‘£3 5}’ ' an _~ 4' A53 Of the judge M‘ n £7 1 G r Nmux 6; 0 ma 0 psi ««««« .. gm wt 4% we re» «fix wag? pt 3% ‘.3? s -R ‘S’-‘$2. {mm andfaithfuil «kg ‘ ‘ 3% 5? — €%:.:i* :.x2§'..’«; E’ A 5?’ £2 V V W3 .. . Vvflzthxn the _ A4 _A - Conmixwd E T T ER {mm them to the GENm. A L L and‘ big 00 u N CE L L . of VVA Imam A 3-. W» . » 'I~.'-‘ n ‘ £;J' $5’ “ . . . ‘.., , .‘ ,. W ‘.4, , ‘U2 ‘ 1 ‘ V, , . ' M ,t . < nag :4: ;aj:’.':§ :- ‘V. ‘$3 :15‘ \ « ’§’. . %j :2 at +**':;E E5 E.§‘s€*L§;;~g;;:,:a=v.‘ , ,L . -e;;:;’?§a‘§:’§£;«ZZ:§2r?j’*: ''’‘~:' #5 A " ‘-3 929% “-7% "fig. c;>"E£3;. 62% R T?‘ {[3 2 J‘ 4?} -.....Lu +2 %;§.;?«£§ 9.‘: #2’: gm ' 1"‘-5 "0! -"; 9 ti‘ '1: _t',3£‘?§-'~§£":“ _ ::‘<:§ s;~?.;=; r; 3'” - 9 ‘a. A 4>*'.~‘!.*: _ ‘:2; Cf“:-s £5, 3;: g fgfivered to his 3410 M. L E N c 12* by; fume oftheSubfCArib4er§5 7m. 18.. 1648,, 't‘'‘-‘‘r-'§'.*:- —; . ,9’-:'.=. «_-- -A-4 K 3, . i’ 5 t ‘E .. -.~_ ‘. ~.e_fi ‘.‘§-;;;;. av. ’ — 453 -36} 959 "".«%'}3“.‘.v -- '5, ¢‘€ f %ib%%7w% fiariveawe M :Zéz’i'z.iz~:*r% rbemvénzr are drxwne mm z;z’c2g.:zt/5», Amm’ giwifé that awe rmz:lie%to be Jfl/..m?y2e : M V ‘ % V % I 3/m¢flgyefi9 B >.~'-1ym’d’z2:n2 /@2915“) 23;‘ r2\1iV}:§7=’?**-%‘;<;,%drxtb ~ 220:‘ be N§v:.<;:kr«%p072¢f;%re;l2 xix;-> heart cor2:»A‘*{,:M' it .9‘ and be 3/mzf I{s,~gf1z;e-:*,a’j%%»t‘l3_~y fiufé, 4.12:1: am‘ /:2e% ;’.w,sA~,.,,. =~;I5:i'.,-P V é¥7Idfi?a1Z'72a§'!y§ rmder }%'0«€;jjrAimzrzwcc-0.--ding :0 Im zvangzt g?’ *4 % ,.A . é ‘.j‘ ~ ‘ é ’ 3!“ ,'..7.?':.:f ’~.'—"'.“'-’;.".’3‘-4 -3‘ ‘:~a§.*‘»Z.-sfj-A_§_ £3 ~ O r'‘/( ;j : -‘_.1 51.3,‘; * “um .435 '” -E i ., *3 war‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ T “ ._. ,......._..,m . % Ki‘-_3?a sr - _ §',, gig; Imprintfidat Lmézfaflby M. 3.‘ far S4z%;:»«22-¢§2Z%%‘G¢l!é2v;»;z7z.»2’, .g‘;%~€«*a'i A4 % and R¢»z;’pb Smith. 1;64%9%. % ‘ 2_‘;:"r;.¢ ‘u?o‘».o- w-A. Wvnr ““Y:‘VI‘\"",‘H":'|l""I""?cI'yI' Q... W‘ ,. /, _ ‘ _”‘‘*~‘‘ 0 ‘ A‘ W. “I ‘ 4 -if -"-3;, 3“ M , - W V»: -. "11; f ~;{;4cI} .y¢7~ .41; , ',:'a‘G"}'l M u M- .4 v»~7~ «a“,‘5;ux*?')'7;;a »V'7u _ ‘'7; ,'-'7r* ;.«- ,~+ ".,, ,>:- ‘ ¢g*‘%'%_é%‘fi i?'%&§%§*a%,§ ,;,';~'of.;i_*’,,_‘ ¢£§,“';115*§%s&§;;ff%§l§£§¥§:i’§§I{:§WI;£§%§£%)5%§:§a‘5£3~§£b5’§?dM:$l3;3 <1‘ *9:-.17: -:;vj~..~rr-°‘ '.' 5-,: 9%’ uvé} “ gait? :99”; p @599 15%, J w M _ W ’ A aazwififiélfiizzfiiéfifea aamagxaamr meats A ' A ‘J’: -3'5 9’ '9 ‘AA. . 3:‘ , " V % A %Provc:xb3 24,. 11, 122., A A E- ..-;7*§‘iv ":’:’§£§"‘:"sz.'$'5l-V" 5" -»_-1‘: % 9-1;: "wt ‘:3 *;~="‘* §:‘~“< M «:3 gr Up a m ‘A. My ~. \\ V4 ‘From . i A MIN I sr ER. 5% of the G os PEJL L Within the Province of Lozzciozz, whoie A " Names are Subfcribed: A ‘. 6 X4.’ Delivered to His Excellency by fomceof A bf. the A Subfcribers, jam. 8. 164.8- With defire to have it cémmunicated to the Gene- mall Councellof thceflrmy. %4 e A "May it plegfi J/gun Exceliemy 3%. mm, tho]? ofjaunv A ' .eeCamzcell.- v ‘ A ‘ ; ‘ A A A} A " " ’ Her-eas "of late divers‘ Application A»ha.fve been made, as well in writing as» by everball Meffiages, inviting‘ "the Nliniflaeers Aaofv Landon, or {come of: A ‘i?;‘1:¢I1am,Aeeeto meet with the Officers of . A h V the Army , in their conefixlerationszc fr; 5+ .' eaébout mvattera of t€.e1igbn;_Wee,A. J ‘ e A e Minifiersef thesGofpeIlawithin:thAe» " aux: Anmie 5, aamhen Vm_:exc+. a Q fia§§lyafi3¢;fflCh; THfiéE3Vi11%gAas was pf%bpo£'¢ci fa mm 1: ' giw " yam? Lerdfltipr and your £“«mz::ce§i% the Piieaions Qf Awthawch VA Z'{efLzfa§%1,[Al£mf: ab}:-' our {§§en4:c fwee {hmziafi feerfie ‘to bé M1) Mr. M;zrl- fialf. % jVIr'.C;1!'amy. 4W7‘-W’3’-’i’W'».