sco T T I 5 I-1 OFTHE% A V A c‘%QMAMIss1oN EIRS Againfl C A NT E. 3. B-Lm r E and thc Lie-vctcnant 6.DfyI1?.E- 1. A :3 1).. A ——..._...._ , ..—p-an Together with their Demand con» wcernirngthc Sixt Articlcofchc Treaty; hercuhto is added A the Parliarncnts Rtfolutioré _4 about the Propogtion ofthg Scdttifhi chargcfi , A “ and the Scott1fl1¢ACoxmr1~1fIioncrs thank» % full aczccpiance thereof. ‘.'I'/7: Lord :3 Imam»: 5)» 35¢» Iqdgeg:vcn~t which he axe: $% 4 cm:/2. T12: wicked ufmzred zntlzc warke: 49' km A _ A mvmr £mmd.r.% A A 4 V ~v~wnnwwII*IIIV“"'"‘% A Londoxi,4Pri,ntcd for Nqik/2. Butter. 1641» r , 5 )3” ' ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ - ‘- V . ~ m~ M I H ‘ ‘ ‘ c - " “ v" - . r ' ' V 1.. ::. ~ «"-_.::»' _ ' oi . ‘~ r".."' -> '- " s" “W, * ‘ ,\ ' “.'«:‘,:v~ . u . , fin- . » ,, '" 11+, * ‘gm-3'.’ ' ‘ .' F g‘ 3.‘ ‘ 1‘ “ ' ' 1 -.‘ . ' ‘ ‘- ‘Z5’ " ‘ “ ‘ ' "-1 ' "“..V" ‘ = ’. 3‘ N 9'," 2 ‘ "1 L‘ W ' The Charge Qfthc Scottif}‘15Cmn--_ m2iTs1o%nersagain{‘c the Frame A = GFC ,4 N T‘ E RB 1.13, V ' _ ovations in Rcligiom whiclh .2%:rWa:?ufi§mI AA A W %ve'1:I‘ally“; ~ac/knowlcdgéd» to hm the * ; %maimn gau{¢_oEcm1nano%uons irxKing-- ~ _,‘ =4 5 cp Em thléé true Cami: ofcmr pmfcnt A A‘ % tr«oL1blcs,V"wcrem:my and great ,bc-- fidc: At!‘ *bcmk::.;s% of Ordination, and Hmnmiiicé , \ x_.;~~»S[0nm ‘pm:ticu3ar 'a1terfatic;ns in mattczrs Q§.;qRx:;1i« gimp, pxeffcdAupumaswitlmut cardcr , and Nagaginfi,”‘ C0ntr}aryV ftfi’ film form: c;ftablifl1cd;&in‘®ur Kirk. 2.. A new banks of Camus and C9rsfi»it,1'1- rions~Ecc1afiafiicallA. 3., VA Liturgic or‘bookec;E Cutte makc way fotr..A1zar§, and 3.- doration towards‘thc Eafl %, other I acvills , madam fmal1noiic ,5and diflurbancc £1-v' fimongflthc p:o§1c,Wdc4prisIedh¢rcby., of thcir or-5 dimary a.ccogmmod“ation'€ox pub1§uguw:orAfl1i I The fccond Novatien which ‘troubled cmrA watt.» W65 a b~9k° '0“? A. 3 % 9% moms , 3 fld”CQI1fi1:fllti-f mih;s‘“Ecfi‘cl€£ia£*i§ca1?'l,ébtrudcdh A by our gcncxall affcmbly to be: dcv'i~f~c fem ¢1’cabl:i«‘ ' am am‘ Kirk, fout1’d& flaiag a tyrannica1~lApo‘Vwcr, in t11cVperIonsfAafA Qtnf Prelatcs, ever the wmzflzip 0F*G0d, 0V}2:frAl:h“’E cbrx-t rcienccs,%1ibg:rziAAes, andg*oeVésAA¢fth“e 1’v’A¢<:"%I>1e*A; am for abolifliing Attic Wh®“l5:di’f2IipfiflCf5 ai.£:i't:?Lgt3veArf-mL Amen: ofour Kirk , by grzncralland %pras»;vin«:ial1Jzr*f— .4 ffimblftiffi,‘ Pr:sbyt§ties;&ahd~~Kirk’icfi0ns, ‘which was fetlcfd by %1aw,~”and comma-1311 pgaétzie the fime‘ afréform atiozigthat Cantcrbu::yAj4wvcs?’Ma[$ J Paar ofthis wrkc,is>man%i,fe£2%;- A A By a beak ci o£V;,C?a;nons% {cm £6 him, i7{vritfcn‘fL-1A on thcffoné‘ fidtfihély, A with Vf’fieA0t1*ré¢*’l*WvA fiedfi tfilaidlcag. % for Vcarrcétimns, adciiggims, and putting at! ir1"ébcft~t*f.‘ order, athis p!caii:r‘e._.; ‘w*}':1ic“h ac4c;d»réing¥3r*wc*$ done; asmay 2*zp;pcarc by imvsrlinings, g13%:£:'gi;3§1%:{$§ and ffiuhjgg A 4 A p of the; b1ankc:‘pz£gc wi$h~A»tfiiré'r(5:n§ {cm om:wpre1a”ee§%*:; and £h*af”it fix) other than [Cai1f%:rUxbury'?4 isAh¢§iid§¢»tM1t* bwiig rizzifl wziy of %pr"eft*ribi‘:a, byg“ Anew ccipy? pf theft Camus , % :§z!lév%ri‘t%:.‘t*ziA wizfai’ Em V Ammz?» ownc,v%prAcci¢£eIyto sea Icitrfcr, acccrding tab the former cafligéations; “V {cat b”zqkcfor*Apracu%1'ing :11‘: Kings Warran%t"AufitQ it ’,, A. Whiéfi j‘acc©rding_Iy Ttfivdfk iobtainéd 5 but with an zzdditifin of forheother Caltimzs , anda wpcier offome; othc4rc0ri*e6fi0vI§‘%§":.* A According‘ to which £1324: % Bo;A031<é of Canoné iékus V compafcd gwes pub; AA * iifl1¢di%n‘p;inr,fh¢ififpcéiicafi of the: bc;»okcs“_., infltufiiensg’ famd his letters of jay’ , forth: fiicc».-:*fl‘e e3ft1j’c:*wvork:‘; Aancz‘omhcrs A Ecttcrs csa % M.“ - “$Ef.fiffS**0ft%1%;:i¢ 3' «v “ of Londm; éaandthc=~ Stc%rIing&,toMthcfamepurpofcaallwhich, Q wcamrcadytocxhibite , willpuc that mat’-A A Ten? mltwfalldebact. 1 M Bcfidc this gc.n<:ral1,ther¢.be {meme wings m0re%Fp<>aia£ixs.*or:hy to be adverr:c c1._unto.,. A for difccavcring his fpiz*i5t«.. ’ I; The 4. A Cazw‘n of"Cap.8. for as much as fiomfor- Asn-axiom in Doétfinc, or iiciplinc can be made gpcxfcét at,m%1cc%in any Church 5 there» fore it 111.311, and “may1Xbc4:la_;wfu1i4~fmr the Chmfch 0f'Scq:1arad; atany»tim*eto make rg. &m0flfiiTZ¥.fl¢€t0 tgds M. or hiswfuicccffors , fire; 4FBscaufe3«;~his [Canan,Im1datha¢;:hc d001‘€ Q5‘ ‘mate morcinnovationsA, he wripeth m:h¢ Prcslatc _f Raff: his privy Agent‘, inall this N we~rkcgof his grégaft glgdneflhghat this %Cano:z1 ;did fimd éelzmd t1JeCarz»z£é¢e,an61 his gtcat dc» A fir: th:mhLi5A;Canon may éeprimtedfiafiy gram “zi;9azm zwsmée mg/5 ufzfiz!/. Secondly, ch:cAti:1e ‘A ‘ A: ptcfixéd to jthtiifi .,C;;g nons¢ VbyAA:%our%APreIat%¢s. Cams %:3grc¢d%up~ooks:;proc€:c— dad not from aux Pxe:E;atc5,nm: 1-sA«t[obc*foun& M in thc copy {mt fitmn thasmfiaut aw. thundcr» bolt forgejd in Camxéazbmigs awn fire. 4.;Om:* Prclatcsin divers places; 1>s.rztn~;~ffe their dif- Iikc ofLPapifis.A~Minifler falbe: dcpofed if if hm: hm faund negligént to convent Pa- pifis. Chap..18. 