FOR . _ .T0THE % Enghsh Proteftants of the Provinceof Munfier 11$. % I REL A N D. n "'—''---v--....-— %4 Tuczfiqy 14.1654. . ORderedbyhis Highne1's%th€ Lord Prote-Pcor, and « ¢ ‘Printed andPubliIh€d.; A , ‘a Landau. Printed by %Wi1zz;m guard and Ham,» Hwy, ——_.— E MP NITY His Council _., That 1:hisOrdinanAce be forthwith ~ K HemgySc0‘5ell,CIerk f % A Mof the C0u11ciL 1 Printérsto His Highneisthe Lord Proteflor, I654.-. .5. _.__ g—w-—-m ‘ up, ' , 5 A \ \\\ V N\.\\ AN cs I Fcnr IN 15 E P N IT Y tbthe" Engli/Z: Ptrote- Aflants of the Province! 0 f Mwgfler in I Srelmwl. ' V V‘ ~ L;: 3“? 4‘ V A a11IJd’Br;rrinaqa;g¢g; I ‘" " ~ A ff,&IIf€3 In the 13;0r;." I’ 1JlII£€DfMunHer in 11-5.. land I3IJl3I1€DBDzfecti~ v nnof$335'1’Lozns Or-a H A A m0fld amt Inchiquin mm Wm mm fx :4 ' Dzamn mum power: W 3A’/////%”7/7///" j ann policy nftlgefau m tljcit treacyecuas can V V ms to mm b z hflltalhbfitfiflfflihgrfiheingfenfihie of their of: fmcz,. anti retammg lhli A a 90011 afiectinrr to W inmefi Oftbwflntgtonawealtb offingland, 4 r4ee) T Bee mm a mi enh eminent trzfimmnp tijeteef in %7iTflmf arm ham emtetmce nee semi? men name figaiazutmgun mi‘, emu obemence m tbfi fimaarmnssmeamg, hm hmaehp fiijeaiemgae can-2 mseeeh eruenetee ae.em~mef W mm m:m1t:m’4tntbBeabemeucemftbe ;eemement L A meet miezntz-wp rznnztmn 20: we flumng nf Cork, Youghal,1{.infal€, Bandon,k1fifiDiUfW5 jfmis, fiaifiw, mm utijer fiamimts augments, any that at a time when ma Zfitmp ‘tmme thee. 4 J flmmmmm ofhis i‘aigi)11ef5ti)e§Ln;fl iawmtflg men men aheeuteen; nf Ireland, being at a meat mffian w fmxn tbenganh tI)z1m’ntm: feaihn ‘ewe memetm accefs fljeteof unmtiienu impzmhame 215? means ofe ihijicij tenmtiunehinets plating of A gtza.ttmng‘thIlJca:e gainer: Slnitijnut expense of ~ moon arm tteafmz, mm the ucczifities of we mum fuppippn 4» by e tijatepizntiful <£nunmp , ihijew many (wk sum muunnehémulmers were teremm> c1jm'fl)efiannp;nhimzh fog, by the {am BfittifliaimEnglifl1.1@wt¢fiflIIt5 5 mm mime me ti§m:e@ftI;e;Eai;e Brittifh ~i"mfiEnglifl1 Wutefiaztts w we em mf December , wne fljrnufann ‘ rm biixmzm fa H“ i p“eeeeen1g uhm tmvutimne W tmfueefiv sf W Wnwe Wee ee my encimvmeét feenfe fif ‘E0~u£1?ee_anen gum afimmne Jtntijzfante; mm the t’nf"wmue mm sf e;ti3em, 133302 nemuen uxmeermse cneuz:z§aerm!'