1 ‘WIKW ~ “ . g ?? R3 W U 0' D93 jmflém Wm Trewcimrymd Trezzfimg fife mm? Beiér1gm exa.€rRe1atim11 of his Traim‘;r0u8 ‘ ‘ 4.3:‘ pmefl:'i£%:*s fimmtsz: the Year‘? 1 6 53m Tggethfir with a true and flan W:0V@1“y M5 the myfizmsie of his Rafi Engagemmt >~”““?f0rth¢ defirufion cafche K E 36:1’ 05 V arid Hi3 Royahll‘ Po sir E 1:; X 1* V Wherem £23? addéd m E ? '1 w A 4§.V”z—§. AA ' E "(l 3 J A (T: A 1?. J. ; A ~.. ~ Need not (‘tend to repeat the minifold Atteiiiifilemade hy’ the Haygfgtoer in elder time upon the Crown of Scatlend, ‘hi “(P11-'1Dg‘humor having been derived Fucceliively from toson for menytgencrgttions, as is known so all hat have havee Super/édma in this man’s Father, one of a lei-3 efltve temper men hieherlecellors. But this Hemiltvu (his Son) proving the true heir oithe ltmbition, as well as the Fortunes of his {agnily,could not contain himfeli within the bounds of modclly and lo’; illtie; nor could the extraordinary favours heaped on him by his Sovereign, withhold him from the iorfeitnre of his Allegiance; but he made L16: of them only to inrieh himfeli by oppreflring the Sttbfefls, alto to inlinnate into all proceedings at Court, and abufe the confidence repofecl in him by a gracious Prince; whole counfcls he betrayed unto His rebellious edverfariee. perufeel the Chronicles of that Nation ; Onely it feemed to I This will molly plainly eppearin the whole carriage of his Dcfigne, f tending toe manileit ufilrpation ‘in Scotland. A M Fitll, he thought to have eff-_£l:ecl itfby force; and therefore contcei¥ ved it rlcaceffiry to gein :1 Reputation for Armee, and make himfelf e V man of Power. Tl‘llS he did almoft twer.ty years tlg0,I1flClti‘r st pretence, of levying For Cjermeny: But to whetend they were taifed, may ape . near by this following Nerretim A A I n the year to go. three or form confiderable patient of the nente A A of Hemiltem, and oinear relation to the Marquefs Hamilton, hadnot {erred the Krngoi Swc slew one whole year, but they oafhiered them-V {elves from his fervice, without any known eaufe to their ft,-llow, fonlclie-rs. h At the fame time the Lord Rmy (:1 Qcotchman) being in Staclglgalmgfi A V: as EI‘3f0l‘l"I1f.’Cl by his Lievtenant Colonel! ,one Lindfiy, who lodged in A the fame houfe with Sir fame: Hamilrom; that the reafon Wes, becaufe , their C/aitfthe Marqneis ofAH.emzlum,r_nteze‘zded to be a Sonlclier,whorn they refoleed to afltll, and llmre With him in his fortune, anal that tlheyyheld afligned their elletes to others before their engagement: That they had oif.;rcel him the faicl’Li:zdfivy zt liegiment, (Whereofhe did at... c,ept)ancl that they fhortly expeéled Dwvid Remfiy from Eegl.end,«Wht} r not mztnyidztys afterkertivedvin, Sweden. t A This Lord Reeyflo (7 Front the twhole dcfigny carried himfelf a confident of their party; and "as in compexay one night he was drink» A ingywith (“I013/51l.'x. Hemiftam, Sit jhrmeei HL2im'{t0e,and' Qegid Ramfflr A *% ~Ather A Scatlzzéwl ;e whee-em many complaints were added éfthe egereete abufw 5 very pr; judicial to Hailzmd %ive‘*°95Wew éeezetem efiey began to froii ck it and fiieweutein edi{ceurf'e.A éeelzk was began Marquis Hasmilem by the name of _e?e:mc;e 5} tbsgmcc of G05 King nf in tfic Court of Ea-gzmg ‘heowfieet Papery and Armiszieinifme exceed? mgiy preveiied ;i A where’ note, thee the Marquis meant :39 make ufe oei the very fame peeeeneee of Refigiem no {helter h"ieTreefefi,Weh}Ch were 1 afterward taken up by the eemzm: Gjwezraeterx ; heI'eupom,‘the Lard e Rm} Ofiereni his zfervice, and peesendefi hiem‘{e1fas high a ezelat es theme- felvee in the qeerrrelgrzrd on we marrow Col. Alax.Hmzlmz 6: See‘ Jewry being to go for E:»zg!mm',geve him great efluraneee of true friend» {hip from tieeir Mefier the Marquis, iffiae" would continue con[’ce_m: e prefemed by A in refc>hz.ti«:m,defiring him to kvrite e general! Eeeter tube them to the Ivierquisgwhieh he di&,ench'o they parted. lathe month 0f [My one M; ZEaé2..J/feloirxame being come from the W Marquis in purfumce of’ the fame defigne, the L..:"emy met With him in Pamerlmm’ &*‘asked"news~from En‘g"lmed?‘H€ anfwereal matters became worfe 6%: wor{e,:md that the King gave greater Way then eveeunto Pen-~e pifz‘: & A.rmz'ni;zn:.T§1en he eskeé the L. Repay where his Cofen {Bearing Ekmfiy we§,8£ what he had done?’who nepleied that he was gone to Hoi... fiend,‘ all things being done to his mind and pareicuierly, that care wee when for Armies and &mmunitf.omo be Sweden. ‘ T1138 3» Rm-y arriving; _ Rfimfiy, who delive-reci him a letter ofcom plemenr and ehankeee from, file Marquis, «fie told him that all Went right WiththeeNarquis; that he femm the Marquis from §2‘ee€“"gotten from the King Ieoooma En‘ %!mm’,a.nd the Winc~eu€%emee' an .§"cetz”.ev25ff0r fiivera: year;-‘S, which he wou1d*{ei1e;;em%. met ail tmnge yeeceedeeeie Without lee or impedimenmnly the [key wvee fex.mf1‘rmseand*' flmmuem%ion.He faidfureher, the King had made a @6366 W1theeS;,wz£ee~ item might happily difpwofe them to fexvour the defigns ofthe Merqeeuiea. A When the L.Rmy came into Ezecglmed, the Marquis Agave him many- ehmkes, _afii2ri,eg him he fhouid have whee-‘conditions he aiefireee, me» elm: he heciwrieten ten the King offlweden» by Eipbiegfi-emm ezaeiv".M'ez”~é?