For efiabfiiflaing the Papall Clérg 23%» . With other 111atm‘s af hi‘gh¢4C0m:efnment3 mkenin §§é,g% ma Carriages «M the ArcVhbzfh0p of Tzmm, who was flair: in the late Fight: at Siigga in that Kingdom. fig’ A y in Tagether with_ two cxaéi and fu11Re_1atzons ofizhe fa» ggiq. *vm:ai§% Viéhardzfles obtained by the Parlmnaents Forces, gzgé, azhmugh Gods blefiing, in the fame: K.‘irzgdom. M‘ ‘ $6 as-u~....un~v~*'?"”I-I:--w-'*"“" %. V ——-_-——— ,. .. .._........._ c; bV¢§heCamm0ns affirmblfsd in Par1iam§nr,ThaE V Hts A./’:‘/.1'a»:;6j'i""zc*.r %P;2peaw tazflm at Slxigga, be f0rf‘hW逧1 prim» §;<—.<’~,_¢6 It and pliblifiwd :; ~ H: EZfymge,[lc'r.. .P¢2T‘[. Du Cow. m: -M“ W-*** --"W" Lxmdnm, Prfimtad {mt Edw. Hmémdflrinter to the Hm:-mrahie 1-{o«;g;{i¢;im3Q:;mnn1;:om~,amd are to be fold alt his Shop at thfi Sign emf ‘arm: Umhieax Dragon in Heezflreer, near the 4! _}& V - Inner~"§L‘r£nz;;~Ie ,, fanmary. 20. 1 6 .-2; 5. ' '* " {-3 axe ' . ‘- ‘ U "4 m§>=§‘w~a ere.-w mac}; ,rfz';:r2..e xézzs/2 533:3 ‘ jfvww 2.‘.-srz me€$«V% % % irés m—’ V M jflanxcs Lam‘ M-::.wgzzes er’? Ormcmd, Lam’ %‘§" W V‘w2zzm zt.s;z:J' Gersrezmi Ga'zM:”2¢0}§.£7' flf H55 A 1" 5?’: -u7 f,-p if in Er’. d C '9' If‘ W‘ .63} 5325 $55 k.;*,7’»:4‘;‘-r’ 5%’??? 13 M M V; 10«'}.?flI’2;& V fiamr #6 EM‘ magi’ E.*:£e?J€fi2$;\ Z‘s£'.«2]4e,;,y , ¢z.;; A£v.e'.fJr.v;'.w‘ Hi5 %Exceflm£y V Chums, 5;: tire Gmce Gm’, E2';2_r§a:f G;%".£’dtB1'iEai1_‘1 ,_ = §*"1‘21f‘2:C:2’4-EM’ Ireland? (5%. for 2%.? :?”re¢z;;2zgam»’ Cazznclzsdziag A 52]’ & Pe:jec'z‘5‘ fimxéar Grace amcifizrvoztrx, which we pm’ Lord Léczssmmizt dgiaf wt 44 yet Mutt Lm:.z'tzm’e as may cxpeé?ed,gmmt smile t/gem; am! the fizz/22’ Earl hzruizzg fl-w'0z¢fl_y Co;2f;'z:a’.::w:(l 11;’? vmzttem mm’ clam‘ airczzmflzmces aft/vs great 2f}j’Izz'r5 now ‘in .a;gi.¢zztio:2,av/vial: :55 ' rive peace flfiid quiet of tlzefaid I{z'mgd}9m,md t/J6 mzpartaaise trérereofiizs order to H 137 Majaflies férvicemm’ in re.!..»zt2fm to A A Peace amzlfizttlemem in Hzis other 1<'{om5 ;, /£2261’/J67'€flP0?£ ‘ "W '9 3 W 1“ A 2. A’ _ I595 31,3,’ égwjmg [e:~emiJ.«é? dZ.d€?_$’?;5[€fl!'?;6 af%f9 e%A; Cdféa» » .!iqae3%t6 zzfiifz‘ H23‘ 11{4}efly_:{g'43}z[f all that :lo‘arflmz¥ app refié ’. Hg; 1z‘gysZ‘Rig;6t or Mamralvigk 630-veryzmarzt -.3. aa;3dV/imruéza wa'.ifcer2mZ Mzezzlacrity and c/éeerfwific/fé of té’£;..'fc:3id C‘4:fpLé5:~‘;V liqzges to emVérmar%'E1m¢or461e camiitians ofP2;zce', vvla§cb,g;;¢>;4y préfirve their Religiwz mm’ other jwfl Iwerefls. Iznpzwfig-% ‘ Mace z‘iJc'refar~c-* of H zi.r%.Algzje/fie: Amtbority Meier" ‘V»I:?z3$ H235!» A mffi Sigzmmre K9741.-;ndSig:4e:5 éearizzg Date at Oxfmz 4 $‘1?€*I 2. My r9fMarch%ir¢ tbemmtiet/2 Vfmr & Raigtgzg flrzated zmza tfaefizid Earl af Crl~am0r0an,tt’§':;’ temzar%mi&er”-+“J V Rom.«m¢C4t-boliqae: in aw Kiragdam af -‘-'3 fa/[math .- Vifi. Charles Rex. Chzzrlcs 29} IM 6’mc:eaf Gad, King of'EngIand,%Sc©tIar1d, France'zm£ V Ire1and,Dgfé:¢der%af tl22%F4itb,(§’%c.T wellwelakved ;Cofm E.dWa%r4d EarZefG1am0rgangreeti}9g°; 691:7‘ tmffy and rig/§tV'% We y-g})Q{1' 7;gg?fE4f’4}2d§@t"€fd[ my/Z’ and Confidence in Jirmr % approved mfdmagd fidelity, Do éy t/aefe (45 gum dew ourGreatAsea1mz!J intent: ;zMpzarpafe5)%‘Aé¢t/3arifé* 4:95 é : givveyora ;2owe'r%to Tree: and Canclwde with z%e_. Ca2:fim’emz‘e » A Iréland, zaps}? 2zec(:j?izyzmy tl7i:ug.ée to 5: cmdejévmled mm ,f wberein our Liemreézmt ammo:/0 wefl he few £354»: mt far 25!: at tzéa grefimt; aéliiaelyta awn; T/Egrqfare We at/ézzrge you ta prom A med Acdarding to tézk Om‘ *rmt,wit/34//parfléle‘ flécrecy, andfbr wéwztfiever ym_/F243 engage yaw zapm [mt/E2 rm» ’ Izaaévle £612/z'alerzz.tia:~z:,»:5ya;¢ in year ]'mZgem€;¢t [fiat/I deemfitg, We pmmif.éz}¢ we word aft Kiugazzda C/aré/?im2,, ffifl/1'3}:-’-fi€’fi X A azm’p¢erj%rmté2eflz772e zéwf/:¢z%fZ éegmntealéy yaw and zmder jmr Hand and‘ Seal; zfbe.f4z'dCanfla’erA:e Catélaliqzaes 54* % wmg 5} their Szwpplies refléfiedtéeér {gal M om» ..S’errzJic‘e-;,m£ A t‘lv:l:fl;zz£l Zve in each pzzrticwlmé tow yet; 4 fizfficémt Warrant. Gfivm .4: kom Cazsrt at Oxford mm’ar 402$ Signet am’ Royal Sz'gz¢:mm3 #56 1 2 . ddyw af Ma’i‘Ch,% in 5/éfe 20. Tsar af V mar R.