fififififlfifififififififififififiwEfififififififi‘ jg % THE . % ~ A A ‘ ‘ % ' ” ‘W % V $4 RIGHT E Us 4 RUL ER. %“%'“‘ ‘ % % t %. W‘ A ~ Sarmon preached at S” c§Wm*zc:% 9% CflMT9?{ID(}E% 71 +”%,.%’% M “ A ~ v fig‘ A AKingd0mcs. F A $3? *=‘*-c—%’m‘ A ]u”neVz8. 1660. ,;g§a?:-5 53¢ Being alfipointed a day qf ‘pub1ic:kTl12mks-- A ;~a2:. ' giving to God For the hapgy ref%Aa11ra- '.;;'§§’gg *‘£="A‘ tiomof His Majefly to his ‘ jg 0 N S G3 E C B B; De . 93¢?" Fellow of corms C’/orzfli Colledge, “ A A ...;».‘»% A inCAz§w111non. “ V %% A V1: Chr0n%.29..22,23. ‘ AA A *2%5 A ml (2111 Ifi‘ae1)dicl wt Q9“ drink before the Lord,on_IImt day with rAmztglad- ncfi. amd they made Solomamthc (or; of D;zvid,~K1ng the {econ time, and % Aw anointed Him unto the Lardgto lac. cbicfGavcrn9z.¢r,dnd Zgdalg to be pricfi, ** A Than Solomon fat on 1136' tbram: the Lord, 4:3‘ K] g1'nff‘¢.M 0fa'Da"j.’id M3‘ M R A-5 A Prmtedby Jam: F512 1.1:», Pnm:ertoc411e 11r—n-— Ag? ‘grew Verfitle OFCAMBMDQE, 16960. A «m ~ am 9£§i§9&‘§%“S9§€9§§9.!§¥.¢9¥§9.¥é9§§fiéim3%??¥;§?.¥§W?9;*??»¥§%%S .4» 5 A Father, wwndproflvmd, and all I_fi:ae1obcy¢dI Him; A @% a:tés.:1§.,: 9:3? T9"t11e R; r . - no-«nu .., __ «v N r 1"‘? — He:/oreefir‘ aa§or,§;‘a2ée % nggj 4rekzd¢9f4ter* If/aefiou, ‘ / R. Wm W1: ofPie..— M V ’ §~ ty, t/9e but/dzngofan “ "; «fl/tm'%,Gen,8.zo.) A% . “ W - Work of ¢pleafu1"e, A (‘ o%a11bi:5p/antingof' A! Vineyard, and ,drz'n»/King of the 'rm'7z%e tbereof to exci‘e[r%,% V GenV.9.2o,2.I.) A work of po;lic1'e(t/9e l7%i/di?1;€0J(Bab€%1») Gm”-4») inflcreii Al3Vrit compared to zzfloml: and f~z¢cjb0>1vere*t/9Aee12zfl;r (civil and/1z2iritzml ~1*31g71ah »I0ngl4f“’ zzflotud , mm! the F0114‘ /mi/aeflr rirrcw mad A techs)" mrbe2zmpiiw1ars‘a% qmj 4 -m§7iog1“ axjtla widi3i»%b mi» A 2 * % W V”4ttw*z2xzl %c;zl4zf211ztzeI%a&re4 fieguentbl g;n;*g-:5» 1.4; . me» ten ¢nd zog;nwzmn ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . “ _‘ . \ " " v, « ‘V “I “ " ‘A,’ “,‘, ].« .95?’ §":‘~su-*4‘ va 91‘ 0 er-eA4 m A u::a% , 9%-A ;. ~ % % % ” % % V“; mdtkgt (mart/ae% lan>4rbere0¢ ,¢Exod A *ea.d"er. »; % % how of 4th“e%1r‘fa1V§atI'On. Se11fU3””1%%€1?%V0~11é a1m«»warkr(a’p!ea/are; em/a~iwe drink» iizgm’ /170"»? C/Ike 5'W'ne,wfl%”o%wifig W rm zhtlve mire,/zbemoreAt/as 5"’?[7?i7?6! qri4vt)’jé712.)‘% Subtile perfonsa.Zoout%w0r/pf . ' of Tolicze; t/we repairing drzd Vciehn A V W?" OWWW’/W/er,/fepflinginflrfl at %Até7’W00§1 W391‘ €0mi”£‘40wv»f0g¢t Wre for-t/.7ei2f fcz3vile'Ui[.r irzfiort, z/we % ‘Z5 fWtA%C¢m " l‘I£‘«’7'f? A:x01”€;%04~ % . :4 ' I*«£;I;;a‘;.i‘{‘C‘td‘05, ;2§OA." WW§"”£%0f /“"5 qflomlgt/acre are t/areefom qf§w02o{.rw/aic/5 nzwcaccordingro ;t/Mr dz‘ -flrénrprim» V1P1i’5)‘W9?;M3”%f/75”’/9 ["’€5%”’it/7"”? R6“ . Iigious perfons W» W07’/(W[Pl?U, W grftatei/%.Z acknowledgement; % $0.. t/a22"God" To :1ae1{eader. % 2o'j.2. 5;) 0/‘rude and unpollz//at/Zone.r. Here:(;/"me were :~e44;»vzo am flout everyimge power,‘ made ofzrke jzéop/eJ:Ear»ri11gs’ and €3VV9¢:IS”5r0k657¢ to , piecey (tlaeir law: and Zilaertiw via/died) % wbi/em‘ l\/iofes A am~z‘;2 r/9eVcZouc/, cmci we ix/aougl7t* 0mf*/elfuexjufizfld '')a2it/7 @- iflg; ¢ £01? this ’M0f¢s'—, We worn or Exod;sm»§% jwhat¢isabeCo1neof’hifI1 : km odlm/.» éeeéqz/ezzfed to re/fore 3 him A t0 1/um zzgazin *,~ md/9} [rim to conduff m an [/9412]») ole;.:”A gree) om“ t/94t.wil*dern 61% condition 120/#512! t/3e~ ~ A won n5r;1/;eiz¢~.- -7\Cgwz,ja%'z'}2,Qmlle. in‘ our 5i"ezfl.r' ajoj2.r- fix! drzdpidmf/enflé «off/aif. di'vine_ ot‘v0m‘; if ‘of en/uifig érmon M Wfi/W Wg/étne/9" 6V”tbeW6Vi41r»mw e::zmomzZtaz.ezvf dz‘ pro» W’ $€xP’”W”$ $4 wuéliv /€29’ ;dde#0!i&3’ ti;-néer,t/29/Zig/are ” 17 3 V‘ V Amateriaflmiet/yen mofl._fl3r*vice.~He) Cjod % /mt/9V»n0t%70fze1jfltrni/776d mmit/5mz0C» cafibm 614$ rm ‘abilftyfl to r‘éjoice, Vt/oe jg): fa ctjeflies antrancewto /:2z2:’IQ;ng» W f Ldoms, being gfli/fed bit/ae t/area . 4tio.;. :2; Sam. 2.4. 13. N M! bleflingf, P1cnty, Peacc,%HeaIth, mmly Vconjlméfion, 019/ér*Ued6togmce .tl9e Inauguration ofowr Ehcgli/Z» 37255;) A Ilmd notlrere been c/mllengeable for falaoloz’ an attempt mtlaegiwing any c/?a... Traffemf Hi3'Snvred ajcrflie, (wary Pehcil%e/peciallj at [0 great 4 dz .%amtei3 notpermitted todrkmv algngxjziffpere) [mil canzwdered anoflprmfe , are_}"sec@hne.d‘,notyztm orig t/ye! free..W.ilL~o£- ferirtgs, my %t{ae11ec%eITaryJfacrific¢s t ~V¢gb- L zg_gm«~a&; %ri?’%I*€=e;;§A% t Mzlajzrogz/qev;¢‘eci' gag \ ’ -mgS~0=1° Pfahvz-I5a€bM% Q , % % A CIOWUIDIC Tothe Reader. d7o7ub1e 11on~oeu1# 122/aic/9“ t/aofiaet/mt 1‘i1I'ed?” ill before newer /9.451,) beflo2’e.c the Text (in ‘t/ye A‘/atitude (fit; A/er/6) did zfiruite me /aerezmto, t/96% LXX readingit t/am, ’1;W.u.m§aue,wwa>x_aa:az», when the righteous are C0me1ne1*1ded,tI1epeople rejoice. I eafl‘/y fiwflae t/aaztflme pzflizges Zzerein '1}‘2az'l1 be inditéd of bitter:/zefi‘,1av%/sic/9 t/aere»-~ fore an 0rdz'na7y policiewcmld /aavefwomae Ptedeme to expmzge, Heat I was well 8- II-V” ulla rcmea‘ V awm<*e,z'tzL5% flight 11ea1i1‘ige122/yic/9 cm §§;n;“i,;;,{fc‘;,,j%A merzcet/9 notfi am at flarck oft/be niound : },,‘;f,’,’f,,?,-‘,fif”’“”‘ I/:26 Apofclewrzrmntm ecuttrng4ere1broW‘§~§i§’T'1”3'.‘7‘ 3'22/aemt 645311.,/(J6 cl Gangrene mto tbewfififuixfim" credit or fafety Ofmgi Church. It £5 t/ac ;%z§a’?Z§'§§;Q’.~ e impcrtir, pea. C/yimrgéom nrflom to accommodate/9123 Mm‘ denesvzre» pméifice not to t/2e ’1m111Tour, but necefe firwf 22:2 Tweet» 57% e+5§erW not prqféneted tot/ye eye ‘éiaflime 57"e'vz'2,y it iawto the ear; ‘L/"mt/9 in/omer P/evewwiriflggrmr efii/We If/9?" fI7oTtheR.eade1~. W M ma /raw/W2 «vice: t/7eTTupit,g.%2ould 41/am * vcambfidgc ‘Ml; 2;. 16:{6 o. T/ye 1: I: ]‘T/96 Wgbteow 7%‘/6% Asermon preached at S“.he5\42zrWie: NOW 1’'‘:0'0 e A the Wxfe man n_otes)becaufeof»tI1e firangechec- 5;,,m,¢,4 ,,,t,,,,hh Can§bri,Jge;h7une28. 1660. being ap- A Poi ntcd 8 day of Publick' Thheankfgiving for His 51‘ 113 so rcffauratione to HisAKingdom§,y ,Pnov. 29:; 2. W796» the Ri‘gl2teom* are iyemet/yorityseh the [32’oplerefaiceA; A but when the Wicked bear rule; the people mourn. A " V‘ * “ A Q. Ods government of the World is f ‘ x , WA fulloffliddles 2md.Myf’cyeeries~,-,AAthe .-.- ,.% Temple] our of? "Ch the V Angels W°‘7eA»T A (the"Miniflers of Divine Pro'v'i~ 3ob,3_9_, fly £6 dence) proceed, is faidhtO be full of A " ___" 1 fmogz/e, Rw.I5,8. andewe neve:ePffi1;77.oI9~ A find the eyes of 0ur,.UnderI’ran V mteefogmuch, éswhenelohghderainede irxthise fmoakie Temple, we are nevermore conAfound-" ed handhumbled into a fenfe of our own fluortnefs,’ then when long en: rtainingd our thoughts about the myfteries of‘ADjrUi.mPraw'dence. A A A ’ A “ ’ _ M ‘ I A [J VD‘»~ A » . “ quefivworktherein, theAAwonc1erful vicifi‘1tudes,a.ndemix~ bum: fmzr, ‘Ia- emte; is A thus myfcenous Aefpeciallyes Ecol. s1.,x7,h j ¢ rbrimwquc o {E-4 o VA Lures of happy A and adverfe occurrences. A thing free qmmr, Wm_ B, . hqqenetlye quentiy noted_ in Scripture; “D:z3¢. 2.; 21 .% §fIe,..N6;5dfl‘g{6t5' W65 W4 we remagmb ‘I€ii%g»4‘2ai2il fetter/9 vp AKz'1¢g5. ’S:im. 2; T126 Lani Mzzleetb pm z1fl5i»m4k€t/J" 22517517?]9‘7“i7¢gCf/3;lvwfdfldlzftetk up. -‘ A ECCL I I”/aef “eriiriz ¢rajoic2,W 2“7a"e»2lil’)'0j’:‘afl*z)z31*tiem3i¢]3d‘c’f§.~? a*4:y¢omv A MC?”“0‘Wl./azfl/9 ‘/“§t%%t¥yeV iffam zflrber a_1gm2fi{f ;‘/7€%‘0%F?aer:.‘ Job 1319.: 2 3, fg"e}f7d the Nzztizms, wdflraitflctb 2;/M92 4_gm%: (and in the} H63‘ iVm?*62i1fe%?/v 2% -Nafiflfi-§ax r»r2Wéfl?’vyt’t*/9 iflmlme TEX: Wé hdhirxi fqmétfines a rig/steam, and §LI1QAI1 Aa wicfked Ruler-.;, A the people forf?§etimesAA »réjoicz'xIg,_‘ fQ?1neci4mesmb¢;rm;aA%g_ “ » “ “ ' ‘ ».. hatmethaa whacxx G AV». ~ World, he fometimesw Vobferveth A :in gamrm'mg of it ..-, ‘Jmb38.7. ‘\ ;b’y4% 1: fan Athei.!‘m.% fi0ti0fiS 0“’f A ’1‘:0§ 1'¥71%hCh%A fatie4:y A inwalong :Ct5”I71 V é .K'1’!3,y‘WA'k‘:,§Al: AAA. we 4* he pegrmits tlzinggs torun firfc %im:To a kind of C/may —an&‘: A cai“¢fz»]5bié,$% rhawo Saflits »V(1ik*bt¥1*‘c Morning-flarrx) 1n5§y7* &7G6d;,fw f«é*e3h4iA9% Wifiiomfi and 4VPower iffilingall things atlafiinto excellfiént am’:3r,~, éieawiz, and camp ofwe%. A A %Mdreove1’£‘th%€,A hoIyGod ddtlxt A A is variet:y oAféP2%o*w}sz'ez¢cé (adverfe and prhofperous) wifély A keep alive‘ quick: and A vigorous fenfe of Fm‘ he-»Wr1d’dothd 0ke%I4r1d»fm=?t:her1:hewinnz1:e th e« ‘ I i of t v . fie r*ae;;V. ’ *4 éml‘iifldig%enC¢%‘i%n3;¢9r1f’c8Iit ¥ ‘ ‘ ' ‘W: M We 1} ‘ ‘ a W M ‘ « A3,,” A ,1‘ . t1nfie&r04 P.?1‘1tY»=%ndbY t0v°10n%ifa~fixng Am a%***r¢dr0Hs‘C0urfeof mzfgfy. ~ %*'1'*?’5,%z‘?rzzoi?/»V(*sv¥x*i1e “his %?Su»‘i1 vie”:+caI~t)cnes ‘"2, .M' u (‘I A fmr%i77‘¢? A ‘I E: ., :3 14+ 1 A? an 3. ‘ ‘ n-.., ‘uftlv fid*”é> % 9oI!ivir"ar odcbfefvéd Oinmma/eirzg c> Fif1e~ M 3, eity; im:he~Ar11inds@f'A A1*rién;7, and on Athc5:, ~ A um A..~hSeé!1iLiiwr Milne _1mtm ._Dm.e A Ovkg; Thefefbre sfieevéiffi ;/119’ ehAP¥aY5h%f0¥ étfmylxt i’tate1!mzz~. ‘she. $99;.w1.thhgoAodrea =on,: left he sbefw/J and flaw; (;;_')d’A and1.efi:AAhe bepaoré and fo“ éelafpkeme him_dAh * . - ,comeA“nearerti;he%Tex1:*:h Ix: ghmefentshus with the brz'g/2z‘and darkfide“ of this pillar of divine Frame; déhcee A,“ whereby‘ God guides his people through Wildernefs 0f1:hAe VVOr1dee. Ifl1a11h’efpecia1V1y determine .A 1:r1y.A,difc@uiffe uAntp_the words of the;Text,'Wherein may-note tJW'thingS., . % e ‘ h % V V Acafe fupkpofechwhen (or,if) the riglzxems 5: in ‘Wt/J04.7"Z.f M A Eh J‘ A " A A A 2 T aeewife mans obfervation,_orj;ug1gement there» n,h"peoP1erejoi¢e. 7 A » V A A hliih eginwith Athe Afirft, T he‘ehca.fe‘ propofedfihwhentlle A ;. righteous are in authority, God and Kelzgiomjufigfie and A Aaéet Eflle,heSover4ignty,‘2_znd ziut/aorityhi2¢~%t£m World Cad "doth by his feettinguhpzfuch to rule 5. and .Relz'g,ian dothj, in that vvefeehefe;uhaerighteousmen(ca11edthereto) doeho:n4hde¢1ine”hitf; ~“‘eene:Ve£»ihteed ythaxi Magii flmtes Sword fhould be turned into? a‘ plough-flwe: N0 government fo oppofitc asCivi1' and Shpiritual @200 of- Acen) in the adrzzihrzz/Zratiorzg, Ah but nogxe tmhatyfo Iwheetl A agreeh ir‘1»theirei2zjii:t¢§ti(27"z ‘a1::tde%hozjiegi2z;zl,‘AeA;A;eA Ozgdemf ~ h ich the 7:5; *avi% I *m:ehh‘»,preferves 9 Gtadjs ;he.