remgsmaeei F‘ ’ . J‘. .»&.:%@gé,.%§§é:§«*¥:2§t?TK‘.2§.’?'f*s€2e i A r 1 e R AT 1 ON gt, T A THE -LOR DS andCOl\/ITMONS V Affembled in Parliament. - V ' J %_Shewing the prefent Defigne now on foot (by vertue of a pretended Commifiion from .0 L‘ . His Mtgejiy) -for a Ceflation of Armesgor Treaty of Peace A “ A with the Rebels in Irrland, now they are brought to fuch a tow A x § condition, that they are‘d_evoureiand cafe one ' another in Fomc parts of that Kingdome I r Q J And hy what popifli -Inflruments and Miniflers in’ Q their councels at thg_:«Court,the faid defigne is and bath , i been carqied on;Perfons of great trufi,emincnt for their affzfiion , ~ to religion, and hatred of thefiebels being difplaccd, and ’ men popifhly addifted put in their 0 ces; ' All fetving for the ‘better introduéiioin‘ of [Pope-ry,ancI .. extirpation of the true ‘Prorcflant religion, in that Q Die Sabbathi gt‘-3. Septemh. I643. ' i % Referee! 6} the Lord: iandcrmmtom afflémé-l€dI'fi.Pdii‘ilid#l€fi!', ’ A that tbirjbeclaration and other of His Majeflzcs Dominions. flaall be fbrtbmz’:/3 printed 6“ pablzflred Q‘ ' ].Brorwt'1Cler,iParIiamentorum. ‘ ififiwt LONDON. ‘% 6 - Printed for lab» Wright in the Oidabaily, i ° i ' Oc?'tob.2. 1643. t ‘ -% fie zfiéeesieezemeiwesmemememrewrs OF THE Lords and Commomg i 1 A{Tembl¢d in Parliament; f, § -it ispbinent ‘ta all the magi: ‘ /, ;« “that tbtfi lat? bogtth tepelliou’ uE~ f’/9' F the Qfiaptfli In Ireland Dtfl, "1UftI):' j"ff;, T out atgp colon: oz nzetext of mo: j ~f11%o1:atlan—p.l0fetIeDI;? annA _holD1g fa »’ apme attigqbétttuaiou oftbe 3330-’ teaantmltgtdn, the rejecting at‘ fl)? flafimtfiflf England: will CUB" _% A DECLARATION K Emirpatiuu of. the ‘2BgI'ttifi) flnbabttatatsuut ‘of tbat? ktngnnme $0 it is as fem manifellgtbattbis par; Iiamznt sf’ England‘ -(Ato’~mb‘om%19is isI1§aie11p§. bath left the utannaging af the” warm againfltbufe $211213) Bast) tamn“tb% troubles of Ireland to beau: imtt) that.% Men-tn1€t1t;anIi wmpaflion as R map- izibis hence tbiitl sea1e,t=fl iiiiligibu, tbewlnhe tqaétmg nmrsfi atotsmtep-men, ;.a3u'bzett)3en%tI3ec‘e;‘itizgfietk A } . 2 % 131185 times, when the like filetuiticafl pgactitea bang can Efrigland mtg mnefull qgmaatn11s§ %an“u an ummturzfi: matte , nombitbflamzuxgtnjtatcb we muting at -Ire- land 1)at!)