«,zzg;¢,“I 644.. To 40m rsgét mafly zmd rigétwe1é£1oq2m’%w . A A £~’afe2aA Edward gm of Glamorganw £5 xberfbregmgzed; A. V 4 %T'»acgsM;:d . accorded and agreed hy ehdhetweeha the feid Earl L of Gla- l morgamfiar and on the hehzzlfafflzév me/5 Excellent Majee fly,H:Js Helm we Sueceffllars we the em: pert, amlthe Right A L Henmhle Richard Lord Vzfiazmt Mountgarrct , Lem’ h Prefielezet ef the Sapreme Cezmeel ef the [ez'eiAC'0e2fea'emze_ A A A CezrheZ2‘qzees,thefaz‘el Donnogh, Lam Vz'fi'eme ML1sl{erry;, A” Alexander mac Donncl,eh° Nicholas Plunket E/leg; See Talbot Barronct, Der_mot O Brien,e]oha Dillon, Pa:-he trick Darcy, and Geffiey Brown Efq-, Cemmzfiieners ih A theztlhehezl f appoimeel hy the [aid Confederate Ramm Cathem liéqhes Suhjeéis of Ireland, fer and in the hehelfofthefleiei l l A Cohfidmzt Roman Catheliqae: Sahjeéhe theother pm,z'n A vemizezeraizelferm fwewiflg 5 (that :3: to ay) We ‘ lleprimis, I:'is'*-granted, acaordcd and agreed by A rhefaid Earl, for andlinthe Behalf of Hissmoflz lEx?*élellen.t Majcfty, His Heirs andSuccefl”ors, That all and evcr.y«?tahceAprofeflbrs of the? Roman Catholiq-ue '4 Rcligién in tAlhe~Kingdom of Ireland, ofwhatcvera» flare, l dcgrcel o1'”qlJality foevcr he or theylbe or fhall‘ “ l_ be, {hall for cvcrr1=1c5i§*e,A%'l‘;§r¢af:ter haveand enjdy with-. ine"t*hc: laid Kingdom, thélfrelc and publique Mel and cm- clrcifi: of the faid Rolmanl Clathléllques Rcligiomand OP A the refpeéiive fumition therein. A A V 2. .Item,‘ ft is granted, acaordedhand a9;reecl bythc faidl Earl, for and on thebehalf of Hislfiajcfiy, His A l Heirs and Succef’fors,;A;wThat the {aid profcllbrs of the A . Roman Catholique Re:-lligion, llmtall hold and enjoy all and evcrygthe Churches by rliemlenjoyed Wltllln this A Kingdom, or by them pofililed as any time fl:r:c6tl1e~ A ' 23, of ofioher, 164.1. and all other Chmtcehcslin the ~ V fiidKingdorn_, lather than fuch as are now aémally ere’- joyed by His Majeflics Pratellant Slubjecls. A M Item,A~ It is grantecl,accorde<;l and ag1'aacl bythe V tfaiecl. V fiticl Earl, for and in the behalfof His more Exeellefié A Majefiy, His Heirs and Succellors, A':That all andevetyw Al the Roman Czithcliques Subje<5’csr‘ot‘ Irel’;~z;mf’, of what eltate, condition, elegreeor equality‘ f oe V61‘, ilA1::ll‘be‘fte¢. and ‘exerrnipted from the Itzrifdiétion of the Proteftanjt _ Cle_rgie_, and every of lthemg, and that title Rornan Can. i ’ tlaolique Clergie oftlais Kingdom lh:1l.i.i30AEil)€gA)11l’1i{hAA-A-A r A echtroublediior tnelefien for the exercile ofthAeir']LA1ril1 dié’tiA03n over tl1e;ir'refpeé3;itve Cattliolique flocl/:54, in- mrrtters Sprrituall and Ecelefiaflzieall. ’ Al :4. .Zrem, It is firrtlter .granted,ac‘cotcied enel'£,gAr€ersl A by tltefaid E3rltrr,forandt on the.behalf of His n1c3ltiEx>.; cellent M.ajePry,‘A His Heirs end» Su'eCe.{l':3r‘3,4T‘hatl“itn Arie {hall be patted In the next Parliament to be lrolden V A , inthis Kingdorrn, the renonr and pL1‘:‘p‘O§‘t whereof {hall 4 be as foll0.wetl1,,=vz?{, An, At}: forthe relief ef His Mai- jefrres Cathoi;qtt“e;fl S‘ubje.€‘t‘s‘ “of HIS Higltnem: King: Cl bin or Irelrmal W hereas‘ by an [AAr5?t‘n1a;de in“ iP3Ji‘iia~A ment helelin Ddeélizz the feconcl Year or ltheeR.3i~gn of A ‘the late (Qeen Elzfi. Intituledg Fm-Aétrefloringto the Crown, the ancient “jtxrifdiéiiéxr ‘over the Rate EC-— cl§efia.{’cicall and sS:pir1tuall,”:tnd ttboltflning all Forraign Vpowerrepugnanttolthe faint; And by one other Stal- tttte made in :lie.£atrHa£t n‘2enti_onedParliament, Inti- tuled, A An Aét for-l the Uniformity of Common- Prayer and Service in the Church, and theAcl_rnini- fir.tttionA or the Sacrament,Sundry Mulets, Penalties, Refiraints and Incaptteities, are and have been laid up- on the proleffnrs of the Roman Catholiqtre Religion in this Kirtgdomrinfior and concerning the ufit-,pr0fef- A. fion anti CK:E‘.l‘C'l% of their Religion and their funfiions therein, to the great: prejudicleg trouble and dil"quiet”of_ the Roman Czrrholiques in their Liberties and Efiates, ' marl, the generztll dilJ‘r..urbanee of the Whole Kingdom. - A A For -. -C '? “ 1‘ e 1303? 