” Anna Regni i C A R0 L I J16 REGIS xfflgliae, S come, Frzmciae &. Hibernize, VICESIMO S ECUNDO. 5 At the Parliament begun at Weflminfler the F Eighth day of May, Anna Dom. 1661. In the I Thirteenth Year of the Reign of our moi’: Gracious Sovereign Lord CHARLES, by the Grace God, ofEnglmzda Scotl4m!,Fr:mce and ‘ Ireland King, Defender of the Faith 2 (ft. And there continued by feveral Prorogations to the I4"'day i i of Beirut] 163:. From whence it is continued by Adjourn- ’ men: made the I x"'ofApri1167o. to the 24”‘ day of 06296:?- '—*T' ‘T"':*"—':—""’.""""—i sun... In the SAVOY,‘ } V Printed by the Afligns of faint Bi! and Cbriflw iy piper Barker, Printers to the Kings mof’: Excellent Majcfly. 1670. L": ‘ ;cvu_ PRMIf'_{_*LE0I:£~ A ‘ _ _...A __J_. -— An. " L. —¢— vw _,‘.. 51¢’-* ,._ , "Vi . ‘I; _ I / '_ ‘ ,. ‘V ‘ > "I . . , I w _/ - ‘ .4 . , " .. - ' ‘ " ' : .' , - , . . " I . . ., --.- u- I‘ ' ' .' ' .. - v . ‘ ' ‘~’ ‘ " '“ ' .' ~ ‘G’ ' ‘ '5 __ . ‘ _ Q’ . - r _ . Q . ; I ‘ I . ‘ . . . 9, . . -' « = = - ' ' . 0 . ‘ ’ . . . I - . 1_; . ’ _ i ' _ . , z . _> ‘ . l_ . . . . ‘ . "- 7 -. ‘h . f’ “.17 u‘ " -, V . _ -. V __ « - . q v . I .- “ 3 _ . I V ' ‘V - ./_ . - . . _' - v g.;~ - ., . o , ._ - . 4. .' ‘ ‘ ‘ n . x —»~» ~~. - A . 1-: . . I. , . - _ ' “‘ , ., ’ . A . . ‘av -. ‘ . I v I I1 ‘ 4' h ' V‘. ‘ 1 .' 1* ‘ -5 .~ vr‘. A ‘ , ' . L .-. _ 2‘ A_- #LArc‘erceii:iing%%%éhe%%Mcgrgf:es 3 9‘ , % I§l§t9££$;tI)BtB igaggtzat iaapittz » g W ; of zasttlb 915 gun}; when i mzan . ‘ fates of Different cpntzntfiz gun gaugesuféniafwvmt tw5sflt@s.Ifiozou;ms» zwzw. anu3ot1m% places .05 ms 139; the §;Bzafuting,.&,235uping% am filling ofafl Eozts of d5;ain,§5a1t,ann owes‘ ,7. , ,/ ‘ezoaxnnxonities %uma%11pi% bought ann [um byjthz, mwflyelg great nzfvaunt:1§%r*ahn%J exami- fina of tbeIJ~péo;i1e,% Lcantvanp‘ to ma emu €¢h‘afrtcr,' &f‘IUfliHD2V1'DLAf tbfi EDD'O.?L&¢m%§% W1? 3&9 “15‘D“%t %tbw? than hzVbuteuv:%@fur¢£fi‘hv ufw .tb;§ounDmaII . P1%5@tu‘f¥'¥?39D§t.i§*mb%t€0f§iififififli M? t’}‘3.§‘i35*I3§%5%11‘5[§f§’€§¢lWWQ3£11331’: by I*fIIfé11*Itbfi¥!19;i, :%DU1%fie%;iiiitn towns of Vtbc imbs supzrituai axwfizmpazala am: am»- 1 men: “ ‘ L _ 1 o . 76 _ Anni) Viceflmo fecundo mans in thifi Pzeisnt ayatiianncnt mfentbieyng ay:za::m:cy of the fame, filbat thismrs i'ui1xgy§i,auEzyconminm in as fitatutc mane in ‘the %znmteenth year of ‘iaing Charles the jfitft, ‘finttuieb, An A6’: for the better Order- ing and R€gL1l§.€iflgf(.).f*[hC ;OH:1ce of Clerk of the Market, mlumen ant Qtonfittnsn by this ,®ta¢ tutgf yyang me» tbs fiyefozimatton 1-L196 jhalfz 6 ‘;§f)e5. anb®zafnte5 ( by may of 1920. m 0, via) fibat fact) fieafure as is com: mnmy calla: imaatztsnmafmz, in any iaogtg, %m:tt&tte Enmns, 0; other places, than be {till utzn ants contmnpb as fn;n1ztlPIy1)££amz¢ new 265511 y ;;b1ng:~&Iyt1)is matutz tamcn to the con cacyneyeef in any ilbiinnots 11aiti)£tanning, {ball ftem ann after the min: anh woantiztn nay sf ScPwmbcr5»y yytnmfi temp fir nmtimu ann remn~ty,y::h¢y mm final} 1 11 mffiwmitb» as to cm fiwaturtnua $zI.htrm omuyinnofyauv fnz§’Izy,cef‘¢om oz Qzonun“ozungjtnuhb,y. 0; mt: mam ifitbc. i3tngtm:u* of Efiéléfid, mmutnéon of W'aT€S2y“02 ‘£lm‘11»ufy Bcrwick ‘aw! TW¢cd: zznpmat tfauy patron ox yttfonfiafm the tfiti1¢,afnze£i£fD» malt tall any fog: of Qomoz ®;;1i=;t,“§ma1m oz ungmmh, any mun « 913 fiizjtt, ua}ty’£olU byitbz ifiufbzt, [must at qptwfifiacket, oz any A other mace, by any 9211212‘ zfinfl) etc: fifieaitxxgtg, tam that match :91 mtmhtc ‘mm Ebtannarb, ammo in $15‘ . %‘amttesy@rtt;‘zqaet, fmi1f11ot11I’..