DrainingoftheGr€atL Exténding it IEIFM intvo the Counties of mwww P012; THE 0 1: T H E 7 5 Lincoln, Cambridge and *1-':Iuntz"n‘g Ifle of Ely, orfomcof them. AA A CV6 A I 1\[ort/2ampto}1,Nor#a ton, and the A V I\%T”A&f'o;Drainin4gthe Great Level of the Pen the ‘Counties OFNQ rtlapzmptcm, Huntington, and "l //Bed ;time, 4744147032 t/aefltt _w.......,._.— . % Die Mdrtix, 29% U1/faii, 164.9. Norfilk, Sflfi the .Ifle&of ’ E1}, or {time of them, cf/zzion Pafl Z1; 4fid0rdered tafi _ M 4 » :He,”,,,5w ‘ WW) 1%I%' dqy» Rm’ ‘tbs % ]”7J7*%z‘/amt/9 Trinted and bell, C1¢ric.flPa%rIiamenti :1 ” * London, Print " 9 M“ ‘ W . cdby zmrd Hm”; anagram kmzpz, Prime cParliamcnt of Englzmal; I 65 0. ' { -—---anus:-u ‘ 5, ex~tend%in‘g' itfelf into lk, Lincoln, azméridge and third PW~ 4 Q“ \ fi._......,...—-an-— For‘ the Draining o£:}1eG1~ea:Level o£:heFens;% % éxcendingit Elf intochc Cou*’nties%of’A I\@r:I;4mpto4;¢§, m»«;%V , 1 folk,‘ Lfncoliz, Caw2lé.ridge,4Vfluntingtazz, _ V thelflcoflfiyj otfomeof gang! $ereafi tmfaih gtéat?L€1ifei‘,%%h1>“ uttcafon mffrzqumt mmflmiizignf A the fiimrfi Bf \Y/ellm&,Nearm,Gm11c,V (3jw{e,Bfgr3%don,Mi1vdenhe1l<£mDSt0:1ke r %1)ia1ae been of mmiann uucmam W pgofit, mwif maa:m’em1na? Km:-.. /:9*:., fr i. “M 2.“. h f M i Avnznfi7tabw; awn % nfi gveatw annaum mouem’ aim $nnaht¢amwgi%% mm may in ma twommmj, azantuwvc pattzcmm: ®mmem;,%flmw T6an ann%ame€can ii; gwa€% aytgnnance, V miamj 4&3 M jiingumt am to nmh;¢%npzanhyismimzza tmfi 3r+1atiow,tmti)e annanwmem hftbwmnc nfflm-,«.=% Atmg mm minzutug of m5n u¢I1,anh manner he impgnmninmgannpaauw@fflzfméng mmngeen; mg of mm, armk ta; ’£ii1age¢tu he Emma mm; @0351 A quantity? fez %makt’ug 3; eat U za zmnfm. iéenm anu%3Fmp m 1fozt$“nfmnne:tmmtbgann % floznage fog §>l)i’pmf'n”gmitD‘11tI)is ;raatzon,mmy wiliincveafe wamxfacmmgf, mnznem amnfitaa niugatim% Jasanfiamnan, mai1um’emwM@no2, W imng tbenw%nn%mo2 mttn W11 tum? fitw W;P8 renmmn to fijz great anbantagaanmagmmm at tbs J&atmu: aft my tw mmmn mm: t1)at®%*zmAtiLene1is, aunfmws a§"cex;«* tm7axmgw%zfixtmt, ?i5c:mD;sann imam anwmz p;lw%e1m"mmaiimmh$§,um€’té himamataammg tm$mne,, 2m it .... WWW mm 4¥FAW»t[fl.;~ fim %umw’w A95 pm an1iamznt, ‘ Q3 V 1‘:§ flccw; 2 V flfmztzf he cm) . many aun tom tum:-tmneh eznumis , hounntzzg" A themfelhee eaanoaw from the Image mm fiatmfep hgf sgoakc, mm]_hBrandonh2l52.t'Dg!€, upmtthe mpimms Df Northwold,’ Mecthwo1d,Fe1tW€1, If'10tCkVV0“U1d.a'flDW/ii" mo, in htijt fiotmtvnf Notrfolkh gtatm from Brandori” W gmurmt ca11entLow?Fen, am: eh ; twinge, unto the ear: of Woxlington ivfiaha WW Mildenhall iamfilf, llpflfl the 51113131135 DfA*Brandon; 1333 I ism gttmmns of Waynsford, spamming the tame, the mpiaune of Lakin gt heath, A the low growths of Eat’:- weu, efittluningthe, fame, am) the mpianns of Mi1- I dcnhall the tetountp of Suffolk, fiflufbmfltfi ftfim worlmgcanitoan, tmtn Bwrwclllfilfltk, Japan the h ’fiflp1au§0ff Frcckinghamflflecham, Fordham, Soham am) M/ic1cccrborou“gh,atm 1336 Qflakfi tmwflfg ill wt fiflufltz? Bf Nnrthamptdn, 3}“~2m1:bmamfa:mnz the ram 3Ferrpcpiace%neat Waldram mu unto Crowland Jlmmge, upmxtbe w mm; of Wei-» V land mm mm theme to DowIicda1c,uApmntD¢115ank5 Of great Porfand 5 MED from theme m1t4%Ga.yhu me up: A arm, upon the mamas the ~ Nmiha , on the flnutbm 215mm, mm mm theme lm£flTil—- ncyhurncgllpfltl tbfillfiatlk 0f the jftncgitfllltlb WIRED’ Walderfcy, mm mm theme tmtfl Elme~Lcamc at Gran» gets mute, uanwe mum of we jfmzgwunn Calzfz‘ ma Coldham, am: from thence tmtotbe What of Name, neat Thurlings in Upwell, upnn tbeifimm of Necdham, cams Biih ops-Dike; “awn ftnmfimnace unto W/c11Créek. at the ,=fl9D2tDmefi4c02fl£t%f A 0:.::tw¢ll,£€l1i£D P,la%w%z%1e1id“£mnChurchfialdgmscfl afmefai A A g e 1cnsee.gmu.nns mum wanacxiey, c%o1dhamA, Plawfield am: Churchficld; mm mm meme unto Salters fioanmpontbc ne POd‘ik¢.R11fk;@f£0m thence