FOR ifcovering, Conviéting and V OE of Septemberi .%/11maDomz'm" A1“ 6 5' 6. \l‘.r _ we. ,fiX¢;‘,», W" K: a?’ R, “xx s~‘-w‘-wv m 1 4;. ‘n .-'0; »n.;_ M’: Q. ' 1 At the Parliament begun at Weffminfier % the 17”‘ Day , L ozw oNs% Printed byflenajw Hilbjand jazmpiezd, Prim Jlumflnn -mu... His Highnefs the Lord _Prote&or. 16S'f7g A to %!V "--—u-ovum ‘ ....._..u.._._ . A flmflfl a 3 p A mm lamonp 4 W M ii mama :~ A ‘ - V K: :::> ; W‘ aw ~ \ Sh great "inctefv n mm H. J2, L. 1% a W fefif gfieafi wages A4 may mu mew: ma me; flux: being hm) attim il1mIT£DiBmw5; $5 mm mi N ?CiE§§ M afppmm {my tbwi A aflfl fitllfiflfig in he mm wig EI*f‘2a$K'fl11 1 3%; the we arm growth of fa ifcpim W3 igljnzffi £03 3930 D zotmng , amrltanmnét A 0f[[&Eng-a‘ land, Scotland an Rm) flfitigfi ‘ mtjcziw afnzefaim mm an A umceg m zsz mm oaa1,e minew,; am an umcw at mm in that aspen em Vfieflimnfi of .~ 3:} reklarl ] $321‘ mimmf England, Scotland aim Ireland, an an sigma in m we fizanm flmiw 5,‘ niiigenti Am enqmmi, mm pzefe we mums p£$f0*kts*_5;’ 5% were is of late & $5029: of A , ‘ the mnzntona eeefeaeegg mfemf we fijmémm fingse W; {W we {amen efgéeeme m m exp W piflfléfi afiecte mm WW? mm mrtmwnt, $ new, we flu ms efe mm, efimne améim 1% 20 ciantminm. he fie e be cmwnzmaezm that mm; game in mefentm es afmei'ain,efl)&1i pwfmially appear mm mmgae emrmai «Lem-nmnew, m at me new mmmi mmrm eefiéons mi‘pwca’mie, we ire, %a'm’§Emn, filgiexza es mm: , arrae fljmetotake arm fiunfctihe we 4 M. teaffiet fflu$5§~|°%>l: Poe next 4 4 I da abjure Aéntd renounce the m ge ef fipcteeax eeeeegg axe? 3 $3. e 1%: ®etimf%bmeatmn,£be few of white mm Opes Supremacy a1’1& Authority ove1~th.s~; Catholique Church In Generah and over e myfelf i11pa1*ticula}*: And Idobelieve the Chute e of T IS not the true 1 Church; And thatetllereis not any Tranfubf’cantiati%o11 4 in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, Orin. A 4 :i11e, after C 011-::-;_ e file Iememfs of read anA4 fecrationet11“e1*e0fl by any perfon whatfoeven‘ Andldo alfo believe, that there is an _ ‘.‘ "¢‘;\ ‘ Purgatory; flnd that theC01‘1fecratNed I eCruCifix““es0rImages“ ought n or to be Worg-5 Ihippedn neither that any orfhip isdue uymoe anyof them; flnd I alfo believe that Salvation cannot be merited by Works .; “ I! tar I d0 fi11C_§1‘¢1YTefiifyaned er:1are*,~e Thacethe‘ rAofeehimfelfn0reby any Authomf.‘ L 4 U} 4 ‘ ety ell tl1eClmrcl1m” See of ‘Rome, or bya11y oeher means‘ with arPreother, liat;l1any' power A or authority to Clepo e thleCl1ief l\/l_agifi1‘ate of A ghefeelfieations, or to dllpoleofal11yl¢h¢eCgun.a tries‘ or Te1"ritories {hereuntobelonging,r tea fluthorize any Foreign Prince or Stat"e~ to £11» A V[ 3,dC or annoy .l]l1I}, olretllexna or to clilcharge; 1T1L11’1lC3.’C‘€dO1’“ Depriveclby the anyol“ the people th@leNatl011s fi*o1n tlllell" “ 7 dience’ to the give Licenle or leave to any of the {aid people tobea1* fli*ms,rai{eTu1nutls3or to offer any V115 olencé Or l1urta to thel~perl"nol‘tll1e faidCl1ieF l‘v1agifi:1"ate__.; or to the State 0rG0vernme1.1t of tl1el‘eeNaticms, or to any of the people tl1ere- of. And l do fi11"ther (wear, That l do frame n1yheart