-epf, AI 'AGorh;14;. 33‘. A an<:fLz¢w (hyfwhich he proceeds) "is rbut ere4{a;m2— proved, h.( gracedoth net dq/My :hu1:A[flpg2ofe.) e od jufljifi es Rpieand Soxzieraigm Mare par»tix:u1ar1y,hh%: tieetvvho ways, A A A J ~byhxs«word; " AAA%e;:%%=7 fa . Ah ofrider£u1£ProviM‘e *0~Lpe1 domh B 2 ” Q A meddle 3. ea ; 4 £parinelY~ I A t, as”v.v§:loloas,Klngsl; ‘ V,» _ 8; lrityévy/az;:prv12idence5,M A/"Tl”altOl]f. the; A A A dotgomofieleanxly — ftilelone,tl13t is rm:l.c[ae*M4]'qfll4¢l o l E43 A Nmeddle'withState matters; l but when git doth, pit {enga- A ge*thto.obedié’nc¢»’ by as obliginglgrinciples asitdoth to .1 evefiahpfincil ' lleTofCon]L“ieziae,o R0m;IA3 .5’ Wélre fulb}’€fi farcofl/P firoyed'tl1e ooppofersof Alawful authority; lNum;? 1:6, 3 3 ,o 314 High and honourable areo«thoe:T~ilt1es given A to; Kings and; inf difacrcdl Scripture of whicholl £11311» lnote.bu§;Athefe l two peculiar: I That of tbé Lbm'.s*_ mainied “fo °ooftelt1‘; (as a glory) l abou.tthe,head5l-lofl oPrinces in»fa- cred Writ: aiid it isobfervables, thatfthis tinlelis givem to chexneaxieff among the order of Kings; (even (€63.- Cyrw: Ifa. 45‘; lmmT.anlozfn¢6d)o when is nevler given léxpreflly to thel;high-prifefilthoughanoina ~teAAcA1 too; , and that with 1"I10fli"f3C1‘€d; and cofllly lOlfllI‘--+ 3 Inbntkept in thv€i;Téi.11Pl€:. and to be~ufédon‘€1Yoat,hi6 Confecration A}; lnor~l.ojy%eAt:‘lto=l ;Prophets, though alnointed A li1:1e_ ~ \\ .51 have Aflthooriltyxcprefentilmgo God in their pér 022: (as a Judge‘ A V V ; Elfld dOth$\$Fa:b to Dare having not dominiumfidai) cannot do, 7“. «-~-w‘A~~AA'§'v :3 w l raw 9_ - tulty ” A ~- 5;“ . WA l 1 u A A ,czlenAge“ = . (notl barely for“ ;€;ffa:£étiéS:.f_35keD‘ V a princfiplelof thel.hlig~héflfmr,l Rom. l;.1:.l3.lli, f:T‘/9€§'fh;¢tV_ (tAh:e"pC5W€o‘1’.S~)7oreceiwlto ‘ t_/7en“2filAfue~:- if ”d4‘mnatim:a1do&1'ine taught the wjorl~&Al (in1:h‘¢ltype)l A longbeforelby thai lfireoaxld A learthéoplerling which» deg- AA A “ W 4r¢lG4z'I!£“As,[g;ml tbemrzwlfof t/7"e‘j2éoj>le.*e Hoewfcrange A isiccofeee’AaMagim-acee1‘omec;mes~arm-AmyeruzzewmbA eye A(eas Solomzw%fpeaks;)ki11ing~and crufhiglgwicked-V ,f'edéy*/aim tq t/m'r;; }>e7:fm_:;e; ~ A t‘éfl:ioi1. Mar;yanAffaIfine hath fbufxd Bimfelfgdaunte A AA i-*ViAth the raie5%Qfi*Majefiy ,, and degerred ( by ‘imunexé ~ A p,e&ed.T:evereriqe" P0fr€fT1ng him)f"r0m%hi5intended vil- %h&t11d fimnd 6211156 I0 fay nohis Prinfieas M»- 7 mightbe ?:m¢joTre<“ m HagA.2~ I /We fatvt/“W w "” ~4W[~ rzig‘f9’r% he ~/a%7em.v of Kings, b11t 1n iAm0ret11€fiwcx Prov«;tx%.r:¢.r Ringk afe“ in Gods b2zmz"5 4: wfarem 91/6+/fig} fartzmzmx. 1° [R417-‘~3'I~ -:1: 57‘. » ejm.,_ was A a fpeech tlxwat A had more f€‘t1feV4yinV it,jt~1h€nth7€* ieéi twomoré %»»tH¢nrdimarydfingersyanck tl:xeref<9:e have . , ‘ - ‘r W to T3?Jv0«9=75 Geii»%”34I.29. 17 13.2% tbem.ver%r>1' wyfmnd zm dco}&V,¢»eitber.£Wl%mfm t117€‘.ciflfi3f1C€S§Of pm Pxgincjes fa“.11‘1n‘gA byi;the ihandsof A{faffinam§,a1*e. atagaag» Any, but g1;eg1t% deliver ances 1131 h“ C}.od~Avouch;fafedVft~o Pm:- ”1;efl:.:mt gK,ings,11ot ?above_ o.17nev being ‘Acme, be iL1%&anc«ed ill‘. 4 fuH"e:‘ifi3 any» perfénalviolwce by a private hand» H€‘“C¢t11€ tide of ~3‘€°¢W?°7°I"gwenss-%n0«%&Ie— iwffbi, "7.%.’11eécfi.. A flPo1it.c.1%¢. i of are pub 33 3 Aiegin perfé‘nsAeminent1YCa1¥¢3*‘bY Godto fome“ P‘i1B1ic¥i y “I 3_AIyfI.‘:y tymyfl-,,G0.d xfather t()j Hot: érzmoat of/9:} 7 A A 50o)éAyt*h¢énAnotto pardon”'h7is peo£1e,Exod.3 2*.32, and “v. 17.‘ \- Dzw‘id,yyagainfi memimy fat 81*: /Joitfi 1?! thine./rand y6e,andnotagainft;thefe fljeep, asap. :4. 27. and the I-A“Apoflzlechara€’t€*1*e'th7aA1axvfu11"Myagxftratebythisy {pi- Aiukc 12.25’; tit, R0m.y1.3 He is ’theA%Mim_'/?¢r A of Godfarygoad A to “ A thée;_ It is A God wAhoAgives Magiflrate-stoconfidegmm traditmg%1%fléipopwli ervitmtemfed mtezm. A * A It iisynoted of yflwgujlm Ce ear], Athativyhen onéehe‘ was7pA01ffef’c?AA AOf*tl1e Emgire, a1 hisfolmer arts of wicé ked-ne‘f’s,ef}aud and tyranny (the * low Afiratagems eeofiay particuiag narrow fpirit )h‘eAAv~vho11y Adifcardecl, and°ad—4- dified yhimfelf yintirelye to the, love , Adefence, and ad,-~ vancement of the coxnmonweaith of Rome, and;like*A Brzczcm diff. ;Szjml, when A A M N M M §f1i‘i+ in Cxfl another utfatis‘ caflf’4Vf€t»(faithe Qnee») I di~¢?i2iv gala-5% mg‘ dam mzmere; mmatumt (§- formamm tmmm principem--,* Nlerljthat are‘! intended but forfla. narrow placeandy efph¢"r€y(y1ike the fmzil in its little houfe) turn out /mm: A A e ~ -0 u51,‘c3‘_'1IJ'~=’§3". 41: feldié» anufurper "’°‘ ”’°,?#‘*?'*y""*‘ astoyvouchfafAe this fea1y"ofauthor1t:y yaytrul A ublickr yywuaéeyvmw A . yy 4 ye - r«’ = Y A m.';,y5‘-9* gm- f;_>1r1t. y Itxsfeldome that he gxves hrm ya heartyto ufey 1:4” W,y~'-‘W A h1sApy0wer really ytoethe pyeoplyesygo A My ck Ai'pirit 1‘~e~point".0f E93 . i his iGoAd~s lhi:°’.he1’c owning of 3 Aperfolxin power, V 'i"2vhen*he‘ makeshirn like Mordecai, Efih. Io, 3; apex;-— fonefee/ein cordially the wmlt/all of bzkpegple andfjmzkzhzg 113, %Mx_ fem: tot emziwhen A (_eont1‘ar_yt0 his natural term» A ' A per)like Salomon, he gives him largenefs of /mrt, Pf;1l.;r.xg,; ‘in which there may be room for more thenhimfelf, i A ‘ when he gives him i"‘I.'."J*'3,iJ I'M :1 free, or( a thei_”’”‘5‘7!*f"‘i‘e" wordimportsja ra3ml;aoprincely.fpirit. 1: A ‘°“’”“’°”* I""“"l A Fif hly, God feels to Authority and Sovereignty‘ i5. A by tl1i1t extmordmary dz'AreE2‘;io;z” zmd z.'g{5"z']hmce Ambit/7 /ye” zfiengives hzk fubflimtes i1¢J_t/ye adminiffrzztion of theiir oflice, which is fometimes Very firange. It is the fpeech _ 0f5§olambn,Prov,16.1o, A dirvineflieec/9 2'5 in the lip: voflzz King, /aitivzomr/9 tranfiqrefletk not in judgement. (Dev ‘mmimm, ct¢jus+uice.c. gerit, ejm fmtentiam modemmre, ) 5%/2m,i,, Thei1:1timacy' between God and a good King is greate1*,1°¢"m'— then men think‘ A of : God hath made Princes in juclicaw A ture (as it were)» his ownoracles to the people: I22» f2zlli5ility,is more i annexed to the clmir of Mzrfmthen to ythe“ clmir of Peter: fuppofing the Afrimei be not i wanting to himfelf( by converfing with Gods law and 4' mans) he is molt likely tohave God of his cemacel. A King fometimesy fees er emzffionem" mdiummsby an unexpeé°cec;lemiflionloA more beams.“ of lieht and Wif- Adolne, whereby he fcattersllithe mats oi fraud V and . i1"r1pofh1recaf’cll before hiseyes to procure wickednefs A inde1nnity.._e ‘ f A " A 1:: There werAe 1:hreAe ways‘ efpeci-ally by which God" of old bore witeiefs Ttoal perform-, and jufiifieid his bearing‘ 1‘u1:e and: zu1thorityo‘verA:a [ eople. ‘: ix; (asxwasob-=~ f€IV7€d)libyi giving him a, PM lick fpz'rz't fuitable to his publick__place.. A; by moving the [mime of people, to QWI1 and ebeythe perfonfo fet uEbyieGod, I Sam..m»:i’ A inglaeartea fpirit of wifdome,Deut. 34. 9.. ezsam“,x.4;, A iumm. potefi. eat.-A 5». fcfl. 9. Jamn.-z 5. 1‘ M Rom'.2.A.15'. which “God c in merc ) A kecpfinh out of it = 1 the _;;‘e$—,_h2Sam,‘t1.9V,.I4. 12. 2t.o.t~_1<:Chron. 29;23,‘ 4 24.A—Pfa1xn .144; 2; 3. By»-givingeehhim an zmdeg/l4;¢'4L.. 1A,7,__ 1 Sam,1.o, I6. IKit1g', A}; 2 9,. Great was the AAAaf~ fiftanceAGod gave to his nfubftituntes of old in judge- Dg ;mper_ ‘ Ament; Grotim_Ate11eth u_s,.Ahe that chhgently reads over A the old Tefiafnent, Flare: repertmfm Erzm'ipe5«Pm~ ~ p/a“““é”’t..»r/.~' , qzhzizmr ‘Prop/yam: fzuscrdotfes : fllallwfindeh more Kings who were Pr.ophets,- then Prophets. thanwere Priefisv, t*hat;~,fo they-mightt betlle.-vbetter fitted for; the difcharge of their weightyoffice: and nofquefiion, God is xnoreaflifiant to-Kings under the Gofpe-1, Tto; tgh them What they {l1js.11t do,then We are aware: He ju eh amongfc the Gods in anefpecial manner (jmliczh oinfita) as .5136/J0/75dPb4fAtO1d‘hiS' judges, 2 Chron.eIA9.6. T e j edge A /or A the Lord; 212/90 13 1vitbyou}inhjmlgement; ; A afiaizzff all oppofz'tz’m made againft: it. Great bandying “ to Aerjehath beenagainfi governmentat all timesfibynzhe Ions ; A of Jgelial -,t ”0_pp0fit1OI1 agatnft the Vemmency of MagifiraCy,.( thej}?irztf‘witl2z';z Tu/5 I»/fat/7 1.0.‘ e;2¢vy:.A) agamft A the Vrqflraipt thereof, Jude Va} 8 . Some alrzjjnfe dominion, not onel Governours but Government it~§e€rw7o¢ antiently wr~itten«upon Atheizables of ";;“hearts.,A) j A_ 42,.