l : ll (”M3‘9) % V ” YA€l”CAlll‘l'£l4' l‘1’ol£tl’c,w. 4 ~ W Comprifing the <9: will U A Nwfilkyf. ‘lance; lwiitllh thafifialiw and sléggm A A V mmwlalm l'0m:_ in Elm tlh-rm: Nzationfi “(if “ A * ~ England, Irelaml, A and 3cwlM:dl”V,F%l lndafence f cAheCommwn~wm:lllrla3 AM 1 3 For Inlmmawsim of zlm ?enpm. ‘I I33 vcrwrc Syria». W M. paw .1 l ” dfl Q fimmm TlnurfJ4}“Nlovcmb.6h.ce Tbmjfda; Nolabilg A A %-l -an; ‘-5 _ ” fills, in a due qualification and fucceflionol‘ 3’/4a now am: of qucltion .- l But aslzhtre is a time Ila, > 1 A t” cafe of Liélertj that is but newly refcucd the Swmd, 0ut.Vofthe claws offiegaflfljramg, ” there lifis fume difficultym thecimingl of that Saeacafian. Fm-,1t will " Hat the Safety and Lilmty MA 1pr:opl¢cm§g,; VA A thcirSxzpreme:Aj]1-mbliex, is (Wcluppofc) l forevcry thing‘ under lllthelllsuns {o ,l in «the be neceflarlly pr;-fumed , tlm upomzhe clef: of a Gizrllllwar, A which ever lhalccs the very Frame‘ and Fundamentals of al A ‘A A Nat'wn,’many things mull be out oforclcrgkalpmm there are; ~ 4 that mull bér€fi01”ed.;Diflamtiom»tha.t'.mul’tbc minced; and A wounds that mull be cured; Sctlmwlxolc body broughtfilnno la. goodflmmfie or l;-zcaltlxful t:E1aer,bcf'orethe patient be lcllm A live at its own liberty 8: pleafure :. which being ferioufly com A A fidercd, it will mfily be gramtedgthauz none can be more fit to ' Veflizfilthis, then thofe old Playficians that have attended all I...Hllll; A .me tl1eFZ:: and ”D%‘flemper:, and befl: fiequaifit?ed‘ ‘with the cc ofttim Bedy. asthis is [39, an the 3.. er fide 3 m A flat {heir fa£a‘a;ndquiec living abiing §%itc:ma“§ifi the fpz :‘*ce1i 1:. nmneths from the data hegeafigwithsam Eit m.:h as cngagemanr, any quefiion, trouble,-or dammage far my pafi afitg or thmg mega tbs ti me rafwar, or in pmfccntim: thereofi That has: Ladiihips Chaplainesfi Mr. Samar! Rutter, and Mr.» Hgmd, may have and enjoy the fruits of the xsext yegre ,, whim mi! Em dug % upsm Es:/ft‘? day next, after tweive atlack acnwn, gm; (:§ié§zg cc» sthe »$%:3fiflme :22? cm Cuma.