€_‘7'J" have alreadi-e nmnif‘ei‘:ed their diflike, both of your late ‘5”"@"‘"’”’5’ Afizions towards many of the Worthy MembAer.<:- of the 6‘. (b) Mr. Wbf~ % ‘ % t«::l¢_e7'. “ ‘ ‘Mr-. (Infamy. «M Afb» 67¢- vvamtiing‘ in that infgeCm.1i£y and Czmdor%which’becomes 341;, but efpeciaily rim I%’J’iz'x~ifie%z‘s of '}fifl.1S Chfifi.'.‘ Ai1fi Mt1{m:ierfiaz1dinAg Eha‘EfOI3‘§fl of-but Brethren, at one Conf¢§-A A % % mince before y0m'_Lordfl1ipLand Tome of your Counccli, (4) % and at another with fame of your chiefs Ofificers, (fa) Hacmourabie Home of fllommons, and what lifkewife, you have publiflleci in your late Remonfirance and Dq:cIam- tion , as your intentien for fedirag the Affaires of {the Kingdome _., (as was were informed by fame of them ,” and%4-v:fiIl’cdV*A%:hE%vpris+fi A vme perfcms to;havepropotmdedf, T;a n,d for if .u mg.’ I .-.<'- ‘'‘17'» the Ga:p;11 team xAefo1ved~ '-:11];-ol£Y’,i’_""j”wVgE-l'AI'x:\hl ly and fre__el’y‘;have% : :d,:c¥ivereid? %%c.::m~ ;; A .. “ “ ‘ ‘.1’ your prafiifes 5% and .hf.ave «given% Jyouw:wj1zhis‘ Ql.'1.l“‘V“:* grgmrded upnn ~Scr,ipturé4 ,5 :%%Na’me§y“_, » —P~t,c2%céc:dir:8% fl1?rth..od*zor the Kmomehha my Ehi8",hth_h€r,é" -£11 ihn.tueh;t‘F¢ the } ‘,King?,,d'om¢, A as phftixg Co nfiituiiomof 21 new kihndehoi‘ I«”:e,;, yrefeyztgthm ( as “gm: calm ) i11hfh23d ¢Rh0fh um "zzjri f:1:~¢;' "1 V9‘ 64) mime ?‘Vé“r1i;a«1:i:e2i:ts'A; “2u*;ic1A this to be Sulfifésrifiiegftfxraugiiout A -the Kingdome , und‘e_r the notion of an Agreemm:.of .-t‘l:.e*' People .;,”as“is DAe'c%Iared in your late Remon{’cr:ance,Vof Na... z;gm[;e;~,¢1_5; 164.8. gag. 67. All whichpraéfices Wecanhon bu:;judge,, to be manifeiflyoppofite to the lawful! Aug.‘ tihority oftzhofe‘ Mag«ii1m:tes, which God hath fét over"%us3. A and to the Duty and%Ob.edi€flC€,$ which by the LaWeso‘f' God and Man _9. 2§nci'byV our mzmiféld Caches and Carve-* nants, Wefi;1z1dVa%0biigéd%t01*¢n~d€r tot_hem. And therefore-* We fudge it 0ufDu1:y ,“ r211;‘h&e‘:' :0 t‘eflifi£:% OW utter diflikeg. ancide:e‘ii-ation, t':h.€1‘1tO'giVe any} {1hOu§'h'— but implgggm A and interpfetacive)% app1‘obat'1om—0fthem; _ % ab? 2:15;‘, l ‘We refmenubér the&advi’cs: of Solomon,‘ Fears tlnfizz the Lord, % am1¢,r;g Ifiizg,‘ m2dimeddIe“not with rlaem ‘:7/m are givezzw céunge :,VA-r1d- that of Paul, I/VitlJ'dmzWfi'o77z every Brat/JeML'mf walketb az’2_?fZvrderl}, .r2nd Flat ‘accardz'72g to $1.72 Trczditignynzbicb )r g,z; haw received" of mf : Of which £1139 isone , Put them? in minde :0 be fi4l:jé5t’~ to %Princ5pa1litie: am*1Pawer.r, and % 2 Theff'.3..5. “‘ aé’7.~£xt7ca: ‘Fit. 3. I. _' '3~0m- I3» M» 219% gl>.gy fl»’1fggirat_e5:“:.* Pxyxfdg Let mgr) fiméle be t_c9j tbe laigber Poweri, were 51:: 220 power ‘lmt“of' Gad , I793 %Panier,¢ 212.2: be are ‘0 dai2z¢d:‘rd‘" ‘Gad.-' Wbofizefver tlaerefbre refi/ietbibe Power , refifietla Allie: Ordinance of God , and t/cg): témi refifl , . % all receive tic”: tbemfi4lw"L=.'.:_; dfimmztian. The fears ofG_od% £%hexAe‘F<>re4(whofe rdit1an¢~= %i$“vi03ét€d» wh¢nMagi’fira—- A tieis oppo”Vfed.