‘i a; if ma fig.» ‘ 1“ ‘am “ ‘ én'&§rEf3 ‘ s H . am‘ A 0 R, T’h«e Adntulling and Vamting 017 tiaefa A E N S U I N G V 0 T %% A ¢ A x; Iammrii, 1648. V 5} the Commam alflméled in ‘Paarlziazmam, That '1 M tlazk DEcIar3.1:i0n azwd Vania" be fbrt/'92m7r/9 prim*c~w.' % and I A paélzified. A 4 H: Sc:0bt:i,%Cl€r.Par1.D.C0ma ; Landam Printcé for Edward Hzsflmad , Primer to the X3; Vnesmblca Houfa of Cemmons , fan. I 8.. x648; 0» W €d7m’a.Vti?On m mm 3; _mf E:fii}a€§&5r§& A a;{?em:bz§e& r1§ia¢1fi€nt3% the 'R@:af@z1§A Q? the fa: efznmmg Rcffihatnonsz ~vi:z.%%%%V[ % [Dig Mania; 132.‘ F§ef<§Eved,g&c,m¢. AM 7% ~Q7;2t 'z‘)5.v@4J‘}'/$23.52.: of 2159 8 of June, %Ai64;8: fo}?"”'%&If¢. ‘ azzczoizéze of» fan... 116457 ;foz" 2zVéZi;¢;_;{+~€omr;zz],Ta2v*jv "igipnfii *~jCnp¥ey, Dc‘:12;i?i%§~10i§&is ~15;/2}; LS5? j§"0hn~A&7S;’i9t~ T ~ * ‘ A w®m:h}t,C%oZ: Ed»va«rd;1\’E.a»f%7@Ay,Aw2?/f¢.W7“a%it€rA§.mn%*g§ mid oz‘£=cr5,f:r0m érezlwg /I/16?;-*:»rz!:W: af £13275 f:Iozafiv,zauM mafia wl.az2ggeMa¢5 F4z'or»gfE%gwz¢e;¢0e§ zzz:m'~ :r¢—~;«2ai.im;g am ‘t;If?8T_.effc*]§?‘5»*ia£59Z“§0$¢ Lo)’-’ t1:}£*;f22zufl£¢'¢a= cam” W ewe ierr ~z“>’:r2§:c Kisirgds W," azazai l2e%el’{yepe¢a!m’.%% ~ %1%.«¢Ai‘7oive&, am:. ‘ A A k _ ” A M ” Thaw 1*1;»>.c*'§“‘“a“;%«z’ct2_;f? 3+o§Lmi§,1 6r~’§»‘&, \9a%z*?;h~:¢~13JAv%%z%22s'%Hamy%»£ja1~5o:ms»~ Wiw W25 I:a¢2r*o*a'§r,;&F*2*ka'z2*>c>ps*:¢«z35q_g‘ as aaréagy“ ‘¥fe>3W.az:rals' $3? Treat} Win? é-!§2s' fawn 1’:%a-:c‘:° , ?;!9::zx" My fiber of rim 3: cf §3szm:2zz:% I647: i?41a.ré£aMing :4!!! ‘..(§(1z5'iZ_i"£”‘[fl”J'7Z”€3 [re m::za;§r?=7;zf;9 or f3'r*am vrlzae ’I('z'mg3 ‘1%.“z"}zv§ew2~aff:.'*%';w:a' Eigbér t1¥Z?%§$v2“?I}?"5Z§‘,{72"£"’2N“0’ £353‘ ‘p?‘wc8£di;§e§=.r *@5’.’3:s“a- %'£mWe9ét, mm! azpparewt{}aIe.flrz¢¢5Ei'€re t0A,’z'Z2éVg‘aa.~§ of £{5J@"3I{‘i24g,{*éZ’voA;¢¢» '~ 4* ’. Die 1.1712! cmrzrséiig 1g§D£c?¢2fi2§§é?§4 H€=:x7e2a.sthe x‘7«~<7>~f Azzgtifh, 1«i348.%thAi9‘wE=»~Iw:2:{e &id~c0::*::« or % 3 «~cm“5*wit6h% th<§V:*V ;L0:*d5,‘A 'I‘§1=m~t (‘bf ~opez1~§n§gfa%way m»- ::y "E’1:c3aV%t_y maizlvg husa*:I\+I;zjc:i>’cy for %a~1«:.xfi2 21iM’\\WC§-1~g1”0l1fid€1i bay mri WVe£e~&'ev0k€fl, ‘*x:»{f::.’£°r*<.i*s A fP¢m::t:: ;., *‘eE1§7fv::*‘**‘V®ti€*:§%%“¥@~1v§A0xw‘ivng$?fl§01aM "3 °£‘IT§: t\tai7~:j*€%*£1. Qfizf .f'z::z7:$=.~:,)‘« 7 ’ "F #wa»féj:¢‘g”of the 0rc:§e;«-3 t/is 7 qf Swptg rm ‘gafsepétg ‘K ‘"11 . Re:‘1F;;>.h/t*d, ?”":‘§::;.2*r the Lafcif z:1?2£§u’wCM‘cI:?;;7'¢%;£*”:¥"fz£1?2-.5~tJ!0 Dwlgzm, T[:7.»<;»:£" ’zT;+’:u71}I “‘:*=“%.?