1“ ‘ ‘ ' 2,. <5‘ «. v , ‘ 3 w,,_ \ ‘ l ':r§'-. A .'J ‘4 ii: -1:, .7. ‘ . .' ‘.- w‘ .n '. W h w; '-:- m‘ . ‘_ r‘ 3 ‘H xv‘ ‘ ":=,‘ ., hi. ‘-w 4‘ ,;x “pl ‘ “ v ‘. la ‘,.. 4.‘ _ M ‘F xv. at . . CWM9 ‘R199 55 % H I S poken to; an& argueéi on tha behalf OETHE A I i H € 3; j E]? — Before the . “ ‘$311., In '_m:v V 95* .:"' : M W - . By Mr. _Sfr E E1. of Grays«]nfi. /Q’/c. LV0.NDC‘9.N: A A? Prigftegl ‘for Frazmrzis 2jrto:r:, _at tha Three Daggers n‘€ax~-thalnnext. V ’T9WP1fiG3E€ Fleétfircet, 16749.‘ ...__ :aw§v»%¢%eeaaa:w»&a:a:awaqaae=»wss¢a»m=mm¢w%% V Mr.;Stéel‘s Speech befoim the High ¢Court of My ILord, J :2 sr n%c%E, awn Qémflfirl rhAc%Wc% qoming Vof the ‘Earl of Ca1nz5riJgeto‘th@. A B%;a.r, Febr;z¢dr_y%9,. 1 L‘ A ¢ ' H4: pawerwhich was at in Families; .4; 5 die-s'5‘7wa4 afierflr the éetter (0:Jé*rmatian»of tbébole‘, hifdiflwfizd into bodies Wolitiqmue _andReprefi.'nw Vtatirbe: rincipium Originis is%‘ti2e pr¢ivi”lcdge gfzlafane, M Difpcnfat4ion%is ofti:’atker; wkicladifiinm Eiion ea/ib! prevent: all diipztes 4.«.zb¢mt" tbkeapr~eemi:~ Towns, and then Vingreater Collefiirve bb-V~ A fierzzrgi of the/6' po‘Doers,d/5 it ufimlly fmfisfies that qg:ef£i-- M V ontoucw/oing IwdiesNatural,Viz.Fwyetlrer the Primum fenforium be ta be. a/érilém’ re the ‘T1:‘~mrtar/aeczd»? £792 lvirt/9 m2tlcg2*0122t73 aftbejé powers, God‘ lpimfiflrgavgr E uséfome rqfiémblance, when that Lux prlmogcnia, tbel{g7at‘created on the firfi, was uyozvz tine/burr/aday contrar tiaeir clear andwcurrrerttppppkajjége ;,4,g,g ‘ *(gm!JL>9rrl)mbI’}’i?.ai3’%i1§3§ij"fEh(?;Tf','fl¢C€mfiEy5}: of {his &j4obediem:cfig r1“gf< . it Em}; ” *ai1d% DzndZe‘y A3 with all thcir A Monopoiizing VSuccefibrs5 had béenA t3nj:11.t1Ay%%cenfur¢d,whé0~a1a“&zays have had P2.t§cnrs% “ m1d%A‘Commi.flions :fromkAuthm‘ity I0 p1€3.d;: .Ar1.d& fig; :31. ‘fa ; 311 that catalogue. Af%“%ro"ved,, andf aired othetwife notorious. W K A i ’ And for that inevitable labyrinth out of which tlr €15) Earl of Camlwridge‘ cannot extricate himfelf, but that wlrctheriobey or not obey, he is undfil‘ amifchief, he ymay for that.th‘a_nk ahimfclf; tvalmti mmfit ifljttriat, this alike the plague of anfirroneous C0“tfCyiCnC&,yWl1iCl1 ycft. vsihether obeyed or not, proves a tormcntor to its fub.- he is no Eynglifhrnan, nottvithfiaxiflhug th€.; Na.tura1iza~— sttian of ~ his Father 3: wl1ie.h in e;Fr"et?t is as much as to fay, and fo it hath: been infiltcdyorl, He is by birth a Scots man_, and by confequence anAlien to, and not tryable asa Traytor by, the Lawsof England A1 Concernin"g.ythe~ handlinglofwhicizlu: queftion, it. being. that whereupon the validity of the other two doth in my judgement principally depend,_. I {hall firft anfwer. the material Obs-l Seeoncilyy The rfecond part 0fth¢iE1U‘15P1€'ais, That jeétions a.whicl'1,Ir <.:oncei‘v:e,,. made by the Councel on the bother fide‘,, l);;€f0f€.. L’ offer any thing p()fitlVC'ly,tO aiiett the invalidity of this art ofirhe Plea, t . t A . 9 Obj. Itlwat/a6eL’;¢fi:id-, T be proey’ 1'5 .7¢0t'6lezz‘2‘3 fiartljgl yfiarl of Cambri-dge I223 éeiag 4 l3oPmatus:, viz. one ézmz after King _I&lI1CSl1iSnLx+(6(f€:[3' ta rim Croim ofEng— ilafldaafld t/mt Iaeirzg bar 4 rionliqueuin favorem vitae, the mafifawmivle c.a22flr—m'z‘2'.an_ zit to be taken for the 1’rz',«.. finer.‘ ~r ‘ " “ Firft, Arzfnr. I’ deny tliatthe proofainounts to no more in this particular then amm lzqzwt, ji for there is one -pofitive witnefs that {peaks schreétly to the Earls birth", after King yiamer i]lS_CO1I11ng‘tO the Crown of Eanglandrgy ‘another {peaks to the Earls own cy0nfelT1on,.0t' being; about two or three anclforty years of age, which fpeaks him born tfince that time 3 and a third fpeallz':mdz',and that flriét Expofitlonsare orle:-— fly‘ for penal Rules, according to that of! the iciezilizzzzx, :t;Cmflitm“iaipeiml:k mam excedifimfzam, yet we {hall finde‘; irftllat where the penalty of 3 penal Law is againlt one or :fewtper?fi:>ns,l and thetbenefit redounds to theegeneralityg «in that cafe even a penal Statute fltall be taken largely agsainfi the Offender, fo tl1eitRxule is put Plow“.iCom.36,, ‘...Pl41ZL5‘C3'.l~C,» where it is tefolvecl, though the Statttteiof 1 R..’2..L'.I?.. give an Aftion of efcape againftthe Gar-A ‘den .;of the Fleet; yet for the rieiafon 'abovef:tid, it‘ is, « ‘ethough penal a Law,by a benign linterpretation, to ex- teezqd to the Siheriilof A L gfidon 5 and in like manet ifthere ‘zxvete-any l8.”titLIdC;1n Cales of Tteafon and Mluttlteit (as “~tt.il‘.lel‘e1SiinOt) yet«e~-tioleixtendwtton the behalf of the Pri- lbitets, might prove to many thoufimds, Cmdelis mzfe-~ ~ «tirewrdzlz. :; Thitdly, Adcle t_0,this, thatthe L:1‘.V~Ol:.E7’2;g[.z;¢(/is ,1b‘tendet*0l't~hf:‘ Publiquc Weztl, that though in other, .«Cal'es it mayl feemto ‘infift too l much upon .f'ormalities, .:yetih‘ereini it: will dilitaence fometimes Wltll, its mof“ticer+ ;:t£.’:‘lll1lRU‘lfi52 Hencehjis, t‘h;ttiif one p;tlTs«ovet‘anotl1ers tI.ari;_el». withottt4,hislconfentytcr fetch at Falcn,i0r.t1he like, ‘il’1C§iill1‘llf.i‘i_‘[‘_*l.')