“‘fiWT-‘fix "5 N , THE .- PARTICVLAR RELATION OF ’II—IE PRESENT ESTATE AND CONDITION OF IRELAND; As now it frauds, manifcfied by feverall Letters [ent from and to {ucb perfons as may give" full fatisfaétion of the truth thereof. -- VVith thofe Battels and overthrows letcly; given to the Rebels to, the x 6. of. this ' ' prefcnt February. ’ ” -' - As alfo a Declaration or Proclamation {ct forth by Authentic declaring the namesxof the chtcfiperfonnhat . are in Rebellion, th the fums of money which stem be 4 . 4 4 _ given to bug: or them that (54» bring m 4711} oft/1e Rebel: - : .~ .3 4 . therein named, cithet dead at ahvc,ate .~. --..- exptdicd . .4.- ‘iq Lh‘ L Publtfllcd by Authorltlc. L o N *2) a N, I Printed {ct fofepb Hunfcott. t 6 43 .... 11—... YOLr‘m‘szUnd’erfi'a‘nd thfit tfieOcCurretlt's he‘fe pre- - f eht‘dd t‘d publirke View are Hue and real}, the m- tolligence ofluch, andm fuch wonhy perfonsas ‘ “W g1!“ wddittqéthe relatidm m thirudgements 6f OW‘thctfi r: .53%2. As alfo becaufethefe Letters well underflood may awn-die: indie Objefiibirs mom {Ii-imam, and upon mightmgmunds to the inguinal ineb, betwfe oil the neareinterefls gird deep engagements , we have ( and may yet further ) in the prof perous or adverfe procee- . (i of 1h: affairs 0f Ireland. i'efOIe in arm er :0 dink W116“ ddulfi' «made: the'ivei “iii: Be fmcfi Emit éidniaml .30\ a Crown out of the Rebelsccfiadesr, as My raife thoe Millions and half ofA Acres deflgned by the Parliament for the mamas) nudemkmrwhu Mun theflouiés mdkhoncfibfmc‘ Kingdem may. bee aged thcmin. 1m CW] Mada-my by t éB’m‘tm and théprocl‘ammwcwhflwdm yummy no thofe who kndW 6116M afi’eflmk'éMésg t there will be fuficicnt efeheated Yéfii‘fit'b anfwer that quantitie of Land (contraéiedfer) upon the tarmsmthepem are! propemrmspf M Mr ~'“‘ _ , (3% e t 4 : FROM @0313le ‘7' . a km}! 9‘6 '5 4. “:1 ;,f= 5 5w0fdli: Film Sentry, and Other Town: 4 , / -, , ,, Website aware lately burnt to take awa‘ ~’ dfiomthefiflbeis thebenefit ofhoufingmnd to. \4) mmih e. inhabitants whoeoncntiedm , v, them. SeeneivRiadicoule and Tafagatd are ' ‘ ‘ ‘bwintby. 390.. afloat Heifejtnt wtfot that E13301}: The two troops divided themfélvcsaifo esthc one wetter Rathcouk’aknd the otherdt Tofagard, thoitat enlisted: were meetintted byaooo Poet of the Rebels; whereupon our hotfe feemed to retreat: The Rebels putfued them. And when our horfmc e to iplace of advantage, $6 ”311311 break, on «this did: oule, “dicta two Wa’yes meets theme to? MWWL: ,4 themher o_ Tof atd: there outhbtfe met audeharm ghcm a theRd Rdels basal: W111 ”£13551 {Edit 313$!th were mated- 30m: Spudlcts £31- lwedatiw Wedgie] amehiflewieé. of the Rebels? Md ammgehemiafleptain ef zoolioflfppamel ;Mr. Andrew Lay. brothexvtoiM' L67 ofRathbtide m the ountyof Kflv 13111362411 Eighth pm (om. Aedmwnmtied to Sir. Bitten! £3311! daughter, [emetime 15mm of State here. Theft fiagugshadhmdly anypowdumnd for matchufed weds can has. Mary 3;. Colonel Hflgb, M. Pheljm Birrze,CoHoncl Roger, 41543 Kory 0 Woore,Collonel Sflttd’lfand others , to the number of aegtkepr. ahoht the: ans, Lyons, Neweafilt, (3 fan! and Kill. The limited miond attepdedby the Lor Lamélé _ SirfiurlmCaagn Sit Madam}, Sir "We Name‘sner? and chwtuothe number of moatfootmn'd ado. horfe ,with 3 m ethigidrpeecds , matchedtotNdwcaflle andbatn'f It to the «ground, andaifo Lyon; Rathcndfin, apd Onghtetar and um: ? 42‘ 4.: 2 "if 3 ii} .2_._; -____¥,,,,L‘ H_ ,Mww_ flwvwfi-v W~~~+~i - (‘4’) . burntalfotheroofes of the. Came: in- thofc pattsfvirfhereof ‘ therc‘érc many-Themhémarchcd tQithe HAas (Where the Rebels ‘were ('0 hegrtily entertained )pltmdred, the Town, as, it well de’feived, burnt Tipp, Midlaghcafh, Newland , Kill- culien bridge,Cafilemtrn, and intheir return Johnf’ton and, Km; and returned homeon Thurfday the Souldiers loaden- ‘ with pillage. In all which places the Rebelst‘hat brag’d {0 much of their "number and valour, had :not theic-couragc to lookout men inthe faced cannot yet learn that;_j;Edmrd Allen that is in pofl‘eflion of Cafilewarmin'g was met; 'Mth-.,_iéb_utzl bdecVe his lathersihoufe in. Oughterard‘ efeapedjiiqt, , ; " ; , . 2’ f - .- . Feé‘rflarr; % . . .L’», [Our Army; have brOLight thefe prifoners, Mi. Geofige Ayl— . mar of Lyons, Ma'ThO. A112 and Tm; Ajb of the Haastand Htggv‘z the Friar, and the}! had'ahocher of qualitie, Mg Bacall; (Brirtm, who:matried the widdwflflm of Lyons; bathe CfCaPCd.t z . v. ' .1' 5:6”!er 9.; .' , . z = . Sit N 5,6719”? White is committed clofc prifoner, ’ and Alder- man. Mm; it is thought it will go very hard With thefAldcr- ' man, heris chargedwith fending inrelhgeneeto-the Rebels. . . . ThisiLday grand Juriesgare fummoned et‘o appetite, for. the Counties of Kildare,WickloyM’cathgand Other places, and I beleeve the, Lords of the Paleand moft ofthe time men‘who '- are .afiive in the :bufinefle will beiindieted of reafon. ‘ Our. Atnfte hath not had my pay gthefefg s-Weeks’ ,' ; but are deferd upon :the;:Gity',: which dothprovezvery‘heavy and bur- theanot‘ne. Ct‘od tum fhewinde thatwe may 'have' fome. cafe and comfort by the Trcafure, left we {hall be'allruined", as the poorer fort are alreadieg fume being forced to diet 69 3. 