PLAIN ENGLISH: OR,AN ' ENQUIRY INTO THE ;CAuses that have Fruflrated our E X- PECTATIONS fromthe late HappyR.Evo- LUTION, andObflruéted the PROGRESS of our AFFAIRS; Cofider’d m Relation to the 33mm: Cnutpimcp And what AD v A N T A G E s have by the fore faid Means been given to the ENBMIES of the GOVERNMENT. ————‘..-- —-.~ —-—.._ LONDON: Plinted fax 1310!). malnmm, near the Oxford- 4mm 1/”, l in W arm. ck [4726, M DC XLI. ”—— THE PREFACE. Hat there to a 19101' on Foot for tI- e fuhverting the fire/em Government, has now appear if heyorid Contradifiion: We are at lafl 6econ1e fen/366 of our Danger. There haw 6een feta ’Perfint: undone, who have not 6} InadVertenty or otherwife, m fame meafure cornrihuted to their own fleflrufiion. Had the Defigm of the reflle'f: FaBion among/l m ta~ ken eflefl, 1t had heen too late for m to re eff upon our own Neglet‘ts and Adi/carriages, and how ffl rwe our elves hare heen acce a1 } to our own Ruin. I may ferh'aps he 691d to a ert, That the titnto/t ContriVan’tc and Malice of our ‘Fneinies, could neiter haw adieanced to any dangerom Eearee, 1f we our [elves had not ad mini/{red tho/e Advantages that feemed '260tI to encourage and faetlitae'e their Enterprige. Tia therefore 1:201 th our while (ejheczally after the Alarm that has heen given 114) to enter into a feriom con/ideration of tho/e Mans, Thinjgs , and (Per/om, 6} which we have heen fl) expo: ’d , to t e Aflanlt of our Advetfar 185. What irregularis 2 tie: fay/Kg“ The Preface. ties on. our “part“, halte-wgiven them opportunity to ‘molefl‘m; which'Enqttiry it the fuhjet‘} of'this Treat- tt e. /I cannot pretend in this narrow comp-afs to have enumerated all the partitnlar: , If I am m [taken in any, I 477on he. glad; to find my [eho‘di e" flmon the M flake: and fnddverteiiéies that have (an: [hi7 c to hetray m, fame are without (Precedent or (PE- rzallel For the Refl, they are (together with their m= [eparahle evil Confeqnentes) to he met withal iii the Annals of every Age and fountry. If in any of the (Particulars hereafter treated of, I hate explefl my [elf with fame warmth, I can aflure the (Reader, it was upon no re/entment for any dflppointment that I haw met, or can po[[ihly meet with, who neither expel? nor define any further Charge than my own prilzate Afihirs which are [efficient for my [mall Amhition, and more than enough for my Age and Infirmities I haw lived to ole/ewe the evil Efleé}: of Ambitions Altarite [hr- the greatefl part of one Century , What Influence it has had upon the greatefl States and Empire: ,‘ appear: upon Record from the hefl Witnefl’e: of Antiquity: I [hall in/lance only in the lino/l flouri/hing, That if the R0: ‘ mans, which owed. its downfall to thix Degenerate and Mercenary Vice, . Nicer The PrefaCe. 111cc: Ambltlo nafci, ‘d1fcederc Reflum Vacuum Cunéfa da1i, And Experaegcgm allnAges has fllovvn, that fuch :finemeswill part with all they have 1n the World befide, to. be qualify ’d for Chapmen on fueh an Qccafion.‘ We flralllikewife find, that many of them have been furniU)’ d for the Market by for.- m PoUeUions of Places F0r there has felgom cen 12-2121 hm; angaeobemmemrfo $111ereflmb‘hfliiapxwherew Funh wickeéfihfirhmems have been Wmoinrg; WIMM made any Sample 0F FaeriEding their. Country mi} their own private Intereflfl who never took the troubleiroanfidet 1121:: CbhFequenee 0F Thingypi For indeed What'need They, having Been: Furmfh'lsl {1 . with Cbnvéniemr oomph/1131;;UC011IIHences~I than would Fedure their own :Pr’i’vace Stake In any 2 Change oFAEa1rs that could happegg; 1Mofl Conn» treyshavehadexpee1mce QWinkConfefiMennw. ’1 Where: Fu‘ch‘ Vipers hive been‘nouniflr’d attheipwbu‘: lick: Charge; and receiv ’Wd' into the Bewela oF'Uhe 21 Government where rhey aft but accordi their Nature, Jif they eat through andcthrough ‘ B1:111:01:13:11!'e1sa",p this {Ortfif (Cuflo‘masql mrvmv no: r 201:: JSaIwofufimprmemsgr butnhvexfhéll Hume Frtncb King readwm' difiw perFe hib Louis d Or’ 3 to Fumifh' out: uhis Cream: tum toIVBeeiour Cha’p h1en. How then 4111211111 weflmped} iIh'e dmerefiwf “chef Nation 5120! be:- I {We} LB? :Futch‘l‘es1 are ”Engnwynmdz V’afléfls to’f thBHCOfilPhon Enemy)? 30111427123414?!” Fig: 16f 1 Timmy»; aruGr'a’pesi of Tbifiles' ? Is’ it1pdflib'le (Fort! us to lewd 1113511 Fahd 559311371 )Réedsyf and: £1015” «phi-m the'm‘i piéioeeWHefiéQénd Hearts teem Code 16011111 leehlaqhemefiohnaaehwmwhiblfi B 2 we ‘0 C 4 > we Hatter’d our felvesi? wherein Honel’ty and? Merit expeé’ced to come in play ? wherein none fhould feed upon the Bread of the Publick, but . its true and faithful Sons? When P-referments {hould be turn’d into. their Right Channel, and. not the meanef’t- Trufl :put into-Altair Hands-Has had fign’d andf-feal.’ d to‘the Ruine oftheir-Coumr - treya I my felf, who am an" Old Man,';in:d through a long Courfe of Life haveqfeen‘ the great Mailer of .Wifdom's:,Wordimadergoodgy: That the race [is not 19* rift/10119“, .mri the bitter! to- tbe, flrong, nor bréad town, of underflnnding, nor fag, vow to men of skill : yet could no: upon f0. fair 2L ’ Profpeélz as.