~ dmm; ta fignifiehow heeihad occafion to detains him gend ifhis Lord » A eehipeeeweuld hazard with hirn the {aid/Elarquisin this bufineife, me: it» flhcmid fge ea aye for ever upon him me his pofteris.-5';.. e A e .M{-:: _the efore-{aid Meldrem ,..being in difcourfe one day with the in Hamdin Mm}; 163 x metwae Davin?‘ eiécthat the I;.Trea{urer Cbttéxrgfiase me urged. ehe King ten beer the Hellmedaw from fifhinggwhéch occafioning difeonw “ gee, §'§E§§;e*3¥’¢§E1¥.§f°§F3??? eeyemtaeeeeof fi2Ae«King of Smdefz (Whofeemb§t‘i‘or1waéewithciutlimits) that the Marquis flaomitd rzufe war ieeBrifm£bz:fbrthen ifthe King eof Swedenehad 3. defign onfD‘caz¢mm~l§,tbe ‘King of Britain would riot be able toehelbbp his 'Unk1e.By this they: 1: 1e evident,th'at for the carrying on his defignd 1.1» furpationb, he correfp graded :3: tampered Withthe Swede: &Hollandem ‘ Infureher pmfecutmn Wheveof, he had his Agents abrcmd to raife vile Reports :9 the clifhonor of theeKi% 0§2.W,3;¢,: maths cam»; 5 as: L how that the bICab¢"g$f4mily mm; we better than a fi[.*:l7ye‘BraHgel, .«.z Wyfinza , cf Im’qm'rie;:=z:4a' IFMI? M6’ mrfe af God didfal/aw the wlmleflack madfazmi/fie eFKing Mzcraesg which was ab-Hefized by the depofirion of one. Major 1 B‘a2-tlmvzugé, which he delivered to the King figned with his own Ezanfi. _ A gained higrxi {gee with ghee: fW%!r:7Qfl_.i§.I'i‘§"'y -A It Wm given outa_1fe,thafleiTe thiemfelves of the Towne of Newmfile ; whereupon Gommxflioeers being appointed on either. fide wtrecat ofPeace,a ‘Irma: was '!3reAiF:nt1y made. I n the time of ehise Tmmit fo hapned,that the mefi neble Marquis of ZM'antre_[fe (he alone er the Scotif/5Ne7*tien),Jfenefflecrers.Aunm*the King, ;_arAofefling his Fidew A my and re‘ady»ObedieneeA»t“eHis Ma}'e&y. Thee-:AeAbe1nge{’celne __'away in» A thenight, andcepiee out by the*Kings own »Bed-cha'm beri-men,(fuch aseflemilran had preferred about him for the pm-po[fe)e WC, e {em _:b%acke bythem -to the Coueamnters at Newcefllee And it was the AA Ifhion With‘ tho1eIeeAry menj~fte»»Commuriicate unto the ‘elCamnmm=Ar:'>frem eeeayze day the Kings meoe{ecre:e.ceune1«, of ‘whigh Ae~§hem;feLvee ”!on.e1y were. either AAuthor;so§_: Pareakersy A t e ta) i t A ‘Pacifientiaii being made between the King and the Scots” g“ F-femifé» A ten llill kept eorrelpontlence with the chief 6'ofvment.er.s't 5 And tearing it '. lelh this calme of Peace {hottld lali too long, he eonnfelled the King to at Breath ofethe Pttqift-Station 5 but his Maieilytefolven to keep it on hit it part irwiolahle. Herenpon he hetook himfelf to new Atts,and a Pat»? liatnent being called at tt/eflmiefler in the yeer I641. fearing he might he brought under the lath as well as other fldonopelzflt (himfelf being; the gteatelt in the Three Kingdotnes) he-applyed himfelfttntothe » V L€fldi7}g*m€?3, 1 and by the mediation of thel’.S’catzjfé4Commiflionera and with protnifes of working the King to their ends by pettfwalions, he was looked; on at (jn//inn Pilim nine, and obtained the Reputation of aBr~or/an~,heqneathing this fotian tzttclotzlmteclt/‘i»att:z.i»c*i;m to the faétiong Tent not/sing tivetalclpretvaile entitle the .li;'t:4g en: Force end Ntee/_7?{yt this tneanea he opened’ a; door of Divifion betwixt the King Z1l".lCi,Hlt: ihrliamentt A A * A And when the King went at little after into tS‘ca.rtizml; thete the Marquette plaid his pranks toogand to ingratiate himfelf, ioyned with Tfltgejle, and that Faétiott ; Ami upon pretence of a Plot agaittfi him by tome Couttierstand Souldiers, went from the Parliament of Ellen new-gh to the Country with Argyle t which the King taking notice oi} declared pnblickly in Parliament, That however now he feetnefi to eomply with Them, yet he was the only rn’an”whit:h had intenfee hint againfi that Kingdom. to A the .Ji:{ejefi‘ie having done this work there 3 and heingr retnrnen thence to His Engltflx Parliament, it Was not long ere he found new work here; the Kanalaeers mntinons, and ttfirong Faflion driven in .Patliament.. Shortly, Hztmilton followed the King and came to Caert, ‘whereby his nfnal flights he crept%a-gait} into the molt gracious Kings .C0lllllii’ih‘ and Favour, and became Intelligeneer to Pym and his ‘Fat9ti-V on, ofl”'et*ing Therm all Service, according to his ptomife made hefote the Seat‘; Cotntniflioners, telling Them, There was no way to attotn» lilh their Ends hot by putting in ptaflice the ./le'a.a~ime hehad given Them» l-lerenpon, His Majefiied was aflhnltea with tlnllflflfdwfifl and tnolit nnteafonahle Demands, %whial"ticante thick and tltree;-foln i'l'0;l”t‘t the i":i'en§]'i».r3 and Hnmilrmz feemed to tiiiiilte » them as nntth at any; yet {till entottraged the [le’ene&e;~.t to eontinne their hnpogrtnw nity, that the King heing tired out therewith, he might have the motto planlibleptetenee of neeefiity and «r€lpC&‘0f pnhliclt Peaefeg t$'h€t@0tt \ to ground hie Yjt3l‘fW.hil0ilSg%'Bytl1l$m.€a1'tti’S, afteri the iitpptieii"ionoli”t Jlaianejrtliet, end te.eanhitnat' Can;-ta, and indeetfl all ‘C1iJi”(3li£’li.l‘ttV0‘l"_h'l.v"i{'llCtl§iut(;§~;~ evet was teally naeetlatyfet the tiling Dftlttiittttltt fillld the A ' i .l t ilifriiltlftft (Io) i"eitiiingAoAf"the Kingdome ;? Hamilton wrought upon.!