thei‘ear4e"t;ood mm amongfiyabu, f0 th re is, I 4%con‘féH'e, A Toma‘ gOQdl‘ies%iEiittehred% in this.VRcmo11fi&'ancVe5 AT1o%q;Lqrd 23.: in it33B»z;wzg5 two: $€g$,paz~piecewafm¢ edife iéz t~ké7é¢iaazt»£»~afa2LV£«m5 So‘tm:1‘i-ein%»pificisgand L » almofi dievuored by that roaringLio:1, that wrathfu1,c_ruel, émalicious" héa£t;~ch‘e;evi1; that-if;I~flaonxlti:na1<:5 games 12%» brizig‘ 33? i . ’view,-it%:wau1d§«rém9c clzifpleafe auntfflifimwy0Is1:;wAym1:co.L§ld notj l5%5e;airi%'t~1i“ié: A fight‘ afit, but wmsrklyzour hfelvesuhaize itg; 5thAcr:ef‘<§r€ I» Wiil labm1;in;ic~.A% A . ‘ % “ " ‘ * VB;uc. ,t§1¢}€\?éi1§f1213§E.. ism and v:i£7ibl‘c§;tha§ B can—With% moi’: .eafg d;fial:.wi:thi-in, aixdffan nhc; pE£r€flEi1:'WiIh‘gIflQf1q P13065950 35911} A41d.:%V’V-hm tlmtgheap Qf£;d~iri:.21t1dtfioltlyv.is;b§ought:;:fQ«rEh:~= 5r.:m1: made i+€1]f;b1 e;.{ of V if:~the4%g0od% that mow% l2iaAsb:u'r~t1iat , rocke“ qf; jufiticev that ‘ faVls%~~_?upm1e th~¢m;~&% ~ | rVzm.t«I;§§sfit£1i{3m:gfi;Lg7z:;m p71-eambiesyau; té1’uS*‘%\%Of;'Vy@u£ £emler§%V re¢~%:V‘ %.£W."? ‘ . V€r3fl'd¢Ceitfully P165? gt Aforupo1y_thfisig£m1:ad~ifyour’k1:wW*.V4you;i= 3&2. ,AM%4tha&y::~t“He~.% ip?oW%€::75‘Lv Ofiwthxs wmlcf are «:6 :.b@::%’.bro1x;;;g:;%%:i#;4 in; pie:ce-s~ 54, '1":":h%at:;- the ‘x.?P21r*“1i:&INla€$l’mi?& ‘ is».one%;m,f%ith‘eMpowvawfif a.t11°7e worlcl; an*d*§ii1*1%at you am calledévto=‘%:bracak«§giA‘ 1 a‘,z¢;al=.fa*e.e)egla¢zae;o$f Bozrliamemgr wzhveylzeigrx y«p‘Ltdéali%% i»;th~&~~wrun1’d:; v-and conAsea1&eym1rz owner pri%11~ei-«Ag:-q thaemin pieces%%: Andth*erefor;e‘ir§Vbacornes“. y*ou?:~ (you ”les*> ;”*w.ich:ayo§u;;¢%iac13;&wthq£ésj:.hi%g1i; ‘ V undertakings ‘undértalointgsotrhatyuuo lxavevin hand for lt:~ pulaliqufigoqd ,, I eternall l&lVati0n”¥fiftfi%‘p€0p1e:~You£hould«docilas youl;1fa've’done., , breialzé ochtwughf ltahefé Tfiiidezrg-webs of priviledgo and lfréleldomeulofl .Parliamentl, a1Icl’.ir1‘lt11€diatly goe through ‘all lto"tl~1at$ glorious- ‘ worke of yours ; and not fupprelle your owns principles to ‘,court‘ A the worlfdinto a c:leceive_d opinion oflterrcler. regardto them.Indeed _ otheuprivdledgeland freedomleof P_arliament Visl goneand lofi long :1... goo; and you doe but fancy one , for a_ne_w and true :priVi_ledgc A a’ud‘freedjome'doth nlotyetl appsarjc to you, neither’ can youowne :- ll-thcm; . A o y In the next part of your preamble you tell us the reafous of your l'prel7ei1tldleclzuinglyour Elves, becaufii‘ things; are Eérazzght to the ma- _‘1?'¢t2fi‘V_c‘7'_ifi.r dnngérj Tis true this,‘ but; you ma 6 avery ill uf‘e"of it: T,here;istwoi11th€Kiugdome, the holy one our life, peace, Auuioly agreomesnt, «Sac. whom you have not {Eerie yet .5 ;:-md% a wicked one, which is jwréch, malice, dc-:ath,urevenge,&C.l Thai‘:-: twoate now con-w lfliélliufg tolgethler”: l'I'he'hOly o1'1elvvoul’doePcablilh-lovc, beariué one with;another,forgiiringone another, felfidtxxiall, 366, The do royer Would.com;inue mifchiefs, warr€s,laccuf'ationls, cruelcios, «‘S£c.The.co11~ . IzfezltiongroWe;s‘fl1arpe,_::mdthcevilloneruakiugi his utmoll ‘and lafl; . refifl;éu:1ce.' - A .1 A l ~ ‘o Now we that rfec tfie pow:-2r of truth and lov¢,aref2it~r6l’t» being all 11 lfiu'ed,lthat'lrhorightlelous Lord is above: all. u l M A W - %_ ‘W o here yioucnie wlithoyourwofull fears,a11<;l lily E\3l?_hic}9.CfllJ:#gv- A A in awry manigtoobnltriunré .‘3«v/ad-_t10el,p_e h¢wmr;].Do you not know llyet, 7 tlmtl zmiizefi t’/as Iaelpe ofrmm Youlan-d all -menlcolnc to offer helpo, ' léutllt is to ’a wiélced uworldl, to bring fulfill to the fir; ofurrathsforfeare, . u mif»I~:1fyl and deftruétibxa L llhuuld lceafi: ullragixlgy Ceaj} from" mm: livu/adj}: _ 9.?1"e+*«zt/o‘%taff1v'rillr,¢a proud andlomupty thinggumd yceafé you fololjifll 1? 5,, E 9 £,=fi7éE%.t«.m"~[3 v}):éli'pf}'bl1l¢ ‘i"=1fé‘uéh%rel;appmr) ’:ytm7{‘_~cM7f'f_é zmotllto fléawlam ml 1 ‘ ”=La11%j%g,flf1=€* coa1'es,o;f div.ifion«lamongl?: us:V(2flz«.zd fi£’_t?1jZ¢£i?£tV,m¢cl and £i¢%‘:z‘la¢a]‘Ie/Zzmz-..,alfi: Cigrzfl ‘£5? }:+f22o';e;ef eyfeff .21“) all; for he ‘that doth%11ot%Idc;aLI ::t;hi'n%gs in;;heV p_<3x.3v€r f w ‘Inf Gockfhe "cloth nothing in ‘it’: Y4j§mforge.; tlxat fpeeelx of Saim: Iflzwl, _ ' Téfi \§?£;1ij1{{«§?;:?£°.r 2s*;t}.«:;:¢~,,’ me you fiat ’c.czr:«'ml1 9" ~_ X % h = j ¢vWhe11 §:vC fiyxygif you Wxll walks asi men‘; 370:; mufi;'fubg11;~g".f;t¢ % “ gm: Govéniours, % lime under humane .Lawes;, an,cV1% be £1bj€(5f,gtO [them.- the1 1};!C5u Hy from:-fizch orc1inary,thingvs1 ml an » %e1xtraoxdiA;1‘a;.y > %¢;al§l,as P~1Ji?4m3§;"tQ be carried the mightypowcg]a11d%‘gre{énce A. of % God : tliat4’yc5v:L1ii1a11thin”gs arc as; the Ifi”s;2.élin:§.av‘hxthe Wilde;-n'efl°e5 _tp have a\;Pill.a?.%of%ClaudVVby day;—and Fi;*ea.byA:»111ightto,g0eab¢f<:>r€ . fiyou ; Thusyou lmiréetwegne té:3zg;;ap.i72io:2:; .a11dgazéi; ?§é»a;t;. to A%¢g,m-g¢A *ywé?V\?m;r%; and are fine: m'.11othi11g., .neitherwG0d,n4or %m;u1;% b;;;”b;;- * Aconieas thafé Béafis ‘in t:h¢%%1Zez_¢e=Z&z:-ioras, t’nat.havc%,many%h€ads azmcif _A ’£‘?‘0Y§7?Zf§ffUPG1‘3;ifh“€lTi“:.-:, yQi1r,x2a*aies7aze5bea{}1%y; crae1%l,abf~{m4d4,: mqrgfirbgs A with many h¢Vads,yet e:.>;.;?} b6.@:§:OW1*1d'\?V’ithi:he",nj1C>ft gloricaus ti_,*£"1esC>_f v _jth§:.«pref2:nCéj~*of%€&t§dgti e‘1_peopleofGoc1, the caufc .01’ Gad: T hetéforé T N V kn‘ V ..«;1“‘?"gQ2¢‘i'g:ii«.«%2gal 4d#{j'A~.to~VAG'odl m&d;%"‘A.'m&én%,;youi%%iha1l%%11ot%%:7L,;_;ForC.a:%iw11IEi4enc§: 0v"VthiS,% thw ’ §rdz£%w®u1d%%vfl;uffle up my %gr1iMf”t‘.ii23§§1:€tIéfi1v4e13-~“abhim‘fiil£ L A ~ A Y % A g W 7 A j j And here far twd or thiVé:4pag§2S"'you_a‘rc»_r2*£i7¢i:a %){éz4?*; my to A *l0z:e,as%th~e~%Pri3phet faith ;y50L1 putan eX¢"e1lept Va;-sis upém your Wqrlc, i2111ddV2iubover'a razmzfépzzlglser, wherein M t11€?rAe‘ist1%otiV1ing bLitA.%a’c5ml ~ V ::meméorze: , with a fhew of WiiE:Im, as if you would cm: the hair cf ~ jufizice,-andgo a wayniore exaéi than all that have gone beFor<:‘you;, M apure mgdium’c"w<':e11a1l e:ti1p,'zi§lfolid A %princi4p1‘es% of goodzzefliy and are .:ofi'€d aboVut’i11%a {Isa i7v¢:5k1n“eiTe: aizdgconfixfiun. Azzdrlqefway of ¢§7,*wzzz7zazwz1ria%%’.oz mmici; X%aL1f%i;a ré “iuifing jafiefyogxr Mififis, honbur a‘néli1:’4o JenjoyA};VVer, 11iriib3y‘4%%if:;'d2n%.%;fo11Ae fécrct placeftc andtfiai t0—é%%hid€A3?p‘i1f fe‘l$res jfii<§§‘3‘_ Aisfthér sf yc ur adj.11trous%Spi1iit§, being gsme yau‘r3,Husb:md;VT~mt:A ' r A Lord, tO;th€-V§\70I1d’:., Tax; eaztjip _I{i11g, Par1jén‘r,eAnr;;; and I>Ve7€>pLe,y Ito. . ;&1ti§fief »you.r." c”ai:f13-221 10 vi: Q£.S’af"€ty,« .a‘nd%: an _Q:3tWard*' ~ » 1 avi}2§)*飣?"$%naz: 2§l.;s%¢ &vi§h.{‘om€~*fi1‘;c {Lam gVI1_;ifg<*:3,. ]m¥l2;a3ve désié‘ ma 4 i V » . » ~ , A » ¢;,55&,‘,g,,£fl;% * “£ha1_1ApaiTe i;he1§1'ov%e%r. A . he K111gg%pgrtydf¢;1:[§iheir*Iinr3§S up %‘w;a;@d»egg%%: { ISM mayaeceive y“ou%r rexm, c_a;-mot aeceiWé'e% ¢it£;e& G03 ‘<5: “%mm§“-is WY P1éih4tha‘t Wh§n”VY‘°“I 1?aV¢%&t!1Wi151iedyoiifivam ' ‘wbrt!§Ay61;rfa:¢elii2¢gTW9sr4l;% ggcj jiifiifi€VAy9pr j{§lves,it c1ieram'2’e; Aaf I:;.4rzzaA2-, every cine wax thany;oi1AcI<>e.butd»zrhm cémzfial &yAwqr4s ‘V‘wi¢-1252442‘: kgaw'Ze£gg5AQ11d.‘Whi1eyQ11Athii1k_tQ make you; fé‘Iirésf,.’mmfe x’re1idiBlef,4fjm~u make your Iélvges mo1;eabhominable;; A V ; . %. A V 1 irhe;‘e be many paMrticu1a1:s imthis Igart Woxjth anfvefing, bujtfthofe “£hti1:A‘gs %v‘vhe%r'¢in may thew Offirength W2y<5!1 mmofteh ofth¢m, ’%ii11é1=W6‘%7fl13I$mé€f with them-ag’ai11A“her eafcer,§ alidiutheréfore; fqfgréfimc; “' 4Ij7rom theAfe"v‘cf.nth faiths "tvvétlfih faiage you are reIatinAghQw tAf1eAIf'ar¥;% Iia1ne11Atl7’*’btecl ma 7w:orea1d;{re_[fe:, and tlaey werg tzgrned ,',7,,;+g?,«;-}%,;,;. cmrflz oft/a"e Treat}: It, vvexfe exceeding eafi; to {haw : in %fe:v%€rAaI %parti- f "culars of your difcu%ur{'€, 4 that you-does, Vi11*fa'wj4:}‘ux %to’y§o’ur Ffelfiesi abufi-;-V " ‘::_h“e Parl iameht %4and%othears,w and in moi’: thmgs accufé ' others‘ of Aclaofé A Athixjxgs ;thatAJ'_0#JQfl?‘fel7/£5 azregm:zg:~of5buc‘I_1ha1 kéaire thatto Af)m;c; 0:71":/Ve51f‘P3e“1ithatloves to %c‘1e:a.«1Win fuch thirfgs I would a1.thinAgAs dip ? ‘coveij to, “you haw L:nchriffia11%]y;oi:r charges are. In bfizxntimeg ,yo1.1 herefv ‘lay o%p%.e11 the i11fiabi1itieVAofthe‘Parliamcm:, axadjby what mggnes Vthgy , T were tofféil ‘dug; %thJi'ng to m1cth‘eAr%, ¢amE1_Ai"o declare th¢‘%evflfpra4A1. K3ifi35P3rtYA%A= A %i11.%b0t1W0‘I .'=%1r=i=‘V6¥YA1argeaA .at1&veryhatih A A ‘tabétfiifwithbut”ni¢j*mol£fy%i%;g. we 01‘ mit£g;.fz;iagV%m;erc}A5 '~fiaV_in:g mg- ::hing,e11'éAi1a;1yau_:4eye,bm; kg) ;:QvrerA%yo ur Qw;1e fhame, and a3u.&f"'u.l1y""a's<* you can; difizovrér othérsg, A‘to%%eaiTe— your V felvesand load A others_% i Tis Y %,'C%h‘1:Aifis ‘Vworke ‘to excuf7e'oH1'_ers and pity rhem,i Fafker fafigifzke rlaggm A 'tlve}'kf¢o5a=é¢g;t\%21a.at they de?a,Aa1;"dtQ take: %theAAbqrthe;1. and gguilt _upon him£7f:_ifé,‘t0 éegfignrfing, kegs m2=z;:1eA fizzfar 15:55 that t;_is_§;our workcVAA$%Atg fcor1<:i"etn1f1’ aghemarxd jxifhfiga your fe1Ves5Chrif’c%pitAies% otheArsAF\whénAA.h¢q %{i.1fi‘érsAl13¥y[their han%dS3*'you arecruelu and m%ercileiTe% to A éghexs Wi;g_;1% thejyiiz % {er ui1d¢4r%y0u4r’hax;d s, ffzch i1‘3fiI1itC‘ Vd‘Ai_fia:1c¢_ is At':A_11_ex§:l bcgwgegmg fyourA ffiirits a4I1fc1,i:!i1 € fpixit of thejLord. VV % A ‘Th? p00I7P3r13ameI1ts"Vf0ffihéiffii1sAaxe;flia£té:ed ézqii b1%ai>1§é;i§;A*j}I;;1A5<§:fA‘ ;“$erp*1exity5¥t_4he%who,1¢iKingdome'fii1"i3fA;Vdi1§:o;-irefir agaixufl;:hgm,»_.,;;ggA% J th{ey4rceli;1g%this way and that ¢'ia?ay'€“‘o= {iaveth7e"m{elves4 %ajn;{A,%% A th"eAKi;;g~ -¢c1Wo1'n%e,’ar1‘d ‘I knQw%no't1$h,é>W to do‘eT,ir_. ; " .z1ens;h’eavy.prc1fires, zi11d“y”Pcrug1ir;%g Ltc».%get fmm u11Vd¢r;;h1-eh, gm. A 3fii&iQns,« %bu;ti&anAnf)t. al thefiaffliflioxls, ‘our "L“o;_-d%% ; is A‘1iIeb;ng.' % fi6Ii*fe‘5»i?5.% i's'a'ffli£’ced,Aa11d,b€aresal, Vourinfitmitiesg theyluie upnn .Ch1'if"ts fhouI4-R am-s“‘; fa‘1'ld you feféing tVh€Kit1lgdom_e’(ar1‘d the Lord;01"':%the King-L; ~dome)Iying‘1ike thf: ..r}vI1wa11t1§av€1"i;1g%Vffon1 ’Ie#z¢fizle¢§¢ 1:0 IéV£€Z70,‘; V L*:zvouxiriedfan.1j:d%%V h’aI€é“.dQf3&35‘»'11,0E on¢1y%Mga{Te.by,p as the V‘7?r*£‘eft‘ ‘ and th,e j£%wi»‘r¢=a:i;;id,?1;¢2V3‘ if fi%?k%*?%¥5¢fiiFs,Ifzni@??y» ,,bizr%d€1i%ht F0:t’€3r * and %re”rt‘d%Vits , to‘I§¢€.p€ then; epep ,_tha$; ; %'th3::3§ %,may- blfiead, %<;o1*1i:i11’ii~ A alf riofié or Qty #9 anygas “dry 11’ar3: as the, f %¢}§¢e%~; “_’y0’t1’i‘i2iVTéTnQ: éalm: at 211 for ,%oug%,yvcr;::;ds , uozluigagv of thé good sgmrem; But '$£éé‘eg‘e};‘, piérting, agczifiiiga 'c011de11ming fp £:‘<3<:he:s;., as ‘Flej724fliz;‘:,W1i§f_i11g,£?p9I1.*1h§:PE1t3?ifi¢d%f0I;CS:~fQ?,§10§ 3Z«;?~t1ii11C1=<:eAafe} plea-1 ” A f{ggrg7j3y;;;151if¢“%f&3fy23:i§:& £:§i‘1f?é%V’11f”g$d12-1”£5:ii1tli_V.%é1§i;1*xLii;;1e o~fVt1*£_e:k Natimiig If; A rliisijrdu; are~as'%fi‘h&frmiii'7gbf{5 ‘ “wagfiw ph 3fiMDev:i};.,you -a-E? led by%Aa*’da:*lé, * f0u1é’fpir‘it; .tfb?Wa1‘l{e“2i11E1”l’§y2;j‘éif10hg1){A$113giilves, converfing with they ‘ d‘<§2id*¢é£fé2i*fPc%‘oF‘ ;1*“i“é‘ Kii1gdom? 5 yo;é: _[z“x*et%c/9 ‘%om‘& the lime cozzfwfim 1190?!V%t1i'~%‘?111,%b'z2:: can. not be tbéally AEXt‘i!'