£Iti3.hézn2a cine/%fe%% part of the cave of tbia aaatliameuts @1173 ®1D’*bfithbimz Pleafen to tame our enaeahaurs may {aw fuccetfiz-as tbat ware "Eu; flung niaun-tlairfivp gaping lgambeeéize ifapyen gn the catrteteuf tbe&::Vcrueit1% fame Part of the §’§3gu¢ teflant 23:90:: wisicb at %fitfi 'ma5rpii: like mgzrgt umm ti)e*grouna,bat% biirruebmgsn , .t13€:'*c snafiaa aw, hupntngz ,~- am: famiwillgfi, msbe "tip a%E:'12fne Trztaitattun hm: repapu into tiieiclmtomes finhtbe Imoxwant [J-3|3t?v-r~bR{b teem memento wa%t CUWI'is fl'0tI*0f fitmgtb anti 3' that Tblzit mzmiw are { cunltztamen ,2: ,~( Difiritflmg that fia12u:»e5)J ta babe re; centre to than mat; am) policies; am tbetcfaze bp tbeévJi:fubI1'1lfls3£I1ua%vat2@msxt:;, ;manjtb2:c&aa£na{ mg finutfl¢MfiflE£1*3b€£3°9fibe‘» name £nn2:mgg;rmg;*;,m,3L% of along time :9. mm out flcantw in Ireland mt; afitéfififi W 4783 limiiammt; ‘B3ba%£%bp%n:cafia;a gf tgggw nacrtu reabilfi fflliliifiab as their n€wnceq«;s;; £90 5:: what by mm('m1g;-t;be:n m1tb%¢ggtg';un9m,?. nifi¢%tJ¢taces—.fallen in bcte-*bztméene£iag nannies. p!z,1ahona'ng bpwat mamas to nibine were flfeg; sca into factiaus ,: to the ‘ma £98 mam wczhe they Wm in M0" mm ii1en€3¥9¢1‘W, mm is we pzafes am'ug9t;>tbwmarte ag~at:za:t92 mebzlss to farm bzuugbtlom in fume parts nflrelaud , than-m,ep_ A can heaepgtben of the heneficnf this iaaxmu , am; a~rznot.¢lt1iBI:? tn: we next sumnm- any fbgrga We the ifielaels firming; that zzatmwbfianfiizzg "tI;ae%’ Hificacttonfi hm ~nceuB.ontug tnaaumnefle aim fcarce: > mite of fuzrialies, 122: tbeptbemrzlbefi am'nafa‘r%t:e * magic conuittmt, ,im’ag1’n mant at” man tinngs I18-4 twat? 5 not (anal? fauna anamtaizzinaafa matte, Wt 9319110? 1152, we latgcmazm: of @423 ‘being res !i15!£f~‘.8{1i£ upon them in 1111.5 ,’ saw: as their biuoDy% arm twacbztaus Eeligion mane tbB!1IitIDfi:?la:‘L?Ey uracil in i§eDnn't1gt‘%;2%1%3ats&aaw Bataan yfa mam % the. famine amnngfi arslatzp of %ti1em bath mane them unlnaturallp am: flauihaflsitiae eate am] fine was upon anut*f;er:@berefa2c‘tbat my map ham‘ time in aspect fram their fsienbs ahzaanrnem rugspiica bath :35 virtual! am: Edmmitiom zann may ‘without mm & Iefiattotxrsapc tba fam; of this iaatmfi, 11321903122 iatmureh a flteaty fog a metfatian, which iB2o;ea%% fif %tue_£cs leffe apme at we ohzrwgomof »ti;e%% t£fljaitiB8t pf the iagoteaamfi llltljat iktugaa;n2,r1;2n that t,ve,ad)6tou5 takmg of altmzs at firft ma iutenb we Bgffruction of than an 3 £0; t.b2itL mflatian arm i90fitllt?.t-bftt mat an-B peace we aliketu he efmmcu { af_.,amJ was that: that nestbztinz peace an; In at kévzpe mtg faith», it 713583 to he in vetpetgmll I1z§1’am2,: @ :2tzfezstl9£}1.