—Iim to yeild to A ieheiejeéicinig¢of._theBi{hops and Popifh Lords; alfo topaife the Bill A A *for‘T2;ym‘a! Piirliimeeti, anci at iength i that fateiiiA& for inseam... A A wit} afrlazi Pm»liement;ewh1eh. ehoughie were dead long finee by» i.ew,yee a G:mgren’d Remnaneofit (behold the wonderfui eourfe of Gods Jniiice A!) is become infirnrnental in giving the deadly Blow to it's principal Founder. A 2 i A — - ‘ A I A A is-1iA4sh/iajefiie ihavingeyeiided thus far, onewould have thoughtith-ere had been no-thing more to ask. Be: as if rhe‘“Body %pal£n'qm had iizr- feieed of ehefe large Favours, and faine into aflrupfie, the more it received, the m.ozfe Pciil it thwiriied after the Royal bounty ; and has iving fcmed His Mijefties patience up to the higheii pin,they yet aimed? higher, even to the cracking of thofe Sinews, which preferved the harmony hetween the King’s Prerogative and the Subjeéislibertyi He had yeilded up in a. manner His Crown and Scepteir, next: they ‘Adeimiand His Sword too: Here Hamilton‘ had driven the nail home to A the head,and now itwouid go no further. The King refoiveci to keep His Sword, andgthe Hanfe: Pcrngledi with him forit foiiong, thgmat iength they refolved to wrei’c it out of His hand. This issit which Ho-i —mi[ro'4 aimed at, longing Pciil for the Time wherein they would break forth into open Hofiilicy. Now then, asihe had iincouraeged the Mem- V ham to inemaeh upon the 1«;ing,.fo at Kai‘: hePcirs.iup the King being 1 already awakned,I:o call thofe Meméer: to aecompgthat had“ inhvaded A Afiisakights hymonfirous Demande, and His Place and Perfon with . Turnults, to the intolerable aflronz: of Majefly. Many propoundeci .. fiverali waies to efiiefi thin, and in the end Hnzmi/tow feid, His Majeflyv e eouid do no lefi in Vindication of His owne Honour, A then go in Per» . ion’ to Demand the Five prime ‘Eaetefizw ofthe (fommom:-Howie no . he brought toe Lege1Tryal,i. T his Counfel (the «King being in a piafei iion) was no fooner given then taken, and His Mnjefl} refoived on the morrow morninga “being Quneeg 4,t_i1. to enter the Haafi and dew 'ICI’I7a}:j1.d*€i1E Pies Meméers. Immediateiy h€reiupOn,o,Heihei/toes (tohisn. Aeeernali iinf'amy) fene private notice to thofe Yideméaw oAfeheiKi.Angie, RjefoIx.:~eion3u,acivi{in~g Themeo abfentfeom i eheAHaeji=5 Awihieh hedid on Apnrpofe to Pereferve Them, that they rnighthe at iiheiey to raifeu Thmniesgeande drive ‘away Hzs»»Mnjeflie. 4, This was the diviiiih Homily-iA wnien Semeagem to eaiife an irreparable. Bmeaehiihetwixtifiiim and the » . Hoiwfliti For‘, when the King;ea.me to the Commom.atAfthe»— i~ a*ppoi,need timee',_he< found the i*eBiAi:r;dis iiwereifiwin, and? fo deyajrteé with the loffeiof His iahonr through ifiizmilram Treachery, . The mife» A eonfeqnentsiwere aiiemzem had foeefiioteeeeiii, and the e 11:) l [rm chemfelves new defh-ed, who ceylingeout, Breech offlriviiedge, aaaeee-...; zineg11p‘moPc horrid Tumults both by Land and;Water about W/'hi2?e¥lJeii,.C0m xj flrained His ./Meljiflj for the prefervation of that reverence due to his Perfoo,» . eowithdraw from His Parliament, 3: feeh fhelter from the violence that was threecned againfi Him. This eecelle from Ifleflmiefler gave the F;¢zEZiarxeocca¢~l' {ion fiend »oppoet.umty to lay the foundation of this .mif"erahle Wlar,;the=fruit ‘€3f‘Hemilro;e’.sf mofi treyl.‘ez"ous Praftifes and Counfels. At length in the yeemc543. when the King had very neeusjfuhduedl all Hie Oppofers in England, and reduced the whole Iiingdome to His Obedience, except London, and 3 0154 Garfifons, and there waging p;“‘0b‘gbIe¢% M m¢an?e5e1;;fe for thofe few jwembem who llcyledethernfelves :1 Parliament, whereby ~t.opr6~ ferve icheml"elves,o or oppofe the King,,;but by calling in the Sam”; and_ wheoig was not poflible, at leaf’: very difficult for the Covemntew to afford any con»- fiderable afliflanee to their Confederates in England, eif thofe who profefied themfelves the King’s Friends had faiethfully afiede their parts 3% then Hamiiroe played a new “part in Scorllmdin pretending Ahighly_ foxjthe Kirig, thateheviog accefle again to His lCoun'l'els, he might betray Therm and dlflgappoinot his De. fignes. 'l‘he“1§ing?s Friends finding him thus inclined, procurecl great Eere to him from the < King; whereupon hevllwas creased a De@e,_ and promifeel Marriage with the Prghece Elefiofs-SifiE€r,e which e he chf:Crfu~lly imbqacecl, ~;eVnMd promifed to performe gx'eat ;Servic:es"for ;helKing., 7 A #1 L l Yet no fooner dad he hear ofi;heO¢1_eens return out of Heilesmgand Her leer-J fling atfiirdlimgtoe, and how” that the noble fl/fcmtrojfe had ofi‘eeed: Hee“(i*f ‘1 She pleafed to procure the Kixags Coemmiffion) to fuppereffe the Scotifi: em. wemmters, who were ingaging egaine in another Invafioninto Englemd, he: he hafined out of .3cez‘l.4md with a Refolution :0 0V€1jthroW;Montre_fle’s Coueu fels; and this he did with the knowledge and C«;3nl'e;nt,:lofthe . Cl’0"£’€’7’3g«2f«F£1'(€}:mll, ‘ under pretence of comming to Rifle the _%_¢ee;»2e:h€L3,1d, apdygratulating Hex: 1 happy Return. Heeold the fleén there was f0meldengerlh‘omtl1e& Swtifl: owemmtewex; but he laboured to extenuace it, and'cond~e.mnecl the Coonfel Of./ldfmzrrofle as ralh,unadvifed, and unfeafo-nab1e,faying,I; mes fir all mews: he i tried; to praflrve Peace wit/as r/oer Tflatiarxnce things were name: came ea /Exp}: Ae‘ p.e_.[‘[e;,e1gar‘ezlaeI* , é;:foreA Ajl.-s.. x£.g;‘?.:2fi£fzm gizwz.h Aflzmihzhehh A;& or imprifoning His Majefii-as Perfmx he hcfos;:A?fcr11iAngof him.;AA;B‘t1t ‘(ha hapnfid )1, that‘: C0Y€-§i311tv€f3;;i0 Eflglrwd W535 Aheut-i3i'icAmd by £h.