PM. MACK 'OCtuYYOV‘UV' /é :2" RP iéz/ttf" , ' \ ‘ ofihvsutwal ,, . v k ‘ I a. a I ‘ . list ' the ’Dzflémers DA V. t, a. . . ‘ . was, , , E‘i’l " . , .v . . - -.-. . ‘ e ' -~r, _t t . . 7' .1 \ . Vi . z ‘ 9 ' l . '7 a ‘2 v _ Q ‘ r. A ' 1 a 7 r ‘ ‘i ccurrences Truly j Stated. E have been Talking much of U- nion, but may tome of the Gburcb - of - England - mm fa'y, What youcall Perfecution in us, > oig’. The. Execution 9)" the Pe- nail Law, was but to bring back thofe‘ that went A- ttray ; to Root out Dsflemiom and Solar/in: in the Church, We defigned all this while the Salvation oi‘ \ Souls by forcing them into Communi-. on with us, and . Uniting all in the Eltablithed Reli-‘ gion: {Home mutt yield. certainly it was mofi pro-_ pet for the Law-breakers, and (och as were ‘wandred ‘ from the True Church. -—-—- To, which I anfwer, That thete Obieétions might be Plaufible enough, were it a thing poflible to make the wogld all of one minde , but there is no greater [mpoflibilit except the Being of God and his only Son have been Tranfinittedfl‘om Age to Age certainty, and according as they' have All things, 7efil$ C brifi, with great on ferved different Interdh and Parties. have been a“; of various Underflandings, Paf- it “thus, [Humouru Conflitutiom and Interei’ts. The) World is {fin Govern’d by the fame Methods and PO- ' ways managed by men liticks: Every Party alledges to --h¥€"iReafon, Scrip». tures, Putters, 'and Councils of their Erie, and what’ fignifies Law, Scripture, Argument or Reafon, umohg Dil‘putants, when each Party calls, that Law, Miieh ferves their Turn; that Scripture, which (cents to countenance their Opinion; anti that Reafon,4Which ' mofi: favours and promotes their Defign? “—5.. Therefore the only thin-g, poffible, is to make all thel‘e, eafy rothe Publick, and to Unite in Civil matters: Peace and Truth can never flouting, whili’t Tempo-. rals are lb mixt with Spirituals': Errors and Miftak'es will be as long as thefe are men; but if things were {0 fetled, That men of all ‘Peri’wafions might have ‘an Equal Claim and Title to RC“giOH,PI‘6PCFty, and their Princes Favourpmigh't have their Religion (retired, W as good a Title as thei Land,t’rom the fiery Zxal of their Hot-headed Neighbou ‘, when only notorious Inca- pacitics, and not any difference in Point of Religious Worfhip, (hall hindera man from the Benefitoi‘ Era-p vour and Preferment. when the'Malignity of dinin- ' guiihing Chriftians by Nick—names [hall be at an end; and to go under any different denouination, -.’ no more reproach, than it is for Citizens "to be free ot‘feveral Companies, this would produ‘:e'Tr_ue Unity, ‘ and make us ahappy Nation. . A . ' Thete defireable Biefliags which our Fore-fathers me long ,wifhti'or, are now held out to Us, by, a" Moll: Serene and Gracious Prince, and can be {lighted for no other Reai‘on, unlefs we are given over to the nupidity of being in love withMiIcry, and of having ‘ ; And what fignifie, . a Congregation of Bodies, when there is a difagrte- . ment in their Mindes? Or what Spiritual .Advantagc : can be Expedited by an Aflembly ot Hypocrites? .._...... . I / ~ V mitt) [filmmanra Cutaway September 25th. 1683. V l ' either-'of them or the D.ii‘enters, for the more eaiie our Ears Bored,‘that We may Ehl’ure Our Selves and Pofierity of Perpetual Slavery; White-Had September sot/a. His Maiei’tv csnie hither from W'mdfor on Tue/d4} lafl in the Aftcmoom and a Committee of Council being