-ray; whetheg they engaagc Fegrthei Swe gig Efigw % %lm:d or me 5* and ta have pews: ta make ialc B£%ta‘re“ham;i exit thaiie fruitmafidj can have fuch [ale cmnfirmed by timfeL.;i:3pmxjes[ fmm the State of Efigiands and if both as eithsx «of me {aid Chaplains, ihall withén an: yeare ezjggage xvish the faici State-, :henmte41.fi§2ja:w their 1% vingsin as full manner as any miner within this» Iflaxadg, am g;=:1§Ii where elfa :1€9therwife theymae or bath gram} {hm have fu§mi§ntpaf* M ifcs to tmnfpmt zhemfelves and gaods am farraigne C-mu‘ntri&§, an Afar thc £13366 of 92:16 yeaw, net :0 have any «math or emgagamem: me”. fmccé upon them. V That the Hmmz {hip belonging ta Amfierdmgnaw a€‘P:£§l¢, beta» ficared; C0 the Oner,-and her Ladifhf to have command:§he[‘uaf far her mney if the pleafe. A? L That 31} ®fE£:ers,Sm11dicrs1,and ,¢GentIemenT, an&&%aahersugaLn aha filrrender of the Gmrifns, _1h%a;1I*ma1chj ouwviththeir ‘traveiling fi.rms,c1$thc3 , m0nies,a4nd '“O°th8§’ nccaifaries, aaa rhanzite enjigy ‘withaiitf impv:d%ime%r.t m i§:e%rrup:ion éurimg the ;fareLfa; mm. That dafiflg*fi&r>I.iic¥i{hip‘s abndehe%re_.na’ violence Bull be data: at o&‘e:wed§t%Em %1«3¢55h‘Pa0? a‘3Y\°f, \ . the Gentlemen? Sfialdim-5,0: athcrs me1ude&4 m thefe Articles. Tha:thetimeK§*anTd phce, and mxmibefr Qfgperfmza be agreed upma i 2 meeting upon ch: treaty and agtearncm zipm thcfe liémpaifals. aadfafe conéuags upon bath parties. % % , > That the eanditians ta be agrfiaé upan far HI?!‘ 1351‘?! 1‘ my 9;“ Aer mmpainy or goad%s,m: :9 any the: ineméea in the Pffipfifiiifimsfllfiii be cemfisrswed and mad: y the Csurmcll cf Staté in Engiaamand the Lord Gamers-11% eramnvefig And {hag Bggfikifififiid engage hrthe famé: a. _V 4. L . * f fit‘ mmawhava Ins pam»-at cular Paffe when had iseavc MW‘ ¥ Thefe11¢r%Lf3d}*¢?§ mg ms 31:. % nnlefgiwehaé ham asmfi 3}‘? 0913- 233:; may imagéifie) mlirlé 3% wemm u*tmm tfm W?” %f€“*% [1197] V M ‘ A Bmm iias-therefore detained that night 5 amp: next.m.%§. ning bein the 0 day, {cut away withoutllany anfwer acvallg 2 A Cafilc, partly fomcltcfl by tlaé 0fl"thi:l5T¢llic j A onely he tong thcrnfucha Mcifage, thazchesillalllexpefi-la ed ewmrly hour to hear from us in other language, fcwas l M flu): had been exchangcd i th0ugh’o1_u- fiege. had bear: laid fcveral days clofc to the wall round about. T A * ”‘ The 3'1 daywc [com alT’d the landing ofour Gfanadd A flaells, Mortar pieces, an great Guns , which being met’: «om lhorc, the form of a civil Summons was rlefolved upongwhich ll though it were mvct (cm; (for we had nb occafimrz) yet.’ tafic “ as follows. A ‘ V Mwdgm, A Lthough ourvifihle preparations in fl» nee: la-n appcloachl ‘ - A -to you, Cannot but give f'uffiCie%nt: notice!