-.Was open'd 7w Lls .in thealate; Rica 7 volufion., but «hQPQC ID 113641111: Day wheat-Ho'sfi ncf’cyfllould meet with: publiCkReWard.-; “zlamihflr: on Ce more. refume Eh atvSay ing‘df W114: W Wis-.- 7' flnamz morei majprum. .nibil eeram. mil/Wad debenture critere;1?ecufiici lice/ct. .Herhad. butt-"historWilh font: it‘,"aocl L. ram-:afraid'iwef have bu; little-more: Wlxatthi’ve‘,OUthqnefi;Sugerers in:_,the;léfl. owing; men: met Withal, hm; the honour; (of lookingon-aé ; If; etheirkDifagppiomtment 'ethred inrthemfelyessz-it _. were. indeed, rstortms: t9 married ;; bank as a: matter of grace: CQafcqfisncerthequblick being; : in the mean time..d¢ftiud€d '05: their faithful fen." vices... < s )- Vices. Iwould by no means be thought to de- . traét From the Merits and Abilities of very many who are employed. in feveral Stations: But if any Engli/I) man will tell. me we have no need off :1 Regulation in this matter, he multbe at great. flrangcr to his Countrey, to give him. no worfe Charaé‘ter. I-Ie‘mul’c be very unacquainted with our Condition, nor to know We have been under the circumflance of the Apoltle’s Catalogue of Troubles, in @erilr at Sea, in 7’erils at Land, and in- 'Petrils from Pal/e (Brethren. There are {cw Count.— tries in- Europe, where the Franc/2 Coin has n.0t been. g more than ordinary rife amonglt them, who can all tel’tifie that the French King will know for what, he parts with his Money, as great a Prodigal as he . is fuppol'ed to- be of if. [An—dit‘is evident, That , in molt Pla’ces. he has made no ill MerchandiZe or C" his Louis d’ Or’s, but fiiflicientl-y had his Penny- , ‘ worths inlntelligience: He mull have had their own Heifers to Plow with], for the finding our: ‘ their Secrets. “'And where there is lu'ch cleverand .. excraordinarzyv Jugling, as. he has lhown, it may be. taken for granted, that. he had his Confederates. in. theOperation. He that will'not allow his Intelliw I gence from hisPenfionersrin Employment,where- , ever they are, has not yet heard. of a Franc/J :Fleet' braving, t 6 :1 braving us upon our own COafis, and committing 5 a Rape upon our greatef’c Mifirer,"-the 130772232371 of the Seas. Was there ever an Opportunity bet-I ter nickt, to Dii’turb us at Sea, or Threaten us with ' an lnvafion at Land 2 If our Danger, and his Ad- ‘ vantagewere nor purfuedfo far as‘he'expeé‘ted, .it' was no Thanks to his Dependants, who contribu» ted their belt towards it. We were not a little obliged to the Cowardice of their lnviters, who , had neither the Courage nor Honour (. if it be not T too great an Abufe'Of the Term) to make‘g‘ood? ‘ their Promis’d Infurrefiion throughOut the King- dom, upon (0 favourable a Junéture. ' BLitabove". all, ,we were fupported- by HiS‘Majel’ties molt {bai‘ fonable Succels at théTBoyne,7LWhiCh brought a fur-{3 " prizing Afionifhment Upon their Spirits, andrlieif‘t '9: them morioalefs as Statues: .VeryfveAgesjhaR/e' ' {hewn the World ,fuch a Darling of, Providence in all his Undertakings ; and This ,Wasia'reuiarkae - blelnflance of its Favour. A Viflo‘ry To circum- T fianced, To Wonderfully tim’d,‘ and'To 'abf'olmely” necefl'ary to the Support ofour-iinking Hopes, that it mull be acknowledg’d miraculOUsL CoWar- ' dife or Treachery, ( faYs an Ingenious REmarker ) i had oblig'd us to Ptarrd Inglorious Speaa‘torsmhile .,- our Allies 'bore the’brunfbf 'a’SealBattel ; upon ’ ' this 1' E7 3 .. —~ehis~ DifafierWeewere {tunn’pl with the ‘difmal new 5 flofae-Defeat of-ounConfederates‘at Land ,- and gnorhingato recov-ereounSpirits, but. that Sovereign «Cordial of H-ish/lajefiies Happy Expedition. The only Perfon-thaecould inithe leall pretend to Ri— ‘svalaHis Majef’ries Conduét and Fortune in that Critical Time ,- was-His ’Royal Conldrt ,- - who -.’With a Refolu‘ciom above ’Her' Sex, and unpa- r‘Iallel’d Prudence r-oi «Menage, contributed to di- » 'fpelrhofe Cl-OUds.:fihat Grove: to darken Her Sphere. ::But~ Princes may ‘ be-Afiive, and Providence ready -Ito-fecond theirEndea-Vonrs for the PUblick, yet .norwithl’candingtheir? Fortune and Condué’c, nor rrbe. able t-O‘makethofe advanceszein their People’s ubappinel‘s, Which they propofe, lb long as they are --0pprefl: With thewde'a‘di'weight- of National Vices nintheirState', efpedially fuchas have immediate - Influence upon the Publick. -It is impoflible for‘ :them to'f'ee' beyond the ’firPc- Ranks-of their Peo— : pie 3: and r’zisg happy: iF‘eh/ey- can ' there! diflinguifll ~exa&lY,-zand fuffieientlynknowvtheir'~Men. 'And' ' theBodyPolitick, as Well as arPrinate, is capable “of being ‘mortally wounded in the ' very Heel. There-is a natural .Juflicein providing for Men of ‘Mfirit; and the 'Publick 'Nvill - {ufliciently : find' its .Reeompence inth‘ein Fidelity; ‘ v Whfimwi ll-.