‘ thcdifiatés A604’: A/101?." Sfififz and ifialen-to A vwhifpers Sixthly ,. God ‘ufiifies. Authority andIMagifirac§~rby his flr;mge~ cmtinmznce tkerwf fa "“‘lo‘r1g%-in the world A . [II] ‘whifpAers'of‘that. 3; the check: of M l erzlightenea’ c‘orz~ r faAieAnce%: the lthree outward are , the t {acrcd Scripture, ‘ the Mim_7fi‘ry«withthe]]>iritmzl, zmd» 25/irarywzth the off- rwfll [ward T4,», Ar now men fight with allot efe guards, fine» ther the light of naturggricrve the flzirit, harden their confciences, reject l the ~Scri~ptures, deflnfe prophefyingr, and as’-Sfre-r§a1AA (asfthe wordis) lay afide and null (what Jude em, theyarelleable):Magi{’cratesandDo1ninions: butrslnow, A A as we arguerthat the“ Scriptureqthe light of l nature, the Miniflry, the checks of conference, are of Gods own appointing, and owned by him, inthat all the malice of men and devils could never quite remove, null, and abolifhthem, Co we may conclude , 'MagiIh'acy fealed t vfo..AAA,"A by n heaven ,A in that ( a€’«‘ireo'r«c5I) men without lawA"’* P“-3-I7? could never quit themfelves tlmereof; Many people havethrown of? Governors, but never any could- throw of Government ,;no fooner have they cut olf one head but another comes up “in -the room Ztherleof: Govern- rnentand Magiftracy rise. abufhof thorns that rpricfks andtortures wickedlnnen ,~ and it hath been oftenon fire, and hadlong erethis been confumed,* but “C aswe have reafon to believe ) God is in it, hisrnighty power A is engaged in its defence : f T his God oxvns : Pfal. 7 5 he earth and” all ihe irzhahjrants are dzflolrued, hm I heart ¢‘zpthe_pil!arsa]‘ia,le ” A l A l Seventhly, God‘hatl1attel?ted un«to‘Sovereign'ty,byr A 7% fwflering none of,l1is¢ferrwmts in’ Scripture, few or none “ tin jl~0ry,to be guiltyrrof mil all tappovfing oflawfull ah» zhoriry, or trfurping théfplacefaf Athreir lzmzfull Gofvermmr. We lfinde manyeta wrcked man guilty of this ‘fiAn,of Opgpofingthe Magifirate, ( mentioned in~‘thefirfipar~ I ticulaAr_rn2tny of depofing, fast ferahozmz ( impart )Igfl- thalmh',IZ¢;§mri; Heroriaandothers ;,%butAno good man 2 l Scrifihre ‘A [125] 1 ‘S’eript‘wre guilty V of either. And A few or none {hall Rive t Ameet Wlti1ZiAfl’fla7’3iI; guilty of this fin; A Tertullzkmapo-I logizing for Clnriliians t among other "tl1inge$,";1_il€dg€til A thisintheir defence ._, thatjamongi all the Aflafiins of Emperours, mszgqmzm i7¢'U€i’1i7:i ]70tzl€m22tC/art:/fizmiand Salmafim obfemes that not A tlll much beneath the times... of A Ayftirze occurs there any nnention of any pnvace Shléizzzf. i flog; c. 7. A T Chrifiian in all liblrleflzz/i‘_z'e:k hiftory, gm‘ Regi /km Ilzzlifil//5“ crzaeizt/J zztmlerizg ml qm army’; comm Regem y]mgmzrit~: a‘nd~ a late wnter hath xnlargecl the obfervation, telling vid. Grohde us that iflytiley fucceflion of about fix -ages ,jr'1o man 1m_P€‘l‘-Tum of any learning and» ‘reputation nattempted any C3 C.‘ thmg againft the mtmfleor honour of Prxncesm-3 yex; icepting ‘Lmfer Calaritazzwivho {poke "rude and un- ybefeennng words againfl 1 Cnonflantzwsthe Arr1anAAEmpe— tour; but to nnpeachthe Cr€dlEOfh1SpYa&1f€2 He is notedby S;'“Ambrofe for a perfonthati fepatated hirn4-l _ felffimn the communion of“the* Churchtlbut as rieveé? P rence to other divinelconnmancls wore off in time (as A -the power thatexaltetk itlelf zzéorue 411 that is called Goa? l obtained in theworld) fo to this among therel’c( of‘ I obedienceltol laiwfulli authority.) Gods olirue; land evince decline the Magifirates placeA.,i whilesbmmble: fcratch Aeveryonethat would getabove them. None foleafiee ’_ todrifve as C/art;/z‘:Aj72ee]2y; they are A the [wine of the V wotld,i,i‘that A areyyhardieto chive A, men ofnftrong -lufis A and proud fpirits which create Mag1fltatesthevreateft trouble." They are? t.filtby” dreamer: ‘ who Afpi eiya’07m’- A “ m'oi¢,_Tucle, ‘V. *8. A :3, l ‘A A lEighthly ', *\Godl abetslauthority by that /pécialblef fee which generallyvwchfaferh 11Pi011?tld?eduetexe— cation of : juflice’ Vb is reiaomé feen e i tum inP°W¢randS0vereignty- It r griwwztereévwge though the mate i b EI31» 4 it ter of itmi ht betujuftand d‘el'er.ved)l l"l3I'.h.b€efl’haPpy" L1nC1ifUCC€dfSul‘1,Wh€l‘éaS generally 'z2in{z’z'é‘z‘z_z112zt!1alz'czz, the;/lriuner_p1tI3Zi; \ "puniflament .l.I1fll(5lZ€d by at Mag1Ptrate( In nvrndrcatton of ‘*9 ’””"””“"° injured innocence-t): hathxfucceeded happily. Come monly private 1‘eveng€‘s takeoff one enemy, and invite '=Ji:2§1-"f'»'5;°7_*t'-_» “I A many : i butpublick revenge executed by the rules of * ‘ juftice Vpriocures Gods efpecial blefling upon a perfon or rul. SermO'. nation, Jet, 3i,T/my [hit/J_t/J8 L0m',Execute judge“ fidel.c.4. VI i % .- l - ; /M - o l r 3€1.2.z.r5',:r6.. mm: and VZgbt60flffi€fi,. amldelzrver we epprefledg mzdi I i will blefl you, &c. lProv.2r,3. God in the firfl: agesof the world did govern it, and adminifter juliice often- times immediately by his own hand, and punilhed ma- ny ‘ar perfon (as we reade ) with death forthe violati- on ofhis._%lawsi,‘wl1ereas now God ihath cornn1itted(las all rfpiritual judgernentto his fon , fo) alltivil judge» r ment to” the Magiftrate, and therefore Gad hath a {po- ciali blefling pronounced upon him for executing the l r jufléce 0_ftlaeiLorrzl5 Deut. 33+. 21. and in ltim every rlgllteousmagifcrate. l l i T hefe eightparttculars laid together will evidence 4 God to be a ver Great 4al)€l".tO11_1‘ and juftifier ofmle mm’ o g 0 .So'v6rezgmfy1n1:‘Cworld. ‘ A 4 A At 1 VVe learn hence two th1.ngs.l I. rTI1e”m2j;z»fl7zefi' of ' that charge foloftentdrawniup trgainfi 1teZz;gz'o;¢,as if an? enemy to gmtzemmmtl, zapatronof State»—difturbance, When ever there have been fcate troubles, atheifts cry out inmtum rellzgzlo pom!» &C.1'€1lg10l1SiP€l‘fOflSh3V€ been alway thought tlie§1o;¢.iz’o‘ in the fllid, when there hath ibieenla /mm in the lfcategr l“Elz‘4/2 ‘ efleemed 4 trwww i l A War roof I frlzelit l :t Klngsl 8. eT:he apoft1es,lA&sl 24,, 5, A llkelrzmtrand Aéts 17.6. tlaofena/via/a mmd the worldupfldc dam. lb.E‘{th.3.8. Someconeeiver this wasthereafon ixvhye’ym4~iave command,t£or*p(1%n€tually to build the fi 3 e temple 12 I4 Ternple‘ but Athreefeere euéits breeds, and tl1reefeorel»egeéz‘te V big/a,Aevena»politick jealoufie of the firengththereoffi, A V as. «oc‘cafion:1night[ ferve. A The Aheaizhens tnfedf to re.» preach theGofpel iuponitlais accoungas may be collea- A red prolwably from ;Iet,:;, 8; i ~ to the crookedft and frowardft Mafters God i fets over ’ us, to that ; Religion can never be ‘pretended againfl I40ra1tY- i A ‘ r And therefore whe11.i I takeafadiireviewofthe evil of our late d1fUI1‘Balf1C,€S , I cake not fo.. much noticeof the IOTS of a King, Liberty, Pr0j>erty5P4rliame7¢}5, iflland, ; (though very great) asof the impairing fofar the credit vofxeligion, it in the 1 violences offered to the perifon» of i His Jacred Majefiya and that by perfons for highly prev l W1 i11St0 it. i I alttforry the Papifie leernto haveiuoivr p 94 :63 agothfof l3"32t}mzryAt0:hlretu1‘nus f0l'3».; 5?“ of Noveméér, ‘ ButAblef{"ecl be AAtGod},vl1oA,put 1tt1g1totheheartof;=he 1’zzrli;m"matAhl to begm then: work at the A removal ofthis loam andblot Af1‘C>mt_Religion, not fufferingh the bloudiof 4 A:.1%Princelhto lie any longer (like taqzmform) upon Relig. ogions credit “ tofcotode and eat thereirito. hWe‘ finde f their pracftice juflified by the holy Ghoft, whohaving “ told us ofKi11g}’°e/aooafbbeingg murdered by“ his fervants, out of hand tellslus who they were that didit, 2 cm», A2 26; to wital none of the ptofeflours. oflthe ttuel‘ Re- ligioh, none of the lffmelites but to Zaézm’ the Awmomte ar1dgfeboz,4m2zAbeMonézre, that fo the honour of Reli» A gion might not fuffetofor a moment in the breaft of the A Reader, and thus tell the World (as foon’ as Godl favours ftl1em with ahtopportuhity) .thatAi“t vvas notFLaw%but Violence, not Relzgion but Pretemes, not A «the Nation but a Faéiiorz thatattemptled f0 llnpétrallellkl ta Wi¢kednef5A l A A 1 A A -A A Secondly, A Thisdoétrine may ferve to give 3 0226516 to alltmiterowloattemt ts*aga1r;1ft “Mzzjefly A and Authority, A Thete«isa;Léthtleefol AlAAAAttea£'onl that falls here under chal» ‘I A lenge, that of the »»s .mo_ngft Cnurt pfo1cecifms'and tbarbgt1fms,pp wbzo/a the ‘ t t o Scripture zgfot/o,~Rfal,2 The (Ktzogs) glory is great" in obytfalruotiooo, H onozor o£2_d' Mzzjefiy t/oooo Hloio.’ upon W i*fet]>ro'*_t;e}o,hIizfigmndomoefl ext t A4 4 ooploooin qoo 1a*¢x;m timetzoawe mufifgoout of that. A place fpeedilyfwhere the King is notfreverencedpq for“ We Tfhalli generally ifindei A fcorn anti c”onte1nptthr_<>wn=. 11P_fI1K"ings and meni in authority eithera fadforerun-~ neroftfome heavy judgement upon the people, or elfe f tlietremovaiof theepewer itéelffo fcorned: and’thexeé~ [I8 1 e An.n~;,;‘,;-1,-,3-W-$q¢,,;_‘seforerhefertwothings, ]ea£g1’2.2r1§ Gods Wzagcaa» #3 5:.¢z7mht5-- Qrgécféiffig tempt; upon Princes, and -Vweaaknin prof their Itrengzh and 7”“ 7‘3’‘'°‘’Wrpow.erp are joinedrtogerher , an [we .ha=V€ feen In our " .o~a;.w (W,,- itimes one of rthern a-conflaanr feeersuhfif 0f1eth¢r0t11er‘r'= nagiolitp-e5';np:p r 3; T azA*oc,) Ari&.ere1c'ear; a {gamer is more fafe ;m¢d6r., tlam acanzemppt.V a ‘K:1ng,9_3I .0fa11- whethe1 Ltbe the hand of Zz7”rZ"('that Qfa pr:- isrdo&rine.checks an-earon f the /wand xnoft 1 KLng.x.7p.-*ZIzztevp€rfOi1j%&?IHth€ hand of jozzb ([11:11: {of amu~lt2'tm[e in or A ‘awayof force under one Captain.) I Then letxno private hand be lifted up to eviolatee n,,1p3m.m.25_9. Majefly, foabetted byrheaveen. Chriftiaflity rjifoxvns all confecraced daggers. In heathen VVr1tersr mdeed, V nothlngof more familiar occurrence then Panegyrrcks in CO7m1I1€fldatiOna0f1£h€ aifertors ofpublick liberty (as A they {’ci1edthem) by the affafiinating of aRu1er, when a the people once epleafed to 'votehirn a Tyrant; athing reafily pardonable in them,being able (by the dim ‘light A -ofnature)rto difcover no more in a King thene ahead of gold, fuppaortedj by M the clayie toes of popular eleaéfion and acceptance : but ‘Scripture pfhew-5 a higher Charter when fo, wherebyKingsho1d their CrownS,Prov.8;I 5.. 53' we ings reign : A Hereirl; is azconfiderablfi difierence between Chrifiia=r~1it:y and‘Genti1ifm;n in Gentilifm there was fomertirnes a high meafure of honour and refpeét given to the perform of M a particular Emperour, eviden-— ced inn fwearing by his Gem‘m,r Martial: fiilienoj his " Edifium Darnéfli mi naflri, in canonizing 0 ‘him ’VVh€nadead1,&c.e but little ornone. gave they to his Oflice, asappears. in-the liberty (mentioned) to violate 1- his perfon, when judged an Encroacher upontlwe pub- ‘1iCkf1ibert}T. therother fideg Chrifiianityra1ots,a V1¢“f$(thougVh a truer) A honear for the Magifirates A perfonae A burr thee, ref1ae,€ts.ea high%er['Vupon A hisuoflicea Itilingpp jiyr: E*eIl9fl~ A A nod: loreiinenee, \ now. 13. 2. Hiset~hronee3«Genie?/none; Rowen. 12,- 3.» Hi1nfeAlf.G0n’§~Minzffi‘6r5 Rom. I 3. 4; the ju- A Rice He nexecutes‘lGoel5;jnflice,4 D6nt.3l3. 