*~ .‘..‘..m,vN‘~\, ‘C,‘JJ““y‘ ‘LN W”‘”"" ~31’/1:, ‘ '4 4' ’ H w um‘ M -1., . «om Lwwg. ‘ “ ‘ ... ‘ ‘ ‘ IS a]c: 16$ PROCLAM ATIN N %SCOTLAND=% W1TH% % A N EXP N A TI 0 N , OFTHE MEANING 014‘ % . THE OATH AND _cQvENANn ~ ‘, high Commlfsioner. Sczfirtbéy t/ac K 1“ NO 3% fféeciall?liceme;. _4fl LONDON, V A Prmfed by RabertTozmg,HisVMajc[ties Printer " for Scotland. 1639, By gheLord Marque.{i?:,hi“sl\/lajeflies Axe fold at the sum on Brcad.ftreci:,hi1l. % by the grace of , _% A God,ki A » France, and Ireland, defender of " ,1 the faith‘; TQ ‘ourLov1ts4 1 1 4% " \ ! ' 1 . ‘ % I,‘ 7 44 ., .‘ A part conjunélly and fcverally fpecially conflifute, §xcctiflg{-, ; Whereas A fozri A the rcmbvi ng of Scotland , England, A M ' ars, I-Ierulds, Purfevantsg o%urA S h.criflF'es, in that ngfof the di{br- ¢ cm: whkgh? ~%had§ :happéged«%'iV¢f §1ac<1s.and at the horneifotne ofchem confined, t tt»rapd’a1lof 3 them by oath; and tvfubfceriptioni b0L1[1d=t0 the overthrow ,ofepifcopa1lgoverntnent; And by a 3 this ' (as? - tlhisfand other their underahanfd worlciugg and lpri» vateirrformations and perfwafionghave given jufl: ground of fufpicion of their partigxlicie, and fo made rhemfelves -unfit judges of what concerneth epifcg... l pacie.a And als albeit it was fufficienrly cleared by the peremptory and illegallproceclures of the preshy- reries, whoa‘: their own hand by order of law , and A ~ xvithoutdue forme oEprocefl‘e, lerhruflzlour modo- Ur rarors lawfully eflablifhedér and ‘" placed others, whom 11 they found moa inclinable to theirturbullent humorsg aflociare to themfelvesl for choofing of thelcommili ll fioners to the affembly , a laick elder out of each pa- “rlfh , Iwho being in moft place$‘»equ"alel; if not lmoje ih?‘ nurnblerthenrlaighemihiflieriqmardegchoice both of rhea A minifiers, who {hould he commiflioners from the presbyteries , asalfo of a laid: elder,;(which inmtime: will prove to beofa dangerous confeuence, and1r=ir¢n...~ portl: as "heavie burdemr the lip : le‘:+‘“oia' lchurchfllplandll church men) being more direéred therein bythre’war; rants of the forefaid pretended tables , thenbytheir own judgements _., as appeared by thefeverall infi:ru- Gcions fear from them» (far contrary to the lawfcs gfl thisacormrrey v, Tldwahle r 1 ref church) fome whereof were procluced and exhibit a by ourir CommifIioner,and publickly read : One whereof;di- 1 red’: tothe Nohlemen andBarons of each presbytc- rie, doth. among manyi qthero odde paffagesf, require * A diligenge ,h1e£’Vre(faylthey)¢ by ourown fillineffc and tlreacherie awerfllofeeefih faire an occafiomfofourppliherry? both chrifiian flandrcivill afirangeph rafhfo plrroceedoo fro ”urifull¢ lord‘; lidyall hearted fubjcéh; ether to the moderatorsaoftiaje l?{evera11‘"pryteriése~L, undle; ‘ ~» " r - p t rs: llhfif,lttl€10f4p~fl.I-V,AT'E..IN s 'I'_1iUtC tr 1 on ts,» Auet1.s fr 2 7; firfi , contaitzeth ~tliaat‘”tthefeprivate’ll infiruétions,tl.,flwatl-I be difcovered tr) mine, butto brethren ' well affeéteid t A t6 the caufe gfecondly, order muft be.tal£ tP¢a;ce ,l helchofeln , althoughcot/enan~ ,t$c rfsQr, etxccipt they havlc publjickly renot1nced,"or decla- red the unllawfulntefie of their places : fifthly, that the t *rt1Iing fildcrg Cbme 1°tom every phurch , in equal! trtjm’ with‘ Zthegminifiers 5% andlfltl;1Ct}miniflC1‘”Op-= £hemr¢1v:esl“in pomeltzon, nocwichaanding r A Qppofition : fixthly that the acommiflioner of t dfaq the lhlirefcaufe conveen before him the ruling elder“ % ‘if ¢%i9f¢!1l?ef0rc thew Whe leltéfiont an$1rtrt¢nJ9yn themupon trhcir to-mtthatthey give vote tt01i¢!?