}g{}i'fl1t_13 A«JT%hAc;Ai?a1jli;1n'1fcn?;« A _ MA A A %di1{7£z*;=.u£3:i<)11f%4%, “%c¥ifl1o+n_r.:3ur, W*it1A1 fi:o;‘;‘1%A-2A1x1cA1‘If1%'IifiA.3.A'}7m,3fI"1 3"%I'€5@1*5nal' Treaty with the I A1121 new we arekk 'faIIen% upon Vthe av 11 Tyeat3r5“f11 page:-7: 12I.’&c.yo%L1fa11.d1re A A .=z,v~.é;2£é7¢pe Aafy 5; érflomz/T}"£éZtj) and elffi‘-Where (fl.¢zfi?”dé[e' enfikafring ?7*:¢zt_y;)*%AIt% tI1—is'"I'_rAc:;1ty doth‘; very rpuch oAfl?¥:s:d, §,~o;:'d¢¢3;;r;¢T fig %bitter1y3ga irgffigx trtté,%W}1iL¢' fétfe attfiis impérfeéi Raff,-‘, ijig %Vis%av.ery ea{ie&%r§1i91‘itértMc¢uf%' or comwraaaa :myA perrmor thi1"1g,-%%5ut%3 “*1iarC1%m‘z1ttertb%jufiifie-or xzm a“d.ythiz1g‘;A M fhatktbe w:>r2< of thsdrsvih“ this%%-ist;he w0rk[of% God.% IAconfcA{§'%this Treaty is a pgjoy, law, A%dm¢’}¢ rhiixgg AnAeith"er party 1na:3aging=of itAWirh_t;hat clecfx-ne % .11€£E; GfjIOV€ and goo”dneI§ t4h‘a?t$ &I+’t0ul’d wi {hj éwnpon (tb1k%m§/Eérzgélg i;¢ca§1.‘..‘. and {me fl1_ew¢oE réafbh Athéifafore your ;azg in its am A A A a;1ditAwillthrive' and fitmriflx 5;; Acan agaitafiitgyou caz_n1Qt~dc£‘troy peace ‘a1,1dAukni0n, thafis’ ccmfiazztly fQ1'thB_ili'_ gcigad : i£A?ofr~t:hi5 'I"reaty, ’ fire} '£tmr rthe {C-;~ed ofpeaceisi1A1 it, % A e ; Injthis dark }5ufinA‘eAff§“ the: L Kihg';~%’a1A1%d Pafliégméjj pirmg :tog7et:her E6 =fi11d*a 1‘i«tt1e%L1ea’{é%%and “réfif che%m{i~.1 wearied with the%mi{EfiAes of %’\Var,A doth _z;he Lord co inthe night; VSc_ithzzt if Vboth Ps;rti‘es%Jfl1'o'u%l%d%d the worId,and one another, 1311:: ‘Thief won} 17 3:04 COZ§?n Eh:-:.tri vb‘ fi:a€1iI?g%§??0¥hii?:%@;~but :1 a1adicIang‘“m-of‘ this*PerIE:)11al F A A Fwd bright:-A % , A ,4 N,-‘W3-¢%*¢W1?%10§ff2£.t¥w %}1:c{é:1;;:;gxv:fm-mfg:Emaa ta any-Ma’ : ';z2:zi"EItzAf¢gz;.y‘E;fz;g AMy9Ag;Amy¢,{g1.e:aAg - *aAdvantag?e%iinappeizfing¢againfi¢'i't, 0153;; V anti . God; 4 but all tfi;i1g§;_ ves,T ‘ being % & &m¢3Sa%t.hief% efigne by It to cozen I L «m%e2u1AA,:j%% "_fie}a1‘*:a‘W2y ‘E5351? '~‘3V31m ’ Iufis % a_nd= fins 5, ai1dvfVBi:in"% . . T .. % % VdifsrouvvotiidTtfamp1¢»i apex}/1t.becau(é 1:3 low andA’p.oor ; anclbe jea1ous¢£i: as dahge_. 113 YOUI‘ prefhnt thoughts qmf %ax1d%%tmaIié it fdgyaur of &rll‘”c‘,1’tealein‘to your breath, an beget love 3313 peace there a‘l.Ir~ fo. This is the robbery of this thiefein the night, to fleale away evillfxom us; andfirrprzcizs with good. ‘ I ‘ y Your fiery contention therefore againfi it will be very tzxfzfull - twill bump up rhofedoulmand {cares that are opoizluerfidp ; melt earth orlaor i-mo aclolo: luniom : Tho root of it luring rim ,3 mm yam; A you doc agaimllir willbut quicken that principle, and fporrlrlem A ' om roamore hearty anfl Camel} Gbfing = and W§.1iloyor.1 cndeavomz. V ro rend room from each orher, theyywxll clafp ‘Illa. yayhmbflut each .A l . 1 ' * ~ .. A orlzor, and rum allroezr contcmxon agamll you, who {may yew; ' r=r::i7enr..promoLipg of difl93rences,ywill be lirifpeggfid W hr: the Au... r ‘rhors ofall their llrifc. A V let us now examine thclrcafons you give agaioll alfreary , peg}, ; :;;,,,g.;c," You firl’: Q_u;:re,and than declérc,thar ix: is notjuff asmlgoad, l‘ mar fof}: 3 and so all along you infifl upon chef: two rhiogs,fiari:fm:2’ro.ar ‘ .a;2::d"f:ir‘czrri.»:J".v _; To proyo the juflice of it , you {lace rhe intereflsolf Elm lilrfgdfyfflfi§f{dhl?a1'11gm§D'l,g5Eh?! lyave been rho marrorof our quaf:c,sl: nwm: wo n or so au (5., p k V 1 My yF1rl)r, Yorxwyoulclh makcyour own and the publique lnterefi to beone ; thgy are fog; much dzfl-'erent, that you_ are {aims to patch memo up together often, and bring in yours in ayparvenrhwefis 5 as? here,pag. I 41,, (tlaazxgb row: the’ Pflfftcxlgrfifggj .aff:;xé!9 ray, Irma? crew A gggedyibf wire p:«:é:!é.7:¢..g is was to &or¢rg1.eb'z:ef¢i.~ ) In this and pin ypthxcyrell of your d11C'EOl.'lI'l€: E‘ appfiarts, you c:onr:e1ve_yor1rpf‘elves ncgloélcd and left out an the "1 reaty ; and you do by rhxs réqurre your own mg... l refrto" be confidered ; and that’s very lobllruolive co rpeace,” for men l in la dpi£3&ra6‘c¢_d Kingdom to uphold a particularylnfircrwc, tmvarting the gencrall pgéaco and gmzon, the common Incegefi ofau sgageg, and~~m;h vZolr:"m~:e to enforco 1: to the ruzneofthe whole. A \ V " Tharwhich you offarto us is notrhe’Publique, but your parti- A kcular :ror&:ré:l’cgllwyhi<:l1inydordis not your Interefi neither, but a ram: A an'ddVlV'1jil’iOl1_.y“&D erronious opinion. For that there be 4 common and frzprcamlcarrorceli tl?t‘=‘¢_"t£l¢ pawer qfma@ng lower, chafing oflicc rs} pg .. :~'¢-z‘[I4s‘:¢g’ofi%e>'«:'t*?"~*‘r. ériw t5am_,@'s'. Its very apparent that this is not half _;heyI.or;_~orePc%ol'prhe Kingdoms, ris much noonarrovv for a rich, ho-A» ‘n’oluralble‘_lNarion :‘Gr:nerallyl you lrnowrhe people of grrglpzrrgl dg. fire Peace, fer-lord Religion, eflcablifht Truth,‘ freedom of Trade, and this Vvith ,HlS , under Ehtif Kiflg, that he may €701,751-Q; [hem 22> A apcor‘dipg;rotb€iylr. honcfi and known Lavivos, that they maylivo yryyrhritylrandhrnouf .=. F01? ‘We dtvifcd things 1 you Propoiy G r the % V (I0) % aEe=p°a.-..-0915':§novv*ithem“ mt, afi?c& hhemlcffe than £k.now~ At%zem=;~ they are i‘mw.a:ed'%o¢ne1y% topleafc and {acute your fcms, and my % pull d9WH€ Ix/Ier:ma2'ci1y, againfi which you % would ma.k-»:: your {elves irrcconcileahla : Thelé prinaciplcs are but the ax m: knifé, m pruzae and c:u:AchcLcxtravagancies ofMm3archy or Tyranny; ; and if an ch: . ‘ ' Kéngdomcwere an ax or knife, we were in an 4 in ca :: : You are buté.‘p1rt,am.d aIas,an iniconfiderabic pan: ; mac one; ofan hundreciA willpwrw What: you fat. down: as the publiquc In:ar¢£}‘; and a dis ‘ feaiéd part; about: fiartedoucof hispiace ; a piece of timber, that is gone from the whole fraxinc of the Kingdoms, which is large,andce:nfifls of Kings,Lerds,Commons, withinnumarabieg cxeellcntbzanchesgrowing out of theft. ' % L A ' ' Nomvcizis were afirangecurc, :0 break wake bomtsin the bar- ' dy, no bringchcwhole to«ox1c%dif—joimed‘part, or to three the wfiolehoufe :19 gzezmzc after onepicce that%is- flartedV em, ism wmrk... manfhip; * Tis .aVflmnge%ching that mcn{hou41d[pIa:c the welfare . mf thfikjin do%m:infu::h incanfiderablet thiB0'S.' Methinks :33 a.. . :3 1 . . . . wonder, that men fhouldbxring fetch fame“ pcdaxitick concci:s,:m&* : then‘magnifice,hemfofarre,V as cntitlcithcm cc: the whole King». dams; Thusmll mcancaud narrowM{'piyri:s$ doc, when ;hey 'u:-- txude ::he1mi%lv::sintopu§31iVque alffflazirszs: V‘{henSo13ld4&:Ars,k ‘menu ‘of A -privacé f19irits%,confi*dez:t:4ef %%éfh.eir abi1i:y%%and judwgc:ncnt»in»grca:c%{%‘ . macmsgj £9211 producc%1%b:~aVt‘s%ofs:htitaxfimedbminigand imP0iEE}1cm'. upem th'¢:~ aaaian, wc'fl1a¢ll‘b::{1:w?cS%i“n4dced. Lscbozldly, Tha£"yOt1 tha,t are Chrifiians, that ta%-Ike of the rcign A‘ af VCh%ri;_fi a;'ndofchcm»A Sxincs, fhcxuld new‘ cngaAge¢‘your félvcs to fa‘ bafc 3'3‘}3l1f€Y¢H’3Sthisfi; that?0l1wiil*efpos3fe%%fc> pact: h quar-~ rellgwhich, in ru#mme,ss to%thra{v {few :1 [as King 3.,f1d"L0lfd§, and 1%: up the peepict %Ta6Vata1Z?awarj77ar4lzi:‘é: m ta%:wlmnd: ajtbe Pnrliczmaazzg A M and :54: Mtg» :39 mnzme, mad wtlae: bawdy afafiséordimaze afiicer ta call, ' @".:4. E/Vx§1V:£1ce£%ab}i£hing4Qf':hi%sfaiisfic. you fi31*AaII‘::hc bioadflacd, % wares miVz1‘d, &c? V%is*:i*1%is you-r fa:i$fa‘&io"n?Afhould yen not rather pmpofé, than a11"pm-:~cr,Aane!i% d;ozrs’in%io;1, and‘ %r%eign%c:; fljgouldbcc gig. A vcn’ct3*th: Lord, chm Iiiing,and"f’arliamc:1:,,§and%Pez‘>ple,and an ihouid bc*fi1lcd with the 1:j3ghtc0—uK1c ffe “and ggoodncflb QfGoc*.l‘Buc ¢ zhevfé things are temgwgqczd to bee fpcakcxi cf, bcynnd your f"ait:h.A ¢ 33: % “ta fee in But.U’eMtel3 yen, ifthis bcno‘:yc>u4r in%:crcPc to haw; @o;daI‘*1Vin all, wfiitieycry thiugiand:obavc4a1lthixggs cffcrcd up J % tea b%im‘~i’:xu'u:h and; xxghtccmfnéfiia tyoux intercfl and Gcmm #¥9E§%§i:%:d:€§ 5%?“ 39*3§4§E§5%‘ FE Kings 3 and ifwu where as than ‘W3 h you have propofi}, you (n) ; h h lique; or they have ‘ o ‘ 15 Warm; the DcPtroycr,a&nd Willpcrifh with him; V «A h V w.7‘?1 ,"thxs1s 3. Fault,‘ that you all along carry ch initercfirof n.)<~:v1:s, tkhxchugd G; r" j Thirwdhly T5 the publique in oppofition to the Kings; which is a wicked thing; to divide them thatGqd hath joyned wherein you doe,as fword... am;-.n,hcu:in pieces, and indeed defiroyhand xnangle, notonely the Kingdohme, but the word interq/E, whichis ofa uniting fighifica— -£3011; t'ntei*' efl": is $053.3“ °r Emongih each gather : The puhlhique hath itshhintcrcfl in the King, and the King his imerefl in thepubu the fame eflé, or imcreft, which is to be toga... that in each other ; thcliingis in zhcpeopl-c, and the people in the King 5 thhemngs being is z1ombfqIu:e,~ora1one, but aninrercfi, as he is in union with”; and reimthiozz to his peogle, which are his hfircngthhhandlifc ; and the pcoplcs bcing is not naktdvohrhfhlihtary, but ‘an inhrharefi in the greatmffc and wifzdomc of their King, who is their lifmndhhutiour 3 And though you ‘wiil (hf? joyn your fclves V V {mm Kings, Ghodwill not, neither will- I ; God is King ofliings; Kingshandh Princes God, as wail” has peoples ; their God as well as om-s,and theirs emmemly, as that ipeechchnforccs": (Shed of I fmel, Iflraels ‘God above all the nar1ons;i'o Kmgof Kings,‘King$T God man: then of common mm, ancihy near and cfhcciall kindred bafiz, vai%n%e’v;r;1y, and commmzion; :.~.fl'umingthcir'I"itIe3 and Honour, and giving chm his Majcfly and Dominfioh : Kmglineffchhagrccs withhhahll Chrifliahs who” are of a"rohya11 ma:ture,~ mad: Kingshh~withh"Chri{*h.' forfakc your awme ihtérefig §hd*efl':a0i1i'e fhe and cannot but be friend"-h 3:0 i:,.heing ufkin toir; that: children of‘ . (‘zod, hum ofzhe1{ing_ofE-heaven; are mm of honour (nochina. but in a.¢tn:-ve,jui"t way .-A) ,a:1difth*crc benot Kings to honmir, thcywou3d want obhjcéfs m hchlfow that fuhirmffc m‘"hh0-A-- nourthéu: is in thcii“ hreafls, Wmald loft the gwreztcft pm rchofthchirhhdtw Eight, which is Maia: my-and Gloryg would wva £11: octafihn ofexprci’-~ hug their high,hnoblc1'piri:s. It ig a haHa~tdR?¢1igionthatis ineom fificn: with the majcfiy and gr:-a*ncH‘c oftheh rrmfi abfi31un¢%Mo- narch ; Md fuchh fpirits are fix'ai3gm= Frzrrm this: Iiingdomzz of ham- s.-cn,‘and_ knew mat _theglo“:ry‘_in which G<.2d‘¢1€hv:es;amd7arc hof"n‘at- row and‘cvi1I mih‘dcsft:hat’ we corrupt1‘"thcm{’civcs,:* andf not able to. heme grcatneffe, A and fothink”CAodhhWill not or cannot quahfic A than for hhfuchh high places , withhhhh hanfwcrabh: and pmporciomhiélt officiifigion which isfivcak ‘ané ofhahparthingnature, canhothmn» awe: and gmzadnciht. A Youarc indeed much ihnhhthchflfih, imt farm 2 c,_ei‘Vc (z2§.. i {hive htarhhzafihrehexfgd things irkxsnion ; you ‘are: dividing fim Vwfimic heaven and earth’:w.¢ene God andliingg you cap’: own mhémhin union, and fo divide King émd pesoplc: - bur. tghfi ipirit Of Gad is largmand re=ccmci.Ees,h comp0Y€h5.