%m'Eti}e: fiarlof Ormonaaim mm%Inch*iquin% umeueee ceffitv ittfnzcentimt £60 &~fuhmiiEm1I,%mefince one faitijfule fm:e'ce to their iain £ubezaee:1‘mnee ibis e¢°fi1m°neW$1w mam we melts ?1Jms§%ea'$ iew13~WI‘e we ?Lmfi%%}m‘:¢£€m2 smug mm zenith 9:raeee.enm:z wmemerte ~gmmm by anf $E}e¢“:nmt1w11n.bmitI)nfEng1eed,ém@V‘fieEng mu: ans watt the famweew he may peexmgmetu 4 ann (4693 mm ti)at%a11fuc1)aailamntis»-Ian iiritni ttjéit tmzun hp ttufizepzetmtations from their fidztxrz a’ manmtz, 0:111? tbtitpomecuncttbemnaeté .7389‘ W11 3 “P029 ¢‘i1r;11’%.,fuh:1Iifl’!nAn ,; nugmrn vefpect oftbetv fernzcc am: faitbfuinefg tit-ft Qf fume ggawann favour; any [:0 gm e:mt%)>dI= 13025305 may be fmwe, that vrm:nnes% cmttpfifzn, anD¢tI)eyma?he*‘cncom°age:bA%m vcrfift W their fimtttr V atnn Bhemitce, annf £i)m1feims,tbreit mznes * ann %cDz‘1n;cn be any man to am, am: he ufefuii to xtije dEnmmm1é>? mean!) 5 we z’t..e1Dznainen hp“ {ate iz;;'gyn¢1'g by arm with tan acme aim wnfent of W mama cz’1,£”nat all perfons .145 :tttt;;fl)@an!ta% jagatgaangg of, oz. ifl¢D9%19;ohi11c¢nf Munfler in the meant; 05 Irelahds flaaii bv,%%a1m &te%A%becei:?“%fre¢n, m;4%% quiflztcn ann% nz“fct)argen of, atmvfvonx au mm, %i11%fl5,iWIaitte.5,A tummy iiieihsaz§nts,3]%n1p;2:£on:mntti; 43];np;gg» § ‘mugs Wt: Wcaa mmw%,aFm&wures,~V.% wzwnmt % ’.33Zmubiz 0; fiwomtatton 1hI)att”’o4¢n¢piA_‘ (gww. A wmtrsmvaftw in 8‘ we 8-’? 33 "5 9+ 53‘ ('3 H mm cnmnttttmoznone Mm this Wtwre. ervzetren 112119 vfiilin 411)-0 Vfiiwialttent Hz?’ %att3fag M5 m _ tbatfoz the mfittziffi afow theve:&*%%a;a;u nmequeavatmn,¢onfiu-atnévifitxt;-manta Q‘ . « 1 ‘ m tp,1‘nzf2ttuveaza%‘untman: W0 ha; . ‘ ,‘_‘ tmuw mm ugema-z anp era tbali 1'5 iflflfifi zfilliaim Ueteafftcp ‘¢eppA;e s abilitwi»-=5 1.1 mput awe rnatme watefii“ teat am: fmlofau the ifiziwfbanb ozinvamt; »2nm‘mco€. 63:: 8 “W? ‘ - ‘“V"'V’ ‘ no ‘ m “ A ‘ . 1 \ M _ ” “"4 "J 1‘ 0 “ as: w *4‘ j’ I A (470) p‘ at nemm are hereby fceemh;m£c13m.M :%MaVcquittzMnMAnfatm Mfmzmtafl MM:b;zqu£fita mm'n%tm's immnau zxcwtcnan £;’%4mf:5,A <$%mfifcatinn5, ifinw, 1%e:naitiesM em ;M92«f:1Iai13M1s;I§4M§M¢£ mmtfnmcv, sf; any matter: jog, 312;; them ;o2.anp%% inf M tllmxcommmefing in:t¢c—a%fim;fam wavz am; ha Mz?mxneM=~M+M %:c~aIh:m; w an ialUflIU1KIQ¢U1§$,W 7jFt¢J€a m£5§%“.19Z1'3;li* iinzi aguf intsznts mm purpufzag, as they ENE \ ‘ “ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ~ 2 ,1 M.