1“e‘rt1“e&y w11ereof,& for the better fetl1ng,1‘nctcaf7e;jaend A jontitmance of the Peace, Unity anddTranqui‘Iity ofithis A A ingciom Of Ireland», His Majefty, at the humble fuitahei requefitofthe Lords andC%is>mmoi1s§ in this ptefent Parliaé met-it jjaffembled, is gtaecioufl y pleafed that it may beEn-- A afied, Andbe it Enazfted by the Kings nmfcfixcellent Maje{’cy,theLQtds‘Spiritua4l 33: Temporamnd Commotis in this prcfent Parliament afl”emb“1ed,an'd by Aut:h;orit’y”of . the fame, «Thatfrom and after the firfi day 0ft1'liS Seffion of Par1iz%m':e‘nt, it fluall and may be ‘lawfull to 8: For allthe profef_-i"0rs.of the Romat:1‘Catho1ique re1igi0n,of what de--- gree, condition or qualtty, to have, ufe amt enjoy the free At &tpub1ik€ exercife and profeffion ofthe fatd Roman Ca- tholique Religiorgand of their fcveral &'1fefpe&iveft1n&i- one thereinmrithout incurring any‘ mtllét or penalty what- feeve"1',O1‘tbei,ng fitbjeét to any reftraint'0r incapacity con - % ce1'“I1ing«the “fz=.1*ne-.5 Any Atjti&cleoAr‘t1;aufe ., fentence or _~ provifion inthe {aid lafi mentxoriedA€$S%oFParltamer1t;,or inany other A (:7: or A6323 of P;2.r%1iafit1%e:1t, Ox'dinadces,I."a.W c»>fu"f21ge to_ the contrary, or in zmyetvife notxvithftandinw‘. And be it alto {’urthe_t Enaéted, That 1teit11e%rthefaid Ste» t‘ute~:~;;,e or Z{f}y0thC1‘St3tu,E‘c,t Acitts or Qrdinaitcehereafter ~madei:1 Your Ma e£’tie%sRaio'n j or“i'n the Raion9of’an“ of 2-» 3 » an ‘H Y A tYot1rHiAghnefl’es niof}. Noble Ptogenitors Or Anceftors, &.now=of'forcei21this I§ifigdOfl13 n0ra11,not any branch, tarticlegsleufe ea fentence in them or any Of£hCI11,COntatifi- A ed or fipeczfiedfhall be offc-rte tat vefidtty in thi‘stRea.tlti1,» A to extendeto be conftrued, or-adjudgedto extend i1i?any H wife to itnquietf‘, prejudice., vex or molefl; the profeflbrs of A the fz‘t1drR0man Catholique Religion,‘ in theirPerfbns, V - A Lattds, I+Iereditam3ents or Goods;for”any thingtmatteror caufewltatfoever, tdqching and concerning the free and _ pubhke ufe, exercife attdenjoyings of their Iaid7R*eleigion,V. funétton &t.profeffic—>n. And be it alfo further Enaétedeand e e A ~ 4 A Dacia». rfflecljared bytht: Authorig %é1forc{éic?1,ThatYofir{%¢Ma;,¢: ‘—;f’ci.cs Roman %Catl-1o1iq¢;1c t=1;bj.e&s inthe faid Realm fizrezmg, from the am day of thisA.4S€fl‘10n¢ofParIia.mé fl1a11’besat1d be takexzadéénfiefd%an“d%%3d34uégéé capalcbf W 0é1‘€~fi4ce%sc;f Trufc and advancement, p1ace.s*,degrees and dig. gnitiesv, 8: prefermenc Whaffoever vvithiVn Your {aid realm % % A of IreZ;wd,%Any Afis, Statutes, Llfage or Law to ther:onr- zrary notwitlafcan-ding. Afldtha; other Aéis fl)%a1beVpafl"eq1% é in the. fa} P££r1iam{:nt, %a5ccording tothetenour of filth; Agreement orConceflions as harem are exprcifcd%%;;«d that in the mean time the faid Roman CathoIiqueVSub- jeéis, and every of them,fl1a1l enjoy the full beneficjfrecw. ‘ dm and advantage of %Agre;emem:s and Concef- fions, andVof_c{v‘e1*y of'thcm.% A A V 4 M ' X 4» 5". hem, It is accorded, granted and agreed by thefaid A ‘ Earl, for and in the behalfof His Majcfiy, Hisfleirs and ‘ 2 Succefl’ors, That Hi_s%Exce11¢Itcy.thc Lo: Marques 0f~0r~ .",;‘¢w:e:!, fL‘ord Lieunexaam oflreland, or anyi‘,g>ther cvrozhcrs» A;& authorized or to be%auAthorizedby His Majefiy, Ihallnot difiurb thcprofcifors of the Roman Catholique Religion in Atheir prcfent poffeffion and continuanceof the profcfl A fion Aoftheirfizid Churches Jurifdiélion, or any other the V ; . , x V V matters a*forgc%faid in tVhcfcArticlcs agreed and cendefccm dcd unto by the f?21idEar1, until! His Majefiics phi-afurc’b'e1 dfignificd for confirming and publifluingthe Grants and Ffigreemcms hereby~articled*w’for, and cmrdefcéndcd un- %to~"bythcf'aid Earl. A V A ( ‘ 1 ‘ y & 6. Item , Ami thefaid Ear1%ofAGla2:}arg;zn doth A hereby A A‘%:er;gagcVHis‘MajcfiiesV Reyall Word and Pubjiquc Faich, ‘untajaill and fingular