¢ ggmzhhers an into ~01”-36: himo .ChIi;P( ,(:"od and mm irfztcs wt p::h::<::n; fshahdhsné mfimher: into one body.h Th§s }0ve ‘yen Emma; ms, thamemhhracea. God and the L King in cm perish} ar::dK_'mg ahd pepple in out hody. b =.& max: fault is, in your further fiating of the comroverfy‘ “m.fee%ne" King and%Pax11h;,hment,yc;v h:1“fi3g In,1p the iecond p1ace,re§- ligion ; the order flacwhc-is the %prt3t"c'-1'2: fratnéofhyourafpiritsh, fisfi mhcwexld, andxhcn gochine:fl7e .: Em: inthis you erre exceedingly, in putting all the enmity agamfi‘ godiznefle and the power of us, on ‘ zhelfings part, and chargihgit uponhimhas hishimerefl, and a{fu»- ' ming an rciigion and godlineflh to your fclwes. W A A "U'p<‘:>n this groundflands much of the %<:0nrrov*erfy hbctwcenc the "Cavaliers and you; that theyaremwick¢d,yu,can hears witneife Qfnhe uprxghmeffe and cfhcacy ofmy cone V "v_crFatiog1among{% you, ; hand that I was, whncnl was with youfiog only a c<:h1*x3paWpiox2,; huta leader to you in the héfi things: and 13‘ncc have hccnczxyed by veryh great; fufifarihgs, ax-zdmflade a fpefiacleh m, God} and” men, and heena pLzb1zque«iyie:rsph‘as a"rha:11cearth§the.Lordhhhcmgmy Rzghtcbufnefi'c,.;o accufe me of * any i%njufiic:;tohG<§hdormanhwndnowh mutfl xeihfie concerning ya u‘ and my ieifmvxzh-you,hthatthhat w~ay%'%Wher‘::1nMQyo%u wa1k is not the ‘ pqwar afgadlixtflé, but a more weeks, fiefhly fmfm, 9 ’ ' HT Youfire indecd fiaints by 1i3£€n[iOBh..fCC111‘§f€H, hspe you a;i:,,1mkc for it: hutfin yc»hr;preiEhh:‘ Praia you az'e«c:“amaII, and walk mghe flcfln in great; mfirmny : xhax your mac at htiflfwas bug mhfe as the Iejwes, havmg a foxme of hI10’W1€dg¢aCCOrdi_ng‘{Q mg h lquer gofnhe law: which tbrme, is zxow corrupted, lei"; and fa-ig.% 99¢; ?“sd¥9P3§9§¢?9!¥3?:h!§??$5hu§,?*WF5¥1¢§3¢&h5SWme;hV V ~ T h ‘ " tmmicshh ‘ll ttstmits tmhefpmt , and to the ‘Ct'ol«i'e of'Chr1fl: Youhvenot‘ the life hf Chriil; you art: 130! Clt‘."a(.lt0tl’JCi\’VOIlGl; nay,you op- ~ ‘ pofe that death; you will not iiufttrwith Chrill; }.'~(_')"11_ have not thcspititof God ; walk tmt 1nWyt3uta{‘fa1res m the m£cdomMg;3d- firwggh offiods not in thclove 9% God ; you know notthc mindé of iGod,have not communion Wltll God; what ever you doe ,1 or have done, you doeiit by the flrength ofman, and not by the power of God; and now left to a poore, blinds, unilathlc Way,~n0El<£’30wL- l whither you got, yam" 1w}e.t é.t?iF7gda2r@_a’l1$’(&:;/ZtQ,'tlt:£7'}’5Zfldgyfit glotying in ficfhly god outward things; m1ilak_mg earthly and ctfmmon blcllingsl for heavenly andmward; ctymgup the jjard, the Lane’, when you dot: the wotlts oftht: Detail : The Holy G0-d will no longer l'Llfl:CI'yCl1.tQ wear their: namesofsaintsatzd Goal- ly, but will raj} dtmg rapaztjaurfalcnme Feaflt, zmd cgrfijewr ,§u’vflZm‘g,¢-; . and difcover youto be but whitedfltpufwfacrx, and cauli‘: your rotten... tjélie to” come fortli, mrcmiaijam" am/{edm_[fE*,ht:fbre_the N-ation,that= A allmay abhorte and loath that 0utWa1'€l_, fotmallP;el1gton- which you t ptofefle _-; it doth and will more Rink in thentnfitils of thofe people: thathaveino knowledge of God, to fat: pride , lclf°-‘1m'c,Cont€nti-= mjfot tl'3eiw,Orld, rebellion, fallhood, lblly and hat‘red‘ol’G’odJtto bee iii ll.lCh.Z€3lOu5prCt€BClCI5 to the Spirit ol"Go_d.. A .4 V 2 Al A53/011 havcntat the powctpf fiodlineilb, 10 you have many vi...» fibic gtoflt: Iufls, and evill prmclplfis which mqtall men doc op... pol": in3cu_; youate 11191 putt: , not 15 ttonlylor yotzx piurgty (tag you% fuppqle) that the Kings Plartypppoic yeu,.hut loryourwit'h.. fiahding, lomfe: thmgsthat are good in thtmgandlitch as thcitconea 1 Jcitthtesiiate bound ‘by God to profecutc; though there hcethac, tgvicltedncllit: in many of thetn too, to hate tllat of‘Gotl thathath appeared in you , htcauft: difltertntltom theirs : but Il'1€l1‘OppOl:lIi' an is notdittéilyagainill the-fact: of God, for that never fhin'd forth t;]earl_y‘it'2 us, but againlt tl‘JaI:'Pa'ItlCl3la1T ‘form, as def-lrurfiive to to theirs and ourcatnail principles which were (mm-ary to theirs, i it and thou: obf1:ut'ecl with many infismitiest ted: lb Illattls high gpride i liorius to tvllllzli that we ate tell Saims,,Gcdly,&c. anclthey cnémics ~ toj Gpd, httcautitz to us. ' * t A ' A \ ! ' iAindt2;i.1..t istast much llr.rCl3aIllia5l€IlCflli* to ;'w:'gethtm=,as altc»ge- th_t;*.tiin the Clark 3” for though they arJe‘.it3detti vilihly in greatrr ilcoittztztlli; ntatayiof (l."[f‘f.'n".?_., and mate ll‘? Zl‘;t"Cm1(?il£l(JI’1 of th; Gene Kjlffifs :2. litiviwt 1T3£L:fl’€ 1I”?2T}ll(l'lly t atcortéing to theicouttlbiitof the 'wt:')i'lCl.3€.§1‘. yet in many tl'iit1.g»s téu lwit: tjiuliil-icd their principles » atsnmgotc tighttcus theta 3i(1;$::.t‘S5 anti .i1atty of their patient - Al um*"a.um.u.=uu......u‘. u.\...:«,,.. i‘ W . C 3 A more. .' {LN Q 4 mafia fo;ber,§at;xem.t, I%0s.rmga gm-xszie ;« ymmarwe hswmg aw d=§.., « Afccrnhag in,Atl1e;thmg-sgf (sod than yam .2 A nd though therebcé a... % mom ihhat Pars:yttxe*‘reatAe:i%,vi§'ibILcandm.a:a.i1s:v§c§+;s:dnefl7e Am; Y 3 3 fr thércis amamg youA u;hL<: Agrrgeatfiflc Aemmiryiaz:dnm;£gns:@ncy it) :‘he« vi§QI4f1t 011’ .@9c.il{V;d:h<{:}‘gre«a»ze£% pride, hypocm v, .¢e1Aa‘l=A. c<~;>~rzfid<:n«:e,anfl j pmtua me cs me e:. A M A % Andthis you wit} kmtzaw that %xEm‘s%;uége after the flaslh, (gm; ‘thofeJ‘Iftz6licmw amd Hwrlyats .[1:r‘.;;.:[1 m::m—~ 1'33; zlme :}ggaiamMqf gm’ 5;-‘ ]Q:rfi_au:%1\/Ifaay of thcmfl:»a!ls:=‘.n»::fr0w; .U*:::;¢;» Et5;.*?f.zm,g'fraggg g£yg,pf'¢a 5 ‘at; ; mm 1:1ercmmcfipa,rns¢~o:;‘ : Accacsfigandgre-me1~}dz1%anc:ctrom A God, ¢mdfitA%dawmm‘th fibrahana ,1-faa§:¢zmi].acx'.>b in the Kiwgdamagf gad,.mya;;d;7oa1z.mIarufi omf%%There§o1'c {E315 mannerof judging of yours, ofaccountxngzhem evil}, and your {gives good, Is one of rb¢fi;- ffraarg d:Zafiom.fpo21n»=;ernmgth£*fc oppqfitxonsg and conceflsé in «religious A V All menarc 111t:hec3ark,AandknowAn0t thcwhole body ofdivinc V tri1I§1£:'3i1E3’i1fai5; hi-"fig €36?! 0gf3m%pa£t«o§~ix; f§oth_a: rgu:b,whici1%ig " mm M A, .. an among the at me 60 memjs ividedfiut 31,; passes, and has£%ceg_ttcred$gbozz~s here and there ; and every onc%hAoIds' Miss: here mid} m’§nm2cy;wcxmtrmtietyteachers , and throxxgh _pr1de and gnalxce vmh I.;h3t_ %ar:sd%thas:~i's in ‘hit1(25oppoi'es@.0danAd A g00§fl€fi1?A ”‘1‘<3‘€1"3&'?f5; !h_%4rby:h:sai2may be aibamedand broken ~ A m pzecesgand ogcome guzlty b::t”oreVGcd,and madea: Iafi Vtovcongze down fromzhczr proudceaneeits, and fee they ar’e4foc»1'::s, mzdéamw watézémg era: xézejy ought: -ta é_*»::m3?,%&1‘3d whee wiiiigo £5 ggém 05¢; ~EhersA M V “ ~ 7” A A Afkeriyou gavfe Hgped iahe.;_contr¢>v§r{jr go p%r.o%ve4_the Ainjuflicg gf mmzcommo axle-m you fallppon zhc Kxxag, Judging him §:n Ihfe_ F . highefl A ‘ Fl‘ (-7)) Q liighefl ma"xmer,ias guillfzy of l:bcf’¢ul’7eli :reafcn,xnurdcr;&C- Md" théc too in amoli unpardonable and irreconcilable way, as i1.1c;a- palm: of mercy, and beyond all peace and accoxnmodaf-10!}: There is nothing wherein the Dmrill is more exerciféd, thmi 111 accufing, from which lice hath his name; and there is nothing wherein he hath more corruptcdihe namrc of man in that}: lat’: A claycs, than this ; it being that génerall Form: into whichihcc hath call; ch: fpirits of men , wluenm: they are callcd, 2 Tim» 3.3.“ Azokiom, Accufers, or in pl;s.i:ae Englilh, Devils : Men am; A mm very mtdinarily, and with a (‘haw of juliice,Dcvils one :0 % anfothclr. . i This is common amongfl mm, clinecially amcmgfi religious: and profefiingzncri; Thc‘Scribesand Pharilées, men inthc higliu‘ ell’ ‘farm of Religion, are the moligu lty of it, tbinlzinfig ordina.» rillychatclmyhave'righ::ofucige ; and this is nczcoriouflyyour‘ lime in this work. . To deliroy imin you and others, we: {hall list "out thcicvill of in, as in hath been cxgreficd in fomc Scrip»-_ §UrC9o 3 _ Rom. :2; I . Thou art unea;-mfaéla, 025- man, wgéafive-var thaw artgbami jzzdgefl; Gad hath rcfervcd the authority of judgement co himfclfcfiii who isiand will be Iudge ofa/Z; its proper fox: God only,who kmlws. hearts, who only knows good and cvill, who can fave as well as» deflroy; and therefore not fit for man, who can do ncitlugr good but will ; at bat’: hccainnoc rm, and thjcrcfore moi’: unfit; to beg, judge: Therefore you, whofoever you. are, be you never 1"o“goo&‘ xnen, rclégiouslmcn, bleli with never F0 grcazfavours, you have new thing to doc to judge while you are mm. i i if it be abjcéiled, than there fhauld be n-oluclgcs amoingfi M mm. _ ii I an {vqer,'jI‘uclges arc iGoc.'s _; I laawcfizidyg an Gadt: and if they liavezi nioci che power and good.1cfl?:: of God, as well as thc place and title, .they are Idols,Hea:h en Gods; a.nld~:avhcn we faygoali: Judge «latte; we mg:az1cnotiGod out of", but in man; or mam ta.kcn% up into. the Righceoufneffi; and Authority of Gad, mam fanéiificd by Scmndly,Man,a§udgc,isinexciu{ablc; hcthat will beiajudgcil » ‘ isl'upp0f7:d t0 bee lb hi i h in holincflh, foinnoccnt as nccdis no cw- cufé: ; hce than is in the nacurc of @ocl,t_isi-2 flxamc Fm: him t9~thin~l; A of an excufc, ‘Tia my infirmity, I am a llinncr ; but I l1av¢a$a- V ‘view: A Ti: a‘diangcr_ou~s. thing therefore. being men, and needing: §=t9:1f§f9ry°i2s LvsaB9s@’sas!%@? youlprcfuafis to be ilvdswa and W ‘ M ‘ M h u u *5 ‘ ‘- .-H I Ana)» your fejvgs om: ufexcafeg you. cannct fay Wu are agnoramt, no,ymx_ are vvifejudgcs ; you cannot fay you aremaak, no,Ay:::2::1 are flrong A to fee;-ntencc others; yam cannot iay you are finncrs, bemg judges _ dfthe Law you may not be thought brgakers. ‘ Orff'or‘a vilfeman toAli&‘”rup azmsm in t.he%pIac».:: of God%,to be A A {To fottifhly blindin l‘1imi%’e§5:; as ma: am !?E:“e§ his msjm Hltiaineifw, and. % cbnceive hir1~:i’e3f%'a Gmi, is:;'s apre1ZemptAiagu that ;a;<:?:11?tm£“11aexcax£E2 ' tis f:'o'gro‘fl'e: o%ribr amamo be 170 <:n::e1~I.1:c;~ hisibrother as m judge him and thrufi him ouxzot” thfi‘; gm»: <->§’Ga:d, is {'0 Diabo1icaI1,as there’: no excuig: Aforhzg by daing this ma=:nA{hewthen1feives Deyils, fox-whom thcrésno mere .no%f-iwaur; % Y fo1lows;Far wiqamém mm _;zz,{ga .s’?am.c:rI‘.‘;sr,% :45-29:4 cmsdc-mm-fl thy ‘ fiJfFs- ; for tlvaza time jzzdgef/'? sic]? £‘/Jcfflsmc rf9£,.-yérr. Thfire is; a fétllbwflaip i‘n"evill as in good: every mam.-hgic hms a e*mncr,ha::h 1n hxm what. evcr any finnerhath 3 as every rigiztcous xtrxan hath, what ever ano- ther rig1'1c:ous manhath %:.‘If'yc:uV%udgcaraywpart ofymrxr nature, you A »j%uAdge thé: iwhole :‘ Ifa manrhatlives in t,hewor1d,wcl2en you ::1?.