SPEECEF [MADE BEFORE THE LORDS IN" THE VPPER H0v85 OF PARLIAMENT In IRELAND, by Capmz‘m A v DL E Y M E RVI N. Guard: the 4th. I. 6 4. o; ’ i efl t the Impeachment of Sir R I i: 11 A 11/15 . B'o L '1‘ ON Knigbt, L. Cbanéeflour; I o H N' 1 . . L. Bifloap ofLDcrryg, Sir GERRARD LOWTHER. . ‘ .— ‘ ~ Knight,L 0. Chief: jufliw of his Waiefliu ’ ,. ' Com: ofComman Pleanand Sir GEORGE . RATCLI “=1! Knighnot High-TREAsON. By the Knights, Citizens ,5 nd Burgefl'es of the Commons Houfe of Parliament: Writbt/Je .Artz‘cle: againfi them-L. " i , . And a Schedule of thofe Grievances of that Kingdome, which were voted 111 the Lords hofife, this 18. of February, 1649 Peintedin the yeareof our Lord, 1641 . MADE BEFORE ' THE LORDS IN THE , Vpper How/3 of PARLIAMENT March the 4“}. I 6 4.0 At the Impeachment of Sir R I c H A R D BOLTON Knight, L. Chmcellour, I o H N ‘x ”L. Bifho ofDerrjssir GER. LOWTHER, L. Chi ejafiic: ofhis With 2e: Cour: of . CommonPleas, and sir GEO. Arc. K; , ’ MjLardy ~ Am commanded by the Kfiig htsi, Cltfléns, and ’ggeBur {Yes of the Gamma»: _ Bank, to. prefent unto: ‘ ' '_. YMFRELANDS Tm» ”:3“ gedze the Gray hé‘QdEd-‘i Cowman [SAW ES FR? - ‘ nerai15a‘nd the Aaive S r A “rm-r E s deachr and @bflcquies. \ . A 2 This .. 3$RQE7 1.1—1 5...... ‘MN, .w. "-5-" A..._ . 4 at - 1““ W . 5,155},- 1 .. . , ,1 , This deje‘ied Spgéhcle anfwers but the ' pt‘efigutinor Type Of 0441*: Murther, Woun-j ded to death 1n the 51122411951511 by Bram: his bofome Friend. Our C55 A as Image b ,1 1112-5 fleé’uon5even the Fundamental] Lam: and Sm- 1—..7, 1.5 mg“ of this Kingdo‘me 5 the {ole meanes by . which our Ei’cates are confirmed, our Liber- ties preferved our [Aves fecn'red, are wouna ded t6;: énth methoSemte fl meant in the. Courtsofluihce and by BKVTVS too“, eye-1:1 “ythdfe effons that h'aivé receide their be- ingsand ubfifi-ence from them: So that here enters 6:11 thoEe mfeparable Twin. nesfl‘reafm and Ingrmmde. ' ; ‘ In a plaine thfé ( My Lord? ) I tender unto you Treafon , high Trcafon; fucha Treafoq, that wants nothmg but words to exprefl'e 1:. To Counterfeit the' ngs Scale to conn- terfe1t the Kings Money, 11: is Treai'on5 but 5 this dyes with the Individuall' .Party. ' to be- tray a Fort, 13 Treafon5 but it dyes with a feW Men , . A .. °‘ To betray .211 Army 13 Treafon; but 1: dies W1th a limited Number, which may bee rein— forced againe by Tolmque induflry: To blow up bath Houfe: of Tarlz'amem 1s Treafon5 bat fucceeding Ages maye re lant Branches by a fruitfnll- Pwtritie: but t is high Treafon, by which I doe now againe in the name of the Hon]: of C o M M o N 5, charge andimpeach Sir- mam :11; ‘ An ; .5 ‘ ‘ TRLTME» f" 7r (.1 ( 3')w " / "" - Silt 5&1")?de MMKnight,‘ Lord A. 1;:Qhéncé]; m: of. 1r?lazzdagasnd ,Sirthzcrmrd Lumber; K‘nig‘ t; Llordj 4-Chicfc: Jufiice/ ofthc Common Pleas, gamma "Bifhop 05196”? s“ ad sa adage . Rdtcltfie Knightvg i‘n‘itsgxnature f0 fa-rre Itran~ {cc-gas any éf ghe former; that the ref! a facade . todbc bud: Pm} Laetitia-in refpea ofthifi , ' ' _Whac ’isnit: to fubvercrthe "Fundame-nta-II‘? ; LAW-.315?“ this Kingdome-B :rhigh; Treat-{om WM: 1?} it: With... a . Contumacidous malice" "to tété‘mpl; _.>und-§~rifeecd the rich; Legacies: of or; i? ~- Pbre- Father: , purchafedjwithr fwé'a: = and ex-’ .pgn'cejalgmea'ne[the Statute Larval? -Whac is g . it? hjgh Imafena :Whatais it, thriough“ rah? Inf; are Amiga ehly :toathe drillzlz'iqaegdoédj tori n4 Cgi'eenate theiibertybfthe-S.utbvje&'=~u:1der the} 1:1:an and ._weighaty_ chairiesof ' an Arbitrary. Government ? High-Treafoan !-. What is it}: finCC-Hi$;W4jefly is the amiablefand delight; - . full-P91inraicure of: flouriihing and ind'ulg‘en‘t“ JufiiCE-fitodhi‘s 3115365183 to rep-reread: him'» perfo} ' Dated. in dtjheir excra¢judiciali Cenfures and" Ind’gcmcuts 5‘. but to poflfeflé (ifpotfible) tiiic.’ ' htarts of his loyall Sugb‘jeaspf this Kingdomé; . thathe is abloody and devouring‘l’yrantgsc. to: provoke their never dying Allegiance into? axlefpemte and: fat-all. Rebel-liona AVVha-tis it to. violate the Grants of many oin-s Majeflim ‘25fogmt'wr1a, Kings and Q1eenes"of'3ngldnd,d . confirmed under the Broad Sealer, being; the AIMAIIZW fail/mi. this. Kingdom: .by an CXcra-r ‘ ’ " ' ' A a j/udiciaIL . “indich'll Breach , :groun'ded upon. no Record; VVhaf is: . into infer: '2- --furfeptitiou§ Claufé‘ * n ferged by fome {smile *Braiinegi-n the from“: of our laefi Ac .1; _*9‘"S§éfidifl? "by which the; Kings mofi excellencMajefiyfindltheEarle of ' ST RAFFORD . are. placed infant? and the fame ‘ Spbeare, allowmguhemfibu‘e equal] Inflirenccs' co nourifi; the-‘e/Il'hgimce of ‘fchis Kingdome : who; is this hm: to; omen-Other- then Regal! , . Aut'homyg coscmoifie‘theMa‘fjefiie (if our - 50%”ng betweeno the two Theeves of Gas vemmcnt,fydmj andfreafbn?‘ ' My Lordm, "having fuch a full-31311:! rufh‘i’ng “Galogo-dfivefime imot-thfedepthof there 06-“ cafionsaz I can hatdfy'weere rand confinemy Courfe Withinathc oompafl’e ‘Of‘P‘a—ti-ience, . {mce‘ ' 1rcad in thefirfierolume of their Brchs the 4 Icafiofchofi: KOKLbQFthei Carmine mine: of the: " Subjefii: and: improved}, .a mofl: Wotafiléf _ I Piologuuo other man Tragedjiof the 242%”; ocaunfellm ando'Abh-mm herein :‘ what was. 13-11611 chofirl’c andi‘ maine 'quoflion? Pt ' Wasthe, fubvorfionof ehe Efindamienmlil Lam" o mm Kingd'omal: let- th;mét.Mlg.v€ar. that liés'pfd' fixated.,.befmeaned:amd groveIi-ng in: h'erowne- gone; difcount herwbund‘s, as forxmany'preg.’ mat: and undcnyabrleproofes :‘ Mérke‘thea E". pithotexMag;-'Km"'igax£ig confirmedliygo. Pair. ' 12mm: inathe fucccflion; of I 8King§5the Vio- lation QEWhich hath féveraili times enga‘gl‘pdi’ ’ choKingdomc-offiggland inra voluntaryfitrim ~ C65 . :1 .1 1 T) flee, 11 Charter whieh‘ mpofeth that plezfant , and well becomming 04116 upon all Sewerage; ' tie, to vindicate and prefetve the Immuhitie thereof before the (new? Incircl-e the Royal] Tempiesmthls Oath of f6 high were neat: and genérall Interefl his Wlieflie dbt in a manner levy aFin’e to his Subieéts 114% for a-. voiding all fraudhlent conveyances in theAcL ' mihifieatiOn of-jefliu and this Oat/71s tram!“- plantedunto the judge: as Feeifee's 111 truth a pomted betweene his Meieflie and the $1123 3:61,: and feaied by his Waiqfliu provident care with that Emphaticail ”Pa/11111111, that. their Ei-iates and Lives {hall bee 1n the Kings mercie, upon the violation of the fame, ember» in Whole or in part: neither hath the defer- ted puni81ment for the breach {if this Oath, beeneenaéted, asbu‘gbeetes tomfefee the o4 ' ~ bedience of Ch1ldre11. , No 6- My Lore: ) the 3118 Execunon of 11 upon their Predecefl’ats, thoqgh in breach; 1101; [0 Capital , mighthave warned them to] 2 heve fitmgled than: 111 borne Refoiutions‘ 1n , the C1adle,beferethey 111011111 more proclaim . their Infamic:5 and petitioh Io: then: punifhn meat. " . VVHnes 811' Theme Weyleed his hamfhment Confifcetion of his Good: and Land; Odly For his mercenary yefiee COnttar‘y to hrs 04th, Who wasCh1efe Iuflz'ce of the (”meme Play, in the time of Edward 1. VVitnes . i Viifitqes Sit: William” T1261}: Ch ie {e inflict-o“! _ E6? the K. Bend: in thetime ’of 13 d'. 3; who was .hdjudged to be hanged,becaufe he” had broken \ Ithe King104tb made-unto the Paoflefihervvith he ”was intrufifed‘, forfo wasthe'imerp'retzfition bfthereal’en enttedin the Kalli - 3 ' f , Yet my Larch.