QU {C F Commons } M7 Mfidemtothg V A In the Houfe of’ O , .at” His % % "Pafling of the BIL S thereinifientiongd, o11tI1e day of tI1eir’ A A «~ ~ _ . 4' _.....A. BEING TheTh1rteenth day‘ of Septeméer; ] r_inche Year ofOurL0rd, 1660, ‘ I. o N ow, A r;o the I-loufe of Commons, _,._~[7.m 1:550, that-...... V A fioummfim 3» A % A l e&P1§inccdby Edward { méana’; and 9"1ao.VNm¢cm6, Pniné»,m‘ % % ‘ . ma 2 '5. ,:......_..-V...‘ . ,_ -W-' _ 1. , .mgJ,.\ ._.,. . mg _:3-;_‘. ‘N. 4 4 y. g.. I» VVhfich the S P "E A ERWof % _tI1c H ot1fe%of Cmmls mdfé iito »theK1'ng thé T1'1i_rt‘»eefnt11 0195 am; /76$, 1660. The ADQY of th jour11m'ent. % V ’Mofl Gr4eiom'mm’..Roy4lSw&frzz{g‘;¢e, V I M A A lit Commons,the.%fKnigl1‘fé; C'ti«~‘« Vfzens and Burgeffésfaow affexnljkmi in .&Pa1*1ia1mé11t, Imave Acdmxngznd ~d%:;{ . o ..._ ‘ :3‘ “ ‘ " "'5-31;: tn» 1.- ‘ A ;w~Me to: prefen1:VYou1=Majefiy xvicii A ‘ U16 *S:acrific'es «of their 4 AHea1“V—t:*; , 1 I ' , f A ., “°r moft l1umb1e:Thanks for theirof-1 ' Ap»4..,.,a ten :u'1d’ frequAent’acimiffions, this A A A Par11a1nent,untoyour Royal Pre-— '...r - ‘ ~ Lia: 1 fence, and for thatVFreedon1 You have. been p1eafedA A % A CA2 to to oa11ow.:h§n1¢upona11ocszafims, \ ‘ mi‘ ~ M ‘ 14%" V 2 1 ‘F “ ‘ F . 0 , _ e ~<:>£ niakingi1:eeifiWam$ antiaéixresyeknownuntoY0uroMdi€f*Y. h'isRoya1*Faxéoimgr,eoand.'mFatAhE1’1yVkindiiefs Itlilhtoi Yo1:people,“&h:1thNatura1ized their a&'eéfipns4 go ’You1riTPerf’on, andetheir° Obedience toYour Pr’ecep;s{‘, W-.And“;:,s_’.it is gheir Duty, fo it is ther De4{ires %Vto}1I1::e- evidence the Truthand ReaIity Jt11ereof; by A fuppAoro“ci_%ngoand eupfiolding ighzu: Gr2nd~u1‘eo:.-md Spleno-— dor-eWhic!.1§is due to%tI1e Mzijeflcyoffo me:itorious.ea Princeas Yourfeli’, And the1'efore t’heyh:1ve4Refoi§7ed, mm fl4tz{,‘c§*‘flemi;:ze c0};?2*rzicz’z'¢'e;2;g‘e, L to make up oiir 1%./Iajeffies co-nfiant M and ordinary Rever"x’ueV Twelve hund1‘€:dthoufan’c1 pounds Pffedflflilr/z, : But“ finding asV:to. .t_he Settlenfxenti of. fome pcmgs that Revem1e,V‘ that there VVIU be necefiity of Amake~ igngo u-fe of the‘ Legxflative Powere,jo and that L che~.Bi1ls ':.i1r'eady~ brought into their I-Ioufe fortehatepu1epofe.A cam- not; poffibly V be pe1'feé’ced, A difp3tc§I1ed%‘é’ndgrnzzdeoready for Your Royal affemz, guntbil the next 1«11»€€tiI1:g of ILYou1r~ Houfes of Parhament again, tl‘1er€forethey have-taken V into their confide1'a-tionsee You1*~eMaje“fifies prefentfuppfyg. and firfi, ‘hoWeto‘ra_'1fe1c: in ethe‘omofl- j expeditious: way, tomifwer ~Yo;ur, Majefiieesfourgemi oeceifions, ar'1d_,c'he11VA how to 13.}!-it‘-.With' mofcr ezifej ande%eeqfi‘a1ity»upo1; Youf o people 3% and at Iafi; they egwmpt 11~p;;»%;"theire4 Afl’eL€%ei"onVs AA Your Majefiy, ‘andthe *tmfi 1repofed w§n -t.I:l€‘Ij11-"‘bm}7: we ?%Peop1e, E1»1§%%or:e of ";hefeBilIs‘§hee1-e 6 hand ,A End-~ V §41l1€?d1,‘e 41 W, 11 $1?“ $56 fJ’pee;a’yr;iifl}2gfZ2fo%S amzzy tvficmfaggj flaw’: <5“) IW for we met fwév “of W *4Wy to be leavied by way 01 a Land Rate, »wit11in‘tA}1e7*fpva(:"e of %qne1nonetl13Vtébegiri sthé Nine%1~a'nd4Twe%11twi%a:hIiday of this Vprefent Sgeptemlwer, and mV—beV‘ Paid :i*mfOY0ursMa;A _je£iies Exchequcir,'V~beforetl1e end‘ of ,0A’lc§7z?o5er‘ follow- ~ 433 5% I R, They lwavelikewifepfafied £.ano¢%h,e%r ;Bi11,WithRu1es AA and 4 Infi1u€t1ons' to‘ Vxngpoweri a;1ci_ nd_1}je¢"t yo1u-r% ommif- fionersjiuow and mwhat Way and m'a%nn'¢jrw%s.to disband \" , Your Army” and «‘%Garrif0ns_., and tr67’,E§1”}?