&i:r_ yaxmgmé ;E:~“¢a*bre;2h ofihlm DB ~P.; EN D ms: c fig; 4;; A~VVhQ; ufihgzu yingfthc Iiisags Perfmi, zmd the Pawfir into their owne7ha~ndsh , and«1~having hfnm; Awithouz privathch infiigation from Hézmilmz) jugihcd him away in- fo’ abarharbus imphifonmem in thelflfi hWig/9?, 5663-me a5 ab0mifl3b1?€a$ h£h.e“AC;ozi?A£21a;';¢t2€;zg_"Tzffiflgvlsrxhxveré Cfiflhtfimfithiblfi 533 ~thAe ¢Y€.5..“f:AAh£h5hh W_0F1d- A Hebe wash as fiauch as Hamilton. aimed at; the Kings Perfon‘ in Prxfon; the‘ Prc:3stj,?m.“s h;ated% in ’Syatla’md 'fm.'.{€Uir1g Him Ehjfil’ Bffi-‘3hI‘6I‘I in A Em.:v.maE Emth-hat:cd and {earned for not rcfrqhring him and; then hlofinhg ‘ ab A A .\ A him am: 95 their hhanhds; and itheslhndcpendentsrgbzramhinated by alt menin that hthey:'Thad dhs~chié:hradf0.r'h his~£m$medhiamAre.€£1mtmn;,»ye: afte:waz'd»xm- V §;g_‘é£"0ih1€-(5 him. E-§er611p0x1hAh~h£he'=Dz¢1Qe'::gI*01-mdfid his 1haif‘Z"?'0j653 W =’~AA<"=h-'.=‘0m-' phfh rm’: om: dcfignc 0%fAufurp3.:i0>n:‘AAA';; I’5hI‘P£h;_h:3:3YC'»%*j01ié¢_figf5'£17*3Cfiflffiwffrfsflffifgh Egg? pyctfinding fm the-Y*mflitu:ionA ofthc hfizng, so _ohhge the‘Kz:1gs Party to hi-mhhimhhbhoth Ifihzgdowzexg andthfifl hf d0i1b5‘?d .;110t : ‘A30 9 5-‘PP1"~‘2fie;.th;C ‘ A ;m~zz£;=.=::: powmih by hringingA'AhAAa£1hh;h:A1‘“my. ii1‘—'0?h;5'?'9‘_£§‘1*Wv%..5h't.W11‘iCh_ h:A~A-‘Amy uhhd’ _=Vrs) 4 peeved viéforious , he bemg Mafier ef‘ the Field in *j’Ea»g22:rz2aZ and Seer» V fwd, and the King m his‘ hands , mxght: have done when he pi.ee%1'ed; either have “immmed Him in 7a corner of the wforfideg er E§11’Efi?£'H§m out: of it, aé he {aw time and opportunity‘ to lay mime mm the %Re:ywz/gy;e For flee any reafonable man judge, wlxezher he who durft take the boeldnefiein she dayes of His Maj~efl:iesVprofpemy to afpxre unto the Crown», and bath pm... fecmed it ever fince by imbroyling His Dominions, wouid have ”r1eg!e€ted to feize it when he had reduced it (together with}-1ise~/Iajeflies Peri-'on) am his ownepower. M e ~ ~ A m “ , To make this evident, let us take e View ofhis proceedings fince his releafe from his ['omi_/% imprifonment ; Whitfh he fo farrefented, that his exprefli-V one reiifhed notltfing elfe b'£1tReeJmcge»: for, when fome vvifhed him to re. ep*aire unto the Kmg then at Newmflle, his anfwer wae_., than that /767/MdA’¢°ti‘[e rm‘/Zn tagae to him ; for how could be ever tmjl ‘t/mt mm who Where he WM 5;»: mar impr%m'd/aim ?«Neverthele{Te, to‘Newmfl/e he went; wherewith his yfuali Arte he indeavouredeo perfwade the Kigg intoa good opinion of A him,pr-omxfing to engage has utm-OP: power and mtereit 1n5cotl;:md £0 doe. him fervice : yea, ebothhee and hisbmther Lamemicfi being of great‘ power With the Coezeamjxztmer, undexftoole to the King to ‘bringf him i11£o«S’cat~/mm’ 3 ‘. And hadthey been worth theirwords, it had been an eafiee matter wfo*r~thee e Kin to have ingaged that~Kxngdo:nFMzmd cheie Army, forrefioringvhim m 1-mun Righte in Emglszndo But it Proud not wzch their defigne, t:o»h»ave"h§g. Majefiyeperfonally prefent _:n .:57catlm2d, fleece :ewo}1.1dt0() much ecelipfe tlxeie « V greaeneffe and difappome thexr ends: and knowing he fluoulde-beéhampfed A " fufficfiently if he were yeiilded up to the Pireséjtarg in Ezgland, Wh?0'Iab,Qu..;.; red much, and o«fle1*edhxg;h for the eepurc~I1afe of ms perfon, the‘Ha§mlrans— (eoentmrygtzo their prgmife) wrought: underhand fora furrenderoefhimem ~ the Englifk : _ Aiieeadgtng. Tkmrzf I‘/961)! receiwd him as tlaeie ICing, it e wozwldeéee » ma: excefl?72e charge to the Kmgdame ofcatlmad to mairznm-'me [aim : That the ~eEma~ e ~ glijfy Tariiamenr kmsifirrfl lee/jed A:-mre:.r«ro refine him mt aft/ae e /axmdre eff em’/fl * Qgmfiliarge‘, med bring him éeel; to lm Pazrlidmmt at Weflmiyzjier, 139/)9 mggffi : ‘ seeedxmheit ill, new life Fewer, med t/Mr‘ enemies are fi¢é'dz3«eaJ, be flfirazxialéee leeptfmm them éjt*1aeir eo'vexzmxz:eoi érerloreen and fiiendr; T/agaztvfif he were de--» mined, er": wmfl ‘M.-seedy acmfiwm efirmc/aeeeévetvveen t/mm, amzt; leaf} Wfflfl-“W” erivei e anion £vetw£.wj eéotk Iiingdomee. Tim: they were ameedieIid'ed%fi*om tiaeire e Brethren of England, and the King lwxfig/at into Scotland , Maligwyenzx « wmidféme take 135m‘? egazine, mad newer [mew plotting till they ljmyfpux eSc0t3and ’ into‘ a comézzfli-am.eee.Thzztee rise King A bad f»§e2wze himfelffe Vrefi9l%vea£ag¢zinfl the Covenant, mm‘ eérnéireteered vaga~iemfl -%zl9e chief Prompmac bf it 3; ma’ was (229/ates.” prpmiflrs fiezxer: «I99 mmzhé) wfze mt-are ée errzeffed. Adding lafily '("éc:fiL’3e.§. thee ’ dummage%e that mxxgee enfiwe ale: e17}9€;,1b_fi;!;lV«9fmf.19fii7f*.‘e,4'T7’€&Vfl£‘ an E'nglgned the A (16) AA 7 f£*.:£ndm£/ af :1 Brmcé wirbtbeir _I>’wtlarer¢ in ‘C0’!/+*?W£fi'il‘ , and efifimitizzg we /aim wkms Mzcmféiwx ~l:7.r4d declared gmilg of A Ar/as i?z’a#.4% af éofilgr Kfimgdamw, Thcfe: things the ZDu.m [E and his Yfraréwr urged cwetand oven in A private at §\Qw¢d:W:¢; which -(with athd -zcncmci. efieted Fram Emma 1.. A N H) were of great: weight. in the op-inion A of tha Sc 0 mg 3:»: ., ‘ .‘ J ’ ’ I ‘ ‘ ' ‘ A ; After this, the bufinefTcAA being»; m be AcanvaflcAdA; an Pa.rliarm:.-M at? Eaficzgw ’ Aézxrge-'93 the Jlwljze madca giozious ihew imcgafoning forthc f{”.z';vgA.« Bzxzjwhm [st aggsmesz? to the Vet}: concerning his m.0.’c'i£'z/Er)’, the We £‘m.==z;*::r-w were in a:hc:;2;‘<."2::=gati~v::”thcm4felx/es, butTa‘M cheirx1care{‘tfri~ends and dependents (whofe A Awi:c€s;tE1€y Vufiid to command «is much as fiheir owns) WC’1’€§n-Eh€73.fi'it°Efi9;.. mm The Ifing being E11115 palpably bm:’rayedA by them ,-and '§fE:;df;‘mru.. mirzcd xhat he bq fcxamnto Ergglarzai they ‘mid the .il'HA,p!.3dC‘i'1{C€‘ to mmrne to fiffpmg/Fig mmkc thrsir Emvees ofhixm, &1l1(§‘r-ECj“§lii7fl.l‘l0¥V ;h<:y‘VAhad\~,donethAc:§i;% bcrif for brixaging him into» 5‘a=o;'-Kama’, but were 0v€1f:fi=»;*"ayed‘ by vote ‘§n17’.1m %-Eiamentz NeV's1'chele{1?:, aha good King (facing no remedy ‘bun: pa.tienm:v was content: to give: good wards: and {wallow all in fiicncez. fo; wi:hi_n;A%;aA A few daics after he was delivered ever m aha Errzglzfb Comznifliopem, or Tore» mentors 0fChC.P,r£!é}'tZ‘rj.A K ‘ A % A , , _ AA % And being; fecurcd zln their htmds at Holdméy, FMmi!!tm“"’$ ne3:tA%d&vim A‘ was to dcftroy all hopes of rcconciiiation betwigt the King and thc Pméyg. V mrima Pm-zy in England, having done pretty well an Scwlmm’ a;ireadfya Them» fare when it was debated among tha Sam/b Covcraanters, what: Imflmfiiajm-3 to fend unto qthcir Cqmmiflionem at Lofldorz, fame of Hami!rm“sA ,fi'im1;ds aggravated the matter againflz the Kifigfi as how that; he had been ziyeflm. ziawr ofmwl: 510.7%‘/7:e;:l=£n% 5:2:/3 I(ixgdam:, and drew an xnferencg offimégfizfii- an M éeg£vem ta divine fag’/?£cc. Hcreupon, Lamericé beIched% out Ehfffi Wmfdsfl We cam ;ze72er.l:.m2a Pmce~Auw1a:f¢g am Atiyzés‘ King ‘ or am} qflm Race rgmmbm ; and upon amther A mrcafion, we mm /MW no difererzce 41502/at .fli’f9fi1¢8’5”C}Ji(7fi[[;g0WB7’fi” mam; az/1113.9 d.§;7~"m.m~a will wlm 1!»:/J ée King» But this language being judged a iittle mo high as yenatlength the Cmzcnmzrm agreed, that amen 0therin{?:mé?:ion5 to bcfem: £0 theirAC0mmi{fiorzem at Lmdm this flwuldy be mine, to mind tI1eViHw*¢fl;=: i"tiil~oF that M9223 whercbyA may had geciared, we fs;.”'z'mg j/merld raw 5.5’ rz:l?ar1¢'z;iw ride; m*erc{fz{ of Regal! _Pam~r 3‘ia’7fi2fI§5fi?f?ia.m£}gM giwn ta .{:z;z1~;y.Zk7.«az%z’«;:2z.r.A% % A % A A A A V‘ A _ A This was mmugh to A£"crveMI%I}m¢:1A[;revs~a“s endx For knowing; thc..f1{,z 2;qG ‘m be immmrcabfiy fixt upon His Principles, and; no pmbable m:5diL&r:m_a mcongciic Him mt:haVmA§ I-Kc conch,-zdred they rnuft in aim and fiia «out Cj‘EI“fi‘*; _ . no axzratammg and%pzm*e£d with him from a confinfimmt 1:0 ix1clofl2inapr§u%A % fonm—f:nt. % 7 ~ Eu: the Pa E s BE§"1”Ei R 3 Wm rammed i:»~rtheI1~:2$%E:»m?’N:mz NT sAw§~m A by aapartyi-of Horfepiundered his perfon out oftheir poifeffion, and ms. edohimioto the Army’; Where hopes being given of the unitingthe two Iti- eerefis Ifizdepeiqdent and R0}&![,‘the ‘Ewe fem: his Agents from Scotland with A many,ar.gumentsvto difiwade the Gremlee: of the Army 8: 1ml:pmalcntpar- A W. And knowing that a new cwwfealemcy was fecied betwixt his gude Counu V tArey'man the Manquefle of Afirgile, and the Imlepamlem: in £’egl;e.e.o',che Duke fhrook in with Argilc,defiring a fetled correfpond and ami£yAwith him,prc- tending himfelf very much oflefled toward mofc"rga1»1an: Com mandezs of A the iEogiifh Army and their party. Notice hereof was fem to Cromwell and Q his eompaniions, who proud of the offer offriendfhip from Io potent a per-» “foo as Hemiltaae, thatmighc much advantage them by hindering any oppo- fition from the Presbgzters in Scotland,immediatelv imbrae-ed him , and {oh Aregilc wee content likewife tofhake hands with him in Scatl.«ml.Hemilram i head was the fhophwhere ehofecurfed Counfelise were firfi forged for the taking offhis Majefiies; from him they were communicated to Argile, byd whom they werenot only relhhed but refolved on, and pofied away into ,Englmm!,and prefled home upon the privy flenza of the Army with the very fame arguments which had been ufed to drgile. by T Hamilton: As how that g/g.e.K£;~:g was a man oféload, emd M deeeizflzll M lzlaedygone mat to he tmfledmed A that made no ~ean_/Idem‘: ofpcrforming pramzfif w/am am‘: he /Mal warren his emslx. That: Iaevfiwgps of an impleméleq/fiurit, and /mica.’ all time! /mo’ appocfivd him with A deadly hatred, mm’ therefore he was regained lwfirmcr power, /ye would 22/? is qaickl; to ruin t/oofl: of the e/{rm} "n2/aids» appear msjffarwmml to rejflare /aim. $77/am tlaqyflrazilei retreat in time éaforc it ram: too late, and not fvzémit their A necks to the mercy efe Tyrant; Tlmt laevizag declared /2: highly for fair» em! made him mmfidmt, they migke the moremfil} intmp /aim. AM that it way no dificreeiitfiv to do ,A~,/z'22ce it /mt/9 been at crmrfé jztfiified la} t/yepmflice cfgell age: mzd perflanx, otadmsim the deceizzer. A There were many of this humou_r and opinion in the Army long before ,7‘ " and therefore thofe which had been othervvife minded, feeing fizch Do- firilnesibroachediby their Scottiflv Confederates, were the more eafily drawn offfrom thofe mofi jufi: principles, which they had owned in the behalf of the King and Kimgdom,io their many Rcmm/Immex,‘19lecz¢rmm;,andPm« pafzz/I".r.And_ina ihort time they became iu-ch exceliem: Proficients in that i loffon ofhypoerihe which had been {ex them by*their,Sc‘amfi Tutors, that the moi’: pious King fuppofing thofe great pretenders ofAConfcience to be as religious obfervers of Oaths and Protefiations as himfeiflwas eafiiy train“d i aWay.AI:o a moi’: barbarous imprifonment in [Ar¢'fl2raoh_-Cwflle.‘ 4 A A A When Hemilrmf few ch1s,~then~ehe reckoned he was almofiiat his jo urneyds A i A A A i en 5 . _ - (18) l% e am his éefign itt a manner Breuglrxt to pem"eél“iott. Tlle *l%wl¢p:nde;:t~p“artyl Be»-A inglthmsinegaged . ( by hlslprlivlatelinltigatlirm‘ )9 ag.ainPc?the Kizlgpafi all re- treat,landet> peflibllity fi.Acc~ammlod:atilo1a+left. betweemil ttheml -anecll his I5/iltzjefiy, at len,gt}l1{ when he {ate his t;ime)h‘elleft« the Brethtetr of 'Im=1epem!m- ¢’y3_.l3.71£hE lut1:l‘t,-and fell ofi°ftom:A'rg£i:,t ca;<&ilnelg*labeute all wastes to wlreilcthe power outof the hands loftlmt pa1.'Cy.He {aw their roceedings were d1fre- lifhed by the Ptesbyttets mm: of envy,ci'%: By the Rtwall Patty‘: alsolxmittatedfeeojtzt ofa femze ef Emegralty. The 1{§r;s*gs% long imprifenmenlt 3;{‘l l'l.ll‘«2*lAs'3‘tl€€Ll- State of‘ e the Kingdom casufed gAe%neml°l f§if£G.n.t?ent$*,.3nd‘l»Cl’1'ifp0f€Cli{hf} people te fame .w;tl1any one that wlould pretend 120 be the I*Eir;:*»g:'de[£t'ev?W. Upont:-tlusl prew tenceat let: gt}-"3 be de‘eiate-dhis tlefalruttien to: wife a:n‘I&1ttny,atldl~halvlin*g1{um—l monledl 3. ‘Ptufliament elf his own atEde;:5z¢rg13,pr0Ct1.E€d‘ ltim l‘elFt¥ol be vetelelé 6'em=mlZ;ltlt'e Royall Patty ofScatl.=:md joyneel elofe ta him; but moi’: of his: ownl creatures were put into Com=ma=ndis, alnldall th“e.gatllanlt Gentlemen in the Nelrtlx of Emglamd ( as many as could get enlte'rtainm=e:tt ) entted into- the fe.rvie"e. Nor did he pretend only E0: the King, but to tileekle the Prefi- éfiyrqrx, and in hope te get the blefling of the Ifiriie altmg with him ,. cletla-7 tetillikewife fot the Cowamm : Bu.t ttle71+1"i' irlge l-mew him well enough , and fm elt Out. his l~;:vnlavlelry,l thteatning him with the-if‘ th~u;m:ler~ebelt’s except he elefifl:ecll,.becaufeifhe lead gonethmugh withhis defigns , cheyt knew he A wculd lnringin Bz'fl-gap: a.ga~in,.tlhle futreltpilllars of the .‘B*rit£fé.- U7l«Z'aam'rt'/if. Tl}i3l.lttt¥vas the only fruit they exper.‘tedltfto~me the ingagemlem: of this‘ tgllfy " L g}2tzce:metcr,xvho would“ malte as littlle C.0n?fCi"el3C& to tozen thcm,a5—tl’te King, ‘lllllotltllhe Eeflaries. And tl-Ietefote thee}! lfiT£ilfCd.hl1*1'7lfi17id has Armylwtth am A-A mtihsme M’;-ramrréw, and gave it-the Title of Be-Zlwm Hypacririmm. H A . Onlyt the peer Raye/Mix put eottfidencet in him,wl1o l1a;d‘macle th»em~ thus m,lfera¢blze,.lanld intended to make tltelm and tlteit Km yet more mitfctable, t when cmcelhe had inablecl hfmfelfl to {land uptcmhis own l:egs,withemttthem3 i«rt.E:~gg‘z’end.l 'l7he1:efore his Fxtfi: aim: ‘in this ilngagement W‘.-15, to prevent the Kings Frielndsltfrom having any confiderable Forces on tom: diftinfi ‘fmm his-ewn,.Ulpm1 this=tortfideratiert1;; hcmncemd it neceffary to éeley his tom-V §-xtrg in-to§’zglwd,til~l the Infttrrwtions in Wain-,Kent,and»Eg2x,8tc.were in a manner q:t1itcbmklen,yet pretended great cute of Pambrak:- Game ‘and Cats- L ekafiergndlafiared them both ofe. climely releefibut never intended to per?» §Qtml.it,lingring in his Mtarehl after helhecl"“entred Englmmgtill Cromwafi had elenehis work. at P:mém=}g:»~Cafile.,and the State of’ gallatxt ['afelm‘?:r bet» “ attest d”efperate.It=1 hisadvmce through thebllorthernl parts,he countet-+man-- ms the brave Sir Marmadxxfitv Zmgdeieg as of: as he would have taken any f afitantagctefallngee §§_l§mf5gi¥iflg_El§§§§ _leawfct9=~t;etrea-t with fafety, A (MA) ” A l:w[IethAAAtoV aiiew him~theA.Ate;pu,tattz0n ofanyeneftzteecfl2:=;‘ w‘h§c%1 5H11efl m‘3:‘a5n§y "V loyalltfouls with W0l'1dfl)2‘“afld anmzementt ; not die it e littiedifcourage the I Etsgdgli,/7.2‘ £~‘m:I.4z[?=y. » What defign he ha& in marching bythe way of LiZ:"«’6‘fl_/%£1’a‘ tIt could never :§eatn; but Ehifi .C.0¥:111;E37.t“f3@C:3.I‘i‘T1f: the Stage wthe_teon he Intended: A to gain the A.pri'z.e of a glormus Y;1aZOfyA~0.VC1‘tC?Z0mWe/[;Wh1ChRfhtfl h.t;dAobtained, then no AEorce~s beintgitt the Eieidfave tha.tApet.t,y fixsuty under rfairfiex ,whom he eAo:tateived he co‘ii1d‘fvva1LeW up after at tpleaf.u4re,he edmzbtetd «not1but~to finti an eafi'~eatcefl‘e to L.«a;—z:im,thettetet to order ailrthings t,o.AhiAs mined,andA%tAakeAtcam - for the I'.CdL1GiD_g.O.f Gtalrrifoxuandfetiingfithetfiingdom Am f'v1C§.1;a$vp0f£%fli‘€ 3;; might ma1temo£’t forth1s~:;ow.n tfld.V£HZEagC,Wh£?fl otcafima£he0u1td*fetveAhim mi throw away his 1;0yaHdifgu1fe,tnddeclAare his ttaitemus i£1EEAn.ti0hAs ‘agaitnfl: hisALe1;*d and tSarzJera.;;gn.. e V A A A 1 V Never came man Battelltwith greater confidence ta carry the tdayznoe was it without teafon;For,he.had doubie the ad: in tx.umber,and ~adVan;tag«e o”fg1:ound,being incamped tn that part of LnM(mg,i3£virc,Wher€ thte_dikes,he_d~: gcs,and mariih gl'Olmd’:E,Wfi1T€ as fumany fa.fhnefl}:,s,or defeuceA5_fm~AAthiszfggt . againft ramwclfx hoffe,wherein h;is.i’cre1}gth Achieflymnfified. But Godjfic- lighting many txmeseto pay the vvfmked xntheix awn ca}n,p€£mitEedth€tr:v-’ _ char} of atwtheer to have aAprmc1pal1hand m the overthrow of his rmiten ram ing4g;emcnt;'It hadlbeen a. wmtder if among thwofe that FOAM their «King, xgonetcould have been foundto Ptfikfi a tbargain for the {ale of 5E-I.emi£eam.