r . ‘ ”W V I 2 " _‘ ‘m'v’wa ‘rvxn—v it w . - - ii» ' Hg, ’ THE 0 F T H E mamas Wicctebi OR; AN v v E R TOT-1.163 LAST \ OF THE Hum laid?” Mama at V 127. Tho.Wi-m m Whitehead ,: Wiflid’fii Harcourt and; Hai‘éféhjohfi Gav 3-11 til-id: Gawen— ,- Anthony Tugrggg n» and gé‘hn Fen-Wick; ~v— ff :3} Ezrael Ta'ngu¢,. I;D ' 1:} ,LONDON, Prim“? {5“ R05?” $011400 f‘olm Hancock. R4114 Sfiiltb, and 3671].]. Hat-Trix, 16799 «.3 . ‘..‘ I / \ I. . Em .. 3+1! ~ 1&3sz wigs-k 4 1&7:th nhwaf) 50110 t ‘ _‘I §_ -' £1116 33m} 3 ‘ A A; . u , ., ‘ ‘ ' x ' ._ ’ ’ 4 ' '- ‘ , ' . . ~r.‘.n~u4munmr aim-mm / ' V~ ‘ JUSTIQTbms? 7 . . m, . -- .r'I-‘J: .w-‘l... , 'v‘ , 1 . . ' . . ' - r - - . - " -‘ L - . . ' ' . _ ‘ . - . , ~ ‘ . ‘ u . a ,. 3 ~ . _ . ,, ~. , _ _ .. ‘ . _ > . ; . . . , 1 ‘ 7L. ‘ ., , ‘ ‘ “N."- w an v. a... . ~ u-~v..a~w-m.m~-.. ' ' V . ' ' ‘ ' . . ‘ . ' I , ‘ ‘ . » 3 \ ' 1. « g 'tfifinfia? ‘mt‘. »,:;v:ri4:,‘l‘ * ‘ * ”\qu I . ., .‘ _ . , , , I / x , ’ ‘ h I . « I , " a , \ V 1"? ‘ ‘ , _ l in i . ' ' \ ' x ,, . . (' ;\ .' J! . i: :C‘ w .v f t , ‘3, m M"? a? .‘Y a, in Courteous minder, W0 very different Opinions are continually pail upon the ‘ late Executed jefuites, and their Traiterons Accompliées, fame (upon juft grounds as they arewell fatisfied they may) difelairh againfi them, not only for the Horrid Tréafon's,‘ 0f Which they Were a Conviéted 5 and more efpecially fix their Damnablee Impiety, inVOking at their lail: hour the Dreadfull‘ Judgement of Godé Eternal \Y/rath after that of mans Jullice impendent upon their Heads and 301115;, if they Were not Innocent as ‘a New born Child, from the Crimes frilly Proved againfi them, to the fatis‘faétim of judge, jury, and a numerous Judicious Au~ ‘ Others eoratrariwife'either admit or the ‘ or: they may belnnocent, or require clearer pr'ooffirdonbt of their guilt ; and that becanfe of thofe Imprec‘at‘ions, which {Een'i to othefs'wthe‘. highefl aggravations of exalteel Villany. J .. _ . . - A __ 1'. Betaufe all Idefper'ate Villans' do not only generally but univerfale I‘y' praé’life the" like Protef’cations of _:fihei;j_1nfiocency at Death, and rarely Confefs their Accomplices or betray them, Which, their Conféfiion§ '2. Their: people, even in hariher terms garaé‘tife and teachftheirDifoiiv ’ples‘and Penitentsfo at their Execution to . eny all,ancl p‘rotell Innocency, endeavouring to inere‘a’fe an 041mm on Protel’ta nt Magillrates and Govern; ment, and to make" all Flagitious’ Perfons‘ of their Church, for want of better, afs for real‘fMar‘ty‘rs : 'As’ on the Contrary, mums: to their [very ' great arlirantage, hecaufe nothing more ad‘Vancesa Caufe or Doétrine than a Holy Life‘anc‘l aPatient Death’ ofthenr who own it._ . Jrnothing moreprejudices Religion, , than many Criminale Executed in ’Puhli’que‘, and their vitio'us‘Lives who profefs it.