¢h;hl51ift fethdewhotarertarrzed alrcadhytat the e meeting at Edinburgth =fCventhIy ,’that where thercl ttvetnamm it cf! is,}';tt.rn0li1cIn:tn llIl:l5l,'1C‘Vl)%l0l3ftrdS of the pregbyte 13; ,..he be chqfen gm: where therer is notgeli, there bepluofen a barrt§n,rlor,dne of the heft quality,and he onelya co» . H 'ghthly ,th:tttheableffmVa;t1inevery pref- fbéxprévided to dlfpfltc dfigotgflatefitpremi efigfliéisalpmffirtimin caza-vacazrdir Q9}?-'- ¢z'liif:,&‘€l;l VVhereby it his mofl: evident what prelimi- tations, in_dire(Sc and partial! courfes , and dangerous propofitiotrs have been ufed ittflthe preparations and €1¢°¢3°fl5 '30 :this pretended airfimbbh "By fl which A P A ~ ” unlawfull 6 ) A unlawfull doings ,‘although we had fuffieient lreafonl if tolillhaveitlifcharged the meeting of the {aid affemblyg a yet we wereppleafed patiently to attend thetfame, flill hoping that when they were met together by the A K prefence of our Commiflioner, and afiiflance offome well affeéted fubjeéts ,,v7ho wereto be there‘ , and by n their own“ feeing the reall“ petformance‘lof‘whiat was ~ ‘ promifed by*ourproclamation,they fhouldhaye been induced to return to the due obedience to of fubjeéts. ' But when we perceived that their turbulent difp_0fiti- l ons did incre-al‘e,as was manifefi by theirrepairing to the fitid pretended aflembly with great troups and bands of 1nen,all bo-lddin in fear of war,with guns,and p'iftolets, contrary to the lawestof this ykingdo_me,and inhighv contempt of our proclamationat Edinburgh the I 6 .day of November laft: And alfo by the perem- ptoryrefufingy to the ‘ iafleflbrs , authorized by us (alg- ithoughifewer in number then eourdeareft “Father was in ufe to ~have_) the power of vottng in thts alfetnblyg as formerly they had done in all others; openly aver- ring that we , not our Commrffioner , had no fixrther ower there then the meanelt commxflioner of then: number and by their partialland uniu£trefufidg,and not fuflering to be read the reafohs and arguments "gi; t lven in by the bifhops,and their adherents to ourCom— L miflioner, why they ought not to proceed to the ele; éizion of a moderatogneither yet to the trying and _y ad. a mitting dB the Pcomtniffionerse ,3 before ‘ ftheyr were it heard ,‘thoug‘jh7in our name they were earneftlyreu ‘A quircd thereto by our C01'nrniflioner: and notwith- fltanding that : our Commiffionerby warrantfrom us gave inunder his t hand a fufficxent declaration of all it mm : l t ~ .. l ’ that <79 that wash contained tn our late prot:l»arnation; bearing liltewagzesont pleafureof the regiftration of the am: in the l l andypurity of religion to all our ooel fubjecilia, as tlothclearly appeare by the deelara:tion it‘ felf; where» F the tenor follows’. The Kings Majefiybeinginfor- met! that many of his goodtfubjeéts have app re=hen_tl- ed‘ that by the introducing ofthe fetyice book , and book of canonsg the inbringinglof fupetfiitlon h:=:tl"3 been intended, hath been graciouflylpleafitl to all-ll charge, like as by thefe he doth difchargte the fervlce book, and.byook ofcanons, andthe praetieeofthem, andeither ofthem , and annulls and refcirzcls all atfts ofcouncell, proclamations, andotl1era%&s,and deeils ooksyyof afTem,bly,For all laffuranee ofrhe truth whatfoever , thathave lbeenl made orpublillueclbfor‘ y eftabliflaing the-mg or"either offhem, ,an‘ddecl:1i‘es the t ‘fameto be null, 8: :9 have no force not case: in time Coming. The kings Majefty, as he conceived, for the care and benefit of’y~th¢ .fubjre&_, eflfablilljedrfhe high commifiion ,that thereby juflice ‘ht bet aamini; » ' ll%“rat‘er,t}at1*dt1‘i_efa"u1l:s and errours or ouch perfons l as ” are made lyable thercto,talmrr:anci ‘and direéiicin given in, and fubfcribed by our Com.