A clear Reply to the prevarica» ting Anfwer of the Commifil A fioners of the Kingdom of swim; 4 to both Houfes of ~22 flRL 1 fl 7"; Upon the new Propofirions for Peace.‘ qzindfbg fowe Bills fem to his Majefiya A ' x 5 4. 7“ 4 331 an Ezzglifla COYENAN Tax. ‘A M LUNDQN, Qggnted by S. for Helm Orvertm at the enAtring;. ov1;§0fLumbart-—ftrect Qinto I’0pe§-jgeag .AU¢Y~. E 4%: P E‘ 9‘. T W33 aw g00d fagiifig Of 49010591073, Pravda % ’ that be I5 J; walkezbfiprigbzbz, wwlliqzztb A 1 upon the lips of many; but hm &°“’1"‘= " compctitrefle keeps: her out ofchc hearts of moflc: Prcmnce ofpaety policie to rai%fc«a warre : what our Scotch brethrenmean by their late papcrsintizuled, Tba Anfcwer oftbe Commijjiarzermoftlve Kingdoms of Scotland to both Houjé: of Parliament upon the rzew Pr‘opofitian:AAAasy";Peac,e§ , and the fismf: Bill: to be /ém to his Majefly , is as much ~ our wonder as the papers Vthemfelvcs: msithm can we» judge it any other than a~~dcfigne,a to prcypoifeifcthc pcoplei of England‘ with fcandalous p:fe7judices‘4aga?7infi their Parliament, calculating their f'criblingsfor*;heimc« - ridian of fooIs,which‘mal1‘én4t‘ 0? the vaziue (if their mmi commofii. ties,wi11ing ta {£1-ii their Eng} %ifl1%trcafures(aud that up:nA w.tsu£’c)Afor Scottifh toyeaépayi A v§n.g%,Y.cryVfa§reand d$v0uz:pz*omi£7:s3and 3 fivlemm Cam» ~ve-wmttfimt timirtrading with them, will be all fir tévgir gaaoir aim the lmw Md. Vflrfifihrenthoughthe maucibus van A % Apaperegamé fuége o% me «-:&€§§:# J "Page 3; by 6- . gate; but the fixfl in order; W- Vpours czsfa Scemiih m”fi be f:2m’d up into the 'braims 0? fbme afoul’ weak brethren (flour own c0‘uI2trey;,re?!dr§tIg thema1ittIe§ig§*.t-Vileadafci, and making them ’ Engfifiltnen on aha ot§mr‘fi&cTwe.w!; yer: am we not in. .fe:5’Ced% therewifia: VVQ have mi-iaci’ yfiififi‘ papery, anfi fhgfl let yaw knew that we km the &xfl-rmcc bgtwcaen piain juggling azvdpiain ci~;aiin}g, and zhatnthers may feeas well as cur i'c}v::~s, fer Enrparthaéi ifiganuity exawxinixse in the fiarft-place, };*e:w. ME aim §?3:atEiameA21t of E’2gg,l.sémZfby your fcmtckhing pmw,"3n;i the paopie in p:I‘7f1“1t5, i9-Jzzai:bwl:2at pcatiema yoga leave in pMr,Fw¢2ce ‘pf #12:: firlemvz Lextgzre ¢¢:r2.-;l Ca. werzmt, gm! ‘Tr‘¢';z£ic.§”’ é*::m=£xt 2x5eiK5z2ga1’«'3fi3£.r‘, aiféd }»gm- 53134’ ;ez2&e.~47;a.w*J% far #22 fl:3*z‘72i72g fciigiozzg, and a bapg;vp&&%aqg,A‘fl@:%%& % I yguflbyfl/,3 €?'26££.’.-’l‘Z,:0m,. WVR8 in Me‘: rfiive Cwezmnt, and 17} ’§,?L‘ A z;;éU:s:ba*idg;e,i %A1é4§.. wé.}zt_§m¢ didVimmz;?€v msd “’fi'£g#a::m5¢’ p2~eflE the jégdéxg zzj’ téuejzé P:q;2afi;£ew again to £2’: Majefiy, wise:-e§;~2 ziaza Hawjé: xmszid mat ‘¢a22ctm'e swirl? fix; : by! M Linéxa A cmztrrmyfi arfgar *zx.r_y1arzg a7e1a}?3 tbmgbifiz :9 Fmake ’:?;>z2:m}§I4Z!t£..% m:»;¢m~ :$¢min,w:’::§c1% were ;92£nc?p2Z’y 1i'?2‘?}9;z2‘z*£9*.f«1'10’é?? d£dca:z+~ A cam rib»: name swim: afV:£ve‘ICz’2zgdam’VcJ. % Rgpgy. Prapofitions v.m“~:*f:1'r2t:‘t0 %t%1e% King icang before the A time you {peak of, for thapfizrely the Parliament of .Er2g« 34::-id did cnzieavsur the pcacc of the kingdsme before our‘ Search brcthren+‘putt‘h:~:mupon it,y‘ou wou*ld~mai~:e us beieevc that ya u alone minds the peace and fafety of the 51§,.ng;:1omec>f Ev2g!m2d,as ifdyour own inzercfi was for-% gatezen, andours remembz*ed,pureVloveunmixedfricnday V ika.3p.{,i%ftbc Haufeswould Vnocfo fucidenly qakzcztrre with: L youm (End thePropcfitions again, we doe prefume they ?hadre3afcm fear it; neither do-we conceive thatthe?Scotchz°V ’GommiffionersAhave caufc of offence, if the Houfés did» not prcféntly 36% upon their firPc mution, being not. Cem- miffiomrs re diyefa-. the Parliament of England, eif th%eyV xboughc f§t,to makeyfeveral aizerafionsgwet think fit to ac:-» #q:uiefi:e%in thcir judgements, having c%hofcn t%keq1toj‘g:d.ge;4 for usmeitber can%we preftrme%:heiAr%1éafi Aneglefi of chefs mamer: which doe mare owzcem the union of the Kingddmers % W though perhaps with N;&f0n enszugh their judgamcn: andfi ycurs may not concurre in ehoé‘é things"; it is iikefiy they J were caw_1_'gfui‘L‘toymain“taina dificinfiion, and prevent a con» hnfion ofboth Kingdanus interefl: tbs)? would avoid an - occafion ofyyour claiming {mm the mw Pmpofirions~ »V5§'£;thc A:1- f0f11€thing% like a %rzega2:2'zre zwyce and Arigb: afjqymconfirzr-f fwcf of the with tbzér ICincg‘dome"ir; aé’ zbizzgx ina-eIat%ian bgtwezz the King A Commone in and the Kingzlomes affirzglamd and Ireland , whichhflrcttr-V P~’~"3iam°"”» for: you havc mkm from the Cmrenant, and Treaty.% Bree» > to the Smchv ' L A V‘ ‘ C0mmi{fiO_ thren,r§:13*gion tezmhcth contencedncfie, and thé do-- nets papm &rin¢ oi? %Communi¢y«is Vrcckcfmed in Ezzglarzd Tamcmg ufthe 24 of thtnflvtlticé, {Qty which W6 beleeve tjhfité Win. “b¢‘¢wv A%A0§*°b-1545* taI2’%e'2-.m'«ri.»'*‘«’.Iwt. may bc%the two I{i,1agdom¢$may pot‘ zivizzkfit ‘”’g"3‘%V . .%Fmih0"331?*"-4?*‘“l1?f0?"~3“”£’:‘“£§;?mdW?"€%K5”£a5“W A £€’égiW ’ We milk 42%;. meligianflea air: one C.‘wemmt,ye: 21.2.2: we migbfiée '.4:'Zt0get£Jgr ~ ted Ifrael , Cazxenazzfe (h of one of your banal’: andho- The M§i~qu«z;~. gygg-'9 aswwas once the W} t of Argilcs notable Commiffioners, won Id lyouldnotlmvc the honou fpecch to the l of the Kings of Englmd prcfcrvcd in their Royall Title l grand Com” % totwo“.Kir2gdom.e.r of Erzgland and Scotland, and not that mime 65 mm fhould become one .9 although we lxcartfly defire“ to‘ both Haureg be one Withyolla 0”‘ A-11’! frel~igion,ome in affafiion, -and one in lune 2“%'.164,':§ affifiance,y,etAlet uarelmain two Kifagclornes, though we Pam» §m1dpmai:,vAof irztereflv in Ehiflg'S,fpAllTitlMn', and dcfixfe tube A -we-wichlyoluin Cbrifi,ani omelin§hCSpiriC, ya: like unis % d lfiacluf old, ‘(in their di. 4 legliding of the Land of Canaan among their Tribes) our difiinflz porticm, lovc 0:33 letyou and" we lrcjoycexin let Twteddivlide, another, cleave ~tog_€ther, and 56l¢W1AW«‘3# 4‘ A but nothing elfe. A A ain , you Wurgc , t;l1laAt it was agreed upon Zveimixt :57; Vpwe A I ~Kiugdame.r, that‘:/aafizme PrapAofiti0nr_/éould 5: prefizmed a. t‘ 3 gain ta his Majeffy at his coming ta Halalerzliieg the perfarmmce ‘A mbereafbeing delczye dltbe Hoxfla: fin’. diver: mcmetbs, 10;: did lwaitpatientfiy , Ayers zvpan aficdalen they did appainta peremptas A lgymhgy for j&ndingtIoePr0P0fi#i0m #01251 Majefiy A VA 'h l F-il?fl,.y;0l1&dll10liCe:Ofthe day , Aland .cre carnefilyflefiy. prcfl unto the th“inlg~,A:ln;1l theAcMaufel0f Y0uArdeIay, your A ownls-.confciences caAAAnAtellb:e;tterA than vane, whether it was no: Of dcfigmfa yecwnesvmhclcffe éefiyre you char- ‘ 'gcdthe:Plarliamentlwith dclayesr , now you. blame them for theirlhafie : why lh0uj;1d:;bre1hren»be {Q frowardl? fizch relations:inAhibitsAwranglings. A A A A A Secondly, did not both Parliasmcntsl agflrleeg thatwthofe very Propofitionsthat wcmgfcnlt toA~Newcaflle-, {hould all-. nin~be {em to the King}. lfv (by, what mew of reafon can % was Eaimagincd, why yen {houldmot (thqugh upon the fudge» A dcraconcurrelwitlh the l'cndin;g.lth¢mA,Afincc they could not»be altered; % A l l A A t A ~ain~,in the fame page you,aPfirm thus, that fi12dlrz‘g‘no‘Pagc 3. A fucctfik 51$ ”t1Ia§a¢;llaaéc§jlo_f* fcézdirzg Pnopofiiianl to the Kirzg, and _ ‘i”fifi?.”H “Pa?! bi: pofitiwe amfwer A2/aerm22to:‘_2, wiifiom giving A %w&7‘E»aScattifIa 17/l£ft'~}:Zz‘f;2eIai, A $32)} re.zj§mf9r tbefiice afzmr ciefirer, or hearing my Propai gm fmsex bf: fivimjaflj, we did in A7oveméer lafi propéfé :0 the "f-Ig;g;9;3y'gble Hwfex 3 magi with mass}: exrrzeflnejfé bdefira 2%: there iyziglvt be 4 per/fivmll ‘Treaty with 55: Mazjeffy bare at Lon» don , it being azliprabaéiligy zbe‘ éefl'memcar to abmirz a ~ peace» % V é % “ A Eiepzjz. Firfi ,, w%1ema.s you apprcaprime the fuccefl"e§e£neflZ==:~of fendgng Pmpefitimls to the Kingfifi your mat giving rem.‘ fbmfar nice jzsg/E55: afywtr defim, We damand, Did met: me of your fzives M123: 2: whole armyof arguments and . rea- # See the fonsagainfit§1eKings+~refufa11torfignethe Prapofitions at «Kings M:;j'e- " ‘33Q.1€o . Chzmcelienr J:'\”'ewcaafit'eitm~Rhet0rical1vfi3eechbefme him to that put- ”§5°f“‘3n%’35 pofe, profcfiing (among%many oth:wLmmives) that zrpazz fpeem to me bié‘; Ma]'ej§*§e3' refwflmg the propafi:£am5%éat/9Kingdomerwill be . cozpzflrzzizzed (for their matzzmil to agree and fimlg 7-.«,»[;'...: L ion afldpedce wiflaozzrbim. And moraove:-,therc was ads. dégi, Ifyovir Nlajq/?} rej¢5t'V omfaitbfwfi advice, z¢72dAlofi=Eng..“ land éy y“am~ ‘zvi{f'z33?2e_fl3',}az¢r Mnjefi; wiilmsbe permitted to came and rm'se‘e Ascotlmd. =»Furthe1= preifing him thus We A know m 9359?‘ remedy ta,(aweya#tr= Crown mt Kingdamex, " than; }0z£rM.atj@[i§e.r gflénting to the Prapofitiont. Yet.n«:m{' you am pieafisd to i31y,thamot any reafou hath been given for .~’£§y¢a: New-% why did you preffe him :0 gram thfim .9 * Burfeczmdi ,is.the cafe fizxzszndeed? ou‘.WerenOt all Y Y ., the jufiice ofwyourdcfires. If ycurdefires Weranot jui?c,' way/‘es‘oF this apinianias you;confefl‘e., page 6. Brcthren, » 1663 make arfiaztlc ufc ofthis: We Fee 110w‘what~%rea{on thcreis ofaAbx'otherIy Fc3rbcarmc»;:of varieties of ’;*uc:Ige§- mam, ym and of the i"ame p~.:t:ribns4T, fth<::Augfh changing thirzir fiudgmnants aver andoéar, ycaieven in things civiig much more &r§'§'§g§.V<>us, being morecnigmaz:icall”than1 % thgfe by farrc yen. were againfi the Kings perf0na’il;mrea- tywith the Parliament at Lmdamnow you area for ic.Sup- poie the §’a.r1iament%of England hathnot yen attained to your new 1539:, bears: with the=mAa while, ti§.I your reafons‘ A ~ You gag; :1s,th§§§g§§ed‘h€;fetgfo:¢ hf Majafiieyprefince ~A.'