657'. 1643.. kleredby tse Commons in Parliament aflaembled , That thisDecIaration be forthwith printed ub ifl1cd.% A J I)I3(:LmALBLf&]rIa.* OFTHE. f -Parliamemof‘ ngland, A A N SI?/V E R To the late ‘ ,-mu ‘ . . Q ‘ «"3: M, W; Sentto them from the ‘ COM M I s s 10 N ER 3“ O M F A fi“m9CC)7”L—fl5N:1L £ ' .—n-u-nu EONDONw* A Printed for Edward» Hufiand, Printer to the Honorable Houfe of. *Commons,«yand are to be fold at his Shop in Fleetflreegat-: the Sign efthe Go}-den?-Dragon, near the Inner-Témple. 4 mm. :3 2. % 164 L N A ‘ blées ., us ia‘mdth’”cm 5 4wh«crein?,howofien anfi ~ N 7 i 51 ' “ uh ~‘o . .‘,\ - I J . _._ " 5 ‘ V.- ~. ' ’ ' r . .‘ y ' ‘ ‘I I « . ’ ,. , , _ _ , _‘ _ u. , _ _ ‘I L ‘V. .4 N, I T Q ‘ H , 1 W . V Q.-'s_. ‘ ‘ H“ >"~', ‘ -"I, :‘ "'5, ‘ - ~ ‘ ‘H 5.1“ v“ -'4 V . . V‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘_i ,. ‘ ml . ‘ . . . U _. f _ . ~ . . I 0“ ‘ . ‘ ‘I * ‘ I ‘ I a . 6 . VD - . V \ s. . ., ' III , rn " -» a 4. . I ::;.i’ V’ ;_ ~53 3 1‘? c?Wi0r2 % W W 5" -Mwxer ‘T?’ 1799 W l"«*ét3fi«?"r~*‘§/63*‘-'1? “to them %Vfrom we Commiflqgzers 4 s c; or M N19. wclleaffcéted 0F this Naitii-dn have becn, durisng all the .‘I«3.t f! Tmu; prefcrvc a god Um dee-r»{’:an%<:%m;g with four B-rethrcn of Scatlnnd, ~Wi4H:V"c—@a~fi:- 1yMdifocmcd by the Tmnfa€t4ii0nAs' 5bctw«cem Willihgfly, we have d@partedA:i3mm% am 0'W-:1 In_ue;r»eft to‘ Fa;:ti«s*fi':B theirs , 4fuffici*cm1;y Vknowcn A “And, althugh :i:t: ifs :n0nnr~iA€m evidzent 4 :tAoM 9;1l ‘men, "hw all Treauitks‘ ?VaVr41& . A Lcag€1es%4that wfim fecwfen us %*hav*eb]ec1f&. « broken and v4i;olé.ted byfth*eLpubli%que of , the '1at%e%Pm“liamcntV” of Scotland , 1nAvadin%g ’ 2thi¢s with a‘%”gma=t 5* Aatnd‘ that ‘~. 7thefaef6redOligmei-nsfraom ms Athem, chat“ é%hadVg%roWnt~fromJt1mi?eTrcati.esand Lm-guflesw, are, ;;by tha.wf%<:1Aefau1t of theirs Ju f‘i:icc3 . 5 .«I‘ -ah made A <6 ) made vfioici (as We triufl 311d .hcf cpy care them to} be) yet We arePtiIl,w=i1l:‘inig,iiiio entertaijn a C0rreI};>%Qnd;enQyi an? i¢gQqd»;l1»;ii~i i dérfiaiadiifig (uipori t_em*i-s ofi¢omifia*:i*:ax1d‘ muicual Fiiendflliip)“ w‘¢”l'l?_afFeé’tcd V of thaw‘: Na€im&1i_: And 'thief1jiefo15cii‘Wé enter- taincd, with allifitting r¢fp‘c*8:s, their Comn A mifsioners latelyiénit hicheig uponithe fghcir Lets:-rs‘oF.i Crcdcrice‘,-, But having fince received from chofe their ,Commi£ fiionerscertailn Letters (datedthc Sixthiiand ' A Two and tw‘e11ticth of Iarmary ifllaff) which containdivers things inirclation to our All fairs, Anotiproperi*fora;ny efanother Nation to take noticecf .(9gtii1caH:)not in fuck a ma,- ner» and fuch terms as they do : Although it, iithercfoire, fmzjmsi iflotfl ncccflhry for to give them ‘iariyi ainfwcrthercu nt,«yet they 01:: fame their for them, ihaiviinig taken a cgzxgurfi: to Prim: y_and1?ubiifhith<§ifa;me :':(33jf fétrizis in uh em i”ies)i;to ‘t‘§.m-WE: Prejudice .é.indi“ifcanda1 of our j u Pcand necciiiiaryPzzoceédings;We.;¢fi1§idc Dam.‘ feivescoinicernfd V to pubiiijh ”a If Anifmr .t.;hereu.niitaa,fr.£3ltise e A éhefie£1%e”:E ndinfi :;hcif Letter of the :;e2..“‘?‘j meebe: ia7tc1*cV:rm§1:eethe:nj’ tzhefufler ‘exp rei"sin g, “%7“a.i'fdfii1I“fehf€1'"L1”fgiI1'fg:‘thVe6liiftfil‘ part of thatfithe :S‘iX'th ofeefanuame we fhallfollow the Iosidei: of "their firPc Lettegeand at the faid lafi Se-» étion afafwer eboph tehat"§and,.etheir oteher _‘rt01.t' gether : And a1th‘oug»h, by. this meteheehz we {hall be rced often 12.0 fali imo ibme rape» % A A titionse (pheig: Letter having thefaime thin gs almoffin evefy.