£?ay1lzD tun y W{inc.hz&er Qmaitzrz, «;wg_;taa'ning:€.' y t (Bab I%1ts‘{{tn,t112;2:$ltII1zI,aaDn9Inoywggiz y _ 3 2mm t 2 am ‘ ‘ y (t1"e‘tftcu‘cE"m ehzn'byy:th u;25;iImoft J ‘tam by the» yfizlm, @9251 35 CAROeLI%I1R:¢1s. 77 are this 21¢ Directs, he oz their mail fozfeit foe eneep Inch eflfience the éanuz of fjfonttyi [hits 1~ings,to be Ienieo in inch man'ner,‘Ct fnchiotijee aeennlties to; want of. mfttets to neiinflnts i en, ne in one by the rain fozmee zncisozwxe T eo, ,bptheoiemateant oz flhoet of? any one oz maze of his eneities iinftices of the ieence mithin the etonntp, ezitp, oz mace mhete inch Qfience than becontmitteoe; mhiehfnio ‘jiur. iticee tefpettineip are ‘hetebyteqniteo anon enable!) to fee this %tatnte Duelp etetnteo. ’ ztnobeig_1ikemi£efntthexfinneteo by ems thoeity atozeteuo , fihatif any iiiaayoz , oz nthet 1eeno=2iD&itee of any (my, eeozonol), oz fiozpozation, oz iibeety within this Binge Dom not England , zibnminionojf ‘\Vales , oe _ fifiqmn of Bcrwick upon Tweed, ’fl)a1[[;ngfi)a. iniglp ano milfnlip permit oz tnffee any pets ton oz peefone within theit eetpettine ibinnte oz fiineitoirtione, to feline bnp anph,‘£oitii of ¢o;n oz aezain gebnnn oz nngconno, oz fialt, by any other zzsnihel ozfieatnee, oz fttnchen in one other: mannee then is heeebp pzefcria hen, 0: than fnifet within theieeetpertibe ibis mite oz Sineifbietions any othet Qfienfnte to be nteo, then is of the Olontents afozetaio, ano fientenf as this mt oitetts 5 oz if upon complaint of the htenth of thisgtatnte . he oz thenlhau not only pnnifiiann eefonn the fame aetezhing to the poet the‘eeof~,, then » he oz they to otfenoino. 0; eneey Inch £DfEencee upon one iezoof ano ¢onhit'tionj thereof by aogetentment De ‘iinoittnient bjefoze the nw lines of theieeiace of the ¢ountp when nth Qifieneuheu betotnmitteo, at the ceeneeat W fietfia-=~ .4 .._ .'/ 78 Afino Vicefimo fecundo . Seamus of the tfieate hem fee the fame, em: fozfett the 9am of jftbe peunns 5 the «me Qbaptp thereof to the jinfozmet umezefez tutoz, the othet swept? to the are of the gem; of the zbattth mhete Each @fittI£EflJa3l e tommitten, to be lemfeb by ®i£tte£5 ant: Qaze of the £DfEennet5 @0005 mm ahattels: ztnn fat nefaultof fttth Ebtfttefs , by meat of thepetton oz pettottst to ofienntng, tilt teapmeut thereof mane hp‘ wattant of the [am Biuftites. ietnn be it futthec ¢3E~t1€ttte§, met if em meet: of the @at.Bet at his flbateittes iaeufe Ihtthm the;?fl1etge,. at thfiewéepoz , at other i9%ean»£DEf‘ueg,}Lozn of the ‘zitbettp, omthets perfon izliuthozisen by the flaws at the Sfiealm, to fifiath at £‘:>ea1 flafeaftttes within their ttfpettthe fituctfintttiong, lhaleltnegtett at tefu e, hem ttquiten; toéeal tn; flaatkany Tm zifiui :21, ha! et215ul’t1ei~, 9; 263 amp. ®augen,h. befoze mtetttu ant: appm’nteD,h as is heteb? . # than fozfett at the fitlt £Dfl°ente jfttheptottnns, ann fozeebetpeiothtt £Dtfeute iten, pounns,tta ~ be lehienas-afoze£ajn,; o;tf.,the-¢1erIt of the @atket of his fisaatefttes taoufe within the, fletge, wan tattetttozethen the lawful ants attuftomen fees; 02 if any other .petfone at petfonfit lbalt 2).'