~}E2gg1md ; 7 be‘ . C .3 D 'be able to boafl,Thatl-Ione{’ty is a fuflicientRecom- mendation? The Age is net yet {0 debauch’d, but we can fee a NatiOnal Concern take place in Other Countries. The very French themfelves, as- much as we talk of their Slavery and Opprelfion, are not yet {0 poor, 9 at leaf} in Spirit ) as, to fell their Countrey. All Offices amongfl them are puné‘tually di-fcharg’d; the whole Body is anima- red, as it were, with the fame Spirit, and moves regularly ,- while many of ours either wholly ne- glect the Trufls that are committed to them, or make fuch fraudulent Delays in executing theirOr- ders,that the Care ofourGovernorsis too frequent- ly fruflrated , and the Nation put to frefh Chargc,to make good their perfidious Omiflions; In plain En- gli/Ia, We are (0 lick of this Golden Jaundiesfo infe- cted with this Vice, that without a thorow Purge, we mull continue in a crazy and languifhing Con- . fiitution. By what practice of underghand lnflru. ments, this Misfortune has crept upon us, I will nor prefume todetermine, but I. am certain it was never the Intention of our Governors, to have any Offices pefler’d with fuch Perfons as {hew’d them, {elves nororious Enemies to their Country in for- merReigns;while many who were notonlySLIffCl" ers in formcheigns,bUt facrific’d the remainders of their C 9 ) their Fortune to aflifl in this Revoltition, are fi- lent-fpeftators of their own dilappointment, and fee the Provilions feiz’d by thofe Harpycs that ferve only to bewray thofe Tables where they re— ceive their food. , Our nexr Misfortune has been the unhappy M~ifunderflanding, or rather Mi/i’t’pre/t'nration of Perfons; ourwantof making-a juil and timely diflinguifhment between our Friends and Enes 'iies: I {peak n0t oF'ProtePrants and Papills, the latter ,WhereoF have been always Adverfaries (though they have likewile had their times of being Otherwife reprefented); but between Prov teflants and Proteflants. Nothing can be plain- er than that we have had two Prorel’tant Parties who have embraced two different Principles, and. purfued two different Interefls; but then inl’tead of thofe Canting Nicknarfiaes, of W/oigg and -Tory , the difcrimination {hould have run between Friends and Enemies totheir Countrey ,- between fuch as were for opening Inlets to Arbi- trary Power, admitting unbounded Prerogative to {Wallow all, and Thole were Jealous for the prefervation of our Laws, Religion and Proper- t ty. . Our Moderate Man, or true Engli/hMan (call him Wbigg, or what elfe you pleafe) is one that fleets between Excreams, and thinks our C COR-f (. IO ) . Confiitution , duly ‘maintaini‘d ,1" "prefer-ties this Mean in greater meafure than‘iany.’otherNation; That it takes frOm one the too great PoWer of doing hurt; and from the other ,Confufion, Parity and Licentioul‘nefs ; andye‘t reTeri'V’e‘s‘ afdué Care of limb Liberty as may‘toflifttfith ‘Méus Allegiance. A King, "in‘his‘ n0tibfi’,"isifo 632511}. ed and comprehenfive a Thing, that he thinks it a kindof degrading the Prince, to lodge; that Power feparat'ely in his Perfon, which/can heifer be truly Great, but. where the ‘people’areunitfed .to himé For to confiderihim “under the fi‘ngle definition of a ‘Man, he thinks an impairing of that V‘enerationwhi'chzis necefi-“ary to preferv‘e- his publick Char‘aéter and our’fDuty. Yet‘have there "fort of people had the misfortune’fl {hould rathg' fay , the injuftice) to be milie- prefented as Enemies to Monarchy.‘ For what- in GOd’s Name! Becaufe they ‘Would 'efiabliflI the Prince upon the unmoveable FoundatiOns of Law. This,Afperfion has been at all times made ufe 0f by Sycophants of State, to exclude honel’c Men from Employments , and a‘capacity of ferving the Publi‘ck It. is perhaps ,at‘t‘his day, one of the greatei’c mifcarria‘gefifthatWé labour under. ’Tis,a mifchief that, like a Pefl", has ran through the Kingdom, but. raged chiefly m. CII) in, our. Metropolis. It 18 upon the fpecious pres. tenet of; being the only Fir-.iends to Mona1chy, thfat divers lnfltruments of Injultice and Cruelty in the lafl: Reign, had the Impudence to come in Compet1t1on with the Wo1thiell: Members of our Gwyn Andlometlme carried the Eléétion. Pellzfiur a Topulo 1218115 Cato,- triflior illeefl £211 vicit, fafiefq; pudet rapuijfe Catoni. '_1. f i We know Who it Was that held the Rendrmg ' ..... whtoCoefar the dues that Were Ctr-[ctr 5,. as indifp en- fibly as what was due to God,- yet he himfelf could n0t efcape the reproach of being an Ene- my to Coefar., It is impollible 1231 a Mind: to have '8; pcd’onal knowledg pf. his Subj6&8; it is fuflicient that he leaves us of the City to out Bree and Cufiomary Methods, of Eleéting fuch Perfms t9 {erve on, alL occalions , as may be“; cmfifh withgoui; Imerfifi and Safety. But We , metfiinks; in this Time of Deliverance, fhould know who were our old Task mafiers, and not once more put the {comge into their Hands. W6 know who were the Executors of CPbaraob