“ thdugh ' Meg. Cart. befo fa~ cred for Antiquitygthough its Confirmatioxi- ' he’firehgthened by Oathgthoughit be the pro-'3 ' pet’Diaionary that expoundsh mum arid man, {and aflignes every Subjea his Bin/wright .5 it on ely; {urvives in the will; but is miferably tent and‘tome inthe Imam-,- ‘_ -; _ Q Theft: Wdrdes, ‘~:Sd!'va:Cohtemmrmog "live in. the-R9111; but thefe are dead in the Cafi‘le- 'Chdmfief; ~ ' i- . f g " I hefe wards, Kalli“ [Homaliber‘eiiciatar é" ' 1,1120}:ng (gamma Iii/i1!” judm'um'pktiamylive ’ the Kalb; but they are dead'Wh’erc Propertia' and Free-hald'a're determined :‘by pa er‘P-eti- ‘tiom; tilde-Words Null-i'z'mdemmznul idzfiére- ‘ ‘7’” jafiitiam, live in the R0711: 5 but - are death _. when the Suitf, judgement: and Execution: ‘of . _ the Subje-as, are wittingly or illegally iterate _ dedg‘fiifpended and avoided; {hall wedefire to " {catch the Mortal! wounds infliaed .mpon the ' S T. A T V T E-L A W 'E s; whofees them not lyingupon their Deathfieds,‘ ftab’d “by Pro- utlamatz'om; their Primitive and Genuine Te. were: efche’ated by At?! of State, and flrangled by monopolies? _, . " -‘ ‘ ' ' VVill " § T . $ “W ill you fumey the liberties of the Sub ‘ feel? every prifon fpewes out illegal}, attach. (111613535. Commitments,evetypillory‘is dyed. with the forced blood of the Subjefis, -and bath cares though not to beam, yet to ,witnefl'e this complaintzdoe you doubt ofthe defacement of the amiable offices of . his Mnjefties moat tranfplendem .., and menowno‘d Jufiice, and grace .>. let then. that Micron-ohm: of Letters Patents, confirmed undet his Ma}- fljeffies and his 'Predeceflbts brood «Seal: of the Kingdome,*bein the .ptiblike faith there- ofific yet unchriftne by frivolous and private Opinions rife up in judgmentLet‘the abomive judgments of the tenure In ra-pitr, when: no te- nute waseatpteflanay let the Heretiealltrayte- r0113 0; I'nions where the tenure wasemprefi, yet to ‘ raw in all by Markets and Fa-yresgran- ' ted,in,t’he fitmie Patents rife tap-“in judgement; ‘What Iglafl‘e hath this unhappy divided Kingdome, from his Majeflies pregame & “au- dience to contemplate the Payee e8: ravifhing fortne ofhis Royall intentions in, that in the clear ‘8: diaphanons adminiftration of this in- ‘fiice, and what do thefe'trayterOtIs and-.fllegaill praétices aim at but in afiront to his Maje- fly , (which we mofl tenderly tefent) and di—F content tohis Slime-fit, to thump! -_as¢byja . M icke glaife , the royall dirffxm tionVof ‘ higavours into the ugly and eformed -vi~* {agnof their Tuppteflion-Ofi thctlthexties , .de-i‘ B vafiation V/Va‘fiationdf efiates, and deprivation” of'thev ’ - lives of his loyall filbfl'fiS', {0 that it"may be ' ; laidfiegali tap’iti caviar»: conful'equinam ft: in . gate [in wallet vane/qua inducer: planar. ' My Lords, thefe' Ought to be confidered yvith asfe‘rious and attentive an eare ,' as they were praé’eized bymifchievous exPeriments ;- Inqurte' of the Nether La’ndswhy their fields are 'growne fertile hy the inundation Of blood ,. why the . pen'five Matrons .foleme enize too too frequent. funerals of their hull bands and ifliie,~ and they will anfwere ,‘ that it was for the prefervation of their Lawes, which tyranny would have in.noizated. ThiS Kingdome perfonated in the {able habit ofa widow, with dilhcveled hair‘es ,, ’RijCSQfO ‘ petition your Lord {hips ', ~ that" fincefhe' is a morher to molt ofusf, yet ‘ce rtainely a nude unto us all , that “you would take fome Order for a-redrefl'e' of her tyrannicalloppreliidn‘s. - . . Thefe perfons --impeacht .relEmble the opacous body of the earth , ' interpoled‘ to eclipfe that light and, vigor» Which the Solar _afpe&of Mayellie would communicJte’ uhto -hisfubje6ts.1f' " '" .. They. imitate the fifh-Sepia', “that vmniisa . :dar’ke liquor out of her mouth, toelou'd the , waters-for her {Ecurer eféape. ' .. . -, {I hey aretthofe t‘ox Whom the keyes have heene committed , yet they have Barred the. date to themthat knockt; i " " M v ' i " They. v. . (9') ' . - ' They are thofe unnatura‘ll. flaunts that give their children fiones inflead 'of bread, and Scorpions for fiih.» ..,i , ‘- , ' - . , Was itto this purpofe, that the Royall aw thoriry. fituated them in thefe eminent pla-’ ,.,ces, that like Beakons upon high hills they fhould difcover arproclaime each innovation .. and Rratagem againft the publicke VVeale, ‘ whilfi they in the meane time imploytheir. fires to a publike incendiary, or like Tight! farui , '{educe theeafie and beleeving Travel-.