‘ ,This‘is therefore one of the‘mofl: Hellifh Matcbivillian Pollic'ies of Rome, To turn Argue merits into Objeé‘tions,and Obje'ét'iom' into Argumentspr change by their Artifices Traytors into Martyrs, and Martyré mm Traytors or Hereticks. , 3. Their Confeflionsat miserime, befide the Scandal, which is a Crime f0 Heinous with them, tha’tf‘alllgrollie’rVices _ are tbller‘atetl whereby to avoid,- " would enaanger' their. ChiEfs in Cullody, A, hazzard the whole f'ram'eof their Defidn, 1di&0urage“'itis ”(mamas and Followers, quail their HopeS‘and'Fait‘h, d‘ifarm theirWOrthies; blitray their Fame, expel/e t-‘oth'e hate of all Pollerity‘a‘ll theirOrdéérs and Religious gain, or utterly defeat the Whole Flor,and‘loofe' the Charges andcounfels bellowed. on it. 4:.- We ought more to admire at" the obllinateradhellOn of f0 many where rheyiLodged,Converfed,vc; none Corningt’o Impeach them,or for to fee the‘Truth Tie‘l’t’iiiedagainfi'themi, ekeemiSoz‘abiHaine, Mr. flag/an, 366%? 1622!, @gddfe, and @i’mre. ' , a I A A 2! r i 5. The "bi ‘5'. The impudence of thOfe who tef’cifie Warner; andaQates beyond-the Seéi . l u Ireland inWarwick/kire,Wales,&c.th2m Which nothing is known to he more 1:} é;i"The£2{:fihdpe ofhavmg the iwealfh and Power ofghefe' ifihree 2552222 5552525 52025255252 and their D'efigm- " ”7:”- Theneveroi, E'eeovei'ed Opportunity? '6f’5’fn Heir P'réfilmptiyéd thé Crown Siiéoffedinto.theiiSuperfiiciongf now lofl or difcouraged‘. ' . «5:35 in marrow hear the {Waidsfofgtheiasflofififhiné O'raterWr-"é 'Fh'iIShe Brazensitout =' ' V' " i . I, .. ,. : flsfiir Mid ates dndM‘. , D‘u‘gdaléizbho‘ I 5.411 God I to. .Witncjijéa’i’e 52120143125 771(5):](4/ é‘Oatlyeszo'tbis2252515271er End, IEIéciriily.Féi'giii’éiitkm. f, .:V .. . , This piffageif it had beefi infetted' be’for’e'his Rehtlhciatiori» .offiqui: vocation, Pardon): Abfolution, Difpenfation; “(763- }_Icorifefs 1.311.153ch To well read in their; Morals; as to knOW how bytheir CWT! RUICS t0. Dir" form-what Equivalent, - though it had b'eefi(és h'ehelieves it; )er the befl: Caufe ever any Man in his Condition, did Lye of Sin.— venially; and one "nimblelCroii‘s {if his haHdSWére'nogit"yed)‘might Salve it for ought; IiknoWj.‘ And perhaps {01ne7’dte'rsNo’flers 'of his Dignified Andrews Buf:de§,_ Caryl, (9‘c. theifC‘ofiféiTors,’ or {dine others,“mig‘ht feature thisipoor Soul from paffiqgthe Dreadful} Gulf of Pur atory. At worff‘gheir Aflieétiohrand Pfiffion‘ in Meiit‘yiridom for foe‘xcel at a Caufe and Defign : and Bap—- dime iii @IoodididSalve‘ all thebyi-psifi Infant'Sins‘Jnfimiities or Defec‘ls o:there‘Newibbffi’?.Mértyrs‘lfasy ofthe Learnsd,,®5mmf*2 . 259de me moi‘e7C'i1ndi‘dliyf""‘ito Interpret this mans Words ; I defige hisAfliPcanCe and Pardon ' foii'iiniifiidih‘g in‘t‘o, M‘yi’ceries foafc’e ever: fo praél'ifed, as by theie’M'é.[iei‘~Pio‘1itiiia*ns anlevmes in this prefem‘Cafe. 7i ,i fl ’ I cannot“ but éicfifiijow‘lvedge’ithis Gavdm Whole Difcoin'fe very Artificially C'éimpoi‘edi; Foiwhat he iffiififiis of his Innocency, .andno Guiltiof any Crimethat deeded ‘n‘ot any‘Pa‘S-rdon‘; (96'. for the Faét Was Meritorious ,-‘ in his Words’fherefore there "Were no Equivocationsfo farm :And had he "fag-LL73123252255'5155d‘»,0*a:e’s Oathes had been Malicious, he might haVej been more Candidiy Interpreted, .. as ohe who; Judged they had Gam, or other \Woi‘ldly advmfages to prompt them ,to what thein-Wore: but to fay th ey were Edit: in {uch .pgigp'ie’iilar mattersof P1161215: hls own