unto the moat!) oftbeminetWi£rey,uponcm: mm: (‘JWIE 5 arm from ttbencc unto wlwgcy ingc, upon the miner W1‘ {ray 5 arm fmm fl).euccuntowe: mpiann at the can of the man oftljeflgcounnz late of Edmond Skip with fqineceafelmpfitbc fainflmnmv am: from thence unto Steaks iifizmgwpon t 1% pg mung of VRoxVham,¢D¢rcl1arr1é cxcham, W/rec"c7on,%Vann Stoakgitltbc tam mum» mf orfolk : %ma141Van;g, V MW Elf £4 ”»¢.f&iI’i ‘ Edmond ‘Skipwit7l1 ¢£Em;lp&'n ” a m,-fetmy arm wmfamiounnw gttmmw, 4 within $i)c4uu1m«, (mm mm amcmcts afnm tam, are mm 1m,atm that! fwm time to mm mm: afm by harms oftljm %¢%¢t1t¢n~un efiwmr ¢ to he the ma: gcmtAiAame1,t he mamas as ijma; an 3 I H u ‘ . ‘_‘ v.. _ ‘ w “ fie‘ "V ‘ ‘ ‘ “ '* iw‘ ; ‘ r W was we re. ¢*o;fl)&nz%¢nf be Fr»a.nci s iatz 6 x1:fBc&fo.xdinhi5 fife ; e’N1JV mm: we [agnmgm ' V y U64) ms mmmcm gwmt‘¥Lma,% MWM§t1‘?fi fififfgfi in oétobm-,m the Is“? {Wt 05 W3 Afimwt V % flf we iajfig mug char1s,m mmnpww warm? ;aum be mmfigis 1@aat‘ta’tsipmt5,mmtije mmumms m % 1 R am: aw ¥9m*waam%%€£§’;ga2a5, mm §3§§?3§u”§n inngrefg tijmmf, mam emmze nf gym . ~ of mum 3 ::mnfu‘fav pzmtsamm, M A ?§§£%§ ggetgfzcftpart flgfijfi Sam fiflmew fimfifijmm rm/m%m5,4 ni11az‘haTm’Ms by Emmy flaw mm A fiijawg mnggn fifibfiffim Francis mm! Df‘F>edFQrc:1’,%JD: mmutem mm 1% amtémnts 9 mm that fifsamwg hlumhptmfima mf mm we mtmuptimw, tbewmhfi “ a me faimm nzcapflu that tbq immnen ggffeiiitzntfi §Yj%($DIl1I1IDflmm1flJa 11313 mm W a WWW ;n;gafu$;e%1jifi)Wm mznentengnnizaeiamnzfiunrmmwss * ag Williammm mm of Bedford finuanb Em Of fiJ¢ mm Francislnfliift mm of Bcdfmd, mm fiJ¢%WD %%am'u’4» pants awn 2 A.,ann fmmmitn amt tb¢nafsi;1gof%tm5 §§§"§L"1%g:n mm moi: mm the faeme,mtt;1)nut cw.-—- €a$§§n% m; simmttfilmn , ~mm'i ‘tbs MMRAM Done, utufigmwgaahiv timéfi mm fiflmmm’ I‘-If lllmwfiw mm!’ mgpmh :. “fin tijezrmtljmfoga Enpzzbiéqm a mom, nmccv5,t1Jm?v%m’w mm fiffigflfi, axmntent to ‘13;oceen'zfiectuai11>%m the mm mm mi W fiifgztflg mgg»nfa;3@at1i';at,Ilem may wmmgz, Mm mm ha mmfwmm with inflame ,V¢m}1¥?i mm ¢£%ect,”, 2%}? if mama mm mmamen, atED"E$E‘§ ;~6i1baz%tbe.fatn illiammm nf BadFm*d, we fmef hexev?%acwiv%anh% znaitwD%%hPNtintfitfitflmiw &==* % :%.W3@atticipant5amn Qlubzrmmtsa mm W3 awn V A fiiffi at1D.m§ififi5o¢ hg mm 9 W B Wm? ’ - Nil», ‘~ ‘ aim I‘! r,m1Jicbfi)?':“W!11“J$* ma ~ ~» A . A 3] fi];Ijn,D2,€B.fif€p Ei ' km t1;)z“€a2.m $53 . fié W alas: utxhemmvsmftijefaimloozknfwzaéu-—.=4%% mt mmt 5 mm W11 &%tmhe%mzett%% A M‘ ‘ 53 %% 1: as asfiflmaftev 53:5 extcezatw, than be mm mmfimMfm»ti)emam;u.pm1mnDen% % (565) A , ‘ , % inm gwuun, in ma!) itmmt M the.fmDvfiaiam§o[g any of % t£mnfl)aiitmtnmmflom%we dfizmmnsflmjax memgk% _ % K’§W§W5§ i mm % 1’tz%cmni3@mmfi ijfim m we twqtmfmfiv mm aimm ¢g P 4 figfliii bl?’ Eijfimm-Wmiam fififl flf B%eci'f’o1%d, §@g~Hggg¢_V V WW3 ~ mm A fimmnmmxfi, hm Mm tijem a%%§j§,*§5A mm mimilgw, mum: wcwfwg mm wcepétfiwabwaiagmg V mm gmmmfi, mm: mf the {am mud, ~il7?%h€c&}awz ' mm‘ mm jflfweu tbmufatm mm at W mm, ii‘Tfi;i;Wfi tam Weftinfemm1%p1aws fog mgatmcwg A mi’?-‘E5 MIR jéfinam, WW3 the wmcg, was mm f(@[_g)amm1g within Wfm 7£8:b¢l, mam; av&:#zmt;inm'um m 4 , by flzamm mm but tbjer‘£0z £~ fmhev finammam wznmnzm %13m'«;»?D9fmD’Wi1Iiam»Iwmféflfliflcdié A A ford, EdAW’a1‘d Ru ‘4w wt §mmp;t£cnA mat tbefmn azmeg W w ®av1nfBcdford, M Arw«exsCa&1s,thzWeiw mm lama man4%€Z5z'gw%$, umumg ber:ca.mc mq;A%£h”‘e:c om no time, ?fl9aIwah‘c4 a A 5I‘3f1,W€P fim tynufann i a,%azs$ 13tcbmw¢e%nnt, M ¢*0fcWc”n Je A , ‘Q’3m‘33L9,b¢1a 34WJ1!’1fl;Qi iii)’ A nzwsmcntxancn, afitbcfameébabe in an :a;'1T ‘ u tbifimct baa11[+ fnz¢t«1Jatpurpn£c, “D2439 1 9 % mm tug ££:mw,%A tn W ' M ‘ .» raw ‘- W _ _‘ .