_:off' {om~e& part» oifyourfleet, and to begi11¢;with_;tV Aiqte fl1ips:njow ;iri Harbo»ur.4 A But not knowmg Afor~*~c%e1*ta1n whether the vmoncz-ye. tof.comeiinupon4the Po11jBi11-, 4whi_ch is dc-‘.‘-A-~ “ figmd ‘for that puArpofe;.,V will be%~f11fi"1‘~ci“cint fully to M de- fL'ayr11at~Charg€%Aa % flndbéing Un%Vi11ingFAtha:anyVvrhing {ho uld be. wammg onJtl1e1ri*p;1rcs,;%V % to%perfe& and corn- p1eatfo..4gooda»work._, :1 workib %ac“cepté1b1e to Your Majefiyg and {O A gratefull to a11VYour_peop];e,4 theyhave A pafléd anQthe;'Bil1;$f0rtheraifir1g,0fSevgenf€0refhoué - f'a11d pqunds by Seventymhoufand pound$per$mVenfc=m,to " ~'begi11 the PM’: »of Na'-umber, vand to be paid to Your T Maje£_’ciés» T1‘eztfure:s ; A inthat §Bi11:nQ1nix}ated and ap-’ A;poir1tAed,A‘ betére Ache 1?1vpl anc_i;twen%t1‘ethfdaygof D€:;em-—~ A bar iiéxt eiafuing; Bothwhlch B111s Ia1“nc01mnanded in the name ofYour}Comniotisglauniblyti) pifefent Your ‘ I\«1’a;z=;f’cy wxthall, and_t0"pray;Y0ur gracxous acceptance t41:Vereo¥§‘"”andYour Ro’y:i1Lafl"ent,thcwetxntzo, 4 ‘ ~ S 112, (.6 ,2 WV: R5 I M :1 gm“: A .§;@.:3-13,:-i£~fi%y'.':i1 _ ~. ‘ . .VnVe %4%4EAr"§%1u1iefi,4? ~.z1zvz7fl¥${fw{:Reg:¢:Lzté?2gtlre “zl«’zz}#‘i7“mzleD which41s t1ae.c;111y way to keep up the C1“€tin1 §I.fw*Véuy» tdexilzutge Your Ma- rV%a11+Vd0vét::11¢AWorld; forfoxong as %i*‘§r*bu1'éMaj‘i€TC'y "IV’I:.1fi€r éuziscgz, % iYQur Merchants _wi11 be/‘ A A » ‘ ~ ,wE1C01Txe A welcorrie:r'wlrereev§r17‘”taiiey ‘Come 5,. anal. tl1at’fil;Sv tl'lj§‘5 VY3Y_ , or x Whatf<>€V¢r $5.; 71?l1¢11‘§s :Qlf1l-‘Sci A“dr“’h€<”;13r1t?1S*l0'Ll1T8;.?¥7Q’Eikjr “SIR; ‘off gorrquertirragg and: tlxeichezipefl. Wva";;§§" or/f Inakimgg‘ Thereié another Bill Entitulecl, 422 A 6? for we/forimgr Mixifler: into tbeirpbwes, out of which they have been lorng, zuldrlmofc injurioufly ejeétede and expulfedg and forthe confirmmg others 111 vacant places‘ : crazy titlesneed Your.1\/Iajeilies help, asllmueclr Z-ES» crazy lbocliesl need the help of the Phyfitian, rlA11d\.=vlm:t your',Ma“j‘efiy"l1atlI «already clone in “that kinde e thls“ Pzxrligunent, and what you are now about to do, and m.__}:§?h_21t You have everrr~e:;p1fe{l"ed Your 1'eadn1els to do, I~fVVe couldbeas readfifetorfeleel-vel-eas Your .Ma;'ePry is to give; will We liope vaniflr and banilh r all fears and jealoufies outofmens minds for the fI.1tu1‘e5ar1d téacll themrlrowfiviteeh“1rI1rchl‘*“co*nfi*clente“ zrrrd‘ co11te11te'cl’r1lefs ,' torefi and rely upon Your Majellies Gmce andGoocl- nefs, For wl1atma“y bel]:further tlrorught neceffiuy to be done l11ereafter,wl1en :1 fittrng opportunrryflmll be offered, at the next rneetlng of Your Houfes in rPar- f A o WU: 1»rurmb1y lief; r Your‘ I?a1*cl<:>nr~.for making tl*lm- Bold WM1 A YGU1‘ }r;t%=;1frLlfft1M¢.’:‘*‘,j¢:,~'+:A11::i E,‘YbY‘l:“‘€l;""L|“: sisl ..p1;L“ t: éandpafs 0V€1‘V5<3m¢.°t11€fA % A ‘pfiblic kconce:*1'%;&::z::=.*xf1t, . as t1*go;feAII121_ve now a1rmdy:men~ ”, tioned, We »xnoi‘*a hum1:¢3'§? c:*ave4%Yot11: Ma1€Pw2sfa~ “ lave nocof rucla voui? and leave tp <:m1c'1u<;i;e:aVl1~'O§u1‘A i.*»ra:>_z;I< zit“-wti1Ais%tii:=:we,4Vw7 wnzh that whxch 13 %(3:~1:s..z7 deltgfi-t afwe11- as Our auty 3 T0? ‘mp1~ay.f0r Your ,Maje.fii.es long Life; and Happy,AB1e£"fed. A V :.iTn_c?{ P1?ofparousReign ovex*4 US. F 2 LN? rs.