"% 6 a§15fie 3 Aim: er J. M _ Hm! A A gsswffim ” AA ‘ &@W1€fi . th%Ju3 smm % ,, C H, ma&%@ Ey .% "Captéme fludigy , “§::hc7'-> Houfc 0:? Comznangg. cozyccgr-«J V ning their Priviledges_.,and their’ azxorhztazat gr"i%em_mccs in > I \ that Kingdgmeg % A E E 1? I §[ (3, 5 ; ~aT>e:—~ -: Progaunded by the Parliafigv 16” 2* , .4 r -‘ . “ , ‘ ,4 \ _ at-.: M _ I3 % V 3§amcI.1tw«0fIreZai2d,.t0 the judges Gf tE:«.:'i.*~ - fad Kimgdomm A ' % “‘ 4 Judges may £°et,%}’ort’i‘1a11d.cIc:»" A ' da;re,w“11etha;rthc Inhabimxmts oftlm: A kingdnme be a%free%p:~:o7p1e,,m- whctluer they be m bee _gOVCI;,‘flCd oticsly by the anticm: mmmon lawes M _Eng1-mci L K L A A WVhet§2er' the fucigca ohhe Land doe take A A a'.he*Oafi10VfJ7u.dge2s, and if lb’, whether uxfler pretext ofany Affcs of State , Proclaxmtiona A Writ, Letter, or dircflian under the great at privic Seaie, gr privic 4Signct,0r Lettezg or A ;0th»erVCorn%manden1cnt from the Lord Lieumw . A manniord.D,eputie3;}u{%ice, jufiicesmr other a::11ief@:Gr0vvcrn.0r., m Géovms-mots eaftluis King-» 2. %% A dome; A aoam tins:-y may §;1imcic::r3% gay ®1*de1aay rim 2'fli;itflA ofzmy Sllbjfififlig m*I1is%judgm§:r+nt3@r t‘3Kt’?:.'CutiQE3 thcfmupam %ifib3it1fnv1mtcaiés,m1& wizetlzérgié" they dofie lliazderfiay cm delay fuch fuiteggjudgew mam: or execution; What punithmem dew filmy“ incum: by the Law for their dcviatiemifl-and tmniggeifion thereinw ‘ :1 L ”‘v"~a’.}i1efl1e::fl1«::-”Ig'Z%ir2gs Majefiics privie Com V. fZ':11jei;:11e1' EOg€t11f‘1‘,OI°EVith tha chiefe Gaver- m:;r or Governors of this Kingdoms; witheukt 1 him or them baa pIaCe‘of Judisature, hr the rCoan1no11 L2.Wes,W§1crc in Cat}:-bctweene pzzrjty yard party for Debts, Trefpaflés 3 Accounts; A Covenants3pofIé1fi4ons,an& title offlandg. or am my of mama “and with them may bei1ea4:d,a11& dw;+:1*n1ined 3V and of7wl1atcivi1I Caufes they have j12rifdi6ti;0n3 Vand by what‘ Lam and G5 ‘wlaat forceis their order 01° Decree 3 in ffxch Cafifs many ofthem; % ‘ 4 ‘ IV; A A TI1c1i'kc40Fthe éhiefe Govmmo1°s aiaim A V7? ‘W"Ziet'he»r Gmntof Monopuoiies Be: nvafratzw V :rI::3_b?.c by the EL:zw,e1nci af wIm,andi11 What ‘Cae- fl _ j c ' Ad“ v_'#5_‘ N A. MM , ‘ M ‘ V f::§:.,..;wa 110% .=.1.-11 w ufifgg and by Whom, am the E‘mn£:g1*eII“;>rs agaznffi inch Grantees puniiho 4 ‘ V" ables Vfl_ A ~ -U M» * aw * M wt» a ma ab1e3a.n&;xvi1ether%by Fm@a~;;2flcvI mutxiatmxa M Membersgitm pfifanrfléam ,§@ife§;, and §3.rfeitm*¢;% fl@§g00dS;.,@1"vOfl‘1€1‘W’if€“3. ‘am which Qfgihfifflw A V? n vzrhaac Cai"estI1eLor& Dfiputieg or:»0t:}.1m: A4 chief: Govmnoz-s afthm Kingdoms 8% Com» femmay punim by flF“i.nc3imprif@11zfient3 Mum aflatian saflviembersg Piflmy 3 mi OEh€fVV;’?;£E.3_*g they may femenm any m fuch the famegor Hm liim puniflament, fox" infrmgenimg due mm» méands Of any Pmdjamationy or {V’i0m2>p©i.