“ ~> « N ‘ 1 Afq;A:R0b€Y:tA VH€fi1fiy4 4£Efi'&5j am Rm»-“ WWW” f911W0mH;~ &flDAfWE£fliMmm M’ i*-Hkfatn Mame am: mrmmzuveg Vamwmfuz shm»-,a 1119 tbavm, Bf wzaininngann ‘nm”A§w~én T f , . ‘~ .;' ‘ I r « . ate %tmg.nzmr¢aftev%J112 $ VimI),~ A amen: mg JWTYJ4” 3551? W; ‘E11 tam» V 71? E I? Vf0W,f;;L [3 I acs66> ngpcrfanfla atcozninggto theft femrai arm mpeame j gm pzamztinaa, anntnamcuta afiataa acm;aa’agip~a1zps A qaw. mm in caiiz auynafieitetaa than amt, B ambben; naught/ca ha anmmamwaaaaaamca mam, az‘ fiisigaaa, 0; ahaaa aazagaagtmsaa afléé’ amgm ti)9zaanan1a1a’i“aaa’aaaatabmafm aamaa, az fipzaznmge a€ti)anta,fl)ai11)a1az paamasza fiaW‘c;flm'm tijzfama mm itis ijmfblfiaaflwimfia4;‘§WK£t£Da~ arm awmaimm ’£hat .itfl)al>1anh map is é”iamfai, to arm . afflfiz 1339 fm'D;\Wi11ia;m ¢$&?E1%0fBedForc§,‘ mg §,B&Wfl'£E'@&flf5 A anh,7%iJ3aaamratfi, .azm~1)z’a mm tigmaxamz am an figaa, aaa aijapatiana z’mpiap"an by tijaaia finmaka f0nfi.mithinaozath am» mm, 92. eaiaegaaiwam flats, ®afie"s, mama, am, mains, fiazaas, fiaczptacita,~,nza utim aamaaaa twary 0; cannucmg am a; fuzatz a (aim mainiug, abgmtgij oz upnufije mauaha of auyapetfanozaaapeta nutat11e£am?Lam1; axmfaztilat pucpmlzftnm tt’meto.tI’ma,fl)aa11i)flb8 fteapafiagag aitwttfs, egcefa arm tegtzfsa afdztljammhzs, ti) aim W 3 nz am» tacrnauyallbpam» aammatpaaeaxé jam % Ml 02~EWi1 - as»: atnaamc ; fifland, 0: itmtivttbz faI1of..ti)¢a I at flgentaatth 1@0zkman,anntbeitao;£ea,flatt5a~ann . <£arta’age.-8 iII€;|J-.;h1?€mnat1J;0ugD.tIJaB ifainaafizmmnz 0; any part thzteof; paying 2 taamingatnatm V fimraa n£,a ant: aaatticaaintmffcnaaia tin: afain azounnsa €02 ‘%1111'11C1J ants, fiafifea, aims, mgamz, 2I5ana5,ficceptac1ea,n2 nttlm namaanzam nzta he manzin arm: upon the niarzrpnce Ija{pgp*aaatIJam%m’a, as that! be nzim: an arm amungen hpaatma omr. aaton¢ta'IJmaftctuamzn, oazbya aapaftmumozaaf a aznbinzb azbat the fam fiat! Bf aBcdForda, 1% atticip *{%tga, % 2£Db2ututem.a1tn2‘ %m111i£am11aa5 I . ‘ / fa 2, am); nzamaanaycm W aftIj:nt‘atI)tv‘£atD'a ‘in WV‘ 1 Jw 33¢B;bW$t1Jat at W a fliiflgt A 4 , a (567)~ V that mote, {hail he to too to goainto the treat coutfeto Spalding, arm to to the @ea,,toe the met: feeoattoan of the aouottep op clearing the oat: fail‘, fiozflyall op aapmtthoettp heeeop gtoeahoe gvfinteo, make aopmttsg tame oeotheemoeha, tn, upooog thgough any patta of Deeping jfieae‘, but that the fame be mhoiip left to the maiaets , of thofe fleas as ’t'oemeflP.t mm be it futthee ih mtatteo aoo .¢L7eoat’oeo , Wfihat 1eo,¢o111tttttsttoaee oz Qfinnltltiffiiflttttfi of flowers, op oettoe oz tog: toot ofaop ttomttzifftoo to that behalf, mall at all mteemeoole in the tam iteoei, to interrupt, otftuob m moleft I332 f€tl'D \William4$&'NZ1 Hf Bedfbrda ‘his iaatticipanta , aooeatmzeee 9 his ano ieeiea aoo mfigna, mgenta aao ozhmemtn the oaeteiogon, anopetfectmg of the to mom,-,.a1t,o that the hfaio eat! of Bedford, hie aaattieioaate, Sajooeutwzeta, iheita ano fiflignat, to; any ‘doe to; e mote of them, than habwnnaee to collect auto tea ho, as well the,aeteateof olo azateafogmetlp ifet, upon aoo amon themfe1hea,aje tofet mm ‘D937 fliaxeseupon aoo among ,themfe1oea—, ano leoy moneyoot of thtfaetojmnetp toe thonfanoatttem,‘ foe aao tomaeoethe alihatges Dftljt faio moth of Ezflitlilmaano all otheeahatgeateing to,otot;».:, genotng upon the fame, aoooeoing as theyoz. any oeoemoze of them in their mogemeuta thallthintt fit ,attIJtoma1tezoet5 aoo Boles foe tbet,DlJ7it'Ig aoomaiotaming the {am mow, eon tflaooeeu aoo manage thetame , auto to avtlntnt anotmplohtoeh » A ®Wi¢¢¥£-J. atoms, winilffitfifinflmflzhmeoa WW0 c1JatIoetiJemoz any oftoenoatm toimoloe otimetin their ooomao ftom ettme to time as they fl)a11,,.,tbiah,t fit; arm a1fu,fl)a11,iJaW palm? to owe 1350*”/“¢“99 to futhnfitcets, agents, tntaiiteta, £utot?D255 ozhz-. men, auo ail eothetepetfon ottpetfoflfihatfo thee, imotopeohp them in oe about the ratiomoee,,ot ®zaI’m’ng,o2. otaiotaittmg thereof, to flano out of woooo e the (568) we mm gyms? arm tijmfanm mes, :3: % ::ne‘§ aztmm, afi