15. The adoratian ofthfu “ Brcadisaiupzrfiwitiwontm bx c6*damned,Cap. _ 6.6.<;They cal} the abfwlumm-ccfiity A of 4 Bapxifmc an emu: of Pepc:y,Ghap..6.z. But ifi Cantcrburies ‘edition ,% the name ofP%apifis-and%~Fm1ts»,%Chanccls, reading of along V Leiturgie before Scrmon,4&c. "B11: Canter-‘ V buryis punétuall, and peremptory in all Vthcfm. 6; Although the words ofthc math CanonXChap.»3. hefairie, yct the wicRcd’ih}- ftcntionsofCant¢rbury and R013, may bcc: A {can in the poi»ntMof~ jufiificationi of a fi:nnem* bcforc Gbd, I;">ycompatiVn“g the Cann‘ as it saw from @111‘ Prclats, and as it was rctur- V V ned Afton‘! ‘ Canttrbury, and * printcd, our Rrclafés fay.~thuS%: £213‘ nmmfifl tfimt I5: pzrflitiw “of former ages: .6411: turned {ma « aj , A ; great % ('79 great prafmeme/fi:,’4u;z':i;,:: paagmi gig ‘gram «¢aZd,,far~%tée waflp4rt,z‘m‘ dfii_{7gm_y gwa3_tZi=z;1X:i2s;7' there :3‘ maplmyc %to;_gmm’ worker , ‘ am/a zzmymfléé %#xv/udcd/romjzgflzflcatim , Tlwrcfiresj /fig}? am? Minzflm, gar their 1texzgirvetb;wc.y%n, z:fi'ge~t:6: mcwizy afgm! wr/m, 45:19:} méuld be/gweeg .m2dr:r;zambrr ibatft/My are via régnj, Ma may in 166 lvifigdomc 0}‘ ‘begvvess, tlzaagé #0: (‘Quiz ffg. nan<«%i, bowéeit they be not the cwfe affizlvatiazé. mmld bnrue tlzé‘ Cam» msammindzng gmzmnée; tab: preached, and 229 memiw mméc mnévatplwcf #9:} mm oréxwe mat in jzyiéfibaziafi. Upon thismotion, fo agrccablcm Cmtt r-- ‘ bur§cs%mirm‘,thc Cam is fen down asitftm. dcrth wit-houtthc difiinéiion of; win‘ r:gm£,m: wzsfl regnfidé ,0 r any word ; founding 1:%hat W:1y, urging’ " imnaly ‘the =nccéfli;y of g'oo?dWm*2:s. 7. By comparing Can. 9. chap. 13.113 inv’as ;HereARois givcth his judgcmmt, Téuzt/J£.;e ‘ Ient in*wri:in;g tmnu our P r;~:1at“cs,T* andasit 4 A iswintfidatcmcrburics wmmmd may "b:talfo‘ma~riifef*%, A at toteflaa hilifla am*icu1£ir co‘nfe1fioa,and * PQpifl1 abb- lmion. A 8. om Pirclates were at acquain- vtcd with ACanons for infliéiirig 0%‘ arbitrary ‘%pen31tics~:Bufijn‘ Cantéerburflm ba01:,,whcrcA~ A fqevct there is*"z1c9;T“= p<:>na1“ty ‘ cx*p»r€fl‘c}vy A 13st A down,it is provided that it fliall” be arb»it:ra- . ry;as"thcOrdiuar2:fl1a14thinkfittcfi.Bypth;cfc % and many orhcrt : like, it is apparamr,~' wh2.t B V tyran-’ 1% §§a:annica}«1p.rJwer%he wczié aboii€.t'6 'cRa’!:olifi'ae“3 imhc handsofour Prclatsgqvcr the woxihi p, , &1hc fouls and goods of men‘, over»-turning % from the: faundatimgthc whole order o£.»out% ; Ki1‘Ir,. W115: fccdcsofllopcry hcadid {aw in A our Kirk ,_ and how. 7 laggc an cntry .hec.di,d» AA make for the groflbfilnovations afterward, ? which hath»be_¢n¢. af ma«inc caufa fof a11;."th‘cir V ! combufiion. A A The third and great Névaktiavn wcsAth-c . baoke ofCommon Pzjaycr, Ladminifiraticm ’ ofthc Sacraments, and othcrpartsi of divmc S:rvice4,"AbmughtAin w1thout.[%-warrant firom . our Kirk to be flnivcrfally rccaivcdgas the only form: of éivinc Sfirvice, under all’ highcftpaincs bathcivillmand Ecclcfiaflicallg A A which is found by. ~ot‘d»tA n%ationaIl,&afl}:.mbly, bcifidetheP@pifhfi'am»e;, _an.d.%foxmcs Vin; di... 1% ‘wine worihip, to contains many Popifl1'cr~ 4 IQIS, and ccrcmonie$,a._ndthc feeds ofmaw nifold and groflhfuparfiitions-,and idolatxjas A andsto be-rcVpwAg;nantA»Am the Doéhiine,% fibiplincfi, andordcr ofour reformation, to the c%onfcflEon of faith ,.% ~co1a(’ei~tutions.of’~gc+-~ mrall afI?:mb1i<:s,%fiandVA6t:s;of Parliammt, cfla bli.fl1ing».th¢ tum Rcligion : that: this allo C‘a'ntcxburics4 work: , Wccrm%akemgni.. % "A - Byj—;h4:..m:moir$, at;d%.ia&ru&inbnéL{ant inn.‘ M S , ~ ' A ;,o.. -ta our "Prclates « whet in they % :%L%&gaveaipébia1laccount ofthc: diligcncc may had»ufc£i, tédoe alfwhich hfltin theywc%m; eni<:ayncd§. by the approbation oftitéi ,$e:n?icc A :»~B00ke*fcnt to them 5 and ofall thimargia A nail corrc&xons,.[ whcrcinipvaricth %frem%thu Eng1ifl1Lb00kc;flwwimgthcir dcfircto ham ’ ‘iéfomc flaw things Achangcdm ix: , which=nof-l A , wichfiandingwcsmtgranted: This w¢ find . Vwritrm by?Saim: mm’ra:k"ownc hangd, am A filbfezibed»-Vbyhim , andninaaothcxof Que: ‘firclatcs. « ‘By Cantcrburics own: ietfiersgwiincffw of his joy, when thc bookwcs ready for thc%“~‘ _ zrpfcffg ofhis~praycrs4that" God would fpccd the W"eArkc,afhis- hpe to {ac “*thac1cx=vic¢: A for up in4Scotland.., * J ofiais*diligmcc to fcnd fofi thfi Printer, aad4dix:c6ting himmprcparc an prcffe. Of hisfxzare A % n%15~€f0f’€ Chi? Wm" mu ni mgand that u»ndcr»-fir: mam-:%o=E Mam-04 riallor O blation, fbr no Othcr end, but that “ zhejmcmoriallémd facrificc ofpraifc, gi1cAn%-4‘ % A A W B 3; .V - téxcm-:.