-C ~pu11lill1CCli'£tS a’ Pi.7ll.I7€l'”pi?!.l{EI_‘"~':,-- but il10t!l.0 l,A to ,hunt.0;r l<¥l‘l;lM11«iPO.15{ yor mittli0tIte,t'(wl1it:hinfczmces, it I {hepa- peofeg, '»riio;_tltt‘tmfuitalntlie to the P1*ifQners hecaufew .iithie1?e A A it are (I7 3 1 are ~ Cxeeaturesi (karma éwrww P#Ni6%w,eh}} ei*fe~"a‘fcm the Book gives of the Law in that‘Cafe,,:z H;8.hi1oJ.for the fame reafon, no .mane {hall b6-%Pmifl1edeasa Trefpaifehr for erecftieng Bulxvarks on anoth eits~La”nd,1Dyer 36. Malete rverm Cafe ;- Andhence eenzainly was the reeeafoh-eef that " aneieenete Liwv, That Capital ~0fl”enders wh heed etranf-3? grefled againfl: the Law, had Lwpimz Capim, and might -thefrefore by the Jufiicc E Lax taliamis, ..m-eperzire fee‘ 5 whJerein7the'Law followed Namm erdim«em:e7Theeru1:~es& of nhature are me confiant, yet fer the prefervation of the xvhlg it will fometimes coh~tradi€t_it felf, e'as.1:oepre;vene ai. mauzmz and the like , what aeinve~rfionhh dcafwe fee 05 natures; mofl co new and ordinary Rules De-not they then in this prove fomewhat unnatural,‘ and hnberece at cloud in Pceerd of fubfianhce, thavte fear not toeomith the weightifift things of the Law, ‘r3;thex;e.'«ther;1,.eien cafes. of invinheible neee.1I"1ty. ,_ difpence With {me fm:ma1iti~ese A C Objh.%ehhB,y/t ht/vawgéa the Ezzzél hf Cambridge were: me Pofcnatus, yet lye 13 quafi Ligeus acquifietusmmh Eng» land ;, zmdiffci, M /4135 enfllleginfiee» .éreg4;¢ wit/7 an A6? if the I\2’m‘..io2z,h fajtemigfit determine by M L/I62‘ of the _;z7mf Panzeato wzitgéy Comma;-m’fr.am t}2e'1’arlz'4meem af Scofland. V e_ A A -M A Firfi, r./Iiizfivf; The fhfehgth of -this eeObjeexwn_ M (ahsahlfe eallother fo born) were ' A ’ ” A C A A adjudged (:8 ) adfjudgetl S‘ubj1ef this Kingldem of Englandelégei lam: N4;:zmzl"z',lby the bell and hisghefl Allegianlce, With- out any £}.mzfz'.;1t all, in; the fa-1nel5it, vehetthet hebe born inthis or elnaet time or plac'e.4,~ the coenceit, tliat thereisaeny ac‘-ilof the patty"s in tl1is(as the1"e«mufl beto inélke la qztzzfi Lz'geg- vs: mcqzlefitm») feems tO~ favor ofthe Pytlyngarew Me-V ziempfzzcofis, ore tlaat opinion» of Plazro, who, held ztprllc-e V exifienceof Sduls, \'~'SZl1i€'l1lEt'ft(i1i‘ came:into.~ tl'1elf>0di€S,;. ;rmqzmmr'i¢¢ ergzz 1/£5423‘. V . Obj. It lsimonfiflent ta /ékwefzvv mztzmzl' Az’legimces we-iwea ferue'ml‘1(z';¢ga’o2m, A M it 155 2792100 siéle to lave man A Fer/7~er.r",' 22211»/ml? Caz;-—/Ev major relatio trahetlad fe m._i- ;no=r'em3 and 2'22 tn:/mt 5.4/3 t/ie _Ezzrl‘z;r~r.z.téer to éelreputed at Szllqeél of vSc0t_:land wkére /ye wzzstéorze, than of Eng.- landt~ " ‘ ll '«' V 7Firf’c, It is indeed inconfifient that tlie-fame perfoxt lhbttld in two: few:-rel’ Kingdoms have two- otigi—- A nal Allegi.:mces,in a pliyfical acccptastion, to wit, to be fo “noting yet by conflruélzion of Law, lac‘ tliatds born in Sc~orl4zm’, may have an Allegiance t0 England; equi- valent with the other; thus Cazlzw-'=;a by the ‘refolutiorn OE tltiattllfjafe Was. Saatzw pa-trial , and Anglia‘ prirvz’-r l;e'__g2'7;z9 A A e V A ' A H :Arz_d rl:t%us.without anve c~ont1‘~adite~fFe6Eec£5 therefore%th@- di{’cinfiC3:iCm.o;f ‘c5 all 4b03snm e1tVhe:r Nasstcmra£te+1:~1:I1«c~uniomwas.nc :mdA t;131§3%{v':3.1~:E11i*%%r, ‘2:%I1d=.th~c% p1¢.a;.ding; of thaz:c%afe‘ ( which bcflfdch n.oetcs t:he% Law)e% dcmonfli°1:ates this, "1Th:1t fuch di»fti11c9:ionhVA 035 the; was L1md“c%,>r=A% c;nfde1‘ation; for the pleading wasa; 'Ifha;tV Cizlrzzibm. was b%o~mre%xtm L1’g€zzi¢f25:l79¢ iigegtzé’ R*'.§«§’g?.é9"v flgliaey, and Ligemiiam Eegni S€M,‘l:43,.:_, and Az;;h»x2 Icamed: Chancellor of that t,in1&c,{vi§ait:hxiaz1<& hi$A1?Aoj?;mz', that r1%14eVjudgcme%nrwas, Tha.r% n.e:;i=tI1:cx:~ C4!-tam, no: {my other Poflzzati,’ were Aliens to IheaKVing*0%r*'KiAn~ge;¢‘r AI 8 . 85 Brow: A Corom~,I 78. If the King had purchafed Land to l1_l1_11§ll1Cl- . his Heirs, though the word ( Szmeflbrs) the wordof his politique capacistyt, lmcl not bee11'1‘nenrtionecl, yettt hevvaa's:r fcifecl thereofinljnre Cara/age, 43 Ed; 3. 207. And if L3I‘lCl‘l11slC‘l been given to the King and another, and their Heirs, they lmcl fort the fairie realfon been ~~Tenant55 in“ Comtnoni, and notjo}rnt~Tennnts, Com. 2 39.forttlT1e fame rea.l"on : And though runny of tl1olet.perfons,tvlio; have been Kings, have often opprellecl, in fieadiof prcia‘ fervecl their Snbjecftsg yet fiill that wlii;chBr:zté2‘o;¢ l1‘iat"hT; {bid upon the fa1ne,gi*ound, retnaitns’ true of the Regal Power, N on dliférl Rex pate/i‘ qw.»z712~ quad dejzmé prize , his» A t Oflice Ptilfl being Ex Officio, as 2 Li. C00. ém2zn;rr.. Cafe faith, and Fz'r:{,...m. ére. I I 3. out of the Regifier, to provitie for the prefervation of his People, and if any other conftruétion lhould be made,then it inufi have 7 foléloweci. in the Kings Perfonal abfence, minority, er- elifability, the Kingdom muff either have been tbutlweake Iy, ornott at allgove-rn’d";, from all which it.nn.aybein-=-it fe~rr’ed, That the Obligation and Allegiance which W35": owing p l (22) a owing to the King, did include, that which Savafenfa wasithe Kingdomsalfol. t t - r _'-It remains now; that fomewltatbe fpolcen for thefur... A ther invalidating of thispart of the Plea,wh_erein I ..fl~1a11 A; Eirft prove, That onéf born in Swtlwdafter the Urtion t - A of the Crowns, cannot be to any