they n;atwfi7Vm%oz Imago? them \ % mm’? §zmgements4.fl7wif fit: fifth that-‘if Em mm William fifififl Dffifidford, fiflfifiifiiflflfiltfi mm %%fifi % mmms,i,%’s an»nt1;eicma~zanu m'sz'gns, mg any mf cmm,m1;a'ci; »%nmm1)amz, 0;? hmafm fl)ai1:I)an¢ 4 any part of the Cain aim thuufatm mag, fl;au €g~fflf¢V"i..ng mefault tn my web arrears oz pznpo;ttunm1e%£ax oz %flaWs[ az wibau he Iain omhznu, mw&‘psc‘ct of ms 0; wm‘!1:£l)mte in in; out of t'i)?e1'amA jmnzty fine wnufmn flaws, by End) am 92 mm A M thbj aaatticipams ant: mbmntu:-; mm as afugefm, fibat than fa; fuci) mefsmlt the 31% M fifiam in we mm ?Lan MV$%o E%£u:p1)agflyagl A ’ £5 3 not bzmgqt:I4‘atm4pa'yAti)m flax: ante : at to Imam . aubcfoztbmitij MD by fat!) mt % me ofm: “fain aaatticfllmtts mm mm wtumts azafnzétatn, in ma; nmnuzctonas they aaafl tbitu1t&'t; ficfiozing we 9m:p1nl‘agcnf we en,:4na mp, if. my be,» fog rafting mm payment of tm ffifiD%:¢%Wts3%¢Tax0z faxes, by any mzitina W %1m:au mam .».;m m 4oEi;‘%ExiVg1and~, by ms mam. mun we rai~wi11iam «mo: 4 %WtIvaw¢%£ mm Mnmvfi he 3; mzeof ttjeiwaansns am; % mam“; mm we patron :32 pmtfnms to whom mob mix a%1vemane,aaauhc 2% *IamfuI mfimtee ntucbas man a mom , to atltntentsannnw % CD3“ 3% 4+ % Vmm, flltequitc from time to mm a saw W *¢up~n1n anti triaint4am$tbzfa:1w, 2W%it mmtefi +an&%znainen, %bat%no ¢nmmif5i01%vw+® » hpberttw nf anymtnmifsionmAt1)at W='+ yfltaflitlffiwwfibic Vfin%¢%t New amt ant mmmtrstouers namw in this ‘ ‘ ‘ “ , “ ‘W 1}. ‘Q, : av,“ \ mi e M w $13 ‘ M; ‘V’ M an * i Immif % 1% * than rAo%oAms%%A;¢ to tmw. u the ford; W65 ‘ N am.» % 1?» ‘ “ :4 "9 '9“ ‘ '5'“! ' : ““ “» M,“ ‘ ‘.3 - ( ‘ ‘ v. H : ‘ ‘ «J , % % (5691) % fl 39:¢*¥5,t¥ti1I%fftQm£sVmc1) or tijemg-tljz mz%m% %@ aFfIC*I1ImW5 %a1II!%‘?.mntu*& £335, wm1;V mg 5: babmg A f V W T =ms_.,i 0; mm £22 mama mi: mm, M £1) x mm ,150?ZR f gj " % A {mm be a;mA%i%a; mm mac amen: maxim; mam i%)a?.i%; i3i;)<;z~m:§3~+m mm. fl.emt mm 61} the vfarm I379? mm umzity M ($03'§1§t;z;n"i,’m"n.«;~= mass? M, ¢ a,u$iJmn’5eu hp mt u; mm of A a@m1€anawwewtEmsnmneamnfizmtmmmmm M in foam, Whew rawggfijt igsmammggn tm mike: mr!:% %wn%%:1m ;m;i@s*m‘ puma’ m nuamfiasmg emummVtu;tE2m.,, awn ma afimmfi mtzmamun mw:,.§“5 : mu flmIt#b.n¢ % V at m M’ mm min arm m%.£¢iv,%i‘ W we MzJ«?)awiiI&'nH ; waiving mm A % 6»:A%uf¢%.fiJm 112$, fifm ¥&wp?u‘ng of am ;_%i;; ”Amu%eWt mm ¢eczEm%tI)~Ae amnflw Qtécr an , famfping the £amtc‘,* upnmt ‘ @v%=1t; M V‘ ‘”" xv » . x ‘ 2* M 0 R t 11 I ' <1 L ‘ 1‘ ® . %:~“J %ta~ ‘ ,rV ¢ % ‘ «,1, ‘ ‘ - ‘ “ N ' I V W“ Sn ‘ ~: Jay v,‘ I V‘ I “ V‘ ‘ ’ J . ‘4 ’ 6 ‘ ‘ ‘ :71 ,.u "I - ‘ ' : 5: _ -9,. ; ‘ " ‘ ,.‘, , ‘x ‘ ‘ ‘ » 'jv‘fia"-1 V, }.u;_ .4‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I‘; '~ ‘ In _‘ 31‘, IM‘ ~ ‘ c ‘ l I‘ " ‘ ‘ J “ ‘ ’ ~ ‘ .; ,‘ ‘ “ ‘ 1 " V 2 " Mr ‘ “ ' ‘ ‘ 2‘ o ~ ‘ )“ '5 I‘; ‘H ‘ V. "fix: »\ . vs “ ‘,H~ “-- 2\,« f “ ‘,3 ‘ I, 1 5’: 1 _ \ ‘y I W J,‘ ,, \‘ I’ ; v‘ \‘ I W ‘ ‘V “ ‘,;:.. J" ‘IL ‘r ‘ W; ‘ } W A,‘ ‘ I‘;-;5‘\ W‘ ‘ / “ W ‘ “ 9' ‘ 1 =‘ V ‘, ‘ ' ‘ H. ; ‘: ‘ ,1‘ 5:. ‘ ‘ ‘ " 1*, ¢ ; ‘ j ‘ £3 * ‘N *5 “E _ ‘ ‘ “*4 ‘ %~ ‘ *\*w~v ‘ 3} .*4A m“ *' “”" ’ "% .v ’ .. ” ‘~M$¢Jrlfil“'“W V\?~:' ‘.w w ’“ ‘ , :1 ...~ "V. A ’ W n‘ ,,r ,., ‘ ‘ M, ‘ ‘ 4‘ um» ‘ “: n-"/W‘ ~ .h‘*_' I ,, ‘t m - M ‘ ,, v ‘ “ ‘ . g " W I "“ “v A» Jr» v é: _ V. « ti . A «A A V" j‘ w. W , " ’ 7 r; ‘ ;uIf.=,5 V I _ ' I L“ “ 1? s E) v,_ “R _‘ Q ; i * ‘ ‘ 1; ‘ ‘ W ‘ _ “ ‘. 1: V; ‘ wk 1 :;«. -: "t'§ %4hsJVA: &n~ WW aw ‘ w ° » » % V. _t " Vg’ ;“<%u' :~ u 1 . ‘- .. J ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘wk ~ -ml ‘ “ » r ‘ ‘ “ “ ‘ 4 , ‘ : ‘ ‘ V‘ - M . . . , . ‘ . . .«.. ‘ ‘ “ , , ‘ , A ‘ M ‘ ' ‘V \ I _ ‘ ’ I ‘ “v‘ 17“ ,‘ ‘ ‘~ ' _‘ '9" 9w?‘ ' : ' ‘.f‘" v: ‘ “ 3, v H; ‘ ‘ ‘ A “ » =‘ ‘ ‘ x . v " “" ' ‘.r;‘‘ ‘ ‘-1 , ‘ W H ‘ ““,“"‘,~. ' ‘ ‘ V I ’ ‘ 3" 4 . ,‘ ‘ 1 H, .