[VS P E E CH E 8 Duke Hmzmn Earl cf Cczméridg, Hemgv Earl of ~ Holland, .:)‘~1 ‘ - ."" '1 "V “':_~.“ ."‘»~‘t ""‘_" ""‘*_.;_ ""r -' xx‘ ‘x ‘L -Hr _ v._ ‘ . _ I, .. i I » and ;%4rt/mr Lord Capel , (O ' upon the L , S A F F O L D ~ Immediately before their E x at: u?r1 o N , On Ftiday the 9. of Marc/). Alfo the feveral Exhortations, and Conferences with them, upon the ScAFFoLD,by Szil2éczld,J‘_\/I‘ ‘30lton2& M‘ Hodges. ‘ ":aj;$;:;z;;:§ ' FE‘ hi’ 2' X :;r,f'.f'5a ” " ‘ m :“H"E.'F"'4'- _. “"t‘iv'?3i5 ‘E.‘*‘§*;3é‘~i~ ,¢_:_. ‘»3$‘:~sv‘5f /7t’uMi/%edJbjflr5ecigzZ utboriztj. , LbNDoN, * "_ Printed for ‘Peter Cole, Francis Tytan, arfai 70/97¢ ~ ‘Plajfard. % ti; H .» .1 Q .1 .3 $ 4 ‘P ‘K . "A"; ""’ “JV 4 " *~L£;‘-**w_c?_ A _ ~\ . _ . .g . ..a.__. .- _.. ‘-*'*’ » _ \ , 1 n.__. !=i’>** ' €33 ?be,%eerelS;2eee&ér Earl ef bridgfle Earl @"Holland,mzrf the Lord Capel, upon the Sczfloeld, ‘ Pon Friday the ninth of thitinflanr, being the , day appointed for the Execution of the fen-tence“ be of Death upon the Earl ofC4méridg, the Earl of Ho!- law’, and the Lord Capel, about ten of the Clock that morning L.Col.Be~m'aer came with his Order to the le- verai Prifoners at St }ames"~s. requiring them to come away; According to which Order they were carried in Sedans, with a Guard, to Sir Tbmzgzr Cotton! lhoufei at Wcthninfier, where they continued about the {pace of two hours, pafling away mofl ‘ofthat time in re- ligious and feafonable Conferences with the Miniflers there prefent with them. After which, being called a- ‘ way torhe Scaffold, it was defired, that before they went they might have the opportunity of com mending their Souls to God by prayer , which being readily granted, and thfi I .0081 voyded, Ni!‘ Belton was defiered by the Lord of Holland to takethet pains with them, which was accordingly done with great appearance of {olemn Affeétions among them. Prayer being conclu- ded» and hearty Thanks rerurnedby them all to the Minifler who performed, as alfo to the refl who were their Alfifiants in thisfad time of trouble; the Earl of Caméridge prepared firfl to go towards the place ‘of Execution; and after mutual embraces, and fame {hort ejaculatory expreffions, to and for his fellow- fixffeters, he took his leavg of them all, and went a- »‘,.. "fin: {wf C°_:§ r x___,- - }°“g Tong virith the Officers, attended upon by D; Siéézzlfigt whom he had chofen for his Comforter in this his fati conditi-on. 1 — ‘ e 3 V 3 ' The Scrafibld being ’ere&‘edin the newP’a'l"ace_-yard at Weflmt'izfler, O-vet againfl the great Hal-Gate,in thefight of the place where the Higho Court of Jufiice formerly: fate (thieHal-doors being open,)there was his E.xceIlen—e cies Regiment of Horfe comtnanéedby Capt. Dzflgerg and feveral Gompan-ies ofCol. Henvfms andCol.l,’rz'a’es ‘ Regiments of Foot drawn up in the place-, When the Earl came fromeWeJ”?m.z‘ fie-r Hall neer the Scaffold, h was met by the underfheteifi‘ of Middlefkx, andlia. \ Guard of his men. whotook‘thecharge— of himfrom» ‘ Lieut. Col. Btecizfer and the. Partizans that were his Guard; The S-herifiof Lmdazz being alfo, according‘ to Command from the igh Court. of Juflice, ptc-. fear, to fee the Execution performed; L The Earl eofcaméridg being come upon the Sn:afi)IJ;_. and two of his own {etvants waiting upon him, he firfl: fpake to the Doétor as fol-leweth. " ‘ Ezzrl ‘of Caméri6:;gf_v¢e.a WI1ethet»e final} I“pray fi;r1.{t.?e » i e D1--Sz'6éald,.,,. As Your Loirdfl-1‘i'p pleafes. ‘ V Earl 0f’Cz1.m érz'dg; i My Lord ‘of ‘bezzéigb has {cut to [peak withemel . Iknow not the faflaion, I may ask you Sir 3 Do i thefe Gentlemen iex7pe6"l:"L-fho~t1Id if3yAanye_ thing. to thém,_or—no, they. cannot heat 9* a A . to Dr Siééa/d,', f§1?€f¢~~Wif11’b¢-3£?€aF€FWM?‘5Yt’afld-5Y€*eIF‘iWm on —' ‘ ~ L e 90%: not be amifs, if Your Lordihip defer Your fpeakiné till You hear fromhis Lordfla-ip'~\_ » j i -t : 5 >‘ a * ’. l l iCdm'éri6ig.a-.:‘z,. . .2 , i There is fomething in it. e-was; withithel ‘floéufei 1 , Dr‘.S'l£é6ala'u.~" ~ e I fuppofe he would give no interruption i- to Your ~ concernmeut in it. t f Lordihip, at this time. were there not fomething of Caméri Q or H " i is Brother, V and has been a vcryifaithiful Set? a van: to this State, and he was in great -eflteem and re-»‘ putation witrhlthem: ' i V H-e:-is in the Hall, and fént-"tofpeak wiihia-Servant of mine toifend fozriethingfito me. *_ .. .. V a Dr Siééala’; t l T It rvill not lengthen the time much if you flay whi-leer e you h-aveafleturne fromihirn.‘ e,Mye'Lord, you would" do ‘well to beflfow your time now in meditating u‘pon,”4~ /and iinpIoring‘of the free-mercy of Godl’i'nChriPt:for youreternal Salvation,and look upon that ever-£l:rea'm-; ing Fountain of ‘his precious Blood. thar~p~urgeth us- from. all our fins; even the iins‘oftne‘deepefl -dye 5 thci l Blood of Iefus Chi-ii’: waihes away allout Gris,-and that . Blood ofchriit is poured‘ forth upon all fuch as by a a lively Faith lay hold upon him“: God foo» loved the ’ World thathh-3 gave his only begotten Son, to the end, that whofoever beleeved in him hould not" perifh, but- haveeve-rlaifli crlifeyrthatisnovv, my Lord, the Rock‘. uponwhich you mufichiefly reft-_,and labor to fix your {elf in the free mercy of God through. Chrifit Iefus: 7‘ A Vjhofe mercies are -from-everl.aiiing to everlafting, unto": A at 1 all in which wemsufl be blown with winds and tempeflzs, C 5) all fuch as with the 6Y6 05 Faith behold hint 3 behold Iefus the Author and Fini—‘ll1etofy.9ut Salvation, who hath fatisfled the Iuftice of Grodhy that Al-»{ufliciency ofhis Sacrifice, which once for all he offered upon the C rofs for the {ins of the whole world, lb that the fling of death is taken away from all Beleevers, and ‘hehath fanétified it as a pafllzge to everlafiing blelfetlnefsz It is-true,the waters of Jordam run fomewhat rough and furly, betwixt the. Wildernelé and our paffage into C47344?33bu't let us ref’: upon the Add my Lord )the Ark - Chrill lefus, t,hat¥will