u By _ The S C0 H55 and En<5aea\«*0rec§§ to be mai.n*£ai11e& % H 8 AQR7 ‘ «sf?! .3 ~zq;2“E 5\Q aMember of :h€Pé:r§ia1nent thefg A Againfisthe Claim of ¢ A % A TTI 5 Cozmrnifsiamrs, — In thfiir ' % V.; ‘ ‘ 3,1’. “ ‘. ‘‘;.v.‘ V “ ~’ UPONTHE % SENT % to thfi K 1 N G in thtme Q5 TVz;g73t. A A London, Pz‘iz1t€d%fer%P¢=té;~ Cale, atthe Printingflrefs in AC0rhhiI, L .n€:1m:he Emgvai-Exaclzange, and Qokrz Swearing, at the A A A Azfzgel in Popes~h¢ad¢%l1r:‘y. 1 6:} 8. Opofitions “““““ ..‘ 1?: Endeavoredto be%n1ainta&ineci againi ‘tI1eClairnofthc fl % Scettifll dC0n[1mifsioners. reéiifie, notto upbraid you: You have for divem years togcchcrbcen very well AA emreatcby us‘ of Tthis Nation , and “ th:€;“ri'. hem a Vvillingfcfs Awe ever had, as upon all occafions, To particularly in your pen ‘fons ,. W mAanxfm’%A t-he‘ brotherly‘ rcfpefi we bear towards“ them who {em you: Upon the famcac-5 ‘comm many formerBo§d;;e_{Tcs and Pmvocations of yourai have been wvznki-sci at by the Pa‘rixamc:m,, as A ("I am <:»oxq;fidcnt)ria1s1afl nfwer wouid be, d.5.dVyc>u%n0: therein Feem whavc here f0 1 A Eong, as to have quite f'orgmccn why you came. A A You may therefore plegfe to be 1’cmc:11'§;>re.:;%3Th2x 3 A A It 5 5‘ 2'7" F‘ (43 it was no pzirt of yew: firfi bufiineié (whatever {up-3 VA piemenml Commiffions may iincehave been pm~ A W curesi fora further exercxfe of ycvur patience among uza) zoifettlc Religion, not to make a Pmce in mg» 4 Lmd; {o as all zhofeidcvouc-1ik*r: and amicabic.iiEin+ *'de;1vorsfor Wh1chyom:hmI<.*cobcthmkeci, were; “not” ‘onelfri Irltruiions imto *iiM:u:tars‘i uncomrerning you, but {'0 many iviezifions from performing, I as you augyht, what iWasii%prop;r1y“icommittcdm ‘you. i A i A A ‘ for our RcligioMnm,i%iVfinée the zéai of yoiuv Cquntreymenflwould needs carry-their care thereof‘ 1 lb far from home, m%&‘.?:hinks their D.ivi*nc.s,iii_inowA fittingwizh ours at VVeflminfZer, ii mighai cxcufe your ‘trouble in this parcicurar, or at Icafi might teach I ymtby cheirpgafiicci, Théigt yoizri Advice-~~ fherein to} Jthépairiiamcnt is go be but aim‘ iAd\rice,,arid»thafi an humble (mm A A As for the ‘otiiier pgartieular of I3»éace,%itiisiitt%iIie,i that 'G.bOL1t three ywars agent: here‘ were A.mba17- fa»do:*sfr0:n§0iu~r Nieigh-b0rs_0i theLmv~CMmrey:, A who having found that King aimofl: weary o‘fiiPighc- ing, made Me of ‘their Priviledge, anddid his Er--A mnd (in Read of their Ma£iers)4whic_h was with A big words to bega Peace. A ‘Aifcer that, when thcrKings_ Caufe had n0th.in_g iefc"t”fi‘1ca‘i1 upon, but the Treachery of our faife Friendisand Servants , an Ambaii:2do~r from iour K, .N::ighbors of Frmm did (an pgfllzzat) make acertain overture of Accord betwixt the ‘Crown’ andthci V ;: Htzizfi. Buty0uz*emp1oymcmhcre from ourN.§~xgh- A " bow hora of Scatlmid had (‘oi little lrelatiou to Peace-4,; that your Onely work was to, joyn Counfels with a Committee of outsg In orclering and difpofing dafueh Auxiliary Forces as that Kingdom. {hould ' fend imzothis for carrying on the VVar. As to the-~'iDelays i you chargeaupott the Parlia- ment, in that they Amfwer your Papeiwometirnaes lategancl fometimes not at alityet require peremptory andfpetdy Relolutions from youeas if their dealings A i were unequal towards you, I hope you willgive over making fuch Confiruéiions, when you {hall iconficierhow much more bufinelkl lies upon their hands,‘ then upon yours; and how much flower progrc:-I3 the lame Affairs muii needs finde , in — pafiing both E-Ioufes, theriif they were to be dif« patched onelybyifour or five Commifiioners. A ‘Werenot I confiious to this truth, and to the abundantcivilitytheyi have always for you in their tmdelayed reading , prefent referring , and defitc of complying with what youleud them, fo faras might econififi with their A Duty ttothis Com mom-A wealth, and