«ngtez am: flommnns mézgarizamcut mrembien , accoguing. to their cantmuen career that ; mtgnume oflgeland , ] meta aipcciail manner take imp then; conftaemt-ion the cmmttiun tmtwf, upan tbtsfluccafaonznf an inseam ®elTa.ttun,anu to much the rather bzcaufeit is feareu t1a%1tt?2'321$z_ate£tant fozcca tbguugb-mam nfpzcmtfionzs foztbeir mmpes, rnav at ran,» it nut‘reIiweD. be petfmahemp anmttnftbis courr2,tt’1l):3peti3zrcby{te mi-cute rem:~‘meana fog tacit mfiflftiug 5 Vasalfo hscauie there is tuomutb grounn toiutpectg that zfutbis ewtattan ,£t)mab bee agceen } untsA 5 % C4) . , J % ma 5‘ they might I3&53B’n1J13_0Zftll1£tP to tame filth; :32 gaepiit; party We fag tum grzjfitér fi'¢WEfDflI‘flE :% ‘mm tuaugi; it were ‘to, Dane nu Influence upnnAtbis% :1isi21gteo:21e, yet we emu cntonfequcmjes -of it, ate in many mm petnittnus to Ire1and,tlu_at tbts Mum; meL1!;{i)oulnbettap we ttufit tzpofeli tn tbcnn, tftl}ey' * am not Declare agat‘nu%tt)t5 Qfieffatttm, ant: ate all mcanw in time to make it move nbogtibe. 911133 tbergs fogs. tbsp befits that it may he nbfetneh anti taken noticeof: % % % L » % mm, from lnbentethe counrzll Jana nefignc efttns ¢eiTan'en araietb, sum from-I112 13912219 gnbjbag pi-its tbemtelbes fa; t¥JI€lt cums vzererbatxons fog“ {none am: they ban mum oftbetr intent, to mm timnteiiwes abtolutcéwaaers of tbatikingnbme u%fA L Ireland by that: trearbetnus mrpgifcs; ‘an-D mmg that this ikingborue Dill tnitla mu£t'%¢1§b2iflianL%anD gee nerons refolutionzp uuuertake tlje cyargea or that matte to; fl}B;l:Ell€fE ant recabcrypf Ireland 5 gm; V ‘ pofitionfi mm bguugbt him: from the imtelg by the ‘ 103115 Dillon-81111 Tafe, fit I3JDfC9'I1'lfl£~?tbEp 1332!‘? iutmcpten mm reflramcl) by waiver oftbe i9ou£2_#ef ‘ L Qtonzmnng-. after that, rim» ban the howneffe. even while theft was mm 3111' imbzucn in {D6 i92utc=% Etantsblu-oh, topetirian 'i9i£¢ 95“,I'zflie%tI3at tI:c1'r%azs manna might be ineatbg mm fog tbtsmrpofe my 011: tmnen a aremmiffion to be fem: over into _h'eIandj to Dinera perfmxfi at Qllfllitfé (1nberroJf:fomé1n£‘re 113a-m‘1”ts3 )'~.~te mare, ntmiar, am) tranfmit to 1965 as V Isms tn-eit,@c1vsanb5, m1;tw‘rmas mac °a"cta2biH13 L‘ am; one fllfiafiet BjtJ'rke,"l at nnta2ipt}51pgag:1;atttkV ;”:r1{§; Ifiaptfl, ‘mags’ ‘tux: rbnft finlimtog in ting bus . v A ts) fmefie.‘ aim tb~is,- age iisit r21a2ttg%in3:c‘5a%:a gffsizzg , .tsaé1p€::ccefi”efi ta %)fln'0M15 qftbe %B.