21." It hath rt:-f fpeét firfl: to his*A‘oflice, then tolhis perfonl; which 4is?»A zleerefore facriedand-inviolable,(as that piece of Brafsis, _ AA A upon which the Kings «Image ise:Adft’a1npt,andl as thebread§j’§;jn@’;{f" e in the Sacrament, being dedicated to a holy and P€'C11"'“multo.s‘ (’ liar fervice,A:is thereby fecured lfrolnl thatlirreverend andijrinciflen ) _v A on}m~nj]e,quz.- A pfofaneeha‘ndling'that..common bread is expofeduntoe~:l)1m We M-_, Hence we {hall finde the King of heaven tnpon * tl1evio- titer vcflerir. we lntion 0fl11S~I1‘I1a°‘e. 1n 3 Kmg, punnh 2. perfon or people ”""7"‘A“" F‘ '5 A . A v Q, e A , moeiznn flee.- as guilty Lefie Mzzjeflntn: The Prophet tells Leenzflt, rant. Ma»- lt/eezt flue wnsltne beginning of to we dang/ate? of Sier2,¢hi3V¥ Primal M{e,Ax., I3_A fnnz'n:conce1ves the Holy—.Gl1ofl: faitI1fo§;,I,§g,,;,,_ hecauvfe that place werel,gu1llty E])6Ffl5lle6’Z[[i%56'afl] zentz~A5Ki1AgaI4W;; and: centre Regen’; Amafiam fnrfinj of that per d1ous- A eonfpiracyeoq.gainft.eKing Anzezfiezk (there flatn.) A A A 2 Let no hand of fifionb (no joint force of people in» awaytoef openVVat) the powers, wt/ens ordained of ‘110mAI3Am,A.,A God, Rebellien an the fin of Wfvbvrdft, I Setnmis; Azl 3 in this particular efpeciall , that itornifetll fuch evil {pi- tits in a Nation, which when there is no more work for them todo, tear thofe inpieces which railed them; it being not feldorn _ obferved, lthatlsouldiersraifed in 4 CivilWar,tnrn.fheir A1*1ns~«(atelaft) upon thofe who» , firfl occafioned their wearing of a Sword. T heetaliing A Arms to redrefsgfome evilsin the government of :1 New ‘4 tion, proveslgeneernlly bums the cntnng oh‘ of thelhand ‘: to~get'rid ofacnt finger. e 4 A 4- A . A so much be fpolten tothe cafe A the Wife manrupe plofeltih, come nw to: the”l'eeond~ part of the Text... 2,; Thewifemans judgement or obfervation thereon, tine people (ineefuch a ltate ) rejoice: Which words may be“ takenin a two-vfold felnl”e,, A D 2.4:. l1:t,Soe; E20 1 A LI Soas to~dienote2eeorem1>o1mlLi, the fafhion and cu» j iiomfof at people in fuch acafe 5% they;’Aufe:A_1;2o rejoice , when the wieleeel pcryifb theree5_/hoiezing,-~Pro*u.IyI.10, no prayers for their continuance, no tears for ‘theirlofs -, -but when the righteous bear rule, they ufe to rejoice. i A fr A The words may be taken sfo as to denote offiam r ~~ pqpuli, the duty ofa people i in fuchea cafe 5 It is toyex~ prefs a joyful fenfe of the great biefling vouchfafed to n them : A“ A A ‘ A r A y A 1" A ‘ Firth. the Words may be taken [0 as to denote morem r pepuli, the cuftom of the people infuch acafe : They’ ‘ufe to rejoice; and truly verygreat matter of joy A people have who fitunder the ihadow of airzgbteroes, A .re«!z'gz'ore: Prince, upon feveral confiderations: it t I Under ‘Aa religio/es Prince a Nation generally in? . ‘ joies the impartial execution of ‘Law and .4elmi;¢z'flmti0n 4 Gem ,3_ W of 3311/1F_z'ee. ; g A Princereprefents the perfon ofGo,d., and r arighteous Prince his nature, which is to do juftly toall n1'I1EI"I“_;, Prarv. 21. 15', It 4 joy to the jeefl to do .jzm’ge;..’ went; Every man is now likely to become eepillmfub legzmz male: 5 It will be found a certainytrut , that jé4dA em,-,,,;,_,,.,,,... me” mayoccafimgood lawsrs wife We mufir makt g,-fl,,,,,,,, ,,,.,e__ them; but goodmen‘ muft executeéthem. r A ‘Kings ~ Jim: optima: greatnefl lets him above the fear ofmen, and hisgood--. “‘-5"‘ y_ ne[: above their favour he is therefore . like good Hand n W tic hy always runs to theyiwounded .pajr?t (relieves theopg-A r prefI'ed')he fpeaks in the language of etheKingly fropiiet, rc"Joh.e9.14. .Pfel. 2. ~W/Jen I receirzze the Congreg4tiofi,I will-y §f‘3g.9 5. j udge uprzgbtly : whereas wicked Magiftrates r are like .A A bad /wmoars in the body which take to the iicorruptedn. part and protnote the inflammation. had Gover-- i nour iswell compared, ; rinjetbms parab1e,to the érem- .\ He * whichfiandsuin the ‘Kingshigh-Away, t not to fileitfir i A .\ AA V ey ‘[2I~] theiheep; butto pull its fleece fromAoffitsiback. Now i thisis a thing which makes a people rejoice, the due" ab-i g fiirwtian of pLzmvs, which are the finews of.peace,,a.s mo-» neyofwar. pi A n A n l A2" A righteous Prince doth a Nation much good by A 152': «very prefence therein: Little do men underfiand how great a bleffing the very ptefence of l a good King . is to a people whom God looks upon as an tmirzzerfzzlei A in repprxflzntandogas the peoples reptefentative not only , in his of fire, but in his perfzm, and -the people as /2013’ in him their head , ]er. 5;. I. Eiw too mdfro through the jlrem of I-Iierufalem, ifyou can find 4 man that executet/1 2' mg-”~*°= . tée wrath afthe Lord Came not upon if-liemfalem in the judgement, andl I will pardon it. SO 2 Cjbrofli 32. 25' ,;Ezc-k H 30 days i of Hezekiah : ‘Commonly when the nigbtofp af- fliétion and mifery 1S drawing ofn upon aNation, Eofi aiesai orood Prince to fleep I :1. 57- I. a placew ic Grotiwbunderflands of aod, K mg Jofia/2: an interpre-— i ~ tationp rendted probab e‘ by 2 Cbron. 34.. 2 8. t A A W 3 He is 21 verygteag: bleffingto a Nationby the pow» erfulneflr ofbzfisexzzmple, whatfofever ai lKing doth, gene- rally pleafiet/9 t/ae Eeople, 2 gm. 3. 36. I have let thee as _]0fi1,M_‘ 3 I, . la [cal upon mypand, faith God to agood Ruler, and ~ fuch is every good King, ’Gad5 flea! 5 and men pare (:ornA~«A Hag‘ 2... A monly turnedm clay to rim [ml , (as 105 (peaks, of. 38, 12.) except very much hardened in their fins, A ALm commands men out ofpwickednefs,but agood Kings A example [bames themout of it... Kingsate {tiled Nztr-- 113,49, ,3, fing fathers, and Cgeens Nurfing mothers, and (as~chil- A dren do) fo doapeople in theirmannerslihewthe , cmflitutian, and reportpt , e geod or had twzper ofthofe their, publick Nurfes: the exaJ:nple,of “common men makesvice afaflfion ,ofKingS,al4Ws apoormans wif—~: D 3 A 1‘ “W5 j d A rm" flmzzr f1"1:a=1?1 be die/]vz'fl:d,; Ectlesd 9.15. when a‘ §reatA mansi Arvice rimlfollyhflmallbertapplauded. A j Foflrthly Byt/we fucieflfwlnef /azlsjrzozmfels, He‘ is» A A great rnatterof joy to a people gergerally. That‘APrit1ce~ Prov, 14,32 is gmoft likely to be eattended W1tAhh;fi1CC€fShiAA:WhOe makes A ufedof thisAwifdorne , not Ato A promote hisovvn uhnwar.-at hmntable defignesggbut to difcjover other mens: -It «is a A maxime in law, W/ma zzflzzte is in jirefi-:’rwriaWvfe[rzw,A mar/aiflg mm rm z't.A And it i3 22 proverb in‘Sc1jipture9 ’ Prov. Io;9. Hep_pté.«;t nmlkatk aprz'g/aptly wzzlketé fzrre[y,__ A Theinftartceseof "unfortunate and righteous P1‘inces‘are-~ A ve1'yrfew.h A or ‘. W A A ‘ A .Rc:gfimaf /Em indeed feldomernakes ufe of thatto--» he pick 45 /aamflo, is generally thought that religion sccpwbrumvi:‘a Prince 22. Alamé, arrd then he is next door to dan- ‘£0511 pcrir fi . 4' ' 1 ‘ p o . . A. p. » I 16%. it Prmce to read}. ATh-at a.rPr1r»1ce who 15 to be fzzéer for- ritque mes trmefzm, mufi ufe crooked rnftruments as well as frrarrg, refiieflzm hoe ‘ ‘ Avorrrizg-;At11atcafes of corzfcience were‘not w1-ittren for) we/ii, LIAM turnyafideto Acounfe1s,'h.which nice Cafuifis poifibly wi11~¥ wfaezemm not j uftifiej But We fl1a1A1AAA~AA~finde God‘ blafling fuch do»- "/? 9‘W“’5”“‘ étrineas this by his; Providences frequently"; a Magmteg-AA invifzz tuverur LuW,um,_3_' bzmkh may fomeAtirnAe rAemov'e a fit, butit isthe P/ayflciztn~ A A ,A*II1l1f’CrCI1I‘€ the difeafe : and thus forneoptilnes A, "theAwi1yr A;IAere:nA-.xA4.e firatagernsof A unrighteous politiciar1s( thofe /lzlgt/7th/aezzln-'~? err) may remove a;fiAtAAof a difcemper the body poli--A tick groans under,*:bu=tpitreturns afterward withgreater r vio1ence,it is rigI1teoufnefs Aonely isd the Phyfician to A cure ‘it’ pRig'hteou‘fnefSr_r1ay poflibly lofera throw or: 7 V two, butAitconf’cantly vvrnsthe game-, Not I, but the A Lord faith to; 3 Wily politicianI<'ingS/mllum, _'[AeremA.;A.. A A 252.15%. 51341: trhorrrr reign éecaufe AAz‘;/my olafiff trwh-‘[31]’ in radar? ( becaufethou manageftsnfairsrofi flate politick-~ or ‘1y’)A'a’rd~t:ro;A tlzy firrhereat and drinkwrd AdojufZz'c€;A and J p jmdgemexgj, < ‘[23 A jmIgement,md than ‘it nw hwel 1 with AH: jzmiged’ the AA cmfe qf the poor and needy and then 2'2?“ tam‘ well with /aim? That policy pend cunnmg do not carry it, and that ';the game goeshnot always £0hirt1*th3-tC3.l1 befi cog the A die, appears both gi.n,Azmtz'rm-.v wzmd pafficzalar mm, "See it; natimlsh. The _Afizztz°ck: more quick and ‘:a.cute”genera.11y* then the; European:anciet1t1y,Awere aconquered by the cream : he T116 6' ?€’Cizzm‘tby the Same " ~cm.tA,pThpe AtI1c22z';m5‘byptl1e Spdrtanst, The Egyptian: [ by the Perfims , many nations by the 1" wk; , andtyet A tathe latter the more dull and unpolitick people: fee it in particular perfons,Who more acute then ‘Machine/el, and who mote.unfo1'tunate 1nh1s cotunfel to Coefztr Box»- git: ; Clement the feventh, 3. politickperfohtbut not fuccefsfullg Acbitkgp/oel,droxvnedinhis own depth, Itis thing which Scnpture often tells us of, Gods tzmag Pfal 9,t6, the unrighteous com [615 of Politittiqm. It is one of Gods 3°13 I1’-*--AW-k chata&erse,'Ifai.. 44. 25,,“ Tim/ye tgzrnete/atfie wifemw §;’;§;, véackwml 4mlmaket1a.tbez'r knowledge 'foalzfla,_Tob§ I 2 ,1 7., ffclezzdetla cozmfetllozm. army fpuilepl, hand mztketla judges Aflols. It is a truth of everlafiing fait11fu1netfs., that can never be éroztglat abuzz: ( fafely ) by (and mean: , which cmla’ ”notAée by good. Befides, righteoufnefs brihgAs fuc- «tefstotcounfe1s,becaufe politicians generally hut1tAcoun~ A 4 terand never think“tofindeA ahPI'ince vvzdking in the vfiifiimzzs exm A broad rode of jufiice and l1onef’cynar1d [0 he walks um-4% Pv%mento,ff~ A difcerned. Again LAo*ue‘” and Hamtmr are , the Magi— Cufiadmm flraces 5~'°aofki;¢ antdp1;qaz;,Ah1s mam fi1‘€flgEh’2_lf1dE'fl23bl1fh‘fi'pPrinc{pi;_,tj]é' A ment,whit.:h by unalterablelaw of heztventare it1~.I1’fiu-WI?10W* V Iailedonely uponvirme attdhhrzgbteoiafmffl . A I tram, P1in.8Ld~ A - A. A , ApTra1an«..;tt rxghteous tPrmceA1sAa. very greAat matter of joy toe 4 g 5. W916;bytt/Wdrgewof heart»andtWlicknef‘ offttrié h I .