“ ‘ ‘ ‘ M ‘M , I M . ’ r W “M , . g,m1JM . 3* M I ‘ <. I _ a W. MM‘ in tr "MM ' V - W .;‘ 1‘ “W “* ““7‘ M M. M M h<>1“¢’|fil. '.\)€"/ U MM - M : MN’ . M ‘M “ Hf ‘ MM M L-u , M w , ‘ ._ _ V» -_ ‘y K A ‘ MM M M . ~<~ V M w ’ MMMMM M M:‘~‘M at 502M M L * L, : M M 4 M M ~ M 2. i ..= -M M Y .mc 3.0.- ” i ., M M ;M "s ‘ “M w- I ' - M m‘ ‘ M “ . , ‘ .- M . Mu - ‘ - M M - I y.‘ ‘ ., .3“ 1, H . ,=_ ‘ V W ‘ I .u ‘H ‘ I‘ M» \ .. ‘. ‘ 4 . . 4; ‘ MM MM . ‘- * C ‘ u M ‘ I, M‘ u ' M ‘ \ S 1‘ .v‘. I « ; ; ‘ 5,‘ _ 2‘ I m L ‘ w M ‘ ~ A ‘M In‘ I; ‘ "Mgr _“_,, '.w I M MAI Vu M M "Na ’ V’ * R‘ an‘ ‘ 0 “R 0 i . .':,ImEflD%fi.:E£'mQ.$B%&£g M 13193 M V finance . M Cw M xx Bgzcfiafm ’.i ‘. F - M4 ‘.5 4 ‘ ‘ M‘ ‘ .1 1 , ‘ " “‘_M“¢’,‘ ‘M V‘ “ 5‘ ¢ % A a .51 L , M Q ‘,1 A‘ M * M- “ M V ‘ ‘ I _ H3, , V _, V ‘ V M ' I‘ ‘ M~ A - A ‘ ‘ M I j;~ M 4.‘ M. M“; ‘K , ‘M 1‘ L. A g ‘ MM MM, . > 1," M b M‘ 3 yr’ " Mq«W'\v* .3. M M4‘ MM ,\ ., M ‘ "Man 1 " M M‘ . ‘ -. ‘ M. n 0 » D ti”! gmanh im %%%%VunitiJe£ vaafuiip gm 13¢: Ar 471) % M11» 4 ms, ‘ min gs 9 anD4m)a,tt;1es; at tbik gefelit to ~£i)?£ name of e%igsi)tkthufannpt:-mms mm M%pwlhaws, %%Eba1¢1 he immc rm fausfy arm wmwafluc@A J oz firm as aza11% hp ‘.,.pi£4rfDn%g: tbmffl mtianzis an b.e¢impnfw 1011 ‘tbmt, Illitijw in woeine onetijsfiafm"tbtfetaeu sum tmcnr» tifitbimy 40fl¢ti)flufaflNi$$% butmzew fifty %ViiBzbiBenit1fn,a11.IJ%be itmainen , bat 11VAa,nflVA ¢.13~.¢;1?P;t1)6 4petfon%annV minus D cntinuen tziflrnts againft t1)¢%%v3mce§ nf~At 6 « @%0iII»iI10t1*~-=113€iWJnf % 1®ng_1a1ICL m mnatrwfli wiatnce totije: fiinemp, after: tljé arttnay nf egember fl)0uf€t11 13713 BIIVtIDz¢IJ% anti. ffiutf?” W Aba%hz'n,@ Wfififitates Vibaxxng to tbz cleatr 2?€£wiv h8:1ue:(amnc%aI1%m32i5c£); fit“wnom1w fiz%‘%uvI1?atD£a.¢f%vacwzningfi%,tu 1:132 amz the 1 Iain t‘I€:% 1:71 M 1; to the mat a fine dymiéogm 3313111158 m:t1»l13:itv'D5ai111 hzmmtme13evchp%1w‘ iW% no ifati5fpv%annpap fuci) An; ‘ fl2ve11%?pevion5 ti) wnto. aut!3%0ztm%k4*h¢V an V ft V ¢I?€!‘it‘$é,L amnDvzfmVne«mw;hm“e ~ti0?; a V % mutant¢n;{petfun5tiJ¢:vm »camec z; % %fi2Bzfir;4a£ssh 1'uf1£:1ttfl.%on~b2;m . \ » if ‘H H mm 13 W" . ‘ ‘gé , H!" ‘ V‘ ‘ N . ‘ "H ,1 1 >‘ ‘ V I ‘ ‘ \ J _ \,;;'_‘..,“.:ir‘ - ‘ I ‘ ;. vj J: ‘ ‘, ._‘ ,, ‘V ' “ “ I‘ ’ I ‘ .