s Cruelty, who 61111110: {otget thpirpld Trade, but endeaVOur with all their might to bring us back to our. Houfe of Bondage. What a 'fhame is it r: C 2 to (w to flee Fuch Perfons, as upon the late mm of Affairs would have gladly compounded for their Skins, to be now audaciouily intruding into Pub: lickEleétions, openly endeavouring to get the whole management into the Hands of the Party; to have our‘Rights and Liberties at their difpofal, while they are fo far From recanting of their former Villany, that they even jul’tifie thofe’ Treacherous Meafures, and have the hardinefs to acknowledge they would playus the fame Game over again. If a MEm Cheats meet/1e ‘r time ( lays the Italian) it is his fault,- if be cheats - ‘ me the fecand time it is mine. In vain is the Net fpread in the fight of the Birds,- And {hall we again fulfer them to circumvent us'who are‘fo newlyi'el'caped from the Snare? A j‘ul’t and Pious Prince will never be For their Turn; No, The mui’t have fuch a one as will be co’nfin’d to no Bounds‘of Law or Julizice'; to whole-run} limited Power they would contribute, to come in themfelves for their, {hare of Oppreflion: They would contentedly lay their Heads under a T yrant’s foot , to have their Neighbour’s‘ under theirs. That this “is their @arrel to'th'e pre- fent Government, is mofl: apparent. They Would enlarge, as they pretend, the Prince’s Power: They carry him up the Pinnacle of Ambition, .. to I ’( 1‘3 ) to {hew him an unbounded Profpeét, upon C011: dition he will fall doWri and worflnp them. Which was the old Tempters policy, and ad— mits a double Fallacy. For firfl It is not in their power to give, although he lhould com— ply , And in the next place,- they defign it not for his Interel’t,b11t his Delhuéhon. They know he is Cafe and impregnable, while cit. cumfcribed by Law: the Breaf’t plate of Righ— ,teoulhefs is the only impenetrable Armour That the Defender and Préferver of; the Pub liqt1e,will be always proteé1ed by the Pub; lique. That a good Prince has as many Guards as Subjects. That his Safety is as dear to thetn as their own private Property.- --Tis our PW: fent Happinel‘s to have a Monarch that we can trufl; and our old Seduce‘rs are noW convincd that they can as (0011 remove the Earth from its Bafis, and bring borh Poles together, as e- vet hope to fee him warp in the leafl; frotn his facred Promife. They have therefore noGanie left to play, but embroil and troubhe. the Go; vernment which they cannor corrupt. To en- deavour by all Artifices to interrupt the mea- Tures of State; to obflruét the fettlement of Af- fairs,- to make our Great Councels meli'eé‘tual upon which depends not only our Succefis, but the (8%) (Hede’eh‘yf of'vzli f—JEumpeu-Jchthink. .we'hairtra ffici’cnfl {Mined-3 (in their) Fiat—éfiAntEmPn; i tora'pfit our impefialiitifiiimmnflfifidioni; reby may; ninyagaiafi iw éhin'efii’c Magiflsr'ite. :AixMamof that uhfpéeted I mega/(£31,: «andvfov true a‘ Friend; co hisieofimrey 5; Jahauilfiiwewamflfa him 2 Sq dam! Viflléé¢%"§3‘3f3r 2% Molljfli’fl’a‘ Pein nit minekidvmesfigtxm, chimera; :1; EVer—y 130d; fée'S‘ thfiéugk ib‘éié‘Défi' nlin‘ than Addfefi t, They 1961261168 fibfiétfliféy; ' oaldo c3111? findmzflmc, aéa‘lgzej: :19; Tflityvifirdfiflmefirbfi as ragamfl'sa Gfiacgb 3] dflcfitfifié’fiféinwmcfi"? uh ey< fivéfa’ gaping ; 617%! 'tfléfaefifféfi 99 ”tfiétigiandsmbice would 66656611 ifééip’ifat‘e *breatkingé lip of. champ 113316159, ‘ en vfléfiém‘éfiebdlgtearefi Mame“: wamwmjeawrm me'mmimmncmw Wcié 9&1}an “mfifixcfififi t‘hfitebWas hut W 1W1? ’66 Write 511i; Majbfiy’sz713twnciemtakingi, éhcif‘dflE-‘vm‘ééo an» him: {hogs -, oflflmfi: "iiec'effab Wieflémme enema; mm bMXémgi and 61h NMIET 35¢ 'Mey-W<2Werb'2‘mi ye? pirs’algmm bmyidaaimmmmowmtha-‘mg visual: oritfi‘é‘iple'd'gé; .Iheyrhadubeim;hmd W‘ofi ifl‘fflmfl ivaeédC‘abikg ltd: 1}qu 'fieflegmafidgdiaflrthatfdewmmeafi iexpwil M9 ' 'Mflig'l'iaddfi‘w‘s pmeyklabwr’d2-tb Wke’ “ficdple‘iineafifi‘updfi': t‘he' account ,df “fife extraoxdinary Taxes, (having no other To- pick fickfkhét WWW? .fgfliéffi fip‘éfi“ “thétfi‘f ‘vlé‘eréf’ Being flailvv‘ays‘T'é?-Sy‘(fit‘p’ét_}h§“1§é‘tv€r@é‘ng%hb;5trings‘ of ' tb’éif" Heme md' their IPPuflfje‘SG" f5""th'¢Y‘ thought: i'n'thi‘s' l~a&-Ef¥étt,7’td cut Off the 061’s? duisipipes of? zomés‘iddiidds Whre’hbr" s m7 £04 a Tlflhd .Cxofifiderht‘ion fi'fhaf ,Ms :M 2116‘ iinw “influence mp6s: idu‘iy ‘1m“r’éééafbhgtshé3''ati‘éli moi): unfeafonabl'e *Difi‘atis'faé‘ti'ofi' ’3 for nmhingi’ more'a'n'irhat‘es‘or fiififiéflitCS-‘th‘e Afflirs Of dPfihéG Who -- has ’{ Sgtégt 321d? -' ‘éfiargéa 51:6 ‘Mflfleitflkifig‘g upon - his ; «Hands ; Wham? ‘- 2’"abdéfFHIJ-‘Gh'c‘fid”I“ ‘ NQW-"‘3cr‘s?~‘1fo‘?’fléz’tuid{{ "rd? MM) dim: M5»: Fri-end that: *a’d-vi-fes “’1 Man . tb’ k-éép h‘i’S’f M95 ney ,~ ‘andi'himforw aa-I‘3Ehemy”whti* per‘fw’a‘deé i'o?’ ‘- pm.