Summoned, Sat that Evening;His Maiefly being Prefent. , ‘ ~Braille Ste/m: Erq. His Maieffies Envoy Britannia- nary at the French Court, having been fent for, like; wife Arrived here on Tue/din, and it is fuppotcd route! matter Reiating to him,or his management was,before the {aid ”Criuncil, he being about 'Eleveh' that Night {Out to the Timer. ’ ' . Yel’terday Morning His Maief’tv went down the" River to Gmwfimd, from thence to Clo/(tram, Shesrnqfi,‘ €91". And this Evening Returned to Whine/940, hair- ing as it is quorted, ‘Given Orders for fome’ further - Fortifications upon’the River, and the necelIIiry In: firut‘lions conterning the Shipping: He was alfo pleated about,1%oltbz'cb to make a thort hay, and the an Ex- periment'o't‘a New Inventrd’Gun, on board the F trec' drake, which difcharging a Bomb againfl a very firong Hulk, it p‘sfl'ed through one tide, altho above half a yard thicknet‘s of Plankand when the Fuzee was fpcat; [it Burnt and Tore to Pieces a great part thereof, Citavi '1‘ wine ot‘her Main Timber. ‘ This 23' Her Maieity, with His Royal Highnei's the , Prince Of WALES, liltewife Returned to Town from Wind/0r. \ sz'te4Hali5'Septembér at. This day the Lord Bi- fhop omecbc/i‘er came to wait upon His Msiefly, and was very ‘Grati'outly Received. Tlie'Ge'ner'ai Council, l'at this Evening, and its (aid, had matters til" Great Importance before them. The Writs are ' lfl‘ued Out fur Election of the Parliament- ‘ { London September 2247. This day another molt Gracious Declaration Was here Publifltt, Signifying,- That as it is His Maiefiies Royal. Phrpofe to endeavour a Legal Eliablifhment of an Univerl'al Liberty-of Coss- fcxence forall His Subjet‘h :, . It is alfo His Refolutidu; Invioiably to Preferve the Cburcb-of—Ewglmid; and for thefurther Security not only of the (aid Church, but the Protefltant Religionin general, That He is willing the Roman. Catlin/sch {hall rtimin Ineapahle to be, Members of the Houi‘e ol‘Commbns; fltidtly Requi- ring that there be no Blowers, ‘Irmgularities, or Un.s due Proceedings concerning the Elcétions, but that the Members be fairly Chofen, anl Returned: 'With other \mofi Gracious and P.inceiy Exyireilions, as more at ._ large appears in the {aid Declaration. Certainly His Maief’ty has now granted to thofe ot’ the Cbrcrclmfilingland all they contended for, and to take away the Unjui’t Sufpition of 3 Snake in tbs Gray/s. or that therewas the leafi deiign of making Tools, In; J "(1/ Kit «LN (‘\ \‘s is" ‘ Introducin"ge‘Roman Catholiclts into that part of_ the £05353 Power: He is pleated in wonderful CO‘X'JCICCHHOH and Cornpaflion to the wea'knefs of a - PeOpiettolTell: With unrealfonablejnd canl'elelbje-llo'l' lies, to be content, node {ball be excluded then’cer but that: of Himmeomnmiioné flpdghatno Gm- . tention may happen amonglt His Proteliant Sublfiai‘ concerning their Eleétion’s, His Royal Plealhre it. , That each \Vrit, Warrant or Precept, be Executed 59 J cording to the due Tenour thereof, to the end the '3‘3.M§m,b¢f.8 9f the Etil'uing Parliament may be $9“ a. Cnos‘ezi and Returned : All that His Marietty Impo- fes upon them is a Fatherly Exhortation,‘ to lay a Alllliiwliiifi‘i, and to difpofe themfe‘ives to think'of ’ (itch, to reprefent themn'n Parliamentrwvhomay be ” ‘ men-able, and fit to ferre their Countrey; alluring then), that he hii'nl'elt‘ is ready to do anyfibiflg‘ (01' their Sifety and Advantage, that becomes a King. . Dilbaurfes are, of {ome Bills, that willrbe Recom- mended to the Parliament. oi{. _'A Bill bf Regifiry; A Bil for Difchargc of‘PoOr P’ril'oner’s, ‘th’at lie for Debt_; A Bill {or Natnrara-stion; A Bill for Encou- ‘ “get'nent kfthe Fiflzery‘;A B ll for Liberty of'Conl'ci- “ICC, antla General A3 of Oblivion. 