§<33~, am&w113t punifh men: &©eti1eyimcur:t%9@har fia swfita for &:I1@faAm<:; . _ E.E)@ M V. Gfwfiaat f@rCeisAan'A& af flare q>rPm« V c:hmatiom in this Kingdoms m Bind Hm A£Afl:M:rm A $373 go@&s3po;fi”eIfi.@m;,1oriniaerimricfi zafstinxi: mm K£ves%'é:hm°c0f3 Wiléfhéffllfiy mi a.my«f:'»f fiiflm z:f:m aiterthe erammm Law, 02: the m§”rin%*e;21*$' <.;3§ A them 10% théeit s3C§3am:¥:-.3$3 W‘ L铧if7€?5.i@Ef forfeit ti-1:2 flame by infringi1‘ag;v::wy fi2€§_3; Q? W ‘State at Praciamatiwngor =‘.-*"xf;“}37.“.I;;*r§:€*§:.%>i3:.,=="= znifihment fiae the fvmmca ifffefig/‘Egg ‘z3?r"i3:1c: Lassa, that are privie CO1Enf€H£“)fS§ ififilifffli Elma: mm for fmch AfitAam@Ka::Cuzi_@n~@§“£a:.©~ A ~ ‘ 3 ‘V I I I .. _ <;_ Whe&11e%r%ti1& fubjwcs @Wfrhi‘s Kin» Mme bfi fab m the %Ma.r{ha11 Law 9 an 4wAhetAhm°‘ any man m mm ofpeaec, am mam L being Linw E@.fiT€1d5gW1th dxfplayed mm ha cmfilmd W mamif Vfmfby whe3=m,and in ;what%‘cafas,if'mt§ ” What fipurnéfiflanaanm fiotrhcy mcurre t~ha.vt-émimfi @ffpe%3.cefixecumiMarAfl1aIVl Laaw ' A A Wiuether mluntary ‘-Oathes taken f'z;‘ee*i7y %e?fm'e ré£tmf0«V.*»f,mr%t?hers for aifirmamce, M dim: firmmnm ~@ifany ‘tlaiinggar far -‘the aim? thmxgh £i1Vborg:inedA praaj’im; W” M’ perfmmancc M any thing,b’¢j2punif%aaFb’1c in the £‘4{%iew['fiamée7';or in any%otI1er~ Gwzwngand‘ why’ and A whercfm W J hy,.and.y’? what Lzavw A A A , .. an&-?tz«p@nw§iat% :Ru1eao:f piimizf: is .ir,;:that Home is admitted 51:0 a+e&ucremmt inithe Cafi=1c~c%w;m«fber3 urmifl hee 'iCQ1"1fE'flE.‘~thE Qeffence fwr‘ wghich 7! A M A A_ 43,@e%is cenfurecg »WH“1€11M3S .R'reat4a—nbl Mr .6 . -L , '1‘ r ‘ .. ‘ ‘:2; ' _ “ p1‘zvzv‘Eedges3wh1C}1 by fevcrall agts ofreyafl fa» quxty {ac} war have bin difp€iZ1{C_d33flI1€X€7CI, my 11yp0Paaz:;i~% mfliy united,’ to? the flame P1-i»*i11edge3iareLth<~: % fouigbysvlliichWcgmovethe Simtes: 3nd;Nc-u ;‘zre :co:np:s€cs2df,they are thég . Ewgsgby % whiziix we T3by5‘s"rtr11iC31 weflibmaftiiigP1'ivi1e<:Fgas forrheiz: flbiyrth .aH_Vc'-‘d toihe Kings Premgahfvegfor their awim Ed,€Ot their fiZ§.‘€11f‘,_,i"Ch{OfT4’3*'iI‘ltf€flCh"“‘ «am! by C5;110fl§.2W”,FO1Tfififif;§. by 'i“tvatutcsjir1z?m:m «~ 1 ‘ed bypz‘ece&e.:.”m:@ @531} tiff[E'ES3:f§.‘.3.3.E no man cvfizr eamrem pmzi their vi0§;1t.i40z:1witI1%impu11it}7;% fa ' a:E1;m:10xVAsra11¢I men it may be truly fizidg V The A Kmgs mufe 1S all gIox:ious%%Vwwitl1in. Jf’222e~w/92%» we He_%zre§ ta t}.re2=’r? /zzzves3¢za'%z»zi2z?e7 t!5ez";»' /?zi2¢z’5”v.o*2°!Z ¢ tb%a% ha’z'[zzj?l£3Zz;§tiai2¢% A “faa_.