purpofe Conficlered as an Alien to England. t A ~ Secondly, That though the Earl of tcanzéridge had been born before the Union, yet hehacl not been Alien t0Eflglzmd;, partly froma National confideratj.. ; on, but more principally from perfonal confiderations 5 viz’. firft, By reafon of his Local Allegiance both in A A ScotlzmdAand‘Eng[zmd. Secondly, Ligeantii zs.cqz;_zfz't,-2, andthat by the Naturalization or his Father, or his own i Denization. A r A A Thirdly, That though he had ”lbeen.an Alien, yet as V A thisicafeis upon the proofs, he will prove tryable for 'Tlreafon by the Laws of this Kingdotn, l Before I {peak of any of thefe, Imight touch upon sthatpart which layeth Murther to the charge of this Earl :5 it liaving been fully provecl,That feveral perfons by name, amongfi: many others, were {lain and mur- therecl by the Scotilh Army 5 and to malee him punilh—- "abl.e for this Crime5 there is nolneecl of denization, it being an offence in it {elf againll the Law of God and Nations, and We trttfhreqttifite to be aningredient to it, as is required in Treafon : A Hence we finde Rape pu- nifhable in Eng-l4pd,comn1itted by as Scot-,1; Eli{.DyerA 304.. andlMurth‘erdoiiel'>y the Lord Z.zmf/gar‘ of the fame Nation, ,9 Li. Can. 116. where we fincle him in- cli-sfted by the Name of Raévmf Cresiglztorz Efq-, which ‘ together with the exprefs Authority of: 11-3.; .Fit?{;ére. 47 3.sa_re(by the Way){uffiClCI_1t,W2i1‘l‘3.1"ltSl"OI‘OurlCl13.1‘gl1j1gA » Il1C‘P1‘llOi’I_€l‘l3A:;T the Name or }’°amcs Earl of Cambriclgep A A i l ” without ' V % L K 2; ) i . - Witl1OLTtm€n7t1OD1‘n0l11S Dukedorn-,: as he hath: often in-‘- tl1‘I1:1tC‘dW€fl](DfulCl' 1"-ave done. i V A V A i 7 And‘ if the Earl flnoulcl fay, He l::ill”‘d not tliefeperfons hin<1felf'.,. his Councelcanfoon tell him, That’s not n’ra- terial, the Law being, That ifdivers perfonslcometo do an unlawful act, and one commit a~Murther or Trea- A (on, its fo in all, I Mar. D}er38. 1; H‘.4.. I3. 19 Ball 2 J7z'2f{. Cor.43_3. But the truth is , I fhall» not rely upon this, being not willingtfoirhigh an often ce ihould pafs under ‘ any other n~an1e»t‘hen that of Treafon; ttlrerefbre I pafsr to thofe aforementioned confi.:iera.t1ons“, which will V evincehis‘ Crime robe-no lefir. then Treafon; | 1. “As to the firft of thefe, there being fo much {aid in theArgument of lC.czZruz'm Cafe, I {hall omit the citing of any thing particularly from thence, and {areas {ome- thingfrom the Statutesmade fhortly after the Union. Its‘ agreed by all I-Iiflorians, That thefe two King'- clbins were anciently but one, Dirvzjbr orée Britatrz/aux, flz!.éa’.r¢c5‘4 Brittzrzfliaz mzmdag, thence its obferva-J ble, That in the Preface oft 57340. mp; by the accefs of the King. of S«co¢'!zma’l‘tt) this Kingdom; the a Parliament {peaking of the Union, correét theinfelves in tl1el'ewor-ds,; or ra«tl1era1*etit1itinf;r of thefe a two Nari-~ ons (tl1OUgl1':1I1€1i?fltly but one 3) if (0, this reunion a-- V mounted to nolefs then (as itwere) Zl"Ni3.tlOnRl1‘€’1T1ltt€f.L in ofthe‘ ancient Llnionr For the-fettlement of this. Union,?C0m.t1nifli~oners Were: tzhofen tocornpofe fome differences betwixt the Nati--~ ons, and to confider what was fit and neceffaryto-bet= done for the Commonwealof both Kingdoms, 5/345-.t. ctt]7.2 Thefe Commiflioners confult longiabout it, anti becaufe they couldnot perfeaft it within the time prefixt, an Act paffeth-for longer time, 3 51545. mp. 3, A of A length theznzork is finiiht by the Statuteof4 33-<'tc'o.;. 6‘/It u. -(14) 44;. Y afl ¢K1*¢~fs 9:: any L firangenefs of the one Nation to take Qthe;r are re%pe~glc_d5 .~°~*+~n:d4 i¥1;o¢‘e¢9v€%‘, i:H%0t11EAna& and fay, T/Wiftéere lead A gfigcaredmyotbcr Staztztierv of this Realm ofEngkmd) 1;?/qAere;E;sz my thing is Ordained, Eza‘2zc"t’e;r1 ram’ Efhzéljflaed :c;,’.xP7'6‘fl!y,4i¢d 15} name, agazflfl tire Scott)/}'2‘;zJ Enemies", or « Sqarlmd :15 42¢ Enemy C0l1flt1‘.pil1_y z*—ak.m 4212.4}: So) the Star tute. After Whichit fcems as ihfange, that any born in‘ S~cotZ4z?zd, af1“:e%r.,;andA during tl1cwcontim1;a.ncc‘0f that , union, fluould 1na.kc thcmielves fira»ngers to Eflglagzda sisfi, natural born Enghfh men ihould have_m_;1 dc the fémt allcgatinn. A A Ifnt;hc;a_' refaidStatute of 43%‘. I. ‘E¢hg‘;‘I:€ is a ciaufe, T113: n,c)S<;otiflm_:;an coming intoEz¢glwd topzfofccutdc t,h§~ L?;.w againfi any Eng1ifl31nan,0fiE_nding in Scotilzzm/,is t:o b: a;7I:€Pt€CH}€r€_3€XQ€pt for Treafoxm :1nd~ NI-tI1‘4t11QI‘5a.I1d in%4t%h¢1a.1tt4car end; of the Adi, amongfi Qthei‘ things, ‘it is Enafiéfcdj Tb./it zfzzn} Ei¢glzfl1z¢2zu2»_/71025151 commzit Tre/tfbm: Q)? atfzer Crjmeyin Scotland, mm’ came zkzztcr England, be ffiazéld not 1.430122 his zpprebemfian me fie fem into Scot-— Xaiiéd MM 5412:.» 52'; Try! tfmre, Mézrat» 6.5 tryed F122-5-6-fi’£’ /IL’ 11-,1 fig!/:62?»-,‘b1,gtWM%tI1c;St_;1tutc»‘Qff 751746. 5.1: 1V’1'iiC11»‘\R?;l5 thc‘ 3zc,;z;‘%af?5¢r;t11c» r.€f91ut.i<>n44’ in Calvim C3432; rewsaled '“§1fltA’C1+’n%*?-if? Qf.A4;}f45:-I?-1395111€?nti0?i1¢.d» as to all of-V 1°A=:nc4€s> b4t1%tAT4f¢a.i9%1,, lfimaving ti1¢0fi°€i1do1‘s% mwt-h;t:Lkind:% 1 1'0 b€»t%r}'iedA in» the Iémgdoin wh-:.°;;:'~::*;%V fixcv 21.;2p2.A*c'_-=%. 