1 s MAI E STI Esau 2.. . ‘~ =«?g@w Declaratioaito allHis Subjeéts of $3; ,1 § His a.KlN‘GD GM of « gm : :34 C O"? L A N 11% Vpon aceajim afa Primed Paper, Entitled, X ‘ e fvwiqzg. The Declaration of the Kingdom of eze %%‘33$%? S c o 1' L A yr :),.conccrning the prcfcm; '3 L e_ ; fw .Expea'itzm mtoE N G L A :4 Q3&'cO - L W I T H . rs eeeee~&« _ , A A 173% H15 M Aj E’ s1*1 E s Mcffage to the Lords or 3'?» ;‘; ’ His Privy.Counccllofseetlami in g . ‘ December I 6 4 2. j A N D , 4 ‘_ ‘f<=§4The feveraIIPapcrs prefented to I—IisMAj n s :r Y by $4 i; __ t£veScovcH Cemmitteeatoxronn » eliviid L ‘ in February left, ‘WITH §§?‘5’;§’3§§?3‘§?9§?5i?5’§? if- V His MA j n s 1- I n s fevcrall Anfwers thereunto. '4e,_ . W A % ;”§"., Printed by His Majasrxns Command At 0 XF o121),;ammry 9. By LEONARD Iiolcl-1FIBLD,iPl'ifl{,Cl‘ K‘ tn the Vniwrfity. 164.3.‘ Q rig F r % . \.l “'1 H 15 A IE S T I ES Declaration to all His S ubjeags of ‘ HisKingdomeofSc o1'1.ANo, L 1 V P 0 N a Occla/ion‘ of alT~rintet{ Taper, L ENTITVLEQ The Declaration of the Kingdome of S c o 1' L A N D , concerning the prején/1 e Expedition into E N to L A N n. &c. é “E T is now,wc fdp‘pofe,knownto the ‘ a — ‘="_'=.. Chtifitian Wot1d,and will be known 1 torafter Ages, with what Princely - Grace, and Fatherly indulgence We _ -a , have dcmeancjd} Out {die to that ‘\T / -‘ Our Native Kingdomc of Scotland, ‘ 1 v line: Our firlt comming to that A ; aCrowne‘;1_-low without ipfifting on thofeA&ions and. Circumfianccs which mightthavge di. vetted Out. altnclinationand‘Affection ° from them, We complvecmish shat‘flondcrfulmrecdomsaed Mani- ' z. :3! . _, 3, \ ‘ ‘ ifiiccéeding Ages-r amt ty with Our Subjeéts the re , that thertegwias nothinga,wir&.. ) indvn Our Chancellor (whom they {cut their": ifito.:hrm;5»;u:r Kingdomefm their names, to .d-efire thci; H=ouh{cshh&o.f:{?-art. liarnent here , jta leave no fiairehamigo5dhme4r2:‘rz32i17d3uhéd to induce V: tahremm‘e~ to them, ei/]2-coin!/yh in Itha%t«;'n7de3~ are of our Royall _Perfan, and of. our Princclyg Gmtts. T nefle, aged to te/hf} their ‘tender a,71dhighrcfbg£Z’;of-...0“ar Pmffé-J2 , hy fupprefling all ttimultuam ‘,fl:.’l‘y:¢’5",' might endanger or ofenzz’ V5; 4724/ that ,_.mhat§_ 154}? ‘a‘1'f’d for the Peace and fiwrity of theKing/Jame, mighfv he dune in f:4ch~_"4 fhireand re[beé?~z've way, 44-mightflca-at / my occafim to any to alleadgej, yhat theyhmcre: lc[2:.te*na dew and careful! of 0'ur- Primfe/y greamefic '§1fi4*§Mdfié£ fly, then of their own Lihertjes. This being; p.e’rfb‘i~;- med, would afibrd jztfi ground: to the Czmnrefl ofSc0t- h ' ‘land, :9 hecome earn:/2‘ and humhle fzaitors h9tqhI/.35htli;zt I We? avozsld he - plea[E’d_ to hretume ta 0-ar h%Parlia}2ne2it‘, ‘ without which, Um: Cozmcellhwoulzl have - fmal-1:’ hope‘:-0 ‘ H perfwade V: to retmhe. Whichcounfell of th€il‘$5i{‘ it i;,_:td_ ;been_fol1owed,had prevented all thefe CalarI?1.i-t=i:es' which have fincc befalien this unhappy: Kingdoms; hbutinfleaii therwf, Our Townes and;Nj~a%y‘y.% wen: takhcn+frojm<:EV§i., and .a dcfpcrate Armyj_rai.fed to dcfir,0yJ Vs, WhiCh;-W€ V hhgad reaion tocxpcéi , wou1d»rather:havc .infla:r;‘e:d,ath£ laeafts gof . Om’ good §§1!biC<5iS:_ Off ..lh3,tti ¥Ki£9gd;0hm€h3.%M-it'll hAngerham3 hI.t2c1ign=-rion %agAainfi.hth¢m%s*h¢9uniwthem it! . V . . ~ ‘ Ava) “a Leaiigiieiiand Covenant of difobcd ience and unduti-full» againfl; Vs, who have omitted nothing on Ou- art fivhichvican become a Gracious Kingtow ards His Peop , or 5aloiv-ing Fathcrtowardsflis Children. % ' ;Sh“ortly_~ tiftertur Battell with the Rebells, We , \ were informed that-the {editions Per-l'ons,who had raifed ' r 5 ;md.continued this B.ebellion-,i had the impudence by A fome publiclt Declaration, not only to jufiify their Trca» fan to Our Subje.& of Swtlarzd, but to invite and require - the "‘Afli{"tan;cet-of that «Our Native Kingdome, to their bringing inian Army into this; and thereupon ( that no- thing might ‘be wanting on Our part ) in the Moneth of t gbemnber, We difpatched an“ .Exprefie to the Lords of 1‘ l our Privy Councell .of..that.Kingdome, t~hatthey might {1 %notbcfur~prized with any falfetlnte-1ligenee,‘to the weak- 51']?-ngfthc-«it duty ;& in‘clinat-ion to Ourfervicer, and by Our ‘ i Letter (the which We againe publiih Withgthisflur De-t I claration) VV e took notice of that Overture made to ‘" them by t,ho‘{e who fiyled tthemle-lves,the two Houl es of Parliament, ,_a~n.:d acquainted them at large whatand how fewthofe ill perms were, fo fatre frotrrbeing therwo l jHoul‘es, thatqthcy were not the tenth part of the one, or the fifth apart of rheeither, thofe few defpetate {editions ~1’_.erf,onsi,having with t~hC -afiiflance olthat Rebe‘llious‘Ci- ,ty of London, driven the .-reft from that Councell, beeaufe ‘ _;hve-y.wo.urld not concur-re.wit_.-la them'icn~their traiterous rDefigt1es,- W-lth alglthefe particulars of their lnfoleney & Rebellion, and Our fu4fl’erings,tha-t they could notrhut be , fatisfied of the truth of both, which then werefo fatisfa- I fiery , that the fame was imtnediatiy ordained to be Printed and publilhed, And therefore We cannot be. on 3 l i ', tlc=V¢thiSD¢€1af3!i°“» W13i9hd€99§n99thWarr€a and ‘fill’ A e I ( 5 3‘ flirezitenese prefent Expedition into} this Gut K‘iugd?om¢z Qf £223 [emf , e in the bchajfe oflhofc WhO,by thneknowngs Lawes of this Land,areguiJ;gof Rebellion} and Treafan,: can proceed from the confentof that Ont Natiivefieléin» ’;'f d0m€,.,§g)L1t is contrived by rho{e,wlmf,havxng jfronithe gi-nniné concurred and ccopemeée With‘ the Frommcers: of the Rebellion here, defire to come in now, and be {ha-1' I7€1‘S i nthe Ha: veff and f poy1e,though acéompanied with ghe confufion and defolatiemfzzf both Natioens. - I - That Declarzzdon tens Us , V T/iat Dar K'i»gdme:’af Seotland , lmué émz ready by all good meme: framltbe écgimaingto queue/9 291).: .mm4-tsralifinz,-L and tbzt :9 Mat gmpafc ,‘ application 54:1: 56:» -mxdeto V: by Oar; C9311;-j m’! were , w/rial: pro vignig i'ntflefz'mIl ,= Gommifiimers were fem [ram thence to V: to make oferoftbeh‘ cfltedlé ation and Natiofiafl Intcrctfiion ,~ wl-icév aftier iangeattma.-’ dame aw am-erly rcflrzfedayd‘ rejeéiedéy F“:«. ‘We-arena; apt to‘ fufpeclthe Duty and Afieajon ofchat Our Nae» rive Kingdome ,l- (which:We.haeée7foe%high1y merited) but We are con fident, there are many fcditi‘ousf~ Pcrfons within that Kingdoxmwho have been {'0 farrefgom ufing memes to quench this-unnatural! S-re,; t:hat‘th‘ey allwayes powred in Oyle , and ad_mi.n-ificred fuppl-ies Fo1‘;the‘i1j;fla-; eming it, andthat ifthc Kindlers of it here hadaL otfi-pm the beginning received affurance of Ayd and a afiance from t‘hence,i.t had either never been kindled in this ‘Kings dome, or been foonextinguiflicd. Itistrue, that about: Fcéruary or M4r‘céelafl:,the Eaerlcof-Lannvdénand-M’ rm. dcrfim (Pcrfons very unlike to promote Peace)~weith two more, attended Vs aisf Commei-ffionees from that dome, and noiferednin the name of that Our Kin dome Id’ :m:rgo£e’_as Mediat»o#rs:3, coee9mpofe»;nl1§vgnhappyn diffe. 7 . L I-€11€€$‘ ti1‘ci1ccsher'ef,~ declaring,:That they conceived themfelves‘ _ ‘A intitled' to fach apowet of Mediation by the late §“;.<‘5t Of Pacification; the which when We had carefully pertsffid .\_Nil;l_Ithc agdvicezof OurPtivyCounce1l, and found that -ti-t1gav.e; lth€méq.0t‘" the leail 'Eitle:ot-Capacity to that put. ppf.e,and*finding as fwellby theitowne Exp-l1’t;lt]i<:in to fuck Ailvice ) e _a.ve1 ew,i-- e. erewit u i e to the ‘W0! d , in Wf1l'<_Ih,t;hC.o rjuft Reafons willgppeare, why We were not ;l’!*¥“”8e‘l2S9f¥9:s3llawiamensit! éSW€”t’: which was ‘ ilblhmely ( 7 ) abiolutely and folely in Our Power to grant or rcfufe; The Commilfioncrs being returned from oxford‘ without fuccelTe,(as that Declaration faies) that iS,With- out having perfwaded Vs to doe that», which We could not,or ought not to doe, it was thought lit by tho{e,who would not fufl-‘er themielves to be at "Peace, whillt their Neighbours are in Warre, fince VVe had reiufedto call a Parliament,which by the Law We might refufe, (and forca1iing'whereof,there was no neceifary caufes'repre- fented to Vs) to call a Convention ofthe E{iates,which they have notthe leaft lawfull powerto doe, that is, of ‘themfelves without and againli Our C'on‘fent’.- upon the tmatter, to fummon aParliamcnt5 And to that purpofe iiiiied out Warrants in Our Name throughout the King- dom, to fummon fuch a Covention, which is no fooner met, then a Refolution was made,and a Covenant taken by force of Armes,without refperft of Perfons to make an alteration of the Lawes and Government of this King- dome, without cateor tefpeét or their Nationall Cove; nant, which obliges them to defend Our Perfon and.Ho- nour,not only in prefervation of Religion, but-in all cafes which may concerne Our Honour and Greatneffe , and notto attempt any thing that‘m"ay tend to the diminuti- on ofG~ut' Greatneffe, and contrary to the Act of Pacifi- cation fo folemnely made between thetwo Kingdomes, by which it is provided, Thatthe KingdomrofSro.tl4mg.’ {hall not denounce or makeewarre againfl the Kingdom of Englami or Irrlaml,withont confent-ofthe Parliament of Scatlanagthe fame beinggundertaken for the Kingdtomc of England, and in cafe any of the Subjeéis of eitherof the Kingdoms,fhall rife in Armcs,or make Warreragainfi: any °§h9;rof the Iiinedomégf and $%;?1»ie¢’¢§ §'h_€r§9-f? With; W (9') outeonfemofthe Patliatnentofthat Kjngdome, where»- of theyiare Subjedts, or upon which they doe clepend, that they {hall be held and reputed as Traitorsatotheeei States ofwhich they are Subjeétet And both the King... domes in the cafes aforelaid-,ate bound to cooeutre in the = tepretfing of thofe, that {hall happen to ati1°ein«A~rtmt:s,ot* make Warre without the jconfent oftheit ow ne ePatlia. ment. Whofoever then hath any {enfe of Piety 6: Reli-4 gion, of the account he mutt one day make for Perjury and Oath-brealtirng, vvhofoevet v.al‘ues the Peace 81 Vnr-» ty between the two Nations, and defires to preferve the t Treaty of Pacification inviolable ,fot the happineffe and needs fuppofe to be ll} danger in this ‘ljingdome, where \ e i if fecurity of both Kingdomes, mutt look upon the Au- thors of this Defigne,of an Expedition into England, as- the moi’: defperate Incendiaties,which they are bound to bring to eondigne puniflimentg-. and whofoever {hall fuf- fer themfelves to be mifliedby. them into any Aoftion of: undutiilullneife and difloyalty,..are not guilty of le {Te then the breach of their; NationallyCovenant,eand as much as i in them liy.es—,ha‘ve diifolved the Peace fo delibetatelyand: ifolemnely, made between the two Kingd omes. How vigilant and carefull thefe men are like to-be for @111‘ fafety,Honout and Greatne{fe,(termes to often uled by them,and by which they fo groflely impofe ‘upon Our Peoplc,) ‘is by thistitne evident to_t_j1etWo'rld.. If to all fault Our Perfon with Rebellious Atmes, to take away ti - Gut Forts, and/Navy from Vs, to denyfls Our Nega. tive Voice, be for Our fafety, Honour, and Greatneffe, thefe Men have realon to proceed in their intended Ex- peditiomand aflift thoie who have doneall this. But their great (matrell, they fay, is for Religion, which they will T‘ (93 if it ‘ihallbe fuppreffed, their’s;in fscotlmaiislike to"be alfaulted, of which the Cefl‘ati'on‘with the Rebells in Ireland, gives themifome occafion of feare. We Had little (efotnewhattthere is) inthis Declaration .o’f'Our fa- vouring Papiils, 4‘that'~*l‘cétndaieltl'i:is fogrouéndle-fl'e,'fo with- «-outco1our,tha'tOur Subjeéis of Scotl4m’(even the worfta , can hardly be mifled byit. They well know how rea- dily We contented to all Lawes propofed by them, for the fecu ring of Relgion in S'cotl4nai’,a‘ntd how religioufl y ‘We have oblervedthole ‘Lawes. 'Tl_$?t’h€ Prelacy they r tare‘ troubled with,_that is,the G otveinm¢entoFthc'Church of England eltablilhed by Law , which ’tisno more in ‘Our Power to alter,‘ if We were inclined to it; then to tefizore or fet"up Epifcopacy jintthe Church of Scotland, ‘the fame being only to be done liby- Lawes regttlarly and i orderly digefle d, neither éan anytmn imagine, that the Religion of Scotland is more in danger by prefersjing the l Dil‘cipl«ine folong fetled’, fithaippily enjoyed in Erzglgtnd, rthenthe Peaceand Liberty of that Kingdome is in dan. get by the Lawes and Civill cuftomees of this , which to much differfrom thofe ofithe other. If in »t~ruth"thCrC be i 1 any feare of we eligion inl’t_h€’lf§i§ tr;re;_‘n;; We Have often, and doe againe , from O-uir Sioulci pror-‘eerie to a-lithe World, that no Perfon alive ,‘ lofwhat gualityloever ‘, ever ‘took l the defence" and advaireement of theytrue Reformed Pro- eeflant Religion {note to heart‘ ‘theme We have; land {hall 5 alwayees does and as lweialiivdyes t:on‘ctirré:’din"anyiPro_- pofition , made to VS:c*o’héerning it 5 by Ouffloules of Parliament ,t‘f during the timleithat’ thofe Councells were preferv ed witlfinianyoi boundsof ifobiriety iqfldf duty ; foe ‘when it {hall pleafe ‘iG'odfo1farre'to reiiore Peace to‘ this ‘1!li§¥?!l2l§ shat ‘there may b¢.fuc,h;=! Convéfl-3 E in W", . \.....,._.-,.._ tionin Parliametnt, as isfuirablee to the. Dignity and Frees‘. dom thereof, there tflrall be no Overture made to V5 for the Advaneemema and Propztgation of the true reformed A Protefiant Re1;g§o:n,, £9 birth §VVet.wi1irm_r with great. joy and glgcmefle:r;t§ntI;rt§>L1£¢atQ1;tr_eb.efi;,and,utmGfl .\ fiflétnéfi.’ - T 1 Concerningth eeCeiTat1on rn ~Iz;*el4rmf1,~ mavhcroufliy in; flamed in tI1is:~Deel_a.ratiot1,rasadetigne upon tRe1igiton,%,e Vve need fay.tt1to:m'c);‘€:the,r}-We ghaye tdr§ne:etit1 3.»:=di..1"C0l1iIf¢ publiflted of that Argu*me:at=, ;by which-and the fe-verafl tCefl.imo_nies pufqiiflaed from;-that Ktingdome, it is evident to all the World ,» A in: what. conditioin our» ahifaires Rood 'there,,tafrm! by whole dzefvattlte t';3e,y; werefbrought intro fut-ch a._con‘dition, and h_<>w-nec_e[fatery this. Qleiffgttjontwas, even 5 mac being. of that" King_dom.e:;’ :~Wt«hen t«hat»Rebellion firfi_b_rake out, We were in A Our,Kingdome of Swtlamz’,-, e Awtl}ie;R3§at1tbearte.V.s witne;ff_e,t.h49W folicitous We were to §;"r:e,;§§‘€,.i‘¥¥;tI1e growth. the.reof1_bothtbty preparing iReme;- ‘age; ifi‘that,_qnd‘rprogofitng 3 Remedies 19 this; Kin gdorneg which it theyg.ehad.been east feafo_nab_ly applyed, would "ha3(epf£yeg;ed nweh _oft:ha_t bi0od.and defolation which rhep9r;‘ipnAof,thag gmiferabie Kingdome; , VWFEQE.p‘P]l§q§?n%Qg£§e15!hj?&5Qfig s.catlwdhadot t0ureaf— i_fe‘éiioti,rand,tcareeofithatOur ‘PeopIe,, .a'pp€tars» by the ex; }1;réfi"I‘.tfo We(hall'u{e .ai1dim.p1Qy thofe Armes to no other end then the fecutity of all thofe, and £hal1t1evet..fu'ffer Out felfe to be tempted by‘ any n fuccefle or ?Vic’ceory t which God * fhall«’bleH3: Vs with,to infringe the Lawes of this, otviolate ‘the: Lawes of Our other A Kingdome; We being.ready' to - acl'.4._g_...i9~ £ —‘ 1 '. ., . » -953». _.