‘¥°.£,,%§%.,§£££$;§%§§§§=é?'§£%,%.é.§:%%,%.ééé é*$:§.§é§§,% % aye- V , 2 Q an :1 , . «A _ v 3?» ‘,mxm.‘.~‘.~..-> _.., ‘ .,. I! w M ; , ..‘d_ _, ‘H4 ‘ “ ‘’Mu:£....tm~ « w: ‘R ‘ -» <4. <1 we W %MWefled Liev. Co1,7"07m L135-W1 2 M‘ W111- & Wgzmn , N1t‘vficb¢zrdOver-- A w ~ é V credulousand fiexxble men, and theme cheat theWm%under a guilded bait: of their {earning good into fuch afiions ‘Q5 .1 ~ ‘ I‘. ‘ :{.~,».g;;:, . ’\ yft. .1 in£h*u1nenta%l tolthe difguifed defign ofmaskt ener:nies,and to have their Integrity impofed upon by the deceitful pelicy of thofe that A dare1nat‘%ownth¢vi: own aélions, lei’: r:h<2yA {hould allarumthem VWhom%4they d%ay1y*deceiveV,and hinder theincreafe of that party by A 1 1.:hey% expat”: the accompliflament of their fecret projerf%sf; % V Vt“o4V<:>pen thewindows of this dark Cabinet, and% re difcézver tha %% “%’ n:'xethoVdsof Athefe Impofiers, is‘ wmrthy the ingenuity %and.charity" an ‘ ! An . A 2 &.of‘ i Weilwins U/ilexji, or , . devout and ptihlique fpirits, as did 1-”eem tea bteajthfiin tweioflehefe j{4,gmfgfi,atlar.r,e vim. L. C. falm Liléiaam, and ‘Mr Z760: Prince; i (l*withlfot-ne others adhering are them ) flaoulclbe Wrought upon A eeecain his Crafty tranfiariee 9? himf?1fiet0 th¢ few 9? an Angel (by their late Proceedings imprint, and other‘ways)' to fetve_the implicate Defigns of the Kingdoms Adverfarxest were they not eleceivedbythe fine and plaufable exprefiions of‘thefe"CunningIm:e- llpoftore ; and although the ptefem: diftempers hfjtheir’ 1tuy:h11iletit; §pa“(:fions(likeithe raging Seas) and thepeitpleateeBull4itilbne%hEi:heii' 0 a.1n0Ij€. able pen. lteannot be imagined, ithat fuch*l‘qa:a2a2itQs$éa difcontented tnineles, have fismed out the tlregsaand drofs of {rail A and finful flefh and blood (We mean) _vented unjw;0tthywCallum~ tzies, palpable falfities, and moi’: BOEOIICUS fcandals againfc thofe ( faviours of the Nation) men, that Gtjdllhath madelhappyliltuliru-r A ments of the Kingdoms Freedom from apparent fiavery and utter tuine, yet that ancient experience which we have had of “the {aid petfons (efpecially the fitfi nanf‘dt%tktheteo£,) together ‘VV1th thofe fere~»{t1f’Eerings by him endured in his fioutwith&a11ding‘tI1e Com... A mom “eEnemy in l times pate, though we ct3nfefsi2ve have mitt ob... ferved his lfui-‘feringsl to have prod uced‘that qm: frlzxitlof rzjglatea A ozafizeflt) not him to have learntthat meeknefs‘ and 1a2a[£;2ej3-a_ff};{» gs; afie; Clgrifia example‘*‘in bearing’his~(.;L”rd$;~ .§y¢tWE11iCOI1fid€F~ i ing that opprefiion obnoxxateth even wtixfeiittflmenl to that madnefs- ;‘ which may net be {(3 quicllly recovered again ) We%arefL1rnifhed _ lwith a co,VetingFor hisprefent nalfe- 13335333 through a prii‘i:>t1-agtate, fuehlla ad§llempe;eda,furious, rayling: l l t and tagingfpittit doth itarelanda gaze itheir:Afolliertaandijudiciousa hi Readers in the faceglfpitting fueh venu‘1?,ttan’kor i?%ai1.demizl1iceagainl’ca:’ the mcfi pious and dL"{.€I'V-illg men of thisjNation,thaitletheyicannot, cla rush lhomagge; to Belzebubfi:-he Prince of fuch Splri'ts,asiietoshear: V the fotmd. 05 1133’ f€V€t3geFul«e%§at1denv1ous_l1aUgH3ge,”tand?tc:liaiwafh A their time in . reading fuchlla«nderous~Dec;lataeipne £romhis1n€er.»v t I1Ll1'COL1‘:t5,j._bl1t’b<::‘h01d a fiellaappeatance of. thefe fuhfcriberslin; anew drefi ofa .1atter date, as if that fgitit Woh1diafl1ew4his.mafier: of we Jllazngfé,/Zaztor.r’A/1}:z}2zf$ée7.”l lg nfilight calling it fflfhby theme '39 3 f‘”5f”/l*l?59”°fL~C-ll”??? A- _‘i,fl&Ir_Z7‘7'2:', Mr William W;z1w£w,<’§°c- hearing date the 14 of xfpril lt3549; whore clevout,lfpeclou_s, mfiék, lfelh-denyifigu fofr, amt pleafam lips favoursemulch of the flightcnnnilngland clofehfnbtletyl . of that additional Subfcr'iber,lMt William Walwirz, who (as the Serpentthattleceivedourfirfi Parent4swasV1m§reL figbtle then any beafillof the field Whichthe Lord GQdn4had made) in much mote» ctnftythen the refleofhis btethten, dfwhofe curious {pinning We have feveral V lteafons tn;prefume#thxs peece, for here is not the L likzentions ptnvoking claringntefs of L. (‘.01. Lilérmzk pen, l not yet thelnntorions ptofanefs of Mt Rlickazrel Owrtonx pena as fot Mr Prisvzcc, he isa younger brother, latelythrawn 1n, and ~* no further 1 acicnmplifh’~d ‘n his brethtensart then in the lellbn of Confgp. micy nntotheirl proceedings and confcrzptzon unto their Ex» p1-effeslfl Again,’ he thatfhall compare this _/Vf.:m{fefltttio;z, fub‘--I ~ fcggbedbye M:lW,:§1n>£n, with Etzglmzds new C/oeim‘, the firitand lfecgnd part, the Hmnting of the Foxes, and other fcanclalous Pamphlets, e fubfcribed onely by the tell, may eafilyl perceive the Fwelltknnwtnlfnbtlety“ancllctaftinefs, phrafe and flile, of this new" Snh“fct1ber above his Fellows; who nf themfelves are no more A able tn alter the complexion of their pen, then the Leopard his fpotsgigr the Blackamont his skin; theft: being Wnlves in T their V own, but theothera Well in Sheeps clothing ; land that fimple l affmllplainnheattedlmenmaly:no‘lnnger bedrawn afiele from theit pnblique Intetefi hand; petlfonalCnz*nfotts, temporal and- eternal, heatthe voyee“%of~ fev‘erall‘years eztperxence and nbfervatxon, %ex;+-4 hibiting :1 true and‘ impaftIal=1aZl¥i?zt5r2;tfe§2‘tetz§?2 ~ch1eBy«andl» prtncte» pallyeol‘ thisflienzfeflator,;we~mean thlsnew aclditinnalvlSub-F’ a ‘llfctiher, Mn,;«Vii{ittm Wtslwisegl whntnwe (hall cznnfider-~not at all in tefefencel tojhis‘Bireth,l“fBt*eeding, Ttadel; manner .05 lifeyande V mnv¢rfati”on,any futchet then nnl-y relating to lhis~wiles»la»nd w*:zyn,~l V nnethndslland=mndes,.~1n delndxnge,cezenznglandedeeewxng a plant l anal honefl: lgenettttinn at “=well~.tn'e%aning men , he intn l fnch lpathsé pI.‘a{9cife§ itntlllmannetsl that are molt defltt1él:mre tn then: A e ette’te£’cl,l:ianthe~A judgmennthe coAnfcienc;e,A wi1i1and« afiions, A wiii quickly fntrendet, even upon Satansitetms ; bust ii before he fpiends his Ammnnition, via. his Arguments and Rea» A fonsagainf’é«itAhe.«;7fame, with no {mall fnbtilety‘ parlieswitth them asxini the very i7amt'¥‘Gafe,a~nd "ta-the very famed endgthat enivions one mthetiptefent and etetnallnteteiii of mankiAnd,’diidi infinnate trim - ii an ‘conference ‘but fit+{’cA* petentiby way cf fubtle and Acrafty 1 que£’cinns,and»hAath Gnd.i‘ndeed faid;JeA /M1 Mat mt‘ af£?m'7?'5]W‘ee of ‘ ‘ 1‘£r§‘igfl?‘4d£fi¢’,.6.A‘_€VEH' F0 thiemnfi perficientAStho1~1ar,doth nntinfei A inn de»wni-right mannee:to:deny.ithe auAthatiAtyA of tht*ScI~*iptt1»tft:s, A bilitlvijkcv ‘er-Eike:4«tn:mA»heifetsupnnmen AAq"¥lJ€f€¥-"wflifgé tflnw A in C3"Ii1'p¥0Y"@’th‘€i Sériputurefitoibe the Word A et'God 2» ft» A and i V haefe gontetning. the d»iAvAineA guthorityt of the 3€1'ipAEm7€£9 AA a ,>V,_‘ V W¢lwin:%& %%i1es ,‘ and confequetitly%the"artic1eso~fyou;bel«ie‘f',4 a5r;1dJfcheF}groxgnds W your fliith , but fwm thfi E6-‘=V*ir1‘1<>I1YV 0‘? ?. :Whai béAt‘t€43?4A grounds ha»*e;y9u:¢ to; beleeve the AS¢ri%pAturesM%%cam¢ »%fr<>m f3od.L themthé Turks havefor their Alchaxon, or%7;;;;h§:2Jfgg«%:=he§£: yTa1mud not that hehimfclf wou1d&Af€em:~ti>§F1*J€f?ri0I1~i¥a but 7 ifyomivill beleeve him, it is to’ L1nderRa”nd%h0w _x_n%én are fet1 :c1k~ ‘ in their fai;h,and to help them therem; hewrir: for the %defence iof the divans V author 1ty oF the Scr:ptures,; (asfi§,Sat:ar;¢himf¢1f5; whenV;he did% %tAernPc Lord %:~3hri%fi so défixoy ath¢AA3.