carry us thro.ugh,aud above all r ; rhofe waves to that Rock of ages, which no flood nor waves can reach unto.,~ and to h‘i~m who isiyefierday. to A day, and the famefor ever, agztinit whomthe Powers and Principalities. theigates of Hell, {hall never be a- ble to prevail 5 lift up and fatten your ey-esnow upon Ghrifi crucified; and labor to behold Iefus {landing at the right hand of his Father: C as the Protomartyr Ste- pben) ready to receive your foul, when it {hall be fepa-' rated from this frail and mortal body : Alafs, no man would defire life. if he knew beforehand what it were to live,/it is nothing but forrow, vexation and trouble, grief and difcontent that waits upon every condition. whether publique or private; in every Ration and cal~ ling there are feveral miferies and troubles that are in- feparable from them 5 therefore what a bleflird thing it is to ha-vea fpeedy and comfortable paflage out of this raging ,Sea,into the Port ofeverlalling Happinefi; We mull: pafs through a Sea, but it is the Sea of G hrifls Blood, in which never foul fuffered fhipwraclt, 5"‘ Q 5/ . ,, .1. -W. .._.-..- svpw-c-— . I \ .......... . _:_;gu7»-so:-——-.¢-¢-— but the")? ate the Giles of Gods Spirit Which: blow away-all contrarywinds of diflidence in hisM’ercy~. J Here one acquainring the Earl, his fervant was Coming, he anfwered, 50 Sir; And turning to the un-, der S.hEI'l‘ifS'-’fOH: faid, : * a Gamlxiagr Si_c,i_have you your Wasrrant here? ‘ , t'Sb‘mj’. ‘Yes,my Lord,we have a C otnmand. . i Camériak. A €0mt-Ilafld. ~ ' I take this ti;r1jae,~ Sir,of &aying,—in regards of the Earl ofbenézjgbs lending to fpeak with me, I know not for what it is he elefi-res me to’ Ray.‘ V T L " L “ D1-A Sz'55ald_ It prefunge Mrsheriff will not-igrudg your Lordfhip it fewemihutes-rinse, when {'0 great: work? is thisisin hand. "*‘ His Lordfl1ipsfervante'being returned: and havin‘ . .delivered his Meffage to the Earl of Cdméridgt 1 privately, he laid, So, it is done now 5 and then- turhing to the front of the‘ Scaffold, before’ which ( as in all the ref} of the paellace ) there was a great concourfe of people, he faid 51 V i i Earl‘ afcaméridg. ' ’ t I think it is truly not very necelfaryt for me to 1' peak ’ much, there are many,Gentleme»n and Souldiers there’ i trhat fees me, but my voyce truly is fa weak,f_o lowsthat they cannot hear me, neither truly was fever atany’ time fo much in love with fpeaking, or with anything I had to exprefi, that I took delight in it; yet this be- 4:. A ‘"3 ’ \ (3 ) ing the Wlayflt-time that I am to do fo, by a divine Ptovi-A dence;of§AImighty1§5od,,who hath brought me to this e¥id,~i1t_€l«ly— fot.I=1;iY fins-o Ifhallto you «Sir, Mr She1r:iEF, declare thus‘ much, as to the ttxattete that I am now to fuffer for, which is a.s being a Traytot to the Kingdom of England : Truly iSir,,it was a Country that I equally loved withmy ‘own, I m ade no difference,. I never in- tended either the generality of its ptej l1dl»CC:Ol' any par- ' V ticular>‘m1ns.;_n1t‘;~t what I did was by the Command of the Parliament of the Country where I wasborn, whofe Commands I conldnot d-ifqbey, without.tu.n- ninginto the fame hazard there,of t»ha,t condition that lam now in: Theends, Sir, ofthat Enagement is p-ublique, they are.inPtint, % and {o 1 than not need to % fpecifiethm-J. - . _ V1‘ Dr Sié_é4ld'.5_ i. «— « ..‘T;h"c‘ Sun pethja’p§.yv_ill. be too much in Your Lord- fh"ips face, as You fpeak. ' ” . [- 4 « L . ‘ F Caméridg, ‘ -e 4 V_ No Sir, it. will t3ot.b»ntn it: I hopel {hall feea l)rigl_1l:QreS.unte-en._this. Sir, :vetV;fpeediIy. . , "The of .;RighteoufneI‘s my Lord. _ ’ El ‘ Caméridg. * (But to that iwhichl, was faying Sir.) It pleafed God f0iit97.d.ilP0fe~that Army “flier: myC0r-mnandgfasit was‘."tu.ined9; {and I,‘ as their General, Cl015.l3f,CTCl‘ with fat Commiffion, {land here; nowready 4:0 dye; ‘I {hall not [trouble you with repeating of my Plea, whait,lI.ifaid inmy own Defence at the Court of e,h, {elf vbeingfatisfied with ‘F . the <9) _ the commands that is ‘laid upon me, and theyfatisfied ' with the J11 itnefic of their procedure, according to the Laws of this Land. God is jult, and howfoever 1 llllll -IlOt {lay any thing as to the matter of the fentence, but . thatldo willingly {ubmit to _his divine Providence, and acknowledge that very many wayes Ldeferve e- venaiworldly punifhmen-t, as well as hereafter, for weare alllinfull, Sit, and I a great one, yet for my comfort Iks1owthe~re isaGod in heaven that is ex- , ceeding me-rcifulil’; Jknow my Redeemer‘ {its at his right hand, and am confident, (clapping his hand to‘- his breall) is t:I1€Clla‘tlflg‘l"OrIHC at this inflant, I am hopefull through his free grace and al-ifuflicien-t me- rits‘_,to be pardoned of my (ins, and to be_received in- to his mercy, upon that! rely, trufiing to nothing but . the free grace of God through Iefus Chril}, I have not ~ been tainted with my Religion I thank God for it, fince my infancy it hath beenfuchashath been pro- » felt in the Land, and eftablilhed, and now tis not this . Religion or that Religion, northisor that Fancie of m-en thatis to be built upon, tis but one that’s right, one that’s fure , and that comes from God. Sir, and in the free grace of our Saviour." Sir,there ‘ is truly fomething that " (had! thought my fpeech *0b.re’r_ving / . Wou ld have been thus taken,)I would have digelted it ‘h° W‘"°“' into lomebetter method then now I can, and {hall de- fire thele Gentlemen that does write it, thilt they will not wtongme in it, and that it may not inthis man- ner be pnblilhed to my diladvantage, for truly I did ~ A not intend to have fpoken thus when Icame ‘here. , There is,firs, terrible afperfions hasbeen laid upon A my .felf5 . truly fuch as, Itléank God , lam very free from; (I O) L from; . asCiFm_y aftions and intentions had not hem. {ugh 33 they were pretended for; but 'rhat n:O£W.i£h-2-. funding what! prttended itiwas for the King , ':the.re\ t _wgs:.n.otthiing leife iatetfided than to fiétve him in it. _ Iyvas bred with hirn;f@rtm3n«y years, I1svas_hisdome- fiique fervant, and there was nothing tdec~iar’d by the , P,atiiampnt that w asinot tr: any itttended by me 5 and : tmiy in it I;-ventuted myiife-one way; and now I lofc iit,at1,otheri,,,w»ay..: ,andthat was on.e.ofthecn"ds, as to the King; 1;fp_ea-kt only of ‘that: ,_ .t,b:écauf'e the refltgkhas .many:patticuliats5 and to clear myfeife from {0'hO.r-., rid“ an af’perIi.