— =wi:_h"i:é '«f-"Tli Mi b‘dihmim Midi-raging ‘édi'thés’faiddipréiigiifiidg eiiyguidbdguwmsh) r? W men. He "cM‘r- : cid- ->c‘oiisia§%1 (Mirna; he'- Mi truly this Secdndsipn’ his; fidej;‘€t§fifibt“¥&ilv‘t'b‘ carry the 0‘21ng 654% die“ iiidmh'c’ogédiusjg 396%- she- Iieaibaaaiai ’ft‘fié‘y? we "'¢6‘vEt/dfi§1,‘33wmi 4558M ii‘aiid th’é"Féy'fié‘é’"th3tB'E-19WMMEH?“”Nevin fiat recite tho'f‘ébip‘gbis‘tfiét"t'v'éul'a‘jrféi/i‘talbly iiavc fwfiHMd- us, 1 iii we Md 5nd? alréfldy‘wfif- etfibiit‘ed large ‘0th ’thei-‘defiqud’l‘ui’iportf‘fiét ‘flill is-‘is PM ‘Lifiéfiyfii’i’fihbfé'flfik‘é’ {winem— Q lmab‘fi’it‘d‘ 3d fhfiérfiinc‘e whieb’sab‘e‘rflird" eflabliflr’d, beaver fiil’dqto overpayl'thef" 3 . “'ch‘afe; Afld I dat6‘35ppéali9o’Ehé*CbfiR§66& C 16 ) , of all the reafopable Men in the Nation, 11 they would not have freeLy contrrbuted more for our Safety and Deliverancige . when We were environ ’d with Ruin, than We have ei-— ther yet expended, or will be farther necelTary to an wet his MajePry’ anceafions If We Inf (fer d the Inundauon qt glavery to break 1n at once upon .,us we 1111.111 be contented to 1etover by pteceaneal We have a frugal as well as prudent Emmet-to provide (or, Who delires to put us to no farther charge than What will enable him to pro: tea: 115.11 to eflea our Recovery and bring us to a pcrfeét State bf health will require Time and (2.011, itis none of his Fault. He has endeavoured at the 111111091 hazzatd of his Royal Perlon, to cut the Wotk- as 111ort for us as po(Iible. If his Majefiy has any fepqrate Interefl; from that of his people, we mightpart grudgingly With out Disburlments ; But fines: heeallsh for no Supphes but what are indi= [pepfibly neceflaty for out prefervatron we ought as cheerfully to contribute [01 his fupport', as the 131mb to the maintaining of thé’rr Moundings that bankout the Sea from overwhelming them. Thefe 'Iguths ate {0 obvious to common Rearon, 1111111111 Wonderful that our Taxes and Pay- means (were they yet- heavier than they are) 111011191 difcompo {e the Minds of Men, and be any oceafion of Dmf on amongfl us. But WC I ( I7 3 ware {till .a- mi'xt :MuliitudeWhexe thewella :wilhetsrvo Egypt," are'rontiuuallj‘ri puting us in mind" ofmur ”former’jFlefhpét‘E,’fagrava-ting the ”hardlhips of the Wildernefsfletrifying us‘With apprehenfionsof 'Anaéins audiihyincible i-Di’f: ficulties that are yet to be'ehe‘éUfitfed.'c'4~Ofi¥ Elders may Confult; and '«four lye/bid} may fight, bu: while the treaehe‘rous Adams“ are permitted to trouble but Ifrael’tWill be-no wonder ifou'r- Affairs proceed untowardliy; ‘ . . SIThisz- brings’us to anathep Confideratiohyof the Ingraceful'ufe.,.aud advantages {hat-the Fa?» (.‘cious' Party amongfi us has madeof the Indul~ gehce and Forbearancethat has been {hewn to? them.- ’Tis-a commonifayiug,z.That itiSLPittnyair weather flmould 'dolauy' haim. -. Pam-fure ’t'i‘s- -* {o in' Government ‘, 7 Whole glgeatefl and - moll- ehatming attributeis Clemency._ But in new Eflablilh meats, if. the "Sword? ofJuflice be kept; perpetually. Sheatlfch .aMalefaé’cors will become infoleut, they. will he enclin’d * ’tothink the Go- vernment looks upon its {elf to {land upon-Coup relic, that it: is. precarious and-dares no: take-no- t.i§Alteratibai Wheredf they could poffiby have"’any7‘ apprehenfion. Who more tranfported than this fort of men upon the Prince of-Or'ange’s Appearance? butthatwas atranfitory impulfe, 'and Vanilhe’e} as {o’en‘as they were fenfiblesthatzinflead ofhavinglfing 7am: delivered up into their managemengthe Prince was like to fill the Throne. As the Le~ profic of Ge/zazi thatrfiuckj toihim and his 1—10qu for ever, % it. has been the: perpetual itch of the Priefljhood to-be intermedd‘ling in Secular At: fairs ; :g’hey were .deligned/fot Glorious Stars,and had-their Sphere allmiI’d them-wherein to lhine; but. thn they defcenc’lz-ftov 1mm I‘ Regions they degenerate j=to‘- pemieiousiMetebrqfi’ The7‘wifefl Governments have always exelufld the-it Cler— yigfitqm . Afiairs Qof State, from whence-111:5; r ‘ e: tceciv’d the dOuble :b’enejfitéfg hating the‘if Glabfily roccafitms' better :ferved, and th‘éirte'm'; . :oral‘Go'ncerns lefs embtoil’d. For of'all men givingtheyhave theworfl'luck inPoliticks.Whe’- then; beat not (fay'siafindicious perfonfthat Eh: Clergy :are not {email} fitted byiE'cl'uCandn' aspthets for Political affairs, I know not 5 who? I flIOUIdEShlnk they. have advantage:c above "q: thers, andgvenifthey wtmlcl but ' p’ttlia'gzleit d t , (‘ 21 ) ‘ Bibles, might make the belt Minifl'ers of State in the world , yet it is generally obferv’d that things mifcarry under their Government. If there be any Counfel more precipitate,more Vi‘ olent, rigorous andextre'am than Other, it is theirsTruly I thinkthe reafon that God does not bl’efs‘ them in Affairs of State is,becaufe he never intended them for that Employment. Yet thefe are the men that mul’rbe cutting us out Schems of Politicks, prefcribing 't'O-Governmen't, and dc.» tennining the Rights of Princes.