- lor into pits and unexpeéted mites. . . VVere.they fworne to feale their damna- tion, and not the confirmation of our' lie, berries; , efiares, and lives ? {hall- a man be - 'cenfured for perjury in that breach of his pri- vate faith, and thefe be juftifiable in Treafon, . aggravated by perjury againft the Crowne 8c publik faith of the Kingdom? No my Lords, yOur era ve judicious and mature examinati‘ on and deferved punifhment of thefe t-rayte- » rous proceedings , will {peake thefe times as glorious to polierity in their information,as ' now they are lamented in their periécution. ' 'Thebloodthirfiingfword ofanhofii-leenemy = by atimely union and a defentivc preparatiOn may be prevented. The thin ribdcarkafc of an unive'rfall ‘ famine ma have his confu‘mption refiored by a fizpply g‘om our neighbouring Nations. ‘ . ' . ”The quick {presiding-venom of an infeétious; B 2 ’ ‘ peflilence v—w. (lo); , ‘Mfie‘ficex maybe fitmented" ‘b'y Antidbfes, 2nd Qualified by phyficallremedics 5 but this Cathplickugr‘ievaqce like-a Snake «in the moth verdant jwélka, (for fuch arcthc' unblemifhed I lawes tmlypraai‘fcd ') firings” us'to deathwhcti‘ - We are moflzifecuve, 8: like the Ki figs-Wilhean only be cared,by>his M'ajeflies freefiz‘ gracious . permimmmfour m'odeihnd gentlefprocec- dings? forbis vindic‘ationfind our 'prefei-vati- on themein include . 7 . ‘ ‘ ' w-Sfamr and‘ Gavtflu,’ who have left their name: Monumentally’ odious, for the evil! 603115311 theyg fed the Kings cares with , yet did pofiibl advance their own: friends,whilfi 'thefe dart-t itenvie and treaton for a com- mon‘ Centery w equally touchirg'thebounds of eV‘ety'FfuperficieSJbr as concemingéthe va-J lid efi'ates; they have illegillyoverthrownc them '5‘ When by year Lorflflxips ln'duftry the ‘ lawes».receivei their'v-‘igor ,‘ they will. refume theircb'nfirmatieh:‘but the efiates happily in themfelves legall ,_that they have in“an-ex- . trajuiic‘ial‘l farmsefiabliihedmill hall as {pee- 'dilyzco:tlle'ir di‘ffolution : {0 that, laden like ,_ they: beerayei :thei‘r' befi friends with a kill}. :,M‘y'Lor:l's‘, I cannor find 'anv’ Surviving , Chfnnélogie 9f time's, thislfeifon, to bee pztéllell'd with al circumfkancesmhieh makes meviewthe records amonglt the infernall {pig rirs to find,if match'd,there Imight extenuate their 'fz&s;wlmm fir-[kylaey appear,~ like thefalfe: = ~ 4 ' ~ ' , ' fpiritsf. -4qu, x,»- ri, M . ‘(t Y‘) . . ffpirir,f{ent into the nth-0’5 the Prefixes 9f 246545 , go'fpeake mfionxfio' {ubvert the n J T4 e1 -mofl?'vehemént h “d’ft‘iyfcrws eneeunJ tee of Satangs livel‘y'd‘eei pheredil‘ip the tmeexf a}?! pie- «bf-1062 where firffl 1"Qbférve“,fhéifi fin'alb i gies he oVertht-owcs- not job: =Mag.‘aTCbart.;z;1*;e —- diffeiz'es himnot ofh’isihhéritanéfemqrdif of- fefEs-him this Leafes, but only ,dlfi‘ObficS' im‘ offemepart 'of his perfonall cihte : when he proceedsto infringe,Jaé'r‘livbetjty; 1e doth nor ~1- _ piiliéi‘yh’im snoreut” ofi‘hiseeare's ',- no: ' heme him through-the'tongue“; he dneiy-fpbts’f'him » with {Omé Ulcers: 'Here Satan fiai‘es! when ‘ t‘hefe péiFOns by their trayterOils feombinati— ' 9W: én’vie the very blood that rur'mes‘ unfpilc inour‘ veines,‘ anal b 'obttudingblOodix Aft: damn'd- in the {a “Parliament; and Igive Satan fine-ace and the Dice , at hill? 5 in pine thral‘ling. the lives ofgfhe Subjeas , by their , _ Arbitrary judicaturtl‘ would not my Lords be underfiqod'toimpute unto Juiges an m- fallibility of errors: no: in impeaching. thefe, to traciuce tho-{e , whofe candor and tinte— g'rity filideith a more admired lufifire,‘ then their White fins; who like trophe‘s of Vir in—juflice flood, fix-t and unmoy'd in int e rapid torrent of the times, while theie‘ like {trawes and chips playd in the fireames‘, _ until! they are devolV’d 1n the Ocean of their deferved mine, No my Lords, Hum/mm” (5‘15” )3. 