=;‘in as is laid mponme : aneithet wasfihtare ; anynoth:tr.defign.&kt1o1wn.tczmciby the incoming of that Army ,_ than what i's.realiy inth-e Deciaraiion . puhlifhied.h His perfon, I doiptofefle, I had reaihn I0. love, as he was my K=;infg,;__ and ashsihad been my Ma:-L i fiat: it hasip1e=afed»God now.-to~difpwfe 0f»him,§fe as it . cannét be thought flattery to have {aid this,or any find V in me for the faying of. it, but to free my tfelfe. from thattcaImnni.e which lay upon me. : I cannot gain by its ytet T.1?t1{h’5i§~E'h:at which Wmlhaltl gain b yfor ever. There hath been math fpoken, Sit;o£an:.invitation _ "int-o’ this Kingdotne : ifs menttipnedi in that Deicla-, rat;‘,rm.;, andflul y to that I did and do, temicmy (eff; and I have bean vetymuch lahmmed fordiifcovetics oi‘ theieiitwiters. ‘Tia me time to di'fl'e'mbie.H<¥W willing « Jgtavas to. haV:€~«fet‘V;'€d this Nation in.any- thing that,- ‘WAS ittmy poW~€rt,,i$ii‘EJ=OW=fi)-tn very many hotlefl”, anidreiigiouetmengi and haw Icadiyr .1 would i ‘h=aV¢—-b¢€n£0.haVe doiewha-t.i I'cou1d'te. haxaeierved 1 them, ifit ‘had »pleafi:d them to have prrefiarved my inAwh9aE:1 hainds ghegg wasihlat power ;; Theyhavc H93 “cm time thought lit i lit, and to I am ‘become lu-nufe full in zthat‘ which willingly I‘ would have done. i i As I feiid heat firfl (Sir) fo-‘Ifay now co:ncernin_g that p0iI'lE5 I ~wifh the Kingdoms hzxppi-ne{l"e, ‘I wilhits peace; and “truly Sir,"Iwilh that this blood of mine may be the [aft A «chat is drawnza-nd howlbe‘ver'l may perhépsihavefome L relmihmcie with my felf as to the matter of my l"uffer- in’g,for=n1yfa&,«yetl freely forgive all; Sir,~‘Icerry e no ranoouroalong with me to my grave: His will be “‘done rhat'hascreaticdLboth heaven and e;zrr.h,an.d=me T a poor miferable finfull creature now {peaking before him. For me to fpeak,Sir;,to you of S rate-bufineflie, ‘and the Govergnment of the Kingdom, or my opinion in that, or foriany thing in that nature, Truly it is to no end,itcontributes nothing: ‘My ow-nit-iclination "hath been toPc3ce,l —fi'omJ the‘beginnin'_g5 and it is "known to many,that Ihever was an.illVia.{lr.ument‘i be- , etwi-xi: the Ki~ng¢a‘nd'his peo”ple5 I never avéted to the ipreju-dice of the‘Pa:lilament ; I bore no‘ Arms, ‘I medlednot withig Iwasnoet wanting by my pray- ers to*God almighty for the happineflejoftlle King; and truly I {hall pray fli1!,thatGod may l”o_d‘_ire‘€’c him as that may be done which {hail t'ex~1d to his glory,and the peace and happinefle of theki-ngdom. . , vl have not much more to fay, _:hat"I remember of; I think‘ I have fpoken ofmy Religion. . _ o A ‘ V ‘A Dr; 81155414’. You.rLordfl1iphas n.Qtl'o_fuIly léid—it. C am5.‘Truly I do‘ believe'I.di«ifgyvfomething. . _ Dr, Sibbala’. I know yoadid, ':is plealing toheare it From yourLordlhip iagaine; carmér. TmlVyoSi;r,ofqf thalprofifficinioli niy Religi- gion’, that~Whieh‘I féid”Wa’s 4 the eliablifhedi Religion, T B 2 . and Hi cm) eandtt-bat which 1 have ptafiifede in my owne King»- dome whete.I was home and bred; my Tenents they need] not to be expreflr, they are knowne to all, andl arnenot of a rigid opinion-, many_god- iy men there is thatmay haxfefcruples which doe noccoriceme me at all at no time 5, they may dif- fer. in Opinion, and more now. then at any Eilflfig differing in Ogjnion does not move me (notany mans) my owne is deare :. Sir, The Lord for- % give me myfinnes,‘ and I forgive freely all more that even I-[might as ea worldly man, have the greateft animpfity agai'nPt-;‘We are bidden to For- give; Sir,~T”1sa'c0mm:md laid upon us (and there mentioned) Feorgirue zoo our trefpoflcs, or we forgieze Mew that trejfa/,7} agzzinfi #5. A * e Dr. Siobold.‘ e ’ Tis our Saviours rule, zm your erm- miex, blefle 356171.!/)df’cl¢7'fl’joIt, pro} for that per.- ’ fieute you’, do good "to them which ‘defiig/atfelbr age you. Cmozusir, it is high time for me tomake an end ‘of "this, and ‘truly I remember nomore that I have to fly, but to pray toeG,od Almighty a few words, and then Iehaveedo-nee“. t Then kn.eelingdiowne,V. with Doom szooazo, he Pfayed thus; V Mtfl Bltfléd Lord,‘ I ’ tljpoore and uaworibjfig. .. emu: come meta thee , prcfivming in My irzfioite M61‘:- goud Ibezaerito of C hrijfi 229/aoflto upontlwe Tliroue, I come fiyirzg from rim: of jyfiioe , to time of Mercy, and tenderrzefle for hi: fake wbio/2 .//Jed" his‘ blood for fitment, that he would take c’oempof5'2’or2 up- on. me, that bewi/1 look upon . me as one that gm- eiouflj l1ear:o-me,Jt that he would l00k_;up.o:; we 45 am oboe; j I (I3) ' that hath redeemed true , that he would look uportme 44' one thut hethflaed his hloudfor true; that he would look upon we 44, one who now cal: and hope: to hefr wed hy his‘ dl-fufllcieeat tttcrittg for he? fohe, Gloriow God,h.4z2e couzpufiion upaa we in the fieeuefle of thy iufinli-terrzercy ; that who;-zz this flufull jhule of mine flmll depa-rt out of thin‘ fraile ctzrccfi: of clay, I may he carried into thy ezverlafliug glory; h 0 Lord thy thy free groce , med out -of thy z‘/xfimte. mercy heare me, ~ and look dowue; dud have corrtpafiiorz upou we; and thou Lorrl jefaer, thou my Lord, um’ thou my Goa’, and thou my Redeemer, hehre we, take ypitie upon y me, take pztie upon me gracious God; and fa deole with my foule, that hy thy preciowruerietxl I may at- taiue to thy joy aua’ hlifi; 0 Lord rewewher we fh A7/Izferahle um’ jlufull a creature; new thou 0 Lord, thou 0 Lord that died fhr we, receive me,-aua7 re- ceive me into t@» ozzme houua’ of mercy ; 0 Lora’ I truff iv: thee, fufer we not now to he confounded, *Sdtezr.z' V , hdthml tooloug poflhfiion of this‘ foule, 0* let him not new premile agaiufi it , hut let me 0 Lordfrom henceforth dwell with thee for e*verrI1ore.