- What a-Horchs pOtch have the}r made withtheir Kings c/e faflo,‘ their jure divino,the_ir Paflvit} and Nan-refiflame? but thefe are beaten Topicks, which yet I could. not but glancefipon, b‘ecaufe of the‘ill blo‘od: which thefe men have caufed amOngfl us. If fome few of their Leaders (for I'- would beurr d‘erflood in all that is here {aid of the difaffefl'ed Pfitfi)'hafi.obtainid a'charaéter of fobriety and piety, 'it‘may be the better for themfelves ~5 but had they been all of apiece, their example had- been of lefs influence to diflurb the publiclt. If a-Combmatbaiz' 'or Abiram with held their Obedi- dience from Moife‘s, "their Retin‘ue of Adherers- may be thinenough, but'if an Aaron fets up *a Golden-Calf ’tis nowonder if Ilidel worlhip it.- But, God be thanked, we haVe‘enough evenlofi’ .. ‘ - t ext ( 22 ) their own Cloth to overballauce them, audif the Scales were even, We could throw in the Approbation of all Reformed Churches], and Societies throughoutEurope. Even. the Hieraré chy of the Church offing/422d is {till [safe and like to continue {0, if the Faftion amougfl; her Clergy (her Steeple and Pihacle men) by their perverfenefs and capricioufnefs do nor alienate the minds of people from them, as there is al: ready but too Vilible a Deelenfion. FOr upon whomfoever thefe men (hall pleafe to lay the blame, it will he replied to them in the words of the Satyrifl , Pare zxflréL liceal dixzfle, 7/05 primi ovmz'um Ecclefiam pera’idiflis. . w _ Let me eutreat you for your own (lake's to confider that it is a difeerniug Age in which you live, wherein Bigotry has fenfihgly loll; Foor- ing, The greatell part of the People havelearnt to difiinguith‘ betwixc what is taught. them: by their Priefls, with regard to their fpiritualémd temporal welfaregmd what is only {ubfervient to the Advancement of the Prieflly Interefl. You have your {elves been fuflieiently couviuc’d-of the dangerous confequeuce .ofjthofe enflaving Doetrines which you made your bufinefs to Preach up in the two former Rei us, what ap~ proaches of‘Defolatim they had roughtbOth , upon (23) hpon Church and . State. Qgeeq _ip/i¥ :flzififriaza- ‘Vid’i fill}?! zeorzem partmdgni fie! 25.7 Aiihbnglt our/«im—erges in the Houfe’ ofIBoiidage that at eended up to Heavenwhowe‘re louder in their Complaints than ontTtibe of—Lev'nwhd ap- peared more zealonsfot the Unidnthat was ne'- «(fairy amon gfl: out {elves forii'oti't?‘ Common Prefcrvatiou .9 and will yon not be-eoiitented to have the Scourge taken offftom ydhtiBae'ks;~une lefs you haveit put into year Handsfiou would. do well fetioufly to confult your own Confciem veg-if this Was-not the Pinch thatmade youfo-I reflive when things were info { air way {oran- Aceommodatiom" But whether or no you will." be {0 ingenious-#35 torctraét the falfe flcpsyon: have made, be afraid that the Nation will be {09 jufl to themfelves as to expeét it from yonfrhe Publiqueis fenfible what inconveniences it has. been brought into by the-— Prevalency of your Paflm?Dmtrma,., and may: look for neurons». ble Ref’titution, viz—What ydttflmuld mkcthfi. ‘ Nation honorable amends, by being as hearty and zealous in Preaching up obedience to the Prcfcnt Government; For till this be done, tho»- you fwallow the Oaths, and come in to the laft man, there mul’t go large grains of good na-»- ture to allow your. Sinceri ty.. You aredifpersd m (24) in '{uch advantageous Polls of-Adoing good or harm that till, this . Reformationabekuniverfal a- mongf’c your. If knpwfnotiwhen We are/(to expeét .a thorough Settlement. You are the Rivers and Rrvulets that are every where difperfrcd to wa« fit the Gaedcngof our God; buss. till, ypuhaye purg’dofl“ this,;T,&in%—Which(lfi_t me tellyou), . 'yQu contraétcd even in your great Fountain beads; you will imbitter the Soil through . which you pars. I leave ydur {elves to judge ifgit is not more Honourable for Perfons of your Charaélrer and agreeable to your Funé’cion to reétify the prejue dice of your Education, than to incur the Gen-- fure of the Satyriil, Quad quifq papa-ram fan/6721's didicit in Senefiute confiteri non Valt. Many E- minent Perfons Of our Clergy have done them- felves this Right,and I gould Willa-for your good that not Onein the whole Set would Rand out. Give me leave for bur this one Requeft at part- ing, that you would nor think me yourEnemy becaufe lhave told you the Truth. < . I . ‘x : l ‘ 4 ‘ _ z ‘ ~ : . . ' _ ‘ . , - , . . , _ ‘ . ~ 1 . “ ’ . ' ’ I , . : H . « . ‘ . s (25) POSTCRVIBT Ta the-Seduced Per/Emsawonfl the mefiom Party Countr’y’wéfl,”_ ' ‘ ‘ ' ’ A Jr under that appellation I may be allowed to Expo- flulatenwith you. '~ If you were acquainted with my year-sand Ci‘rcumflances,’ you would gmntghat 1 had no private ‘Interefi to ferv'e in' thisiAddrefs, nor am capable ofany, neither do I apply my felf-to’your Whole Faé’tion,’ but to thofe amongfi you ( for fome fuch l mufi yet prev' fume there are) who would not be engag’d in the Ruin of your Country,but