&lI eottahe from any hpertnu maze then one , teeny fat the smaltng ann . flagtktng of affinlllehi, at mote then oneilaalfs $11] I tontatntng‘?hne dfiajton ,. qanttle , CD fiznpztfons h o’ z%T.3h’fb,e_t:;ttR.;, ezmoze then nne tfatthtngt fat the btgtttlg 02,;@t;1tBlnB~0f,an1? .@2&ful:$‘ ; £Duaet,e I taint, oz fi.:a11f:1etut,t utqzetbey.waI1fo2n}1wr . ' ‘ u h arm certai ,9!Bea£u mhewaztiifiiittaotta CAtR~OLIIiI’R1acr$.h 79 W1 Wefiétth hjznahf %i5¥.t3."t€onti2.irtton u3Z3‘9°£>t‘ we amfitahtttzt ttt;m.e.uttfln£D 3150 €Bnf$“f!?9I1{;.?.ifit flfbhzfiimtfllfifl . fithattlffii A ffiz the F fh*fi’®fl:vI?£fi»' “ rm saetrm “ man to the ma that“ tram mazzfltpz ta; t . 159 tons twwrfififitfifihfifibs i1§»‘th‘!”§‘;3¢‘;2I£ tmceassttrfiar it furtlm > “@§1ffll'WDy§ gthfifhfit gbflffig, gmi web xmfon~¢zthverfm1‘stt hfi .5 .)€;"$b9’ mm: have the wit“ 0; ‘gfifit T§b§,@atB9§.’ mzgamwnp W her»%°, ‘” .?.!fl1I’mhht5: Mam 331 :"§’§!7'3th1’W9I’ftF7?"9 91!”! .3! flI&Ilhh,th£_faze’{ the ~ me anfl.eh=t11wtttt2thL _‘ J fl's'$* spa*p> hf-A‘ S€fié§rfi§§r5 ‘® t:I9thfi%'§évtQ‘f%tA3fS : Mtkpiacet amt pamvtcci ‘ ffizfcig: aw tow fa; mew fniaéa1?ttih[h§¥ttéf9‘éfi;fi9Iv thit § fihmiof fifths. vbiItti'9h )¥¢¢5iJ?¥@D 3-mi: which ~a§»i5~Wthi5“ ntma‘tb";h maggots my tea the 1900; of the jhatilh mhm Inch 21Df: fmct than be comnfitten 3 the othen sliaops E19 to him 9; thtnt that (hall the to; the amt. A t am heittfutthet finatten by the ztuthazis tp afozetain , fiihat ailann entry mpnltablz 02 cztonaables within this mam: of Englanda’ in thzirrefpectibt ahzecmrts, ate hereby int; t pomtren ann tequtttn to watch aim" examine if any perfon oz patrons ufc any other flifleaw fuwtficn accozbing to the‘ 1htop0ztion§afoz;z¢ rain, 02 than [take thé;~£a+n1‘éin ianyvothet manna: thB‘tt7ti)l't§ Dit€Ct%§4, oztffill oz Imp‘ * by a aaheafurt untealebz mm in cats; ht oz} tiny? I Sq, Anne Vicdf1‘moVfecu;1dJ they 3) any fact) filnfzalw fimfncz to fut: aim was ct): tame; ann fa: that mm mm» other wffcnce againft this zlaz , than pzcfcnt fut!) Qffmnet at the ncrtibztbatc oz fluarmly Seamus to be new fa; fuel) ¢ountp ozplace mom Incl) fltfmce than be $2-obmen a1gs,apn be it mam, Elba: no petton In 9 4 Ounilhzn fa; anpf ma fans by mum of zit; , than be again qnzttioncnozvmxtflien fa; tbs fame mffencz, by venue 0: colour of any otlmzict. abzohtnep always, am: be it fuctbzt finacts mast!) mec’Iateb,% inan no pztfouoz perform mbattoebet malltake any 3:011, oz any thing in {mi thtmf, but tetpmibclp : accozbtng to fact) Dlopoztion as the Qlaeafutzs in this act Iimtten sun appointen bear unto the % Qias % fates mbmhpthc tamzham hem bmtofozz nfaauy taken 5 may ?Lam , etnftom, 0; wan: to tax contraty notmitbllanning. % Anni ‘VI w.@®p,; @a»ww@¢wmm mfimmmmwwmwcwm ww*% , .4‘. _‘—C—«_ ‘v __“_ 1’. ‘.2 :3: _ __ ‘M’ '.v,..u.1“~ . . %%%%%%%%~%%%%%”@@% C3I‘O1iR€giS,a A... ._..,.V, -.- VAI1 Authorizing certain %C0mniiEI%1"1—- ‘ oners of the Realm of «E‘72‘glamz’,:%t0 Treat with Commimoners {of Scbte yoms; land ., for :heWea1 ofbog-1:%1