..?1is’%.5 '-been our aflercion as it is yours, area Scmife!LM;edie»wee. aeeigfqtbeve bred dieaifiem , e-red eazxeeimceeieeer ereeslafee 5 award 4 when his“ Majefiée eiefireeita came leiefiaerfeeeejeieattie, we fireedame endflzfetm it mm’ fiyezegéve emfi}: , awed derajed ey the ~.Ho;efe:, and tea Gem miffioxmerefirem SC¢Vt§ar3d:_ebeez rim ergeea + men: new bath zeaforce at 4115 for the mje efafiégirex, e/ee eKir§g.e condition amslaur: which were gie*e:=e fer reafom in elm mzfwee to his Mejefixe) are gzeite aZ:eredframé.eim2 they were, were the King had Armies ire t/fléfieftiig end Gwrrsfine, eedfieengqbelde «:0 remrrze unto : new be {me}: fzarze of tiyefe. Brethren , were Lhefe ad! the reafone then given , why you could not“ admit ofa perfonali treaty 'w'ith$ hie Maiefiy at London viz. becaufe tberetlie Kiflg badArmie.r in the field‘, and Garrifbn: mzdflrong hold: to return were 5'‘ had in 1 we {hould have feared that divine hand of Jufiice which met with Anemia; and Seplai- mb,A8cs 5. nd thee all might fire your dealings herein, we have hereeadded yogr own wordy y A‘ * ew ‘Concerning tbevperfinzahll Treaty defireal by your Majeflie _., ebere having beenfii much innocent bleed ofyozsr good »5’z:bje£?}’[bed in this Wam by your Majeflie: Gommands and Commweny, Irifla Rebel}: évrozegbt over into batb Kimgdorne; , at 41/5» fbre 4 Heee: from ‘Forreigne parts, iévc. There being alfl} Fpree: in Scat-w " land agézinfi that Parliament and Kirzgdame year Mgjé. flier Commifion ;‘I/Je Warre in Ireland jbmmted mzdpra- ~ -longed by your Majeflie, whereby the three Kbzgdomer are brougbtrzeere to utter mine and deflmffiezz. Wee conceive ibat until? jhtiwfaéfian mzdfimrizty be firfi given to bat-Iajaur Kingdamer , your Majeflie: cramming bitber cannot be eon- zzenient , net e; m aflented unto. ” NOW let Gvd 3 Angels: end meen iudge ofyaur ~Pr0s=¢e~ u _d'i,n,gds in the prefent Acafieg, Breehren 3 your linesedoe feeme = 1:9 parry a Ohriflian Dialefi , and yoi1ofcemAimes ,feerflne to be%feripm5 wuh us, give us leave %tc;>_ bev-ferious with yen; is this fixitable W year excéilent firaines and expfeffives 05 zeal»: for the glory of God , the blefled Psefgrmation, the . A V ""“ B 3 ” rename eepgy. Page hh“P£zge 9th.. h 55 Em £78-.'J1'U€?5’.+ LE: this %h‘a~‘5‘"a;§“2~m;1I; cM"£[Zdifpel1’d'~. A folemne League and Covenant , yourpathettickh pfetences, & and devout rzxhortations tn the Parliament of England, to give hte2_[fémm_y %,M amdheare «2¢*azt7ze3fi'e‘ re the math , and 73ot.de;2y it , rememhfing that mhofaewer fimfigizle ieflimorgv to Chréifl and ‘ hi: wash, 1)} canfizflihg him hflre men , he ma”! aufi carxfiv as them hrforeh hi4 Father’ which $3“ in Hammers 5 and whg-jhezver will dmgy him hefore mm 5 them will hehdergy hefiare his F cmher which fchijhze , and alifiachfi-ahdalom doéffénex mdpra5f£ce:,w}hich are carztmry to the kgzawn principle: c2fChrifiimit}g’ar the power ofgadlimzfle , which you {'0 devosutly defire fhuuld be {up- prefl by an 215% ofParEiamem, pag, the 2 6.. of your einfwerg, What ? arm while to confe? ‘e the name Chzflifi before his Ma.- ifssfiie , to deale piainlyhwith him if)’ telling him in ro many words (‘:0 the afiéfiingof the hearts of an your brethren, Minifiers and others which did fee your male) that until! ha’: L3/xfizjefiie had given jhti.rj"a<3§_0n for the hloud-fhed," and fécwrit} to hoih Kiugdvmer in relation to peace , his Majefiiey oarmnfing to Landon, cozsld not hy you he aflérztedmz-h 305;» and nowjto mail the peoplmhat the reafonhwhy you *hc0u1d%n%otfwmez~§y yeiid unto his Majefiies cmnmingto Lon- hdmz ,; was bacauié than hi: Majeflie had Armiex in the’ -1? ield, 4 Garrzyfmx amdflrorzg ‘hold: to rezmm mun 5 now he hath mane; yea and to faythat fihifi was thehrea. {on which yloufmrmeriy gavie ,; pretending to rgémzhing eMS.a,? Brethren , what dssyé ymx make of Pnehgigon , a metre piece of State pofiicie;-3 or fomewhat elfe ? [hall we mime you 0%” form other zealous paffages cmicernfing his Majehcie 5, {he and review what is fazidbytha genemfl Aflenjhlyh Crf am Kirk of Scot»- lmzd, approved bythufelzimt emp§ayypu_, and by you {em to the King. The trouble: of am hearty are enlarged , and ozarféarex encfezjfed A A injizmr flfajefiiex hehalfé , perceiving thatjour people; hhpatim mac 5: above meafiare tempted; and £51:-‘lgg a 6:21‘: prefléddowzz . wirhfhegwer , and 2?: ready to hredkq , _whi1ea4' hcfide: many ' former dgfignexh had hendeavonrr, to hiring defizlation and de- flrufiim % your zeale againfih fiaperflifiiomg he:~efig.,A‘ :“;9e Swttifla dzj”pe!l°d, A 9 firufion upon ad‘, cmr Cozmtrg» £5 mw inféfied,’ the blood vfdiwers ofour Bretkremjfailt, and other 52571 ofmofi A barman ram‘ and borria’ cruelty exereiféd by the czz:»~fm:£ crew of Irifla Ha» 54:13 5 and their Campiicw in this Kingdomea zmder the com- offiacfié :1»! have cfimwnifiinm (yard n-?wzmm:f}0::w.£}'az¢r flaflsjee fly; and unleflé we prove zmflzirbffidl bow to God, mad z“o}0}m" ¢ fldajefiie , we ammo: comcml mzatfuer danger wbicb if irafiu % sézitely greaiezr theta Mmt ofjwozm‘ pgnpier ; iiJeref0:'e we the jérmxm 6}‘ the mafi faégb God , mM_}‘::r~‘;em‘ Jmajefiiei mofl lcgml--$st!3je£f§,3in the A/3z:.«:mrl!.i2*} mza? grrfef afoi7gr':'924.w:;f;zll flow-22 l?efl3W€_y0Z£3“ Tbrmegzzfzd i:'.1‘:z¢ zbe wzm%92e%qfbzsr Lord Q‘ flew fefzl/5“ Clarifl 3 wbafiagzlljwrige we warid in r§gb£ea2aefi2€fl' both great amffimfi ;, and in the name af4=3l2£»5 whale N»./m'a-% 2za2~'I’K§:'k which we reprefint , we m.z~..£;e 120252? to warms yascr Majeflie flew , 2/mi we gwéft wbicifv (.’Z€:;1'Zi€1’-5 203-mar Majefiie ,Aand tayaw Tbmrm -.55 fimb , as (wbmjoewer fiat- zeriwg Preacher: , or wzzfizizbfxll Cozz::zceZIar»z:v*.r%:«n@fgy¢a she” co;2trmy)%«ifnot fiémely repented , camm km imwfweyozzr filfif % mzdjour I’oflerz't)fundar we wr'.~.zt[9 afzbe ezreriivimgg Gad, f;b:~A TOWR BEING GUILTT 1" OFETIHAE SHEDDING OF THE moon or MANTTHWSANDS 01¢ ram MA]E6‘I"IES BEST S‘U$]EC‘1‘S, @'c. Q Haw éicfi thew giory and Emma of thaié pl;-fine _, haneI’c,¢_%R% \ and Qhrifiian proceedings Adazail the eyes of your Enégfifh Brethren ,, who ciéd much re‘i<:.ayc~Mher¢inV*‘%? haw &id yam‘ ~ zea1a;pr0v0ke many to M pleas?! your caufc againfl thofe" which dfidbuuW¥fifp;e_r%§calmufies; Lnfytzeu 3' Can; wee thinke thatrevemnd Afiéznbiy ciiéd ma fpmke the M‘3.fl:‘h in Chrift fkomtheir heam and fmufieég and Eyed 330: (am the A§;M)Pcie“ faieh) in thafe their adc:§;:efl7e@ &:€.>%hi§e afldcam wee fuppofe shay will awne»wEi;fi gmu mhia amfwerauf ycufirs, wherein you tickie the ht*:ar:£a%%«::z§;;t;§1%e I\/Iagm-;:na«a1t ‘pmrtyfipfiemui for a pm7fona1iTreaty _., and am; am: Landon 3 :hmw: my mention afiatisfafiiom §or*b7§m;::d a.m‘§ <53-._ot;;févaewraII ‘oi«Pf0駑afl13ti0fl3"3fldW Dew A alamons,%whercbyo4%i.hofaoriiomcnts‘a&io21£sfwe1+e decloared-2*‘ ' t£*eafonabEé3VjE~z.cheir perxfoos 'l?ray!to1~s) did fend. a Meifage-~ o V’ ‘ E07» Tfaee Sea4t££[7o LM dz'fgeZ’e’.' ea his H states of Parliament ', *2; Augsgfi, 1 642%. for a. per» z2,,;¢_:_ the bod; 4% fonali Treaty , whereuntu the ewe) %H>.sui"ee en?‘ Parliament of Dec;1:¢e1'.; fem an anfwer , which beeaufe is is (how; and pertinent to Page 530. we preiem cafe; is here fer &0wz3. verbatim. A ...__ 15¢ Aiefmer aftlée Lam’: and ("emmom tobzlx L/'75/[»z'j@~: " fiiee'M%ge office 25. affltxgufi, 1 64.2. Maya 2: piéafiyeur Me;.gz,,e ;‘ He Leeds and Commons in Paefiament eflembfied, has ‘ ‘ wing received your Majefiies Meflézge of the 25. 0f Aw- gufi, doe with much griefe refent the dangerous and diflrau A fled {fate ofthis Kingdomea which we haye by all memes endeavoured to preven t , both by our feve-rel! adv’icees and Wetieions to your Majefiie, which have been notonly with-=-~ out {meg : but there hathefoilowed that ,e which no in colmfell in former times hath pmduced ,, or anyfkge hath feene , namely, Thofe feverall Proclamations and Declau rations againfi both the Monies of Parliament ,4 whereby e their Afiions were declared treafonablea and t;heirPerf0m~ Traymre ;,Andethereupon ymir Majefiie hath fer up your Scandééurde againfi them, whereby you have pucthe Wm \ (‘b Houfl:seOfParliamene, andin them this whale Kiaxgdome out of your proteflioneg fo:that% untill your M.~f}efiie.{ha1l A recall thofe Proclamations and Declarations, whereebky r ehe Earl of and both Hcufee omariiament, andetheir adherents and afiifcente ,-aendefuch as have «obeyed .81. execmr ted their cemmandeanddi-reékimns M anagram toeeeeheiredua ties , are declared Traeytors , or.otherw.ife%"Delinquents 2.: ‘ V And untiflthe AS’tan%dard , fez upein purfuance ofeehe ("aid Prodamatinsa be tekenqdowne ,, Your Meiefiie hathpm use into fuch a cme1diti0n,..thanweheélfiwee foe nemeimewee .cm--vf not byemhe fundaementell prieiiecigeeeef:FPee1iam.eene.e,,. Ifhe p,ubIiqpe?%Trufi repofedin us, Or with tl1egeneraIlgoc%d6 A B. 3, LA and Hoféa 4. I 5 . At Vxbfldg. area emmfb :..7l4'iflA”a’z-'fpeIcl. a 1% and fafety ofthia Kiagelome , give yam?!‘/Iajefiie any other % An {war to this Meflage. A _ 4 5'0. Brozm, Clea‘. Paeliam. A " 3 H.E1fiwg9 Cler.Parl. D. Cam. A This Anfaeer of the Pariiamenit eccafianed feverall ex- prefle mutuafly to paffe betweene thefiing and the Pariia- mam: , anfi a‘m0.u_9,fi the rem this Pixzfwer to his Maieffiea Meffige ofehe I 1&1 of,Sep:eml>. I 64.2. A as appeared in the 586. and 587. pagee easfeheeboeke of Dedaratione peeinted by Aatfiwzfiey : in wifich very Aafaier they doe pmfefie themfelvee in no capacity to treat Wieh the King whim his Standard waeepg ea Preciamatione axed Decfiaraeiene un- recafled _., whereby eke Parliamem: ea chargecl with Trea- fong, and heaving humbly acieiied him whee he‘fh0u1‘& doe upon the perfornzaaee teiaereof they inviee him ta his greae Ctmeccll, beirzg else only neeanea t f at ‘Ireazty with /9o._2::e affieccefleg anti in pmrfuance efehat very 1“e£b?uei0za of theirs , not w treat with his Majefiiieauntifl he had recalled Eafe Prochenaaé tionseanglDec1arati0ne againfi his Parliament 3 they have made that once‘ the Your Bills which were fen: ta be fign--‘ ed by hEseMa§efiy in oréer to a Treaty; New lee el‘-Ieaven 8: earth ,% God and man judge efycue 11afaieh.§1slr2eflE:.i%az the btnfiaeffe in henna; You eat? the people that eke Paeiianaenn. was once for a per{ena'?’I Treaty with the I{iag;w‘hy ihouid they new be againfi it, and hzeie fecm the pecrplie the eeanas upon which they were for it _:,have the PaeZ§amez1e€m€cc»k’ their primitive peiacipIes,e01fyour Ieivee ?" bath the King recalled thefe Prcciaraaeions and Deciaratioae, yeaaar no 3 A hath bee given fatiafafiian far b1wd‘and'fecL:a‘it;? to the peace ofthe Kizeggaome ,, yea or no ? if not , wcsufd you have the Parliamem bet%x'ay their tmfl , breaks their Cc~ve- hams, treat ae Tra_§%ee¢::ra ? «foe the’ Parliament forfake their prineeipflea 3‘ an : T/megb Ifiael play the barlaegyer iet em Judah .sfi2~na ? We kaaw year objefion ;,the Parliament: did admit afa Treaty fiace that time ; “itietrue ,, but have you not read What Daviddid in a cafe ofneceflity whenéhe e" W218 % T1594 ASaattifla. difp elm’. V ’ ‘[3 M waé a hungry ?.the {haw-breadg wh§ch at Other times wag. unlawfuil for tum to eate,wwas%Iawfuli than {The life of [he Kingdome than in danger, .pm"v0ked4t.be% love ofthe Parliam % mam; to forget thmlieivesto fave the Nation : but is the: cafe new asic was than 1’ piety and humanity will allow a man to treat 5 yea bfiggfi far has Laufe at the hand of his ane- myim pawn‘ m detfmagv him}; rhmzgh the prieaciples of ei-- that wiil neat admit: aha iike fubmfiflhm in another cafe. «Q»- gaine, theugig they did; ta“-ma”. , yea: difl aizey not fi’a:*;rEA’aE«:e she principies of humanity ., ms‘ the rifles «of jufiice , raihvar than they Wauld betray their tmfl, break fiwir Gov-enams, enflave Our iufi iiberty into the hzmesis of tyranny ,5 They broke up the Treaty, and .refolvE%ng to (ac: ‘ific-;~: tbenmfelveza in tzhe Kiagdumcs fzxvicc, mmmizted chemfeim m Gods pm- vidence , who fucceedeci £h&irdz":1‘L“cs accordingly. You tell us 1/J‘ere‘are fcime thing: wbécla properly comzeme tlae Kindome ofEng1and , their riglaw, Lawey, and l£Zzem"e.r. Butwhy doe you Pcopthere ?Why doe you not proceed in declar.ng yournfoiutions not to inmrmeddie with fuch things 2’ why doe you notwlithfianding this acknowiedge - meat irztexpafiz 2'72 thing; concemizgg the Kirzgalame of England, their rights, lawe: ,, and libertie: 5 as in &he difpofail oftha Kings perfon , while remaining in this Kingdoms , in the A A 7th page of your papers comzeming the Covenant 8: Trea- ty, in the Kings negmxve. voycefl page the I 8*’-*1 of this An« fwer ,% in the bufizaeffiz cf the Zlfi".i.’i;€i;::,. gt: the 20. in the difbanding of our Arnzieag page 2 I. in ccmferring azitlcss of honmm. page 22.. the mvenews wfche Crmw, pages, 8&2. Nay why have ymx cafi: fuch g3oflZ=:s, feniés, and interpreca~ tions mpon the Cnvemaxac and Treaty _«, which being grant- ed 5 confouncimlxe ':‘nt'eref’: ofErxg3and, with the Kingdmn ‘o!fScoflam.l? far thefe are your words in the 5th and 6th pages ofyourpapers concerning the Covenant and Treaty. "E/iséle we”la_:y afide we Cavermnt, Treatier, Declaration 3}’ both Kingdomer, éwlaree jeam cavzjmzzéiion in 13:15: warre, neither §_ls?e_ gaze Kingdom Fzzar the otI7ei'4JJVmnfi now look’. baclq what V‘ , M _, -... 5 .% ib‘] Pfigd 4.’. Rep§y.. A M *2”&e‘.§?mtt£j7a.fl4fifEdz}/jpe!d. .» ii.’v~a}* wig??? .{m2e done SINGRLT Ifafizrefucb .4: firiff m3£o¢2‘:$’a.~¢';2 lam’: fiymmrdy wlmz éyfitrefi to be done by bash j’0YNIL1"fi;r d we cammm good qfbo:b,ac‘7“c.P.s.nfl again mg. the 7. 0%? thfife papers 51;’:/as dzfpofafl af2‘be Kings‘ Perflmz mmtiomzd in the 2am afboxév Houflzx be izztemiedfbr the £005}, peace amifzcurisy [A A -«,f'' lvcvzb Kizzgalomer , fibers it flwuld not be dame wiilaouz the mmmfi advice andcrozzjerzt 5aN'a.d.d By the firfi of thcfe ex-% preifions dds not youmrgwmenc Fraud: thus ? Ifwe mufl not lay afide the Caz!enarzt5Trea!ieJ,Declar.¢t50m' % zgfbotla Kirzgdamex, and three flare: comjwnfiiom in this warre; neither the one Kéngdom not the other SINGLT, butdboth 701 NTLT, mufi hereaféér ‘a& for the gnod of both. But we not lay afide the Co72_ezmm,@'c. Therefmre neiu ther the one Kfingdanle nor, 813:. d d Thus you wouid argue as into a confufion ofdintgnr-efls. Againe , by the other expreffian quoted from your pa“ pm, page 7.. doe you not argue thus? Whatfoever is intended fir the good, peace, andficuritj of d bath Kingdame: 5 ma]! be done by the nmtzmll advice arzdapzzjént d afbadtb Kingdamer. But the difpofing of the Kings perfon, whilc in th-fa king- dome, (and upon the fame groundthe difpofing of all the V I Militia, Forts , Cafiles , Townes, and Forces by Sea ;a:md Lamfd , allOffices and p1acesofTru;{’c , yea all our efiajtcs and interefls)are intended for the good, peace, and fccurity of both Kingdomes. M Therefore chcfi: mud be difpofed of byxdm mutual! ad- A ” vice and confem: sofboth Kingdomea. L Brethren : confidenmwe are , you will faoner beat: Qua Iirzglijia mans braines ,, than force that argument inw thcir heads .5 fureiy God hath given us a bemr fioczkeafrcafon d and humanity than thusto bedcdhardmded imo bcmdagx: ” flavery; we ha,ve readyour owna words declared by you, A ‘ ’.-I643’! . vi"z.»t1am mitberbyyom Tmgy with the Englifh , mar 19} Jéelaizxgyom peace to be éefiaxblifbed in ,ParI-iamam _, mr wjatber ” dafiigfldvfymx , A‘ yam daze aclqzawledge A “N!” defiendemy Wm ‘ ; ~ A V ” 4* " M ] ‘ A tbem, D \ T:3eS¢ottif;’s~ zwzjfi a[.£_§"-e4i”c[. tiyaatwggy import tfaefwm/Zejif pr-~g%'§a¢L4£Ec¢: 1;'0y0z£rLi£>ertieI. Arc: ymzz £bf7tmdc:~r oftzhe Nlim and Cummin of Jcmzmdx Li-I berticsgthat youwill not admit M’ the fmIlefi' prejxmz'ae* thereof; and {hail the Pmrliamem of England, the grand Tzrufices ofthe Kingdoxmzs [.iber:ies, dififpenih with the Grant: thing: of Ewgland: imtezgfi? bc"‘.ta'a},*iK'Ig Eheif tmfi, amcl breaking their ce»venam:5 yea, and brimwmg upon than the guilt anfl cry of fn much bimd $3 befin {hedin the jufi defmlce of the Kingdcamcs imcr».{’c‘:’ Brea- thren, did you come :0 free us from flW€I'3>' by Othfiffihat you might enflaxre‘ us’? to fave usfi-om rods, that you might whip us with Scorpions? to deliver us from the littlefinger afabe Kingxhat we might fcalc tha lzyrzex of we Scot? Doubtlézffa, bret'hrcn,though we chankfuily acI<;n0w- ledge, thaz your half} was fmfonablc in theday ofour troubIe,w°h we harps ¢z,ve{h;a}1nevcr fox*ga.t;y::t were we mt fo profangas to cfitrafi we parting wt“ aux birthright for that Scottifh pomge, arm therefore remember your promiie, page 4.. Tlmztyaz.-2 would mt flrewbyazzr f.«l~lave.s' be- jondjour Jim‘ , and that whicbzk mz'!hz’r«2 the E X P R E S S E camiiwim ofyour falemn League and ~Ca2;enm2t, the d!.£¢’yof yaw All::gem7ce,tlae Treab» and Declaration between that Fmo I<¢‘:2ga’ome:. Andbefore we leave this, we: pray‘ again rev mcmber the ward E X P R E S S E,and do not preifc us V A with an extmted fenfe. A‘ In the next place you ‘begin. methodically to (‘peak unto twohea&s:% A ” M’ - % * Firfl, of the ésfi and maffprabable 'mean: to procure at good agreement with «thew King for /éfling Rcligion, and 4 lzafiing ?mce. A A V 2? them, or atmfiae Atbem jwflgex :'tn_;.;«o.aaVo;~_yam* Lwmegaar may tiving I ‘Page 5. e/Izzd next, gftbe Prapofitiam, which fire to be th:efomzd'ati- % 0”» afibé peace and /Ezféty of boa-F2 Kirzgrlamex. % % We {hall not take uppsn us to {peak unto every particular A cxiirfiflicbn of ycmrs, wherein you fem: to mfiaefi upon the Parliament, mar daily tmployments, andbufimffc of Om? sailings, not affording us thofc opportunifiiew Qt" _kI10'W-' A V A Q V‘ ’ '" A ing - ' ‘ ‘ ‘ - , ,1 V S1 ‘ \ % % you s.f.::.'-aNfl‘"3”';:e 567?’m::d‘7ncfl’p;~zI6;-@519 mean}! fig procatre ;:z« gated j agyetwzenx win? tbz€V.Ki:r2gfi9r the fexlirzgh rc*li2g‘zm msdsz l2‘2fli;¢_g; peace _:, and yam éayg It is ffir? ) *05:‘s~¢pim§nv1gndjfidgemefltga 1?/mew if mvfiibeiya perfljfmll treaty “I371!/5t«z7€ K1'??g‘;n .«szr:d %:,‘1§ ct /.7?:8’g .21/IL:j1fi;r aka: cram}: zzmzivd: :0 some M Damian witf.r;bo72az:r,¢ ?eI/1}» ,5 ar~raa~~.m:z~;»f& Eng and%und::A%rE’:andingthe ieveralif mn«fa&ionsWhich i'ti3* % very likely have pafled b.e§wer;§n§t§1e* P%+aw;1*i*amen%t‘az1‘d you, and we: daubzzmr. butan anfwer to £a:is:i~9aAcS%;iou wm be given by thm:honourab!%e AflEmbl~y‘w§aAom~yau havc ble... mifhizd éi¢y‘y<:mr wricingsg, am? the pubification rt3’m*e.0F bug §”u.ch%thE.ngs which are ofmo£¥%piaVi4ma aw‘ cbviaam ob- fin; vafiion (whzemssf therefs plmty f1ifii*cient4eoAeakc away thufe{caVnda1awhicham «:39: up:::nA.%t*?cm:‘ Paa~1iamc=:m)* Au-5% tifaefé s.:§?.at was fi1;a%iiz2fi4fi“u%;:0n%; % ” V Firfér tThf‘3‘_f2. in you); an ecE*:od~ you bagin WM: that which- .fl*eedome aznr.!f:;:fIev;’y. M Ifym are <:;~f rim: aifizfizan, we gprny yw te:IKus,.. what fa. tisfafiiontor bleach and‘ Lamsrity as to pmec‘, you have r§ce2i.ve&~fr0m his M‘a§efi3;*,%r§.:a: this if.in«Vg(§0me{i‘i‘_‘po(fi%« V’ ‘ Efiififlo mfir; wemg.’ A % % may»bc_of };f:1u,t'op.iflian: Have you- conciudcd‘>a%lp:3ace+V wit?hwhis% Ma}T€3Y;_ Without the ar1%.ammt* af‘ Ea¢g*jm;1%?A“ I'h.cnhAhav4e;ga2u Brokemfour tmatyL:AI*fV you have nor, fly fo. Youkknow ch:».:y.ar.~.:: x:zot%ofy[ourwop4inTcr%i'ona1Aw maa.c~y :. 811,:'we*wou?ci;g?ad;!y.tnz%eigk1; your reafozV:s we can better bears y»<3m3 rea"f:.E:n*g J*th*en,; bibwcs : you: ts:n;ier.ua%VyjoHf4$617093 by the haife d’ozk~~‘ upon yam’ I mfans wi‘tE‘a~ reference V m «b0t..h:*.~ Firfi, W6 3”” fixfimif-3% your r§a@f:>ns . far tho; tf’aingr,V Ape;'fi?22affT?‘Efl{)'. A»nd’f¢coVndIy,€en chic; g1’ace§j;atEmd¢n; Fit§&V1i1rVthc%,xhEng;;§{Qurfi“¥I"€"Lzfésafem i°s,g.f% % % A %% 1’ Tm;1‘miin»g.gf“Pmfitio:33w1;:gour4a t?featy.V,% Imtfi hem? 0f:§n;Vizx;ma%3;€d’wEtheuI: ;f'u;;.,ce*Aff”cV,A%amif.cfia%new Prngofia tiona;a¢;eMi“3;§§,agfiwfliagious mti14cVCrQwn than tfie “fang; 75 A ftmit ; ;;—;ggg.¢aa¢»;fIa 2115,/%~-a7i»f}5el1’a’ 1;; 2 Q Awhmriéf «*pAt’§=’(‘>fi‘t'i'I‘.S Mare .?b¢°enA2fi"13cceflea;fi7c hereto Kepgfi \ A fore? Dmzh it foflgaw they Wm beio flill? E?KgAfzfl9 @ir3t—s (m~fp*eak .wsi?*mh‘wt vm3irie:r) a;*;:e.m%rurc nmhEe.at::&:'§ gen-:-rows, A r p _ ‘I _ ,, ~ ‘ §‘ . _ -- s " q ,0 thevn to detgm2~re baraaufe —.%nf,;:repmfi. So (ma-my Marxlmms “had nag: Abasen %*ta»k€¥1A%bAy «fomAe,«'a~%m&%i?3 rfiew ~b37%ma2£s£2rs, i.ft§:¢z§as V argument am: pn:va2le‘2d Wm: 3.M,4.as It rimth -Wm. iéaam. M 2. Mme fva;;;vU"{~“E Ems Wtfirfi ib*mo&ea}’dyae= rm=§g;'at have raAdAmiVn’:RJmd hopes oi hEs%MaAj::fiie=s cnxa-cutrmnce,%‘f3ein=:g in . order to a mzmy 3, you not maticipateci by charging the new Mpa%opa¢:;fitio‘m km 131:: lcffe advanm_g;im.2s m tiwé Crowni:%tEi»an% i:hcvfor.me: ;were 3 and,.which xw: have c.-mzfe to fufpefi, Ahath made this %la%P§ %addre‘fl2=:%t0 his ‘B/Iaicfiy, through your maams, as fucceflelrilfe as Altkxewficrmer haih A Abeem, ~contm*yAto the hszzepes a:1d~rcxps:&ati0:ns of many. Ymur next reafon is this, The Kings reovall from the z Reafima A A7Par»!iam::'nr%,was E%}‘:fl.CA{§L1fC1‘O{-[E1134KVIITFES téhefcfore his re- turn may be~“the]mcan§of peace. 1. ~?E“hau may mt ‘mllow, efpeciaily awhc cm nmv 13,1911,’ Ffiands, when pre1:end%e‘dfrienAds changcprinAcipI-cs for feEF- ends, and forgetringtheirfolemn Lesague~andCoavAenanr, decline the Parliament and the Kingdoms Awinrerefgand tum Royalifls. 2. Was not this reafon as vAalA*id whcnyou elsid cwoncurrc toAAfen*d%*pro%pGfi‘4tionsA? A A A _ A M ” - Your thiirflrcafon is this, In a pc‘rfonAall «treaty, the 3Reafim, A* *Oommifli4onsr.s%df bwt?:;%Kingdom¢cs may give 1'~ciafozns%of _ their tlefiresegbut pmpofitioms without a *trea%ty_.,may be c- ficcmed impofificms. A _ . A A 1.Wc make no quefizon but ehe Pa,r1iamenw;propofitiat:11$ *1{q,;y, A ~carry4 tAh~ai¢t reafons iQ~»Th.Git foreB“;€,ad:s,% »-and ivmay be Vcafily A difcerneélby an Engliflgeyc. finds d not: Emu ) knowgchat A 5,‘ T . . A *theVKing o’f.AEng4lar:zd $9 bound by.Lhis.0~a:tah to gr»ant the s A . _ ,.’~w jufl clcfircsofm his PaArli:1‘mEnt.A A ' 2. War:-%they~%notimpefitionsaswem when you did concur*rejjt~o fiend rqpofitians, A as when you didl diil » .:qfh«e ‘King’ 1n'ay“Iha;.7’e‘ f:>m’c“ jufi dgfigcé jtéo m;mvcw.for 4 Reafiagg, A_ V’ C 2, V the; Rem. A getherin Ev:m’a¢%r2:l,%hoWeveritis in Ecotlgrzd; 1}*¢?ith§3r 506 V 3 Rmfim. A % %Rep!)'. 9: Reafém The Scottifl; difivel[’d, the Crown.-. and for himfelfcfl; as,that hE_1’-Iladyhg-,_vg_hig ré; venues,8c at London. 'Th6 Kiflg‘:”~» mmevafi from Lcmion was‘ the caufe Fof the wzmwgand his rémirr1,oi;f prei’6nc6,,may be a remedy ;_ Erga the many muft at Lam:l'g,za._ this, We ca%nnor%exp‘e& his M:jefiyV Thigdly, A ‘The Scottifl§cmifid1'fI;ef;{,» Igl Thirdly, in a perlpnall trqaty things may be mutually debated 5 for that is the fummc of your reafian : Ergaa me‘ treaty mull:-be at Lom1'm.} l l ; Fourthly, the ki~ lg may have fomc clefirea to movlefop the Crown :“Ergo,th¢:tmty' mull be at Lvfidm. A * Fifachly, a parl"ona1ltreary is the bell way forlgivingll and receiving fazlsfafiion : - Ergcgthe trgary muft beat: London. .l V ‘ l Sixzl1ly,ic cannot be expeélcd his Mafelly will gram: all the propofitiormnl-ricllcr will the “Homes give full power to thclrcommiffioners to make altczationgas they flee cauli, upqn debate: Ergo, the treaty mull bee at % Landon. _ Bmthren, we {hall not [0 much prelmdice the weak- neflls ufeuv: countreymemas to {haw ahcm he d-ifliciencie ofthefe fiatved fuggeflions. Engfiflnnens eyes ‘aye in their heads,and%the=y need no fpcfiaclres to fee mountair;s,onely \ A we would gladly know your meaning by tbaadzfqarzmge of“ l the Cramzfind motio-m‘ fbrj/9e Craw7z_.,Wl";ich ever and anon X you him out to us (if our judgements fail us not) as pal?- fibly thrsy may»; (for we are rm Statefmen, but as the late times have made us all enquire into State cafes; ,) we I"ay,iF our judgements be right, both the King and the Cmwn, and all things beloxlging untatlmtm , aw fe«c>’v, are for the Kingdomes advantage, and for no pcrfonall interclh. whatfoevcr in prejudice ofthan, we have had many things which they call Aplaarifmer, divulged amo,ngf’c us,» as that THE SAFETT 01: THE PEGPLE 13: ~ —THE GHIEF£'5"I LAW, THE 1:12\Lc; IS ABOVE EVE RT PARTICTJLAR w¢éAN, BUT L;ESS.€ THAN T113 WHOLE I<:12\(_G.. l1:»oM, that f7.”.H£ KING IS‘ THE KING... Dl0MS, BK/7‘ THE .KINGlDOJlr€ 15 NONE O F E K I NGS, and-twanty mama fuch faylngs, which are our ordinary difcourfe, and we thinl; there is a gicaat deal of equ'i:y,iuflice, and reaforx in them, and n ‘ lighg gq inilrgfff usfgp give auto 0 3 A and the Malgiflrageg their due, ,0 % Tfie Scatfifla Mzfi dimzd. and to .pre{E~sve “om? ;fc1ve*s«’"from %tyra:nny _., \"”and% itbyl mare “things ware we raE“hs:*& by file APar}1¢zm¢nt tc~>ge»tfher ta maintain the tttmh of azhcfe fayxngsfilnd we =*havwc fipaiad 2&3; our Iearfiing, it hath cafi ma dreary and we :wuu:I& not A c-1uick!1yfc.rg¢=t all again iike dué*c:“$, unarm%w:3~arei.1mgg;kg A Page 6. into ourformcr icfibm: your talking {'0 much of the ma’... vantage of the Cream, and %ma”'ti:m.r the "Csmwrzfi feems’to A us to%=%i;h1:ezjf7are wiihthefefa.y1ng%s,% except you‘diflingui{h, Havingexhibiteci Vymxr rt-:2fcn?s<_., %(f'urtfh as they Em m}2arfoz2.s£ zreaamyou §a?:1’imo i'nve&%vt*s WM: 133122 Pariig. msintof Englxrzd, t§i'3Us, ffi/:v;~3«'zvazv*e efl%eem.m' a=m~m2'c:»':o the Parliament, mzdpmce ofmbe éitazgdome, who .<«,m’m/Ezd % we Iii;-2g ‘ Ito Awisbdraw from 12:23 Warfizment, wlaareflimasiem mi?! 21:; Repgy. ‘Pro?/.i 7} 10. Page 6 , % toibg tbefaundafian af'pem'.'e :; and tfhzeféin‘ 7*’ A 2370?*1:i*h.:»'*.veW(J.f 1/rem wéo trill not /zgfizr to ~reiVw.m.3a 9;; Parliamejfm, when he ofir: to cajNJz'nz]a%l_;’e~ir2zatlwir .2;-m;;? , The piam En gum nfinercdf A is this,%t*o%infimmteAintn the pcaple,»tha:: the .Parliam¢2m: 0fEngL :1, of: all {ma oFA’reI‘igi0ns=3 only pm1;ibiting~ tshe afl7ég and;.=me~pub§§{himg of Atheifme and blafphemy, or whereinse-M? A A A % I3 intrue that the King (whom your gcnemli Afiénafy A I ac lzlamls ofmany See the Rvr)7za74- 9 tbomflzruir ofliiés befl Szzbje-é?:')% ha£:'n=~% p5.-fi.a’;“:I9ra*:a:g!3< t£ve= *2'Jo‘3l1’£'y af ,./37”t'm6e 0;” I/9:1‘ Bmsbia , A weeping“ a,ndA1VamenVting'“wit-hVaflxesuprm hish%eAad“, ;,<‘§'§”“”"‘“’,f5/d‘f‘f”' and?fac{{%c1ot~h on his*loin.esforA$hie f0r%marAwayn~sa,% exhibi;-« of] ”£:df1§;::{" ting his repentance Ma daarg af hope, chac%hiMh;rce»King~ fem by the ’ domes W512 be happy in him ,An.oew«ir;hfia%ndin'g*>a1lwcVh%a;::is comméffiaze ofA 931% have you heAA rd.*9e::l'satgh%i7a~AfiAeart istender, t:wha=t*in%rh*a&:h ‘£5055 5.5?-*£" Ine1‘te&”‘be1f’0re~ehe Lord for?all»h»is:tabhomiha&i0%ns~, that he 12”‘: *54“S“°m 1iaJ:h4cun*downe the gmAA*£IesAA, brokcnmhe fi1ter»s,V%d_e£cr0y%« 0;‘;°,d_ L.‘ ®d"‘th%e:Iimagcs w?£1ich%%WmreagprnmcaciM0 thwygz 0&7 Isa»- lcufig ?“~ha;§lAg hee givem fati:fwfi*§@rgs$ Ear «b1‘ood‘u:, and flan?!) .3 A % 9!‘ A22 '_ rm Seettéfla ifl defield. A See the Perl. ear peace; until} which, you once profefled you would me-» “”f”."“""e *0, M‘ vex‘ aflént amen» hie commmg me I.ONDONa:o treat 5 been he 0 recewd hfie Deecierationsee and Proclamations againfi His 5£,,,,_,.,§.; W 25_ Subjefis Engli/band Same}? as Traymre and Pxebelefizc ? fie am: 9 (gm iteehusinfiieed, «Jr 3 e:»*e_}»'ez; Ii? ebafidregme , ais ?nceR§i?u cemb. 1646; were , 1; eat em a *"~”ia.a1 me 12 mg as: is zea e or in ‘P433 5' gion, A putcigg eiafgieformatierx of that in the fiacfi ofhia A“ 5 55’ 1‘ be 16539?‘ Propofais to the Pariiament 3 M the bafz‘ and ebiefe2fi"fi7e:r;d5a- .”f“?’3 P‘”“"' 0f no fuch fwit from the tree caflife to ereviveoue hearts flake fi‘0i¢'1 the Com- . I i % _ r- A ,‘ % e . . ..,.% W.f/foam of term of pezce if the caufle bethua , deeexmnot cause my . your ,;,e Pm,”-mm, very feetwaum be Ieeaueifiefl to me, wotfid you brimg use thefe Scot}. to we glad riding: .? it .woul<;:% be urea: us es the refisrrcfiianfrem flee eaaemeyfiazzers dead .9 but ifyou have my inch names to cheer ‘us with ail 5 E «W. A . ..- .~ .;2;;§vlb;f9f;3’§;_ .th!.‘€.‘:l1g§.‘i our hopes defewd 5 whats your meammg or aim j£fi,,,,c,,W,,,;,.,g Pwyali applaufe 7: doeyou thimke ybur confi:iem3oL1s Ere-F e we the Scotch azheen Presbyterian or Independent, will commend you far <‘W¢)’~ May 5- this? , A 1545', Hevimz done eeith the Order , yau new came to the lad’ materialldéfierences (4) alteration: concerning Religion 5, which V you branchout into the Pariiaments error qfomijjiarz efr .2’)? - ciencyj and 52220 that ofcemmiflizm e§~"e;>eceflé. V % A e The firfi thing you complain of under the headof;c3zmif- fion, is no lefle than tbefolemne League 6*" Covenant 1:, and here you abound with your pathetick interrogations, to aflefi the hearts ofthofe whofe. eyes are imheir bowels , whofe underfiandings are d1‘O"Wn’d 8: fwallnwed up in their pat?- fions, after this manner. And jlmll the Covenant which 2354: fialemnfia exam at creature: we earring can to God in Hem were, (rave? And againe,[laal11be Covenargrtfer the prefirveztian of} . 296.3 And_againe(1ike the Papifls, which holds up their I-e A dolatrous Eucharifi in the eyes of the people , that the% may fall down and worlhip it) [ball the eCoz2earz.~.m"t wiaieb but Hanjérerecommem:/ed to the Aflemb_lyofi, .=:Z7~e? Yet: agapiz), (as if j here lay all your bait: to catch gudgins) [/ml} our “mufm;z£l and A jblemne eLe4gue 69' Cm/enmzt figbfcfilred the Parliament: of kerb Kiezgdumi, @fe?0nce more yet(fo11 if this Springe fails, all our {ports will be Iofi) fbeli _tb§Ce'ven_erz§ ever; with tlafife that v V %g§ve I the fame allowance _ that in the faceof the Kingdome, mun %¢ S tace:c1yeA}: WE Fwifhrit ihrady :n,fl!? %%Abfi.®1jl T39 5€0*t¥M$AMifiAd¢Ipe”’dg Firm What if the; Parlipflfmnt thinks: it :Amcfic%ra tmubIeA his Mgsiei’cie with prefiing the Covet3€l1‘.1;i?AVi;IjlA,V€»..h;flWQR?fi$§fin—a for Reac‘e?_%%Wa3i it ;zn0AtA your awxim rzafwn E_3’3Aé A a:§:¢{i§3g yous}A«judgemen4ts about l'endingPrQAFQ,fi::§s;;nA§ ?jé3;i31§{f(m fig; to A others which you egflugggg Tm your flzlfvles‘? are you all fer bazzirszg ? Avvill y.fQu% gizic ga- tbin 3 A A , . A 7% S€gC0fld1Y“a I£;cheACovenantAVbe Mid afide, 44?e,%d€!e:- ted as ydtrr wgrrds are gyozur wpcrvA¢rtipgi;:hat1h.hAt:;:Lné t;a‘§¢bg- cafion ofiic Ag, did we piromifc CQr;t3k€ the (_3ovcxxarfl1t,,Awa‘nd af- gzermfubmit to what fence thereof our Brethren 6f" Scots- impofe upon us 2 hath not the Qoyeg land ~wou~1§d pleafe to nan; beeri‘fffo'p**ervexSted , that many%CQv¢nan§’e;satgpggdy m enteflnco 3. new ACovc_naAnc ..aga§n& AtheAf;;1;c§:f1:ha_tA ‘if; t~1pon?:ch*e aide. Brethren , we.h;avg: ,;ta%l;Ven;cA!:L§ C‘¢oAvfena,«n%tAif;1 as true, proper , plaine Englifla fenfs arid fl@Vi'd}u.ntoit; ~ A W 7“ Tlhixwdly, Where as you all was that the Qownglgti is brgmgbt in by the Parliament Aim. the 7th.gz;a1ificatio;3VM 14} 'Pgr%o15ofit4z'on, only am boolqa to caztala Jame" imq fl9eV;1;2Q,fiQ?_;“Qf’ I_ADé- lin"guemy:we reply chm: if any fl1s’.rAl;Al7A.l 0!‘! wfid€%?:9'i€¢d have ~‘faid%%tIae‘C:mmant wMAmade,4 §2aa3é@§q%\¢%qa;tcb;§;§;§¢at,i§3,t§A‘1Z€- iinquengv : You would have Amarked M1 S. for a Malignant or Seétary ,‘ we w;il1w%AAng::§:fay«£l;é§i§.9¥§'- nan1Ti:4was‘*fir:& ‘i.n:a;cmdmdA: ma bait: e t0%AAc4&abAVVmm,3;?z1.Q‘VW;W50” afflelinguency 5 though you are fo bold ant} ptj:r.e‘£1§:ir2;§,_9f‘Y charge Athiswupon our "VPar1i;%arr'§:Aen,tm th6'%13?~_‘Tx,'=TAF'>§o’A ztfifithp A Mé pang t'ne.1r cnvflggy . M : tr’a.ézt@.t0:ol;e it kef flread} autVaf‘da¢%e , , %e§:«;.§.% all wee Raw, * ‘Wes? aswell as%y§:i%L1ri:?:lvie;;, A ” “cienfce .aboveEmieé£um‘,A:4x;he;1;i§§¢ Aefirws m!me,;pm33:§i§ Weré P23 never flared tau any %N;a;t:iOn 3?? @A;Ce0mm3fl’,1w%QR§”E5v%QfA u.A€Ai7:i3’f>;AitI§1§..33 A‘ ‘fgdi 3.5. a T fiqflkge to Isafrteh mtwa %fe%w,%bucAAAev£Mh.% Pa2li.a»m§'ntA aé:;1$iRg€‘2¥%mF 95 Efiglafidfin Va‘-WW «<;1a'£igna%@ 4.9 ,.,1®;2;sr'A::v1'!.!..?‘.t«t:.«A'-?d!-i4l§?»~;k*4a§AFE'%a?‘?W’¢ *7 N9‘ **%v2,‘:toA‘%e (me 0fW9€ 3‘@fl4teJ of :K.§¢:gdam€a n2%1¢,a bas*«:eVA ‘g:zt?iue7fid‘o‘vca;inw~aI1mt12ing,n§ongenni;zg§¢¢L]2eim,mgl*-f.;3i:,e. . A. A I; r DA ‘ A AA I on See tIae§Paz§li- M A meats anfwcr to the .5‘ Cami papers of the , A20. afO . 164§o V Page 9. ‘ W k A Q cQiifefi'ing¢titIts of honmr, with the revenue ofthc Crown, they are fig ‘liberal! in the matter: was concern: rbemfilmx. A 7796 :5’ ‘ You tfe:I*l“~ fh¢ 4Parliah1enn»4 ?fLrom« théir cinaiflion of?thEMfo§; % lemme League and Covenant: to year -var} muck wonder , tbgg %ofG‘ad , andfl: tenaciom: in Your male, fdr thc Covenant is your zaale _fs,your2ea1e “to intraduee your Nation to be oreeafltlae Efl,g1e:%~ oftbi: Kiagdome , mzd to have as negative Vwyce in call thingy; cancamzng amwell are. Yourzealevto-im:errmd"dIe with the Militia .ofEng1and , with disbanding our Armies 5, wichv4 wfithTalI"ot1r1goods by verme of the fi;!emn~ Ledgztt? and cm» Pagg Ieo. ma. Regal). nan: :,, Is-your zeale for the matter: .ofG~od , and the Parlias- % ments carein the-it prefervation of thepmre and Aunn;ix1;.i_n,-5 "hterefc of”t‘hi%s Kingdome according to tbeirfélemne I,eague%jmzd% Co?ziefzant,’~wifhout'{'ufl‘ering you tosintermeddle therewith, ’33dt¢hei1*‘pr0phane% teriacioufrzeflé initbat which carzcefrm‘ vtbengw firlvexi. ‘ %SVeemJv.°z,ealejbr the Lord, was febxair. tone ,. whenth: tune of"b.is¢hearc%pIaidAanother game- ii % V » .. As far the King, you are pleaféd to t.eH”'l1s3, Though; Hi: flasvll not cgme up to tbeful! l*e:1gVtb ofjourdefiret, um Co7:iérzsar1r.% ‘ ff I 1: *feem£s‘§r<$u have a rqyall [en 12 to befiow upon his Maia» fii%e,.bn”£ wpmperibm, woe to the poore , they muflabidc the firegpf this purgatory ._~. isic true here aIfo,.A nc penny; no. Pagerenrdlqr» 3’ I‘: I here no allowance for: tender eanibienccs y4kc:;ceVpt%icVbe %ofK;inga‘and Princes?’ : “ V 4/ 4 ‘ ' “Y0tiVfay }ma zedlefbr the Cammmt doth-~ not abate Aordimi-P ni[Z§_yofiw.‘Iojalty andduty to the King , though he cannoncame V up tbefull Ierzg_tb‘oflaar defirex, 'c9»c. Thacwia , take the Coa- arenant. ‘ i ‘ % j ~ 2 . V V . ; Yourmeale for the Covenant and hisMaie&ie runs tog:-3 theqthough his Maiefiie and the Covenant are a great way afImdci', your A Ibyalty and %aIleg'iancc% will fufiér yoti to in-- dulge the in his refufingto fixbiéfi to t’b¢ matt€I‘.f.0fGad—~: tEefilemneLeague and Covenant ; and yet: your brotherly a‘“f- féfiidn and hone.-fly A will admit; of quarreliing Vwixzh the Eagliamgna ~o£- England. fog V not; %Aha1ing.,.. urging, ande % rbeswmfla dirz>eW as "and-.preffingihiz§‘Iu-a dome tfieftgll length if téeir defirex, yizg: sztnfakethe CovejnVant.{ A V A , . V r N _ V “ Thbcommifiioners of Scotlancican give him a ciifigzenfa-% ~t‘ion,;but: they-Parliament; offingland rmifi 90“ F0 mt1¢ha$ :aAppeare; gm favour himupon Paine cfprofane, difpenfihg ;w.ith t/aéshfiiltterir of GOd3%fl]b4w’4 0f,C/E*§5fl, .demyi72g/fiim Iéefi2r£é men 3 and hi: deflfiallaftbem atdaegreat def oftbeiLafd3% . Iii; =~» -{ee:mi%es you would mayikc fus yomggerbrechren 3 not only in «the Amatters ohzhe wofld, buc%in: matter: afGad :00. Thus far for the bufinefli: of the A Caveman: ,, azhe primzm M moefiile of_aIwlo:%hc1tm0tionaV., and therefore ever and, anon you refcr%rmtQ that-f ~ A " » » - A { é -W I‘ . { % % ‘V A ' %.T~he;nexc thing omitted by theAParI‘iameAm is; the Proper- fitian for confirming the &0rd'inMce ccmcernimg the caliing mdjitu - zirzg, of the A ofDim'rze.¢'. f . s The%c_a1ling andfi fitting of thf: AAfl\EmbIy of Divine: , , was my 1 «notlintcnded izzfempigermtm : ngithszf doe We believe but an J,“ A authorita‘tive¢c1ifmiflio‘n of that misread Afiémbly. ;, efp¢ci- "A malty. for aféafon, would be as accqpcable to themfdvés , as ~ férviceable to the refpefiive plapes wwhereto they belong, for xxhe weeding«up of thofé cares of errour 8: profaneflé, which Page I 7.; " the anemic halh fawneVin their abfencc; Hand in isno parta- ;; dox to affirmefllyat the fit£ing'f0} 10133 of {'0 many Iearnéd and godly Minifters Vitogeither for the fuppreffion of armour, i A herefieg and wickednefié, and advancing the afl'airc«sof'J¢-% ‘I?{us%Ghrif’c , ; hath. beane an occafion through their abfence 7 from cheirpegaplg cvfmore errour ._., herefie, prbfaiaefié and prejudice cothe~ affaires of efuschrifl than did appear ban % fare 5 men em, not knowing the Scripture: 5 and how can men A %bu'teg.'1:e, when their .‘.’Teac}:er: are long removed info camerr. % j «A The next thing omitted was the Proppjition f'or_ rgfiarmatiu 15,53, , 9:2 Jeffleligiorz in England azzdjrelandaccordirzg ta the Ca-yew rmw.;TvA A A ,4 Vidcaordingvté t%}Je%% That impfies Chafifthe ‘Ct5‘§e- Reply. % _ ,=:;:*;;:1an!2:4mu{t fixffls beVtaken,mand than the Reformation mufi be fctled%aacqrzlingta 1bbCoz:ena1zt5 you have {aid enough to the A Par1ia?menu% for their profangmeglefi IO Ptfiflé the King £0 ._.._pm«_ Lewi.:.2.22. Ibid. Iiepbr. A AA 1:2ague%‘czf>5‘i§FCfivé3*ri:;45:z‘t;"i°1ii’c:é*ed'01’ L? M hath h‘is“5Fa”’I““rnAu5C”l 5“ Hie”??Tui*k'e*11is~fl*I5ln*‘%3* ifhie Bap} f’c‘311*%i's .. A MaflEz~ bbqkea the Prelate Service-boérke" 5 5 afflf:l%rn7t1Vf’c Wee *ha1re"’t*l:ej'oltV7é¢:¢ Leaygzge %amzcwem: "iinfieaéi "40F?%hV¢*'mé;a”“é%ie:g::3f V * ;21ypo£ritib§”H*” we ;m::;fI»$ a*z'fi1afl?d; tEé»A‘(3b*Jéia1iint5";thatif ¢m::yV mamd4jamizno ;!&g§,’&5en taEaejv3A1eé7zg%§g Leagzzg and Cozveysmt :4 though yqu ca;~{:1idifp§:nTe with :4; but Wiil y1ot‘:'%haveVt1he«King4A—t0‘feh:le Rel‘ig*i;on in England 8: 1 3*eland:5 accordiiggtva the Gammn‘t,% 'VanéZ1n0M'~akE£thfl.G0W€~ A bans? then would Aycxu have him féttvleflfia rcligion‘ againfihis cCm%fci%en‘ce,%4 andis. thatKreafon¢*abfe w%?&een tbeflbma-. ‘é}3er‘of'boiIJ Kirzgdomexciccardimgtwlaécavenarztg % V4 The reply —tothe laff thigh: well Tfervefor a reply some V aIfo%._;, according #0 the Cozvezzamis the burden of your fang, Aaiid iir’"f_"eez*1fs%'%‘es the life of*%your”gén:e;§ Tbjy 1?/997 Cbnrcbe;:of’God baib%%Kingdome: ,_ doe not ‘ytm m§ban1eA%tLhe«twoNationéill Churchesgghat is, the two N4Vacions”€7h”emfi:1ves 2 (far itcdn-.A "béi:n‘f'e‘s “us i1fow% to Akzmwymr ~me‘at1in‘g)if yea iri%t%erp*\reititha€: , AA :~2>mtf"eN Religiong as have done the fly. "iémize League %zmd'Cavé-mmt4%‘(f0r ybuhave an exccl%1ent‘facu!- ty ‘of interpretation.) You may call cammmizy andparigy of 'i”merqfi.r (mz‘t“ter.r of Kelig7ian%;?:and%%if%fo_;, icmay be th:e%Par1ia-. “1*1f1en%t;V tx1‘_aymt*l?1in*ke ?ffi‘t to “omitvthef Propofition¢ ‘fQffl2t1ing.:;#:2§3- and Qf»1¥aeligio7t %'ége¢t»i:70_ee"f1-t'bLéW ~”” C"bm-cbe:;*of“%--‘ ‘in’ birth 5Kir.rg_Jt;rmt;r .._.,f?_13 décdrding Avt0»t’bé;¢~Comnant .-an AA (me; 1 I %VKing%dome at leaf’: is engaged to them for it. _ 1? A "TB'ut“' zglygwhy doejmu %ma~'xa‘the filemn Legxgae‘ Cazfleg V “11?2ifz}.%*":hf;e'i;?2»icum.. necefizrium ,V3fl1eAbal*‘la$n%cé ofyour Sam fluaryg thégoldan reea “ti: mgafixré your Tjem Ty0u’h‘.1:”ve ndtzj “ %jtitt1”ewi¢7A“0f'%?Tfl/749 ‘WW2! ;-,‘*j.bm: wail" yms 5?c*r~§re is 11912: \fl7 }.€Wl?28,.v‘ V A ‘ wtche -1‘ Q- G -1-: Q Q Q. '53 %he;w%ep , Anhe%word of God ?_,Be1:teri:: is, that this ;E)razen5>‘:SE?1*~ {houl4i1**’!:r?e3brc>g¥:ei: to jmea, grqnhd w«pje”s:vder3 fihén“~tI§sr:.~~§x1e;q;Iho:i!a;fa{i‘1 dame i*e“%=t‘!wu"gh "A ‘form4er1y:a §j(éaf3!§”i25%§f”1?e21=efitA%%%was*x*ec:e*‘i~s*eja %froia1«2*‘i?c%Af»;?%I%L%:wr«a~s.me W. dingé a“t”%ié7e*“s*¢pr¢t:nc¥“ing? mm % h‘**W“fidefi*mi*1a \ '1) granthed fer allffirtxaflfirwihce and mm flréph of Gad , an A hapeézizgg they doe;“th%an ta d 2 ’x'*ve.a great ’°wi1‘1*‘0f‘@oc1”? in~Difcip!§ne with-ma {ma1L~{tca;;k,,g{h_Shc;*:;;;me ‘ ., 2:0 ma‘inhtaine.tl*:'ef.fa%m;e 3:;dL~;m1l w%ha¢hA;‘h_¢yiaa, “‘a]fid’*a?3i Whét“‘fh£hYf€€5f?hha've;mo1?e4loVeh," A A A A ‘%w.ran‘gi;iz1$;5hmhere* tr uiflfly, h and ;léeflTe7flahew., H Vi?if¢fi'r;xAxf“jX7§r3‘?f5i7§n;1Jr¢te:§cé"?uf:zm!£fmwgovemhmenc inhhhh:bhe[hm1.“fe \ ;’T9§}‘~vTG?*3;q‘f%?V'%fhf¥h% h13V¢@§éh&%€®ffit%1wigwmmxm-aw: 95 1;he~1:z‘" mane ' “3‘W”‘i5“‘*’3 i‘fi**W‘PmWMW%fiE§:~‘hfl4fld€$ihfl ,4 " ” A h V A D 3:; V ’ »*S‘gg;;easM_. . y u Tim. cfi/ujt ¢:1¢‘fPw4r_ A V 27 =x:lingh1:h'ehea"2?thgwho makinhig void the law of Gods 51;,g_+,m;, datfirineh tfaahhtmditiam“ ~aftbe Elder,» A as non “manspofisthg Covenant , by Godspbfis the izmly Shcrig-‘V hmre2h A h A. M _ M V A Haviing done withxheh Parliamehnts% nmi}]Eo22:“inma,gcg,r5 of Religon, you fall upohnhtheir Gommijjiozzi and exceflég the V firfi chimgyou complain-of under that head,-,,is, mag: fiinflead of the Pm-phofitians which they have omitted , fo farre has goncerns Pwligion. You finde zzotbingbut a meerefbadaw of ‘.Pre:byteriaH»hgovernn:fam : Md infiead ofzmifbrmity of Religion, 5°’3””‘I’§fl’7"7”i1)’i0fb8Y€fi9~"W761 58.5%‘; v A liber- fl dohorehhto Atbeifme, :0 alz’ Religiom, to lihergy ofcanjcience, be... ing indeed lilrerty of errom~,[&andalz’, fcbifme, berefieg diflaonayfn vrzng Gog! , oppafing mttb, hindering refo:*ma:iem_., andfédming " **oit‘ber.r.* ~ A M *Firf’c,dParliamem:h -hath granted in their Tandkifléd ic_.,we hope phe Pdrlianient will not permit: fuch ’ Propoficiona ahiiberty to all forts ofhfervicch and worfllip Cof God, an openinga dooré htoA Atheifme, to all Religions, to * errprg, fcand'alI5«fchifmgherefiég Sac; we_re;>1y.¢ A A A A V ~ Repgv. A ‘Brcthrem ytmr? la*nguagc*refl:&a _up0Ilh57°“FVd~v¢fi:€l1:t;.ha1§d your expreflions doehhdifparage yourhbnourable employ» lmemz’ as Commiifioners hofstare ; youtrpens {come no hm- ”ther fieetéd by phe hands~o;ffom¢4qhf,th4e 1a1)te_.