., VT”?! W t.‘* v- , - i ~ Wm , , _ ,, . V , i _ t ”I. ‘ I ' o, J- ' I 5 ' O . . a ' Vs‘ 1’ 'l m ‘xtraét of tl 6 States General their Refolution. 52/4 Thur/Hay, 28th. Og‘folser. 1688. ' 937/ . [91/ (7 their Minilters abroad, of all the Reafl'ms which induce their H. and M. to allii't the You mature deliberation, it is found~ fit, and reiixlved, that notice be given to all I, , U Prince of Orange, going over to England in Pet‘tiin, with Ships and Forces, with Or. . C 7 ders to the i'aidMinifters, to make ute thereofiii the lever-a1 Lourts where they refide, V {fig/fa they {hall think molt convenient ; and that it be alto writ to the faid Miuil‘ters, that it is ’ known to all the World, that the Englifli Nation, hath of a good while, very much murmur’d and complained, that the King (no doubt, with the EVllCOUélCll, and inducement of hi Mini- fters) had gained upon their Fundamental Laws, .and laboured through the violation‘t ereof; and by the bringing in the Roman Catholick Religion, to opprefs their Liberty, and to mine the , Eroteflant Religion, and. to bring all under an Arbitrary (government :‘That as this inverted, . nd unjuft Conduft was carried on more and more, and that the apprehenfionsthereupon were {till greater, and that thereby fuch diliidence, and averfion, was ltirred up againlt the King, ”that nothing was to be expected in that Kingdom but general dilin‘der and confulion. His Highnefs the Prince ofOrange, upon the manifold repretentations, and the reiterated and earn‘ ell delire, which was made to His Highnefs by feveral Lords, and other Perfons of great con- fideration in that Kingdom; as alto upon the account, that Her Royal Highnefs, and His Highnefs Himt'elf, are fo highly concerned in the Weltare of that Kingdom, could nor well endure, that through firife and dilunion, they fhould run the danger, however it went, of being excluded from the Crown, held himfelf obliged to watch over the Welfare of that Kingdom, and to take care thereof, and alfo had the thoughts of allilting the Nation, and giving them a helping hand,Upon fo many Jutt and Good Grouods, againlt the Government that Oppreti‘ed ' them in all manner of ways that lay in his Highnels Power, for that His Highnefs was perfwa- ded that the Welfare of this State ( the Care whereof is alto entrufted to him) was in the high- -v el’t manner concerned, that the faid Kingdom might continue in Tranquillity, and that all mitt. underftanding between the King and the Nation might be taken away’. That His Highnefs well knowing, that to fucceed in to Important and Laudablea Caufe, and not to be hindred, and prevented by thofe that were-Evil inclined towards it, it was necelfary to pafs over into ' , that Kingdom accompanied with fome Military Forces, hath thereupon made known his In... tentions to their Highnefs, and defired alliltance from' their Higlinels, that their Highnefs ha- ' ' ’ *ly weighed all things, . and ,confrdered that the King of Emma, and Great Brittain , flood in very good Correfpondence and F riendlhip one With the other, which their High‘ne s- have been frequently very well allured of, and iii a firrttand particular Alliance ; and that their- Highnelles were informed and advertifed, that their Maietties had laboured upon a concert, to divide and ft-parate thisn‘tate trom‘ its Alliances ; and that the King of France hath upon feveral occafions {hew’d himl'elf dillatistied with this State, which gave caufe to fear and apprehend, that in cafe the King of Great Brittaz'n fllOLlldll'd‘ppé‘n to compals his aim within his Kingdom, and obtain an abfolute power over his People, that then both Kings, out of lnterelt ofState, and Hatred and Zeal againlt the Proteftant Religion, would endeavour to bring this State to Confufion, and if pollible, .quite to Subjeft it, have rcfolved to commend His Highnefs in his undertaking of the abovelaid Defigns, and to grant to him, for his Alfittance, fame Ships and Militia, as.Auxiliaries ; that in purfuance thereof, His Highnefs hath declared to their Highnefs, that he is refolved, With Gods Grace and Favour, to go over into Eng [4” ‘1’. .1 not with the leafl infight or intention to Invade or Subdue that Kingdom, or to remove the ‘ King from the Throne, much lefs to make himfelf Matter thereof, or to invert ,op PFCjUdici-g ., the Lawful Succeflion, as alfo not to drive thence, or perl‘ecute, the Roman Catholicks, but only and lolely to help that Nation in Reeftablilhing the Laws and Priviledges that have been broken, as alfo in maintaining their Religion and Liberty, and to that end, to further and. bring it about, that a free and lawful Parliament may be calm 'n fuch manner, '_ and of [itch Perfons, as is regulated and qualified by the Laws and Form 0 that Government, and that the faid Parliament may deliberate upon, and eftablifh, all iuchmatters as {hall be judged tie- '3 'cellary to alfure and fecure the Lords, the Clergy, Gentry, and People, that their Rights, g .Laws and Priviledges, {hall be no more violated or broken, that their High and Mightinefles hope and trult, that with Gods blelling, the Repofe and Unity of that Kingdom {hall be Re- i eitablithed, and the fame be thereby brought into a condition, to be able, powerfully, to con- i: _ l cur to the common benefit Oftbrzflemlom, and to the refloring and maintaining of Peace and Tranquillity in Europe. That Copies hereof be delivered to all their Foreign Minifters, refi- ding here, to be ufed by them as they fiiailfee occafio‘n. FINIS, FOLIO. RARE DA 152 . Nu? E9 1 688 mam-con... ELL SPC RRE RARE llllllllllllfillll 01 0-006075926