1i¢ni.€%d 5. and t¥1Q:ig31 t1%1€~.S~t«:armre; éé:>:::;&~< €~>fi~:€3=V EH1, yet tf1:1iEc:c;;A@=.%_xar;=.;s tOp_£1;{‘S% in S»va:’1;zzz;J, j i‘n%~s%c%z?gfr:[%a:1§J%V 4? V035 tEt2;:zt% Nzggien CQ1'{3_I11iLtCfi,T:l‘£?1:1fQ;f11h':I€3 em, zmitigflcr was» 4 .3 be binciing :0 ‘L‘h€i‘ Nat:-3215. A‘ 3133 A 1* In £he né§ii pm, rrmewmc rm ‘from National *Co11{&c¥eratic-m‘~to provethe%Ea:rl~n“o~aIier1herer, ghoughborn bc3fotr‘eV the lélnxofi, *‘not: %*th7atrnyp%urpefe" is to exideavor the ré3viv‘a1Vé>f phat"%AéVn<;i§f:fit%?=h€>mage%‘t¥0‘tm— A f"or“merIy'by? ’tfi’at’KingcI0m to th*is§7§AVit’?4§s’[n0t WOrC«hf ‘the: mentioning; “in icomparifn of that’ ;1eve%%an&rhofe. en-~V gagemems which4%h.ave been hem;-Ext «:13, G8??? am A :gs.e:e:r; was %herét©f7o£*e%4A rm” ;"%0f« and ‘it 3b%f22-sf I w%iifli}ALA 5 55’ fi??5»w‘¥'flw@¢§m 51> but ’*b¢éfa&x*fe“‘;fo1z1¢wha::«hfith A been on the arher fidec1ted fromA tI1¢ !%c354ries‘;oE E;mce%Jand; A % V BMal,Li::1J:he%%days4vofffiafiwarai I. A and forfiaat I fi1‘1deA both Law and Hi»fl_oryA»iafEord»~ fo«in~e‘ mam! for "kthiswfirgui meat; I hold 1: my duty not to 1bqaltogérher”%»fiIet*!tV»Em‘ ‘Wh&t»paffEd m thofc t1me§’ahd {ince : I Wifl H0131? ER‘ up- thofl:-: Icvnfjral Appeals made byhtwdgdalpbfifi and others —ofc1uek«S::osirI1 atiinj to Ea‘. cantm czaffbdes ’Smtz'a;»’e, ana&agaim1v%:1ae“%K;:a;gs%»@o£ 360t§M€#’“th‘ém{°el"ves: all >Ar- Kihg*éom«t o:his; j r * W But toAiAmflam:c in fame Pfefidehts nearer tothis in ;quefiion f23”ir22ar:V Fryfei», «in A44, E~d.AA‘% ‘ix. am 139 5;. 3 Native of S;'atlVrma’, c1me i13 an Ijxofcile manrmfrbrii Ifhat 4Ki*ngdom E0 invade“ £113?» and ‘being ‘épprehenticd here, » he wasA%t%condem=i1ed ash "’E’rayt0r_«; the ‘words 1.6? gu~m:mts%”%4of_r:a*Iiegimc;e% aVci«siiow“IeeIged :fifom%¢ izlm Math. rV:fi,.4g5.‘co«:icerni4ngAih%iz:t1. are,A3 hat he«w¢s .aQtzm°£ Loifidinezzfipgr platepw‘ dzflrafms at praa/z'tm A A In ::h*efa1:m‘cyear of mg? :5 wzzzam §;*zz/ii? ithe: ‘mandarin chxefofthe Scot1A+4?Ia=F>ovces, " and a Ifiative of ~ that Nation aifci, as the Pr1?fonerA was, came 5’in”t0 this Kingrfiom, andiggappreh en died wag. V faith‘W~'aZfihgbam fat, 5 1 , Laxa,do4nz;;§ zxfgzge :sa{ia£al¢':%ér%wfidemzzazmfi tratfaittayg” faffmmdimr , V“T¢aIa£m5: a7era£/mn~,%%3r thgu gh Ina pleadcég as our;Hi£%or4ians .:*e1f12fus,§ iwfhajr Earl Clbtha» That‘ ha wgséa 4S4ub§a&.éfScor1ml»and n0cbfVtI1‘is4King»v-; ‘ ~ M «D ‘ éom VA dom;an5d.Ttherf0re ought not tohe tried here f‘otTreafon: In 42 E4-» 3»;-till E116 L01‘d mdfimantis Cafe, when it wastrgeplyed thatezflle;P3v1'Enya..tQbjeé’c€dahhgainfl to be an Alien. wgggbat ‘5§0£55?¢._‘m313={the plea is no Inger infifiedt e upon. -~ A p1=0t&€t-ion ~ quie prafefiums lies not into a- Country that iswithintheal-Iegigance and protefiionegg England, 7 H.‘ 4.14. “yet we (hall gfinde theonly 1'63‘ for; given: ttwherefore it ,was grgmteda into Scatizmd, wag, 4 bccaufe of A the Wars that wereA then betwixt the N~ati+ (jug , 7 Ed.4.a.t27».Aftet the ceafing of which VVars;;. \ . it may be colleétcd by the book, a proteétibn would _ havelierf no motetthitherga then it would have lien into. Wales or Irelmd. A 4 . ’ . I , In I3, 14-. Elm. Dyer. 3-04.-. game was arraigned for- '_a Rape, at the return-of the venzrefecmto try him, he- A pleaded that he was a.- Scots man, and defired-amedicu we 1533“: which manner 0fTr~y2-1 is granted :o.Aliens by thestatutes ef 27,8; g 8 E 42’; 3 .. but by the iudgnihenhttof A the Iudges of both Benches it was denyed him, for this teafonttamongft others, b‘c.caufe,faith the Book, a Scots man was never here: reputed AAfg;)r_ an Alien, but rathher a. Subiefi-.4 e « VI A ’* ‘ A A 1 A “ 0»éje£~'t-. Whereas ithathheen faid: :Thi«'s WaS“ljbeVCafife t-hestatutesof 2;-7, &tt2t8 Ed. 3 ; 3 were made when Scots énenuwete‘ generally reputtcd Subjeétst to this Kingr otn. t he * th A 7 he he Arizft I an-f'wer,. That the Book gives no fuch ~r?ea1e'0n..‘n Secondly, To aflirm this,» is to fuppofeithe» Iudges, by fuch a Forreignt conceipt, to go againft the exprefi; provifionyof two. Afis of ‘Parliament ,, taAnd_ the A A conf’eant= praétife inpurfuance thereof. a - A ;.;I « In the fame year of I‘; E/z'z.h'n the afe oft-he;Duke of Norflié, the evidenceofthe Bifl3op~ofRofi'," a Scots tman, tva§0fi’et§d»=eai9ft the Wseebx she; C_9"13§§lefn"; &§§1cr;e:a:i§i§;s1e€& Vzfhaé A ‘word Hairs m e:;~r-efficm is u§“c*edA who i:;:s‘;1- Apart the privilccfig of being En;9;Ei{ht0 mm: that are brim of‘Eng1i‘{h Parents beyond Scagi-but onaeily that thfifif may have: and freely bear the inhe:~.z-Emacs vsrifixin rim fame allcglanceas other 1n%1er§to:*s,A»;sA§ 5514. dc 2z;z:i‘2I?.:5 3:2’... » “ tm Mare.’ * An%d"i%n 3 H.‘76.* <3. Hafi and his m:?'<2 briilightkfig Ifif Of Déverxthe Tenant pl-:aa,v:?cd 3551:: Fcmcwgs an :21 en,‘ the Dgzmaéndawnts reply, tha:V%z?1c*2% Feme41nfthet1m»:‘o~f4 I154. ms inablcd by A..S’t‘of13a"rIi~ ament to u‘a*A:§n2¢%(feLandsA Sc‘ Ténememzs Sm. with w§::air:i14 ‘ 5 A “RTfepii~carion expreffedit”'Vfufficientlythar the was navzu-E Replythe D::fc:ndantsd4% Counfel re fled Eztisfied, as; if A thaé % 'rAa§1z<:-<3,’ and th:e7réu§p0n demanded v§.e;«v. « - V . . Aoéieiffi. But Lt hathbeen 0bjc:‘é’ted,TE1atAthzs Afk Cm have no other effeéh, then If the now Earls Father Emc1* been born in Eégidfldg and though he were :1 Nu;;»tir.:cV ' Englxflnr.-ttzan, “yer: having 1ifI"e2cm:his= E%t:‘rI,% by a A }SVCOt{:'V'V“00.13flV El] V 36'0tl.4Zfl.5£’3, thé fitdfi thfgfeby A an Alien thoug*h%b‘isA“ E;1ther.wé"re N;;~: mralAized or born zim Efiglamd, ‘J’ 4 A 1‘ AM". I eafilygrantgboththarthés Earl ms fa“. jfiornwin ..$'z:arM~j¢«"4’ 3 and fihat the N amra1%iz.:;ri0ngzmvounfis V ‘tono more then 1f—rhe oldfim had been born 1£1E%u'=’;;§'/»¢&%*i¢*!’,; "7bLu: Add de’fxythainfere%.3‘ce drawn from ::I1enc<:,, That ther- fore the now Eiiarl muitibe an ‘mien. For thou§>j.1»En%br1~ A 1fn;éf4 if-mfés {oine% Contmveirfie Ah ath F; been toudaim is; quef{ion,j '0i2»;] W1*Iiether%th4e’iITue of an Englith tn;:mi.,% ‘gaing am: of the Kingdom, ‘born of an ‘aIiien_s-vomans» bcA~AaASNL1bjé6t‘..% 0f».E*flglwd; «or no» :5 Y;_er;_.I_ :akc% the V Eng/and. I. % ‘ . Bythe commog, Lax-v,tif Father and Mother, “both Lexi} to be cleir itthis day, that 1‘uch%ifl1'ue1's a Subjegc Of. Englifh, haveiflher beyond fee, that iffue is Engliih, IFR. 3.4,, [h@ Statute 3S.Ed. 35 ha’-([275 mare; being declarative of the carnmon Law, 4.2 Ed. 3. cap; I o. and if the reafon and praéfice of the Law be exami- A ned wefhafl finde it so be the fame, where the -father" only is Englifla, for thefe Reafons. » Firfi, Becauferatrthis day any Qerfon may go from -this Kingdom to another WithOut hcenfe, though he be neither Ncblemanz. Merchamgort Solclienexcept fame re- . ftraint bya eeexeat regizumr, Proclamatiomor other Acfi er of State be agai-nfi himfo is it refolved,-I 2,: 3 Elias. Dyer. 2 9 6. Audthough all, except perfons fo qualifiedmfere rem-aimed by 5 1?. 2. :ap.2, yet that Srarureis repealed A A by theStatute0'f 434:. an r.madeprmcipa1Iy in refe- r rence to Swtlwds Therefore however the Law may be as to fiich as go when ptehibited, or {who flay‘ beyond Sea. wherrcomrxganded toreturn; yet as to all others at thisday, and always as to tI\Ic_>blemen, as the, father of V this Earl Wes, uponwhom no refiraint was ever put by Common Gr Statute Law, certainly the Law is other- Wife: tefpecially =.vhet1 the removal is to a Country in 3:- miry, as 56021434 was; A A A At _ Seconély, Pertzrs jéguztar femeiz by the Cgmmon % L.?.Wa therefore in 4 Ea’.4.A 25. Smtévam efizflezzage 9. if a free man marry aytrife, and have iffize, that iffue is free 3 A but otherwzfe, 1f the manhad been vxllqm and the woman free. V A Thirdly, The wczrnan aliezrby the marriage is}indeni- V zed, and thei ffiie then muff needsk partake of %thee%‘ privi- A 1edg,andit appearsqbyrrez 6 Ed. x.wt. Pd?‘l._I. than when {E e‘mm,—l,, rfhebrotherfioi‘ cl. 1. wI1oLmarryed;rheQ_geen M of ‘of z\7awr,dyed, al I the Jiidg Uri) es re{'oIved,i fhefhouldbe en; V4 A ed; and What though {he Afhould not; as in other cafes it hath been doubted; do Yet thar"hindets nor,bur during co-_: A verture {he was endenrzed, and thats enough to endem'zeiAa A the iffue. “If a wife marry a free tnan,A,r1tt1s and hath been \ adoubt, iwheth.er.t-his be a perpetual irlftanchifement to the vvotna-n after the deathAA of her Baron,» but it never was doubted *, but that bothher felt; during coverture, and her iffue ever after were infranchifed, Lit. ;"eé?. t 8 7. ‘ Ilflflitn 1369» R . And for exprefsa‘uthori_tyin the point in hand, he-{ ndes cheianclcnt Aauthcrxty of, «=W_W-'.£- -44]]: 39«» W» Baflnrd. 7. and Bro. Demzsm 21. It was the Judge‘- ment of all the Iudgesof England: 2aCa. in the Dut- chy Chambers betwixt the King andE4t0I9,ufuaI1}v.~ _ (331135! Step{2ei1fi1f¢SCafe, the Record whereof is ready to be Apmducedi where udg Talvertaa and Harvey, then, judges Aflifiants to that Court a declared it tobe their judgments,“ as alfo of all theother Judges, jmtt the.‘ two Sons ofsS’tep/aeizfbzt, born beyond Sea upoh the body_ of an Alien, were Denizens... A. t A , V t t Oéfefi‘. I obfervedbut one bookcitedfor maintenance“ of the contrary opinion, andthat was 2.6 H.N6. where is 2 2 6. o-A ‘ Q i h .422]; WhicI1.Ai Authority is dagiairzff-',t1ot for thatopii-i nion for which it is cited; [for in an Aétion there ‘brought, j the Defendant pleads: that the Plainrif-F5‘ an- ii ceh‘.or,in;the time of HA. 4. went beyond Sea without» Licence, and there had iflhe the Plaintiff: r upon this plea; Ardeme the Plaintiffs Counce-It demursg but faith A theibook, Przfit the A Defendants Counccldurlt: not A A demur. ' Secondly; thebookiiwere as ittdtisfuppofed, yet it makceeerhine agent then I-art at we danbeeaufc . h _ i A i t,..e-A« h(§2) the ‘Bcmk it appeé1*.s»5" that the Plaihntiffs ahcefiof Weht "be: -yond sag inhthe time of; 4, without licence; which Ah heieg after R .‘ 2 .. A there was arefirameupon h1m,.eexcept ‘ by_.11cen*cesor qualified hastha: Statute of R; A 2. requires, which eReih*ain’t iseowabrogatedh as is before faideh; Vandi “ hthelnhabitams of Egzglmm’, as is f°uit.ab1e“to all Ihflanders, may travel ateepleefiare , except A ejfpecially forbidden; ancflo wehaeever the Law wasthena its 0thE‘I‘I'W’i[€£10Wa' A ..mzz'm2e iqgesr m;¢zatmf‘le-M. - ~ ~ h « 4 . Oéjefi. X/Vjhat if the prefemj Earl did himhfeifrendea- ever‘, or,‘ as he faith, was advzieia n0tw1thf?e~and’1ng the eN2tur2Iim‘tion of of his Father, to procure himfeif to V ehe’Natura1ize:i.