0“”, Srptg 22. The Lard Mayer and Sheriffs of this Cigy, went this Morning to ”flute-Hal, to Con- gratulatc Their Muieflies. and His. Royal Highnels, mien their fart Return to Town. ‘1‘, a. .. . Landon, Fri". 24. The Right Honorable Str 70!»: Eji'exr Lord Mayor of this City. purpdfing to make tile oi‘Grccerr-Hafl during his Mayoralty, has order-y edth; lirmithing it for his Accommodation; and on S «tidy Lift went thither in hisCoach,withthe ufnal At- lcfldnnee of ,Ofilcers, EC. to hear a Sermon; ,Wllerc Mr. {.485 the Noncoot‘prmifiw'Minfier, Preacth be-’ fore his Lortlfhip, ;l‘ercral',_of the. Aldermen being 1!?!qu . he CW1” ‘ ‘1 om t . thKeportedt t thWJfiJJt‘CH. 0 Town, {0. make? stalwart; the-Complaint.“ the his (fl Scarburrou b. _i ,I ,- . . ‘ Tyne 5gp Beagfarfhting latply thrived fi‘om Hort St. Gauge, and the Bay of Bury] in the liq/2.13123, takethe‘ airman; A:§ou,nt of her Cargo ,:. ’. ' Alieiu_'s,'80 Piers, Ditto BIOWHsSODg Bettellea, 2416.). Di'to Podavetz 35o. Ditto Romlncnggfio. Callawav poole, 260., Cotnees. room). _ Cum aloes, aoo,_ Damask 38. Diapers, 66o. imrtier, 46°, Gingham! brown, 350'. Gogcomhcrglaegi 1.80. [mg manger; ‘ r710. Ditto ordinary, 5 280, Ditto Brown, 40:36. Ditto Blew, 57c:;.51,')}ttohlacle,3fi., More“ 169101 Neckcloths, goo. Ntllaeg, 1489,‘Iferglh¢g, 470. Pairings China. 63,69; ,DtttoTonqneen, 226. RONIIlU [449. pit“) brown, 600. SJtlmm fine, 203.3, Ditto ordinary. a740, Ditto brown,.462. 83. cérgttnteu'. |O_°- Saderttneherex, 8). Salpigedocsfioo, Sumatran“. 3509- Fania. 522-. ‘3, noo. Silk Ilium; 93 Do Pom”. IndiCO, l 3760. Sappm Wood, 170'th . R-rdwood. 338o9._, Pepper-memo. Salt re, 450mm. 13 1"" third Ginger-5 1279; China .wls. 24 3| China Capo. Belnles it Bales, of Calhcoa frm the Cari/f. thrcuifwehaveno particulars. This Cmgm .. is worth a Hundred and Fifty Thoufand Pound atleali. . , . , . O t ‘TheShin Smyrna Merchant being lanAmvd (mid them; the Carpoe is: 210 Bales $315.22! 511‘“ Gm. Yarn. 461.8mkc (hula. 2001:1534:- n'gek‘. 9 Bales Cur-(lemma. 2 Sacks Worm; Par- écla‘fihagiir s. 709 p'eces B-onwood. , , , , Some Butter Regulation um hit WCvk nude a~ moms,” the Llérgili area, (if 5'. EJmonJ: Buryotn Suf- fn!“ r. m the great hatisl'rt‘licn of thejlnhabflaflfl of (has) station. . . '13 > . tb2;)it' glr. 1). nl tilt Tr-wn, reputed toilets Manof a eohli'lem‘fe Eltate andl'mdc, bring thgt’d to pay ICEZ'lJi‘I Sim tut‘hlorey, and having the line, or 8 il- 4 I greater Stun due at lfifit’kb; going'thithcr to receive: it, and‘finding his Debtor to be broken and fled, the {aid Dilappointment lb feized his Spirits, thathewent .Hoxfie,and on Wedge/403311 Hanged himfelf. The fame daffa'Woman in the Goal of the {aid Town, comnfitted._the like Violence upon herfeit'; but had the good Fortune to be cut down, befbre {he was quite dead. . ' ‘ Sir prdeLFitg of this City, being lately dead; his 1306” was on Wednefda) lafi, carried from his l VHoufe in Bleak-Fryers, to be Inferred at 5/2/2477: in {a Kent; the Herfe being Attended through “16 City; -with as great aVSolemnity of Mourners and T Coaches, 655 as was that for thelate Lord Mayor. » ~ Diverle Officers of the Regiment under the Com- mand