1 o. fomemore, {omeleflc., ., " .' - . ~ , ,, F‘émdry 12.... This day 1 o-oo...of,.0L_Ir men commanded by the Lord Lambte marched to theDeames Grange, 5.- miles off, where were above 1 cop. ofthe Rebels; ourmen fought with them, routed them, andflewabove I octof the. Rebels ‘t and am ong them fo‘me Captains, and Lieftenants of the Cavenaghes, Sir 'Mvrgm C avefldgh himfcl’f was not there, ’ but. was gone to A5; Cavenagbe: at Threecafiles 3. dayes before. Our meg » too . “ . : « -—.. v ; -- A. 4.. r-r o‘ v W-I.II-, ~x_',_‘h" ’- p- -' H"; ”(5‘)” * "' +. , took one of qualitie, Edna, Will/bifecond {on of bid M. mil/7; of Clonmanim, who looks now like a ROgu‘eI, and {Ome 15.. more, who are inconfiderable perfonsl. . He and they will. be hang’d, Which-is a death too." ood for them 3there Was. not one man laid on our fide, and- ut one hurt: I hope Sir Mar-.- g” Cavemgbw‘fon Who is now a ptifoner inlthe Callie, will hang’d, feeing his ; fathers ungratefull treachery now 313- -- pearing in Rebellion, 'difcovers‘ it; his and ,his fons’ coming hither 2 3. 0&Ob. under the pretence. of taking a houle there was for no good; '- . . . a. ' r- "February '14; ” W 1 Hereisnmhin but fpoilanddetiruétion on both fides, and whenthere will an end of it God onely knowethsfo many ofall forts in all places are involved in this fatall bufinefl‘es which will be the defltttEtion-of mofl of the ancient families . of this Kingdom; many whereof were never touch: with the leafi touch or blemilh of difloyaltie before thefe unhappie times. In the County of Kildare, we have neer 3 oo. indiéted .Of Treafonin the Kings Bench, and the Bils found 3 among whichare molt of our prime, Gentlemen; asé‘uflagrof Cafile— ~ martin» .Newtmd Mallagbm/b , and [radar/{Mom ; 5mm of l Tim. 0ng of Rathcofm fir‘ AndrthtAflmer. fAylms'r of 1 Lyons, the,- old Countefl‘e of_ Kildare, ~fir Nick. White, and his’ _ ”i {on Captain Nick. White,(whofe01ficcrswith his rod.{0ul.— _. c . diets and ArmesMent to. the Rebels tn Noemi. laib)and .- . 1 whonota. ‘ « ' ~. * -' ' .r , in the County of Meath, all the Lords; and in that,“ "and in , 1 the Counties of Dublin,andW'ickle , moi} of prime men, a . God {end a good, ilfue, this kingdomwas never at Inch 3 pafle: No man is {are of any thing in his own fifleflion; and ;,o£what is‘in the hands of .othets..._nothing can , hadnnany , termes. - February 15 ‘ ,5 Captain C4409.” came from Sir Fr. Tic/950m by boat on the , 5; of this Moneth 3 and. then he was well, though in fome 4 1 want otsiétuals and. Other ’neceiTaries ;and. now he returns . with thofe .provifions, God grant them a fafe paflage. Heal- {uresus that Sir Fr. hath at feverall times fince he faterdown \ in Drogheda flain 1 eon. of the Rebels, and. hath not loft .by , 1h}? $1394.01 the cncmie abovefix men; -. - A 3 , By. ; a.“ ..~ M’ j 3W: PéfoMA ’99‘59dflfic’ - .. V- ., .‘ , u. 4 . T 3: mellknfim to 311mm: mummmwt 135: V flatly.-mhi‘sllvhiefinhsfiqbieéltgofztlm Kttgtlpma ; much“: nflguhcmdthmfitfil .em..temfort_a, .1: Helium cums Mgnfiles Wdflavcmmtg V WBY the Lords [latices- '8‘ Comte”: ‘"’”‘ hawabtméaht ' swam ‘ hfiMafififibfihW imdze whole cowl}; 9f hlsx . mm .5 Q5 ihfivcafiehml {afduicofithns s kmgdome..,-aapd. ihew‘gramtyfly he hath laboured to crivc to all h s fubjcéts thbtaug, {allnhefc benefits‘ and comforts '.,' Walsh from a. mall gracggus King...é:éul'd his marred; cm his Smiths; to make. them a happyeneo'plna whereof he hathglvm mygrthoA niés. find its-ac all times hemdcamured to give them glue commumcntancl {misfaétlmfemcnmhm whim theRebcl‘ls flaw in Atmwcmmtflimmg mjfohmfagamfi Himwd’his . (#0th and Klingdnmcghcswasllhca examifilng :Aéi's QF 61'an Ball bamgnitg'e towards them, ‘gmmings . to. his Subjlaashhgrt 11?: fulneflc oftlyhinown 6:613le diffs, In 6am: astwgh maunppluamgm ofifiblymould; ' :4an : titulatlyéwhen "ihe‘rflemnmw‘cs ofx 0th Heaths,,df [htmmt‘here , . " 'hfifiummerau’codcd g htSTMaicfiie 1a Eiglflad ,. ,a't Whit mséamangfi many- other sehiings gtaeiwlly'qfi‘entcé tag «Ekm,he xyai; cantemewxg' mu. apparent llolfeand-dw t. . : Mtbxlnmfelf :to depart Mild} ifilnduy‘his Rights-t ofivery great value, whlch lawfully and iufily he might have [mtg-i114 flair-Andwhislmnclbmdgdodneflmddfis 'peaplc ,' and-his .Br'mcclwcegesfighetr pfofittltie mdtptclbtWtioflfIhall («to "thhlmfpga able. Joy and chmfostofi all {135qu *Subigflis') raider, finglpnmm to. all Bofietjdc; {tidy-wieked'idgfitp {udcm‘ldxnfwhemusl;difloyalt1tofthofc Reba“; man render them infamops t0 alleges: and utterly inexcufablcevefi in mxjudgement ofthofcfiwho fortany rcfpeét‘cithprt'fbmerlv ‘wilhcd-mllttothctr perfons, or -now.p.itie them nag-heir small- cgreifipns‘. :Antl :llthqugh: tholcdd petfbnsgowi'in . ebéllien «first: amp degree {mamkedsby ‘an'y? dull. eguf'e ‘ ’-;--publi " q‘c vgtiefimnmvctltmmebisszieflic,; orthis;.Mihiflet‘s,' ‘gd ',’ ”eel 'gleet‘fuphdcfpcrzitcwiakddneflb, neithepcnn-iumx . canny avenue grngoutm thcexegviqatt Madam WM are ' m . .._.