[%qf’t£mm@M A % % % . .. 5’ . _jzf2*2*ve fa W41/("E 120 gzzfélyéffa.-79 3'0 tijéve 3"z€»3Jzf2Z’»’freaZ mam :'e.a':g_ _;%'e¢ wzfltfi ma r1e>arM‘i22';r°.2"iz'.¢3,/at M fa Z1’ la.-‘<22 pm ma-2:: jg % me Q/(‘Mg A A % This prefcnt occafion of fiebating Mr.F£z.‘:..~=.-;»~ V g;$'e;«~:«u:zZak pstitiomexhibitcci t@%t?;1is E10323;-abla ‘:0§1fi*;i?i*tS bfifor-f: us bk-:H§ng;s and cu»r{img§§§:md§.7 the *firi"£ ileafe “ (a5 axrefimaytfirme "Aitj five ,§:.m.flbofco:11z1nQ'ns Ainaanackfi was made ferve y « K «» A “W ‘W A . ' ,. , W: firemie gm.“ mimbmt {'03: many y€'i"M‘€‘Sg a211da“aE%@:um E;>:am:*.-‘:~»«.£§Hm«:‘n mvm mv.§mM@% fliePaii;admm was in ?“my3n@i2;hm:* fichfi pwwmr mm‘ ficim Ecomag fiegct 0? tbs: Greriwmg, éffluiefl prewaiie :a;<§5;Q.§:sfi';fl7§‘fiZt9 Whikifi Miygey pagan, We fmcikfig TC[i.r§.fi-3&1. fi%’0m film“ native r@0t$3Cmgw z1‘a’w~*a$ mxw32:iquéfi'h@d7m “Hm Momlifi @ft§f1¢3fe«( flfm f"z‘«??zaV«>'=*5) eizmpiuamcafly preach and maah fizzig: TN, ". W . . ix“ _ ¢‘;W A m I -W W . -4Da£‘I.7'.fz»:2e,m;aK.‘. mm m&fstyg;Vpr«.g:1¢1n£%y;fj, g.F;m::g,«§ fljfjgd ~2fh*ength*®i ‘Mug Immfiws harm wniy km ’é'...?r$ raagaam fithis C0m&’it%1mI,vvh£ls3£7& WE? km? pm §,~re:if&,ar«m2, ~~ dfifemci our Eglbemesgmir rig.}im,,e,:»uz* p«%&°iv§;?;<:%c:§::a“z;%:: mbcsmtayfidauniizpprcficdfiahfi_rzmm:;»xr:m::ai3;w;fifi sflif any m:@maE;‘§§7ed*%t0 tlfim c0r.ru:rp¥,*;iésc2:%”¢:v2§::° @.:»%w;2: difiempem M“*'m‘::; J ., ‘B G, _ 9 ‘V 6,; A 5:.» O ‘ F O . aieggmmam bzrtlzf, mu? 5 and g@.~g-33$ afl"emEb§y3§m fmziffifti e.:3;;w‘Ldim%z2a£if;2.EM§ H ; .1: a. “PI , ‘ ww - ‘"1, VII gt}, ~"".uv ‘r .A M‘ ‘.04 _, ‘:1 ‘ ‘ ,, '0 ‘ r u*w-" . V" in ca K A ‘w -'.v , H V’, A «P ,,v:;. ‘ .,‘ ‘#1 “ om P.»4‘;zi*:2JzzQ?a:z%;z2r&f%.f~? (4 f0z!;i #;?@:££.7,%5:*w:% xii '.&;“iE*.z;:.u~gE:»%gg~;;w;r’§a9 r:,‘;=;“‘* — % an > VI ~ V " » ' G .-v‘ V - V‘ . ‘ V "" “Y f"\i " * .1-1* N ‘V: F‘ "‘ W J V W 4 A,‘ ” v N f??‘.‘ -..»<.'» “ ( ££€[%e? 5:3 2?90§"'z5£F .~.~?.6~s.."€y I ¢:,=;.:,>’ V &~.’.mf§§£' aim g€.”]‘r{,,_“‘ggi,3;.p5,,3.g‘§;?-;<';«"g}*gvi,;f£ w M - 0: .. .- % , “II”. , J9" , W‘ mmargg A2'»m:e;.’.,fAj’°.,i£.;j;»* 3; swzéeg ;«°;-Vam axigf Va}; ‘ -- ".' _ . , '7 -v‘ ‘"‘ , ' ' _‘ __! ‘‘‘I' "457 « ~M'*:’ -‘E’ 0}‘-,5 “’“‘£"”~’ :w=1%%?«§é~-WW“ 4 «%"’~.:=:,«=w~" -r-w:~‘—»-~"-La 3&9} £1?” 2" z» -i'- 5 U L M% «Z E.m~«_:.w...,A.»‘w».;»~.« .3 3,. “' .4 $5533 m;.<.-5!” fir W $.51‘ if l;‘:".'?z’}”;*"Ta:»J?'*£:*}4’2? 5:‘..+=;;z»:;?:‘.;;:t:%.=7.i.V :j«?.n:;;:-1;: L ‘ -1» f‘ s _ ‘, ,.%i}M55‘J‘r,.w:t»»*(_£i’*’3i’"’M‘ €33.;~i'W/155'“ Mi’ e?w,M,;i;:P%g:;» «f:«‘,W,C 0&;v.a:’@ri=*i&f’ _; - . . ‘.' :3 .. v . ‘ *1; 9 ar" . . we H y ‘\ N . ..~ 3’; M W. ~ ?>?9%Va.’£-£7 a.”¢.‘M% .-'3 £9 a“",?.vQE-“v“8.:“T'r; _._. 3;.>2?M” ‘£7 .£%"f'° 5;-3 j'V;’i® M ,3 m I "':TV‘u 4' “Q” .x*‘qfr*,'fi,o*‘s- 7/; In: M. :., 1' .j —-m + 3.2 _‘ ‘ _,¢:‘.1_,‘.;~ #4: xi .4 3 ' ' fling", ;"J{-"L'."&? 5:3. My ‘£1/#" £0 ' $'kw£"“" 4: J ‘"5-'I’s£' 9‘ wk’ "" A ‘ ""“‘7 ‘ ~'-‘‘w -53-; ‘ . ‘ 53‘ 14 .«..»d Y%:‘;,.‘:-'.- ;,‘’i_ “W W LE3 V A Wis: (Io) _ us with t%his"o1‘ the liking branéimg Vphmfleg ‘M095 vz1gratcfim’.l and vnfortiunate pofieritya 0 {ems Z)¢z:r‘emfz:rn ffiajjor A-‘U55 5” bem:rAVhad it in for youxmt to ;Liv-e thenito 0ut+~1ive your mime infamica If there had beene a neceifityg -Aym*;s fl1ou1d+imvo1ve your {elves in 3 general-guihg, fine {e1c345%ion oug‘r-.t to have beam of {@511 22 one as might ht.-ave dyed with your 17¢!-mes 5 but this iilcrs origina1lfi11ne, binds’ your pofieriry rm fig}: E02: 21 reéexnption. Did wevbequeath um-~» to you thofé faiifcé ornaments m be 1101116 or fiaatciaed from you? Oh, where,%%where% was your Vigilancy and beddneffé. to prefemt {O ciif? afkeroms and fatalla confequencc,‘ .-Did wee with riw better Lzcceffc of imitariela by your Labour, and even“ unto hoar£E:nefl7.:: Aecomend in file Par1.£ament.heIc1 39 . Harm 6; as Prophem V " Vtyingi your weakeneffig, ieavcydu 2. record t build upon ‘'9 : Wlaere we admmed and pri-~ A 4 wikfigecl one Waiter mme a Burgeffe of%[‘£m- % pmgfmm, th0mghattI1at&timein execution ME A feffo R ea.Didhwae for this purpoferecorn mend @.mt0‘}mu Fmwt? cafeand 9n’r%%proc.eedings as gainfl the Ldxfiurbers ofh1"srigh‘r.>Did WEE‘. far A xhis purpofé remmmcnd%%u-mm you Belgmws ccafe 43 .of theQL_1cen.e.W£va i2otm'rf2fia2m’£;zg [W A _,Wac‘wm7“ 95$, elefiéma ‘£22 ‘A 1%'i.;2;Eefiear°éy mi» V Jafiazzg yet" K/Wfazggre A the Tgrfiat Qppofi--7» éflfin mifed by $116 Eafle 05 Hmzztiizgtaizupom :33; fight 0f the Sherifcs mmmis fa f%1'fij % ‘ mm fUfl§Ci€fif émbémiém to fatisfie ‘b’$~:}Wfi ;u.“Zm.it3:e¢3: A and confirmed him i.n~fl'1«e promfiionflaf A @221" §3ouf'e,d.id we for tl‘1is purpfe exemplifie unm ~ ‘ you the Cafe 05 3R._,,2c19mMZ flzidales/g,5.3¢. f1Vw2;»;y 4,“ who hing arrefied in his journey 4‘ towards the Parhamcms (where 1'1@5tC that flue dare @f the clefiion is the dam ofthe priv%i1edge..)3‘1z>ey are twirzs of 0% bi1"fl=1-,» wee ingrafwim as a wig to be '<.vrit11’d by our common more, and quickly Ioofithat fb perilous autherity wch would prunnc om‘ brzznches. Nay Mr.Speaée;3 A ourfeflowes labo-u1‘ir1gParI‘iamemt in8;aglmd_, with their hefirty c5m<:11darion have tranfmit» tedunm us a precedent from. each houfe» The - houfe ofthe ‘ Lords opening the gates ofthc Tam-fer to prepare ans-:nr»ryVtQ, the cenfuredBi-2 flmpof L fizz-03222, and the haufe of Commons §wi?fh.1i§m imitation 81: Iik€fiICC€fr€ having per~i formed the fame inSirIo£r22EI!z'ot2.nd inflame-, «rable wthersflut new I will eneieapvour to 31- Iay the di£%emper£c{ fpirirs “of our V‘ F,athe17s, whilefi with more patience and dutyAweat~ tend. the mo&eficorre&1011sV of our indulgent i‘m ?boC§y3 wvim i;n’i'{Eiiis w4c5ur d¢fmrfi.d Ca; . Ea,Vmities§w*0i21d not mither imitate as by fcmfég men quealzfim wruflmmriy §'epc*ma%nm by gbm Afcnce 0.35-hm“ 01-vm mufirdm*~27Ing7 wmngsa Mam = . M 4 ‘ «E . ‘ \ 4» ,. 4: ‘may not fl wgefixprabrgata umgo us5’aM*30 M We 33., ysza re of his 1°2;i%.g»:‘m “m:m°ds Ms mg:.:1M .?.«2a«.fi.'am mo po {£er1ty?T£‘§;‘a2m;f 33.54% Ak%§9 Sfuimgjjucigjmenémfi, Ccnfures gwi !%’s°c££ €;3é;'é:”aiZa56[iZ' iazgifzgffifiw wvardiecj; agaimft any M;::Vm1‘be;g4~ mf .P;u"Ii3.@.mmy fl‘:;@1::I.a be uttm~iyV mm and 5ifL1fi1”21U3'_«,.aC'.t‘:QWr_mifl%" the A=..‘l V.Vith_311Efl1ph3tiC;.%H fip§p§1@fi€m3§a3}d i:'hi:~3a5t to enfiurc for even Ana? iumiyr agmam 311031 zmfoxm is preg11.antiz.1% the A juififiggmgm E-EV1e1*c%©‘f I E1:.7;t ‘%’%7.1L‘j%‘€i‘€lit}.1€ pmb1iquefi%1~»'ice T £3 p1“im:ariiyinteiidedfifwpfirfcfieas aizaauft 37, £17.19 to _“~+rm.%;.“a;4 m£”pe&s3finCe they camz1ot§t:’i«i in camps: itiam;%a:i:~.x:iiabit mar fpi1care;§Ift§1jeigg Dbem #;iu:igm»e:£‘:;ts rm Iiflfiyiet ca§.m,ed: 31-afifetffi _ £13111 31'i:.is.¢ £Vi;1jcf’:».}r3i:h21t namr 1?s,c10gfl1m{ A inf hig; W fO§f;1EEROb€.§3?3£1d EEIHSA fpc:ak£n.gum,@ fi;Qfl°'i *a,1r:<fi«3rr1e_g;$;V§": his flaw. Gentlcjmem mzgfiy §‘*g;,;g«ger% }’e::m a¢?;1ua5t3;3;;=z$;M21re yam‘ {elves the piiiars wftha Cé3a11:1*20zvzaw"ea2;3.e,y0;1 are mt um‘; E)J:'£?3a§C3‘:1“};g‘fl}£e ,, W1 a‘§h"hi"#1-'~““""’ 4” (‘cf--E-1,;-;;, fi“:¢“;«o~|a '7”. - « M--1: - ‘ V “ i .1 » "' ‘ M <$‘La'..“*=.3'.~’."v.“L.,.}:: £0 é.}..A.«.- k..s.V.u.L.«.Ua.4.~.Gl*.. E653 %z.‘:~4.a_';»2:° b«;m:3;«.:21 mpoym éthcsz &"fi§:Qi?€1"}Y’ c>f‘%;f_m~ agme-Q ' . , ...Y,'§ ’ .‘. « f % . ....«.‘. ‘ % ‘ -0 rue ax em ;.~.~:.:¢M:>«.;-£F."&. 192: ff zejrmg. a;.S wmm pram» :- -21’: £3 CI: ‘T vague gr‘ «F u1»*x-;‘1Mwj‘:%T;:3wya(~}-.1 1»-U ‘ ‘L ._ ‘ :;_.g..»...<, e3ju., A03; LL1;wm; ,§‘{.€L‘1uax*'i‘-4:.;-1<.1;t.”.‘'.:.).‘.‘.‘.'5‘.:B ; JE‘,§_'Q:f}_§,‘;‘;‘gxJ Mr 1' ‘. ~; 5*: . {win f‘T'««'7-N-.»'\';‘t_ fl ' “'5' "'3' _ ' fiF~E§C9€u.. H0 {Q0349 .;aa.;*;M.:»‘i'¢?.=:.i$§i33§.'£};,H1.aEiEi °7,'1,?:iiI}fl_;_f§’§w; -3 g" ."\‘M¢V ’ ‘¥ ‘ f""€L‘ V.‘ 1“ E 7‘ W ‘""v ‘ 4 ma‘, . 1;‘ 77 9 2..:x*Z:€...L;1flI3 1-; 5.21 1‘.a7_E.i...:‘ 3, it 3; mi; f‘§?=;’7§_V;:¢:.m.'v:E":j"§‘1i,“3 ‘Wu Q " I‘: w :0 Q @113: E.%i:°i_a.;a«- §fE3£?57?:§I1 E '5' V ‘INX4 ,.‘- ‘ r as via" ~ ‘,> , 4 .‘ .. .4 ‘ m;:;'m A§‘i15a;;. aazgérlmas Maps flat: 5.35.’: mfe: :;m‘;2;~?E magma «=1- E’ ‘A - liament, that '] am interefied "in the maintai- ning of the P1'1v-Hedges ef this - Heuiegbeing a maine 'p*i1 Ian: ofthe-liberty of__'n1yjSubje&§:1;e goods.ofone' - - .' - beingéjfeifed-in nam-e,and for my ufe,' for denying --Toeanage ' and pondage,they re-:‘af{'umé=d,hee being at the ‘time 0-fthat feifure ‘a Member of ti1e"'E-Ioufe, _ -and whether ]'d1'.fl_:afl'ed,' furejafn, had 1'10 redre As 'f_0r‘the tender" care of my‘1ntere.€§ in the Fine of r o o0 o_1. e and e that you admis- ted'my_ _A.t'torny'gener§11 t‘o.a ’faxkour_a‘bIe ‘he;-5 _ ring ‘in’ my behalfe,_th0ughagai_n£_1: _V0_IiI' fehzes ' ( a Pa_rliame;1tary cuPeomen'0t ¢o"b'e w1"£tt'e'n "ir_1fina-1l.'Pri:_1't'_)"_ 1 thanke you Gen-tIezj'1=qce;q_,y(.;; .1 thinke ypu _l_r’¢1s¢‘c7>‘ffW?; 7"0?‘1'?’5f"5’?‘?§i¢P‘a‘§_- vvb;uld Warrant: Tl_1_e_refo_-re". my jvj_d_ff;-g .5 mighi: have copfidered me.fQme;~é'ha¢,wv1;ereas ‘a-_xc‘:.«'.«:r'_tf,ie.r‘<>.1jcf1‘r>¥=.€>véflv.%e bii1ii‘S"I1i1¢avvhe-re there is _ '_n__bt!1ing_ 1eI't,' _t1ie: ‘lofes ..I1‘1f's.';'i-§',‘r.‘[1_‘t'.',,_ viii" 1: _ - mo N‘@w L/ii‘aSP§a?r€-‘€73 in at Pa2*1ia:fi:::rai::?a:9j7 ?»:y*a“;;r'3‘ Wm mufi; wfitlzdwzasv a-xf1&cn*ter inm our Gvmé: %%S.p.‘~;z;eeam Enter inma dif«.:ufl$c:- {sf thkafe eh» jecfitiansgfiiat impugne M1‘. Fit;5- g'w"srafa"s° (Q- .E€&fi'@fl g admittance and vp:c'iz,«'i1c=&ge Qfthis% ' V Hmufiee A‘ A A Tim Erik that Elih-E£!S'iL1tE1&‘tfai£:€ a is 2; {E214 “ mace cloathad in fzzfbies-,'fianaii.%:-‘kg on tip--mcgand -mm :.«z_1:ufhe dagger thmftmg at 3 ‘Pia:-my 1 we 3 f:-ntczws fpeaiczng error,-a fentence vi- iiizxg flue third and fourth generation; 3 Ken» 5;: P0 ‘fl mace firiviag to Imp over the bounds ofmagw am ci5;z§rm,§thirty times con firmedya flentsnce aw waded: againfi a fudge 053 h.€gherC0m't5ther§ {ram which it iffuedg. The caufs: in quefiion is % E0 nuflgifie this fentezlcemrhxih if her: appssarc ‘ 9. perfoh capable of his r.ivi1€dg€,m0te [Em mm, *3 3; Ham. 8 .,W_h0 was in excjcjutian upon a. writ \~iofFexige;‘;1§afi:eHt°Va;‘4G_’apiaf zfdfdtis faczeydrac thg ”Kin”gs;;fi1itLc*, and yet; pr.nv11c;dgcd,befid¢s,this is @535: as fuitc5fc7>r th"cKi1“’xg” ii; intcre’ffe& A ~:h’efe"bi1t’f;condari1Yb0th‘in mmeand profit» %“”No-w‘ 1’ mtift makegoed _n1y5min.1‘, that he_i$ ‘:aLV%xn’e“£x3fbct¢c>“ f houfc£- ward*wasVduzy a— ”I“eé’té‘ ‘;andm1;c14y4 rc;fil§f1*¢¢§5% 2-if fliémber bfthis ‘houfcg‘fair2sAhe.*.57"£?’:’€§’~€.%%4% My {minor WM be squefiiosxcd,‘ J Confirm“: itch-my ?where the #"VK:ing§~W~r1:-fifof cleaian isV%‘dufe1y Agamruca, ac«’~ “1t_7drdZng%1fé rhé moft {adj H and t¢ce5.vcd gfofimeg ‘fhéfc {uféh"2ii“—‘~geI‘éé?cion is ‘_gqo1d4 ,% ifdwés this» V ~~.E;»ga.% Here (Mr. ; Spmarg faflls the weyigfht, pf iV*th,¢ir "«jq§§e€cio;r;wh%i%¢hi[4 V?vqe%4%¥W§1l %?xi1"a;A£¥c‘r; »:i2*;z—fi‘é«i§(wér WM)? *{?';jf;; * EM" .¢:.§;1;€ 3,; :2 *g;¢iI2iV A mrekmf’ Aizefcw guts, and M,‘ ." n.‘ 5’ ‘_,,(«‘. . ‘I *(£¥4) ' fayesAthaW%r1t figgrgféifjfde 5?駔g¢a,b§at4V¢he is amt Bwrgeizfisflfi Ewrgewifirfi I fwqflvmwa cafe/far?” l1_M¢?<é.4xI1a&kevA him. a.4Bm'ge‘_ff’c» @:"i«?% o%rtwi ?:*??fl9’%§f?l"§?::9«;:°-i=;%:i"C.1f3Y~?h¢%fYm=i5 fl’1'V6L?z‘ue Wnfit 2efitz?z%e;%re’-gt~%¢%:Lt2 7”¢‘”"”f”‘«545a.th¢ Vfihcrizfe co»:*i11i1andéd§V<3‘w1'citUr%£1€% 1% Yfit if bee ,re:tu,rm Anotiy ,41’+:‘4. h_¢, 11713111 ‘ Vybe %,fi11;€d;% in, Arewfpefi W gyxia Mienacrar;d~§:3é’riC¢r%Rr@V6Sa fame wfthe I 2;» ‘may be; quc ftmigancggi _ and Chagllexggczdfigdes * Hm fwfit ,eX,p1aj,;nsAi;:.;{;e1fe,fch¢Kn§ ghts mu be Cams; ‘Mzjmé%w;b%utch¢Et1rgevfl&sA andflirizens «Mm» ¢%ii%%z'# h:i¢h% can admit »ofn:n :;é:hér‘§é thséfc vt»voVBL%1:§ér es mm e1*eryBur;r¢0ug'h§&*-notasCWWW tzwsisg efevcry »‘Bur17ough» .A and cw; $,.n5L4iI3¥Y.J.t¢hcILa~v*€ PWY5“?Qd:*i§11iS;¥?¥i¢1Igfifitffiafm ;:1;@a%§ mg fiv&n¥;$h~¢er,¢ aficrd a « V twAf’(;u%2§1gified: with 2-cfiden: A Kié," wasma&e.v0i3,énd {bV‘Abféc.9;fi1é%aMrgre:¢v;a11ce $o”'t_h%e%C;@mAm0n4-wealth;5? thercf°50fmt11%is, Sm-:4 Wtfl, m”aE*:jieAs the ?&.11€A5§i%®H. w’t%©bf:V&*m:%}&. 4 m%«¢:_iy’T éidfthié eiefiiéfi év"v'AIliaA;v7?e;. & "" .5“... A w E %fl2»_"i“y eh aseé %xm:.y%an& fhm; has “%}‘i??$“1‘£1ledg64:* A‘ «Hw- WWG tihét iS§fi@f3*5HA§0i§A@x¢df ~ Ema kit 1‘1@;[1‘! AfAr¢0fi1°*”%t'«£ti;a7§w‘i‘.i~_[rA.,01:% 13 t.g%;gt:§ §; 1a§&d:him4 86 grawiewsbyf genféggafince, Mic; *«éA?tA4'A:{«}*7cksa%>eot,E;1;e~t:. gbjgazigaans miwzs‘mggé2i;‘ggwmg“g;§ m q¢~rgepeam_ ta écflnfumthcm 5 Erik fay thcy ave» A A AA A A Q a £3? <16) 4 A my I. £’ée!Zerz"s-, dejure,exc6munic2wd3]anfwefg A gverv Liéefler mufi be Scrz}ztis;.Pié?is,or C4129: rz'[e;a£s, our mmaberjs guilty ofnom: of them, A V_ uogheis not terVmed,f0neiti2er m the ceafizrefi, M nar in anjr prefcnt proccedifig. Another? fleurifh is‘, that {me pigaded mt his pri-= viledge inifizhc Cafll8~Cz54mé‘W'. Mg ;_ in Wh_iCh~ A A very ob)ef6ti%o';1 %,% ‘they’ confcfiflc pr1vi I"§:d~’ géd, and make themfélves guilty 3, 1 that 7they% would proceed againfi? aAkmowne;mr:,mEer af A our 'HCuf%: M Butfee the Ronjwi 3p 1”ritL:V0f V A F z't..z-% C] aem_l6I',Wh0‘ Won Zdérathfir plndergoe V W the hazard ofbeing 3 .9t.4rre..:b4mé~er Qfl/fdrtjg i then to fubmit