*rz’V[“A:m£;.V%zr:;%§3;_.»_7«‘ we fmfz‘ »‘3;.rz=-V ¢:Z.:a’W [far **o:5»..wg3§z>4;;!z;j;'zt:0-92%}ta $155‘ 1I2sa.c{;;f]'xe2«:rz pfirfiiz err perfim: rim: /M2’! male; érfmc-/J mf ?"a?.lm," 0rai£;:§‘,""'V fi§az/iyimcwrthe pémltjof lafig’/9 Trmfim. M N _ _ &R€f<’.§ived'%, TIM: I/36 Loyd: m_>:zd.Camman5 do Decl4£re{.,_C?'}.1o‘tt #95] receive we rm;:rda= .7"/9;:-t %t12e‘ Vam_af2%8 77_#!ii,§6482.T!5qZfiv:$_2d7€4i:] fie 1g%}_V,2.::~j of _I/Vig/:7t ififif/Q t}Q£’A.«I{im%g4 i2¢»‘7’crfc3;z;«:5)' :2 am»- ;mirt:—é%~; djipeiwffd M6399. éjwér Hwfm :¢pw #5? J’r0P0jifiv22xpre~ f;+;¢Am1z«a at H;zr22pto%;¢— cadz¢;»;,;-m % dz://,-az2or‘&§.£:{;¢fta \r/at yzfa cVee4’a';gg.é ‘%_o Tarléam erztg ml zzp]5m=e2az‘A’j j 4:15:/i‘rza'5‘i’éIé$ to ”‘ the g“oo:lofA.rfJéI(z‘mgdam." ”' . N ‘ 4 [Rcfo1vc'-:d,”&»c. T/mt tlaeflezreml Vote: of Io Z\[gwmée2*,I648. ca;zcermi;:~g 2‘,/ac {waif/zmcm af George Lord Goring, fa/95‘ Earlof Hoiland, t/ac’ 1.;ordCapelA,% Sir Henxry Lia1gen,*H¢nryV%Hafiings -E -z¢o2é2%cz¢flfa{ “Me Lam’ Loughbraugmj; 5.)?/lazjor; ezzeml ROW- had %La;:-ghoxfn, A.szz«m{7.S‘z.‘r _¥0hn Owen,m~e dwF2"m£}.‘z'feze %ra»Mtke A ¢%‘7’ea.: c'.ew and qmflof 2‘/3; I{z';«2gdqm, Md ::z_’mag.azto2~] ta we fwflige “of we Kz‘ngdom, mad are /aereby re*U01{§’d.4m'dma'dg 17\Lw!l, A Refolvcd, %8ic.%%T/qgjzt t/qefmnof flat? :0 offlfajwmécr, 1648. That James Egrljaf Cambridge [wVfi:¢ezlV;fiéefi¢m qf “1ooo0o%L nzml 5542.? @3124’ /{apt clef}: Préflamrr, zmtil be make” payméntlqfténe V fim’, 56 mad 2}; Iséreéj 7~*e'a~'c2ke¢a’,yzz:a'd be lgefi tar §1zzflic-.9. % B,‘efQlved;,,&c.« Yfénzt I/96’; Vozwftiae 2 afflmgmfl, A 1648.. Tim: £3196 Cowwgzfioézerx izzrerzdqdv ta; 6;‘ Mme hix ta iTrmt ‘$3:-*i,tb Aim, W11 A/nave pa)?V:=r to Trwar ‘Mt/7 /927.: _/\7J(£jé:fl‘)’Z‘i¢l‘/JET1_fl6‘ 19f Ws«5gé}t,4_¢¢f?an fileacfla Prapofitiom 32: final! 63 afireredlgy him, wow ‘.:z'efi‘rz2'c$E.‘.iw4 ta z‘/as Pwcaqf the ICingdom, m=2oZ_.~I:% hereby repealed ' ‘ az;w3 #z¢»~zc[g3 ".Nzei/1' 42-;2d,?*Jaid. % % V . . N % A ‘ Refolved, &c. Tim: zf/ataf/"ot€‘of‘§ Dscemér. 1648. That the % .,4zzf:rew%%of;tbe Ifimvg mt;'ae% Pé*apafitio‘m of £ra*ti'a* Hoza/7&1, m«u:= as % gmtmd fm» rise Ho.z£_/2' ta psiaceed zzporz firr. rb.¢2fi’rt£c7gzerztfef we Pgsvzce :q;'7.r»§9e Kifi{gd0 M, £5 [gig/901 ziifréomméle to tbe_aP»17r[i¢zr?§Lfxrt, mv2a’;c1e:‘%’rz¢éE‘[£y zr [:3 1596 Weave oft/'91:’ I{"£ngdom, mm’ f€fld£2$£'_§_é$ the ‘ J »*§if¢°¢:«c/a“4rrf2:? l’z¢£3liq;vze Fm’:/9 9 f the I<'i.nga’om. A <5) T§':e f}ecZ:z2*a£io22 upovxx rim ;_31feecic¥én.t Vms. H‘: g:*m::c{% fc»2*«.r»'§m%wh§c§*:wa P;u'!i.2mem cam de m02gtVK.