that they wanit nothing but time to fay F0, I fhould. never have ptcfumed to trufi fo great a Caufe‘ upon the Patronage of: To rude a Pen: Neitherindeed is it left there, my defign being to _lettheworldi—imagine, how’ Pcrong a -ftream oi Ju- fliceruns on our fide, when Idare oppofe the Rea; Fons of my fingle barque, againfi all the advantages 4 of Number, Abilities, and Counteuance that you can meet me with. A A A , at ‘I I A Pororders fake, I fltall takethe pains to let the . A A ' body (5 3 Eody of your Difcourfe as upz~§gAh%z as E may {‘fé§ proiixity and perplexity confidercd) %;1pm1 tW0 , One is, The Claim W mm 1533 éazwgr ef we Kissgdam :9)’ Scotland, M Ma ififfiefiiam af mam’ swam- A %é2’z"m in tfmmr of am‘ Laws, dared at/Be c‘a.»~za’;£;‘».~t’w:;' 9}’ am? pm. V 5 Thfi Omar Cmiflrakihgthc for €v§r;c;ed)§$._,‘ fmr tefiiyzg as what yaut.~’7az'mlv ff: , am’ what wsfiz‘, ficnm ta efhélz;/7: 27%» war C;3:m'!§ mid S‘-me, %va;~m"w£.»;z%w% may yw camairva m::y’25% gwper far 95;;-ziazéag agf 4 mge H iééeméxt I/Je Kz’.z2g”am’ mg, %;m,_»;g*atlzer wit/2 the Frsmfi 7:50:13. % iwberewisb you feek In fétm?/z"e, gm fewral Wopi-+1 «to hold Difputc with youupozm EM‘! fec«:md«.5 It would giveyour Lfirf’cf0Oz%tO0*n1},zCh ground,‘ ~thervefo:«2 %fi2':;:¢ 3? man may fee by_}?our'"fom.vai‘d¥ ] A ncfi in prznmig Aan%d pubhihmg both thafe and 9 other yam‘ Tmnfé&ions" with the ‘H0‘ufe/L. that A your Arguinents (liké the Kings in ms Mefiagcs) are not framed fo much m £é*£:isfi'e thfi Parlia-; " rnem, asm biegetjin Lthe Peep}: a d§f4f3tisfa&i~oti A cmva;rd4s. me Parliament :1 wili (4G0djcnabIing me) mke :1 time 3pm :0 undeceive my *C%mmtV4reymezi concem5.ngbo:h theKing azndf you, by»Iéay?:2g~th¢ Hcmkas o~p$n.as the Bait in ali yam: fi”i‘“37€§;“ And for’::*he%%prcfenzapp1y myfifif finely E0; we {I1ewL~in ymx, Thai when you flaali haw oi¥£md your (loam wt maczezs concerning .£’£‘1i«s Kingdena onc41y,%thz fit‘: *a %*§modé{%or fubnaizting ms:ann;er;5u4t as ifyou mean: ) t:0Ap%i-nne §muradv§ce upm: us whether 3% Wm ~ Gr :10; give «me leave, I prayVjmu3 toé:::tmine~ gzafz fi;!;¢ci:§%5 premifing you %?;a,izh£"uiiy for my part; that whenfmessxzer yam {h-aE§%rir1gthe matm A ters~contef%ed f0ri§m&w;§.:hia1 zhrq ruées of j70um.Wn V fearing d0Wn&,ths;%@4*§% eéiifier in swims, orf éyq .Com:.m22t3 éy 35:2 _/3.9 :;f as; mixed new cewvweszt 5* I deny you a jlymt . .£r2m-efi in tmtm , Ur acknowledge my !°eifia- to» , have no more iacmw mm confiéeace in A mee, than he maybe faid to have, wrhobeing etz--% A ~truPceci for hi%sC0u‘mrey, give:~3up the1rde2».~1'ef’c. Without {'0 much as a‘rguing%the pflim'r.w4% A Y?Qur?3rgumexats 4 (byvmy computation) are N me, and (if I Lmderflandthem) fp4eaVkthx;zs. A /Iirg. 1. we flrizecowmorz zzazerefi 25pm Wlrich Riwghts mg: the next flranger that demands them Cotland Away i2z'z2itea’ ma’ engaged irzw fire warn’ agmglat ta 5e?‘»[cowir1¢£ea!]% (fol read you, and% nm iproved%%, that being a Wilde exprefl'iouA,A 9.nd# *afeaching neither you% not {know Whether) 2'22 .?a;g»4I{iazgtl1epedce. V M ~ A " * A ' For anfwcr ; thereunto ,, fhould A I % adm%i«t it, the —word [imm"ted]V4 putsvyou1* inw minde that you3:’% <3 om-1screy..men came not C6 the warre ‘befo1feA“ they were‘ca1Ied~, keep youths fame methrxd in aaccederzdo dd cmfilim:«v,and%We=£ha1IVfii‘ll be%fi'iends.