al:>hor, cleteff and abjure_this ‘lama. nable oétrine and Pofition ,“ That P1*inees,a Rulers or Govemours 9 whicla be El-xcoma OP€::» maysby Vertue of fucl1 E1:-r.cor’n1nunicatio11 lorDeVpr1-- M vatlon, be l{1lled,murclered, or depoled fi_‘O1T1 their Ruleor G0vern11“1e“11t,l01"a11y outrage £31“ That ll do believe that the P0pe_,orB'i A 1 §R\ome, hath noAutl1ority_,, oweror ]'urifdi»l eaxidlre/m¢d,l0ra11yor either ofethem, violence clone u1"if0‘tl1em’lf> A thee co ‘ le; lthatl ma l\/lagiflrate 5 or are uncler them, or byatzxyaotller Whatloevera upolifuch pretence. And I do lfilretherfwear, oplof eion wharfoever,wirhinfinglandg Scotlaeflj A .eDom1-a... 11"_th,3l A n$m1QBmi%~B£ifi32v, % ._(4+_) % A Dominions or *e1*1f1tor1es belongin to them,» or anyof fiithffff 05316111 ;, Aildélfl DOAé1%*.1*i11es iz13ffi1"m3?i0L110f ,fh7¢“ {aid points I ‘I10 9~bJ L11‘C m3dR;€11ouz1cc~, ; without any Equivocation‘g4 Mema1% 4 rie{“e1*&ratiQ115o1f fecret EV.afio11V\7hatf0 % evexfgtakillg tlleword by lnefpoken accorci-— ‘ 1a1gd.%tAQAt11eA«clmnofiand Ltifml 1n:-ani13gAof thern 9 Andw I do believcs nO‘pOVV€1"'d€l‘iV€d: from thcP0pe¢or Chur5‘éh of K0me,or any- 0at11j;;mdA1<151~enou1uce;a11% palmnsandagru penfations tothckcontrary : So /9611: me %4 ‘ a it -fi:cti,m¢ mactetibtnz aucmgité m’:w’%,*%?,3avtifatfmbnmzt affésw, ann%ea ” at mm mm mxmvm A @:i%M1‘mn£, to hz[»Dm"rzn M afmeffam A we mam w=%mmon, V mtfwn in amz*zaw fi, jaiinfint simm ¢amJzaKm= n fifitfi-2593 , mm’ mnpm boeflmtw tam in ’ K im:A@aci;5 (mnzwwatb cm away tefmsfiamip ‘ me [Emmy @mp%"0l1?»=~=A i §¢DgeBa§%wm’fl) mcufam mall int2ntsat;:D xmwsfw mm¢mm.V¢ ~”+%zwrm it furti)e%v*%ma,ctw 31?. we fitmjatuzmr 1, 5’ I A gme+in%#eb.etvmuamt, an‘u:ei?g@marm%+%1m%nty 125 M tijelmfi bewfmzzw EBB hfiEintu‘n~;wofTfl)£ any untm abmn, ?Limu:,n; $6133 we mute fox; ma st; 0t‘?-1‘ét“,"«-p»'¢“r-‘f-,1:la%'-i,‘ abfcflve me ffoin tiiis 111? mm ammfnzmm) ’£$Dm%uponmcljwmfamt,hm V A arms: in tazakmg .eifsm1it,T mt mm tmwfi imam? (5)4 mf fii2nz,&mii Mm m3;m:. fle@6Wm!‘iW W 2°m¢m@ mnfi..«waw,anm @Z§_)%mc%:)~ mmmnsezf amp mfi), mmwsm, ’mmn,mm faamm, mama fi'mEjd mm vefpzctim ffimmtgr, mmtian, ‘mm, mm gmhrzrtpg, rmmsang tijma, as a 533%: €&%m%m 3; place to m~AmmA¢mnm in me?) % garmwfi, sfijiszia ‘@334 nwfimu be M mfi fgmma mags mifzm WE} fiwzmmc Qwmngrs , I pzzimm awn amt ®mi)w,%urmu we fam waizmg, H39 ,4Fmmg:5::, mrnaxnes, mmtmng“, mm 19h*ac;stMm%% mfij agbmnm % nfaufucbfipzrfons, bemgof £1)? “mm M fmma 1>eat:s,4a3 are impetm mamw m 2% am.-.~— m'ft3,m gmprwip mam : mm mm imam may fut?) amefentzttanfi awn may , (mm; fiawy A any a.ttD¢neptm:m:m W 5% Hg, $0 fig aw e;j_evt;&1£t[a’0?n4tmrwf,i mbz‘c1):¢ st!‘ :1'w%mrmz> 4 gems swtzmmzmaz :.9Is‘nm’f M me {am fiufiicw arelgm1>4§m%mmwt minificc ) fad; fimfmw than fagmxnzmz A % mm mmnw m we Mniwhim ‘£mm:z:ym= qm7m’ng mun tn fimwawn mew {mm 2:sm”mn Em» am amefenteb, 2itim%m2mia'i1m'ngmam mew mf mmn+a,4 ~me“m mmmg, mg, lczamng we mum at thmxnmziiing mare, :3; ammi cc wf aimm of may mrfott fo1@;efentD,t o smpmw pmm-.:..-4» m hwmwen* fog‘ 1'uw mmtpg’ zb:uan,iLism't, mg Wham? wfmctmelp :.: mm mm M fzzcbnefitmuawtw ®2tf:on3,t1)amm fyufifisatw of mmmw,%mnm4 bm%‘ anpVAfucI3¢ ‘E .;zfz%x1mwntfl)aii he nmm, amt! mh’nw; energ>" «mt!)