..,~‘, ‘, - _' . -_r ., .. . of . rilch ii o5i€idf¢«?>, ands? beefing 3rT13$1by' the;VVor;l< may be better improved 2+; ,_ , rréa takin _ie:”‘I;,§¢3;iflts‘f():3i-confininfg "themfelvyes,,%un1efs' ,,,the Subje€t= lhall require otherwife, fiionePariflrat a,,Time, and diftinguiihing always betwixt Matter of an'dTra_dition. will any, i it is to be hoped, omit Irairfiorgaations as; lhalloccufr to their.’ Thoughts, - upon Prefumption, ] they c3.fi“:,.b‘é“i¢ff 1ittle"Uffe to, the Publick, or becaufe. they have not Leifure i ’ jofWriteisdtfirzriitiheierl‘Obferratiions for regular} as they ‘defire, or becaufe 0 1'3 ‘\ \ xx, .,._ ‘;_‘_‘(, xi" ‘ V ifigenificant yrnaiy‘-aft«er;;;gard’s, aupontlioime Application unthought of, appear 2 angry ufefu1;,.rand% a’iréigt1lar' and,,i‘cén1pl.eat Aciiount of Things is not here fo r y mmh expefied as fhort Mam,-mars and fome Directions in order for a further \* Inquiry. ' ;Each'.“Perfo,n~’s Nannie whoyuifhall fend in any fuch Inforniation will M“. d ..»*- “xaf be mentione’d, } ‘if not diefiridiotao tlggiicontrary. qt‘ "' I 3, , “r 1* n i 21 ii wgz‘ * ‘l 4 V‘-‘.L.~., 1-.’.~ ;. . it?-he ,Prono,uonciai‘tio”nand the oldefi: Records, (which / :w~émld~alfo,ebee proper. asto all other Places whatfoever) and whenceitis .f@7. " * thought to be dj€YliVi€d_ 3, AH0 ‘Yllether 3 Town-Corporate, orilVil.l,‘,,‘.Ei? V r i r i . ~< L r_t,Wihata Riding, "‘Weapontake or Hundred fituated ? Inwhat Biihop- ;.=‘e’siiti7,a;‘rii’lDeanry or Archdeaconry ? How bounded? Of what Extent, and _ giiiniber of Houfes, Inhabitants,_Teari1s of Cattle for Plow or Carriage, {<51-, tiwhat Saintlthe Church is ‘dedicated; and whether a Parfonage, Vicarage, " ?ioiW”hether tl1e?;j;Ei*Ving has had the Q1een’s Bounty, and in what W110 the Patron i’Si,?’To, whom the Tithes belong? 'In $vhat.Mano1- or ;"rdlhip,.fi,tuated, iand,to5{whomtl1e%Manbr belongs? And on what Side th€Rivei‘, H311 or. Valé‘xfitu'atcd? , ~ An Eniririerationy~and\br:ef,Dhfiriptiontofthe Tbwns, Villages, odd H0‘\,1l‘€S’,* Hamlets, Caltles, ?FC5ItS,' ,M0IT&f’terres, Chapels of Eafe, Sine.Cu1~es, "f-{.4 F;re_e~lSchools,_rlHofprtals, " A »~'.,,.2" - ' la» 1* , ' » A - v u _ c ;»«5&‘»« \ 5 Witl1in,,;txl1"C Pfififlil, ,f§ith€T TUiU0l15‘>t;entire; or whofe Nan1e3 are .,;;,,_p,r»g;_ferved 5 V] hen and by whom each xv'aswF\(;\11,r3d,ed,, endow’d, or, re- gtififmemioralgiefoazi Battles, Bgrtihs, Deaths or lnterments of great Perilous ’ "93:; ,"'.‘ _ V i 0 V1“; , ~ ‘ , errts, Cb't1l:YC_ilS,,Sj,7nQCl5;‘@}DC‘. and 111 what jurrgdjfi §fiafiic%:1 a?r1d'Ci‘W'1 ? .\. being nec,ellary bythe bell-judlges injpthefe: eSt':udies,, i i 2 _;to=' Print A therfollowing (EIERIES, in "order to know i to. h,o:pe , the G,e?ntl_ernen and Clergy, who: e 3; th1erefori”e'to‘,fuchiasare defirous of promoting fuch an Under"-A .‘?is,-’Ehat to each iaflzgezjr, they will pleafegto Write down their Re- 4 cannot a3fi‘fw~¢r emy" aflrgerj , feeing that what wefornetimes judge in-_-, M ‘W ..- ixges, and all publiclc Buildings ; San<5’tuarres,,or_rl’laces of Refuge, Commonly call’d ??‘#'%:2*é/531,5] A7)’/4665,? eacli a is, V. .('.‘ “L, ' '2' _»,. $3‘ * I ‘hr ‘A u 1* .- _: ._ ,3 V °" *4\"z_ AV‘- E Q V. Seats of the Gentry ; , rvith the. Dimenfions of th Arms, Defcent, and whence theyicame ? VI. An Account of the Names and Places of Abode ofxall thofe :- who have Freeholds ifi“thce*Pariih. ” t . VII. Rama” Ways, Pavements, Stove_s, or any Uinsder-groundogworlesi, ‘ Camps or lntrenchrnents, Croffes, Beacons, Stones fixed, and =,,what» Names called, and on what. Occafion placed. - i « C VIII. The old lnfcriptions in- the Parifh, whether in the Church ‘or elfe- where, and an Account of all.Monuments and Monumental_Infcri,p§jQnrs asalfo of the Coats of Arms, whether in the Windows, on the Wang, 0; elfewhere. , ' _ __ T , p , e