-. or indfflizeda A ‘ , e wArsfl~ Yet. em couhehlé be but mmaJ'0?ém’ vwfeldme 3 as fame faviegse have be-ehinfertedw into Aasospar1:a—h mehtrhemfelves, not for neceflity, but for fatzsfa6:E1on= -0ftb.C~La}**,G€I1t- as our books exprefs it, e_ r» 5» *\C::.00; 2 4. Pl0%¢.e‘Com; 3 79.’ hupon the Statutee of A 575:1... Efianfl. even in that cafe of eftepbew/En, though the I‘udges"aflifi=- V imts fielivered wlaaht was rheirown opinions and hof the L eref} of the ledges, yfetif making the party a Denizen ivouldexjad the conzroverfie: theydidadvife it. e P‘if'zh“ly,* Befides this purchafe 70f his Fathers, the Earl‘ hath himfelf contributed to his OW11~DeI1iz3ti0n, * non? ' Io much by inheriting his Fathers dignity. A and purcha- fing énfl enjoying himfeif Lamdsh in England, that be- ing rather an evicéence of what hefformerly was: then» making himwhat he was not before; but by the VVrit ‘ of fummens feet to this Earl h.i.m{eIf;M I 5 Cm". The Re- cord whereof hathhbeen read, commanding him ex fie’;-' fi§"{z;gezzi2tz}:'E fies, to appear in Per!iam‘enthas~*ae*e P‘eerMe££tum,A 4 Mar. yer; I44. .: which is @6315» A 71fbrA»;good»L~2wj“Hkcwi‘fe,;yfiigin Calvxvm-‘(;f§f¢ f_~,y..,1;1 VV adggs; tgsfith which V was Bro/ah »T‘raafé#...’ 32. ma Crafirpzaxf urifdi&ion”ofr ~ ourts “A-;v2._.. iahd Mr jqnice avaemns Reports 3, V4. hm; wh-ith‘ Auchoritics v ~01-f.‘cautm [Q2- A 1’icnh;:Emm‘i¢s fioyd ~ ‘A mtlf 5 with Engwlifh Rebels. and be” apzatefienflzrd, the Aliens fhzzll 7 bfl Af1‘Ycd"by AMartia11 Lam Q1‘ Ara;nfom’di :; if AlienamifisT9i02mi:s1‘r¢aFon in all and . ablcj: thgfimhe cafe xspup ca4utc1oufly54 in H. 4, and [0 Q5 bridg’d by B 1'00; Weaiféito I, That where Alien Enemies j'o‘ynAWit §! Engliflg, theAIicns {hall be cryed bywfg/V13:-3 rial Lavv,and1¢he13ngV1i£11 35 Trzytors. 7 4 A J] A” 0éi¢3- The0bi¢5*i0n hathbcemmdca and IQ fir it;f‘eemsrh¢La~vis,agr¢«=d~ Tharif Aliens fight under thebanner of Engltfh-,. that this maybe Trcafon in all, but not ifthe{Er1glifl1 H undepthqcoqzmanglm ens, whic;hi$;aIledged%to.&bc, th4e cafcin hand. A W % 4 ' rm "‘ A V 41212 Fixfl" I‘V%¢an,npt;1“a.feIy admit that hich thfi ‘i%Ae<9cjioVn takfié far granted, thatthc Engliih wc;mz;¢ Auxiliai‘i¢8,¢ and thC Scots the prinei ads jg: this aétg when I fimde it in the proof offered by t , ci Earl.himfc4If, [ thathCd3m§r%il1by tlgfi invitation of their fricncis in Ezzg- 1 1am, and when I tcmeAmber what was dcfigned and pro"-:7 duccd in the South of Emg!dnd_beforc and at; the iafma time: With,‘ this expeditiqn. A 2,. But admit icto be Qthc;-r A wife; yctxf :4.-hxs clxfference we;ematcr1a1, then it flaould V foAl1ogv.1ikewife§ Thatyif Aliien enémiesdid fight under an Englifh Command; in fl1ouldbefTreafQnin ails but theweih ,, 6 true rmzfon of the Law 1n one Cafe 13 thefame \» itis not (0. V 3. The Law makesno fuchcfiffcrcnce; nayyhie wry ob:-3 jcficiqn fiecmstobe made}. and anfyyered, A4_M4r.D}er. Mz44¢ forthc book faith, that though 5'/verlef were an A-r Iien, yet 1505:2022 refcrt tempura P4555‘ inter Anglo: 4; Q4195, % t is '1 ayd upon rempuq pm?" onely. 4‘-« T in both, whicih I conceive robe from thedeteflation of ’ confpiyringdwith an inwaifd fccrct E116-m)?» and from thfi Hui} thfi awrepofcgh in fu c;§1 as arcA of a Country ifi M azmty. A There is no Ttcafozl, but where I;her:4 is ;; Irgfig " 2 A hence l ‘ A _ T(3l5) “ hehcepancietatly Tteafon, in itslglenuine and loriginal ac-" cepta’tilon, waslonely and properly amongfi eallyes and ftiendsgwho mutually did repofe lconfide~ncei‘eneach ther, V astnayfbe {men in the Mtrronf. 3 o.*lan“d ‘zoo "Amid A : thategreater truft was placedin‘ Aliens tzmies. then in them, Traytots. A others; appears in that our Law‘ allows not onel y _Traf-Fl fiqueatzd Commerce with them, but atlfopallowsxthem A to be to ii A fome pzurpofes Denizens namely 354% to "thg bringing perfonalpaecions, A which if they bring, it {hall 4 not be allowed to? plead that the Plaintilfiate Aliens, 3.9 Ed;4;5. Sc 51-1. 8. D}. 2. J Oéjeéi. But the Earl hath 0bje&ed5l lth«dt.oupon the l . scomn Forces comin in under his Command; theyaof A i that Nation were by t e H oufe" of A commonglméed e- 5 fnemies .~. and thofepof this‘iCingldom, who adhered to ~ at-2/. :.Th‘ewordslofthat Vote 1‘een:tobe‘excIit:fiveof the Prifonen metttioning only tthofepundwerlhisl Com- ‘inand-” f2. Though every enemyinthe legal fignifica-I I tion fthe word: be notaTtayt0ra ‘yet every» Traytor is anenémy» and therefore ifnow hcobe proved a Tray-i i:or,he may be wellenough an Ehemy within that Vote; The prefent Charge againft him is ad” Charge of High Treafon, yet-theC0r.t:lulfi0.fl doth not improperly ‘pray W fudgment algain=fl-.4 hifn bothas pal Ttaytot and " publique E_r2emy._ g.pTake thep words in“ the firiétell fence, and the Vote onely names thofei of the Scotith NationvEne-- l~mies,bt1ttho{'eof thislliingdom Traytors; Nowthe labor hath been. and Ileftxppofe it clear that the Earl fhimfeIf' is of this Nation, andfol 3 Trayitotbyl that Vote ’ l l- ilfrom which he would derive an Argument for himfelf. Ifyet any other conliruélion {hould be made, Legesi h this f€urt now fits, ordeteglto he trycdi for Treafon in pg/feriares priores aéragatztp, hells: by the’A& whereby the the Afamefkinae as«;hme, ‘whtotaztettenow mcierqueftion 3 and ifthi-s faét beTeeafon, it wifl eafi1y‘foflotwbyoanaAp- A Vument of ddenomtmztz.r,_thgthe iS7:1‘TI‘ay[-Qt‘. A “ TheWthi”rdparteoftih'e‘tE;at§l*ofC'améria’ghf Ix3i1ee:i'5,_m That, he ista ptifoner of ".7’Va4r1,e andi" tendred it upon tArhti~he ucles, and that thofeeC‘apituIé.tior:s were madebefotehis hlieniditiont" with Ma jot A(3e11er;z1 Lam£>errs,Ctommifli- oAn'ers; A ~ 1 A A - Tha‘t"th"ere were Articles; t $1n‘ci1.hfe a pri.fonet W.a ry ; I (‘hall agree to be prov'd, AaseAa’1{o°:that one ohfthofe Ami» o A (tiles was, That he flmouldhavequ arteryand have‘his*life ~aff'ured,and it mu&be1~agreed.t outhe other hand,That the Lord hGm;mvho had eqtialgauthorityaprteflted from th e: firft ag'ain'f’c that Treaty,and after took himprifonet7be- fore any offent therjeuoto: But whethere, by the pro*oF,“ V the,E at! were not :1 prifoner before the figning the Ae- ‘ tioI'cs:‘,A anti"whetAhAert before the ArticIes'we.re:to haveeany : ~ef¥°e<5t.the fame were not to be ra..tifie”d~by the Comm an-so dersin chief, is‘ fubmittedt to judgmetjxt. h u poo the evi- L A deuce. That t»herefore'I may do the tprilonen right in 4 c this point’,"whichh*hetf’eez}ns to make his“ flrongeft A afjrlumfi, lAfha1l.ad mic that there were fuchi Articlemndwave thew re1yin”g"upon the other Circuhmftaocesao whichmay not A feem foclearin proof, A V t t '4 Neyerthelefi IfhaIl.brieflyfl1ewmyAReafons, where-3 A fore I T appr”ehend~ no * fecufity from the fttoke of ciwil ]u(’:ice,beIongs to the prifoner by this Refuge 5, for asto the militaryisnot the contention. A A . " A Firft‘,-» -If thefe Atticlestbeofavayl,tagainfl:theCi~eW- A vil Powerof the State, theymufi in effeét angxounttoa. pardon or difcharge of Treafon, ( for this point doth take. the lat’: point by admittance, viz. that thefaét is Trea- fon.) Now though 4 the military Power may exempts A prifoner of War from the execution of the Sword,- and E3 .%0 (38 ) of t11eimwndPower;" yet it is not in thtair po,w¢p.o not duke rheyaffumea A or‘ ever challenged, fuch a [JOWGT9 ta ¢x».-,.; emptDelm'qAu*€‘nts and Traytors from :he%execut1azm£A the A Magifh-ate,” for the bringing %of-; whom to <_;ondign A A punifhment the Souldier wasat firfl armed, and thcgwar‘ M pfiticipafly begun 3 and if it fhould be infthefi p0WC.fA0£L - oficVSo1dier,ic would Apari ?¢4t1"0m—'AAbe in the povxmt of 31¢]; A aswel to {pare all as onegand if to grant a pardon ofAli£¢,g_ then Iil&?eA4wi4f%e for their4Iivc:1yhd5; A TED thc €:I1d: Oftllé War, ‘and the; {atisfa&ionAVpr0mifcdawould be-:_.ir_1 the A powerof the Iervantsofthe Statetofrufirate; I1;0!3that,, :heAr:icIcs havcyn%o.efFe6t,forhewa;s bythcm [fi'C§€l from A tAh"e::immediatc ex-ecution ofthcSword-% A, A » A ~:secoud1y, ‘Thepmrdoningaf '1T%reaf£2nisapdwéhWf; infeparable m:hc‘fuprcam.Powe,n J£hatA by the A*url1o-»A V rvities of Lavmit is not communicab1e%to any Orhqra in 5 E:a'.4."123. its Mmadca Mgr.eat doubt, and I0 faidg £0 be I‘Bra:Traaj2vi2. 22. Macy and Iuflicre being 1 not ~transferab1¢; 7. 12'. Co. in M 1:hecaf<:,M of Pcnall * StatuI:”es.~ 9 Ed. 4. 2,; and 2.01’-17, . 7,5. I:’s tmc indged, 4 ’ there was a time when fome had gotten thifipflwer iflm AA their hands, but the Statute of 2 7 3- A8«M12-. 24; this power was tcfumed into the fupream Power, and that A it bath fince Iodg’d; and howeverwc difputfi not W118? the Pa%r1iaua"cnt may do by cxprcffé words... V as.thcyAh,avc A A fione inmany Aé’cs and Tenders dofIndamnity,yct xvithm A 4 ut fuck exprcflionsg, %notAbya1_1yim%plicif:e pawer, nor.-A‘ A :x affiti0,can any jufily afiixme 121:. wThird‘1ji, By Athc Rules of LawmV%Officen dr flerof Stare caqgive awiay or‘difp¢nce with At%h€IAI1terc;£t of the ommorr "wfealth .3, ; if; (3uflom,er»w_!;o»is*a~n Of: - V A cer Gfstsfte, take a Bond in hiS.O.WI1 nae for £136» Iinpér-%u ‘ T tari£3fl%0'f Bulloignfis-he cannot eiifchargcthis Bond. WEIR’. 44- 4%. and 121. The Kwing was; ¥ch4eA£u;1:gr.eam;Qflia¢c2% of; A mfiieafon byan min 05¢-Mia d-ifpencca with thmawn :»=r ' _(39) % ofche .Com"mm~wca1th, yet if {anceihad Vbeen prcfefrredagfainft one in his name, ~,it:1m14 A W not been in his power to .have.V difchzrged %ch%is-%o1fenc¢, 31;: 1sWv‘5IA:a» 34%-44 5*-* mu1d h‘ave*been4;4ex~ ~ e4mptce1: fi+om the power4Eof:¢ivi1~]:flft‘§&i~¢, that had“beE;n voydfgi, «A'afi1cHf:it hat! been%£xp‘re%fTe_datha;t‘flocking }v'a”“s=by more Ar%ti¢cl"cs intended tofiéxempt him from c~ivi»1]u- A fizicé, that had3aIfo ignvplyficd apower in_ them, -ilfth‘ey}ha;d *.:feé:nV:rcaufc [h’av¢"fgi€7c_n< ‘an :gbVfioWIm§e3*~d»ifch&r"g'e‘ frcérrgi the ~Magirmre5»which¢-had been¢;equ%a%11y% by’éQfiIfiffié*i°h"‘d¢”? ‘Ztdgaiiflty‘I09:i‘H€‘Ci1Vi’IVi?0W\E§‘af? ** A A1=mmyA.