~% Bur ¢annmr figbfczribe to Ehi5'.pfiti’0fl3 far I be-- ‘i§eeve%, it was a duty% that the, pe*Up1*eof smzamd A did owe unm Vrhemfe1vs4to% g&ve-aws:chefir*% afiifiance (1.0) ”iheAthe=I‘arervarre, though they hadnotbeen i"rIvi=é=-4 I red; yer d0thit~I10t follow from rhence that? ~ when the warreis ended (as your ofren fey iris, and ye: meft'-ri—ddIing1;y take huge paynes A for‘ Peace) they arebormd to mi,ng¥e with us invourr 1 V (~3*pur1cels,,r no-r help us to ferrle our Own King-— do”rne,rr wh'ich.we r»-hinke our {elves _abZe to {eerie w%ell-enough wirheur them , at leafr vvir.hout* ‘ their prejudice to whom a gr:rodPeece are badfo‘ ass-irbe a Peace is the—iémerhing;F~or inPrance,the' Law efthis-Land that gives me ieave to p-u11—doWn' ‘ my neighbours htmfe when A is-on fire, in order‘ to the rquenchingerof it-:” for the r ufscuring ~01’ oWn,r- wiiimet au‘ther‘irze me argainfl his xvii! , to fear _ my foerwvirhira his th‘£'E:Q101d5 when the fire is one; though I make it my errand to direér him ire‘ the rehuildingof his hon fe,ana' ‘pretend the reach--A A i-mg him ~ re to ’corrrriive r his Chimneyes as may irr all *prQbabi1§ryprevenr for*rhe’fi1rrJre atlikre lore A to him, a like d-aUg€I':CO my felfe. A ‘ Arga .r-You demand the fa me ~conj'r1nv&ioneof'in-er terefis to7 begive-n you ,2 that mgr had, of you. A‘ There Ijoyne iffue wrirhyoug, r and profelfe ‘, A that if ever the Parliament of Emgleed'*or any aurho?-=~ A r-icy derived r therefrom did ' 0-f‘Fer_zro‘ put a finger imo therproper afFaires?‘vr‘of‘eeSverl4ea‘tr, em in to the . Go'vernment, €‘i'vi!I'e‘, Ecciefiaflicelfi, or Military“ er’ thar'Kingdorneer,V and being ence A required eta?‘ (1669: ", ‘did notwithfianding Aprofecute their ftitlee Qfadvifing -e*oZér2rz'é:;I flelefltifiw, I" H1311 real‘? 1713*‘ {O _ 'fa:rr‘e~rrasAr*r,ineme lyes , ‘gran't*y'ou to haveef“rhaedrre~ r ‘withe uein i:he%emanagingr0f:thisfiingdome, and‘ A ehe geveemment therece. 3. ‘Your f(u“) !2£rg."3.You e«ffirm_thAa:t the Covenant-entreéfintos ‘be—twixtAus makes you co-partners wi:h:us~in eve-A oy thing there mentioned, by_wh'2‘che reckoning neither this .Na:1on,~enor~eh;'at of smzm hath an-. ny right law -or»libe~rI~y whxch excher-can properly L and deifilinfily can its own , but borh7iote,rePcs are ‘jnmbled together, and the two Kingdornes are ‘ not confederate , but inr:rporated Concerning the Covenant therefore 1’ whichmyfelfe, among 1 '~0th.€fS ~con~fide1‘~ing iron-firfl: asweilas «I could ) Aehaven t»ak“be;n )I{«ha=11Afh0ft1y‘give -you my feocein A relaAtioAn+to the point; before us. A Firi’cA, -I donor cronceiv-e the ~panc-ies to that -‘League -intended thereby to be everlafiingly bound each-towotber , the grounds'boFn£h‘ikingic ebeizngmeerly occafionall «forthe ajoyning -in a war*~ « mo fupprefie an-common enemy,.accordx.ng!y we d id A ~-joyn, theenerny is (ifwe benwi{e)fi1ppreffed, and e V the warreA3( as you fay ) ended , e xvhaz fhould the vcnovegantodo, but hke an Almanak ofthe Iafi year 4 fhew A-us ratherwhato wehave already done , then A Aivhat we be now—to do. ' f Secondly, w—hacw-boulditdo, were.itrenewed and. made perpetual! ? . Thus much it faith in: . No my opinion A, éndnnonmore. Whenfoever yon {bell be violently ehindenredéoethefexecution of A V thatfleligione y.6L1 had arnongfi you at the;rimeof- be A the engagement , and fhall require our eflifiance, A wemuft afford it you, for the removailoffhat vi-A H olence. In like manner., Whenfoever we (ball A be {'0 hinderedin the exercife of that Religion n wnhieh we ac:c:o.rdi.ng no that Covenant {ball efla» A A V V B 2 A _ ‘ A:bl~i*{h ‘ 7(?Ir2%..):* A ENE here, upon rciqfiefi “to” you"Amadej° A fbr t?.ia¢A L ei-’Ee&, 457011 are tycd no aflifis us; ~And (0 t-hmughout.a1l the A other A claufes refpeétive~ ly and equatly ,A carrying th«is%aIon;gf wim you% vmare herebyobliiged to the reciprccall defenc:=eA4' afane.«amo;:I32er—accm&Vin.Vg4to~theDe c«ia¢a'atir<:>nA~of me! part .' ywrongefl »“any% V of Aiphe %particu!¢a§s~ them com prifid, without bang caviléad at or fcsrtzplecié y the party i=nv0*ke‘e% ,, wheflzer your F¢eE§g%i0n be’ 44 tdhefame it was, or cars the fame itflncouid be,, whether nhe%bo1x¢nd=s’0f your liberties or ours be not enlarged beyond their then¢lAir1e ,[ %w%he;I1e1'§: . ycxur elinfquentswor u1'sTTI:ive;jx::(i‘c‘I‘yMorin;.? ‘F013,, the native rights of +bot%h:peGp1es-VbeingV the min» "cip;a§§;,,ViF:1t>t:heneiythi«ngWe1e0kedAcn, whemV ' We fwore 5. we 60 not keep~0u&*~&Vo“athy ifl ?preAfervi_t1g* tflt}iT{)i‘é‘*:'viii“g¥E!tg.fV’ és%mtallow4%this~mafcer-righ :3, A to e?ac:.h ’feve«raI£ 4pe*op1e, {w%n‘a=zA:;1e1?;?»