«rzttp;. Wimichcqnftantly attends apeteligious Prince. Go A and andp-righteousMaf’cers are. peculiarly ftiled,I Tim. 6.2, 5! vzuewee f "3 v77)‘“f*«3xeép:e?°’, ( that is; l as G'rot:im notes )” Theyrwhich take care of.,lor aflilt doing goodto others by providing conveniences &lnecefl"ar1es for thofe under A not as we i read ( perm- S k_£’T‘J‘ of the fie- ¢; H 9\Lullez omni-— bur feczzlis re- perm efi; "ucl pkflofophia vet fefia, rue} reli- gio, vet lex, "fuelpidifltiplinez, gme in zerrtym bonum commu- znionis exalte- rit, bormm we- E24] their chargefl trims» 4' 15 véo3"‘we fignifying M77; aliezejusgerere, dag’ 5,: o€x(—r;i%oc(4;€uu6;Zevo: ski‘ c£’Aa9c4':: , 1fa,26_2_ is the intended to p fignifie has people that take Care of truth; “Lawful! zmfiberity is generally attended (as was noted) r with arpublick fpirit, butgooeliaeffalwaysg, it is the natu- raleproduét of 1?eligz'on.,i whofelaw is, Philip. 2.4; Lool: not eruery mm on in}: own things, but every mew on the o tbiregs of others: It makes a gran pp owl-ey’d to his neigh- bours faults, and eagle--ey’d to -his necelfities, Ifa. 5' 8.7,, Goodnefsdelivers from thofe lufis and impurities,,which~ J rlfhrivel, fltriink and crum A le the fpirits of men and make re inazuiduazethemi particular and fel fh As foon as ever the»1fi1niiOf di£pr£iJi£':rqu¢,n"' tzemfide: Clariv ‘ - fiiczmz. Vera- righteoufuefs fhines in upon the foul:; (like the flower ) 1t opens, and expands it {elf in care for and love to our lam. de augm. brother: at publick lfpirit is a natural and pregnant dif- fc:ient.l.7 c 1 g I 2; 1:4-3 5 it a “pas, l 15.60.! 0. ‘ zChron.34. .3a- in up 2- Chron.3I.4. covery of God iuafoul: it is the nature of /aeewm to be always im parting,ibutQfl the earth .toebe_al”vvays re—- v , C€1V1IIg.r NOW what rnattter‘ of joy is this to a people to have rulers whofe largelhearts ingage them, to be aim” 'e8eWP7rP5v‘m,p Rom. I3. 6. alum} arte2m’z'ng upon the good of their speoplef 4+» a Heismatterof greatjoy to a eople éy/aizk care to ”ztel=z2ztrzee relzgien and the Churcho God: At tNh€l'f121l.1-- r pgurations of ‘thejfings ef *7’-’ud:z the teflimonyilwas put into their" hands, 2 Kings 1 I .12. to denote thePrince beintr charged, with theicate of Gods Worflaip as ’ Welles f he peoples fafety :4 no fuch miagrkale/mrta for at Kingtodefend, as Scripture: Crotim dwell notes ethane _ the piety of goodKings (in Ifmeli ) is {fill intituled 1:; r A I the E273 the refarr1¢t¢ptio;¢_f,p;1end the wicltednefs" offbad ones to the efeveral zzéufirs irffltlue Church. * The r Heathens ‘ac--‘ l hznowledgred ”fuch< A religious ' care r vvellbecorning at SIZCWZ‘ .S‘6rz'p;rfr--p o Prince in thntrlrfrmof’p,1?&Y€reCl1T1€flti0I1€d in mm) ’”“"""$"°”“ ‘°”h . _ p, 4 r o r t p ,r . r.lmclzp'm‘1rzuta*zz ufed by them fortherr Emperour, utpDc_:m_z fz'pzmelZz—- ,-mm tzjgrpg. §emem bzt2a¢2z;2i”alirz)i;¢t/We jam mefiffm dm‘7et;“ It is tl1eliur,6ulP¢msR€~ duty of a King to favour re1igiot1s' perfons :l to fayllwith or D Amy; pfa1_IOI_6;‘eeeeMi;.ae eyes [ball -62: nporftbe faith Porc[t,"c.8. t l full of the rm’. Such perfons are ‘indeed acco”untedW'“- ( like Sampfom hair ) bwutpthe excrernents. (the off- fcouring of a nation )but they are, in truth, ( like that ) the firengtthdtltereof, Zach".I2.S‘. 2 It is 4ptpl1€hA6t.2.7. 3:" duty of Kir1gsefpeciallyyto confirm’ for tbefaitb: Er- Job:-2:-30» tours andl1ere”fiespareh~theredh ‘Dragons teeth, whereby‘ lreldevourrs fouls, which when {own ina nation‘, too oil ten up come armed men (wars and {editions} there being no fuch enmities as A thofe which are foundedtlin religious differences:)Itpis;the King who is the C hurcl1esl”r Guardian ‘(lookt uponast alwayes under a,qej“)lp~en-»—r .rgag‘cdlto‘p1'eferve ‘her portion {acted and entire:Cl1urcl1l goods ( like Mumm) corrupt and breedworms whirle' detained in the wildernefs of facrilegiousinvafion, but continuing fweefa ‘and af‘rnonun'1entl ‘ of divinehunty, Whilelkept in the Temple; byl.this'li‘ilisl carelof‘re- t ligiolrrga good Prince " is an loccafion of great’ joy “to a people, procuring thereby fo great :1 bleffingfrorn leaiven upon them. Vir;tuTe( in m:.1ny"p:.trticularr perfons) hath not; hel‘ pfiiition‘ paid hertill arrived awuu growth tn heaven,bn~ttl1el hrfrorresr of all t.1mesa{T_ure use of 3; —t§ernporalp reward entailed‘ upon 'religio‘n and “virtue ; when heconnng*( in'any'meafi.1rel)>national: tgheworlrs t rof‘ Gogplgeprein pahet"tit1gl,;:his word Prov; I 4. W .1ez;_g=bg- Alf -IQ’-W4/7Z_¢T"pf“l6’K2tZl‘@t/9"*:lr‘h4tI mzriaig _:,~p.&w:5flz¢"p,zlrdrrprl zzcrb ” people, e None callidiza. V 11:; am robore, [ed piemtc: at; religzone, ‘ nmnergcnter ‘ mrionexqzze Rammzi fupe-A-. r~iz‘runt. Tul, . Oran‘-»rd:¢ AF". emfp~r- ,is, thereof : achproved (‘like Peters healing to a flatc,r as hath been noted inthe Romane Empirerpm-5. ajler;- A dz: in pneclaro Romlmgorztm Imperflln , quantum rvalerenr fine rrverm religions; Auguft,‘ E»- wrtute: A chiller, etiam pi£%.5.—.adMarcel. . ~ Thus we fee how j-uflifia-ble. the cu,-ftomeof to re joyce when the righteous A are rule. or r g ; , A A A Secondly, TAhewords=1nay be uriclerftoocleasr cleno-~ ting the duty of 2: people in, fuch an inflance of divine-= in auth.o—~ "A favour as the bellowing of A Aa righteous R-lulér on them: A Common«lyAthegenerality ofrmenrej'Qyce littleat the A A commanded‘ to; rejoyce in them. A 1' Chron.9.8. Pfal_A.Io9.£. 1fa.3:..r . would vve foretell thee A A V «c_ies= or jgaemeutsr hath in iloreylet. fix. A A ithefe flrarso, the 'rRu?le1?»sa‘nd Go-~< Adifpfi?tiolnela1wdafl7eé’£ionrs5;l An expreffion parallel hereunto occurs, Prov. I I. 10; When it goat/9 well wit/J 2‘/are rigjl1teo:tsl,t/ye cit} Arejoycetlaz: happlnefsof rgood rnen,;bu~t they in is their {in if they do not: fo ll j;o ce, that is, theyfhoulcl rejo A fu 1 fenfe of the mercy vouch fafed 1:hem.§ArAeople<~ fhoulcl let the World feel that the King_ha.tht:_Aheir hearts; ly for A a go; = Kliugg A to ru times commanded no honour bad fhould rejoyce ‘ then, ere, the people do re-~ nheheart;of b Princes, butnevet: AA Great: is the God havrg em re lalfeel threenm eeover , ‘once Magi; rate, and at E 9’ rd time as lilelsé a.rigbteous‘lper § E fare of all people,.( forefe~elw ?’l’l”‘l’“”A ’lA]”9“~”3. every lhadovw peoplee Ace, and exprefs a grate le me We rare few A donea néftionl he a man, rag-‘airr asthe fowl p re: Leela: Atkefiaj/},; 4 AAA A My E 27”? r w by Cotmjellours 4: at the beginning: aftermzrd _ than /7:42: V 58 bailed the City of 4%r2:gIhteozzfn8f5; tiJefa2't/gfml'~City, Oh the other fide, N o fuch figure of mine to a A eople as bad v Governours, God had a ptfipofe ofwrat - avainft the Kingdorne of Ifragel, and not one good King had they in the whole Catalogue. i A t n W A * ~ The more the] ews finned, the rnoreGod impaired the goodnefs and excellency cof their government -,~ Their government was (like that of man iniiinnocen- ey) a Tbeomzcie, God being therrRuler, and lmmedtate Law-—giver: Provoked by their fins,"he fets up Kings or-we ver thern,allowed“a power little lefs then abfolute :then Duke: who were indeed exigentetjddaioi but in fubjecfl-— on to fome foreign power or other: Not yet reformed, they are governed by Rulersi which were aliens, but yet in their own Land, and with a refervetion of fome‘ power to themfelves in Spiritual: and Civils, afterward (they beingdeaifto-thevoice ofthisrod) the Scepter departs from fade, all form of civilpolitie is cancellid 3, ithey fcattered over other-faced ofthe earth , and left i (like water in a veffel) to take fhape, figure, law from that State or Nation Providence {houlcl difpofe them —in. A Two things we learn. alfo fromthrs brancht of their i*I‘€Xt.,@ A ~* t l Firm Thatthere are no fuch enemies toiPrince~or peopleias they , who (b any evil counfels) maker a, {mark upon? a Princesarigiteoujizcfr. Such l ‘ierfons poy- i fen a fountain, APrinz:e cannot {in atfo ;eap a rate as “‘c1n1non- men l feldom» do fuch tCounfellours g0?” to their graves in peace, A fometimes they are given up by Princesiasi a Sacrifice to po ular fur a toe~expi2ite their “own guiéclt: fometimesi he tifgufls t em himfelf. King cannot endure continually t to be reproacht " A ' *E~-2 i ‘ " put % [77}lfi*L..i i ‘am hill‘. 1 K3“? 39 theblu AA i;u<:h perfonsr renews the mernorir of; A and therefore "‘ lziff, ‘hates (Alike Amm)t:1:e fig "rt of tI1ofe.byrVI101n_ Alie hatht1QB:' the %h0r1ourrg%QtfrVa Ccflfiimt r1‘ight€OAufnefs; :SeAe.th1s trutl1~jufl'ified in Flimzm,aWrCk€dAAC0Unfcl1our A to [um.a.«r, Adefi-rAQyedAA1:}y Ahir4rAr,A%A §‘.A>AC’jc2?6A~’l¢’5Aby A Tiékriw; ; [rm and um’/ey,Aan~d 1/Voz/Q-y under AA the _ Affwriesa and! AA rrrimy othersoeeurfrrng ir1.~hiAfiory;; burning their fingers atA1aft,\by%ho1d111grthe c::.r.ri:11Ae tAo-aPr1nce., Awhr1[txva1k- r i1:1gi11 ways ‘0fAdar'ki1eAfs,A A Hencer Aedrre AAwe11A.notesA.; 1’-Arzl-= faiezztriqéfi 1A’r'zA1A2aIAA.I,'zAAI12zZ¢r.' trhe firfc fizep coruintg isteobezrr Qzemzzdmo- dam ficfiiv mi: Prin- cz'pz'[2z¢.r finefi ne dominatio, iii Aqmzmvi: cgrcgm, mo-A dzu _l1'l2crtati5 place: , Tac. . 4. %n0t%rVeverer1c”e to.aPrinces Cénifcienee. Wo1*Athy*‘t11ere-A fore of :1 C.ourtiers_remerr1bratnce rs the counfe-=1 of See 10mm, AI’I”0’U. 28. 