x t ‘ "b I «. l a Ih1.A(3CH3lJPJJZA. ROF THE c E EDING s AGANs T THE ~A'F In the County AT ltlfi‘iitt C’cpgemigi‘)i;68‘5 : ' Vv’lwxe {90$ ill-fife; blougfit {0 be Trged . on: their Atra'stzvnmcnt; andthe 31y, fras‘td 9“; Acquitted. ces over the Rebels in the WW, neat Bridrrwater, upon the 6:6. of 3a!) lafi paft ; a confidez‘able Number of Prifo. s, then, and after- wards taken- {veréfiured in divers Pri- fons, in order to their being brought to Jufiieg. . :- Pon the Viétorf, that 1* fileafidl God «.0 give ‘H'rs Mapzaay’s' For- The Keeper of Nemgate had Order to\ carry down into the W cfl, . - Samp/baLar/E Wifliam ‘Hewlingg . ' '2‘ as“ 9'. f '71 g 4 (if L} " J of DORSET; AN' '4?- I " A s s I‘ 2 E :Halden there on Fridajev‘dSaturdzjtlxe 491.7; arid 5th. Days'of this » te'thé Nuthbet of‘Nim} Eight Per- rUSIQMy 5,5,3? bl'Canefiing the F «215* UP- mhflf Ill-"Hy Ple‘aded Not-Gullry to 2 Their lmfiCi-znem ; and neon their Riyal: Twmtmee was fouud Guil- ' Cbrz'flo. Bdtiscoméw job/z yams: ; Leonid jatl'fo» 5‘01”“ Hifl ‘ ' SameIGli on 70/1” Kidd 30;,” Smit Abra/14m Holmr,‘ 8:0; A. ad Lfremithefiare-Houfe Wcjfmixfler, jo/ia Ashe 301m Marder. Were all cariefldown firongly Guarded; and dilpofed of in feveral Goals, till they could bebrought upon their T172118, for their Traytorous and Unnatural Rebelli- t. n; where on the 4:12. and-5th, 0f 56’1" . :ember a. . f a ' “ ' A ' ~ » ~ ..’v&‘. "’5“ ._ I. ( ~ ‘3 ~v «A w.“ - W J. ~ .WA‘E. ,. - ,, v' .A " 8“" ‘4 hmuéJu‘Aé q. 25 {'1}! . 1;,“- ‘0 . R CHE S TE R 1 \; ‘ we . ’ tmhh. 2%. 'm.’ S" ‘ . I 1, WW - 01g) v‘Mm‘fV’ W “‘Wfiaflfl‘. A." . ‘ \‘ . e a r . \ try, upon feveral Indictments, Edward Lowther john Down S’o/‘eph Strong Richard 'Damnt'er john Batcher Benjamin‘Crow Thoma: Gammage Stephen Coo/e Thoma: Bennet ame: Fi/her ~ ohn Manning Rohert Lamhard W idiam W at:ford Richard Keeld George Plamr]: Thoma: Aller John Reaf on Johnf'Speering - Mathew Porter Robert Ball John Bull Robert Sperwa] John Spra/ee John Edvards Nathaniel Swayfield John Hardeman - Abel Prinell John Leverage Rohert Fawn ‘ 70hr; Beament Sen, 30hr: Beamont Ju. ' EliafiStephen: "Daniel Parker yohn Enid/e Thoma: Parfon: Thoma: Fort Nichola: Partner John Bet/i: Thoma: William: Mathew Hutchin: Ntchala: Stueth Bernard Bryant Benjamin Sanford John Mtnifee Rarmond Clotwtrth] John Lee John ,Qnintt'ne ‘ Thoma: Clap Thoma: C ooh John White George Collier Jame: Pornra]. ' R okert Slate Thoma: Hoar : Peterfow ‘ . _. .a- . ~ . . Who eing feverall asked iquilty or not Guilty; they plea. ed Guilty to the Indi- &ment, as knowing there was plain and poflitive Proof againlt them, they having e en Afiually in the them taken on the Rebellion : " Molt of place. When upon the like IndiCtment of High-Treafon , were Arraigned. 372022»: England _ . BenjaInen’Ga} j. l Franei: Buroot ‘ . -Wiliam Camden \Qfie G . T5,“, may he Printed,_ R. L. S.‘ - ~ September the 8th. 1685. l LA.- 1' f T— temher at Dorchefier “Vibe Count yof Dor- . fer, there were Airaigned of that Count. _ l John Locke} ' "William Sellwood . Thoma": Smith Thoma: Shinlér” John Gardner Phillip Letterman ' lgVilliam Lafh Mathew Elliot IIe‘n‘ry Ford Robert Ginne; ' John Gaine John James J Jofeph Speed John Will: George Steward Bartholomew Barge John Stérriti Thoma: Weld Samuel Ganle. Edward Wale Robert White Samael I'Iilliard John H’oodarard Mathew Brag: and ohn Paar William Saunder: otherwi/e Foard Thel'e pleading not Guilty , put them {elves for theif Tryal upon God and their Country; the Jurors all'able Tub- fiantial men , being charged with them to try the [line : The Indiflments were read a lecond time, and the Witnelles pro- duced, who proved the Treafon plain a- gainft allbut Saunder: who was acquitted: Mdfi of them appearing to have been taken in the immediate purfint,and the Remain- der known to be concerned in that Re- belliOn by good and credible Teflimony, whereupon having nOthing material to offer in their own Defence, that being moltly made up of trivial Exeufes and en- deavoured Evafions; they after a fair hear- ing, ,were feverally found Guilty by lthofe ,Perl‘onshm whom they had put themfelves for Tryal, to the __Number of Twenty Nine . and thereupon recei- ved Sentence of Death, as Rebels and Traytors again& His Molt Sacred Ma- iefiy, and were accordingly ordered to be Executed as fuch , on the 7th. In- fiann - The Other Sixty Eight Confeffed their LIndiétmnets. , remaining. at that time to receive Judgment. ' . ‘\.» ", .. ”Y '. " ' {L 0 ND 0 N ; P. fined by E. Mallet an FM. mt; . ‘- -‘ neat-5FIeet-Bridge, 1685. - ‘ ; DA 1448 9 A32 1685 ELLA SPC MRRQE RARE \IIIIIIIIIIIIIII