of his Grace the Duke of Berm‘ck at Portfmoutb, having of late given up their Commiflions, or declined His aieflies Service, without leave from their Supe- riour Officer; they were on TLur/day laf’t brought to, Thwn by a Party of Horfe, but I do not yet hear how they, will be Proceeded againl’t. ‘ “Whereas a Malicious Report hath been Invented ' and (bread abroadby ill People, that Mr. "fa/m 7mm, ‘ whoin the time ofthe late Rebellion was one of Mora-- moutb’s Captains, but fince receifid His Maiefty's' . mofl: Gracious 'Pardtm; had of late tired fall}: Infirm- ations, to infnare and intice over from parts beyond Sea, divers of His Maiefi'yfs Subicfis that! were Ob- noxiws to ‘Iufiice. promili‘ng he could procure their Pardons, or Introduce the'm to His Maiel’ty’s Mercy; ' l , and .that 'when {och Perfons thereupon Came over, i they have been" Imprilb'ned, or otherwife Confined,‘ and kept in Danger of- fuflering thc'utmoft Severity of the Law. This may Inform the World that there isnot theleaft Truth in fuch Reports, but on‘th: .' contrary, {am well adored, that every of thofe Per- ? fom,who were at any time encouraged by the {aid Mr. F 73m: to come ova, and throw theml‘elves :1an Ma— 7‘ , ielty’s Feet,-have to Their great "Comfort, found the 1 Béstefit thereof: fiver any of “5% was Impril‘oned or Confined, but either received their immediate Par. ' dons, For {och Aflurance thereof, as wasfirft promifed - _ , ADVERTISEMENTS." , r? A Perla/Em fig Moderation to Church-Differi— . tern, In Prudence and C onfcienea; Humbb fubmz't. . . . «45 the KING and His Great, Carma]. . B) , ax; of the Humbldi 4nd mofl Dunful of Hi: Dif. , letting Sum. Printed and Sold 127 Andrew “Shula, a the Checked-Billet m ,Hollo'way~Lane,f “infihoremtch. 4‘5"" bandage/l Booksefler: in _ London and efimmfier. - Pn’cejlz‘rcb’d 6.1. (Q. The )ernfalem-Sinner Saved: of, Good News for t the Vilefi of Mememg'a Help for etc/pairing S cal: : _ SW8 :bas 7efmerg/1. would have Mere) its the ‘ fire placeofiredtn t’xb‘lfggfl‘ Sizners.The Stcond ‘ Edition.h 10’)le a: grid: , An An rum- to :IJo/eGrmd _ objefliom the; be m the may 9 gbem that :r'o'uld' beam: for the Comfort aftbofé tlmrflar they have finnedazm'iabc H012 GW- 1 JOHN BUNYAN Bedford. Pruitt-d, audSo/d by George Lafiltin,’ I .3. :1»; Two Swans without B‘lboplgare. - . . .' , ' ' Price Bound, t: HIS rstpglt'c Nome, that Mr. Elm} Operator, of'lrnown _1mc;{nty, and aoove Twmty hve years Praéticc, who l.:r:iy lived!!! yard, b m Removed to the Blew-Bail in Whirled Ban: Court, at the 'loverind of Bartholomew-141w . by lhc Ra]- 41.£zchang; who mrflfafely and expediriom’ly cure» Deafnef: ”d Norfesrn the Eamoleny, of what Age foever , (ifwrable) and at bell light bv ml'pet'tron relolves the Patient it'lb or an as mull Eminent Pgrl'on: ot Qufity in this City cantelh'be. Hahn's dertaltctheCnnng tfmalipiflernpers‘incidenr to the Mrs, as Qrbdwa‘sprramar In their haunting, and the lhying okaeumr falling upon theEyes, thereby hindringth: light. H: hath lili- ml'can Ex Vittousyay tu coring all ains ol‘rhe Teeth wttho'tt drawing. . e hath likewfi'ea inoll Exccflent Gargariline or Mouzhé' pram-thatch cares anndoer, Ulcer, or Scrurey in the Mouth, Mining bole Teeth, and making black ores as white aslvory _ CD‘- “-0. .M- ---‘~. — A‘ U 13' 5V : l’ritttci l) y 459033 martin, at the Two 3mm without .13.?fl20pfgate. “. RARE DA 432 1 688 SW RRRRRRRRRRRRR lUlllllfllllllllllfllfllfllflllllllllfllllllllll