have the'misfortune to be mifle'd? by falfe Notions,and that f0 far as you are c0ncern’d,it is in the flux-- plicity of your hearts.Your concern for" the Prefervation of the thblifh’d Church is your main * Topick. ‘That the Church ofEng/zmd in the true Notion is at preEnt'under as flrong aflurance as is poflible ', is vifible even to her’ great- eft enemiesfo Fecure that they have no way left to bring her into danger,but p‘erfwading you that {he is in danger.The‘re are thofe Emperz’ckr‘of State, whofe Artifice it has always been to perfwade us that we were well when we were‘fick, and that we are fickwhen we are well. They who told you . our Church was fafe under King 314m: are the very Peta Fons that pofl‘efsyou (heis in'danger under King William. By the Event of their former pretence, you may jud e'of their fincerity in the latter, [will put the controverge up on this (hort iflhe, whether going to Mafis or Communi- cating according to our eflablilh’d Worlhip is the befi proof of a Friend to the Church of England. Who think you is likely to prove‘the kindefl Patten to our Cht'Jrch, He, who (having Sworn) thinkshimfelfoblig’d to protefl it, or he who thinks it meritoroius to defiroy it.a There is indeed a faétious Party of the Church of England ( as‘they pretend who have now brought them‘felves into danger, but it is by their own treacherty againfl the mainjBody of the refi. If you are fuch Church of England men, I have no more to {by ' E to (as) to you. You'are its gpod Son: of‘jhe'Church,’ as thofc that Dated their Letters from on Board the French Fleetpr thofc who ' atlhis Day uflifl EbeRqumt'EMgbfi Throats. Good God will you always perfevere in beings..,\j[’.ool,‘s and ‘ Progertics to your and out mortal Euemies the Pafiifls 1' will you be always their infatuated aduenturersgndplaying their Game for them at the hazard-ofyour own. Necks gmd Souli They have an lateral tqtfqrye i jpvotthrowuxgqutfioverne meat, whilg'juothingmmaiup ox; you,;but to (hareju the mmpn Calamity you endqaxyourcd to bring; upon usand; perhaps ‘tojfall theirfirftSacrifices. Could . you but (be them in Wénpxime Cabals (at this‘vcry stiminmhfinggm you: Pam's-Hand makingwthmfdvsstww Win-Mid affirm: 9i $on119 niesnaéz’diuthé picfiemflenfmracw - : s . _ ‘At; the‘ot'ginningofi this Mvadfementdfuppofed you to} bfiizaliflrrmwi and. as! fissilfwoiddzeeajm‘ mu m confide: for #31992: Sermctit'iwhat yqnhtexpofcayqufmlaiqes, F9; . , MMilies. limo; imrcalkyxfipmll#133“?th 1:- . .‘J. WEGCbe Mfinkindfimd 0531193? Britain 49 part mulch-Th; Nara :andCafiguh of the Agemhmflumcecm M‘have fwm; a prcfidiou6:Ty (ants: Wm nevcr was known qoafiifi but with a dcfiga- todoflwy._~;;Wt§at_-Pr9ttr&ion canyon exPcfi from him whqviolagad 5.5;me W53.“ atomic the. maple thgttfittkdgfém @n'hisiflxone, 19d Wofimséfqttendhis .Seimitb wefiléedefbis 9th SUbit (9935 $695110: .maaoumabkfihm has'this ‘SCZK;WjflY€T&0t=E§F a , ndcnt wefmms Stucco, to pcxfivadexhem togcoutt-his Ghains, to be mood éfhis Bondage, and to think Slavqx to Wettb'bmk Ma. giro prevail ugofltflurgmdl big: gonad ‘. @qpifls. (to. think, their firefitPOfifanblgv/yhcnrm oommvdtfie; with ($613le , SLMm ~ ; For: £9,619 tincdli'». she at this tuna ‘pm’dJWlth atGrqupob W11 M Prong/i- am and fad: warm apvmsmd’ 7 mo “heriwmmif: pram Fania: duoagbeut-thc World 1 13¢ z; .. ,-. .3 ~. " ‘F‘I' Nfiiits. J Some BOOKS- latel} Primed far R; ' chiardi‘BaIdWin,‘ .. ' . ' Poem, .occafioned by the late Eifcontems and Difiufimnceeimhe Statewhh' A Refleaions upon the Right and Progrefs of redeem/r, Written by N. Tate. ‘ The Cafe 0f the Sujpended ’Brflrop: confidered : In which the b‘nreafombzc- net‘s of their defcenefngm flierfirefemGovemmem, and the mifc‘hievous confequence. thtchath attended inns damofimmd, :. z -, ' , , ' Ih‘chm‘fld’ “‘3“ .F’Ti'h’h” 4‘ “19” 0W0” 0f, '1'. The Laws and-Gourmet; 5' ”Wm” RdiSiGW ‘7’ 4471161 Papifi’s. '4. Foreign Aflifirs. ‘By the Honourabfe 54‘4We‘54m' (YMMV ' - gehirafid‘xfidn'carqe‘lly'cmjrefled and cleared fromthg Emmerothc .firft‘ 'lm'preffian; -- t ‘ f -- =_ . .. . e - - 33"" “mm Whom“, “adhered: 'OrMurther,subtoxmdonmerjury, and epprtmom Wily c‘hmzoden me Murmtrers ohm-mm: ma- and me 593.. trier, Arthur, late Earl of Eflé‘x, «351" eyed-'befbréf'rhe’rigfi; 190'“ch (h; late: Committee 05 LONE, “or read to‘be’depofgd.‘ ":Ih flutter to a‘ Friend. " Written. by Lawrence Brad/deg,- (tof/tje Mfld’t‘éfimlk‘ 1, Gene. \‘JhO'Wfi'jufivmrds oftFive Year ”P’d‘m‘ed or thfifOfled,‘for inkammhgto ‘ehfcévcr this Mufthpnhe third day after the 11m: mwcmmizeedu‘v '- £1 ., ' . -. .L ; : h. 3 A True Relation 0f the .Crue‘hies afiéf’ Berbarir'ies of the Exam/r upon rhc Erglflr Prifoners of War: «Being a joumél-ohlnir Traveis from 'Dimm in Britney, t0 Thea/on in Pro-acme, and back again. ,Wj'zh a-.Defq'rption 'of the S‘ituation‘and Fmificati- cm of 3'1 rhe Eminent Tmmsfipbn .xhe‘RCz‘d, and the difianctoftheif .Prflbnaand. Hofpitals, and the Number of the’Meh thatdmd under .th'c‘ir.