~Pa:er”agr.aeph}: yet that nothing may be omitted, weflnall take that courfe. V Bu: before W600-mete thofe pafticularsfi we.’n1uPc needs takewyfiriotice of one mi{’caI.tA)§m fajjgrnvdggnry *‘ ‘ 1§%fl14c%in.;Aam fWcrAtod it E(15”‘T“£i;t»‘;i“%S“fit.E any A any thinfg:4an»fWe1:%ed;¢, as no aha imtLE:’g f chat flJaI¥fE::cm to n.éc.d.m “ep ly;%.,WcA flml.:c rAe:aadT)£ j+cé‘li.0;I1 5“ bu ti iw mean time: think i+[1:.tn eneffary e~inh €:I?I.'@:a rep%e«a,4Vc% ms cpi£om4im:wha1:aAi‘s.: t7h“.£re{ fuAll:yi~dhclan*.ed%%;«.m % V A ffihreir vIL4'Z“t.£a€:l‘-; Afm’ ‘have been broken, we are well abie to sziive we world =ea‘heccou;nth. : And”this~N~aTreion is very fehfihle, hmiiir 1 “ehu‘e"l1Wefi2fFered meh“3;veVpre‘veheed.ie hlfwe undev- ~flo0dhh0wamyeth1-ng we agree hbntm . fhouldunite F0-ti? re1gheheJm“1esagamfi us, we fluould do m1rbePc to *41a*v(%>_$,zdh‘ittM%‘V?Vehare¢at prefemhinLe::gue with all our» v‘ffe-§§‘fm‘i%{erine N?-igeI1!’.39f§ ,“i= he ~fh;ai‘1»endevhr mhkdeal j_»11‘?ft1y=~ vv1ehhheh‘ti:emh ac_co§rd1hg «m « our V eTi’rea‘tihes, A and to keep lceep the Articles of our feveral alliances 5 Anfiwe hope they will we efpoufe ag quarrelfeirreign re them, toehe-interruption of murualccemmerce Wflltll us, Wllem-in they _a re mo;-rfl C§Jl1'C€.l:f’11$?l;dl‘= For the p 1*:c;fzz'r1€{1fll‘Tg of the eagle; in_*t5sf:t<3l,lv and dC{l“I‘Oymglwerhellelormeed Religion, afldthe Peace and Hegpizxelliyal lil‘;'€' King-3 doms; ‘We knownot why "fuch ;£;'i2ggel7cions cfameinm me this Catalogue of ill Clonfvquelnces {es abjecitedm us milells, e(asm:»my e-fleherell)e.r:heH:he"Péperbleing publiflaecl, mightcaft the greater ediuml upen our’ prefem; tranfaéhons: Neirlxerrzarl we uncle‘rl’t:mcl any other Reafonsg why the looting of Ireland, Q-mum be zhme in am-ongft thofe, Confequences. But as m that poor Kingdom ( which ethefe Commiflicmers would feemfo iolicitous fer)” we cannot but be fenliblee of any l‘0fst:here,l as Ours moreimmerliately, anal not the:irs._ A ad what lofs or prejudice hath of late yeers been incurred there , hath lbeen chiefly occafioned , either by the failizlg, eoreeevil’ calriegc bflphe Sqat£]]5 ' Forces (entertained, and pretending ‘to ferveigé there) on erlfe through Isrxclveqazzrzswlvlevolc, whom the.prevail,- mg Fva€’c1<>I3:e0:f tlwfe corrupt "M€meb¢lFSel13l?¢lYam0ngi’c us (_ in wltxole behalf. tl.%1el‘ef, C0mm.1llf1oner3'.4geewnow efo zealouss) hacl pl.-lt_1lL“1tOe the capacity of d~o_1§1gus~and Eizglifla 1?;-ote£’anants there _fo much mifchief ”; yet we V hope God willlcarry us on 10 fuel: Councels and ways, whereby thofe lofi"es.»._m aye be recovered 3. and that ‘Wmiferqable C0.un.trey‘ timely relieved H; notwich£’:and- sing theieterrupfi;on—given by txhefe Papers: anezlthe difcontentstherefiy endevored to. eraifed,e”eto the hinclerance of that Segrvice‘. A A 4% A ‘A ll 6!»: ‘ Lmrm; . AA‘ A A A Axiwi :e.“JmA.],',A,,..u “A‘ m . A t 29 ) ' w ‘J-,"-7‘ t... .AA ‘ " ; ‘J ‘ | ‘ ‘ A ' mg. 85 ca.-. 3: I Iarthe year A; 54.0 when the/E: Kihgdams were opprefléd £ti1;d‘.*7‘h~ thetyqive ahii "tynmzzj qf'‘7th‘c\Pr’el4tes' , who then were fartadmm-ed in the” defighe to iz2"trad’uce Paptrh; ~ V The Kizzgdam of Scotlatnd did joy: their eitdfifiéars with tbzi; Kzkzgdom, topromra .4 free Parliammt here, loiahih upon it {:5 the chief mew, 6) the 61 efxiizg of Goa’, tagifiié , a~ t'Ahec'h‘ tathe defighe: af the Preltttes‘ (wha were fludjing the change ‘}qfhRelt;cgz"o;2h‘) am! to the e22te7fpr'i{‘es' of evil A’ Gazmceflar: zthmt the Kin ,A (who were eiadevyorzkyg to efz‘.a- hlifh an Arhitrary and Tyrzmhital Gavemmezzt :3 And dftcmutrds , when through the pawn! ma’ pfcm'ah:i2c_y qf APtzpi!h‘s,_ Prelatei, and /Malignant»; thrfir Kihgdam was diflrefl:;{,Ar The Kz'i2ga’om of Scotland did enter {ma at Salem: Leagatc and Caz: emmt 222z‘th thi!