E A RDE?AN 3, 0%? O jg A N D . . ere» J m DECLAKATION § §Ofthe Lon D 5 and L} o M M o N ’ .2 h Aflembled in Parliament, 12%: That the Lord Major and Citizens ' . ofthe City of London,fo1‘ the better fecuring :.,}(¢ ,. and fafety thereof, {hall havefull power énd autho- >3-Go — rm, according to their difcretion, to trench , Prop , and 33% for-tifie all high-w aies leading into the (aid C§ty,as well ¢‘§,@.. within the Liberties,as without.as they (hall fee caufe.And for the better eflefiin thereof,{hall impofe upon all the Inha-» . % , bitants within t e fame, upon every houfe worth 5 l. a §-(33 fare fix pence,and every houfe of greater rent after the rate of two pence in the pound. I = A1 0, an Ordinance of both Zhoufes for an Afleffement to be made in the fevera1lParifhes of ' England for the relief: ofmaymed Sou1dicrs,Widdows, ' and Fatherlefle childrcho Die Martis, 7rMartii. 1542. o 5 . grderedeby the Lord: and Common: Aflémlvled in Par- " 3: hamen.t,tb4t theft two Oidinancerflial befortbzvit/Jprinted v . ed! ' h P W’ ‘Io.Br.owne Cler. Parliamentorum. 4 9 LON-DON, $- 3 :' $$$"$$’t3'$$$3?$$‘$%%%%‘6$$$%$$$?$'$‘$%5 2 , n 0 , 44:4 _, _ - ~ ~ . A 90- f+* Printed for I.Wrz’gI2t in the Old Ba1ley,Marcb 8. 164.2. g , . 3 7 J 1,1: - - «/ ‘/-I///"'/:,.,r .- @ is this map nzumn ma ,5; in aaarliazmnt, «mat the ibozn waging, mm @z’¢u?§ms % ‘Of the éitttp flf London, fag tbs batten: muting am Iafétpinf mt 7g($it?5 . %itbf1;vU§s §3?&l3ll'a¢ j Vmnt,mpafxvsfiminfier anfiimougij gf.souch~mke,.ma11balm power! to want) %annuupsa1trucI; mt) maiefi , ems» mates Mlzaningintn the {am £1'tp,as mm ‘jwtbin asmttljmit tI3ziLti:ectics,a«s Em? mall in flj£iLDz7J5 ants tfinmtnmws % caufcs‘%tnnfi)a1la1m mm fuii gamer mm caittljozitzp acmzmng to tisezis §mifs;cztien:%, to .fmt1'£1'e i@;itIt‘t?8t1t1)Lt;I)£13lii{£Y»§ afozefaaumith fut!) ont¢mozB25,%zekiu raci3%p¢1aces afi rim? that tljtnk‘ meet amt fog ijtsann :i)z~:’sfm¢% tljcmmz emu mtitemtexo saint: all 22 aw %%mz3; ;mzpt1tp¢¥L%tzu'tenant§ fiufitws mi tm <2) %%i$§£}£,2%5 aéiEi5‘5 , flmfiabizg , mm Max axymmw, ®fiF:cm+3, 4 mm ufigev %9u'5$‘g;a§e¢ W « {ms wmng it hams in us azmm ann*&fli¢ {mag , as may mm aufimerIl)2zua1travg< 1 ~ astbm pmii. mm t't1’5 fuctljczsmetm, ‘ 1thattijewsputzwiiizatenants, mm gum; M :25 ofaaeawfozttjz flaunt? nfMidd1efex, am: Surrey, (flitpnfVV’ei’cmin{iea-,-&t!Bfin: Eflilgb flf S outhwarke, 02 ml? of them within tbeit: fwccaiil aganatciw awe iimtts wail ham poms: ta mun tbs ‘jiynljabttantg minAj‘Ia1'n rtmncbzs am: 3fo2tificatinns%,‘ arm mm eat the libs tticsauf tljefain mtg, tomarns the. that gas of fo,z.ttfgr1'ttg4tl,’1e Iainmatesaz , aifozefaro gapon sharp Gianni: that than be Iztfoz, as may bzbalmnmoztlj fthcmtmn 7p€1‘ mm , fix pmce : am: fog may {Bum ‘of mate: tent aftet the pzopnmmtnftmn mmzin the Qganb, that the Fiitcuant arm: 9 rain ‘iaoufc int!) if he boinit ataiflatrhm Aunt, 02 at!) mntfe, aim the rate [am unsure mall be ha1mw to be moan: inijict) Qlfizffetnentflaal be foztigmtfi) A mm cnuecm in alitbzawcifltcmfizwvuus, ant: imbmies afomam , arm%pammt1jc @€€flé.. 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Vm bepain bpttjz rain muant oz fjtnbame taut mum homes are inbabitemmbo is to A name: the {am uatofms next mm papa T %A%ab1’2Jta tI)cZLanMozus,ifit be a cackdaent, am: by tljz‘ iL.anDdozD§'mbm mares wax Qflann elnptp man it is factljzc nznmu, % mbzxzas the ‘caoamnonamznteil of Lemma, ‘bans In tl):’5¥;t£tm of imminent nangzc patfeb an 21:: fog tun foztifpmg of ‘ttjmtttp BfLondo11aflD.Dt!)WD13C$§ ablbt *mentmmn;f3l%n pacfaau%cembsv¢0faadcn;Eometmallaseliefeo *jfozA4tIJ2it“m.e; a-fiat £abfi?