%$da@z 2fz11 wt in wan as mu m himtw, fljaiiiimmzfetimnann i.i)wemurn fuci) was m'1pe¢ctz7m éawmnw, m nggnt~ceupn%m;D, %mm mam 3113315 3? % aw m fiasftiwsfif fiakmcciaz wmcAua»mm {mm} omen .: firmau fu.cb%¢mn*im;a W %mw,4mwo m»bm1mnpi‘ucij swam M A aww ma may mfauit % was pa , AA we Mm wm than we . %%fl"mn£ mam gmammmn, hp 3 L umummn M afmgzi'm’n, mam; g'am‘mmiip twpmfi at am new: mumm@¢jfl’i~.=.- mm mm Emmett fog we mm manna, mm’£mn,* mi“; $2 53$“? ¥€ffiBWfD£W, $3931 firm fljfiw m mm we {aim mam : mm if at ma) next mam: apmewanw imam fitww, mm xininpcn mamna mm mm mmcmm we mm mm, than upon women , »mw patina fa naming mfaw, wail be aniungen a 1%u:pfl1;% fizcufhant mnbm, ¢ in all intenw arm pmpofw myatfosg %% firm be it farther cm by we mutmgitp afmmm, fimt if’ ti); ufiiceg mffizmace mam: in any ®mmw,®amfmn., iflirmt, mzflaibmp, 9; tnwfmn %fofufmcteD, untnmfe. yfiuflanpg were any mag ngmmmf t.DlBfl;!_.", mail fufpm anypm-.—= fun, he in mi) ma mm afimen, it malt be lawful! m’ms,%hy wait warranty ta fmn jwms mm ii A % ' % % 139 afifié fimmatmm ,% fiigm mm Mimi A gmfmm mm A moms to he boimn as afmefain, \ any mcbpetfnn fa amoclaimen, [ball um: make mg 5 an we M {imam ymw, ta Uta fog, anhmcamfe mew may mien fa fufpactw, m hcmmhmum hp mwgnisance, in me that arm bunman to appear at tbwm uwctevfiefljins of the mace, m be human mg, the min «mum, m“m’fwn,iLmxit,»o; “mum tpmfpectmeip , % than mm thew tn fzmfctwe tije ratnwatn: Vmm if fuzzy perfnnm fwfpectm, a11%~ArMcmfe to he;conw_fu beam, than it man be unto incl) fluflicez , cu~mmn1ttfucI) $3 %fu£crmz¢tne fm % wmain$¢¢ in mating: maueappcaraxm ups 4 '> n E xw :2; ,#*mm mm incnnefauxc mm:;.m,%£mn ‘miwtfil % Wt imtiii new it nartw m as fucbnext.uavtev,~m N ¢ $%tz:ap;x£nAnen;,i % _-$.11? 4 nfiecozivjarm 91% mm mm mmmna me far ammn mrnakm mffitwfiaaii as a,nmmenAa Wt“) fiumzéiant finmct $0 at! atm“* fl ipfw m1«)¢&££'mh€t firth mfpeman, malt not mmn aénp fut}; arm in ammt ammimw Aflfiflbzflflfim, Wflzsfi Tm) fiiflftitws ¢ mama warm hvmcasni§n¢w4safmefatn; in View n fimwts, coy nM) men %&§a.fnz“wct’§tm,;;V% a9;efe4nt4ti)1cAnames of mecpmcu mien mimtm%+%fufpect¢fi , axmupnn [ucbV‘%%;efmtme¢nf? fificcoznw the wufticefi a)aI1 ~in open mamas mamas clamatmn, by which tjt man ma co:%n:;.~ nmnmn, was exmpfacnpzvfun ffip2e€mtVeB5 ailéat we um t1_ &mv %em’mt5,toh%¢ bower: ii cfm’n,m= :t1aB¢appeatancc"Aupon fifitflfibg % arm;+~tbmam:a Ifianmzaitz aim . next fi1%uamrA Qpeflionfi, to be VDfilh¢n a 3 afoga 4kc%m5¢avncarau%ct upon i‘n¢upm A aflugzttakeati Iufifctic tntfain atb,Afio‘I;1J¢4ri upunfuc Anefa‘ult3&cc%o;en, fufl)petfo1ftfu:nza4¢ia?? % Ring Manic“; dpflymhe anmvmv mvifb W icmfantv comm an iiltentfi ann%puvpm Jimnatinem. aannm it? furcbamtacttn by Mtbe%:3@tutI)é:tn} A is ms Aimocefs out If the @om:tof% fipcijequerjfiuf A, A H A fifi _ gem 2 y%tnz¥Lfizaagntectm, am fiisfiuccewugsg <8) ®m’se%, anti tawnco t5};finnw2it banbs—,% £6 “R 06 ‘D9 fiawégflgtll‘ tbzezparm to be nibtmn, nf an me~btg, - 9“ . %’Dfl¢ttwn:bzan;£ti;:anbfvom thence ct) amcfi A fa! 2 ; fa with we M 1?? 935% A mi? ; A ; ; 1 .».