=» ‘N. ‘ “ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ 7, W‘ . ‘ w « ‘ * ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ . A ; . rm ~ \ Tl” , ‘ n L '3 7 ‘K ‘; ., n ma .-H“ W , , J" y &Va*imcnnAce%o£ , -9.; . 4 ‘ -1‘ ':t ‘v ‘ 1:: \ . .;fi VI‘. )2 1 at ‘ 4 V1, nu’ us“, WK,‘ K. . V 4‘; ~ ,, é V; v " 3» ‘ ‘ .' ‘ ' '1 33‘ Pm §—xv 3 N“ “ "1\“;," 1:}, ‘ ‘ .‘ v 7' ‘ ' w " " ‘ ‘ u r _" ‘ ‘ "41 ‘ , , ‘ ‘ H‘ »v 5:“ “gm ‘'5 ' M‘ ‘ /I T, ‘ * ‘ ‘ ,‘:.sa»" “ ,,x _,J ,, ‘ ‘ éx ; , - . ‘ M ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ _ ma \. 1‘ ‘ " " M V‘ ‘ ‘. ‘ v . W ‘ ‘ ' .. v Mr ‘, ‘ q. _ .« W: ' 37*" , »»‘«_ ‘ ‘ M _ V‘ ‘V’ " ‘ “ " . r v, ‘ ‘ .-‘ 1 , _ A y ‘ - , v ‘ m “ » V ‘ M ‘M “ ‘ u , V11 *1 ‘ " \ , k . ~,. s‘ ‘ ,_ 1 1:‘; m ‘ ‘ ‘ ,,,,, Nu ‘ _ , N ‘ ‘ _ ‘ W »4 . w~ M”~~sM‘ am %m»tw?”w M ~\% ,VaE%“* *“a¢. %««; %»\%,% %. M..+ A«~“ «.~~AV ;“ V«- ;Aw I v ’ : Q‘ ‘ Y :2” fir I?‘ J: W‘ W ‘ H ‘ ‘ > ' ‘ , .» _‘ , ' ‘,5, ‘ H C ‘ V ‘ . 3‘! 3 ‘ . I ‘ '> w v .1‘ ‘M3 ' ‘ ' J « ~ ~ ‘ H M ‘ “ wnnnnz. ¢ am£,;i pmn:¢e1pf% mm mm ,=Il&im:.~..—~ % m D Vi:A%{upnn* we fame mun {I Y’. ‘ ‘ (. ’{,u\‘ ‘W 6 As“ ‘> ~ ‘I‘,;‘« : Va: V%w .5 *V.m* V W ‘ ' “ 1“ ‘ »‘ ‘ - “ “ 3’ n ' mg ‘ ‘-1 ‘ f ‘ “ W,‘-‘,.-r ' W * x‘ ‘ ' ..,.‘ my a ‘J ' ‘ ‘ H “ “ ms -Lfn .‘-,’ ; ' ~ " 1‘ , “ ‘ " ‘ “ "W51 I‘ -. ' 1' 3. ‘ ‘ ~ “xv ‘: H V .' , . W,‘ ‘ J, ‘ "\ ‘ ‘:‘-“'n.‘;‘l"1T I’ g .~ '1 It ‘W‘m ,; % H %3.% % % 4 ‘ .. ‘rfiu ‘h ‘ "‘ 1 ‘ the pomevsinwis Wt (57 ) babe unmet fn:om%% time to time to Aasfiiflmt tiiweit given to tijtm; firm fibali gI,3eztmg to Each ntbettinttzama placeas; they wait think fit; 'at1D~IJ€t€by Mayan I):a1m90i13%ev.h1? mafia m _ ggymm'[¢,ag to*t1)4emVft)a11fmiL1neet,fmmtmwto t:'mc,~%mI3en attbmflfttmafia11PDfitft9HJjaI:t§fif;f1J9 Iain iubel, amoungtmg to the tmantztp of fiijtttp tljoufaunztgceg ngmnze, mail me mama a5aAfn%&¢fe—s Iain, mjungcwtlje {mm to be ®;ainen,¢auhfnzfi)a 1I\i=ti)tIJ give the [am William @3131 of Bedfbrd, Ed Ward ,- Ruf{Tel,% Robert Henleyflnh Robcrit CaPclc,HtI)£l:t’, i9Ei€5 annziffimts intmfia45“af°2¢faI,m % etfinatw ,%W== feffionnfljxz am: t1)mvp;op;;x;1on5 of the jamcty fine tijoufannflcrcafogmetipE%tfoztb:asafozefain, fa asAw¢af92wiefain,D mtetvt%TIJti0i1I,Diminutitm 02 m "“ . -U “ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ X .1 “ » “ ‘ Q, " ‘ ‘ .‘ '5» cv. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ r ., ‘, "'3 «ex ‘W >1 ‘ ‘ ‘ .. L‘ W ,‘,,, “ r “ ‘ ’ :v I _ _‘ ‘Kr ‘ V ; ~ ‘ " '4» ' » I ‘ 7 3 p _ ‘ .2 x: “ ‘ “ r.~ Q, ‘ m ‘ , \ ‘ ,‘_ “ M ‘ “ “ _m‘M _ \ _ M1, ‘ “ ‘ V-W1 ‘ _ ‘ W.“ . W: . M ‘ ‘ W, . WI.) \ I, I ‘ \ ‘ ‘ 3 “ r ‘ “ " ‘ ‘ _ L. ‘u[‘, ‘ my ‘ ‘ “_,““\ 4‘ -r * ‘ - , ‘I ;~ -,»_ ‘ ,; 4?: w ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' '1‘ $3 :31“, K” Av‘ ' " ' ‘ ~ “ _ I »¢‘%‘,E,\“‘«§1~ qr, ‘ ‘ fl at ,9 ‘ ,‘ 3:» -\ 3:‘ ‘ “ 2 2“ " ,;, ‘ ‘ .“ = M» u ‘M. ‘ H a aw ‘: w my . accozhingt W3 fiitcvations there azflaall be A ‘t1)i5A% ct,¢ip1'ng mitIJm%t tb,0u[a11Df2Ic‘tt_¢5. nzwtllltnzz b « A .4Vc:»:ml% fljaiilvhc :1 gen A VV ‘ '4 “g ‘ ‘ ‘t__' ,» v ,, wk fig 4éif¢*n to mmjtz ‘B Mfcafftmm anizoth zit: b mzfi figs a:% wrath lht ta \ ‘r. W u ‘ ‘ (W A, “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ E ; 1,“ ‘ 5‘ ‘$1 an K 3.‘ M " \ ‘f“ “ ‘ « ' -‘ ‘ ‘ “‘v.‘1;‘ * “ ‘ ‘_ u ‘I; “ " ‘ ““‘ ".fv"" “"mW"“V gj » ., ' H M ~ 91 "M M . a .: ~ é ’ \ .v- .uw aw, A -5 : ‘ 5- , .1‘: Q :11 “‘: “ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ~- ‘ M} “ I‘ ‘ 1 Q)‘ ‘ : “ ‘ / 1, “ mm H. =Wu1~ ‘ Q‘ .‘,.,~‘« , ‘ ‘ DL,A; Iffi % r t tcsann illstttgns, V fleas ‘*?°lW” ¢"F9f3‘33‘W 1? a"W’1“W=5 .,»u’Y' ' “ , I .,w ‘ 2‘ W L ‘V H-1‘-y "J. ‘ ‘ ‘ r ~ ‘ ‘ mg Em». . , "3' ‘ ‘ "‘ I‘ ‘mwil \ VA ‘ 2, V “""wa ‘ ~ 1% 2* xv’ 1% Iatsiwvsoz uctw‘°2Jw%% ea. ~ Q. é H /5 I, H ‘ my ‘ ‘ ) “: V7 3 . - ‘ \ -"“ ‘* H "3 w ‘L W ‘ J ‘. H ‘ ‘flirt’ “J .4’ " ‘ . . ‘ ' H : ." ‘I ‘ .