&fca;1dal.dt1,s pamphlet: Wticerag ‘then Ofi»h§hq:S¢gig@‘h 0ommifl'1ox1crs- Yéu % - callum Thescottijh U1/fz_'{l difphehd. ‘ 39» » ~caTumniateiboIdly, but will‘ any thing flick ‘? iet’s obférve? your charge; The Parliamentyou faytdtflre: thejétttlement, afa vafl defirrmity or multiformit} afher‘e]ie.r andfifir, 6‘ grant: iliheryrfbr allfam offizrviceyarzd wmjhip ef'Gad,yea and the 0-” paving a door to lihertyr aferrour, /Fmnda/J, flzhifme , hdzjharzoztringh 1 God, oppofirzg the trmhg hindering refiyrmatimz, tandfiducirzg 0'- A than : and all this is aggravated girnfomuch as it is done; A af- AA fiiz_m‘ity?yca,of 'juiticgaqd.h_qt;¢fly :. and “ there- tera, mofi {acted and /hlemzzc League hand Covenant to {up-~ preflérall theft: according to the word of God, and the examplehof the hefl r/efarmedCh2_mhe:. Brethren, twq things youfhouldh have dozier before you‘ c"an7maka%th%iq good ;~ ~ you zknowtjhat h Religion and the Covenant requires.~the§?¥fuppre(fion cf fhefe: I thitigs, according to the word tafGod, and the example afthe hefl » refln-med Chmfchexr. Firft, thenyau fhould have fheweé by: the ward ofGod¢ What are theft errours, rherafies, i7t:m~c§aJs,. &c. which you A {say the: Parliamen t” defires a;.17:ettIcmenhtuf, “ » "21)’. You fhould thave proved. the rmethgods and twayesg. the rules and diriefiions of the: Word of God hat the flip-r hpreflion of thefe, ma the Parligments pracfitica in ‘op;pafiti- on to th‘at5 and then put it unto the iudgcmer. t of ingeni-4 houslmen todetermine the cafieg have you done thfis in the “eye of thehK§n dome before whom you have flarxdered the Houfes of P31‘ iamenrgifnot, were you not rCommiflioners of St:-étegwe lwiouhld tell you more. p}ainIy;yQur€ deferta : but A for the ptjefent we fay ;no“morchhbt_1trthis ;‘f}Ij’ m;}»:m.az§hz among 7mm 1 1‘ 1% yduféemttd helreligiomr, gh-hridleihhzzaz hi: iongiRe_(much more ’ ° A J" " his pen) hm decez'_m‘th hisvomnehrfmlc, this man: religiazria in A «mine )8: it known unto you that we verily believethat the things you {peaks of, much more the toHct*ation of them, and mofi ofall the fetiing thefa-mc,. are the firflwbhorn ofa,-% bominations unto our prethnt Parliamezmand in the mean whilerw-e clearly difcern , that while you pretend to plead with-fuch imparalleld zeatle againfi errors; herefie‘,m8zc; you fitickrnot to abufe the repute, and blemiihthe good name» of awhole reprefentative % Kingdom: at once ,: violating the mofi plaine, evident, and obvious rules, (hall we fay of chri- £013: lkeph. -:35 Tee Scattlijhecwfefldefgpelel. l_ fore we tell yeu as you tell the: Parliament_., andctlalie Vn0ti;:_g. w of it : lCelrmie1l)v Gad is not mccigede he H H A % A V A You tell uslpagge 7 ‘h, that ietie.frcm_yczcrl incemticre: that picm emdpeacechle mezefhceeld he troubled, hecaufz in eweiythizzg‘ they 647280: cezefcrme ihemjélwex to Preclgyreriallgeererezmem gfiy yoeefa} you clidezever cppcflefiech an indulgence 10 their Perficzegjel _ cc agreeable to the word of God, may e fiend with the puhligzee V peace, and 2": not defirufiiwee to the order and gczzerzzemmt" of the Church glyetyozc dcefiwmyourfimlec ahharfieeh 4 general! ah‘ mafi- tcleratiaez a: i: exprefi in the Prcpcfiiian, e’9~c. " V‘ Q e e “ Who {hall juclge cfpicm area’ peaceahle men in England; the "Parliament: of England, or the Scmch Commilfiouera Agaitme _., who {ball dleterm'in1elwh~at kind of indeelgence 5: 47 greeahle co‘ the worc1qfGad _., mg}! flame’ with theepuhiigjeee ,peezce,,— and izr rec: ldeflruéfive to the order lav gcver?3In%cee:;e3.fth_eCleuxech eflablilhed in England ?the Parliamcm: ce§'Eeeg~l_am:?,ce;k>1" elm Scotch Commit-lioners? what meanec you by imleelgemte i0 their Perfom gfuch a kind of indulgence ofehcir perfor2.s%,A as piece: andpeaceable men may have in Spaiue, Rome, Tuekie, among even Infidels chemfelves ,, or of aeccbceter cemfideragiv Elftveee may plough with uiycmr owezne: heifer , wee cénxay "quickly efxpcimfund your riddle; you would cum have a toIe+ raeion o+fanyh.See&aries , and weefée wherz theyureeby large Scheclulc, page 12. dezahemgztiflt, y4§ezt.ieeamiam_, e erniam, %Fmnilzfl.r*,.Eraflia7z.r,»;Br'ome1iflc_,Scparatlifi¢,;Lihectime,;;, ...x17zdépe7zc1er2t,r, NacI1.§fidianx,lelc5eeh\erc ,= eeffid the =-new Set? oflSha- where;ce1n»anyll:mmn:fin: chlel1cAaficdegeee with-fle\ndec~,:yc:mr ~Pre}S- *:byterie, anflnot be rankt amloflg chef}: Seéia riee, except A ache Epifeopalians, for which it fecmes We {hall have a tolerati- clone. Ceempriwilegic Sccticas. ,Breth:rcng «=:we,arel:noe: yeI:»ba:pci~ e *flecl"rin:té) Efielifpiczit of .Scotc:’~h Prcsbygceery : there::u*cacre{.flzefd- zchapeiii , vwelccaemot fuebmiteunmthe lawes ~chmrcQf*; theme A‘ amT;An%einem£anc,eholdingslibcreyemf Mriflcmcrdin :54 chm V A welcarerflrminieenxg :neicher-dqe~wetjudrgc ‘itlfitifull , ~tho;u we t‘l:>o*ucf!elfié’t cemetery to y0ur~Peeeby1teryc _, maize *sW.€fl care _ A "”;F.c:ieeilifl’;€, perhaps ,we:j.udge .7l3..l’lH..€fihflffl-.55.1101?-‘{O£Pl8ifl¢ and cilieare alfmmamflflhcu&El1'e.gDVm’£1¥m£flC.;gl »and_:xule_-[of ifalié I plinec. ?%fi*@w¢be’hP?-apofitions, i:,carzce;*rizi2zg the % 1 M *%::°b¢ Grawa‘i;éging»a&i§ged emf filawnn Lmgfie 453%?’ Ga¢‘i.:‘s%*a#: * A {mars ~ ‘A *:)%:iing§';ar {2a:f§°§‘g:z.r‘in tfieiiC % A 4 S¢§?§£t§¥ % .pfIin€.tQbe %Afnq’ud cum thcf‘woVr:d of God; a§V%fo%z1.w?dc$c V.Afap%pofl: and rherefére%do §mld3~.h‘at Chri£ti*m Mag;fira%res may cfiabmh fiich ag. di%fci'!phine,"(ic% b¢r::i~Angv taworn comr’aryA -the word‘»of Gcsd)>asthey fhalijudgeimeét , am“dv~th*at ‘we, caught to fubmicvunmicg A here we we MEr*afiiV¢n:‘: yet: -.4 We*ju.dge that we ought to? c«1m“e oumff $¢zé_yAlang~ and dc» cxine «corrupt; and rupcraizioua wmsflaipping $0, there We a1"~e«~Brawnifl.r and Sepwrwtiffxl: j'udgingiourV iwm free from rcceivingfthc law of Church»-f gov¢rnmcnr< fram thc Scotch Oracle g herewwe yarew Liizertinefffi nei?t*he~x=»A=wiil Vwe dep¢nd%11;ac>n ya-ur%4jadge%‘men%rs»as §nAfa1libIe;=Ahere‘ we gate I%2c1dp¢’7¢c£e3atJ‘’ :: %ex%ma%m1y fidtxbting fyomv ju‘dg4ements %.theg:éin, am: quefiiioning aux fa?iva'a*t¢io;z*é, A thogugh”V"Wc.A hasie no faith therein ghere weare Nuflifidimsz being excreamy ly in the dark, no:un&erf%'aiadin$g your wayes, here wee ~ Aa~%re%Se¢&gr:. And‘if theLr.:2rdin» mctcydoenatwaflfiéord us more liberty and indulgcncc in theM%= quiet‘ em'o“ym*fents of pwould ma‘kcV~ustrem’b1e under yaur‘ hands 51 mm%%% which uc~ormditim1f Liémrai my Damijfie;§‘ &Br§éthren,~ {izch6 1Se;&a£ics main: th3¢femf¢~1t}%e=1ivaredV, the“Pa:f1i~a“:r;e:?wfT;3ta t€.)I1es\merA: Bu:%yo:ur‘m{Te:r:)ion“ofxha Pafiizigjetita fi%;$ijfiI%:tg1~ ?l9m=tiOnof.the “S‘a&aries”o»f your Ga%ta1@%‘g;i§6,% iis %a“”faa‘ri§a- Lion Sand‘ an‘ unbmtherly aefpcrfitm» V That next: Religion, 1 hetbifi V011 ~u‘i?egé2zfic:e 4v2d?c£%t)ry«of[%:Zij'eé?4}, ?2a3FA$b‘d£mE§%£f?i54? %*%%I’tb: Kiflglf po~w:e?A. a‘”r2dig=rem;t-e % F A * You {houid have addcfi ,% I22 estrV.fé?z2e:a-Qfil piace:1aéé:d'aa1m fiye:4svym;mfams‘~ : “ > A A ~ ‘ xt,:VycucVomefAto*t1ie %qixei%ais«ma5 “Wke%f%i2:‘. %z%e «K“»i:¢g£ RLE-"4, in ti1e”~fir{.’c.”pIace,%tha‘ze"‘tA‘z: ;q%.“c%efiy an m;z?wzg;amd Va ff! "*1" --.. ’ . ‘ % % .._— };0ut?1”iri.\fil7cd’gt:s i%aAnd?-in cemfi”31i*t1 things Givfll? Aangd ‘Pge1igi-~ " :xwu?s;9zhem,1forou;g,fit w¢_ihey*éu %w%oui;d afi°m.ua, may « M be quickly reckancd amon¢gfit“be riewfseéi Aafsiamrsz you d£f'er \£r2""j:m’gea§5€?2£ P imerefi angdgwwer sf :;: *€l‘V§t -— ma’; Mlwwexg » W K Rcpi )1. vfwnanaafwifiich asf«e;‘4V‘aiA&& dm.hL x;_.,18. 4 Pag.I9;2 o. In :he%1ie:”;t;fpI%ace“you Aintermcddkwizh ; Page 2!; . A The’ next thing you comp§'aTn ajsfunder tfifc: heir‘! <52 3, awscottzfb czzzg/idgfpezzz, lawn and%upon‘£his principlc you document the Parlial" A meat of Ezugland about the: Kings power in making 14 Ws, % 8564., What haveyou to due to’bu(ic yourfelves in fuch “ : ghings which mcerly ccanccms anotherv Kin‘gdo1m<:}?v bu-1:‘ fihqcy»:>u_ thus take upon you (confidcn:»We:% argbéyand your cw-mmiision,‘ we defire you in your n€xt:,‘to dgclare faithfully the power of the King making Iawes In the Kgngdome ofSc‘a:land, and how valid his negative voyce is there. gain the mean;w<21i1c, why dim you profcffe Ignozwzrixm é'fa£i'i £‘9"jnr.i.r aha-vi, and yet §nc*az";?c»{’e in the power of making Jawes in the f_I<§ngdomcoz .;.3‘33vzgZ»md .? Brethren, remembcrtha: golden pafifage in the covenant, fl_0gy= piggy 434 cgllfixgx, and line notflrezb/mzgr J2’1‘ZJ¢';'_g.i?€}'075'£i N‘ " y¢ur4li2zfle. g . 1 + % % Ifthe Kinghatha negative voice in making IaWs,hn_r:h - he not the iameinrepeaiingiawes? And if [0, farewell PresbyreryiandDixcflory. % % - the Militia of‘ Reply. the Kingdam: ,1:o that we prayyou, hands of, wouldwe Afufibr youto [eizc uponjthar, for ought we: know,‘ the ho... “ mat of Engliflymm would be quickly ,Comf«f tfncd in“ the H VCourtcompIement, Tom Imwfale fermdntx; and that‘: Catho- V lick titles and warms ofDm:§um domiwntizxm, Wand jérvm ferwrsmfl, would {con be dividad b.mvecnthe .S‘cat and the Ewzgli/Igmg.-n‘: Engiiflamcrz arebetter ; fbu,lcf¢fiérs4 "wink their waapons, and .M'ilz'ri{z of theirkingdom A * , {uffer masher nationcointcrmeédle wich that‘. V e, 4 and Cicsmmiision, and ax¢efl”e;,; 2?; i/aefiafidizzg mfoflzr’ Armiex :: to that you tcli us , Tm tbinkfis Him: neither King nor Parlia-% liamsgm egg/at ta éeep fip an Army in the field when the war?! 13 _em:1ed. ‘ A J V A %than’ to part: Reply. Yen givé yqur Eudgemgcnt bafore it derfiandéci : we A‘ Vi:hinkfiz: you flmuid forbear intcrmaéling, % pears within ycur wamion and%cA1i’ir1g§aCc0rdin g to the j?» lem72e"Lwg#e and Covenant. Brethren, we doe not intcr-' pofe mgr bufic o,ur%felves%abeut I 0 ‘Z/ R vfli MT in V V . _. .. ., ._ M L scadmdfi until! icapw leflé, as The S¢ca‘m'fb a?ifi2eIl?d Scotland ," or a£fmis4 ‘particularly ’ be-rlonginflg Vuncéo that kingcicturrxgnexthezr dwc we gnu? your mf;_;»:mn%:ains butare cowmentedV'withaur own val'I1e%-3. »P¢,s;2*a1?+ 0 ‘UR my R... MT ,*theyarc c.;n£(ly Erxghands (:?‘“sa:*g::¥:, why fh.4:.¢uIdchey% be the%A%“(3c:m4n1*§fsioners of ScotVEands-trou'bl«;;%%? It: isive;-ry t"rue,th.c*Ac‘£zaa-gc ofthe Armifi is great, but wh:-;tbc:% A med... fifoh tell usjthc iudgamenmfour Parliamarnt, and notthc hzimd bf%m€jr¢ié‘Vtp our difipéffed kingdomcs did at firfi: gag» that them,»Aa hgnd %%Q§*'paawe‘r Em hhithcrco: beam with them; and a Hind of providence hath" iE£e;$“t them irogethcr to prcg.