-“whofc férvanm . we are, and what we are came aboue; yet in ~t¢z3clernefst@- 2 wards your’LadiChip and fame others with yea, alwgtthcr " A unfit to befo much as 1' éhtors of, much more‘ fi1ff¢tcrsin the fad events of undi inguilhingallaulta, we have conxelill cendccl to {end you ‘:11: lumof our nef0lucions;in ltlxilsllmotc .£ormal‘wa of fnmmons, Tlmbcing commanded ‘byltht Counccll 0 State, and the Lord Gtncml of the English forces am zzcduccthis Ill: as Man withull the Cafilcs, Ports, and ‘ Ammunition for their fervicc , We do in the name, anal for the fervice of the State of “En (and , demand this Rgfben Came to be delivc red up with a lthings and pcrfons ltllmetein tonhe mercy and difpofc of the Parliament of the Common- l wealth of England, which the foonek you ar1fwc:rlourexpc..._ A .&ations in (for we are not fen: , ncitlrer fhallwe {pend many V hours in complements) it will prove lmumclm the bcttcr fpmyou all, and will render me mute: capable of Lcxprcfling mylfclfil 0EIob.g1. 1651. l l A ‘ l Tam» Ladz'jI:ips]?rwznr., Caftlw-Town. % ' . ‘ p Robercnuckcnficld. fin: while thisftayel'Vfon1c twig, xmtfijlly dergmjiqgd cojbc fcnc , but raghcr fame flaarpcrsuminonsj lzaltgéil there was a dnfconcctitlgtherafly atii fouldigri 4; , .4 mu: al «.- flmgsr ._\‘x ml 9 i. k Ward &tIml1 and tewa imd .:.u E1 m:t:I?‘§d fi1au§%té1a%ijrAhasndsg psm tfiFt,' fixer £11 23:? 0:: him’ Ptrikefl, they called «mix: for 3: pariy ; and hofiagm ‘ma ‘iglg given, Sir Tbemzaaf. flrmflremg, a. SwjA§'/9L Kvziilgbi 3 Ifla‘Lln3 4 éamc “Fm-:l:a%a*s irfifs, Wsré xar:?fzsw1‘ed Liaevt. j §Y¢¢et_wasA%this asLfl1oweth.% x u an} the Ri § of L %9I1%th€VA one . \‘ 1‘ ‘ ~wh0 W535 icLjh2..})a 3 cm in 3 wh§c h an I M it $ her $3 A €XNfi1Fl'énd‘I7ifig the Cafil"e Paw €ajPcieAasi%fllowetfia dnance,and.6:her zriaktériafsof Wa I1i1a1“be’ V1, iiimd “ 1 I a clmk EQ m‘m'row;‘m the ferenoon, into thégkmméfsyaf éffuch V ficekfir or Ovfiiaccrsasthc Commander in chic G121i%appoi-3; afi" \ ‘G . p V ¥ 3 A ¥ Cv°mm{?* adcr inch‘ .i?ne2§E, Ch: L E; mfi r at flice rs, as] ¥ ”.1f‘fz;ait%%;a..A1J1 goods; in both «_thg:: abovenauaedvCa{‘iIcs,;lbeiongimgxo fiiomimifs 0}" I)zzrb‘>,‘fl3:;I12z.i:"%tih1e%'l€imc: of rcindition f Ecified invents--A V‘ J % . , -s rried, and£e.uured;ax1&fg.sr:I1c:r%r<3Vf‘er1*cd anti fubmitted. to the difpofe anal gslmfiurc of tI1c:__I?