R E B E L 8 That were Execured at ' Taunton-Dean, in the \ County of 0n VVe‘lflé/dd}:the got/1 of September, 1685, For 1-198]! tr... . againfi His moi-t Sacred Fter many difapointments in under-hand contrivances, and malicious machinations ; the reiilefs Faction groxvn big with triilc'irie'l‘, being no longer capable to hide their Rancor, gave it vent, though to their Shame and Confuflion ; for as it has in molt Ages been Evident that Heaven frufirates and blalts evil Purpoles-and wicked Deligns ; {o more elpe- cially in this it has appeared even to a miracle, and peculiarly in the prefer- vation of his molt Sacred Majefiy the belt of Princes, and iirbduint; his Ene- mies under his Feet, to render all good men entirely happy, and to bring thole to Condeign Punilhment, which neither clemency nor mildnel‘s were able to reduce too, or retain in their due Obedience to their Lawful Sovereign; ii) that where Mercy cannor prevail, it is very reaionable Juliiee {houlu take place, and Examplary Punilhment refh‘ain by fear, where Favour and Indul- gence proves inefieé’tual; that Treafon and Traytorous Deligns, thole bains of Kingdoms and dif’turbers of Common-Peace and Tranquility may be roored out, or atleaft overwhelmed, to adegree of rendring them imporent, and warn thofe who have been, or hereafter {hall be tempted by fuch guilcd baits of Ruin by fad Example, to fly and avoid them, as they tender their Safety and churat-ion Reputation, which had thefe Perfons whole Names follow, and who'delervedly feli by the hand of juliice done, it might have proved happy tO them-and‘their Polterity ; bur entering upon an unjult and. unnatural Rebellion, being by Di- vine Providence frolirated by their wicked undertaking : They were taken in the Pit they had diged for Others, and being with many more brought to ju- fiiae, and plain Proof made out againl’t them, they received Sentence of Death as Rebels and Traytors againfi their King and Natural Lord, which Sentence 'was on. Vi’edmfdav the 30:17. of depreméer put in Execution, in the manner un~ der mentioned, Upon Nineteen of them. ' ' "~~ - ‘“ On the got/J. of Septeméer aforefaid. Abrahamfliafl} of Whipping, by Trade jolm Trio-keg of Tamara. a Tallow-Chandler. l ”(7.7M)” Saga/’76! of Tazmz‘qrz. Arthur Mat/Jew: OFLozza’on. William Dani/on of W’s/[jagtozz, William jerzkiizs Of London, Son to, erl'iam jenkim , the Non confor- mifi Minifier, who fome time fince Hem} Li/le of Lona/ore, Linnen-Dra— per. Robert Parrot of Slyordt'tcly, in the Sara- dyed in 1Vewgate. _ .. may of London; a Brewer," Norori- Benjamin Healing of Londoa, ’Merrt'Oully known, ’"as a Party afiuaily chant. concerned in fiealing the Crown out john Dryer of Tarwton. of the Tower of London, in the Reign jo/m Hacker of Tatmton. of his late Majeliy,(of Blefled Memory) jonat/aaa Eng/and of Tamra/1. and thereby inc-urr’d the-Penalty of 30/)» Sharp oi Taunton. Death 5-. hm, was pardonedhyethat Percy Morrm of Tazmtorl. Gracrous Prince ;_{yet fuckerrmifi‘xdem. join; Savage of '7atmton. Goddnefi and .D1 penlat/iOn'Of fifercy, job» Fricker ofTazmroa. was n0t fufhcmnt to deter him from john William: of Taaatoa. entering ~into a Rebellionagainf’t‘ his jolm ‘Petram of Taarzton. Royal Brother, our; prefent‘mofliacred jame: Whettam of Taantoa. Sovereign, for which he met hisjufi Rewar . 4. . /. 1‘ . L . (K, .‘m, ., 0-,..(3, .. All there the Day before mentioned, were conveyed ‘thh a “tong: Guard to a Triangle Gallow$ plac’d on the Com.H;1[, at launton-«Dcafl, in the County of Samar/6!). where according [(5 their Sentence they were Exceured. . -~* ' m, 3 I 4 1‘ LA _‘ ‘- a.__. 4): w . 7111': may be Printed, R. L. S. Oé‘tober the 5th. 1685 *ISOND cw; Printed by E. Maria, in Black-Harfi-a/lr}, near " l ' Fleet-Bridge, I68 5. ' '