2 222% 2:; 22% ~ (212)1222 (2-. Q 222% 22221 " iyfigfi imsifii: $33 3‘"? g 613%,? 35%7?‘ 23W“ €231’v‘: 55.13553 ’2‘ ’3‘!‘ (2&2? NfiWC/(i'gq ByrRACIIiii2 Certain De poftio1is *2 ‘ f— "‘2 “Effig- 25252 2:22 ;)> ¢ '2‘”? W‘Z’52522‘Z'2'222Z’522WW’1"%WIM%%%%%%%UX°MWW% %‘%%°Z°%%%%W (. 2%222%%1%%%%%%2%%%%2% .. 2% vaertueoinsMAJESTIE s Con‘mdr on taken upon Oath, Concerning the Traiterous 1nrention of the Reheisin Ireland; 11:1 rejeéimg the ‘ Government of His Majeflie,” 11) ha- ving a K111g ofthe1r own: And - who that King fhould be.- , [1)", Ui‘ififif'i With an Eixtra of a Letter from ' rRpm, 4.]2111. I 6 4 1. Puéli/bed 67 Hi: Map/fie: Coward. $29” 2-22 2‘2 , L 0 MN D O N a ”’2 Printed by R o 1) n 12 1' BA 12 x a 11, Piintcr ' 2% t0 the Kings moi} Excellent Majefiie: And 23% . 3' bytheAiIignesofJOHN BILL. ($3 i I f%%%%% 322% %%%%%%%%%‘%2%«%%%%%%%%%%%%%¢%%%2%%%22’ 222% Z2222" $ . 2%22222222222222222222 - 1) ~*°%%%%%%%2 . @@%@@$%@@®3i2 99% 1642. ' $25: 7 22 2222 222 22 2» 2222212222222222222 222222 2 2 ' :wggm . W. «s p wig?!" '( I) ~ W°WWWM® ,, Q31 a? fi3$mfiazfifisfi 2. a , An Abflraét of the Dcpofitions by vertue‘ _ of His Majcfiics C-ommifsion, taken . upon Oath, concerning the traiterous intention Of the Rcb'cls,’ in raj cé’cing the Government of His Majcflic, in having . ‘a King of their own; And Who this .. . K-inglhould he, ' ' " ‘ ' ’ , ,, 1/ 2 EgrgeCook quifligniefintcrcoei Cavan 71. , 9/4 ramming, that 011213;! b Jan- 2.2.- ‘ W“ O GOWHC?4[MJ Srfiithfi $1) [Ia I 64." N39219£tJ3W5thb¢WifiB f), 23: 530011me than? ,Wfifmfi, _ AA ,1, at, #1,,6122/1’3' W35 ) . gm “inflow to m‘zmmnesftom the away, an?) be uojmpze flames; ts the cfinguips‘gfi they banbeen, 03 site they moulnlofz wetvuhes. - 4. ' Richard “C0116". , fifth? $3M 0f KiflmeW Ferma- tcrccet; Depotttg, " 't Bayan O quméckcjpfm 151919. Driflcman ,-, m at; 1r whet; gm, W Fir. z. mount never mum to am: mm: mm ' 1641-. . _ Thomas Magi-.11, OHM, inter €031“- nepofetbyLowm. , that Collogh, Mac Brian, ;Ma¢'Mahownc;, arm Febr. 3.1:..- febzr‘all ewe: 1132132115,,‘mp, mt tyegmouln I 64!- not be {abject to any {Bummntfi-tnfinglaqd, 3:13 that may mouth museum to 60mm 0‘, her tbemfigtabomgéfiw man. 5 “ ‘ Matthew <_~..,..-..A Ir * <2.) ‘ ’ Mam — Matthew Browne of CloniHEfiEm-Lintcrcoet. him 36%. Dapflfabj (313$th bear-D Pctér Bath flap, Mat March 24 may Isaolien‘tn Danube Mug to patent we .1641: magma Defender of the faith; EU; 1mm mag {:52 mam of the inure!) , ant! @efmmt 0f the withhutmz 390132. ' ‘ 1 ._ W ickloe 8 Richard; Whitton of Kilvanc , inter manta Jan. I I. pfifetlj , that Lukc Bimc of Kilvanc faéfl , i938 ‘ - I 541. mouth babe tbetrfieligt’on flouviflmo wahiifi ' ' k1 ‘0 “98 king. 1 — - _ gfécbci; , idward D_;afclyc, inter cost. hepatthfifiggg .1 6+1. Luke T0016 min-Luke Birnc offers?) a Wife to this @mminant, which they“ fails, mama be bate: manage mtugg 19am. _ . 