* If rhjé Em“ W0 par: " A Ld9“_°dv the ‘? »¢X7p01iti0fl muff F fegmmfizaim Vmatcriama .s:.i‘f Rim % =%ih:a§;ing’3“ivse“7fs faCLiIties'l1a_thf an V’a_~nnuit%y ~g‘rafltt}d:‘:;tQ pro mm‘!z'a:z*mpmfa,«the4Lw ords%«arc'geAneral, burl: flwallbe w K41) doned,yet hfimay feem toh axfe felt the henefif therdf by e his efqapefmade aftger a fpecial promifé to the G;CVW?CFflOth v_?richw4h0m‘ he was prifonet:-5 the" Civil Lam aS;*F0¥E¢fg gag obfervcs 5 mp. 45. eLMzéeerm2m7-2 ‘z/zgratum ir3_prz'fh'.. mm: redzgztfivrvztutem, and 4 our Law faith, i‘f“onebTha“th’ committed a capital Crime, and, being pardoned after, L 519 but break ‘the pegce,he fogfeirs the benefit of the pars g!oq.; 3 H. 7.7. As; Efl?'t”9 did the benefit of his _Licenfe A totrm/e1,by1his‘refort tohtheFugirives,_ .2°Eli. -D}, I76. "And I conceive :29 difference, whether the condition be exprefled Orfigmplyede, which I: inferfnot tqxngkebchc cfcape ¢Tezie3I:'ot1,bei.ngAnot fO*'Ch31'g~Cd«13Hd;ChC Sxatutes of ‘.2 63;. V and 1“4.b*15/time being expired cgncerning that; bnjte only for this purpofe ibis enforced, that he who ren- dred himfelf up a prifoner of War, angelhraiforegthac ‘ cpgfidetanioq gparteg-.gra,nt:edh~him, and yet after breaks i!?a"¥e&v!ii¢1ih&*v=§s0nhis-bpartto b€’E?Tf0¥m»¢d»‘hbh‘llathfhfirce * veyghedeprxyedxhxmielf jof“thatpr1v11edgwh1ch othcrwif: hcmightzhaVw?i0Y¢d-e 2 ,‘ . A -5_ b0,éJ€§?- it;jh§.;Pr41TOfl¢r fl1alh1bb¢:b~iq-ucfibxoncdhforzb his‘ lifma <2 b$sr%tfizebx:;¢en£14§:1on*e 4-hlmhfselfge had ihequarter 1 fftzeh hi:-if}'Fer§“it;?v ho;¢frei‘s...¢1;e bcdnfideration madeegood \ $ aw 4W\h'1.;ChndifdV_‘h,iUduC¢. him Vco’ furretxdkerg, beflideisgh there if he had eyed‘ Césfhe E at! himfelf fetid) “he had«preferved his;,efihat¢e.an§d avowed rheeconhfcn uemfesof $‘¢tfl.£m&£flr P hthat it rhfohu!d‘7 be thought: no priivhir-' to dye, in qafe there were CC}? ,t’§ini3%ebié;~hhw 3..50_:,Vé d¢athybye =t.m,iIirarY ?’E<%¢urions' i§v:f!#ddh¢£! fined lieéfirreérebbafea’m~«:; «Ts Hi "97hnrvie€e11¢s1g:%hhv¢e~an:t9msd%atedearhebyméSwarda 1,“ A ex fze',,§:”f.:1i~r;~ 7 1%, ; icial ;4prgeeedi.nhgbb by afihavge againft 1%1%ii'1(*x.s2»e~’i2i:mftir1g7iI:i1iisczvt:hp1ea"rhcfeuntb, the matter of .;;I2yihWiEEh‘cbWfl'esh,2n{d “evidence « pmgvedy on botgh ahIIigz13:be_;cel;_I'“i:ivin:C)I"7.f1_hiso»v:1cl1-oyce so at- A A Q ’ gue .;.r guisems mare in péirie ofL * ‘c 42 J fiiiiéh fis hé Cduld fpeak inhis own Dsfejnce: 3 . And am and himre1f£64%be heéid théflhger fa-zmsby this A‘m‘aVt1tje»t%r:3f Tfyél not g‘reatet‘ " theft Eéfofé,’ fdt hexfhat %dyes‘*aTraytor ii: f”urare«£elli, béc:auIéAhimfe1f‘is the aaufe why formAa4Iiti¢s% of legal .;3iéc“eédi2aAgsA%‘againfi him caniaof obIérvevd;« by the ’éiatie;"ar; Larwffeized hisefiare, and r;maine¢darta~ifite& satviiishffanding, Plow-V 9-“’I'1«“%V» Dewar‘. ro T vflierc, in a Wm: ofpam, *theDemandant was bar:-‘fa! thatiier husband went into 5'wtlz¢M”’, and joyning _hi&1feIA»f«%w»iehthe enemies, dyed in»e:n¢n%i:y. V - ~ ~o2;mA.V Asto fhee‘xamp“‘Ic°s ofiomara with the a9"it‘“é3‘, aha fiftiaeprophet E12/Em fcrrbmihg the King of J fry‘-are! fmitfe ithéfe *A%,wh®ii1 he %had%“taken% éaptive with !1i§S%:bra%anasBow. . I 1 = 1Aahrwen,:As ‘ * Hm; ~’6£?vf2M,£ v&i£Ia"A§fie iw5“éo‘%‘?téSf’*gM”¥33éé1 férbid «mix: *4tI1e:z‘tV:s£Ia2zt;,*‘To*'a¢"1‘£ =io%fié‘iA:Léag?:iés and mania! be :kej3't *”i‘o‘“? f‘a:r - bigdkthat power that made tI1cm,afi&j who c:mf«rim*onaI1 “ A we u%¢cefitor“*o*f4Mvres. ‘¥2A¢Magim-atéas;wei1»a&cbm?rh&1aa‘er: %Bi=:fi:a2:s, its raw fdk-‘P1=i;1Accs%f~tb‘e *Core”garid:1 fwbrenhtb them; jana had rh‘c~Ie%€ircumf£a:zces bcch ifitiflent thi=sA-Cafe, fia€l%I?)€€n‘e!‘lCféH‘. %A A 1 “ ; A 2%, * t;h:'= }vér$n’a‘1*i1i1afl‘é1Aé%g’ai:2fi liflwsahd ‘rhfitéfaire nbnvfiéing ‘ifitéféifléd lbut the: P£o;sh’er;iy:Vr;aigh:ATwe11 ‘Bé¢é1«1”1ehiS*f§ij city 5é”t’héi‘r rnterc’Mcar.% «For“afiy thifig pears; file 53Ppdp1iet *Ofi*I"y#%4 p‘e:§t!:s§;4a‘gfiinf’t"'“‘”t”If“éii‘7" b.ci‘r1’g6%‘ _ . V‘ *2 War 111 *19em:;% I‘“\ O r-ts. Efd'c’)é1;.ha'fiht hfdvéifieéfi the % twtéfiaihfiithe ’Sv‘vdr&of % Thiefi Wt”? téken in‘th¢ imiflfl ‘of Samara i'W¥i?”‘P I ?"E%'**»;#ndi9heréf0re*§!¢adA3:34%.v§%E¢£4mi§h§iréfliwet Before rm before thetn,thatthe'y might eatand go to their ma liersg ' but there hath been i in this cafe much Blood drawn, and’ mifchief done; for the avenging andfatisfa6iionwhere- of, julliee cries to them that beat not the Sword in vain‘: p v i, « * , “ i L ' And now (my Lord) though lmight have demand- i ed Judgment for want of the pPtil'oners making good his ownplea, which he ought to have done before I l pphadfaid any thing to the leontrary A; the plea of being an ~ Alien lying. on his part to prove that pleads it. 9 Ea'.4.. 12. and Dy. goo. And the plea of a Pardon, being a. confeléion of the Faét, if not made out, proves fatal and final allblto the party, Shmfé W. 15 9'. Yet neverthe- Iefs, for that thePrifonet hath not been confined herein a to the ftriél: formalities of the Law, Ihave alfo, on the ~ bchalf of the Commomqveallth, takenthe ptiviledg of“ fpeakingthus much for aflietti-ng the invalidity of his. " Plea. And therefore, upon the whole matter; having a now {aid what hath prevailed with my judgtnenttol ofiet in this cafe, I humbly fubmitlathe Iatneto the Judg:-; ~ ment and C onfideration of this Honorable Contra . l 1=:tNias; Rmder, Cortcft with ‘thy theft» following flips. t -Pagenn; line 1o..fotendttwm'.readlenz1emroria¢g. P. :t4..;1. :2-.1-..