.. ‘ .r ‘w V Mofl gratious 33-.‘ 3‘ ,‘~" ‘ .,," «W I .' .4: ” < ‘r ‘ m _‘.~' _ ' ‘£2 .1 y‘_ ‘ '’'¥‘:,_ 1“ k .‘;,f ' M. - \ ‘ _'4,‘ I : . . ' ‘.‘.~ ".1 , - r ...., “ ‘ '" . Cr. 1 ‘ ‘ o h ‘ ‘ M ‘ I - my ‘A V ‘ _ 4 x» ‘ ‘- “ J . m ~ ‘In T H B V 0 T1‘; S Of the two Hopfes OF PARLIAMENT: ‘ Prefcntéd to Him at Cari.-néroak Caflle , A 4 ‘ izvythe Righcfionoupable the Earle of Middlg-fin?°V%4*A%Si:4T%44rlé:"Hipfley Knight 5 and fol)» fin]/A',:3.3\.f.‘ . I’ .:+- " ' @ .I._.',,'1--r’. <_.' . ya-Z3”-“N5, 1 V": I w ““', u The Kins m£i;gxga:nious%A Aiafwen 4 ah: Vqm1mded Peace. 1 4c.mwaaara;eF%*z:*af}z=1e %‘;a%Aaga;z as; « .~ M <~«*’;:..A ; ,7 '- ., .* A ‘ 5 " _ Ms" 1 M rc ., ~ “ - ‘ ‘ V .. _ -W’ ‘ 1. A 1 Av 5 ,"‘ ' ‘ W ‘ ." “ ‘ ‘ ‘W 1-‘ ‘, mu‘ V. V‘ -- '_‘ ‘ - “ ’ 4, ' ‘ V‘ 1 , . ‘ V» r ‘ “ ‘ ~ , «A: wer¢~Vgm;t%.-mm; mee, . ,4, ‘_ '_I a ‘ >“ .- ..‘\-5)‘ -.... ‘ . ‘-‘ Ma “a~** ‘ " ‘ ‘ :3‘ ‘ —‘ ‘ “ ‘V I:".«, “T ‘ V’ A‘ A I ‘ ' ‘ '4 " - - . an ‘j » amm: at Itexrc A M‘ ‘,1 ‘ x '«;.: » “ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ - , ‘ A :1’: v“’}‘\ ’, , W: ;‘ ;',.»~ Aw “ ‘ - ‘ “ 4 g-"h;J 5; I ,%dVE1a,d_ ton- much A py P eace ,4I flu“ -. I’:-§_,. .’;:; i:~:-;;.:.“‘ J . , ‘ % 1- M i 1]) * V , o.;smtiaM@xt}cmgf«% %»¢§&‘ t fad ccmdmom L; S V ‘ ‘5 \ 1 ‘ A: 1!); "swfi w v ’ . ¥ih?W® . 6m¢4v("’3?% f-gggg bagxnmug m,:a ham £3211" hcartiiy apply Jn1y4 (wife their 4 audA;t9t§1at.%er3:é,AAI :wii£ as clearly" % A 2 bleflcd J * ~ . v . J’ .‘ ion‘-§ sf w \.‘ ‘.- .: Q,‘ " x v',.f‘ dmzne: Athofc :agwiAi’¢;» mg ml ‘ %l$g€é'W?ik@ , I9 film mawe ,aéll$m§@d§‘ 131$; léimelxéulnelflfe clmraces 9 % ajmg, aim l %lfi'l:s&e3: a °I:t‘££,*:ty, A.=.nd&«o this wli-lhcd lend, your felvcs lime- laid lmolfl: cxlccllelnt grvoundsg for what can I l'ezf@nably expefl mare; than to ='_[?rAe:‘alt with Honour, Efrccdome, ankcllSafcty,’upon fuch M lProplofitl'ions jas yoMut l1ave$:or [hall plrefent untosme, and fuck as Ilfiallll make to yqu E‘ W l But vvithall remember, that “it is th.c*:definm- on, not“ names bf thingswhiclh make them. gtighcly known; Andthat without means to perform, no Propofition can take effccfl 5 And his firfincceffary demandlis, A That you ‘will recall all fuch Votes an d‘ Ordcrg, I by Whigh Apeaple are fgighted fronl . com m1-ng, lwritmg ’ fpezikxh t4o;l:~ me. : Next, that fuel) mén of all Prdfelliolnskll. whom! {hall fend for, as of'lncce{l‘a1fyufle¥ to fIl€.iflEhll3 Treaxzy, may bcel**aclm'itt”?e5cl to Aways}; Wmgether m3;? Wm truly my prefe’ntlc_onditibn isfuch, that Ilcan , .nGmoreTreat, l than a blind man judge of colorurgl or onel runla race wholhath both A way! upon me ; In awowg, aimfi may be ia M 3133 fame flaw of fmedm E mg ‘fig? Mam E m§VEafi3$ Hmfmn mum Am in mt meaiigmaibfie :m.¢aa~ft::rae %m.a:1<%.¢ gcod thofe offers which you hav%c%«made me 4JbyyoutVoxcs; fbr-how can Itreat with ho- L nour folopg as peopl‘c are terriffd WizhVotcs J A andaOrdcrs againfl: coming to fpeak, or write 4 tomecg, AndTamIhOno‘urab~ly t1;catcd",.