6avan.47. Thomas Taylor of Kilmore, inter coec. mpg: J?“- n- . Izaytbawe heath Mulmorc ,0 Kcly fay, mm ‘ 4" if tnz‘fath mmuent mourn Deny we 15mg, be moutnrpeen as they mu. , A v - . ~ ueencs :‘William Wright Of Culmonyn,limcr coat. D25 31°15?!“ WW“); that John Good of Cion‘ayfflwneg and ”1642' DcrmOt'Mac Phclmi Iain, Mat “9821301383 $0 babeafl mzotefiantg 138mm mama we rage: nigbmfibhz thatbm pzotzcttbemtoa. " .Permési ‘R‘ighard Knewl‘czs‘iof New m, int“ C0“? W naghzfcggfi pdfcflj; fl‘q’at: Rory MiégWirC,’ Richard“ N‘ug'ént, 19 Ian." ‘Donogh‘ Magwirc, bgmbofz meang m was “54:; ;'rohhvzn, fomeoftbe rain mobhers‘faih, (Mat was: banaisixtgofwmmnmI'rcland- , " \ Gavan, __ gNijcho‘la‘s‘Michal?“ nf‘Farnam ,"in~tcr coec- he, s 7- Ian I 5: man, that he hearts the gamma that tobbw mm fem @1321? 13an an 3mm 13mg amongft thflfls‘afifi‘wz? marbebnocfitngCharlcsame fi'i‘lgfiffinglahdz f; if - Robert W— ‘ (3) Robert Barton of Newrowne, inter. coat. naps; Fermanagh tech, that tome otthe meta-215 fail], Whey hat +1. Jan. 5- a mm 13mg, arm hon atommiflt’on-ftom‘him foz‘mhatthc-pmn. A . . , _ 4 , . Thomas Middlcbrooke, inter coat. bapofeth,’Fcrma- that about the 26. of @ttobev Iatt halt; he mgh '8~ beam one Cohen Bo] Mac Demo: of Killrout 4 Jan‘.. . fay , @hat within one fogtm’ght they mouth hate a new ihmg of Ireland women, one of the 0 Nealesmzmoznfi to thatcffttt. . , ‘ Avis Brafhaw, inter coehDgpofetb, fdfifiac {be Ferma~ heath $138 ahohefm‘o Cahafl Boy (at? the fame, nagh I9- . 03 moms to that tfittt. ., -: 4~ Jan- Alice Txbbs , inter coet: hgpofeclj,’ What [he Ferma- ‘ ‘ -4--.an. ,t' to mom to thottt’t‘ttt. , . . Alice Champin, me reiict of Arthur Cham pin,- Fcrr‘nd— ~ ‘1 inter coec. nepoftth, that {heheath the WWW: nagh 27.- 011:; Irii’h [apfl'iijat €911: Phell-omy Roe 0f Neale 14A!” 11 thouin he 13mg of Irelandmo that they imam gthz a meat tom of flamenco tonnttiot: they hon out gratings {Bing Charles hi5 heao. Elizabeth Gough, inter C(Bt. Depofzm, @333: gagag. 85.~ o C r. » Cahir'_0 Kclay, gun Thomas Mac-Encorr fflifl, «Whey putpofeb to hate a. 13mg of their own, arm that §~DW Phclmi O Neale mouth he he. ‘ John Gregg of Clovencdan, inter coonbepg: Ardmagh few, that Glapmifl Shane O Neale, Riley, Qty; 3- 7-]an, Phelmi O Neale 1938 @sze, - 164'- Martha Culmea inter coat. Depofetf), tbfit one Mon-ag- Arr.Mac Patrick,Mac T'oolc Boy,Mac Mahdwne, ban 21 - fveahing to 1m in 31mm, the beaten him to has 14- Febr- 9 3. him? , m..._l.,,‘~,~.§_ _._4 _,¥_ . it“- _< -v .«.