<.__...._.... _.__., ‘Mw “— ( 1% mm: in tiiés'lémgdorml agpii‘rfl Papifis' .5: first: indccdgny‘ewfc @2311 .,.- arbiter! than the imifiammuflhimsd , Which £31wa peflomin. Rcbclléon ddbdm co‘chc Btitmtthamd: Prbmfimsk whom they deaf fin? and pubdiqucly ptofcffc; to moron: fl‘am'amahgfi them!“ .Tthq’ more flmhngd‘intslmz very manyof uhemfclvcs am dcfcc'rrdcd-Qfi Engltflw thnec isgbficntigiimzldj andfioundation 065:1“th 6.388ng and shaft: graimbtmfltsmlfich:thcyh‘avc hfihcrtocnjoyéd, addv whence: chm! Prédécefl'ours: : andarhcrsrhenwellaaffeflrcd: in: .thiso Kmmghmbcm: at all cimCSI fim'ce the coan’cft’ cherifhcd; rc—‘i lievcdsobmnamcéyancf {up portcdmgainflithc ancient cfiemitsrofi the Kingfficofila of. England 5 many (if the: Iriflialfo haVing receia: wed ulmis ~ aces anddivclih-‘ooda 12mm ,thezundxmnpled hauntie amfl. goochteflkof the Kings: of Engi‘anck ch {am 1'5- thfiin'inbrcdiné , (itude 3: difl‘oyalt’ysas they. confpircd- camaifacreUsthc Lcrds fiitdai and: Conncells. and‘allr the B'r’ittiflazand' Protdfljants'. univctes- ifilly'thtdughwmhis Kingdoms; and: :0 {size into thcir‘baadsmocs madly, Hts fMa-kfltfies‘zaffie ofDuBlingthc @rk‘acipélhfot: in thislking‘: 88mm alfwafl (when: thefanzifichfiions‘:thcfcofi thdugshe bythcz mfinite'gaodnafle and madile 0'5 608) dadfcwickddo and: diveliiflla floufpiracmwcwbmugfitwlighc , and« [time mfixhfi Brimiz‘ L. $98me Wfomm hisMajnfiiemfllo mf -Lifi,:by : Q31. Bya mmjafiiws Wide! {mange winked éndmrimzmb d; War: " "_ ' Wdimupfl dhicqurts uhcwf'; Hds;Ma-icflfcs.~£di& (22mm: " ling/gitéifiimaf.Wimbcmgpmkn‘rédyandpurin- wifigfiggfggfiméfifireggha as igny alight-m, 01‘ tfltgéyAJgiifié - m ‘ ‘nfthdto ma 8 . an: put muponr 5:15 . z, (mawxmngyrewm'chmgrgavm flame. co‘nfiafimj midf®f§ ‘. mm. - ,wmfigdmwfmmtmchmcbw ahdidctc’flablétdifitgy‘a ' - W W'vAMifi‘put-foie o'f ‘t-hfiit bkmdy \ifimdti‘mnmuhay iliwdaledia ‘ m‘eflfiéflregifi-Mfifiv inhofifldmnmafg with [wind d ifphyc'éfut?§ ' i, WGMWWMF‘dm-‘dudflxfifom pbfl‘thfléme: Wflhéfléfiffifibcd-hfifl ,ylbdmnygthmmfamdsEof-Hk ' flies ' 7_ " " ~W€E¥8E3fitfifll~ 'Pmtiefldmksolel'their 30968} if, W. “er;- . th‘éfi offlieififléfifdé 8:1inflgymurdcrcd'm5i df-ohemédpem ‘Mfifitfléfii' " ' a‘ j- , 3’: man of'thgms g mat-{o 9mm; Wife} ° . 'féldi’aifllf’aafipd; “slimythbwbédyhéa mm; m Wflhcm‘rféifié mucus: {fifty—11508» cminmuqfidfitiwlaédr gmwmmfia Farris»: mfi—Towns: yes-1w WWW ’ “mm menbawusmmmm . z - _ fim‘efiupofime pd?! "Mafim mum .. and Ptsascfiamfia 31199» wgmsn, am Fhlldxsn , :9 fall paw of k _ 7. sac: . ,- 1 . I ‘ ' s N... _._._~__.___._.___..___A,, 7A, * (5?) \ the ‘Kingdome; without regard of qualitie; ages or (ex. ' And to“ coVer their wrckednefl‘e ) in thofe cruell Acts, [0 rodeceive the- world, and to make way ( itthey could) to the eliciting of their mifchievo‘us ends, they addc yet to their wickednefl‘e a further de.’ 1 gree ofimpiety, pretending outwardly that What they do, is {are the maintenance and advancement of the Kings Prerogative , whereas it appearesmanifefily, that their aims and purpofes in. _ Wardly are ( if it were poflible for them {0 to do) to wrefl from, him his Royall Crown and Scepter, and hisjufl Soveraignitie 0-, ver this Kingdome and Nation , and to deprive him, and his laWa full Miniiiers of allaLIthoritie and power here, and to place it on. file-hiperfons as they think fit, which can no way {land With his' Majefiies inl‘t Prerogatives'nor can any cquall minded man be fe‘ duced' to belecve that they can Wiih well to his Royall Perfona, or any thing that is his; who in their aetions have CXprefl‘ed fuch , unheard of hatred, malice, and {corn of the Brittifli Nation, as they have done. And inch is their madnefl‘e as they confidernOt , that; his Sacred Maieflie difdains to have his name or poWer foboldly. traduced by inch wicked malefaétors, Rebells hav mg never. In any} age been eiteemed fit fupporters of the Kings Prerogative , much: leife thefe, who (under countenance thereof) labour to defacc and! {halte- oflThis aGoLVernments and extirp his mofl; loyall and‘fafiithfiali; Snbjeéls of his other Kingdomes and. here , whole prefcryation- (above; all earthly thin , ) is'and alwayes ~ hath been his: MaICflZlCS' princi all fludie and'en eavour, which even thei'c Travtors theme : [Eh/"es lave abundantly found, with comfort 1 if [they ,couldhave: been ‘fenfible of its.» And Whereas divers Lords and Gentlcmcnpfi the Englilhl’ale’preferred petition unto Us, inthe behalf of them-g t(elves and the refl of the Pale, and other the old Englifli of this; Kingdome , {he Wingthat whereas a late’ confpltflglp "of Trcafon: wastiiféovered -,j of ill affeéted perfons of .d1¢=91d1£lflggaandfilm: thereupon Proclamation Was publiihcdtby 118.: Whetcmf among other things) it Was declared that the [aid Confpiracic was . {9‘31 ’ rated by Irilh Papills ,'z'without-‘diitinétion:qfany, an thcy' doubtin that by thofe-fgencrall words ofIrilh Papifts a they-mighfia ' A fecm'to e invalvcd, though the deflated thfimffilflfiwnfidm; ,3 dig-them; therein mi air-d they; \ alleadg’cd they were none“ 09 the old irlflmor: of {their 86110110: . grade. but (asthe‘ then~...,prctendcd )g-alcogaher aim-Cc. “Id - that we did pot-intend to inch! Coufe - - - ' ' ' 99mm, to all theirdc - gas; a" and allfllihm. 