¢riPtut¢Sa4 in efi"e&.bydoing contraryrheTenortixereofajdid%q1-W?:11?9 “very Scriwptéure, %faying,: 1m‘: Wzcétten, %lae/Z2311. ‘g~£v:;1ai: flnggls «'9/»'Wg6aC*5"6'« % ” % W Second1y,If he cannot prefently furprize their udgmen.tsby'%‘ his;fL1b:i:1e3 quriAes»aboutV:heScriptuxes. ‘Ih€'?“VaV:e8' the btfinefsk fo1:a1 fe%afom§ and rakés? %ano;her% .co‘urfe.% .t:hr?r1A~A1.1€g%irlfinfimfisthéd coxltfadifiioma‘ opinions of men ;A.ab0ut marJtwers;of fi¢1Aigi%%‘ their variou$ A judgments, h]ow;% oppofitwe-A4%and icroisékrhcygre ct) ;hemfe1v%es(dec1imjf1g ‘*3 ifi inétions ‘whereby tzhey may he refiana C1164) 1ead4in%g;%V%hiS sI1i1¢iP1e.S upionrthe Q. bards Days: ¢fr¢2I¥!Qn¢:% Chtirch anAt>thv¢r;and._%fl ayingVno%;1ongér~%th6n%AWh31g drops frcim fihe moilch Offthc-: Mmifiter, which he nfia“yVchrou g'.h:.[% hiSfi1‘t { I10: mind%in"g what wer1n;before::%Vand~%V Wha:%t;>1low<:d )‘ render »red1cu1ous~and weak, and I0 by ;degrees;<’:*g2>m<=;s iacflafi (9% imprevealliagainCi%the va1id~ity~%oAf»Re1igi9n;; p;n¢;aching: % th$”3‘I'% . ~ } ?Fhird1y,; H€.fem'€rta1nsth¢% -%<>with.asumuch¢xc¢11gn¢y.»an%d, w. v % Pcrength%c$fdifcourf€, as his c:ipaci4ties have attainCd,in.f€tti§1g~_ % forth the famous Governments of fuch5$Aandfu¢h~C9:nmon— wea1t:hs,the excellent readirlgs of£?hay1<>fophers,t11ei;: moralmr; genui%ty Aparssand; 1s‘:“§,rI1i.r3wg.~ %h0W‘ fiat .fhort: the; Gbvergamentgof this Kingdom cbmmaf them-3 :tWhat; kind; cf bréed%ing,fuch Scatesand JComn?10n-~wea1zhs» givcsA,4thei1; chi1dzenA%in«th%c Rudy/A % - of martial %,difcip1ine, feats of a€Ei%vi;y,f, gAe;:>rnjtry;, Am. which m€3n$4h6 elideavorsftisll to tak6~0fi" thev.mind$AofA:[ .is%D~i¢-; fcip1¢s« 5201124 Religion, and t.ti€*rh<:>11ghtS: _ther4€9f:§. ~d€firedf1‘!1itS of his 13eb0Uf3:*¢3fldf that he«;l1—ar:h?ott¢n:%;nhéwYeni»%: A {on whichwA his foule doth folfOI»€1y;_1QI1g’f0~l5,;'z}§.z;,._theIb€£E3Y'% A ingof poor men into the fa7mecz>nc1e1};na£ig;>nh%&M»i;h 4him”ffe1fintoV V ‘law the M;tmij“e]Z2ztar:t.Ma72t2§’e/Zed. j 4 I loiViat1Ad contethptihle thoughts of God, Aioftjefus Chrifi, Aoftifi ~ _ Spiritgof the Sctiptut-es,of hearing the Word,ttPrayer;, offleavem of}-1eil;8cc. thenrAthey"beeomethisfiofom friends,» and are ‘friendly received into: htsghoufe, and.tpatAtake‘ of htsmore 1nt1maf€?th0l3gh‘tS, e andfami1AiariVty,AA as prefu1ning,: that tthaving: perverted them,.tt and. ' {’trengthenAAedthem in his:tmofi‘wretched. ways,they"might be able ii 1/! toAgOtand~.dotlikewifegvire. pervvertandflrrengthen their brethren’; A and this’ is his method rfortthe takingjthe more flolid, able, judicious and intelligence. men, which are I the firfi". fort} of A men whom , he A feekst toAi,feduice7fron1 their ‘i?3.ithfiJ1U€fS‘aI-Id integtityito God and Amam, A A A A e A W Befbre we come to {hew his art iniodraiwing afide the other fort: of men, takefome infiances of his proceedings in therformer kind, . n V a1tliwhii:h,t with much; more ofeithis'onatt1re5{hallebettzartifefrlytpiro. vedasjiocca«fio4ntis required. ; it . Having idottcie upon a Faft day (as his” uAAfi.12t1i1nann~er was botI1up~ on thoie, and the Lords days) gone from placefl t~op1ace,~ hearing A hE;t€‘aMii'tEICi,; andT‘itheret a little what the Miflifi€IS« faid, makingfii-t ' the fubjefl matter of his . ptophane {coming and jeeriahé, came at lafl to his own houfe with one of his fuppofed F difciples, A ’ (though even at that time his heartdid rife againfi Wtkzlwimiwické ednefs,‘ but having got within him, he did refolve, tehough with tnuch‘re1.ué’canceAtn;fAAfpirit, to fathom thedeep devoutthypocrifie ; of thist man forera thought de,t_:ec‘5tion:‘of *:himt,) beitfigtat home, he ifetchtA_outthi1t pr'ophaneAfcurtilous Lm~z'amDia1ogue, come (faid he) let go read that which hath fomething init, Harm}: more V mi»? ii22%tlsi.c ( faith he J tkmim all the Biéla. A A A A x; A ~ =; Add fpeakingeof the bookttof APf:z1m:,i and the ‘Traveréx, faid, t/eerie 1%.: m1iaeedAz‘o Z26 givenito them ;fmfaid heflaej were i A Pefifd {:2} *1(z'mg:ti"iA7zt order ml)’ i‘aitlm'r awmzdmzmtage, mm’ to/ée‘ip?a~ ,Amétiaizz of?/aeirtowm imterefi, 441/5 they 2avera_K:I¢2g3. t A it A t s i Andanother, ta prefttmedfiite friend ( having fome Familiarity with thus worthy Champ1on_fbr,and afferter of the Divine Autho- A rity of theiiScriptut';€s Mti/Vrzlwyn) iprofefhthat this wretched man, Wk:/I-;_y7z, {peaking 6? the book of‘EI1€tCttt2rib[e:§ (aid, That: it Aiti ~mz.r nothing 6%: imifcme (if A Salamom Epipiiamemvfig or Rioetitéiti- (biz! Sang: %P0fl;0?J6 0f /:n'.rAW'kore:. ; 7 A tAt‘Aan0th€r ti$}1€.fp€a1$iI1,g‘anddifcourfihgof I-Kelli, faid, thaitizti V _ -A N1 3 A t “ _ I%£;>rtifications,i 73nd‘i[1 f11Ch.t“' ; A viceahletonhfi.Comm0r1-«Wealth. Q” i . M ¢ % A” It wauld fiil a%VoIume m_.¢dec1a,rc the fad"%a*nd Atniferable €fEeé‘t=3.,, %w§ich by this means have bc:er"1broughtJto pafs upon the judAg.; mam git; {Q}: W:-:3 a{g:,‘A§q;i§nget;~§1e=us g1r1:sand% abéiitiegf A A A ~ A - A « p A A~~cg:.rs«-«. iv Walwyns W176! gm‘ A % was tI§£’2ag“A%t;aVtbz;¢.l;Vz!mt mg w3~ mi} Iaaiaogj canglzzwatian, A jwbich At/€23? Mimzfier: keep mb%a ways: om-‘d ?]2mtir1g%a!2az¢t: ’,¢;¢d’ that Alvll. 2153 J that w»s,, Wm %%tha»ztA.%Iw:}:_’y 7V]9i0£7‘W4J amfiff mm: Aconfifieléwa £;z%Atl:éi¢ lifi: amf it ;being Arepwlyedg that “jaI1eAs¢;1pm;«-¢3;% {peak exprefly 1:35 hell, and eternal fire and damnation 3 he anfwgr. A ed, tha‘; is ca be umerfiood as the [Scriptures al'fe.fpe:ak‘, %ahey:3reA & A condemnfid already, *2/£23. intheifown wnfciencess, whichis my ‘ more“buAt this;th@yknaw4theyhaveuor: doné g A T I A iAt:a1j1jothE1’.' Atimefpeaking %ofheli,Aand%ever1afiing fire5an&’%ete1'naI % A torrnents ,uf€*dA;wfords ta this purpofe, P?i£h,do you.:thi'n.k,can i’tAAAEn€- rer into yourheart, ta conceive, that God fhould cafe a man into A mer1afi7mgAburningsA,whereheflmouid be tormentedfor ever with; ‘ A A yout%end,fm7a1itt1e Atimcoffinning in thisworld? “A” A " it.» .- V Again, a«rAanoithet tr Ac fpc:a1' ~ Izfi= fdyiydg. ¢z2ifi1:flt.*1Iémd.£.: wpéwé/aimfélf, :»jéwji1’+’g ;¢z.%f»;r,;fifv%qfnrer % *‘way.% cf mfe, tlom way other w.»,z}.7 Whiéh fAtheiPcica11-A principle. -was fo \nourif}1ed~ by this1.poor woman, in her di i’cref'fe Aaindi trous- b1e,%tha1:~fl1»: of'ten%artemp»t@d ta defl:roy«her.fr:Lf,_fi _ and 'a#t~V%V;1afi;,A% 113::-3M ~ A ‘did Amofi; wofu1%ly~bLri:1g ric%to:sp.a{Te,%V byflcraengiing h::pf¢1%%fi to thAe gréat griefi.