‘ Nation, For Refbrmatzbn azfzdh Defeizcg cf’ Relz:gz'o:2,A the‘ Honor am? Htzppfzzeféfaf the Kzhg, A and the Peace, aI2d"5'af8._?j of hthhé threat Kii2gdamrAA ;A A and p.4rt»ict:l.arl}, fhr hrimgizg thé‘ Cfhurthte: of God therein tn the zzeerefl Cazzjuzzéliam mt Ztzzifbrmity in Relzgioh , Caizfefiozz of Faith ,h Eahm A Chunh~AG¢mer22mei2t ,_ Dirtfiqzj far Warfhip had A Catheqhizihg, fbr Extirpatzhzg aptry, Pr:/at}, Swpefi. " fiAz'tz'a?é, hHeref§.e,A S¢hz'fm,tPropAh4iA2ehe[r,R A A A azxahhtxphtzt/Zaehhxcr» IE4/[he fhtézzd‘ mrztm:~1‘to fbuzzdt Daétrizza A For murmzl ;I’M{=?9hr*ZIzztio22 of we Rights" and PrtTv2fledge: af hthehpar-ta Zzbnhehts, 4;2t{"?hLAa‘hertzT.‘g: of‘ hthe2,Kz'7;gdom;h5M angf_7%?hd{f3- ‘\ taarggerzhzgofAA[/ahgzzdiarigs, x1v!2zfz:g72 traits, a;za*m;1z2¢em;; ~ ' Am¢§zAtAs',A ‘thdt.hz"'m!eh Kaffiirmatiah of Relxgibnsdivvzh/e {hie ‘from [hair mp/e, or we of the: Kihgdamy fram‘d‘n;- other , 07' mahe any F4fi‘ioizth‘07" Party wrmozzg thtléipehplé, cqzzfingryza thrlr League ahd_Cavena;2t , That they might hie"‘hrought ta puhiihe Tryhl t and Pumflmeht; fir pm- (A apfiatfaever. A fete?’ fer?‘ving- P ucé and twiazz éetwixt the Kzkgdomsj ” mad‘ deféndimg Vow marker in tbs? Ceuflz, am! ¢'0i5'l‘ihy.i2¢g therein M2 the: da}: of our Liz: ex, zealau/I} ma! mzffaently ageizefi all Oppq/itz'ar1,e and for pramatiizg the fame M... cording to our efianw, agaizefi 45! Lets and Impedimemts A N s W E R. V M 0 this third Seétionj which containswhat the _‘ Kingdom of Scozl422d‘hath done far this King- dom", andsvhat they have undertaken; VVe fay, what ” ever the welaffefied in Scatljzmd did,i-52' their brotherlike afl"'euI4d have it wemembred , who motefied againfithe Kings pgifimg four ms at the me of WW: about ihe we of De- ggméer, 3 54,7. Cehxch thouled have been the affurance of aefoflowing Treat}-') not Qmely u-fur-%piug’.rherein a 1-yiegareixge voyce upem the Legzflmve power at eEi?;.;;**~ A ilarxd, .1 b!Ji1".¢bCii.“‘1g t§”i3eif€1'YjJ The Vifihlfi” C3-UF3 “(-3 Pm" :ceedi.ngeeet*hen toea ‘Treaty; and wberfwer thu was not ‘V ,»mm«e trulyw a means of'%divid1ngAthfi‘e King 51‘-04?? W65 ‘People, We leave its theixez.§gme1*t 0«f13.HWg";£}€£1 As _ forepreferyingg Peace a:1}.f1.a:‘:é1r‘>t2 between the ‘N4 t aims, ~ awewfihethw,,g,0ujd'h;;V¢ let the p:«.i{S§ for we ‘bxufh ~:oe‘repe:aé fo eoften, that it was: broken by that N;£tiO£‘i3I G 3 A6: webeing znvadcd be“ rhfiier Army» {freon-$5? the e ~ Authority ofthe_ir.F’arliame£1t.ee And to t'his‘Vp3.r1:icu~ I31-5 wefhal! adde thusmuch more, That we were [0 render of keephg the Tre..2ties , and fo defirousrif maintaining the linion, that \.v3S‘Y)y;fhem begun, *be- -tween the two Natieonseg that aeIth0u'gh%We.kneW wekl, byewhat fgjririt the affars of Scatlaedewere 21160 aflfda -andwtm :zfl’eé?ci0n they had to P6309: W110 W151‘? "1 e ower:- A and were not ignorant that 3, ~\N'ar was &ev_'er~ mined:, and Forces levxed agamfi} us eariy Iii’? €orr"fl;?;s mdthgc manyof om‘ OWE} Deehmqxzen-ts» aeande*MW.»21:‘g« ~ manta; diddaxly flock View ¢.S'tatLw6!,eand were egmtertcmtw <}e~2!, there, and wbuld not. be%de¥.iv€rei e‘C0PUU15h-mffifs A T:;hov%11et€5}?1i£?