‘ v “ ‘ ' ‘-‘. “ '“3"‘ vi,‘ ' ‘ r V" ‘ ‘ , “ wr , ‘ ‘ ‘_‘,,.H, ‘ \ ~‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ _‘ “ A. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V“ in: v ‘ ‘ ‘ “ "'v ‘ ‘ '“ ‘V .‘ 1 ‘A W ‘sf L" ‘ ‘ .‘ ‘ \' . {'3 “RH V?“ E i *5" ‘_ “ C ‘ ‘ ' \ ‘ Fwy. ~;_‘\ ~; “ - “.,‘ « H wn‘ , V» A ,$‘»4 43: Vrrr“"| -,.y W,“ 3;; ““ _~ W. n ‘ ‘ aw ,r .« ‘ ' »;,>;. "W, « ‘,;,“m ,‘ -“F , Mm ‘ Y" ‘w-‘ ‘ — ‘ m ‘W " _ ‘ ‘ ,_ - w\ ‘ .‘ ‘ \¢ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ « «I. . ~'m.. ‘ A . “ ‘ pm I ‘, ‘, ~,, X, ,r “ W w . I » ‘ ‘ “ ‘ " ‘. '- ‘, ‘X ‘ ,‘-n‘ '- ‘ , 3 V . ‘- ‘g"‘_ ,»§§.‘.“_;..x M ‘ ‘ “ ‘ , 3 ‘;m-»‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ', ‘ ‘ ‘Y ‘ ‘.5. ‘ “F71 ‘ . " W ‘ ‘ ‘ " ,, ‘ , W, R‘ H ‘ ‘ ' I“ _ “ 'l“"' [4 Q '~.,,« ‘ ‘ W, , 4 .» ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 1 2,‘ “ “ , ‘;'[-V‘ ‘P’-,9, ' .4‘ ‘ A, n Y /1; .‘ ‘ ‘-‘»;‘.‘.‘_¢, 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A. \ " W; 1». V v ‘w 4"“ ‘x " J * 3 m ‘ ‘ “ . ‘ ‘.~ . L _, ~ lw ., 2 :. » , “ M 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ w ' ‘ ; ',; .> ‘ J .,~ ‘, N‘ , , :3 H I ‘ M ‘ “ ‘ ‘ m ‘ - 1‘ x “ :~ ‘H W‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘flww \ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ M “ , ‘j (' 1 N C ‘,1 " \_‘, ‘ ‘ ,4‘ J ~ ~ ‘ W, ‘ _ - ‘ ,5 rm fig; “2_w’ f,‘ " ‘W W ‘,‘ w,_ W “ ‘ I ‘\x‘' 4- 2 ..‘_“ W‘ ..w M ‘ ‘_ a: wax _ -v‘ ‘.¢(.- ma ~.~;~ war m ,,~ aw D »< ‘ ' ‘ 4 ' 4“ . Ix; 7:“; p w ‘ W, a tbzflbzaittmg tax*one[p1ace,A.% ( 571) % mozfetbzir“ ianns sin other piaces 5 am: betwcas % ouI1J”~h2bnm%o;mkc} lihamtfeniibets pct £m1sbabVc up will t££¢ihB9*£tIBfi"t“ _ bytbewfam mzaming, mm nonot petcon:trib;ut‘¢ ‘:0: ¢ Vwams tI)e17a.2'Ia 3I«2tt%a.etp fimt fix up maze of thmt, {ball Ijabcpmmm i1'lfl3I)l'tIAtI)2wP£flt34aft£t ~ ' tm%4 {am mainmg am’u:ng&e,A annfuclji lfemion ‘ V I aw afmfat E’t;a%}‘f'lf 1f?~;; milieu aw afoze£atD,tgme oz Agnahe, +emnu;au gins am: make. ¢fat i5 *tl'0itl"D at nfti) c Jfiincty fihctbou-V ‘m4 4w,mfucbpm:fon nzperfons mljofeibmtos IJ;%ntetc1itI)erci1tV well be anegwzfiz in quality mcotthitiuztbyttjz afozefain £.'a“’“ i~ 4 nfte £24 an H‘ n z’m’gg %nnat£o%;au Vaned¢pomet,” tn .,~,._ / » an , 4 as:afo;zratn,~to mega V am ti fifiw "*’>Ww¥ mm H V 2 um V: 11;? an *t ‘ wt. M -1;‘ :1, V A H '%23fIWQ, fl)6IU5D¢PV c'.“' lI1‘n£tta :k{i11g" of Awning tie >mg;VattD4 znpm1:ionabIe% to the %V%Dama1g¢ cbc9I.)mnecs mm mccupictggof fad) mtns vmtne wafonL:% of " E ¢1?¢€w§,’ tD%Qib¢a1i0waflw‘tmtwt W0» J}; 4; *1; ‘Alf %B¢dfor_d, Ed Wwalrd Ru fTel.;Robcrt Hcn¢1cMyV ‘| V Ait4eI?%c”¥9eitB mm Migns (itt‘%tmft‘ B“) V%n:utof all fact) £ann5as%Aat:e% nntcona A oufann rams, ” cnnttitiom foz oz b arasi”z:mm,Ao; he swab? maven V W ¢;¢1%::hemVfitA tljzmzm5danDfi;4v of g A all A A fibfii‘ [nun v ~ £3%l7e¢e3m anmnt “ e bzgaimflflehtnlm L I wmt V ta 43 f W 9 » am-~ W/i11i"zm%[@arA1?A f',‘:d&.)I;d3~ ?,%EdWardR:u%ITcl, Robert Henley an ‘art t1M'tVi1'?9iV5 Wflfiffiimlfia 130 tb¢m.%*Vqumft1RAmman i%11V”t.mfi, mm hoinz 3 c 1’ as 7 4 % all 1101? f:$ B£flfié€=:«‘» ” 2» Ea&9maiui»ng,ma"vmt;b¢¢,m2 Wtfilm 5333 A ” % D? n W ‘ 4 M . V 7. , ; 9 M ; '= 91:“ MM ; “ g , A ‘ , 49» <4 .« M. % s »‘ hm: 4. ~ pm tflifi A J? C 1» W .‘ 3 w .v 1 l\ ’ ‘ -Mu‘ " _‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ -~ .,«‘ ~‘ . I ‘ ‘ " '2, . ta, ,, ;‘% 1' ‘ ‘ ‘ . ’x;_“-‘. > 1, 1 I ‘ P J 1: _ 0‘ ¢‘ _ “ ” ' ‘ Ma ‘ m v H, ‘ '_ .;. ‘,, ‘ L ' zaxw» eh, tn amnfgthz min % $ 9 £02 ‘ wwi, ¢,§;‘:#:A ‘ ‘ V: ..y I‘ ‘ ~ ‘ -wv“ W; ~= « ~~r w . k ‘ X - W "‘ «a "a ‘ 1,. “ ‘ - 4!“ w‘ “ 4 . ~ 1:» . ‘ms ‘ . ‘W U" M w »*‘ ‘:4 “ ~‘ in * ' ‘_ ‘“ W‘ , M .‘ ‘ ‘k tn‘. .,1l“W ’ ‘ V ‘ ‘ ‘ W». :1‘ « V W. ‘ ‘ ya 3 ‘,. ‘ ‘ .2. W - , “" , ‘ 1 £1 7 u H 9 ‘ j g “’.¢:‘."4; rm 1; w ., ' \ ‘I ‘ ‘ "‘ ‘ ‘ V v > 1 “ , fa‘: " ‘ ' ‘ u .0 " ‘ we‘ ‘L ‘, ‘ . ‘, “ ‘ ' “ “. >‘ '?‘n’;.,\ I W :‘. ~ * ‘. V; '7' ' ., ‘Wm 4*? I ‘ 5 In V ‘ l . ‘I A? i \’ I Q 8 5‘ I .