Confiience‘ Te‘flifies “Tith'tiiieim‘ to be (me ; For this, if his obf’cihiate Death, direéf-i io'naof his’im‘ehfimi FOrC‘afholique good, 'or’fom‘e Other Salvo, Which occurrs not to me ét’iprei‘eng, , Iamongpc‘iitheir‘ many Pious Frauds help him hot“ '2 “i 2225 1202226522521: heis highlyiPe‘rjhfed, and his Soul lop: defperately, :s'iTniy he maYPdffiblyiw/‘ith theIrijhsT'orythli‘d'eieij Repent , Feel and find ~MerCY‘in9iii-e’KOifie : 'Whi‘éh that my Charity may non he Inferiour to hisj-TWiihto the‘Wori’c of?“thefeic’V'illains, thou h towards us, we mould iong ere this, had not Heaivefi biafled their Defgns, have found their ten-1 deaf Mercies to have been mofi Barbarous Cruelties. .. . But -4 mqv'v—w-~,—— Av...— —.—._..— W'Y'” - the Principles of the Author. (a) . But that the True Senfe and Artifice of Mr. (jatvaen’s SpEech may be tightly underflood, we mull: 'obfeive the; Method of it, and ‘ For the Method; HedOth no Where pofitively deny any matter of Right, or Faét, chargedagainl’t him, or his _FelloWs; northatthe- Pope hath Right unto, ’othath refumed: the Khigdom of England; or that he hath Excommtmicat’edorf .Dep’ofed the [(1)423 ; or delivered to ' the SeCular Arm, the People. 'of'EnLglaml, to be: :dei’croiyed {by the Frentb, 8w. ' He dOth only implicitly deny the Matters of Faéf {Worn by flat: and flagdale, When" heealls their Oaths falle. But in this his Alfertiorr, he .prOmifes not any Sincerity, nor re; _ nounces any Equivocations, not AbfolutiOns, (‘76. So that, he feems ptlrpofely, and very craftily to. have waved that Protefias‘ tion Where it? thof’c heeded, and to have u‘fiitped it where he had no need to relieve hiitrielf by it: For certainly, he might VCI‘ ‘ well fay (as he believechT hat he was not Criminal in what he did, in obedieme, éompliranee, and concurrence with - his Holinefs, and the General~ ofth‘eir Order, theirVote, Serife, or Sentence againl’c- ear King 4-and5Kiingddmfl I. believe, that allethe iafizz’trthat e2 *8]: did, ot'ihall‘ :fufiet, may take their Pattern fiomi his Speech, If it be not fame Original and Direélzory Bern-1 ‘; as their {0 Ria’ gerous- Adhefion to the Pretertfc-ie' of the Innocency of. cm .unéom fbild, fmélls very ranklyi“ of a Form prefetibeds,r..fr01n~ Which they efight notrecede. j“ - » . a ‘ - L - Andathe Truth is, ifwe'confider,"tis of val} Importance to their Church, that every word they {peak at their Death, fliould be madegood and irrefragable to fo: many feveral forts of Men. i. As 1. @apiflzfiégats, who mul’tbe cherifh’d in their blind Zeal to Hoheélyurtb-, ' and kept 7 in opinion, of their good Father’s Sana Ski-ti]; lime to them (perhaps) fuch foul Crimes might be {omej What foarrdalous, and open their Eyes to look about them, and icon/lider to what {trange Conduét they have truiledtheirSouls. _‘ 2. Great G’erfsom, Payou‘rers and»..Encot1rage.rs:-; as the Lords- in the ' WWW, and others ofEmih-entCLtiality ; who would certainly have beendilbbliged, nay, further endangered by fucha Confefliorr. i -‘ , >3 . Mderézé’e @apifl‘s, who, fhould theflot appear bare; fac’d, would be apt to-{l‘iart‘ at lb hideous and-monitrous a Sight ;~ and» confeqauent- ly, abandon alReligion that allow’d fuch deteiiable lmpieties. 