‘ ‘ L mfpectinmounciez. n A y m D 1p%fanf:3omv nmzn %a&cmn,;pt otijiw vmtsof an 1110 . Y "Wu Eijfimg‘ llE9DI,fi€€lP tn ""',,...y'A"Aiii-B‘£‘R.“f‘fin? wipe , :nm:¢A:uu 3 ¢ st0;%$;£mt£1lpDtIiW by mmmtfiion, 0; % mhif¢a.%b? fijemhzanm; , to ¢¢fn@::~ 4-l;1£lr1;t:£IlDif¢ff1D Qxfiffafi $1130 WJWDIIRW5 all the A it mm mm fiié ‘ » -. .~ .V‘ .V. 7:, .« . w, «M ‘ M ,. . wsw ;‘ ;.\‘ . - ~ .. - 1‘ 'r ~‘ .. «> « ..- I V . ~ ';G‘';\ v». ’v,~\ » - . -w. .. ,7. w, . ' ~-" < n . .m ' . V A. , ' : .a . .ri: «V . ,- ’ W .,‘wv; “K “' "* :~ " ' ‘A 4 xy ‘ . ,.§ ’~ VV ; » ' > ‘ ’ . ' ~ ‘ ’ " r ‘ ' 4 -’ ‘ w ‘ , ‘ . . V V ‘ VVVVVV VVVVV1 Vfi . V V V V VV , . Va? V V ‘ -V, VVV V .V V V hay . VV V“ ‘W V .,V V . VV - V; a. -, ‘V ‘ X 4 z . V, V , , »-_'v_ : », . ‘.» VV , Ve..'.:. _, V: 3» V v 3 u v ,. r‘m,, \‘x.‘ - “ .2 .“;, V '5 ,. L VV. :1 _' .. ., ‘:,,., , ; ’ ‘ ‘ .4’ I ~ ‘ “ wn~V;VV‘ M. :m.VV._V \ “ ‘ V «»VVV VVVVV».,_ VVV VVV V ‘V ‘- V ‘ M, ‘,_‘V,, \._.‘\V ‘ s,¢.,.A1,“, . “.,‘».VVV ,. W .V,. , .VV. WV _V N} VV V V\ » . V V V VVV VV . V ‘ . ‘-3.’ r_V.. H . .. v H . ‘ u 1‘ v. ,_,V V V V \ ‘ » ‘ .. " , . ‘ it s 4 e VVVVVVVVVV ., ,, V V V »f, 3 «:1 ~ ‘ 2 - V}: r ‘ uh 1 ‘.9. 1.?’ * 3 ‘V _V,VV VV VV ._ »V ...,y « .\ ‘ ~ ( »: « ' ,: = V ,' - .11 V‘: - s~.. »: V 3 ‘ "' :» ‘in. xV“‘1~ «K: -,‘< I» ‘ ii7.€sI‘ _n§'."’~v.V " aw 1‘ I‘:':‘"’V:." *’jV‘= T “ . . V V V V V7 “ V ;. VWVVVV V. \._»,V V ax;-VVV fig uV:V.V wV r. < V (¢VVVV« V‘ V V V, V V . V . V -. ‘ VV V. :V.V. ,. V V VV V V ‘ V VV V VV - V ‘ «,1; 0 V .~ ,V - . » ,' y ='-. F; , W4 :;V=_r,- v.V_‘.f :5. , ' ‘ ’ = . v. ” ‘ . " °'. » . 1 . .:, 1.» 'r;;r. x,.~f3' 3» 4 V V M‘. ‘= w ' v ‘ Mm » ‘ -, “ , ‘ V ; » “ ‘_ . x ‘ ux _ _ V ‘ um ‘ ‘V ‘ L ‘*~.-_ ~ “ VV :1»: u ‘.¥.".”V'-W‘ " V"? V: ff‘ _ - “Z ’*'1"”j V . . w ~»f?~-.,L_1 ,~ ’ ‘ 1;‘ . ' " '55 , .«- ,, ' 3 . I ' ‘:3. :‘h _ ‘ " ‘ ;; , - V.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' " J B‘ " .:.. 1" ET V . « iv’. «:1. . 1 .'‘‘$:' Vv-V<.Vf‘:" <;’*‘g“:' V‘ . m 1 ,;V ,;A V “ V V, 3 . V V V, V ‘ VVs’\‘;“-‘ ‘‘ViV‘‘V':I.V',‘ » . VVgVMJ‘ 1 V V ‘ VV, . :1‘, an maécawet L3‘! -5.; H , " “H” ‘ “ ‘M ""1.-— V ’ ‘ M W ‘W’ . * V _‘ » ”"V.. EV ' V- V‘ V ' ~‘;“ _ ;;' .V ‘”T?,.V V ‘ ,V,V \ V V I‘; VV '1 . V, V V V - . V V‘ V V ‘ 1-v ‘ mg V‘. VVVV _ 5-V», V V.V,V,V ‘ 1;“ ‘ ’V K V‘: . ma fmvsfu W ? A ) : = “W % VA V VV W V VV V ‘ .. VV VV: \ .V,VV..V ‘ A ~ Wfiufamz? % "1 W.“ VV . - ‘V V ., x ‘xx 15 .V g : V V A 1‘ ‘ WW‘ , 4 ,. "«., ' ' M “?‘£’=;&i‘ . ’ 2» : V ' v0 ,,;V an! my. H .3 .,».V. 0 Va 3 A A , (ii)! , ratianmi amnamw azmigfiw fame pm‘n11x1tx'gb£0tmm3Jz'ife fufiatn mm mm, mg, mg hpmfnn ufiucb mrfnna monbaictm'n 02 @eqzw1tmm’wfa; ianpift) fizcnfam?» A D gmmamw aim, am) be it further mtmtw by $ *3 tug fa fancy, as afnzzfam, wan «Dappenrm me, mg 0; mm mm. being of ma fun age nf amen peat5;A* I .V u ‘. mm {man wit a)a1I,'fmm the nccm€cAnf¢ may pwmn, qutetw mm peaceabigr iamoe, m1:v,a%oa'¢ Ms arm may we fefim of mm nation, mm the mm armaagmfiw t§JeVmf,,% jfmn mm mm mjnzity afmzfain, flint if ailwerfenihcég mmicmg Qmueflrmfcxz impifi) fiecufi cbargw of arm fre:1zVaii®m’3ut?e§,4 flfimfifimfliw tinny, imnaitizs armfl;nfl’e5,‘mmtb4tnafarm weir ntigm otmrmiie {main mm mm, Eng, “mm by mama 0'5 fact) his 0;, new amw; fiemfancz’ 5 $0 tI)atfuc1)$w mm mg. am: hem fuzz we emu nf the 5, new after we n%@=;~¢ ceafa mf incl) 4%ncefl~;oz$ ;, mam heiime the 2mm mug of vtmmcncqueu, am: ii1~vomn..