9f; mwndwwv . to ,. «Jr! v - w - "W " “”"'."'""“' “ ""'Wi"'?"7“"“ ‘1"??‘7: ?; 1W: there-fire to give their; full'rfatisfaftion (“having '3on «titanium; 1, , great confidence in their loyalty) slid by Proélémition, dated the 29.. of ‘ Weber? 1641‘ aetié~re end publilh‘, that by the Words lr‘ifh Pa 151%?era We in. ‘ - "tended only'fuch or “the“old mcerlrifh in the Province ol Wffler,‘ as were then Aéiors' in that Treafon, and other-sf who adhered to them; and that ' We did’not any way intend or mean thereby any ofthe old Englifli ofthe . - Pale, --nor of any Other parts of this Kingdom, then elieemed good Saba - jeéis, We being then (as We Conceived) Well. affured of their fidelities Io the Crown; and having experience of t-h’e'go‘od affeétions and .fervicés of their Ancel’tors, in former times of danger and Rebellion; . And in— deed , 16 bEleeving were’We in their fiith-ihlnefl‘e and loyalty to the - Crown, .as'We then’alfo reprefenteci it into-Engbnd .4th their advantage; and thereupon in the (Rider of the [Lord 3 "and: Communism the Parliament in England concerning Iréland; HisMaiefties ldyall Séhiefis of Eaglilh ’ Blond, though of the Ptom'flh Religion 3 being ancient Inhabitants within {overall Counties and Partsr'd this Realm "are mentioned, as: t‘hofé who hate alWayes in former Rebellionsfgiven. tefiimonyol theirifideiity to the Crown of England. And-in further. telilt‘tibhysof'the” gooé’afiandé We had it; their loyalty, We iffued Arms to theffiverall Commie“)? the Englifh Pale, the better to enable them to dilihargie their duties, in de- fending-thol'e Parts, and His Majefiies good Subjtas therein, againll: the-Rebels; *upon deep Profellions of loyalty- made by them, and their: {Eemi-ng detefia-tio'n'of the loathfomenefl‘e of the crimegand bloudy ’geil'ts «of the Rebels, which they for their parts proi‘cfl'ed (With‘mmy oaths , and proteflations) to abhOrre, and promifed to Oppofe and refili ‘ them With alluheir . wer. And WC'imJCd Arms alfo to many N ohlemcn and \ Gentlemen o . the Pale,= and elfiwhere; of the Romifh Religion, for the defence of their houfesg againli the Rebels. Yec mochcontraryto the expe&ationof all equal'l minded men, and in deceit of the true repoléd in them-by this State, and direfil‘y contrary as to their loyalty and duty- to His Maitfiy, {o to the great profellions which they had fo’larely béfore madeat this Councell Board, many of“ thole as Well whole C on n ties3 as v particnlar perfons entrufied with thofe Arms; revblted In the Rebels; carried His Majeflies Arms? with them, and fo the Arms which were truiied into their hands; forth-sproteéiion of His Majeflies good Sub-j ' je&s", they Converted to i‘he annoyance and definfiion (is much as in thereby) of thole good Subieas they were trufiedto ptoteéi', and of 1 B , this I this State and Government, and bar: not only not, refified the Rebels; " but have alto ioyned "with them, and they and the Rebels aflembled- in ’ Arms in hoftile manner, with banners dil‘played, again& His Maiefiy, in befieging tome of his Towns, taking into their Won by force or fraud many of His ,Maiefties Burroughs, walled and untvalled,snd in ' committing murders, {poyles, robberies, and many detefiable cruelties 'on H is Majefl‘ies good Subjeéts. And although thofi: of the Pale, pre- tended that they were not able to aflemble or Arm anyfirength againf’t the Rebels, yetlately they found means to aHEmble, and arm great multi. . rudes toeaflilt the Rebels againfi His Majellies forces, and againfl His Majeflies Govern ment,-and this State,,, and as well the perfons who were the firfl Aflors in this Rebellion, as alfo many Others in theEngliflr Pale, and feverall other parts oftheKingdom, forgetting thofe duties Which (by the La wsof God and man) are due from them to His Sacred Majefiy ,, are {Onngr-atef‘ull to His Ma jetty for the great and abundant benefits an favours frOm Him, and His Royall Father, _ and Predeceffors derived to > them, to infinfible of the happinefle which they (withall others‘in this Kingdom) en ioycd by! His bleflEd Government, , and to in: provident to themfielves and their pofierity, as they have prelumed mofi unnaturally seconfpire, raife, and act thofe abhominable Treafens and Rebellion againtt His Majefly, asis herein formerly mentioned. And forafmneh as thole Rebels, and,partieularly Srr GanMagenisofNewcaftlc insrhe County of Down ,‘Knight ; Patrickmac' G’artan of Loghnelan in the-laid county, Art age we Gila fny: Megan-oi: Ilandery , in the . {aid County, Ever, macs. Phelim :Magcm'm of Cafllewelan in~the {aid County Rory. mac] Brian age Magma: - late of. Edcnteecullagh in the {aid County, Philip mac Hugh mac Shane 6 Rél} of Ballinecarrig in the County of. Gavan, “Philip, 34c .Mrrlmrry 5 Rd} of: Lifinore in the {aid County , Mulmarr} rmac Edmond. 