%)v.m‘hkes us afraid of m%ed1inig7%with%%%“thofe» who Winhout any Colour Qf Legall Au:tho:itie”,_ mccrgly ' M3011 th9V‘%%PF¢f“mP‘i°“* °f§S"”e“gth> 3“?V“mPt44 W{W~‘h* Changes thfiife am fit“d;V"¢€¢a'1?I20t but deepelv awed Awith iriefeandafidfifimlfint 57:0 ifee that" an Are. mic 5 ra‘y;fI“ed“* ’?. jhmhioritié" of »Par1iament , F01‘ thé 4PreL. Vfe;rvat%ion df thewPriviled~ges~ then;-of , anjdof ‘mgr fieligiéa an, Lawesfiand IeiberciesA a fihou*d conrrarie to ‘i5f5¥"‘¢Tflfl§m %ind;Amanyin”“agémentsado that Whic%h tends ta tmzmanifeii % Subveri-30:20? ; % T ‘A '" 11(5) Was have Jam: fiorgflttcn thofie declared Grarzaunéig % a-n1d,_‘Princi.ple.s 3 upon wliichthc; Parliamemz fi»1' t. tookeé up Arrnes , and upon which Wee wen induced 1:9 ‘ioyne with thema ( from which Wee have %npc hitherw rdec1;ined,,‘as,1d VV; !:.rI1fi:hn0ugh "Gods, grace mover %fl'1:a1l. “) fWec. 1‘£I!1§mbe4r‘ ,, ',I7h,a.t; whenthe King» Awimfa 1_m11~c-ieudc mf Armed Malena -dcma%nd_€'d but a {mall Number I in Ac0na%parif<_m ~31’ ttwfc; ‘mw r1“cc1».L1dcd by you) of ;.t.;1m Mcmbers Q5 Parliammi: Q: It: w.a»s dfifimcd inch an h.orri.d; ‘Violation ofthaeir Priviiledges , gandém 336; fo%.Injw- rims , land D%eis}ru¢’civ¢ Its» the good of the Kjbngw ‘dome, as {madman (thexm) any Precedent or Pa.~ wralkli 5 And 0f {What nacu re it 4 was iudged cozbfim ?'by 3 Pgrliamgnt than , rfiec and, fu1,1 may mp-_» zrpeare by the Order «of A -the AHoufe of »«Qom4mmx:s of fwmarie 3- A I 6 411,. When,1hc.;u‘ing but of 3. "urpofc in the, King to Scife upon «Toma of than .M:mbensf,tAhwy.vDcclar 5 “If any Pepfon what» “ lbevgr 3 {hall ofT'¢:r»t<> Arrefi, or Detainc, %§l1c%P¢:1~--- 5‘ {om ofiauy Mcmb¢r of 13hi_8i%H,0u17€:§AA: Without gfivfiz ~“ acquain~ting +ch;is- H.0u&;therewitlm,A and A~.r¢c.eivi;;1%g “ Eurtlmr Qrder:fmm uhisfloufc , That it is: lawful! “ ‘sforfuah %M£mbmv,or a;ny.A%Pcr:fon%.to affifl bim,;,md go _ l‘~‘ fiand ‘Upon hiuvor ztheil‘ ‘Guard ofDefcnr:c:, and ‘F9 to ~m?1k€,1’¢F1P\v'én21”Covenantl, wheréin* welddcllalrc our « “ abhorting arl’d« detePcing:‘the {aid wiclced'a;n'dltreachC. “‘ mus defilgnc; and that we w»ould~acco%rdir’xg; t.o_ our “lpowcrland vocation: oppofe and r¢liPc'VthC fame, A and “all ether of we um x":a.5.TL‘II?:§".’ And l~ik'ewi'fc by the Solemn Leagzze .¢t7¢d C0’&I6fim”/It fix? t/J5’ Refarmxtion and llaaléfinfe of Religion , tbqA Hmmr am!‘ Hp1pp£¢¢ej]}" of t/1: K I N'(.'}',“ the Peace and .5’zzfi9ty of the ’?“£ngda“me.r,A.l"(fi-Fc. “ Wlhercin we have CovenanVted,«"I~'ha_t we will ffncere-l3-r,.. “ really and cronllancly in ourfcvcral Vollcatliolnws, ‘endeew ,“'lvc%>ur to lprefervlé: the ?Rig,ht:sa~»nd Privlil’edgesgfi{.h}: F¢,P”Aln 1,1 A Mfi it 1‘ s, and1l’rel'crvc.ancl Defend thé 5“ K I N G” SM}; 11 45 s T I 2 s~ 'Perl2m and Amttlloritgf, “in“x:he prefer‘vation.and defence of the true R'eligion,, ~:=lancl"Libercicspfthe Ki;ngdt>ms ; .that the Wo.rl1d1may V3“ blearé Wit'fl€lF§ ‘lotir Co_nfci£;n:i;es'of Q13 LQygi.;y, “: *and"l:ha;: W6 nlml 1:30 thdllghts o1*int”éntit$n$:o ldiminifh “ Hi-s NI2ije{lie$"‘[fful'l power and grcatnlgllb, ~ _ 7. AV W” -I11aallwh'u7:hQQl§gaciOns,‘ chouglli the innate: ofchem. may,be,iJn' p:m:,~ of §3lvzlfconc“em‘mfe,nt; ya‘: the bond and Eye an,%Qalth and Covcnani: is Religio‘us,l {acted and . *ilnviol.fgblc.”l'lW’hm;h though fame may7éfi§:em- no .m:-ore fihenl ad yfljlmanmkqzat afdpxzw; yet we: look upon it, as ché70:z:I:.f:¢aflG 0; D , « in<;w‘no_l'e~ Np me? wlelljl1;z%v%cllTi7v"vblr;£j;t;:‘,, and’?mirhb«willlcerI;ailnl5% 1=c:‘quire~litat'5oL1r“lfglVnd$; ,,V A A W'é: vlziaovizlllwizh Wham jea-louséjze l ,A ll arid fevel'e.fiat1'c[.,' fine Llpwn avéngedll thgqnlarlrelloflilhlis Cfc2?venan-:l,niad¢ by Zekfiab :o.rne 1;i»gg~%g£lgaA,zm,A~:1gpughex¢:prA:§4l .