§z*éw3i3 :0 km Hm“: %im‘&r:zPmn«fii the difbrdms A A «of His State , aimz by tvvi{ciamL they may be 3- mmdea -: Elm ashevezry <fifeaAf‘e finds,‘ eizhmr by d§=':a_rE“3 G3: curing; fa dc: zi§.é€o:'ders (¢}w§.1ich are zlmdifcafcs GE 3 State) ¢iz:h¢:*r cm? WM‘: the S:;z.§:)v6x flan (bf thrift §%;‘.:m':‘{, Q: elfb bya*AL1V;r;«h,=c2*faiRe§02‘mm;i<%m. F AA Upmfi fiéfimzs ¢.:Cmfidcrati<:;».n v-vh«e:;*cof, Md :0 €X0»$« name the people: of this Land {min thff fi1ndr§vex0rb§~ tan: Opprcfl"mns,*;:‘{ai2y nmIt§ipE3=*m:§ upontbezn, which thm52m6:d ::he%ruiz1§A‘<;3f’nm.ny pzivafc Famiiéesfi Azmd {he pzsblike dcfwiamion 0% the K'ing<‘:¥a”;;~m;, R?Vet.he Cam? :‘mm5 of Emglwrsdpin this pratfena i7’a:*iéaa1'2en:affiimbled, Having Axum‘: :.'zz:.2ch Afaichfuinefs :md’af¥e€c£0-:1 no the pubfikc (Emmi ofchisfiealm, hboxcd mt thcfc eight years is-<:*fi% pafi, with many great fsars and dangcrs 3 un. dtrgone manyd§fficuV!Vties!3rzd calatnfities 3, and {up- piffiffiid ruziny diflcmpars amd dzfmjécrs, in opppfition to ab»/Iailignam Pmy inthis Kéngdonxg who wouicf have eruflawd aha bod§cé2 and fouls 0E'a13epe0g:.Ec 05 ahis Naaion , byzhe bringizjzgincif Popcry, as-:%c:§ fez» ing up «of Tyrarmy: Both which we have fa fiampfy m.txni{%:fic:’d E0 thi‘ whole ave: M , in~m1.*: former Dacia» rmions, as vsscjzsdg izzncedficfs here again t0I'fip€&&°a Ye: we cam"x0t be {'0 ?inju:”in.ms E0 Tmth 3 as aw: {mike-i» %m:mber have far rim Iileaiiférfs ofw£x§cI1Abu{e~s, a nd for bvria‘zg£.,,a~g‘z;he aoncrivn-zrs thereof to c%onc§ign pimifhmenrg, VVcdid often make mix’ inf‘: cempiaints :*otheKing5 Fixihby nm1y'humbVl;MnImlazzd, wmzémiza xvam mmaffinemd in tha ‘Px'1c:vim‘c«f: of 1/£1/Fer omriy z’fm:w; £:<:ia ,1 T96:-1!: M 511?: m;{% of that Kina:§§g&0m) and that M ‘U'}i'rf;":, Tfpezce ofeigght wveeks maiy, a§::ac’_»W O2*°ael1‘1zndm.:? m:;df<;:s1"-;— my ’jzh<3ui?md rmzefla has, byiimw ‘1:mn4‘y% varimzics of cmei cifeazhsa, em 2.'=.il~ Ehiff; fi1*[itenPcriecutio:~:15 againi{'i: the !3’a'i-~ gfnitive Cmifiians couid ncva%'Avp;1z';3:H'c!.. AVndl.m;Ey3 km ivimhXd:*awing frmn the Par1££iz"x2 Tsfm fifld ft:::4EEi:"3g_V up «in? big _Sz::r.m;§:mi :1gainfi«it., Thc iike nc Vm"bC§0i'£ 5j2raa.£:'?c%;§”f::c:i% W5 gymfk M our Kings 3 by %Whé::§_1 nmims ahé ;P0wcs(which wzw iniztandcd i‘9m' mimvvmitmd D$“fEfixT€ %pf the pe<3p1c)bc*ing h¢rtbyt:1rVnz2dagainPz them»; r«;:'r2§~ dringA&%:&wercby Irelgmd (fihfi pm'chafe;:::f O4L1£‘H.2'£Ct?fl:,f;m) g"f3%,:g,.