*A"an”d4?tro4té:xb1?e‘fit? ,h¢r;A~IJVLI-sband, children, and .dr:‘:ar_z=.3 %r;1g-¢» _ mans “; %::Now let>im_partiaI1a and jx£1dicioL1s%Vmen,judge,4ofthe.fraVn;e,[ 4 :;em€r% and fpiritof‘ this man touching Religiqm Ehe ,VS,c;rigtures,» ‘t7.h::%‘:r1aturc and%m.y£’c’ermes eff-t-he Gofpellv, ~pFheaven_,,of _ H&e1l%;&:c. A A ,andAwhethex:thefe Ainfiianc-.28,‘ comparedrw-irhVI1i54 i5vri,rix1g,,,fqr “ the, , A ~ % d.ivi,L-m autherity of 3:1"-1‘er Scriipruresgas a1foA%wi:h~thé;¢la£€% tion, doe um: V111an1~fr2£’c4%,Ium to “be” ascunning _hyp.ocri:;ca1l ljugler, abufer, and decewer of po.ormen.anAd women tha;31endAth@1~r ears: gait?! 911$. I¥!o15I;<~3..13s:>Pv, . P.‘-"1-ffj‘.'£§§ f91irri§99§, tzaié Fe-rr*:2h%¢tSAv ab ‘untohim, hczhm: caAn;¥VAjeer€at the Wordpf :God%, at thefiqfa-V Qva AA _rh@; 3/756? id/zzfeflaztory 471/1'aAA}4Aife/Zea? .. % A the'iScr‘ipmre$",é&c. A c‘an’ino :w1thfi.and;ngA‘in this M4mgve_/saw; Withgg VE£AY.'Alk'.i€.‘VOuC3fl'dAA“if§i§g1Oli§‘;j_~l3€nA (asifhe Iiédibeen the mdit ” pious afh~:.rtor»of the A thmgsi of? God) 7 pretcsndi to build his ii:én§- A fort upon theScriptufes4,‘~ias?he doth Mg. .bf%i’chi3' fllaieifejfm. A ‘ tizim? where he faithf that he could paiiié” over’the* many wrongs doneunto him-,' ‘uponthisi cior;1»fid‘eration,iiii Iiemtmiirimg A239/mt'_A7A;i.r "ram;_I[ad‘ioiA“be tiaeiparfimiof géoal‘ m‘é2é;i?« Agairj,A*pgzg; V till G04’ flee: fitt£2zg‘7ifi*gqbd timé*%‘aiclem*A, c§*cA.“ With? v:erani other [trains of this nature, asAif7Re1igion,‘atidiheiéffiaitéé A o€the.other.Wo.rld,i Card; hand CAhriifi'i, and theiSpirit" *Rizereiiitl1€ mA2iinA things that guide him in a1l~his?wai-es ;~?wherein“b‘ot'hi~L.77CbiA§ fiolm Lilémr-zg. and.others,i‘ kno‘win_‘their%o»wn* cohfdiie11ces,,;ahd h=ave eiecljareci. it, that theytccfiuid never ‘perceive him ahdan in thé ii mafia acquaiintedi with tihefioncernments of Rel‘sgi_on,and_ithe Wofk V 3 oFAAr;he=Spiri‘t.A‘_i I ,_ A A h ' A V ;;Hav'ingiiid'eclareid the cra£ty~ancifubti"e iwilbs a*nd%‘metho"dsi‘wApr6-4 cecdini fetting Forthhis Mcguntebéinkifme in his Jefuitical bctrayg ing of the Weaker , more xngudxcxpus, and plamcr fort Qfipeopleg 3 and thefe likewife bieirgg AofiAf’evera11itempers, conIiitu:tions,, and A conditions, he hathwanety of Art to deceive themiai’i."‘ A V A ‘ cheybe of; a loiwgneedy, A ixldigenigiiandii-iwantyiconcliticjrig,as many icif“ them: are,",_ he dieiales~with,:h¢m afcérithis‘ method. A g A A ‘V A Eitii, (that hW6'A1‘Anlgh\t’h~1tAthe whxtewiof the mark in all‘ his aimes, W522. Wo11nd'AAtheiACI€dit AAAa1*l¢Zi~$?£L1.i2hOt‘ity of R£1igion,) he iée-’“A-Ah A vet ancimwon harpingupon the “hai7rd-hhearted1=Iefl7-: « and j'\inChari;aAi A A b1€mefieofii‘Profefi"ors <(anof charity and mercyghow tmderxnxning andii‘ove“r—A 7 A reaching thE§7Aa1'€ji[};" uyi.ng, inifellino‘ hawhavingi?‘amd>cmy§ng .i bi) A i A ininhe thi13g§i'of.;this life,“ ihow«hardiy any Work of 1'1ieAArcy'* and“ iicharity comes; offiiiwith qheiin , how they let their bretihrefi. A iifiérve,andiIdye,:_and” periih, rathfir than help ithexng iiand‘ hbwi i A bicauntifull, free; Aand“1ib‘era!11 thevery Heaithezusii have been, ‘Aandl how bentficiail even Papii‘cs,,Agtmd fi$v3:;-’3d"'E{%'%I§€§,v' mad 4:112 ‘things’ or this Lwprlzd, thpeggxteatp V badge izspfp péifipixgétipqtxbetwécn n%1an.”andAr:1pa1u ; _t’ht:i Charpafl;a1*ifiical ‘ mken¢£nae.1spmnerrepfm: Cpovernmfjnpt,;and”th&1ticvrwill t1dt‘pb¢ ‘ welI,pmtil1ppfuch time as men {11aI1pbeppe1igibleix;_1to placesp of tl,'lIPf;i:§ that are vétftuqus and apbleahough poor and“-low in; :ChiS‘.W0f1d‘.§ p atidptliapt pflngtgi/aperxand Caézlerxpbe chofen&if1x::;; {hep p1acEs"pofppM]a+V A VV-5:1 gifiracéyaijd gqvarnmerm, as we11?.as?o”therspj thsitp are rich in tzfis. ‘~ _; pthefei;inds~e:;'f7p1aufib1¢dficaurfes areirery pleafing, and ‘ talgemugh withpdifconténzed men that are poor and: weak E.’-'-' A V Pcapte, and witphall fhallcawp and xmuchciouspppp ‘now they begin a littlé1:9‘:fW€11_;;and"b€.1np¢h cmJgaeitedp1n:, papnd of themfckves 2 ppnhis A p 1=wrch1y,he1sve:y Freqtxentantgl .”cIii1igen_tp,%%in cQnfiCi€ratfi0n"0f thcdifpropcartion andp inequality of the dii‘cri.¢ bution of the pzhingscaf « this life. What an ,inequitaLbl¢ ;thing%ipx: V * is:pfq; peuAce,$% and that it §$m:>% fuchi%difficu1t}* as make A % 4 its to be, to aiter%theccurf&_ «cf the; worlsi in this t,hi£3g,. and that a I vexy few di1igent]and.%valiarxt fpmcs may tmn the world upfide down, if gheyobfervesheirféeéfansgandflwllWifl:1I:ife* and awe %% ' V‘ Thefe are hismethotis fééiuciag the i;r§el”§gent*an{:£“ . ‘ A V ‘ poorer fort of men‘- % ".‘ . * Again, théfe whom he.apprei1en»ds%c;»F; mflionate, «A<:h9}erique,{ «frowarcimnd peev*£fh’difpafi%tions,%A@€ %pm.ting foxth:bV91&a:1d dam ‘ A g;ng1anguage;;and withal1wea1§,%fhVfal1Q\Xf, and-injudiciogzs, and yet that h(sric£’chc*art@d 1:1thcC_; \ are Mthr: Afubjeéh mattergai” his dayly talk.‘ “ , A A V % ~ % L -' A Secendly, Zc7he%.”ne;%Lt“ thing,” 1s;. the nhq hereof, and they are {till thofc that are in places 0fTrx:1R and Am» A ‘V % %A tmrigyg ?_at}dk §his;is.icm§ ‘ ‘his’ cqnfiant, certgain amdfungifiarms wf’c7“@1'fl§§:tQ.fGm€nt1}Ea10l1fi6$ :agaxn£f:h%amofiaét1v::, *p~rofpe;:ous4 anti. fuzcefs ul perfons .of%?rhc; ‘Nazism ;% A 1:223»: itywas eve}: .. 4 kn.W;,;.:ha::men,under‘p:¢tence4afzealf9r_Re1igion,and the vim- Mtereijc: of gcsod p%emp1e,.'& have: gotren%1nto %crec1m, Aa.nd- thereby lifted upthemtfelves, ~end%ea,voringto dcftroy ochersunder 25 pretence 06 M M I}u&ice,:=mddoing righ:eons?things,;:hat 4:h‘ley% may.¢xa1£V£hemfe1v€s, % ar1d&fet up %their own Faéfion, and promote their {@123 a;1d%rth€ir% % daughtcrs, théir ngpliews and" th%e1r41lme £ewAiinfiances wh"ich,'fo1Iow.* “ :X . .A A ii; SI ; This Mr Wazlwyz,to‘iiworkj 1“1pon:.theinciigent;:tnd»ipborer'for.t ip@op1¢,AA::AA;anfd moi ra;ifMIp their fpirits ~iin;;di£corijtents 'flI'idiC121'I‘10i}1fS,v ;8cc. dictiIon"€ititi1e‘proFefs,* /2: ca}2.Zd;wij7: Mwitk‘: fzaaiértbat A~;~i[dc=:*e amaineiit/Jeri Pale,Hedg mar Ditch AirzAAtbe,;wbaZa:A Na1tiqn,iiaznd tied; it am: am AA:mc0;ifcia2zzz£v1eA thing t/anti am 2wzni.‘]Eox¢ld,/942291 H'$€fii.l‘}‘-J0PIj2lfl“dp0MfidI,i mid ‘twat/oer, i were; d¢:fZe*r'v‘£nijand,; zzfleful to Aiauipofe. i “it At amather timendifcoiirfingof the inequality anddifpropértien ’QfIChE efiates and cor1ditio.n3Aofmen in the.{f%ta 131': Work again.‘ L A A V , [At anc>thAer time, sIifcoL1:fin‘gV<:.-PPrintirig, W 2fidVeduqé1£’ing A _ Chi1rens&’¢.% 5151:‘ that Prinjtivg @514 WW?" M’fl* liziww. $44-':. ‘I ding, %At/mt%[i2m9 tbit pmffiéeand Ac1t§30n1#AAteao/eing A%qIa£zg % W alre:w%%and winging up ,ymtbifl1¢arn;img: TaA22gumA%%%undA;A Arte; , tires. 11?or£d4 [Mt/2»‘éI€€v£;mara%.tra3t!2led Witb~fai‘t: mid ;.q:Mrr¢-by g c.é:nte}zAtf-¢::a:¢dId£wifibmi. msd that jam -gnanbawixg m¢W;i3?5i1$At£fil§-Of gtJs£:4—lQ7zzdVtloaa _am;l:}L¢r, mm hdve ga;z:;mqA g’rMt.p,lac,g;.s5 ?4izj&;A-:.