IX. Old Armour, Urns, Lamps, Tagterw, Fiéztlze, or any other Utenfils, Coins, Annulets, Chains, Bracelets, , Rings, Seals, Choice Pié’rures,,Bufts, Statues, 639°C. and by what Mailers ? Where and when found in whofe _ Poffefiion at prefent ? A M _ X. Manufcripts, of what Subjeét, and in what Language; in whof: Hands, and whether Originals, ancient or late Copies ? XI. The ames of the moi’: remarkable Mountains,’ Rocks, Parks, Woods, Commons, Warrens, Mines of any Kind, 66¢. Together with the Names of any other Places, not comprehended under. thefe Qreries, as feem fo ob— . . fcure as to be fcarce, if at all intelligible 5 Wlth brief Defcriptions of them, and Conjeétures of their Signification. XII. The Names of an the Rivers and Rivulets in the Parilh, drain. a guiihing always betwixt thofe that rife or are difcharged in it, and fuch as pafs thro’ it, or conititute its Bounds ; together with their remarkable ‘Ca- taraéts or Waterfals, where they afford any 5 and whether they run Eafi, Wen, E64‘. y , XIII. Names of Lakes and remarkable Springs, and Whether any Thing be noted in them extraordinary. i e ' i XIV. The Cufioms and peculiar Games and Feafts among the Vulgar of the Parifh, Hundred, or Riding, on what Days they are kept: Together with the V lgar Errors or Traditions : And on what Days the Marts, Fairs iand Markets are kept, and what are the chief Things then and there to be old ? ~ XV. The particular Cuftoms of the Manor, and Manor Courts, what Places have Dt:t:u uupralrscu U1 uroruieneo. : . XVI. VVhat Sort of M-anufaétures are made ? What Number andiBulle of Shipping, and whither they chiefly trafiiclq, and what Sort of Commo- dities they carrv, both as to Exports and Imports? . XVII. What Words, Phrafes, or Variation Of Dialeaa feem peculiar to any Part of the Country? W’hat Names of Men and Women uncomrnofn? JLU E R I E S to-wards t/26 Nzztuml Hiflory of Yorldhire. XVHI. Vifhether the Parilh be generally Corn Ground or Pafiure? Whe. they in open Fields or Inclofure ? What Commons or Moors are in the Pt- yifh? About what (hrantity of each Sort of Land? Colour of the Soil? Whether very fertile, barren or indifferent? Mountainous or Champidr C Ground? Vxfoody, Heathy, Rocky.» Sandy» Graveflya Clay-Ground, or. what Woods, their Names, Extent,’ and what Sort of Timber they chiefly ‘ confifitof, and whether tall Trees or low and crooked ? What O\uantity oi ‘ Field Land or Commons have been inclofed within the Memory oflMan. XIX. The Sorts of Grain {own in the Pariih, and the CenTp”Ofis l1fC(l', with any ufeful Obfervations in Husbandry, and a. Computation of the Number ofCattle, Horas, Sheep, Hess, 656- s'cnera11y_br€d1"n.1f- ~ XX. The oeneral Statc of Health: ‘Whether the Parrfh 01‘ Hundred be fubjeft to 311;) particular Difeafes, and at what Time of the Year they hap- pen gm, and What Caufes they are fuppoled to fpring from ? i./Vhat Number". g . of ancient Men and Women, with their Years? V/Vhfither the Inhabitants’ e ifeem _ 4 isaibeiie Apartmhts and Galleries 5 the Names and Qzalrty of the gprefent .Proprieto;"s, T and their B ._ 6 _ «- 4«—~—«—--—-.—‘.....-..._.; 1 - ‘_ . ,2’ W ' "wfii _ , _ _ . N W ..__...%,.,_....l-...._,_._ c.,_.,..a.._._. . . ._ r c .5 r . W’ ‘ > ~. V ..»... = = <4“ . -.—,....,.. ; ,5 u » ,:g_'., V r z'i,j _ _ . , '1' V ’ ' I ;.)w;' V, p p , , ; V , » - E - . V . Q S to idiiiera!;,;a11“iin their Diet from thofeltathat live elfewhere ; and what toHealth andr.Sicl~:nels are afcribed to the Air of the Place E’ ’ Obfervations on the Stature and Complexion of the Inhabitants in gee.