-~. —~————-— -- - {, ~ ( I 3 ) ince no Subeft ofthat Out V * O» , . . tl1iSQua\rrell)engage himfel'feIj;l11ih‘ltIélgagfigftltidlm a hater of his Brethren: , againfi Chtilliah and comrilng Charity,ahateroihimielfeandihisPofierity Wing. E” Law and light of his owne Confciencc a hafet of the King and His Kingdome, againfl Loyalty and mm I Q duty, and a hater of God,again{t‘ all Religion and pfm on And We doubtnot but the Spirits of all true Eh algiél: men ,will rife with that Anger and indignation at thig I heatd OfIDlOl€Ilc€,Wl1€r€[l'i€I€l5 nothino pretended gm :1 Refolutionto give and impofe new Laareslupon the us that they will be united asone man,to oppole the Pritgz and Tyranny ofthis Invafion. And that they. will ealile conclude, that neither Confcienceot Btothetly,afFeé7tio% engages them from their own Peace and quiet; in this tmil godly errand, but a hope and refolution to mam 55,3; quefi by the he! of th ' ° 'lld'if ' - bite their molt fguitfullfahhlnéoleafhnfintglgggs, afrli‘ é fame kindneffe will carry them. outvvhich ,btingsi then: in, cannot be imagined by any fobenundetllanding In 3 word, if the finnes of both Nations have prepamda. Iudgement from Heaven, that theyare to be drowned and confounded in each others blo d h ' 2 everwe {hall havein the calamiql), (,3:JVd:!t1'cl) tot/zr;:,°3tl?1°i beare Us witneffe, that W e have-not been wanting in Our dut_y"to prevent all the following * ' mi.lery_and delolation .. " % V (I4) %@$% %@$% gfifi HIS Iv1AIES'EIES Meffage to the Lords "oEHls, lPriv.y-Councell ofScotl;ma’, t 1)ecem6.6. 1642. V A J ( lCgh§TrufigI(a:ntlRIigill1tWelhjeloved to ensan oun e ors,an _Rioh: T L ; "fruity and Welbeloved Countlel. L l lors, We greet youwell. We have . , _ _, gztely feen a Paper prefented to Vs o —"—.—? '7" the Earle of L 77? , as a Decla- ” ra}r,ionof the Lorgsjahd Commons ’ " ' alfembled in the Parliament oflin . l.4_7}d,0fthC7o of Naveméer, to Our Subjefis clout Kingdom of Scotland; which,after many high taxes of t V5 and Our Government, very eatneftly invites, and in a manner challenges AfliPcance, fromthat Our native Kingdom,oflMen§and Armes for making :1 warreagainfl; Vs,ma.l’ and evidently tending to the difiurbanee of the Common ‘Peace of y the two King. a domes; knowing alfuredly, that -it the'Parliament had been ‘ fitting . theylwould have taken this, as a matter of retcatefl nccrifity aaé Qonssramsrt» §=f°r9a!!~9_t!3sr !.hines;»hro. y a t - . . ‘ a r cm i I-DI-...—p -at n *( 2;) their moi’: ferious eonfideration. A fpeciail Obligation and war4 rant ofthia dcfire and duty of our mediatioh, "doth alfo arife from the Anfwenwhich your Maic[iy,and your Houfes of Parliament, did give unto the E«ight-dctmandt in the Treaty of Paeification, ecncerning. unity of Religion, which was not»«only‘.iErqpon,ed_. ans; principal] mean: for confcrving of Peace ;bctw,ixt L. domes, and hath been a ground 30 the Cdmmiflionets for5cbnfer- wing of the Peace.to infill in the fame defirea to your Maiefiyas a principaelimeane of Peace ; 'butirafi1{o of divers Petitions to you: Maiefly from the general}; Aflembly , and7rt'-he iCommifIio:net_s thereof, androf your Maieiiiesmafwers tothem; ofDeclarations from them tothe two-Houfesf of Pa.£1iarment&s' sand , from thetwo Houfes of Parliament to them; ;.anc_iofdiver,s_ rlaetters; to your Ma- ieliy 8ciDec1arationa to_ the‘ Houfesof Parliament,”?rom_ the Lords of privy Councell for unity of Religon (and, uniformity,oFKytke Govemmenms profniiing; pedce, "ro fperi_cy;and ‘a‘_'ll“fort§ of bile!- ling: to both Kingdoimes» Vpzgn t “cf: and the like groundfsg‘ did the Comrniffioners for conferv-ing the Peace, feconded with the approbation ofthe Lotds*ofCounceli,t and with the jo nt defire: of the §ornm»iflionct8 ofthe g_‘eneta1l Mfembly, find» cmfeivec ticrjarganted andéoblligcd to ufeall gocgdp;1e,ain,¢8;.«‘ and to; contribute their utrnofi: endeavours for,tha>t_unity offieligion , and i¢i_nifor- mity of Kirke govennmen! in allryour Maififlies Dominions, and For removing the diflcreneeehetwixt youhmaiefly, 8: your Hon. fee ofPariia?u"2ent, 7 and for ih,efc~fo‘ii1u'c’h «eyiiiflied for ends ; o"-hg‘\fe fen: us; to! theirrowner n_I':I;mbér,”youirhiaiéfiicsiimofi‘ hutribie and faithfull-;Sub.i;¢§{s 4,‘? who would cfieem*’it:‘our‘ gieatefi:ha~pj)ineiTe on Bat :11 to have;,t‘§1G:119l!0Dr;:to be Inflrumcntsin 123 good awor-k‘. And now d0¢t;=;ga1n¢-in é“1lh_umi1ity atndtfaithfu1ncs.accordin: 1° 05f”t€3~5¢5i!i*I1if1ie§n’f§ 9%: 9“??=¥Vi’C.€ and b¢(*r¢Pd¢%Y9*9£!“!9.r9F= Wiicflyéind d¢1'*ri¢‘f° Péffifiltficd bi. &'9ut3M?i9@W9 80¢ mbc‘ »urre1-«=- in~'-*¥!¢e¢=nf!-9°n**!iitt¢<‘*iti=°,t“*r 1 Houfc-is orparizsmgxagman we may w'iti1otitil"o:ng“;e;rq*de1aey’:,gequit 1- ‘ I g - , _ .—_~'_:‘. :;'}%‘i'-E) £3 4 = 2 _ ‘. 3 ‘= . f« i I ' 4f ‘Eu . .. u \. (24 3, AijnisTh-line’-Qizsfrirr. 1 /e,_ Ehaivemade np;profefli’ofi‘, fir ufed-no expref-’ 4 fiof1sr_of Our’ It‘1;,t§éj!i‘t'io’t1s”Vt(3_ iPe;iiCeA,,e ‘ :w‘hic_'h]Out jg rA&iOb§ hav.eiI6r‘;‘i‘ahde fhall alwayes make .8001di=G0d‘afid rtih¢.Wi0r1drWi1.li b¢a:‘Vs wit«- he ff_e,,_Wc haw: Simittecl mi» poflibk meanres, . Our’ under.. I Lftiandihp,-g. couldrkfuggefl F0 VS, ; to; temovethofei unhappy’ Differencw. But how Our fa.ferCotrdri6I‘~, which isonly; aefafe Admiflion of? youimzo éhisi Kingdyomie, {hould icon-I fefrrer‘ ah 174C=apa'city“ru‘p<_)ne- you’, qr quajifieyoq in :3 Cond ,1. \ tidnft_he Law hath"n'ot given‘y§oii,rWe gamer underfiand, iQi3fi"fif?9€Uih§.fd fliall 5)’ W m:¢3L"‘5L '9:i¢13‘Cd:i§ fh°“8h carjxnbjt ‘adrnitithe Authbrityiargd Obligation ', you pretend "why your Commiflion. r - ‘ _,. . 4 is We fhallto Our—utmofiiPower, imaintain and De. feud ache Lawes of rh"a‘t Our Native Kingdqrneg, inrhat *Kipf7gdome, <£o;We have been, atid__fl1fljallbeimroflpunéiu. ea‘! l‘ycarc_fu1I~ tier :9 doc, or (to Our Power) ‘IO fuffer any thingjto ,be_done4in».tl,)is, which may reflex upon that Our Kingdpm_e§,;.f prfggr/idzto the dvifIurbfi.fl§,¢ Of the‘ Common P,eacejp£ . rOur«:wo =Kingdomes~,i [ ;and«fo,m1yr have any giémndiofeinviting any efueéhimcdiation toCVs; but we conceive, there?is?more ground for thOf€,}‘Wh0 fear; you, as Confervators of the Articles of'fre_'a%ty,Vt%oith_irik them-3 i"é_l\~‘ze§ {u1fiifc‘i"e;‘t;1it_l_y*_ge’ti rhprizedr to take ‘nqjiceiefiarnd ‘ggfcnt .5f.0hUie“W°iH9“f‘5»‘?fP3fli3mcflfa invi- J ‘titig Ont Subjéfls of that Nation to aflifi againtt Vs, as being a defire direfily contrary to the Articles of the Treaty’, and which doth really and evidently tend to the A V .So”mm0n .difit3§ba9€s °f!h§ P¢8°€b¢‘W¢¢° the two King-3 ... .1 , .. , - - M" " ‘x’ .rr’='=a-_—- - ‘ iv-7"’ " ‘ ' \\s j___ ,,..._»— \ . ~ _,TA—~“”"V V _ A/—»r . 2* = L (e 15* ) Kingdomes, ‘ }aind< to‘ within the ptopctboundsof their Commiflion and"Ttufi. -=* ' i ' i We have againe deiiberateiy confidcred ofeethe_A'n- {wet of the E ight Demand in the Treaty of Pacification, W t 4 concerning unity ofReIigion,and unifbrmity ot"ChurCh Go,vernment,and cannot'find in that Anfwer the least ob; ediation, theAn[‘wer of Vstand Our two Hoqfes of Parliament here, to that defirci béitgg this , T/mt We “did appro-are but efiion; ofoitrg Sue jam 4)’ Scotland; in Meir dqfirc ofbaivinga Canfirmity of-C//arch Gawmmmt' teadytaken: into Conlideraztiongv the Reformation of Church Government, fa they would ‘ proceed therein in due time‘; as {hould belt‘ conducetiothe glorfyof Gad, and Peace of the.Church, an-d ofboth-Kingdomesgie but )‘ ~ by any wogds in that Anf wet; or ih‘the»whoie««AétofPa- T cification. And the A15} of Patliamem of Our Kin‘gdo'm ’ ofstotland, ; which awzhorizeth the Commiflioners for "4 L conferving of the ‘Articles ofthe Treaty , (which is the ‘ i flyle: of £116: Commifii-oners» from» whomfiyou‘ are fear, and who -have all their Authority ikbytvertue o‘ft‘h%tt Aét) ~ gives them power only, betwixt the fittitigoiethe Paedia- ments to convene ;=among{t.themfeil;ves,t t'3r- with ftiehas g and ’ I up.» L add ikeyepjng we faid; Articles Q5 .1?