‘ “ ‘ 1,7 ‘ Y : _ , ~ ‘A ‘ 4,” .4». , . ~ % A 9 ' £ "a "1 W? , . . ‘ cw , r 3“ ‘ v ‘ ‘ - . , V . & ,3" ‘ " .. ~' V r_ ' m, ' vu " ‘ ‘ , W‘ 4,‘; ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘H ,, ‘ ‘ ya: W‘ : 4, “P H ‘ 1 " "3 ,: ‘M. ‘ ‘. L,,g . _5‘ . , \ w , ,é\ “,5 M w ‘ A" \ ‘ ‘ ‘ I 1 ‘ "5:-' ‘ ‘ ‘ L.‘ an‘ NV‘ \ < .m L . _ , V. g - ; - Irli : ‘ M . 1 J.< ‘as. V S? (2 "mp,- ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ‘ “ ' 4 «w u * " w «J I" y I .4,-W ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V‘ 2 n W» ‘ ' :5.‘ 1, E‘ V‘ ‘>3? Mg " W‘ ‘ ‘ fr f Fj“‘u”' ;1. g;w, w"’,,“ ‘ ‘ ~ _; -» ~ '1 ' ‘ :' “ A“) ". 2;; ‘ x m A A «. 'Aa«'«: ,w:w*" ‘ (W ‘ r \~.- ‘ \ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ M ‘ fflm . *1‘ ‘ '- ‘ ' ‘ .. ,.!%"'~‘>;§I- , ” “ " ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ “"x ‘ ‘ H , ‘ ‘ L“ ‘. “ ‘ . ‘ _ m ‘ ( 1‘ ‘ . :‘ W ¢ ‘ * ‘ P? " '1" ~ » . j A-2,‘ *~ M~ ax % fam, than mum: in m«%£ucbfimamm mgr W . agwall be ‘p A 5'73‘) fmtjmn nwm% ztcvwntngtn min ntasfie amaze ta % y amomtuw fgé am 1'0 as cmwalfoftb gm mm %mbicb%§ anmnizute ufanp:pect'onoz p‘m'nn%s,7J5mm’e§ pnlil"q jfiftp fijifiimgfianficmfljail mimmtt mm M afmea mhei: omtw by the {am William mm! M Bed»:- ford, Ed ward*Rufl‘cl, Robcirt Henley mm Robert amafilc, oz awtwn of ti)£I1I_.,b8ffl2Btb£ mu nf time mmwwg Q m m c4m;?z9aimwfu“ anmnmmtg, at tijmzatznf V next aftev tbepsafsilftg Dffbififlttafiitw the emu bani tbmnf msitbin oawpeat: next aftm: the pamffimg sf Mttjig mt mm fmtnann after me!) pmnxzzms, the fm’n=Wil1iam4 R131 Elf BedFord, Ed’W;Lrd Ruflkl, Robert Henley mm Robert Cafile, mm iaeiw emu mm'gns,~m {mun tmim fag 1‘m:bm:t1»n; Apartiefi £0 a‘ton¢e“*~ ‘m... ring, %tmz'wiL3%ciw anD%tfm'gn5., assuming t0'tb£it\ zmpmttmywnmnturen‘fmfis Em the qtbetfmttzev finhwturew am) imcttcipantfia (F thew wits mm muigns. * Rm tbefain Williammwl nfBedford,« Ed-A- ward Ruflisl, obcrt: Henley arm ,%RobcrtCaflIc,% D;¢a1i%p s Hf EIJWI, aveI)etc1>aut1)in2;i5cn mVappn%tttt§ alt afiteafutet fa; receipt ofaI1£u£D%otw1>5,as 4 Wu mecafugmaptngtbe ¢£atn‘%2:5‘uo:k; aunuyatt mm %Vm%anmtm*zw, £1)aii$ teceim4a full mm 4 itmmmla o enfatmn fa} may mung, m“§”£“¢‘": ‘¢ * am 0% c 17 V ninctyfi V M %‘e“3:n=¢wp mm £l9a'$i¢ at1n fl)$$t€1%E'kit, wc%m:mzn’,t,0 t W; -—~ ¢ V twin fi %nanmw;c, mt1% tmjy Eat William % ~ %&»m‘fB¢adfords£mt dT,_h+rncyr Jim: as icb W A % A fl)5£m'$ power ta¢cbamgc them % as nften¢a5,tbey ft),aII7fae ate, ant: to nifpofc tI)Acmntw~patn[ Ahpanpfucb a= 7 ‘V Wizmbentum, 0; any pmzt tljmnfst faztbe para T a wngft the mm William mm guf foam fia I Aedfofdfiim A w A A V than 19211:; arm fztfagnsg,annifuchpcrm 0; minus mm mum any ibatm, Aavrt of the 3F~2metp«fi1ae tmufanAA.24ctm, than hztattmby reafnu mf fucb i% my tijuwiazamctesgifw M + m;...;. 4 V fin mozknf mzaining; am we fuzzfilua ev%tobeuturew ant! Wrticipams; V C 574) tijeicfybe {Mo he cnutzcihutnm in pgnpnztionhpn; tIJet:I)is iLanbs,tWctlof tbefattn Jfmztv am tifimm fanntuctefi fi0z*fI1I1l311* tljmnf ; Aatmitlcafti any Del’?-:= fecscncc attfeabouti%{%tbz fettmgout any £11611 Vabbm.-3 tum, ozvwvflztinningoffatififactionaitbz mans V mt£5i:mat4shereafter namen,nza1w tip 0; mozcnf tbem,%at:e ljmzebpautbmiscnmtnm*equitentobeat » an“nBztemu'nc mutants: mun mcbperfon oz. pm.- [fonts anbenturiugas afcnpfaib, mall not pay, ogbe A cn11;ttibutnz1a"to IMP anpmozzftmn ffatnfnm nffifty , ajiliiugs anztute, %fog oztonoatns the Doing of the faiu mmk uf @2Dzatm'ng;pet mmtt1Je1ef5,zbct:p fact) pattern oz pcrfmwfn anhEtt1i;%m nfwzainingmz amrpavt tbmf, maftevltbefainmogk V‘ a ‘ banana, 11)a11 aimawsaftetmavns‘fbztljcquantitg of bifiann tI)ei1:%tDm,tItutz, be1iab1eauh~equa11p rcottttibutozmaccnzningtohis am) tbeit pwfnvztion, manh Ibitijmc tztmue oft1)¢fat'n31ainct1¢ fine tb mg £amzmcces,n;.agw part tn evzof, fog arm tomavns ‘t1)etepaits,mamtcnancz ann ¢hecpmg of tbz¢fatn moms of mzafining: mm mimcas by a imam oz mccvee of ,€=.