¢unrt sake arm fubfctibke we fain flaw; zqfiut if fuci) min ma nuts; mall. J1,t,_yfb ; u come hcfngc the ram ‘ v fianonmaimn mm aha fcihfcvitaztije {am atb;., asfaazefam mam mcb Wt (ball ya arm @njop‘fucb gfiflatc, mm the cuts vann“ qagom tmrwf amwann ifcbatgm as afnzefain , fwm fad) time nnelp,; afi {fit ¥%iv5% £i)a1lmme,hcfo;zfl)e mm ziaaronsmnn takeaxm fuhfn:ihz% the min soaatbas afo;efm'n:,* ainh not‘ A pants he 1 mfm; .% fl A flnnif tbmeim afanpfutn “.mfi:in rnmnnm 93 .§ equemzn fog, 1anpfl1)fiec{axicp,&fl)a1wap=s tbinwswge nf Afzxt2cn4~ycars;a*,.%a?t A aye neatb ¢%mcn has mg mm mam»: £96111? V wan, fivtfiumzw u, 51%,. “ ma ‘ .' ’ ‘ ‘ M V ” ’ ' ., ‘ the mm 115 a’n;[~%fi)e M flaw A mE%Vm:cbequw, :: cA mzmtmzwa em :£ffigmi5w1 tbe %um item fof%£%W 2i5~m:01'15,an M min immw Emit mm, a ’ % ‘A , ' ”:flm m&imt~§% am fucb¥~aei$; ti) M a, A mmjfiimii name we: mm? t;,§)e»’£¢mxu mam Aafim may flaw: Elma attain we 11%133$7&fl$€;¥u}j?¢a133§%%'5lnghtfngfi me {am «fl»‘th fi Bf mm: % mnpen% mum wv 4%AI3cfm'h mm; mm if mi) nt uyau not men Vcmm befmc we 5 m atmmann fuhfctzibc tmfainwattj as % % ‘ » gnmsmm we mcctm n K W V 4 f f*cI)*V¥Wit 1 TB; As%a11~,L1wfm fmmgmwfmn fumrwc ammgn»~gam)5. WWWED minn:4f% fwzy neg : fitg mac, mm, fu@tDe®1mte W ‘ ‘ ‘ '1 ,, ‘Fa ' ‘ ‘ ’” ‘V M ‘W “: U‘ “ “ r . . M.“ I v 9:2‘ "V: *y‘§, A" ‘s _ Jr. ‘ ,. ‘ ‘ \ . W ‘ V “ w-:~4\:'n;% “ V W ‘ K ‘ W a H . ',, W ‘ ‘r ‘ " ‘ U :3 . Wr" . "u "3 ’v A ~‘ "_ M‘ '=‘ "1“ ' ' ‘ . ‘ “‘-"ft" ‘W “ J “ ‘ “ V’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1-» 4 ‘C.’ -' ‘ “ “"‘ 1 ‘ AF :4 ’H “ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ " . ' H‘ «n. . w. \ Hm ’ . M ‘, “"‘},;‘1‘\\‘<‘ Q ‘_ " ‘ ‘ _- ‘ ‘ ‘_l.'M ‘H _ 1‘ »! \ ,,‘ g '1‘ “ ‘ “ “xx, ‘ ‘ V‘ ‘ .: ‘_‘ " “ M " p ' ‘ ‘- ‘ ,“ “ ‘ 4‘ “ I ‘ ‘ '1 " ' ‘I ‘ ‘ H‘ ' I 1‘ :“ '5 "' ‘.-. . ‘H .' " N ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ,, ,3“! ‘ n , " -? V ‘ _,»,, ‘ " v_’ » W “ ‘ ‘: 14‘ 1“ W - ' ‘ ‘. \ = v; . v 1‘ 5; . ;.,~'€$,§-; at W ‘I ‘ ’ 5 ‘ ‘ 4‘ ‘ ‘ “ “ " ‘ - . ‘ '~‘ ' ‘ - ‘" J)‘ ‘ _s “L: . ‘ ‘ ‘ « , ‘E U ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ _‘ ‘ m 11 , w 4‘ ‘ V‘ 1 ' ~ ‘ ‘ ,‘ H - " ‘ ‘ N ‘ 1: “ " _r ‘ ‘ ‘ n A ‘\ _ ‘ ‘ _ W ‘W ‘ \‘ ‘ ‘.5: ,‘ ‘A 2‘ ‘HI:' “ ‘ M ‘‘‘‘h» __ “ ‘ ‘I. H‘, ' ' ‘_ ‘ H J W’ “ < ’ W V‘: M‘ .‘_, g “ . ‘ , ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ R ‘ ~ *5 \ \V’ w - .., . ‘ H r ‘ v \ - ; «. % . % . :4 , w . % » ; ' , 3 ~ ~ v . “ » y ‘ ‘ “ .. - W,‘ I ,v 6 5 .1 I ~ ‘ ~ ; 1' ‘ ‘ ntans mfpeccinelp, being appgum mcbeuctdflmli apntnt "fog the *aintenaniczof an 4 ¢ncs,,mm5, anmms of V ranabfi Azen reectamip ; to tn%xt% €25, <14-3 Mpzm’1oci%p, Anomrfifiaali mm: the flesnzwmpfi afm#t mfmgewe mm zfifiamng mf we mt 0.$%m®%nm:z mm mm rumm ma ram 215113 if fuci) fife figbfihfir @ A ip, nmwi 0; man 11$ mm mm mfm the im *21B—amns,annA»mkz arm fwwccibatm am be comics? mc1)mvf3n,me A my, mm;en'tei'pact2’m.