~t£zi:,, ’ AIM%§tl2%%%,Vmad¢fz¢.ala difl£nAE?£emt and divifioizs in:%thqA~'%War1dg1Aw/aAicb_ mg % Wibarwmex.{M4n¢verA%A颢flAk;Izo1rn~”%;% AorKto%=AtThis:pt1”rpofe.A; .A% % AA Again, to trL"1th:;c:>f A A.A:.pa:dceedingS, in ~AraAifi.%n’g ufi the fpirits of the%V4*vio1ent35urAi'®u’s, pafliohate fG:;_}%.pEp§%9pl¢;§ againfl; w;cl1A_c£cf@rvin Amen,y,% M5k¢‘tl1 €‘&£fi*i?l51£’(flflC€S:'._ :1 ; V. I the begmninga our trmuAbIes5;AA .fr~eq;ucnr1"y vcmeei 11 ‘ .. ‘L A A bTa;f;cAam1L¥ Vica1aufies‘agaim‘t;hach@nred: Golhrflamlw dummr. Biv*za;mdA:Qnlmi:a;>IAwho%mV%~ A;m‘ad;eAA2f hAap”pyA A A . meats‘? Afhfigmdi of iAt1ais:NaA;iDri;lwnviqn£§1~£.n<;mE A A .:a_bl:% A A to biem u xnfix:1;uanc,AVtAhaam:hAAAVe:wam§nQ ‘ * J M? “W s v A ~ Agthat have hadfxntxmateAacquamtance wxth hxxnm. A A: My::;I;hé:' A ,1 2Tlmthae+might4Afi:irr”ua‘p; the“mbnaite~arid:'’AfmWg.rd-‘Afpii‘ited ” A ~ ' A pimple to achief, havingrwif€d%:;:-ug:m@ii:‘heaz€ ,a_Ixd1 %d%i~a‘-3 f Afigcmp‘ nfpc-j:akimg.:of obzimfi ofiufimesgdr of:Athe;N% . . A % % ‘ ‘ ~ % Vd.hE,;émiV:¢;imtwgxmtfdgwafifi' , 7 f AA‘A€in:a’¢ed%A.45au%t NLbm':',: the :w:nfA*:Af“12§i* “ ‘ ‘A A A A féif%y*?vfia.7t?au§i¢¢z2mrL¢;r:igla;:,4 '-7d§3iZir?/at£di]1;'!d£*£F£‘*£vaae .a:fl3fl2fi23?m#*d.;¢.' as A .o“m£ m.MprgmmwVmmnm '*‘Y'fj;.;j ‘ % % %‘ % % ‘ tkien~d;g4’.ai1fus~Vpf gIga_Atru_th3oE ‘ WV 1» m fl__ ‘ m, Ai thaey%mightb.ewi{pmqe&_%witm113a ' fio»%Vfeny[@ elm V shii T 1* tfiisfiorgf £o11owing,(wh;cho was indeed:he4 céufe oFhi%s.défer?t1n g* '4» p an “s % this W.«z1w£n,and fome othctswvith‘ WlionA:1=he%liad formerly form fami1iar~ity.; ‘the footy this,oo‘£::.;‘o o o 9 That there was an abfolute defigne by fome A‘gitat"ors étwgré; A to? murther the Lieu:::“Ge‘n: Gfomwa//,: concluded upon,» and tho manner thereof agreed upon, ~to‘beoth4us,o t:heA'y_.;reementthen ‘w. o concluded upon fhould be worn in the hats of their Partyfi A and a» ‘X % o {horn oPetition of about fixolines flhould be prefentecl to the I.o:~ Generall, Petitioniog.himot0iflynwithoothem, ioodéclaringtliat ; ’ riaeywere the Suprearn Authority of this Nation ; and that upon this ground, phe Peop1e4made the Parliament,‘ the ~Parliamem: made the ALor%dGeoEra1l, and the Army, the feverall Regiments‘ of the: Army madethe Agitatorsg and fo they were the 1upreamAutho- M A [ 31%/and“lAi‘fthc Lord: Gener*a11did'ArefL1fe to joyn WiCh."[hem$they. V wore prefently o to urjhorfe ‘him, refolvitigo to"vdfe{’:roy and; cu: the throats of altthatdidoppofe them’ 5. and that night, V’ with: V a Partyooof Horfe, at” I 2 of the clock; rhcywere to feize upon L! V V Generall Craéyraavoellg, and to?{hoo.tLhivmcofdeat-h,adding, that 146- o I fhOuldfieovor7knowwho‘ht1rt iboim;ari%di‘that, thsmothey Vhadolao Gha;rgeg;*éadyftam*d jafgoififtotheKing,VWhich they-Wonk! Effefiuew V ally profecutegarmtreqzitrethe ParAliammt‘fo0%59Yfiwith them, rows T flvmgdo but the The“fatnetparny,aV{Tures‘alfo;.:thatthat very?nooigh1;t{bou1d:4 " , V ‘. himby aoothtrrmé h'ej;iStreaéiy;rto};a{Terf%r; 1; a , the fame. 1 1 * mowcsao ‘< rhe=:fuccufi"e;:of:th1svb1voodyaoP1?€H go? ibtiit mes can*ijo utntoooothem?beforoit ‘was '»€xpE5f¢C¥g,*oo’L‘ that; A that whole defignwasroobrokexfi;;and;%o the manner thefeofgr; oio.oo Gen : ooCramwelxo carrtagcsgoo s 'i&n.7.théViii} “h%ats,:_o :_*ma;de '”th”e1fn' ith Igis naked waved Swordi;o7‘ daumo-si AA p‘¥uckifiLingicanckoofi1h§§&¢d oEéocomméatfxdsg*&c.4otooothoif g:ceacod¢ja;w 5 A (“don and 1 V A AhefP:irty.info:rmingof‘this"b1:irfed~ £défigt1j,wasfnot‘aAme1:ob€Ié**A o of? thc:;.pri$Iate Gommitte,heingo:o‘aoman~o( knoW‘E§.} of -more tondofirfi‘ A ’ ‘VcoEifci;i*iace,;zherxVfitsgogo bx: o;oadI11i;tfed¢int2cf> fuch4fecrefies,o A o o o of fa:“TI11};‘§)I¢'o1".‘5?A_C01’ntnQ§1smE'€oting§ I he .?ha;dooo:ho‘bofin¢ffo oodxfooyeroodommfi ‘ V Having-*fpo1j<.:€f»:i_;atter oh. ::2;ttep:s5oofio'§io;‘ A Qthe. ;ooT€dii- % l J» -. n A 7/93: o4.’=I*ll'_ 6/Zdt0rfMdfll76]Z€t¥.I§ A ting oFthehot_1ePtattd well *afiec9ced ‘Party: the Amahnerthereof A ‘ exits. h1sAct1nn1ng,craFtY, and _PQ1itiqiA1e "Qbfetvation oFAetheif‘TEV€+AtAh I211 tefnpfifsrconfi-'Itl1E101‘1S,AComplexions, quallificatio‘ns,AahdAc&:$11+?« A ditions, and his various ahndvtfuiteible happlication df himfelf} the gain upon thetn-aceoz-diqngly, having wrought them all to a; (me _ an“&k voluntary difpofitionfand inc-iinattioh to Ahearketx toh his couna felt, and to£’candkAas it were) at his right hand to: receive his im- preflions and orderts,.which_yoAu mutt fli11be1it=ve,t are in order .on-»; A A_ Ry}:/Q the publique good, Icommon tfreedom, and fafety of the Free-A % bot“npfeople-Aof E_z{gl4md,t0 thefpulling down oFOpprcff3rs ‘&Ty-5 A 4 rants, he hath his feverall works and employments for them-all; ac§:ordin.g to“ every mansraptneffe andfitneffeforthe Afatne. . ee;Thofe whom he obfetvesAAr.iae nof A?pattsA, my and tgoea. Ian... V g‘ua‘ge,hquicAkA a§1pptehenV{ionsA,A able to bridlepaflidnsfree from heat A A 1 h and chollertof a coitiposfl depdrtmenteandbehaviour,.ar1dAwit'halI _ ,rete_n.fi.ve tn keepmgtfecrets, &c, thefe tareAAoAFAhis intimaete fociety, A commetfe and familiarity, and fliallbeemployed in obferving the V. A Afitneifeandtaptneife oft.-men f0rhhtheirtpropAer employments,‘ thefet A‘ ,fh'a1l be ofthewhifpering houfe,AA clofe Cabinet,and privie Conn»- A cell, A and their Werke fl1all‘be.the encreafing of that Party in the A Cityand Country, whofe Letters by: the advantage of a _p"o1Ii-A . tique and crafty Pen may propagate andhelg on theirhAw't5rk in the fevewrallilounties. A AA - A M h A AA AA V fIh.: tThofe{t AAatLarAe Of_I511Or€ bOL11d,‘ApcremptorygAipttftenacicgus con.A.= 4 ekzeipted eSpi’rits,t :7ofAfietce,3‘ daringgand provoking language; ‘ apt to; . ,heatA,hcholler,Aand paflion,Aanc1 Avy’itha1lA fhallow, Weak, and injudi-_ A M M A ci*ous,?noet ableto.feehskinAdeep’Ainto fiateaffairesg, ahd A prefuming wthhemfelves the befl Com1nt5h~weAa1ths men, A the greatefit Statifts. A AA h,Ahthehjtone;ly1pvetstmfthei'tCountries Liberties, the freefl men fi'omA A- A ' felfiifhterefi, «andttherefére the ficcefi fortplaces of 7 autheoritAy*A and trufi. A There {ha1ltrAumpet%out hmattere cif difcontents, Aijealoufies, atgdepretended mifcariages ezfthofeAtAhat are in Authority, how L bafelym thingshthgoh ; what oppreflions,'taxationsA,. and vexatexons AA the poor people dtgxe endture .? how this poor betraiedhiflatiesntqis \ " bought andt:fou1dA"P% how thecutting offoftfome Tyr3fitsAehAAd‘ee V A Q alwaies make wayhfot moreand worfe to‘ fucceed eiAthc1I;1AAAA? 3;how" nothih is tdsonefor theCo:t1mon~wealth .>A howtAbafely.theTreaA- {me 0, the "Kingdctnt yis % imbe*z;eled.? hoWPar_1%iamen-tmen vote A A A “A C 2 ~ AA A A A mon;e5*A .. moni€s,Mon0po1i@s4, V _ * ‘ %’1;‘axaV,;t:i911s, Ema qz1art€F:~3€qu&fi:1‘aE1®n$, Paplfis M ~ » % alvvyns ile.§,or mbnics o:i’cA of tIiepurI‘es efthfi paorw 14i,dd§?