{ L AfiRde‘i'ed by chePa1*liam»ent, 'I7bat;’1:his Decia1m§.m’§1 bf: «A L k HiSHighncfsy%theLorddPArme6t on wsfié ¢ % HIS HIGHNES M he Lor %rom9cor XI AND THE ‘ ' . ‘ i, ‘ “M n‘ .. W‘ .,- ,- ‘) “ - , ‘ vs ‘awn -‘ v.‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ »~ ‘ , ‘ 5|-3 ' ',’ I“ ‘ ‘ _‘ . ‘H é ‘-.'i'« w-‘’ ~v,< ‘J ,2; >»~. 1 ‘ .‘ mm ‘.,:t.‘ '1 ,, ,, ‘ 0? TEIEA on‘nrnonWea1d1 0fEng[m/id, SC7’0t!tlfi6[9é1?11(‘_i ‘ Irelancl9fo1*aDay of Solelma Faffcing V A and Humi1iati0n‘in the? Threé Natiansfi E; ’ ’ ‘ _____;,,,_- ,.......5....., ‘ ‘ A ~. A‘ ‘ « . paraear . — A__¢—-—gea—'.<-4 :¢='="_"4‘ ““"""*"“"“" ~ Tuefday thedgm%0‘f%Séptcwz13er, 1656. ~ ' f0rthvVithf’rim€dAand P¢ub1‘ifl1ed~ gm.» Scoé»~e[Z,ClerIeaft£;.’Parliamem.% -..__ %A*W""»”*2» Pfi%ntedbYHemHéI1s» and §”v=5?¢4FWé Print€i‘34ti0 A ..—...—--q. -'....‘.u‘,«' , ‘ ‘ . . .~ - . ,1" e L % Proteé‘tor and thePa1"liamc-:11t of the Comm momvealth of Eng/mzda ScotImzda11d Irw- lands for ad;-zy 0{kf1e1n11 Fafting and Hum ‘; "J ‘I ~. V ' « w“ V‘ §"*“*“~ Ww"'”.~' , V % ”~ ‘ .‘.” u 2 , w ' 4.. *4 ,"r I 's' ‘ , I- 3* 7 Mu,~ ‘~~-— . . v‘ M“/v‘ ' ‘ v_ _ “.‘ _ ~ It _ .. 1 flu “ W. ‘ V 3' V If 4 '- . V- "‘ .r . ‘ ‘.'--‘~! ‘ V"; I U: A miliationin tl*1et11reeVNationsJ AT {'3}? A batw been flutifgfifid A & W5 Gf mm mm fa: D15 ‘J/“” r:i$‘.“’,;""':;, F pmplm'1wI):’§ nut genetatirs ' I ~ mm, mm tmnz as mmhut A inmft fay, Iris Marvell0us in our €y«=:s1:i{Rn’Q none $5 @1)2ii’a’an£,* but muflcw ‘ mIt%;.:, It is the _L9_.§ds H mm‘? D n%"zI‘féanp my in time of mm, ann um: mfims pm; fwbatxts femijtg face: in min, neither am he mm term a, Deaf mm the BN5? Of Vmeefimgs. Who can uftcr the migh-=~j % ty A515 Of thfi L01‘ C1,? W110 Can {haw forth all his praif-— €53 But Ifi‘a€1 :dothn"®‘t;kfn0vv,§. my [peopIe4V doth not ww- conficler, fozfittije numi of ms!) unequailciz an» figt1a1!IIEt(:t'£§,I)flm gteat bat!) been, a;t1Di3 out ingratitube am untfrnitfainefs e czfly met), that nutijtngcatgbz greatmhut tijattnepbauth enmetcp, naijicbljitifittu bat!) notmnfumen Jltfi. ‘4 bz1)I3u1D%ti)'€ 1023 fay unto us’, as Ofltfi mm ‘W0 Ephmim, Ephraim is ioirafi unto Id«01s,%1et himalone. matigeanp féntmteIbuumb c t out Defers‘. fig infenfibilitzrig mu: atrium. minnthetooxuw arm ompunmament;fa; heennzeitehfiap mfiittffifi, D35 A A ¢ } A ‘ 2 V mm . (2.) i mm mam fly gamgemmt :2 Ah finful Naticm 2’ a people laden with iniquity, a feed of evill doersgchiia 4 drcn that are corrupters, they have fogzfiksn the Lm.