=.- a5 afngzfazihg mm mm ifagmjéine @ gfimen flaaii mm, mm mf mm ft, mnmyanw mg mmt in, wnflefs ac firms? fim mm Kama mam, mm mm mfabmgvfn as ssfamfaim mm may timz¢nueipasAfuw Aifejmbi z %@ mfpzctibeipgflaail.wmebefnzewe ram flmm mm mm am mmwihée the [am flaw ax afmgmr. fate, arm not hzmwg, firm if may fife, mg; mjiimzenfliml KJ»a.pp,mtahz mitijintiawe M Ems. t%e,en% pe,aw*,4atdtiJe .timcpf mm mtiJnf#aW Em % pmon,wen%+£D€®um:mm ngwmwmnmf mm mifeafiijtiwamz mjaimen mfpecc;imw,fl3 a.u;£,‘ma3@ V we hnzwafe cf mm pmmt... be pcmimn :9 mm the fu112fien4efi?tof+ fact) Wft, m‘meyanc«e,m% ms: ~1:mtVfett1ement» mm: i'ucI)%G5«uatnt'an{e‘r1acq bp?ti3e mm 2m;mns,% m we %W1ttt1Nn hefam amt nwpcbmuw,to%aJ hefozz onc,o£Wtbf amt! 0; anigijtany ap inc!) peacipmlomancmas that In fife, 4 1): 5 mg ammzmen 4 A mpmncieemmy wan. flummgig mftmfain matting, ~ an fucbfientg, gums, 0; {nuts mf gum. a5‘ may fiuatngian mm cfiuawians rerpecumm. 5 mceimnmannmm amng gf ’1nz a B $13!? t£:$%@; W0 97: mvflflmfifiiflj, ” M flan be it mama W we %u$bom% % in his ¢r'mcuit»5 mac I 16) mm £0 s ‘ E V‘i9i£§% i%QUfl9f5 %0;z‘D ~ 5 @3112 am @ Immeaa all nauz,b1n , ann ti #2 Abmgzfik of fuzzy fiift, am M Vance, mg mganc mm mmngien mmy, than tome new & ; jI,*‘s‘»,’2;? lffg ‘ 1)??? $593 WW3 9!” ‘E-*5‘: ” fizgefaz’, fmm mm %:3n1. ag fact) ,, 1» bfctibg Ems t~ ‘ram zbamns :3, mm $aa¢, -an the {am :£IDatn;asafa;Ae£am aubnfit“ h1zm*t.». ..;~ ”_ _ afzefam ’£13ammfucI)»®namian arm fiflatfliaflfi éfliyalifi £3mRi.ngofam9fi1ub%cVcumpt as afozizw tam, he ibm “tn Mtenn am) fun!) %uDit~0~z Eat ifis mm a; vmmelling figure, fiat fuel) flujs mm, %i51)zrebprcequa'vm to take {my stumps ’ V WA Vlbbfifiitflmtb Wflflw 1:2, mtimOt¢ ,m%;n£%cz he g:tz% tr %A.~mm: B131) 5 as 55’ % (*3 IR 2:“ '26 4!"!- \."..‘3" A A4 A cg, than mu be Vappotntm the finumutfimrs 05-» tm ¢ ’£mai'urpA ;,£o; my time being, 32, any to In mugs of mm, 0; W A imzafum , @I)amc1mnv, 4uz¢uni3et%tea».z fumtwaf t13e%*®xchecp,m: fogwz time” ;bcing5o; jagngpd mm %;msm:tftl)ama azcfain, %ri)t1£anv '~ ~ ‘J’? 35 9. " mm be fit %fm:tiJzr: ¢6nactenhp%w¢%£n%tiJi12iv§ emfamt Nm 9 . ‘ 7&7 , 1 gzcmqmté » = ' -:3 ; é ‘ , , \ ti ‘ ._,‘ ‘ ' >«1,'«‘ _ 5' " u . ‘ , “‘ ‘g 5 ‘ ’ V‘ ‘ iv: ~. -» “I f -I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ H‘ -» v ” 5» , *3 ‘F _. J," 9 T ‘ ‘ )5‘ ,; ’ ‘ ow‘ ~ “ " ” ‘ ‘ .. , ‘ ' “ _ ‘ .‘g; ‘ ~ 1"’ K, "5; 4 ‘ ‘ ‘ J,‘ ‘ , L. n .- H " ~ ‘ » ‘ ‘ «~ , I H “ ‘ ,‘ *1 ‘L J W . , J“ ‘ ", -- ‘ .1‘ ‘ V fl‘ «M , g u ‘ V ‘ ‘N \ "’-,1“ ‘ 4', , '- ‘ 7"“-‘(A _‘ ’ 7 ' “ n " ‘ :17 I ( »‘- ‘fr w‘ ‘ 1.‘ \‘ ‘ . - ‘ “/ ,.“ ' ; ‘ ‘ ‘H I ‘uh "' . % % a ‘ 1 n_ .59 W % % V-=% ‘ “F ‘M 3% ’ L .‘ I /2 ' ‘Y “ 1.’; ‘. 3‘ ‘i 1'95‘ rttfflfl am no , W wlfl .1102 M ‘@%€C[¥l1¢fli€BD & if L :Iancp,a11%maAc:c;y up J ; * A_ W % A it 2 ( E7 J" %c»:itinm f0*:ft1bie£t ann Iiawbie ‘W11 be mum name we ram zsflarons of the imcmquer, mm in npm mutt taazairm fubfmbz the fam ¢ 9 _V H V .. man be it furt1)emna‘~mn by the fiatbnzttp Vafmefain , A flhat no Cerriemi A agar; upon my: p;em:c?e#a;fiaggcficmn mhatfowetfg bcgvantzin4 bptbtvourt ofmppcr Imncb, 0; hp anpmyw ¢O&I€tfiJ l3Bll11)6&flP fut!) iazefmtzttentii, 0; am: mama to; ampifly mcufancp aswfio%2cfaib;, her: wmtIfl)auany men iagefentmmt oz %eIonbi¢tiou;‘% own? thing teaching me kuxw; be m%mrfzbVfoz. any mtmg, oz any ntbmz matter 0; thing what; .; i'nemt,%but mew‘:£m:D%A %%% ;Ae~fenctttem: ant» (tuna ”mwoVn4;L; auAtw¢mm remain in go!) fozce; until! 