—' Now, Lord '2}! h thy time to heore me, hecre me greciom jef», em’; for thy owrze goodtte/ft, mercy, owl. truth; 0 glorious God, 0 hleflhdt Father, 0 holy Redeemer, O grdcioua Comforter, O holy and hleflhd e7;'rz'uz'ty;,e Ida rerteler up my fiule into thylhamlt, and commit it‘ with the medihtiouof 7727.7 Elezleemeree, proi_/iug~thee-f0r' ‘ ‘ éll thy elzfl2ere[azz'om thatit ho: pleafied thee to conferres thio'f.ti2.zI'eforthfor ever more. \ L Dr. Szhheld. My; Lord. , _. I htrufi you.niow—behro}d upon me, and even for this, prciifl: and honour and thank: . o5(E4} loom; the eye on-‘aith the Son of righ teoufnerfe ‘mm. aingupon your foul , and will~cheatfully fuhmit unto ‘him whoehath redeemed us. through his blood, even is the bloudloft]efu~s'Cht:ifl',o that you may appeare-«at the Tribunal of God, clothed with thetwhite tobe of his ’ eunfpottéd ti'ghteoufne{l“e5 the Lord grant that with t the eyeof faith youmay now Fee the heavetss opened, and Chrift - {lat-1ding5aet the fight hand;-of God, - = ready to receive you into his atmes ofmercie. ‘ cmnér. Then the Earle turningto the A Exeeotio- .tner,= faid’,fi‘1;;«ll]eput on another~Cap,“mult thirst l . hair be turn’d up from neck, there=ate_Lthree e ofmy lervants to give fatisfavftion. l L ’ ll :13. 8‘ié».»My.Lord,Ithope you are able to give all that =~ate about l?ttTi.sfa&ion-, you are affured that God ‘ » is reconciled untoeyou through the blood ;of Chrifl: tlefus, and the Spirit of the“Lord e Wi-tnefleth to you .;that€htiel} is become new aleftls unto—~you5MyLotd‘, _ ' fallen theeycs«ofyot~n“faith upon jefus the A uthor 3; zfinilher of your filvation, who himfelf was brought A to a violent death for the-redemption? ofmankindghe : chearfially firbmitted to l'1isFa!‘he:I's good pleafure in é~it,an'd for usgblefled and holy is:l1e that has pattl(m-y Lord) in thefitfitefarrefiiong that is',=in the fiflllrifer e ‘jefus Chtifl wh is both the refurreétionand the life, over him , the fecond deathtfltall have no power, tit‘; ~ the unfpealtable joy of a heleex er, that atthe home of death his fo-ulehath an immediate ‘paflége from this ‘ ~ezzrth1y Tabernacle to that Rlellgion of endl'e‘fl'e glory, yea to the prefence of God himfelfe, 7 in whdfe prg. fence thereis fulnefle ofjoy, and at'ewhofelti'gl1t hand -e.ther,e.-are; pleafures for evermore. ll ‘Thent (Is). ‘ { T4‘1%enthcE. of Cambridge xumin g to ~the»Executio-.~ oner, féid, h-ich wayis it that you would haw- meA,..lye,Sir.‘A ? V % Execut. The Ex=ecu1i~onerpo%intingtmhe frentof mhcSCafF0ld, % the Earle tLh any {ad apprehen- figon ofechesterroursbfthisVdeath.: ‘A‘{ad~wi=iata b!e1Tcd7' "3 and glorious Exchange yo:a«ifl1aili mike within a very Eéiv minutes! % . heruvith a chcerfialivand Tfini’ling ~cou:nt€fiaflC€, :d1e.Earle'cmbraciTng the. Dofiga-r in his Armes, % faid,‘ C.4m.6;.'F_ru»i‘y =Sir,Idor.1i<~e y eémes my Bueiirgion,-and my b‘reedi‘ng~,* which hath ‘been*~.in agood Family, that -hath ever been faithful! = ‘zhtrhe tru-e‘Prot«e.&antxRelrgron», in the whichilr have « been bred, irfchc which I have lived , and in the wrhichr by Gods graceand mercy I flaaiidie. I have not -lived according to that ed-u-ca-tion I Ihad in E.ha£.a Eérhiily Wherel was born: and bred: I hope God” wii forgive me my fins,finc’e I conceive that it isive- ry much his »pieafi1kre to bringmeto t11is_p1ace».f-or V‘ rc-he fins ti-vr;2.r“:eI have committed. The caufe that hath"- brought me hither‘, I"believe by many hath‘ been ~ rhu.e'h mifl:2ken.eThey have conceived that Ihave had -i11‘defignessr‘o the State, and to the 'Kin~gd:or‘-ne‘: Ir Truly I--iook’ upon it aes~~-a Judgemen-t:,' and raij-~’uftea §1idg.e«ment¥ oi’ 5 neat but I’ have ‘o~ffe‘ndred ~ f- « mueh the State, and zhe Kiznagdome, and the Pari.ia- ~ r‘nent;ase ehatvrfhave had an ex:-ream vanity i~nAefer- ~ vingAt_hem very hex:-raordirnariiy. For thofe aéfions 'e2ha:.;dI.;haverdone;-hhink iris knownthey. have been - ever very faithful} to the publique, and ‘very partiwr eulariy to—Par-iiamernts. My affedvions have been e- ver expreft truly and clearly to t-hem.~-'I?he~~-difpofi-:- tioas of aifa-iirs now have put -thainzgs in another pc- r‘i&-ureithen they were when I was ingaged ewieh the ;Pariiamene.I;have never gone efffrom chofe Pr‘inei- - pi;e"s>that ever I have profeffeds I have lived in themg, maid. by? Godsgrace will die in them. There may i bet: aIsera}:tior;s»az1d changes that may carry them further: them then "(I thoflghtt r.eafonablé 3 and triilj’ llherze I5‘ :et‘hem: but there hath been nothing that I have fitid‘, t i( :9) or done, or pt0fc'H'ed, either by Coven-ant, so-1' Declara- tion, which hath not bee-n»a7er.y eonflant , and _very lelear upon theprineiples that glever have gone *, i whichwasato fer’v~e«the*K1ng,t:he Parlitament, Religi-»i on (I ilaould have {aid in the firfl place ) the Common... Wealth , and to feel: V the Peace of the _Kingdome That made me think it n-ioimiproper time , being ptefi out by accidents and circumiftances, to feek. the Peace of the iiingdome, whichl th(3»u:3}bit was ‘proper ,;fince .