§:v.§)‘,’.‘i2‘C§E'1Kh.Z'£ZC%i§’VC} of twin g4 Lamm-33; 34::-Pt ,. our pm; by ‘Si;-Va.;;mdWLar1zi m "be 6ZZ1€':{I\;§?fy‘<‘2d,, Om" fiiééttfifi m We w:m.:.?§, A ;Vma.‘31.4 £%Oma$i1u:m3 ‘cm; C»? Az1"mL1Ez.n&§, of our Nzmmn ;iim§.;~;E3tered and m:;fiZ.m€a;.. A " VA ;_AWe‘i%h,’44'I:u,pc;}n def :é;§2*imgo»ffx.:my game} rewm 0% §f3f*;:31£,“_i‘§_ t}iV€M'I{in:;;;:5 did .9:;p§;maE Ham: gi‘~.:§‘."iEaK God ’(i»i' ‘H3"i'§;‘.“1E§.- ?”mAan$d 3}-‘3j%'z1.‘.E:lE]“§;()§.“ m‘EA*mLf1;zz1a«:~V;‘ ‘a*a?'h;c:; a2§"r€r fzamr y¢ar:s A Wa*;s,didigivea cm» aiéad app3:en::r;z£«:m:n.ce% 0210111‘ £iVde%;‘3- by &eliv'¢2'§.ng inm‘%om*”mma:§s am mg: C; ; f§‘utVthc A.rmy9 comd o5i'.>{%ru6?t eheixdcfignfin Wham they hm obferved more than a ham mcrcenrmr Spirit , ms Imving by the ° exmzxesrdimry tzvfmfiiing of God finiflwed the W'armfo flma*ca mnée zi§m“r?* tfseizr urzdea*ra?king bf AA it Mzm§f&fli$ng“ t1'xm>u:=l»y, T§A*2:w:A ¥§:W;":i$;‘ af'fmS%i0n»Mm the Wpubfique-, excecjd-, mi éiimzfaat of thA::“:é'r um empioymmt, dcving fa mu~C“h )1 fmvim M arrzzeszmmhfi f0rthM—’ari4ia;n*1rent3 am if x‘he'zI head pmvtmfi m hazvt made mm fm‘vir:g;9;l;“s‘¢»;1‘rz:§mz%E’®r§§;*;:we*r.‘% ‘A “ A ‘ A A M _ ‘ A M ‘§WE'Vim‘<:e,1§:m§2 fiwy firfi £*~.¢r:tem4pté:=d, E0%A%1*I?.':%72d‘ Ehe great?-« ai%»d;mz*twf it imzo gramme’ 3 the Sc'cheV,P5r$v‘i1edgc%s of Pariiam mengr’. 'Bai;fidjc;§; r*h€’M:m:¢r bézing m;rc%pu~ga1arm0na‘f1E Rezarfim, chm thegmmiwng, of it?’ :15 @116 cm chcnVVfim2{d (Wa:"lc:»4being in farm meralme revoked , thcMS.cm ham‘? cxp~¢&€dm mm? W» W W fiifw in -and a,%Avery confid;mablg p[a1;:A of the Navy abanciorfiw "ing of meirA Txufi) had been a.mm.=. fifroklc w undp am chamwcx: C0631 Vhiid dam: for thcmrliamem, M V m““mndver all AhZ3A%AMcrcics vain and FrL1icl*%cfs. A And than We Amightgwbc the more divertcd fmm fe;°zt1*ingthe4;Peacc:%of¢:his difiraafflcd K[in‘gdom;, the N {am pcrfmns Afmking advantage of schefurfndry in:gag¢"~ % mcms the ,ArtI";ay wa.5 €hcnAamp10yedv”abouu,and nhzm a; mac, in divers %jr%_c»mox:eApams of M the Realm‘; and V’ Qf%%_,1Eh$flblf€HC€ ”0%f" fundgyV« We41l— af?céied% Memfbem, ag$*:;i:;;§in a:he%ir*fev¢ra1;rc‘fpéé%iére&CGum§‘c:s, far Eh}-:—~ * “u$ca*i§c:K’1§cn:+?s: mhh:at: £1atrne,,vvhic§¥:nt%;ia:%{«c permms in N 1%:ke1ih<:m§“by;%21ei: ‘arcéfices had zérit~o;=E Awales,» the mirz2c%uVIous and%fp¢c*dy mduciag of Km, the defeat ofthe