. * ‘ » ;.~w--u,- 3.“ 5 His Majefliesi MOST GRACIOUS To both" Houfes of ’ PARLIAMENT, On Saturday the 19th Dayof 0805(2); 1689. LONDOM Printed by Cbarler Bill, and Thomas Newcomb, Prin- the King arid Qmens m'of’c Excellent T618 (0 ngcl‘ties. MDCLXXXIX. L . I 4L A k :34?" m ilk-55:- . "“ F I _ ‘4. ; LII/2;? a: C 3 ) ‘ // [ff > r—n—v . '( w _" _'_ .1, .- .. '2' _ . _ l_‘ l: ’ 14;: . . ' ‘ J _" . ., , I , . ' - ' f ' ' ’ ' 55 HIS Ma ~ “ {hes ‘ Mfg? " F ' ' I (/x’} MOST .GRACIous / new ous E s at: I '. 1 XI { L .- 1i I‘ll E ‘- ' I . 'o' 9 My Lordyancl Gentlemen; ' i‘wl Wm \A “ k. W" KO, the la& Sitting Continued 4 WWII} ’ L": Kw, ‘ ‘ ‘- ," ' fo lon , that perhaps it mi t. {\ngfi: have, een more Agrecablegltio you", in relation to your Pri- | - vate Concerns, nor to have Met: , -‘ a ain fo foon ; yetthe Interefl: r-,’ l)’ lilhe Puhlick lays an indilpenm "’f'zv‘»; §_.l;<,,,;:3~.. g a a 'e Ob igation u on Me to 4‘92)“ $3: Callyou together at iihis time. _M‘c’ in); ,,:v;rg.,,.‘fim. S‘A ' In your lat} Meeting you, ~ ; _. . : gave Me fo many Teltimonies 095;ng AH‘efimn, as well. as Confidence in Me, that I do not at all quefiion, but in this I {hall receive frefh Proofi; of‘bodx.’ . , ‘ 'Ieififieem it? one of the greatefi Misfortunes can befal Me, that in the beginning of My Reign lam forced to ask fuch large Supplies, tho I have this Satisfaflion , that they are delired for no Other Purpof'Cs, bur the Carrying on ghofe Wars into which I entered with our Advice, find .Afl‘ur’ance 04’ Your Afliflance ; nor can Iiizloubt of the gmng‘gf God upon an Unclertaking wherein Idid not Engageouz of a vain‘fimhinon, hut from the Neceflity I of;()ppofing (hole who have fo yifibly (lifcovered their Defigns of Defiroyin%0ur Religion and Liberties. It is well known ow far I have Expofed My Self to Refcue this Nation from the Dangers that threamed net ‘ 2 on .y 'l .I ii» iii"! 9?in i‘ ‘ l ' “k /,/ f x, ( 4 1' only your Libertw the Promliant Religion in gene.- xal of..w.hich the Chnrch of Eng-lend 1s oneotl the greatei’t Supports, and for the Defence whereof, I am ready again to Venture my Infe. 1:. If 3, w «E a ‘ \§;|\rrr , V u; I. t \ r. TIL-‘2 ‘ . 5 ml! 1 ;‘.fl d; 53:- ‘ —-" E... h u 5" That which I have tb ASk of you at prefent is, That what you think fit: to giv e towards the Charges of the War for this next Year may be done iiithout delay: And there 18 one Reafon, which more par fly (9 gait: to pre If; you to a fpeedy Deter ion 1n 1: r, beg aufi this next Month there is Ointé'd “a; the Hag ueflf a General Meeting of the Minifiers of all the Princes gand States £0flCG"ilCd 1n this War againfl; Frame, ’ in order to Concert the M eafures for the hem; Campagne ,- and till I know yrour Intent1onsilfl1all not onOly be un-. . v .a. U. --~v- Cer in WéeSeIEi'h the-Io 0 take, frPilEs be ,unéle r 111:1“? 111:1ht :51: 3131 pdrted by your AIIiI’tance: Befides, if I know not in time what you will do, I cann0t make fuch Provifions as will be Requifite, but (hell be Ex ofed to the fame Inconve- nienc1es the next Ye'ar, Whig 31151115th 11331: Preparations: for this; were neither _ Wii 1 pcditious as usehkce$ry :Jhe .arge‘fimeiiofie Eda”- fiderebly leIIened by grvmg t1WWp£0WI£ things in , their preper Seafim, and mthoptConfitfioga I have no other Aim in this, But to be Comb to Attack Our Enemies in I‘MVgomus a manner, as b ' .the Help of God 111 a little 11mm _ bnngmtoa 13% and HonOurabld Peace; by; W A .1 .. _ § 1 ’ 3 maybe , Freed from the EXtraordir‘zary a bmgrmg War: 'And that been have mgreater satisfa 1611 then m Contributing to their Belle, 1 hope Ihave already; given Proofi: . 1 9171:?! That you may be satisfied” how the Money has’he'en Laid out which you have already givenpl have dire&ed the Accompts to be laid before you, whtne‘veryou think , fit tocall for them. .. - - 1W} Lord: amflGent/emw, :_ . I ” fl 4 1 . I have one Thing more to Reconnnend to you, which is, the Dif tch 0% a Bill of Indemnity, the: theMind; Subjeéts being quieted, We may 111le- ~ ' mouy Concur to Promote the WJIFare and flonour ofth; Kingdom, ~ ;; _. 1 ,. g 1 3542‘ F I N I S \.’23 \. RARE DA. 460 .A2 E5 1689 Oct. 19 WW ELL spc RRE RAREM DA460. A2 E5 1689 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll