F‘ V N’? " ‘H ‘"1 r..- .3 I,‘ ' " @@@®@@@@@%w@»at»~t ‘N 1% 34 V.’ ‘' ‘*'‘ .fJ ~ ‘.,_“_ ‘\ A z W = 5» “WDECL A1w.noN:tw* ' I ‘ I _ “~‘ *' OF THE t ‘ash-§. L03 D~s ofthe Secret-Louncell, . and of the Generall-Afl’embly of the A Kingdoms and Kirkc of _ §«:;«f“ . . S€0TLA.ND.. A Contannng the prmclpall heads KY»? A — gig; of the doétrine of that Kirk, and thetrué 4 \ ~ affefiion of that State to the:Parliaments caufe, notwithfianding their ‘ 5333.? >v . % ' great oppofition. F L $43 % V jame: Primroje, Cler. Comm‘ . Scot. g}: y Sent to that Commtffioners 1n Landon, and u$:§% by them prefented tothe Soveraigne high Court 3 of Parliamctatfor their conformity to the fame Do- , &rine,and acceptation ofthetr Integrity. ‘ r_ex<.L ’ -L‘ ,t ‘. ... Rdered .12] the Lord: and (‘ommam in P-mliazmcnts That this OD; clamrion écfarthwizh primed andpzsélzjbtd. . t % _ H.Elfyg:ge,Cler.ParL D.Com. .."\ -5’ , .z.—.._.. . wth“a;;“;;*t;,ot gm mgr. mm at a :2 « Fxce}lErEcy to the County ofwazrwiclq, =‘ LONDON, D @ Printed for Io/m Io‘/mflm, Oflob. 1;. 164.1. ‘ 7 I’ @,@%@§2%@a¥g%@@%@s%%@W if tfl DEC L A RAI:I__QN :1 «-5 . onhe , Lords of thc%Se_cret Co_uncel,and& 5 of the General! ‘Affembly of the King- dox1‘1c,andV Kirk:-: ofcotland. ‘ . W = '= E alla-nd“evel'%y one of us, the ' Lords of } Secret-Counc¢ll,an€I of the gcnerall Aflcmbly of the Ki dam of Scotlapd, having ~ th:%3If-famcfricnds andjcomfi - A . man enemies with that rove- ‘~ W raigne, High Afl"embly,th_ePar- * A : fiameu3 ‘Lettan%y,~2indvtnu1ti:udé of Ad vocates or Medi.at6r€5. . hismanifold orders,Auriculerconfeflionshisid.cfpé=- M rate and unC(: r'tain~e -r$pentancé,’ his gene;-all“afid doubtfome Faith, h1-s~ fatisfaéfion of men for tfiéfxf fins,his%juflifIcation by works, om opemmm; Wgrksi % . of fupererogatiommerits, paArdon9,_pa:-.regrinationsT and flatnons, his holy water, ba ptizing ofB‘e-Is”, co"n?«- jfi-ring of Spirits, crc:_fl.in‘g, fa L1-ing, annzaynyn-;g,eon.%. ’. jurfng; _*_____% ( e .4 D T L ’j,uring,, ha§lowing_of Gods good .creatuIes,w.ith the ‘ fupitfrlatitious opinionjoyned therewith; his worldly Mcrigarehy and _wicked H'ietatrchy,his three folcmne v0gW€S,}_ with all hisfllavellittgs of. fnndry forts, his erronious and bloody-:decrecs made at Trent, with ail the fubfcrihers and approve-rs of that cruel! and blp.odyJband,.conjurcd againfi the Kirke of God. And final!y,we detelt allthis vaine Allegoriesgri hrs, fignes and traditions brought in the Kirke-,wit out or agtainfi the Word of God , and doéirine of this (now) true reformed Kirke. To the which we joyne our fclvcs willingly in doétrine, faith,religion, di:f- . cipline, and ufe of the holy Sacraments, as lively A members ofthe fame, in Chrift our head,.promifing and fwearing by the great Name of the Lord our God, that We [hall continue in the obedience of the doéirine and difciplin 'e of this Kirke , and (ball de- fend the fame according to our vocation and power all the daies of our lives, under the paines contaie ned in the Law, and danger both of body and -foule in the day o;f?(}-ods fearejfull judgement. And ffceing that many are flirted , up by Satan,‘ and that Roman T Antichri{’t.to~p'1jomife , fware, fubfcribe , end for a time ufe the holy Sacraments in the Church deceit- iuily a ainfi. their owne confci»cn'ce,s,min_ding here- by. firfi under the external! ‘cloake of «Religion, to corrnptand fubvertfecretly Gods true Religion within the Kirk , and afterward when time may ferve to become open’ enemies . and perfecutors of the famemnder vaine hope of the popes di—fpenfati- on deviled ztgainfi. the Word of God, to his gre.atie«rt ccnfufion and double condemnation in the day of the Lord ]efi':s. e We ~ --V’ *Wc therefore willing totake awn all {ufpition of h pocrify, and offuch double dealidng w”itheGod ‘and islfiirk, protefl", and call thefearcher of all hearts to witneffe , thatout minds and hearts doe fullya tee withfth_is outconfeflion, promife , oath and fu fcription, {O that we are not moved for any worldly refpe_él:., but are perfwaded oflfiley‘ in our oqnfcxences , . ‘through’ the knowledge and love of Gods true Religion , printed in our hearted‘ by the holy Spirit, as we {hall anfwer to him in the day when thefecrets of all hearts fhalltbe difclofed; e . Andheecaufe. «we, perceive thatn.the‘qnie;nlefl"e fiability of our Religion and .K_ir kl doth depend ti on.the S0V,€l‘eaignt1¢.3< high C0iurt;fl§é.eParl iamept‘;1’n England, as upona comfortable ‘ilnfifirLin1entofG6‘dé mercy gtant,e;gfll,oto this , ,_g,l1‘d“ that Copnltty, £01‘, t maintenanceaof the Kitgke and the 7lmiinilit,g;tion‘fof iullice amonfill us. We protefl and ' prdniifefwith our hearts; an hand,un.det the f_at_11e_,oath,‘han;1lWrit andfpaines , thnt we lhall...,de!enc1_ghe.i1j};erl:gQ:s ‘land aL1th(ari'ty, gwith;©gr:ge.gt.e,n .bpc_lies,a,nVd{§tV_£eis,T the defence of Ehri I’£,s+.l1i-‘-. Eyanqgeéll "9 ‘ngfies l of“ ‘our ' Country, miinifiration oE.j1;£_’tjce, §_iand_ ipuniflitaienlt‘ of ini u’it_y agninfl all enenxiies Within this Realme , or wit out,‘ notwithfl'andixig- the great oppofition, as we defire our-God to be 3* {lrong and merc;'tful1 De--V ii fenclot to us, in the day ofour death, ind comming of our Lord jefus Ghnfl. To whom with the Father, andthe holy Spirit be all honoutand glory enter» FlNISl.' ‘V molly. Amen: % O’élob.fia.»u64:L:»:~ T‘ . :.-'..'7'.1 I’ ;. .' The Coppy of ak.et%ter, written ut1ty,‘7 % frorfi his Excelltincy 56 ofW V Genflni:-,4», ‘ ‘ ' ' V ‘ * ‘ ' \ Hm adwfé that the I{z': zg: Fvnjefaafe vgpon tbeii?" A 1ware/)'toi:va§‘d:jCo}?e11tr}§I};ee§1’n%vtjqzzof fife lamentabge 21;‘/Zrefi: éjh‘iz{{fi:}j?Lz'gtfefid 6.713852") man wbic/zvfdlk‘ iuto trfreirAA/okzndf? ‘and i't'/Je4par1’z'cét,‘-;:_ ‘ lar dartger,’ rt/J6 City ofCOventry be 1j4.Qe;z‘;j‘ fhercgfiare that all t/Je,Kz'rzgdame éamw that (be A fiozzr of row W to;%Reli£?¢#> %L"”W 4*%¢’¢.0'Wr6I%’%¢*e apg 2'12 fzxairz‘ ,, new éencqufaged tafiewjfiarfllveyj gal ; bar} S?Qv§n’try;4n§?)v,»@r0{>?WfiWWI vW’*?e"?7 éPiiv5fi>*;§* 5‘ ‘ ’ , % 'i)5z't/...Jei-j." *‘ I‘ /3'd_*iv¢_" rizifléiifi 2£(fo‘2ép*rz‘tt‘e‘;i2, étteh3‘m_,;/oe‘%L‘ioiarzti2:’ ofljeiisefter aw ‘£;¢aa~'.~ by;t:a*azIpzflfi_-52,5 4:1/o‘:o;.g2;zz;ar lre*ad,%t‘o‘/.vin'dz r?‘Z»eir‘1a5F- (5 N ‘O- 95;. Q V _fa’ge into __: *iAnH now*6;z7ig.sr0nfide}§t?1;b2;t F upowe ;?%ret«: -f- - V... - _. __ a ; a-_;\_ , .4’ _- _ . ' ‘ 7 _ ' _‘ V '\ "~. . s. -3;: —‘Gent'Ieme1z,Ifnpa’n.your rzflrzg I may per'cei7);e}40z¢f carer . fulmforyonr ownpre/érwtiomandgive meLi-zzflmation tifierc-‘of; I flmll do my partiw giveyoufitcb aflffidnce adflml become mv,arzd mg; befmeable to the occqfion. A F I N I S. iaézgifir t/15:" f'a’~é'fé?z§"'¢'_1f/Jérizbf, é wt jrgujé % ' s; and Vol;mtz'er:.of;}our County to ‘defend the Czvyiof ‘J Ndrfiifiiriptbfijfijf-f%}o‘di« c:{e;jf'eoiéé~%5}’éi +13 aazére‘ —__ RARE DA 803 M .1 - 1642. .s33'~ OQE PILIRI COLUMBIA . 642\\S33 - 9 \\\\\\3§\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\}§ University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes Dec1arationofLordsofSecret1642 1 June 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten marginaiia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. Page 3 mis—numbered as page 7. 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