-ra~1 gmwith fuch Exceptions as occur. Inltances of the Strength or Acti- Vityof‘ particular Menwell attefled, with all the Circumfiances requifite. ,AnEtipathi"es of fome Perfons to feveral Sorts of Meats, Drink, 66¢. Mon- ..ftr"ous‘iBirths, whetherhuman or brutal; any remarkable Number of Child dren at a Birth»? “ r r X ’ ;”XXII. Obfervations relating toCattle, I-Iorfes, Shcep,orother Animals; ’ alfo their general Magnitude, Shape, Colours, good or bad Qralities : The rrlifeafes theygare fubjefit to, whether owingto Contagion, or the Unwholea « tfornnefs of their Pafiure or Water ? ‘Alto what Inconveniences they are liable to, in the léveral Seafons of the Year, in both Hills and Vallies. - XXEII. A Regifter of the Weather for “the Space of one Year at lealt, kept by one or two Perfons or more, would be of confiderable Ufe: With Obfervations on the Figures of Snow and I-Iail : The Time it generally be- gins to fnow on our highelt Hills, and when itldefifls, with any other curi— ous Remarks on .Meteors. X XXIV. Obfervations concerning Tides, Eddies, and Whirlpools; ‘Form and Confiltencc of the Shore or Maritime Land, and what Influence the Sea hasupon it, what Tokens of"Woods or Buildings gain’d by the Sea? XXV. An Account of the Subterraneous and Diving Rivers; and of fuch as -are totally abforbed, or ‘no where diftinguilhable afterwards; alfo of fudden Eruptions of Water, and Periodical Streams : A Computation of the Number of Springs in the Parifh, and whether they be weak or Prrong? How near the Tops of the Hills they are ? or in the Vallies. Any Foun- tains that ebb and flow? V\7aterslthat petrify or incrultate Wood, Mofs, Leaves, fie. Medicinal Springs of Vfaters of unufi1alTafle, Smell, or Co- lour, orremarkable for their Weight or ringing the Stone or Earth in their Courfe. XXVI. Particular Information of all ‘Places where there are any Caves, Mines, Coal-Works, of what Sorts, (hurries, Stone-Pits, .Marl-Pits, or in Short, where Labourers dig upon any Occafion whatever. XXVII. If fuch Places afford any uncommon Oars, Earths, or other Minerals; Stones refembling Sea-Shells, Teeth or Bones of Fillies, Crabs- Claws, Corals. and Leaves of7Plants, or in Brief, anyn1SC f“"“‘~~-»OI_,,,Otl]€1‘ . 7 3 . ‘];_‘?\,l_.‘_‘._, ,.,.g__.,.,_.,.. ,...,,i.,. ,__,l_.,.-,.,,.....___._,.,._...a_......~~..;~a-sv~ee.i..~'2i15 “ lIJ\./LID LI]. defihw ta‘ be fent if not too ponderous or bulky. ‘Such as have made Botany their Study, are requelted to communicate tl1€l1‘ Obfervations on the Plants, or at leafl, their molt rare and-uncommon Sorts, and to direét where they are to be found, as alfo their Virtues, if known. — XXVll1.Whether any Perfon has obferved the various Sorts of Sea-Shells, Sea-Eggs, Sea-Spiders, Stars, Buttons, Sponges, Urticae, ZSCC. or have made Remarks on Land-Infeéts , Specimens of all Sea-Shells catched on the Sea Shore, are defir’d to be fent, in order to Clafs them in their proper Places. ‘ XXIX. Information is defired from thofe who have been molt converfant» in Filhing, what Sorts of Fiih their Waters afford, and of thofe which are rar- efi, or haunt thofe Places molt feldom? What Variety of Colours and Shape they have obferved in the fame Species ? With Baits ufed for each, and‘ when in Seafon? What Sorts are rfolitary, and which keep together in Shoals? What Sorts are catched on the Sea““Coafis,_ and when in Seafon? What they havg Qbferved, as to their Feeding, Spawning, and Change of Names accord- ing to their Age; and by what Token they know fuch, to be the fame Species? _Alfo the jaws, and form? 0f the V97‘f(3/2102 of the rarelt are defir’d; in order to compare them with the Follil Bones abovementioned. XXX. By what is propofed of Infefits and Fifhes; the Reader will judge what fort of Information will be acceptable, relating to Birds and Chladru-« peds. S ’ , T .._.Ia$.:& ;~’s:H';j;‘ ““'?Fh,>nzM«51faFn:ix..».v1<1mI1'.:~ar. >.£)u::z!-mwu . , K;-.. W *~~.,. . .;j.,_ am )1".-. QE. ELLSPC nnnn An DA690.Y6 Q8 1700 mini Iljflleljflllllllll 01 06251