‘ fervc the imerefiiof their native coumrcy1'nti»;cA 8: whole from ¥thev§o1enceoftho{e:hat would be fingering thcre-- Wi‘!:h.; Am} t"n:;Vu-ghit be txjuegthat the (Eu: alum: .B_(Ilwarkby Odds méreyfrém fokrraign %cn¢mies, whiehlarc beyond it ;; yetyt>u :mro%w«ve;.-yi4we11~,V that our late" warres have =bee g\ fomcnted byour own natives; for fémetimesmbrcthren prove 1A1nnatu~1*a«I~l,~,ganc;14»fM7-mil ioyns his peril: amangfzzifi bre- fbfeié”; withHiéipei;ilrf‘a$t%fe}mw.lfyou doegindeed‘ condblc the griefsof the pVeop'leA-fromthe ch‘ar’gcs of our ‘Ai*%my%_., you V wifltake ‘heed thaitlwe bve'n0t ~n-Foubied with"“anyrfrom fortain ‘ p_a§*_t§ : fox; ‘confident weWare,the"who1e kingciome wm nevcnrabxde its no, though they ihquld enter intoa fia- as Page zz. VSc:.:3:r%ch C%ommifiio‘mrs,:nui% determine fetus"; Ta» “ Page 2 I. 2 Coral. 25, lemm-League hrfid ‘Covenant , ” fhiit t’hé°y gwould oneiy ‘hclpk V us t;udisband'ourArmies, and eafa fihewpmple of thc %op-jg p’refi:ior1Vs areas. You tell us; A If #362: I-Iozzfiex bad xccérding :a_#,vm;+- em-aefl de;/Fret qftbe? 375 %af?;CJMm'cb, 1.644.. xv/fen Ibgp. Vmarriefd their" xfrmjgmade 0/aryce %0;_f'fm:$'/:7 qficerx 4:: W;-re I;r2aWn to 9"é?.1'£,éalr;itI afzbe rqfarmtuion nffleligion, and cf p-Mart mzzzfmm may with both kfngdamei, are oéliged M prawmre rfiaééuzaim, ~_@~c. amzi putin ex’:a<.'.ution‘Athcir Fcvetall+:dccI3%rati«nns, aé thatofthe ms of Septamé. 1643.413 alfothe 15;‘ mffeérsaéau; ’f‘j? IAA64«¢~%0r«3zring at/I 0fii€‘eN‘m1de9' Sir Thoma! Fm§;'rfwx5 ta tcxég we Covgmnrf, fir. izfwoufd Imam pr-wemeda maria! of iwanvgeniegccéxf fifld evil: which have enfmdétpan the neglefi IV'b£;’rr€#»_f. . %% ' % A . % % W; judge on; {elves to have caufé to Hyde we fému-Efica \ " % A A E 2 “‘" "'“” “' with ma... Refit}. ‘ A mix!) card: to tbe‘ loam-C Qf ~.2fZmac,« ezml :19; name v}3't/24: LardAfm~ his Awifdmme goodneifc in ‘mnd%e11ing'th%ei A;?rmy*eve".n-as he did; tharmgla. mnmry to that advice pfiif ehc Scaimh ~C0mm4i1§~,;icm«£;;rs 5 (yea: vyge plead not as ai;lwfo: at) y er-.mn pr;e'vii 1 %0~ffiudgaf:mmcnt ér;.p;m_»&ice g:,i_:;l:1_:i- cifAth<:’:§ A»rmy,~m‘.~.Aany ~th¢rein.) ’%Tism1¢a W3 115%’; bf. all r.eligi.;, onsinj:.bis1;wAxmy,andfl9fi0religi9n in_anothex.»5v of error: Of ~judgen1:amt hem, of; etmr of; p.ra&_;i;:e el{cwh;ere%%*%; of? quarfnering liven tlw counnteysby Armyaofiquartering the cxsutit-nay.by_.a~n:@th£1‘.§’ §0£;O£fir:er$» and Souldicrs, than through afc§1:11p1:.%¢ ofconfcgence Qannotrakc the Covenant in this%A{rmy;:; zAnd%.oFQfi1ms and $m11di¢;s that can both take? thafioymaant vvizhhan.dsA1ifred%% uptq the mofl: high and ~fweari’ngt, %p1underingan¢i i?eca1inginA{ an%o:hcrAr;nyV;. i Gpmanflvyct fimikeLkba.nd6M with clgjith amnd» Qell, by fgurfing» ' his nosimeafure to us :to.dabbAlc;iz;;;he%mire of another , my; neithwcém we endure that A§he~A~Sco;eh Commiflio-e nets {hould befipatter our Armyg J7‘ tin: Hmjé: bad ac;-gr, ding tayamr, W’?%€_/£5 7491339: £5’? 35534 ofMarch,1644; wbengrbexg maqeflgdxkair 4€Mzn},m駧?€*¢b%”¢€0fff!0b0_l75€é1’l41 WW m,:£2e~ze:g1am t;be§,::wefi3Tr22é74ti0z2:s hardy men out Aof: A thy: W North; véhoiafiudgamoneabsw%nh¢Qov¢nam=%4ahd* *T1‘-¢'3'9- 1;yw~.hadvcaDet%r£¢dV.f‘0., l;l?:EO¢'in§§Bgduc6V}EQ£1§I%: nation tube once flowffl-tk}u\Eflatfi3_,‘_'0£it:‘!_1i‘$ kingdnme; ta haflveda negative vcym, in a-llchxnVgmaonc¢rmng*eunwglfgrg, who WQDM 113V: Pkadedwybufi ‘W 1amenVA-Englaqdg in the Militia g£%e%1aie;£ai»i2g<%eJ2v¥i‘:'9»avs!ifpoLTa.1lAI.6 pla,.,Acaa:an»d cifé Vficca of tram InValEeu:%par:1cn1a§z:and:—p§«9i:§rv;%ggncadg. -are cbnfidmt *w’ithy .du,rba%cA:i:*wewz:la£k~wa prew1eaet9iam.rv0rFc!V» Wmvvnvenieme: upm‘ t%heKi;1gan€$:i£2ia7 arfiya, Vhis.:Armi¢-3. 3; In thefialC1.s,.fl'r:0.n‘g md. Gmrr1 fo,Bs;, narlaicb MW; Anna The Iafi living you {peak unto under this head,is3wiz;.;hQ- 503.: A V ?H[,<:€':-"53’;-a.att£_[}'; (341)? ‘Ward. V l a ing ;h»g‘4d0H_firr£”£ t~itl:.r ojqvmor , whichyou call the Flmaaerl A" oftiza Crown, andlwblcrewiltia K irzgm doa 2/2 ‘to reaompenca pkg‘ mama and mlerliu aftbeir goodfuéjefh, (9%. M "A A A l ll Dial [you Jaotlformclrly oonfrsna to the making void 55 ‘Z{gp_l}v, A the. Titles gf Honour coalswd by the great Seal, after in was car.riedaawa~y from Lthoj Purl. .9 Have you better mu. A '4 fiderod of tho matter; and changed your moughtsl touch» ingtho vartues and me-zarita of thofe whohave aflified aha King agaiofi the Parliamént? Is thiayour zeal againll the common onamy Qfubflfih Kingclomcs, according to. the fa... leggm leagxae and’ Cozzemm .? Isthis phat jnfi and amdzgaa pzmijhmaezt lwbereunto‘ you engaged your {elves to bring them ? what that they might be rewarded for their help--‘ a ing tho King againft the Parliament (as we hear: your A S.acreta%ry was, (as is fuppofed) for his care and pains in thiafiayour writings againfl: Lhe Houfes) with titles of %« honour; A Having finilhed the particulars of thc feconda ha-ad,w’.a.{ page If more of the Crown, you fall upon the third, the? tmiarz < ' azadjoylm ia2te2"efl af":£:1elKingdame:, where you complain, ‘ Firfi,Tbat the Haaajé:'/save omitted the Covenant in tbejé ‘ Eropzjitiazzr. V __ A _ l l'l A We have given youzan anfwer to that once and again : R5-P you 50¢ fc‘-!__t“Qfffi:t'he. covenaéntgfihthac ir:’§ ljclhcughc you” will qggiplg-lyflllbrin’gl.it aounof date; choword CO V‘ E N A N T l i;a*%yaiu,rl~”§;HI§«B 0:1; but we can both pronounce and undarffand it aawfelll aa your felves. I S,;e;cood1y,~you adda; that ib:.H0#fi'.r have reje.é_‘r'ed all ma: ’ aazzcomex ~am'z;,v (3?IdWZ11:flW'«fl2'ig‘mi7Z‘?79‘a¢W€¥‘.? of religiomlk l V Ibis blutatemporaary Sa:fanj£é}z,’* becauléoltheir for~ Repé/.: naer fuccoflefi1effo(yo1g.r own ‘anfwcr forayour rejefling . p1‘_0p0fitiOm:,andprr¢;[]2'v:¢:: jcf JOINT ll INTEKESI are lefirom. V _ . V 1'Wl7' A If bylyayntinferefi you mean fuchla jean: intercfl as is accordiqg to the; E X P ‘R E45 5‘ E letbcr Crtllti‘ /Erlémne League and CIovem_m':,m2d treatie: between the %Kz7ngdamJ, Wc; % canngtlprefumefixch an omiffion, thaugh there may bet A 3" \ prudemiall ” ful A % thereof, thwglx we know no fuclzthffng. A A A » Sacolndly. iAi"b;:r}-0,TN,T I N TE R E S T youmealg fuch a j 0 YNT_ IN Tl-ZR‘ ES T‘ as lyc»uA would ex-4-~ see chc An- tort from the‘ fr.-»l.»emr2“ Leag we and Com-"nan: , ar1cl!fT mztie.r* pénfiqn lac: prclcncllof tom: particulars. % fwcrofthe éetween;/ae Kirsgdamegas the fenfa thersrofiwhich was % C°m“'°«“9 navel‘ intended, nay, Tab}? o:A’d,as that l§bC“Mi;’iii4 by [E4 and Commimo“ landfn t/9: Kzmgdumc: cg‘ En‘glanq and Ireland; 2/aefomer um papa makzfgg pegs: and mzrre zm:/a fbrrazne lsflmtex ,, ilael Kzzlgxcemg ofrhe 20. and jém £22 xIae‘.:n,z€'z‘iszg rrfm2’}'ZaW;_;Al1be conférring ofgreat place: of A ‘I133? ‘met Of {amour and tr't4fi"_., 0}‘ Peer: qf ‘Tozrliament, canflrwing “ page 11. $1; 2;’ 495 l aftfiilcx of l?1??Z0£;¢;‘?‘, what re?/mm: the King :3 to }.m"?Je s*r2“AEng- ° ~‘545- land and Imlmzd, amd how to be difia/ed, $2‘; cannoAt*bcl trarlfafled and comcludccl up<.m,wi:hout the f0 TNT adal‘ «via-‘e Aami cwzflmt nfzbe Iiiugdame o_f.S‘cotland« If fuch 3 kinda»! of~lEnfl: and xhfiatiingomly of thejZvlemnc~’Leagm' .md wvé-s “nmt, mm’ treaties bctmeen the kingflomex, naillfirfizze jrmr mm, and ::§%wE X ‘P R E S 5 E *1cm:er%of'thcfe,lis too {hart fat“ year rfétis fafixiozxfi 3% Parliament of England have mam upon rsafnna mat Gm&ra£."}' .r}Jr0#qI.vazzt the prapcfitlanr, dllraxa Aprlaflfumr of TN 7‘ 1 NT 5’ RE ST flauldéc [aft aflt. Yea, ifwe may be: underfiood in the obfi:rvAation of mu- (_3l1CdlfiaflC€i;%:‘('1fn5ai1d obliged duty to rherh ,, we aétefl thembyallzheirvowes covenants and promifiss, by all ' theirvctes, orders an-“ii or-cllnanccs, by all their declaraa tiom, praclamacions and prozellacions, by all ourblilood, ' M ‘ ' » l owes Parliament of England ‘and Scqtcb _Comm‘iffioncra were E- 4 ‘Y A _ . " ' var % The scamyh amyz d1:fpel’d. blows and battles, by all our vexafions,com:ributions,;and % , taxationxk by aiIV~our mcmeyes, hoiifé and place 5 by ail cm: 1 T iérvams, Apprenticemnd Journey-mengby all our wtnmds * foresand fcarslg. by all the rents,‘ ra%pcs,'%aud mines 5 by all the piunderinffi, burnings, and fackings; by all our %Wi'd%-l W . dc>Ws,FatherIeHé, and friend.?.e§Te 3, by all 0u1'faying.c,w do-"- ings, and fufirings for our Kmggdsames ‘inter: Pas gby the fad ‘efléfis of tyranny and flwery; by the great Hui’: commicu 1 ted (:0 their charge 5 by our c%onfir.ience aftheir fdithfixlneflé V therein 5 by the hanour of Englifla mezzgby Lhefhinof their pofterityg kindred and p::~'oge:ny; 3 by their princigles of hu- A manity , jufiice, andintegrity; Ab}? their greae accompt an thelafi day, that they dopreferve our rights_.,I f2.Wes38: intew refl .3. our pxxvzledges,I1bar.c1es,and xfz11rr‘sur1iti.«zs, imzire, dis- .{’cin& and whoYe,and that theyneizher {ell them, give chem} nor gram; them, not yet fuffer them to be fold _., given , or Whereas you complaine tbatfiarmerlj Propofixiam bf barb N 5X.Ki22gdame: were draxmze up tagetlm in one body :3. nomfarfépara- " i‘ftz'ng the imerefl ofzhe Kirzgdomar, the 1’rapafitiomfar4Engiand % % A are mam up a part uponzhe obférvation whereof, .wichc:3—-A that thingsyom» defired A Co22férence5ef3' Wald not bé granted. We repiy. V % A Firfi, what meane you by one bad; .? rriean you the Com- Virniflioners ofboth Kir2gdomes_._., making up. that one bady .5’ or 23! the Parliament of England in conjunfcien with the Search Commiflioners ?doubdeflE we cannot think that the "Vgrancedib“y any'coriipm‘?