5' Rel] of Caves in the Raid - County, Hugh Bay mac Shane 6 Reg}, efKflmore in thefaid County, Omen mac Shane mac Pbilz'pé Rel} of the fame, Kory Mzgwyre of. Halli-ts Town in the, County of . F ermanagh, brother to the Lard Magmyrr, Domgb lame Mrgwyre of Carrowyin the kid County, Uncle to the fluid Lord Magwyr-e, Brian mac Comcmnaglpz .Magmjre-off Tempoe, inthegfiid County, Sir Pbclz'm 6 Neal of Kinard in the County of Tyrone, Knight , Tirlagb Rae 5 Neal, brother totlae fild Sir Phelz'm, Zirlagb Gmmé gain of Donoghmore in. the faid Qounty, Cormack mac: 0min age 6 H zganxofr Mulliaeeor in the faidCounty, £41:ch - » ' - 0 er ‘ i . _ m). ‘ - . , ~ Modderé Doneb’lof'Crofs'kanenain the fiid Cénnty, ,Art Mac Tfilagi h , ’mac Hméy 6 Neal of Devernagh in the County of Armagh, [Tirlagb ' mac Hem} ma: Tirlagbé Neal of the Fues in the {aid County, Hugh age. . 6 Neal of ’Aghadamph in the {aid County , Danogb age 6 chbie of Cafhell in the {aid County, (-3ch mac Brian mac Mabomze o‘F Bal‘loghie- in the Countyof Monaghan, ‘Neal Mac Km: of the Treugh in the (aid. V'Ceunty, Cool: mac Ever mac Mechanic of ' , . 4 ' in the and County, Art Rae mac Pat rick mac Art Mofle mac Mabmme of Fanahah in the faidCount’y', Captain Hugh mac Pbelz'm Bime'late of Ballineeor in the Coanty of Wicklo, Sham mac Brim mac Pbclim Birne late of 'Ca'rrigocrec in the {aid County, Lake alia: Feagbé Tag}: ef Cafilekeven in the (hid County, Lukg alibi Feagb Mac Redmtna' mm: of Kildoghran in thefaid County, Redmand mac Fcagb Bime late of Kilva he in the {hid Chunty', Phclim mac Redmond Bime late of the fa me in the [aid County; Damn“ Dawlin Cwmagb 0F Ballidony in the County of Wexfprd,' Latvia alia Lijagb mac Own} DGWPfi‘ of Rahynne in the Kings Cottfity; Art 6 Wig of Rathlyan in the {aid County; .‘Hubert Fax of K-ilcoutfie in the faid County, Omen 6‘Mo‘lly offmonekecne in the fiid Qounty,’ Florence mac Sbanc Fitz- Patric‘k of Cafllc‘Tew’n in the (Means canary; BaMabz'e Dempfie of Knockardegut in the {aid Canary,» Panic! D0510: of Tenthinche in the faid‘Caunty, Bamabic Fitz-Pattick of R‘aghdowny ’in the fiid County, 1am: Mac Fergm mac Dead] of: Taghnekllly in the ' feidCbfinW, Frantic mac Fagbnj 6'Farrall ofthe Mote in the County 9? Lengford, William Farrall "of Ballingtobbet inthe {aid Cqunty; Iamr mac Canal! Farm” of Tenelecke in the fluid Ceunty, Oliver 30} Fitz-2 Germ/cl of - V ' * ‘7 in the {aid County; Pier/“e Fitz-Gena“ Of Ballyfonm in the Cotmty of Kildate,‘ Maurice pupae: 0f Mia-s: Mattin in the fdid County, Andra/la: Sutton of. Tipper in‘th'e faid‘Cnunh ty, Roger alia Rm '3 More of Ballynah in the faid County; mgr)”: . Fitz46erraldof Blackhal'l in the {aid Coun ty, Robert Prcflan, ‘ barber; to the Lord C‘VichuntCo'rmafiown,’ lame: Flemen late of 'Slfainein‘the] County'of' Meath, brother to the Lord Bavc’m of Shae, Patrick Cufack 0f Guards-Town in'the {aid County, Edward Betagb ofMonalty in the faid‘Coanty, 'Ggrfald-Leim'ofthch-noek in the {aid Goufityf Luke-’1 Mtewilé 0f C‘oi'ballies [in ‘th: County of Dublin: (my; to thetLord- ViE‘Ount Net‘etfill', Gébfg'e Kii‘zgc‘ qF'Cl‘ontzt-fe in the:‘={e;~a£oumy,- Richard Kama! 6f chpopell in-the‘falid County, Celene“ Riébfié - . . 7 . . B 2 -- ram: ,V__'__ ..-..__. _ .,. , __7 7 V v , . , , 7‘ as"! war .‘ .12“) . ~ Wank?!” latc- o’fiDun {oghlic intchgfaid; qunty, Mew. 7:415” 13“,er Klgohb‘an in the faid; :CQumy, '1'th Stijzlgy ofiMallctt’thwm‘ align Marlfitfltown inth:Cnunty of Lowch Mm Bellem of Willétfiitowa ' in the: {aid County, Cbrifloploer Bahama]! of Rathaékctt filiM'Rathas’ker- 3-“ “W {aid- Got-W! m-d 015W;C€1W05,Dundalk_ in thcfaid County: lnficfidpfl that: WW3“ «193551137 whichflis Mg’jcfiics ’géQda‘nd gigious Gavemmni’ might iumy have WEnght {inichlcim, hayg‘mum‘ed no. » - th‘i 21g bat thofc fruits" of Ircafon and Rébvcfliong E6 the difiu'rban‘ce 6f the publikc P6366. - am! happineffcof this Kingiom, and tothc dcfiru; mmf‘fi' much as in. them lay) of (this State'.and GovErnmcnt, and 0? We Petfms and this (If. many, thppfandg of His Mavicfticsgoofia‘nd 5&1?“le 32%in thmifi; thrcby‘rheyzhave; flaéwed xhcmgIva to. be..__ m0“. 1m gratefully detefiable, vile and Unnatural] Treytérémd Rebels. We thcliflffirc according“ to. the magma of this Ccuncdl Boyd in cafes 9‘ this Ware .(theugh mfiormer Rebellgpncap 19:354ch this for gas of, geeky W - hmiid' “i “W? 5.9 by 3 this. .Rréfqns Enac’lamitipnjn, Big Marinade; Nam, flan dtthjS Maitfikt Authofity, declare. publifla and Wfiliimthem, the {@151wa Magmig Batrz’qgnqb tdgrgggg 356‘ 0g; I ' W“ (Win? Megalét.’ .. Ever #349?th Magwnis, {quw 3311!; ggg'nggt aéyél’billinzm Mk... mac:..$bm 6....3ez}; PM? We Mulmmj‘op“ Reg, Mammmc éfimd'fiéxmaflugwa-«a me :94"? {6 139212. meo‘ ibmmwwili‘éiliflywflm-Mdgrim «9W anifllagwiw Bria! westwwwgbt Magwim Sir- Pbtlitfl;.5 Neale, ‘Iiv 445.123.; 0N4: my, W‘Q’W 9‘%535.Wfifakw400wim 9:;H4gwn, Punch-M3014” _ “@413; ”lemme 5.??ng we flew Weak, TIédegb W Hedi-me Tir- kfib QMiHfighgg-flwflp ,j, Dmmlgogc 0 Murébi-e , Calla m3rm mnwwmgfimk Wheat. CW?!