€,aC¢; »: aeoticludcdinthe marmy allanerly, and not othemiift. idcclaringthat l mg ipq,_y§ve:,_ of ;his Commiffion A fl1all,be.irel’er.ained :0 the Agticle I.o.fi;i?ea,ce,:co!e1cl{1d€:d in ChC.f,2IidTT¢3tYa' {(5 that? R . thofife, Gommiff_1o'ners have no‘: tlarelléafi Titlfi Or Al1iIh0- rityi tfoi interpofe in mattersi o;f‘+ Difififfhffi Withi.fl‘lh€‘ Kingdaome, of England, but Onlyi w.h€rf€ thfi P°3C€ 35 AF ticlesneaoncluded between the twov Kingdpmesare ‘viola. tale; ‘aAlnd.il:eneicher of thoie Afits:9fPal lxamem. give the leaf}C0§i5lIr.0I?fl.E¥th0rity.E0‘thoféeC0i1fimilfi‘0flCfS* ( as ~i apparen_t.ly,they-«d.e.CT1li)t) to undertake a Mediation in—the' unanappy diiferencesiof this ICingdame,1you.wiil find rig- otherjliiilg to itlbye you_tNatiot1a‘ll,O;fa.th.:,l by Natmc’; 330 byyijgug pyblique Faith and Frate‘rnity,then any other of Ourgood Subjeéls oafth-atO»ur-Native Kingdvm Of 560!‘ [4};a’; oi indeed’ of either of Our other Kingdomes, may? challlenge ¢tolt1h;emfelves: and whether that can be aca- A qlfifediation, between Vs and both Our Houfes ‘0f§P;'2-rlfiament , ( wheniundere p‘retence:o£;their Coma’ % againfi Vs, and endeavours! have been ufed to defiroy V5 and Our Children) A your felves will.eafi;ly jud.ge-.~:::Neit-he.r hath [any eConfem been mands, Pirmes are taken up given by U510 itin Qur, Anfwers many L£:tt€‘tS from xheCommim_oners ofthat Our Kingdome of scozzmg (.wheat._Iclefir\es Qgiizitianations. haveebeen in. their Letters to V,.§,or ;i=I],thC?i;’ Declaifations :o..b.o:h ;Ho‘ufes of Parlia- me;n,t,__ is qogamalnstiall) ; ywhiehis ackn-0~w'iédged in their’ ' Letter tag-Our Secretary of Scotland, in which, they fay} 1 . they cann—0til perceivea clear“ «Appvrobati~o«n.f‘r@m Vs of th'e_.ir; fending andmediation. ; ;NEith€3.‘ lean We by_ any Ip_eaAtie§? ad mic, _'-t',h,a.‘t. th.e;.Com‘miflionefs of Scfiatlakzd», foe; §99£¢rv1ns the 4?-;§tis1¢s0fiTr§al=y,; e or tbs 1-ords 05 Om“ Councell i (27) Councellof that xingdome, or -the comgnimuners the ge nerall A'fl'cmbl¥yt th-ere,i3T,¢iil“..anliidtgree warranted . ortobliged to intermeddle‘in‘the Religion, V and C;%hu'f¢]1 Government of this ,Kingdo_rn 5 which is {O 'i,nt€rmixed— with theCivill Gover-nmeant,‘ that the lame eatmotbe underftood by them. Andiforthefe Reafons,and thofe formerly given by Vs,VVe" mull inlifl: upon Our former Atlfwet to y%our»Propofitiot:._._i ’ . The Scotch Committee. t . ’ F Your Ma)'e[lies\ Native; Kingdom: of Scatland could in I eonfcience of their duty to God,of Loyalty to Your Majefiy, . of providing for their own fziety , and of Charity. to theils Brethren of England, have fitten llill as Idle beholders of the pres fentcombuftion and calamities, it might ‘have been. accounted It ptefumptionor officioufneffe to cffer to interpofe and meddle in, _ matters wherein they were not fp ectally. concCrned,r._butthat-2 manifold and undeclinahle necelIity,did conllrain the Commifli. toners , for confetving the Peace betwixt thetwo Kingdoms: ~ ( who by reafon of the truPc repofed in them by Your Ma feitynnd: the late Parliament , and of the univerfall expeflation of ' that. Kingdom, were in duty molt concerned to bellirre themfelves int 7 matters of that kind ). to offer in all humility. and love, their belt fervice and endeavours, to Your Maje(ly¢,.and the two 1-Ioufes of " Parliament, for a definable and blefled Pacification for this pur-- pole, tandefor no other, Publique at Private proiecft or defigne 0E” their o‘win,di.§_they‘ crave a fafe conduft ( the C0n§tituti0n.. of at‘.- faires and t_h_e'time fo requiring) for fuch of theirown number as they {houlddelire to {end to ¥our Majelly, and the Houfesof Parliament, whiiéh Your Ma 1' efiy was gratioufly pleafecl to grant, a without either oppofing of that , or intrmattng any other end~of* = tlheirereipairinginto E ngland; which they. conceived Y-our~Maie-= [ty..wouldehavedone,if their Mediation ( whiehimporterh no. ’ A D 3 V otherr _f_ I i 7_i . ' j 2 ‘-:~!r'~"'*‘-5 4,_.