the profcffors of the faidv%Roma;n AfC'a;hO1iq;1e:%RelViAgicm Within rhfifaid Kingdom of AIxel4fid,. A forzhe dug: ob'£ErvanC€.3!"1dL pfirfosrmaticeof a1l.;an%dV¢w»y Vthc$Art:icies,Grants Ciaufcg thereinA contained, .at1the % » %¢,Cor1ceffions [her<:in%%~rn¢ntioncd to be p€rf0r£§l€d ‘ ‘ V 7%.Ite7zz,A up i('9) 1 7*. I1:em.It is accorded and iagreed, That the {aid Pubiike ' Faith of the Kingdom fh-all be ingagcd unto thefaid Earle, A i by thefaidi Commiffioners iofrheifaidiC@nf'cd<:r;1te CatI:0-- liques, Fer fe11dingten thoufazidtnen to {true {1i§MajcPeie, ‘b order and pubhke Dcclaration of the Gencmli *aifi"em- ‘b y now fitting, And that the Supreame Councelli of the i‘faidC011f'ederate C:1ti101iques, {half engagéii tlxemfcilvcs‘ to bring the find number of men. arrzszed‘, theone haifiz with A. Muf uetgand the athcr lialfc with Pikcgunto :1ny_P“ert A within this Rcalmcgat ti-1eEie__..‘.Zhox1 of the End Earle, and zit» Fuel: timeas he {hail appoint, to be by him fliippegi’ and A " 1traiiI”por‘red to férvei his Majcfiie iWzz1e.s‘ or A Srotlaém’, under the Command of thé {'a’id Earie (Sf G.[a- ‘ A margm as Lord~Gc:-1'1cral1 of tlxeflzid Army,svhic'i1;‘Xrmy is . to be kept together in one intire bbdy ,and all other Ithc ‘fiicérs and (,ommandc=rsof the faiiidi Armyarc to be ni- mcd by the iSuprc2;:rne Counccll ofithé ram Confa-'I'erate Catholiques, or by fuch others as the. Genez.-all Aflismbly A 0fthfe_f;idC0s1feder;ate Cathoii ucs of this Kingdoms V fhall xtirruft/tlzcrexvztlx .-Inw13:ne-;éwl1erc3oftI1ep3.rties to; ihaiillds anc.1LSeaIesithi<: 2/5 Capizt mm Cbiaiafidaliref mm .day 0fAugu£’:, 1645. Glamorgaig A S ignedg SeaIed,:1nd deiivericd in the AA A prcfénce OF A thefe ~prt:f<3‘t§1ts have “ihetcur-11tio interchaxigcably pjuz; thefi,-_-A Origimlit Th0m:1sMCai,{I1e1!, F; H33 ~‘ of iTudmLr Carriaigdiicompaircd by B Articles fobgz oivzezg/"at, ;_’7‘‘¢;f%7¢Jwy ’ A BdVT0fl3Ra&3V$ BaV7‘j.. ¢ 4 M A M W A Hatricius Wfamjrforei dc I.ii“n*mr£:;_ A A T'hisista".imxe~Ccakp1éioFAthic’Origina1I CDpi€‘,f:.mI?d‘in she Arfiiibimnflpi HxfrtlafI?..:iV-;u:c2e_[Z«r;j, R05J{i.¢-:3. ‘A w ‘ ‘V1,, ‘ ‘yr. ” ‘ ‘. xv‘ ‘ 1’ . ‘N _ m M») f ‘V_Qf’;Glamoég2v2, A ‘agnd 1; pixrfizancc, and ,.£?crtvucA %ofhj43%T AA M9;.e{tiyaVl1 AV fignaw Q -;u1j<3,bc2ringdateat O4.x~:fmirthcrwcIftI1_d%:ay of /1?z'zz.w.I§v? ‘ ”‘i,1j;t”i1vc=. twcntAietI1ye21*c 0‘fl1Ais;Ra1vgne, for and on tl1e_;bc+-' ofhzs mofl ExceV11en:Ma;eay oftheonc; pm, am:1 Holioutébk K it}; : Lord Vifcmxnt a¢mtg:z~r A j f”ret, f "LQ1‘dPrefid(-nfoftltc Suprcamc C0unCe1l of ;,the W A « ” kLC0I1)F€'€ieraitc .C3,rh~04I;iquc3 OFI7*e/gizdab-o;2;2q_g:I7,Lt>r%d . co1iv:1;.%fl¥zgs1~ég2j4%A[e:c ,: A’ M .4 AA z7*z;=:me;5', and. Nip/Joins? P/zm~<~r- I %%két3¢TfETqi1ifeé°, ~%Si1"V R‘a”£¢rt ”Tzz1l*01?I B=arne*t,% D‘e?”??9ot;la , J J 322, fobia. 3,-D :{£[?0t?zAw’._‘‘.2553. Dwrcy») a11djL iéfferj Brozme‘ T” jzfelaiéd, th§p:hcr7parr~;4 A A A: - 7;. %AEfij1;iir€s;f01fand;0n.fh¢;I;:acI3a3f'e%Qfl;is Majeffies Roman AA A ‘ ~ rtwé ‘oF‘agr%eemcnrrnaae am? C?-Wfude i am‘ M 13y‘ afn d*Ij:fétz W :z<:i1[eA.t I<.’xigl“zitV 4 H o.nom'abIc 6{!?!’é1;7”(?[¢ A EMKE ' ” A Cbgtliolique A'_Sub‘}¢&s,; Vt 1:emGZz§tl1o1§:;1uc (ilcrg)? 90.5 V % Mpr§m1°s,T}5efz1iéZ"Ezz7:[gcz?bt’7:z gfifazzfo F:-§nVbl£tzZé% am’ '4gree5 on the 5e?m1fe40Fbis /%‘:w‘efl;? ,.Hz‘s Hezvw W’ 5 Itcrefli/m..r,a%‘ wdwitb the f;zidR1'*chard gE$§oré1P'?’j’cqz:22"t LM0un‘tga%rrQt,iDQ:i%-% A q 13 K“ h Isfomlf/?‘f_coz¢22t Musk%crry;VA1eX. M2cE1tD’QIiI1¢l1;zz2zci¢A'F1x3hka1j;’3A;S'z§é ‘Robert Talbot, Dermot A',0~. Brien, kkhn Di4lIon“;’,,,,;iPLja"af;;i%rf3c“ ~ LD‘atcy-._,aml jcffery Br£)&vnc,;oé2 the 5eb2i4Zfe of'tJ2e¢ Cgnfidgfgta A.g{gmm Q4zgi:aI£qz;es.aof‘1reI;2.nd,;%timt4 my pan: £'22tla2c;s;»s€4p4i2rt5A £¢%Aéli‘0AL 5¢%”?‘?‘%?’%W?fe?“73i7? 1155.?‘»i%%¢!*J»»Y79¥*’1«A dig % A Aofrhe; Rwvrm Cat: A élz*4z=te Re!€gAis>I2 M v#‘Wfe*>>2tA‘T " efl.-Tar: and coiztmuzwce of the 120]] q7;’o n" of AA.théirAV%£;'z:}*tIJes‘fT' p A A—a*=: 13% G5 ‘:3 .2 'Tei3:efl2eI7t53A' Tjthesa %Her”e%di1:amei2tS5 Iurifkfiffion " fifilbifiy-10-t-be¢‘rh4E7i7&:IfitfiEr$V afafefaiél ii? theft Wdrticwles VVi‘4»gre§éd'”§rtur1ity‘;Ab¢ ffe1fed"fof {ecu-t;theVfame,£_do¢ agree and conglefcendthereunto. And‘ _ xhis % f ‘wAnci:t1he rm Earle ccazamarwiao:11»;he;-gby engage % hisjjefties Royall word and Pub Ii queFair11: untqthe {aid V in;ter§11an%$geabI.Vy put their hands and ScaAl<~:s‘tI1cM 25* OF A Sigm-:d.. Sc:11ed,_aI1d- dr;:livc;rcd the prjcfince of 359/“ S'0”m1?7'fi'¥: ,')'ef~~ A” A’ Wghis Infirument by his.Lordfhip figned ,‘was before the “ jaerfcficing thereof iintc-nd,edto%that& purwppfej as to the faid" * L Livings, to whViC1§%A five 4 y :fign§:d%%t:%I1is~ % endAoricmem 4And 1,? 14~s,%fur*r11cr%mended-Ai 1‘1‘221t:4 t11:t*4C43£*=‘ho- A Vli Vuec1erb+2énag11x:ot%be inrérm téijl ’P;1rIi§”ménMf;5§.W31: ¢ % %G!m%organ;*V % W f Cépi 'c“zm¢ "Cal .¢t4W fidclkécir mm Grégixa/I", Ih omw Ca{hc1‘f;i WF’r*aV ~ 7% Patricius Watcrfor C’7'I..if.norc. AA M V A " tA£,,,W.‘ ‘ tr ‘ ,‘ V U Thisis«a%truc’Copit%ofche Origmall Copies Found in thé A;r§:Iv3bi— %;.fl19p.Aof mm: Carriagcgcomparcd by I us; Artém-Awzcflgr. %t11?i*r_w.ei_fe as to %tlh.c‘%{’aid%AIL;ivingisaContr;;:y4 tQ_ thej A % eéaxwraam-ze ajrcxamorgandaprotgyaM/mm»; faitI2fuAlly to acqmtintgflae Iftzzggnzrg/? A Excéllezit 4 ~ ie/fie mid» we? proreedings oz zraismgczomein to his fervice, and to the indeerment of:/9;: ¢ Z(émidn5A%énd pm2€z'uall* “perfarmance of what I lad-‘we ( as Jrhitlyariqed % ??.WI Maj€fl3e> v5Ali£€é‘mJfl1fi?0PW’f0r#W;.4vd defixzilt zgotitopermit» tbé Hrm)‘ifitfufled ifn‘toA.mj# .W,¢a..%,z,;4,e;,a;.%54,‘._ % . «Abe ‘j 4; ‘J ' ad12eriti¢re4it fllfe, or anyconfiderablc psirt “z‘@laereof jmz£i1 1 Congixfiofzsfiomi bi;VMaje-Jfiynand bi: vM4jnfiie Ea pe;figp.~. ‘ %% J Cj‘~Ii'¢mo}ga'n .%.,% A (opus were ¢qrfc07jdan: (It garb *2/:7(5}1}!2;fia'eJ'l'terc!1;'2;¢ a4r:£‘gi}id/5: ’% " ;'_I‘~ho.. (:§{}'1a11.4 v e 2 ¢ THE 55 _1 tfufi Copic ofthc cariginall Copigfound in ch": Arcbbifhgp. V T55?”-f*Carri¢g?,?;ox'vP3~1fcdby L”1§v r?%7*¢‘ibi37.Ad'zn¢/fa}, “ ,,3‘_ ‘ 3: w A A A %C$:gi7:5 I_ L? ‘r 1 A ofaL¢ttefVinVCiPher§%* :H0i§W@5lé Sf A A A A A _ 2 ‘V ’ A Hérc awrc T641313 ptxiféages WVhith7WA'"¢ '0m§;tf§€d“Ai:1"Apm9¢ A Iett£ersV rd the Committees" becaufc We juA_ A is 5;; expedient to ‘expreffe ithétfi *C§ph€‘-1‘; Fh§:*R¢‘f 1 V V belsgtcw higherin their demands’ nce thé King? a_fi7air¢:,3A have. Abcc;1£eAafdéciining,,Ac§i>1§1elit;;Q;;,.;w1%hi;:h %~with the"irfibufihgtheAKings4 A A ‘and fi1u‘thC§rityA~inT tf1Té7ta~ king A our Garrifans in Cazzmgh, and tumlngthc Efiliflm A«ou1: affeme of them, hath§f0fV~ it1c:;enfed% the .Marq;-1:2 c of ’ A Ormazugthat he defires but power and oportunijty ’tO”‘bfeake ofall Treaty and Afall upon therna and in order thereunta ~ we have hadgm Overturieby one thafcame him 7 as us, refiored. . AA_ojrtheABrittifl1'and Scotts AForcc=:s to joync %wi.t1111,im 2;- ainfi the Rcbells tiP0nthefe:co.ndiFi011.8- V A *1=irm:h‘a;tA‘ the Txjcaty" betwcéne Eng! ~fi1*éu1~dBE’ObferVed; “ A A A Secondly that thc;:Covcn:mt f‘h0u5id~snOt be pref? um the%1?%orcesAundcr hisL<2rdfl1ips Cmmnand, andthar it] 6 left free f0r“th0f‘€.0F_“thcfli that would to Itiffitllfe‘ ommompmyer bocyke; ‘and the %efiablifhe4d* Gm+”efnf‘ ima:nt,tiI1rheA%King and Parliamt-nt 14fe‘tt1efomcAAovher. A V -"i‘hirdIyV;that she B1~A;mr1; Agniay b3?1eftAt clmchief Goixcrnour for the time being, ” liedppoinring them :1 Gem vetnouroftheir ovme chufing. “A % M Scbtlznqfa Fourthly tfiat every“ party out of his eflatc 0: iVc11aa§gc%;Ab¢ A Fiftly that none bcfent out 4..o£i’;the gciome witI=10I.t , S ixth1yA that fojtne Am r l*ems % %tegin%~ ningtgibut without the Scots ‘C ommiflioners we have no powczgané thercf0rc~expez.§‘t youf dire&ionsthc-rein,A%and dqfire that in the means while »théy {nay be kept fecretf, for “if;1n%y notice of atra1'1E18ci0:1 inythis kifide C® 'fi»A€ ‘trE>"7df1%e Reb<:l1s._,it VvOu1*d11az;1rd1I1oi’ azAVPm£&nt, w&efm-. N In2inc.. 6 W. , , M f V A % ~ A A M 4",Y0¢Y“1<’>flh*i1!15?¢*'&rtvar:t$,. Belfa/?:£th‘is nizacceemhy “ ‘ x.zys»u1:a;.~.;4»s;;.eM,, A % I % A Wyfmmffiadq. A Ifyou”"thiId£~f: fitter p%'O*£I€¢dC we duubt not % but go bgigzg ghg MIT: :gncgrafa:r1?¢i;t¢:mnditionsthenmre propofmi, “ 7. A % A A . F31 R, 4 mittct’ 05 0th Kingdomes, Wq ha,\£é,:x‘*;;1fQ the Lords and LCmm.ons,, anal if either gi&e*%rea:¢1re“:o ’ th& A wrongs com~pIaincd of, it isfixvg§§_iJAWf4ha;t We wrote to you- ef the nineteenth of this monethin Characfter, might as, well have Bea-nc danewith lcff:-2 ~tr0uB1e, Bo; M_a.fier- j(5‘~4l-9 A émh that delivered to us famc: under an injunétjion of ‘W He fénnc Letmr which We have written rd thé»rC g1*e:n: Sccfcficyfiath 1”§nc_:c<§QtnxI;=L1niC:aI.~”A it} ta mo thh: i Co1l0n§¢Br1tt1fl1. Army,_£7o: th”a;c 1:: was 4ev1dE-ntlyi aPlot to draw thls Army undcrthc Comnxafind ofthe Mara‘ % quef1"e,:Ii was"‘j,eal'Qus Of it an firfl;,an.d‘V weer woke bonds "(if him; — 313111 tofappcare before the Committceawhen the Scots »mCommoi{IiQné:rs{hal1,land; b—11tAitW»aS not oth0ught: fi1; [35 “commit hiin ‘tiIl1:hen gbecafufe there be divers 0§her~ Malig- néznts whom wvei11tei1d at that: timero lay up togetlaer, who perhaps w0uldn0t—*appe:.1ro tlien, if the1*e were any very ofioriéfcourfc takcmlowv. o A A minke" the firength of the Armyftands well affe-=- €toedV,b1_1tbothA Armies have knownc 1\/L.11£gnants%in them‘ who being rctnoved, the:-re4wi11bc no danger‘. Since myfgx-3 4 A V ( ‘A mei:_,S fro p;:trz'oE #?'e;;;}.5 is%COme from D zzélynfic ‘brouoghtvhjg A .wh0Ie%Fam,ily;wiitl-1 hiIi1.i I. thinks hc,1%1a;th done his part gexcgeedizlgxv [$11, am if it: be not Vcffcg-&_4Lul1yV pp01'cc%uted,v you {ha‘.1lfpA1ain1oy’ know where the faultolycs, VVC »v?.1;1t “ourq mo‘-5 . néy andmealeextreamly, withoutrhem T'vV€‘.€21I'C‘?.S it Wcré wind-b0undA.;~oW_e intend to vifit the Major Gbnefajl W fluortly fa.1.t1:;1‘_j§,;l§&fh no Co;:§;x1iffiODofQ Cm-11mand4 the A Army3f:’;u;w%yoou may fee by 1113 warrant thatowsrcazo haxg:fggt4 th.eComomittee1::ewants notaACommii1ion to 1eavy Mo- ‘néy;Cour;ALetrcrs Ijreheré:-for mm: of 3; V’e{IE§I1* to wvaft them ova:-5 nor have wehearda word thencefince our lam;{’.::t ing,.AAbutAI willforbeare that further trouble till there, bee 1§10recaufe.o. A A V ‘ oo ” A v A Yourmofl humble and znofi“ Ec"ZfnfP,z5 .Nwtm$.1645» affifiioxiate T;-rwvant; o ' M. AA " iP"°fif“Y‘Pt* SIB, You W51 1! reoeivo;A~1ierowtifI:3,jCopies "fL1€_Z_I1o P;1p¢rsA‘ as W w%ereo~f011ndAi9‘oor1¥¢-Ardi.biThPh?¢f T#am¥oCo2rria»&é;they age QF very high %Cop%f;equz:‘;1'c:E; foxjthgzyfhew TYQD. ivhat His” MaAiefi§¢g?ra‘nfs‘ _th€P3gP.1..fiSL’1:7 ef¢;f_‘an*€d‘. I1”t)'i>v_'fE$.%1*rvrx wan fhisfioor, a.nd.Sir,,Fra:x:::2r H4miltm,co_xning in thé: nick cf time 'véri::h‘his Troop ,; they liad allcxccuticm upanthtflcbels fear JPivc miles 3 and at the end th;:rct3f, Icfcflain they Popiflm Arch+~ ‘bifhop of Tzmm , the Rebc1s~A Prefid«:nt7of Cnxnaugfitfa for 3. mcmorablc Mark» %# They tank One hundred and fifcy,.&H01'fej, A A *«withV:hcirdA;rms, their Tenti; andwall other Ba gagc andArm-5 AA and Foot, and many Oflic ' =rc>urlo£T¢%butA4‘of o 3 man, an munirion , and hadmuchh Spoil 5 wcntyz 4:-igfhg ”I’riftmers A 5. Their whgoieArmx:bci%nath:=1sé"cfeat~=d;n=m9%uf%%r1d Wig N the Lexds .-flay, fiéfafi. 1 7.1643, the Rebeis (‘b¢eFo:c flue: tll}?cr~%{Forccs from the Laggan wercmme to Sfiga) fur!»- mundcd theTQWn with about Two choufand Foo"tAand Three hundred Horfc. The Garifbnfcaing little hppes (if that¢.r-»_3 fi=V¢I‘a1 C0 aursfif 4 ears of n*ote,¢to the numbcr;4bfabodt:4%V 1 abmx: Tvm hundred %:ki1lg;td\~ arid.’ F wdsix hurt. Manymoreofrhc ij‘:?R,ebAcIs~mVigh: ham1,u;b;{:cn killed ,;but that our Foo: left the chain‘: A A ;{anéf¢l1to%p1mder~4 A * (71 8 an&'T,h‘rec»Tifoops offierfe zhaghwere _com‘ina_tos joyn vvitfi tijcm, uponthe newsthereofv remrnedws An‘ Qtavurmcty wsit?ifi* thehs~sL4gg»m» A—:.-smy ;?e muidsnat 2:2-ithffir/iengagelsimfielfsintéefindizg af 4 Nuntiofdr IrcI2tnd;,;t:f/!st:6cAIrz*fl2 s-Agefits badfdflj fimérfied him A h A that t/aegfhblzfflyzozerwt ‘:16: Czrtéélike Reltigiafi :iv.4:: 4 thing flajiéle and attaiméls ira my sK£sngdvm»;, wbcrmpzm (6: km‘ camflmt to fallicitc « saw Carafe witfiFiorcn¢*e~zmz2’hhVcsisice, sh8<;g:.._ A A;m§rls~«d1f2s to d:Zeg4tg._*,v Farmaxao M2: ~’Nuntius to attend» ibis ‘ I<'ifi‘ hdam V 7.