4" The feflfliflhkold Enemies to the-757m 5, Who would be glad of limb an Advantage, and-never fail: to .upbraidthem with it.‘ 3‘ Simple @rotq/imztr, on! whom. they have Deligriee; and-to: have Confel’t, had been, for ever to” have: frighme’d. them fto‘mgCPopem/rg but thus flifly to Rand it out , may. gain. their. weakgopinion- o? the Sufferers Imgeeme , and that" ()pirlildmwillE Gene-iliaterPity, B .. and ( 4 ) and that Pity, engage their: {omel’tepstowards the Party; , s. T he Cwy‘iiom, who will hereby be confirm’d to proceed in‘ Trayterous Attempts, when they fee their Leaders go on f0 Coua': ragioully without boggling; and neitheridifcovering them, no]: acknowledging their own Crimes; ' butrather, jul’tilyirrg the At: tempts, as well—pleafing to Heaven, when they durl’t lo folemn‘ 1y make Appeals thereunto of Innocence.- - , , ; On all thefe, and divers Others moll cogent Confiderations, I fee not that they could do othertw'ife; - nor indeed, had been to be united by lo wile aState, if they illould not have been content to have received, and obferve lo curious a Form of Compurga- tion, as tonight hereafter be defended againl’t fuch Heretic-a1 SOphil’cers, as inylelf will pals for amongl’t them. 1 ,, Ii fome Ancient Orators were do exaé‘t, as to pen their Oratig ons with that CircumfpeétiOn, that fome ”have dared to fay, The, ‘ Clubb might be forCed from I—Imulw, lower than. one Word from. their Context; 1 can very ealily allow the Church of Rome, Which-'- is (0 exact and. formal in every thing, to, have ‘ prefc‘ribed fome Direétory to all her. Martyrs, according; to whichthey are to dye, as well as She: hath prefcribed them For-ms very rigorous, to live and pray by; So that, there is littlegol Ingenuity left in, OK. to be e‘xpeéted in the Roman World :: And fuppofing the impofed.. Forms univerfally praé‘tis’d, it would be equally as great an 11111 poliibility to know where true Piety were in their Petitions, as whereTruth' and Sincerity were in their (Dowel-lions. The opus ope~ ramm, Lip—labour and Obedience, lalving all to God,as well as Man ;, and it would be as rare, as to no ptirpofe, to pray or {peak what we or othersunderl’rood or meant by our Ceremonies or Prayers; provided the Church but underflood her fe~ll,& God underflood her; which never a Soul prefent, unde-rl’tood t‘hemfelves, or one another in what they prayed, what they did, or knew whither or which way they went. 4 ‘ p I , Suppofe then (as :we have good- cattle) thefe- Jefuites had- as ' 00d order and warrant for what they ptopofe, of the deligrf of h-lurder'in'g the King, as they; have had for that of Sir Edm. G. and- orher Murt'hers 52' who but— men mad: and dillraé‘ted" and“ not Infiruéted in their Principles, would: expeé‘t that they ihould confefs them==’ {elves Criminal"? ' 80 We imagine that our Captains at Sea with: their Letters oi Mart {hould confels themlewes Pyrates, or chofé at Land, 'Murderers, when they obferve their Princes Orders in ins; telline or. Forraigne Wars: If the Sover-aign PoWer of Princes mutually aeknowledgedr- fin-d