# cm other auth.otity;, but that they are warranted and ‘obliged to mafia o’fi'er ofthisl their humble duty and fervice) would not have been acceptablc,~yet_ doe they not pretend Your Majeflics fafe Conduéltto be an invitement of this Mediation, but only a War- 1 am ofadmicring, and a ground of accepting of them, who accor- d ing to their Cominifiion from Your Majefl y andothe Parliamen t, had applied rhemfelves to fo pious and neceiiary a do ry.. p We doe earncltly befecch God, by N Whom Kings reigne, to bleiie Your Majefiiy, in Your Royall and fathcrl y Care of the con- i ferving of the Peace of Your Dominions, both in thcmfelves,and of each of them with another. But as no humane prudence or {0- licitude is able at fometime to prevent the commotion of K ing- doms; fo isit unpofiible, where Kingdoms be to neerly Ioyncd betwixtthemfelves-, and fo itraitly united under one , head, to ex. tinguifh the _fymparhy.andT€nf¢ of thé, troubles Of, thcir Head and fellow Subie&s,or {'0' to (top the deluge ofthe troublcse ofthe one. that it aiffifl not the other‘w_ith the danger of the like, to the di- fiurbance ofthecommon Peace ofboth; Toheflpommtifiionersp for conferving the Peace according to theirldutyfor the_peprf;0t.tm4ing whereof they are to anfwerto Your Maiefi andthe; Parliament of that Ki‘ngdom'e,did confidér of YourMa1cfipi_ 3 {overall Letters and? Declarationsrtoethem, exprefling Your oconfidtencie in Your Maicfiies Subiefls there; and did fofar re take noticepofttthe Invi- tation ofthe two I-ioufes of Parliament For aflifiance, that after long and mature deliberation they refolued, vtzithout_i,anp_y other ‘determination or undertaking,‘ i to fend up {onto of their own number to receive in prefence‘ particular, and full information of therdifferences betwixt Your Maiefly” andithem ,. to offer in all humility to‘Your Maiefiy , and in all’ love to them their earnefl deiires, and belt endeavoureto prevent‘ the elfufion of more blood by am happy accommodation ;and if the idiflerences were greater ‘ thcnrby them couldbe rem ved_,to make true. relation of the Rate oi matters, and faithful} acc unt of their dilngenceto a Your Maia; {iy,and the Parliament of that Kgngdome, who in their greater Wifdome and Authority, were to confider and refolve whatis‘ - fit to-be done, in the time oifo great difliculties and dangers, for Y r Maieflies honour, their own fafetygand the Common» Peace of b th Kingdoms, Which‘ courfe and‘ method, if they had not ’ V ’ ' followed.‘ fioncoftlie Article-pfthe Treat-yr ‘ ( 29%) followed, ‘they could not havcibécfl anfwctable ncitber”toG0d not to your Maielly and the Parliament, nor to the‘Chriflian world, which might iullly wonder, and be aftonifhed, that they a who lately had’ the {en {en of troubles flmouldfit it-ill in eaf‘e;eaanld.«I ‘n ' berg, (agd-:wi1l juflly, I?nn&naliy,°and Rehgnoufly ob-A L ,f€rv,C;§t0ge:ther with all th€’;:”.r__f;9i _C0nf€i1ted to by I-11mg)» N V 12;; i Ym¢_p‘ap1§amen: thexe"fhall~eonv§ne~, upon the firfi: V ‘; E 3, .- ' 'I‘,.uefday,,‘ I :5 J e'~ r 3" . ‘r {d r (36) "9 3}’ 0 lime 164.4. andaccordinv ' ~ T to; L wxllappoynt one betwixt this and thaf d 3y he,-gag’? ‘giaa ;c{tyfl1a1lth/mkfitung5 who as He is by c1;at__ver}:sL:a: cxprcfi to b; [ole I udge of ghat convenicnée {O t ~ Commlffioners”are!neit'htf by tl‘1’at% noia A‘ 6- 5 ‘z; ’ . . I - » “Y °‘h“L“‘." °““"‘*€d0renabIed. ‘W to fl)udg¢ _thcr§6;“;';;;%}'-‘ ' .=+— % P Vt % 1 f-’"”""'7f = Wafitll , .5 .;s Maieayis crcumy T ‘ “ -W5“ greientgvh - ‘c ' ‘ ...' ‘(‘“.,,,.; J "—-435' W ‘ ~ in 4;.’ J, >' \ . ‘ .; 1x';;;3 9‘ %;3\,v.-'£§r%_;;.T-; ‘- * 3’ _ ‘ B. .?:,.‘:i.’i .l.‘».'_*j =65- I‘ ._ . _. . - ' \ . I . -U ' 1, -I» \ .1? :3 C’. ‘fin u .3 . _ 5.- J i A ‘ ‘ . ;: 1°k,_, ‘J-. “F ‘AC 15' " f*hSF1l+1€s '3 _. - 2 sg ‘ _ "' l1,‘muif.' “ tmmIlwntliifififififlfijfijfiygfflmfiwIuuuuma University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes HisMagiestiesDec1aration1643 31 May 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten marginaiia. 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