*.11"1¢i21x%xx.r:i1*1r.cf Erzglzzrzd. V % “ ¢ 4 V 4. TI1at%z1i1_q:erhu* goods. v'v'hazI%cever,except wearing apparel, in -both; C;a'i"th-":s,"" be 1‘i‘%l:cwife invcn tC1‘i<;*d., and fecured, and refemd, and fub. z11itt:*:d to%th&: difg>:r?;i'E an‘dipk:21f1zre of thc%Par1iam€nt%L_VOf Ezzglmd. % % M _ M5;{';TI1E1tAthh€ Knigiits, Gcmlcmen, and pther perform Whatfc:eV*e-am bjiu th 22:24: ~fa§d.j»Ca{%"1¢s:, {hail haw Quarremnd be‘prot_<":&<:& by tE;”i€3,‘CO~iI1': 1'x72ai*z:"z‘a.~‘&?r'im:!1icf,"fi"m11'any hemn Whac»f~ecv*c%I:, agaxinfi théir plcgrfons, by cm}; £$c.1ai<:r uLnde\r.l1is.?:<‘:§_x1unancl, or any ethtf pk.-;rfdn winthis -1fland,am§ ‘ f 12311 n<2t11;1%%vc:ixi:j1y 'Wear1;ng Apparel taken fmui thennpr pmvarc: monies <3-ut ‘0~f' rhc1%1“'?pc%%Ck£fi’tVS% »5% »a.n%d fucfh cf th¢Wr}Ia.c;vt:s%_a*s are m :1he;%ia§d.Ca:fi%1fiS - .fIr13.H have1ibEft3§*fi%$.t€; 1rc;§11ri1 to "their fe?v«;€mI hé‘::»i%ta;.rions., (:1. jfl1%at%i'I“1c%;Krx§gEf1t$.;,j _ §37@'l§E1Cn1L1] ., and .0th_€r fimngérs, T?affes"’ frozti tii:-fC3<3r1f:i1;§i11dcrin%chief,' E0 go: cc tI17e'i?r féwgral Cquiitries m Habitarion’s', they a€t.in“g zgotlyixag fircjudgcial tc3 tIf[1e Par‘1Mian1ent;of % En Mind. , . _ %,_ V‘ _. 3 % 1%. Thatf the ,Com1tcfs‘ <55 %“%I‘3’;87i?“by;, 4 W'i%thW.,her Qh§»ild ren,axjd wfervantghqva libmrty t:3“tm”nfpor't \th€i)l\ff§3;§'éZ’$ Eri;g%_;ag};d,’..t41jé§rs:“to make what appli- c£1tiQx1;tQ*:;th€ Pa;'Iia111g11;;,;;%£}1§E £11311wci1.ivuk%“fir,V,.’and from whence. t:-.?c>‘%}_<>‘ii;i*’{‘E:.‘ mm H»9lim2%d, or Frarzce.,iffhe pIc:_a‘fi:-; % 1' 7*”? % ~ .. % “* ; A; :2 J - flaom.-z5;Bz'r'c7:.V. 1'boma: A1*71z]I*ron‘g..V »wi1JmmMiz“cbeI. £S'aznuel1*{ufté2r.'"% ” M” % ’ Approved by rm %~ .« % ~ QC... Derby.‘» 7 ..«~’f;‘z Accozmr of" tiJe.Ait7ne:, ~cmd‘AnrmuvnitiAa724., and Provvij§onin‘L i/Je new Fort or Andrew Fort, delivered to? Capt. Fr; Duckenfield, 04205.26.‘ 51:. .lmpri‘§n2?;, V ' ~ 3: S-aker of Iron. A V b _ Half abarrcl of fhoteparings. .3 Iran Minipns. A . 38f Barrels of Lead.‘ % 1 5:; ‘-Irdii FaIl<'<3msA.’ . A‘ ‘ “ ;; H % 7 14 "Bars of Iron; ~ % ;2%BrafT¢$V;Babbix1ets€. * ‘ _ ‘ . .1 Pairof white Colours. 1";Ir0n‘MIx‘rdercr.'w‘ * % " A AA % Prom/ifiofz. , 22:, Musket'$g‘M“fl* ' % 16 Barrels of Herings. :3 Musket bar1*<'£I»s:;. % IQ VBarrc:Is ofbay-fhlt. 4 Fowling piecc~ba1*rc:Is. A ‘ % _ Near g barrclso~f*1$arVIy. % <5 Barrels of‘poWd=er.? ‘ W I % 2*%%‘%.Hqgfl1cads%,;,1. (he barrel 4an,"c7l~ m« Neéesra Tu4nof%%M?atch;*?%‘$% %‘haifof%‘Oat%‘mga%1._ , . 80 Sakaérfl1ot.