353 A Letter 8:0 133% Gentlemen and Ci\Triends, B have given you 10 full, and [0 true an Account of our 111-. tentions,1n this Exoedition,1n our Dec laration that aswe can add n0thing to it, 10 we are fure 3 011 can defire nothing m01’e of us. We are come. to pre1e1ve 3 our Religibn, and to re 1101c and e11abli’1h your Liberties and Properties, and therefore we cannot fuffet our {elves to doubt, but that all true [.ngli/bmen will come and concur with us in our defire to fecure thefc Nations from POPERY and SLAVERY Y0u111ul1 all plainly fee, that3ou are only made 111C 01 as 111111 unients to enflaVe the Nation, and ruine :the Procefiant Religion, and when that is done, 30u may judge what ye your 1elves 011 ght t0 expeé‘t, both from the calhieiing of all the Protei’tane andEnglijbOchers andSOuldi e15 inlrelam/,and by the Irifl) Souldiers being biouoht over to be put 1113 our placess and of which you have feen {0 frelh‘ an infiancc, that we need not put you in mind of it. You know how many of your Fe110w Officers have been ufed, for their fianding firm to the Proteflant Religion, and t0 the Laws of England, and you cann0t flatter your felves fo far as to ex- pect to be better ufed, if thofe who have broke their word 10 often, fliOuld by 30111 means be brought out of thofc fireights to which they are reduced at prefent. We hope likewife, that 3011 will n0t fufler. your {elves to be abufed by a falfe notion 01 Honour, but that you W111 1n thfi flrfi place Confider, what 3011 owe to Almighty God ’ and your. Relig10n, to 3our C0ui1t13, to 3our Selves, and to your. Pofierity, which you, as Men 011-10n0111,0u1;ht to prefer, to all pri- vate Confidcrations and Enga 5ements whatloever. We do there— fore expeé’t, that you will conlider the Honour that 18 now fet be? fore 30u, of being the lnfiruments 01: leiving your Countrcr and ‘ fecuring 3our Religion, and we will ever remember the Service you {hall do us upon this Ocea1ion, and will promife to you, that we lhall place fuch particular marks 010111 favour on every one of 3011, as your Behaviour, at this t1111e,1hall deferve of us, and the Nation - 1n33hieh,‘ we will inaLe a great di11inetion 01 thoie that 1hall come feafonably, to 303 11 their A1 1115 With Ours, :1nd 30u {hall find us to be 7010' 11%]! mfljifig, am] Aflzrea’ Friend, \V.H. KO. ? 1791 75 (,1 RARE DA 462 . A2 A4 1 688 ELL SPC nae RARE D 1688 \Illfieiizlillllll 010-00607 756 4 6