-there was fomth-ing then in agitation, but n‘-nothing a- ggreed on for fe~;:d'mg Propofition-s to the Kiflge, that was the fufrthefi aimthat I ha-d,,and truly beyond that had no intention, none at all, “And God be praifed-;, "although my bloud comes to be flied here,there was I tit-hink fcarcelya drop of bloud flied in thatgaétion tha~te%_I -wafs ingaged in. For the prefent affairs as they are, ‘I ‘cannot tell how to judge of them: and truly they are in fuch a condition. as -(Iconceive) no body can Amalie a judgement of them : and therefore I muff make aufe of my Prayers, ratherthen of my opinion , which ‘are, that God would Ableffe this Ki_ngd{ome, this Nati- on, this State 5 that he would fettleit ina Way agreeaé t ble to what this Kingdome hath been ‘happily govera ned under 5 by ~aKing , by the Lords, by the. rCom— irn-ons : a Government -that (I conceive) it hath flou- '*ri{’hcd-~ much unciclf, 31161 1' pray .God the change. ofgit *b-rin;g*not rather a f)rcjiidicc,a difoider," and a_confi’1fi- on, then the'contrary. I look upon the P(I3fl?CI'l‘ty.0f the ‘King, and truly myiConfctiencedire6tst me to i~t,'to,de— ‘fire, that if God ‘be pleafed that thefepeople look 7 t’ ' C .2 upon "*7 1 l V ‘ V "Wm w 20) l npon themwith that affe_6tion~ that -they owe , that r they may be called in again, and’ they maybe, not through bloud, nor throughtg_d;il'or_d.ier, admitted again into that power, and toflthat glory t'hat-God in_ their birth intended toythem, I.fh:al.l: pray with all my foule for the happi'nellTe ofthis; State , of this Nation ,~tl1-at thebloud which is here fpilt , maybe even £l’lCjlall.' which may fall among us. .- and. truly I ihould lay down mylife with as much chearful-naefs as ever perfo-n did,if I conceived that there would no more hloud fol..- low l3.S::l'.O1‘V3.i'S[2l.~l_2C,.Qr Affairs that are built upon blond, is a fountlat-ion for the molt part that doth not profper. After the blefling that I give,-_ to the N.-ation ,; to the " _Kingdom., and truly to the Pa-rliament,;I do with with all my he'art,happiricfle,tandea.bleflingto a.ll.thofe that have been authors. in this ;b-ufin-tefl"e-, and truly that have been authors. in this very work that bringeth us hither; do not onely forgive them, burl pray heartilyancl . really for them; as God, will forgive my fins,_. fo Ijdee fire God may forgive them, a t I v e Ialm/ve a particular relation-, as I am. Chancellour of Cambridge, and truly I muft here, Iince it is the lafl: of my prayers,§pray to. God Ellaitheat Univerfity maygo onin that happy way whichit is in, that God may make it a Nurfery toplant thofe perfonsa that may be difiributed to the Kin-gdome, that the fouls; of the peo. ple may receive a great benefit, and a great advantage by them, and t1 hope)aGod will reward them for their kindnefle, and their aifecftions that I have found from ,._L”k‘-ngf them, *1 have faidwhat Religion Ihave been bred ’ ,,,,,,.d, in, what Religion 1. havebecn borne in, what R’eligir- M.Bolton. on.I. have praétiled 5, I began. withie, and I.mul’t end U, I _ _t~. . ‘T. ézij‘ with it. I toldyou t;hat my aftions and _mY-1i‘fe have not been agreeable tojmy breeding, I‘; have told you lilzewife that the family where I was bred hath been an exemplary family (I may, lay fo Iho'pe,. without Vania ty)ofmucl=i affecfiionr to ‘Religion, and .of'rnuch faith- fulneifc to this Kingdome, and to this State- I have indcavouredtogdothofe aétions that havehecomeyan '*hone{t‘ rréian, and which became a good Englilhrnan, and which became a good Ch_r.i{iian. I have been wil- -ling to oblige thofe that. have“been.in: trouble ,., thc;>fi_: i that have been in perfecution, and truly I finda great reward of it 5- for I have found their prayers and their ‘kindnefle now in this d;1firaeli'e , and inythis condition ‘ Iam in, and Ithinl-ie it a grreat“riewar_gd,tand I pray God i reward chem for it‘. A 7 y A a ’ e I am a great fir-mei=, a:nd?I’ hope God will be pleafed to hcare rnytprayerts, to give me faithto trufl in him, that as he hath called me to death at this place, hewill make it but a paflage roan eternall life‘ through Jefus Chrifl, which I‘ truft-to, which I rely upon“, and which Iexpect by the mercy of‘God. And to It‘ pray ‘gods blefl-"e you all‘, and fend that youmay. fee this to be the laft execution, arid the laii bloud that is‘ likely‘ to bee fpilt among you. And then turning to the fide-railie, he prayed for a good {pace oi’. time; after which M .Bolten faid : i V My‘Lo'rd‘,Nowlooi‘< uponhimvvhoim you have trufied; My Lord‘,l hope ‘that. here is your laft pray‘er:there,will. no more praiers rema-in,but praifes:An;d I hope, that all ter this day i.s over , there will a day begin that {hall _ neveriiiavei end: And I look upon this (my I-gord ) the morning of it,.the morning of that day.r.My I;ord,you know. where youriulrtefle lies, ‘where «your, richest lie, ' i i ‘g whcrlar j E 545 ugyur cm? y rQc~?c_to~ am.‘ or cm. on that: is fulncifctin Chrrftz If the’ Lord comes’ no, rnwlmngrcol comtomoyou, yet no wait um,“ hi;mx'whil€ you live, ‘and C0 truft in mm Whig-1 ygu die‘; find the-nlfay, I will die herts, I will pe: fig; at thy-feet’, I will be for-rn.d.dcad at t :5 feet of Jc-\ {us Ctliri-ft.» "Cért«ai»nly, hbthatt came [Q {salt and rave T loft finrrcrs .,twill nofrcjccft loft finntrs -when thcy %Ht T - €f.«1;5,-,9 311 Eecmiry; and {'01 it will l>€.,? h€}E‘;PY _ Pg}??? than 1, if it bctiat paffagc “here from rzmfcry ~ C(;-mi“, _£’O' fggf him: lHtl6 ltl)3tl'm1‘£atC.th us cg comm, W il1';‘hg; ‘ flreightl‘ us when wbcomc tO1nt1‘C:2:£l]:m.. My L0;-dathcre enough there, and fix your heart there, -and fix your cyc§ there,t‘h2t eye ef. F-axth, anal that cytz (if hope, €xcr_c1ie*tthcl°e graces now ? thrrc wrll be no 33%,-mcifc h§:reaftér.l-As your Lord'{b‘rpf11d, here take an end? of Paithaavrjd take an end of Hopqand takc :1 farc- in?cll~of Reperrtaxacc : and a~lltl*1€l‘C, and welcome Gad, andi welcome Chrilhand wclccmcGlory and welcome to lh‘appi‘n—€lTc_. At‘1d'thoug‘h rtbcl but a fad way,_yc.t if it willbrii-51g you into the prefiéncc of i0)’ 5‘ although / . 4 .. f;»cars , althouoht it bea ¥h:1d'Qw of geiiagzagtllsfill‘ Will" plltédfgto bring ‘you , and mat“ P‘3f{'ggc to? that" ha ppl“h ‘Would has no: ;»t;._: l.have»faid, yea : and futely then hee will not deny mg it now. My Lord his palfions are‘ove,r_, his com- \\y;“;l:l e paffions fiill’lremai:1;€; and the larger and greater,‘ {lg L‘ tbecaule heeis gone up iintoa higher place, that ‘lg.-}_ ‘ lsee may throw dewne more abunda'nceof his Wri;; J t mercy and grace upon you,;eand1 my LOrd,think [H - 1 _ of t ,( 29) i ‘f that infinite love‘, that abumianee of riches in ~i Cihtifi: lam loli, I am empty, Ihavcinothing, lam paore, lam fittful‘l: beit (0, as ead as i will make megand as vile as It ofiibly can coneeive my l‘-elf, I am willing to be:gut when Ihavc {aid all, the mqrel advance that riches,at1d h<3eorAethac grace of God. And why filotlld AI elclubt when by A thishe puts me into a C.?lp3Cify3ilEN.‘_O a difpofition for him to fhew me mercy, that by this I may the better ad-vemce the riches of his grace, 8% fay grate, gtaee,tothe L01-d,to all,t_tt€II':iIy,tl§.3t- God (bould owfle fuel! a Creature , that defetves nothing; anelthe lelle I deferve, themote confpicuous its his Grace -‘i andthis is ~C'c*tt3iI3.c,’ the riches of‘ this Grace bee [[}.l’.OWCi'.b. amtmgfi men , that the glory of his Grace might be given to himfelfe, ’ ’ If wee can give him but the glory of his Grace, wee {hall never doubt to partake bf the riches e t of it, a.rsd that .fulnefle, ‘My E, 0rd ,"tl=iat fulneffe bee yttur comfort, that fulnelfe of mercy , that fulrzelle of love , that fu-lnefle of righteoizifneffé and power bee now your riches, and-your only flay, and the Lord inrerpofe himfelfe between God and you , as your Faith hath endeavore-d to intetpofehitn between God end your foule 5‘ {O I doubt 130?. but there he fiends’ (my Lord)" to plead for y0u,and_when you are not able to do any thing yam: felfe, yetlie downe at the feet eE;him that js a metciFullSavi0ur,a‘nd k nowes what you would delire,ta5t1d wait uponhitn while you live , ttnft in him when ‘you die, there is riches enough and mercy enough , if bee open not, yet die at his, D31 A % doore "b‘Ieedin_g Armesgizhat whenl leave this bieesiing (go) ;:&}t‘f)’<3re,' fly their lfle die , tiiere is mercy e; P0”3h- i 4% ie V A H01/Md; And here is tihie pIaEe' where I lie down before him, from whence I hope he will rm}: me . ‘go anTetemall"Glory,tbroughif my S.aviour.; eawzy ;W.h0m I rel.3?,Fiem vghonz only I can expeét mezityz L ‘into his Arznes I commend Day fpiric, into his body thait muff lie upon this placeghce will receive i1:hat*f’oule‘Ebat 3.ri.fCth out of it, and teceivee it into l3is,ejtei.'nallimercyhy through the merits, thmughthe wcrchinefiegkthrough the mediation cf Ch-rifl rim-hash purchafed it with his ‘own mafi p.rev;i0us_hi0od.-; B‘0.1téI.1.. My Lorri, Tiiougiiiyou comlude i1€l'6‘,_ I‘ hope: you begin above , and though you put an and h_Btcf,1 hope there wilinever be an end ofthe megcynand gaodneffe OEGO-d mad if this be the? ‘ [morn-iilg 0:f‘Eterni:y, if this be the rifeof ‘Gioryg iifG=od pleaietb’ I0 thrmv ymidowneherqtoraife you upfor ever: 'f1y,.VVeIc0mc Lord I welcome that death that {hall make way for life, and Wei?-*» comeany coghdition-1;hat flaall throw me down here, to b-!'iU‘g{..—E17lC~ into thegpoflefiion oiejefm; fihrifi.-~ H0dg*e3's:» MyEordJf“you have made a Deeii OF. A Gift ef your feife to _§efus1 Chriit , to bee fonméi onlyin him 51 am confident you fhail Ptand at. theied»ay.of€h}fi&, My dear_Lord,we {hall meet in i _—\.»..-\....--—- pa Egllmdfé er) H9l1a1m7." Clx‘ri.{l:§]éfu§ receive myeféaaié foule hangers and thirfis after him; clouds are eg-athering,and I trufl in God through all my hefa-= A vineffe, and I ljxope through ‘aIlimped_imem:s,e he willfettle my lnterefi in him, and throw off all ~ the claimethat Saehan can make unto‘ it; and am he will carry my foule in difpight of all the ealumnies , and all that the Devill, and ‘-?Satan can invent,will carry itlintoettemall mercy,.there to’ e receive the blelfirdneflelli of his epreelencle to all = Eternity. ' V I—.?m/ges. My Lord, it was his own by Creation, in is his own now by Redemption ,:‘ and: purchafeg and it is likewife his own by refignauon: O. my Lord, look therefore up to the Lamb of God, that {its at the right hand of G0fi,tO téke away the finnes ofthe Wor1_d,Ocha;'2La.mb tofégtlegi Hazzm. That‘ Lamb of God, am his lharidslii commit my foule: and that .Lamb 0%" God that fits upon the Throne to judge thofc :4. that fill, L clovtvnelbefore him,1‘ hope bee v°villl bee pleafed to look downeward, azxdljudge me with mercy ethat F fall downe before l1im,and that worlhipl him, and that adore him, thaconely tmfls upon-his mercy, for his compaffion 5 and that as he hath purchafecjt me.,he would layhiselaime unto nie.now,i and re- A cezve me. B0/fan. My Lord, think of this, there is no con’demnwtion~ to tiiemwlao are'z'1a’Cbirzff, Wb‘o‘is it; 'et_e/74$; £5422 qandemgz, is Cbrifl {bat jufizfieseg and ';1fexc3' fore ‘ (ms: and efpy (2=) fore look noii Boon this, (My Lord; upbfi this Chriflgapon this Chrifl that juflifies»: Hell, Death, Sinne, Satbaza; nothing fhall be able to cende mne, V it is cbréfi that jufi ifies you-. o Hrf=§’énJ , llndeedjf ii1fii9‘y, nobody cal)" coademne, and I trufli in God,in his fiuflification, thoughihere is confufinn here wirhoutlus-,e-andv Ihflilgh thereare wonder: and Rating that now- dlfquiegy/er Itnsafi that 1'. (ball be cniedznto that me:cy,thatGodwsll receive my fouleg. ' A \ Bainm , I doubt ‘not my I“.ri,=r.l but as yofi are . a speame and;0fpir.ty here, [0 you are an ob;’e&' of Gods mercy above. Holland, Then the Earle of Holland looklifig over;amoag~the peo~ple,oepointiage toa Souldier,‘ fayd, This honefi man took me prifo~r,er,wyou~ little thought "I mama have been: brouglft to this, whenl delivered . my felfc to you upon conditi- $ir, God re-wa rd you Sir. Boltazi, Lord , throw your felfe intotllc , Armes ofmercy, andlfay, theere I will Anchor, and there] will die, he is a Saviour for us inall conditions ,whither fluould wee, goe , beehath the words of eternal] life.oand upon him do you Dean; l C aptaine Watfan on horfe» back 1 putting his at faydrto him, God be with you ‘ rel} ,' 'waite,while you live, and even‘ -trufl in _ Hallazid A l (33) Holland.