“ Ewan?“ M&Waza 21¢: Ru ltd? PMEKWAfi M‘oile» nix Mabwieza C‘ngin Hggb ma"- p535,” liragfifiam-mfifirim inac- Pladim Bime a quearljaszfcagk Q Tm]: , Lukf . 4:“:ng ‘Remwirm Mme-m; W m, mm m Ridmmd BiM5 -, .Btrmartfldéf Emit}; damage; ,3. tLgmiy 4157’ Lzfilgb m 40‘ gayilampfieg Art :0 M0119, HalaértFfixa 0wwO..Malllqyg,aHozéficc. mac- Shaw Fitz-‘Pflri‘f- i Bamabic Dempfie , Baniel Daim ,. Bainabie; Fitz. Pgtrick, , jaw: We Fergw mac Dwell, Eram‘z’a mac~~Fagleg Guyana”, mil. Fahd}, 34mg: mac and]. tarrall~,_.015mr 39 Fi’Z‘Gftmldag Pi‘Cffi. Fitz-Wmidtfleflflce Eufingicbgs wtan,iRag¢r,;liw;Rog,oéfi M" .9311; fitz~6¢rnald~,R0ém E/‘qim,jnmu Fhmipngdficlg’Cufmkgfiéo, figagfii " "raid . ’ ' (1;) ' ‘ _ ' - ‘ Germain“! Leinf, Luke Neterwi-Il, George King, Richard- Bamewafi, Colanefi ’ Richard- Plgnkgt, Mditbew Talbot, job}; Stanlgj' john Belle”), Cbriflo. fiber Barmwzli and Olive-r Caflaell, and every thhcmg and all, their and every of their partakers, ayders, mgintaipers, comforters, confide-- rates, complices and allociats, appaxantanptoriops, ungratefull, Wit-- ked, vile and unnaturall TraytOra angle/Rcbclsa. ,,.iagainll our molt gra- cious Soveraign Lord Charla! by. thQKHéIC-cflf (3041 King Of England: Scotland, France,.- and Ireland, DfifcndCf'Qf.zfi-h12'f“aifhg 350- His ROY 3” Crown and dignity of this Realm, "‘and‘ malicious oppugners of His Ma‘ieflies Royall Sovcraignty,Preheminenees and Prerogativcsmilling- therefore, requiring, warranting: and embarking all His. Maieflies. good-andlovmg‘fiubeefis, to purfuc-Iafidylagnc withfite and {words apprehend, deflroy and kill, by” allthewayts and-means they maygzall’; the faid performs, thzir partakers, elders, maintainers, comforters,_. \. Confederates, Computes and; allbciarts , as apparant notations, un- gmefitll. wicked -, vile , dettfiable and unnaturall Traytors and, ' Rebels; ‘ A ' ; And We do hereby mkeknd‘tento ell then, ate-well good Subicfis. . as all Othcrs,‘ that whofoever he or they be that [ball betwixuhis and . the fiveand twentieth day of March next, kill and bring,.. oncaufé. to be killedandhrought unto U s, the Lords Jufiices‘ , .or otherthief Go... vetnour'or. Goyennoun of this. Kingdom fbrthqtimiebdng, the head ofohlcfiid SitzPhilem OMali, or of the-hid Sit GM Magmit‘, or of tin; {did any Maggi”, or of the {aid Philip mac Hugh tit-ac Sham QRelj,i or ofithe. {aid Calla mac Brien mac 'Mai'm , who were of the Principal! Gmfpihmrs, and have: been the fitfi and ptincipall hams in this prev; {entrflebelliom- he or-t-hey £hall have by way of reward, forevery, oF'the {aid hfi mmedperfons, {0 by himtog‘be “Iliad, and his 01' their - head: or heads brought to Us, the Lords Judi-Cw, Or other chief 60- ~ ’vemour or Governours of this Kingdom, as aforefiid, as followeth ; * viz. for the head of the {aid Sit PbilmONedl one thonfa’nd pounds, ' forthe'head of the {aid Sit. Can .Magcm'a fix hundred pounds, for the , head of the faid Rory Magwin {ix hundted pounds, for thehead of the {aid Pbilip mac- Hugh mac Shane 0 Pub {ix hundred pounds, for the head , of t-hefaid Cello mac-Brian mac Mabon' fix hundred pounds, and Pardon ,. for all his or their offences, that final! kill, and fo bring in, or caufe tube killed, and [0 brought in, the {aid head otheads. .. _ ”f ' And; - ‘14 ' - . p . > a . And wholhevcr {hall-within thg Faidtime, by any means day or kill,” alorfiid, the faid Sir .I’bilem 6 Neale , Sir Con Magenir , Rory Magwire,‘ Philipmac Hagb mac Sham-6- Rely , and Call:- mac Brian mac Mabawee , or any of them , though {och ‘ ‘pe-rfon or perfons , lo {laying or killing thefaid Traytors,or any 0‘ ‘hEm, bring not, or caufi: not to be - “ ' brought to Us the Lords Jullices, or Other chief Governor or Governors of this Kingdom , the head or hehds oi the laid Traytor or Treytors; yé-e beingljuflly proved, fiial-l forthwithj‘upon proof ’{0 made, receive the re— . wardfliz. for the fluid Sirszilem 5 Neal, eight hundred pounds ; for the {aid Sir‘Con Magam'a‘4oo pounds,for t'he fiid erj Maguirc 400 pounds {hr the {3nd Philip mac Hugh-mac Shane 6 Rd}, 400 pounds ; and for the [Said Calla mac Brim mac Mabon‘arzes four'hundred pounds, and pardon for: all his or their olfenlés, thaltlhall {0 kill the {aid lali mentioned perfonsmr any of them, And forafmuch.as the Other Rebel-ls above named , have. mofi trayteroufly combined in the wicked ad abominable Councells of the {Bid live other perlbns lalt above named, and havefbeen partakers with w them in this their emol’t blOOdy defigne, for the extirpation of the Eritiflt'i and PrOtelilants _. and depriving his Majeliy of the Soveraignty of this His Kinngm of Ireland, many of which Rebells fland indified of high Treafian. We do therefore make known and declare to all men, as well Hie Majeliies loving‘Subjefis, as all Others, That whofbever, under .. thedegrc‘e of a Knight, other than the Qid Philip mac Hugh mac Sham 6 ' Rel} , and Calla m; Brian inac Mabomze , and other than the {aid Luke , Twig-and Other than the children and grandchildren of the late tray'ter. #- onfly del’cendedTraytor. fiagb mac Hagb Dim , and other than the fair!