— v- “._ -., , ,_ V - ‘ , I . (4—D _ I'befifidf in “Enmifbxoz Manama not 31:33:1330 gamma mm @3313th {1553; WWW f0" “Manila, {1me 133;: m1 {1311; “@235 ED $9? #31313; Santa we wmwm 11mm . mg Of butt , 112133: Mag” 13? 3233132323 , , 3333*: km mum 3am Tyrone. , , Monaghan, Hugh ‘Culm'e, inter cost. hepnfefiy,‘ mat fig ‘ 6' 25'1”” 11333 C‘Wflim? mm mm Art. Mac Mahown‘e 17am, , mm the? ”timtvfpom fingfifl; mama 3331mm {billings rouge 131313: «We pattpi’tn mama W5 {31013211, nearing £013an 'mbafit 33mg. ‘ iBifi-amb‘m 111363, 'fiBl‘a‘at king ”but mama ‘ of Tyrone. .- ‘ Fem. ‘4 Anne Gill, in‘t‘cr‘coet. hefififcflg, that Rory naghxég. Magwirc’tntbem‘efence 9f miswwomntganb 29.1m- , agveag many 95 be: mmwmm fo-ztéb, mat a: mam no pmpcfe‘t‘oz‘flaem to auto Dublin'fflz tugboat, jfg'zDubnn "mag man by 91??” Magwircs who mag to be mug of Roger ’Puctock, John Sterne, Jo. "Wat- '-fb-n.,‘Wfl. Aldrich, ‘chry .‘Br'crcton , ,Wflliam HitchcockRandall-Adams fi .. An. a @%§ m 153 lj-BXtrafl Ufa Leger “trim?“ 4" JanuarY- I 6 4 L From Ifidarer Colledge in Ron-26,13), _ ‘Bam‘vmrure 0 C Mme ,‘ to ng-lmi’ R oe— O Neill in I related. 1 “Heholy Father and his two Ne- phewes, Cardinall Anthony ‘Bar? ' 2 I, barinm Proteétorof Ireland , and ,5' Cardinall Francis Barlrarinmwvho ,. . e: ,f' ,2 hath all the power herein fuch matters as concern the Pope , have heardof the War and Confederation which you make for your Religion and Libertie : And“ trul y I cannot expreffe the greatneffe of the Joy (no wonder) which they conceive thence, in {Lt-ch manner, that if they had received Letters, orif you had feat an Agent unto them. toexpreffe your Will. or Dcfignes , you (hould'want no help for your better proceedingst Wherefore I would have - you ' .r you to Endjfomcablc triafn ,‘wah emanation ofy'OLtr'Grievances inform of Law." i I. ,Be {ureto haste agreathea'rt, and make/{ome chief head among you, but relerve the Crown , for Can his Ede the Neill; Remember the old lla- verie wherein you have lived of longtime , and the defltué’tion which Will generally come‘upon you,except you get the upper hand: You. will prevail,=if you joyn together as you ought, God {end it. I would. advize every chiefe Officer:- among you to have a Secretarie along with him ’ towrite a Diurnall of your pafiages, and over- thtovvs,Which your Enemies receivesvvhich will . redou‘nd much to your Glory.’ Spoil ‘ not the countrey for fear of Famine. I will no: fail to {Write according as I (hall hear from you. We 'vmuld fend unto you a Bull, after the form Of the Bull which Hugh MaoBaran got, if we had recci; ved your Letters; If the Church do well they ' ' , will turn overthe Election of Prclatcs there to the Nobilitie, and will - " give them Authoritie in ' " that point. ' FINIS;