{1.~peopV1e‘" into thei§:'« A - Q5wn[?Vjhowwth¢yV4fl)are the rxCh€S= 95 Ih6_Nat1Q_n: atehongft them-a~~ - fe1ves.vi?A4%I39w*:to day they Votfi this Par1Iamentman%imo a.,*greatr E Otficemnd ta marrow 3303131‘ !fa11£”}0YV they do nothihgjfor. the; VCommon—-wealth; but vote one another Into places of fpo,wer and; A pmfi: 1 how that though to abufe anidcafi amifc before V the. eiesri V V%@,Ej the pimple, tlicy ma_ke arfclfl-dfiflyiilg“m‘dinance,%% ya: fufliar no: mansto put it in execuuofl 1- how mmozc then: kmdred and" ; alias inco great ‘plavceis every where; M any; ufebefer mania Cu.....j Afiomt houfe, in Excim-office, or immv% qtzher places of profit, this: and ghat Parliarrxentmarns friends, or brothers,-or Ions,’ or. me»-; ‘ 2 gbhews muflbc the men,-, my. Pfirliamenté mm and thétir Alias: We hpmc upon. place, and grace upono£fice,A thay ehad 91-5“ A vcrall bodies to: be emplqyfgifil 096 and th_e famg time ?vrWhaz*s;VA become ofthc infinite fu1n¥E3s~AEh¢ l1_~flConce1vab1eA,trea4{ure of ches Nation? the late Kings Cufl0mS,V5hm:%-mqney, Coat-',cmd Conduéifi .‘ %W¢I::'~€ H.O£hiflg* ?:o%I;h_€ Cufloms, Excifeg ' ,VB2mopg1%“ %1ands,.%%I{;eycwnu€&%of ‘EH6. @F.0WU:»b<¢fidT€§;a11: the Phte.5 and MVon%-iest « A Lent freely by the people, «’~**F1dA Hm nothing done; ;my*,1mw{ fer their zeale and goodwill I29 I13? ‘5tM:am:. h-avg‘ hem: freely» Q boum'ti§y1ly,.thereby bsggerifigflanduflé 7 rrlmmficlwesg and nqwf canncét receive one penny to buy tfigfil bi*e"a.d*, bm:x;may»%i began A ing,,p§;i;;gmng,gmd fiary«i;:g%%a;Adth¢1r&4 caunor:;be¢bewrd».?%.% na.y,,}it;:m%3»3’* beVAhaev«en¢th.At5g;Abux:;curf¢§:;~=h*a2ad%,A. < . fx;q;f,m*chém5hqw&oi1eA faffioxx teaVresAA4nI:ic Comr£¥mewea1nhsamaxe~s. at:1dRates,they imprifonhon€i‘G.1I1§0m&:C.t:ih¢fe+m<:kche»1?ikcchargesy V. a;e%be1chedyomfrcm1 day no dayby t11:fe,mc’mv%4this is. the ‘ mam¢%-% - V 13:1atA,1:¢r%of'4thei1f difco%urfB5:Writing,,1?rin:ing,, Sm ncvwer..VcoI;fide-a-:».4 A ring fem: truge or Falfc, what may be, ~fa1%d ma Vanfwer ,t:(:x~-arIy1..of . A V r % mhefe things, but blowing andblaziing E-heft: cl3mQ;urs:;; A a,nd~u icp-;« pi1aincs:in.ai1companies and. places whfirew Iheyj ,_come,..%-amA%%.w;hmra q they can by wri>t1ngg,.Qr otherwaies fpt'ea;d& ;;hem;abroad,.A%;;%and;; {on A ; A A Ehiswrswffia W1’? 1.1%,§aVVV€ryGngu1ar%§dV%W39 ofithfikg-and wfl!» arzdg the A” A ma aAffe&i*on> (SF pm Wfeckly nAe<%s.mbzig'_er§%,f:he‘Tuerday~Mada-% ratie,’the Fryday-AOcc1.1rrancesA were ‘tafilys1mmared%~r02%{pre'ad A _abr.oac1 their: laAt’e:4 A.MariiFefl'atig;n,V4:hatA~& tAheirfini.plicityA, piety A ‘ and} innocencyV,A* Aaind. AA_thePa"rl1amem:s*1Oppréflfiaxmilrueltyand _ A “Ty-xannie might be the ‘be:te.rkg2own*4Aw t:he%‘whaleAKiAngde1r:e5 and Malignants» hopes revived‘ agam that i an may Lmficore A 3 my $1331!’-E“ 13.11!L"E’€?.,f-Am;-;iEA;=: mam, : MAThis raiféthg up fphjit zof cantef1npr5 em: and malice; anger ~ and diikzontent, A agamfi mhe Paarliamcimr %mdAAsjaI1~thatA:thi¢‘y% "- . A A v A A AA 4 A A ’ %l?oirAAA mg: fe Achatare pact, rmdrgenr :Aa_nd%_ %1ow; % m therwcnf1d,%A~tI1~efe A 1zkew%ife~§m_1;{’c» fpread abroad A:t:hci1:;Acompla1:r1ts, Athe .:dead%neffe;IoF A tradAe*ing,~ Ache‘ d=ear£hr: of the; Atmnesgi the greAa::[ *sVbu\1:thensZ ,* A afieill memsAand; ta;:émric;ns;A ;ATAhAcfcAA am a1A1~;t1xsoi1ghja:hg=:?;::1c%igl?c:é’c,, sand’. magnum! of :he*~1?ar11amwt,;a1l;burrHe§1s,..ra:es?and ferwces; are laiisi uponthfim, At “’*A.rbearA heét Aand thgdgy %::A,;bfut arAe\tra.m91;ec{A upon ,.Aandi:41*S= da peece*V'dFpohcy"m* man if great? IpI:ac¢§ ,. A A to Akeepj:h<::~* pom: V1ow,A[anAd needy‘-%;in th "A C‘; VHAA ~*‘A...AAA‘“?A. .. I M A .~ A F A. A, ‘. VhawAbecAn thc~$pat4;i¢u1arrwa;vs%:.raE this” A A 1121 AA;Ai,’A‘AA“AA A ‘ mag 51 will AabAufin_g AA ¢ {;e£mi;ngArt€n¢¥€fi¢Y,£;dr1Ft;;IarId,fcop&'AoE: a1;1k;nsa1§e;gi.tac?;*pmsha;v:eV:w A :i"yed: we fac:evoAF'irA1an}? fOU'1H:'d€figm€.i. , an * 2: ‘ nu « and A A C.WrLd,‘f%V? v a1%1AcI.[. A A gghjgfefifai -AAAqgmgfiA;hejmdgments_rami;_4é:adiIfcherioes+Ai:% Aflligfgz ;;.h-;};A;g A ‘it liear¥ken1Aunto4him; >WitnAefl'e"thofe.fo1:mer%Mé*thQ :65 ’ : A L M : * ;_Se¢and1y,_;tm ~rAmmr::the"gemexwtion ofilronefiigmtly ‘A ,,. e .»A.j'A"v‘ J; 0 . d$%anG*;1r*ffan% AA .. A A 7 A1AW4?'t” ‘A iermiouaAforr ca? he ’pr'eren'r:I'swAtitaA= A1ow':rAabyov¢e ntAhefs;AbyAfiutting-them"t1p£§iIfmmhj;gwaAics.Aand Aprcjj-eébs, ~ they‘?§ai£e‘ApI;m€,ViwmdldVrdndm§n:hénw—t:ht'moPc unffifieiamegmbraa A: tionsAAin:~ AwwldA,. ncn: &cA;AAincfieAAi:o1ive%i.z:;c3o::xaimz1'~aw¢aI:%I£& . Ag@jAwhat~.A deifigne; .hei*éin be; but foAprE%‘ciApi§taat€e€;:ahe‘m in-:A1~A A tmhé?§nAbW11.nmAn£ and: A.d€&rufii@n:{§;;A ‘ and i*he£eAAs;reAh i an A 12116? A A .'&NA:'1&§0“9AinAAAfom&£WfiiC1€l'hWUd %F;f3caAm%oAt¢!iers, A I Afo: weare 110%} WW?.9“‘7§“°“W;F9AAf“fP@¢§fu3?? 3§*¥§A:b§d¢€-iared as ~<==<=-‘“ aafiea 4 A%~Me'nhods A A ‘AncIfae'ed’;,:r. eiAtihc;r-Aha‘ receives iA::a-A?- zze;, or :2. A Aélwyns “ A Icafion ferves, )ofé:1fe hevhath a%p‘§:'>1i:ickanc1R crafty heéd ifi Contri-¥'~ A A.ving,,p”re=tend1'ng,A ordering axidmannagirgg Propofitic5nsAA ofthat ykind;A1‘;hisAA$adv anceth and nm.Agmifiethhirh"’%in At-he thoughts and T A AV;AAgpin%ions o€hisreduced‘1)i{cip1r:s, For a manA%offadmirab1e go-(Sir! Agaffeélions to the :Common-A~wea~lth1 to pubIiqueIlib‘erty and unié everfal good :and::wit”ha’ll,A of admirable parts, capacities, and abili- lities, andtherefore Avery fit for. place-Asofg0vernmet1t,A»Aar1d«woré 'v~Xhy«W't0 be.IiM{’med andhearkned%%um:0.;A::‘;¢ , % W A A AA A A Vsecondly, forA the cf? fling of thdfc thitigsg ainfil thém *"Af0« 'A*paHeA,AI A they. rr;iu{?cA Avbfe tendAerc'ciAto the Parliamencby the We!» _ V\'\%afI’e&edA in Aperifions; Pmt; what; way is (0 meet for the people as V petiAtioning,andA%w”I1atcan thQf¢ that: are in‘Authmricy do IeHe;theu A %. \.gmm;;;h¢;;n1:h1ngs, t11aAtevAery“m;§nsA. éjudgmeqtcalleth mod? * §Am}dAA.hercA is jonfér ofithe greaAtMé1f_terpeeeesAof his c§::'aFtAa1‘1d~ft; Atialty, V A‘»»+a»£z. 7 imhe framidg orderiAng{A had 1na11agi.x1gAAthc°ifiA_Petitions. A A A A-§Firfi:, the Phrafesrile a11dVAA»Dia1<~;*& Aofthefew Pcstitioris mu{~i’c be %% always harfh,unp1.