=arei’tm1t jFu_£f€£i’ againtt thew grfatnumheras Eu that by ,a manner: fun blemng from maven, wag mm; in mart parts put to the m_e;ft_s @2020 pm tbsp begun to fer on fast an satnazrture fog agcftatzon of gamma tazzcemmg Jmbicb, mime going a4n:a;cflmmix1%£cDatb “became: tménuiwe Qtaurtann we iaebelgisnew men kuamna mm tuba: Qiazctings ants‘ fltreaties have bcmebelh aboum in yrgland 111’ V0 arrantnf btswaieflies am: xalectoxnmmrtxontent ta _t1)atetfect;. am what men: tion am) cuuntzuaucpmaftmaflmaticlz aaapifis ma gattatitzg the bufinzite {Jane fu_anu& at xouvt ,[ am; that time at _t!_ra fitate m Dublm, who ban to ‘much Ti‘iel,igJion%anu%i9oneflP as to Diffmanc tbeafiefiation, fmz.ce;§itfiptttom1;enauceu,;anD at tau put apt uftbeic’ placggaunteficameo to mtfon. 1155!]: W11. Parfons an¢§To£jflJe laws jlnflicefi theta, §ivJohnTemp1e %%E‘lflét Di-.1338 330115, §!'l2‘Adam Loftus illiiteam,-ea; - { %mcMf 1r¢landsfitlDf¢t¢a.Cflt2t as warm nun in’: Robert Menjideth 0118 am: 0.5.5139 Qffillflctll @8516; A \anD%1l3e93utiattnns, the iaaures of gatliamentmere % gmnnlyfi, the l.u.2I1s an!) ¢ammans.nelice is map be ofitewen, mgat During all tbetc iaaffages nzgben acquaiflt¢D by the state of .Ireland with tpe itreatg at a rieflactuu,‘ ml)§b.!€fl?‘m35 that: game oz. muncelluananbzn, _nn~t1nitb&anm‘ngtbattbecaw V am) magragiug 0f%tB,2,%W‘&€ ‘W85 3381103190 0!! them, both is}; 211:: of abarltament, am) by 1915 £§al¢fli€5- Qrommfihun l|t1I‘)£I3tbB mat %¢filB,4 To advife, or- V-ernme%ntL% der, and difpofe of allihings concerning the go» j 7(6) % . , vernmem and defence ofthat Kingdom;a'. '2T5‘*Jt I92 wants of the army were often l‘21%3;£i‘£n$€D ant: cam: pgafmmof, migerahy mitbmusiy crest‘: a m‘umm‘ma§5 pgepzmtsg fa; the pgsatertg mbazretmti) mm they mfluin crime: we dtflunfeig of this Qteifatmn, afi 16. nothing has mamas it on, busvtbe surname man=::;s at their azmzesa 1Ui3ereas..:t%t1s ehibeus , ?KI13:im«t‘9e rename uEtk:c1)’a+@t9atp ba‘m?§zm1%(in a {mat ip ass) tmcaufe oftbett inantfi, fag tgmehp ti): auhen:u:e£§ «mt: bif-beast/:neo., éuntcébntinnamzte flaflliéfiy anu b2%twim- anmtcranaei tmztumt at t1;e.aT»2emma:uzsiair 4 am, mamas; zmmmmn connects we ban was ~»l1?'éfl.i‘K[W3a fiintnpfifltttte tueintttsepeiug of much pm: Mr. ‘2)wx'r-31-is %h:é€iuns mbict) mere‘ rem C0z*‘IAr&la1*1c§,}%f9EDat?%!?blP5 Agewfi EH; Imlami mitb Q3t'cm££‘. ant; ustiezscnms from tbum¢tm5!b‘Q?unmMiti2§‘ ta«rx%suanwe; L ffllectuatss fiat): mm mm, mtg fipi %Hn§I'%h'zr5 %baViJifl§¢ his £Ih3a*m1ic5 matrané, bat alt'fé- by czfngc ‘R¢‘3"fll‘l*iEgf(T!!Vl fit}: * tlifitbia flfl magqamss. 9§tlf8ffl£!