=:_Ives_, yourfpiritmprincfpfies, afiiom , whim are: all worldly and finfull :; Efpccially and pjamculariy ,whar ewe: any par: y accufss another of concezéning thefe Was-res, they thzmfelvcsdocA;l14eihm<:tbings:To %inI’c‘ax3cein theprefi-;nt cafe. ’ A A A 4 . A _ AA A A V A AAYb§.1A jt:1dge'tAhe -fiihgg A flry of breaking Covenajr1t;Aof betraying Trua ;“ have‘ we‘ not brokeour0ath of” A1IegiancctohimA,andbc- traAyedtheTru£’c heput inhis people? and have not w¢:—— JikeVwi%i'cA bmrayefsl thatfI‘rui’c the PAar1iamem pug inns, when afwr promifcs 0ffi.tbj¢€’ci0n toAwthAcAm,A4thc Army refuitrd 5 made; Warre with‘ them? 7 A AA _ % A You judge: him guilcyoFaA1ithe:b1Ac>uz:l,A rap§gge*, f'poyl:%Dare%any, man fay.hecAisAn'oAc guilty of NI? Vwa-e%iaw.. Qablolute m takéng up Armcs, in profccuting, zhs: Warm, in conzimzing in Armss P 2' s iherc’ A " notin" all,{é3ff;1_oAvc,.ma1icc,A revenge, e:1vi;€:,"diflrufl of"God 3 Had We. been: .righrIy carryed in Freémng A £’ng/Md Rom oppre&HioAn, wee ._ had firéelylaid dgwne our liivlits in 2? voiuntaryiéaffcaring ,A mad that A .wou1d_have1év4edthe Kimgdnméc ; whereas by our rafh running to AV forts: ,” we are gQ.i1tj;,70fth¢ miiérics of’ Warm as mall as the King :A But in continuing Athe Army after your Aencmiea fubdued, you are « manifefiiy guilryAof';;hc_pre%i&mt olpprcffmn upon the: poem peopic of thtebinco1¢rablc bur¢hen ofAf1jeé‘quartcr, and unzcafonVab?IeAw‘ You ‘ ‘V . 4 AA and” yiharge him for f¢§ckingl to 1e:V;:p~1r;ism&,n AVIg.;e.-.311 o€wn;*%'A 7:an~d“ijpo”=wer:' do the fame tbmg? “What down now‘ ‘butb"fet;.u‘p\tWii3 and powet?_Goihg3befide ai A A the worfiwi‘1la‘nd power,'t‘h‘e win” Aaflrtd power o.o"fthe Pfejofplegof . efizte SWord§'I’herfotei,iet meei£pofluIa4teV.w;.c‘fi j5$o_'o,%a&$:thétt ,Tabpu Vt/éézzffmyiévz manflaald frzarjfaazl ,<6i'of1'%bt}a‘og.~: flea! L? vT'Hou -that bait to muclfligbt as-to oppofe ttyrfariny, “art“jthoue the verijeft‘ tymnt?Thou that‘pl‘eadfl for Laws,‘ art thou th“e’grea;tef’c violater :ofiLaw$?WebWi1 go fuxjt hertwith the Apo1‘tle,T.l;m 1'/9¢zt_;d[7b0rr€fZ' tlidélxédajftti?mzg.¢*avbmmi:ttfmf:j£[ed;gf?“You“abhor hié mtysflas gtjoffs,-but you have motet‘ti'ecr”ét‘ a‘¥:.c”1"<:oIofe_ ini(1uif‘i€S;" you God‘ even of “ ShistThroneb,fettif1gtuptyour f“oA1*m§11bRei§gion in the place of God: you co1'npIainoof’fl1eddinginnocent blood, 8.: you fined the truly ’ bitnnocezit blood of Chfifif: Offiapin and f po'i1,ai1d you daily {point the ;Temvpl€ of God,yo:ut own bodies“ and fouls with yourx1oifom h1P£5- Afterwards, .T/ainhefz‘ t/om ‘t/aégé‘ m/m,,z‘1mt judgéflbi/gem b that dofm/9 t/airzgx, and day} _t/ge fozme, 'tl2azt t/Jozxzflvzlr ,efcoz}m the gjzdgmenrtafifiad L? . He that jmtgetth is guilty,and his guilt ‘begins dC02PcitftiflxhiI'1‘1b.Z.~ Godbegins to Write bittetnefs in the confcierice, ~a,t1o§1theneto?fave hiznfelfihe begins to judgothers; judgment of meats .tV11eicoz1fl:antt_vefr"e§t tof*troubfIed fpi1“its;,2md this is your con- dittiongyoubbare 1:tePc1efsirnty;'om't fe1*ves,you fix:dbG'aéibfro,Wning,u you for yom*"i5”ins5 ;«t11at ‘makes you feeidfor bfzztzkfazffiatn 079% Zocsii, Want it maybe ‘texpiazted, and the Wbrdtia ofG'0d appeafcdi The fire i5 kindled in your own heaorts,_yow' tongue: are fer oflfire of £4344’. Ifyou had the peace of God upon btme gtotlnds, youwobuldbe efti«ll; ooorooif «yourtconfciencestlwete befp1*i11k1et1 w‘ith*thCebfbMl’ood of /am:/£,you would not ft‘:Ek\fO~1“eXpia’tiO.flibut t11e1*eis;,the‘ voice of fi9]b.§?%?\at/aerk élaozi, t/a£..~’5*1oa§4'of.«’1?'t9e[ criw, mt the 5215052 flfhe-Iotbioodo of Cbrzflf, if you knew it ,«tries peace,reco"bncitliation, 12... Iixwf andogighc, to Yet A ;1ion,favor5love,taking away enmity. A Thebbfood of A £2421.‘ for Ate- ' Y»€1=1ge,f.01*t]uftice";b thisiis your Voice, which tfhetws ab‘ Gain: 1' 5 are bttousbiedtt fo1"byourtfins;Tbz'n1Q=fi rhmtm efmpe t};e?"'rig7a2‘.e_ qmzmdgmemx afGod;o~no,tboubart running farther into izgyou mfe A I}Q£qt1_it;ti,ngay0IIr felves, but increafiug your eviis :. or ¢e’f}:z_'/é§%- £19014; tlaariclaese of /Jzérgoadrzejfez God hatfi been gracious unto you,and- r;e‘pr1ev’d you for a wl1ile?from‘dePcruétion; ‘do you thus. ‘ .a1:9§~11~fe:bitt toahaordenztyour hegtrts to tpride,‘ ma1eice5~“oar1dfwicked ‘in..W fi1olti;ng.tt.<>ven-A ;yotir: brethren P Is this the ufe of oyo.tir“Viétorieos, A£D:‘oi.h?W€ottopportunities tofdoe more mifchiefee. rfzul fin A[z-<;<-m- faretap ;wmtb_fi¥r _yci2%tr_f~e:’i'z2a.c: Fora}-lb;that you lay up”’0n~ others Qthers, you provide it and Rm-.e4it% upfev;Vy:our% fe1v¢e$.v* @0df’hateh A 1 .dec1a¢.r*d you knuymrich mercy to thevKing" rand ins: party, in my V V Book tailed, % Tb; tame: of the was ofLi.»’e gYou%dAA1fpifethis%r_icb N mercy, {corn %i,f%.fi!1d‘%fet up your ,.m‘e):'cileH'c' fufiiC@agairf3ft%i~t; ;[ —Nat % ~ % "[3,,,,,pi,4g gem" gig; gaddflcflaf Gad. mod; to repepmmca you %n:~quir¢, -rc:>::nta?;‘r¢‘c betore ‘mercyA: » Gods. gomdnefs goes betomand Aléfids V Vtoifirepedtiinceg andthat goodneffthat hath‘beén manifeflgjthbugh f 3 youVigrm’i:aVntly‘ defpifq it. c_.ount1ng it fijlly and~ m:dncfs,upo n rm 4 othergmund,but1becau{et1s too. rich and good For you to ~ap’pr&- V hC!1d;_; it {hall prc5t1tJC;e€;[itS& Own Aéfifiefi »in%power,%’Wd mibifsfi your : g:ngodIinjq§$%'in‘%c<5ntr;2iiétingofit :And%%%kn0W Y<>LI,,th&.t,nc:s,::1at1 ~ V {hall} appcgr«Cithcr% di’1'9&1y brjinditefily agaihfi 5?: ” 5u.t“hefl1‘a1l 2 by,it difcojrcrche evill of hisown heart, and" xnm‘iFcflV~(tha£ he walks in dfarknefs, mi knows4. not theglorious Cou_nfe11'af: thc %‘Lord..%4 Q L ~ W V#%VThéréfiV‘¢§S;§Vyj5IaceAfm_or§1”w%culdhé§e 4wcsc1a%c’onfiqcr,%%L;ga% 'TitWould mike them afraid of, Judging, %A»1at.AA7.:‘4%I;cé-c. fydge mar, ¢ M f t/aatyo-It 6;? ri3tjudgad:yog have judged the King ind hisparty ;for %% ityoufhallbé.fudged5l'l1u~dgvyou; And Wémtjudgmant ye'j:3dg,}an 133111241’:/e; tbammaa/£trVc thatjags give him yak /hall gr:caivc:You ex» ; clude him from peace,you hm? non: your {elveju You thfnfl; him fi:dm% m‘ercy’,"you have'no >m crcy ycgpur, fclvest. Yh5ou‘livd riozfity the A cn}'oyme*nt of d1.v;ne1ove,1fyou%d1d, you could act: be {:1 crass-l%aMs you are, firth enemies to pcaccy: You arethat cvin; ferv:m"::‘.; A ~hath4%forgisrenT ‘}.gg:;_:ter§»?t1Jaufand ;a1m:,~ yc)u%%come;and§ake4_yout~ Vi AFEIIOLW {er.yant the throat for .a:3».bg:g:xdr¢d%;1enc:V : ~%Thf:# is .wfath withyw,vaadnoWyeur forgivenes isrecVa1d;md yen ma 9 " p yfthe ucmoa fa1*thingV : Ypu (11311 no: havemetcy, as ycquf tzavé % A bad it,fr€c*lY».b£1tyouifl1al1~{i;fIérhf0r*it: ‘YouVrem§m'ber gf§eiKix:"gt % ” finncs,:@;od~ wig regngm bet,‘ youts agiirz :K%t::’ovv: tl1i§,you:;rcfn;t§:“ in the kingdom of G'ad,rxar 5[t!_.m5’_d;}?,OU” VWe!je,Vyot31V.% be %peac:g, u34Q:‘rJ';.f(:$r%,3klc 4}-alike pe4cc;g1;;{ker:,f9r,%ihcir: ‘tihr ,V lwzmn gthcy that are blefl'cd~ by the enj0i“§1‘1cnt%0f'Gpd;afiVdVifl VV A light of Gods kingdom they {:6 allgthings ‘iV!nfuni‘on, the Kj r3gon6 A with God ;,-W and the Parliamuetlt and people QnE“Wit.h Ythe A theyareonée ‘inG0da in his largeflefiflf love,but' you ‘arec%:u2t'{i;1’g«,j. divid%ing5and fo Marvin Chef kiflgdQm%‘o*f »Adirkn£fl'3 arid‘ the This is your "judgment, A11iA:he evill,that Fyou;4bgi%fig.*.Fqrth&is Withir1r°u5%’*isrm aw?» thoughyou:%.wi1I.fixit%~mnan9~ W A ‘ flier; .’ _. :?.or.' F H r . iv v 4 ' ' . -”-I , w.A V \ ‘ A V. ' W " W . A ‘chart; if; ~ituwcre~not i“'Y9“_o& you would rims‘ ou’¢auu1ahpu§c$— V " A”?! “’l’75"’?9£‘f"?/.,%‘h3?€?‘o*’-’¢ ?”0‘‘‘'” ‘I97 Mother: t1i‘.6:ttMcar:fid¢}-;§fi A V A .; #ot_rlae beam rim: “:4 ¢,,‘,:.;lai;;,;A.pwr: eyb?‘ ejvcg The eVilS.tha:tyouh¢ha1-yge A u ‘h theA~King:1mduh£9%P3T1Y withsth0l1ghgreaition’yourAoarrowmi'ndg, A are~buu%motes ‘moo rAheaccounr AAofGod ; alnefs 2€§“V3t€$ 4 ‘them, uh1s~1aArgencfs1efl'ens them: Hethat A Imm ilac "nation: a 4 A L drop of-A bio/{ct} 4nd.«.1u_/Z*.oftbe £434»;-e,% counts thefl: mifcarriages that are amougfi the na:A1oos.ha~ve.ryV. {m an mam3r;%u¢afi1yA blow; 1, fiwayzthat fwhxgch you filly ucrcaturos lift ‘at as mountains, toil and A 2 f,we.iAtA;;%it to briugforth ruineufrom it ;h‘Iis but a mote to a god... W-ly. heart,eafily Forgiven; and a more in the heyeghinderiog fight; the % ;King and his party many of them ohéfaw no better‘, though}; ‘they 5‘oughtItoAdefend theirrightagainfi us that,rebell’d: And now its 3 more in the eyehiodeed, it" vexes them,‘ they are afflificdh for it on- ~derAtAhc handof God,A and that's your cruelty :. Tau pcrfccme “him ° Whoa #5: Lord lam‘/9 /"mirror, and tallv to the griefof tho]? whom Gad fimtb nzaandcd :4 But you have a beam in your eye”; your fins aré VA A grcgtegbeiug aggravatedh by many mercies,much.1igh: that nth“; ‘ A have not enjoyed ; your fin is aw beam ; your re1igioo,flrength;up- h ‘on which you lean and lay {o much weight; thgt’s become an 511;. A fquity, and awbeam in your eye, that you cannot diflinguifh any h ;thing,norA difccru good from Aevil,but areuflark bl‘mde,you cannot fee yourbrcthrcn, but judge them enemuiés ; ‘and ene.nies arehnot fit ]udges : T-rand if-you could {cc them brethren, you would not A 'jud‘g_flIvl1 douhé uyoucannot ice to pull out the momgtohtakc 1af«w’ayA ewill andlea-ve the aye ; but you are pulling out the eye; the;eyéAoF ”the4Kiogdom, one that is the apple of=Gods eye ; by whom he’{aitb,Taucla it not .- not thcheye‘ouely,b%ut the head, and fo the wholebody 5' takingaway theeye, that you may lead the: bodieh whirhcr you plheafcy . A 4 A A A A 41 A ..A A A . A HaviugAtakco th” Fpoweruoffudging out ofyour hands 8: ‘ii =y.ourAfin ano flumem prefummg upon it ; weunmrnow confi; der fotne 81'0““d5Y0l1laydownuwhythe King is mt to be recei- Vfed ‘again to peace; nor" rcfiored to his hOffic¢ and Dignitie‘ z And ‘ We “"1419 We VIGW offhem fee how much your iujuf£iCe‘is jagaiufli Goc!,:gud~you_z~% {elvesg m thgt Aw here you profeffé for ju&icc..A * . .. *__ F119-3Y0ua Infifiupou this, pag.24.uuGodibatbgi*z/:3 bimfi clearly A {HM 1013*’ l9=wd{t01d0[;¢flxce .g_ and afierward;Gad bath givcfi at amaze Judgment agemtfl bgm, clfcflvgrhere,‘ pug. 5.‘ to {ct forth ' Gods ‘ ‘. 'IVIfiW‘Mp1r4\IlH7‘Vl ..wm .»s«\m.y'V'«‘:.. ,.,.n-.- j?m§ y_0'&_;addmiferie ta» mifiarie. :aAm~d~ "Ath1s;uAfhce ormalice if ‘ Hath Gad ind A wxetched,ha’r{h*,flin"4ty as this is, was favour to you,; a A L gggig» My H A A ‘gedT:wiceP Ami wé:4y;wVig1lA pg: {ubg3Ai;AgA.;;A13i5. jAgdemqntV?A wilt yaou taka is -out of 53035 11%?! E’ 1?a§h»;1ot God A;k tizmsv haw. :mvAdAo= It 3’ +1 8.: he met Atfevéve ’ W51“ %' “ * A.. A A A [§gy1'[G&22;Jm¢z:aQ::£ buzjla to j;:dg‘ement,w;Am¢d "hath .appeared;z; 4 /:m7Aa avenger ‘.3 ’Tis” true, God hath iudggzid ;1§ifl34%ag3ifl4 md»again,.a=nd d¢ak%very~fe:v@l:&15f~ with AhAi:AAnA ; he is the ~ % AEffj‘&tA€[f fuffégé %i;nA,tbe K1i1;1g,d»o1n,havi%ng.4Tlofi;AAAh1§s CEO wAn,Horw,uAr, ’??15?#’i$§ie,LiE§A§:Att,i¢;R6.venqe,8é'c.’Aw ycmt;h*i?%V€sincreaf¢¢.iAn w?v1A6A;8A;A1t%h,A ;"i£=r1,c5t§1:;,' %1ii;éhe§cEerA‘Ano.w gh;Aen« evamnre,hL:ard_sA:Awhe»z:e aiflifiions to afEio_n~,: :13 " ’Ydu.,.AAfagAhaeifswfévgare ~‘: %;A”%%Dot:le1'A*~:h?e%5wflifif V‘W=i?@0m $0 féfiflffi ' _“fS‘i‘a1*fél%f'»7atxd hkpeoplc AP Ifleknows not haw t0»m‘ake?=I»i1~%iiw6.Y.0fl ‘muff mendit A: +Wh’enAdid God chaflan-or judge mm, jand»%«zh;e1m gi‘veAh4imA toAAmbn-«go ;:ha£lAenA agai‘n?;Qr»:wher1di»d; Gods-peop_1e%;é§aLI ‘A‘?P°H"i?"