€afa11t,§cAin cafe %iFd¢nied,tn-etagtcingand prdvoa % king, reprcfenting the: Petxt1on%ers::Afroward, hnperious paffionazeg «-“breeding aA"nd~Aqua1itY, Prmldg he-a:dM}f”,vhi%g;l1— minded,1vaAin.g1orious A giving eut tAhemfelve§ t'c:~AA1:§c=. a1wa1e(sAAthe Awe}-‘aEFe&edJparty, by whommheifly andma1n1y,1fA~nqt.slyr;he.A.Par1idmenc~Ahavfi bin“ A A A ~g:hQ{m,::nainta{ig‘ed,;preferived :.:asAAif7t'heAwhq1e¥bdrthén4ofthe cha1;- A andifméyicta Athe Wars, AAAw$gs ;undergonAeby4%th¢Am, and»byA JFuti‘ous,ipdfi~Ei;ve~anAdf7imp1acabIe zmen bf, low and mm birth, ~ A ‘sgcondly, The matter oAfthofePe.r:itions muPmot‘cdn';ainA%appa- ~ A A " zfenAt‘gioAod AthingsA AA in Athem*AfeIv€$%Ar0*r1c1y‘; A but a1ways~AminAg%led"%~with A A Afome~%:Atht,;4 gseiyery doL1btfi1ll:A :anc1.quéitAiesnab1éA: f%caufi11g%11:1any,di~% *I'Pu,t\’,e$S‘gAdke1:):fiLEejmS\:"aE*] d‘R meccin‘gs§he=r‘eab¢pt. A -A d1‘y.,~a”AfIhéy AAmuf’cAi..aAA Taiesv b;e‘:;clog’d» and filztch V In‘ 7 W xhizjgsjwvhich"(thoughin 1:>hAem?1?e1s’re§: A‘; defirea£ble,A and (were A A ; j %A:};%gay g;ctgin¢gi,Lhopefu1 .;and% promifing. pothe Awe»1beeingAofhoneB; A g1m1,+v~AA:and~¢ch¢intcrefl: ;ofthe;_NaAtion unfeafonabiegAbeing of A the greatefi and remotefi prt§babi1iry*(Aas tAbingsA1‘°ncand4») toébicpro-F cured :infiPcing -with moPc~ i%m;j:rr:ai*tufriJAti“e's‘7AAAifn’A %peremp- AA torinefs ofwords, A uponfuchchings: ; tiocicxzantentingAthemfelvesg I A A w‘i%th thofc which are A direftly ApreAviousAVandinfal1ibly -conducing 4 A 4%,A&t:he«r_¢uncoAg but having Aa fp;cia1¢yeg.eithcr% gt gfgc p'rcfc_nt—jncapm;i- V ahiffled. ~23” i $7 of‘ the Hnufe; {by reafonjnF~tiiVetfities"nf 1'udgnneint§2imongi’ci A A themfelvtse, A theAWina;bxlities of Natiehni in general, they V3*i°’4Y 05 W‘-’ AP?°Vid¢;fi¢€S of Godi“ tin drdieiring” the asfairs oflzhe iCommonwca1tAh,)” Atb grant ifuchi things; though happily they themfelves defire it, Ayet: withImuch;¢impetuou{nefs,, they‘ comtnandzngly pray and proudly petition for the%fam§e,w ncw hié A ame isfiatted and he merrily put-fuesic, ‘_ A. ‘ %_ Firifig I-Ighath divided thequmdamtiunitedpetitioning» party}; Q By the ftaxnmgg phrafifying and ordering thAe'fe‘ Petitions, fame‘ being for. others egmfl theefamet; A knowheat, jealonfies‘, differ; encesarife, onepartye cenfuring the other (with hard word's) V f(5tA&cmv_e1r”*etLeriat4the hand_s of the people; then Weezilsgt it or eiI’Q1ecats,“ this Wktfwim httnfelfl ‘ difcourfing With? Anthem tt.fibeouti'mndelhngiandfra.m1ngP&t1tions,~7fo as to indncettehe5%PaA1;1i.t= A : ament toigiveagtatiottsanfwerg prnfefiito thisipnrpnfe,”that=it ,1~9u!d§¢¥?¢tt§¥ #9: 9he~tpeop1es A‘hi§AtS1?§‘AE§F3.‘§!Z?§!}‘F Should dens»; ? then. sh :9: ‘W ‘I ‘ “ 4» gr ‘ mi‘ ‘ 7 Vs‘ ‘5 ‘ yn3g téiésrl g%¥asi1»;,1t«fi¢ivr~%%PétV?¢iosiS;~rfofiaéthm fthfiy. +Wou1d’¢ dif¢9vet4tfi*em<% V {ewes they f‘ 31?€,} and What*%»the;4pcopiignlizff A expéét from ; g:1;¢ng%%5vifn:;a;;.AAA£l;a11gaeivxifnall '§hof¢»ivA;iP<2t1tto1e»% modgdl «,4 3a;niwbirtiiA%of V hit?-«4%4br%aiii.-_:%1 4fi€:;fln11 fizid[fh¢m%TfiifitfidAAwith v a §15rosVvocaticr1s,;»aSdh%Ya¢the:gmat€1°iL:¢Xt€n¢ion t9 a11“¢onfidmb1¢ IJartiesJthrm1ghout¢. $12: .Na¢ion%%’s%;thaic rheA&Magifirares may ‘be. A d15tov;o;ked,"~ ‘thei1:%poWe*r AbFé~Atal{,€n%.a%wa;y, the Jr1goL1r of the abV:a%ced; as inconfifiént with th€%41ib€rti€s 05 3 Free People. A ;hey¢mr:I’c napowerm irnpveifé '=<>_I1i’cra’ine the peopltro 4 W‘ armesbym 61‘ Lafldr‘ ~">'i£<=«VAA;i1‘1 fhorra _1€aVm§ Fhfim 409'-‘W3 but ;1w_c‘ba%:e% ayrie empty titlfl czfa Magxftvate1wsu:hout4pmver,%and ghispleafechthe rudeand viciousfort sofpebple ; again, theMg'.... V V‘ \ni&er$,xx iL1{’; be provoked, and thetebyphe iPn1piz:s%fiered, by ta- V 4 Idngaway their maintenance under the na_m£:A 0EAVT;zt/arfx, ; ms 0-: , - ;hemvayox: means pmpound%ed t;o encohuragVe t‘11e%preac.111:3gaofthe . T Gofpel, whereby this %ay%ri€sf V310 ¢3mP‘5Y ‘hing ([0 F‘‘—‘P*“t¢d 5}’ { this m.ar:)Acal1ea1 Réligionaniay bi‘-5XP1fld€d cxp€11’dA the Na- mu»; jthisp1¢af¢rhtheignorant: fnnple and ¢0v£csms%Part? the % ¢1awms¢rh¢y mufi be Prcmkcid, ‘ by pretémdingthe uf61Cfn§f5,0f jfliémAifii-%%i’+;*7]*%{Qmm4on-wealth,“ whichwpleafeth*the~imfiegu1ar,?;q1;aE- xe11ouSa«ndV%"o§¢nfiv¢Patt;]of th?~P:€0%&>»1m%V J4iThe4M¢rchant§4 muff bi‘ Tradé ‘ frc;eVp¢o”VViaitéwhfree har~¢matnec44«d¢ar1y~to-dif<=€man¢:exafPa ifyfi W311 bfiiééif hlin) %any% man ~fl1al1“feLriflD¥1¥%.40hf¢rV¢[ ttth¢“b€fit$“d.£i3fiuI31? .g:w«iw4 ax? all % his» folieimfiom divificnof theA4h6Vn€1’?Baft3n; W £116 a+1ienation.o£*th.7%3ir heartsfmm;agndwmaligni‘ing%oF%%tI1eix?% pie-g A A nioznéagainmyea, theiutt:efr;~r1;1inWc Adcfiruétion of Vthé: fiicce{17-#1‘ A ful and faithful %in13:rumen 0E deI1veranc_¢an&d1faFct)?to thd Na}¥.. * A f¥iom @153 !¥“.5f°r!?Ihi11‘ii€¥3?§ ~*s9~¢!9bfiKu€%iug,bsrhis Vmanifolfl 4 W363 A A *wi1¢s,§ pragrAefsoffl:e:ccinp1éatAitatéreft,de1ive; ‘ 4‘ ‘ . .-A ‘ - « ' ' ‘ '””-«L» - , . K." Y‘, « » . #5 A y H , r ‘ " K .1 - .. , 6 8 ,2 ,~ i’ . -‘ . / .4 * U ‘H K . , fgaegdam %.of the people, whenVthc%*1Pdr}. andmmy are ini%aht>pEfu1lV%»y ‘ AA A V%¢a,pgcVi:i’c :hereu§n:c3., ;confian_tretar§ing \Vandv¢‘z':.dea»murs Q5; piffg-_~ the ex§'cutran;of;tAhofe v ery@Vthmgs,when%1x=: a hfipefq-I A ‘ tfiereuncqfwhxch%he~farmer1y fe%em‘d moft eagerly, . fii*S’Vr0u1..a-nd;1_n\ight:t0 p1§r.rfue,’his*con{"l*au: gqmarrfclling‘ w:th,and eje-._ R cimng followersagaxnfig, theft: that at any gxmemnce t%his%Par1.i+- mgntgbcganel haye%th@;pub1ick ru1c_in t:hei_rV ha5nds,‘, he,‘ I:ray,:1m {hall xmpartxallfiand in the exercxfe efhas reafcm % ebrerve%:1;e{g:V 4 % % a;jd;Wmany tlmikefunifcarm, certain, and; %confian_t proceed»injg$A :0? this man‘: needs not hem feek how to xnakc a.%r1:x0fi: probable,%i£% . . I . ' ' K i no: indubitable\\’judg€m6%nt% u.ponA‘him in~tha,tPoinx.% V ‘ Aléfhialkenely :n«a wordadde cme. rh‘ g more, %ana leave him;% and rihat his ccjwgfiant e;1dev;orA%:a hinder: :he’Arc&lief c£1«ez.mzby§ r¢t5et1i¢wn3d'nAt2 21% gthe .5u%dgements4 9In¢14C€>nfci€nces ¢ff%élio 5! .‘;ha%%~%t5th€rW %‘W9u1d%=Pfi?m0Lf€ that MP9? %~%w ork,3w Vaxfguigng that ; A T t « qanfc (if ,%:h_eg1izéifbNa~tiv::rs in fce1xrc:r, “A pefqpte; cmhavebecn4%ap:;go h_ea:ken»to%_ h‘imA.% ~(rImagh or thévféllytafalfcnefiaand dace n feducinganddeceiving the hanefi andfilain bééfrcé 0 fi1rt%h€r;41 exhfiaititrg arguments:and:;reafons%iniufiificationAA 05 that ¢blooc}y. its C;f,:5hi3;m3“s» thath¢‘fli311§1?9‘¢é€d§ A for L. C. fa: %_Lilézurm, I am very aptto béiéévegantl ej%.yA€t fome%feeds % offlod rcmainifis. in him; wimm . ‘ I ' '7, .7«, H ‘- I A thé Acléads ;af”ambit&i9n, hem, and ;:h0ller,paflion,FrowardneflZi, anti" A heigthvf fs>iriv;.. wide, vain%‘g1ery»”andéiflwations reridringliim' A for fBey.%pxe{entfci;c¢, heady, high-:nim~ied,1caity, peevifhgevctng-u V 3t *% hr Q,” ; h€g~P1;'5:ff35li:,'~v6fy:Pcmng€ly~ILibdl1€da,‘%afJd keptJ und€EA % full, %imp1acab1e,ve1:y'unlmrely, and : unlike our Lord§]efu5;_{. cc: A Wfiofé%fer§fii?€h6Td9thPY€t€flds) % %Wi11A(9°tWi¢hfi3fldiI3B,ma11%~%:¢’€*i3)~ ~ 11, ‘ 4. V‘ . 11m~flia:iw;in.m;u¢hIiumii1E¥m=€k!%éf$+m4 TW¢%¢‘~'-: %D ‘ ‘ i%mV‘beautydand firénsrha in Imicbgforréwy ‘ , . ~ ~. elf’ ,«.' » ..;. ~ nefs a 2, wy AhelyASpirit_;and t0f,,hi‘s eternal! lpeace,.Alife,t and falvaltitmt with ‘ I. luefisfor Mt‘.AP1f'i:nce-I7hav€- V I ‘ ;;"w‘A " V‘ ‘A ‘$1 ,1‘ 1;.“ l 3‘ 1 es’ A A \- nan ‘ ‘H5 H’ aw ne1'jsef'fpirit,lmemuchgent1enefs,::pntiehcé,landilongefmfiferlttgg ifiti A A much wifelem, ptu_dence,sand lqwlinefiof mmde,which age I laftr igtolwlup Atarrdl4ltripenttAtnntoAthe .tich“a't)d l’plentifulle:hatvefiAe:E'honti!’ a‘nedApmi5fe unto ?Ged; Qt much complac€ncy5*,'£?‘atisfatfl5iotTa?n£l h tea-his gteived and offendted’ hrethren,fof:t A ’mu‘Cl1;.iI1ward_”,§ cejmfottable and contentfull communion and‘ fellowlhip with, it "3? u a ‘I thereafter, lwhieh (the Judge eiffallt death is'the.lt5;?:g.:b~ ifngof my foul in his behalf. 1* o aequaintanceatelt :vt-tithe him, have heard ‘Ah good’ report of‘him,t and amveryeapt Alteévbeleeveir the: M ~ fame ; for he is'7not the firfc good ‘man that ‘hath been fetluéetff ‘by: the fleightstlof *met1, "elude therefore the cognizance that lIl Athigvet of Lilbmw, we the reports Iiheate of Mr; ‘Prime, have’ encouraged me(as ptefuming if I am notdceeived'4M the otter arid‘ the other) ta tender tot-them: fomefew confiderati6ns,eb"nflelent-is‘ A lybeleevitig; that the ferious and ehtifiian cmttemplatieti A thereof} 1 by vertue of that Spirirtmliij A taffiw, ‘that; rm, theie A hearts, will pmvet throught the hlefiittg Gee, aAimeees of meek-gs: A ning, foftf1i”ng,?‘and framm the1tefp1t‘tts»lt3nt“e‘iiajeAllpedé‘eabI‘e;%‘e;hie%t;rl and amiable difpofition,’ li e, “ and c0nverl7etl?et1.A = Al‘ A A Omitting thenthe cenfidemtenwoflA‘the-‘lvrolenjg fiery language, efpecially,of7Mr. j\tL?'llav5A7‘?i¥lé';‘ fibtix ktjavingg, e and llralfcall"iAzirl1g (after al t11o£l‘ft1tiot1sA:ar;gj;P:m;t$ ‘*Ftir'i~vim; I4 h . I - . with V 'l rou‘%hnefs,_r1g1dnefs, and l":lcentxou‘ft1efs ef A h1s*tongneanel pen; A chtififan manner) thcifel that have given» as ampIel%te£Eimer1yL‘'f@€ ‘ theirlintegrity and faithfulnefito this A Naeienget laeAAA~%ev*er«=*a*n3,vITtheAt:l V was btjed therein, last alfb oFm.their=itmocency in ethbfe * thirrfi Afelf7~l’eeel{ing,felf~i;11tereft"&:c. Wherebf they are~accufe‘dA;‘-hg- . viug as. great a%dv:tin:fag"es, feat-Afons, and c;ptgertunitAies;A hegeantoes“ ever tnenehaelll, by the A many _anclA ~gte‘at ‘Vlrt?éet1¢,l,A’lfi1cee{les;? fbrees vouehfafed unto them ,and I-1I1c:l€l'Atl!€«l»l"‘ ‘ebthmahdgwhereby W they have} (Athrtjugh theptefence of Tgordl with‘ ‘thetI1)pt1ll”el A edo%;vhlelA‘thellpride a?ndTtepowery{ef the ljet1emy,l ‘might have what tetmes theyfpleafedlg fdt the lpetlteiculat;adventege of tthem; W {elves anti; familiestwoulilll t‘he‘y"fheteby’l1*alte w‘, Apetfvva... A A .1 ded .¥a'nd wrought Up0nV'fd‘59l“l3;fifCl9“f1lCl4lg1l517”l?6{6I‘l?h'YlC§lllpll?;lfIC?§,"{lib luftte, brightnefle, and gléfyt evvtmezsegll ‘_ttt:tqfle~p”eWelt~)fu1l3i e ...—r ‘t/9e “ 45 obfervingand»i:mfid¢:iag:men%; harviiag. mmnexy theW.te£tim¢ny-Vaf G05«,&%4%'th€ir%éim;dQnfcienc€s,;bat€ven1oF zhofe,Vwhofetdccafi@hs,1 V ¢emditis3;n; and c@HVerfati0nJha¥e:giv&11*theman opportun.i?tyw%;;0E%a V pe£1i1iar,pday1y,‘an§5. cdnfiramz iL1fpe<‘3:io11Jand Aobferwzation j theT.'f:r Wm-€8.A% by Inearxs Awher.e@fL:they%can%1augh §coL:fc<:>rn Ethcgfe; %itx*atidna£ Ab:eakA%A;h:eughmma§eAaauasifigsgaiaa;’mzns,%%a r?z.+£1ck0§3;ffla1i€@'s%%:£=\tié%.%éfiicerar?en[V;\g1an1aurs,€aifiti.as, Aancl fcmdaldus A %§W°«‘5 9fld.;P¢i35 99-Vthfiffi mm; géam*;a51$ fa tisfafiion ;ofi %wi'fe « accufatimxs againfi them fmm day :0 * da"y.f“% I ‘fay, emirscingdthéfa “ thizags which may b*ein(ifi~eci upan gj-Confider (whereas #yofi%%are V‘ &1i§1 complaining of'oppre£Ii;:ms, frrows,vand troubles of ; %theVna3—M % m|tIbV'f.10(J:;£‘g‘h_,;Vm“n] ajjiifiians W42 am.er.A:éf;ntw~ the %J€£2zgal§2n$*0d%V, A % /acre jflwfifl lsmie am can: ifliuifig % A; T ém%m loa{ane tbattfiér ‘came, n1ig4h~t; §xp‘c.€£wpé‘xig.w . fe&fr¢edomVhete%b%¢1oW;%A L mnfid rwhethei-:‘ye uxr mngues,you: pex=1$,._y1our hdolcs V I ou1d>>npt as:eWs11%~%favm1r%of the fence 05 mcrcyA r€€€1V€d, asof L ¢;eIV;wints%of3Ai${”ijwaming'%'; gyhoughthe~riforrows,}tr;>;;b§aes Y an.d'grievane6s%0E‘~ atimnVrbeA%grea;, yet have We naA%.‘*4;iuauf€Ai4@f .‘ tha:ikFuA1=t1e£{e»t£>’G’écI ianttl men forrhis mercy,;and%cheir aflifhincé; AA Iha;:1> Abemméof fihié Natic>n,— had%n0t%GodfVPcirr"di up Vthacfih f ~:‘m:y, mgngwhich are At$heé~men% F ymfzr comp1aim:,i to: interpafg A betixf€§néV%*57t;gowerg%wra?ch,%ancL A‘ma1tcc‘:ofrt2hc flqnufli? % péfity» §a@';s~£ima_:%hasa Fer Writ: hazafiding Um‘, ‘ “ “ D 3 ~.h‘5“.3 "“””3r~1iV6$*i$3*§:1§6~iii“g§1:§1aC§S;mjidél’ d4£adVan§3§ %§¢S“Of _"§0W€rS;'fi11d%*?cr¢I§gt*i; :33 'k“°aW “W‘~“‘€‘i A A ma;=yc>ui,i ¢y§%hyou,bpg;hren*0Nh€“? OW“. Barty» ‘_139¥‘1d*“5’;V“‘d ‘ mm mum you A . : éfi“/9£#§§f£~0 A IWSV Again, eonfider,:har th€b¢i*%°f mmsfir¢%bueAm¢n{atv%befism&* »wifly‘eufgive ma allowance for 363:1 %thefx9;;; ,m%c%nAqf yeur%%anger have their (pets, For%~they¢ are%:bi1::sm M¢en, , have not ycmyours ? if .they arefuch as you give;theemqut4'fbbé‘A3» ~ T.‘Z}i;€c s bafe, tyrranicall, falie and rotten aheartecl men, willrnot find tbemmzc, as he hath dcine incur eyes» 9‘ yes jvgrily; atidfih. ' A‘ will he ‘find you om, if .yOU.[b?Cfl\ like them,.%bm:: if you .:think they: are: “upright in tAhe main, pigttyg chem, pa.1'don4thern,; caounfel%l ::hem,= A ~and;pray for them, as the llke meafure 1sA-n_2eted%ou+: fora» yamfcany “ you prefmmthat perfeé’cion4 and remptatmn can. dweu A%togethe:%.4 you this fide thewgrave? Have you no covering for% iDfifm‘iti€3?:,..M5&kfl$ icyout lawn Acafe ; was tI1*€x:eAno tang ofpriée, vainfglmtyé, Mziy and 0pprefl'i0n’1'-n you L Col. fabn Liléxmza, ;w?h_en«you weregé. plifted but fame few deg;-ees.abc:ve yourbrethren; and: fe‘1lew+V.%4 ‘ isouldiersm the Arm,y4 3r:~ Will all men give f % tefiimony of yew A ‘” mcvrckneiégiwaifdem,A&goodmefs, gezatle‘nefs~,%;hat you wereafreefrqrné A :!c1f7:féeking;.ufin Qqrdliflgfé ov¢r«'y9ur pacgr %8o§§1diersyn9«t11;h¢‘% W M %:%1ea£tci:né1ureof twgermg themdues, ~rxgh;ts, l1b<:r_t1¢s»%wa Qgg‘y&;u;.4 % sthink thathad yqu that pbwer,.place, and authority A%iéii‘nhcT .P.'}a‘3A~‘I.T:'1‘[i.‘.'$.‘.'L A m‘nent,.4Army; 8&2; which there men have, %Atha,t;4 yuu4V:wau1d‘ ,dfiC)@‘ 3‘ bctterfor the Commmwéalththerrflmydo3,‘ %:+ if%é{;fwb§=Tramwin % »4mn¢ei*mdo% fwd! Within Ywa récofiefiyour f61€A%%aad tiear?.thc Aaxiguage afrienwd, %4whatdr%neans then the_ impetiaua M3g“i{te:ia~l1[% ‘ ,.»Di;11é&‘ of your rongde and‘p:n5 that; 3a¢:)’%uf%%cat:1:»1.c:)::A, tgVewa“:%”’;V:1a%e4w {aft A .difTent from your «opinion or judgemeng» wichpuc A % tthe b‘oundsoFyourr prCf§U§f’cat19fia Yea, and, %piYIlity,dA~ égobd ? Wnnfirss buv your toiigue 16 5‘ Ems ~:$lI«'&}’;5,(.".!',l\}.Il“."’.1l3_’” 4?'z’A9‘ bit,/?190d,+«G5“A€~ ;C<;6L11d%S!Ql3h§a§€®nf3:adi§tions% Twingpowfir in V01“?hmdS:%l1d?¢armoEtndfim;t1aé41én2¢;nq;though It be inimatte: of \opm1onab©.u;tA Stam» A 3fFar1fi¢§;;;;~?wb¢m Ayomitami the lower g‘1:012.n_cI Hafé {10tV%f¥1§!1“4h¢f¢.bM.Y flaaffii: ta?’ A % tyflflffllfi Mfull.-;of h[:yna@nmcali p:xnc;pIes,.4A%ask a xs.m1.1,4,. V Aiycm tread the%An€¢ksi4~ v0fs~~«Princes_L4%~~ and : % *yw-I‘¢La=rc' iguporr thG»4.dw1ghil1,A« 4;Cand. c£o%e.«ehe» 7 =%%like% even to Peafaxars: if Ayou¥3tBA.A%np¢>n fT€€fif*V‘Vt€%%;blr3fsyour .fe1f%%fr¢1i1%d5i3’J%t%0V4;daY,ih¥h,3ty0&1’¢mf1fim1 may % *b?