-d, they have ‘provoked the holy % one of lime! to anger; thfiy are gone away backward : Why fhoilld ye be flricken anymore? ye will revolt more and more... A fig iime fem wows no flbaractmgz as M fwwigvnzm may mu thnfe nf Juda tamijmu mm» mm Wit woken; fa if that fat: Ebznmnziammt flymiw am he nut @nom,imcc»nu1n not yet but acmwm:-5 {wigs 5 the Lord is righteous iniall his Wayss , and imly in all his W01‘k‘SJ30fi3 DWNP DRDEWE gflflfififl om: mm won , in not xtwutnmg as we in than as am that qunmtnetij fa; U15 fiWt-mgm, * fa; that iE¥3§;§n&¢a v;§_E!11£E1zf5 arm ihiaflenitlizffi ? ti) at ifi ffiitiflfififliiungfi W5,‘ men annex mm £111) : mzat!i§ 0f ktmmlejnge, pcfazntation anjlzqmgicacz, ifififitfitina fmfihte unmet, nozisitafiijngieiirana 3 o EUR imbm e 813 of us: ‘away ‘ rename .;‘1!E>7Yx1: .c;a» rnmefii upon ‘$T11W!£!ll§§1§§.»fiJ%€fl?5 if not nip; 1ni)en”e'iiér1> Swfinginuat vat!) jbeipen tflafiii $_.E7“1€f&fE1Wi ef tigmfz [mg afmi% mmcbi mci), ifluugizmemmzw tn fmmAm., an flQtia11pznvffiQ 11wa::m~i5 fa fulw afimfifii ‘, zihiwla tG.i%Di5iE;WPai 5333118 ¢i"¢¥¢¢9W~ i 5%: wlect anniii taut; 0 ,I'n 9-! iiiigiii W - ¢ If ‘ ..m, ‘\;H‘. Ix ‘v ‘r’; P A ' « i V V if i H», V‘ i “,2 1 ‘ H Y 5 J j . a W _ ‘ ” 5”” an -L" afifi ucmas am gigs mm<.‘.~L1\_ - W “._;,,l ‘ mum...“ nf,ii ,,_, %% .. 1 ‘ . ,n‘_'.« ,i, 4 F333? iantamneway :05 fpzV§@E§§ ‘1g*§.;€..[.ij,.«; aiiaifiei ymn we “ _‘ ‘ ‘ at fiI3U£¢11“9E?!1¢I:$ zvbatb 1% VChari~ty, vvhich is the bond ofEpf6é’cfiefs,§m %%:fi:u$1b§jiE'§/Eififi? hgwfififiéfi 9&3 fb1zz1ding.B1‘2d§, or a <2» ¢ wen mnmzzgfit zmfmhzfi jE~:@—$EE§fi€§?fl?£3§ mm mmijmmfigm mm mm? mmeatm mg wings ~m'i'mamim , mm mm tinckiinig Cimbaliz @338 mm mm anmfitfigm ‘£3 mm mm éfigmammmmzaenét, new, figim gap imam m f ijilfi @”éiEM'mfif5’¢ By chisfilafl all menknow duatyou fl w;¢%I3fig:r§e%;¢;a%2%a€a%t% in fins ‘arr.