% ‘ A"IfB;arrcl‘bf ~Vir1t§{é,;;%a‘1“;‘%Iialf 'a%iBm2;r- 25,.'2?~”‘VSI14o't for’ I\’iini%<:&‘n,"Vand' othar “_ rclof Ryc:“;, ftincfew coaIs,ancI frmdlpieces, V H _% -A ‘ pi¢c::s'ofVw'oodra%%% burn; V ' 5;: Ean*€1s%V0f Muskefdhot. % Atfiazrr/E‘¢*,B$4y; - 8% *~Carta%rages of{fho*t:‘ AA “ ; j1“;;“W¥1oIe:C11%1verin%;,:; 9 “ % % V 45A-Cantara«gésiof,Powc;er,ready;fd>;*A-Ax.“‘F§flk¢;jxne’t’a,tjfih¢-Ibw Fort. A * ?t1; 1€‘¢P%i”¢Cii‘s-'* * V M ‘“* ” ‘I "13is‘f‘1?X1i $i‘”!;1%1’v%éi*1:‘.i!f1L,9g 7; La ¢0f11fidc:ra%- +5»; Has1d—grana,db”%fl1¢iv$.+V¢ W ‘ *’%bIc:.=Vf;gjj;1éi%ntity%%%bf% mot. % % Mmmm“11I%m”¢fl*A2¢ A L " «4: h a ;4j>aft.§eul§zr ff A I Sl'mg—-piece ether," wrrhour firnkmgtt, % t ‘ he james Robinfim; so Barr:-lsof -Wheat. ‘ 6 Barrels QfhPeafe and Beans. ' 12 Barrels ‘ofTat. T 2 A Cakes of V Pitch. 62 DaIe=board«s.‘- » 0nctt1inofn tearms of honour andauzxty \ between “bath parties. And to ptqxeaat future difputc,; betwixt you and fl1ips,fl1oulc1 in%yo%ur Havens-,';t but at Sea to be equal‘? Mon-W’eaIth”,.,"y€tf_thCy are ” likcit. hush, abouthfirikingfail in t’1Té*';54£.§xf‘1‘oWfeas,h thehstatesh General have orde- red the fcveral Courts of Adniiraltyt to confider ofthe«bz_1{_inefs; % ‘Tome of them have (titf3€:H1s_) determined it as reafonahle, that ah out and anjizl "upon y0L1I“CE3.flS, ft-ti.ke“{ail to yours; dlfillhflthé to mike; 01‘ both nQf‘fiI’D=tC, each , mt though you‘! arethe t .qfung‘er Com.- afctl to allow you an aqua ity, *' and itarrd epon even tcfirms ‘With”‘a~yO§u5firithin yourDomini0ns,H if you pic SI'mg"pi€C€S,Witlldllt Chambers; ~ 1 Bcdftcad. 1 Fea- afe W, Front.- W l “fxzcrj A Fx~prp§_I3lub1ivlg_V lofiober go. A This“ “(lily the cezstaimylof the Rxrrcndcr of Lifizlrflctfl/{V wasbroughtmll this City‘ by Cal. Pretty. The Lard be blcflbd for [9 grant a merhy. ‘ l A l h A Your mail humble fervant, lmxzsm Bgfig, From Cafiaell, Qftoberlzsa l ‘Thi§ clay I received Letters from y Lard , I. and othets, touching ” the agzmgncntj far the furrmder '0f'lLz»1rz'cl{, concluded on Saturday. After the planting of the: Battery, andlfiime flmrtl play, the: Gwemp l T h fem: to thccommi_[]Zo21lm to conclude a furxendcr 3, which accordingly they did_,and the Governor with 2;: more, are excepccd from the be. ncfft of the ,2/‘gffficlci ; ll whiclalarc much like clmfc of VW'.