THE INFORMATION Thomas Lander 0 F Shutborrofi' in the County of Stafard, , Another 0f the WitnéHES iii“ the O P we late loin fitafiagb“, As it was taken upon Oath} By‘ Edmund Warcup, Efquire; one of His Méjefiies Juf’t'ices of the Peace for the County of Middlefea’c, and City and Liberties of Wcflmfnfler, on the 241/) day of December, 1680; w , .4 L 0 N D 0 N, Printed for T 12027145 Simmons at the Pfifzcelc’ Aims : in Ladgate-flreet, M DC LXXXI.‘ Iii ‘ \ - v ' l V .' l ‘ 3 '» . , l ‘ ‘ .v, . \ \ A ‘ .= \ \ \ 1 \ I /' \ I ‘ I . v ‘ / . k ‘ ‘ I it I n. I l ‘ l l i 1 fi ’ \ I .4 . \ l - \ k . ‘ . I I - 'f : l ' , \ . r I q ‘ \ \ m-— V ....._.'...,., . . . I \ - l \ \‘ \\ \ , - _ \ I , y \ r ’t ,r I I I \ ) NAM; .. J .. -' “one- . \ 'oda (1i 25E! armW an“ 4,... ,I .( 5-3. ‘ 0 a O l / I , v I 1 " Y , 3 ~3~ A m l ' \ 0 pm: ,3 a 36 30:11:02) fad) 361 f 5335‘! 5‘3 1033313 3“ 1,, \ 1 € . 1‘59 mm 1‘)? . V 1 ..~,...,......o<.~,~~-._-~. 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WC 777771- fl€7 as followed] mg ~ " HIS Tn-formant falt’h That havmg been cmploydd as “a W arkman fever’a‘l times at the Houfc of my Lord 74/1077 at T zxall in the (Emmy aforefaid, he was failicitcd by 'M1f;F7117zcrs Hind Sthard to the Lord 74/1071, no {norm ‘a Wand}. againi’c 5117717377 Dagdale lat'c 'SICWard to 011C Lard 14/2977 any.- way to 1nvalid‘atc or rake CE 1175 EVIanoc In re1aI-ian ta the Popiih . Ll’let and he ferved th1s Infermaat With ‘a 577617777771 Ia came up to London for that purpafc, at the B 2 latc‘ "r ‘ “ t i 3 § . late "intended Tryal of the {aid LOrd 14/2072 in 51112526 hit pafi, but before his coming up, the [said Mrs Hind, Francis Aflon, Son to the Lord Aflon, and Thomas Samyear, Servant to the (aid Lord Aflon, (96. {em for this Infori; , tjinte a priVfifio'ohi; hti’the natures“ 46021:: (sting, and, . aid him: That if he would {wear fuch things as IhOuId be dietated to him by the Perfonsrafforefaid, to invalidate or take off the {aid Dugtlalé’is Evidence, he {hould have fueh a Reward as mould be to his own con-“2 tent, and ot wannfor Money and @0er as é u? ,7" ht ,‘ ‘ “gr“ ‘1 . 3 s aman of'thter“ tellirythanhim- feI . Andt is Informantiagreei'ng' to their PtOpo; fals, came up to London accordingly. They perfwaded this Informant likewife to {wear .. p cha‘t“r“pz‘£gzla¢é%wa§2 Qiflh&dfig mogee-l,“ rid-2 Thad cheated "th's Informant and many more in the ‘ (Jetliltry,f ,yghilfi he yas,.the Lord; region’s firewa‘r-d, " "Tb which this Info an: anrwetéd C maliimd etch: thacHd to an m Thar; if; _-he would 1 do _,aizéordi.-n37 ,‘ias‘}{ ‘thc‘ygdire‘ié’ted hifn; that he ‘fluould (btfid’es " "e'Rewards3a3g3reed"‘npon) have hisTChar- ges born in coming to Tom, infiaying here, and going down again. And likewxfc faith,that he was to éfflwcariliatjaznes ‘Anjéli, ( beinga Witnefs m forne :shingsf relating to "theaDifcovcry of the. Plot) was a Painted Rogue, and ;,a Thief, and had pcr‘urcd himiclffcvsral timessfand all: {ugh Other I ings 571s they. {hould dietate to. him when he game up gee Lonrlm, in order to take off ,both, their Evi~ frames, :And faithztzthQ-fc.11.1335: prqmifed {to make good his RCWafdrffGl‘: f0 doinggwas Mrcherbert :fiflwz, 311.5. Lordfhipngnclc, Francis Aflomi Son ho / 1 (— a ' t 3 . ‘ the Lprd Mom and ~ 172077245 smear, smafié [A the find Lord Aflm’z. . B ‘ And this Informant faith, éTfiat being in idndo»; . and my Lord Aflon’s- Tryal not being come on,’ he received no more of his Reward but, his bare. Charges; however they faithfully promifed ‘hihi when he had made good what he had’..ptomifed. them to fWear, he mould have his full-l7 Rewrite? ' made good tohitn. ' - . ' Ahd this ' Infarmant faith, that in. Sepkeniéber“ 13359ng up t0 “W Ldrd 'Aflwz’ts ,Hoixfe, he was .made artery, “161601.116, and after fome timewas ask- Cd. byonc of the Servants off my Lord Aflbn’s, Where, Mthegdale ”lay ; anet'thisilnfotmant told: him at: 0.136 1316 19.4”?! 