>cmet£, ,mane% tame amnctcentb «peas 4 of wt fiatgu%of% fitting" James, wne ijunimn atm twenty ttjoufanbzicres mas necmn to he; gtfmn A wfnzthz czozaining of the rain £9321 5 iaubmbmas 13 A i fat’?! 1311315 %Ch3I13» A 15131’ fwlm t1J0lWflfl%DA “ A % f T§,,1nV¢§-,- 03393333 330139 ‘U9f3iD4.A.T3W1mP~ 5933:1100: mg 1” “Wit am.“ no: anwntmtnnttou of an0t1J¢v?LamADz 4 int!) parnftbcfiaign DE m w v. . » 1 :1‘ 4» 525,: ‘M V A. 2. W‘ ‘ .?"~‘§r"“,‘ “ my ‘ 1', ~““n-‘.. 9 R, A $2 um£untI)zr¢macten, 1) £ain¢*“tmu "£262 arms of efizm 5 aaatmom Dj¢11wtefo4;tI)¢bcNullabninAaunnffiAn0ug ¢fi¢ct,Atoa11 intmtz arm putpafesmbatfocnzn ¢2£5niqtu19zwiw,t i ¢I?¢tIW5W130¢¢I1A tbtfilfihwwmfi W3 WW Iht mngzn £0 % mctcc&n£%9»cmer5,maDc at; cvmmzte alto hcctzkcn tub egibcn fuztijc W11 jaom to“ tijcema themImt1:epn:a1>%tmt % Vintcnhmtohzgiben fez; the; M - A fiiilautfia’ ($75) eeeeme, thew i‘eee’ee emu Mfigeee. Qieee that fleee“ neeemeeee eeeeeeeeehee€eee:~eeep enjiemhhese ef eeghe tn them heme eeeee heeehhee mmeeee, fiheee ehe fainwilliémm whee ee” Bedford, Zehheeemeeee mm ewe: ticipeute, eheee heeee’ we ffzgeee, ee fie enemy of them M mm, ee eeeeee ehe ’£heeee'eep ‘ feeeeeegeheneet ~ afteethe peeeseeeg efehee eat, he ehe Qhehme Temple’ W aeeu Londqn , gazm theee chemfe ca ‘meeheeeehaieen meek; arm mithiee ehzeemeeeeehe eeeeeieehe hefmeg of thhee’ met, came to he ezeeeee he the em mew he the efezefetn zeoee, the efiemeeea mm peeeeemee fiahaeee of each mbenetaeeev, aeaeticepmee, we ieeee A nemfigeeee ef any fihheeeeeeeee oz aheeempeme he ehe V tam amheep fine eheufemn %eree= men that em tfienbepetece heeeafeetto he melee, eitheehp the {em 5W/illiem earl of Bedford, Edward "kuffcl, eRobcrt Hen- 1ey,em1JRoberc Came, men thet’t:ieee'e5,e'ee hmfuemce oi the afnzefain tmfi, oz etheemefe, 0; any hflegne meat, fieafe, (meme 0; atonbeyancehy heme mhene meet: 02 1Beeticipattt,e their ieeieshne mffigne, of any ofthe fail: ,-flemetp fine thoufann meme, 02 any thing gewheege upottne mitnf the efame, flmtlhebalin, uznfefnzcemntttfuchweignmeut, ?Leafe,®eeme,u; otthepemce’ 2, ethaege mauve enteen in theezeene with ti)e'fm'Dr>Q£1¢tk fezthe timeeheing,h ca; flneolien mehe astzefimmgmffijis mg. %m we %A%§Jm’;c;, mm mi M133: flfiimsatm wéwémm WE aii mm; mmp; ma mi'%gmta’m mmmm m mfimia we ygmafiimg ipc,~ am mtmyremmw m be awmmg mm zmifimmg m am am uzagmm ma g1mmi5m mam: im*ei.w fizmmm I mm fimamm by Em Qimsfigmm? afmgaméfi "mm: Wmiam Lenthalfims /%@m;i£%a'a: we %2%m%§&a%am*:aafi:j fiija%§£mD immv, flaw fitmumim, mg mg mafiag mfigmmt mg ,mzumx€§“mum:s3 M the mmfi :;‘%aaifi% ¢ Eng%1:3;11dW?/H398“ téntzmtmfia may we %%§amgw mf km ‘« mwatzmmfiy mm mmfiguu aaimsp swim flfiwauw fiif tmcfimm W efliimjmmm rm tmmm éhmasg, Philip V wmi mf Pcnubrgiie mm Mwntgwmery, 4Wii1iam fifiwimf S2i1i:bury,EdWard iwzh H¢Qward2m.m“a mf Efcrick, aw ‘jmhn Danvem ifitfiigfififl @313 ]ohnB1irgoync%m'g§)€, john Boufchier ?93lm:@fi}£, Thoma3Vwa1fi~ngham ggmgm 3 M@1‘c%Na;tyban1e1- Barna4rd1fl'un ifiniijt 54‘ Gilbert Pickering zmuybgtaxm215mm,@&mDuazey ‘North i3m'gDt,””% fiitflhfl T1-‘CVOIC ififlifiijffi, ¢% $3}? Peter: M Wentw%ort:11iE§niQm7DfflJ3A%3tU,%dA%%W* John Evelyn fif V Wilté Emighs, 31:: Henry’ Mildma4yA %1fu'g{)t _., Q1iv§cni~ Cromwcl ?;I'£lEt£%fl&flt;05€I1W&i, Hcnjylrctdn £flflI':." miflat[?®€flBta.L Robcrt¢Rcyno1ds4<®fq; Miles Coxbet: Wm; Nafthanjicl Bacflnfifq; Johri M:1yna1“d’: (Em; Henry; Fmlrlay 6m;>RQbert Brcwflcr mg; John ACr;emr mg; Jam. Tmnchard M; John V Palmer Qmmg, A JobnfioodwyndtifrtsMi0n¢1ValéntinfiWanton»TIT-flbot ‘Pepys fifq; Alexander4R~igbY*®fq;]ohndG 0ui§x*%Vdon rfifq,-, V i11iam‘Le1nan¢@‘fq5Thomas Toll fifqg Fra.nci%s% Bacoii @f(‘b7iNich01asLox7eQfim; Luke Robinfon @m;%Rich4%datd Cmffiwcll mq;