*d§ A 6:13“ + tioméd in it, may bee undcrt‘toed awarding‘ to the Popifh meaning- Radar. dc ‘NW4; 1&6, A z.up. 21.A Not of the fpimuall w£acri- A Qficc, but of the ablation of the -bedy .V __ A. . " % J . It bee-»~»no\ great mattcg, that %1withoutAwattand of the A -book 1of.;EnglandL , th: Prcsbytcx: going fromAthc:Anorth undo? the Tablc,..fl1a1lV Rand during AIIA-m time £- ..confccration,at fucha pair: szzf the table, where he: may wi:h‘thc more gala aqd dc... ccncie uic both hands. 5 yet cbemg trrcd, ixnportcth much, as, that he... mufl fiandwith” . his hinder pains to the people, re prcfcntimg A (faith. Burma!) that which the? Lord {aid of A _—.mf::, ‘1_*£maA/baltfie my kimkrp4irt:.~ Be: A mull have: the uf: of both his hands, not for anything hghath tqdeg: about thc brc2d«and; wine; for that may be: done at the North end ofthc ablc,and bcc" bcttcr.Afccn J oftha A pcoyilc 5 but (as we are taught: by. the Rat~io«- A nalifisjthat ha mayby matching fourth "his a‘rmcstowrcprefcn~t the cxtcnfion of ~Chrifl onthcACrofl’c, and that hc?¢.ay themorc c0nvcnic;'mIy~Iifi:up the bread and win: a« _ how: his head tobc {can and adortd of the V H pcaplcgiwwho in the: Rubric}: of the general} €A<:anfcfl"Ion, alittlc before, arc dirccficd to kflcclhumbly 99§§?§§k‘¥?S3:th?EEh¢P1iic{t5 A 4 cu¢va_-if W‘ c1eva:2oh.roai;gaia;¢dinth¢Ma1r¢;a2aa:hé ~ 9€0pA1¢saderation«:m3Y 30¢ tog.cthcr",;fI‘lxat . % A mthxs pofl:_urc5ipcakmg wjth a lovmveyce, ‘\ and muztcrxng (for fomctums hcc is*com.. .ma‘ndcd to 1 peak: with a lowd voycia , and Hifiinfily) bee hes not heard by the peep}:-9 , which is no ICE: a meckin of Gad, and his «*‘p¢oplc,them if thewordswcre fpokcn in an urzknpwnc language. As thcxc is % no word ofallthis in the Englifh Scrviccgfodoth the~ book inKing Ed. ,time, give to .cvcry Prcsu bytcr his 1ibcrtyofgcfiurc,which yet gave \ ~ inch afiénéc to Ellie? ,, (the cenfurcr ofthe ' 4 V bookzand can in Cayfgtmlcrsown judgement, aman ofgrcatmodcraticanainmattcrsofthis-G kinde)that¢heeallcth thcm'=5N¢I:qmm“~;f&:ak cxbcraudu Mifl”.¢gg1w,and WouA1dA havctt hem 1 to be abhorrcd, .% bccaufe they coz>1firme»to the fimpleand fuperfiitious ter..z'mpt'4md>- ex-‘ % M. ‘iii-¢1(mMg‘fl¢fiduai4wa.~ A % A A V » A ' AA The co porall prcfcncc of fChri&sbodyV " , “ A in th,eSacramcn§,is%affo to befound*=her¢:“far~ the words Gfthc Maire-AboQkA fcrving~’§ to this Mphnrpofcmhich are fliatrply ccnfurcd by 32%?‘ ~ A _inKing Ed. Leiturgi¢,& are new to —bc fo,und intht: book 0f.England5ar<: takcnin; herc.-,A.l- L Tmighfty God isinca,llcd,thatof his Almigh- ~ ‘:3! gnodncffehc may vouchlafc Io to blg-Kc and Ianfiifig with his¢.W0r4d and Spi;:it,.th£f: “ gifts A 4 (22% Lgifts ofbraad and %winc,% that éhéyzfiaybicc W mm 115 Ehc: bod y and blcmd ofCh%x§fl.A4‘ Thc change Ht:§rL _i Tlfis Aalfo‘ A tagrccthwcllwith‘thtiiilafc dofifinag We are 1 rcadywhcn iffl1a‘l1Ibc»judgcd %comicniént,a?n<1 4 wtfflaallbc defircd, to éiifc:ove'i' txmathmorc: * matters of this kind‘, as gre"ufids% laid for mzfl» flzficca, or the half: Mtffc, Th: private MAM": M without the peopl¢:,Ofcémmunica:ingimam: Rtind,0*ft-he" Véltanfsiilaption by the Pricfi, and‘ ««Co'nfummatien% of the S%acrifice,¢%O frccéiviag A the.Sacr%am:n£#in“ thcmouth ,= and A 116: he the A hand,V8cc. A ‘ ” Our Suppiications were many aga‘in'f£ th:.f§ Bgoks, but Canterbury procured {ham to be anfwcrcd withA terrible Proclamatibns. We: Iwetcconffréincd to ufc: tfii: Arcmcdy _o'f Prone? ?fi‘vatio»t1 ;? butzfm? 0’i1J:Pzotcfia,tions, and other 71:w‘fitllV~me%anc“s‘, Awhrich we ufcdA for our dali. »vc£ancc,Cantérbury pmcurcdus to be d€§t:L'1~ ‘red Rebels at Ttaitbrs in all rhc"Parifl1 Kirks of England zwhcn wlcwcrc ~*i*ccking to pofiizfle ymmficligidgi agama%:mr.:%«mv2c=s land Novations ‘r, Canterbury kindletiz wafrrc V %gcn1:md.V Advifcu L‘ againfihs.’ In*dlthcf_'cAit is known that he was vaithaughnot the £01: 5 yet the 4P“r‘incip:;1l‘A-é A WhenABy the ‘Pacifitzatianwat Berwicfihboth Kingdomts looked for Pcaccand Qgictncffe, %A%hie {pared-nomp‘eJn1yinthehearingbf many, aftenbcforc ghc , End privatelyat the Cam; %3Cbunf’eli-tab»Ic$§nve1‘.:hc prrivy.VI'oifitoA:to4 fpaak of'us"as Rebels-and Traitorgand‘ to 1' pcakt: 3% A gainfc‘ thcPacific‘atinon as difhonourablc, arid meet to be brokcn.Ncithcr di his ma%lignane- cit: and Vbittcmcflc war £ufi‘.:r[ him; to raft ,till a new warm was cmredu‘poz1%, an,dallLthings prcparcdforout*d¢firAu&ion.»- A 4 A By him was icthat our Covcnant,appirO§rcnT _ byJNationa}l Affcmblics, fubfcribcd by his M. Commiflioncr , and by the Lords of his M . Counfclkand by them commanded tobc fizbicribed by all thew Subjcfis ‘Voffchc King- dom:-, as a%Tcflim~ony of our duty ~ to A God; and the King, by him wasicflilAlca1lcd Um- godly,DamnabIc5Trca£onable5by him were Oaths invcntcd ,,,j and prcflfcd upon divcr][s¢+ow--s+aee¢a¢::a-;;..4hWwawfi M Wfifi $&%¥‘samm%g A R GE we ” :*C; ‘§m*?1i1%$ifl€i‘8 Vaainfl: _ « %‘h°ALi¢"¢€nanF 4 ~ 4. A rvve have }’O}"’flEdw -»~:L'‘“ ” A ’ %% "With C.wzte"rém‘)’:% A A A : AthqLo;jd.4 Lieube>- M j“ ice A A % 4% filxmzh ;<“fEt*: La"1L%.