~".-'§Izcl:~ :7, :4. =ff°m h'imil~3nd lprfiifidlml £0h1m»’" ’ -5’9fl/1../“P?0'/I??? M73 18, 1 9, :Q«;»lcl_)& jlmflheéejfifaga .., za4;%;ag;.wyczg;lzz:;»;‘g, "ox 1£re¢g!";_’t14é%MC‘oz»aré»:z»‘tV, érizd fie wd¢l?'W‘M 3’, «*1: I Ii’-w,_/I-sfirkfw 751,51 Laraf,‘ fieein_g_hZ- defiaifid we Om/9 éyiéraakjng t/M Ca. A é;wn;znt (W/am [o‘,’ 196%/Md ‘giéen 1).!/It /azmd 12:12»;/I mt cfmpé. /aérefare thmfizitb t/ae"‘Lord Gar}, 441.1 li1zé,_..f:¢rc'l} ifiixzd bat}: F/Jéltn /ct /Milo dé/}2i_[c*d%,% and Covenant that‘ 19:? hath hakgn, e?z2fén%z't'rivi/I I recampencegpon 19;} gwza /aeaéav We dare AnotVth,en;-forcV(when %vvew_hAagvej}lift up our hands; (30 the mofi by thflwi/lOl8EiC')'n Of 9; 1mO_I’G‘ >‘ ‘ frighteous Oatl1%,%% provoke thf: Wrath of the Lord againfi z1§; who is the Searcher Qfall heaxfcs ,& and towhpm we muff give an Accomp: at the Great Day. % Inificad therefore of’ joyningm-%Confultation with M ~i~+-on - %W€ do carzaefily intrcat you ,% in the name ofour 3‘ LordVV‘andi11§1a%fh-‘trIyzfu-s4ChriPc3 Whafe Ambaffadours we aft‘ ;] Thin: A ‘you would [c om"r.n me wit%l17yo2':1r own hgarts, Confidct t;h§i§‘~eviIA'o#fy_o11‘;f pfefen£iway;:s% , and turnfrom “them ; ‘Reméinbet from %whcn‘Mc;e yo}1gr:%Fal en , and re. pent. ahd#d[o your fipfi w‘Qtks_.Y0u vvc‘rcAV»oncc: honorabfé‘ and’Tprh-ci%ous‘%‘iii‘ th.c ems ’ of us and jotbcrs‘ 9fGQds {er- yants, whi;lcy0u kept Gbds$way , %a-ndVw?~ithir: your %ownfphearc ; you had our ‘hearts ,‘,m;%r help, and our A Prayers for fucccflci the rein :.[But AajI'é1sflf.!,v?3?o:uV’have eclipfed your '0w[n”glo'ry,, and” bmughg aVCYét1d o‘ver;u1Vy_our txcellienfies; Yéu are now'wa1kmg% %i1H3y-lpaths 9FyoL1r %i$wn ;%V Wfierein we‘d?aré;1c>t fay, Tlae 5_[Z£~f]?2’a gvftlac Lard z1e»%u,mayaz;,~ We ké1:.f*j]L° joy in rlaeviéaéncqf t ‘e Lar_d, ,nor cu Gad f}2ee‘a1,:{cjZ¢me £2; p2zrmker.r vfja-Cw evil 21:34:. A %ead*ofprcfcrving she: Truth arid purity of R c'1igio%nv énd%i:he‘A*Wbrfl;ip Of.(3‘Qd, ; {WE fcarcgyou are opening a door to%_d’éfpe‘rate"and dgmfmblc Errorsgand Heretics VPf;‘1 f.lz9. 3‘. fikzhn. V. it.‘ ¢ fiagaitnff flA1¢e'Tr‘u-th (if God , V And to mzihya Iiccntioufls and 1 wicked pr-a}&ic1cs ag;;in{’c‘the w-orfhip an-dwayes of God. Hgwis Rerligion triads to“flin.k by reafon of your mif- éa»;-i*ages~,ar‘1d~1%ike‘to‘b6come=a [corn and a repr0a;Ch$'iri all»? t1he‘CihriPciafi world? How are the Faces Qfbgods faithful £ctv;1n:s._covcficd ‘wi::h‘~fl1am«*:_.,% a~"md«ah*eir%Vhcms'filkvd vi;‘ith% A A ~ B 2" ‘ « ; furrow M §u&£".Va I I -' mm“-z;:% Num-I 643'; ‘ 31936331933‘ WV 29' Vmfc 1 ,day'?% . < W A %% Y9L1V&ca»;mo:Lbut knowhow fully and"freq31_ent;ly, Gods.V% _ A _ V -A(Vz_:o%);.; _ .; % . and'gri€Fbv r¢%F0AnV:¥i€rwF§%4 “OW: is-th€%iG4o1den Ct->rd% gf G0Varnmcn:¢V*bzo%kenxnrimder? -the Honor and Au-. gharifty ofMagiPc‘%racy .l‘aid;» Viz‘: t5E.‘ Du{3C' 2“ How, hath me» ¢zr[q£;z7;2§{g¢g*,'_ fiilfltaifl-€d“£h"€ £0 {CC % 0 pr’ofefi"¢c{~% EncAm1<%cs for, many yaar-3,, been _n‘1ad¢Acon- temptibie and tom 1:: pxeccs by profefkd Afr.1;:nds 111 one. Ward com%xngnd.¢:1:hA %:;_n.d» 1iV;1fpV4rc;e:h% obedi c:ncpof¢;tsL cf this his A Ordinanc¢.- Yo\u.