3, . ”Mtg? . . 'C I 2) . mm, and the lawallowes writs of error; and- arreils of judgement , but where there is Crajfa ignorantia, againit their. oathes, againfl: thefiindamentall elementary .8: knownelawet . ' of the Kingdommay my Lords,where it is r‘a‘ ther Premeditata malitia, "where there Nisan e- ' mulatingpolicy; who {hould raze 8t embezell the Records in the praéticke, that are for the. tender prefervation of'our liberties,,el’tates, 8: litres, {edging 011er to he glo rrous ina natio- nall dei‘trué‘tion 5 as if their fa fety were onely. involved inf-our ruine, there I have qommanti" , topirty‘,but notto enculethem. _. i - . . ; . I To killag. dge,.ngmur ajudg, ianot trea--= . {Ohgbut to ‘ ill a Judge fitting-on the Bench,i’st trealbp', not for. that the law intends aitout of any .tnaliceagaini’t the party ,. but for the malice againi’t the lawswhere then. can an in»— tenfive or an extenfive malice be more ex-prefl‘. or imployed againitthe law thenthe .praéti- 'caldialeét ofthefe perfons impeached {peakes * with a knowne and cyring accent. ' " 4 . The Benjamin flung {tones with their left hands , yet they Would not miflea haires breadth : thefe eittrajudiciall proceedings are. flung withthe left, I mean they are {iniflerous ’ an imprint their blacke‘and blew Markes more certaine and more fatallg {0 that they may lay; Qua regia in terrir noflri non [Jena 136m; though thefe things. be familiar unto us, K yet I cannot but admi 1'3 how this unpro; . , .- pot-l ‘ [:(13)"’. . ' ,‘protionablel body ofjud-icatilrt‘5fl10uld liven HP in t0“ (“€11.13 Vdfifind u Iccmus dimcnfim. But why would 1” con‘fidetingsfthié .fi‘chs’n‘ tick, morion‘of the hodyof the law ghadhis 1. bi rth’ oblcute refeinbli-ng them-ares V's-fha‘t were {Owed m the. night time»: 5122931139. isi‘phc diffng fence 3 they were {owns bytheencmyinlgtlse; abfeucc of the M 411$? a but this, are Mohfi‘byr thegrand.Maficrrsithemffcl'vc's‘?PutPOfi-tlya£903.? Vertop and choake ztghct; eécpeasdhmsflts : Innovations in ,‘law and eggfequetiplygia government Creep in like Hefelics in Religi-A on, {lowly and £1in pleading,f in the end a fawcre and corrupt legitimacy by uncon-s ' trouled prefcription. ' ' . -My‘L-mdsahisisthe“firt‘:fittingandI‘I-iaéé , ~ , ‘ onely chalked out this deformed body of ' High trcafon, I have nOt. drawne it at length ,1 kill it might fright you from the further“ view thereof. ."37j if _ < ' )In conclufion,it isthe humble defire of the C ommons,that,the parties impeached maybe ’ fecured in their perfons, {equefierd from this . Houfgfrom the ‘Counfell Table,and’from all places,..of ju_d.i..¢irfi§1£€...(3.1§$,b¢ifig givi’i‘" "mm- that-they may put in their arilWE‘r‘s‘j‘t‘o'fhe ' Articles ready now to be exhibited againfli them,& that all {uch further proceedings may; - be fecretly expedited, as may be‘fuitable to . Iullice and the Prefidents of Parliaments, fol this, Majefty. may appeare- inhis triumphant ‘ goodnefl'e'; E; T j i.-.‘ *. ‘, “(14)-, _ \ . gwaneflé and indulgentie‘ta his people , and his pebple may 'bciavimedin theirdutifim " and (greatefifil obedience {and loyalty to his Maie y,‘ _ ' Your L‘o’rd‘nuips may live in Recdrds "to 4 pcfi’cr’ift'y, as the infirument‘afl refer mers’ of . théfcfic'orru” prod ‘t‘ime'sganfl flat-the Kingdaméw v 8: Common-mama pay, an amiable liai- ‘ ficb‘ifi retribueian ~,~ and-admbwledgem‘ent of his Majci‘tiés "multzipl’yed providence for our .. , ' ‘ ~ . r W Its Citizens and Burgeffes 1n . ‘ ‘ .1 Of the Km: LOl‘d Bifll‘op of 3611-1116;, Si1 021‘er Low; Majeflies Court of Common Pleas and Sir George @1111ij Knight in maym tenance ofithen: Accuflttlon ‘ . - 1 A wkereby theyflcmd charged _ _ 1121111 bngreat/on. “ " ton,Kn1ght Lord Chancellout I V. . ‘5 *‘. 