fuch Favor, that none are hangedfi but have‘j-quarter with refpeét to their Commiflions, or thofew Whonré they; fight: under ,,, lure We. may allowxa. the Supreamf ' Majelly _~_,W._w ‘—~——— ~ , , ( ’57 . Majeflty of the Papacy aekn'owletl'ged Io" far ave: Europé, to? . Jui‘tii‘y (though nm to us Hereticks, yet‘)to all, the ,World ~antI themfelves, thOer A613 for which they have Order, ‘Cbmmifli‘on,’ and Authority, Humane, an'tlxD-ivine, as good as his Title Whiéh V he pretends to' the Crown of Eggldzzd by both thofe Rights; and for any Catholick to (Eloubt of it, were a very great li-IereI-Sr, and; would “take the very Fundamentalsrofthe Roman Hiera‘rch~§r,> the plenarty of their Power andfiinfall‘ihle- COnd’uét in “that con-*7 terns the ProPagation of the‘irKi’ngd‘om and Doarihé; _ To Demonfirate, that thefe Hypoeritical Harrangues “were (Ii-9 reé’ced, and prefcri-becl by a Certain method and Formulary, beg pleafetl to Confider how exasétly they Tune all their Pipes to? one Key. For Example ' , - > .myitebread‘l’ayes, ,.., ‘ ,T, , ”a. . T. . Igo out of the world as Innocent, and as freezfronri‘ any we Harcourt - 4 ' Innocent: ........ ofany e Permit/t“ ' " Innocent ' Garcon . _.fl Innocent _ . f .- . Turner ‘ To declare upon Oath my Innocence, em} .. t ~Whitebread. Guilt, of thofe things laid to myTCharge in this matte}: . -.Harcourt "—4—- thinglaid to --my Charge Concerning the matter fart; . . ._ ,VVhiCh..I_.pye. -. . ‘ _ " f , , Fen'fiu'ck~ --—-- Of What is laid‘ to my Charge of Plowing the? , . L ‘ "King-SDe‘ath, Subvertin‘g the Govérmnent: Garcon, of thofe Treafonable Crimes which“M1-. Oats and Mr.“ _ - filtg'dalgf 'fWOré againft ,mei ,_ , . , Turner, , —-—— of that HOrridCtime of Tret-al‘on with which Earn? , Falfly Accufed; - t . * ' . ' , Whitehead, As I Came into‘theWorch from my MOthefs Womb . Harcourt, As the Child unborn: ' . ' , Fenwick, As theChild yet linhomfanel that, I know. nothing of ‘ _ it, but What I have learned from‘Dagdaleiand'Odg an'd‘ what dofi1es-’ Originally from them: I ' Gafbdn, AstheChildlunhorn;H , ' '- , Turner, As the Child that is Unborn} . .Wbitebread, No body upon Earth canAuthofife’nié {o to do: T Harcourt; Renounee, Abh‘or and Deten Liicenifetoc‘onirnit Pérj‘iii‘ies, Ste ,~ Fez/mick, Utterly renounce Pardons,DifpenIatiotisffof LiesgPerjiiryfiegicitTe ' am»; Makes‘no ufe of eqiit‘ro’cation“; mental Relewatiori', material Probe . Cation, nor Difpénfation‘“ fr’o‘nl the Pope, or any elfe ; or of an, 'Oath of Seer'ecy, nbr Abiblu‘tion‘inlConfeffion, of out Of ConI‘eE-i fion, to deny, hide, or P’alliat‘e the" TfU_th', hilt" in the? plainiferifeéi , . which the words’beafi ‘ _, i l ' ‘ Wbiteb. Thole who have mofiFfl/Zyacculetlme; , ._ . f , r , .. Gruofl, 04b“ and thg’d’a/e,'wl’l0 (IcallGOdtOWltnefé) by F {lg/é OhIIJi have brought me to this Untimely Death; ' Bi 7 ' _ Tamra? “wavy“ ,_...._ ~¢ " (6:) fivrtzem Thole which haVe Palfly Aec‘ufed me, or have laid any hand in my Death. ; p ' viii-a5. Prayes God to Blefs (but not Preferve )’ his Majefty Temporally . and Eternally. ' ' Henna. . I prayGocl, blefs his Majefiy, grant him a profperou‘s Raign, and ' his Confort, the belt of (greens. cam, Heartily defire of ' 0d to grant him a quiet and happy (but not ' long) Raign. ‘ p " ' , T £17,767”, God bief‘s the King, and all the'Royal Family; and grant his Ma~ , jefiy- a profperous Raign, andfa Crown ofGlory hereafter. ‘ I’t’éz'té'h Never Learnt, Taught orBel‘ieved, Or any ocealion or pretence,&c. (9.19032, Never in mylife, did imagine or contrive the Depofmg or Death of 7 4theKing.