Earl of Hxzlimm’, the cont‘ainin;g% of zhc“ major partofchc City of “Landwa in Atheiriduc :%obcdiem:e, the confufions arifing in thcwR>WoIcc:d Navy, the Riendringhf G’aIc~l.2e fler ;A 7and lafily, chic mm incomparabfic Defeat of Duke Hamiitmand his Army, did manifcfi IO Earth, that H_eavcnjwas Qpépofite ax1&.difp3chafcd{4“{withthofcth-air C,gun..g:e15, and that 0nc.w;o%rc: Gad fmm Vaboveg had giwcn£?e11§— mncc for the "Parliamefit agaitifi chc Ki.ng... Ye: zheie Members (aésif they would rcfifi the will of Heaven, and in wdafpizc of God himfclf‘, A %xi~ng theliing §?mmcw§*ah%H0n0r, Safc:yandAFrcc§ dam) did noxwithfltandingpreceed to maka fuch Propoiitions/mthe King at theiflcz of Wiglit, fora iafe and Wei}: grmmdad Peace -.5, as if they had%bccin gran:e%éA»&»‘LEep‘t (cf wieich chem wasn"apmbability)« would biut. have1 rctumcd the pmyplc again to‘thIcig Aformcr »fl:1v%x'y 5 f0:a{m%:3ch$asV by th}Ef’e Pmp0fi'3;'im3Ts as-miahr:z:.:bis ‘P;a::iiamcn~At, not my fuccecding magwzas gpum any jufi Defiireofthie people. .11 pm arm acepeeicy fever being ehiete n:’s”e*ke eeyii good LEWE3 the King%beiegftiiiefufi"ered totem»-»ii einuehis Negative Vote, {oi long eppefed, and fa i’teee.gi=y Voted and Deeiereci againfighy thifi Pariia» meet, thereby leaving iii]! in his pewer a check: :0 iwhich Pe:i"or;2e1 Treaty there cerrye~dion,"erithoee \ A at-aynue previous Pr0pe».fi:ie.n for me heme: efthe .‘Ti'C“‘3.i’.01‘$, or fecurity of the things treated fer (both H which were once thought meeefleey by thefe very mi-en,ewho new gave way to this) as it couidime ehufe but abundantly’ iazizsfie and delight the dif- efiefled party of the Kingdom 3, fo the good we benefit minded people thereof (who had veetume their lives and foxcmcs iwieh us in eheicemmoe ¢:au{€)é- did apprehheei it erhzhimuch horrer w even i tre«mhlihg‘t0 wnfideer, iTha.t whereas‘:hey cxpe&-ed ehappy Fcace {hcmid have been the priceoiieheir‘ hi‘eed,.- andzhereward ii»r.heir labeirsgaepeaee thee concluded, wouidihave’ prcwed but the beginning ¢:>fcheieiu~ture mife1*iesg hand did em fiieiem com» plain,‘ That herchywe had left them in a far worfe eflaee, hefteriailcheirViéteriee, then Whentheyiune. eermok the ‘Wars with usin eurAloweiico-edicioiz. i e ;WhiCh weieeenot condemn then; for, when we eememher wiJt.ha1,ieThzu this Treezy‘wes emertainee A uponihch Rropi0fiti0ns,. as the King himfelf em iimeiei E1’iE1i£€;W"hiCh was fermerly held to he fo dea- iirueiiive iiteemy well fettIiedipeac~ee*.,*‘ as neither the Hcxufee5c9f Periiemem; rmethe ?Cemmiflioner3 for iizheeiiingdom of Seetlarzzlfi fiid ehiekii:»fizcieg ad ad... A Neither can we ibelieve,That any Ageeemgeeewie ; mite, when heiwee in his grestefiheight efv—*pmver. B 2 A Ah C-Quid c1mx§f%d 1a&ave.mme wiahVc?