3\'\H§‘ Q“ gas "‘,1' 4, 1 a I“ x 4““ 1 x\‘ - \‘ ‘ ~. .1 Parhamcnt aflémblcd againfl' Sir qi‘cbdrd" @olto‘n Lord Charleen-our of Ireland, 107111 itber nght Lo‘rd Chiefs IuPuce of hi5" é\ :: '1; H 11:91 that the {aid Si1 chbard ”Bot-1 - of Ireland Iolm Lord Blflmp of ' eme , Sir Gerard qutker nght Lord 1 , , « C . . Chief: pr "./J 1 (1'6) Chiefe IuPtice of his Majeflies Court of CommonJ’leas, and Sir George Ratclzflé, : ' Knighgintending the defiruétion of this Realme, have traiteroufly confideredand confpired together, to fubvert the'funda= mentall Laws and government .of this Kingdome. ,' and in "purfuance thereof, they and everyof them have traiteroufly contrived ,‘ introduced and" exerciIEd an ‘ arbitrary and“ ‘tyrannicail’ government a; gainfl: Law, throughout this Kingdome, by the-countenanceand affiflahce of 7720.: 772455 Eagle of Strfzflord , 111.16,“; chiefei Gog. Vern-ourof the Kingdome.,., - .1 ' f 5 ; . 27-: T,h%tit151€Y“a-nd¢¥¢r¥:1.05themthe- faid Sir Qc/xml Edison Knight ,s- Lord. Chancellom‘oflrelgmdjblm Lord Bifhop ‘ of Derry ,J Sir Gerard'Lowtber Knight; Lord ChieflufiiCe of his Majef’ties Court of Comihoh‘sPleas 5 andSir George (Rat; clifKnight, have trzyterouflyfaffumed to themfelves ,and every ofthem Regal!" ' ' , Bowerover the goddk,peif0ns’,., lands), " ' «and. WAR “as; x." - r ' ~ , - (-17) i and liberties, of his Majei’cies Subjeé’rs, of this Realme , and “have likewife maligi.'_ oufly , pcrfidioufly, and trayteroufly gi- ven, declared,pr0nounced, and .publifh. ed ~Ellie, unjufi, and erroneous opinions, a and judgements, fentencesfind decrees5in _ exqajudidiall manner againf’r Law,' and haye perpetrated , praé’tifed , and} done many other trayterous and unlawfull aé’c's and t‘hingszwhereby as Well divers muti- . nies, (editions, and rebellions, have been railed : as alfo many thoufands of his Majel’cies liege people of this Kingdome ‘ have beene ruined in their goods}| lands, liberties and lives ,- andmany of them be— 1 ingof good qualitie and reputation have W . been utterly defamed by/Pillory ., mutilaa 2 tion of members, and other infamous 1 puniflimentsby means where of his Ma— . i . j eliie and the Kingdome have been depri‘ l ved of their {Ervice in Iuries and other ., . publikeEmployments , and the generall trade and traffique of this Ifland , for the mofl part defl'royed , and his Majel’cy . C 2 » highly 1‘ J! ,r rl __.. WV . ‘ W , 3‘ 1‘2“; ' ‘\ ' -. «.5 ‘93 ., um“ 'W "‘ ‘- "' x; .3- . , \ 3 , ‘ . 4 " “ » \ \_ ‘ , . . ’ . , t> , figs-1y«aammnedm;13:3e Wherkcvcnues‘ ~* 3 ; Thlfdly3thatth€fald51r chlmrd " Gerard {milder , 'afia‘Sir ‘GEOJXé thlzfl,‘ “am every df'thém5 t’h chatter" topmfemfi fthémfelvcs‘; mama-Earle: of" Strdfiidi‘ih * / thefcand other uraytcrousLConfEéfhfiVe’ 1a,? bQQf¢d to "{‘uBVQrti'th-c' RightstParha- ments andfthé adcienf ’Cofii‘fi‘ 6f" Parka.- ‘ men‘tang Oaths- of the fame , and atfuCh timeS, as; . thc-faid‘Sir-i 'chardealton Knight ,7 Was lLérd iChanceIlour-f 09172147243} or CHiEfc Baron‘bF the Cohfi of ExchquCrWidia ‘7 -°‘~1nthis_ Kingaom‘é; and-Sit Gerard Law-J flier Knight, yy§§ Lord Chicfé..lu£’c’icge’ ‘ J , 33,“. , ( - -4 _ _ 2149 I; i I . ‘3? A «Vi ‘ TILi .1 ‘ 1:» - ‘ :. g): , 4 ' . 4 “ 3 That the proxies of Peeres, have of late 1 ’ beene 11m1ted unto fuch yerfons onely as the , - 7 chi‘e 1"! Go“ fimour nomrfiéted (few camone ex.- cepted) and hcence of abfnce granted to nOne but on thofe tearms ,~by reafon Where- of even 111 this; Parliament foure or five No- 4 ' / blemen could out-vote all the Temporall No— 4b111t1e‘prefent. s ‘ 4} That Tu h Noblemen as have Titles of Hohour 1n this KmOdOme and no Lands have votem Pdrhai'fidn?“ ‘ "'6" I 1!” "3" , 5 444:" . 