~*know a:»'}ié,t.a=Av= Brand the Apoflle fade fets upon%tho1}: that» d:jf7£fl,=- Dominion; .sz:~zzz'fj:e;a/Q evil! of Tigraitciay W We zmta, tfacwzw (£%xi:h‘he_., ) far they Alrawegaza 52¢ t}J6* 33’ij1}f of Cain, 431d“ Trmz;¢egraedi{y% xzflcac, Mu: arrow? af Balaamfirayewarag ‘ and pergybedm zJae|g¢zir:eV%fl2)rirzgMafCo rah. .V A A Y7.ou~«know,th {ad ¢%xampxesvofcm1a, Dm1m,%andV e/fivimm -in :Ahcj;ém:m;1tinous% %Rcbe}1iVo,n-,,M%A and.:w.1£7s/ellingA dcfigne againfi: MagiPcracy,_and- Minifiry“,-A in the %Pe&r.f.. fOWI1sV ‘of Mofi’; «and e/£¢7on,,% Tm yak; tong mach Iipcvi yaw-. (faid“ they: !:0r%%,=zI_/fzév;/.3.(.r an%_cl., fl¢gzro:¢%.;); Seeing all 119$“ Congregatian ark’ /7a1y"". Wégaxqficrg -r/age'n%%.l;€j’z§%jaz¢%;¢p}g%pg2j “ Or Saings-¥fl~!v:s'« vzfi£oz_;a~ti2ey Congregation of»t/96% A Maféx fearesa not to call A * gatglaeriisg toga:/Jar 43453134" give AL1aVrd,V ami warnes %thi%e.,peop1c z;_:oi%‘j%Vavoid§ I;h‘_c;ix'; company . fD61Wtfiwwt’9e%Tenr: bf Wfi ‘WW4 mm , m¢4i*ta;¢c/as71atl9i;2._g of %%tbeir.r%,. Zmfl ]6'b'"V56’. ¢'~'”nftt~ med inn/1 their fimzex 5,. After which% the; Earthppcn-i 7 ed. her m,0uth%,,and fwallowed them up %,}W1§h%al!%%A§ %t%h»a%c_ apperm-ine;d; “£10, A them :% And» yes: theft“ WC%re“:'in,,4 that; Rebellion» wa. . confiderable number Of>E23:ig1en:%4 men,« two /azmdrred and fifty Primer p_f'ft£ze 0/T ‘ fgmam £91.. t/on Co;2(gze‘g¢c:.afan,f_. mm affimawxeg «. « % . 4': %% % :~AAmcI% G0n.f0‘¥\iII1:N{.ff tmghc %tenor‘Abf~the Sgciripturefi hér‘c-% fin , ..h,a”t:hv jalwaybeen the % con.fiant iudgcx;n€,nt% and; Qdfojéhrinwew ‘of :Fm1:cftant~D«ivincs bothm; homcandA a... AA brow, 3 with whof: Judgcflmentswcdo fully Aconcurrc, ;; dvifc1,aiming.;,'- .de.:i':f’ci*£ig amd A'abh%o~rring the “ wicked and: bloody jTenepltsj and PfaV&i!ces* of*]e%fi1ines; thewot1’c;of77 Papi{’cs,)_ concerning. the woppofing _o£;;la%wfu11i Magi»-: {traces byprivatc Per{o'nsA,A ‘and % thew ~m.tm:hcVring}%0fA» Kings by any; though under the moi’: fpetigous.;a'x:1d; % "c@o1oura4bIe pnetences. %Whi%ch]efn&c'icaAl1 Pxinc-ipics-,Aa«n~dv C'ounfe1‘swe% fears, Amvay have too ‘g:rea;t a!'coVnmrr.e13cc%%: with, 11: not an zmfiuencc upon theft: lav‘: %::‘iran11»% Vafixons. ' % A ‘ ‘ A A ~ * Now wé dcfire%~yo«u fcritmfly,w% mid’ is in the fight of jGOd,;.4to exam‘i*neyom' owner hcar"ts“and wayes; :5md;~ % nodbale with yMourA%felves as {ometimvcs¢ Imv/can did with Dmzidy Put cafe farmer othtr may of-mm inn that Kingdoms, V With yours, AAf11ou1Vd.»ha:ve *a.t'.tcm,pt:c&. ms of” fimlha fna,-e ture, as nhofe thatgyou have P€1’fOI‘m€d.;’v as feifimg; the _ Kings Pcrfon, and rcm»ovingAhim from place to place w“i;tho,nt and againit wbuid it not have hézen judged?bygyoxt7;an‘into1crable ’ . contem%pt both of his and their afitho*r£cyA ?"Pm: cafe: they and their Confederates had attempted the.»» rcmo»-V van of the Parliaments Gruards,~» fecmzed «or inhibiAced;‘a« great number of their «lvflamxabcrs ", con£ri~1€d<=and» pm-*~ tm<71t::d%new odu1e.s;»of their:-V ‘ownci, dmflmflivc xzmhc-* being bcithof chifiand all other Par1i;a“mencs, withothcr % 2&5 A of; the like nature ;; was a;pVApca1,e, to ~yom:7 Qwne’, his and M the Parifimédts {Aconfcnm whofe Principles hadnot bcenc'oncu’rrcm: A c*on.fciences,‘ what cA_1an1ours% and accn{7ations4 againft % t-hem¢Awouldfr0mAVM your A _ A Aifjx1dthcr.‘I-"fierfonvs youw%o%u~1d‘wcxmdamme sthcz faéf, thfi» Lord grant: you hearts to ~ {ac ‘who are z»laeW mm. AWa?5r it once éx crimesoftm: higheft.nat%ure,w. %ticy~endeavoun: fclfwes-h*a;vc[ pI‘().(‘.