* - ~—— 1 + "3561568 I DECLARATION f “1:0 ALLHIS, w Loving Subjeé’ts, Marclz 15"” '1 6 7;: t . In the SAVOY; *' Printed by the Affigns of fob» Bill and Cbrifla- pber Barker, Printers to the Kings 1110“: Excellent Majefiy, 167—3 1| F’ cinrnnxnzéto. ’ _ I 11.1 11:1 111.11.“ 1.30 1:1 1.1151111. 1.1111111 1'11 1112. 31113111131 10313311 311,11 (113103 19113 2110113 "myrsflm. {fig-.2 / {1 917.5. W . I i“ 9w“\ § ‘17}: (All, é‘ 1'! ain‘t]; ‘Oflh A!.‘-\.fi $013” 1: 1 \1" A 1‘ :‘\: \- \ .1511“ 111111: . ‘13‘.“? ? .111. ' Urfih‘m dEhdeavérs for ‘ A7- . .the‘Pertlson (If :th'e «flights ands? .Interdts of " chm Chumh, .havmfieen «filfi’memly *‘mamfefied ' . 7 111111111331 thqrwtldimcburfe of Qmfibmétmfiem, Lime 0:11 hap— py Refiadnmm,-hne¥by‘xhe sandy and '.i..11., . z frequent . , LC 4;) w freqfient ways of Coercion that we have ufed for reducing all Erring or DiITenting Rerfons, and {01'4“ 111,150”— "gthe u PYD t eremesinmat- ' tersof eh non, * ““ . , ,3 ”I" ‘ "~:"i.4 "i 3‘ ‘- f. m V‘ ;.,."‘_ 2“, E a... h - . , ' O 1 h’) ‘ ~‘ ' s. I, W. “‘{ I‘ i l.,- Vt - 5 = . L ’ ,. ‘.' ‘, .4: > '3 ‘ .. ' ‘ ' 5, xi, \ . J. . . L « t . .i r _ : , \ ’l; "I. . b 3 I u c. 3 ‘, . , ; ‘ - \ ' ¢ ‘ ' . , ' K. " .' 2 a“ _ » ‘ 1, > y . .- . . -. .* ' ‘ on -‘ ' ‘ (“NP .. t. -. ~ 5* ' ' e »-'-"1\ .. .i I‘ ,_ . - .‘\_~ _ . ., i,” .‘ '54 ,V . .~.‘n\-' ...-«- u~. r . ,u ‘ ; ' , . » . . ' , ‘ ' ; _|.'~ , P Ex nencmew e , . ears that "there is very little fruit of all thofe forceable Courfes, We think Our Self obligédgiytomaliic: Life of Tfhat Su~. pream’ PQ/Qf in; '5' ~Clef]sifiiiml lFMat~ tergwhich is notonely Inherent in Us, a ' . ' ’i " ' ‘ 'rw- 3'. - -‘ ‘. _. . ‘ x . “\\\3-M. ‘ . ,..'- t,_a . - f. ,. ,4 e. .' .- a . . ‘ w - ' u \I.‘ .9— '- ~. . 4 ,1... m .w‘ r ‘ ,7 , \ . ‘ . . :7 ‘ 9-1"; ' . » “an | ’ 7"": r. :3. h ".1" a i, ‘ ‘ ,. .* ‘ h ,‘ .\ ” ’ T. I. 1 JV- ..."}: . i. ’11“ l a. '.- 'Q‘ ‘;r ‘ ’43 . \5' ~'.«~?’-’ o. '- ' u w,’ ‘. fl - W J ' . ’k v bus hath «hem Defllared- and“. Retro- mild to be fo byrfeireral Statiltes and Aéts of Pa~r1iamenr.;‘, And therefore \Ve do now accordingly Iffue this Ourfieclaratiofl, as well forth: Qui- rmg the ds «our good Stab-4 jeé°t§’ “in there Points, for InViting Strangers in this Conjunétnre, to come. and Live under us 5'_7;a‘n~d for ‘ die "better. EncOu'raégement of’a-ll tor a Chearful followingoftheir' Tradeand Calfings, frdm whence We hope by t the Blelfing of God, to have many good and happy Advantages to Our Gofiernment , as alfo "for Preventing. for the future; the Danger that might ‘ * " otherwife thefad 4 . C1) othe1W1fe 2111111. 110111 Puvate Meet- 1111; s and Seditious Lunvenucles ' aAnd 1n the F1111 place, \V e Declare Our eXp1efs B efolut1on Meamng and Intentmn to be That the Church of Envldfld he P1efL1ved 311d remam Entn’e 1n 1t3 Doé’tune D1fC1pl1ne and Govemment as now it Hands E1121— (blifhecl by Law; And that this he ta~ ken to he, as 1t1s the Bails, Rule and Standard of the Gene1al ahd Pubhck Wor’fifip off God,a11d that the O1- thodox bonformable Clergy do Re! CeiVe and Enjoy the Revenues beI 311g; 111g thereunto And that no pe1f1fon though, Of a d1i¥erent Oplmon and Petfwafipn, {hall he EXempl; flonf Paymg his Tythes ()1 Other Dues