-- * , ‘ g ' ‘ , tr - . tl’lvifeé. To. delign or contrive Death ‘or Hurt to his Ma jefiies Perfbn. Hie-we. We hold it in all cafis unlawful to Kill or Murder any perform, much ' " more our Lawful King now Raigning, whofePerfon and Temporal Dominions, Sac. ' f . _ [ Sat/(m, PrOtefis, norhe in particular, nor Jefuits in general, hold King-Kil— lingvDoétrin-e; 'utterly abhorand detePt it:- i. e. that it is lawful for a private perfon tokill. agliing, Pagan, or Tyrant; but on the contrary, that all are bound to defend and prelérve him. 13mm Are ready to defend againf’t any Opponent. Wkiteé. His Sacred Perfonto the utte‘rmof’t of'their. power. ‘ Tamer, Should hare difeovered fuck a devillilh Ireafon to the CiVil Ma- ‘ gif’tratfe. ....'I'g . '_ _' .: , : _'. f- . waiz-eb. This true plain .fenfe. of his Soul “withouthquivocatron, or. mental “ "RefErVation." ' b " . a . " pawn, I do not make ufe of any'EqUivocation, mental Refervation, and T. ' material I Proiocmion. 7 1 4 - 5‘ ' '- - ‘ - Emmi I, dogutterlysrenouneeall Pardons. and, Difpenfations, &c. I Whereas in,theirciztlrioilitl’56111.73; the Crimes they fulfered for were no Treafon, becaufe the King wasDep‘ofEd by the P0196; and confequent- 13210. fax from needing arPard’on, that they were matter of Merit. I will fay nothing of the Impudence (for fol mufi call it) of M364— we, in denying thatany. fefaate, but Marie/1m, eVe-r' Advanced the Do. é’rrine of rafting 'Heretz‘zzi Kihgs ,9 whereas all, that have been Converfant in the Books of that Society, know it to be'mOf’t Falfe; and Whoever fhallperufe that excellent Treatixfe. of the Reverend Biflrop of Emmi”, lately emitted on that. fuhjefizjfhalsl fatisfafiierilyfind the comrary' thereof proved; and that his not only theTenet ofthe Iefuith-but the-Dearmeof the Roman Church alferted bOth in Theory and Praé’tice, by their Pepes, Couneels, eminent Doctors. Now if a man could, underfueh Circumfiances, give h‘imfielf the Liberty of an Alfertion fo notorioufly Falle in a matter that did not fo nearly Concern himfelf (but only the Order lac-was engaged in) what Untruths» can we thinkhe would Prick at in. thede Concern, wherein he hadfo many leigations {to fway him: unto it! ‘ , - , ,« . ,. “let; not therefore the BapfiisTryumphon the Hefiorly Exit of theretheir Traiterous ‘l‘vlartyrs ;' for"tis'no more. than. we EXpeéted; Nor lesany weak Protefiants heSeandaliZed, ‘ to find thoie that madeit their Praéfice to Vio~ late all“ Laws Divine andHuma-ne initheir. Lives, a8: qluite Contrary to the- fe‘ntiments“ and‘deportment’ of all‘Tru‘e Chrifiians. at their Death. — . _ Idem mama-1518572, fimférfdm Jam, . .. m, 4 . . . RARE DA. 448 .166 1679 tmmmuIihififififififififlfliflfiluiummum