%m King inehehlfla M mgxfm A (ir:i—vVz.h@a aofiditienimWa$&%thmin)A would ever have bmn m;wi'%1rv¢édiV , &izhet' byhimfclégg or my M his §?.:my*..4 Fax" {wing aLfidm§m. bare Aammma/E’ Hianorg “ 3%:-*a%£§::’§,»?iV¢2f*2?’&¢3 Frecmm 9‘ whéah the '§.‘m,a5ty~A -Apmend. umamuneithcrithe King; my my 0% §§is¢,d°i4d%ever how mm in my cJzhc%1%z:0AsV'sVa€5.z£.c~nzE:<:Aw; t,§*;ato%Af =3 Pwifmzer. WV P%a»rcEm2Vr§n§g wiimcsof, befimzs in H{$rMefl?agc {mm to both I~§wu{ma O:3‘Me%r% 2 . H-a~»px“*c:pmfmh4%:0 have 3i%mz5,rVtoc01ri’e germ W'Z+2‘flm.?7f3j‘$£f, and mu b'¢%jm£’&m*:.d 11:0 a4_'coa'z%V«;€.E;ai0V:a 0%" abfaizsac Fzeeciom and S:.z«,f<:tyV; which’ can firflpom no ether, than Emit he mdged hxmfelfacw . than prehsanc (being in the time sf Treaty) m Emde» pri.vad,of bath. And H25 Le-zms E0 a~pmmeMmgi&~ flrate of theflity of Lo:»mflmrdcc1:2zre%, A That he held? himicif at that zirme as meat at rifmxrer as aver. And ‘ , | ‘ G I 2:3 O ‘ ‘ the Prmae an hm ADaclammnxt tifxaé A Cmwn of SM«ga%, am} 1th0f€JO«f NAdpfl”«¢ A §<(?o;\.“'r£~%;¢’% *§’z7€; {£14 in» mum: mvamwxrimz, zsasgwvmanmat» expw€é* am Wc:«pl@v{ia§*mz::s agjreedi upon an Ame? Ma 0f‘-A Wigbtx H:1«::mM h:ia*:s.i.a mic King mam mhém-he Euifx... damanml; and C%orc;~zmiAon Oycmhg befid‘[cs%.,, hVis..'Aoftm-1 1Pxra:‘3=;t«;f§t:1mE0ns§ and Ingagjemenflmj in am» Nameof aK%i»mg;r,a.md of z2Gekaci?ef”Azn4a;n , whimw Hm: hathAm0fc.mvi:<:Ai%:sm;~d‘.; A A % A And %if[W£%V had: ai.is%5bsand$<:d% Out‘ AA.m&lAy., i~=3%th¢e:re- any fishing morfepmbgxbie upon cmh ,% than ichat the King‘ vAmu%dA‘$ harm rwaifiad %smé0thm**:%% ‘if he; fl'*1Mha.V& dM}pacy,4$bm ncly fu:fps:mi> it}; and *co%nfr.em:ed, t:%haez;he BMEOPS Lamda: 7! flmuiid be we fdr a icing term A we}? ,, *zlhc:[~701i'€I*—< R;_mcsAv7 being ‘flvilf rcfcrveé far their m:a*iamfi,rmcfetA.L; whcri“éas‘AWe=had<» fmlcd time fwd Lagndis wt-1might;mirdAAthm!d R;mcsAwfcm all thmmanry had ‘ bmxghi; M Though: if vtheBifl*1o%ps Efmtes 3, yeflb Wiii‘En’g~ mm. ahc£eLAmen~ to ,com§_!y4 with wthcmng, %a«smhcy%m*sm% A no:v0.n:c:I~y cemented :hau%A:th-e Buyers4V(wh=o a~dven~? ' mred A~rspo'r1 the Pwub1=ikc‘AFaimaf the E3ar§£amcnt”2 flmuidi