¥1i115*A’3%%z’«f.t€¥ 'é9$.IQ='¢ had.» in 3 I.s~ Weary?‘ 0* 333%“ ,ing;%,i;1dr¢gém gcnf the ey—il,or,:« remiflsvin2AAexr:’cmingA‘Ah‘iS: itldge-r AI!_i€An;,that u"(Aou1iiiA,hAave II]€fJ~:_ta-k,€. it intoA‘*’their hands? Know; 5091331 II1_€4fIT; .youMr$ pfcza is your? condemnatioin, and What! you A bryinga-3_A your l’cre;.1g£~h, '1hews~ ymur4rebcl?1ion% and unfubjtfimn to the~Aiudgemen:AAofGod._ A A A; A A A % x‘ V A H .2. A You ax:gus,A p,;:g+.A - Na .ramarfi*...:2p;gam*ing: pnapvntianmsblma ;.t.rfa¢ .fiflbfizt;§A01fLG’;é5€.fi¥9fl;2?014f/h0%[d*{!‘6’g:flWdit;n?ithf;¢3'"flr¢;p,Qr1'£WWl§?6l$' A f6i§4i3r1aAef} wnmm’: him, I:Ierein;yqu;d¢Pwoy; anda.d enie t~%h7at«:hseeV~7xnt:-A up- -ADI1 the 10%‘ :A.0f7%GodA ;,A 011 elfe Ay,;c»u«qwaulfi rm, bringyfqrth {R011 A T hen 0. A» T‘ 3 A . 4~E¢~1*% % A A AA = V % Thegz Thzré 53*‘ no s:‘%la;zn"g]a qf: Jaw; flfep?é’tMbé;:}":afi¢g£A mar full ygeldiggg mail the partafiflf 1’ tfézlicfe Ana? Reflgiam Inttiréft ».A»{QttkQo.W not thesfi“éhrt%; ~nt§i.' fig: youiudge Gfffie I§i§1‘g§A~pfi~11_- ci%plAes,;A ; theymze ~.;t0m-.E:ighfo1‘4:you3 yoil Vlmdwnot west ‘owiffif ’ hea1Fts,_nnd Athefefcazsernot Mhis‘; ‘"YQQ€‘XP'*‘~'& ‘hee%AflIn"nu1d to‘ Gad, bum to yQu'r:t"m'gnA‘o‘r RetiLgAiAo:V1“ and .@uyéérnmAent ;%V% [éh“i:|«A: mnhmrcuunt any rhmg.» a change but Ayecldxng £01 he fl10nEd.A1i'e$ fhould% but bejézmza‘ tii;aaxi”?Is=a%e’t!aef 655144: inf ahansmzza NI e » A A ~ A ?1’:is&:L%t:tue,theA:,,Ki;ngghatd&y.A parts %Wi't‘»hA Hié r%i*ght;é’}idn is un"Wi:1!)i to: eo1I1:mitAth'e~Governmfint wlaafly into AoArh’AersA minds; butfie“ do‘n?e% it,shnugh;in,wea%knefsand dark%nefs,in a= fmolie: but yo}! tmqucinch this’ {m\okimgfl:1x,¢‘ is new the fpirit of Ghrift hejs in at; dojufbtimg i::0n*diiion-, fcvwcu willingneyfle toAyAec:1%d~,—: a~«fca?r‘w*of%‘ wmn”ging; himfsléfw, Lhis» Po&ve1riLt¢ie; a”nd:;ct:h‘crs by-‘ hi»s;granits' ;¥f;is4é A % é hard‘cafe‘,and..d¥efervesbowrelswof pity! d is pi.¥tie'd by tfiefberwfi-~* 615 of the merciewuf VGVoc_l,‘::Ath«c>ughr yfou dea1 ha‘rfh1y Wiiflfl ;b%iitjx1;.3 };:§’.s: as f:ard.?>'thi’ngAtm‘pm:t4fAwiu1r+ho%n.ouArA and greatnefs %; ivfs« é2tfi%er% far to {tick Sctoget it,-thenleajve it :Aa~ndiifym?1 could reinembef how“ V (Bud got g'round"i~no.ur hearts" Whenhe” came%to'%c"H“an?gé 115; A We uflfputdd every ~inch;a and’ never yéeldedi to tfihc-Lord‘ butfi‘ cqnfiraintmou ~weuld a‘ccep'!; of the%Kings*dDmp1iance : W"VB1»1t"‘4rc"-%% meb€r,tfi6fEcme»'wé4fm~e,@“c." You willhave occaAfior;§,e~::e Fangs A Atothink of this with Ahorrpr. A *~Thind;l3z;, ‘A1"’ou@65‘ gnu; os;ex%er1aa~anaA;us 5<=A1aw;~ §%¢#c”?M2vfir¢?tkam5t/4ptt?t}:iay eatiidifi“ 9 A A r*h5t3é1“~‘“tbéi‘W””Vl§'2§1‘.“L way: ‘l¢?14l<;e‘n;;riiI’u;;t&‘1e,;AP%::tm<:: fo§fi‘:'r1%6??&5t3i:eS‘«?u{é'5; A;:Vzgc1«1:atifi;3féd*3 té y;<5';u me~mer:hr1ngmg Lug» ib;uv:tha»f;hé‘»:;aa"g’H§ ai=:a”F§;6i4频 us and hf: us up agn.u§.i~A;hd.-=a1~L* rat>,;B1eA c:rx§aturx2%;botAH mvaxa 35 Bc'§a_fl:—; hav ha ire tfiahdued QI}‘31_'y‘lDteii'l$:ge‘t he iht0t9theftA hthds that thfcyh t_1iTi"ght \ ,_nZIA1fourthi*rt§§fott_is, he be aftméaflfid W4tnv;tah r21a£;m§t£nAttIJ:2r'Iat5- wggff atggpfi fip1;6£ic£. lnttriyfi‘, jtbxk. cartfiknttlyi ;a*ml urgweariedljn; ' n§A;¢‘mig%%'by §hett;way,tfit1 pmpufiAng.{ucht :Inh1ntere[;t+aAs‘A‘ A y_cJttghp°ld fqr}th;,tto be the~;ground‘Ofthe qtuai:tel,yA{o'u Alia» grdflyh-: for tpfg-,h;fhi~ngs, asypu prqpofe ‘x were never thoughtpnh ‘inthfi. A ‘ beginning of the quarrel; 3z€aA_,Athe;tP.a1:liament and wait! ,pro%--* " feffidhtthe con‘tmty,&c. nevcrto a1ter.theA (:’§overnm.en%tAAt;§‘5 new-tea eqhapge the funélhm enmll ; yen, to. prbte&hA:ltanB‘“fdefendthe Kifsgst Perefot) A; therefore the cafeano-w Rated .by:A:youtist:Ahfmuch diet?-= terentfromt what it.was;; yea; thefe hptincip1Aes, A youwc_re»-lately A “ not bm-Sly ignorant cf them, buttoppofed them," when held for-thr A by the Lfivellers ;; andiare indeed but the dufi or fhivAersotar;$1it» qr tbrpkcnf Kingdormgthat you ;.and they V have gathered togetherm bujld‘"your {elves I tne[t7with,t ahdt ttakeniwujpnowinAdhefignchonelg:A - t_o attttain your end, ‘malice; “atribition Aatjzd hrevengeu A A A A .A . s A ;_ButA byyou propofidg this asthat ag tinfl which the Kzngmadet’ war, you do the tIlOfi]_t1&‘ifi6t,h6." AK'mg that ever any we did "or can do as hAfO1'Y0f1rptc{ent form of G'ohvetn;ment is“ -fuch an head-4 ’h Iefl’e:tnbnBt:f, fixchAa hoddy-daddy; finch ifniall-Abreec’h, fo difirent from thc M aicflyt of tGod,;at§;d_t the wifdom of men, he th;,t;i-tA would it . ffigh§{O1id~3Qd fetioustnen to hthett arms : ifllhouldfight aguinflrah any thing;I (houid fight againft this. ..Andt.hdothnot yourfptefent: prafiice confirm the King and hispatty in‘ their way of war, ; wh;-ptheyA, now fee Clearly; whttbefore we conceal‘ii,tha”t the life qftthfi: King 85 his Pofibrityt i_s aimed“at:If there beItanyAtrenft5nfotl'a a.h1>nnce cc take up ar,tI1s;:j:gam(’t his fubjeétsgthis :is,wlihenjAm emhta» « tempt to deflroy his \Per{ot:,1nd ovetthrowthevery found xtionsi of Governmerit.’ fis tt,ue,f'o.rtaPrinceA to {trip ‘himt.fe1fwhollyofft h IlHIiL9 Dominion aI1dR.oy_:ltyin, love to his fubie&s,vandAto cure and 5C<3§V¢3_f.fl1¢5fi‘t1’€b<51li0I1§,ish Ch rift-like ; and the Lord‘ will eh:-5th able‘ the Ktng to n)3_»kC4\_I:fl-In hrefigmtion-of A311, and efa<1ifet‘too,it1-‘h tp-the hands 0FtGt>d-; and when he {hall do it,'.. i“t.w.ill bchist cafe? ‘M Ct1t%f1iV¢f1nce=£ht4hnd what the Lord require: in lightand mercy; ypu tcquitein dartkneffe and mA?alAice; for the Lord takes away? ttmhcmay tciflore again, and the Kihgflaallhby lofiflg fa.VeA'a1l ;«bY " A ‘Earring .W1d'| MSAPQWCK u. _totGbd in Adark and»ct'u‘eU men, T[h.Aal1t‘At f€C€iVetit3B3iI1}iI1tADtthetlifflttandgloryaof God. . . A t ., 011 .¢Qm¢::r_'4,g--16_g §0.$h€"_fCCOD4pa§§ gf§_hc.queft§on, and 1. [ea A A 1 _ { V A » cm‘ _. .--~ —— can i A cond reifon againflizicréom miodafiiony ‘try bf ":51? agreemimi‘ Let us lconfider iiwhateyoue would have teamed, A and? that is ex?- prelfed in your Rcmonllrance, Ifhit the K inglmla forflited all Ina r power into yam’ bandxigiii Thattb: pwplcymfg free to wake .tba”5efif§.zd... _ ’;yi4ntu‘ge:: And pag.,2.,7.‘ H 4225;: g» him rand, latlr party iicapriovutcdganrd . rbejir pom-rgancl ionitimcs youfpeak, Canqucfiwhich’ [he w;s,that we have gotten allrthc King hath; wellshavgby war,gotten advan-A _l rage of Vpowie;1ghonVqr,&ec.e And this is in danger now to be given la_wa_ylandlo[l_by%uATr»ea1;ie; We fee murder will c>nt.A.f;l what hath if binfwhifpereid in: corner,is com e to be told upon the houfe lop: j We have allrhis,whi1e,to fullifie our {elves in thiswar,faiid;T-‘hat “lone war was but defenfive; and indeed}? it’ prove otherwi{e,AWc _ mull reperflt 0f.it,andi beartheflmame of1t;and now the truth {hal ‘comerforrh, Iimulhdeal plainly with yooand niyfclfgeie irideed“ ‘ its {:5 roxrelin your wri:ing,that it iwa‘“a not, onely defen{i'veA , \ but i ioffcnl1gve,that it; cannot be concealed; and that wehad defignes of ‘particular interelliandmadvantjage: When we began the war there jwas this-in our minds , and hath been in our mindes continually, That the King and his party were wicked men, mdnot worthy ‘ore fitifor their places and power they had 5“ and that we were i Saints,godZy, and they didproperly belong torus: That the Saints A are to hawelthehigh places in the earth,and now was the time for L thefe thingsito beperformed, ancl nobody is now {it to admini- ll fier)'u{‘c1ce,ro rule over ruengbut we alherefore we alwgxiesiwere glad ofaby ofihe Kings waies that tended to differenckfic breacli: A glad when -he lefthis Parliamentiand took Arrncs,~thinl’ ‘ l‘ V ;«:ni'§nig%.ye4t‘h=ie~*§s ‘p§la§i‘*;§ 210nm.‘ °y&$uA §fVii‘¥iif; §a*‘tid »s»hath?*fo;ord'ared it, that 2. %Tx>ea»tVi¢"i3.§* éh‘ tb‘i%ttie t‘hit)g’s;’a‘nd —%yoE”1~are :ief£V%dutgareVii=1z%ly caxrmore 4p1gtés;wfiit‘l§_ yaph axidyo nr !?frié‘nds havfifi newt: :a=tmin% thbfé *'gi:s1¢3Aa_~n days wyou&to“:ras¢: gou find farncys“o£“’:ai'gning‘toA be hi‘: 3 d»réa=’aE3;t’Iiatyg;fi mme f:.déwB¥" ag”a:i«%«aV%Lft£an=a ma; ydu%ha‘1$e gotfei3;;,‘ * éhd hppefi “to A gct ; A ' yonrWout‘ward‘ and fiefl11y%gl0%ry isdyir»g;1i::3a4AAf31eedin%gin‘t3a;;cA}mE- A firaéle ixcozwenéensc efa‘1'reaty;t#3:§r£»fizé%£n§Treg£'};when yo:3j&% ‘%3yg1§r%friends%inthe=.Houfean%d«abroad; fimi % A med up tc2iA%yz~1 will 101% nmthixng, Ah{.*xtV% kgep w1yhatyAQu ;%"1§3.vesig‘m5»»% zmfi é"W0’¥;1'1~C1’T by Mvvar> and. farcé ‘Viécum Awfiwa;"by force have Won :3 *=m'*d ’t**¥€.**¢f*orh@ca11 M-‘t?a“e%*ri2rg.€a!I ¢n%c[4 ‘ffim-ifs)!"(3i:§k1“fl7§);7réflofl'afo;3:. " " ” V‘ A‘ ” " W , T ~ Now then to conc}t1«de% this ,yc.~u1 are not‘S§intS yefgf Sa‘in‘ts wgjll V %~§)a6t“?Teék~a Aki:%gd;.{1ci‘a’13_\y%%‘ theideflru-flion ofothers; nor rcjoycc: in é;;.;-.1113; figvfiflcf 0~’£fi€~rS ,' Vfilthfl‘ fin orpumfhmen I"; gjtherg A , ” %sh%*tvthéy‘m*a? rifesgnvt.a%dvm‘6 th%éti1#f¢1‘?.csf>rv%=snArmy €0II>psé(d o’faun‘g*odlfy Maui‘; :1o:%by»?t‘orce,,,}. Eaz:;tf1t£s}c”4L‘:‘”"5‘(‘_e:f;i;. ggm-!3g;m5*“g5;g f ;§%Ar*e§%’gn 4n&é:t&wit§ii%§~:sai4n»g, aiid t2mTewV§1’1 A;[’;1~gjve $;si§1;sA%b’e«€¢%r¢A4’gm, .?h,“‘5Y0*1*!‘§t3.§h!§if3f§?»§V§‘?§¥V$???/11“”“"W<:"7'?‘4'.‘9)"9fi’~‘=’5%]f?*“’P"’~ .K;I=9;v!f (25) itnéfi ESE; that lsaints rights are fecute in Heaven, and‘~neetl’no‘t beg; “ fecutityof men V: I fcom that Caufe‘, thatis fiibjefi to mine and i afraid. diefirufiicn; fancl therefore, your fears and {ad exprelfions ef danger: _ impending, fheWsyo.utFoundatie>t1 to be upon the Sanclls : I Jmgbl at yam‘ deflrmfiiefls, and meal; when jam‘ fmr comes. ,Youfflive in God, {land f‘ClI'iGOCl,V and the Gofpelof God, and talking at‘ mine ainfcl de{’cm5ho%n; bafe is that Way, anti iaccurfed, that is fubjeé} te fuqc°h black thoughts : Out Caufe is immortal, ’tis eternal, it lives and triumphs in death ,is gain in lots, dePcmc§’tion is Far from us, we know it not ; fizstfit made? our own Vim and Fig-tree, am’ H0348 makes 2:; Another thing in danger, is, Per/Em: engaged, the Pazrtj azalbetfng, 3.’QL1harp often uponthts firing, P.ag.2 8,29. our dt five times ; ycita thinkthe Kirég Wi/155 reftieflged afjam, fbfjtwr c=:m.£;za2tt a-Efivizjt aglstinjf 175;». This clifcovers a bafc andepocn: {pint , and unbeieoming Chtifixan Soulcliets, to continue war, break off peace, clefigne the mine of the ‘ King "and His Family , _ fubvert the whole Government of the Kingdom, to fecute your own lives and this, I know, is one main i mtonlof your ptefent a6’tix{ity,“ and others are but aflumed and pm- U tenéled to ‘CQVGE this ; a Principle very deflzruétive to a Kingdomsli Peace, and eétittaty to the Spirit of Chtift : Fm'2:,% ‘ax fimra em! ’ t/gal pit, A/amve t4@fl laald of you, that are forced to ciontinue the clifihtb-’ ance of a Nation, and all the xniferies of War upon us, to fave your felves. _t Let us [fuppqfe your fears (and the fears ofthofe that are called honefc men, For this Is, a general diflemper) ta be clemonPcrati<;>tas,; as doubtlefs to yon th€Y €=11‘<‘?a and that indeed the King fhoultl pticklom: a_ tlt>z;en,tn: twenty, or tnore,hto“ fuffi-at; what then : Suppofe I vfveta. Vomf:-of them, I accotmtthus. IV have vifloty overs death , ancldeath is fwallctswed tip xkihrftory, ancla.theref’.