*~ ~ who the {aid Wmiw, after fome delays" in Frmce,'Jwas~athla&* exspbdfitcd pve ~-,-, and -he arrived at ' .9;-hencve bysexpre{fesOrder_from the Po A thesRiver 0f'~I(;z'lmare in* a Frigot c5f"0‘fIIe*andtW¢n;y“ Pieces, [Six and tWem:y*ItaIians~of his recimxe, Sécr:tahry"hs3eljngsr:, 'and A Wdéivcrss-regular and fee ular P*rief-is , 05305. A22, 4 The Ififléf‘ are much encouraged with theft: Susppfles which he ha”th°“'bmu-"ght; thsbléifls srhszsssfssnds—%§sm*s41’sArehbiflwop;is: %_ . of his B'i-{hoprick,granc- V , ‘cdc0‘hi’mfi'o‘m that {3@u;gpe1’at Kilkgny 5 which Order, toga-:3 4 ‘ 4 4 e ‘ .(I9I>eee Ifnprfmir, Two theufand Muskcts , E-Veur thouifland ~Ba:ide-31‘ ‘fiers, Twotheufand Swprdg Five hundred Petrofacls , am “Tum uncertain. Twennyethoufand pound of Powder, {ail which arriv'ed.i1e armteher Barquc byeix {elf 3.t‘BN?0!z'~£1Am,’# ,. 0é?e6».1“o.) together: wiih‘ Five or Sixbesks or frmll Trunks 05 A Spanilh Gc31d,thc' The{‘e’Lez;ter.s likewife infarm us" that the Vfiieng-s hopes Am.-,~ from the ”Irifh‘Nati‘on 4;: and if they éefert him, heis like me?» be in a hard condition very fpeedi1y.eA Severaiother things they % c-onminCon*cem»ing'PriuceRupert, Cokmel Leg-3 , the Kin ‘s 'i.orf{'esac Brz‘/fol and Clwfler. Somethiag there isralfo of t fe A Treauyof Peace. Ormmd (fays one) is found a Mac.hcv.illi-«- an : eDz7!Zan, mkcrrfiefalbat, are for %I’cace :4 Cmditianiéw eq7a,ez'aE:::i/2~ra¢:.«~,»>_‘¢:, iniqmis, fays anoetwhcr : Our publike Afifiirs are ire tyia, mm in tmnino, fays a third :s The Pmpofitions high ,, ‘the A W Anfiivers high and fly. . Ve‘Therea:rej"fi)me myflefics ‘eif Stareeim thisb(1.finefl'c3 which Ieeanenm: commifrco Paper. Yet morall -certain it is, there will be Peace, fajthafourth.‘ It fcems“ - _ fo there were fome differences amongftche Rebels chcmfelvcs‘, as between Mmleerry and Brown , infomuch that Brown ‘is dif- -parchcdfrom Daéliza to Killewy betwcencaffleinzvem and Pram AA next Heir. flan .4," infotnuch that Father Smmmppewent from the fupremc Councel roreconcileethcm. There was a71fo a "private Letter of fufpitious informations againfi Daminicaes inaia an Agent in Ireland, wherein he is faid to Aho1dCorre pondcnce with the Qvgecn of 13ng14;:2dinFr4nc°c, "and‘“t9 be-’a 1over0f"~thcir Enemies. V 4 .. A ¢ ~ A Prifeners at 3223.. V G1,-ea: Morabnc DIMA5 Flabmy, Lieutenant-Colonelto‘Xi-” elara£éaurl;,"Coufins}Gcrman tethc Earl of €Lmr;?;ié/Sfard, and A V}(2o§~ %3’»aarJ3, z.i¢umant~co1one1ce s=;r2*z'Mar 3’a:me;.%c1[de%p%a¢: Jot: tothcxmrd of M3106. % ~ A A A I ,3 £Zicburd.B_s&!4tlt, Ms1i“0.%r to Riclmrd.M _Boz5rl:aFmef'aidj. A ,_C'a,ptyai;iw-PF":f&’i4mVA5 -S/mgémifi,bro:.her%to‘ Sir .R-Anger gislydg [;;g~,'j’;g;. Captain Gyarifet .Dil!az¢,fon to Sir Lam: Dz?/Ian, who {aim .;.chr';w %V[l1is:'fathc”r».\v~asfhAotin%thc4tAhigh. ‘ * » ‘ J‘ ' Gaptaincbflalogféfi _w‘ithdivers dthérinféridur ()??=*{f§c"e;~s;,2,.,% 4 ' ‘Thetitular Archb:fl1op‘of %Tmm-‘was fl"aim - V A Gawain‘ Brawn, brother Ge;j‘}y Bmm» the Lawyer AA kiha firoughz One lmndrcd; Mus1§ets~ fmm-L G4//away i,_ was am ¢ki11ec:1;..; A A A ‘ V " ~ ‘. 4... '' we-M ‘,..~.‘ , .9 ‘'!7q‘ __.". _»‘ 4 €'_ nu.- ‘‘ M ‘Wu: “ t 4 ‘vfl ‘ V’ . 1”‘, 4 Q. n v-.-~“_'m ‘ 3‘ 1,;"-kv ~..‘,;t’ur' : .¢:..*.M ’ J ' . .2 V 7.‘; " . . ‘-~. ‘ n ‘.1. ' ‘ _ ‘ s »,. ‘MC V‘ 45': “*’* ' m I ; . .;.. .- .‘ ‘ ,4 ® -a .« "l~_,;,'-Duo ~ W“ :‘ .~ fv.‘-'~ . ~33- ‘ »\"" W > ‘g, wu‘ ,5. H‘. “‘ . . A%me%a»mIj2¢%Zi&r Relarimfimz Ireiéxid of:ri5e%VSermm.:’ A y:rfar»éca',£y'zée mm af Iniskillin, of Sir Wiiliam Cola”: Rea» _ gim:nt»i4nd2 7raap‘4t4Lo Wtherfizownc, txpms Tbxsrfday Nflvenab. ‘:73. I 64. 5,43%: Omwf tbefllack in the nigévt 5 wivcreirz #1957‘ din? '1’ .229: my {by 6:35.’: providence) A4 rcflm Meir pr’.-2y,A ‘\ fimfiifivirag x/are romelafd Pétrtys-of Fbui-3 ar F2>i2:‘5Vu::a’v“ea’ mm af bgié Relrcls , 132%’ Iikewifizpm :12: whale Army afi Gwen mm. Arm & «N ealew fizgbt.. Viz... 4 AA “ V SI: W/’zWiam§Ca4le&$ upn Sunfllay 4mornin'g, mavrmf§.