@mVc;;hmfin@m9 rmtt;at~:eurrmnmr1:e e;1u:aAann{eaminuma2?ftiwamttbwt Wvr‘w9u= % ‘fi21ii‘%eTg1‘c’:’sT,‘“Lt%‘19’l:»iiJ1z~I111‘utx§‘§!) fit 3 arm use Web? flliialne, . 4 ‘thatitteiigvpfiaatiflfBlftljitftlsz 1ktngnom‘af En gland, moerémaamé fuel)spizrIon§‘:eitt;2r,nni1:3‘mapznsag% ag £.aine,:L§:n1al1imI1vcbit¢*ufqzzttmtz .§°m9£[f:oztia'to%;cDe afoazatatb fferbice ,_ Qablli F7fl.'1€¢.'iI».;9f9i§11W:W3W flgaeaew of ' L (5) v%mtnevb2wa2ot‘%alt€fieI1et3tuiitnfbti:ma3iitanisnr% j*tbe.(39ttD'f2bfe€RIlQBBIICM5, fng“tbe:r2lte£eL of Atbe-fa%n?% % ma19meb:£fi%ulli§¢tfi’,f ’ij1lf1;?3?tB‘%¢¥Y§i'tIiIijo1b5, étigb fa.t1)£t!e3Z'ei sbtlmen ,o%fv-LID? fall? ~fiflPflB mtnnfi . % i am: that we ¢bturi:bt3éati3%etis;%¢ouéctogafioztbzpnizé;¢%ou"flafiIe%§;% diEptbingm1cn;$9g~anpttuo of ;f£}emf~it1Jit§)izi?"atiii we ‘ ‘ Cain £ehetall‘»1Baft1fi;e2;T%[1)‘aIl fbgreby T331324 3iJDmi‘t';&1gt?,D7 autbuzitpta atfefte, leiap animtlctt {s'—miz:ct;% %'e‘%s;’)i3’1f1%‘jf&ei% metal!aynbabttanwaufigitbtévé‘£¢fi?taIW9ariflj%zé£8 as tbté iii 7tl)8'it'* EI3i'ftAB¢t‘:i€ii;i5’1 'i7l3"T«:fl7Wt-[1i‘I1v!i-*"c:‘i fiffil i1i€*t¢‘iTa7fJy% L to; the pehefe of ti): tam magn:eD§ouiBi£ts~, mm; bows, an!) fatlJerI.el'£z chunzen, % anv to mfigtr;-buts the fame apciozIli!.1g;;to the renewal! uesefiitiefi of tbefaia nu).-3: pzoApIe, anbmall once warp 2eefr:Z,atVi%1JT%3AA:fei:se.rall mfitI,a1:tet.=$effian5:.nolnen fog we watountpmgfog any afiaswgb o3;TrdEo»b;m—421:u@19u2a¥84%bae»1;al9>aHi>~%e%%i&+ one-,mb2ru'n any fucb Tagfeffemenut ogvcuuecttan ital he mane, tenor fa tbetwamcular mounts both} of their a a‘efIementfi; Collections ant: mtburtmentatbetr to be tBCu_2D8D5 zann ifauv mall mate to papaccoznmg to { the rain aireftementfio the rain afieffozfi (1)811 berth! babe pommo niftrainc tbwfimbs oz fibattels of all Curb patrons, as [ball to «refute f 03 the Iatisfamon of the Cairo affesfrment ants (hall We may cmifietbe namts to we Gommittée at the ianuie of fiommnns fox 2:: aminatgans, who lbalibahe power to rent foztbem: astmimquznts 5 am to tbeenb tlgatjtae bztepte" which mLapJbcenI1z»abaurenintI;e we pgutscutinn of tbifi flnntnanct may be 13391391193?» 3% is further here: by ogbatnen tbat all fun}; %onlmet:§ mbo babe bivetw mapmeb in the mhice of tine Qbatliammt afogrfaibg as alto aIl’mtb minnows: arm fatbetlelmiitmgsn, mam} A (6) mi;ot?~b:;fbzm*jDsanh- fathers hm hm fi&ynz—»ine§e< ’ mu fem'ice,ogIIja!l lie of any but: seamen imbe {mg mbicg a)a1lb3.tug~antotbe afazesmenttanea Ifeflogg aicmttficate annex tbebanb aftbe fiollonel, unmet the ham: af fume otbec Ofiummanuer, ugthe $13838 of we ism aftbat iacmmene mbetem the wt final- { niecg ayaapnc petfons Din mgmeriy £crhe,q£ the truth, % of that being 1%! men 0; name mtba tatI1_Eewtce,4 which than ten afiictmtmactaut F0: tbecaw Met: A {am to makeann levy (nib atterfetnmtfi. as afogeiaia, ‘ RARE DA 6 80 . G7 Imummtwiwifijfiifiqfifijfiigififlgwsumumumm University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes AnordinanceandDec1aration1642 1 June 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten marginaiia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. Derivatives - Access copy Compression Editing software Reso1ution Co1or Fi1e types Notes TIFF compressed with Lzw before conversion to JPEG Adobe Photoshop CS5 600 dpi Grayscaie and co1or avai1ab1e on request. JPEG Grayscaie pages canvassed, images brightened. Co1or pages cropped.