-xecarinot Fear it, am free from is, death cannot hut:tme,. i .I_fp0tt with It,“ am above his reach ; I live an immettal life’, and ttannot fee idleath ; and he that hath“ not this fteeelomwt is a ‘ Vllave. lSecond.ly,< I have no .lif‘e ll3utttuth; and if4tfl1tl1l{}€3(ilV€lI7lCl3€lCll)§!.l fuffetingt lthen/my.life allo : If Truth live,“I live ; if ]t1Pcice,live,; I live ; ‘~%3~t.1tlthefeecannc$tdyeV,but by any nmtis fuffttin-g are etfxe ; lat ed,l etxtthtonecl gt andflfol am enlargedl: IF AI, or -my ofthetg have is life tl~i{‘ci:_1&fteitn TruthVi,tiits;a%1y‘e; ‘ difiitiét_h£tomjulli¢e, it$.t1U-:- E Thttdly pofi%tions«:~j V ‘or “if atjyflmuld «feek my 1iFc,%I"Vwoui‘d* beconterrt ac gwe it, that 14’ {night live again in thtih‘ fouls Arxcls‘ this”*is the Way of thiiifi Goifpcrl‘ ta: overcome Tyrants, and no other way, and to gain I§ingdoms~~in-1*‘ " Feurthly , I count it not an honfilfic life that needs fmh farce; with {O mncix mifery} to the Kingdmm, to m‘2*i:':t:a:in? if; gbut on t{he% other &fi‘cIe,V I 4am: "engaged‘tQ *fo‘1*my Cmntrym and I %fm»1;1 more advantage‘ the ’Cau‘fe ‘ Lib‘Ef%ty*‘¢%~%a:nd Egfiligirow arzfi fingle fufferirfig thét ispure, than *w’e%.'%.a":i‘ve dcme: by aii « t":2?é Bfood’ Sfiraafii‘ been flied in this rude wafy*% War ;_ V_ and 1ay%:: .b¢‘r£:er a1ud{%:'¢32:'2ger P;oundat1o;n% a‘g;ain{’c Tymnxiyj lélrmur , than all chcfe vW'ars; “t1d% it ran" :1me§ mcaréi‘ ‘hozzo:fibl“eAV far a fin 3% erflon ,‘ Air} W5r::m:fl3¥ J . * ‘ \ P . M ift_‘3gI'ru‘:h; tc: oppofe ‘the, “Woifi iii i*ts"P;ovver,V %Wi£&mn,» anci%*Auth6~ my, A fianding in izsi full ::;ha‘t% arm? fi%ng1y4,T % ghtlng ;m,t‘ny'Battc§s“by Pirxny.-forci=j thrs is b1?‘utc%ifld_.,* cemmmw: 3 41 thrc? ache: %gCF1ri£’cian, %divi’£3¢s hbly, ur feivesvcornes from aflavifhw fizxar sf" dea%th,T'Vf’mm ~ any anwi‘11ingfier{s‘ E0 fufier‘, mac! % want of**the% Vpbwetnf gedIi%r3efs~~ to? fl'!'€’€‘fI E113‘ POWEE éf'th‘e“Wor1d?~ With; A2rn&true’aen+d %hea;vén1y*1>ov1e»» to your Cmmrry :. You, know no«1:that* C0mma‘fic1?,E;5I:%efimax5; V2»; Wfi/ki%’10tve as Clam’/2 azfi imria lewd m‘, wmdw/o;ztIjV g£?a%m at flrz£7*:’_fi6“e‘ I19 G”a;i4°forgzfweet‘[meJ?£:vzgflwaz%r5 If you has} ’fih§«vS?*‘?c4%”ff§’2?? [await ’i¢s‘7“"('2.¢4€1.51:,{,7A47a’r'.§,~;£4V c?’mfc=ai‘ 5; ifyour life‘ were in'd?eed* unipecl ta" G<3Ad‘~,;, A C}§7";ifl1' W¢=r;97 }‘Im‘“?‘ T[;fa,T or that yo1:rIov%edothersa- foa%s@youcou«1dQayé for them, you would natAnow%be to feek for fecuriry: ’Tis~A‘y-wit’ §f€3t%f€§T,%€Ifld €Xpi‘€fft‘:’d Paige“ 3»?-3. you may 6 a made gzfézcrzfice : That“ which i‘s' pmpa;>£'&d~ to you: God, upon the examplcvof isabhorred by you. If Chrifihézd beenled by this giriAncyipI*e,.Vw?h:eji1 337€“faW his: Ehemiesw E'ngaged againfl him to {ask his Me; to: ¢fi%wcL » their %1iFe‘fto;fecure his ovyn, lye had not fhewed whimfékf Ttzé fie thté Son of~G0d ;& And you,‘ m,th1s, éeclare your A?fe1ves~&-ncz-ti to V §f¢:§¥h¢;§onsiof God =..Ic"s no J,u1’cice, lefs. Piety, (:0 take away=nm- >4». .;4~ “ 1 u,_ 9 M othcxsf fhthets ~1i6e~t'é:fayve burowh :' l'.hat"’s the way 6'? God ca: lay agwfiymg lifefot7othets; andethafsalwiclted life that requires other menelives to'ma~ihtain it, that ca«nt1ot.{taI,1s:llbu‘t by others fall. A A V “ "7. Now let us confidet the Retifons of the hfecurxty of the publitlte Interefi in" this eaccomrnodatioh; —you;< gixremany, and may ditre nytnore, confiderlngt how much wtathGod hath let out xfpon the ~§worlcl and allpatts .of.i:; to deittoy it:Tis’theleafie£tething now tzm can be no findtouclways ofruine:bu=thafd to findwétysefpeacegaod thoueh we mull confefs »you;_ very quick~figh-ted in dificovering of dawegy " l “ ‘s. ‘I and very fenfib1tmt~evil, yet we will not admire it as any excellent piece"of_policy, but judg it as the effect’: ofalfeatful and {elf-condemn. eingfilirlt. l A In the firft place, youfallt down into the obfervation of paft tixnce ' - he J . 0/M/ZmgVe_/far} for mzyiyzfiwrzcte, cfivc. page 2.7. There is, I know ‘ . ’ ‘ M ~ \ M u M 4 a good ufe offtoryg but in on 1t is adulland h€tC‘r0~’3‘{3n V anda looking back for firength, declining your oxv1'lt.p?inceigll:=: you have profelled ; new light, the Kingdom. of Ch.rifi;, .1-_0tbelfCm. ,E& 53:11 by Ehé Spirit and power of God; and theft: thinas tvi11my.{ )2,” lre]- fiiig-~o andet {<9 not It/firzgt : For htif‘-t}7GL1‘CO‘11h:§ 1001<‘L1pOn them as V ?ZaZ.t!«.t7‘5zl‘-, or 7~'{g/at and jmfl,~ youtxad reafbn TC5 think“ they were la’/fixgw;-' for Gee! is the prateEZor" O£’_]¢2f/3' ti?-£7zgt=; and. riig“/graham tlaiezgx are .er.e;rmz!=~,,~_eeas Fat asthey are riglgtaom , and fiend ‘firm againfl: ah the pewetseof ~He1l .; iand if they xvete»fet»in}*a‘u and them, or as fir as they are fo.,_,a11 things that appear agaizzit them, wit! be a’o¥./ét in peace: , fzzflitc being an hitwittcihle Roch‘: But you. ate extream zfenfihie” of their goingthack’again* {OF the 13:4 3;. fiiim whence .they- eame ; and - retttrningv to». - their Ort'gie- If yeti» did 1‘m”deed t=be1i’eve~,‘that-theiorigirzalof«*pawi»r weree iAn.lh the Peopie , thefe gxmgts would refiswith you; and if’ there bhetfany mate hehxnde, youmtglat beper{yva‘dedh7 they wdulde fteeiyfoliow ' “ t::1ent.. (29) t11ehtoftGod,l tuoto th‘eir center; Butit feems jfott finde hopéace 5 i,n,thefe , 4 and complam of the danger you arein.oFolofiug of them, . which tfhews thofe things have no good lwtmm otfa:z;2d.etion in”-your. tmtgd know this A, to That thefe vialcattl cozdjes that you are upon ,. of ldfl1.«a£m£2~_:gomm' reztlaamcirztg all depmédzznce on the King , or m:bo}?;£ l \3’z't£: /aim; azml am zzttcér rejeélioyz, e.rt*p.»>t!_,€o;a dud depafzs-re 5 eitlggr of bzéttmhole race, and 4/1 that claim it #P0?¢ rlaefszme azecomat of Right; 0% 317 /W1]? vf /9:8 pdrticiilae‘ Pexfim, and 'execfi£tiofi.afj#;/lice :.~:po:4sz= him, Phage 28. will not fecure what youhave got ,‘but rather It is‘; the way to lofethem, and {er up P2~z‘nce.svin:: higher way then ever; for allethings bemg by force, compelled from their nature 3‘ that force being removed , they return with the greater eamefmefsf; and nothing that is mzmx, can be perpetual : A Befides, He rbggzf: A will flwe bur lzfe, //‘mil la_/E gr 3 efpecially wlzeu it is going, and men ufe wicked wayes totuphold their tottering flate, then» itgoes, has we fay, Witba vengeance; and that is your condition : God A fayes, ‘tn your hearts and confc1euces,. youtilauding is corrupt and ungodly, and he hath a; quarrel agaiuflivt}, anditmuft fall. The vrumou to? your full (in rel'pe6t of. your prefizzt gmztnef3~ ) A four-ads [iuyour-l lbofomes, and it is that which puts you up- on tltefe coutfes to fave yout {elves , which will haiteu your ”‘ fall. Tihirdly, V Your deco fault that you have ol the Kings recovering l}wI.::utt Iaellwit/9 left, of /95:: gettixvg into /we fear and t/arme agein, mid of the d£s‘}5ofirianof the genera/lit} of people, to /delp;/slim ‘ftp bisléelabetd A degztity : Wheulce you make fuclxtotal conclufions, fiat anal} of pm. £5a£:z'£it.£e.sf of winger, but crermizt infecvtrit], mzdpezrpetzml prejwdice to pzzféiilge irfzterefl, fzlgppsfed the befl con_/firietiaettmtzd flrifiefl olamt l imggizméla, (*2-c_. Page 47. A Theft things do declare» that thefe Cori.-1 -cffffious ate v1‘10txl0ng_ll?V€Cl , and do prophefie. theteéltitutio;:i'ofttthe Kitag to His ancient Rights , and giv.e.a cleatmftimonyoto the; immot-5; talityaud flability of Kiuglinefs. to Al 4 J * ' < '4 « ' You fee that the King hath a will to redeem his prefentlofs ; you maytlfee» it in our own hearts 5 . tl1§1t«€V€Ey_ than hath a lull: after power t andau£l_1ority; aud you havefeeuit in l1isjcouf’can«t.catriage: « For my .patt_.;,I coudemul his ~uulawf'ul —fC€l{lf1g> ot «it, andloanyfalfhood in it A; :; butzf*he fhould uotendea-vot, the maintaining and teftotiug of the tliguityu of Kings , He were lalfe to his ttrult , and the Glory and ' Maidfiel of G t that it it inttufité *;\«*.v_i.=_l1. M1 thtrtfvre that: *&;;;}:‘hE&‘¢fireh’heiF 16%,; gs» jafeifiahic ~hy1ih»hhim3 hyea, I‘.flieui‘a mnaemn f hhim;- a‘sh.unhelievi;jg;‘ Ami: W«;@9.k“;ifph1ri;€d} sif (he>1Ild<}n:3i1: h§m5pe,;_far‘%s:, gym‘: a”ft'7 1t -.-Bug I here"s his mifery, aha fmj that ymt aitehr:ot’acqu%a1xat€d with that =fuin§‘fs A of p‘CihW€et.jEI=§‘ht”*f§_in God “to difpcnfe, and that w1{dom.whereby'5it ' fhahllhbe difphfedhg fo that he lhali have asmuch and more then *ever A he baa, and YOl1’_aI1, and more‘ than you defire ; and charway wm ‘behuld do, or What: is in your hearts‘ ta do It fa-ems yeu are able E0 teach the Kfing deceit, and cc: flaéw%himaM~wayto 4efca‘pe out of 1331 engagenurxzstsz C‘l:2.;zr”it} Atlyiszkgtlg aw evil, becaufeit% %t~hifiks‘¢n0n‘h'mg but Gtwd 5.27.? 1ms2pc—.wz£! tiévimgf, !ac~$+ Iaa*z2e.s* all t~k~i;2g:, beeau‘feVit~;fees G.<>jd at %the+‘?):3mm1~.ef” aIi%:i2in§;§ : 7 Ban: you hope for nothing butdeceic, faifhood ‘zmdw treachery, We to aim wail], to da good ~ 22:59 &na1':=lc=aige : You fpfialk evfi, b€:~t:Canz10E% peak gbod—';v:a*r§J 98511,‘, and V0y€§%‘a§g19ad,.QT8W€S you - rmptyefonea ~ A and funasme mm. .. L. ; “ _ ' ' A. 4 Fgfthjy, t ,_ ‘( 3 2 , 41 . ,- W, “‘iFiFth1y, Youtexptezfs a multitude of dangers ready to come upon do *by‘ this Treaty ; from the King His rep:4'mtiaa2,, pert] their molritnde, *-their aé?£e/itf}, their greazmefs ; fromanérond, fitorn lame, from they t1’m9lz'emaent their dit2Mom,t.§a.eir ézzrdening the people with mxmfrom -at/yefvrce time :55 aspen the King,‘ t’§“c'.. Fear /791%.-tea/{«_5’?¢ hold of’ you, it wenoompalfes you about on every fide ; yLikettCm‘2a, rl1atfays,.Eoery we +t/mt meetetb me,nvz‘/25/I we ; you know no fafety : Can this bea 9 away of God 2; Doth not God efixzzétlifi a:¢r_gaia2re;:re=z2:_[fc‘z’: of}ag»:»écz¢rA amllcf dif/:~wzwr; both .;1fefl1AllT Tooclo prol*1ml3le;Ca4p“tivltAy is l3¢corl1‘e foal: captiW;d€.ath ; A19 o llfgfzfiiC:OlflAfufi‘oll*:jhatln its bAE.aLml[”’,l %t;ol;A&1}A7_ Wm‘: all t:Af‘.$§€C1l€17t5 as’ l'"ll"l"AAA“ollir"~[llol‘zAf7‘y AAtl1cm _.-, our ‘H lllE€l'€fl; lateral’: is pu~blique,_: extendsl mall, and all are, m2rVi1atercl’cg ll Thirdly, We aim in heaven, paace.-skin Mr wozllig flfldflientflmifi» OW _ pnlaccig that w_0rd is performed to us,‘ *7”F.r:_}s /M/eaaézzzz 223 warm; we kn ow no will in our Pamdiflgnot eating _‘Ol°_Eh€f:o}'éidde:¢ flmfr; an is go0d,im all we fee a fmlllng?,_bright,fW€€t face of Majefiy; We l_l‘l/€‘L1pOl‘1 Mount Zipzgand itlfs large 6-f10u»g_h to rcccive 0l1rn_,fQtll$§z bolldies,l%¢ll'at¢:s, l.iw:cs,'fa_milies,,allis taken within the gates of the Holly Cicy,%az1ld~:tl1is City reaches Ow-2r all thc eanth : Here we Aerzw joy all thingsfixll pcrlonsfifil a.