‘ Here mull: now ‘be my Anchor, argreat Storm makes me finde my anchor; and’ but in Pcorms no i e. body trufl to their anchor, and thereforel mull trufl: ‘upon my anchor (upon that God, faid Mr. Bolton, up- an whom yourA72cl2or ml/ls)’ yea, God, I-hope, will anchor my Soul fafl: upon Chrifi Jefus : -and if I dye not with that clearnefs and that hcartinefs that you {peak of,tru-l , I willtrufiin God, though he kIi‘l£'l- rne, I will re fie upon. him, and in the Mercy of my Savior. A ' J “ fioltan. i There is Mercy enough, my Lord, and to lpare; i you {hall not need to doubt; they {hall never go‘ begging to another door (myLor<-1) that come to bin). Then theyEarli of Holland fpealcing to Mr. Hodges, fa-id, Ipray God reward you for all your kindenefs; and prayasyou have done, inflruét my Family, that they may fer-ve God with faithfulnefs,— , with holinefs, with more diléigence, then truly I K have been: careful to prefs them unto: You have the charge of the fame place, you may do much for them, and__I recommend them to your kindenefs, » and the goodnefs of your Confcience. Dr. Sybald {landing by upon the Scaffold, in his , paflage to Col:B¢ecber, exprcfled himfelf eh-usto his Lordfhip V: or. Sybald. 1 The. Lord liftup thcl.ightT of‘ his co=unten.ance A upon yo~u,and you fltallbefajfe.» - A _ _ r E . Then (34) A I-3701147151. , Then the Earl of Holland embrace-do Lieut: cpt: ' Beecher, and took his leave of him: After which, he came to ‘ Mr. Balms, and having embraced h,im-, and returned him many thanks forhis great pains a.nd affeétions to his foul, defiring Godto reward him, and return his love into hi-s ho-fom. Mr. Bolton {aid to him, The Lord God fup-port you, and be feenin this great extremity.-, The Lord reveal and difcover himfelf to you , and make your death the paéfiage unto eternaliife ;___.. lfiflhmie Then the Earl" of Holland turning to the Execu- tioner; faid , Here, my friend, let my Clothes and my Brody alone, there is Ten pounds for thee, that is better the.n;myeClothes, I am fure of it. . Executiane~r. r Wi'i1 your Lordfthip pieafe to give me a Sign when I fll-.1l1firi~kC 2' And then his Lordihip faid,You have room enough here, have you not -2' and the Execu- tei-oner fai-d, Yes. i r olttm. The Lordtbe you-r firength,therc iis riches in h~irn; The Lo-rd of Heaven impart himlelf to you», he is ab!-éto fave to the uttermofi: we cannot fail fo lvow,as to fall below the everirafling Arms ofGodE;, and therefore the Lo-rd bega fupport andflay to you in your low condition , that he will be pleated to ‘make’ this ana-dvan-rage to that Life and glory that will make amends. for all. ' - i t ' ° 4‘ A Halberd. 1 A ( 35) _Holla.nd. — o l Thenthe~.Ear‘l of Hoiand turningto the Execu-tiol 1 net}, laid, Friend, do you hear me, if you take up my Head, do not take ofi my Cap. Then turning to his Servants, he {aid to on-e,eFare you well,»t-h.o~u an an honefl fellow; and toanother, God be with thee, tho-uoart honePt man: and then faid, Stay, It will kneel down, and ask God forgivenefigondtheta - p-rayed for a pretty fpace, with feetnsing eatrneaPtt=x.ef~s. Sgaitan. The Lord gra-nty-oh may finde life in death. a A i L Elallczncit A 1 i which is theway of lying: (whichthey {hewed him) And then going to the fI'0{1E?Of.th€ Scaffold, he faid to the People,God bl-efs you all, and God deli- ver you from any fuel: accident as may bring you to any {itch death as is violent, either by War, or by thisfc acciclmts, but that there may be Peace among i you, and you may findethat thefe accidents that hzmj. pried to us, may be the laft that may happen in V i§;i.'tgdorri 5 it is thatl defire, it is that I beg . off ’{f.‘t.2tiV,% next the faving of my Soul : Ipray God gm all l'1app.inCfs-£0 this Kingdom, to this People, and this Nation : andlthen turning to the Executiog / rt-er, laid, How muff Itlie.-.’ I know not. . I lE.xeéutianer. _ Lie down flat upon yot_1r;bellye:i and then having laid h'm {elf do wn,he faid, Mull I lie clofer '.’ Executioner. Yes, and backwarder. % A ’ E 2 Hafiandg (“g6 ) ‘Holland. it ‘ Iwill t-ell-you when you {hall fll'll(C;3!'td then as he i * =5. lay; n.i.-fcemea! to pray with mugh affeainn for a ihort jg % fpacc, Tand than lifting up his head,’ faid, iWherciis iff the man}! and facing the» Executioner by him, he in L ’ faid; ‘Stay vvhile I give the Sign ;and prefcntly after J Rretching out his hand, and the Executioner bcing nntiully ready,hc faid, Now, now, and jut’: as the words were ciomling out of his mouth ,i the Exc- cutioner at one blow: fevcted his head from his b0dyah ’ ‘ T be execution cf the Lam’ of Holland being tbw T ferformed, M1h¢i£_.qrd Capcl was bramgbtto the Scaflold ll T 11:15: farmer, 421611.72/I56 way to-tbs Scaflbld, be put off /113' Hana the people on fiat/afides , llooking wry aufimvly f.‘ in l aiéarzt him .- 14:24’ being same upon the Sczzfiold, Licut: J: €a.!v.- Beecher /aid to him,‘ Is your Chaplain here -3 2 A L 4 l n * F ‘ l / Cape}. No, I laavcltakcn my leavne of him; and pc.r- A giéivning lfomc of his {Ervants to weep, he laid, Gcn- ‘- zleme-n, refrain your Fclvcs, refrain you-r {clves 5 and .1 zmning“ to Licut: Col: Bncecber, he faid5 What, did i h :he’Lord’s~fpeank with their Hats ofl°“~or on -3 - -51 A i i i Lieu; Cdl: Beec72er. i \ With their Hatsicilfnn: And then ¢o:ming:~ toph-e l imnt of”fthe Scaffold, he fsaid’, I -{hall hardrliy be 4 i * nnderflood here, I thinlgand then began his Speech,- ; gs f_Ql1%oV.wclth.-.l 4 V . ’ 4 ii * V 64521.? “( L37 ) T Capelto ‘ y I ‘ He conclufion that I made with thofe that - ‘ Tent me hither, ‘and are the caufe of this vio- le-nstdeath of mine, {hall bathe bcginning of what] {hall fay to you: When Imadc an Ad- fdtofs to them (which was the lafi) I told them with much fiTt«CBl‘ity., That I would pray to the God of all mercies, that they might be partakcrs of ‘his in- efiimablc and-bountflcfs mercies in Icfus Chrifi , a.ndtrtfly, =1 Prill pray that Prayer ;»and Ibcfcccht the God of I-Ieavcn, fofgive any inj2_J1‘y~ they have done to me, from my foul I with it. And truly, this I tell you, as a Chrii‘}ian,to let you fcc.i am a Chri- flian 5 but it is ncccifary AI {hould tell you fomewhat more, ‘That I‘ama Ptotcfi-ant: And truly, ‘I am a ' Proteflant, ‘andyfivcry m1icjh'in1lov.c with the‘ profcf- y y fion of it, ahftCrKing emit that dyed laft : God A ltnighty prcferve our Ki.'n=g.tha.t-n.ow is, his Son; God fend F - him more fortunate and longer days, God Al- mighty ll-"6 aflifi him, th=at—hemay~ exceed both e-th.e venues,and2£uflicieneies.oi his Father: For certain- 1363‘. (ac) 1y, ‘I eliat haveiheeuia Counfellor comm; and have lived long~-with him, and in a time when difcovery is: eafiiyi enough, m~ade,Eo.r he was;yong—( be was about thirteen,£ouru;een,‘fifteen, or fiXC*.