-2 my Difcp~1cs,if you have love one to Vanother,mM;g flaming ‘am’ezrcmwimfmm§$,aJzaQ;e mum m mama ma*s;ma%i52 6 \ ijmsj m Wégawtijzxtx, um aJ§““%me fwmfmmi faw mm mfi) mm fawn *W:$B~£$%'%€n3*s m'¢m;<3f mu; _ _ % ‘fin mam hung mm» fenfxme 5 £mfi:“ti}magi) we §M:;*;'m’11tB)£ mptzw 36 his mz’i‘maaw arm * 98$ mm W , W m‘3W~‘ rang T F fifgflx M A " W rigimnusw amgemlent, %)&m)_%%mgT%V§@§fl;aw mam Wt , _WW.._., lmflrmzitififi in mm fiiémwgtfis mm mm m£n”$Tfi%ea‘§"a%Jw%%é1c fimlc Um mmm.m::mz££E1p mm: team fm my mnm%z, a%§;a..££; 1%;:zJ:J%%f;3.a%z;,m:as, mm %3&%‘as+%%駧E;0i%:1»eB¢De2It mfrm amme @ k -nhvlvvnnmoavm. faefi7mgf;;J:n'§" fi:mm.. V gacmamten agar, him téaén ?m ma1mm % igb 0%? 5-, %§$%méfi:éca1 arm mm’ mm mfimaawnipastamn tmmabmbp 1i0::m1§,y m§£&'-Swarm W mm mm psrrsiiwt nfg@Wm%Z”§ M twzqmsigmg mm t % imtaifotnm xmmy Dam fimm fmm wait mm mi} M13955 Lat fidicean NR£j<,A £TfiWi'EE fijmmfl rich“ and need 0% nothing , émimmm wretch- §d, and II]-ilflfirafilfij a poogand blindgand nak€&,f‘ i) am we agmiw zm$¥i1amt¢% 4,% by min ’ w in mm -imetijfie mmzmus fijavtfifieifiyvimg cimwfia ~ $21 haa§nmwJ$§i%% mfia.¢é5&3 fimfi W Ema mm: aw & W’9:mrnaz%§i3;as wéz \ .,.._.,,,v.,,,W..».,A M‘!-M»: ( 4 > _#%V?3§3§?$3%’» % A 4 mm %mm: Em mmam flag sf fijfia éfijzzajfzatingmfii Mmm awn am we we mnmm in maam m we mm in we fim M new mm mm iwfimvm mm mmam’M7$m'0n 5 ‘ . 1 an am am mama mfmfimzaz fmmm mm mm: mm mm wznfmfi mm mm m) W rm aweamjig mmfi) 3 am that he mm fin 1% fi‘~mznms* mm M pgm€m¢ga%m,zgMaambe Em mm m tm am M wigs m gamma. a % % ' fimi 1% Wm 3 mm mfmt we mefignfi, W M amfia to ifi “% r‘ “ 3 mm my ,' tmit Wnfafifififiawaififiwfi§mwa%”m%@a€% an ¢'§w§§J):E§5;mAa R. ¢ "'%'1Em$ m%mmm“w€n ax a‘§%m§.':*;~:; mmmm W mgmaififafa mfg m€_i7@t%§§Eée w am A &§E mighty Councellof W ijffillfi mm mat fiemnzainawsat mm mm: ’%rm:maw mum Vatijwt. ' am 132 mama in a1i’& ma*rag§ min’: fimam we ximm mm mm mm? am mm? mm gm: mam %amm’z $%,1;£AmM1a2a5;.mwfiijéfi mi: ””VUn.i:ie, *m)m ofthc: 3pi1‘iE3In tbs hxcfi Bond, ease; "£21m M imp em: apmmz ahmmnmfifi W aim fa $1) 99 may ahmarm in 2emm§,.* A mm was am ma fljmugij the tznmmmh: gimfsf sf am:®$3,tmi'@ time 5W~?£inn§,a.i‘mz: zaztgzmgzmw a:mm§m»mn£5,t1z:5w he fiktm mum ~f§’fif;f§_)E%Ci1:i+§gj£$¥»ffl«£EY§3?&j$§@21§ mf fififiitij, g;mp,fi@%£a$g,! Wfififi mg mgnpm ijenmfwgfi), d«;3ivered%%f;%A;a—2 V A L57?€E§§ém§§fiEs1¢1n1€S~,m9:y fi:1‘v£:h.'s.m4Wiigfnom i7mr%i;rzE-§Q%14in€&f%Tg, ‘5‘§fi"3WRi.