4futM%m:mn he manbicten, 02 his 0; new mars V 3 ~a1Huhnu’¢ mm tam: arm fubfcttbe the ~fa,in2 :1» am my afngmin. aaagonmenanmtw &!1B.h€itft1ttD€tV¢n&£t¢D: A . vgmmutijflziw fogefain, fiibat if any A am,» in q M an oz j g tn A ;zz%%:nnetbs‘ftec notice 4 9 ;. ~ Apcafmzct, items %¢mmfiI'innA¢rs: " " ‘K - '4‘ , ‘ \ “iv a‘ h ‘ ‘ I ‘ J H‘. \, '1, ‘S. I 1" ‘ ‘ ‘ ” I‘ '7' I’ ‘ "‘ « — z“: 1“-‘7 “ 2' J‘ WV "[1,; ‘ “ ‘ ' "W v,‘ Q ". ‘, w«w.‘"‘\« ‘ ‘ v ‘ * ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ n ., ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , r ‘ -_ .. ‘ ‘V. “ ..»- I 3 .‘ ‘ ‘ .' , ‘ yk? " w ‘M’ ' ‘ “ L « H ‘ “ ‘ ‘ V‘ ,‘ “(H x _< 4;!“ 7‘ ‘_ “ . l W 9 ‘ ‘ . “ ,, W 1 xx . ‘ " " a ‘ W V ‘ q» " ' “‘ -' ‘ H ‘ *1. W, ‘ A ‘ ~‘ ‘u A 5' R . -\ ‘'r ‘M ‘ 9.. “ V ' , ‘ . , H ‘ A on W z!§tl”r3tt5,%,¢l1)mno11ninglp mm, pats 0;: ‘ pmtatc, A%=nz1%cvtmtal, in ttnfi fog“f$? at am» msufantnnm%nnI1er fie»: A F‘ vi u2cAa;:i9n‘;; cg” mutcb%fl)al1 Afizrzaftet A ' %n::mp at wifi 2tc¢;mba11%anom:= R M‘ *;n ‘ V . -st: 5 Q 3 A a., : ’DEr5”'%'ir”»;'Dew'~name oz «mm m WWBAE? : gate oz am: man. not bmtn _ % fsA%teafuxv,%;.oz mha A V n; A cm 0; mafia, itxgfig 1 mac: pf about; fmmf A uartcr 9 , ag afgafain, tbttlfibttlé 4%” ? (l8)d( L i€cmm<;r$i32remf, %A1*££1ja»t than amp £ezcIj%mva-:%~? i7c=né4m msmns, all Emmi: .f;o; fumljag mncmu ’m$:n€, m me name ni’.fl)e fi)§m%pa:m of%fuc1}A fifiatz £'aconcza.1m,tI3e one Qwmlzte w new the ifinzn abgéutecscg, arm we nmw mz’m E'EU=-"-rt. £50 tm¢‘§n$fn;mar to he mwmrw km big figaiglj-.—.=, nefsfieutfic uf mcmqguw, by 2&1! am; infmmaa £ion,i1%nt1kD@fl'fligE%, amumtéon ngmagw % of flaw amine aimmm. mm m it fmww mum W the M afnmmn , flijat if the umcm mt mm fa; my mum», Vigséfifln,“ mu't mg flbmp, mg; man u; mwge nf wean , flmunot, acugnzgniatgw we mm a’m'tm*a€ mm amamsingnf may mi , Mm $mz’v flmwmnta , :0 mi flbmcijmmmnfig aemfi m;zfiabies,£¢mxéta£fig mm: m nrza’m£fl)e4it mm £,% afiafmzefain, :; .%:oA;$fl)afii:not accummg to the mm intent ant zmaminvgmf ems fiat,» a‘fl'mz% tijm marmma unto the fimfifimw, m um: xnmtfucb pecfsrrg p;2i" entein, m make them appearance nu was the ram aw afageram, 0;. {ball 11% .D$i’t'i1£t+A: E11153 g,efmtntent next % R3336 W i9wC ¢A fllail ffi;;f¢i$~ meaty A pmxamgsgt [if aw %Afu£D ¢¢i)urcI)¢ a%tDmo; Won abiz mu tefufz oz, neglectbsu en akc%:fm:b% amentmcnxt as afnzéfam 5; .. ti)¢ Lfum%sfA~‘ %tn~aunns ,; mm it Am: ma gate?) -finnfiahimifiamaetpfucb ofiencifialliafflzfi ‘sf we W V ;u¢lptecn;n every run!) imefenttant, we atmnt ‘n§@ummonsA, arm the ‘executinntberenf, arm » tijnutpaying any 3%’ees,A%tbepa)a*1lfflIv ’ feé£%f0zAebcrp4mcD amuse tnefflimlflf mummy jmonzpjfuasah nmmWs.’aW tmtfine %mm% at a11§::ums% be,tom%*fo;feitenIayany fiutticgf %0% u‘ise,~ nzmekvaf the ease, Mums: (Xe) efaeeaee,<2Ebt1eeb4mateeet,¢on&ae,¢ieeitfi§ we flm5ee,%eo;aE1eeknef