- miflione r,upon prote{’c;itio’n made by him ether his af- fenting to the regiflzration hereof, ihouid be no ap- A probation‘ of the lawfulneffe Of this aflembiy , nor 05' any ofrhefaéts ‘or ideedsidjone, or to be done therein. And findingthem in like fort no wayesro befarisfied therewith, 6: that nothing elfe was able to give them. contentment’, except at their own pieafurc they were i permitted to overthrow all epxfcopali government A ' _ imhe church , and thereby to abrogate ourgubliice A laiwes, handing invigour bit; the fpace of many years 2, A byflgflnfiy A ‘ i‘(1o) ' by-gone , and to alter the fundamentall government a of this kingdome, in taking away one of the three eflategcontrary to expreffe adts of Parliament. And ' left the continuance of their meetings might have produced other the like dangerous 'a6is for deroga-‘ torie to royall. authority _., We were forced for pre- veening thereof, and for the reafonstand caufes a- l bovernentioned, and divers others importing true monarchicall“government,to difiblve and break up A the {aid pretendedaflembly; and to difcharge them of all farther meeting, treating and concluding any thing therein: And yet in that calmer and peaceable way, as our Cmmifiioner befbffi his removing Ade» fired theirpretended moderator for that «time to have faid prayer, and fo concludedthat daies feffion , that _ fo they might have had ‘time to think UPOHAI-hfii juft reafons of his refufinggto aiiifhnor be an . longer pre-_~ {cut at thefaidlprctcndcd affemblya a ofthc cauffie W moving us to the diffolving thereof: and notwith-i flanding his earneft urging the fame, and being ‘wil. ling to return the next morning to hear their anfwerg,‘ in place of all other fatisfaélion tog his for rcafonable ' and moderate defi-res, it aggwasirefiifed and met gwithtia protefiation of an high and extraordinary flfalfl-C5_ thereby prefirming to cite and call our councell in it queftion, for their dutifull afliftance and obedience tons and our. Commifiiorner. And finding theirtdifg obedience thus to incrcafe, rweehwere conirrained to «lifcha;rgethetn of new again the nextwday thereaFte~r by publikeprocilanaation, under the pain of treafom And’alb€iti fhatgrheir eootumacie A is fuch as hath not been 5 (I1)i 4 been heard of in former times, A yet they {hall i never move us to alter the leaft point or article of that wee ' havealready declared. by proclamation ,, or dcc1a1»a...l tion under eurCommi1lionershand :; All which was publickly read ,A and by ptn~Commilfioner required to be infert and regiftrateinthehooks of alfembly, it therein to remain as a tellimony to pofterity, not on- ly of the fincerity of our intentions tothe true religi- on, but alfo ofour refolution to maintain and clefendll the fame , and our fnbjeéts in the ptofefiion tthereof: And perceiving likewayes that in contempt of our proclamation at Glafgow the 29. of November, ii A they go {till on to conveen , meet , and to make illegall and unwatrantable aétsy, we have conceived it fitting to farewiarn all our good fubj«c6’cs of the d ngeri that they may incurre by being infnaredby theft their unlawfull procedures. And to this pur- pofetednnot onely liberate and free tl1em from all 0- . ~ bedienceto any of the pretendedaéts, made, or to be A madzeat the faid pretended allembly, or comitteesi " dircét therefrom, but cliinvfélfo freethem from all pain and cen-fure which thelaid pretended all}.