he ’ the the 239:‘:/I'll: ., 1 . . ,_"\“\‘ ‘@®@§§"4‘§§@ @@§§-$2. @%@%@%%%%@%@%T. ‘ i” . "72"" ' 1;‘ ’;2: ' V. -, . . ., ) \. 1.‘ .3“ 3;!‘ . . ‘Hf . .> . ‘Z L‘: r‘ . . .' ' _‘ "2 , ‘- ‘ '~ ?-‘)~ . _ , . I. \~' ‘#1?’ _-..;1 @@@$@®@®$®% % 3“.;.’.«.-l’.@§'=’r"8C@3'-’..’3.3-~'K-“32a:./,. in 415-‘ M E s P EC IA LL e ’7 A RG V E T S V V hieh warrantedfl th e Srortzfla Suhiefts ‘ A hwfuiiy to take up Armes in defence ofthetr Religion and .: t Liberty when they were in d¢0g€1‘- EiA’{l'1'(ll1'OV\’ the Lord either by blowi.ng , 1, Pen, 31 1 the (l€\.’1CCS. of o:1tenemies,of _)'tl{lIf“1{{rg them backe upon themlelves, has turned all their w1i'cdomC'unt0 5001131113 ¢> ‘3“f‘tl'.&\'e may have CCl11Cl(lCl1CCll1 time to 62101116,l)Cl€CV1Dg3.n(lf3.yjI1%\\r1tl‘lEl1Cl l‘QPl1L-‘ Lam; f_;_.,m W]; or d 41.”? Pm“ for m? of 0 Lord 54/? W‘/'03tg?f for out - b y. _.Thatythe people be not troublectl).V’~_’l1f€f1}Edeyffieare of warres and riiinours of warres, ans th1;]a.tthey,lU1i1_)’i{1°1t_l”1C1 3 3 dial . 0 d “«_.dowes_, nor moy_ed, 'W1tl11‘€- nce e t e never 0 ecious not CCCIVC Witt’ ~ . s _ monlira s j y y _ P. fith’C_l.oWpc!finnCS aS‘3f9111lf€S. butthat they th€mf€lV¢S denounce VV3'_“'° 38”“ f 11 ' ’ h .‘ L A I ““ greatefl enemies, hib- . . y 7; . ,3 _ . mzttmgth¢m1'€1V€5_0b€d1€m1Y to C? t (6.113 e:d‘er5 V‘ 10*“ at this timehath . ft‘. .1 ..1._ mil Furnifhedlargely with co‘-.in.e a courage for 416 Good of this Cl1UfCh 3nd*Ki1]odo1nc 7‘ I — l l ‘ C . V - . I I . 5.__ That it be iemembred what has beetle our manifold defeiliorg, in D“;-i_‘ ‘ pline, Sacraments, Vlforfhip and Doiitine, throu%h the waiter1awti.i..,mOm1, Aflhnblies, and through the ufu1'patioh of the Pre ates thefe many yea res by mg 5 and that a greater ‘mercy c__oiild not have beene fhewed to this Land, then a ‘Leg, full, ai1d'nati_o‘nall*A_lTembly, fuch as that which was indié’tedL his Mgjéfiig ,1 (,‘_[,,fr.§-,,,y,i,, 1-adding this Church of the Prelates ,‘ the atlthollrsétnd'€x,CCutio11;3i'siof ah our "woes ; That they may beearnelt in »their prayers ..with God, that as he has beene pleated to let up out'r_ef’ormation againe with a flretched out hand, he may alfo‘ be gracioully plealed toiiphelzi owne vyorke, and” Illa-l(¢_,tl'1C Kings Majc- lliea nurfing‘-fatlie'i' to thc.Church inthis Land...‘ _ i 6* That Miniliezrs ‘and_ Pf0f€ll‘O1'_S‘nl‘n3y acquaint tliemfclves with the afts oF Ailembly, efpeci-ally that ag_iin_fi Epilcopacy, with the ProtePtat'ion and -Anfwers to the Declaration made by the Commifhoner, and to the declinature of the AC» fembly by the Bifliops, that from thele they may be able promptl . . . , . _' Kboth to anfwei‘ the exceptions and 0D]C&loFlS of the adverfarres, and to remove t e fcruplcs of the s iiipplieation~may he read in ‘P‘ellJllCl(C.. that the Commons may fee how falfly iwee are traduced, and how reafonable our delires are. 7. That the {late of the qiieftion at this time may be cleared to the people; be? e 1e KlI‘i9"l1f the three Eflates, ' and from our