€dZECGICHDE :0 §h¢eveXPr»efiFeFm‘; ‘Of the ».w A Treaty.» "'Trcai1§y; by our Commifiioners thcfe Eefideniyby oiii efpeciagl Order rothem Fm-‘that purpofe; yet wefor- V A’ bare,r1cit onelyito putGm-ifons, intothe Towns of ~B,,arm?c£ andC'ar1iie, bccaufe it {tamed again& the great Treaty; but did not fa much as bring any :9 the % ‘ Bordczrs (as we might have done, and laid them at fuel: A 'i:IiPeance, as might have prevented the furprife of thgfe Towns) becaufia we would not givcalarrhro that Nationpr caufe any apprehenfign in caur Friends there , that we had any mtentions af I-1c)fh11ry¢:-zgainfh them 5 but we rather chofe to have a breath made up- on us: then to makczt: , and to haveourTowns taken‘ ‘from use (whxch wéforefaw washke to happen) rathen then to do any thing that might be interpreted,Vt0 ‘tenfi to%abreach of Union» or ofthe Treatrics = And we re?- pem: 2301: our tendemefs therein (though weAaren@tA unfenfible of what we fuffercd by i_t,) God having -owned: out A Catife , am? bortz 4witnef§‘"tD our defirc of % Peace, by firetching out his hand upon that H ypocri.- cal and Faith— breaking Armyand their adherents, and -by recIucingthem4 to a necefsity of ordering mrherefib tution of onr%Towmns. W f \ LE T1‘ 1:-: Rs S1=.c'1'. 4.; IN;;iurfzw2ce%c:f we Saiemzz L edgy: and Ca¢:ezzarzt,~éatb Hozafe: have often declared 3 ‘T but t/at} MY! eflaé2l,z'Lh V the Reformat iazz cfRéligz'an, &.extz‘i-pate Papeav} and Pig- Izecy, azzdfupprefv Herefi¢andS;bzfm,; rim! tbg xvii! maim V A win the Fuzmlamezzml Gmverzzmem af t£7.'3{K£ngd0??9, 5} King, Lara} Mddommam‘ : Azzdwém the common enemy % éeiisgg fi;édwed,tbe Scotifb arm} my raga out a;"tfJz3' 232g ~ a-’am,iz2 the éegzknimg aftéejeerg 547.A' 22d’EIt2'V Majefi} Vy mzzfmt of 60:51 Kfzégdams, saw to came ‘mtg Holdcnby. The (23) The Haafe§hhbf‘Pdr!i4me:¢t did declare hath tax: the Kizgzg A med tam Kingdame afScohtl:::nd, :2 hair arefpefr’ rfbazgzdihg hm’ tab the fafetyprefewvaztzozz cgfhéx 'M’;zj effiesh P evfiynfi in thejvreférfimtihzbzz ;z2zc{ defame of the truck @1253 iaiz amfi h Liéerties of the Kihgdomes according to the Cmvezzzmta ‘ hh ;A2m’.t12heI»2j,t‘heK2ng fhouldée at Holcienby cmdtheSz—ot~ j % giflahforcesgoize om‘ ;ofthz'5hKi72gdom,Thath they wazdd jojn with the Kingdome-ofjSc0tIand £72 employing their heft? £:z¢{¢;woz(rs~;to prac.z¢r%ehhz"s Majefiiehs aflévzt :10 the Prepafi-4» 117022: agreed on hath Ifizagdamj éwhitherhthat Ah they {of cmplhine 01:; me hehalfe Qffeduded Mem%bers, were not_done 1.11 hejrerr ference to their endeavoured conjeuné};1on' Wfe1t'h”thh;h King, on {rich te‘rmes,.;as woiuldhiehave left to hhPrelacya:~‘ he remaining root and founciaezon m "fhxs Natmn 5': Popery we corxjceivee they meme Propifh Dofiirine oe Worfhip (for the iurifdiékhionh f it, they know hath bin long extirpatedeouht of this narion) and for that" D?‘o8:z-me or VVo1‘ihip._, wee give irhentz e:a1hIoWanee'e’~of" pubhque‘ or firivate teaching or?‘ praéfiéfe, Aenflg, as ‘A is a matter ofapimon zen‘ themihds hf parti;;cuIfar m?eh,. we have found-’tha.1: all the fliarpneffe ofourt Lewes» (vvhichhhave heenehfufiiciehtly fevere» -againfi them)»» Lax (127) e hath not him able to exltitpate It 5 Ame ( as thefe the Commiffiottelts wellktzow) all that hath bin done he Saotlaed agealnfe‘I>lopety in purfuance of their Cover naeetoghath not yet wrought fuch etl’e&s,but that many l ofthat lprofeffion are llill living amotigthem ; And A - indeed, thatlome takes both or evill men and mif- Worfhietslwillheleftin the field of the world till the hatveft (notwlthllaattdttzg thegood feedlfowinei ll 4 by the Mefiiet and all the care of the fervants) we fit1cl_it not b3.I"ClyfOlT€f0.lCl,§ but the violent pluckieng . ef them up forbidden and 2. plaine Itzjulnétion adw doede, That both {hould he let grow together unti.ll« ll " harve‘flz;,which certainly were ‘it‘1tencle<;l as rules to thel‘etvants(a'tleaf’tj;~ in_ relation to fuch weeds~ah‘d to fuch vvayes ofplucltmg up, where there might be “ifdangeglwitth the weecls,to pluck up the Wheat alfo : And therefore {as to I-Ierefy, SchifiI'1e._,&c.