be-éefraudcAé or their argains (fo-me ofthtem. whol!y,3a1’l 0f them in part) buuhaa Epéfcc-pacy it“ ‘ feif , which they had Cavenamed mextirpatei,‘ i{hou1dVyet remainin tzhc. roe: ga-ad a more then pm- bable co'n';’c&ure, thatitnfigh: recover it-feif again. » Anéwhereas the King Won! mt c0n4f%:ntto the capital puniflament wfw any one elinquen: (there be-» ing oxjmly one oflere «mm him ,, nameiy, David 1§3e;»2Ie:’m (dig raft being beycmd rim Seas, andAo~m of our Powcr).yc:con:raryAmv1Eacir Ccve.nan:2,and can» Mary to the main (if Ufltiaflfjy) end, mfmaking this W%ar (which was to bring Dclinquems so coadign pun§fi1mcm,) they did in this aif0acqui¢fcr*.4imh¢ Kimg%swAnfwer. V V » %AWhich in piain terms %as to decline zhccaufc of Eh: pe”opic, Aandm aflérr zzhamf ch: Kings; betray»- in»g%xhcrcby our own Caufé ,~ and xjufiifying His, mak§ng%that.%good by this oneiyafiion, which our greatcI’t adv%cz'fari¢s«have ‘CV€r;‘= *C0nfiantIy Aupbraéidw us Withal ; whiezkhé was,A Tim we had ndfio ]vu&ice% an «out +fi«de‘,»;bccaufe% wc durft n¢cve’r vbring anyof them Am judgment.‘ A A - V %wh§.chA minus as wears,be;ngV:~appmmzycen.. {cra1*y%to all thasgvsdiiclw the Parlia%m¢n‘£A"A had from the bcginningnf zhci;:woubl»¢s heidm1:4_jII0tAhc Pa-ople}‘%, and whichwcm am Vome*1y4VM%rivc5;; £0%Aindm=:* them as undertake this 5 &&S%m‘ as byA;:T:his4;@means Epif’- wpavcy 4r‘€maxningfliil in uh-c %EvVocm« wanting Amcly walitrlcwarmzh of fa§r%weachc£3 :o%makc it {bud farm again e . A (We) egaim, and in the interim no care taken eeeu for the mefiem fceelemeneef Reii-gians And on me mhee fide, for want 0% jufii-ce upen she Ce-pieal Qffeendmeg eH gmd men difcouregeed, and even repemieg ehee they see eeeeimdertaken the Caufe; whi-eh wemd? h.av§‘ beeewby this Agreement {(9 eiiefiy end um qealfy fixated, as if the Kings epereye {hc_m§.d ha an hundred eimes beater-2, Jch-“€37. mufe be an hundred eismesimdempnified: But on the other Ewe,‘ if we PM-Eameeee Party fhouid happen to be ex the me but eeeeg afl the gediy pcoplcin the Land flemid have been defiroyede forms prcfemz, and the very eaufe we Liberty and Refigion it felfeindengered m be lofi ietecovembly for the mute. A And Whereas God having foemlnemly owned ehie Caufe, elm eh-e Enemy couid never prevefl em geinflie, eieherby mpen fierce of Arms, me my fe- em maehimeion we eheemem devifinge Hereby” thzcoughehe treachery of fame, unto whole Tmfi me defence ehermfwee coemmiteedehe Came {humid me