&Cfl years of age)thofi: yea-rsI was withhim,tr'ul.Y,Inever faw greater hopes. of “ventueiin any yong perlon than ln'hl'm;gl?€3tJz.!d:g- meat, great llniderfianding , great Apprehenfion, i much Honour Nature, and truly, avery per- fefie Eflg)l'ifl1'maflifl;‘hi’5.iflCl'lfla['i0'l'I';, flfldsl pray God refi:ore.hi.m:to»thia Kingdom, andllnite the King- doms one ‘unto, another, andrfend a great haippineik both to«y.ou and to him-,_ thanhe may long liuve and Reign among-you, &l'l*’Cl,[l»‘lI1‘{as'-‘ll.-’€’:.C Family may Raign tillethny»Kingdomrcome,, that is, while all 'lTempo- _ ‘ralx.Poweur-iseonfummated:; I befl:ec‘h God of his mercy, give muehihappinefstoithis your King, and i to you that in it: {hallbe his Subjeéis, by-the grace of jefus Chriflr. _ it Truly,.I like my beginnirigfo well,that I will make ‘ my cronclufion W.l£l1ita, thatia, That God‘ Almighty would confer of, hl5‘l'flfi~fli:CC and inetlimahle grace and mercy, to thofc that are the caufersof my coming h~ither,I pray God give them as much mercy , as theirown beartsean with-, and trtrl-y,for my part, e I willnotaccufe any one of them of malice, truly I will not,nay, I will not think there was any malice in them; what other -ends there is, Iknow not, nor , I willnot examine, but let it be what’ it; will, from _my_very foul Iforgive them every one:-.. Andfo,the Lotelof Heaven blefs you a1’l, God Almighty be infinite in goodnefs and mercy to you, and direét youin thofe , ways -of obedience to his commands to his Majefiy, that this Kingdom maybe a happy and , ‘ , glorious ..A.... 4.3.‘ u_ 5.... Tom (41). a glorious Nation again, and that your.I{inig m:iy be a happy Kingyin lo good and fo obedient people; God \ Almighty keep you all, God Almighty preletvc this Kingdom, God Almighty p_rclerve y.o_u.a-11:‘ Then turning about, and looking for i the'Execu-l tioner (vyhbo was gone off the Scaffold)*{aid:,Which is the Gentleman '1’ which isthe man -: Anfweir was i made, He is a coming; He then laid, Stay, vimufiz I puiilioffmy Dublet E < f’c,and my Waf’tc‘oa;ti:“ Afn'd' then . -tihefixecuitioner being come upon the.S‘cafl°iolid,o » the Lord Capel; faid, Q; friend, preitljeee come hither} Then the Executioner kneeling downg the ‘Lord Ca- pe! laid, I forgive thceifromymy foul, and not only forgive thee, but I {hall pray toGo_d tog.ive't'nee all grace for a better life : There is ‘Five pounds for thee; and truly; for my clothes and ‘tho’feithingse,‘*if“there be anything due to you for it,you {hall be very fully recompenced .3 but I-“5lefj~re;\-my body may not be firipped here,and no body to take notice of my body but my ownzferevants : Look you friend, this Iilhall defire ol-‘you, that wl1e’ne*I lye down,that you would givemezy a time for a particular fl10TC;Pl"3..y‘Cl'.’. ‘ ~ ~ Lieut.‘Col: ’13ee‘cker. Make your own fig'n,' my Lord ; _ A C49?’-V ‘. Stay a little,/Vwhich fide do you Rand u~oon.e ’ ‘(l'peak~i.n'g totbe Executioner) Stay, ‘I thinkl flmoulél lay my hands forward that way ( pointingafo-re} right) andanfwer beingmade, Yes; hcfiood‘-ifiill a little while, andpthcn faiéd , G on Almighty yyblefsall this People, God Almighty {tench this I ~ F blood, * Aseltewas .putting up hair: \ (42) V "h’lood, God Almighty fieuch, (tench, {tench this i‘fi"ue of blood 5 this will not do the hufinels, God Almightyfinde out another way ‘CO do it. And then turning to one of his Servants, laid, Bala’m’n, Iean. not fee any thing that belonged to my wi:le,hu: I muff: defite thee to beleech her to rel} vyholly noon Jelus .Chri{i, and he contented and fully fetisfied: and then ("peaking to his Servant§,he faid,('_'}od keen you; and Gentlemen, let me now do a bufie.-ele quu;'kiy,' privately, and praylet me heave your P.~;:.:yers at the moment of death, that God would receive my foul. Lieu-t.~ Col. Em/yer. I with it. e » Pray at the moment offi_riking,joyn your prayers, but make no noile(turning to his Servants)that is in-- convenient at this time. i Serrvant. your Cap} Capel. , Should I, what will that do me goods’ ‘Stay a little, is it wellas it is now ¢,'’‘;~ ‘ ' And then turning to the Executioner, he faid,'Ho- nefi ‘man , I have forgiven thee , therefo-re'Ptrike -boldly; from my foul I do it. My Lord, put on Then a Gentleman F peaking ~to~h_im,- he faid, Nay, ptethee be contented, be quiet good Mr. _._,_____ be quiet. L F t t -- a i Then turning to the.Executioner, he fetid, Well, you are ready when I am ready, are you not and Ptret-ching out heisghands,-he faid,'I‘hen pray {land on? ’ a , Gen- RARE DA 803‘ % .7 ‘ T-H3 - mm»umIiiififijflijfijfifiiwwrrtImmmm University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier TheSevera1SpeechesofHami1ton164 9 Capture information Date captured 14 June 2018 Scanner manufacturer Ricoh Scanner mode1 MP C4503 Scanning software _ Opticai resoiution 600 dpi _ Coior settings co1or, 24 bit Fi1e types TIFF Source information Format Book Content type Text Source ID Barcode page at end of text. Notes Some pages have handwritten marginaiia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. Page 27 is 1abe1ed as page 7. Derivatives - Access copy Compression TIFF compressed with LZw before conversion to JPEG Editing software Adobe Photoshop CS5 Reso1ution 600 dpi Co1or Grayscaie and co1or avai1ab1e on request. 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