¢I';is" V A " . " and :’pOW€1‘ A A = ~_ 4- %m:1"va?(3~:k5tode&Lrife am Ar,“g1ifc},1ief3 fi*figflim?I’c 'i§£{i‘i*kLe ‘ and » Nfi VC%OU.11tA1‘€Y._ ‘ ....« M e % kw A W A No other Acaufe of his malice can we con? ceive, but firfl: his pride and.fL_1perciliou3, difdaine oftheKirke0f Scot/Mm’ whicli Airifg V his opinien declared by A his Afpeeches, hath’ not inAAita.1mof’c anything of aK_irk,a1though A % A the Reformed Kirk‘s,e and manyWort11yDi-5 mines of E i2g[.md,! given ample tefl:irn0-V my to the Refornmtionsofthe. Kirkmof S mt-as-~ Zg1;zd.,A_ , Q N e % e Séco22d2y,our open oppo fitiori againi%%“tIie - 5 daneerous ii222ov4W'0’3'9f1§AA¢I§igz70?¢% Aiz2zAe22aleal,; mz ‘ erUeryfzzrr*é‘pr52ézajz3é4$ZAV in M1195; _ Majefiies» A domimiaizs yofvvllich hee hathi "Aewed him-»-A felfe, in his 0'.vne- way no we zealous then‘. C.:wteré.m~y *him{'e1fe,as may appears by»uh,_i.5.-um A advancing of his ChipIain,D'; Bmmél¢"no1z, 01'=1eIye%t0 the Bifho ri(:kVofVD:—ze2éz;-}z,_Abucea1f;j%*’ : tobe Vz7mr;ge;¢Vera/ e\afeV4Irel4z¢¢Z;2z4m;zya A From; , pteplfafi‘ .Aé..>c;z;[L~ikg‘of Cczeizterézarzfizz Pbpewy,azi2d ’ xflrmiizigwzfme » ,1 tbm‘ " thus himfelfé might % have the power eif both fword's,.A againft all .; that‘ mould inaintaine the Re Fbrznationsbey A his erineifie 0f1?*-*C'wz7Méa man ofthelfime ~ fpm.~t,to the rzzverfity of far pa}/]:a#e » en§i2gAtbé?rFawztaizges,A” zzfgd car2%uptx'22gi we A 723»ii243r£e$‘qfft5e.Kir1’.AeA. ‘ A V" ;4:¢a3;:” ih';4;¢oiiI9£wll,When .tIie.Pr1m.%:£ land did p1*ef{‘ca new ratification of the ‘Ar- h H d(g5')‘ h A tic1es~ofthat Kirke,in Pm»/zmem: for bare. ring fuch novationhs in Re/z;%g‘z'oé"23 I1eeboIdI5fi mehnacedluim with the burnirmby the liand h h . . ‘ " h h » *3 ~ h H of the H Mg-W172, ofthat Confeflfiona ai- hhough confirmed 111 former hParlz‘zn§;ei2.t$a_ Whenh hee found that the Reformafion begun in Smtlam’, did fkand in his way 5 he left‘ no meanesh uneifaiéd to rub difgrace up- on usgand ourhcaufé; The Vhpeevces printedrat A Dué’lii2',~'- Exzzmheizh ca?¢jz¢2fzzt£ai2i;* Sc'atic::z2z,;e,A The ungirdihgh4oftheSc0ttifl1Armour; the Pamphlet bearing the‘ Counterfeit name of Lyfimrwbm Nzkzmor 5 % all three {'0 full of " calurr-1nies,hfIan&1e‘rs, and fcurrilities againfl: our C‘ountrey,* and"iReforma‘t1'on, thatthe ,_]'cfuits& in the-115 gxeateft A fpite, could not A havieffaid more sfhycht ';10th0Iiclyht11eA1gir:hors “h A were countenanced handhh rewarded by him, but the bookes mufejbeare his name, as the great Patron both Ofhthe worke and work-—-3; man.‘ fl N V» _ A_ . A ‘When the Nationall, Oath; and; C be M venant wzgrantetl byhhhourhhh generall Affemw “blies 3 was approved ‘by Parliament . $1, 3+?! he of live? h in me Armies %, f.1b'£'cribVed'7 an the Kings W A ngunfi,byhiS Majeifieshig11Co1nmgl1fioncr5 A anslby the Lords ofprivie Counfiellfi, andv \ Acéo::111w.n;icd to be fivorne. by hi 3 Majefiies : fiibjc/6?cs ofa11%1~:u1k::s and; VpartiCuv12g;g%;3;;§1d.~ p1<:jm.ry j inform H.'_,iC)Z=:1 "x~«.q:;1sM given %u11t"C:;7%ii‘11e ) I}aia3I.ite11ant,by ;m:;=:n#of‘ qu;1'1ityg;$ V%aStl1§?<5~.A " ougI1t to h;zv~:3:“ be.!eeve&,ofthe loyalty Adfour% hmrts toVtE1e Ki1193~,of t-I1e.lawfu1ne {Y2 ofour procegzdirggs, an A im1ocency of our C0vAe-z ~,and.iv~i1®1e Cou«r1'e5 ‘AtAh‘atA°ha::LVéouiél h2ive% r1:()%€:~ig<:LI{f?<;=: w yet; ljul‘.-:4 def }Z>s.”i1fa1te' jxnflicé nmie him to beni.i11sV.¢q:a1ftAa11d cruelty, his ~ifIra;11ri and fmrces aga1£1i’EwI:L§%;EO1:~»fi4rPcg,hae.did%Vc;¢3;fi:i~~w* A ly¢:i11up;to4 Dfléiifz fomeA.ofou~r?Count1§y5« r1}en,bQtI1 of the 0:5I73'IjI and G"€im'_){,1iv4~in 9; i—if1 I”1:..:I2.nd,V fhegvingfitlléln, ‘‘ that the K‘i117§i wcjuId~cQ%ncei~v:2ar1d aqcuiitrthelnlas camfjail» rkersivtitll£116i5'Z?0i*$,ir;Athe1r'1'elbe1VIioLiscbiirw % {ESL , exccépt fomc: Ifeilifidy xvere providedffz A ahd for. rc1;II‘€c1y541‘H_g'§‘§!,’f6.fkinyg his cum iviékai W i-zivention W, M to %prefentw unto I1im;a}nd!1is A A Couz¢1cc11,a. pet1't»ion,¥wI1icI1"he cauft:d't0’be ‘ fr"a 1n%i:dby:thfc {Bi'_'1fl);Qp' of R"azg1boé~ , 311d W33}; ii f§g:z1eand’g;Dnr¢£fcdAbyA him%fe1&:,;;%A wherein AA tI1eyp-entxoned to halve an oath giveuthemg. €Q11taxnit1§2,' §‘a:?f@%;;#n1»i1I:r1: r:tenu:icia”’tion A V of rm; «$fr0Af»#~1fl’4 wQOy£nant,and%~a d3eep.afIir1*;i11”cte 11$}-I f, *~*€=?fox m:uchas.¢:o pmseavagaina “any orzm %M%b:r: A % %rs4aj@&iescom;handemen:s* wmzroevér; V if f<‘>:o'na~.- ivas tLi1i*sM%V 04:21:11 tlixzs cra~ftiIy.— ” .. i:011t,rixf’d,buWtWith 3.11 %lI1~2.fle it isffi-:11: to fur::11 ; places oftl1eVKi11gdome~ Whiz:-e—‘ our'C0un-~ mg‘;-¢y’%~ mien Mhad;re£;de11e1*feCuting~enef1'1.ies, _ the fl Liem:e—A ;z.m2r5O Fficers .And iome mdxted and declaw red~guiItyofHig11 Treafon , for noother 4 fltinefi}: but for fubfcribing our Nati0—- A nail Oatlyvvhich was not onely im__pietyV&;’ “ injnfiice in it 1}-;gIfe,and an utterundoing of his Maj.r;_i7£iesA fubjeéts, but was a wea‘kn1ng‘ M oftheSc0tS Plzmtatiomtothe prejudice of ” that-Ki11gdome,2£nd his Majeflzies fa-r.vice,: andwasa high fczandall againffi the Kings % hoizour, and intolérable abufe of his Maje-= A flies trufkfand autllorxty his M3}€flfi€5 Commifli0n,,.wh_1chA prociired ‘by the Lie.ure2z;mt,be'aring noother penalty then a % certification ofnoteingthe names of the 1':s:‘-j; " V ' é L H Bugthgs his%M1~é1’eIe1?