our P1'ivilcjd'getQ%an Vfextraju-_ 4, A diciall debate. { I twas in our hotiour 1186. did} % zhis,ancH’or*'h£sAétcrxiall ’app1a_ufe fame body. ” fay€s% thé came CI1amberw5.ll thinkeit f¢1fem.VA f ‘ jureda tb£r9e,"bg§it1g Lords ofthe hdufe Qfpar1'i~« Q. amenratwn the C€flfure+A$ f0f:fheL¢td5a5“+? VmAM%%?v?. er? ¢r.rm% .;bt::t the Iudg+¢:$at‘e? tathezs inV4OI‘Véd% in rhfefé7wf013fds Pmm eafkmm .z7gzzlz';tjz'a,;_; 4 fm: his Tgélefiian *W3»a§ the M. ~f@fN'0f;-ééziéér fig-= fiflL3{thei¢n P’ar1%a12i~enrs and his <=Ver?fu:‘c,;%I 3» wfi 1?€€ét?§e5_€?5§7OwI33e;y 2' 2 _A.m f27'3 Q’ ifiyck, I M-pciF1t‘5o’ft1'1£ei_r% iii-fgrmzndefl prefoZu§’i0r:%fi grea;%¢5 Mr 2&’r0 m~ xégvgfg 0§”e:fe*r:Z m the h¢u£¢%¢£ ” m0?-*:§>? bit‘-10%’ compararxvca 33’ Miffllfi Recflrdmf. ‘ v ewe ’T**Wflw;nfd .17¢£aten*¢e‘ Aim! %%eI:iefefwL% * ffiflziée <4)ff1iz«~e?i£«zz"e ‘J2 f @.f°m.a;t E A4 W&1ki“€R¢i®?d54?3¢ffl¢€?é%sn@mjm¢itihéKiag$ M5 3‘ E 4, *4 ' “’ ,pi&£um “Q (W §§§:?c1i§einAhis powket. Orhfifs Ldaiiiefigaay i;tw.,.::.g: an e1e&,i0n pL-1rcha{E<:d by ¢Q_:IL1-fion, Vbm: .553 ram: @x%zfie2¢t,iéz¢5%g§= :23/%44pg4rei;*Fg?2Va‘:%. ’;e,rz.»:fe;2a ¢:,{Z~— :72-,;[;: ;é’_m .i AM finccz t11eénd'of his dc:<5i;i0:1%is iiiit féiféa andpfler-fé, 1A far theadw*az‘2cimg 0§ft§.‘:e pwbiiclaef fewice 3_!a,S;.W‘;'-'.:ei1aS’tO ?1‘0;‘v7€,a.V.17:€::‘1:t€i§C@ $a.‘201i:: .4 fl?1££1‘_:l-f¢rcé3{’fzt7fl zam:r»,«;, bot11i,Lé1W g1zi2:i".a:,“iia::,é;»t%fiI.a“ ; abenigne‘;c’<'1'{’:3:ug£‘¢i0n c;%«f ‘A:};i.e_fc: 2.c*zi&sWi1Ea§.~ ‘ iagwthe more favourable. Another objefiiozz is'whifpered ,7, that the ent_fg1n,ce%%js not found in the C{1<:rkao.f€the Pa-rII1a.[¥1¢[1ft:S‘:R3O.l.C 3% Thfg is :10 matter to tlievalidxty ofhxs cl eflciozzgfor hisP;rivi1edge Com11j;énCedi 4o.dayes be fare tha ParhZatmnt_.,~theref0rc:~ tins and the like are ta be judged of as a~ccz'6iMti4 qz2agfiwéili’ fi5$'V “ parts p?ead for his afimigmramcm mm: f0m~Fa-a» ifltaérs Gh0fls,the prefiem p1~a&ice M Pzarfii:/2m mafims in Ezzgfmd pIa;sz& far ‘imls a¢lzmLma;n£eg, A C? 3“; that 5 ”(Vg18}-3* A » M ' I V the KingsVfuCCei?;ve w%mmamds;'€z:5mi1ia1ic3‘ma?‘ mmfirgne hi5 admitt’anCt3'3 Avvay the"nSex?jeax1t I am mm flake? hazarding pwmf mi’ my ,Maci@, much the Marfirmls gamsfiazad (fag ifl.°h€mZ ,W;e;f@‘ ADiv§n1?t§2' in it) may will mpem amdfiring us ei:>ut mgm branch mf mam Wm fhsdfmmg mg;-¢413g:(;;c;g that with Wdmmcfifa: we may Vingkaft him fig? he m®ur.iflmd by 3 mmman rmmc; wig A King {hail mfleim thfibem fit ?0f'am ;2b1e;..I;S nib-’? 3 W"h@~f:S '@§h$€ $W§§®€3 “ (:”z‘r;2z‘iz’t¢?r?7W°r%zms3 ' we majay A a*,'hse5_particjip2tig3n ”o;fhi‘s Siam “ begun» mdpo ficmy bath mg “L ‘