23. He that rebukcrk 4‘ mm;A afteirmzrcl. A flag;//fizédé more 'f.w0itr "them that tkmr fliztteréti/fi.A _12AZZAfl'9._rkriA;s”AA A lips. A A ANot11ing; procuresai 1Ar1AariJ greater favot1r.vr*itAhAAl1is Prince (that owns any degreeof gm Nature) then, plain and righteous counf-:~:l~ fez£Aforra.b1y,AAl1urnb1yi, and conrfiantlr tflowsfromrr Namert;rcornpliance from Art) xvI1ereasrxvickA.edtAAC oiinffé1r1oLi1rs:a,"réAA 1Ai?k3eAbufl1eSxA and thorns, which men rurrA%tc>M.r in afiorm ,1 but cut up commonly in a calm. “ “ ~ ’ AASecond1yA,a Learnt we I her1ceAA what maf:ter*Aof jAovtheA recqrnor fogooda Prin;:eA hiSrAA(31A55:A$*:?vIiAtiliififiiingftdoinsr ; hath occafioned,.who is tAheArebyAA b1e[’cwi‘tI1Sr$11AeAé.r 1”arge* enough to difpIaya11Ahis41ftoya1VAerturesin;. A AA W A A A A AA A A A A A fora VAi<5°c01‘y - go*§:ter_1 AA A (the A Rowzmsr a11W<);WednoTri~rAAA 117I%1A‘;§P1A?*5f01‘AfAi1AAC-11Vifiioriesé.)The €Yethati51A510U<1~fl10te A3113Plfiflfaflfi1iS11tA°Af‘he5““5 and rrulyfqaefiion notbutmanr goodimen Cfince our 1%: rWe cg;r;eAA %nAo.t new A together to A rejorce unhappy ~.,:by AthatWl§:k€df1_€fS\’VhiC11ihfifightef 7/mm’ adAAmi}7.«.zm' gMAa’rm _fl'7”1A£1AtJr qt»? 7z0i¢.ArAcverez:?zr cam I finliappjzkw Acmexsences ) cou1d.not bearf ma: light‘ Aofvjoy %‘ and g1:i1d11cefs4wI1icl1w A11 viétory might ot:he1'-- A xvife occ3.fio11,AA while they had fmzguinem ci“%z2i‘m;¢:z% ,A%o%mm1u'nbct; the bloucl of %fe1%1ow~bre4thren m1cIV$CitizensA4\(flaed on 15‘ “"”iW”-‘A X mffcrzz fed m’-“L botmh Afidesyfo inuch im thei1‘.ey”efsA a~fidA%‘%t11oughtsV: but ‘big ,,,,,-[,3,.,,-m%AA%.M -fure1y_nothing now can be pfetexuded fufficim1tc’r;> inte1:- gum 4 W? 1:1q1;i»4t:. and difiurb 0111‘ }0yA:,. Ano*h2i1*fl1 firing‘ Ito make ofir °'"7"”.7" M" Mz1fic.kungf%at%efuL e:Axcep_tAthe n@t.gratifying”of1b1ne A A FEW p1‘iyate,a:_1d pzu:tir;u1arint'e1*efls. A _A VVhc=::1A they fawzdatiows ofthe eanh were laid , the Afforrmxg fiarfzzg/zg for jay, 3306. 38.7. gll ourfowmhépfg ,,g,— mm ofA,Garvem;*¢m¢t,A, Jielzgzon, Law, Pzzrlzztmems, We1'Ae outof A Cowje ;, %'lf1Q\V?E1'121"t\«V’€ fee Godjaymg them aga1nA, fluouid Wang: exp r&fsA joyfifl femfeiof t11”e‘Me1*cy *, ar1d ‘ 41ikVe%gQod1nembe1*s Oftllfi body Apc3lit1ckf,,‘% rejwm in the welfzire ofthe VVAhO1E'f V A 2 A A A ‘A VTVliiSsisz1AduAty GQd1*equ11‘esatfuc11aAt'i1ne:1sAt11is,sJfz&¢,, A A 65.18;. 56 glad a2¢a5A rejqicc*for4 £4-‘z2e*7:‘z'nz& ti'9.ntfw‘lm"_/JA I 'creat1fi, f"g§; !2;<;?‘?gqld A(;§rcaAf¢AfIi¢m«faZem;A4 rcjoérivhg, A ‘her people A A 51;; W.%V,§;i1*e Imn , iAf;ainyAp,:art of W: “‘e~Nati0nAhaveA.1nat1:er 511122 Te {pint é )f' ‘ of joy ?' We m‘ the‘ 7/mi‘U.‘.Wf.2’f.y' llltfleg L:miVerfit‘ieS Emd rec-'(3Pcrzn2£/?zz- le.:1m<-sd men 1110ffflOl11‘1flf1)f1g 1111derI{1ngs,: but efpe: dicz,qzz.;4I9,_* T34?7?; 3.\2”O.‘ “ 1» A i 5 A j e Ah 1;; Much mig”hcbea11edged incomlnendatiqn bfregal Govefnment, hiit ‘I {haY1adHh b11t“ this one confideyation A (‘as having‘ foe great aflinityhhwithethéText») .;~Itgi:$ hard for a”Ru1er(in anyorlaeer Governrfleritxtob¢mo1'echex1~eh 01'din31‘Y rig/9t€Wa»h fimi pie 9:: (aboye ot11]¢f%>" .0} deferts fof’ asubjéa; ..(1ihdeEhandt 16th Pqrm“)-be and Elnixle but A he "iS?.9‘mQre feazfithen fwouredaaoftner A mg;m1»c%h;nerm4r;zeger(.tI1¢‘envyo£ the fa11.[offQ Mirgent . 3;h;P¢rfon;” provifie d3neierouShete0~n0n¢h;%bhéinehhhhdividedhe 31137 ‘mat R1116 and Cemmandfi *M.1dcer~e‘%eh of V ‘goo . gooa Offices with thefewefffearsg and a $uhjeE?‘ perfortn 333 noble fervices with the highefl hopes.‘ A A M A ‘ A Sure Ianrlzhis N3fi0fl Of 15795 [Win15 053 mo“? W513 ‘ mm: 5 andgenfifgug f V 11; then to contentedly under any‘ otherhthen ea dR'oy.czl~fl1adOW A», th1S Was €V€r 01117 WRY Of Government.d"“S«t4th/5 Rezp, An lz'mh.e,‘fem]7€1" R€g4h551?°’ 3611- 04?» far: 5; femper hazreditarim (Tait; 3 leaffileé Am3i€1”311Y_-) fifulim Cefzzr makes rnentton of the Prmczpes 132fztzmhz.e , "lib. 4. feé‘t. 6; beforethe times of Chrifi: “many changes have been inthe perfons, but none in the Government,'ti11‘ot late Rx“-F,-0 PW (as indeed we {hall finde Monarchies in I-Iiftory lafcing mm‘ gzzafdam for many hundred years in a. Nation? but Venice _is the 5 only infiancee or a Commogmmzlth, wh1ch_haAth CQr_1t1I1U€d dmicfitii fir; zt thoufand years, and that too forforne fpeeral tea-— :2c{::.)c.;foz;zzfwc. IOIIS.) 1y d ” V be ‘ " d aztmm millemzu Upon this account we have matter of great JOY» that jdléjdegnic we are now returned to our old Form of Government JP”; L m_ ~ (the Nation was like a fifh before”, [2616 till it CEISIIC E113? c. x. ' ther where it wasfirft fpawtfd.) T0 thOf€,thatet11iI11:i T this no {nah hm‘c1tte1" of joy , Iflmll pr0P011fld’th€q“€“ fiion that Athimelech did to the men of Siahem, 9.2. Whether is it hatter faryom thatall the [omof 3°-ew A mhhael (which are threef6‘0V6’tWl “W P37?f0f1~fl) 75...?” “W?” yohrhone mdymr_flc_*/h.t This govc-3rI1m€f1t(f0 highw you, or thzztone rez'gn“0'Z!L’l”{.)’01¢ 3 7d 1T3?””77’*5‘3’e?‘hl[”srt £174’ /7‘ 73 abetting that unity which allthings tend unto) ath A been treéeivedd with the greatefc dexpreffions of joy in to tlteirhrettds. t %Scriptwre,Nhm. 223.21%. I‘ Kz'hg.I,39- ;"- —.IA("'7_€§”.tIdI. 14-» r 43 ernhave matter 0fV<‘-‘1‘Yt:~315‘”33tJ0Yt1f1t11%11ie"Y<'3 3* have .4 rz;ghteowK2’hg to be our Ruler, 0111? E14” 15 A nowlike thofe which flood abggut the throne, EW-4-9‘~ nWh0W;€r.e clothed 2'22-white tgarmflmf afld had ‘W”””‘t 0“ F E34] h We haV¢A,wa“King who is lcga/1;: ngzateaw o-{ne born ourKigg,”’invad1ng “no mans rigl1t,'flan:liqg“uponh no A meAAnslllsl,]a1n..2.8. His Majefties declarations allure us that He Wouldnot have usi(like lines) running all to one and the fame centre, the King-, yet neverltouching one another, in any hearty love and affeétion. And certainly it is high time for us to think ofjoynf a ring» hearts and hands :« We well agree in the main, re-«j lzgiony and loyaltie, Why {hould we ran out about mint arm’ czmemin 2’ It hath alway been the Devils policy to A let the people of God at variance about circurnftances, how hotvverelthe difputes and lcontentions in the A-p i pofllestimes about g¢2e;zt5i4ndt‘t21m'nk5 .9 {show lllglltllc anirnofities in afteriiages about the time of the obfer-A-l vation of Eaflers the precedence of their Biihops, &c; i \ and in our own times about matters whicl1_(1n, them-— i felves confidered) t commend no t rnan.itoGlod_: The Devil haltphalway endeavoured to choke the Church of God (like Adrian) with gears and flies , difputes about matters of fmall moment in religion: oh how are we benighted that feem yetignorant of llsacaus de-— vices I It was the infant aateof the A Church in which were Tet at diftance by c1rc11mftances.Word$ that l {land -in regirniae linltheflebrew tongue, lofe a’ letieryor two and yet nobreach is made in thefe truly thete is ‘no thinking We {hall Rand long (peaceably ) in pref-A ‘g2'72zz‘;zesin governinent and order, if fuperiours and in-4 I12 reams ‘Sfiwr. _%I597. the Gofpelwillt ~ accept men =eru“ery w/me (as God doth) M, E36] Feriots be loch ’t0*patt with fome[2moc‘fz'lio’3 andtcircum- ftances‘ in their A opinions and .praétifes‘,vwl1ich°mat "be done without any breach made upon the/ooofe of Creed ex: Sc{riptu1*e:~ The noble, 1arge.ando1ngenuous fpitit of V Aéts I 0. 3 5 . éifortrig/7t~eozo[7o€[? and innocence fake. Ad- A mimble iStth8.'t"1‘11l€ oftthe Apofile in matters of‘indif- ferency? Ro1I1.'I4.3. e Toot t/Jo ffrorog do not dofizfe the rveo/egyzor If-/ac’ weak jodgoe zmd‘ condemn tbeflroiog, A A V A But to return; this confideratton alfo ista llltlttér of A very greatwjoy to at peo'p1e._,to fit under the wing of to ‘ virtuous a- Prince: ‘WhenRu1ers and Kings rife npoand * vvotfluip the Lord,tI_1_en flog 0 /764126725 , and -5; joyful] 0 tom/a,*bte;tk fotthtnto finging Omountains. Ifa.49, 7,1 3%., Godehathnot done thus to eve1‘ynMnation:tt few A virtuous men; but fewer vittno1“1sAP.ri11C€S=o manyrigh- “ teonsot pe tfons in ]7aeelo~;5kim4 and gooz‘- skim, but en; ‘in And heregivemetleave to "paufe alittletand to take f notice" of aconfidera;b1oe~( becaufe fo rare a) circum- " Pcance, in the heap inefs of his late ~Maj ofly A of b1efT ed mfemory, even t" e tranfinittingto poflerity fo much of his wifdomee and virtue ( furviving ttintI1isi{Tue.)t A great part of that flock of honour , many an eminent Spartion in slcidon.1ib.9. Monarchhath died poflefi ofli umJAotthy fen who_ " 4 3 fueceeded him lmtlttembtezelled Rokooozmz the i1‘nprt:.- AA A dent {on ofwife Solomooz, Domitian ofVe/]mfio;¢,oCom— A inodm offlntoninm, Boffhzoom of Swarm : nnlnfiances In this kinde’are_ fottt~tfamilié.r, that to anj hifl<:’)rianV fl0téos,iNo-- mgncmopropé ‘ emagozorwm evzotorumt optimum fé§'%Atoiile2o2 fi- %~iomtre1iqui{]?f,to wdeniquofi out flioe lz'be"r72%eo5oi72terii{]'o,‘ out filz’oLvetf‘«?mé¢ozfle,ttt meliwsfuexit ole rebtoxt rhomzmzk fine po/Z65 A ritotedifcédere 1 afidtthgttt judicious Hifltotian notes“ 11: as A TV A 0116 A E 3721 one reafon Why the fame ‘andmemorie of that emia- A nent Princey 53019» Duke of Saxony , continued not {O i irefh and precious after his d€.’.1_th,:1Sh1S V11‘tu€( di_fco— ivered in doing and fuiferingifoo much) did merit, quiz: flio: reliquit [mi difii-milmzos ,§ becaufe He left foes’ which gavethe world no affilrance that they were hi3 genuine offafpringd : hand Socrzjzture notes edit as one 'fpe-¢- ‘ciai reatfon why smug! W315 1"€j-Efiedi of the iffmelites A; becaufe his fons milked min /azkimzzys , VIiS.11I1"!. 8. 5. W But to proceed, A A ’ It M d A A I-‘om’?/aly, His Majefiy is more then a Ruler, He 2'; 4 4.,» delimrer to I495gflififlfliit196f€‘l16'7’t1/e'Ufl5~Z‘/08 mztiongrmzned :m«;ler,evi1s fu ciem; for ahiftory: tlieonetion feemed like that roll, Ezek; 2. 10,. Written witlain and wit/amt nzitb lizmmmtiom and mourning and mo. Wliat i11v" ons upon our rights civil and {acted did we ioiigftand fad fpeétatours oft’ tWe have feen arms, theqiron»-—mto1e‘ that fiained out reIigion,and eatout order and law: ;4- flrtmomy Ihews us the Dmgom ?’~.7?