4_ ‘3111 x i; :1in 13“""“: ‘ 1fi24*j’.‘ “’1‘“ s The late Ptotlamatioh refl‘rammo Peers -~ and othei‘s to goe nngzz‘glMoho prefent them— fCIVCS befme thé1h 3i'eg‘ié- in'rH or otherwifie without hcenceyandthexefbxe an A657; 0f Par... liament to be propounded to preVent the 11kt: hereafter. ' 4 4 . . , .. 6 The 6enera11 8c apgaréiitflegay of Trades, occafioned by the new , and 1 gali raif of ‘ the book of Rates and 1mpofit1ons as tWeivej " pence ap1ece Cufiome for Hydes houoht for; - three, fou1ejor fiVe fhifli s" andifither heaVie impofinons ‘upoh Native: 'add‘otiigr {430111111047 . dities exported, and imported by reafhn‘wher-"f" .4. 4 30f, and ofextreamuf ore and C nfures,4Mer-. . .1 51. ' chants arebeogetda dboth ‘ ' ‘7 7" , i dgfcouraoedmiraéfé‘fiihdfifgrhe’ .1 #16" ‘" ,, 'v _ , _,. .w...‘ 4v mi ‘ H m. . . . .7. .. w . -, 1 "'1'-.3‘"',' . - W ‘f l‘ “v ., 1’ ,.. ‘3' a727,??? ‘, i v . ~ 4’ *. ‘__ t r-‘ ,3» a: i .‘ .5 i t > I ‘. ~. , - v z . V ' v In ~.~ ‘. '7T ‘7. , and that-«in conclu'fion his Majeflies pro ‘ ~ by ism}: .Confideta‘blygdvanced. ‘ Caufes, and ContrpVerfies,by’papetPetitions befoi‘e the Lord L1evtenant, Lord Deputy, 01: otheztehiefe' GOvefnour, and infinite other Jug tain time,feafon , mute: or thing 5 ,wh—atfoevcr, and the Confe‘que'nees offuch‘proceedingsky receiving immoderate & unlawful! fees,by See-x ' 14111169, and otherWife,’ by which kind ofproe Caeeding is," his :Mag'efiy lol’eth aeonfiderable part of his Revenue; upén Originlaill VVritgan‘d—O- ‘ filter-wife the Subjeét lofeth‘ the benefit of his W mt of Errrbur , Bill- of “Reverfal‘l', Vouch— ‘ ets andi‘ophzet legal-1" and j‘ufi-advanta‘ges, in the . Ordinary courfe and Courts OFjufiice. are then- ' “by declined. ' ' ' . - ' 8 Theiigroceedingin'C-ivill-I'Czttrfes', at the great "Charter,--;and no: limited to’any 'ce—rtaine 'atim-eorrfeafon,: ' ~- ' - - w 9 The extrajudiciall \avoidings of" Letters h C . f N D ‘ r-~-LM.a:jePties 'Whogainzthereby are often Judgesfindfiargés; \ tt' er. , l 7 The ’2tb’ittnrle “Decifions’of‘ all. I Cittill I t, dica-‘teries, upon References from them‘deri- , wed in the nature 6f all aéhons, ‘det‘etminable ’ ' at the Common Law, not limited unto -cer-.._ cret‘arie-s, Clerks, ‘Purfmvants, Sergeants ’at . iCouncelileBiootd , contrary tO-FtheLaVV’, and , ' ‘Patentg-of Bftateépf fiv‘erYgteatpat-t of his V—W7V7V a. .‘».'..a.\w--_-;' ._.-,,i ',.‘ M" «175.... . .. a. p, ...... ‘ ($714 1' {cities Subjeé’ts under the’great Scale, the pub; . ' ike faith of the Kingdom'e ',' by private opini— - ons,clelive—red.2it~ Councell Boord,without Le"-~ gall cviéti-ons- of their ellate‘s, contrary tothc Laws“, 'ahd'without prefident or 'example,‘ of any former. age. . ‘ ' ' = ~ / .. .. M '4 '6'.“ “A ‘m‘ 0. 1 o The Proclamation: For thefole eomp‘o-J fition- and uttering of . Tobacco» , ' which is ’ - “bought at very low rates, and uttered all very high and e‘xcefsive rates , by meanes whereof thoufand Families within this’Kingdome, and Of his Majeftis Subjeéts in feveralllflandgand - Other parts of the Weft Indicg (as their Lprd'e fllips are informedfi're deflroyed,and the mofl: part of the Coine of this Kingdom,is ingrofl’ed” . ‘_ therb'y' “into particular’hahdsfinfomuch as their Lordlhip's‘conceiVe , the profit arifiu'g and inL \ grqfl‘ed thereby, doth furmount his; Majeflies ; Revenue,certainor cafuall within ’this K'inbe- , " . dome , and yet‘his Majefiy receiveth butvery ‘ little profitby the fame. ' ' v - - H The unufuall' and un‘lawfull'increafing' of Monopoli’es toithe advantage" offew, toi-~ . the difprofit of his Maia-Pry , and the impqveh . riflimentt of his- People was Starch, Tobacco, Tobacco-pipes, Sope', Glafle ,r and Other things., i . ' .