=,AL %%?z:~o?Jbe%?4o1e »§%aeiges%i wiihin~‘tAhemfe1ves¢What Religfan ~th'ey w%iI1f33t ups whét kind of Lawesthey Awili have , what fizeg, ‘ what number “ref Mag§fi~§a:es— §4hey hoid weiiéw cute zhasfe Lewes, a¥1€i‘W~haEV0fi?ené€7rS%tO be tryed by them. 'H%re+u pon'yo’u knaw we ~Ad4id'A'AnjoVt en-» % fqrmée at.é‘H 1'3'£)W’ ‘1'*thoadox~ your eiigion was be... fc>r§A4wevowed to maintain; you in it, that is, aha q*fliez,AV;profe‘{fi%4n;g *ofi‘t&,. ( nt in the‘Theo1gi~?~- ‘f . . sail» truth” A :1 «bufine%£Te fer aT;I“niverfiny~‘~p%er~% haps; am fur a: '~wasefiabi'V 3 :3“ O :3‘ :2: 9.. an r ? we £71..‘ CT‘ ‘*4 7'‘! ET’ H‘the; au€ho‘ri%éy that.:isw‘s.7ififile to T shaft ~af%§xgmfe&ves ,.M Vand”cOufd~ 9=beingwe!'1 aA"fi"m*ed _., it mam-::wi:%ah0u:c.appa.re~m"breach 6f=m~der , a?ndA&§n}ury A gov fundaAmAen.t;aEs%‘ ‘5b£:-5 <}ifl:u%rbed. in e1xe}rc§f~éV'0&?5' V V Whatth@.yfhad fa Ghfiffifla A M Sm 3 e A so Farre 15 the plainetextof th1s%C.oveenamAfr0mV confounding interefts A that it cleer1y~fe::tEeAs and confirmes them Aupor'1 Athée fevemll Abafes where it “found them. A And it would not beeueaworrhy of “ yen totakeheedleflA—this Covenant tarpcm which you feem ta fee fo high a me, be not as eafiiy vio- j Rated as flandered, fince the A moff deadly warres havebeenéfiaid’ at-A1eaAft to begin eWie:h% meie!3under- fiandings. A ‘A AA A A A AI*g- 4;Y0.uremitulin”Ag yeurfeivs tea conufénce in the condir¢io;1AsAo?FoAurPeace, and c:en~{equenAtly 1 insxthe mfat-ter»e of cur Lawes ( evvherxthey remte to an age-eeme%n r, as AlAconAFefl"etheAf0ur Bile rd7<:> which _Were Afem ); ‘is grounded upzm a Very great: mi??- t:ake.o£rheeighth-articleA‘in the Am-ea-my, Athe words WhereofarAe =ind“eed«V 'veryA A1‘i‘ghtl~y iAnAc:iet?ed by A y0u,j 'a:x1d‘:zhe5VAartic’IeVitAfeiffzix rational] ._, To drdi_naary , {Q A. .. necefiaryin all warres joined ‘in *by two States, that Iido aTm0i’c‘wonder as muchwhat need there wasvmhaveeinIe1fted;i[t,f as Ido A how it is fpcffibiee for yo‘ufto1meifia!a!%nes{f3ppofing it be1fxke.tcf:>:b*e innaturéjchis Air--T tide pmvid¢s,,¢andfaies~that fince thefetwo E{'ing-. dome were content to_§oyn.i;na war which without Gods great: mrercyw migh%§4hafv;6V;;provedafaralito % Eth’€m.bvOtm73‘;_flei£’h‘¢r rizemflaali be fu&‘ered to make fitspeace apart 5. {E asjif the Parlian-en: of scortanduponconfifisrarionof’ reafoqsoccurring ‘Gil to themfe1ves%fl10u?d 0.fF€r t0%r¢3dmitJ rhezfiksg -in» wnhatiKin%gdomV (I:faywnot f‘/Vithx honour,fr~ee- d0me:4anAd%fafe:y butlinwceavh¢Par1iamen%t V fifiglmd m5ghtVr1’t%€Pin and% forbidthe ban6s,tel~ }ingtVhe:;n.we are . netrfatisfyed .t:hat an agreement 4,£1:1ou5d yetbe-made, fimz’/5:324, ifthisfarliamenx »wou1djdcom¢«t0 M96366 him .1? by Bins or §Pr0PGfi=ion9a &A0?bY%What .icall?their plaifiersgyou may ( being foaguthorizedg» in name of? that,&.Kir1gdome V~'o1: {he *.ParIiamem., ~:there VFJia;*, not‘ in the gzgalzk fuerit ofPeace) if'one* V fhqulci be obfiinatmy bent tohang ofi‘, the other he neceifitaxed:mveZte1=everlaffinglyin blood ~ for want} of fuch a coancu-rrence.<%I anfwer, yes-,s for ,thef‘sV.reai”onsA. A A A FirPc,~a Wm: man will Fore-fee Ainconveniencesg’ wbefore he make his bargains, » and an honefi: mm‘ will Hand: to his bargame. n0+tsv»1x.hi7canding all in-» conveniences. A .