{yZ7;pii21Ced has. near as may be to C/wzrles-avzzyzaie, and we beheld ch Emblenne too plainly expounded in our own nation; thofe which {houid have been the my! and not 1/ze lmd (toufe the Scripture pliinfe, eut.iitt2i8i,o 13, ‘) ins- Vading the tthroneof~ Sovereignty-,t11r0Wi11g dovviio the {hits (the Nobles and Senatouts") to the groun‘d,iput- ii ting difhonourable _abaten'i_en.ts into the faireft coats of arms: we beheld every common bitdfeatherincr its A nefi: from the Eifiridge ifeatliers, (the A unx>sro1‘thie{’t V A perfonsinrichmig. themfelveswith theiands of Princes):i I we heard many Zelufs and Zulmumwfs faying,iLet 244 Pfzi1”.83.II, M/eeto our felrzm the/aamfles of Gadin po[]"cflz‘on,A ‘’ 4 I2» . .Another greater evil, then -the-fe inentioned ,9 teas this; OurAdverfaries had taken haxvaye %notodne%fl1§r out” A F 3 ihappinefs Job 27.6. V advau A firmedp by his own experience ( andnene like lthem-;r W Prcmi ,' E 38] happinefs but our innocenc_e, that which 9305 when I all was gone, health, wealth, children, fiate, would not i part withalltillhe died) the c'onfe*:1t of the nationto i his_Maje-[ties death, to the fettuig up ofan L1fuper,be—éi ting fo highly and bchldly pretended to: The «virgin daughter of ourppeoplc could not be put to death , but firft ( like her in the flfoiy ) {he muff be ravifht, (never till how did I feefo much wifdorne, in that charaéter theholy Ghoft gives the oppofers of a laWfu1l"King, Pfal. 6 a. 4., They wely confult to 64%.»/vim d01a$'i¢fi’0m/J13.» iexce/(may, they delzgbt inlies.) i is ) do , We1l,ihis Majefty (under God) is become ( in a hap- py degree) aDeliveret to us from our many evils: now We underftand the words of Solomon, P;ov_1:<:6, 5p,=1“bg~ \ light of time Idngsl cozmtemmce 1}: lzfeh, izz}zdi£w2s'fztruour (nay his prefence) is like pal reloads of the latter l rain; 1 ‘us? cafe had been wofu1l,if his Majefty \Vh€I1:Cl€fi1‘€d‘fO; return to his Kingdomes, fl10l1ld have returned us,athe t A anfwer of Him in the Prophet, Ifa. 3.7. Make me not 4 mler server this peoplefor fcrwfalem is mined, and A ;- dab is fallen, and Rate are undone :" t at now, great matter of joy we have butto recount the florrns and tempefls we have furvived. W/7me=Goal brz';2g- i l at}: thus bzwle I/9e captivity of Isis people, Jazcalv flm/I re-i _ joycemzd Ifmel /714/lei 5ehgla»d,Pfal.5 » Pifthly and laftly, We i la4;«ve.«zll . the affammce policies of the greatefi Kingsof l Europe abroad ,A the A l re: iof l thewife counfels of aR:oya1l Father “con-» _ we 0./tn“ ardimrily haves that b%;Mzzjefz‘y flm/Z from 4 very /mppy andlfuccqflfu/1 Rzalelrl to my To omit many happy . ornens and ‘prognoftieks of l his profpettousreign as his a tedue it cation amidfl: arms at; horne,antl«theflobfervation of the £39] A Prov. 4,2,3,4.) The grammes of two brothers fo emis- nent fortheir Wifdom, Valour, and Affeflion to him; (which, when fo qualified, prove the befl: fupportersof it the Princes Arms) lthefiravnge Providences of God feen in preferving His Majeitieltlirotlgh fo many deaths _ _ . and dangers, that general fatrsfaétron anvdr joy exprefi upon his return, (molt likely to be continued by H15 qua ozmzgm- « Majefcies moderate Counfels) a thing very confidera- “=;r.§4ud6nt.v r ~ble,fO1‘iz'7o t/orzemtoltotoode of tSzoojoc'z‘5z's .t/oi’ I<'z';¢g5 /oonour, P LIV. r y . y _ , V _ r rov,1a.. 2.8.. t butrn the affeétionr of them 1Sltl1€K1IlgSr fafety: awell - difciplin’d, valiant, and experienc’d army, to omit, ( I fa )thefe_., 'Ifhall take notice of five or fix particulars V l which are as 4' toleeofor good unto us, that His,..Maje- Pf"’-1~8‘?l‘7? {ties reign fhallproveablefiingto the Nation. , p But before I propofethem, I mufii premifethue much, that Ilay them not down as pretending toa prophetick, or defigning to gratifie la fecure and fupine fpirit, {men are apt enough of themfelves after flormsi and toflingsy to rfallafleep; pillows need not be {own under their elbows) all ‘Goo’: proomfor of’ temporal olefi- flog: are out comiitiomrl, I Sam. 2.) 30. Never any peoe iple held their happinefs by a fairer Charterthen Hieroov poem, but yet the plague of fin ( after its beingfcraped L“"“" 14' ‘W ‘ with fo many judgements) fofar ft read in yGodsl1ouf_e:; that it was at lafl to pulled down, A I rat one floor not Egret" 9,. $3, left opoo zmot/oer: ooefzlvmor (but much more many) may i olcflroy moobgooo’, the fins of Prince and eople may be asawinde eafily able to fcatter this 1*e»refl'1;ing Cloud , et no bigger then a manshand : but.I~rpropo.fet.hefe i iappy omens to let usrfee what engagement we have to thankfulnefs and prayer, (menufe towpull cheerfully; when they perceive the thing coming, Dom. 9.2.)‘ be-- r fides fuch,mollifyingycoafirierationarnayfem tyotoallay i "Vid.; Suet in E 40 Cl it ‘my fwelulingsband rifingsvvhich an infenfiblenefs ofotu: frefent hopesmay polfibly occafion. A e i . ‘l7 A F" ft then, A fpecial token for good is this: It lg God; «were! warm to A make tkofelrrimes mofffortmmte and /mp- jby, wbqfe day: be /wfb muff exerczfed with c,r0[fl3s7: j [No Pr1nceslintfalcredWr1tfo emment as Mofesand D4-— a mid, whole firlt days were cloudy and fullofevils. Lewis the tzth of France, flmry 7*‘, o£zngzm1_and (mean Eliezzéet/a were famous in ,thei.1*ti1I1eS for their l jultice, prudence and felicity,-, but withall not unac-4 W__ Aug. quainfted with ctofies in their firfl: days: Augaflm cgfgy £3,951‘, _w,zJ oneoft/we befi ,Em‘perozm Rome had, wluch was (in l a greatv meafure) clue to thofe five-:CiVi1 Wars which exercifed hisvallour and prudence: we have never lfo great fecuritythe day will befair and clear, as when \ thesunrifeth in clouds and n'1ift,‘s_, and atlaft {Carters them andquits it {elf of them. it A V A A Nwbelfoletlfulfz, cayidzkfuslire dice; A Thus hathit been wit 1 Kilngsuthofe thine rnoft brightly i in Hiflory, whofe rifings, were obfcured with a cloud of ,“crofI"es and adverfitieszl Affliétion, in 21 Kings youth , , doth &z'etmIJ}ere,é' nerrvas ifiteiiderelt it makes him humble and vigilant, ‘folthefitterperfono for God :“~:6sam.:.5.’ to blefs, and fuccefs to crown: Kings (li;keSzml)1lofe_ their Armour and honour, whilft a confiant felicity lulls 'themfafleep: Gold galinethgf but rofs lofeth by the furnace, andllthus a common fervile fpirit is broken, or macle defperate by affliétion, but themfpirittof » a King ‘improves ifdom, Courage‘ and Vertue: whereas * it is often feen that l Kings glorious in their rife, ffetlin 3. c1oud,land end their days inglorioufly l1;P0none j, account * K low howigreatt HisMaje~fiiesfufierings ihai/‘e been, WOW C 41 1 A Wouldbe (I know)’ an ungrateful office onAAAfucl1'AAa day of rejoicing as this, fadly A to or recount :A we could , not: know themwithour our blond, Anor hear themwithouc 4 AA our Atears.n A V A Secondly, ‘T/mt "zafual method Coal obflrvcs" in5eflow- ' lg Atlaegrmteft blefsings upon /air. people, raw exaéfly 05-4- [erwdin Hi: Mflajqlies-reflaurationi for, A in AA A A V i AIt_Aw.1;:iaccom_pZi/iatwithout /mmzme means land helps. AA A Majefiie was “not npofleft ofihis Kingdoms till his Friends had ufed their oucmofl poiverand policie to re»- A ilcorehim , and hiseenemies‘ their Aoucmoft rnalice and cunning to deprvenhim. We {aw aformidable and A firccefsfularinyfcatteredwithout blow; A A A Etqzmmmzk rmllomaculatusfanguinamiles, A n*PCd-76A-3'» A v A &repotuitfcczffe,Ati2m1fA.--~- A A , l A The Krng’ had been long called Null»: in that old Pro»- phetickverfe (and fi1ch,~inAtimes of afflisftion, the eyes A of people are ufuall much upon)‘ and God did not we . turnhim till he A wasNu?llu:lindeed,‘,AA though" 'inAaAnoAther fenfe (as the Devil vvillalways be foundalyar, even when he tells truth 5 )He was Nullm in the? hopesof; Aefteem. ~ n his Friends , ’ANullAm asto any prefent afliftances and A powers of his own, Nullu: ‘Am his enemiesrthonghtsand A A A And then God reinveils with powerandhowl nour; and tlms he ufeth to beflzow his blefli-rigs upon 11 Pfiople, Deut. 32; 36. AT/16 Lord flmll ‘repent El sec 1f3.6o.a.i. canmrningnhi: [e»rfv,mt:,A¢l1ewill judge /Jz1.c,oeople,whe}¢ eizach +.A§A.r A. A .,A. r ‘ 0 A A folllg’ feet}: that tbezr power A zsgorze, and there is name left,: Ifa, I I 63.5 I 'lookea.'A and I/J67’t3’AVW.Mi72AA0}1A€”t0/M117) tberefbremine Hof. 1.7.3’ .amI;Amrm brought fajmtim. Thus is England faved and 'Ma;”jl€A{tie reftored, alone bythe-armof CoJm44’:i £w§(devefied ofall humane aIfiPcance)now God doth V A A in G A A non ‘ E4‘ 3 e‘;AA‘?téufe magma cam nilail ageree , thirdgs come td as ina mamer ~»e%xtraordinAe1"y, we Anatu;fa11yexpAeét greiu: A A: Q A 2, Hz’: Majefliwes reflamration was after 4 [mg ':¢2'gA#2‘A~of W !nfflié$ionw£on_tbe Nation: ‘We had“Written A1;;agA,,_.,e,47_A A Ic'JmbwdA ‘upone eandfitate :— wz'l['j7m/ee z‘/7e-kezAz- A rve;gsAA4md the ear-2‘/sr, and tlaefezzj -fimdt/AoAeAdry l¢m';a.’e,A I ewzfflf fluke aZliNaetieaeiA2‘s3[ mad AtA;b€i¢'v 1% ‘dafir? 21:11 Natizzm flmZl‘A Mme, ( fore thrQwsAAebefoere the birth.) Thus God fl1o“t5kA gal‘; r=$-I- our heaven ahdour AearAt?I*1, (our C.l11‘1A;'cVh “and State) AA Aihe A Z3 '37'”' fhookall the‘t1hre;ee~ Nat1or1s,*Aand then H15 AAMajefl:ie ADa.n.9.2.5. A AA A A .A Ma]. :04. 3. (Ehemrue defire) 15 refioved : Relxgxon and peace (like; ~Aém»’mms facrifice) are ufi1a11yinAAtang1edA'in*a jthickeg “Abefore they are laideupon ~God‘s~a1taf-V; commonly given A ru-ntieré(A)fthem. ‘ ~ in after xnany incumbraneesAAandA é1iffiCu1ti65§A ‘”the€.for‘e— AA A t: is teI1eA efpeeech "of ~IGod Conqerijsingthe A A 1‘ A4. ~%f>.»8;.w,, 2A5'~>.~ ADM) ?A/a,meZm2¢'clmzme; plougé .2111 glayw A AA gianz,» eA5l0tb~/ye‘ ope?» and break the $105!: of: grozmzl 3 A e.