-mhly flull infliét upon them ,1. or any of them. And ttlaerefote do difehattge and prohihiteiliall t?mrfubje&s, that they ; norintme ofthemt acknowledgelé not give l_0hedie.”nicet - to any pretendeditacfis ‘inotconftitutionsemade 017 I0 bee imad-‘eh at the hid ypretencled meetings, under all highefl pains. And we commandgcharge, and inhi-.: hire an presbyteries“, feffionsl of l{l.l‘l{S ., minillcers A within this rcalrne , that none of them prefurne I101‘ V take upon and privately mgr publikely in their fe3f'.Tl" A 3 L efiitbns i (12) {ions A and meetings , nor in rheir I conferehcer 3 fer» monsg nor r1o.other manrrer,of'way‘.,. to aurhoril‘e,:2r prove, jufiifie, or allow thefaidrunlawfull rneerirrg, or aflemhly at Glafgow {neither yet to make arry aér thereupon , nor to do any other thing private or publike, Jwhrcrrr m‘ay.. feemrtbcounrermrree »:the heel unlawfullailembly, rrhder thepain robe repute, heal-”:“ derrand efteemecl and rpurfued as guilty of rheir eurr.-M lawfull rr1eeting,a;ndl to» be punifhed therefore with ‘ all rigour: -Andfielikeeweecormmnd all and furrdry Noblrn‘er1,rBarons, Gentlemen‘, Magifrrares, and all other our lieges who {hall happen to be prefenr * and hemaarry minifiersl either in publike or private con-~ fereheees: and fpeeches , or in ; their fermons, ro ap- proveand allow the {aid unlawfull affembly, rail and utter any fpeeches againfr our royall eommendmerxts orproceedmgs; of us,-or ourCounce1l,l for putlflhing or fuppreifing fuch errormities, they make relm rion and report thereof to our Councell, and filrnirh probation, to the ef’feé°c the fame may be accordingly purriihed, as they will anfwer to us thereupon : Certi- A A fyingthemwho flaall hear and conceal thefaid I ee... ches,rhat they {hall be efceemed as alldwers the “ fame‘, and {hall accordinglybe taken order With, and punilhed therefore without favour. And to this efi"e& we likewaies firaitly charge and command all Judges whatfoever within this realme, Clerksand ewrirers, not to grant or pa£Teanylrbill,r fummons, or letters, or any other execurilon whatfoevewpon any aér ordeed proceeding from the {aid pretended afl'emb1y,and“all keepers rofrhe figrretrfrorn figneftrirxg rhereofiand th af e .: ll under ~. ‘(i3) W under allyhiighefl pansy. Andl ‘becalzfewe gsivemder and xwarrant to our Colmm:ikfi’1one1'r»o main: operi ale; A yclzrrznion , not only or‘ou1*fenfe5 bur even of the time ymenningor»o,irl1é confeflion of Faith,iimz;ma or 5 80. by ,'Wl"1lChrl‘€:n‘l3iy cle3o1*lyiiiap5pea1‘i,ii thétiagiweii li’.l-€:-T:v’“’».??1‘«.'l{lf."~".‘.*‘~l'?r(.‘}l- ed thereby to exclude epiliropeieiegfollbyl.rnoi;righi§on~ firiucfizion can it be otherwayes interpreted, asiismore nor CVl._ClCI3{ by tyheyrezafons contained in rheflid decla- ration, and many more, which for brevity“ (fithiiltliinlgl A initfelf being fo clear) are omitted, Herefore werio not only prohibit and difchargie all our 1‘ ob jeeflzs fro rn A fubfciribing anybzmd, or giving any writ, fubf<:rip- tion, or oathooto, or upon any ar5i:,or deed that pm-- i cecds from the forefaid pretended aflenibly, bur alflo doe require them not to fubfcribc, nor five.