‘ A ‘ Secondly, ‘there wiflbe no great encourage- rflnenc forLan'§7 obfiirzacy Ofthat kindewhen itfhall berem.em&br—ed that the party obfl;_rué°c"£Ang the peace’ magi“: cominuero“ joyne imhe wa*rreA, A and is 1y-- abhs: to all. the confequences therecf. A A Thirdly, there is anothefand Aairnore nafuralls wayxo peace andto the ending~ofa~V wa-rre than by agrcemenrgnamely Aby4con"queflr. I think he ” that" ap1Aayesdut his {Eat at Tenmsullhe winic, makes as-AAfurAe an endofir, andA?more fair , A then her: that throwes up hisR:acket,When he wantsbu’taI’rroke'_ A W of up, havingno othfm way to rook A thofeAAof7their» money _that*b*et:: of-“his fide... A If I am trufied to foilow; a fair in Law-for friends .AAconceAmAed therew- in, together With my felfe, 1 anddaube Aupa rotten ~campromi{é with my adverfary, my fellowes not: A confi31ted%,V%A :Ab=ur defiring the fuit fhould Afiil1Ago22 011;», it is not fit they {hould be bound ph’ereby5 but; - if AI: continuetoAdoe my duty-% and bring the Acaufié: to hearing to a:*verdi€’c thereupon, and tojudge-w IAnx‘3nr-r.x 1p4on 1 Vthatg, : A fuqh an end of the quarrel! I; h @,IVm2}:mak«e without their leave .m~a%ndAif the V A ‘ ‘ “ A tr'y,aU_~ A A ‘T553 % sméyaii went With’me%, wc~§ertain}y_ witiwut their. V I fence. - ‘Toreturne to the nature -of’con£ederaci7es%, Ts fh‘eéwa;rre« wherein”we~arerjz;»yned an i%avafom%froVm without? any oneman of either fide if hehava. firength endugh, hath authority enough :0; end it by repellmg theAinAvadAer , is is a rebeilicm from V 4- within ? tltwesie Bcrange to thmk.rhat any Law or ’ % ~engager“nent {humid hinder a fingle mangfrom em!-A % ingi+t,ifhe be able byfupprefling ofthe rebe§5=r:.The :unW0r%thyfriehd in the fab1e,whm h""is Acziampani-¢ on and~hemet.a V bear in thewood,% xmighr have been allowedwto kill her himrexse, but he fl1€I)L‘t.ldl€l<; not have fough"t4hisfafetyin%' a tree, without ca~:_ ~king;his& friend alodng with him. T One thing more E {hall adds to jruftifie thereaq *fQnofthis,8. ArticIc,.:fuchAas might (for itsrclear-~: A neflé of basing imp1yfed~ Vhév=£:#A%: e‘xcm{%d; I 4 i»;_ss; *be.~,: T sing jliflced among the re&. Never did%anypeoi-»%AL pk: that jayned inarmes with a. neigh%bou»r-nae-4 rich patch up a peace apart; W1th_m0I'6 d7i{hO;-n~"‘ A 4 epen%;%cne1:r1yg, 4 % Amour to it::(’e1fe, then: %eitherAo%fVusc1uId do,% if we [cc2u1d% imagine, our fe1~ves~:~%; to~b¢ {‘okvi1e'v.-5 for “ The cammon enemy in this%Warre isnotra f£rm...%-« A. A iger unto Vei?thVer¢ Kingflome, but the: King} fo as which fcxever. ‘of the t»voi%cIb1?:th%L ere fha1~1»AcIofur&e ,. dath not ozzely wi::h-» draw‘ from théA’m:h¢r thofe aides; it fliould con--Ii tribute ,= but of a A AfwQm;e% ‘ Brother A V.bemAmev5 ¢ Aa{m;j% Her‘: 71 mufi ofiferire 5 tI1at iaSyouii put :.—iniii*in~tor3 » pifemtiionupon this Article, whiqh iciwiinot bear,an‘d% A A from the power youhawthercby ofhindering us. fromi V agreeing withwzhe Kingat all; would €f).3,.b1€~y(){1r feivesto pry into thepaiticuiars ofiour Agroemelm. ' fo you do not once glaunce at the point which 7was the [true geimiiize fcope of the Article .- You do not iprow ‘weft agiinii ofir making mace with this man 3», and give fuch reafiyns as 3 Adiid»,i upon iefs occa {ion :g You} do moi: V‘¥‘€3i“IIT(i«Er‘Wi13;£'COf}fi’Ci€i’:C€ wefcan repofe in him. after xiii this experience of himu and beforei fo imuch as a promife of :2nyamendmenr'ifrom him 3 you%.do~ noti warn. us, by the exampieof your C oum:ry~ men, wihata»i. broken need we fhai lean upon whenvxvc make a» paci:-+:f Vfication with him You do HOE’1'Em.&fI}‘b€I‘;1iS~Wi1Ei1. what horror the Aflembly. of your: C«:i1m"C§J look izpouhis mifdoiiigs 3 nor what fence both, Kingdoms had (not: of a reconciiement with hirmbut) offufi‘ering%i him to cotmneer the Pawammt if Ezsrgiaizaé :.u«nti'l*.i.fa".." éigfafijon were .ig§_.v@n fartbei 5190.5! wbicfi kiei fma’ £153.22 mat-» fedta ée [kiwi ilie times Ifiogdams. IQ Afi;-lg, ‘Ygc,y_1~&{)i ’ but iii} afferting thei iiama, cauié .wh.ici1 We imoc been» not fay ( for you oeed~ioot give us your roafionsi that you vi-i1’makei no e3:€o»wir11‘th::Kin ~i;i1i&ra::2i:"c;ri=:i\ti7vi“se oujggm: W M not.» but you~do«“aS b££d’i’£S_ fay sch at yifilit‘ ‘i‘m.i;?