—t:~rfard,“ one]; they ditfcr in this gghatthc SQ1dif3l1‘$ were ta march out,~.leaving'then- Arms behindhthem. . This I thought fit to haficnfo-you,dchfi:-ing you to {and notice ‘hereofto Cc3140ucl.Cnalg, my brother vfxrcll, and so the Cdmmiffienclrs ofPar1ihamcnt:ifpQfl1bly you can; Be am-xred tis 3, truth,and 1:: God have the glary, l Your friend and fervant, l l ' V M l - ' l . A h . ‘ Him'6=*?1 \9.ZT1;f_£_,“}..v % % From¢Licu.c. Gcncrall Mon]; at Dzzndug Oétobcr .31. Al 'A'I‘hcre’sl nonews 9f the young 9 Lads being bare in Scazlazzd. , it is madancxy reported by the (flat:/J’ people, t my be is ; either A in Holb .4221 or Fr3zm:¢_. whi»ch%I verily think he ixsmmc ofthe peoples hearts l are much hcightixedl in hopes, althh-ugh I ltnow no"rcalhn they haw: f0rlit,un1'Lfl"r:i:,bc fortherir own wine: in cafe he flwuld attcm}_~t“x M. L aim _:, but Ilbalitfvcllucxis more wilt then“ fo. Argyle hath‘ lumm med 3. Parhament, for what end ‘uzinolt yet knowmthc people gcnera-W are dcfirousofa fecdement , and m orderco with have drzwnl up {'0 me p.. *=tiricms in rcadineffc :0 be pxefcntcd to the Commi.fl3un-ersl A which are to come downgwho-VI will: they were. There laludcrdl hare ll ;,8‘0f€hlS_llFlfi1fltCW("hUfldl‘Cd recruits cf the foulre hu-ndxredl M which were ifcnlt pLv:_of C010n€*ll Bdfkflcdds R giment 1.. llilncend lflmrtly to place 1 Garrtfon at Abndeczz, and to fendColl. Qwrtozz thit- . thcr; I 1 V fntend when more horfe arc: cc: ml: out of E7;;gl.17-M“. to place a Gap;-if :1. about Inxcrncflq. The lamencfl}: in my knees doth ye: mm}. l nu¢,but I hope it willlhorrly be, away. l % A l followers a_erecon1fohigl1,;z-s tohnaxngfllhirml !elhzii7?!sl;tbhe'G2'rat, fince his V . From“ Paris the eight of November, 1651; l V M % Otwithflanding all Wham hath been reportccl abroad of rhelliiufg of‘ . ‘Scots his landing at Diepc or Nctwhavt-m,yet we arcinf'orm¢d that; he hath bcca incggnito at I-1;;.glh,fro;1wv?V1e:nce we lfl2I&*C"rCCCi:VCC1 Letters“ 1.-o.cha.t purpafc; laying furx:her.,Ths.t the lD.of‘ Buckzngham efcaped with him: We hear rlorhing fx.1r.t:11c:r of the Iafi. So all chc‘f21id Kings various nzlrrzxtivcs of his adventures, have been only {b many jtricks to movclthc j ‘‘ ll pit of lxis he;talre::rs.;.8:” raifin rlmma hlghflcfiggcm «ofhis Warllke prudc-ncle,,l " and of theln1ira%.<:1c‘Gc5d l.i2ich dame }forhhit1afla.£l* rligy think. Ycw.,1‘om*eE his, A l he «'1€f5€ag:_E«Ie%mug:h praifos i1i§fI~af1 'rA:*m3};;;o1Ad’oo駣’c?;*1to%‘f:ave charged in per-- 1'fo*:1fh?i‘s“<:*x*mri1i“*&:s*’ti1xién iii‘ t“Eu*:,‘o‘§"*¢:-_*a1:1iof;4.