‘. lFirft1 we V muftdefiretallmento take notice, That the Cove--A nantdoth not engage abfolutely that we will exti:-~ ‘ ' pate or fupptelle, as thefe Commiffionets render it (which were an high prefutn ptiot1)l:>utthat we will indeavour it: inlout feverall places and? callingss _ and V hyalllawfull wayes and tneaus‘; which Certt.oa7“lnly 18 _ to be underftood, that, tothe fevemll' things to he endeavoutedfiulch wayesancl means fl.oulcl be ulfedil A A V as (according to the nature of the things feverally) are proper and latvfull go And! next we declare that . the belt way for the extirpation and fuppteflion 7of* A Herefy, and Schifine (as we‘Cot1cei,ve is: to hold lfotthlthettuth in lt:~ve, vgrhich (fohelcl out) will ‘bee get love 3nd’tl1erebff,r game‘ the’ better‘ reception in ttheznthalt-l1eaAteit, Audit {hall be our ecarelto pro?-, vicle for tltofe who may {'0 hold lf.‘.‘0m3 and-theta wait 2» % £05" ( 28). ft>ranefl‘e&ual«1ble£Tmg from God upon thofe means; i 'tI?or~»w-hat theytell us of our declaring, that we will ” maintaine thefiundamentalll Government ofrhis; Kingdome by King,Loras, and Commons; we acme V [9 kn()w%_wha_rx:i intereft Scatlmia’ hath in the GOVC1‘fl'* meat of England, that there fhould be any interpofi-m A e eion in iti What Government the people ofE2:gl.mes, the King waste to come to Hal»- 5/ezzéy) attdto that in their fecond Letter (that it Willa. . he a great griefet,o.tl1.etr hearts} and lye heavy upon » their fpiri-ts, to feeitheirrtrnfhing of his Perfon to the, Parliament of Ezzglazza’ made ufe of to his ruine) I r hath been To fully Vcleered in the aforefaid Dec.larati- ‘A A on ofrhis Houfe of the 28th or Noveméer 1646., Taltatthe Kingdome ofsmtilzmd hadlnoerigltt of dif- "pofing of the Perfon of the King in Emglaaag as that wee (hall adtle nothing to it WeeV‘ll1all onelyl fay, that they did notlrtrulft the King with the Patlia~ fmenthofEaglmza’, For he was not at.a-ll in the power 4 ef the Kingdome of Statlami, for he wasrnet then in tSmt!am!3 neltliet was the Army of Scots in England,‘ in the Kin gdome of Scotland, not the A tna yr OfSre.ti/.azJm’ r it It was indeed ae=:Army ef the Scots Natien, but ht waszhe Army of ‘E.ngZaz2aZ in their ferviceg. and m. A .their-pay, and to whom flnouldhthey cieiiver the hV%E§Iing of E;2zg1a;v2a’( cfomming into their power in‘ Ezzgfwzaf) hwhile theywere inthe fervice and, pay of £223 Zarsaghezat tzégrhee Parliament of England.‘ A V e V V _ W Befideghow can theyeaffirme the common enemy!» was fi1bduhed(as in the next: words before) ifhe were ‘then in an Army, that had right to Adefend‘ him»-efliii agaeinfihthis Parliament,; and not deliver him up at» A their COYIIHI ands; \/Vhat other common enemy h were it, who made allwthat warre againfi this Nation, vwase itnot he 9 anclwas it not by his Commiifions and Commands A and how was he then (seduce, eifrhe Ar;r1y,;confiPcing ofthe Scottifh Nation in the pay- of E;2glamZ,'might %%ha;ve defended’ him, and fou.ght~ fethim 91-.And if they rhoughtphey might hrefi1f‘et0-,- h - del»ivembim,_why did not that Armycarry him with A t*hem>fntoesmhzrlmdawwas it becamfe they knew they had no authorsty £70 to doe,eor becaufe they hknew: cse. feared his prefence, and the peace ®§”f3Tbat pIace,'W~here~ ' ever hehfhouldhcdmegnvouid ho incompatible. A A To What they fay [ That this Parliament did then declareethat r€fp€a9:”fl'1QB}d' bee haci to the fefety A anti prefervatien