[€€d€d.': Ailda-A the fqberfion of thew. fundaAm~en1%:aHx Laws %A‘ofthe King», ,1 J- ;d9m€,tQd§fl:w%ad1ethe;ca11ing,pr pprfwadathc difiolaiiogy A as Pirliai;menEs ; £5 Vfcgmnccnance ‘wR0Inn<‘7£0 31* Z I"! 0-3 0 a_Vcrfc.z...6.1 1. % fxdggmeng of _C]o'al_ 13: 365024533 ta ;tmet/2,: Aaga-infl _tb¢}}:.%“ A’ !:‘E%€€1¢f;"'3.i4- A M Armxmans, or con- 1,fi¥veaVtPapi{‘;s £md_%can41c be now Acdmmendabie %;coa iconptiva the fubvéwrfion 70fthich%whol¢,Lawc$ and%G4o+;_ A wsrnemenr. ofcheKiIIig dOm€’ all at 0”!‘-iC¢;4 and in _fl€;adA of .~ a few erfmurs A to A agllow, (as % we fcare fomc amongfl you indeayom,-,) a.‘ .n~(_):;all imp;-1n%ity, and univerfallTo.}». A 1cr_;u:i+enwof all R'c1_i4g1ons:'f‘ 25’:-.»7m"‘t_ decc.im+d,[Gad%£: ago; ’~ mam,-»;1.,-x He‘ lugowsf hdwfrcque%n1:1y "yon condemns‘. than as‘aAgrca: c,xin,1eV1n“ others, .% wh1C11¢Y:O;1l would have; accoungiekdavcrtucAin,%you.r[f¢lves;.,.Bu:"God who isno réfpcflcr of Rerfons_a'11owethAnoh fudjrulc.‘ ’l :T)'aq/e_wIm, Qaawing tl:¢§juzigc:;éent%%of,Gad, 'tI:?t:2lfi they W191?/J1 .4é;72m¥ts7 faecb thing; art “*9?!/ayé of dmtla; not only do :19: fiiivraw .z*lsriz:‘g3f,@ £711: *"}9pz'z>e” Tlaafmc in , ‘, (air, banfint .:h2$zl.2)7f” J them rim; do tl:¢7z;;,%% z'nj:».:dg%z'ang map:/1;-7:; coadcmzza. t}:‘_en¢;-$« felm-::.L 'x4mdgtbi721~\;e-fl ‘ than t1ai.r_, 0 mm.’ tIqatAjndgefl“zbcm A;a4vlaicla%‘&dofz¢cl:-x/a£ng:,, and daefrf I/9@fl'm::, Atlm; Ar/.mju _/&alz cg’?-. cape tlaeju_dgeme12t 'ofGod?1,, NO 1 furcly, wczzmj far: ;;;¢ Wfyicb cbmmffifnc/Q tigiflgf, I757/‘Jo will rejadcr to czum-’ , mdtzf yzcaazfdi {2i:_d€rd;.4%5;. 1-7077 w- 1‘£W€’~iJ A149 rcfjaaft‘ (If? . §wcdem.—;h;cV§qu mm not be coo‘con5denc -011; A f<>r1:nerVSu4c%cefIes.g: If *?.God haye made you profpcr: while you we;re",1ngH%1%s.hway , ztih-IS can beno warrant for you to_ walkwinwaycs4‘5E_ .you.r own: ,land% ;pmmiA{c. ~ yomi fc.1vc_s Sutccflh: chcrctn, ;. Nay; , «if through Gocisflja permifliop ( A. fbr‘: Efiafonsw bcfi knoyvznc -to Ahimfelfe ).§ .-you have had or may%haye1SncceHc¢in an%%::AE-.:,i%Lway,¢;, V y”ct:%is% in no jufcification cherepf , nor “Aincouragse-mwctmz ; t»o~proc~ee«d.the.re1n.wYca,%you know,w.thar 1.I:~1sr0ne,of V she »greate£’c..]udgementsI, A w._henlG9dA%f11fFc-rs Ammxflco M profpeft‘ Jr; fiinfull fiourfes. ‘ _Wifc Subway ,1:els ms froxy. ed; 5 %ag5:£2:', .Tber¢7;' g Wickgd mm to whom it .£m}:>pe;‘a... 4: .43}; %Mcordi{1g..ta%%tbe worlk; af,.t£2e%% rigbteaw : qfglzerc .4 W his owne~4ex;Scri;eg3cc5 El-Iiittbdfffe £u: fomctimas zrmnw ; ; M ta whom 45: baypqmté according to the-_ work af It/J6‘. wi¢—i;;.. i“fi% W’? Wit Peri/W in b33*ig’#e4#fizvfl?% sf M4Tikvv£’ Hcclcff me. 13 W“‘WW%’4@ w’uA4A””°’“”£¢¢¢/9%‘ 5!?”-iii’? 3” 951 4’W3¢k€d‘. ’ .v;c‘a_fl'é.-VBLit..6emxM /’Enma;fe%dgainj} pvai7k_i3A~;:ot ex-ea V V V pared ffagedify, {hal1’tI2e2¢efa5¢ :3»: V of the fugue; . ‘gf*EccM‘8"'”". wen 'Vfw!Zy“ fi9t'i.*1t}'.’l:$’??1 to" do we'll 3’ G96! forbid. ‘ V A ‘x And“ thcrefm*e' thé lkovidencejof God(which ié‘ Ufa‘: ofcenplé’ad¢:din fu&iEeat:i%onA of your.»wa;yésL) % is now gfafc rule, to wa1k%eby,' éfpc;:~iaJ1‘y1iwn_{” {uch aii1i1’ %tak;f:‘1;j1% %an0ther., co'u1:T¢. 7'! 1'i...’_£Lx; nr111"1‘é:,"; if ;fihi§;15 EM good warrant , nothifing 'c,_1n...ib}c%'a {iiiné:; for no:h%in?g_ ‘Acan » amt: tax pafl?:aat:.w ai1-‘,%V.unic{T:.f:- ch-'6 Apgfnyiffivé Prbg-A H%ds¢n¢c«9fGE9d:4F59r§1anomrtxlnitsr-%;4 A j: i§~il'-.f%f¢t9.b€;%uidéd b”si4I?3*113iiITéfsV”%%¢’flS1flLiit¢;.