~>§;'«‘L!eg%i mon'1:s. Things az“&;g-rowxm to 1iz¢§1=“3n':ig§“£tV h<:;;*~t:;,tE"17:£t 21p1pa.reé1tiy here "ié, no ‘way f4:«'I"a11“aC<;Oi1m&3d21tiOfl, "§r"I‘a‘e Pro.c:f=C'on%c1ohao::§1opo1‘i5e—oi%d hiIi:f::hfoOfXZl;i:1&€$.’ goo. of t“i1éH;ing%s 11:.-I1}: com" jg to Ahindczr hi's11,«*.;-vc‘::‘eIcptalibci to the: wiry garcea of Angou- }c:fix1§ list}? ofonroof {£0131}: od °U:i g2u‘o11ofc,o Md ~t:~o»1h;w»chg~_; mocivcgzs oforheir uinion'WitI1rhef:-aid Prince.'Tm:: Kingis fiil at1Poi&icrs. The {aid Frincct doth all his endevors go be mélfifll‘ ofa1l*”Xa.%i_ntonge.The 1>r.ofTarente hath loft g Regiments in Xai%a1-fies, and is gen E0 him with the reft of his9Forcc:s. o ';ITho1t: ofitmcrr lfif; of Rey §1“;a.v§*: cfificlaased for the H. and Roci1el.aM”o. The c%ountoot"Ha%xjco»u.rt. is goon to 15;I%io1fr, ; j:1tcn¢1in,g, to hafiran agamfi tzhefaid Prince : T116 Eiingwis faid“ tohbé. I ;2Lioo"o‘.‘m%en; Save» rail oammunirions have bin ion: f:*om¢rhis Town to his Army. Mardyck and Dxmokirk 21I‘{'":fLlI‘I'Ol1!'3d.€d by the S.pz_mi2:rds. o I hca}: that aboundance offleputics are going1:owards_ Tours for the holding dfthc Gen. States. ’, I -H621: :~1mc a Dt": c1arat1%on of 'thCKi1'1g is to be broughtficfirit Monday to the Par'1iaMment‘of h§our'deaux., ‘vvlmrctby Con die ‘is decI.a red Trayxzor for imgaginog%witI1 Athospaaaimcdsgto who‘t1_aol1c:ohacI1 givenythe town of Bomrg. 1 AA From Leoerpaol, November 8%. : M o o The Service is now over in the Ijte of"./War: .5 for,Pee!-azflle was furrow dred on Monday Ioafi, according to the Articles, by Sr. Phillip Mufgmvue; Governor of t!1c:.E*‘o:jcc:s. Col. £‘uc1q:nfic1d fiaieso there With, only 3, Companiias of Foot to fecure thcGa1-rifons, till he receive farthercoom-; H1&flds,o&: all the refi .,both Poootoaxzdflorfc Wcreorcielflgd-o for .f.7;ng:12nd., 17hisCa{‘:1e of“Pec:1ois a veryfiroxig and? Confiderable P‘1ace,fé:atcéd uopa «onoa RocIgi11 theoo%Sea,‘oand not avcceiiablc by land , fave only forneo few hours atfllow water. %Th%c People of the Country flzenx very willing to comply with the prcfent govcrmnent of England 5 and mofio of :4 the V Chiffiffi Ulzgndfirfs on.oMondzzy. laflc fiibfcriobe the Eizgagenzent at Peel-— Tovsm, A arid %vndé:rcoooI<: to caufali the: Commo11*pc;~op1e to. do it bcffgm Tllofim, i11%ajfl1orttEi%mc aéfrer. o o -_ a _ M ~ ~ Among all the Native: there isnot one Papffi, and yet thc!