*§ta¢’0£4¢ f:etnxhe*¥%r1ia¢13¢m%is! Me A V T fmm4D2zdz:£d by 7your“ pretendfidV2ealAfb1~4the: A I§i,hertEe§%A»V4t5f % P€‘9P1€; Wingta%z1ie%dift:1rb&ei~AaAndJ%gri€mli%A mwanzof Aiu9t?§‘d»minifiratig:r:s,~?%4ashe';shid;:?»:g; : jzmr mart%ers%¢reg¢0c?vigfvif, £*i¢r%Ar12e-mix rim ‘ma fix: ” 0!%r}J¢zt%I We?2Tj[.Lmae$d¢%f.¢ j7§tdgJzfl tfxaJ,L;z;:e2;,A»rimA :s*zg'av:igr‘J.15i!.4z?a%M.%;,!9 gg: 4 Mt}; may fzgit,.mf’§‘;t2v:f£e, mige; ‘VV':o;;;:»u:2;aV ,m,.Wz I: ama»é141a2a%v;§m W _ « rsigbr; ;%wT'hVe Pretiborra peop1e*o.f Ewzglaxd,ho%w;jareV,;the*yuppreffzé % $e&g%%%wrongfd. and abufed 2* %No1man¢ judgethV. théfiirfi ciaufe % n1nP¢beimA¢nded;‘$Vwewillhave.this,and-:-hat,and{thec:>‘ther%thing " % %d:;ne:,‘thatQ'w31Id%%eafe &ant1 pV1eafe:h‘e%peopie:; and may happily ga.-z. A %th¢r “wgerher {ugh anumberVas4he”did about Four hu:1dred%*fii1y",% id f [(hal1ow;1heady;haPcyd%atid4fiII3E¢eheé1rtcd% Iflfin‘ to 4. A the Kingdams *#ttoi351€ afidthfiif‘°W4nY“ifi€;?;‘ViPéffwidfid in tim€,?for‘;yo%u cax_itxc;)t pmfper;A%%fure1y yefurrfpixit, your ‘language,,;your%%dVia1e&, A M ~17fiandV:.at‘fuchn‘ pa*IpabIe , plain, and opend%£:fiaj1‘1 c:e%¢r§3 &1*t%ha:%:’fpirit; 9 V ~whighAbrea’thcth*%in the Sc{riptures;A andin the %hear7ts% of fhofcé; that et$t;o€:whp£c%;npmber I do‘nodt exdude4you,:thcmgh as! i A ‘ Tfaid:Vhé%Foré5veb‘§7f7ri:&fi*g€l§r “aft wt-hefymptoms of godIinesk6pc4$dpwf1 ‘ Q % ¥?3:1a£5$’i>117%°wf1@*t:Y013§fh311n0tth®€0A0n:»?3DdPF0fP€r;% W; V V%not€vithftagd%ing AAyem *crafcy 4.:>fH€I".110dS.}:iifld a”rr7 which%you;ufe to % w§g¢cnfear§dfiir,up the pear ignorant Co1i“::1try.;. by%_%fendingyeu2”V' A agppiMntingrthwis- than;th€1n»%%iabro:acI:*.:in~ ‘ifihfis xgiatitg I ” i j ghis“ manfiig @thi~spaf’rif}3,&¥;i:1d1another%in » R iikés1up. fé>r§%aA.W%i1ian%§: A : vwithfiood K.if1gs,Lords, Co'tm’I1%@nsM,A Armygg ° A fearing neither men Otfgdfiyils iixymil‘ VGoun+tries%.M;Cauf¢s~ the Winé 3; T V %ur~sans%&:Lrwe11 ibe % . Y |> Y { Y % my 1 gjuaicious%aacx.reeing vmVen4o4ev1acar1y perceive y@u;vain1y:Ahimrriess«‘:% i“§Y§‘.§b1¢F*“*Pi¢£ fr9&*»wh¢ns§ i ., J .'A’“ ‘AA. A A A "'A"“‘ . AV “ A AA ‘ A’ ‘V.‘‘"‘’‘ - ‘ " ‘ ‘ A u A ‘ “ MA‘ A{‘A;“‘"“-"' ‘:‘ 1" vA - “‘$“w " .1 ‘ vv-~( ; ' AA AA A A A ;A;;« - ‘AA ‘A A \A‘ ‘ A AA ‘ ‘A AA . ~ AA AA ~ " A A * \ -“ ‘K “ », v ‘ ‘Ah 1:‘ A‘ 35 ‘Y V‘ A W ; 1' ‘ A ‘V. A ‘ 2"‘ V " ‘ ‘ u ' qt A A %¢€rtaim%1y%fal1“‘ii::£d' *fla2£rI3efA..fl?1 M3165 A tmublenf yam re2A-1~;t;h@ugh;r;1A@2f:,; };A cl“ f §‘fri£nc1$‘3AA‘i‘Ether:i3f§1:«; A *bowA‘e1s...df comgaf{'mn’io yerm%AA}=m1A:1v¢ Cauxmyg, rm wA,1m%f:;;AA A behalfyou would féem. V€V€tA1§AfOL!F*\®V3z£)5 % a~ndA1Ayout. abrethrfens ru1ne,%mdAAwo1;1drejciyce. tofce usAa11Adefir%oy*’n;l A and hAa‘ng’d together A:]; you tAh1:nk yam‘ ‘Ab/Ianffdtation A { wherar A it; you wou1d"makeVchem bfe1e’Ac7ve. that }o[m.ne«uer» Iomrm Aéerflany AWa}§;jwia1£€nt¢%aga£mfl Vt/at perfim. aftbefling .<~zm1[ a2@e:e:2A,; qczzr their pmrgy, 7though% I hdnfefs AI 4 wénde£ :wi4:h what, Faca‘ y%QAu~c0AA11IuL;L*AA;%:f I A A£"g5¢a9k)AdAmArAAh fagcisfiewthem? Ano.doubt1ci§~AA;hey;k11ow you~We11%Ac::- A Anough,‘. .Aar'1d you {hall “know it, an; QpportAuni%ty fcpves them. 1 mic you inⅇd‘lov5:ers% of your Cwntry.A? why chendoryou ‘him . A A den péaqe and§happh1efiAAchermfbyyourAprefentflammopicmsg jiagxjyieed; thva,fers§ants«pfAAn1ie m A “ ' : ‘ V ‘N ‘:-'.'1 V ycsu:“~hin3ei the véngeanhe 45%-mg garbaggus M j C‘ party that W Vfwnd Tare mt L canyw réfelveénotaeszfengréur e2rg;:§;;2ghe¢3;3:,a¢fth€&g3 %f9rL]‘uAfi ic€ 5 Ad yo§s¢~fi€>p ‘alfo Vagiihfl i ‘cry jcif*A‘thk~;€ A1WIng~f§>f‘m@1’¢YVthfitfiffi11A1<€.t0béflfitightercdforwantbfi hat:%Ma1igman%t, whatPapifiM,i wHag’J%e§u%iAc, nay,whacDevi1;Aun.fi% flex: mtion nf at; -Angel ~UHf'g‘ht; x_-11ugb°eWig¢h~; ygyJj=4ghg;g y w¥€.énn0t‘1"€eLtfhe%Crafi:3zVjfi@§g1i;fmAaAjefmtmnxwafwydufi V trag\fa4é%ions62« Domt perceive, we unae¢aaag;a~*%'Vg1m der the presence, Chape, and v1zard%%%::>F2éa1AFor your Coufifrié good, youare furimwhurried and blimny cheated into fi1cha&i-A V ons 4that\.threaten its mine ?“ the;faifi‘ng u Vofa third war, ‘(he % ' ‘:g:j;aIi*c:e:f-it[ft§1f%‘¢an?9:udymd.invent'b?L$€a%ornemd t'§5 ~};2r‘event“ and f % _3zAqui:c12%:3is“WW)‘,%;'i513é*‘hea£ing,‘fiéijingfi. and en; % :2;Ve~{pimsq£A:h;41§ou;*fi%aanauni?acapaéry‘,§use faifipgg in. ~_.. J aeafimg,s and multiplying dxfficulties and; i:roub1¢§%fin*rhis ‘;4v:ery.A jmnémre QF“tim€3W?1'5¢§33H *<:®ntri~vances,4p1cts anti fipraje&s%§hat A ern:he~I_:o§aeE11I%.cha“éag“eof“ the‘i3a1ée‘iGtwesrt1~menti Fm%= the happy ' .E¥»:ewf>ib‘ér=i@s«'a‘te”the Peaée and Interefi of Eiag;1;z22glA 3 ’%OrVc2nthey be any 0:» :1; "““ unlmp $rA;bi4rt“h:-@fth¢‘Ra1n§£1a%, Malignant, Jefuigicsbl §fi{§Vf%73af5T1“iC31F%%%V , % A ‘I V A K L V ptémmte 2: Ar1aeak:~p1~azzi:~;1y,~1am%yw*¢qus:aea% rents“ [ {hunk swiwhthc Pbizifiim. IsAi34yaurgam* Pf0fefi:experiencesA%t‘IrereofI4ikeA£aI: 13ath.1oftii%h. ~ J but she»dungh22~24LVidoA yjoum::i1:e~ A ir::Vine,bs;I;:ttfins;jée}pffe you take; that£o‘V%y<31:t%»rfiaiy*;cYbA%- rhei‘r:%*- ¢ ’5L*Ef3§FfiY"i3fl‘_dL}Ti‘3V31;IY‘ 1he" greartérwmk maIic:1e«:ime;ifther§« ’ Aé§i1*es:?‘%%-Déikrbyg1?a£1i;mer§§f.y¢;t,d‘%CcumcenA%of «£fij@%V;§rmY ih=%pi¢ee§, SOh1%ii€fS 3g3iBf’¢"fP$'€;A T31‘ V‘ 1 : .. ‘ 937) 33 9=y)L4“V'~hind¢Mhc¢r ;G§9§?§%h%§7tfir@fi€h~f§¥¢aand elcemél, make Iiefom came}cm:r~%hither;letI?remb,{scDi¢rw4andDeta»i!.é conic with£*Ath¢£nA;* A A do’?n&o%qyot:;Vthink tha!:“w11$::hi4S Wi“P1‘0nio:§ EfiglWviV4dint¢rei¥;% fucceffcri,~{:3!ae;;g€sac¢%.s*mdts%p1:o£i:;m '1 xigy°gf”&HQgeR1im€fi I and;;haivei.A;na<>t;your Aprafenni :3. I.[dfiI'€, §};¢§;yga",“§ndAJ4g fu}ift’fQoc«;aFterthEfe things? or’%*h:u?:_h the%;V;fpir'i:: A Tiwéwté Li!Wrwe,.po“¢fT€dA Y0?» *h.ar%Y°A“’ haY¢’ref4e:1fvéd4% to be‘tPTVaY‘“tl1€ interefiof the syI§a1qN§.t1on mo-the hands of efuH%Enemie..W¢1i,31F ~y%9u*arc a.bo,ut;%Aa4.Awork»:%which A A desmm.-the wéfkiinan-V F0?A%4I1% t7/9c:jZ.Af/mt imtéf; -STi«m% 1%/£4; gséé‘ A 4 M;z2}%ned ea;-/gwgaamgpmjz, R¢éderA;,d \ V % Héfeali/A ééazn, izazzoawjf/%der»t,~A:«av»Iieio»4, W: G0fi¥Mdi6?iai:% Sca;2ja'a!:%, , f.M_'/Erie: and fltéfwditfies £:f':* f/aé. 7l£m= P~4mp1giJ; /Mf;¢£v_{cri£v;d.£2},% t/nfg mm, _az;r:fi2% ,p_14iz:;;. :leg£r‘xmd4'AaAt9viam, t/:14f_,.[i:F <4 % zrfiwer/v pi»‘5J%V¢n%dv4g AG0d.fi=¢¢ 4errMe1‘R;€£w>?#=d¢# l{éf?«%m¢kan¢tbi?’£§0%% ¢#*i1<¢‘3«!éé5é?3r%¥;3’«r!7t/931:: Wm .Wggg[d f£_‘fl6.g£.d.£5?::$Z’7flg6’7?1€?ifljpbfljlé/7] jflagmmtg " mid dzfi‘az’:mIr;:y$ !¢£w%tb1?»¢5J?r¢;!4?iazz%4Wifififidfiiw” W fi*m¢’:’- V"~-‘3"?‘%A?"”1¢3f:?A%5?¢4Wéflr’ V th.ey4¢r4m11ig1?~fl9.rzrwVgwf¢méi9¢¢ ,dprzfW9iWg::~wb¢trm;zz22rw:z% 4%!/J¢r~w?ztrig int0le7*a5le, it/aeiffivll in/izjjiqicncy tarq)‘weA.tlwfi¢m€,#~bpw":{b¢lt fa: Aarmfivi?‘ Axlvajféi"-m{€f?/9)’ Wfrils jligbring V liwc/2:: 50f A ‘ :t1z€.f?:%f‘1¢€Wé l«fi0btAM3féAtb€v.%W/2éet2*¥‘JVwIre1and,fett/-6 t/év&*APm'ncav:*#rP¢?%[ ¢JB5¢g¢#bV4rm%zés* 4