‘ ‘ “ W: H .“ ‘ “ ‘ ,1 on ' ‘ , ‘ ‘ . ~”‘- J ‘ ‘ "M; “V A M . <4-m arm appopfnten;:in.aumctfomatina:1nn=tms.2= miné:1g gnjc Cmcompts of .fuc1)¢.%i¥iwt£%ann V 4 >‘:3nni'im’trsas are oz b&behee11%‘impfin:y£h%in WV al [ethicsofti)ts€fl:0m1mn1hcait1) in Ir€land5?>fl}7 4: he aun ate hmhp intpfllbzw arm tequitznta ftatzall anti anew tlgczlccomptg of fuel) 9&2 ficetsfanb £ou1b§ets;fo:.tbett %lm:%€a€5 Bflifllblf % hue fa; Afepbicc» I)£f0?.BflJi¢1'aiD Samooiyt %a'zmeif'z»;.; % Mction; lbljofe names ] Et)a11the cectifiehA'bpa11nV4 A accngning mtuwflznatificattonsannfiuzzflti-xi nus as £139? 11)a11 cecetmz ftom tbzi§Log>n% er; putpaunsflouncil in Ireland in :t1’)a;t‘~ b¢i)aif;2£nnA% ti,1z%faz*fIu$iLn2,I1 mtputy aim 41:nuu:;i1&a~vc lamb?» auti)ozt5enmIu appnintwtn anmtt1ta) was 132535 4 “95taVW91J°H1 P0f we various Witch Imflaftt: the ¢;onc.e1I:onsa'c£t abobe:::n¢ntioncn, as tljep gain upon Ihfl mm; 9«u1ni 5., %(unWVt1J¢ «Wit %i1It1I;1it1>A ant] W5031W°n%+tDtP%% pl=acz)fl)a1lfi:1n to ljane been: A awn w. in°zn2mot' 2; anmmgnonsugni 5 oftlje ffainvcturnM %iu{ % at 4% ¢ornmo*n===‘ ¢nzta1ru1es,? W flzualificationfi1Eo;t’t)z$guinancc of ¢tI)c%% ram ¢0I1tt.11~s’on¢13£iDf%c£mptstheteity a5‘ imp; fl)allrfizt waft; Qinb "tIJ¢ vfain“ aomnutfsonecg; tomccomncs ;fl?)M.1 ‘tbmuxantl mom to t1J¢M3i95°mD35°fAfuC7J 05 131)‘? {am A m59'”53.1“9%: ’ ?v%I10II113l111I31'1’lQ.4115’1'*‘3U1__'1J¢11§ ialikt “A4 hpme rem; A at M. . Aérfbr *%{1“a:ing» and decermii‘ woziscn 1i0f»4D°f02$‘ : 5; V%Tf?t1J¢ iwtlavs-' » 'a$infiitm; mg. ciavattmu, VMnam:e?i :3; znztaf Aewlagmtntj % m be mm: ymmman2 A hp ft1j%utbouitp afogziam, fliijat fad) of the Ifmw. iwm.%%an§:uimm:£ 4 A cumin 1:’ ' .% ; WW 5 A A A land , in 1tf%¢¢Mnne;:,‘z£.m 4 me“ asiVotf)ew%V‘iccw.s M @uuH3%%ar»zng;. vtthe‘ pnintw W %$CtLi?fl~f 19a?t1a;mm1t%toamcemz.% fa;£13211::E£vrmw,,gtumn¢nucfm; fw Vick name: the m ¢ arm tmmtteflj uf%% un¢,atw tbunianmip; 1%znminena1ma£eaa, §ou1nim:fl)al1hdz camhlenf ljahzingwo; was . A V in no tlztp agm§1% ; . %m,:sn;g4a1;a Tm tuitijc menu? vlf1nte% the ¢e.::Mc; ‘WV fl)°“fa““ ‘#1? Dttflmfl ffitzw 0% 1j;afi)~nt manzfc!’”mn; VcMm'nfmntvAVAg~nm J A w ‘ "_,’,“ V‘ mty ‘ ' ‘V’ Y 1'‘ ‘vi, 1 m11g_ 15 z u 39 " . ‘N, ‘~ v. ‘ .,ig ‘ ¢ r: A‘ m the M . er “Ir ar%vifon~§ am: 3? 031: in xm;un::’men§% fl