“. p,_rcat:n'§;1¢d .,iVmpr.€: mans w»¢;V1-"H-y'0“;flJ ti; h§g£tf?t§;' wig:-.hout;AV oi‘: g:;1_i?r14{%7c; l:~I11.‘¢.,;‘ui&:. d»f .G*OdS Wflkfcii %VV1)‘}:d.M§,°Fo,rQb3f th9i§. means the "i‘.éni‘pfiati0zds,,_ ofssican, %:£‘r'i€7i‘§%.1:*f£€7..%n7i%§it%i*on"s "of Gods rpgri: wmbe 15%g't1“in.dVeqq_al‘1”$B:fl¥ai1}:é: ~Ang;}v¢ . ‘ ‘.1.1?fi.;;: _Lr:h:A.;3 ' 7; :3! Peru?‘ job 13,7. 4 .A 4 (I4) " ),« f;1efi;eVya‘u1~ik¢wife;co cm‘1fider,whcther% any Hm:pry,*f3.,'.,; .% A mfane,frétbrdethaVny%eXamplE"*‘@Fa1Ti%im%pi1l{’C ;;,B”f"fgi‘r?g% 4ffaIli¢ngVu"{§46n Mukiicudves‘ ’ of ‘Perrfbnzs at the iiinié ‘ Atimé‘, {pumng them Vail 3;: once upon pefi-'or~m an- ces.con‘trary go ‘morafi P,r<&:'c€pt5‘:;‘ sétsj a}fo,vsiAhe:h%e«1jfueh jagrfonsggvho ,a1fc %afl'c~d‘~*b%y a,n"1fmpuw‘1¥feoffpxriég’ can :C0Vin1ma; nd.%*()ti.}Vers%%w1iIé5“;vwa»17rt%%%*i°r54(nay, who dd Fnésiz {(11 t1c1iLVaf13‘p%re:e1f;§d ;ifc;Ah?av;c ¥it‘)i~_:‘odo” tha-Canto, whi~chft:hefm7.; V‘fe1vesjp_rete%nd%:p be wfo %1nexted~.? AW:-:~ 1m~ow%« that it is t‘h’c:d’uty of Chfi?f’éi:2ms,®to try fixchinftigations by the A Qword "of ?%C%og1_,_”4’"and‘ éxixmkxc "ho‘w ‘well ‘they agrt-:Ae 1;hereLmVto‘;'%%th=at tb*eyAm~ay’a‘ccord*§ngYy§udgé , w‘hethe«r [Lit bé th£‘vQiceV}0FLGod§;0r 321% vo“ice'o»F .Eazt¢zn§and Ofthérir owncfi “corrupt hcar;__s,% that ~prompt=cth~=them.: ffo tin» Lazljnz tfo‘t/Ave Té:/?‘2imoV7z}g , lybey" mrt‘ a'zt't'z§rd.. if-s'rgV-tatlgzzlt ”¥Fim_"d, git i5%1’2EcnztfE' , ti7e$r'e* ‘ix 2ao"[z'%;r%‘2f £21 tbezii. A !]"T1€xf‘.‘,I£_’_LPQb{)E1€: ‘ififeter "rf1?ireé’髧~ the’ Ajevwvesw to Vwhom hf;-. _m\?JI:0Ch€‘,‘;.';t10",’a5lah€i?C ‘go; ‘the: word wrijm:en%,V as“t:o aware f~&zreV%Word af7?ro}>Aln=_/fa. the famfii Rule, whereby WE A mufi.:r_y“tIae: fjaims, we ?7mu{t‘a}~fo ~txy1}theAh impfm’/E:-63“, fj2irit’,; ‘othetwife; we, dO.”€XCC€dAing1Yfikcngthen 4theAdi?:.. V is/ei»s ha§1i1‘$agaixf$;£‘w?c4"¢nr pwnr: fou1e$,»A~1%%V%anCV.i% Vtempt‘#hin;f.4:%tio V F_‘ém“ptuAs. . % . I . ,bV'”y.q%¢ a1I jthisA you p1eadNeccffity* of doim thus, “leafi_w~hat yx,)An‘ pfetend ‘gas a glorious workc, mfgh:'e1f¢ mii?:ax:ry,: and ?tt1c’tjcfo‘re4 évcmzurc on vthefjc Waycs, ‘Which are by your feIvesVgcd'nfefl‘ed‘ :o;»Abe2tr:-ta- INN g'rJ{4r:¢znd nqtjtzfiéfyablé ; We ari%f§Nt%2r“,»,;¥%4tha%t no .1*i€(:‘€{~'- fizzy ¢:%_a"11 oblige a'“man‘-to finne ;‘ God Pcands not Vinjrxced «~ofou;:_fini1c1to?Acarry%qn‘*“hisiowm: Wtz‘frk\c;’ff/illjrae fiaah A i ”:rr£cw1gcadlyfa:%‘MGaa%l,‘qmdml1z_q2cjcaitfulZyffi;zr~h£$x:35*“faith M7. A A F Ap4.y%6yF«£hiq £?!ea%of%nVt‘:ceffit:y~is 6f,the‘A&*%iV€fITC ‘Vv'éi7~gbt‘A‘it*i 3rs>L1rLctaifeabtéaufeswe;fewhfi €nds4v0i1# aimé at; "are M V “r7nor“¢ju£’tifiabte.th,:ntfie means‘youjufci;+andd%*1:fi¢-tie; :- Ff3&€dWbY‘Y0flf0WQf¢ . .. ‘I W & gulp “ .21.; ‘Mg. an ‘ ‘[W.', ‘ ‘But A % éiefficvplcsrded is flicker mcerly PVfi¢tmd’¢d5m9rafijffififi“Wt u {IS} A A A A ;p Bzitifge n:nyptitnc;uiPrecept of God"tuuy‘i3e -Adifpenfeti with A "upon a Neceflity : ‘Yet’: we fnppofe your felves will graniit, Thur: wlghig necefliey n:ml‘t beAbfoluiie,1?riefen£,anld Cleaagnot Doubtfizl, l ‘hnoefinfiédldgdzkflllibé find éefinee your lwillfindejozu 13' Uncertain,a,n<;lConjeé’cural,as that ivhficl} isulledged in your cafe mufc needs be, pitbein:gidil'cerned .onely by" your {elves and your own party. In ismofi apeparentuto; us, that there was of late no neeeffityu atialfll of theft yourirregular