-are the fold confeflion in no otherlfenfi "then that which is con- tained in the faid declaration, and manifefll y emitted by our Cornrniffionenunder all highefl paines. And that none of our good fubjeéts ,. who in their duty VA yo%bQ,undy:i.yobedience torus, refufei roe» iaeikinowu ledge the faid pretended aflembly, or any of the pre; tended 3&5, confiitptions , warrants, or dire-élions proceeding tlierefrom, may have juft ground offear ofdanger or harm by doing thereof; we do by thcffe promifmiianiuponrheroword of a King onbligclyour ifelves by allthe royall authorityand power where--W with God hath endowed us, to prorerft and defend them , and every one of them in their perfons, for- " runes,and goods,againf’c all and whatfoever perfon or perfons who {hall dare or prcfume to call in quefiionm trouble, or any waycs molefl: them; or any of them l * "r ‘ K A thereforea ‘year, I 63 8. i (M) iherefarié. And our wililiis, we ciuargeyotxfiraitm - 1 and command, that inccntinent thefe our letters A een,you paff'e,and make publication he:-33:05 13% gpm i urgh proclamation at the market croflé of Edin andiogher places needfull, where through none pm. tend ignorance of the fame. 4 Given from our Court at Whitehall the eigizthi ‘ day ofDccembc r, and of our Reigns‘ the fourteenth Teriflegem. ,, .~..;- a W Hereésbfoffie havegivézj <5ut,Nthafby”b- b: ‘ ‘ I "e.-97 u - “m',‘._,3.§’ V : %‘¢Jw§flfl. .‘‘‘~\ 1 "*5? '‘<‘%‘ I g A ”l‘:p1ai;_1b¢_thb'fib ché iCc>nFc1i3<3n;‘A‘<:£b Faithf V % A A W blatelyb commandcdfto be fwqme: A j by his Maje£%y, to. be‘ unbderfiood" b W b ofthe<20nfébI1i<>n“0ffaithaas irbwas" b itwas m:ide,:md that in that Confefl3bn,dcfencc both “the A’&b‘0Ff”C0Un¢e1b1 piéivhith €35? of the d06krinbe&: difcipbIi'n‘éWtbctiTefizibliflxcédbbis fworn, at which viéif¢opa11€79b*rernm¢ntbeingb«(asthey~ ‘fiviibabolbifhéd »fitf3b*1131f*"U¢5€‘1.§ folldw bthatthebftmw. governmencis by thijs‘late”o“athabjurcd; b And bunderfirabndbing that evenbamongfli ‘thofé whho Continue tobgctherfiill at Glafg0v:,{under thjcj”"1)ame of agent-rall Affemb1y,thdi1gh bu; ap:¢:cndcfl*:an¢d lawfirli fionbébsfhis Obififiiflh is h€1d‘fG7”5¢b°fif§5lI3€ memgand ufed bybthemtothbcbgreatdi"fiurb%13é§_4ofthe peace oftbisbbchurgxh z;j1db"lUSbfI1i1'C0nf’tri1<“‘e7:i’0n fhokilfiibbe 1fi3C?¢¢¢fbbhiS.;bbM:%i¢3 {ties Ag rbawcibus arid pious irifenti'ons5,and béii1g"b’d&:fifobi1s to rérnove all doubts fi‘OIIlbth€ minds of his bM‘ajc‘fiies good fubje6’cs.‘, and tokcfip them from being poyv-; V‘ W C2. V foned fdtteddbyjfuchtastbyforécddanddft>rged_{indter§t11¢e$t V would makethtcm beldeevcgthatthey h:td"zt&‘ual1ydb takingt that oath fwqtn that which ncithertvirtuallyt not vctcly thcy;h"avyc: fwqtn or tvcrtxntcnded to fweart, orwas reqmrcid by aut-hortty to be fwornby} them,ei‘thC.fttdirc€t1y<5findifé<9£Iy‘.: Confidetingdthat ‘A all oathtfst muft be dtaken according to the minds , “in- tcnt_iOn,3nd1,Commafidémctffltlltofttllatauthority,which exaeccthdthcfipathgandWthattygby fpccxall commands. ment from hts‘ facrcd Matefize ,~. commanded the mid oathto dbc.admin‘1'fitcd, we do hereby freely and in- I gtssnuoufly dtvliofeffianéidéclare Owi mindtandmcane inghcrmatttast We hfiY¢“~C°33‘-W1347h"1'€?0f0f€C1013‘? V fines:-L’ "ottr ctoniifig into .A hthis‘ Tcingdothe about this im- .p1oy_mcnt3«vz'7U Thatttbydany fuch wotdsor aft of counccllwe never meancd ortintendcd that epiféog pail gI e if Fifthlyaandlaftly, if the explanation in that.ta Printed by His Majcfiies Prints:-f for Scotland, . /12maDam.1639.A V ,‘ (Io) V minde in his iniiruétious to us, out t:n.inde,in,irequiring in his Majefiies namethis oathto be taken‘,, and thefe few reafons of many which do evidently evince the A - inconfequence of that fenfe which without any {how of inference is put upon it by thofe,whowoulci go oh i in making men fiil1beIeeve,that all which they do or fay is grounded upon authority,th ough they themfelvs do well know the contrary 3 we {up-pofe thaztali they who have taken this oath will