- ' .132 T11613tfl£re6tiohofthe Course?" high ' 1 . . - ' «Cam‘s Corn million for. icaufes Ecclefiaflicallgint-hefe \ necei‘sitous times,the proteedingsiof the fame Court in‘man‘y caufes, withour Legall 'eourfes, i and» yeti-eye): {upp‘OrtedF-ias' prohibitions have not beeneflobtained; thoug’hlegally fought for, " n and the eit‘cefsive fees , ' exaéted by, the mini. fiers thereofiand theiencroaehing of the fame, Upon.thejurifdi&10n ofthe Ecclefiaf’ticall f ~~Court$ of this Kingdome. ‘ . ' . , - I 3 The exorbitant fees, and pretended cu- ‘fiomes exaé‘ted. by the Clergie againfl: the Law, vfome of which havexbeene formerly ‘ ' firefented to. the late Lord Deputy , but no te- ,“ dreff’e hadthereupom - - . . ~ . ’14 if he Aét of State gto’uching‘the buying ' of ‘ G‘u'nepowder out of his Majefties ftore, Which is commonly bad, & forthe molt part, fold’at double the value for whichthe fame-i are bOught in'grofl'e, and the Proclamations, refltaining, hawking , and hunting, within fe- ' ’ven‘r‘nilesof D 1461i», and {homing at any living thing within ,‘five miles oftheNafe , whereby . , neith'er‘Noblemen or Gentlemen dare {hoot at: anie vermiue, or Other thing whatfoeyer that ' i§ li-ving',' which they conceive to-bee none of - . n ”his Maje’fi'ies Royall'meaning. ‘ ' '15 That by the powerfulnefl'e‘ Offomemi‘l ' nifiets of flare in the; Kingdome, {the Parlia— ' ' ' D z ,. ' ment a...‘__i.—..;_~. '_,.H.4A\ u v _ _ ‘- condition of this Reamer . ' V . m 2' ,.V.{¢i,., _ ‘.a,. . - “r- A: “ V' .g/ .. Aw ‘. r . . \— -:. -' . 1. \ . _ «"‘ . -‘ 'n . ‘ . . > . . ¥ . i > ' fl '. '1 r u.- ,_. -. ‘ .v .. .i- v. ,.... . ,.__. .3.“ ..». . his hamta‘li Freed-came . memmhis mail-Bets .audmioxi‘s, ham not had , " ‘7 "I6Th‘a‘tf his M‘ajiefiiesSuvhjeéts’ofthisilKinga' dome, have‘he‘efie denyed- the ben‘efitiofrhe‘ " Stat-me of Limitation, of 2 I 34:06., ranteduby his Maj-ewe in-th’e fourth yeereo "his reigne‘? .updn great advice and-confiderationfind then- publifllen‘in‘hfl the Courts, afid ih“ OPCH Afli; zes, I7 . Thaft thetfees' taken'iin £111 the Courgs Of ' : Infiice in this: Kingdeme both Eeclefiafii-a -’ call‘and "“CiViI‘li‘,;by “officers and” minifte‘rs are f0 moderately high that it is an ‘ unfpeaké able burt‘hen' to all his Mai‘cflies- .fuhj‘ee'ts of this KingdoMfiWhel are-net able to filbfifi) ‘ex‘ ..cept:thefame be fpfiee‘dily i’i‘emedied'and redu - ted to ifuch mode-rationasmay Rand with pile {8' That rrha‘ny -hL1'ncire3'.thoufindweight e’f Lin'n'enXame , ‘an‘d .Li‘nne‘n ‘cloth hath of late been taken away-byforcefiy authority of ~ ‘J'tshe ,ehief‘e Governour, from‘poor‘e induffrious tpeopi'e5f61'=wanti-0f bredthgor‘a certain number inf 'IOOferhf‘CdSStOfIieun‘doiflg‘ of m'a'ny thou- ‘ , {ands of his MajefiiesS‘ubjeé‘ts. ‘ i . i i _ i9 And 1am” ihacrhc Niobiliitiefi‘ Gentry; \ ‘ mind-:Merfehahts ,4. ahdpghe’r his ‘Majefiies‘Sub; ,. ' jeéis I" 9.. .‘ ,..‘ 713- ‘ \y _ ; a ,. ‘I .~l x;- -. _ . ‘ A ‘.‘ ' ‘. A“; . L. "g . ‘,.‘y ”LI-.0“. ,w-‘M-r. ‘ .5 1i ,. A} f v L .5, ~ . _ .,. fl I ., ‘ ‘ , _ / "‘ , . a ' ‘., ‘ ‘ ,_‘- ~ ~.) ' , . x, . . . ~ ~ n- \- . enr ’ V . r 7~ , v. Mummy..- y.8‘“§. I S; ‘ _ _ I, ' ~ ‘.H. ,_ . 31:. ‘ .‘ 1pm»; '\ .‘ ‘ , fl 0 ,~ 3 - \ 7 ,, _ H \ K' ‘ ' I u * fefls'df this Kih‘gdomefireoflldte by the g "e-_ . , ‘ A ~ vancesan’d p‘refl‘ures aforefaid', and other ,the like Very neere, to .ruine and 'defiruélio'n 3 and .Farmours o-fCuf’cofnes, Cufiomers, Waiters; . Searchers C‘l‘earks of urtwarrwn‘table procee- dings3 P‘urfuivant's, and Goalers ,~‘and fundry’ others, Verymuch enriched whereby and by _ ~ the flow medic-1k 20f ' Ehefe, and Q-fih‘cir grievan- tesflnder which his Majefli‘cs loving 'Subj'eéis 3; have fome yeers pail gronedfiisMajeflies moi‘t’ , ‘ faithfuI'l and dutiful. people Of this Kiggdome, do conceive greatfeafres , that their tea: dinefl'e approved upon all o‘ccafions ' hath not Been of late rightly " _ ‘ge‘prcfenced to his fa-' ’ ‘ ‘ V ' cred Majefiy. (opia 1W4: I F I N t s DA 941. O 5 ' me! am . ELL SEGA RRE1RASREM 010-006114162