—y come not ‘up’ to fuch an o1*dinaryoimprovémenr»in Religion‘, :15 is common oino Eng- hind. Mofi: oftI1eir..1Wirzifier3 livcupon Vfmall fiipends of about 1011. pemnnummnd foirnfe. ofthcml‘; for tl~1t:i‘r fijppor: ) keep %Ale—H'ovz{fes.% It were well they had bctterohfilps t4O‘,}{i;1‘f)V57l_.Eédg’,‘ but th:2ir“1anoguage bf-‘ow’ iilg a mifiituff of Higiglanjd Irifiyljl be a o‘e1:ifif”m_tfip matter to fisnfi able man fitfor fuch aojo;oCo11m;‘;farionf;‘o“A M o V 7 ~ from :zi kif§ oE”I1i”sha ric1 were,‘ It i%s‘aI'fr.*g %I”2iM.“"t§1£a.t‘1; he .01‘ i’)_c:nz51i;3,r3g:: *k;*_:fr:1j; ¢ AA : A "Ei'r‘bnn‘E;3enbur;gh4, I*§¢.~V'eVriiberg. I % . % Wis where confiden‘tI'y1'epo:%t£f;§ ::+..f%':T1v:m?<-’; the :3‘-c%0‘i5» s:?:2«:i2"“* Eéiimg SW3 ma Denmark; ’?ha'rvl1e;w(§1s1'zgtr:f1y~in H*o11;ii1d fé moi‘: cc1'zam¢:«.;fpr a }.=1»j:m~m1 01'-" n1‘ij1e%fpak'k=: ye'P:c:*;u§ghr 3;vI‘t“h‘j€;;’§’ii¢;1 t1év€r0n1im’j1’;1 ml)’ in ,E~1'%o1%iai1t.%'g‘%?sr‘%;f3:igr::%t t*Ié§ajt,“i’,a1‘i‘a~:1 tzhzaz ‘thw -SE%:’0ts K;is ft>Lt'a1&‘to i‘?;1CC{51.f:d‘ti3‘€h'€E Crowz1‘0‘f Dea12r;az“'ét by cozzimt z:.=f that fiVz1*«.“t;* C_:.’m1‘-mitt».‘:c"-: of 'u7i7"z3!;“ii“€‘~3‘2“i gz,g";~§_h';3 f,aé%‘is3:1,'fi:ia3g"HOW s~2:yé~;gEg,z1‘¢:Sgz%zE"1§»ti1 r-i:z;ey;i‘rm:h1Jd r~.r.»gr::e:sf<:».1c LC) 5:12;‘~1’*A;§;;*1«igg:1;-;;~:.ramf +§33;m.g1a2“zdg after % >1: hey %7ha.ve.~gcmeamvE1tta.mt %.‘§.1,:m:‘3‘:$, t’i'£§‘;:}~' mthéi §"ap<:*h=, Vffh%i*¢31’t7i1 ’i’l‘§}"‘% %CO"m,:«3iv_£3 will add: b7c1«:~:£":’5c a:'§ia:ri>‘£obo*:3.‘a§iz"i"t"?é%arWit}1in a%1'::‘1c;i":“tZjz. fSom*-*2 things re%ma:‘ka-‘c2'?§i:4’f‘%in it aw i 1.‘ T*Imr.t~§~aey%»are c~:::»n.rr;“m~«::-cl to%wa.vcIiiz1gI.yG%ove1jnmen‘t. 2. That no %L0.rd (although never fohrmcfi) {hall ewzcecd (in power) thr: c=:>m;‘;izion \Caf1~_1N n1c.>r<: .p1‘ivat‘a3 pgrfoij‘, g. Tflatwhe T}’fflm“iiC€i1 ymwer of rm: Cigrrgyof ;this Lama! may bgdiflolvedg and z112tn3ro:heigoi’§E-_~yg;ami p‘z*c§§9ic;:{a1‘s 01' this‘nzm1r?c:%.f‘*4‘“ ; ‘ ” ‘ U~ “ “ t “ A%rg»*ylIe1*sat}1.%di*m1ii‘iEéd mofi oftrhe Northmrn fo.rc<:s'~ to :}1ewir%.refp<:<‘:’.Ei:va2 Qyz1i‘i'c1‘&,b1ttlxofdisizzmded them: ‘Eyes fiill, and intends to fquzm: hig%afi‘ioaus according tO'.{h€ L_CV€;*1 and "procedure of thaésficomxxlittce. It is certainly intorme%d4 from the Aweihand {mm parts of Argyle; A %C.<:.untwy,thac far the m%e»fl;~§w;rtA; ali the (3o::s.m:trey.,isA %r,saff :h¢:ANar;m. ha