$t mat i:aioreber¥a&fv$aunt:ts%?1:s¢t¢b ®;niaai1mn! 3}amvasp fafl ”t‘u; sfizuanea‘ am Gfiflttis 7-bwtionm Dabz‘hea1w‘tma:a;1mmpgtreueh, reeiq fifiua nsp‘-tmsm:it0§I1»tfi2t»n, mm we cittmz ea ihtlttfin hatbvbafigmfi Wavn B22‘ rent in fog Imam mm tam Egonntcus mm numb the mm: at 1:112 W593 army, %mts:ie in tin means time we mum affiarmment p tb2tv~£Drzbmat1ees, De: ;ax€m - %fi|£'rsita ~1 ‘mate the Eétyrv tsfi ‘fiirtgfi mgces, mere P£i!% pg dam -a.w‘tbe* dC0_tW'!"I2% fit ' fmm we tettntit 9% tbs _ firing not#conteu1I3t1b!e awe anhmieefe fog we Dtflrefi cgef Ireland. ~ . I J I K . ' A‘ . . u-' ' 31 flstiae 103133 aim €a1nmntts'bafibetea€'on tin ~ %eclaz:2 againfa tins me: am: Befignenf a diietfatis xm a%;iA;%tme§;.a§ ;:¢a:eaa%nn catfish an mung J uue€d=a\1;nbecav.r€eo€ the gseamzem-:.~ % | L niwiiiljttliiiééilf %J’éi:‘v;hgv‘vfz%Iso>unfi to ¥t§}’t= iésnmtaac imt«3teu’;;’afits:tye- .:sc»:uca1<<;v,eaiue&~st- ants Enhancement ;5;';a'cti¢e« ~D€~ 19013517’? , when ~ t173fiatvéwE£tiot§£3~’ ‘ ~ms+A%u‘I1%"'wtbi$’;agt2%W&f=A “fie? figawafi _e‘;F5v"c?g§toa1*:W3.ett aae::, taqeJéu§:uf¥b$®itiiéffiE ‘ ‘fi»iinkta-mnnf3;anfi 1*i’9*fi¢¥%bofw§ ‘nwbe nlatwof mm mm- _ 'i ' % 4’ ‘ - r- Fotmm shone r dland,t:u1 . to ¢t.1mnob5etstng::a A tbflfififiylfififi‘ éfilflt itjbbfimiflfibvmts gggygugtgaattggms f:~_034?'t19i§i_in vitae ~ I FD t_ T _ ‘,1 W “‘ é?§~ir1F%ififi1 ¥¢*i“§@F.§?’W‘$0l£%ei ’ ‘z:su;>.,. %-; , ,..;N* ..=;,,. M. %§gp.fiéw¢e« it: may» be—bsa‘a-*: , -. ~:¢gg:?4:mwma1;¢zavea:wemurawe%4 .% % éiin1l'fwb%’ct$" .nb§®3 -tuances bfi19%fl%;:u‘=% méi1e;5'4niaiae\~fo3‘ we fazfeitir1*goft1)e iaebeis ‘lbanfig ; J : %f‘ié3033‘;1 '«ief}aé, at: ’ ti .fi’)'e§i€{3‘rs%!)iiltig%nf%"c9ia' 551:‘ } ¢Igt%aAti£‘igT‘D’€@~‘t1Ie’Litl’;’§i{ti*a’§I‘i { ” 1!gV§‘h‘i’ ?%iu*mmmm$ , actmai a{ringvof%mbiebaas, ttm%astépger'enten, % twin? 1i‘i?a‘?c¥n1!tf€ wait 312%*ti2¢v13%b€!5fim2é1 wasvé: ant: itvss%e,s»ra*3..g*¢9sb¢vfiv¢aves tw M2 ; m8&f°»t.> ma matting.r%%%%*:i>ért’~to2c¢%Tana e9arm%. tfiemoe ahnnttfi t%£vei‘tm13eus§:nstb.tWJ£§?4?§:r , 5.. _Vnaumm12aewa%ihecomeAoftbemsi1z*lavas? W ‘ zfcfn tbgotefltams; turttzlabwt oft .e,Wf_%13&a4$Lc;§ 13? ibtgfl » ’ " «bsggmg~:tI}ett~ $ta;eaB% Siiebellion ;~ amambo fiaaiirewtetbettit >cftt;eJ;&gm::es Emma, that eitbet bvtbeic onauz,cm‘u:a;ge,; ;i$1‘I)_L1£t:ty,,. aun gteac cbangefi 3 have B,w_t.tbetv.13DEe£€$913s5~=;og% iaytbe fuccelffenf nut %c:n:eBA%bfih%€rb£z1ze’wmfla+% 2-; ‘ fiantbete bean? aitutance §0ttanf,m11t%a1J8!=fib ts cgnemp. at a aeftaciun item mteaclgew ann,&b2eaéb_ of agtvemenc. . h31)m? 9%? will (:22 in fifiitiwfi ah!) 09:1 vsstunizye fipefe MID %i€:°*¥ti;B%t"' "*-* T .