the aeeaee eefveetibelm, allhe to we ufecf the ‘pcmzuf new mmntees sitib 2* teen funtnf than he greeeeeeeee arm: mien, Sammie azilmeeep eeipecteeeip, mneee me other %am’ty*eete fueb perfume page ep;erfengeeea;5 flyem the fee fljeeefeme , In we fiatgfieeefe maze of me!3equ‘ee,hy lifiello;3Infoematmn,ewh£eem no eaergn, 1% tectioneozmagee of item mall e beealomee. H A eeeeeeneneuoe am he itfinatteh 9byeijefitfe==§‘ enemy afezefam, fibat where any fiaaee, that 13 0; am: he fiequeftten fee the efieeufancyeofi emp aeeefan, (ball Defcenneoecomeew anyememn e efleeeefiaxet, in {tube cafe eye 0; glee, te whom fuel) «mete Ebeell nefcenn in come, wall tepaiv Vim the muaetee fieffinns 05 we geeate fee was 15 a minute, mbetefie 0; gbeeitbetlj, mm were makit eeappem: to we «mutt, flbatiee e; five tljeijemns mm team of tbemaijm paecof we ” Eufiieee tbeeepeefeneg to tneifiamnsj of we mcbeque%%(tI)e@lafmant! fiitle ta inch Wliatst eeinsrneIve“toee1seatto wefmbefietons Wcb peefnn en; pet;f;n3 mall have: his mtatee iD‘i‘f5" e ecbaveevlbitbeutImmune W=» fine thine beree insoeeme otherflawwntainwtaweétontvevee nfitlbitnttanning. 4 e v eceeee it favtvewriecteb up cyeieueijoztte eaf0291'€’6iD:.e%Dfl11 H0 Wtfone 0: verfons that new is Sequeltren oz cttonbicten fez laeearanecmee e1)ate¢eeae,anytime beteaftettwall he Qfiunvitteia ffizfiecufemeea that! he aemittentotake the are fez eainmtueof Mutation, unlefse futbeeeve inane necfnnefoeconetcten, lbeli mehee‘ it we pmeo we iuflieefi ofjgfeeaceg eefege Begum V use gotettant, amen wetreifieate thereof, unnee A mmm, a3 19%: m ‘ ‘ ‘us, ‘u ' s-'*'t‘:,,»;,; : ‘ " ‘ " .: r ‘ ' I ' W ‘ _‘ mmam + A ' V’ V ‘ ’ ‘ VA % % if 4: i % M J; V -av‘ W. :92‘: 2:4 é ~ ~ _ ' é ,9?‘ “ - ‘If ‘ ' ‘ ‘ H ‘ ‘V Z -. I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ % ' ' ’ % % ‘V ‘wax ‘ ‘ - X 5?‘ v ~“ if ‘ «'34 ' . r "9 ‘ we. -.“»:»& ,. ‘W’ at} ya; -mm“ u ‘ m‘ 5% ‘ ‘ ’\’ ,4: ’ gm eazammm Wag filfifle ymmfaus , mm mm he A %fl'tD pgmmt mm tangy 12. A wmw%VnwettneMs’, mm a £5 ijmhv W:-.= mm$@ 9 mm if any pmcmn mg pmmw mat $3 ‘:3 t._‘ 5, ‘ ‘-1;,» mgm m mnmmm mg uwmsp, Mm mm mm 4 web? Emma, flmli my elapfcx, m,_hewme% 7 =:; L 3‘ 7:34.. ' J; {E »mm tmfifiot, mm m emjmpw vmmngmf Wa my mmfmg we Em Jacwwing4tat1)m W 5 mm; {M114 tbzrwymt man in Winch A hitifimtt a g“ mmmazfi imam fmhéai mm imam ht an,.unti1iaw;%mpo % ~ mmmwnfi aflwgwmfiiflfi in $13 WW5 momma) man again mm the ram am in rum mann»rerc a£ hafmc by wig p;efen?t%%mct%Ai5 74;~;imi'$manD a~Wmint£”D. ” A mm is iwjmwfurtmt m“awc:enhp%%i»tia¢%ua mzmmbiect of tm‘s®omnwn~ Wu we i%°%nfi)o1v*f¢rWw mat w&1**€W A at any fimmfiamwt mggflgcnt Am an? % imz izmszitv Mvafngefam, fibat it man not hen1a% rm mm, ta mi mm mu mm m bemmnt at % mrmfg am aw E @ mm M an? Em) fifimwa $199!? mnatm Wnattfi mf $93133 W W mmnetvs; city, of we 02 figmw, 0; any away pmw mmgm imnnna , mm impzafomnem by we Tam 3?3zfamm m be m t M M M iatgnnefg ma §Lom wean; mam %, am $33? WWO Em nfomww; to ha tecw~~ NERD hp‘%cu’un, 2&1“, tam wt 02 Hfflgfi nmtmmn anpfipmt of jmmzn, in ‘an ma? igzfltfitflflfl, Q3 LONDON: Printed by Hem Hiils and jrarmzvze/4, Printers ‘I0 Hisflighnéfso I6 5 7