€ti@.ns,.wrel never goon: of i::”,r':3u: lisrc in tht: llpeaczz and fafcty of is; ,¢:,ommu:a.l'lv : ~And here there xsm ’.>.":1£»’/'?"£62357’/lS’,‘i’207“a?£’éZl‘!9, Jtmgw and /rlgbing flée ff*0mem;,G0d Wfpfifmli V wearer fibm,a:;r.:ye_a-., and en;'o;yning él1is,:md all in this, in {limb and poxver; we nlecdl no clef'e.nc_e, mg fal‘e,ty,buc, out owr1l_ r0%c.l=: A, Om 3202559 Wait/9 zés from bwzz/e,z¢.»_ l A l l O ‘_E0llf§l1ly, Ifear fig.-:z’d, yoxzhugh :.m%i\:;&yoL1Vk%now yo:1r.asm":22a!a.rr.z:le 2.1: How drirvcd in the Waridjas diB:i21VfG~od;and {G are dag,r~,= r.a;e‘d by Go<.»in1t:0* V afiithy kenxmeil of baie~~nI1.1ngs gfifld are fea%rr'L':21asda‘g:: Gad Vhazéi, ~b=':a»ten:yoz2 bytiaefiing, &}<’ep::you% aznéw, x/‘cums féaffuii of ;ti1ei,1n3e hzmci ‘f%21,& t£':2.:fsk ’%:w:i bi: wo1*feyet,we fhaii ifi1fr7:fr again; « an<*§.zha:»£«:-sts gram. %b:.u;ki:_1g,%e:322t ym:rw.ra.%:hfL1Il angry and: feifrca; 22‘"‘::uf§;":a;=.1‘f.’y£:w.2 wait: with your P'u.‘th,er m ‘his p»refem:e a,s~.;Sonnes‘, these ciamomas wouid ceaige, and synzz would be above all , ‘, afld “ geosito aii, a::d.§3;s£¥:: 2.1%: as you: Parshazr doth. “ . .%j.Th:s igamain MroL2;1da.w"o%rk.of vo».:rwhol¢bufines - tha V . g . ' _ 3 t1a’W ‘0fn:m1reVwr.’mich% _tz' pr«o4t'r:i3’.E.j-c1_Chgi{’:iax1s to f aflv fo‘ xow , g.re;a;w=i<:l<:ed<;1r:£1ca:-aci a»c%«z2:*:7:, _ V * % ‘ , 1 A. A V’ ‘You doein t£1i“s, df;-fcgiz}£%%f‘e n}ee$j~4sw+i4i§.1 {W0 OE)/i”3..’{afi»0fl§a: »= L H FirP17,y0‘ur.0wn foramer declaritag%f'<)1't§he*K’in fiaiattic E0.trC3uM£T ‘$70!: ; but with i”on1eei§.fficul:y {crambpg aver ;,t., and I'tEI)j.E;f3(£{IT‘-;ntffi_'1*:éE. ipirit %t‘§?m:,youare inwih if.ér*}d,at* nothing: W; L wiil =O¥i1€’3J«-911173.’ this,, that §t..sy~ br;?é.%{§J;ng thafi: P:0p9:ZaI%I§;— you jufizifie an ’ t tslxe breach of p ::oVmiife in the ~Kii‘:2€_§1~~¢.f3t"’ 3ny4:i.ith<;,%m,~ arid do, min; on...“ . Egg’ 5~a<'e.¢zf.Qt/‘$154 'cfamm»fmd,\ émrmcla mcW'£a~AdoA _/I9‘; for “upon [hf-: "p::“in€i-'~. . R323 e;fy?oV::r*»apolQgyfora.y0g1r%fc:1ves,g:vcry man i+s‘fret:efroni alirau ‘ . ¢ - % g;~:gemients=wi'1at{’0e§{L1+fav_;,p2;§.:43eVcc$n§erniLn”g;yom:‘iA%compiyanggéz V.g-,,;,§htffe_:% ; %,fiExng>Jf’¢2,w!} ,i¢e~c"sflz}ntmg mjfar «tba Ivrefimt pr5fvwt£orz‘% ofj/M, b g,” ._ D §m;;£gd%V : we were dmzw £239 fiat‘. if %m’an for was:/frjtj, . p;¢é’!£»Qe aZ.:zz2ger,‘fay gr. dung the eigi; he perfogme it no £*g':7Vz'ef “ta t§J'z2% pzaélikw, rheywere rfimzing into im~_tbatié§nde H45.-r.wg dFP,,;.,_ and to ayciié. 9.»; .Fh€2.‘€V is m;V;. V great evil} igiitg A A S€€Z9n¢11Y§~;'§¢'fi3¢% %nWd¢r¢;t£a»gV{’g:§g¢{4,4.fig»? Hyz9atlaéti:;}§;&'; ‘That . w, , ‘ ‘ V ‘ N "F . ~ . 37“ % no fiich%engag£1:1ez1ts*A are abfoiute,‘ but cficm.sZ pazrmzfl comg./&Ix,¢ paw. 4.4.: And pag. 2. you fauupon it a.gain, andthére yen fay wax“: {ed to it by %the%Pa&r1i%azIisncs.4 cyolurfczfi and}r:ow.fi Godhath 0-« % pcned youx‘-ey€s,.»zm1 léx}a:¢fi=e' %&gyw2dnrlaat 3074 J£v1.,é€fbrEgI j Timirdlyflfe gzémaé mrazt thgflrekrbewéiéeg m~ fi=lz1.5e: to we rzém ofmzy .How< 4c*}icc:HcmtIy doe you’ teach ~_men to goe from what they‘ ~ - have faid; ift;aey.fee’furti:er andnin repen:it,~,they_are free: See‘ I imvv aéhrgnxinaiisifi %‘re§%agiQn is» whcn once corrupttzdz Ther€’sm'.>» A A khtd: cfmen can%beA1%hcE1% complcmi and new knavr‘:s,»as a j<:fu%te3‘A a Pi,i:xri1TAe, an%o%ldd4Vwc1l Pcudimf profuflbur of 1=1<~:1igim;1 ;. when omic mcnscenfcienccss 3redefi1ed,*aVnd they being 120 muiein ti-use Woricg, {with a~pteter:ce that "tis fer God, » thfy cargfo cunning, that no; bonds of honefiy er faithjcan poflibl-y hold them. 4 % ‘ %’ aThis_bLxfizzejflE3 ofyour repentinga 'conc:mzvi.n;:3 ysur farmer Ac<::rtn=é-~ pliancc: vvzth t-:h<:: Kzng, :s a great fir.:ri him who knaxves ygur wayes.;am1V%.v,% *3 . hearts. ‘. . Firft, That it was% not your firine to mriy out princ5p~Ies?04f‘rm»~. A g2gr~m¢:fle’and g6ad%£fl2" to all, and 0f—fa?fA and genTzIe?%de:aIing. ';,o;- A wards enc.mie_s,a«s¢yo’u;fcmmr}y did in ymxr px‘o»pofaIs%: -Ewtttto 6'06: . this falflyéand lxypocritifqaiiy, to take theft L2ga2&e—Zi1ge{propefz*1ls; V so céfzrcr a‘ Rm2e:»zi;aag Warlfa; or:dtAafi‘nme athemyuot out ievc to »them,"bgnt Lo_Tgainl1g.54. but not fo fir0ngly,b1itt/.'t*fnkzre ‘:2: broken, mm’ yo»: /mwll am" l2om£ff' ‘mzy"t*o cfimpe fivlanyothings you bring to q1aiz:.yo:.1_rl”el\=os from in; that claufis, In the prcfirwzrzéon aftiae rm Rdligicw and liberty of the Kingdoms, P613’-l$§..1f£££?‘nZ7!fdF3 evillflwfé it: czzlxfar repcntmzrc, pafi; ~ _5r7.Thls however wall n€v€f_f€lil¢,r€p€uta11c€ knoxveslbow to ma - gvva§,v any Covlenant..Th€n you plea dftwas ’: wax: mm; mm? mm, A and would mzclude rhellfiing, 44‘ mt prefiicitlor» c.:.mflmti:4g,* p.-zg. '58. and after would exclude: God from below an thm but 4 7:75:24: e, :3 Y 3 ‘u « pag. 59. You.woul.clh'avc%God,,havr: as.;lit:leino.erell; in it as you Can: ’Tis afvery ill tempefofjmind that le{Tc:ns~ tlieintereff ofG,od» in our afllxircs: Its an ill tongue rhatis an oratourkforlmanfinld d,e~ nies God;r.hat.lZ1i€s God z'.a'5z»1t I/az{g5:T.‘is no dllhonour to t 1:: Kifig who left out , where: God is not admitted to be 21 party, onelly a "Ioqker on : ButGodfaies, P17/:MZ[)’c7# did to axe oft/jtfe lirtie ane:,ym- ‘did ta-me: You vowd come in the King; though .3 llttlt one,impri~g lfoned, ficlc, nakeld ; ‘yet from oath is to me. Godfaics ,” I put: in the prefervation of the Kings life l and an-4 thorityinto tlic.Cov.ena,nt, into all your oaths and protef’tati- ‘ A %onsl,lon purpofe to fave him after alllhis fllffc'.‘t'lngS for fin:And ob-l» Qfffvanoce 15 ducto me ;, I wasln tl'l3£_COVCl111§l_l2,‘ ando will pumfhlll ‘the breakers : Where a_1:e you now P‘ ‘ A " " , Concerning your breakingthis.COV€n:ml:;in .a i;liln«gfo exprcflhrl lfoagreeable to all the Parliamentsl Declarations and Remem- 1{lra'nccs,’we will lay ClC5VV~:nC».th€f€ three clonfidetations. wa- «Pirll, ThatoO‘aths and»~Covenants_. the. m airie. pilla1‘s~of.hufnane llfocicty, the g_i‘catC{7c dcterminoers oE,controve:'fies,the chiefs par: lofdivihc woi“fl1ip,is~joon this agomo{’c com"monl“y violated_.aud: Em» ~ ' %"l‘pudently. paropwhanejd: Floor w.orlcll'w.ha.t will youdo? Thy great fecurity from ~da'1i1‘go r, Datlas, t-hy Phyfitian that hath cnrcdll thy breaché5.of:en,_,an,d heald difiempers ,_, is blelcomlle ioel&”e&l1all ; There is fuch~wickc.dl1cfl-2:‘amongfis"us,_and.lthac.lcrep:l%i‘ntolthebc—fE A V of men, and .undc*r7fuch p1fietcr1ces’of piety to Go d,that no Cove- nants will holdt“hcm:’ Certainly if God'tloth.n”oc llmlani-fell all mm lanai cvarla/iimr %am-nzznzltolcompofel and bindfus: tog¢cl1'c:r,y we‘ {hall live in a wildemefloofl1orricl;confufiofi. 7 LI 5§§.ondlyg Illa: theft: alrel'lthe.llafl and pgrilovzé times fpoken‘ of, I o) ‘I j"2"T1z‘m‘. .3.1;.' 8ec.;%.lné tliat §?m1*aamz?:gll 0:"lxer.ar,are»tl1e pelople tlllere ‘ lfplalieza <95,Elazzsrs-af}:v%2:2?;;'?=!wa:; Tl3,;aI:f’5‘3_§,?QL§»x‘fl;;2d.4%&aenf.azZlL;:w,J91?»l V A V l’}V)}:'€fTf?‘’3;}é#§‘l3“£'}‘?*2':;'3.§}{'i*[1353g17Q’l.I§e}d’'0f‘YCl..lfpf€f.€§3E‘"3€fi1'lg$ , r0"i§:m:ucle jy~:3ur 1l't:lvé::’;si:“3tOItl1e'WQrlds fireegcncéfle 5 out of a ' ‘lxllgh Opmtfltl of 3). ¢ l ” ‘_6,*70lli‘()‘‘l.fV'f1l{£l'E’f<;‘‘1‘E§*5btl1lIl}{lIlg3f0Ll§r‘'ff:§‘JCS o1:1‘ely~wife,1uft3l1oly,4h0~+ ‘ 7fi1o:Iral3l~‘_;23z;t*. l ‘M I c(§«‘i§lclll'l:e'w 3:912 “§l1cl«0thex*l‘gpa:*ticvllars T, and lmayl la’ timeapply l I lllfthlc Tcxcltsfirymz, ll-fyoas repent mt ; ban: fair the pml"cnt0Ccafi'l0?n~(3 ‘l‘Tc'i3‘l'aid5tl1erc.* they fhal b€‘Tr¢z€;~7é;.fe:2£{e?.5'§ §m:a:'Jlo.f, agcunfc rccorn-5, mocla£:on,ln0L treaty ,% no a§;*r<*:em€n¢c .: Or ' blreakelrs of _ Com. ° ma exquAilEte’.;5 nant, aid the: l l llTll§rcily,lTh9,z§ Ckzllvenarits being the flrengzh of llmmanc-focieln ~ 7ties,:sz.z1d”%fo_g2‘eat bu‘lwar§i-:s of the w01“ld,dc-gcnerzited or apoflafiw V 'l-ed Rellxgliozs 13 ch? grlrzzmtengine (sf Gods wrath appoimed :59 A break: tlmn downe; folémnc Oatl-as andlfiovenazjzts aria able ta l hold moll.l;nens$ cor£fciences,bm: men heighmed gbgz Region limo *-that-forxnslofthe fpiriz:,doi~ng thin gs; by immediate dlrelt:afi1re , and ex?- piatelinfis a.ntmpat*a;leld wiclcednelit, anti aprogt=€’c:3s tfoolilhly A contrivedto quiet the t peopljebytalfisyg away '3. Ptincx: l3.;lOVC(l of his people, indet:t"a;l to them bv hxs Jl!Jflt’Y‘iI2gJ; whole §_>;mn;a;~;m-m-it (though filll of W: aknts)was for better then thofe that lutsccd him; % (4-5) a %‘Pri;mrEngx: Youhave, by this 'jQy:ned y-our fc‘1v%e*sV tothc: pfii 11ceefAd2rkn¢fi'é, departed from G033 m;the God of t%hiswor=ld_;, %Vby%W‘h-ichS:;1t%%an%A%'ha4th betrayed you,‘ fpoyird an y0u:r%g1%o%ry; % go tten t%%bdfe~«gpod t kings ’C3*od*gave yang ; * imohis paffafiionfiand imployes them” ag7:a;i4n%{% *the'Lm~d,. and takes A thfi Poor .vp€OP5€ %’Of God %c:;2.’ptiVve, toferve in the :fou1€ afidbafe W31“ ‘3f the W91“ 53nd~%1?hV¢ L‘01‘d~ ¢ne*W‘60m*es~ far ~ i%u‘5fiiceLa‘gawinf%~% V > T J ‘ * « tbzin V (43) A 513;’; fizirituaflevfelgednejje inlfigbplacexg yot1'have‘deaItagainf’t{'o1aIl" petty coeruptions and have {em them executed; but now the e544 vii lmth corrupted all your gifts amt! graces, and fpilt the blood of Ch:-ité-E, who was a bsbe in you», and brought great fpirituall ItnifCh1efStIpC=n«yOL1, death, Wratmtrouble, abfenee ofGod,o de-~ prived you o£your%f‘reedon1ewith God, €§’"e.‘ nowtGo»:i eels fort fitrfiice againfitthis de{’croyez* of? fuch prec'tous beginz1'm gs of god» Iinefle, and creates trouble in your {pirit for want ofit : but this tctxzszning ferpent beguides you anti fits up £1 flmdow of an enemy a King without,‘ as an ob,e€’c to your iufiiee, to favehiz11{elf'e mo AI 1 all h%istvi1Ianyt7romthe pfiice of ($061 within : Poor ‘beglltiiii wt*etches, you are not yet acqtminteq‘ with his tviie : you we turned out of the righteo:3s¢Way, and wiil never’ finde peace tilil yotteomeato fee all thofe eviis in your "1-€}V€Sin*ti’Llth_., w’nieh are in thew and ihadtaw in the King; and when the {word oftize Spit-A rit which cuts inwzardly, is turned sgainft thofe exl-ettnies of God you will doe ltlmcfi indeeds Secondly, This Way o¢Fa€’t'mg in yotx Foe ELIQECC, is great apofeca-A tcy, foracompany of men that have been led upinto (och lxigh things ofGod, to live in God, and doe all things inthe Spirit of - Godgnow to falld-owninto the we: of hezttiitzns - cola (the 9 Y wei;;ht'oftI1eit'Fpirits upon to poor :1 Athing, as moral jufiice, and todatmee after the example, or take to 1* their gsfzde and rule the blinds aéfings of Gentiles that liven’ 1'72 the world wiriaaut God, and oneiy fotlght an outward freedo me: anti to p:~e:ii:ittzte the Spirit of God to fueh com mono and prophzme ti1iz2gs,is exceeding; umvor-- s thy ofthe profeflion of a Cl1z*i{‘t1ax1,tand at going back frotfi Canaan to ,/’1’:3g}pt. A 7 ~ “ ‘ Thirdly, Your jtiftice is but a bare name, or aheathen co-- vering, borrowed from men to hide yom3{1'1zune, your malice, unbelie e , feate , an~::H‘u%ch1ike monitrous Im“cs, whichj you {mow you are not free from‘; ;« and thouggh you; woulczl not fee, youfh-a.H_ fee, andtheworid {ha}! fee too; that you are as o- A thee men are, and take up the lees and drr-:_t__fs ofthe *;vorId : _c;tm- nixmg waies to remove adverfkties, to t;1ke7 away thote that fitmd jntytm;1~tway; madpainttthem over with the names of jtqiiice, ggC11,t;[y to the ptxbiiqueixateeefi, and to 3,8: them in the flee of the Somme. Takebut; theisinflatzceg hLlnd’L‘€d% oFAt1f;+:Kti:1;;;s:;ar:3t‘, the ba{c‘*{itgt11t.iWorfcofihetnwhohaéebomc: amnes for the tiixxg, e A 2 e ‘ tiff‘. C44) are yet admitted into your Army, ioyned with you in “ engages 'In:ents.:. becauFeiti.s fibr your advantage, and theflrtngthning yoiztfelves 5. to let goe the principailzmd» puniih inferiour in- firttments, iay_yt>u, is not"nPt .: -And 10 {pare imeriours toierve us, and puniih great ones.» to fecuite om~{eives from them", it is srreat i:‘1';uziirice: it is an old deceitoit uftite (‘O is hold offiliall -2.) r v . oflfendours, and let goe the great O11tS,ti1;:t: is grolie and commonzg i but to accept the {mall ones into alliance, favour 8: fervice btcaui‘-E we wcmt their bodies; and to fee-ke the mine ofgreat ones, be-- came we vv<:>uIr:i have theijr honours, piaces and eiiastesi, is a new v wicikedzweiie, 11 path not trojciiden in before ;_ high flying and gal. lantcruelty, {pare Rogues, flares to doe flavzih worke, menoji no confizientr, WO1‘ti1nOt‘hOn€iiy5 and. ii'L‘1i{€ at a Prince fianw din0‘fbt‘hisintereéi e'maved b confcience and honour;.’th»is is . 