\ A69)- “ ttbe—oneI1>ntea1:e§ta‘ befeate this that policy & pgeé bent the entity tnteubzn by it , £3 tnfettle a matte ' mbetbp the Ettmtesxnt Irelandmag be at Ieatt fencen aginlt hunger am: tam’: jfoz innit!) putpore it ts j t 11 {item t.battall‘tbafemt)o’ are met-attectento we Moteaant ifieligion, ettbet in that ogtbis Magnum. aun alltbofe who _b?t1)Bit2aD3J8tltutB§ atteauy mane, i)aiJcBmbflti3BD*.tl9ei’tt pattttutat tintetetts mitt; the publtke ottbat Nttgnome, anti nae nefitea goon tea: tame of ti; cuts ,~mnu1nioynett)eit ear» % Dtahow:S.to3obhiatit1g at tt)atnete£titp,m1)ict) ma? he.tn1aht:at€ttung;Itgumentto intogte. a ntttrutttbe I ééfiatiflntnfi-tfltntga, .ee=tbattbey—1nnutn.tnot tbgougi) rm ; I11ucl3t-fnf~1atttunann iealoutit of ct -togheate the t p;o_miDtugntfupp1iessa;m.£n ottatmu that it‘tEfltI~1J£t1-i== ante miltcb tbtgougbtbpaltnteaneg to 1J3¥B11ent~, fog ,by'f;43 Dtlittg,-;tlm2.;~3tJtill left. all tlaettttomtttt paints t “&;1IJj<:tl1a_tg£§;:811I|EIIJB mttbtyalntngtntt ptobzftuns‘ am will gt1ine.ttt’thit’tntbatttalumniettlaiih agatuft ttifitttiatttgnemt , fut neglerttng the attmtese otl re.-.% - 129:!» tab by the tcmtinutng Ofiuppliafiatbefzfogtefi 1’n‘i,1I,t haqzutnutagenta canttauetltz watts ; an!) In _ enemas b.$53.¥,)~t=l)B.ii:§_1JDzk€.'attIlfD5ltS. ‘. amt: law, the - Wbeififamg a£f.t&ante-.tagain£ttt;2t11.ttttl flaming f.%3_Q!f!1btflcgam<‘?;§tfl%D§fia;IJntD£=t)o{3£:iat nzafttutmg -, .Dzl3£III(3iuDtm§tbI§t1)BLt IJe€i.§ne.~ Wm cw at »«mu“tt}" mutettaryt bim?a,Jti;e gteat tnbtgenty get ntanp mt: nth ;ITamt’:ie8.tbt Danger‘ of mu: iiiettgantx atmott etc t'leh*sut~nft1)at93tngB3me , calls it; this Raft 310: at ifitetp, vmyatttt; Sluttice, an?) attic? ttam which «man; rttclbth an , fltettetglare to be 33tfi§??=s‘;‘4;‘i‘£’t}£‘I) ta t.1}2f€i3Et‘&9§.Z parts at that ittnghomt , to tncutttage 93 2 tigza % §vouIniec5*upontbz‘afb;zefain? §g§§g§f§{f§§§;f§§meg, tjbat $1382? tnay not iytatken ’ _ ;¢1,ta.gun;;g;an;an13%%necmtfatlicnnnfzfl, a$:Da’‘‘_§h1{; ' % tmiaeir nznfecmitvmaf the 31m3V3|E¢>W3°"9’b ®°WW$<"* Sing theyl)a1JefucceEfefu'll?t£fi1t¢Btl)%1$811%‘1§ fifiifififgi we tbe2t11)1£a‘5z’tt‘zvé3t1’Ieti1JIc5r§§i;““°“'”“‘””?‘¢ “W5” A“??? 0112;-t.eac{ 2.- flfislllmbicbtbeihegns ann=€9u;m!Dn3:BD£'ewvt§§»£W lvbzfice-.z may —be{emt1flymsfl1éEfi‘i388tD3? We %1ke'nguome , arm that ftom tmft: 0t%%i39|?L311%‘3ii”53¥3%¢%'*?"“‘ 1112353 n:eutieuen*atA*i§rge, in the :€3&Difll!?t§‘53§F155i 14, of July taa annIucb"&sammsawQfmatm émfiél 4 «may he tahemmbfitebtifimh uibutinnt tmvbefetten dsimtl in j W{_¢b€_3fW?fi ’ in :1 reland , we mean necetIu‘.w5;o 1_.1é8tl}§B.=L%i*J}91|31)3 anaybe maze vumtuallzt attilfkflf £,.**-"3‘3,11?’«“