{‘eV"1-a.gc:tandinfitiablé A cruelty, againfl ourReIigion_anc:I Country, fandnot be kept Withmthe bgunds V of Ira; . V“. “"~"5»‘ ‘V’ , n “ ..‘,,fi . 1“ ‘K . 1 % A AA his meanes a Par1i;:ini&e1;1t4%;3 VC;‘,;1"1 eC1,fw"A Afid 3~1‘h0U»§h b)’ the fiX€%fubfidie9gi*anted Lat’: *. ,!,_.‘éfl. .0 UI9)*% AA ” A v “ in AP2r1iament.11ot%“long before, and‘by the bafc.m¢aH€S which ;hin1Ife1Afe and. hié ~O«fli«~ ears did z3,fe,asVis ‘g:Qntaihed;%in a Iai.'eR_emdn~ W fi:ran(:e,tIj1at Iland was eXtream1y~in1poV'eri%~4 fhed» «fit by hies :1P®<-‘lies; full ofOathes and! ggfi‘eVergtions,tb;¢t we zaeere Tmytars am! 126»? Mg, azffz';2g afikz/1 ./7/1o;zzw:!az'm/Zgo»vew2772 69213,. éfihe extortgd {rpm them fours: new Sub- :i,_%.% (3% bgfgre wee Werg heard_,pr0Cured =that'a. VVarre‘.’wvas melt:-rta-= L keng,and.f0rces fl'1ou1c:l;be leavied. againflt use as a. R’ebe11ious‘Nati©n, which was a%Ii7<’)~i1a-A tgfided tp; example and Pregéfient t9- thePar1ZiarnentV offiisgglzmd -for granting /fub»-1» fidies;ahd-.fending.ajo,ynt,.A1:mMy. :fo£.*o1.§r my-* tcrruine.AA;A ~ ~ Acccraing‘to%"hzgappcieumenc ’I££z27§“;e;2t,t~héVar1:iy-W254 gatheredfindfirou ght‘ downe to the A Cm fit, Mthijeatn-irlga, d€1i§1Y3:,i11?1A vafion f our Coiziitreyg interiding to xnake us a c0nquered13‘rc>vihce,’andtQ défifoy our ReIigi0n,Libert1es,andLLavg§s,and thereby ' liyingupon us anecfiffityof vafi — ~cha—rges» to kéepe £o:cesc:n%f¢~.o—t on V % toavaitc upoxihiscomming. : A I V the.’ Wéfi: Coafh “ jA%nd%2ASAth’e V\7a';:rc ‘W343’ dénounced .-I §fi&?fdrces1éav‘iedIbéforé L ‘were heard W39 Esfére thefdenouncing of ‘the Warre _., - s3j_1d_fO‘]j]_‘1€ Qftl1e;nfiinIrons.F1*igats were few; -fO1‘th‘tO fcoure our Coafirs,’ winch dxd m“ <30)“ naps-e+,,Va11ag‘§ods Ayon r1:e%%I;s:rh“ce5a1% we1~e.%.%.tgken,V4d and the ~0Wneré. cafe in B1*ifoz;,% fom;:,‘f4and_Aburne others ~0f0u1* -Ba;:kes.; : 3 ‘gm _ Ire1and,and ut hisA‘f0rces in 7 order there:-Va.-i ¢ I;iajni.e:1t;«[» aglaixzfisj and to % gainfi usfivitli all ha fie he cgmmeth 15oE7gg-Q 4 - In hi%s%.p:u*ting, at the givingup 7ofIrhe" -3%WO1‘d;?; 1167A 3:VQW~'€d;r Gut *~:utti<ér;r1.1i11Q% anddé.f01atiug11”A0“z;1r,% P£dvexfa1°ies,w:1m~ no‘~+1e:fI'c:‘12»bo~r t~he*1 divificin bfthgr; tAw4oI{ingd0111¢s»,;11e.u_: we doealh {make Be2t§:e,:~A a»nd~fdlloW afte1'it;, as ur mmmm H%a.p4piaz1e{Tegdoe¢re4fu1nefth9-134 E3 7Qn¢emi§1g k our 1 A A :36) and to make us Iofe all our IabOiifS.ei5akeri~5é§3 bout the former Den1and,‘W«herein by the Ijsglpe goodne ffeg gildeleufiiceyand youere L:;>1'd~1h-fps 7 A 110b1e,2md equall deaIi11g,We have fo fully accorded, 43: to keep us fromproviding for 3; firme and weell grounded, eAPeeace, the irvifdome, and juf%:ice0fthePa'rIiament E725/"[4ZiZ6Z_, * which is our gxfeatefl; defire" ‘."ex~ 5 preffed111 our elaft ‘Demarid. ‘We; éreA%'fii1l A Confidem:_.‘, that aswe {hall concerning this Article reprefentnotluxngbut what is true, Iufc, and Honourable to both Kingdomes 5 So will your Lordfhips hearkfifleto us, and & Wi1e1% not fuffer your felves, by any flanders,V or fuggefeionsfiqe be drawne" out of that v firaighr and fafe my wherein eyee have wal-3 {incee the beginning. “IT is A ow Weefupp table Houfes of Par1ian1e;1t,4 And_by+ the occafion ofthis Treatie, 44 more particI_1lar‘Iy§ to your ; Lordfhip$,- I ;.That: our diftreeiféseeeine our Religion, and Liberties, ewere of late mcéare pxeiflng then We were able tobearee,”.* e That QureCompla1nts‘and Seuppiicationsee V fbr i'edreHe_.,e were anfwered atelafl with..eth”e‘!‘ _ terrours ofan ~ Army 5 -That afier a Pack \ ficatin reatggtr : Preparations” ‘yrere made» A ofekn40v;?neto all 1 Eizglzzizdg efpecially 1;o% both the Honouw M. (37; A ~ frhhW’9~i*re3Wherebymany A6tsofHom1i+ tiehhwe1*e done againfs u's ,7 borhhby Segand 4 Land 5 T he Kingdoriie wanted acImini:[£ra‘—- M ‘Ci0.I10f IumC€_» and \7‘~/ee conftraihned rd take Armesifor our defiinée 5 That Wehwere brdught to“? this hextreame, and intollerable h neceffitysehxtluer to maixutainedivers ‘ Armies A ‘upon our borders againfl: I11vafi0n‘fi'0m Eflgldflda 01' 1?é'¥ai2d,iEill re be deprivedhohf the Benefit“ ofallh the Courts of Iufiice, A and not onely ta maintaixiej- {'0 many thoufands as were {polled of their hwfhips, h and hgoohcls ,’,., but to vvant_;a1I”hh Commerce*~ . by ‘Sea ,h.h to the v11d0i119; of M4crchants, V A hof:«‘gay1hors :9 ahndL many bthers who Iived7 h- by Hiking‘ ‘ and hw110fe‘iCa1lings%hapé‘%vp~h A A holden frorn hézndmttzn‘ m0ut11_byVh-Seahtrade Any ohneof‘ which A evils is“ able inhah rh~om:= 4 i:imeto' briyngtheh h porenthhKi1agdome A m onfilfion, Ruine and Dcfo1ation,h0w' much xmoré all the three at 011c:°tén1eh com~— ~ A binedhtohhringhrhe 9? hhhh*5"«”?