Of his perfbxa, in’ the prefiervaeion and-= defence,.mee0f the tr-hue. Religiion,andhhljhertiesof the Kingdome, NAnd- thathehthey w~ou1d~'j;0y.ne to }::rocure his affem: to the Pr0p0fitiQns5,(_€7’r. . And in cafe rhea Kingefhould enotyhaifenta yet they vvouldfiill mains- teine the union between the two .Kingciomes 3CC‘Ol’:'* A . I ding to the Cosrenant and Treétiese:] Wee4efay, h_Thas:~ meeting w_ith‘thefe things {'0 often repeamd , they V fmceus aggin»t_o5.aske3 Whr.:§,hreke the unionf 9‘ e.:as,é' 3; ~ A‘ A V eec£>:::1.i-~e§;§;;eV (30 ' eéfrcording tow the Treaty” and‘ Cevenmzz to invade England with an Army, 5 head that ) by the authority of the Parliament ofscotlzmd .-301:’ can they t‘hink,:hat weewere bound and they at libertyhtoikeepir,efor re)» quire it robe kept as far only, as ‘1tfheueled~efervethe interefi of Scotland? And, for joyning t procure V . the Kingsaffem: to Propowfitions, where as it was 4% then defired but for ence more, hafil it not fince been fulfilled many btimese over Mona the par: of the Parliament of England Pewerenortheé Propofiti-=4» ens (agreed to by their C~0mm%z£fioenerse) fem fince that tigmefunto the King at Hampton Court, and a- gain refufed by him? And was there ‘not? afrerwerdhs an Aeddreife made tohimeat "the hlflehof Wzgbt with ‘fdmre Bills, concemingonely threeof thefe many. things conteyned in the large Propofitions, with an heffemiall precaution in” order to: Treatyé, [w'z.. A ethatethe Parliiamentmight acfiourne it fi;:Iefe to place as they fhould find mofi convenient and hfahfe ]‘ andan ofFertoeTreae wirhhim for the refi: of the thingsconteynedihnethe Proeofitions .> And did not ( as we {aid before) the Ciommiefiienerse of Swtlzmol, when anchsheere ~pre=tef’c againfi thoffe overtures 2 6 that) ihhbeha1f'e&ofthe King, aneh::h*lI~for his interefi:,againft the Judgemengnotonely of the Parliament of Eizg-‘ ierzaleh bueagainfl: ‘ww hate was" the jfidgexnent of the" Kingdomehohf Scatlzmda*If0, in their foermer‘ Adareres with us whereinthefeme ‘thin§gSe( for th;em2ine)weere zniifted oe» wuzhmarzy he more»? bur‘1fhs~ml4eex had “ never joynede to frgefi h: on any%=0rf" thhhfe fbu r‘e'e1)‘,ings3yet‘ M fincethey co‘ncerned1the*e fecurit}i‘£1FtI71is~Nézfieheg wee’ not the Perlxementeof Englwdcom peteet re éemaend A of hihm3thi;1gs«.ejfijI1ar nature, wiphout the 21110 wahce: of ii mi‘ the Scotch Crbmimifliioners 2* have wee at any: i:iine.-.- intéiipofeiit.o.hi1ider‘them A in any of their Addreiies forTflii'ngs, cvcmcerning '5 cozlzum’ 9 have A wee not left: it wheiiy cotiiemfelvesfio pitch upon iwhat demands’ they th0‘ught zneceiiary for that: Kingdoms, and_being; ” ready to affiii and foyne with them ( when EVBE: they have defired us ) to further the procuring of them .9 As to the matter‘»of're{pef?c to be had to the fafety of his Perfon, inidefence of the true Religion and Li»: bertiese, can a'nyim.an underflzzmdthofe words -not to intend fame 1'i’i[I1:i'ta‘t.iAO{} Uffhat refpe-Sc“? iAnd,under--.- fianding:i1em {Q (to fay nothing of the inconfiiiencyi of i1ia;itrefp'e6’c, with the fecurity ofitrue Religion, W‘her'ein1 ti‘1€'9l'ni6iVESi Qty, in their fecond Letter, his 13,-: te.fim1d<”1argeff Cenceffiions were {(3 unfatisfaéioryg, A A , VVree;,‘an*fwef,i‘i( as uuriL 1bert1—es)e there hath fince iiiei1fbeer1‘»i’afec0n’W=aLrre,‘r’ai'ifed by him again ft: ithisii Neat,ion,iwberei‘n the power, of Sciarlarzd affified, wh'ic11»»a(i’ifiiiGoxdiihad not imightiiy aflifiied us) had foieexvee:u1»i*ned our Lifbertiesi; Aindifhouldii there fiili? hive 2+ iéiefpiexfciihad to the prefervation of his P61‘-at foni, iiwahb wa's"oZ~ve 215 ii: maiaydifiieuleiesg zzzijerzfes dazed eezzfgfioiés e)e 62¢‘: theta»-éj tfae free C 0952:8113 of éotbfl H0251 fey oftbe AP[e,2r1ie~meiet qf Englandwfid with I the edvife Md caflfeifir eofrlae Parlimzeizt of Scotland ( zekz'e/9 13! zzazvfitezfig) feela courfe may é,ee_ teiém 2'22 eeletipntq him p .1 :75" (334) Eim,.a6Wmayv 5e fir tlaelgézoa’ ‘dine! .5r'm]]79 hf 't7aef.