ig‘i‘: R111 g 111% Ti \ 11 11.1%? * , N 11 ‘* . 1 ; Edmund 19311919061999 wiquHy murdemd -if they Wumt mifémbly'ihfaruateéfihey ‘wbg‘ld ncvér'hawe the con '9: Ea&fohs:DiHeqtdrg Mimwhich'l‘it‘lé‘many Pcrfom ..._——-—- . . ‘ .1 ( r 1 l: - I / * , N Y1 w :1- -'\,'1, , A .- . ’ 4 . E . ‘ 1 . \ “ ‘ « 1 m, , ' Sham: ~11? L O . T difcbvere‘d :. The Cur fed 9911.111? 311%; of the Earl 0111211125913 M119, ‘Céliér3:f thé Popifll LQR 133,611“! P11511531“ the’TWef and ’ 1199114182“: _ C111 Vfllanoufly {aborning 1].. .1 ‘ WITNESS E810 ipr‘ove...‘11111 311 .1153 . or!- hitnfclf) fullyi‘Dcteéiea. g. .. 11.51171 11111117111 1, 1.1111111111111111 ; 51111 Plots and Intrca ' that thfi’fh‘e'iéh ' "' ' * ‘ “ , w .. .- .'.. x __ 1 .1, 1: .01} (#1— 1 HyflifiwthhmdeES-t b 1 1 1mm (111111116110g 1113111311161 th‘hcvfl.._wha cmcznuallyég’éce‘stgf ‘ 1» 171; bout to do niifchfef‘: neithe‘ " ‘ 13'] '° - '- 0, O 1 n 1» -- ‘1 :1 a . -1 --r‘.\can 1': ' . I H - ‘. 1 :2 .Dmnc Brovzdcnceh’ds "gtvmxhzm; dé-té‘f‘f ““ ‘ 1:16. D13? Wmfiimts Wthh 1.1113110! .Prdfccutingithpirw; ‘ . 1km“: ‘11'0‘161‘ [0316 1.511591 COhtfiVafiééfiarfifé filly andaridieulom,‘ '5 that o t . 1 a . ~ ‘“ fi “ . a 1:1: lrfliglnseghfifwld {1313011111611 11.11011 31191111111115 1 11132111 ithis'ifbcfinf: c w. am Dzkowery,'cdncerizmg $715 ammdéw; Gaaifreyli'dfl which [take the foflowing briéf‘fl'étdhnr. . w The Papdbs audithe‘ 131111-61 D4126], Endingchemfclyes'hhargéat’dfrem with thehofiiéifldfiarbhtouk "‘Mdr’th” “ “ ‘ , . . 1 , . .. . . Cr orthal‘. Worthy Mani 7. ,1 .21. 1" 1’ "V ' “1; 11-1 15,",113u1‘1- -' 1" an b it vadcncc oer. Enz.Harrz:,and1tWolqg-z1hr?“ (“th Pcrfans’; wh’“ Y he" V? ”69113 are .défired, and are‘fiow ’qnder his. Mdj'qfiiesg Confidcmu'm 5311c}. ho" qucflionwiflhegrantéflyfifi‘ééihis Ma“"fl“" ” 1 . . 1 . ._ .16 131Cf01ygd;g_{ 1.1 . . 11:01}? 11111 1111111111111 1111, 11111111112111.1111 1111116313321? 132: W ,Pmoefignr jufilce-ofl’énée, ilw 1161 Was 11.": f“ 11.1” on: being“ ’1' Fanatick brandedmmwcx’uas knufir'tbibe '31! “MR 1 ‘1’311‘411019’111511111111‘ 1 .. ., dzealo All" ‘ Dofinneande ‘ ’ e an -. 9-s- ,. Cl 101‘ 0f the Law, 1 91’1"“? 0f the Church of England, 2151113 Bfiablifhcd 1;; NOW '19Prem' any ffiftfiei‘mfcoiier ' "g ”m" ._ ' . , . , Yaanddreadm th F1 " ~ 3211111111113 (1:312:31? 3133-1111 agaimmmgmgwi1$§f§1§§f§1§§ 1V .",. 15¢ ,1 a’mceofthe enero‘Md . - gVew‘gatePrxgfis andjgfuitgcontriwd to eggage 0:1: [liaigglg‘bandi‘thci 1: tpen Servxce, 111110 prctendihg to be a Proteflants was the A 611: 1177’ _ ’90], If e Lords, farrygng Meifagcs from the one to the other . gang 1:11;?“ a ter fome p1 xvate Eonfultaticfis between the Earl MID-22115915211111 [1:115:91 iii J *1» 11.111 n, I V 3 .‘ l V ‘ ‘ 1 1 , . . 1 ‘ 1 ‘ ' 4 . . , \ I 4 - . > _ ‘r ' an. , . _ I ~ I - ‘ I . . L .. 4 O . . 1‘ 1 ‘ I" I 1 . g. I' L‘ . . . 1 . ., ' .. A“ ' I I I R ? 1 1 1 l ,_ ‘ ‘ . . , ' '1 . v, ’ “ . V A; O t ‘V "(25. 