own Eocleliafhcall and Civill Hiliory. ' ' 12. From our Covenant latelyfworn and fubfcribed, binding us to defend :11: Kings Majeliies perfon and authority in defence of the-true Religion , and to dc- fendthe true Religion againli all perfons whofoever. z r Oéjeff. It is objeéted , that although upon the Former and the like reafons it cannot be denied, but it mull be lawfull in fome cafes for fubjeéis to defend them» " i lelves by antes againli the injufir invafion or oppreflionof the Magilirate, yet to the matters prelently debated betwixt the King and his people, they are neither a 'fund:1mentalI-in3Religion . nor yetsof that importance,that wec,{'hould~enter into a bloudy VVarre, which bringeth with it fo many certain evils , rancid whercof {he event isfo uncertain, ‘ . s r ‘_ , Anf 1 . No matters of Religion hath fo great weight in the inindscfs world} men that they {hould hazard their wordly eliate for /1 thing of that k ind, (,‘,,[1,', can-:6 for none of tlzefe tbz'2zg.r. Pcflm fayth, that the lliewgxhad certaine queflious againli "I4"rzz4l of their ovvntliuperliition , and of one -Jefus , ‘Mao was dead‘ whom Paul aiiirmed to be alive: If wee receit/e him, the Rhpznms J171'[[\l:QS§7?7€ and deflro} om‘ place and our C irie, has been a prevailingmaximein t:l1$31n~ll1d.s,.0§;‘vo1-dlyin/Q11, Anfianz. The greatelt queliions in Religion doc carry 'ti'ometin%?e§-ta vcr y,fm31' fhcw, witnes the ‘words of 55:02:41 15)“ and é,u.owa—z*@ ,’«I~'- and Jr; 3;i%~;,;,;@<"‘ ind 9,4/5‘,,.,@ wherein the difierence did {land betwixt the l‘lC[Ct_iCl t butleft them ‘ ‘O the determination of man , ‘which not only in the myllery of Godlinefle ; but , file in maters of Ecclefiaiiicall Government is enmity againll the vvifdome of V VVe have already experience of Caveats, and nowto hazard fhipwrack the I 3" J‘-ccond time by ~mak._ing fueh Pirats again to be our Pilots were defperat madnelfe, [But the Proclamation tels us that there are other matters of difference then B. pifcopacy; and therefore lafily, the quellion is now whether wee -{h'a1l‘hay¢ 3 free ‘Nationall Church, or any other Religion hereafter, but fuch as is or {hall be com-. .'.n3. » U A. III-A ‘I an - .‘UIdb ._,o OI 3.’ is"mten3cd‘;) whether We ‘(hail any longer €13} of .-- - , ___ . __;_.._— -:..-. ——‘—:..ajr~——;- cmmzsbmygroeetar bafe V flaves be advanced to honour . they will labour to. pteafe the corrnpthnmours bf ' j fuck as advanced them ; the creatures mufl ferve then’ tnaket. The tune was when ¢h¢ Popc was théif Mafler, §nd then they‘ ferved htm ; the tune pafl they have hm agenwfa poi-my; and as they have given lamentableptoof that they know too ‘well the W21)’ too Rome, Co We may ’°°k f°r m’ Mic’ the“ th.” being rcadvgnc-edh’ ’heyt.flutn_tcareI}, both prince and Peopje home agaxnee ti/aexr old ‘M after :. unleffc wg doe {land fan to out liberty, we tan lack for nothmg bnt zmfexable and yet: pctuall flaverya L 3:-' fzmss RARE DA 803 .73 . S6 5 1 642 w_H—/IIIIO ‘ ‘IVINII