% Io long as there is none about mee (ofaxcepta Barber whocamc now wnth the Commfliou A _nicrs)4that~ eve:-I named towaytupon mcc,f Or with frcedomc,(Lrnt'ill I maycall fuch un-» to me ofwhofe‘%fervices 1 {hall have ufe in fo great and difliculc at work) Andlfor {safety ( Ifp cake not of my. P%er(on, having no %ap:L: _prehenfi0nA that we: 3 hovvcan I judgcto tillf mayknow( without difguifc), .the 7t7Iu¢ refent: State of an my:De5ihinions,%and‘par- ticu%larIy.o€allthofV;: Ayvhofe Intcrfifis are ne- '1 ccffarilyw conccrrfd ‘In the Peace at thcfe iKingdomes?r which leads me naturally to W the lafi‘ nccfiiary demand I fhall“ make For" the bringing of :h.i_sTreaty to 3 happy end.» which is. %A*3:;~ A Than V‘. Wm $92.34 a§.me-,A:LmA*~y@u and’ f0ymI3z;,l&g Em A mm mm mars to %fm_'2d~% fnmé Perfmisf aiitfidriféé fig, 3235211‘ to Treat upan {ugh APrepofizim-;g , 33 Wthéy. fiaaii ma4k@;'f0r certainly the ‘pugique. and %necefl'ary A inififfififl Way have in this greatSettle1ncnt,%isvfm 7 $3-?9~"3}’ P1«»’~31’Wf‘3* 3” *3‘? .W0r1d 3. that $1 fbeI‘ie'V?e» no bndy will denykhe neceflity of their com,m;.1ce 4 , in this Treaty, in_ Orderto a durable Paacé. Wham. fare I w.1ill ancly fay, tharV%as I amKing* ofboth Naticms, f0wii}4Iyciid:4mw4mmeAin%%einhmtAKingd0m far being twiy'and wzeaimufly affeaed for the Goad '3 E03033 beiflg mavgryto % “ha Pmaii f;?rfi %’e%th enI tie we pre2ud:ce;+“oA£"th,e 0- them*~ A AA ,, ‘ NownasTto:&ghe~P1ace (béca»t1V{eI»c0nceAive it to be m§,é.¢%rAAA~aA Cirw~f%anftialI Arhenreall ~parc «of this Treaty I fmll not M much i£I1£i:.£}.~; 9 (I ‘ Mme %Ne@Wt‘4 in th.is% H16 wet gh¢1\f€rvEmft- wage I ;-~ h3V’€""tha€Jé ‘T9553? €4“Cfl‘5.5i D‘€*Q fl[1¢%f'€"U1ihéP15y%”d-i“fi’ra- &;=i0ds3’a§tAh farce Ame earincfily to defixeyouf to confidgm-«.z§rh4at’2 gt:ea.t> _io%fEVof téimie ic‘ vv%iIl% be to EFFQ3 3?; fame s the? E 13* %§’13¢13 ~€V¢TYr-&; IA W3: W ‘P § 5‘ :3" 4-1» 5} ‘ln« fl71an:z)4 fiéitflfiz be r£a7nfm%izce:§vto Wafimfififigr. gm... M f0 bewm=Iuded=4And~reaI13rI¢%£hrn%&A’Vcmzmugh to f9meL i~gN%_Amay 4FTeé:me 9: parad%o,x}th:at pcbp”z%¢g A mu be mum mre amt?-%tdV, ream; meeAi*§9m M % _ mg Mam ham. it will; b‘VeI1ieve4 bytmgy t?‘?t1Av.3‘§3r¢%i1Y%f0fY§¢ béfre tIi'is5 % Tmé:y.beéi§ I’ axpcéi‘ At be : AAnd%fA’fdA%i&_"1eavew find if}-'\()££"&E!;§:;$¥e-Q2 '3L”;.«0”_d1’7?%a :Vt?lma*; in} .thi$=»*I fieA.;,h; 1 A é. J E“ ¢Q“~§Vb;;§c;fi§?;%th:g~r_¢ V m:{&AL fé (73 xéoint to your fefiflm cm2{i«:iem.z;ian ; Anfi flaws i 1 have not only fully aficepted of dim "i'ma:y,~ which you have propofeci m maze E3y.}r<3urVmtes’a§‘flr3.@ third of this Mfmthg but aim given it 3%.? aha: fur» theraazce that lies in mm by ch-.*mane:Z£::;g the mc::.:-Gary meaues, for the cffefiu.-113. pmfemwacc tizemaf: All which are $0 neaefiériiy c.mp30yed by w tl1<:mgEx A no; particulariy mantmncd in ymzr Votes, as E can ; noflwayes doubt ofymrsc ready comipiyamzc with mac herein; I have now no mime t0%fay‘, but wcmjum you, by all that is dame ta “Chriffiamj Hmsefi men, or good Patriats: that yea Wm maaEmAa§£ aha expen dition poffibie tobegira thifi happy wark, by hafimg A down your Commiifianers fully Auzfixmizsd ancfi well infh'u&ed _., am by enablingmee ( as Ehave V thawed you) :0 Treat 5 Pr;a.ying the God ofpeace V fo :0 bleife our emfieavms , that a1l~%my Domini- "ons mayfpecdily .cnj0y a fafe4aud well-gmundeci Ee?:9.ee A V CHARLES To the Speaker of the Lord: Houfl pro tem ore,t.a ée com-2 **vmrmic:ated to M t 3%‘ V Lords and 6'ammam=‘fin the J’ arliammt finghné e5*Zefi@i»fiere