pra£l:ic-les; the Parliament A A bpei;ng(r.fill~: forced by you ) ful and free,a&ing vuhmwas Covenant- ed for, and ‘(if we gmiflake not) what was agreed upon long be» fore bythel Parlilarnenltsgp of both Kingdoms. Befides, you have A engaged your xfeiAves by anOat:h to preferve his Majefcies perfon, and the Priviledges of ” Parliament. ; and this is moi} clear, That no Neceffity can jufiifie. Perjury, or dif pence with lawful Oaths; e e That di.readful flying Roll being ready to feife upon him that z{_.d1_ fzuearetla fnljlj -6} the f2‘Qzme of A _C]od.l An exam ple of which fqvereijudgemem: from God, for tihelviolafitioln of an Oath, you have in 49.53%]; whoi though hedid out of a goodintention, in hi: i e.¢:maA tbelcbild:/en 'of”1fiwez',i flay tztlfie Giéeorzitem (a «people for-I merlyeaccu‘rfe’d*,,,anicl who had liarllacioufly procured £1 Covenant l I] from jlofém iacbove two hundred yearn before) yet for Saul; 1 Sam» M- breaking ofthat Coivenant, wasithe whole’ Kingdom oi’ Ifralel, 79*‘-*6’ and his‘ poflerity in particular, .m.oftlfevuue‘ly ‘punilhed by God. ‘ i We do eherefore upon the whole maeter, lferioufly befeeclx ” you, an inu:heo“fightl‘of‘:lGod,’ no“? reeedel from jthefe evil ways, met contain‘ your {elves within 'your own» bunds, to learn A falazzfiapz-té/ll: I.iClT01‘l"fOl‘ Soldiers, ‘Do oiulencleutu mammal“ (Tor, F-liilfifl an 14:» put no man in fear) wit/u8r'azcc§ufle* mamfnlfly, and £23 mz—m:: V witbjapue; wages. "But yjouperlifi in thefe “guys, éie/901.1; jam 5.4.5 um! 1|! lp mtf‘; ‘and, take heed, lefl", whenthe hand of God fl1allovermkeA jiougand turn the wheel upon you, you be found toluffer both _ up do g;»fji,. and an éerfie-‘Media: in alt:/96;‘ mm: mmwz-*.r. M A ‘1 P5‘ ‘N 57¢ A And when youlhall thus return to your duty, 5 aswepfha.ll iAiha_ve1ca,ufe to blefs God for it, for we ihall not need~u>to* fear nhofe ethreannipgs which form off“’“us have receivecl? ll ( uite fay not M-W8???‘-€ f e ylourlfelves,~~ye§)from‘M€fi‘e1'fige°rs‘"‘dire€fed (asf they in. 35(3- " 1:fVs?e_perfiff to fiir up the people u““5ezl;m (for {O1l‘,f€€mS' A ‘A? up 11 ' W. .4 A « formed us) immediately from yoursfelves, to fume of‘-us, That .0‘-.l.‘I’ C16)’ A A A £31113 £»ewaiIIng“,y0ur fins before the Lord, is interpreted) mt“ So;’dier.r%do #4 ‘ca em.ifi”bi6f,e‘ We W4)‘ fbanrfiuoflr f€l*zJe.‘s‘ ; That I/qerefoflaw arnat}y€7f.:eeIiVmf‘, _)W_¢ Wi/lgfiwe qzmrtérro none that flmz.dx .eg~:zi;¢f%7 _yozz';Th’3.t jaw 1-3vi![fl2¢z:*e‘7¢eit},v£b* mam Wea- man, war 6/9z71de,*.E;2gAIz'}% or Strowger‘. Bu: ifthefe our Exhor-er nations prevail not," ewehave dgfcharged our duty, and, We hope; E131; 33.9. $1el£'a»ereaI.eorz2°b7a~;2 jbfllzr ;' and If-' it be our portion ,to fuEer,? WC 1 1’cr4.z6- r,»ruf’t We (11311./?>:fi‘E=r M C}.v¢'i»‘i‘£azz¢: ,‘ a11d*j%r-.We/Ldoin , anti 3! that flea}; f.r4f-faring-.9 flwaaflelve azeceptzzél? Wit/9 (E/‘ed in..W1::ofi’ gs, figévz“ I173 tiegzr/0 af 151).: -,S;:z§im:s'- M pm/:z'0m 5 AW/ya wzmg be mgkgr/9 P13. 9. 12.. imgrzqflrian fbr élvadg forgez?*ter'b42ot £17: 673! of rive‘/Jumble; and‘ 43' though fame of us were told ‘by one of the Meffepgers fem‘: },;I_P,.__e,=t{«7':3‘. bf-.i'OI‘f! }"OU, rI;h€{E WEN“ [Wit OM77 ;,5Péy,,v fivg,'[%fi[; D;;n-3.eI7- lymre fizfferiaazg erzowgfz ;; 3«“C1: WC’ kriow, That the God fig/5o;.5v; , .Minifter,jof tin» ' . -.....__..u...._ ..u_..;..._~ Imrlériimzmr Ian. '18.16or8.. ]AMr~;s CRANFORD.