Whatfoevfir. And fu1the1‘ we De- clare, That no perfon {halI be capable of hhlglmg any Benefice L1v1ngg (11‘ EVC afilcal Dlgmty 01‘ Prefer- ment qfha‘nry k111d1n th1s .ur K111 - gm of England who 13 not exaéIly ‘ * -=onformable We d9 1n the next place Declare, 0111; 111 and P1€3fu1e t() be, That the amgtton of all and all manne1 0E B ‘ Penal , (5 > PenatLaws' in matters Ecdefiafiicai againfi whatfoever fort of Non» Confofmifls or Recufants; be im— mediately Sufpended, and they are hereby Sufpen‘ded. And all judges; judges of, Affife , and Gaoi~de1ivery; 7 Sheriffg :jiufiicesof the Peace, May- 01‘s, Ba'yliffs; and other Officers \ whatfoeVer; Whether Ecclefiaftical or; Civil; are to take notice of it9 and pay . due Obedience there~ unto. _ . . ‘ '4 ' ’ f' And thatthete may be no pte—J‘ tence foe any o‘E Out I ’Subieéts to continue their _ illegal Meetings and Conventicies; We do declare; That We,4flia1i"fr10mtimetotime allOW a anfiiciencnfimher ‘ of Places; as _ they mall bef...c}ezfi1ed, in all parts of this OurKingdom ;,. "for the ufeof. fuch ,as' . do. noifiConfotm. to theiChurch of Englafidfi to meet-andafiemble in; in _,ordei: ,to'_;their’ Bnbiick worfhip and Devotion 7:, which Places {hall be openand free to all peflbns. ‘ " I. But tog‘pir'event fuch diforders‘ and inconxzeni‘encies “as ,4 may happen by this O‘fiir‘ Indulgence, if not ducly‘ re;- " ‘ “ ‘ gulated; a - ' (73 ‘ J ’ ‘gt'flatedg and that they thayjheithei hettet‘ (proteéted bythe CiViE-’Mggi=~;g ‘ftrate, Our exprefS‘ VV’ilI-i and Plea??? '4 fine is, That none of Out Suhieé‘ts do prefume to meet inany Platte; until-"7 fuch Place 5 be allowedo ' ‘V‘and the-1% , Teacher of that Colngtegatio'n‘be apxe Proved bY‘usa And 1efi"’any, mould, agpreheaagé: that this reflrié’tiorf ,ihouldmakeOui‘i faid Allowance and Approbgabpdim cult torbe obtained; VVedo'ifutthe‘fi , ‘ Declare, That this Out Indulgefiée; as to the allowance of the Pubiick Pia-e ces of VVorfhip, and Apptobation of the Teachers,, {hall extend to all forts of Nonconfox'mifts and Recufants, except the Recufants of the Roman Catholick Religion, to Whom-,VVe {hall in no Wifeallow Pubiiokaiaces of Worthip, butlottely Iéti'dtilgeithem their {hate in the ‘tommbn exemp~‘ tiOn. from the execution of the Penal Laws, and the Exercife of their Worfhip in their private Houfes onely. . * . And if after this Our Clemency and Indulgence,any of' Our Subjeé’ts {hall W~_—_._____.q ~ mall prefume to Abufe this Liberty,- and than Preach Seditioufly, or x to the Derogation of ' the Definingé Di- fcipline, 01'? Government of" the Efla-‘é bliflledChurchpr {hall meetfin Places . . not AlloWed by Us; We do hereby“ . give them Warning, andDeclare,We M11 proceed ‘ againft them with all. imaginable Severihfiéb‘: And We will“ let them feeWe can be. as Severe to Punifh‘ fuch Offenders, when {0 jufily‘ PrOVOked, as VVe are Indulgen-t ; t‘O‘ truly Tenderl.Cofifcienee’s. 1' \ In the SAror; .. 9 Primary theAfiigns a fab” 3m, memo: -‘ ‘ 71MBd’i‘quaPrinter5'-~tothe-.KiflgSMofli‘ I‘ _ Excellent Mair: “Y, i 6723?? RARE DA 446 . A5 1 671 March 15 umvsnsm or W - cowum ELL SPC RRE RARE A44’6. 5 1671 March 1 D A 5 HII‘IHIINI Illilll llll | ll!||3||l|||||l||1|||||1||| 01 0-00607263 4