1’ 'erél'vzs. next Hohfe 1011115 We iii Sb?’.59§’20wa 3"qu a’ Mile: '..di£ta_nt fromi‘my Lomk Aflon’s asthCIaid; Some .aftctfome' dgifeou‘tfe Md With-3 thriW-lnformam, told him. that;,he nn'ghtjd'oe them EObd' {CfVi€€,: iahd .haveg.;ae good; Reward7...fott . , 1 . . . . . . his pat-111$, 1f :hecge‘guld dev'ife to fit fire on the. R00n'1wh¢r¢f W fluga’ale lay,a;nd burn" him In his Bed T0 Which this Informant ‘anfiveted; that if he. {hould do f0, hefbould bum hiS'own Holife, and endgo er; the ’whole Toéwn :, TOW-hich "the Servantfretfyed,‘ that it were betwrgth’at his HOttfe ahd thewhple Town were burngtathet1:11.111:th (meaning Mr. Dug-dale) fhoulcl efeape, who was a.Rogu;ce,1and.zhad betm‘Y’d' his .Lordfi .SiCC't-‘ets; with" fevetal other G‘entglmnen 5; é.119faty‘t'zljl'czffia me timetel— ‘ 1111 g this Informant, that" he {fllQu‘ldt 1,115,111: would Undettake it) be welt rewarded I'd hiaszgowt1 C011: tents” but penceiving this Informant act to be ve- (.. ,1 ry ,3- ? ry willing, told him he was a Coward, he would . ‘ not undertake to do fo goodkabiece of ferviee. The faid Servant at thefame time went to one Warl. ter Moore, anorher Servant of ‘my Lord Aflmz’s, who was sito join with this Informant in the faid, Fae}, and this Informant . gc‘iing - home, few the faid Walter Moore walking about the faid Houfe. that was fo to be fired, and this Informant nor being willing that fuch a wicked A6}: {hould be ' done, acquainted one of his. Neighbours with‘it, and fo a Wateh was fet to preferve the faid Houfe where Mr. Dugdale lay, and all the Town, that. night, and‘all the time after fo long as'Mr. Dug-4' dale flayed there: This Informant haVing like wife heard the {aid Moore fay, that Dzlga’czle was a Rogue f0r having “betrayed his Lords Secrets: And likewifi: faith, ~ that " when this Informant was to, be a Witn'efs" for the Lord Aflorz, one Samuel Holt whowasanother-Servant of my Lord Aflon’s, and alfo .1 1e Sawyear, being Setbpmza’c/ up as Wit. neffes‘ for.» my Lord flflon 5“ “they told this Infor-i mam: , that: Mr. Dugdale was a :Perjured Rogue, for laying: the Plat * “of? the Presbyterians upon the Papil’ts, and if they or either of them could meet the faid M r.Dzrgc/ale Conveniently,they would do his bufinefs for‘him: And faith, That the {aid Holt had received a fum of Money for the {aid fer» vice, as likewife the {aid Walter Moore. ‘ " And this-Informant faith, That all thofe things which were éfo by them, as aforefaid, diétated to him; were altogether falfe, to any knowledge of this Informant, in relation to the {aid Mr. Duga’dle ‘ ‘ ’ - " ' and and the faid Mr. game: Aufell.’ And faith that feveral Other Matters and Perfons he knows of ' that were concerned- herein (_ this Informant be: ing always made privy to molt of their Con- trivanees in this nature) that would almof’t hang them, which he is unwilling to difcover againfl' them, fur that the}r are related to him; 7720mm Lander. , fumt. cor; me. _ Edmond Wareup. Dec. 25. I680. _ I Do appoint The. S immom‘, and no Other, to Print this my Information, Witnefs my Hand; ‘ 7710mm” Lander. A t L; ~ L; FINI&u_ RARE DA. L148 . L36 I5 1 681 ELmHmEém DA448. L36 IS 1681 llllllilllllllllllllll 01 0-006074507