- ) Therefore Awhentetlae I mrleprmimt pL1rtyin»€mgZm¢d f aw, that no ;petfwafions A otargumentstcotild himderhis comin-g in , they fent ;infl:t.u&ions.to their ComAm1fltoners pt Agents then at .Edcmémrgb,.totattetep»t fomeAto€theteh;ieE e Comm:-mdexrs wxth offers of mtoney,toebetmAy;this :ArmAy after A,the_ye flwuid ccmeinsgot England.Fo r.thi5_ purpto fc,B.;:zi1y (who had the command of the Infantry) was; j£LIq~V'£€gd- the l11gelie{’t,perfon to itagage, heavin]Ag ufed thimfelf A in former time to thxs kmd of traffiqueé:F0r,it 15 rqzported by knotvingrmtenghggg in the conflifls in Scatlmudbetwixt Mae1‘qtwefl"e 44antrAp_fl2 and the t;c’aa.:zm.m~ A ; ter.r;hc.firfl; fold the Cotienmztcrssto teilctzwarqmgfl}.-,"at thebattclyl Kilf]-I ; A zhg,-,%and alittle after (cot-make amCnd5g)A:%fo1qd. thcMarq%:fl};qAgain to, the Ca-v *2/enmztemat the battell eOf{1Zferd~rKixkf.5 This felltaw; fwallowedthe gaeldm Bait imme-dm.tcly,and t:ohun_1t wasjlcttttto Adtaw as many more asAhtct~c0:ul'd into the buimeffegand for an xncourtgetmetent her~ha,d;the tpromife offixfiém t-lmtfzéml pamzdr. wherc,0fz_Im=:[car: tlmmfmd waVs_t.paAidttdown Angora the Naif, _ ;mdA the r¢&:thewas'to_rccetvewhen thee,ehufinefleAeflmuA1d bcAovetr.J;-law tmany he drew tb this eqnfpxracytéxsnot knowrwtébzat A ]6eooo.A It tewotzide go far ~,izt'A A A ~ .t§;”&“§{t¢f:{m,C§fl§tt€U,V%lhCI¢;,ilhfi'C0,mm1ndCf5s3fi7f§1d?1H35%Lli¢E$§1‘€?mQl335_.»§K3-113$fiflfieh05 A A them A ("mil eheie Cormtiey-men above theyprice of a Hz;gIa~Lmd Caw:Ai1c! its enough: Middleton was none of the leaf’: iharers. A Buewhat he acfiecl he diel more clofely chem A Baily, wl1ofe‘eaEi-ions p>;m~.. «claimed his treacheryfo grolie and palp:thle, that even the Doha himfelfi, who ran, could plainly read it, and complairfd of» it, as much as he dmPc_,iii21 A dlilicolurfe afterward with his fanqocrarx: For,Bozi!y»delivered up no leiie * fough:.co'ferve cheirown eods “workinghim to {o odious and ‘infamous than 6.000. at one time, as a facrifice to Cromwell the great: Icloll of zoos pemlemy. The Dzzke taking fanéiizary in ’U‘tt_a.?c'é'ter with 3ooo.horfe, quickly made atame furrender of hirnfelf upon Articles to Masjoor—Gen.Leméum*,i as he pleaded at his Triall: But others cried he ycelded upon mercy to the Lord GjejofGraéj; and this being pleaded againfi him, the Pliea wasac. s cepteci; and he referred at length to the mercy of the Him/aerl.s Being thus infnared, and in hold at Uttaxeter, [ramwell {eat his Bea» gles to bait him ;. and, with others, in came his Bwfine, Peters‘, with open. i mouth, 0 /229 my Lord r/mt jaw /bmcld Zzefla tr'e»€ thofe Lardx, Commons, andl”['iri:e.e:¢;i. This H}ZimiZzw¢d‘eny- eel to do, fearing the ..:*"‘m..’ep¢ndmr parey,x:vla<:»m he had fo gWroH'ely»«aboied., as w=eml7p”erace them egaiofi the King9,_anei El‘itE'1‘1”lé1l)OI;lE‘ to mine theml."oy pee- t-endiog an ingagement for the King, Wolulci now lerve him 3. trick , an&'”‘ an Aéi: of Impmcbing, that {Q they imight deii;.roy5 afterward with the greater‘ applaufeu Therefore he w'§ved thalr, and incica'}»f_gg,eecl to cxcufe hi; formeroeaiingg ofiering to give afiur2.nce of his fervice m”2<;i fidelity to El-‘1‘f.I1Tl'" in time to comciocc. Butehis would not beharl-med eo; Cromwell hadgreawi tee occafion for matter of laccufation agaiiiii thofe Members ofthe Hmfivfiei; 3 Cit} whom he hzmbieciuded and’, impiriioned,ahds"excepr the fluke willturnf 1331221 om Immfi-5?‘ afmiae .Bret/1ren)ithei”'€ was no hdytt tiff falvation. a*’om-- ‘W0’ *¢‘“mFd»%1?¢li€fF is sszhsii E$?!¥.rl‘iF¥i§_i.‘3*‘*». “ Be: Beiniig brought" to Sjaimexin ordcrito. a Triiaii,’eiCrcw:wef1ii;i.in hopc ‘toe train him to a conteiiion,,caufedi..all his Cieatures to carry a favoiurcibiei ‘ couneenamce towards him. T hat Monfier Bmdfbaw atiirfi fmoofifd him up i with {oft language at the Bait: ofitiheiriiiigh Court: of Jiziiiceiaithei. moi? abi'€i)- iiiute F£age«ofTy‘i“a"nny and Injuiiice that ever was it?! the world.. Hope_s was‘ g' en by eh:-mUrchin the Lord Gmy of graé] and “Pmr.s-, aha: theyuwcauid ma-. smzch obiiruéii his»Ple:.f. of"Q__uarter given by Lmzm-z upgn ‘ex’:-tie:-1.¢Lv : iAr+1d when their itefhmonies were demanded in open C0urt,.t.He Lérd grey fpake‘ very coeieiy and favourably about the Articles; and ‘P'e}‘tr.r avouehed Qggzrter given him by Articles with Laiméert, adding fmrther , that if they 1 w=erenot-made good,.i_t woui1d.exiceed.i‘ngiy xjefleft upon theihonour of the e Army. . A A A i A A . A V Peter; hiaiving declared himfeilf in fiavmn“ of him thus openijr i, was timug-ht the ficteft perfon to imploy about him. He gives Itflzmilton a vifie, . and offers him his fefiriiee. Hamiltan returns thanks with langimge andmo”» i meyfoimhie late favour done him in Court, and glad of the op%<;x_r%timity to ~ i make ufe .05. one fo much in C1‘.CdiWE ‘With (i7f0m1Wll,.,impiQ3T€th him toijim tap», and dowrie llpqmhis eti‘:.md§;'ito m'e“d'i“ate fdr him with the Members of thee Houfe and~Arm‘y , andirepreieim: fuck: offertures as hemade for the faving. eilhis life : wherein ‘Pererxi-g-ave him great hope, on purpofe to make "him~C. confident his former fin-11tsthoi1ld beforgiotten , if he would impeach she » 1\’I‘c.»:iniae1':~:. A ~ But chishc waved flill, making an 0%: of%1.ooooo.E.i.f0r his life , and eat’ " ’ defying ti-mm all fervice in Scotland. In afihrance whereof, he offered an uni- on of interefic with mgilc, and .to'vow himfeifa perpe_t:ua.iVl ferverit KO thei,«riPfa.xtyi. In the mean time, me£i'engei's* were poiieid into Scotlma! £0 fly-‘ea. ilato know his pleafiirei Ar‘-'gz‘Zel1avingAbe%en deceived by bimwonce ail- :e~e‘adgr, was li::mt‘11e¢oAtrufi: him any more;He faLv.aii'oifHam£1mz *i?»l€r€ir€C€.ii=-' % ved to mercy, and few: hi0'mei11t0i'SrorZzznzZias a ffiendi , he miiiifi needs t_‘3Z'1-7" am i tereaine him under that nation, and admit: afa (’qmpez%£:[ar%;% whisk wouid, if have too much ecli fed “his vreatneiie “ :111Ci""i€ii'iqt make ‘2°;m.i. his ¢Confeflbr,,it._he kna»'e-{havimg,;%% A A A e W.OIfl‘i.idm ,~. .