3 t in the Tower; the Lord flan. feut for the Lord Allington Conflaf’ole of the Tower, and tcld him, That {it 11710141466 Made appear Sir Edmund bury Godfrey mardercd himfelf; and, That/9i: Brat/yer: mi: not ignorant, of it, and, That be war left in that Comma}; and‘Pofi‘are the Grand Jury found lyim, that it mtg/it t/yereéy [can be lmd been murdered Inform others, where- by his Brat/oer: mtg/at 1mm éerfh‘re : And his [@rdmip,theref0te thought fit, that‘the perfon who could Evidence the Truth of this, ihould be carri- ed before one of his Majeflyes Secretaries of State, or before the Council to be Examined. . ,y... H - Hereupon the Lord ,Allingto’n,aceording to the Duty ofhis ”Placehbrought this {Merger/f before on of the»»¥5ecretarye‘s,'"who"upon Examination find- . ing great Reafon to {ufpeét him for a Cheat and Impoiture, he thereupon .Ordered a Meflenger to take him" into Cuflody, and to keep him clofe till nextday, when the CounciLwas to fit :. While Margarfl' 'was in the Mel'- [en’ger'shandsp-he defired his? F'riedcisrnight come. to. him, and that he might have Liberty tbwrite, both which the Mefienger thought fit to deny him .5 but Macarfinfifling, That‘he would ‘ouly'write a Letter to the Secreta- ' ry of State, the Mefl'engerallowed him Pen, Ink and Paper, wherewith he ‘ writ two Letters, one to Mt; Secretary, and‘ano'ther to Mris. Cellim in Newgd’te,'andi‘fent them away, which the Me‘flfengerbein aware of, fcized upon the Perfon that carried them, in the Street 5 an took the Letters from him, and immediately cafr‘ryedthetn both to MnSecretary.’ Maegarfi’being brought'beiorethe Council, infifled very much upon *what he had [aid before, That Sir'Edmandbuijbdfr-e; Murthered him. felf, the. but heingint‘errog‘atedfeveral Qreitions 5 as, Whether he knew any of the Lords in the Tami, thefiar‘l of D496}, or. the Brie-ifs ”in“ News / gate 3 he abfolutely denyed he had any acquaintance with any of them, or ever {aw any but the Earl of Daub}. At lafl being asked, Whether he ‘ knew Mrs. Celier,or had ever feeu' her, or .corrcfppnded with her by Let: ters ? ‘ ‘He‘iike a true Papifi‘, utterly denied it. , M = Whereupon Mr; Secretary‘produced he. Letter againfl him under his own Hand, which 'fo"fiartled him, That heat lafl owned he knew Mris. Cc. liar, and that'it'wa's his own Hand-Writing -: After which he was ordered . to, be f5archt, and there‘Was found itihis Pocket aLetter from Mrs.Celier, wherein fhe’earneflly exhorts him~ to go on, inmauaging that Generous Af- jfair wherein he was engaged."~ , '1 ‘ " . 1.x; - .. . " , ' This clear Dichvery andLDeteétiOn of his Villanyhdid {oabfoiutely con- found Macgiafl“, that itextorted from him an ingenious Confeflion : That he was put upon this curred Intteague by the l-nfligation of the Earl of Daub}, Mrs. felicr, the bezfla Lard:,_ and Pricfln The Subflance of his Letter to Mrs.Celz‘e’ir', which Waszintercepted 'w-asrThat he had taken her lad- vice, and had lodged the bufin’efsin’the SecretariesHands, and had infor- ‘ med him ofthe matter, and hoped it.w‘quld havea good efieét, and delired further Inflru-éfims h0w to proceed. in the .bufinefs; ; . '~ “ -. After afull Examination ofthey'wholegmatter. , Margarf‘entred in’to Recognizance to make his Appearance when he was called for: And what firrther proceedings will be made therein a {hon time will difcover; ;. i < .. ‘) -' v .‘ _"" ‘ s w, L) l i «"l ', ‘.J.' I r “‘ ' , : L‘enéam‘tximéalfor T.- we. ,4, , - f . fin.‘ _-,—\n4»‘ " \J/ RARE DA 448 .Nb D3 1681 ELL spc wane RARém DA.448 N4 D3 1681 \IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI 01 0-006074696