é J ' 4izggdome$V 50¢’? ¥'m'vz’"{2g gm «wee iozzaéle iizterefz‘ theme. “ A % h T Their ‘Letter of the ;2.r;‘h< of gm... %am6% M T” our Letter of the fitb. aftlazk Airzflafltwfi we impre- feizted uzztogrozg wlzxzt ii2dm';1aur5Aba12e égem zzfed, fiar mkiizg am] of Majieflies life, for change of the fbwgzdamflfitall government of tbit Kingdome, and .522- traducixg 4 AA finfédl and (l7Zg~06l7/3! .to!Ze:qatz'arz m;z%ttAers af4x#eLz;gwiazz»V Rd ¢17W‘9%iK’- we did txpswfle OW fad iboza 79.t5,V.4?2d$gre4.t fezws 0f $119 dwgerom A carzfegaem ca: Vt‘§at%.mz'gl9t failw Iberexpom; qdrzd farther wee fdzld prefleg that there might 122 no proceeding againfi MajefiiesPerfon which would cermiiibv 6.092)7ii2§leI,t_.5£ greatdiflrafiionsvof tbefe Kingdames, And z'22'Ua.l=ve m £22 many »e'Uz'lls, trouéles, and ccmfufiom: 624: that éy the free Couizcells aféotla Houfe.s‘~aft%/9e Parliament 4;’ Eng» land,:md with the advife Md-oozzfeizt “of%tlae4 Parliament of Scotland, fuck comrfemzlght ée taken in r:%e:l.¢:t,£a;2% m Vbimigg mayéefiar t13egaad¢mdImppim:j]eV ofitbefe4V%Kiz2g~ domes, éoth haviflg cm zmquefiz'axaaélé’ mad aizdeniaéla i':zterefiz'2¢bz;s~ Perfcm, as «K5293 of ézdt/9%; which 4du1yV£o:z~ A fidgred;we€_..l.’ldd rezzfoiz to%laape_[baul,d h.:z'zJeg:z'=ve22 aflopp _ to all proceedings againfi his Majéfiies Pflfffifl. iflumre A gmderfhwd, That, after‘ many via? the Memfiens Q)’ the Haufe of Aflammam, ./947.23 éeeia Almprifmzed %.4;2d‘.f;g;]w mg, .mz41faVw£:baut and Agaizzfl .rh%»e :;,c}a;:fe22.t of «me w%Haufe of Peerts, 5} 4 fiiygle Afiiafjqam, alaage, power 13' given to cermize perfanwaf your omz2eV.22uméer._, oftke % firm} (3497 ‘e firm), and fame others, to: preeeeeiegaiezjfhhfe /7:.1A'djeflie.:¢:.~ ' A Peefm 3 [:2 Order hwhe’7*e‘zm}‘o he um hreezght ttpa22_‘Sea3-1:.’ mmlegy la]? £22 theeafiemooeee, éefore their new e:>c2h‘ezo3»~a’i-: mwy Cozert ;*iiWhere/hre wee deeirz themme. of the PM"- I1‘fl7i78i¢hfUf'hS€O'I;l3fl.d5 for their 'Ue'hdz'éeitz'aIefi~ofl"2: falfe " Afperfiahs med Celumhiek, Dheclarea That though they are nochfatisfieei with Mhzlre 1?%’1;_z_;'eey’h;i5z'ese Cameffzazes £22 Helge late T2"eetzA'e.et Néwport ihthe Ifle ofW’igh§*,~e _ef 4z'![j“ies the‘2mzztte"rs af¢eR»ele;gié:i2 5% ‘,»1h"ei’edre*4 7‘hefo‘li'ee”¢’:r4hhiz7£i;¢ t0"‘;cm’zJe» hz'e=M'ajeffz‘e$ ”reflz"tez~1fi0ze to he}; ezieriehzeizt, he/‘eoéeefatieféiffiozehhe gxfveifi hj him Ate hie" K hihgdomes Q, h Tet they ha7ee- all ~ze2ezz'zzz'79’70ze/Z} ”w£th“ a22e_ 'UoJy:eh ( z;»eozo>zeh Memher excepted difklziime thehflléaff“Iei301a?led'géhaf; [ A or eeeefleh zzoithe late proceedzhge of the Meyéezy. hhere, 74-9 geihfl Mejeefiy, Aezd meerely prefefikzg Thatit wee hee a great griefemzte I eir hemetsg mid bra heem-*y% awe ‘ thee'%S;2ire't:, if’ the): fhezfl fie the tmfleihg ofhis2VI4- je[fie:Pes¢faz*e,~to the Hohemh hie effeezfes ef’ }the Pzzrliete-A. he want of England to “hee h7?§aa’eh Lwfe‘ for V fezrre eehtraryr to the dee/Med [i2I‘@’i21Il‘0i2.S’_0‘[pl.“f'é3e hK;';«2 -4.“ h dame of’ Sc“0t1and;5 mi félémeee prqfeflioierof thehhhhI(;:ng»' dame cf England A225! re, the aim’ it-may hee nzgzggfiflf “to the zzmelafl how much they ez~éami22z2t*e eeezgdmfi fa e»oe4-<~ ride: eDe/?g;2e, aagaihfl herjefl>2'e$F‘ég*j”¢922eh; ‘El’/'ee cfee,‘ in the memehof -ethzg‘-APe1V1t'4???