- It») alia: Eager 6 More (We not holding it fit that the molt malignant Conl‘pir-ato rs lhould obtain pardon for {a high and heynous ofienfis, and ; the cauféle‘lTe deliruétion of lb manj thou finds of Innocents , upon the 0:1er {ervice of cutting off pct-{ens of no greater confideration) thrill, betwixt this and the five and twentieth day of March next , kill and bring, or caule to be killed and brought in to [Is the Lords lui’tices , or other chief Governor or Governors of this Kinigdom, as aforefaid 3 the ' head or heads of the faidPatrick mac Cartan , rt ogetmac Glafiy Maga- ni-J, Eur mac Pbélim Magmi: ,' Rare mac Brian age Magma}, *Philiprmc Malmnrry c3 Rely , Mulmarr} mac Edmond 6 Rt!) 5 Hugh BO} mac Shane 63 Rely, 0mm mac Sloane mac Philip 6 Rely, Denogb Bane Magwire, Brian mac _ Cowman/1gb: Magwire, Tirlagb Rn 6Neah, Tirlagb Graeme 6 gain, C072 ; mu ——_._ AQV“_~__ - -7 .. ,A___.- __ d-...-‘¥.H———— » f*—"- 1? i’mocle mac 0min age 6Hagan, Patrick Modeler 6 Dwelb' , 1r! mac Tirlagb . gmacHenr] a“ Neale,‘1'z'rlagb mac Heavy mac Tirlagb 6 ,Neal,HIeglo age 5 Neale, ’ Donnogb age 5 Murcbz'g Neale mac Kma,Koo/o mac Ever mac Wagbon m, .. Art Roe mac Patrickmac Art Moyle mac Maglrowne , Captain Hugh mac Ploelz'm Birnefibaue mac Brien mac Pbelim Firm 3 Luke alia; Feagb jo Toole, Lee/{e aliao 'Feagb mac-Redmond Birae, Redmond mac Feagb \Bz’mea Paelim mac Redmond Bdrm , Dermot mac Dorrlz'n Cavenagb, Lewie alia: Li/Zzglo mac Own} Dempfie, Art 6 Molloy, Hubert Fox, 0mm 6 Mil/9», Florence mace ._ Sham Fitz-Patrick, Barnabie Dempfie,‘ Daniel Doiae, Barnabie Fitz..- PatriCk, fame: mac Fergm mac Donefl , France}: mac Fagbnj o" Farr-all, William Farrall, fame: mac Cornell Fare-allJ Oliver Bo} Fitz-Gerralda Pier fie Fitz-Gerrald, MauriceEufiace , Nicholac Sutton, Roger aliaeRor} a“ More; ' . William F itz-Gerrald , Robert Prefloa , lama-Fleming; PatrickCufacIQ , Edward Betaglo, Gerrald Leim‘3 Luke NeteroillgGeorge King,Ricbard Earned W4”, Colmellfiicloard Plxnkett , Matthew Talbot, Iolm Stanly, 101m Bel-y lam, Chriflopber Baraewall, and Oliver Gajlaall, or any of them , he (hall? have by way of reward for every of the fiid lafl mentioned perlons , "fa, by him’to be killed, and his 01' their head or heads brou ht to Us , the Lords Jeflices, or Other chief Governor or Governors 0 this Kingdom, unforefiid, four hundred pounds , and pardon lo:- all his or their offend ces, that {hall bring in, or caulé to be brought in, the fiido’headfor heads , and whofbevet under the degree of a Knight , as afotefiid , other than the (id Phi-lip mac Hag]: mac Sloane é Rely, Collofmac BrimmacmMabowmb Luke Toole a énd the children and Grand-children’ol. Feagb mac Hagb aforefaid, and the fiid Rog alien Roger 6 More , {hall by,any means, within the {aid time, flay or kill the [Bid ”Traytors; viz. Pam‘ckmoemm, Are 05659840 Glafnf Magma}, Ever mac P-belim Magma, Roe} mac Bejea‘ooge Ma- gem'o, Philip. mac Mulmbrry 6 Rel} .J' Meelmortyv mac Edmond 0 Re!) ,- Hugh By mac Sloane 0-; Rel}, Omen mac Shane mac Philip, 0 Rely , Domglo 3am Magtm're3 Brian mac Cowcmnaglot Magwire, Tirlagb Roe 0' Nea re, Tiflagb Groome‘ 0 92am, Cormack mac Omen age 0 ngan, Patrick Mdder 0 Dm- nelly,’ Art mac Tirlaglo mac fHemy O'Neale , Tirlagl) mac Hear} mac ‘Tlr. lagla 0 Neal, Hugo age 0 Neal, Donaogb age 0 Marcbie, Neal mac Kcna_ Calla - mac Ever mac Mahatma _,, Jot Roe mac Patric émac ‘A/‘t [11’0er mac Ma- 5mg, Captain Hugh mac Pbeh'm Rimes Shane mac Brien mac Pbelim Berni: - Ledge alia: Feagh 0 ‘I'oolea Luke alien Feaalo mac Redmond Bime ,9 Redwood f Mac Feagl) Birpe, Ploelim mac Redmond Birne , Dermot mac Emilia Cage“ 32’ {Elbe Ana-*Aw a. «M ‘1;A,-...&.o‘... wetezp“. to-._--_l AA A- . ‘ I 6 ' 3-“ ‘ , , . " page, Lewieal'ia: Lifagb mac Own} Demffie , 'Art 0 M0210} , Hubert For; QWER 0 MJlLy’ Florence mac Sbtlfle Fitz-Patrick, Barnabie Dcmpfig’ Dd. m‘el Divine; Barnabie F itzgg-fatric'lg , lame: mac Fergm mac Dazed ,'_ Pram-i4 ' {use Fengx) 0 Farrell, William Farm” , lame: mac Conell Farrall, Oliver - Bey F itz. Clermlel3 Pier]? Fitz- Gerrald 9 Maurice ' Euflcwea Nit/e014! 51mm, ‘ Roger ‘alim R0170 Mere , W‘z’lliam Fitz- Germlcl , Robert Prcfllm , lame: . fleming, Patricfifufick‘e’ , Edward Betagb , Gerrald Leim, Ill-kc Netemillé George K'inge, Richard meewall, Colonel Ricbard Phtnl’ct,.Mattlgrzp Tal- bot, Iobn Stanley , Iobn Belle» , Cl-Jrifiopber Barumall, and Oliver Cafiell, or any of them , though {uch perfon or potions, to {laying or killingetbc fiid‘Tz-aytorspr any 0 them,bring nogor caufe not to be ‘brou ghr to Us? the Lords Juflic‘e‘s, or Other chief‘ Governor or Governors of‘ this King-g dotn, as afoféfiid, the head Or’hcads of :the {aid Tray'tor or Traycors, yet bein jui’dy proved, .fhall forthwith , upon proof {0 made, receive the raw rdof Three hundred pounds, for every of the faid 13ft named per- ‘ {bus {6 killed and proved , and mall have pardon for all his or their ofi'enfes, that: {hall {0‘ flay or kill the faid Traytor's, or any of them. w (Given at his Maje/lies Cajlle of D n B L1 N ti»; 8 d4} , ' - ; of February. 