reit iatisfied that they have not abjured epifcopal govemment,aud thatthey who {hall take ir,wi11 takeit in no other fenfe. " Whichtimely warning of ours, we are the more A Willing to give_,becaufe we i‘are given to underfiaud; that even they who were wont to call the takers of this oath (notwithfianding of that explanation by ad’: A of councell) perjured and damned petfotas, and‘ in their puipits ealledthe» urging of it the depth of Sa- than,do now meantotttakc it themfelves, and urge thers to take it in that fenfe which they make men he. Ieeve (though wrongfi1liy)that aét ofcounceil matkes 4 advantageoustotheirends. A u But twedqinhismiefiiesi name require mat none prefumeto take the {aid oath, unlefle they be requi- - red for to do by fuch as {hall have i~EE‘.WfU1i authority from hisMajefi:ie to adminiiier it unto them: being confident, that none either tvili or can take the tfaidi oathv gotfiany other oa1.7h;1n agny i'enfe,gg whiech mayi not cohfifi with epiiizopali goveruimeiuti, having his Ma- jefcies feufe,;and fo the fenfeiofi all iawfullauth ority fully explained to them‘. ' i it A 11 A MMIL Touiztg’ i A (if A pzirliament affer mentioned; II! 4%.-hm. .« ‘ yo ¢‘:‘Er.'r‘.“m§3*.> <-::ay .-ac.~‘.2 ac“ .:x:., .... ....,.« .... w*5fth¢ Aaieitiag fgpgemfimAur£~ofpa.1;1gj§rqqmt,»pafitallwmémo; % i2movA4tionA4 Var diminutianme 12%o;nA2cr:; M qwtbvrittc %,,9f»'iz*;/.2*efaé7geV;tb2*z;2 Q/Z4-gas‘ 54% my of7w,cm time%”c0mii2‘5gfi' A ‘ By A he mo? again whereby all iudg1AmenusA'anAd: ilirifciiiffioxis as; %fpi-riAtual1Aas tcxnporallaaufcs,in4praéticeandscufiomeAd_uringVche£¢ feury¢aA?tsAbyapa;fl apptcgmd b»y;hi$%whigh— n.Gfi.c.a;Qd.:{t%§E§ %?efi:£tt€As$ par’1i&%m¢m3 am difatmgea andw ‘hcreby¢Aitis defcndédgflraiAzzwofbimig/azzwe . j5~4éier:Ti‘: of’za2/2.redec1r,flé:§s‘hzop the (wolf hkirk A within:/2:3 regime , 5 and-to flan genial]. ‘perféns bx¢rcingh=~%xe‘*y‘fiz:e..v, titles, amddig. nitie: pf I/ycfzrelates wit/yin tbefame .- Wéicb perjam h wag: aézierg 2?ej2f(:fi.'}§té2i me hf:/5: efiam qfgbzk realm zjn T-4/1 cahézextiahs Me“ fltia’: qflates 3 ‘and that the fiids priviltdges mdfieedome: /Jaw éeen from time twimc ~r:ggewed’ 412.4 «am I -t5e: hfitmc‘ integritie an/aerein ~zé@z;w2_re 2:22-fifiaxeétgfoive. "L; that“ his aieflie hhazc. ’ £}zowlqdgi:¢gh‘h A * 1 V I I fizbie f05%61'f:;i{/61¢ mm: mzdér” /11‘: (Z44. igflie: %flm(;j?.f&¢iaurh’5leproteé?ion , tl:ere]‘oreZ:i3 Mai-sjly with ‘0”f?#F*’J'¢5¢€ll#é5.?lcvlare: Mat the/wk wit/vi» tlvj; rédlrgyzgwfiéfeiifi»}£5é}m€h7é*¢li’“ ion~i:‘prtfifl%d;»hi3;zbe fruemzd l7a@a£ir£(V.- ‘A2321’ f/.U1t*f£'l6‘£ mimflerxh 4: 6i: Ma- ia:/fia at any time flmll pj_lmfl.' ta provide to tlze qfjfce, pgdgé,h¢«titl:,hh% gfigazitic afzz 6zflwp~,&~c. /72411/awe wt: cccgefiaflifiizlljphrelafébadk:.anjE}i;2§éhby.-gone. And al- fo dcclarésg that all bifhopricks vihickihng, or that {hall vaiclgfhall bit? only difpcined to aé?:ua1lVhprcachcrs and. I mi ?’Pcc-rsin the }a;z,te the A qflift’ thjy may peaeeahly eniay the honour: , dzgnities, 3 priwil: egafld prerogative: eompetefltvhta them or their " g/fate flea.» the reférmation efrehgiozz. A By the 6. aét of the 2 0. parliament , declari;g that arehhz'fl:eps and hiflzeps are redgntegrate rtohtheir ormer autherity, el}gnz‘ty ,prere;gative , priviledge: ma z'arzf- difiions law ullypertainingand flmll he lemma tapern ‘tam to them,é*e. By the 1. aét of the parliament I 6 I 7. ordaining archbifhops and bifhops to be eleéled by their Chap- ters, and no other wayes , and confecrate by the rites and order accuflomcd. 4 PINI& hrfltlght in contempt A A 10:: II.