2'3 — 23 E) yot1r?u§‘;iee. % ‘ V i A A 1 7 NOWsfO1‘,r~ti1€ King, againfl: whom you got: infuli cr 5 I have this to fay to check yonrviolent courfiz. t r V t Fi1’ii:, That he had and hath a true Iawfull Right in the King- dqmc and to the Kit1g<:i0t11e,a1z1d as good as any man hath to any thing he poflefies; his Crown, Revenue, and Dignity is as righ te- 0t1§{1hisbii*QI1~rigiaf and in1g1e1‘%;:a1g)r.:Ie ass nothers houfe i or land; an e t mt enies t1iSiS wi in in e. t » e A i As hehath a. tjigilt to hisérown and Sub}:-fts, fo it is his Peoples rig,§ht to have A Kintz; I confefie it mybirth-right to have reizztion to a iiiing; , to live under a great M ON A R C H; ancliiaiam cieizyed it,‘ 129.31‘) tienyed my native rigtiit, and {'0 my p1eafn1‘e of %liv:>1‘xotxriz:i.e; ar1ti"i}.vrving him at and receiving ‘ho- gi2‘iIl‘V frail: bin; , and nmny and great pro-fits comming by tm- ‘ A r A - Ami he imviing 9. x'i}.1.:i'1ttc) his Crown, and his People a righti itolinx, itWa$;1S init i‘t:»rl1im ami his p.ir:.y to Pcemd for téfeir right as t”o1‘iaz-mother‘ panrty to tlphnld theirs : i it is true his in. rt-x*e.>‘?c, and Parliaiizeqrs, AA and Peoples were a%1I% in the darke, and r.oj1ecot11;i di{’ti.nid.le _ A . A l e « ;3‘s.w£ tis not the leaf: aggravation ofyour finene that you goe on in }"C>LXl"WL1l€S againfl h_im,a‘Eter the divine; Gr W‘i.«V‘h?!.1fi him :.; And this you doe without any knowledge‘ of ale; mind ofGoci, or any ability to fhew the evill 8:; Wealscneffiof that difcovery ;‘ but in :3 mxcle and brutilh pzxrlging loefyour owne{;gn{‘¢; and experience: you are fimlie deepe intof‘ the earth, or elfe eyoue would not fay (after fizch a n:ax1ifefi: iydgenmjxc given by God) asgll you doe, peg; 4'8. Iftbe} chime 5} fmmedizzze, dizsineld {haw 2'2‘, peg. 5 o. in a way of re§e€l:i11g' and denying are leaf’:-3 Wbicfg ace had lb pzzbliguel e efljgzzafiarzflet flfié?-I44; V wem“ej”urt: Cd72‘bE.7Z@.18f_f':‘ ti2e7zfé2meetf2i22gofDivi72ityl: Indeeecl you can- e not xgow fay, Let tb3nzfbe=w ir.Bv.}c ofall tfis the greatell Wonder that you ihmzld be fuch oppcsfiz-:*s otDz'w'r2ity and divirze defl;{?z¢!i0l :1 Gold, azzcl cry up amongfl rnen, elfe you WQL1ld ’ 22, wha the rmrne OFGOCI fa mulch to be inmyour owne dearlie and can Fueled. wsayes, and will not ackrxowledge llimfin 2‘;r1e'jH;l13!~’1‘—g that ifs lio- nourable or excellent: And though yom*.R,ez110n flranlceibeeagainefl this glory cfG«:>dbrealic,1{- dfomzdariorzs sf the 3 tzzealqesfbozzl ditz'_{;%’ffr’ike ltbarow twirl: 19155 flaws, the bead oftlle villages; T/sazzlaafitwauzzded ‘_tbe,.bead, ”tti.{e.t (49) glory of the Kingdome, and now thou {iri kefi thorow the head of s A villages, not onely deflroy rcyai/, butpopular power, and dofc ripnp the fountdations, and thew th€f”0Hy,rotten11e[Te, and nngodlineife of the lowefi {tones as Wei as of the highefig None {hail efcape thy Righteousjudgemcnts. A v ' Your lafi thing propounded ie :2 comraé? or agreement 5 a contraét tor bargaine,-not amarriage, for there is no husband 5 A72 ag,:ree«» mezztwit/J death, no life, no God; no, wee have enough of ithemtfié i Alas, they are poore things,they vviil not holds quarter ofa year; a cobling device : Let us have at Saviour that cah defend himfeiie, and needs not to be tied together, and mild fafl by an agretnient or contra€’c : this is a pooreGod3 an old Canonical trick, fub fcriptions ;, Conformity for State as we! as for Church; Trim: 720?’-it be capable of any “benefit by it but fuel) aejitb,/tribe 5 Noize [rears em)‘ oflice J1‘ place of pulaligsre rruflr; ‘nor King except befu&fcrz'be5 This ispublzqzte Ii» berty and common rig/)t : There was never grofier tyranny ever apw peard in the world: Tis I am very fure , the led’: and vvorfi piec. offolly (in this kinde) that ever was brought forth; And after.’ the cafiing offal powers, breaking al Covenrants, this comes in as ea crotvne of the worke,9a great cbairze of derlqzefle, to binds us to the earth for ever 5 a great bog, in which we may lye faii: Where is that liberty of the fpirit, that glory of God that fhould rna§ta_ men con efie God is in you of atrutb? Thistle your bizzdirzg Ifizzgs iris cbairzes oflronz Did ever men falllfrom praying for, protefiing oi? preaching of, aiming zrtthelafl erzdgreaty glory of God? as you do ‘E4: fuch a beggarly rudin1enI:,as agreement with the peop1e,{‘ubfi:'rip:i£§':z‘ipi:ions: .A3;l,‘d‘€t?t@f'C$’i?7€3‘_fl€fF}§ that:°s another evil; You live 1~1p011£ha.,tbeVa{’c,a fivine that loves digging and rooting in the cawtix You am not content with What the earth , by the favozxr ofiuesavexmfiznds forth, but are digging into, a11dtuming,up the bmvels of the Kingdoms to fatisfie your fw§.:1i{h appetites :01‘ low: to wallow in nxire, and to lye upon the d:xnghi10f'the Kiug~ dorms canfzxiioxis, and take pleafure in it: flrzd Zsrozb cf~abf2o>:mE?z;:é»-Is tz‘;~z'72g5 ;, yoL1%%abhof11inate% tyranny, cornpulfion, exxforcingzg in 0»- thersg_,* to inxpofit and zzfiivance their owne ixxterefig but x*e'§*u§"i:1g;r0 due the ”tl1iI‘1;;§it§7;:1f‘€;,j;;J11 sate the brat!) , doe the fame thing in a A loofkr, xvc;&{er, b:r?;=:z:‘* mid more ferviie way. Yen are the lees a.mi drags of the world, the tails of it 3 you thixxiie y<.:>uz:-Ire the but arethe Wow} 5 {ms the world growes worfe amii Wofliz, and the deeper yam gee into it; the further yam are from God, and the nearer to he:1w,At0 confufioxla for their World imth its %‘a:1r1Chtioz1siz1 that deerps: Tis a fond conceit arifixag from the aro£7{2°fiigno1'ance az?1d£‘é;aH7~1ove, to%th‘mi{e: that you are bezzter tfmzn c>t‘ne:‘s,a1 your ‘W.’-.‘zi<:’S~ being mere abfitrd, violent; irratio-’- M gum, than the wovfi: of thofé: thathave gone before you: You nmy reade ya>L11*def:-ription excellently penned long agoe, I ‘1"z7m%. 4. I, 63°C. Now the jfiirit firfaketi) expre/Z} 5 He }§e¢z1§e.r to whom all times are now, who fees all things prefisntt: Hejfieaizy truth , things are be- W calilfif h€;%Ba§§E§ them: Therefore %dm:h your glory fade aWay,A cazzfle ti)e_[j;irit of the I..orc1imtfJ blowd upon it,mzJ iaefpcalzg e=xprefl};,There’3 ncmzirzg the Lord brings Farth mare exaétly, fully and clearly, than the apafiacy ofcarnal profeflburs; ‘a worke wherein he de- ligiars to be canzplcat, andto doeit to the life; to» fiI*reIigio‘us% fiflh , kicking againfi him,with abfizrd folly and grofié wickedn naifi: I22 fbfldffef tinzes, which are thefa daies, when time gromves lmvi, sis the worfl: Tl1aAt%ti:11*e wherein we are locjking {mag - gr-es.-—u;e9: good, than appeares the greatefi evil}. ‘And that in Apofiates, S0?J1&‘flh'2” dep4rt~fi~bm the fair}: 5 the fpirit_ fa {E1 now exprefly you are theft: fame; you have departed from the an . Firfi:_.,Frmn the docfkrine offifaith, expreffed inthe: Leif’: verfe of the ffwzzms C11‘—2iipt€F_.,&nd§1i1£§'l€ 6.Vv. ohfihis Chapter, Irztbe wards 6]‘ fan?!) and good doifrime : The moi’: forWa.z.*d% cf you in r€f.igiox1 doe ;d€pa:*tfm111Athe chiefs and mains doflirines of Chz'ii‘c; and 1151-, mhax“ doe {lot can hold forth thofi: ‘myfceries, God mamifefi in t/Jefleffyl,‘ ‘ (Tc. (51) I'é~&. And frohli :11 “rule of faith you doe depart by profefllon sncl ‘praéhfe: to (peak to you‘ concerning tbofr commands of l‘i.l.l3:,‘€:€)(l" on toliings, Superiours, &'c:. is lit<~:ml, lrg_«;;':l5 you have a fpirlt above tbolr comt:oancls_.,ancl tl10‘l.l<3 corzcrrz'n§.ngg; tbs tvorlhip ofC}ocl, you are above Ordinances, and lb titlllrtg: into flats of liber-A ty and loofémrfitr from al ltmnss. Secondly, You have clepsurtsd l"ron1 wbzgt you have believed, which Wasyths Kiflgclorns of Clfillijllg purity oft‘-Eliglon, 671'. into ls- velingfirrsliy-;lous,,&t:oz*ldly,pri11cl;:»les, gizlzmgglacecl to j&°u’tzci2zg]}rz’rit.r: you talker of the Spirit, but are led by an zsztcleaszryfviriz, a_f:aljlEj177f‘r‘if, or an errz'::g and féa2>:cing;fi:irit; the devil tans! your owns luils have carried you away from the Way o’fCl11‘ill, Wl“1l.Cl1 is by th-—:: Crofife, to afcend to glory,by fi1fi"mring to T€lgI]lt1g5 but that way you de- yclins and fall upon vvorlclly contells for Worlclly tbixugs: lvron- Adar at your groffs deceit, dmivirzg am! Z:«rz';~:g tfeceimd (‘rlicl I not know your hearts are ?7Zc2*tfl8 grofle and fat, tlvzt} oz: are giorrz up to fl rorzg deluf:-om, to believe 4 lye) that you {bould pretend to be led by God in your wales, and that he goes lbefore you, and yet are in fucll dax*kne{Te (as your {elves tprofrllr) you for not 9. foot before you; but attend every day for new lr:~tln1'7272e5 and Cl:;’:1m”€5, are God hath enabled me. And moo to conclude, we looye that £72 on age oflo much li_z;bi,mee7* wil and rcfolzozion wil rzot be beld forth and pozr_{lle:.l agailxzfl it : But that wlmt realorz med rigloteoufnes there Ive in the t.’:;’r2;;_;5 we lmve faicl,;*o2ilbeyco22._,’z‘dered mzol followed. Ti: myjrequefl to “you in your own words,l8-{that you would not in ypremdicc or dif_-- dam my thefe thisags afide; but that you Would, fencing afide your prefem: a€’c'mgs of lellz importance far,yea,0fcertai11 clan ge1:8zy rui~*1 to y'6Ln* felvs and o::hers,you would confider what I have h:2."~£‘C pro- poled in love toyyou,,e.‘J~*for}/our goodz€*“fofeg:,e;7* tbe peace of the Kiizgdom. . Al W I-.Ie_tbat5ei22g oftezzreproved bardoetl: bi: zzeclqs, fbollfzlddezzly lze tale.» A *§lljlr*l0_)*64l,l42zd tlm! witlaomremedy. \ " _ A e l ' F INI S;