‘ei Hi."-.'4Z&~‘.‘.'§I -yiom-4 peacealreadyg ‘ audio ithat moi: oz‘:iy w:ii%i1oi2t»oiii7 iroiiicizt (oiiidefpire ofrhe Article i7‘J};)l.i’i.".2i1_yCJ!3:! iigaisrz iis} but without ur privityg viihaii jgsjism i;3%di§g'ireei beyionti eifng ftiendsiivithii i sioiraiiioatos fr hiom, not in meldiatiogtiiat his iiiiaini fl’3i§.'§“i§i‘ be «?§iCC€P""'f V rod, his crimes obliitermecifi aziiciitiiieir iiiiargr ffifnittifdg aii A that Kingdom of the two where he isnONat§ve, 2 ma- . nifefilineeneiary. But there wt} be tzme enough to do allthislwhile confuting with our fvvqtcls, the lime caufe,which,\v”hat Engliflr In an or Scotxfh-man loever A (ha! have endeavored tomaintainin Arm, ista declas- red Traytor to his Country, iflby his tongueor pen in your errand into 5565339233 afirerl have proved England to be ah N~oun,Snbfiantive. againft which you haven lTh€'fi'1:Qd£OW 0% one Argument left (til. A Ar. A; .h The I11-engthof your lafi Reafon is this. Our Parliament. hath formerly communicated untofyou the’ matter of the1rPr0&p0fit10ns, and oftbeit BiIS:3:Il order " l to Peace,andgenerallyindeedtwhatever hath pallet! betwixt the King and ltusgl. fince the conjnnétion of the ltwo Kingdoms ag.2in"f’e hitn.l Thereupon you have offered us your Adv..€ce’concerning the Particulars fo commnntcatedgand We have reconfidered them upen your Advice, {otnetimescomplying therexvtitlnleother t Q A t»imes4 making It appear to you why wecould not; that com:mun1cat.ion.of connl'els,fay you,we woulci never have f"uf-feted; If we had not been bound to it, which if we ever were; we R11 are. A C ufiom and cénltant ufage (I aeknovgledg) doth com irnonly obtain the nameof Law : but the late pra- éfilenof fome four orfive years.» hath not an afpet% teverendlenongh tordefetve the name of C uflom ;. it is , as old (you*imi,eelEAa§an~:§ from y~0urAap%robati@nof the ‘vane: ~w3 nvere-%re%fnf::¢& :9 deaiii. in,» fur::2i{h that ?i£ingéom% (w1:ofe¢«Fem3:ors jf0z1:wav:;e':*e)% ‘A with Merchandize (3~f’tfie fame%kih%d,'3Vr2df f;:>r evidence’ thaé tAhe*vFreec10m Wéufed*‘ty@4w2?:&$~:% you was {A16 orher~% wifeziader£%0od by you, you did aétukaliy %fur:der« w;ri'm A4 divers of our Bils of Lacling in thefsfiilables . TI2%e;*lz£'e=‘¥ 1: re:-nainsro bemeweehew flmuld fancy tc)yoi1t {elves a ground‘—’of the %ParIi.a-4 meats former opennefs to you,-as you ‘firivcw»to‘VVfather upon thern» For, %fir&‘,V If they had Vcommuni<:a‘ted{ their%1?r0po fitionsrto% you as”conceiviug JtIieA§vQtdAA ‘L4... greemwt] In the exghth Arrzcle to comprehend"}*a1J1 the preparationsto,materials of,44and circumflances in an ‘Agreement,4they~wc§uId no~tb;ave adhered (as many‘ % tirnesfl hm-:y»1did) unto theif own refolutions not=.2vith-- ¢. _ . . , . - . . an ' A = p w flanchng arejxterated dxfllzrxsfaélxon» 2&gj%:2zn, they hr-1d'€0ncei‘§réd‘ tfiemf elves bound toany fuEhVthing by i:h’is%A‘r:.'i%’:1f.f;virou%MMthey not have “*th0ug$ht~«the‘%L A Kingdom of S’cor1:m~5?a“smi§2di%bound fdr their pms; ShrQu1d§ve not have bcen as diligent VinAfpe€c0~rs and A ca-- 4 (2.1) mg tors of your Propofitions as you I1‘av‘eVmade‘your'fio {elves of ours? ~ A V A Q K/Vhen you (ha! ask me, farting the point of duty afide, oand granting all that hath bin done by us in this‘ kind to have been voluntary ; VVhy‘w*=ey‘do not obferveAo the fame forwayrdnes {in communicating om matters to f you, the fame patience iooxpeficing your concuyrrence % with us, and theyfameeafinefsoyf admitting your Ha- mzogxzes" and Difputations amongfi us,which you have} A heretofore trafied at our hzmclr-V‘, and- how We are be-9 comelefsfriendly t.he:nwe were. I have this to fay. A Thereis fome alteration in the condition of affairs :; So long as we needed the ayffifcance of,your_ C0unt_:yry-41 men my? the Fxcfld: we mArght have occafi on togive you ; meetings at 13ew5_y‘I-Iozzlir, and nowoo:amd‘”thenyyin% the Poaiz2te¢z’vCi('mméer',y it*beiogi£¥:eIy that thc-3Kingdoom of Scotlmvzdmight thcoharve afoE1ow~fe—eIinyg with yous o“fthe” \whoIefomnef§” or peroiciyoufnefs of oyour counfelsg whereas now fince we areable (by Gods blefliyng) to ptotecft ourlélves, we may furely (with his ,.holy dire-% V fizion) be {u fiicient to teach our {elves how’ to go about A our own bufinefs, at Ieafl without your tutoring; who A have nothing in youryconfiderationos toylook upongbut either your ypzzrticular advantage, or that of the King’- dom when-Ce you are. And as there 15 fome alteration yinafi'airs,yyfootI1ore is verymyuchyinpeyrfons, I mean in ‘ your‘ felves, unlefs being indeody the fame qty fi'ri’t which now vére find yoju, you onlyvgranted an opportunity to _A g appear; ybutwhether you be change—do”‘1f difcovered; what Eng1i{h~m.an foever {I131 perufey the Papers that A you have {hot intoAborh Houfesyy of‘Par1ian-rent, yefpcé ciaolly intyo the Houfe ofCom‘mons4 *thef:': two Iafloyearg A4 ( ha. (22,) had as Iieve take advice frotnthe King as from you, St if 3 fitznget fhould read thetmhe would Ixrle fufpefi the writets for Ftiends,or ounfellerghut for .P£eadets,fo1: ‘ Expofiulators, for. Seekers:ofaquarte1,aud thatflvhich isthe tnoflz bitter weed in thehpot) in the behalf, not fo much ofthem: who did employ you: as of him againfl: whom you were ernplc-yed,t ‘and againflt whom, if you were ScottiIh;:tuen,e nature would teachyou to-employ your felves. l A \ By this time Lhope you fee we have greater eaufe to repent; that we hive kept fuch thornes thue long in our fielesuzhen to return with the dogto thefame vomit, and with the Inzy.Sow,fca_teec1en fed ofherfortner xval- lowing to bemn-e urfelves again. I hefiow a IittIe§ the moreinkupon this point, becaufe I would prevent the”h1&ieke claim hereafter, and have it left to the liberty of this nationghnexrth A time they {hall he invaded or op-h prefied, thoughthey did once call in their Brethren of §tat?umito their a~ide,whethettheytvi1 dofd any more ‘ A 30- _ L " 1H gving gene through your 5 Argumentsut the end of your do‘zenCommandetuents (fo 1 call defireés‘ tbdthmujf not ée‘/Zzzgbteul ozgpuin qf £i2cu:rrz'7gg vt/an g}.zit% of’ fviolatkir.-zgh .Ez2gagen2e.ez‘"s,. a:uc!of’fnr£v dwgerytd as mnyenfne tberezap. o2z_){ dbfetve one engine you u{'e;whereon.you lay more weightthen upon all you fay hefi~de.;, It begins with A a:floutifl10“Eorato1'y befpeaking at fair Interpteta- twioncffyjout meaning, though your motion he tn take the right eye out of every” one ofour heads 5 then you think to make your defites Iegitnnate with fathering them upon a Kiezgdanganci put us in mind ’how_we1 that 1Cf?3g4'07§3 hath deferyed to 1'3.lgVI1heé)VC1f§ih_1'§g For to the offer‘; <23) ' ofliering of defires, as de{ires,there needs no meritfnrej but Ii nee your op1n1on,(that the advantages ofhonor. Lie; all on that fide, and that Obligations ofrhis fort have not been asrecrprocall between borI1Nationr,as thofe of‘ Leagues and Treaties,) wrl force my pen ppon thisSub- jeé}. I {hall Iez: you know that forne whatrnay be laid (whenmodefiy gives leave, on this fide too 5 and yet ail the kindnefles we have received from Sror/mt/J {hail (bymy confent) not only be payd fonbut acknowledg- ed: and I can becontent to iivgb.r.