( COVENANT or TREATI (aswee _ ‘fire moi’: aifured h-ithertothey baverxbt) to any Nation, %~‘K§ngdome, or People sand more particularly , that in all their trmfaéfions between themfelvesénd our Scotla Bre- ’ thren ; they maitstaine the D I STI N C ‘I imerefig pf Eng. “ ‘ land, Withmiit confoundingit vvhh the interefc of Scotland 2 " V ‘ and that in all their neighbomly, i'::§enci1y,% and brotherly, A Afl'o¢iJations% for this-JOYNT benefit of bofi: Kinezclomes, '1 they never %a{T3<:'iate in that which is their SEVERALL DISTINCT “and PLARTICULAPL“ righw. ' Page A23. % gag A $753 S¢oim‘fl5 wlzfidzfieid. var known yet :0 b; we éaafy .9 Wee hwape tizat never fixch a ¢n1oni’c-er {hail be {ache in England; n¢2izh‘er~ CW2} we imaginxe that the Commifiizmem €3§ b«z:;:t§;,x. K§mg§dca34$ iiz»o?7e my were to draw up Propm, %tEaeir ir§'°tez*:;tiw% cmwerming the ifitire prafervaticsn ofthe «Kingdome3%d*i«fiEi'i&* ‘iiazarafis, % - and»therefcreeur0b§§g;ati0ns’a.re che?"grsatcrLmtoAw@urPar* liaznengfor that theywould nm: 122 much as grain? axCo5wfi'a~ % refine witbgau abwt“":fii~s} quemn A fibwt a—1*I~Engfi‘fh-n1en oFb0r1~0ummdx“ inrwefi , and cdmmon ~ inge~nuity,, wilt joyne teg*eth—er*a3~ me man; “the interefi of their native % "thatj aH;.tal!1eA guiwldedfi f’"pec*'ies-; , Pdgé 23. mle ,' wiwreirl it is provident that no Ceflation, 220% an}. Paci- A ‘ fimtion an agreement fan P“ E E%mbatfls*everfI§wl2L%&éVmade% 5} %éIi?tfier%?Kinga“ome , orrbe Army afweizber Kingdome mitfaom the mvtmali adéfice and‘ confént oj lmla Kz'engdvme£L , or Com- .mi#treé;f*'m%~:bat beAb4%.appbz‘1é«ted, 9'0. A « % — A F*‘1rfb,A “Finis eighth Artide you fl<::m*‘i€h _ amt-1:: Pike the -f1Lvord% ot7&z~.ul‘, prefuming in wit!‘ not retume em p;y:,though cm}»”y for Ayour own?ovcrthrow* for who was the?» en#smie%w¥;h7wb;ich no Ce_~g7Ezr£qAm, mr Pacififcatian an agreeemnwfibw pecm Tewer-flaouldLbe~madea% lzjfweiirfier Kiimgdbme , ow ska firmiam gfl Atlas?’ a4@iee«4~md"¢@nfmt 0/f'bo5#1Q*’ Jame: aim their-@‘az?¢mi¢::a.& an {&a5t »i%beb*d_lfe A-app;a:im!ted*%3‘% %’&Mk ‘*9 p.art:y~ its {i~1pp:=cEtVby v~Cz:mq*ue RA, and no peaceia made A with them Eh}? A cgmpxfig %th_en1:he anely ersemie that fiarzdw the King ?‘ was n€)tthflBC§EC§l4=‘E< ; ’ ~ A ‘Aa£%s~:y¥:il1 fay) ‘fem’ h'iA::he’?r ta Amie&iame- >*KiNG«?at;1d PVVARLIA» ‘MENT'Aas the c':%fi“efe patt'iz“e5;*aAv v%ar1ance3doé'm3 1: 221! we Ex» px;-efi%sA_, Pmg:lamat‘iéM; V afnent, the Armieunder chem Rebels ,= Traytors A,’ “ ene- mics, 8:6. Did not the Parliament declare that the KING V had [ct up his Standard againfi his people, apd thereby put: his Parliament and Kin gdome out or his proce&ion ? whau % can imaginably than be the meaning of this Article : but ~ 219:3; no Ccflatian , nor any Pac1'fication'*, or argreemem fm-peace wbazfziezzer camée made with the King 23;: either Kizzgdome _., ‘av the Armfex afeizlaer Kingdome without the mmmzfl advice 422d comfi=22t%afbotb Kingdom: or 1/2eirComrnit”z‘ée: eizttlmi bebalfapr poiézsedg hath the Parliament ever iécretiy 01: openiy, made any Cgfifztion, Pacificatiorz, or agreemefltfor peace wba£j?3ez~err; Orin the leaf’: degree clofely tamper-’d with the King with;-“ out thewmutuall adv':'ce and ccmfentof both JKin‘g'don‘3es? Did'th'ey ever direfily or indirealy thamiélves or others . invite him to their Armie, and upon his comming pretend »..to¢ad,mire the wozxdcrfufl providence , profeffing afionifh?- mam: and amazement, and that they were LIKE MEN IN A DREAM ? Did gheyfcvet accept oftitles of Honour, %ei—- ther at Mm-cizfile, or If}: Qf‘Wigb2, exhibiting fo muchas” 1;ha,eIea{_’: jealoufie untoour Bret%hre%n,of Scotlmdw, of any % compliance, much leflé agreement or paggzficatian witbflae K. witbauttlaeir miqmall advice arzd corzfém. Have they broken their Articles of Txjeacy, or your {elves ? N o, let not fuck a fcain 8:: blot be found upon anyfi A ‘ GLISH men of honour or intercfl, much Iefli: uponthtg High. Couxft o_fParIiamen1=. ofllngland, the rcpr¢1?:ntative‘fbod y._of the whole Kingdom; and weonce more;QB,TEST‘ you, Brethren, Cnommiffio: V mars of3co:Iand,by the iealoufie and Math Ofjifle mofihigh God, by all your p1fofefl.ionsA and ‘Declarations, by your {'0- iemne League and Covenant» which ybuphakfc made with gs’ God, the Paul. andkingdomvoffinglcmdgby the e§ghth~{A,r- A ticle of the Trea:ty‘betwixc the Kingdoms, by_phe%% dreadfuil demerits of Covenant‘ b1jeakcrs,Treaty-brwkers, falfe bra? A aahren, dcccitfi-zlneflé offriendihip. difliimulation with God and men,that:yau neither direflly prl; indirefily, {ecretly or openlymgzleg myw Cefiztiap _.,A A Paujification or agreement fim W69 tzlzanmeéf 3?’ 175 THE 41“-N9 @959"? 2%? “d"’. T @503 The Scotfifla 2!/Iifi difpellwl V ‘ 4 1: A wine and "ean]é2eit“of79u‘tI9 Kingdamr. And [we ciefire Almigh ty God tO'bie{Tef and profpertheri Parliaimenttfit Oommiflio‘-A-3 V niersie‘ ofiboth Kingdoms according to their faithfulnefle in keeping Covenant and tTreaties ,% that it maytpleafe him to b1efstherrfo,1_:;either of them in ,th.ei~rr:faithfu1l end.eav.onre to A e"xieente*jnEigmen;te~8coiuftice upon great and‘ifmaii,rt *fu1fi§};;mg t ti1en'rhole’rnind9‘8t wilIof‘God Without refpcfi onfpierfons A among men 5 thetffit would pleafe him to keep up the fpirit of the h’onourable’Lorde,n Corn1nons,8z Armie of Engfarzdgf without deeliningfromtheir late refolutions ,' A in a Ready, confientfendefaithfnii intention‘ and purpofe, without fear A or favqur, ‘anti3incIinettbei1earts‘of all the people ofthe Lenjd'toeioynewith.then1 to promote righteonfnefi, iudg-» A rnentst j§,1{fci~c_e,aIf;d t0*‘i(f.'ep_thc interefis of both Kingdoms, A in theiriproper dt_iPtin&ions,without confufion, to hear the cries,; anid haiienthe remedies of the many opprefliont,for- remand grievancesof the Kingdoms 5% and that it might. pleafe-himto‘ incline the hearts of the honourable City of _ ‘ Londo_n, and all thelnhabitants thereof} tothrow by all inn-o happy difi7ercinc“es}8c iealoufiesnrwhatfoever, and to joyn to--a getiierin‘ the ways of God, and to give them light from his Word, and power from his fpirit in a due and Gofpel way tofirpprefle error, berefie, blafpbem}, t and wbarféeoer iricontrar} to firmed deéfrine, and to maintain: in their jézzeraflplecer razed‘; selling: the undoubted interefi of their native Kingdom 5 for ellwhichwwith fimplicity and integrity ofheart-, gmefirmm audit}: gnordamine._: _but;to return to anfwer our Brethren. Y Ifrhe King he not the only man with whom the peace is tobe madegwhat other ;gtisrer{'ary.doth appear at all ? and indeed youoften telliusthat new the meme 2?: erzded,‘pag;Io. Regain, the W ariir Aertded, paged I . iT£veresr no emmiie to fidgbtb with Ibide Againgflze tear eat an ierzd, ow-f not uifible ‘enemy in the dem.Aga.in,nom>Armier are no more ufefullg Ibid.{Then ‘ it willfollow. Firfia that the Parliament hath not broken etheijfffreetyiin any Pacification or agreement with the anew , ‘ rnietttnithoutyou, ‘thepeace being got bythe fword, 8: not A by a.Tr-eaty 5 therefore you ought to recent your ,ch;3;iigin“g: them ingehisoparti-§ulet_'. 2. If the Werrje ‘be ended , we have % V1’rage 25; A ‘Re-p£v« mid. Rm. Ibid; 4 42%;: A ?‘Erg.Smttéfl¥2 sdij,;22efl"'wI.%.%4 % neWf~smr,oAxeeVat~h%u ~Sao!.cJ'9 mtniflioAr:am5far we know fig-Qggsygggggji, '§E":re4;:%a::%§vm,r»;C~ors:%aaA& wiah t:hem_;, .tha.r tghsy V fliquslel gnemn¢M;a¢wz:Vm m %;iw:Ahc gowrnmcnx of.amkmg- dgma war we them ién we ggcmx ant afmeina. Wee timazkfi {aw ymar ha1:pTg(;afi"mr we fiaali. mmcmbs: m~1ro;m% 31:9, :a£km$§§f1a:d§§yems kawx Eitgtoyiurzimgmuiagy naemamlm abzmzh am Mia refpefis mm {you} s2s.*cV hams eg§~w_n yssu mescacaga. mmrzdzs, Vfimiidw A alwtbcr things we =nm: .rm;mg 5:?-ham in epaxrpc >0»-f payment ,’ 200.000. pflmdsmane wsiaimg we gm wee «pray your Chrifcian am! abrmtmifigy §m*~.ea‘r;aa1ace with «ma, w:::1;n:£E1a‘1:i~ find 4us.Ahonefi¢,, and wi:;:h=::g:a;%i§ in am: dea:1iamgs'wé£h ml. ' p@fit:5i<«; if-;13_BQia§i;€f Lméazz, gém. _ _ V % ’T&m~Oiiie M Lmdoa-z(mfpeak Wi.t’h*;)ut Avnaniry) hath not; amfi»££arT :1‘1S"fi*b;§ icing mmf Semi, in {hair deferts the :Pavr1; uf Ezrgland. A:md“we.»e mm «,nowVquefli,o.n, buwpm. vfaritlhfxaii »carrri:zuar:cse.zche’i«r due ns1@&s.t:0 the %Pa.r1... offlmglamd, the inmrefl :t:h%emof, wherof we have hapm J Q %bm%fs this time, Ged~wbI£fi'¢ =£:haeir aa:Ahad 1191553 in Efiglwdg xiv? Wa%8%fra¢m4Tome or the Fe lcarngdA%Ba‘1wla;d% fixlgers in Vd1fho%nc:gur o§fpu.1;pi¢ gpreagh. ing, who were bred .11 p in tfge LInW§_va1'.fir;y Zof Nenogaze. fihuul anglifi Gomm1fsioneMr§ 211:1 A;SaWm.d ”h«:*cve made [any mmt,io;n aim [t:?’bei%r~Aad~dwncflfe.s .to4%th¢ier Pa_J:1ia mt fit, éfithc op- probrious 1tearms ~o-fllealéf/1412+/ mm:e) W,¢ .. var«a«bfer'¢2*£ mo proctied f:om<~AOomm11}i@;msr4sgf§,S:ate ,«,be- A ‘ f0tc,:ie%ithrr%;d we*;be%l;:cxt€Vc}11 »:gr this In-s V daiembred .up%in~xW%g*W4m%%‘ A did ~n¢‘C¢1?~ rllfi .;_fi:u:rri10us ” tenm«a::in%:m§»e1 t*hai~r mocwgzs rm thf-3 J1?V’-1%gii?Q:_:‘aI€E‘$ at Baflom éajin New-Engldmi. % , , % ,, _% ] An£a1;;1, ma /EsVt%;dm2 =_i_’?2~»é7,3& dz- Page 2 5;; firménérifiwderonW»#?~€i«me=@r+4 7 " 4 ‘pay 4 V 44 M A Tlie Scattifk diflveld. 4 Repgy. 4 If yciujhave any; d¢13:es~. cohcerningyour own Kings. d_,~me,where.in the Parliament 0F;Ifjwgl@_7§d may gratific yog without prejudice to the proper mtercfl: of England, yo A may age well to tender them 5 but Wfifliall not trouble you toimediate fmjus wzth our own Par1xam_cm;4; wc de. V fire you brcthrcngonfic rnorébefowrc weleave‘ you; that Sec’ Indepen- Cy of England, e’9-c'.‘ia.tcly fa: fort!-‘wag. I8. 19. youwwjquid remember‘ that pe;acc-ap‘r¢{"c%rvin4g pafl'ai‘*g‘e”in thé C%ovémt'1t,j’tA R 3 EVE 311 L P L-A G ES A D CA L L I £7${_G5' .- yqu grce'xtream apt to for» gc:i.c,1;}}e'ref3:5r€ are we fobold to puféyou in minds fzg gfifn gfgg‘: yon; %hVave}@t'a’owaz L514 0 S’ ‘T ofjam defirwa bmgnoggy AL L, keep}'bef£f§;§xit’t1ixx yo1_1,pcrha‘ps it is bet». A 1_eafl;‘for m) that your defires fhould bc-2 inyom A tax‘ Wm 4_ H‘;E% A R, T S,‘ than iryycur H A N D S‘. Aslfor yc:i2rV'int%e:m¢d1ing with" thcfcyu !’eBiUs 1Ment~ by mhe Fioufies untb“ the K52: g ;W€ fay 310" *more, but had“ you beénnj‘in”‘dt5’i1l1 ofzh: bounds and limits of ourfolemn league am; -6-0.m,¢,mg,V§z_og,g)éfem:r-bzflitvlaeer and oval/ingr. V you had: {pared fioxir pains in that bufinefiE,,~V andyour fig-leavcs_yto cm.-*m*_;hat_x3fia kednefllghath been torn from you by a bhett‘~¢r% 'f’i3'1‘3d 9: V‘"1%‘kF “4$¥‘?§4=h‘ad thought‘ tohavc ta.kenou%r?!cavc§,b1:1t ‘ wzzazzamfie us in yo‘ur;ne2»:t,it will be fofmcrengagemefits-A%4 % V, , % V %‘Fifj{7:,‘§wh§;th¢r%thatycur p1_1bh{hmg to the pcaplg the t*f§.El§‘f€§¢9utl1in.§g in yam confciences he %is 3.‘ chann- ‘ge %n3m,Ayea%O>r no? % w ’ Awmld not be mofi ac, % gregeabfifi