\CIUehy'w1thlfhe Nam” Cf many 0‘ themafld‘the PIEM'C‘rfi't‘heir Deaths'and Burials. W51 ‘ . ani'Alcofihi; cf ” the gm" Cha‘i‘y 3"“ 5‘35“” dilhe ’ ' T'mflem offmnr'e‘rfAnfi50d1trma- tcria'rth'mgs than!“ div . "Wm: *r’Faifhfuuy and Impartiany perfotmed‘by. Rimd"&’m"b‘ ' ant Ye'Wh‘fie 53min! ‘Fell‘ow—‘fiiflerer. “ " ' . ”The Fate of Frame : A .Difcourfe wherein it is .{hewed_,.I’hat by the ‘hapr W fflflvoluviun in England, “"2"" 5‘53!» of ’the French Kingare difappointed, andlhc :- Faticnal'gromde:tobnhexehhfioanainear, ' , " ‘ ' ~' ' '_ . _ Tle Addrcfs given imo the latequ fumes, by the éfitUIaf‘lAtChfiifl)‘ porn”. 51in, from the general Mrflfi'gefihe onufthifhops 2395.,C'r'rg‘y_of Il‘tflaa' ".héld ins, M’W'W‘h‘flh‘fi '0’W‘3 '..‘V'h"fih."fe“€ral things rcratin'g t6 the? ”Pith‘Defigns. mn-rhfiubuc/ngdom ewdifedgered,‘the0ri inaI.Wherwf wa‘s',’fouthd,ittfl1c1ate ‘ Bingflmefwdnkt, in‘~theflafl’erof r‘hH/in,'at ‘hx’s‘laving‘thdt City? ahfl-tliej'Cpr u hereof was foupd in the titu¥ar Archbifhop’s Lodgings. Now yublifhed. With .Re- maicm'cn'iach kflmgnph,’ ' ' _ . ‘ - _ y , ' .~ «Touche; Mmfilniwmfiue’s, 130' Epifll'e. Tbgethcr with a,Prcd,i&iQn,.£anerni_' t; the ‘FiéfldmnInwfmedWout «a? cdllh'nmfim‘. St. 1’44! fai’d‘m bg?,§',lj:oph¢g= , .an _ that'his Tcfiimony Effie, 1 Iitus, ,cb" '1,“ , ”’43. ~ .~ , r . .mmmc'flmm @fiiEi‘M‘RWRK 'tranfafiiens tvysiynt..‘the Dike of Savoy and the French ng'tf'ifbnflihfiaffi-R¢¢m_utfi¢- 6'3 betwixtjhem- htM"1*"*$>'A‘tti>tm‘e'-=37‘?I‘afin’hfiflt‘tt“fi’om’fi‘m'Q‘l‘fghrar.refers/5"rt, he, ' ,, K . Thenummmmm mgmm ‘df‘"the adrban’atrors - cns‘uéo' the "Duke ‘of’ Sci-'0}. by the Proreflant Cantons of Switzerland, ConCe'm‘ing‘ the 'Vaudoiy. Tranflated from the Original Copy Printed in Switzeflana’. Dr. Sherlock’s two Kings of v’Branforfle'xbroughtljlpon the Stage. In}? Canoe Emulator} Letter to Mr. 7obnfim.‘ U‘ctafioned By rhe Doflor’s Vindication of Hszeif, m : -,' we“. ' 4 ‘Scme BOOK 5 lately Printed for Richard Baldwin. in Taking the Oath of Allegiance to Their Maieflies after the 111111 Indulg’d by the Law, was expired. The Second Part of Dr. Sberloclc’s two Kings of Brainford, at the importa- nity of his Vindicator. An Examination of Dr. Sherlock’s Book, Entituled , the Ca]?- ot‘ the AI- Iegiance due to Sovereign Powers, Stated and Refolved, 62c. By 7.111112: Pmkeafu, M. A. ‘ The Fall; 0! Prie/i Craft: 21 New Comedy. ' . ‘ » 2- The Royal Flight or the Conquefl of Ireland a New Comedy. The Memoires of Monfieur Deageaut : damaging the 1110“: 111111 1'an faEtions and Affairs of France, from 11111111111 Of Hm N; 1111,1111 beginning of the Miniflty Of the Catdihg de Rug; ,.To which 111m, & 1211111111111 Relation of the Arch 311110923 gage-1m mEQbad, and of hisNe o- tiation for the advancemento the oman Catholick Religion here, toget e1 with the Duke of BueQnymm's Letters to the (aid 11111111111119 about the 'Pro- gteti of that Afi‘air: Which happen’d the 1111 Years of King Jame: 1. his Reign Fai hfully Tranflated out of the French Guam]. The c.1111: 0;en’,d or the Seetet Hi Qty of the Amour: of Madam de Maintenon with the French King Twiflued from the French. Copy.- 2 The Pr efent State of c111111111111111111'11.111 Nine Dialogues Between 1 The 111111111 Pope Alexander the [1.1 and Levi: the XIV. II. The Great Duke of Taken}, and the Duke oi Satay. III. King lame: the Second, and the Marel'chal de la Feaillade. IV. The Duke of [main , and the Duke of Srbomber‘ ‘ V. The Dyke of Larrain, and the 5111301 P4latine. ' . . 'Vl. £1117: the XIV. and the Marquis ele Lonnie. .'_ L’1he 14.1111}: 1' of Ber-e, and the Chief Sfleof Geneva. .. 22 , V111. Cardinal?” Ottobani, and the Duke dc C I‘JX. 11611113: Prince ADIfli, and 1001111: lick: Done- 11111 of Wrath. V . ‘fiéflénlx TCWV, sited bettguptlw Iliad and Parnbmahd Religio Luci. , 1 AConcetoaquem 511312. and? , ’ Pafiesjw an my . 11119111- 111111 111011 cr1‘11e‘1‘11 111 1’1’17111111’11 Duke ‘ mun-«Unnamfla 191011.11“ 341.2%?an Collrdge.iz~~>~11' 2" V An “lufwertot 89. 0111111111111 5 firfl and reread 1111111. 6:. The. [at of the Fm. b Ktng at Cog/141116111110 to imbroil Cbtifleadam 1111111111111 ‘in 111121111111 'tches pail betweenhim and tl: e late Grand Signior, Grand Vizier and Count new}; all of them fOund among that Connt’s Papers. With tome Rtfltéh2 6115 upon them. The New Nonconfimzfl. 0r, Dr. Sherlock’s Cafe in 11.211111111111111 a Deprivation, $111 ’11 b the 38?;ch “ords of a Statute, Fairly med and Examined. With brne A 6:“ nMr. Cook‘fiermon, 5:11. a. 1699.1:hiehwasticetts’dbythe t .1112 Andrew ninth») W in' a!) 1111;:111 M 11' oocafion2 ed 11? hthe A I Reehfinhtggg. .W‘fiian $3261 I“ at], e Grea'i ”4121,1111: or oftlte Little One. a‘boet: onto! Freub.A11dfor which the 121mb nggnt forth a Proclangtion, with aflewardgffivethoufand Lotti: ('01: 10 1111111111111 A FINIS .2" at RARE DA 496 1 691 . P52 was ELL SAP09 R88 R6A9REW 01 0-006079735