>'*~ lzmdtObe:n0 rhYe:h all thefe - behaved Wee eitherto endure, A ‘ and "mderno other h0 pe 3'; then‘ Ofthe ‘psstr--‘ h A fcafiihhflavery of our felfvres, an::1ho11,r%pmhf?eeri-' ty in our So11lés,h lives, andhh'.Meanes or AI :0 :ffef01ve4**3:ohh»c0meinfQE?7g17M3lh, 511* A stamake hxnvafim, jvfith my purpofé‘ A t0 ~figi:a:5e$:ce W€:VV§~1.’€“ * HQtable%“ AV % ‘:33? 011$‘ % i“ z ;E;2g[;«z_im’ doth now agklibvarliexzlge t1"1’eAit1*ut1m, againfl all fufpitiOn.S $043133 ,AC0flf1‘fl1‘Ys3flC1" 3:5“ A gainfc the ~irnpud,ent;1 ycts E1M1emyiesg But Vfoy; Qur r::Aliefe,,def;en_«c¢,8Z prcférszatiozai ‘W‘1f1_iCh V'Ef:_V;e_”f hCOL11€1r find by 11.0 O:1?Lh.€1‘P 1;meaIms&,r; When We»% had;e‘iT:?tyed all Iriéaflesg and had at }a.;*01ceXpr§iIécj pungent , % a.w:1id\pre-flingm r1ecefiitie»s.5,t0;;i;rheV %KiflgdOfl1égV%‘% a1id;Paf1ia?-”-?* ' :1:ientofs.Ezg14;¢d. éncepr therefore the war: 011;0;1‘r part(vv ah is no otlaer but oimr Com-k nzing int, Englaézd wit114~awgu51rd)r is deféne‘ é fi%7%and+ doeacknowledgea thatin <30fl11I11Oncifliiitfyaéthedefeiadantihould not» be J fuff'e1'ed to pNer°1”fh’Ai%;1"h§;s Ajtmffi-ai1d;ne”ce~ fiéry _defEnce,E§ut~t¢hat the purfu‘er,Whether%%; by yv{ay»«of: Legal! 4Procefl'e, in the t1'n1e0fx AV P’G3?§Cefi@§39by A%oAfvioIences andbuxijufl mmmqfimw; vafion the itiime Qfwwar;“e=0u'ghttoA the charges” ofthe defenéiantva v e truflz fhat: yourL~ordihi~s will thinke rI12t~ii:is not a-3» * 8'%?e~§111°Ef€%%f€>¥1 501111510 ~ demafid fenixew repa—=+ % ration of tI1i5”yk511da3fid"th£it‘iA;th;3Pai'1i3nienb%5 an ; ofE&g[.M¢i‘ by wrhofeV%V;ifd0me% a;nd;: Ih%f%i&e% : vim haw ?eme4é?re~; the »*%redrefl7e*%‘ of ‘ W;-g11gs_a, %wi11‘fLyta1§,e; fuch;:o11rfe52cs&:b.oth iI1V4urueafo;tiAgi::v2e~11s~ faJ¢i.Sfaéi*iLon;8£;;;ma;yiiiiitha“v tI1ciaérIuf¥iceA‘A mvft for théir owns honour. V 9%: Our. K39) Qurearncfinefifcinifollowingithisio1i1*’Bng; V mand, A doth notfofarrc wrong our fight, and make us fo undifccrning ._, asiinot to makea dif- ference betwecnc the Kingdsomc, and .Par1ia-,- mcnt of England , which did nc-ithc:r; dccerné i nor fct forward a Warrc againfl: us , And fllat W Prcvalonot faétion of Prelats andPapifts who have moved evcryfione againfl: us , andiufcd‘ "all forts of imeancs not ohcly their counfells, Subfidiesiand forces, ‘but their Kirk Canons, and prayersforhour utter Ruincywhioch makcth them obnoxious to our jufi accufationsgandi guiltyof all the loffes , and Wrongs ,, ,;.Whi.ch_ A this time pafl: -wocihave 'fufiainedi:: i:oYc1::thiS wee defirc your Lordihips to qonfideiga T113: t the Efltates of theiKi,ngdomc of ,Scot1"andi=bc-r ing afihmblcd , did eildcravour buy: ‘th¢i~*i1‘iiDc—: clarationsg, Infortnationsg Remonftrancesj» and by the‘ p:o‘cccdings of thci1:~CommifTxo- nctrs ”, to make knowne unto the Counfcll, Kingdomc, and Parliament of Encrland, and toforcwaxtne iithiemi qfthc ;mifc:hic. "iih71fit§H‘d*5d ;«1gainfl: both Kingdommiw E%fCi1?’iiiR?¢1igiQii1;aIid -Liberties, byhthc Prolatcsi, and”Papi~[ts,” itqthc end, that out ‘I11_vafi;on~ ~ from Engla-ndi Inzight have beenc prevented , ifbiy. the iPiircvaI.e7.ncic of the faéfion it h3-di'bCCnC:i‘~;PQf3ib1e» ~thercF0rr~‘= W.c”¢ ; inaytwwii ~with: athg gr€ater:rca+ Ton» and oconfidcnce preffc our Der;m_'nda¥ hat ‘ ,JyourMLordfl1ips, the -1-Parliamonty the King- igigmo, o;;ndchc—_;Kingi 7him1f;=If¢%iimayi;iécoiu1$or¢~ .. ,"_a'.‘f.h‘ “parcdi parcdi in .ut:: I0fl'c:~s at; the: w[f’éA 0f that i"f'aé1:ion By w11ofe7 mfsancés “WE 1mveVfi£ft:1incd 1' 0 znuch daiznxnzzge," A;nd~ ;;.which 5 icxccpt they repent, W 11 1 :12; r;.% But ‘a§'Wee;gAde«:‘1arJcdA% before ;_our A ” abi‘i’fig_ acliéiixr’ Vw%iipdm1T t"1%%e% :marne7&Ad1?s*ate9, * ac wziy %Ftha«£§* ‘ ’%?1*1isLf0r Tetiiiflg 0111‘ %Pc‘«'1C€:» by =’~;~ParIi~am€ht in ,%En%g:1'a4fi<1$Whfircila thcIntentions¢~:md Aflcions ,‘ both Of (.;)4u)1j Ada- verfiuéies, and ours might be brought to ligh-t, The King_s Mgzjefiy, and the Kiqgdo rm: right-+[ 137; informed, The A¥1‘ChQ;1‘.5 5 :a*rur»c0f’cfi:11C1 chairges5%wih1cVh%Wc an: $19: abl-cto bc%ar¢¢. _ A ‘ .,. *4 , W»; ‘. I xv » ‘,( 4,” ‘A “.1 u‘ "‘ U; «#7 val W> p. . The Kingfloinei of EngI3andjdoth« k’now' and eeonfeffeid, that the Innovation of'Re1igionand ‘Liebeftieis in ‘Scotland were not the princi- pall defigne of hour-Common Enemies , bfit that both in the intention of the VVorkerst, virhofezealeiwas hottefi foififet1ingtheir»d‘e« iziees atehoine: And in thie*Conditiono of the " ’Worke, makiinu us w‘hom-t- they conceived to bethe weaker E or oppofition, to bee nothing _ eelfebtit a;1eading'cafe forfingland. M And that “£11thoiigh‘%iby the power of G O D , which is A made perfeét in Weakheife, they have found :14- mongfi us greater refifiance, then they did feare,' or eitherittihey or; oiir felves could ihaife apprehended 5 ’Yet,as ithath beene the will of ‘God thatjivee fhould endure the heate of the 7 fday;-. iSoWin the Evening the pretious wages -of the vindication of Religion, Libertiesniand - Lawes are to he received ‘by both Kifigdoms, H :1tid~hxvi11en_rich ‘Wee hop: to our Vunfineakable E Joy, the preFen~t Age, “and the Pofiieritie with Bleffings that cannot bee Vallued , and which the ‘good Peoplct of" England efieemeé i more "thenhT1jeafures ofGoIdi “and willixigly would i have ipurchafedtti with manyhthoufands; ‘Wee: '4 I doe not plead that Confcience and Piffty have moved fome men’ to wfE:‘rve~t G D . upOn*t'th6:ir V‘ 54 cswneeoftg a'n“d tjliat A Jufcite and Equity have A éiife étedochers, Where the I-Iat‘v]e,f’t hath been common to confiderthe paines -ofifabouring, A and the charges ofthe Sowing, yet this much may < 43) V tmytewe fay, that had a fortaitne Enenayh. in... tending to reduce the whelelflandbbtnto Pope-4 A ry , [ made the firft afihult upon outeweaknefle, 4 ' ‘weettotbing doubt, but the Kingdome of " England , fromt their defire to pte”fervs;theit Religion , and Liberties , would have found the way‘ to beate with us the expenfc of our tefiitance , and lawfull defence, ‘how. much morebeing Invatiecbalthough not byEngIand, yet from England, by common enemies, feel- king thef:un¢ends, Wee expeét to be helped and relieved. b‘ A A t Wete will never conceive that it is eith‘et the Will, or the well 3.fldh0I10u1‘ of England, that Wee {hould goe ftottt fo blefled at Woxke after fa many grieve-us fuftetings, "bearing on out backsfithct infupportable burdens of worldly A bneggefsitxes, andedifireffes, return to ot1‘t count.-— ttey empty, and exhaufted, in which the pee-— pleofall Rankes, Sexes, andconditions, have fpent themfelvest ;~Th”eepo£T'efsi,on”tsofevery A ma:1,Who‘ devoted hitnf:-Ife heartily fotheisb caufe,vare burdened, not onely with hts own Perfonall, and particulatexpenfe, but wtth . the publike ‘, “ and common charges A; Of . .w11ichif there mbeefinbe re1iefe,neithet can OUEV .[WKingdo"me “have peace at home , not any more ‘credit for Gotnmerce abroad : Nor wi11it4e%beee pofsible for us, either to aide, and 4 afsbifi gfriendsa or to refifi zmdoteofcthc A ~ E 3 ref’:-1 4t44) A rePc1efi"e,and Working wickedfieffe of A our Ene-1»; nemies : The befc fort will leafed much of the fweetneffe of the enjoying of their «Religions, and Li-berries, and others w"i1l”1'un«fuch W.‘1yCS,V and undirreet courfes {as their defperate necef-4 A fities will driver them into wee ;fl12i1l< be but 3, _ v burthen to our felves , arveriation untootlrers; of whofe firength W e defiddre r_;_~t_:§) be 3:1 cOnfid€i‘:1-4 blepart, and agfit‘ fubjed A for rear.» Enemies to worke upon for obtaining ,. A their rinow d.ifap4 painted, but never dying dfififsfsds A A dWee will not alledge the example of other Kingdomes, Where the 1ofl'es*eofi necdeffa rie and iufr defence had been repaired by rthe other pardty , Nor will wee remember Whatjhelpff wee have made according zoom zrbilriries to. other reformed Kirks , And What the King- dome of England efoeldfind oflate %hatir'd*&.—>i1”e7 to Germany, Frrance , T and: Holland; dN"o¢r doe we ufe for rriany Words , A that’ England may be burthened,:md we eafed , A or that this flrould be a matter ofdur Croveto ufnefie, and »nd"tf of _ their ]ufl:ice, and”kindne{I'eg, ]u{tice,1' in refpeét of our Adverfaries) rrwhotdgirerthe -caufes of the great rnifery :.mdee*necefsity,tdo*which wee have -becnrbroughi: :r’kindnefTe, 'rin~the“fui'pp1j7efrdur wzmts ,e,ef who have beene‘%tend‘er50f “the Welfétre of E11%1311d%3S Offlluf “Own; that by this aqua; hty and emutuall refpeéi: both Nation“; A may héfupportcddin fuchr%fircngch,d4and'fuffiz:ie:1¢icg,« that ms) that was my bat %%th¢_+ v1?1 01“!3 A fcrviccable to his % AMaj€f’c-Y,wand abaund A1AnAAeygc:ryv4%Agood %work,boAth%% u :mw:.1rd4s on-.:':: another, "and £232: tl1ccomfi:>‘1eeresde»md C07¢C67‘7zi2§_g the q>;-eceecz;ng ./frticles. VVhether this baa Vpcfitiveidemand, or one» ly an Int1rn:3.tio11 of the charge , thereby to in- A duce the Kingdoms of EngA1ancI, to take your cIifl:rcfl'ed efiate into confidcration 5 % :.~1nd1:%<":>: afl- fowrdyouibqmc friendly ‘ we Scotti/73» Commiflioflers . A &nfver;:t0 ~ Wee would be no leflé willing to bear our %l0‘fl‘eS.~iVf Wec‘h*a€1*'abi1itie,thcn wee lmavebecne mdy to iundcrgzcaie1rhé?