€i?tA'm26i Kihgdoene af Scqre 1.-and , xhezeehj hhhhDeQn’e2?e their 2z’;z]]e}et ' f;co’eee z*heh1.fez;z%dIe pe*oceeelz}eg$‘,»4‘2md the taheiege ezzamy cf’ hhtls‘? 1% xi jefli es gilmz’ protefl,hTheet $25721‘?!/V 1m"e1:gge:;m fl-gig: flame fame‘, Soethey may he h)‘3+ee»" from Axe/172:‘/J_e Egzgfillsah eyes, C022f’ze0m',h emfcee [eer7e;{'tI'e.'$; fheee heem”); ‘~f3#-gbw lhetbei eegzeiex-‘togthefeehedtflmf%'edKz°hg‘a’eme5. ‘A he * ‘ ' ' ‘hhfiwswa rt... (359 .23 N 5 W ER» V __N”thatla{t Paragraph of theirlletter offizrzum-y» the l6tl]“.. A ‘We have the Epitomie of their whble lflargle Letter clontraéted, and a pt-‘ofeffion of thezereopxnzon, what :5 theit duty to incleaxrour; Tothslt*palrttwhil’ch1 concerns Religzon.-5 We have . before declared our opinion, as wehave alfo to what its the pox-icr (if this Natiésn in the Funclamentalls of A Government: IfSt0tla22dhatl] not the fame Pow» ” er or Liberty; and as we doe not goe about 1:9 con- fine them to us5So, \Ne”fhall not limr-nit our {elves % to them, butfleavxng them to aét an relationtog thexrgs as they{hall' feecaufe) refolve to mamraxne ourfiovwvne Lihertleé, as God {hall enable us: Anal as ewe. are farre from any: thoiughtyof impofing upton nthlem; So we: {hall {not willingly fuf-Fer Impofiti- otnsfrolm them, while God gives usll:rength0r ; lives» tooppofe. Anal“ therefore both "to this Seftion nof‘ V theifffiirfl, A and to theizr whole” iecontdv Letter, VVC‘ flwottnlyimakethlxs Anfwer, A That after a long and fe-A rioue ”Cle1l1be‘rat1onlOf our owne ltntlrihfecall «Fowler V we Trul’c'(deti=vedl to us. by the: providence of God; thtoi1'g'hthe Delegationlol‘ the People 5) aaniclupon» like ‘Confi-deration of what we and this Nation have-A j fufferecl from the Mifgovernment an-cl Tyranylefl" ~ that King, both in Peace and by the Warres , Anal 4 conficlering how fruitlelle, and how full of Clgflgfir‘ and prejudice the many Aclcl_rs:;fleS to him for l5ea<:e~ have he-en, and being Conlcxous how tmuchv wee Q have provoked and attem pted G0c:l by tllenegileéeg Eel l J lo“? impartiall execution of Iufcice, in rclétionl td the Innocent blond fpill? and mlifchiefe done in the late Vvfilfffisg We have proceealed to fuch a courfhl’ A A of Iullice againfiltluat Map of blond, (as we dotififz A -not 3 the jufl God f(lwh.o“is rm refpeétct of Pem- ties and Peace be fetledl, Yes: we hopé we ‘fhalll ; V prefcrved from Confufiorgby the good will fhitn fans) cloth approve and will! . follow lwith; his bl-fife . fingupon this ,1-Ia.:ion.; And though‘ lCer«lm?ps)”we A F may meet‘ with many li,:fficnlties beforelmar Llifbae A tllatdweltin the Enfh, which burnt. andl was net confumed :, an-cl ch:-:7ll Courfe we. have takem with the ‘ llate King, and means to follow’ towards_0£hm's, ltllm A Capirall Enemies oflour Peace, is, *(“‘v‘V'c hope) that; which willbe far the gocxd. and halppiineflel of both Nations ; oflwvhich if¢hait(1ll:$z'atlmzv£_%fl§10uld lrlainke lfix; to malceufe ofl and Vsmdxcatc ;:I:“l1ezrl~rawne Liber- ty and Freed@“me(wl:1~iCh lies befote them, if they giveitlnorlaway) We Jfihall Tba ready, give ltihem V all Friendly and Neiglnlaourly affiflcancc, in the’ c» A =l¥ablill1§p'g thereof, and defire they would take it into lrlieir mofk ferious A confidcration , before they efpoufe that Quarrcll, which cal} hrzngichem no or ? -«char advantage, then the enraylxng them and l.the}r Pofteritles a lafting lWarrel C with fall Miferies -that amenld (it) A and Slavery mi: 1 T.yr;-mlnlt invtlm 41“-fluct. FlNl& & *%