emeiy gee this time be ueeeriy lofl, ‘ bee all ~Pofle«- eieyfme wee difeomreged eoeeee up Armsmr joyn WM1 epaeiiemene again a, Ageineflwhom if forehe King my emze gee the Vifiory , efl eflonmsg “Prefim eed Worldly Felicieeiee, ewouid cm1f”eqeu.ene- Hy er ehemfefivee m be me reward Qf Ehfilr labors ;, eendif they {humid hep-pen ‘E0 be meet-eeme ._, them ” would be me Tribemfi Om aEr.mh,e* whereby to Apunieh eherm me ea“ ehem mé eceeume feeeheir Means, Wheerefereegeenfiefe we {humid deny ehegoodhefe» esf m1—rflew‘{?e,e.:.vhieh «Gad ehaeh adjudged on. our Wiflerieeee meme we flmefid heemyeur Friends, eee; ey me ggreeeéoeze bieflings of £0; many fignei whet: us,‘ ‘H V‘ ’V:.“ 4 In : ~ « ‘ “I :» A -EwWAfimga“ig¢dm*a¢V§:h us u;1pm*nm:r V,am«®fi? Nam» %g;Mr~.'aAf§‘c§,~z50 »=&*~Iéh&* hf}: mm ~ M »t%miéz‘ A%L’3?wm Md Ema» "V mszmm -3 1%wf~x$3;:n?’imT5 Am fi3V0a§%§dd%";v&i”£m Maia @-m?MM$m Aaaiws %V7’.mmg, %%aE:»wWf:s imriamy Eviififiimm ~}p$m%»;p;.3mv Wffiwma %.9fjm ;x*eipmei3.3m.,'»; and AVpm%'¢%r Vhjfia Horgm"%,V» Smfmy4,"‘VA am F;:-Mm afiam 3 hef0mTt%w Hmmxr, Safeztyfl and % 1’~32~.'¢:=.«-ssdmxzéa M Mm whmia Nazmm&‘L'1z:ai+a»~i?s75w%$ flmafi {mm amazfi mwaza §mmLm% :aii3:PAe3%mg;.*%??*n4i£§:1 gym: ;+G;0d 0% %~:§a“~.:+zav€:a~*%z am; _ §EmE3(0=mr aflmrsfl hefiga ~i£'wu4§ gremtiw difi:~‘§:‘@'fie$3h;wh ggwm U55 ;'mdiAA:tEt1aVe.: iw@mufM*e1m0neEy mpam Mach A ?9m>§.m, wm:h:h+:%rK§mg gmmmi Mam ourim-» §J*§.3.'#3fl.§D§«€ E»m@maj,.?}{h£a§’:§ agflww us: Lmmzs wwfc §7;«:mumi agghiw mm" : :2’M‘xé%ei$4*Lm§p Atovw aha 7 fl..;:ugEmmf,f **3E‘?JK.§ A fimsfir our mwn Mambms w M»md§cr%?m§m ahaA’VPari%i§‘a%mm*m mad the }K§ng+fl@ms C2éu*{¢gi1x;%@fs %w:cMAfiam;:§;d fiaim Ail Whicfm 3 2: “V A "Mg: i, A %"“r@m="; wsvh;e*« £5: Kw '&,~?'¥fi“”l9"5 .. 3% E a*3*§’fi%%AV‘v"**i£V«=’A»$%& fimwifl % aha <(.“,:~i3'tfm,;;~""gv:,‘ :aa"$§5=\;%{?:V»<*“. g‘ ‘ '3? .m. pet 5’. {F gm 47é;1’a*z.3$L”‘,§a.' *?§<‘”’5 T ‘ a ‘ ‘ ~;¢|u_.‘ ‘ “ f" 3 E V «ii by Whéifi N A‘ “$3 -fi“—fi3‘§.M¢?.§Lw:"4»‘afVVm‘z."$*s;%f:’s m;:*g,;m:=§i zEu:s.ac3»£% 1 "5 “ , ‘. ' ‘ L,N\',,.',. ‘f, ‘ \ W “ ‘ ‘ =* ‘ ‘V ‘ ‘ U“! ' Wwv 2‘ V «- jg pm QR}? $7? €§raé3.M.r3E0v MW rt 5 A am fast? mmga;eAm7m ,. and %E"§“a‘7m E ?W’v41fi*%d%c?jw¥¢%*A4in4%&:Em '_ I W‘ "‘ E ~W AV WW4 A % ~ 4 A “ ~ “+3 yE“iii:3r,w§g*:p fémfieé aiimivw : *M;3m»74i3?£”§§r:%:rh,fa:,%«j7g(3~»1~;§a’ £hm cam Em sexpcéfcld Wframrmbcfimf M21333“ $1 Sm V\ i ‘V §$$ut'i10t7itTy mi? §%?“»ax*3§mn»&j§2%5 in .:mmmm»5%ha?pp»y Wvgygg