%hazVardm;.: B%ut h¢cauf*eA the b£hcn +ofithcaWho1e¢ doyth * ;faI?1?:®% CXC (‘fed olur~ Porength, t%:%Wce (asis mcmzt »fir11y* con»- ceived in onr;‘P2ipe1%s )“"‘ reprefcntcd to Ayour Lo‘rd{, o»i7;ur ch:zr;;%cs .;, .an.d.1;o1TeS,;, {L05 %iI1tV€I1+‘ ding cawdemanda tdtak14%Repnr:n;iou,. burqf . j; fuq-h <46) A futh apt-oportionabwle part as tha. "wee may L in form meafurc bears the rema,r1ent~_;, "whxchgfl Wee cohccive your L%ordfl1ips(having; confi- dercd our reafons) will j4u%_dge to bee4%a%matter, I “V not of our Govetoufi1efl'e , but of _th¢-{aid jufiiccgand kindneffe of »thc1 Kingdoms ofEng- A land. A Trbpq/?ti0n"Vof t/aé Teeres ta A proéeed‘ 'to‘A%tbie£ot72er Demdndsdtég k rirzgtbe clebateof tl:zeScot- , That ifi the xmgerisn whimcche hoixfes of Parliament take into confidcration, you ‘Ck?-.* mand~oflofl_”es,and dammaaes, you proceed to. fettle the Other Articles ofpthepcacc, and ”I11.«A % Acourfe betwixt the two Kigigdomes; $ :1 rzfwer to C746 f?’ee?'es%’ . M ,.‘Demand._ ‘ A % % ‘. ‘We¢ have reprefcnted bLi1r4Iofi*cs,a11‘d‘thbire3 { !rby ourdiB:rcflEd~ Condition ingenuoufly %-, and”cA of out I. hearts , with vary grcat m0d”€ratioi1,= {nailing over rn:«my Athings “ fwhich?Ato'A1fsV‘ércA great Burthcns , Thatthcrc might bend difixculty _., not “ caufeA of delay on 7; cur part ,“ hopingfthatfhc‘ Honourablc2H01,,1—- ID 176505 Parliament 3 would thereby be mdvbd k at :47)“ fietyhfeir mlconvenicncie::cg%ea1;e, £ e;..a»gtm% totheir confidcratien. A A f. V A We d 0:: not % dc mand a total! .Rcparaf4i:at1 ,“ 1‘ Not doe wefpbakeofthcpaymcnt, A tili Wm: M cenfuit about the f:-tling o%E~a£o1id pe%acc3,~ 5 at V which time the waycs oflifting-A andpaying ‘ thc mency, may bcVccmfidcrcd»;*Wce“doc oncly dttfirc to know’ what ptopdrtim may be ex péélcd. That this being once dctarmi... E med, andall impediments, ari»fi4ng :1-‘mm out by-pafitroublcs, rcmovcd. 2 we: §'nay’with the grcatcr confidchccmad more hearty con» {eat on both fidcs Aprocccdm the: cftablifhing afa firm: A and durable peacxr: for time to .come.* A% A It Ais not unknown: ta your * Lrdflnps, & A, afide of this Awfc1e4ro what dcfpcraradcfircs, and mifcrabl: laapes our Advcrfarics havcrconccivcd era brcach upoa'thisAtt"i‘cl”e” 5 LAnd'%4wc doc foréfce what fna1;csto us,&%Adifl‘i_cAub:ics to your Lordflaips may arifc uponi thgfipodfippning ahd laying ' A r: AA A And» therefore: tlgatourg Ad pzfix ‘ be out Vdfbope,-an%’dVVV%wc ‘but of fe’ét¢,’and that U 3‘ the: fcytling of pcaccmay be the mere paficr % arcthcw morccarmfi, that as thc_formcr ' W 4 ~flrtic[cshav¢ bin, [9 thismgy be upciJnl‘grea- tcrrcafonsA;cen4fid§1fcdin its own: place, and % — 6 Your its may % V t4$:%A%% fem motions made hegrctofwwof ~thc:tran1—+ pLofiVng;ofo1"1rDcmands,%do¢.lmow,AthaAt:m>t «nncly ch: {ubanc;c,~but;thc% o1rdcr,4ofifhc% pm»-Q pougxdéng of :h:c“m,.isrmL1taincd in max Itmfi% And as wt; ¢ca_n;;aV1m.nc5t:hin‘g» iVVi th;0H7,§_¢«i warratad,th¢ craving wTher:of will *mk“e%mo27¢4 & V t‘i;mc thtnLthcH0u4csvo“f‘: Parliament‘ Will;;sA A A fiowmon mtion this;-r 4*Arn;i;c;I‘¢; A L<;‘.‘=wieq;acfq uain med ‘~ with tghfi xeafo2as%;Vy4m, V flandingin farce, which mdovcd 4thc cordr;~::ing: \ carncfl:jwith% your vlzmrdflwips , . InfiAicc,an.d;vkindncfl': @fithe:‘hDn:[cs:*;%;afAParlia- ‘ ‘ . “ V1. r x‘ \ . . u‘ v .. M ‘ I is? ‘xv " M E, 5 of this‘-:cmand.' % And thcrfem ‘lgrt 11sJAf:i’"t:m{A; VA A i ..: that~th£x:u~A mo{’c,and¢ we did lc It ofall,byA rcaion Qfvthfm I! 1h:»cf4no;halti$1g,hcracmhc.m; »' “ ~ Mm , ‘ u mm[t%Acx;m&:it.Az .3 I‘iK“WV "_~»r~ Hm‘~' w -5 & “ W A AW ‘. 3’ , .. D4w,4my&t%A% 3W““‘ ‘I '4" H ‘“ ~ ‘L ,.; g» +3 ‘ ‘ " ‘M an ‘ , V . H , I" ‘ ‘ ‘ » ’ X g ‘v ‘ Hm , -‘ u ‘ M ‘ ‘ , ‘ . ' ‘V ' 0 _ ‘W1 J M N K ‘ ‘ ‘ [ P“ :33‘ ‘ V “"- ‘" " ‘ “” I-, (W, " . " _ h‘ \ ‘T ‘ ‘ I W 1 . ' ‘ll - (W9. wx1tiAta%ImntoA% ‘confidetmio.nV A J1 -—~ ‘mar (35 % 'ASWccdac withall thankfulncflcréccivé _ and kind rgfolution of thé Parhamcnt conce“ihifig*‘4"%'Ab‘u%r[4[fi~:>z~t~%L4%~~emamzi , mm. w n. m.uw|w M. And do: thcrcin ~acknowlc. <5‘ %SE”o7‘t% and fuxé’aMV A 151:: m A 4 al... win at all d”£%&isaA1&§ eahsred chcmfclvcsin fppét and Akin % %dfl:i4 A rtmrcpMan¢”£&rg{tms<‘Eag& cu-I Amm y 7 {:1hj?.;a{éf?Vér5 1&3 t%nfid¢r of the%4‘pfe~pqrn£on4;, ‘1i"~z5 ‘fiiell i,*i*thaws wwf mom cm; A 3M»thVgw%z1w _\f‘’ .7 ‘ ' “/“V H ‘I _. ‘ ‘~91; ‘ “ 3, ‘_ ‘ u,,, W V‘-J‘ ‘ ,i “ ‘ V Q4 A M A A ‘b’e~:'; U “ “¢‘%y@qflb‘M‘m «thc‘Prc1azsfi“:‘§f%%"&V Papfffig {wr~¢fi ‘w 4AutAbg0tsA;m€;&Pl “éux*éfi4W)«%:i fihw s*;~._,:éT wronged us; Which will u onlygimuflmw ‘ vi dncffc , 89 docs Wcc: en-. We so us, and me Whole Kingdom: of scan; ‘4‘>~AA~l*i?a”nd¢ , A the greater fatiffafliop , But will . . G 3 I—.. mg V a§.1fcV(*asfsrc¢ .do£ con&e‘iv.c})%ondt&cc% ‘ p _ . ' ‘ ,3 ‘ ' ‘W I ‘ 4:2) ' * ‘ 1‘ 1 ' ,, " V‘ 2‘ '7 - 5 ’ _ , '34; ' £ E“ :mu%:h fa M the honmwr of the Kings Maj..c‘fiy;afld +AP4at;li_:;g~A ’ mam. WceA doc alfo cxpcéi: that your Lokrd-» A fliips will be: plcalcd to rcport unto us the Anfwcrofj the Parliament, that wecmiaypin _% this; asLinoufifiéfmer;%ArticIcs,V give Aaccamfig to g;hoIcyfvho%‘£:1;t us, _ W A A A :; u 11y wiz§I;4;§h¢v}*;gAr¢g§crAMghg¢z{ »d'‘‘ -3!“ 1...... _- ' % The PM: D‘mq”d1‘@Qfi we w‘ ‘ ‘N 5 ~'r- ‘ ‘ _ _H_\ ,‘ V ‘ % man A war; IE acfire:;)una?¢xnana%,%ranc¢%%