¢_a9,’aAxéz¢A A/qie~/mtlwizgzde plain the fm z=ber¢of., A dent/2A /a:e~ not mgflabraad W54“ ‘ A A A p4lfiv;be;ztf*;’ ?saua~e1yif Imest;e;*md$manxv5:i1e1Ad thug God; afterA’eheAAheatI1~fufi'e1'éd- ch7eAA»p1oI2~ghers to em‘aAkeAflononei: villely” thrdwnlto the ground ( his lpowerl ufiirped by thepo~pulacy)* but Jiebecrxmelalferlpleht to ffilngbandaffliétus, Veryguilt" A L indeed »the; Natiotil halal: forlngrly %been ~0f" oppolltion A againft Kings; The Scotch Hiflory mentions about so of theirKings depofed or imprifo‘11ed," or falling by the hand czsfviolence 3, and alemned Antiquary had (fome years fince)bcompuced 3,0feV&:ral rebellions inEngl4m!, fince.1:heConquefl._j Ifany {hall accounttlxel mention- ing folknownl atnatter a difcoverylof ‘tl1elna.keclnel's of my mother Country; I {hall acquit my felf by the ex: * A V alnlple of llfizmdlaxid Nelae7%¢i¢1J:, Confellimg the filn$.ofNéhem'9‘ tl1e-irl peoplein the day of their return from the captivity, Ezr4i9.7. Em; I'h0P€f«t~l.1al?t bxpefiembé will=r~1fMe4rcy4 rmd-‘Truth Mercy, we might be %we‘11afl7ure~d,thAey nvere.%neveAr dc- f figned to:bui«ldGods%Temp1e,: there y¢asA fuch 21 noife of A fatzfl Axes »continua11y r:heard”in%A.t11eiN*ation*: ATM:/5; breaking all the bandsflike the poffefiman) of Oaths and Ccvenants wherewithall they had been bound: ‘the chaVra&er¢A,of England that A time weAAAA1n“ight A fiindeir; Ifzt, I4; Afiudgememlt w.A :e wit11oummAA AAAAfet;L;;f0Im af; govem;i1ant5 W 112 uAp~m1cnanot% r .121-11% he Acorw “allr thus he %d@a1t%A~M‘tlAm V:.£h€% .I\fra@1*1t€s«, Judges V z:r.,A.A .1 «2;5..¢ W 4enr/we 12232.: no King in IfrdC£,fb11t._ every anzm V V 4 1vasa1axvAtoI=ri1nfe1.£. ‘Gd 4 rfiometimes ;deals% by 21 nap’ zimms they by xx-:'%Afl:1i‘Ap4’,_::'.§* A)_mt:s the ca},7>1esA ¢and;AamVchQ}aa1;s 1t,A;'a'nce:1-Aiems 11: ~dt1w«:. 13. ef0me.ti9me~s[ef5 ;z.Tyrnm»;v:er ic%,(21s4.11; %1sam.:hm1drc“wv rdAi;@,bu: the ~u;1mma,m an m mom, they‘ flzdges ,.A ‘ Wt’ 5.‘ T}; Aach~eM/0 A5179 AA/wad wemad M A Ct A A confufion, ~G@d genera1‘1y takes‘ one of theft: three Acourfes with it: I%..;AH<~: AAf0metin1es'lem2AsitA in zzzonfufi--A ME48] {amt amen; perfimwhom he qualifies with all place. Ply difpofitions forfo great awgrk as the healing ofthe breachesin anatiop. Thus we finde him raifing up Mafe.rT‘afte1*the Egyptian opptelfion, Gideon after ;the Midianitzflz flattery , David afuerA Saul: injliffice, ahd Nehemiafi and Zoralmbel after the Babz'lomj72 captivity, _ to become healers to Ifrael. i Thus gfnliwyand Au- ? xa vi ; ' m%‘,'¢. ‘ 14' - I _ ‘V, I‘ ‘ M g “ \> !@‘:;:g.«4 .,.., ' H ‘ 5. x , ‘ . w W; , . y ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ "' " M“ ' I u‘ ”“ ““ "' ‘V "V ‘ ‘ ,. W ‘ V ‘. ‘"“..‘x M ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ awn ‘.y-n’ ' ‘ ‘H 3,‘. H , M A A ago; »S;«.1fi~;iA2‘.%z«4,f:>. [A lS%*e11A‘:fo1If1c% A . A %_fhfang¢_%ba1} [ % %'i£%AisV Ealledf) M ,4 we A%migto‘ lalafh God Ajhaththreatehedan ,un1=efo“rmed‘p%4e0ple,thiat théy flmuld A vgo out one _ fire, ‘£171’-L‘ ano4th.‘l'1é1‘£‘1iW: yéa3f’§pw£1E,%%-xvoultifi be fiead rto4 concluttlcga di-.; W‘¢7‘3A if-A4“’3$A?*: 4 Aaérlmf/dGo”2:l mrqd'A;¢o"i‘far,‘aizdA V M :be;béag:gmg%¢4o aefzzlezzrflt P A A « E ‘e~,'* \ I «at? »;5;.~, P ‘5 , M ' .;. 2: M 1“ ‘@“ _ ?9:AlA"‘“~" , ‘ ” [633 M ‘ A ‘M: A , .. ‘ ‘~ A‘ ‘ ' ‘ 4 J» ‘A“_A-‘*9? AAA “AV ~ ‘~ .4‘ ‘ ~- ~ “ ' $01‘ 5”} S”°:a‘5‘;?‘=‘ 4 .3?‘ ‘FPW ' ‘7i;:V‘”” ~ , i‘ t=:namn,be1t1g‘(‘l%fi*~‘ * eWa%flu1pon W . ° s Weven thenfi ”8ffl0%4A"A10flg€r‘ then “thAe*A fi*‘eéAa¢a2*~‘pnrtizm¢='A1As.‘ cont1nu¢d,A;%011.Y: flats now hex; eefiies fa: Lard a§t}eSVf1*t+?the'ffafetyio£-the wt p1e,,*e A * God rmderfu%ll in rmfel and%exceilwt throne, iiends hopes almoft at$anend«; %{11ipV y0E‘:“£he State tamed about xvith Aa-wry {mail V «W0 is wife and VII i ‘*3 have W the “ C”0u11*i¢r Aliwtzions V.'.~1I,1c1 feemirixgVcaft1a«11;i¢°SV%4\’V€' h2We 4%ff:00d fp<:€ta;~ A duty is;@&£o%a.d;;nireAtlmhandy work; %God, to come_ and4.%!velaald;%Atb%e- jworki t/2e»‘L%ard,:%;:ndA%wlmrde«%Vi * fi2lmtz'0mv~1ae%l2af/9 A4m+dde¢Ar'i22 the eztrtfa , Pfa1.v46.8. 4 fl1ou1d%rm:t beanati0nsv~fl€ing%wWy W3’:Woéflwivg" tlaezmfrzjat, .Ifa.‘42.2%o_ oneiétith of parabLes»,V%tha: they¢tend mm ad : i;z«;:olmrzzm,t:z7;2 illzflrationem VWW, «it; ms (for theAco~ncea1me’nAt%Aof Vtrflth bef01*e._, and for thq illuftgation thereqflafter they are unfolded) is%trucVofthe ‘ ‘ ' " 4 manyy conI:x*ary;=occuVrriem:es intheworid ;th~ey«% feexnjzro A V~2z%;cz'w:a: rtwna‘1)eam;4to conceitwthe world but kzitlde 0f1ott%ery,8c thaI:‘there~are no eyesin the wheel: ofPr0--+ v3.dence,b11t in die happy mad: _£h}ey rintendency.-; % 4 claims A whidx cduld fer fow many rféiokéd AA pieces into 4 {<3 }'C0r;1”ew1yVa fabrick,Vifl11e%fo M Ijm£¥.~I1y iifcords—in £0 {ween a k ‘V 2:» % » . j A I A ' J .u5m¢;Wd»£oA:WErIifiy4have%om heart. * :6 V I’ ecially f9wm»ton%a1nOngfi Mrnxfltem; It-is a ftanding WVi1a&?V of The A41eg¢di12g%7z0Z'¢%$A. ma]! a&3jmy17eMta7i£ard,4 V Mlnlm‘-‘¥5’%3f’€A flllfid W: Helza. 3 ' A A tllerebedlfcord andva1‘1mC8"am%0ngfiVA4rem%itwi11A%fad~d A Now thifi blflng OEPERAQCL a:i:{~Vunio§:1 , VGod oneiy A %(4imvhofeAhaAnd mans heartsare) is impowred robe». Non arm : concilzo rm: . % fgdxndm: Lu- tberanorum - m1.Coma—- . ren. citedby 7% Bf. N{.A.D.% « A ~ V A be mncht - t11;mgS0fr%j 1 V gold A, as Nebucl1ad~nezzarsi1nage»)Abut make af r{ea1lJT miflzion, and inco1*poration Ab€’tW€€1‘lx things, is the A jg % 60' ffi‘-’5:%h§ A Rq*m,I$,5 flow, Jer. 32.38, I will_ give t77éz1a; one hm‘rAt, «and was A D :z2z'mde.~j“ Pki;[o/ap;’Jy- cells as A that mmjiaffitia A kgmj- 270 7'MA2W:eA: A Méixi«AAA1ngyA comApounAd A 1213» 5% AW etent nétiufie ( clay; irQnAan ’£ihvar and. ~70g3tiV€ f n€m1r:€:HisAf A ~2.jefly(un AGo_d) h;=a:h the pegople of the Aandznws into bfifififf formand A 0fd€r,AuVAt G0da1%0necafi~4mz'fcVere aye?-¢A mkwagive us me min:d¢' and Vjjiirit ibooks enough have» been writtwen; for Vanity , Scripture ca1}~s% aloud to us ( every Epifi1eA:¢1mofi )4 A to avoici mntremicjns, A -A ,A V . for ia‘litz1emutuV 1fo1‘bearantg and j . A fiance, and *h«eart\sA (like {bones} no fix ther off <;>neA frpm cjip gmhm afwvml vvex-y, one-A éwua 5‘ . e~ E . 1:-~ ‘ ‘ v M, ~ » V‘ M W " K -a, A?‘ ‘ ‘ ; M ‘ V '7) ‘ \ ‘ LA, \ X 7, .9» ,3; ‘ V r 4» A ~ { f~exvm1:A i . thevef. V Thisex A A " cofeis) ufeth as: * Gwli: ajtimce—.~ 3; 1 ' % Iflvmzwd Ad: ‘ er.» TcmgageA u-s fider they are Mr cg 1 5-3:!‘ » ‘ e i EAs3i]A aiién icheWhear»tsof A Friends.A Antoninmi ”( ahihAgenuousi‘A hganhm A AEmperour) amongfi other confoiations pro-~ pofed to himfe1fAto‘animateHim%agair;fl: the fears of ,4 deach,iufetl_1 this as the chief: ~=A~* reme i«m («O my foul)iih1,1t;.9.;,;jf “ tlmritbozt art tlzm to igogdhw‘ £r~°-W 92¢ 5'9-*>J§3?il4°T9WwV. AA ‘:‘Af7'am A7726‘1¢i3’t0f5A of A ahimindewit/9 thy‘ Far ifiianyithihw wouldi invite :0«ne,i( faith he )Aht0A honour 5 this life iviith aivifh, it = would bniethis, ’;EtAvvC?'w 颀'_5{7I1"*.77u’fAAi-'{A'1’!AaAb aznmr7rm J’°".ww- A 'r=4'w%I?*'%W‘vIinM‘§‘5*”95 it were pofible to live zzmangfl mm of A if/3ve_’f:zmAe opinircm AWMJAA Aofie: A A: e1‘tain.1y this AAn‘1ak‘AeS’ A Chriflians {oi weary» of ti11éWorlAd~ to fee the {bus of on:-*4 common m»O;th€i? falif out abiouit circumfiances , it is this which makes rhemfo carnef?cIyIbngAit0 Ago toth;itA p1ace,A where alone. unity in the faith isto AA be attairieda bmrvm Ep11ef.i4. IA3} th¢ fdooArsAof emAp1e alone x King.¢’.iA33.. are of olzfiw tree, nothing bfitpezfce there: pray there-A-A fore that the Chuich may be ah1Aeto1ays.morcju&A claim, to; the tvhéiiKinfigdmi: AA /wearvcfn,becaufei of A” A A AA A 7 - Sccomiti In prayers *f<:">rAAAI*1i~§AA AMajefi*y'*ii§ we‘ are en»- vouchifafe ii joymiech I ..2«.I~, Pfai. 72 .A I 5 . God! gvquid V dn-e‘Aifo Mar, Ari1}.PoIir.g, I 3. M?5i?rv»5‘iA"igfl»G0d how =13 his ggarerative Am fztflwmi Ruler 4 in 4 filrepigwe, iEEfa.Am, 2; 'AWCfiAWAAAflAA4idbAe V AA A A ' A AA A AA V‘ ;» * a v; ‘ \ ‘ ‘ ‘ . win? t{vP€‘o?;TA 4 H A *0“f,iweiiiflmuidi‘ovm f A L‘ A“ “ V h.A8.AA.. as the fauggg-6°” ‘° VfiAA M ‘ .. ; r , In ,i- H W V or ‘ u i , Junrgiii .. 7-6 «« ‘ /4’: K Ecclcs..1z.u. PEd4I3g* 7;l?faI.84.;9. .;g;aq:d'm fiacma 55?‘: 7-5 érur, &c.j- E thron'e},and A often noted 1n $cr1pture,asA Godsfpeculiar work : And- Hefoxnetlmesffets up the ‘1:ne2Amefl:* full Monarchfrom their chrome, l1:rAfe¢%z2iz:dk~ the mzfi laadcms andm t - ‘ C 5'4’: 1 1131.65.18," I,cre4teHiemfa[em" 4 rej joy A :Butin fuch as Work as ~ _ A A King hto;his,throne~ )~God.cha11engeth the being owned as‘ the {ole authowthand contriver of it-,Pf4.a1 . 2.; 19. He 4 ham». 25; Job I It isefpeCia1ly7‘nohted asan eminent hrinfi éfiirine~poWer, that God loofiztlz the bond: of Kings? and girdeflt/7 tlaeirloim with “4 girdle; the Cézzlalée [2 and £116 LXX A feémh "to ‘underftand it of Gods yb A _ A A . A ringing Kings brougiht low and captwated A agzun to the is girdifig thgm again regdliéalt/aeo: a thing‘ to aflhre us it is fo, perfons,and. gs {A down the mcfifi my and hpower-5 12,1 s,1:9. LukeIh.’$2.h V A‘ Let us therefore thankfully ownGodAin grcafi Work, and pay him th‘e.t%rib11tehhOf praife and l1onour;,7 ' let out 2ea1v*entitfelfin hearty praifes to the God our the A lace mifery, VA A A A dirt at t:hem,but fome mufl: IighcuponhAouArChu,n:h and Ahatien in whofe bofome thcfy were re léng n'ourifl1-V ed. mavwith Deévr4b»h.Iuég@S hhcahm I A h who hwerehfarward in1:hhew“o.rk,but we V :95" 5% I-—* spaifioh of if M: zrmmefo% ever ,7 and let the whale hemlyize filled 4 M A ayczfzzg and bar people-A this (the refioring. Cf ah -I44.Io.It , 2'3‘b€.fi7t§1"flJ£’1‘D3t/7’fdZ’Utlti07l unto K iizgs, Dan A ” [math zap King: a;zd;ml1etbtbem zlanm, D A AA A ance of azrap/Ira/E. ir royalh ISa1n.h2:M. Job« hfo much in fpheakifls Satyr: againfi % A 11: ~b€1flAAAg:;Nl'd§£0 throw W 175 \ mhh:+bzqfl¢keW’ “ I am fenfiblc,-how far .this1oquac:iou h“303?11€tt"htranfP0rt€d mes V “ W. \ JthiéP’” zz“lniifl5Pfal.72.;I8,I9.Z?Zéfléda’&e the" ¢ mtg,» dot/2 mndrom t/ding!) andhéiew be /7:‘: {hall end all with A