164 I, w , " *‘Ormond Offory. _Cha.Coote. R Dillon. ' ' ThaRotherami ‘ . ~Cha.Lambart. Fra.Willough‘by;r )Ad. Loftus. Rob. Meredith. ' 7 JTempLe.' God/km the IQng. ' _A WW few—V.“ WWW F—w . ( I7) e ' vggeeeaag 9; 999%gg # ~ . mg .nt&j£§:~w€1?u ;. «:9 .~:~.?: ?.§:§f a .- .».r-«~<";).— r f MA»: I'm-m $35" '93:; W *9 99 9% «:92; gas 29, «if? @1193 ”9% '12: 9:2: 999% . 21$: Xe? $sz 33333? 5?; $9”: $755? {35%; $1 I 9 {£3331 PX c m m ‘ ‘1‘ I ¢l\-| -5.“ 1V7 9%?!‘%W§W%Ei3%??gqfigwggsg‘gé;;%;3§%§:‘ ; _ A ‘ ‘ Letter fent'f to Sir ‘Roégr: King of whom anymay have further fitisfaétion ( of the cer- tainty of the Itifl] occurents) at his Houfe called Cecil! or Wimblctan Hallie in the Strand. Noble Sir, Ur Affairs here; are for the prefent, in fame d-i. . flra&ien,occafioned by the croflenefl‘e of the ' ‘~ _ winde, which hinders our aid frommOming to us; and the wantof fupply éof treafure dath breed a great [Earciety of all things neceffaryfor the fupport , of our Army; whereof many die, and great numbers - falls fick, by the hard duties they are Forced to take, and the often {allies we make to beat of the Enemy; wherein God hath given us hitherto unexpcé’ted fuc‘ 'ceiTe, for wenever yet encountred them (which we have done on all {ideof us) but God be pmiféd for it, We have beaten them, and put them to flightwith , loffe; and it is wonderful] to fee our poor Souldiers, ' ' C ' ' being "Net—"K‘G‘" ' ‘ A ~\ betngin great want of fe egg and," cloaking, {Earce ,haVinfg’flwéesentheit feet, yet Gel railEs‘ fuck con- rage in them», asd‘tey are ready- and willing to u-nd'ét- '» take any pains and? hazard, without theleafl f‘hew of unwillingnefle . There were great nambers 0F the‘Rebels which afiemblecl at Newa/Zle, within fix miles 9f this Town; which to beat themOfl}We1Ernt aParcy of our men, but they would not abide us, but quit that place, Which» we burned, andidivets otherTewns, which harboured them, and! then We matched on x to the Nat/e, where Webacl intelligence they flayed, and meant to encounter us , but they likewife qnit that Townfind: left it tqeut Seni‘diexgwho»pill-aged it, aethfiat wickedrTownEametl‘ had- clotte t9? the poems Engfi‘fih WM liveclamongfi t ?' em : at, thatti‘the Webutned— Cafllemartin, Kikullm-Btidge; andmany tit-hm: Tewns belbngiéngtn the Rebells, Whichflruck terrorimmhan, and?» gained as reputatiannfand put: thew—hole tonntryinto-fi’eat , when they Paw We ~ Wetefable‘ta mareh f’a-Fa‘minto the Country, and that tanned? the Rebel-133 dutfi: lock usin the face. On Saturday l’aPé'we-recieiveif intelligence that Sir Mar-t gem CdMfldg-bj With above a thonfiand men came to Eean‘figmnge, Within five miles of chi-"s City ;7¥VV€1“€H§ out a part of one Gamfon,‘ and "put them to fligtfilnd ’ ‘ ~ ' i- ed *7 v.-r..__ - .‘ ___...__, .._ ._._.—.w-._._~__.. * (E).w w I killedebevechreel’cmeof them,“ Capteiugaud 0-,»- the: Officers of them , ; and: took above a dozen pri- . foners ,-_ fev-aeyeu fee how Gad in hismercy l‘upgmts ourpstefem; weakuefle, and makes-us ablecodo that which welitcle hoped for , rill em ayd-s flaould csme unite, us; which. eut enemies bra‘rgagncl give out ,. will am he fen: unto us. ' l x , « . .- Thaewhieh now mollulflié‘ts- us, is that extgeem ‘ Want in flrobeda now reduced tofo like: aperiorzl of time, that if; Gedaflbrd‘ us net'fiair weather, and Winde to relieve in by Sea, We, mull of neeeflitg ‘ march to the relief of it by Land, and {‘0 put the whole Kingdom lac-hazard; but Gad I hope Who hath hitherto been miraculeufly with us, Will not now’fail us‘ln this greatexcigent. _ 1 A v The affairs in Cenagbt ate in a m’l‘erable conditidn; onlytc-lae Caflles of thlane,Rtyre-Coman,Elpbin, 3mm- rouskg Boyle; and, the Town of 74272654011522 hold ‘ out, but the Towns about them all burned, but Athw lane, and that patrol it on Conagbt {isle fired by my Lord Prelidemtfif and your ToWn of (Boyle burned by Mallet Kings, for the faFety of the Home, as helium, g ’ done all theCountryi fix milesgabeue him.You Weuld admire to fee the Alleration in this CitieJ it lacks like a. Town already pillagcdl 3361,31,}.Emuhogfeéjiflillilflfif Jailes.‘ lfetad you hereincloléd a Preclamation pub- ' C a lime-cl; ._ <20) 1 ~ lilhed here). I hope it Will produce good efl‘eétsl I {hall defire you to excufe me to th-bur form, and Communicate/this to him. We have indited of Treaa foo all the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Freeholdcrs in the Counties of Dublin, Meatb, Kildare and Wickloe; which I hope will he a great advantage-to the Crown, and good ‘ to this Poor Kingdom , when t‘hefe Rafcals {hall be confounded, and bond): Pro-3 ' teflantsplantecl in their places. ’ g ' Ifhallnow at this time forbear you: further troua ble, only give you \aflurance that I am Yourafi'eétionate, and _ faithful! fervam,‘ ; 14.1"}er 464-1.? ‘ . . J. v' . "a; 4d. Lofm; 1 Flaw. 943‘ ‘ .P3 UNIVERSITY or mssounl - COLUMBIA ELL SPC [:54 R§RE3 10-61000