>ieeve, that out Neigh- bours did not know how iii we were, tiilgwewere ai- moft pafi: Cure, and therefore came flowly to us; that they did not know ho .v we! we were in a year after we had nothing for them ‘to do. and therefore Went flowlyfrornirusi. ‘On1yIwo"uid haveit confeffed, that thefire we talk of, was ofyoureCountry'rnans kindling, began to burnat youthougfe, robe quenched at 0urs,and by our hands. R1 But admit this Nation had been meeriy r ipaffivie in this War, and did owe their deliverance out ofthe Kings Taions wholly to the Scotri(hNation, if the refcuer become a ravifher, if they have protefted their own prey, they have merited only from them- felves, and have their reward intheir hands. What it have ‘we gotten by the bargain § i VV hat have we-faved 3 i _What have we notlofc 9 For if onceyou come to fetch away my Liberty from me, Iifhalrnot ask you what 0- ther thing you wii leave me : and the Liberty of a pee: pie“ governed by Laws confifis in living under fuch L aws as themfeives or thofe whom they depute forthat purpofem fhal make choice of To give outordersis the part of a Commander 3 to give the Laew,of a Conqne-- . A to: A_- <24) _ *“~‘tor 3 atltltou-3&1 our Norman chd not thmk fit {'0 to ex- ercife hisrigltat of Conqueflj-,Nay our conziitiontwtoutld A belower and more contemptible, if we fhould {After Q you to have your W111 of us in thts parttcularg then 15 we had let the Kinghave his. I 3' ‘ A King is ‘butone MaPtet,% angl therefore -liltely to fit Iightettuhpon outfllouldets the-nae; whole Kingdom, ‘and if he fhould gtowfo heavy as cannot Wel be‘bo1:n,h hetnay be foo-« ~ 1M1ergotthet1 ofi°theentthey.§Youtfha1fE:ea Mounf- ours horfe govery proudly under a fingle man; A Ta carflhdauble ut¥r Whom they are made intwealthtand Ihength, to the ‘uttermoft 5 they are the mof’c incompetentjudges ofthofe Laws % ih the World, Whofe iI1Mt_€1‘CfJ£ it is to hihderthat gicople fitom gtowin g extreamly rich or Pctong%.M bcobligcd byrtaréemencfigt D By What hath been a';1te3.dy‘{2id, handby a.» Word brtwo ofcloilyit wil (I hope) appear, w that the claim you make to the Vdting_withT us inftthe matter of~oureLa;ws,and- the conditiens ofohrtp a[de;eeas7afhing whereunto we flmuldh 1?‘ (£6) %'l. Mifiakenin tnatterofFa&:, there beingtrm engagement on either fide. llnrcafonable for the con.fiderationsab=ove mentionediand for bcingdefiruétive to the ve--. ty ptinciglcs ofptoperty. N Unequal (notwithfianding the reciprocati; 4 on)‘morethen Cyrus, his childifhjudgrnent ~ ~ Waginmaking the little boy ehangeeoats with V the great one» becaufe hiswas long %anc1t11eo-é- ‘ th ers flaort: for 0111:‘ boats are eeenotflonlflongere‘ A than yours, but as fit for us that do wear them 31 V as for you thatwou1d‘.. M ‘4n.y llmlfilal, thercbcing no Prcfidenttifott%it;r;e =h=!t1®u1d ¢?"3r.¥S‘%<1;;9F hear0f;.. n},-(;ax]‘.dv.»y»-fit‘ haje been leagues h_etwixt.flates ofa? 4 aiee <27) hién then this betwixt us, a ' offen"fi§%e_iincl dc-_-1 fenfivcy onrsenlydefcnfive. lln£tf'e,for thc ikeep.in.gup nlofhcdgcgbnundaa ties and cgliilinétionstt l7(Ittne;ani réall andeiuxifdia éjtive ones, not perfonal and titulary) f[is_;a finer Way to prcfervtc §¢acc.amQang..neighb ;Ql.1;1'S.,:§thcrily; the throwing allopen. And a every;sm~gn byces not admitted wiie enough to do his own bufi- . nels H’) whoever hath the longcft {W 0rd will quickly be the wifeflc ~myan, and dif-inherit all his neighbours for Fools. t 6. Impoflible to be made good to you, if it had been agreed : For the P atliamcnt itfelf, A from Whom you claim,hath not in my humble opi- nion authority enough? to fgrevélz another autho- gity equal to it (elf; e As for your exhortations to piety and loyal- ty, whercwithsyou=concl~ud~e.~ i\WhCn yO1‘1lhaV€* _a mind to oil}: Sacrifice to your God, and Tr:-» D a bate gag) ?b1;:cc~to9 Emperour <fince am one »vi1;n5£ mockd‘ 5 and fih€« ether you% may dowdto doii:‘%‘of‘ your Qand com; mcmbvcr, that chelatcunnaturall war with 21E %thc4Calzmities that hagvecnfiied thcrepn, took ics rife z3nmtura11%c:i¢hrdachn:ent%s4 11? on t1ic1Evcjra1lRights‘[ andLibercics%of&two Natimi mus, refolved it féemsto hold their ‘own with the hazard ofiwar, and all the Calamities that mu : cfflfflfi thcrecm. A Mien, Al;