% aggecéiwe Ved 3Q.Lict:tcxfroVm Sir Céarlescau L*0rd’”Pi'cfidcnt of Kama: 9 w.¢:ag13tv—5""Wh¢>, io '%f:"=.tisfi-e his Lord{I1ipsAVdc4fircs, commandcdhifif '~ Te.roop_4:e:zI1az4;la; unmhvim; wbe ax &'[fing.fl'-3!». Jo»nf'1”: hurfday night, M % AmuA i .NW3m5-‘A172 to iesm %nifom expedition byhis I«0rWps“xi~% idersiagainfiiheR:ebe!swhat? ro;vxn::e.; ‘ 4 ‘ The greatefi part of h i » mop with th ':r hoLr{'c$.,w¢re thm; = iimhe Yiliixnd of Emma, Sixteen miles Niarahnsrardfri0’m Ifiirwk V j2'm,xvho upon his notice did march anv:1yi1penMum!iiy,N%zv..249-V V i together withalmoiiz ailthe Fbot~Souldiers‘of ’TwoiCompia~ 1 irrir-.‘sioifl1_ifis Riegimentwthat quartered with their Catccl ,i iandi‘ ‘ A mzmy of the Cmv; of Izzzlslai/Yiz:ve in thatifland,‘ untoj'Baf!;;fIm...~—’ mngwhich was their piace of Rendczvotzz. A i A ‘V i The Cbmiet .of";hatTriooip, .up1on 'Tuefd:;=.y N6¢Jem5.2 siwisgfiiz i ii about Twenty“ Hiorfc-men , mgrchicd from Imés/a‘/lim"tc)thc’I Hwfefiwardihof Logiitrn, with.aj_ef01ution tolodgc that nigh;1h3;.i' A rthfi Away}, within Fifieeni tniics of Slzga .;, but 2., Iictile St1ic>~*.ir.riif';1iIi¥i-4 ing, ail-cared their determination , arid _fo tno1<.At;heir courfem‘-' Ba/le/hmanciwithouc ap;:i0intmc®§«=- ~C0mpanies . mm ta? S3t’w§3tt§'!x“':€'§fit0 the County of Mtamagéam, Where they are quartered "1.‘l<.p“'OI3_‘tl'iCC0Uflt}7CfEtZgié!5 which lies ftomdrzbmn E€:1l7*3_').53?-$ h<)l17l‘¢§‘;.~“23&Ll£1‘€l;1ltf1‘ttt?i Mtrztaglfiarz Dtgfilt ncertthe Totyn 0f'.Z%‘."17:a?~y W£§'£y4fi3 al:1.’a1‘Qn;gt'§, _D;t’Qg‘r5?dA;7 .,,; ‘cenfiltttngtef the ltamfhed. 1112 ltabitants of Twist, Ara’mggb,B!an4gb;m and Lamb. I My Troop tettamed with Captain Fame: in fafety (prail'ed~d V‘ be lGo‘cl) Wlthflllcl butt of man or beafl: , {Ewe one hotfe efi Lieutenant Edna. Grazzdmts that was Q10! and killed under him} having put‘thefi1ildlpr§ey 7a;yg£1i’n tittto the lfaidlflltnd, upon “Friday 28, they marched to 3:2’!/£fl3.=2.‘?72y3 ll whence ly again they came home to Ihiski/lite on the North-fidet of Lsgbcrzsc, the 3e of Nwamé. _I~i645.,..: ‘ , y V ‘A la A y A Amonglthofe that were flainfthe Gmadl {on of Sir Tirlag/5 ma Hwfj 6 Next was one. A l ‘A Game Captain killed. y Two,Licutenmts ltillei A Atadl I y finde theteis fame man of mere eyyminent note them A A any ot thefet killed, but asyet eamot lffiittn eetytainly who it is, Lieutenarltfirlagb 6 Mayiam of Captain. A'::v.s:aiay éiecahtpts Cum- lpmy.,taIt_cn pttfenet, Wlaoy upon, examinafihn faith tl1*at_I:«sa!zi;«- q-tin hath given a great blowe of late unto Caflleémtren and Pm»- fiae in their Qggrters neyett To 551.; A andtyalfelfaitlt that tile intent . of tltls Atmy‘Wa:s, thaftif t 'eyle~ottla'“ceme eff with out faifi prey without check, they putpofed then’ to lmve bcfiegeel this Town, and acco1~d'ing as Fortune favoured them, to have p_to-~. teed-'ecl"3gain5’c the Ld}é"4?3 and othetplztces of timer-.~~ A t Wells WW 3b.1l?‘Ql§fiR_'€hcJl? AtttmP:s~_ll And ‘yet I fiticle byjthe Anfwer of {blue othetslof the Ptilti-J-' nets , that by dire&ion_from the fupteme Councel of Ireland, this Army of Own mat {tries 3.1‘CtOf€Ej.7€f immature of a running party to weaken out Forces of Imkki/liynsg, Ltggan and Cimebjt-5 by fuddefltt mcutficms , to kill, {pail and prey us ulport all occa»-A‘ litansyyof’ aydvttntage ,. according as; by their fttccefles therein they (hall affizme encouragement to th-emfelves to gotftzetwzttds agztxnft us, but efpectally againfl I;l?2f.&lé.’EilZ;€.i$’é?y , which they cost-»_ l fleet «mm Mm % N?’ é_-. 5; % Fwfiéafi Harfemewg; &,:ve:‘%:+‘é*s Warm?‘ V ¢ Fiemmwa mam j§'a»3,s-mgg@ fmfiurimziy W SW5; Smvice xm-Away mam 50%“ -«whieh g;-fislmighay ha Wm‘ Emifiéd Wagfaidi by ' ; A _ Mfgwmmwg; % % A mffiamfimz ewf ‘;wU‘“"~}; .3» .9 .. ;,.‘w I ‘ t ’ ii ‘ 9 ' .r 0 " " ‘ I 9 ‘”‘ '" ‘ “'*\ W...» :'.;u».‘-?- *3. , hull MM‘ ? \ . _ ‘__‘ ‘ . _‘ ........,..,.;, A I '___ W ,._ ...c:.suaaww-m.«».__-r.-.1.‘ .--~-.f;v-~\v—-W-'Mf~““‘"-"" 7 ‘ , ‘ A