( 22 A .WMm°d ‘fame: Imndmcls out qf higpurfi:-) irpmeAdia‘tc1y fagfmérg. him.And’A¢n A fT+uefday%March 6. heWas(w:th otheriLord;is) brought t0““Ehe EMA; where A ~E’mr;1flmwhandlcd&him ve::y"r0u;gh1y. Tfibfe Whichfmiled on him before lack’: fourelyknow ; and when ‘Hamilms (being askczd. what he could f % fo*r‘himfe”Ef wag ihmence fhould not be paffcd)p1@adedA ;QgMVt“er:‘g‘z‘zI£fi23thr:_;xi % Pam (witha razen impudence) renounced his former teflinmnyjaying, he now rcmcmbrtd m flab matter, ézztwtlmr I/cw Armjfcamm? regime Qmy... A Mrto /aim, or my ofbzk Nntiazz. Hfircupon ;S'entcm'e Wasgiven, and hecosa... damned to the Block, a%facr.ifice’to the raven gt: pf this Fmfllizm for hisfm;- merjL1g*gI1A'n‘g, an~ti to r.hcjc3;loL1fic of e/1Vrg£Z.e~, and the ICirl; of Scdtlmzd. _ % This Sentence was lexecuted Cflmzrclb 9.. How wandérfmll ma rig] war/gs; 0 % flea’, and thy ways: paflfinding am ! who Mkgfz‘ the wzfe inkzk awn cr4f:%£;¢eA_;flv, A . mm ‘briagcfi tafzmz».%g/at the comg,/24!‘: af t/9:! w£:1Q:d. In I/xfrzrm pifi which be..dig- gedfqr arher: /as zlxfnllm into bimfi:/fl L68: his living Executioners flay {hm}: things to heart. A “ A J % A A gmemm Cercris, /inc C';ede @-fangzgfine, Mam? A '®A¢fiaud.w:.r¢ga:_, 6" flaw? mart: Tyrmmi. fi ...g ~ ~ ‘ « W . ..-, A _‘> H“. ‘ A 43 . . Pofizfcripc. T” 2:3 to :95 mated, that they égpt Hami1tAon~imv {Jasper pf Zifienté the diary in/G W.‘ A gym wit}: xbafiwaazfy Spcfhtclw. ’ rm-mt, farflwre /2: flélmld g£wgZa2;y ta God, and throw /Mm: and inf};-m_y up- m tlatmféhvcx, by an £mgem£au: ccmfiflion of/92;: awiw, Argiic’.;, and their mzmmf! ‘ rawillarsier. B»g6'd::,jIwla A dnflvavcr} mwla’ km?-xv made Argilfl Zcfl} fi;;»z:;'gg,,,5j,» M them in Scotland ; Mr/cafe mxt dafi £11: :3 ta mjal: the "Kirk, "A6; ;.{zf3-awwing. 43] we law]? carrcfiaual with the Safiar£a.r éf England, and Mpztttizwg an mm prttm-A_ my qfférwing the ‘Pwfbj tcrimvlntercf-?. ‘ A A flair (yawn: too, that trims the three Lamb wen % mm:/aer’a_iV zapam that flag‘; yf Tyranny, Cromwc’:I1,B0{vilc, and diver: at/Jew aftlw fafifflgt crewfiamii in :9 roam lveimgiaag no time Star-Chamber,fl'a_fi9wg,Lnnd trzlwmp/aing in the min: of fi.w*Nc9”bility; and made at/E qf per[}2eé?£ve-g14zjfl:s,r1anr they might fwd wtbezrf A ',Sa:iaccSanguine, fémmwezz. 7 V eff” v ~ :5AM'I’LT ON. W EPWP7’ “W James ate cf’ A A E that three Kingdoms made one flame, Blaficd their beauty, bum't thtt frame, V V Htmfctfifnow here in afh_e_s lies ‘I _ A A part ofthis great Sacnfice : tI—ie‘rea1Ito£ 151 M 1 LT ON tcmains, Save what the other world Contains. But ( Reader‘) it is hard to tell‘ hcthcr that itvgoridt be I-IcaAv'n, orHc11@ A Scam’: mm c% ;~?t‘%ttt*ts H¢1'!atf‘s birth, Add Tcapts it he goes t0 cartlrtr, Affur’d no worfc a Hell can come Than that which he injoy’d at home. Howdid the Royall ‘Workman bgtch This Duke; haif».-Ezsglifla, and half-Start}; E~ A Sm an Englzfla Earldom fits, As Purple doth your t.M4rmu1Q:t.r;» Suits like Nal€ramwell with the Crown, V L Owmdjlmwin his Scarlet-gown. Yctmight he thus difgruiskl (no Itffc) Haw: flip’t to H¢:av’n in’s Emglzijb dxcfl’c,C But that he’in hope aflifetbccamc V "All Scot, and quit his Englifh Claimc. % This myftick Protcw too as well Might cheat the Dcvill, ‘fcapt his Hcli, A Since to theft pranks he p1tas’d to play, Religion cvtr pav’d the way ; A A A A 4 W . Which he did to a Fafiian tic, Nor to rcformc, but ctucifit 5 f“Twas he that firfi alarm’& the Kirkt To this ptcipof’t’tou; bleody Vj0r1€g,.. sutmé ( A Upon;£h§:I(hzg3w.a0piacc C/av-zy?‘sh"I‘hrone., V ~:*A ficp h=andf<.mt»fi0oIc me his mvnc-5 V Taught Zcale ahundrcd zumbgihjsg trichg xhnd Scriptures twimhhd with Politichs § A’ The Puipit made 3 Iuglers-Bax, A ‘Sm Law and Gqfpefl imhc Stocks? AS did QM B:zc?hmm arid Kwhxy h Immhofc daics when {at " om:c)thc Pmqg. h 4 *Th¢hP0*fi?i'€sE>*tt‘v:;, , - h _ mag’ fefuimzhnfi :1-“ .. if And Presflvjtersa way dzdfind VA m€“&meA9m1dmgjA“ 9 Into zhehworld, E0 piaguc mankind; ‘Txvag he par;ch“t up thcncw Divine, Part Cazlwn, and part Catalina, ‘ hi Cmfld, mm tmnsfoirme (whhmm a Spell) Swim into a Gmfiriw” ; “jut”: like thofe piétums, which vgre paimh ‘On this We Fiend, omhiaz ficichsazm, ” TB>:)Eh‘t"hiS, anduhag am every thing Hcwas 5 far, and Qagiainfl mh4c~King :: ‘Ratherhthan he hisk ends wmfid mflfcg, Bctrayfl his M/Iafler with ah,7Ehg%;‘A%;;L - And burfd in onammmn Paw A Tha glory ofoum"/mrcb and mac 2: S . The Cwww mo lcvallflon thcgmundf:-géh fimfl having r6r;k*d .+aE1hhVpa1'£ieswround’3% AA 5- (L it W23 Mme thmhm hcgonfi, I A h?Shi:c#::c he” had am his bufimffc donm A A 4 1Ncxzh5hoh the Fatah Elm:/e:c%f:zépi;;fd,?;‘hA,‘hL Hehmthis ¢;.M'm*£2::’e~.CeM rt.*-t7{it'd; ; ifa; V \hhh’-j;lhé§2rc1'cwal»1’z;:=;«f H 44 1MI~L T 7?A3,A3;‘¢“fIi3".»x£1§j3 remzzy ‘cancains . h D W I